Death Bringer

Page 1

“ Hades ,How could you bei n lovewi th me? You’ veonlys een me unti lnow”


Pe rs e p hone

You mayknow thestory. TheLegendary abducti on romance thatturned mefrom asi mpleli ttle spri ng goddess to becomi ng thebri deofHades. Thi si smystoryof how Ifelli n love wi th theki ng of theunderworld and how i ,Kore becamepersephone, hi squeen ofthe underworld

r nge Bri

by:Nahi rC.“ mi ckey”Me rcado rodri gue z

Death Bri nger

Mynamei spersephone W ri tten & I llustrated by Nahi rC.“ Mi ckey”Mercado RODRI GUEZ

Content: Page01 :Prologue Page34:Chapter1 ;Daughterofspri ng Page56:Chapter2;Bei ng Kore Page78:Chapter3;Mother Page91 0:Chapter4;God oflove Page1 1 1 2:Chapter5;Narci ssus Page1 31 4:Chapter6;Abducti on Page1 51 6:Chapter7;Hi m Page1 71 8:Chapter8;Underworld Page1 920:Chapter9;Ri verStyx Page21 22:Chapter1 0;Charon Page2324:Chapter1 1 ;Beauti fulDyi ng World Page2526:Chapter1 2;Thanatos

Pages2728:Chapter1 3;Hades Page2930:Chapter1 4;Queen Page31 32:Chapter1 5;Becomi ng Persephone Page3334:Chapter1 6;Li feI n Death Page3536:Chapter1 7;Cerberus Page3738:Chapter1 8;Homesi ck Page3940:Chapter1 9;Death Returni ng To Li fe Page41 42:Chapter20;Pomegranate Page4344:Chapter21 ;Choi ce Page4546:Chapter22;Comi ng Back Page4748:Chapter23;Mother’ sPoi sonousLove Page4950:Chapter24;Comi ng back Page51 52:Chapter25;Bound To Page5354:Chapter26;Returni ng To Death Page5556:Chapter27;ILoveYou Page5758:Chapter28;Long Li veTheQueen Page5960:Chapter29;Bi rth ofSeasons Page61 62:Chapter30;EternalLove


“ Beto her,Persephone, Allthethi ngsImi ghtnotbe; Takeherhead upon yourknee. Shethatwasso proud and wi ld, Fli ppant,arrogantand free, Shethathad no need ofme, I sali ttlelonelychi ld Losti n Hell, —Persephone, Takeherhead upon yourknee; Sayto her,“ Mydear,mydear, I ti snotso dreadfulhere. ” Hades’poem to Pers ephone ( Greekto Engli s h trans lated)


“ I ’ llnever wakefrom hi m ihavealreadytraveled too far. mymouth i sthecolor ofhi smouth and hi sarmsareno longer hi sarms; they’ remuteassmokeas myfi rstwhi tedress sname and thespear ofhi onceferoci ous di ssolveson mytongue li kesugar li kebi rdsong, iwhi sper i t: hades” Pers ephone’ spoem to Hades ( Greekto Engli s h trans lated)

chapter1 : DaughterofSpri ng

Motheryou don’ tunderstand ImadeHadesrun to me Hesaw mybonesbeneath And offered mehalfhi ski ngdom Do you reallythi nk Iatethefrui tunwi lli ngly? Poem to Demeterfrom Pers ephone ( greekto engli s h trans lati on)

Irememberi tallso well Iwasyoung J ustli ketheworld Theworld whi ch wascreated bygods. And Iknow thatsi nce I ,myself,am aGoddess Iplayasi gni fi cantrolei n thi snew world W heretherewereno seasons Thatti metherewasn’ teven such thi ng oftheword TherewasOnlyeverlasti ng spri ng ti me Hencemyti ttleof GoddessofSpri ng Iwasi n chargeofcasti ng beautyand ferti li ty To thi sworld formortals, everywhere To sharethi sgi ftwi th them i sbeyond an honor W ho am I ? Iam Kore Iam Persephone GoddessofSpri ng DaughterofDemeter, goddessofagri culture and harvest. And I ’ d li keto share mystoryon how Ibecamethedark beauty Callme. . . Persephone Queen ofTheUnderworld Death bri nger

Chapter2 Bei ng Kore “ Herstoryi snotj ust cri mson pomegranates, allofthesplendourof spri ng bendsto herwi ll. butthi sfloralmai den also sendsshuddersoffear th onedeli catefootstep wi through allofhell. Poem “ Pers ephoneGi rl” ( Greekto engli s h tranlati on)

