2019 GSNMT Girl Cookie Manual

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2019 Girl Cookie Guide

WELCOME TO THE 2019 COOKIE SALE! This Girl Cookie Guide was designed just for YOU.....to help you learn more about the sale: what is the cookie sale, what cookies you will be selling, different ways to sell, how to set goals and the awesome rewards you can earn. Be sure to share this guide with your family so they can help you reach your goals! By selling cookies - whether in person or online - you will: ƖƖ Raise funds for your troop to pay for activities ƖƖ Earn awesome rewards ƖƖ Develop life skills like goal setting, decision making and money management This year’s cookie sale theme is Go For Bold! Whether embarking on a brave new adventure or finding the courage to talk to your first customer, you will find your own type of bold in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. All while having amazing experiences and build lifelong skills, friendships and confidence along the way. You’ll work with your troop and your family to set your goals and create a sales plan to meet them. Practice your sales pitch and be sure to have fun! Your council product sales team, Kimberly & Sonia

Meet the 2019 Cookie Mascot, Millie the clouded leopard, named after our 2018 Top Cookie Seller!

IMPORTANT DATES January 12 January 19 January 26 February 2 February 9 February 11 March 1 March 24 by 8:00pm May

Council Cookie Rally- Albuquerque Angel Fire Cookie Rally Farmington Cookie Rally Rio Abajo Cookie Rally Gallup Cookie Rally First day of the sale Booth Sales Begin Last day of the sale Rewards distributed to girls by their troop


You play a very important role in helping your girls achieve success! In addition to all your love, support and inspiration, there are some specific responsibilities you’ll need to assume to ensure your girl’s Cookie sale is a success: ƖƖ Attend her troop’s Cookie Sale training; sign and return the parent permission form to the troop. This must be submitted before she begins selling. ƖƖ Review the Cookie Sale information together so that she understands it and help her to set her sales goals. ƖƖ Help her set up her Online Store. Show an interest in her efforts, help her to think of prospective customers and help her practice her “sales pitch”. ƖƖ Help her to meet her deadlines by taking orders no earlier than February 11 and submit her orders by the dates set by her troop. ƖƖ Collect money for all cookies and turn it in to your Troop Cookie Chair once a week. ƖƖ Accept financial responsibility for all products and money received. Remember that products cannot be returned to the troop or council once signed for. ƖƖ Failure to account for money and products received will be considered misappropriation of funds and will result in a forfeit of rewards earned.


Remember, the Cookie Program helps Girl Scouts learn honesty and fairness. Lead by example.

GENERAL COOKIE SALE INFORMATION What is the Cookie Sale? The Council Product Program department focuses on money-earning activities that help sustain our Council and troops through two annual programs- the fall MagNut Program and the spring Cookie Program. Proceeds earned from the Cookie Sale can offset either all, or a large part, of the cost of Girl Scout activities (and relieve parents of this obligation, too!)

Financial Literacy Program Selling cookies is about more than just a girl handing over a box of cookies for money. It’s about learning the five financial literacy skills essential to success and to life: Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills and Business Ethics. Each age level has their own financial literacy and cookie badges that girls can earn while participating in the sale. There are many resources on the cookie program through GSUSA, Little Brownie Bakery, Digital Order Card and GSNMT’s website. All patches can be purchased through the council shop, La Tienda.

Participation Requirements for the 2019 Cookie Sale ƖƖ Girls participating in the Cookie Sale must be registered for the 2018-2019 membership year ƖƖ Girls must have a Product Permission Form on file prior to the start of the sale ƖƖ Girls must be free and clear of debt to council

Sale Dates The cookie sale runs from February 11, 2019 through March 24, 2019.

Service Unit Proceeds Service Units will earn one cent for every box of cookies sold by girls in their Service Unit.

Troop Proceeds Troops will earn 65 cents for every box of cookies that they sell. In addition, if your troop participated in the 2018 MagNut sale and increased your sales by 35%-100% over your 2017 MagNut sales, then your troop earns anywhere from $.01= $.10 extra for every box of cookies that your troop sells. Per IRS guidelines, these funds are collective troop funds, not assigned to individual girls. All decisions about troop funds should be made collectively, by the girls in the troop. Help girls develop the 5 skills through the product program, from goal setting to spending of the proceeds.

