Glimmering Puzzles: Science Images 2018~2019
目錄 Contents 6 / 序:科學攝影是沒有捷徑的
10 / 浮光≒謎離:影像的瀰漫力量
22 / 從自然觀察看見蘊藏之美:
24 / 認知與參與:這裡有兩條科學小徑
30 / 策展手札-自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影特展
事件 2018~2019 38 / 天文與氣象
66 / 地質與礦物 72 / 物理與化學
80 / 水下與海洋
104 / 植物與真菌 112 / 昆蟲與蜘蛛
186 / 動物的拼圖
224 / 微觀的世界 238 / 索引
246 / 主協辦單位
247 / 第 4+5 屆實踐團隊
/ 劉德祥 Lau, Tak-cheung
/ 楊翎 Yang, Lin
/ 廖靜如 Liao, Ching-ju / 鄭鈺 Zheng, Yu
/ 楊嶺 Yang, Ling
6 / Foreword: No Shortcut to Science Photography 10 / Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 22 / ”Immersed in Creativity” Program Brings Taiwan and Oversea Students to Observe Beauty in the Micro 24 / Cognition and Participation: Two Scientific Trails 30 / Curatorial Notes- Maze between Nature and Art: Special Exhibition of Science Images
Events 2018-2019 38 / Astronomy and Meteorology 66 / Geology and Minerals 72 / Physics and Chemistry 80 / Underwater and Marine Life 104 / Plants and Fungi 112 / Insects and Spiders 186 / Animal Puzzles 224 / Microscopic World 238 / Index of Credits 246 / Organizers and Sponsors 247 / Team Members of the 4th & 5th Science Images Activities
夜的浮光,是遙遠的星;地的浮光,是咫尺的塵。 藍的浮光,是海的眼睛;綠的浮光,是春的染印。 祢眼裡的浮光,是我靈底的偈; 捕光捉影的鏡,是閃動的謎離。 The glimmering lights in the night sky are distant stars. The glimmering lights on the earth are from nearby dust particles. Blue glimmering light represents the eyes of the ocean. Green glimmering light is the impression of spring. The glimmering light reflected in your eyes brings strength to my soul. Images captured under glimmering light solve flashing puzzles. ~ 楊翎
Yang, Lin
Photo 51(第51號圖片)在近代科學發展史 上貢獻卓著。這是由英國科學家富蘭克林利用X
和《戶外攝影雜誌》(Outdoor Photography)看到
No Shortcut to Science Photography 劉德祥 Lau, Tak-cheung
野生動物攝影師 Melissa Groo在《戶外攝影》
以「 縮短野生動物攝影生涯的捷徑」(Shortcuts