AsIgrow morei nto awoman, Iunderstand moreeach God and Goddess’ spurposeand role Iunderstand mi neperfectly And yet,IfeelIam desti ned formore Formorethan flowerpi cki ng and thesameold sameold W hatcould Ibemi ssi ng i n myli fe Thi semptyfeeli ng i nsi deme Ilook to theski es, Watchi ng theGod Heli os Ri di ng hi ssun chari otovertheland, bri ngi ng sunli ghtto themortals Mydayson Earth were sereneand peaceful. Mymotherwould tend to comecheck on mebefore, shewould begi n hertravels around theworld Maki ng surethemortals had thei rcropsgrowi ng ri ghtand green Aslong asIcan remember, she’ salwaysbeen over protecti veofme I ’ veneverbeen outsi de thewi ldli fefi elds. I ’ venevereven been to Mt.Olympus Mymothersays there’ snothi ng but SelfobserveBrutes perverted gods And therewould beGoddesses who would bej ealous ofmybeauty Oratleastthat’ s whatMothersays.

chapter3 Mother AsIgrow morei nto awoman, Iunderstand moreand more each God and Goddess’ spurposeand role Iunderstand mi neperfectly And yet,IfeelIam desti ned formore Formorethan flowerpi cki ng and thesameold sameold Don’ tgetmewrong, IlovewhatIdo EverybodyloveswhatIdo Icreateli fe Icreatebeauty Icreateferti li ty Allforthemortals Ilovemymother She’ sthemosti mportant person i n myli fe Sherai sesme,shelovesme, shegui desmethrough li fe. Buti sn’ tthatwhatmothersdo? And yet,Isti llhavethi s feeli ng mymotheri s Keepi ng mefrom li vi ng myli fe how Iwi sh to li ve Lovi ng and all, stoo overprotecti veofme. she’ Iloveherand myli fenow,yes ButIhavethi sfeeli ng i nsi demyheart Iam mi ssi ng somethi ng Somethi ng grand W hi ch wi llbean i mpact i n myli feforeterni ty? Butwhatcould i tbe…?

chapter4 god oflove “ sherei ghnsoverthebi rth offlowers and gentlebei ngs, rai sesbabybi rdson herlap, and wi th fawnssheplays. sherei gnsoverdemonsand demi seali ke and beforeherfury, even death hi mselfpales. ” Poem “ Pers ephoneGi rl” ( Greekto engli s h tranlati on)

Iwalk around mytrai l, leavi ng nothi ng butli fe and growth behi nd me. Itend to alwaysadmi remywork, to makeallli vi ng creatureshappy. Everythi ng i salwaysso beauti ful. And yet…? W hyam Iso unhappy? Ilook atmycreati on Everythi ng around me i sso beauti ful Ican’ ti magi newhati s mi ssi ng i n myli fe Iknow Ishouldn’ tbehavi ng thesethoughtsand yet… “ Oh,whereareyou li ttleGod ofLove? W hyhaven’ tyou gotten mewi th yourli ttlearrowsoflove?” Soon that’ swhen mymother approached me. “ Mother” Igreetherwi th alovi ng hug “ Mydarli ng Persephone, whydo you wi sh to beshot byEros’ sarrows?”Sheasks, overheari ng mywordsearli er. Ilook down attheground, knowi ng shehad afrown upon me. “You areso young,mylove. And hi sarrowswould harm you”shei mpli ed. “You don’ tneed to fi nd lovewhen you haveme. I t’ sallyou reallyneed and nothi ng more” Wassheri ght? Idon’ tneed anymorethan whatshegi vesme?

chapter5 Narci ssus “ when taki ng thi sflower ihavebecomehi s wherewego when heclosesmyeyes and underwhatcountry; somebluedarkness, fartherthan hell alandscapeofabsence to rootand stone. ” Pers ephone’ spoem to Hades ( Greekto Engli s h trans lated)

Ialwayswondertheopen fi elds W heneverIneeded somealoneti me To thi nk whatmymothersai d earli er Could sheberi ght? Layi ng on thegrassfeltso ni ce Watchi ng thecloudsgo by Li kefluffysheepvole Mythoughtswere soon i nterrupted Bysomebeauti fulcolorful wi nged creature Abutterflylandson mynose Spreadi ng i tswi ngsback and forth Unti lI tfli esoff Asi fwanted meto follow i t Ifollowed thebutterfly. I fanythi ng,Iwasacomplete Suckerforbeauti fulbutterfli es I t’ sbri ghtwi ngsgui ded me through thewoods I n ani ceharmlesschase. Imanaged to catch up to thelovelyi nsect Buti twasn’ tthebutterfly thatmademestop I tsatupon somethi ng thatmade myj oyfulexpressi on dropsto shock. Aflower? Ihavecreated mi lli on types AflowerIhaveneverseen beforei n myli fe Thi scouldn’ thavecomefrom me Acuri ousi mpulsetook over Myarm,unconsci ously, reached outfori t Ifeltsuch softness undermyfi ngerti ps “ Persephone…. ”

chapter6 abducti on “ iplunged theworld i nto darkness, notaflowerwasallowed to bloom orgrow. when shereturned, ibroughtthewholeearth back to li fe, everythi ng bathed i n sunshi ne. ” poem “ garden walkswi th demeter” ( greekto engli s h trans lati on