Types of Payment Money should be collected upon delivery of product. Cash and credit card through the Digital Cookie app are preferred. Girls can accept checks as payment if the troop allows. When accepting checks, it is best practice to only accept checks from people you know. If your troop chooses to accept checks, note that council will not reimburse the troop for any bank charges, NSF checks or fees that incur.

Store the cookies in a cool, dry, petfree and smoke-free area in your home. Keep the cookies away from sunlight especially the chocolate cookies. You don’t want them to melt.



Our cookies have...

• NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup • NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs) • NO Artificial Flavors in Toffee-tastics • Girl Scout S'mores and Do-si-dos are made with Natural Flavors • Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving • 100% Real Cocoa • Hearty Whole Grain Oats in Do-si-dos

Crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut and striped with dark chocolaty coating

Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating


• Thin Mints are Vegan • Toffee-tastics are Gluten-Free • RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil









$4.25 DO-SI-DOS



Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling

Traditional shortbread cookies that are delightfully simple and satisfying

Crisp wafers covered in chocolaty coating made with natural oil of peppermint





Crisp, zesty lemon wedge cookies dusted with powdered sugar





Crunchy graham sandwich cookies with creamy chocolate and marshmallowy filling





Rich, buttery cookies with sweet, crunchy toffee bits


Product formulations can change at any time. We encourage you to check the ingredient statement on each package you purchase for the most up-to-date information on the ingredients contained in the product in that package. For more details check with Little Brownie Bakers.


The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES®, THIN MINTS®, TREFOILS®, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE®, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE PROGRAM®, GIRL SCOUT S’MORES®, DIGITAL COOKIE® and the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensee. SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOS, SAVANNAH SMILES and TOFFEE-TASTIC are registered trademarks of Kellogg NA Co. Copyright ®, TM, © 2018-2019 Kellogg NA Co.

GET PREPARED & SET GOALS Attend your troop Cookie Meeting Your Troop Leader will schedule a meeting with your troop to discuss the troop’s participation in the sale. What plans does your troop have? What will it cost to accomplish those plans? Once your troop has had the opportunity to plan the troop activities for the year, you can share these goals and how much money is needed in order for your troop to reach these goals with your parents. Having a plan in place will help your troop reach their goals and it’s even one of the requirements for earning your financial literacy badges!

Financial Literacy Program Selling cookies not only helps your troop raise money but it also helps you learn the five financial literacy skills that are essential to success in life: • • • • •

Goal Setting Decision Making Money Management People Skills Business Ethics

You can earn the Financial Literacy badges for your age level by participating in the sale. Additional resources can be found on GSNMT’s website www.nmgirlscouts.org. All patches can be purchased through the council shop, La Tienda.

Set up Digital Cookie Digital Cookie allows you to have your very own e-commerce store where customers can shop and pay for cookies online. See page 11 for more information.

Our Troop Plans

TROOP GOAL SETTING What does your troop want to do this year? Some examples of things that troops often like to spend their Cookie proceeds on are troop activities, field trips, service projects, books and uniforms for the girls, Bronze/Silver/ Gold Award projects and more. The list is endless! What will it cost to accomplish your troops plans for the year? Make sure you set two types of goals: • •

Something FUN you would like to try Something you can do to help others

Troop Proceeds Troops will $.65 for every box of cookies they sell.

We can do it!


COOKIE REWARDS & GIRL EXPERIENCES Did you know..... ....you have the opportunity to earn rewards by selling cookies? Reward levels are displayed on your Goal Getter Order Form. Use these levels to help you set your personal sales goals. Your cookie balance must be paid in full by the troop deadline in order to be eligible for rewards. This helps maintain the spirit of earning rewards through participation. So be sure to turn your money in on time!

What is a Girl Experience? Girl experiences are similar to programs; they are offered to girls on specific, predetermined dates so that girls eligible for the girl experience have the experience as a group. Girl rewards/ benefits must support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (camp, travel, & events). Travel & events related to GS programming are highly encouraged by GSUSA and fall within the IRS guidelines. However, if a girl cannot attend the set event date, she cannot and will not be reimbursed. Council Product Program staff create quality, mission-related girl experiences that girls can experience together.