That Shortchange Wildlife Photography)為題,談到
都會有評審委員指出一些作品肯定是誘拍的,攝 影的環境中是不會出現這魚種。這些作品無論拍 得有多好,都不會入選的,因為這種攝影手法是
序 Foreword 7
這個世界並不缺少美,而是缺少發現美的眼睛; 同樣,科學並不缺乏藝術與生氣, 而是需要解讀與傳播者兼具哲學家的頭腦、 匠人的手和詩人的心。 This world does not lack beauty. What it lacks is an eye for beauty. Similarly, science does not lack art or vitality. Scientists interpret and disseminate information, requiring the mind of a philosopher, the hands of an artisan and the heart of a poet. ~ 鄭鈺
Zheng , Yu
Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 楊翎 Yang, Lin
表 1:歷屆科學攝影兩岸參賽合格收件數統計表
表 2:歷屆科學攝影得獎者居住地統計表
浮光≒謎離:影像的瀰漫力量 Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 11
兩屆得獎作品一如過往,同組作品張數皆 以1幅最多(58.4%),其次是3幅(13.5%) 和2幅(28.1%),第五屆新增兩組動態圖。拍 攝主題以昆蟲與蜘蛛類最多(第四屆51.4%、 第五屆32.1%),次多者第四屆依序為動物拼 圖(20%)、來自星星(14.3%)、物理與化學 /植物與真菌(5.7%)、微觀世界(2.9%)。 第五屆則依序為水下與海洋(21.4%)、動物 拼圖(17.9%)、來自星星(14.3%)、物理化 學(7.1%)、微觀世界(5.4%)、地質與礦物 (1.8%)。有趣的是,由北京自然博物館主辦 的第四屆,無「水下與海洋」、「地質與礦物」 類作品入選,由國立自然科學博物館主辦的第五 屆,無「植物與真菌」類作品入選,推測兩岸投 件者與徵評取向存在區域性的差異。 國立自然科學博物館於2019年7月13日 (六)至2020年2月16日(日),在第二特展室 展出《浮光≒謎離:第4+5屆科學攝影》特展, 同步舉辦第五屆頒獎典禮。展場入口以日全蝕意 象之鏡面投影浮光為核心,以平行層疊的展架模 擬光譜擴散的輪次。藝術家曲德華25件「凝視的
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1.「浮光≒謎離:第 4+5 屆科學攝影」特展等 角透視圖。入口意象以浮光為核心,採光暈 層疊向外擴散之概念設計(陳舒婷設計)。 2.3. 海報、布旗(侯虹如設計)
幻化」線性雕塑作品,從迴廊延伸到展場,飄浮 游移的幾何光影和山水空白的端景,營造從幽暗 昇華的透明感,穿透二度攝影圖像與三度網格空 間的隔閡,帶領觀眾經驗與作品對話的四象維 度。此外,為呈現鏡頭下綻放之奇幻魅力,外牆 架設了15臺電視螢幕,以多媒體技術動態方式, 展映前三屆195件得獎作品、展示場景和科普推 廣活動畫面。策展團隊秉持自首屆以來「綠色展 示」主張,大量運用舊有的模組和材料,賦予更 新的概念設計和詮釋,同時便於巡迴展出組裝運 輸,持續為 保護地球貢獻心力。 「科學攝影」不僅是影像的記錄,同時也 是尋求各種科學角度的探索和社會的協力。配合 展期,科博館自然學友之家推出「科學攝影得獎 者分享座談會」(2019.9.21)、「自我探索練 習曲:科學攝影篇」(2020.1.4、1.18)活動, 各界科學攝影的愛好者,無不把握兩年一度的 盛會,共享鏡頭下霎時浮光的驚豔視野。承譚美 芳女士所言:科學攝影活動結合群眾參與(比 賽)、社會力量(基金會募款獎金)、專業審查 (《科學人》雜誌邀請評審團)、兩岸合作(擴
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1. 15 幕多媒體節目(陳舒婷繪圖/楊翎攝)