“ Pers ephone…” Therei twasagai n. Avoi cecalli ng outto me Butbymyforbi dden name? That’ sthefi rs tti me I ’ vebeen called bythatname Noteven bymymother Butwho wascalli ng me? Iconti nued to follow thevoi ce Orcould i tj us tbeari ngi ng i n myhead? s hould Ij us ti gnorei t? Wi lli tgetmei n troublei fIdo? Thelas tthi ng Iwanti sforcaus e Anyproblemsformymother MaybeIs houldn’ tconti nue…? “ Pers ephone…” “ W ho’ sThere?! ” Iyelled,hopi ng to getan answer. Butnothi ng. Iknew Iwasbei ng watched now Is hould beafrai d Ikn W ho knowswhatcreepwasoutthere And yetIwas n’ tafrai d Thi svoi cewascalli ng to me Asi fhasbeen wai ti ng formeallthi sti me “ W ho areyou,s i r?” “ W hyareyou calli ng me?” “ Show yours elf” “ SweetFlower, Do notbeafrai d. Iwouldn’ tdareharm you Look i nto thecrys talclearwater Thereyou wi llfi nd myface” Iturned mygazeover To amaj es ti c waterfall, Seei ng myreflecti on appear And thereIsaw… Hi m.

chapter7 hi m Ifeltmybodycold and sti ff Icouldn’ tmove Iknow Ishould run away Iknow Ishould scream Iknow Ishould callforhelp And yetIdi dn’ t Hi seyesweredark butnotterri fyi ng Hi sgazewasso mesmeri zi ng Hewasdark, mysteri ous, terri fyi ng n myeyes… Butoveralli Hewasbeauti ful Hehad agravi tati onal pullwhi ch prevented me from looki ng awayfrom hi m Idi dn’ twantto beli eve hewasj ustan i llusi on And hewasactually on theothersi de Ofthi swallofwater Buthewasreal Oncehereached out hi sdark hand forme Ifeltso di zzy Asi fmybodyand mi nd weredri fti ng away Losi ng even thestrength and wi llto stand up Mylegswereweak tworri ed oralarmed ButIwasn’ Ifelthi m catch me Hecarri ed meoffi n hi sarms Ati ghtembrace, feeli ng both forceand safetyatthesameti me Thelastthi ng Isaw washi m.

chapter8 Underworld Iwascold I ’ veneveri n myli fe feltsuch coldness I t’ sli keasi fmysoulhasleft mybodyi n an i nstant Guessi t’ sto bei ng accustomed to thewarmth everyday W heream I ? Thi splacewasso unknown to me And yetwassomefami li ar Ihaveheard stori esofi t Myfri end,Hecate, GoddessofW i tchcraft Hastold mestori es ofan underground ki ngdom W heremortalswould go afterbei ng deceased “ Amortal’ sli fei sshort” ,shesai d And i ftheyhavebeen moraland gi vi ng And unselfi sh and spoi led Theywould end upi n thi splace W hereyou ei thermoveon to Abetterplace Oraworstone Iwonderi n whi ch I ’ llend upi n.

Yes,Idi d takehi shand Despi temyhesi tati on Butforsomeunknown reason Itrusted hi m Ireallydi d. . .

Chapter9 Ri verStyx Taki ng meunderhi sarm Hegui ded medown thi s strangenew dark world Despi tei tbei ng dark and strange I twasbeauti ful I ni tsown breathtaki ng uni queway New nevermeansbad New can mean good aswell Can I t? Idi dn’ teven know hi snameyet ButIdi d know i sthat Iwasn’ tafrai d ofthi splace And Iwasn’ tafrai d Ofhi m ei ther. Icould seeari vercomi ng up Onecould sayi twasacursed ri ver, I nfested bylostdeceased souls And theywereri ght Becausei ti s Butthi swasn’ tanysi mple ordi naryri ver Along wi th theri verAcheron, Theri verStyxwassacred Traveli ng from themortalworld, To Mt.Olympus And down to theUnderworld Theonlydi fferencei s I fali vi ng bei ng wereto stepi n, Thei rsoulwould betrapped I n thosewatersforeterni ty.