Girl Experiences: Levels and Dates ƖƖ ƖƖ ƖƖ ƖƖ ƖƖ

750+ boxes – A Day at Cliff’s on June 1, 2019 (alternate date is July 13, 2019) 875+ boxes – Paint Party on May 4, 2019 1000+ boxes – Wibit Park Water Fun in Clovis – July 27, 2019 1250+ boxes – Cookie Stars Camp @ Rancho del Chaparral – June 30-July 3, 2019 1500+ boxes – Tea Party @ St. James Tea Room with the CEO – April 26, 2019

About Program Vouchers At specific levels, Program Vouchers are offered. A girl must choose either the themed reward OR the Program Voucher. Program Vouchers are valid May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020 and can be redeemed through council for program events, camp sessions and service unit events. Program vouchers are cumulative, so if a girl selects program vouchers for each level they are offered (starting at 185 boxes, on up), she will have a total of $375 in program vouchers. Program vouchers are transferable.

ATTENTION AMBASSADORS Earn your lifetime membership by selling 350 boxes of cookies! We more than tripled the number of girls that earned this reward since we began offering it in 2017! 14 Ambassadors were rewarded with a lifetime membership in our 2018 sale. Along with the lifetime membership, Ambassadors will also earn the themed rewards and/or Program Vouchers.


GIRL REWARDS SELECTION SHEET Girls get to choose their rewards beginning at the 185 box level. At the levels where Program Vouchers are offered, a girl must choose either the themed reward OR the program voucher. Parents, help your Girl Scout make their reward selections and give them to your Troop Cookie Chair to input into eBudde by March 25. If selections are not made, the gril will receive the themed reward or Girl Experience at that level. Use the following chart to help you set your goals for this years sale, select what you’d prefer to receive at each level, and hand in to your Troop Cookie Chair. All rewards are cumulative. Your Name: Your Troop Number:

Box # Rewards available 36+ Theme Patch 80+ Cookie CEO Patch 125+ Go For Bold Bandana OR Pen Bracelets 185+ Sleep Mask OR Phone Ring Stand OR $5 Program Voucher 250+ White Board OR $10 Program Voucher 315+ Clouded Leopard Plush OR Paws Off Journal OR Lap Desk OR $10 Program Voucher 400+ Leopard & Tin OR $15 Program Voucher 500+ Fashion T-Shirt OR Messenger Bag OR $15 Program Voucher 625+ Umbrella Experience! All Day Ride Pass to Cliff’s Amusement Park, Beach Towel, Super Seller 750+ Girl Patch, & Certificate (June 1, 2019) OR $25 Program Voucher 875+ Girl Experience! Paint Party (May 4, 2019) OR $25 Program Voucher 1000+ Girl Experience! Wibit Park (July 27, 2019) Experience! Cookie Stars Camp & Sleeping Bag OR $50 Program Voucher 1250+ Girl (June 30 - July 3, 2019) Experience! Tea Party & Enamel Go For Bold Pin OR $50 Program Voucher 1500+ Girl (April 26, 2019) OR $50 Program Voucher 2000+ Jumbo Pillow, Chair & Snack Cup OR Codey Rocky Robot OR $100 Program Voucher 3000+ Nailbot

ORDERING & PICKING UP COOKIES Ordering Cookies Troops will place their inital order on January 23, 2019, before the start of the cookie sale. The sale begins the week that cookies are delivered to troops: February 11 - 15, 2019. Cookies are ordered 4 - 5 times throughout the sale. You will need to submit your order needs to your Troop Cookie Chair prior to the following dates: ƖƖ Initial order: January 23, 2019 ƖƖ Re-order #1: February 24, 2019 ƖƖ Re-order #2: March 3, 2019 ƖƖ Re-order #3: March 10, 2019 ƖƖ Re-order #4: March 17, 2019 Your Troop Cookie Chair will set deadlines for when your orders are due to them.

Initial Order On average, our girls begin the sale with 70-160 boxes to get them through the first two weeks of the sale. This number may be increased or decreased based on individual goals. You and your Troop Cookie Chair should discuss the number of boxes to order by cookie flavor. Below is a breakdown of cookies by flavor preference.