2.3. 360 度展場環景攝影和影音整合互動展播 (陳君銘提供)
浮光≒謎離:影像的瀰漫力量 Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 13
增視野)、科學教育(工作坊)等。在此感謝各合 辦、協辦單位多年來的支持:財團法人國立自然科 學博物館文教基金會、科學人雜誌、財團法人廣達 文教基金會、北京自然博物館;財團法人拓凱教育 基金會、大江生醫股份有限公司、臺中市立忠明高 級中學等。 誠如老子云:「挫其銳,解其紛,和其光,同 其塵」,面對宇宙萬物的誕生與湮滅,攝影者以時 空平行之眼,尋找不同尺度生命交錯的瞬間,掌握 穿眼鏡頭的光影角度,試圖解開混沌無明的科學謎 語。期盼科學攝影舊雨新知愛好者持續地參與、投 入和交流,一同探索解碼嬗變星球的演化過程,迎 向未來鏡界,共創來自社會脈絡多樣化的知識力。
浮光閃現:影像時空的跨界解構 對於攝影朋友來說,光的掌握,不但決定作 品的成敗、更是解開科學謎語的最重要因素。所謂 「千年暗室,一燈即明」,攝影參賽者以時空平行 之眼,從外太空的日月星辰,到內太空的蝌蚪內 臟,從水下三毫米的風帆水母,到水下三十米的深 海魷魚,面對宇宙萬物的誕生與湮滅,尋找不同尺 度生命交錯的瞬間。從黑夜到白晝,從遠距到微
1 2
1.2.3. 第5屆頒獎典禮暨開幕記者會(楊翎攝)
浮光≒謎離:影像的瀰漫力量 Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 15
觀,為求一張凝縮單子生命世界的實體映像,攝影 者往往不是預先知道什麼,而是瞄準目標做足準 備,不斷地實驗、靜心等待,捕捉觸發的片斷。他 們內心深處實多存在探索現象和想像科學的澎湃熱 情、執著與癡狂。 一隻小蝌蚪,也有一顆撲通跳動起伏的透明心 臟。豬籠草內的一抹淺水,可是蝌蚪寶寶們悠遊的 育嬰室。得獎者分享經驗活動時,莫不對自家的作 品如數家珍、津津樂道。陳岳峯老師為記錄蛙類成 長變態過程,嘗試飼養不同品種蛙類等待產卵,長 期觀察蝌蚪發育的生理變化,與攝影同好不斷切磋 實驗光控技巧;其「透明的蝌蚪」動靜態作品,即 是利用自家冰箱微光以仰角方式拍攝,並以粉圓、 咖啡豆來形容蛙類幼體外觀,孩子練胡琴的聲音意 外的融入,表現令人驚豔。顏嘉志老師退休後投入 生態觀察攝影,其「散發母性光輝—綠貓蛛」作品 獲得第四屆第一等獎,多元豐富主題的攝影創作, 足以開辦個展規模的精采。海洋生物學家李坤瑄先 生,是科學攝影活動的鐵粉參賽者,歷屆總計有9項 作品入選佳作,主題包括海膽、海燕、海星、同心 蛤、鉤腕魷等,研發各式無脊椎攝影道具達人非他
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1-2. 第 4+5 屆科學攝影得獎者經驗分享會(楊翎攝)
3. 浙江自然博物院安吉分館舉辦之「自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影實拍工作坊」(陳胤仁攝)
浮光≒謎離:影像的瀰漫力量 Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 17
惜。 長久以來,博物館扮演科學溝通和公民科 學技術參與的重要社會教育場域,並透過巡迴 展發揮瀰漫的力量。科學攝影系列特展於科博 館首展後,2018~2020年間總計製造了11場巡 迴展:從中學到大學,從海角的墾丁到高海拔 的阿里山,從美術館、自然博物館到燈會。其中 「自然與藝術之迷:第二屆科學攝影」巡迴至浙 江省自然博物院安吉分館,為該館2019年落成 後第一宗特展;「浮光≒謎離:第4+5屆科學攝 影」,則是彰化縣自然生態教育中心2020年開 放後,第一檔與博物館合作的展覽。透過展示技 術、多媒體節目、科普教育活動為媒介,科學攝 影活動提供公民自主學習的情境管道,藉由美感 的圖像,讓參與者產生對科學意識、興趣、愉 悅、想像或感知,引導觀者學習跨界理解科學邏 輯思維模式,觸發對日常生活週遭探索的動能, 進而培養公民的科學素養與文化適應力。因為人 類永遠有面對新的變局,發展新應付世界的方 式,展開新生活的可能。