chapter1 0 Charon

Forsomereason,Inevertri ed once To run awayorescape MaybebecauseIwaswi lli ngly Goi ng wi th thisunderworld ki ng Hetakesmeto theshoreoftheriver W heretherewasasmalldock M eani ng therewasaboatnearby W hi ch therewas. And on thisboat Therewasalso aboatdriver. Heworealargeblack ropeoverhishead Icould onlyseesomeboneyfi ngers Asheheld thelong paddle In hisskeleton fi ngers, It’ sobvi oushewaswai ti ng forus “W ho isthat?”Iasked,curi ous. “ThatisCharon.MyFerryman” hespoke. “ Hewi lltakeusto mypalace. whi ch wi llbenow yourpalaceaswell asofallofthis. myki ngdom li kemyheart isallyoursnow” hekissesmyhand, wi th such gentletouch Onc nsi detheboat, On ei Heextended hishand to me Ihesi tated Myhand shaki ng Ilook back to theexi ti ng path Havi ng theopti on to go back now. W hatwi llIdo?

chapter1 1 Beauti fulDyi ng world ISTAREI N GASPAND AW E DOW N THEbeauti fulI LUMI NATI ONS OFTHELI TERALSOULFULLWATERS ASFLOATI NG DOW N THERI VER And I ’ m glad Iwentwi th hi m Becaus etherewereno words oyi ng On how much Iwasenj Mys elfwi th hi m, Ri di ng down thi sri verbend Iwanted to reach outto touch ButIqui cklypullback, Knowi ng ofwhatwould happen i fIdo could Ibetraphereforeterni tyi fIdo? “ Do notworry,mylove” Hes pokeasmygazewentupto hi m. “ You havenothi ng to worry, Thi si syournew world. Allofthi si sallyours” “ Mi ne?” Iponderasgazi ng upon Thenew world around me Aworld thatappearsto bedead Buti twasmuch moreali veand vi vi d Thatthoughti tbe. Could Ireallybecome theownerofallofthi s ? WasIreallyworthy to haveallofthi s ? Icouldn’ tthi nk strai ghtri ghtnow Mythoughtswerei nterrupted Wi th agentlebump Oftheboatagai nstthes hore. W ehavearri ved And yetto whereexactly?

Chapter1 2


Asapproachi ng thedock Attheend oftheri ver, Hehelpsmedown to theshore Ilook upi n completeshock “W elcometo theUnderworld, LadyPersephone” “W ho areyou?” “ Mynamei sThanatos” “ God ofDeath. Theki ng’ smostloyalservant. And now yoursaswell,mylady” Wi th that,hegetson oneknee, Bowi ng hi shead to me Butwhywashedoi ng thi s? and to moremysurpri se, Theservantsand crowd Around me Theytoo,bow to measwell! W hatdi d hemean byservant? “ Idon’ tunderstand…?”Ireply thanatosanwsered “W ehavebeen wai ti ng foryou,mylady” “Wai ti ng forme?” “Yes,mylady.W ehavebeen wai ti ng So long foryourarri val” “ Forme?W hy?” “Yes,foryou to becomeourqueen” Come,mylady,lord hadesawai ts You i n hi sthroneroom” “ Hades?”

chapter1 3 Hades Hecameoutoftheshadows i nto thedi m li ghts Hi sappearancewas dark yetmesmeri zi ng “ Persephone. . . ” Even hi svoi cewasmesmeri zi ng n adeeptrance. to putmei Hetook myhand to facehi m. Icouldn’ tdenythefact hewasi ntri gui ng Hi sdark aura, hi sheterochromi an eyes, onegold onesi lver Onemoreenchanti ng than theother Hi sfaci alfeaturesto hi sfi rm torso abdomen Ihavebeen prohi bi ted to bearound men Mymothermadesure Iwould neverhaveanysui tors And who knowswhatthi sman,thi sGod whatdi d heWanted to do wi th me? to behi spri soner? sslave? To behi Ori si tsomethi ng much worst? “W hyhaveyou taken me,mylord?” Ifi nallyspoke. Thewayhow hi sli ps curved i nto asoftgri n, “ Persephone…” Hespoke,surpri si nglyknowi ng myname. “ Thi si sahi ghlyunusualsi tuati on forusboth. . . ” hetook hi scold hand i n mywarm hand. “Yourbeauty. . .myloveforyou… i t’ sallnew to me. . . ” Wasthi saconfessi on?

chapter1 4 Queen Icouldn’ tunderstand Idon’ tknow whatwashappeni ng I twasallhappeni ng so fast Me?!Queen?! Hi spalacewassomethi ng to behold Abeauti fulmassi vetemple Asi fcrafted bythemortalsthemselves Thedetai l, Thecolumns, Theluxury tti ng ofroyalty Atruehomeforfi To thi nk thi sbeaki ngdom of Everlasti ng hellori nferno Butnobodysai d“ death” couldn’ tbeli vi ng i n style yet… Wasthi sallforme? Would Iwantthi snew li fe? Idon’ teven know who hewasyet Butdoesn’ tmean Idi dn’ twantto know hi m “ How do you li kemyki ngdom,mysweet?” Heasksme,i nterrupti ng mythoughts. Islowlyturn to facehi m agai n. “ I t’ sawonderto behold,si r… But,mylord,Ido noteven know yourname” Ifeltbad Idi dn’ tknow i tyet Unti lnow thati s… “ Ai doneus.Hades,i fyou prefer,sweetness” Igasped i n li ttlehorror. “ Hades?”