Thin Mint 30%

Samoas 26.5%

Tagalongs 13%

Do-si-dos 11%

Trefoils Savannah Smiles S’mores 8% 6% 5%

Toffee Tastic 0.5%

Picking up Your Initial Order Your Troop Cookie Chair will pick up your troop’s inital cookie order the week of February 11, 2019. They will contact you with a date, time and location to pick up your cookies. Be sure to be on time when picking up your order, count your entire order with your Troop Cookie Chair and get a signed receipt for the product you are picking up.

Goal Getter Order Cards If you’re not comfortable pre-ordering cookies in January, you can use the Goal Getter Order Card to begin taking orders on Monday, February 11, 2019. Your troop leader will then place an order with council by February 25, 2019. These cookies would be available for pick-up by your Troop Cookie Chair on February 27.

Need More Cookies?


If you need any additional cookies, please contact your Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Chair for more information. All cookies previously picked up must be paid in full before additional cookies can be obtained from your troop.

BEGIN SELLING Girls may begin selling door to door and through their online store beginning Monday, February 11, 2019. Any presales before this date are strictly forbidden and can result in the girl and/or troop’s removal from cookie sales . Be sure to share your troop and individual goals as you sell door to door, to friends and family, online, or a combination of all three. Customers enjoy hearing about the your plans and are more willing to help you reach your goals if they know what you are working toward. Always wear your uniform when selling!

Safety First! Safety for all girls participating in the cookie sale is the first priority of Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails. ƖƖ Girls (13 and older) and their parents may use their personal social media accounts to promote the sale and share the link to their online store ƖƖ Girls and their parents may NOT sell product using their personal email, Facebook accounts or public sites such as eBay or Craigslist. All online sales should be conducted through the online store. Every family should receive a copy of the Girl Scout Interent Safety Pledge at training. This is yours to keep for reference during the sale. ƖƖ It is essential that all girls follow the GSUSA and GSNMT policies and procedures for council sponsored product programs. See www.nmgirlscouts.org for more informaton.

Gift of Caring The Gift of Caring Program is a great option for customers that want to support the troop but do not want any cookies for themselves. Troops receive the money and girls receive credit for their sales, but neither will take possession of the donated cookies. The Troop Cookie Chair will enter the number of Gift of Caring boxes sold per girl into eBudde. The cookies will come from the council’s inventory and delivered to Blue Star Moms and various food pantries across the state at the end of the 2019 Cookie Program. Girls that sell 12 or more Council Gift of Caring boxes, will receive a Gift of Caring Patch.


WAYS TO SELL Door to Door Sales ƖƖ Wear your uniform. ƖƖ Take order cards and visit neighbors, family and friends. When going door to door, always use the buddy system. ƖƖ Daisies, Brownies and Juniors must be accompanied by an adult; Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors must be supervised by an adult. ƖƖ Only sell in familiar areas of your neighborhood. ƖƖ Never carry large amounts of cash. ƖƖ Use the Digital Cookie mobile app to accept credit cards as payments. ƖƖ Never enter anyone’s home while you are selling. ƖƖ Always be aware of strange animals. ƖƖ Never sell to people in cars or in other areas away from public access.

Bundle Your Boxes! A little ribbon, gift tags & some creativitiy go a long way! Create names for your own bundles of cookies for a unique shopping experience. Your customers will appreciate the thought and time you put into making their cookie delivery extra special!

Cookie House Party: It’s a friends and family cookie party! Plan an in-home cookie sales party and invite your friends and family to learn about your big goals for the season and to support your dreams by buying cases of cookies. ƖƖ Invite your customers to a cookie themed gathering ƖƖ Offer customers samples of the cookies and refreshments ƖƖ Share your BIG goals and customers make Big purchases. Go to: https://youtu.be/e20V0xg5T5k to see a video on how to host a Cookie House Party.