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1. 彰化縣立美術館巡迴展,展現藝術的科學介入(楊翎攝)
2. 臺中市私立立人高級中學巡迴展點交和檢視圖框狀況(楊翎攝)
3. 鄒族自然與文化中心巡迴展邀請卡。超越部落主義,結合自然、 人、我與社會關係(浦晨軒設計)。
表 3:2018 ~ 2020 年間科學攝影巡迴展示場次 場次
第 1 屆巡迴展
第 1 屆巡迴展
第 1 屆巡迴展
臺中市政府 2020 臺灣燈會 (后里馬場動物狂歡嘉年華燈區)
第 2 屆巡迴展
第 1 屆巡迴展
第 2 屆巡迴展
第 2 屆巡迴展
第 3 屆巡迴展
第 3 屆巡迴展
第 3 屆巡迴展
第 4+5 屆巡迴展
2019.11.8~2020.4.1 2018.2.1~3.31
2018.10.8~2019.1.4 2019.1.25~4.2
作品數 24
浙江省自然博物院 / 安吉分館
鄒族自然與文化中心(二檔次輪展) 科技部科學迴廊(多媒體展映)
中國醫藥大學水湳校區人文藝術中心 墾丁國家公園
浮光≒謎離:影像的瀰漫力量 Glimmering Puzzles: Ubiquitous Power of Images 19
肉眼可及之處,看見極致的美; 肉眼不可見之處,看見科學的趣味。 What can be seen by the naked eye is the ultimate in beauty. What cannot be seen with the naked eye reveals a fascination with science. ~ 鄭鈺
Zheng , Yu
材,將自己日常生活中經由觀察所領略到的科學之美, 以攝影的方式捕捉記錄下來,其目的與廣達文教基金會
從自然觀察看見蘊藏之美: 廣達《游於藝》帶領海內外學童一起「見微知美」
Seeing the Beauty from Nature: Quanta Culture and Education Foundation "Immersed in Creativity" Program Brings Taiwan and Oversea Students to Observe Beauty in the Micro 廖靜如 Liao, Ching-ju
財團法人廣達文教基金會科創處處長 22
域與議題的教案,同時讓「科學攝影」的精神能夠藉由 教學深植於校園及學生的學習中。 其中,臺中市的學校展現出驚人的教學創意,例 如:大鵬國小的老師們共同設計「微美、唯美」主題統 整課程,融入自然科學、資訊科技應用及藝文創作於課 程中。全校學生透過校園植物觀察、近距離攝影、顯微 鏡下的觀察與記錄等活動,探索自然界中蘊藏的繽紛色 彩、對稱與秩序的結構,然後進行葉片拓印和拼貼、微 觀攝影和造型帽等創作。另外,霧峰國小則將寒假作業 結合展示,鼓勵同學觀察自然,教學成果包含:認識自 然界對稱結構之美、從自然的葉脈之美轉化成書籤創 作、從蝴蝶的觀察到認識自然的彩妝,還有將自然線條 之美轉化為禪繞畫的創作,完美展現科學與藝術的結 合。 巡迴展示還有一個著名的特色,就是展示前會到 校進行導覽小尖兵的培訓,展出時就能為參觀的來賓或 同校師生進行導覽介紹。導覽小尖兵們除了接受肢體及 口語表達能力訓練,同時也要學習自己蒐集資料、編寫 導覽稿。許多小尖兵們表示,透過一次又一次的導覽經 驗,不僅讓自己更有自信心,而且在探究過程中,更能 體驗從自然觀察中學到無窮無盡的知識,從展示中得到 1
車,仍會持續在全臺及海外各校園間穿梭,帶領大小朋友 們一起從生活中、自然觀察中培養美感以及觀察力。
1-2. 廣達文教基金會於印尼泗水辦理教師研習營,課 程培訓情形及教師發表。
3-4. 廣達《游於藝》小尖兵培訓活動,於馬來西亞吉 隆坡臺校舉辦。
5. 印尼雅加達臺校展覽開幕,小尖兵進行導覽。 6. 印尼泗水臺校的校內導覽情形