chapter1 5 Becomi ng Persephone Ifi nallyknow hi sname And Irecogni zei t! I tgavemechi llsdown myspi ne Maki ng onceagai n myheartraced I n averyterri fyi ng speed. “ Buthow?How could you bei n lovewi th me? You’ veneverseen mebeforeunti ltoday?” “W hywould you ask meto beyourqueen?” Iwai ted forhi sresponse Iwasboth anxi ousand afrai d ButIwasn’ tafrai d Ifeltsafewi th hi m “ Isti lldon’ tunderstand. . . ” Ireallydi dn’ t. Hemeetsmygaze. “ Persephone…” “ Kore” Icorrected hi m. “ No.You arePersephone. Thegi rlwho wasborn to bemyqueen Aqueen who wi lltruly li veupto hername “ death bri nger” Myheartstopped agai n Me?Adeath bri nger? Orbri ngerofdeath,bettersai d ButIhaveneverhurtanyone Iwould neverfi nd thestrength to hurtanyoneali vi ng soul but… therearen’ tanyli vi ng souls i n theunderworld

chapter1 6 Li feI n Death Li fei n theunderworld wasatreasure Ifeltso connected to i t I twasli kei fHades Had somepoweroverme Thatgrowsstronger Everysecond I ’ m wi th hi m thehappi erIwas Herespected me Hecared forme Heloved me Iloved accompanyi ng hi m To allofhi sduti es Showi ng mehi ski ngdom I twasan experi ence Ineveri magi ned i n myli fehavi ng W hi ch wasi roni c because Iwastheonlyli vi ng breathi ng Souldown here. Theyacceptmeasthei rqueen Theyloved me AsIloved them back. I twas. . . Despi cable Demoni c Shameless Di aboli cal Si ni ster Callmedelusi onal ButIwashappy Iloved i there And Iloved hi m. Thi shellwasmyhell

chapter1 7 Cerberus Nobodycan leave Wi thouthi spermi ssi on Noteven me,hi squeen And i t’ sfi ne I twasto beexpected Therewasaguard atthegates ButIthought I twasThanatosorCharon ButthereIsaw an ani mal Amassi vebeast Adog wi th sharpclaws Tri plesharpteeth And wi th threeheads?! I tgrowled atmewhen seei ng me Approachi ng meon i tsfourpaws Igazeupto themassi ve terri fyi ng ki llerli kebeast and Compared to thi screature Iwasan ant Iwascrazyto reach outmyhand To oneoftheheads I tdi dn’ tmatterwhi ch Iwasn’ tafrai di n thesli ghtest Myhand rubbed on oneofhi sheads, gentlyand tenderly hi sfurwasso soft hi sferoci ousgrowlturnssoon to asweetwhi mper li keHades, n lovewi th Cerberus Ifeeli Otherscan fearhi m to li teraldeath Butforme… Hewasagood boy. “You’ reMYgood boy”

CHAPTER 1 8 Homesi ck Everythi ng wasso di fferent Yes,Hadeswasmylove Heloved me Hetook careofme Hegavemeeverythi ng Ineed and want Atrueki ng and husband. Iadmi tthemoreIwaswi th hi m Thehappi erIwas ButImi ssed mymother Imi ssed theearth Ican i magi netheangstshei si n ButIdo notbelong to herno more Butdi d Ibelong to hi m now? “You look sad,mylove I sbecomi ng myqueen so upsetti ng foryou?”heasks. “ Iam happy,thri lled,exci ted” Irepli ed honestly Buthecould sti llnoti ce Myhalfsmi leand halffrown “ Butwhatthen,sweetness? W hattroublesyou?” Heplaceshi shand gentlyon mycheek. Hi stouch wasalwaysso gentle And cari ng Icouldn’ thelpbutmelt Ilovehi m so much “ Ido mi ssmymother imi ssherdearly… Butshemustunderstand ThatIdon’ tbelong to heranymore Ibelong to you,myki ng”

chapter1 9 Death Returni ng To Li fe Ibelonged to onlyhi m. Ashebelongsto me. butthatdoesn’ tmean hecontrolsme Hewould neverdo anythi ng To hurtsme Duri ng mycoronati on Ioverheard aconversati on Hermeswashere Hehascomedown here Hadestold meHermesalwayscomes To lead thelostsouls to theunderworld i twashi sj ob ButIheard Hermeswashere Foranotherbusi ness I twasprobablynothi ng,Ihope Ican’ tshakethi sworri somefeeli ng off Iwasnervous Paci ng back and forth on thecold concrete Istopped when Iheard thedoorsopen. Hadesenters Ifeltreli eved i twashi m sdown expressi on, Buthi Broughtmyconcernsagai n. “W hati swrong,mylove?” Iasked,goi ng to hi m. Hadeslooksawayfrom me Foramomentunti lhespoke. “ Hermesi shere… He’ scomebyorderofZeus. To takeyou back to yourmother” Myheartdropped heari ng thi s. Mymother? Zeus? Wantmeto go back?