Online Digital Cookie allows you to have their very own e-commerce store where customers can shop and pay for cookies online. It allows you to manage your cookie business online with tools to: set goals, compile a contact list of names, phone numbers and email addresses send digital order cards to customers where cookies can be paid for online with the option to have them shipped or delivered by their favorite Girl Scout! All parents with an email on file will receive an email invitation to register for online store access. Be sure to have your parents add this email to their address book (email@email.girlscouts.org) so they don’t miss any notifications. If you are a new Girl Scout member or did not receive the link, visit our website www. nmgirlscouts.org/en/cookies/ for-cookie-sellers/digital-cookie.html to request a link. You can also take customer orders and payments through the Digital Cookie app on your smart phone or tablet. Simply download the free Digital Cookie Mobile App from the iTunes or Google Play store. Girls must be registered (it’s free!) for the Digital Order Card online store in order to use the app. For further instructions on how to use Digital Cookie and the Digital Cookie app, check out our quick sheet Four Easy Steps to Get Movin’ at http://www.nmgirlscouts.org/en/cookies/for-cookiesellers/digital-cookie.html.

Online Safety Rules The Girl Scout Cookie Sale is a Financial Literacy Program. While your commitment and dedication to your Girl Scout is much appreciated, adults cannot sell cookies on a girl’s behalf. Parents may facilitate their personal social networking sites to get the word out about their daughter selling cookies. Parents can use this approved message: “Hello family and friends. My troop and I are raising money for our Girl Scout activities. We would appreciate your support by purchasing Girl Scout cookies. Our troop and/or my goal is _____. If you are interested in making a purchase, please click this link (insert link here) to purchase your cookies online. Please do not share or repost. Only parents can assist their Girl Scout in online marketing.” DO: While girls may use email or text messaging to inform and take orders from friends/family/ previous customers, sending blast emails to a work distribution list is not acceptable. Girls who are 13 years old or older and their parents may use social networking sites such as Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat to promote their cookie sale and share their online store link. However, they must adhere to council and GSUSA guidelines. www.girlscouts. org/en/ cookies/all-aboutcookies.html DON’T: Girls and/or parents or other adults may not place online ads for Girl Scout cookies on public sites such as Craigslist, Ebay, Facebook Groups, Pinterest, Yard Sale Groups, etc. Girls and family members may not sell product through their personal Facebook accounts or public sites such as Ebay or Craig’s List. All online sales should be conducted through the online store. Each family should receive a copy of the GS Internet Safety Pledge at training. This is yours to keep for reference during the sale.


Booth Sales A cookie booth sale is when troops get together to sell cookies in front of approved businesses during the weekday evenings and weekends during the month of March. Some location examples of cookie booths include grocery stores, retail stores, restaurants, places of worship, private schools, sporting events, fairs, malls and coffee shops. Booths may not be held in empty lots, sidewalks, liquor stores, medical dispensaries, store parking lots, casinos, or other locations deemed inappropriate by Council. Booth sales will begin Friday, March 1, 2019. Council will secure a majority of the booth locations. Troops have the ability to choose 3 booth locations during each of the first 3 rounds, of which 2 may be at the same location. If you or your parents have a booth location suggestion, please do not approach the business. Notify your Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Chair. They will follow the necessary steps to inquire about having the location approved to hold a booth.

Booth Rules ƖƖ Troops - Have a minimum of two adults and two girls at the booth at all times. From time to time, volunteers might want to take breaks or will have to accompany your girls to the bathroom, so make sure additional adults are on hand. ƖƖ Older girl Troops (CSA’s) - Older girl troops can have one girl and two adults at a booth. ƖƖ All girls must be in uniform during booth sales.



Girl to Customer Money should be collected upon delivery of product. Cash and credit card through the Digital Cookie app are preferred. Girls can accept checks as payment if the troop allows. When accepting checks, it is best practice to only accept checks from people you know. If your troop chooses to accept checks, note that council will not reimburse the troop for any bank charges, NSF checks or fees that incur. Contact your Troop Cookie Chair with any questions.

Girl to Troop Parents should turn money in regularly to the Troop Cookie Chair. It is suggested that parents not accumulate more than $300 at any one time. Ask for a receipt when turning in any money to the troop. Remember, the Troop Cookie Chair is responsible for paying council for the cookies checked out to the troop. Council deducts the money from the troop account on March 5, March 19 and April 2. By turning your money in to your Troop Cookie Chair on a weekly basis, you are helping to ensure the troop stays in good financial standing.