本文圖片由廣達文教基金會提供 從自然觀察看見蘊藏之美:廣達《游於藝》帶領海內外學童一起「見微知美」 Seeing the Beauty from Nature: Quanta Culture and Education Foundation "Immersed in Creativity" Program Brings Taiwan and Oversea Students to Observe Beauty in the Micro 23
2014年起,科學攝影成為北京自然博物館新增 的特別教育活動項目。2016年起,有幸與臺灣自然 科學博物館「驚豔•新視野:科學攝影」活動連袂, 合作舉辦兩岸科學攝影作品大賽。5年默默耕耘,這 通往科學殿堂的兩條小徑如今在眼前日漸清晰。 身為專案策劃人,與科學攝影初相遇時便有 「驚豔」之感:特殊的拍攝主體,會帶來畫面的靈 動與旺盛生命力;少見的現象,會揭示科學領域的
具的傳播之道嗎?也因而冠以「豔•遇」這樣一個頗 能回味的有趣主題。
經年的科學攝影活動形式愈來愈豐富:系列講 座場次更多、領域更廣、涉獵門類也更齊全。室內
Cognition and Participation: Two Scientific Trails 鄭鈺 Zheng, Yu
北京自然博物館信息部研究員兼主任 24
2 4
3 5
1.「豔 • 遇以影像」活動圖標 ( 張燁設計 )
2. 遼寧省大王家島海洋生物外拍活動 ( 張小蜂攝 ) 3. 實驗室顯微拍攝活動 ( 康寧攝 )
4. 在海洋實驗室拍攝水生生物 ( 鄭鈺攝 ) 5. 草原星空外拍活動 ( 康寧攝 )
認知與參與:這裡有兩條科學小徑 Cognition and Participation: Two Scientific Trails 25
此外,透過與臺灣科博館合作舉辦科學攝 影大賽,亦促成大陸許多普通攝影愛好者水準 迅速提升並獲得佳績,在設計精美、規模盛大 的兩岸影展上展露崢嶸。有的獲獎者笑說「我 的照片比我自己早一步去了臺灣」。公眾的積 極參與一直都是我們最關切、最在意的最終目 標,但是不得不承認,科學攝影至今對於公眾 而言,仍是新奇而新鮮的事物,他們需要更長 時間培養興趣、引發欲望、掌握技巧,繼而投 入拍攝。不過沒關係,科學攝影活動其實可以 有作品數量之外的更多收穫。 一次偶然的機會,科學攝影嘗試將作品的 科學內涵詮釋給學生群體,將科學攝影內容濃 縮為一場科普講座走進學校。對於學校而言, 這是一場別開生面的科學素養教育活動。之後 越來越多的學校開始發現,科學攝影有助於培 養學生觀察、記錄、學習自然世界的效果,因 此多所市區中小學校開始將科學攝影引入校內 進行科學攝影巡展、開設攝影課程、組織家長 參與動員,有些學校甚至希望能夠以科學攝影 作為申請特色課程的支撐專案。面向青少年開
1 2 3
1-2. 參與夜攝博物館活動觀眾 ( 康寧攝 )
3. 科學攝影展上講解員與觀眾 ( 鄭鈺攝 )
展科學攝影相關活動,可謂無心插柳,卻意外收 穫一片綠蔭。剛剛結束的2019年作品統計評選 結果顯示,大陸青少年作品投稿量達173件,約 占全部投稿量的三分之一,青少年的參賽年齡下 探到最小的只有7歲。引人欣喜的其實已不僅限 於更多年輕孩子的參與,而是科學攝影的教育價 值和科學傳播價值,終於得到教育界的認同。科 學攝影活動完美將科學與藝術二者相結合,可以 在多學科的綜合實踐課程應用,使學生們感受到 以前從來沒有在學校內接觸和學習的內容。 2018年,大陸國家科普平臺《科普時報》 開始關注科學攝影活動,在頭版接連刊登作品。 接著於2019年,欣然特別設置了「媒體特別 獎」獎項,以實際支援並參與科學攝影作品的評 選。到了年末,該報科普專家尹傳紅主編來電: 「一版用圖還是想繼續刊登科學攝影作品,請問 新評比結果出來了嗎?」作品的科學傳播價值, 被權威科學媒體高度認可。心裡除了溫暖和自 豪,還莫名生出一種使命感:新媒體時代網路的 力量,使得傳統紙媒生存空間受到不小的威脅, 但時間終將會證明每一種媒介載體,都因為其獨
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1. 北京市豐台八中攝影興趣班的同學們 ( 康寧攝 )
2. 北京市右安門外國語學校的科學攝影課程 ( 康寧攝 )
3.《科普時報》以頭版頭條介紹科學攝影作品 ( 鄭鈺提供 )
認知與參與:這裡有兩條科學小徑 Cognition and Participation: Two Scientific Trails 27