chapter20 Pomegranate Icouldn’ tfi nd theri ghtwords… Mymother… wantsmeback. . . ? Iknew s he’ d forsureworri ed s earchi ng formebynow ButIdi dn’ tthi nk s hewould do thi s Obvi ous ly,Hadeswasli vi d awell. “ Zeus,Zeus,Damn you,Zeus ! God ofHypocri syand I nfi deli ty! Hechangeslovesashechangesrobes ! W hatwould heknow aboutlove?” Itouch hi ss houlderforcomfort “ Idon’ twantto go Hecannotmakeme Hedoesn’ tcontrolmyli fe And nei therdoess he Iloveyou Is hallnotleaveyou” “ I fyou loveme You would takethi swi th you” From hi shand,outofthi n ai r Ablood red round frui tappeared I n frontofmystunned eyes.

Ilooked down i n awe Attheshi nyfrui ti n hi shand I ’ veneverseen afrui tli kethi s No doubtthi sfrui tonlybelonged Down herei n theunderworld. Heplacesthefrui ti n hands Myclearreflecti on on theshi nysi de Myexpressi on wasterri fi ed oftheri sks And yet…

chapter21 Choi ce “ Myloveforyou i sassacred astheri verStyx,myflower I fI twasme,Iwould neverletyou go Butyou mustreturn. I ftheli vi ng world peri shes, myworld aswell” “ ButIdon’ twantto leaveyou! Mymotherwould never Letmecomeback to you Iloveyou,Hades! ”irefused hard Thethoughtofnevercomi ng back To leavehi m wasworsethan myactualdeath! “ eatthreeseeds,mylove Thatwayyou wi llbeable to return to me buti ti syourdeci si on” Hi si nstructi onsweremorethan clear Butthequesti on was, Di d Ihavethewi llto do thi s? I smyloveforhi m stronger? And morepowerful Than myloveformymother? To even ri sk oflosi ng myfreedom And myhappi ness Ihavenow herewi th Hades? Butto sacri fi cemyhappi nessforthe Li vesofmi lli onsofi nnocents Mortalli ves And theonesdown here W erei n dangertoo. Oh,sweetGai a,pleaseprotectme…

chapter22 Comi ng Back Thewarm feeli ng ofthebri ghtsun Shi nned upon myface. Havi ng to hearthechi rpi ng ofbi rds And thesoftnessofthegrass Undermybarefeet I ’ veforgotten how good i tfeels Iwalked upthelaststeps Exi ti ng theunderworld And back upto theupperworld Yes Iatethepomegranateseeds Ileftmynew realm to return to myold one I twaspai nfulforme to leavehades myfearfulki ng how Imi sshi m already Ihad no choi ce Ineeded atleastsee everythi ng waswell buthermeswasri ght theworld wasi n rui ns i twasdead no doubtmymother neglected herduti es allto search forme Isearched forher Shewasattheedgetheri ver Heartbroken and i n sorrows. Mi ssi ng mepai nfully. Iapproached herslowly… W ho knowshow long i t’ sbeen wi thoutseei ng her “ Mother…?”


Mother’ sPoi sonousLove Shewouldn’ tletmego And di dn’ twanttoo Icould tell “W hyareyourli psso red,mychi ld?” Mymotherpoi ntsto.Myli ps. “ Ihad somepomegranate” Ispoke,truthfully. “ Pomegranate? How manyseeds,Kore?” “ Onlysi xseeds” “ Idon’ tunderstand! W hydo you defend hi m so much? Heki dnapped you! He’ samonster! ” “ Hei snotamonster,mother! ” Ichoked veryhard to conti nue Butsheneeded to know “ Hei s… myhusband” Ican seei ti n hereyestheshock And di sgustofthei dea… SLAP! Ifeltthehi tofherhand Agai nstmycheek Leavi ng aprettylargered mark No doubtthi swasherresponse “ Haveyou lostyoursensescompletely! ?” how could you have…. marri ed thatpri ck! ?! ?” “ i t’ strue,mother! Iam hi swi fe! Iam queen Ilovehi m! ”