Outstanding Balance Reports Troops are required to submit an Outstanding Balance Report to council for any balance that has not been paid by the troop deadline. This is NOT a collection but a notice of non-payment. ƖƖ Once an Outstanding Balance Report has been submitted, the parent must pay off their debt with the council, not the troop, no later than April 26, 2019. 13 ƖƖ Any family with an outstanding balance at the end of the sale will forfeit all rewards.

FINISH THE SALE & CELEBRATE! ƖƖ Confirm with your Troop Cookie Chair that you have turned in all your cookie sale money ƖƖ Turn in your Reward Selection Sheet to your Troop Cookie Chair if you haven’t already done so ƖƖ Have your parent check their email for the Girl Experience RSVPs if you chose that as one of your rewards



Thank your customers Share your stories, photos & experiences with us: www.nmgirlscouts.org/shareyourstory Have a party and celebrate reaching your goals Take pictures of how your troop spends their proceeds Share with your troop, parents and customers what you learned this year


This cookie season, let’s show ‘em how the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world prepares girls to lead, learn, succeed, and shine— not only for today but also for the future—by entering our national Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2019 Contest from January 2 through April 30. How to Participate Participating in Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2018 Contest is literally as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Visit www.girlscouts.org/cookiepro 2. Choose a photo you want to submit, and have it ready to upload. 3. Choose the Cookie Pro Résumé survey for your grade level, complete it, and upload your photo. Every girl who enters Girl Scouts of the USA’s Cookie Pro 2019 Contest will unlock this awesome, limited-edition Cookie Pro 2019 patch.

Twenty-four girls nationwide—four per Girl Scout grade level—will be selected for the epic opportunity to: • Travel to sunny southern California for an all-expenses paid Cookie Entrepreneur Experience • Go on an incredible behind-the-scenes VIP adventure at Warner Bros. Studios • Take part in super-cool activities featuring the DC Super Hero Girls™ • Meet successful entrepreneurs and business leaders • Attend a very special Girl Scout Cookie Pro recognition event • And more! DC SUPER HERO GIRLS and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB SHIELD: TM & © WBEI (S18)


Every Cookie Has a Mission The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a hands-on leadership and entrepreneurial program.

The program generates funds for a girl’s troop, while allowing her to earn individual rewards and contributes to Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails’ effectiveness to provide leadership experiences for girls. All proceeds stay in the local community. Every year, customer purchases help fund programs that Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails offers to our over 3,000 girls and provides direct support to individual troop treasuries. 2% is used to provide financial assistance through the opportunity fund. 16% is troop proceeds for use by the troop for activities and/or community service projects and for girl incentives. 48% is returned to leaders and girls in program opportunities, camp operations, insurance, program supplies, financial assistance, training, background checks, website, and other business operations. 34% is the cost of the cookie program, including cookies paid to the baker.

Each box of cookies sold provides income to the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails and helps offset operational costs for: ƖƖ Delivering programs to over 3,000 girl members in a 23 county territory spanning 71,486 square miles. ƖƖ Maintaining two camp properties covering over 1,700 acres--insurance, upkeep, proper land stewardship, tents, beds,commercial kitchens, and program supplies. ƖƖ Providing membership and/or camp scholarship to girls whose families need financial assistance to participate. ƖƖ Providing training to over 1,000 adult member volunteers. ƖƖ Providing financial support for GSNMT sponsored events to keep activities affordable. ƖƖ Operating the Albuquerque and regional service centers. ƖƖ Providing volunteer screening and background checks. ƖƖ Providing required insurance for Girl Scout activities.

2018 GSNMT Top Cookie Seller Millie, Troop 10230 3269 Boxes We asked Millie a few questions about her cookie sale: 1) What are some good tips for selling cookies? “For selling cookies it is important to have a good spirit , be nice to all customers, and be nice to the other girls you are working with. “ 2) What does it take to be a top cookie seller? “Energy and enthusiasm.” 3) What has selling cookies taught you? “Count money, be nice to others, small bits of success will add up for a big reward if you stick with it.” 4) What does your troop do with the proceeds they earn from selling cookies? Registrations, camp, activities, meeting expenses, service projects.


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