1 minute read
Thank You!
Sharon and I want to express our deepest gratitude to the New Mexico Ministry Network, its leaders, pastors, and churches for such an outstanding event honoring our retirement from our role as the Assistant Network Pastor/Executive Secretary. It has been our honor to serve you and we look forward to continuing our wonderful relationships. May God Bless You Big!
football. Teams meant so much to me that even through college, I pursued a career in coaching. During college, I coached and I ins@lled into young men how important we were to one another. Over the last 23 years of ministry, God has changed what I coach and how I lead. Instead of leading young men to victory on a field, I’ve been fortunate to coach people in their pursuit of a deeper rela@onship with Christ. And God has graciously allowed me to walk with the people of Quay County over the last 22 years guiding them to a be:er tomorrow.
In the same way that my coaching transi@oned from ballfields to life, my assignment is changing once again. It is a great honor to begin serving as the Assistant Network Pastor for the New Mexico Ministry Network in a fellowship I’ve been a part of all my life. As I transi@on into this new role, I look forward to loving and serving you all. I am honored to have the opportunity to follow a legacy of great ministers who have served our Network. I am hungry for the challenge and I will strive to help our Network pour into every local church to make them healthier and to make every minister more equipped for the future.

I ask for your prayers along the way as we transi@on our family out of the community that we have loved and the church where we have poured out our lives for so many years. I love you all.

Assemblies of God
World Missions 2022
Harvest Fellowship

Albuquerque NM
Pastors Jason & Lisa Dickenson