chapter24 Mi ssi ng HI M herreacti on sai di tall clearaswater butistayed myground “You stupi d gi rl! ! now you arebounded to hi m foreterni ty! You maynevercomeback to me! To theli vi ng world! And now theworld i sdoomed! Mortalswi lldi e! llvani sh i nto obli vi on W ewi Becauseofyourselfi shness! ” Could sheberi ght? Am Ireallydoomi ng themortalworld? J ustso Ican ruleanother And behappywi th theoneIlove? How could motherask me To sacri fi cemynew li fe Butatthecostwhat? I fthereareno moremortals W egodswi llperi sh Lord Zeuswi llhavemymother’ shead hewi llblameherforthi s when i tbereallymyfault Lord zeushasalreadycaused troubleforhades afterhetook meto hi sworld Plus,Ioverheard Hermessayi ng I fthemortalworld di sappears So wi lltheunderworld No mortals Meani ng no mortalsouls I t’ sbeemptyand acomplete Wasteland Hadeswould neverForgi veme imi sshi m so much,i thurts

chapter25 Bound To Imi sshi m terri bly Irememberhi swords, W hathesai d to mebeforeIleft “ Each seed presentsamonth Eatsi xand you wi llspend Halfayearwi th me And halfwi th demeter Butyou can return anyti meyou want You aremyqueen,afterall” Ifelthi sli psagai nstmyown, I twasagoodbyeki ss Ormoreli ke. . . “ Unti lwemeetagai n,myflower” Atearcamedown mycheek Asisatdown bytheri ver Watchi ng thestream go by Si nceiknew theri verstyx Enterstheunderworld And iknow hewould wai tforme Iwould send someform Ofmessageto Hades To lethi m know How much Imi sshi m And lovehi m “ I twon’ tbelong now,mylove” Ithrew ourfloweri nto theri ver Thenarci ssusflower Theflowerthatstarted i tall Mai nlyourloveforeach other “ Persephone…” even hi svoi cewasi n thewi nd, calli ng outto me j ustli kethefi rstti me and li kethatti me, Iwi llfollow hi m agai n To theli teralendsoftheearth…

chapter26 Returni ng To Death Themonthsconti nued to go by, Icounted thedays I tfelteternal Butthedayfi nallycame Mymotherapproached me, Shewasnow moreunderstandi ng And accepti ng Ofwho Iwasnow Shelovesmeoverall AsIloveher llhard Butshewassti forherto letmego back Ican seei ti n hersad eyes Shetook mei n forarms Holdi ng meti ghtly Shedi dn’ twantto letme Buthad too “ Ihaveto go,mother. Myhusband i swai ti ng forme Iwi llreturn to you” Iknew shedi dn’ tli keme calli ng hi m that she’ ssti llgetti ng used to i t Butshenodswi th asi gh. shesi ghs“ Iknow you wi ll,mydarli ng and Unti lyou return,Iwi llcovertheEarth Wi th i ceand snow And when you do return, So everymortal Everygod Everyani mal Everyli vi ng bei ng Wi llfi nallyknow MyPersephonehasreturned I twi llseem li keami racle Asi ftheworld i sreborn Wi th new uni quebeautyto blossom Leaveswi llfall, Wi theraway”

chapter27 ILoveYou Thedayhasfi nallyarri ved! Ifeltso much j oy! Mylegscouldn’ ttakemefaster To theunderworld entrance! Therehewasforme Hewasbeen wai ti ng forme Attheentrancepati ently “ Hades! ! ! ” Ibounced i nto hi sarms Li fti ng meupfrom theground I n aj oyfultwi rl To bri ng medown Foralongawai ted ki ss And thewai twasworth i t “ Persephone,myqueen! ! ” “ MyLove,Imi ssed you so much! ” “ Imi ssed you even more,myflower myki ngdom wi thoutyou i strulylonely what’ saki ng wi thouthi squeen?” Healwaysknew theri ghtwords Mortalsand lostsouls maybehorri fi ed when meeti ng hi m Butme,wi th hi m, Iam blessed and cursed I n themost fulfi lli ng way Hi sloveformemadememoreali ve And admi t,thi snew dark power Hehasoverme Grew strongereveryday Asmyloveforhi m “ Iloveyou,Myki ng”

chapter28 Long Li veTheQueen “ welcomeback,yourhi ghness” Charon bowshi shead to me “ Thequeen hasreturn! Hermaj es tyi sback! Ourbeloved queen i swi th usagai n! ” Theki ngdom rej oi ced rqueen’ sreturn forthei Mypeoplearemy bi gges ti ns pi rati on To gi veback to them To makethei rundead li ves i n theunderworld Lesspai nfulasposs i ble M akethem happy ButOfcours e,whatIlovemos t I sbei ng wi th myai doneus Hegavemeri ghtfulplace On hi sthrone To s i tnextto hi mi n allhi sduti es To explorewho hei s Hi sworld Hi sli kes Hi sdi s li kes Outofallthewomen Goddess ,nymphs ,mortals Hechos eme To s pend eterni tywi th hi m th hi mi sparadi s eto me Ahellwi That’ sI swhy, Iam determi neto prove to myhus band Iam worthyto behi squeen.

