2 minute read

College Counseling


NMH college counselors know an impressively wide variety of colleges and universities. We have extensive knowledge of the Ivies and the truly excellent state universities; the big-name schools and the hidden gems; the conservatories and the art institutes. Our college counselors are also teachers, coaches, advisors, and dorm parents. So they will know you well and can help find colleges that best fit your individual goals and interests. Here’s an overview of how we guide students through the process.

Ninth Grade

• PSAT 8/9 in fall (NMH hosts all standardized testing, including TOEFL) • Skill-building: participating in discussion-based classes and collaborative work, trying new things such as a new language or sport, develop comfort in a residential-school setting • College counselors and advisors begin to help map a curricular pathway through senior year • Meet college counselors for a “This is your transcript” primer

Sophomore Year

• PSAT in fall

• Meet college counselors in spring for an overview of the application process • Advisors help design curricular pathway, working backward from senior year • Ongoing engagement with extracurricular activities such as music, community service, and sports

Junior Year

• PSAT in fall, meet with counselors to analyze scores, first round of SAT and ACT in spring. Many juniors take AP exams in May.* • Receive college counselor assignment in January, weekly college-counseling class during winter term, build familiarity with Naviance software (for researching colleges and tracking applications) • One-on-one, counselors help students build lists of prospective schools and plan summer visits, virtual and in-person. • Optional standardized-test prep over the summer • NMH College Fair in fall (series of virtual college panels if pandemic persists) • Athletes and student artists are encouraged to assemble portfolios and videos of performances. • This year, NMH is hosting a virtual College Fair in mid-April. Traditionally, a neighboring independent school hosts a spring College Fair. • Programming for parents (virtual in 2020–21) including a session with admission counselors from nearby colleges and universities

Peter Jenkins

Director PJenkins@nmhschool.org

Please see the NMH website (bit.ly/NMHCollege) for more information.

Senior Year

• Regular meetings with counselors to hone college lists and adjust academic courses as necessary to present each student in the best light. • Class meetings to review application process, deadlines, and best communication practices with admission officers and college coaches. • Counselors review essays and applications upon student request. • NMH College Fair in fall (series of virtual college panels if pandemic persists) • Optional co-curricular SAT prep classes, additional Summit Test Prep classes in fall, winter, spring • Three opportunities in fall to take SAT, ACT on campus; two TOEFL opportunities. • College representatives visit campus throughout fall to talk with interested students. During the pandemic, these visits were held virtually. • College counselors network with college and university representatives, manage teacher recommendations, follow up with admission offices after applications are submitted, submit final transcripts.

* Consult with the teacher, college counselor, or advisor about subject test readiness. Additional resources for subject test content are available from

Khan Academy (khanacademy.org) and College

Board (collegeboard.org).

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