chapter29 Bi rth ofSeasons Iwould send messagesto mother To makesuresheknowsI ’ m well Everymonth Iwould recei ve Aletterhermesdeli vers To meFrom mymother Sayi ng allthat’ shappeni ng I n themortalworld Motherdi d asshepromi sed Shecovered theEarth Wi th somethi ng new W hi teand cold Butverybeauti ful Snow and i ceallaround Everytree Everyplant Everyfi eld Even theri verStyx Completelyfrozen over To beli evethemortals Wi llsufferwi th thi snew change Buton thecontrary, I t’ sanew creati on Anew wayofli fe Themortalshavelearned to adapt To work togetheri n thesenew ti mes And they’ rehappy Theylovebi rth ofwi nter Thebi rth ofsummer And thebi rth offall Theti meformeto return Ican createEveryspri ng even morebeauti ful and morevi vi d than before i tcould besai d, I ’ m thecauseofhavi ng seasons and Iam

chapter30 EternalLove Mystoryhasbeen told I n vari ousaccurateto fi cti onalversi ons Ti meand ti meagai n And i twi llkeep repeati ng i tself To beread and known To go down i n hi story decades Centuri es Mi llenni al ERAS Eterni ty I t’ ssti llunfai rhow hades Hasgotten abad reputati on Anegati vevi ew Thathewasavi llai n W hen he’ snevercommi tted anycri me Hedi dn’ tdeservei t Hi sonlycri mewasto takeme? Then iam grateful to hi m hedi d And to thi nk Istarted wi th creati ng li fefrom death And now Icreatedeath from li fe And surpri si ngly, I ’ m proud ofmynew eternalti tle asiam ofmyeternallove doneus,myhades myAi Iam no longerKore GoddessofSpri ng Mynamei sPersephone queen ofhades queen oftheunderworld Queen ofDeath nger Death Bri


Arti stStatement Ilovestorytelli ng. From readi ng to retelli ng Di sneyto Dr.Seuss to even classi c li teraturei nspi remeto createmyown versi onsi n myown styleand persepcti ve.Si nceIam Lati na,Watchi ng soapoperaswerepartofmywork i nspi rati on si nceaveryyoung age,around 3yearsold exactly. Iwould ei therhaveto blameorthank my beauti fulgrandmother,god blesshersoul, who gotmei nto watchi ng theseadultdramas i n thefi rstplace.Iwasveryyoung and yet iunderstood thestoryconceptsthrough thecharactersand plotsetti ngs.i tallowed me to exploreand di scoveraloveforromancedrama. I twould behard to beli evea3yearold’ sfi rst expressi onsand phraseswould beto explai n theoverlycompli cated summaryofei theran epi sodeorstoryplotofasopaoperaforher elderlygrandmother.Asgrowi ng to teen and adultyears,thei nteresti n hi story,classsi c li teratureand especi ally,culturalmythology Allbecamemymai ni nterestasfocusi ng to i mproveon myartski llto collaboratewi th myown wri ti ng.Themoti vati onand ambi ti on drovemeto recreateold wri ti ngsi n anew uni questyleto besi mpleyetappeali ng to the human eye.Iloveanytypeofmythologybut mai nlygreek and egypti an.that’ swhyitry mybestalwaysto i lustratemyversi onsofthese hi stori c theori esand factsthrough storytelli ng, ei therthrough onesmallsi mpleblack and whi te spotsketch orto afullyfi ni shed colorspread. Mystylei ssi mpleyetappeali ng and itend to remai nd thatwayformycareersasan i lustrator,wri terand storyteller.

Thank You ami lli on thank yousto all thewonderfulpeoplefor allthei rlove,support,pati ence, advi se,mentori ng,teachi ng, fri endshi p& lecturi ng upon helpi ng mewi th thi samazi ng proj ectiam extremelyproud of and helpi ng meeven wi th thesmallestadvi seand gesture formeto becomethearti stiwi ll conti nueto bebyi mprovi ng everysi ngledayofmyli fe. Mom,Dad,fami ly, bestfri ends,bosses,collagues ( mybestsupportersalways) Mai nI lustrati on Professors& mentors “ I lustrati on Head”Prof.ScottGordley Prof.GaryBarker prof.Davi d Gardner prof.katybetz prof.j amesmarti n prof.CalebProchnow Li terature,research,wri ti ng “ Creacti veW ri ti ng Head”Prof.Ryan Van Cleave Dr.Robyn M.Rocklei n ( Prof.Classi calMythology) dr.Chri sti neKeener ( Prof.Renai ssance/BaroqueArt) And to everysi ngleperson who follow, supportand lovemywork on mysoci almedi a thank you allfrom thebottom on myheart!

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