的場地來舉辦攝影沙龍,合作方不僅提供了讓我 們自由使用的空間和設備,還主動安排樓宇場地 中的寬闊天井,舉辦可以輕鬆隨意徜徉其間的小 型巡展,效果非常好,就像一群認識已久、情趣 相投的夥伴重逢,近距離溝通與互動讓分享者與 聆聽者連笑容都能夠彼此感染。 我們還有許多許多這樣的類似記憶……。 回望與科學攝影活動並肩走過的5年,有付 出也有收穫,有順利也有磨礪,一如人的成長。 感謝科學攝影大賽活動的合辦方臺灣自然科學博 物館,給予團隊精神的極大支持與體諒,幫助我 們大陸的科學攝影活動得以繼續堅持和不斷成 長。科學攝影這個孩子始終無言,卻始終都在凝 望,因為它賦予自己獨特的眼:這是一個從鏡頭 與眼睛形象中,提取抽象化的符號類標誌圖形, 以體現「觀察」、「攝影」、「欣賞」三個契合 28
科學攝影沙龍分享活動 ( 康寧攝 )
10 場
多門類組合 攝影技巧 作品賞析
活動推廣宣講 拍攝實踐
博物館展廳拍攝 館內 外展
3場 4場 3場 7場
90 天
2016 科學攝影展
參與者 411 人次
參與者 203 人次
參與者 256 人次 觀眾約 5 萬人次
30 天
觀眾約 5.4 萬人次
45 天
觀眾約 1.7 萬人次
2019.8 ~
5 場次
18 場次
10 次課程
5 場次
10 次課程
1. 共 48 場,現場觀眾累積 4500-5000 人; 2. 網路直播 16 場,點擊量 12 萬次。
30 天
主題講座 校園推廣
2015 科學攝影展
線上影展 科學攝影線上影展平臺 2017
水下攝影 植物攝影 講座
4 場次
5 場次
觀眾約 3.5 萬人次 點擊量約 3.5 萬人次
巡展豐台八中(北大地校區、中海校區)、右安門外國語 學校、首經貿附屬麗澤中學(北區)、豐台一小等四所學 校的五個校區。為期 6-12 月。參與各項活動 8280 人次
巡展豐台八中(中海) 、 豐台八中(北大地) 、長辛店學校、 東鐵營 2 中、北京市第 18 中學、南苑中學、長辛店學校、 北京十中、雲崗中學、佟麟閣中學、首經貿附屬麗澤中學、 航太中學、豐台分院附中、實驗學校、盧溝橋中學、東鐵 營二中、教院附分、豐台二中、右安門外國語學校、大成 學校、豐台二中小屯分校、東鐵營一中總計 18 所學校, 共 5810 人次;講座聽眾 600 人次;攝影課程初一及初二 年級 10 次課程共計 350 人次 巡展豐台八中(中海) 、豐台八中(北大地) 、首經貿附屬麗 澤中學、安門外國語學校總計 4 所學校,共 4100 人次。 講座聽眾 1220 人次。攝影課程初一及初二年級。10 次課 程共計 300 人次
認知與參與:這裡有兩條科學小徑 Cognition and Participation: Two Scientific Trails 29
(Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre,1787-1851)發明了
物的表象和真理,不斷啟發人類創造力 。 2019年
德•施蒂格利茨(Alfred Stieglitz,1864-1946),更
斯•阿博特(Berenice Abbott,1898-1991)有關。她
我們所見和所知之間的關係從未固定 自從1839年8月19日,法國路易•達蓋爾
到:「攝影可以比任何其他表現形式,將我們生 存的世界闡釋地更美好」。
策展手札-自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影特展 Curatorial Notes- Maze between Nature and Art: A Special Exhibition of Science Images 楊嶺 Yang, Ling
浙江自然博物院副院長 30
而馬文•海弗曼(Marvin Heiferman)的《看見 2
科學:攝影鏡頭下的宇宙》 一書,圍繞攝影在視
影改變了一切》 一書中主張「攝影的未來沒有邊
策劃設計與立意 自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影特展,五個單元包
註 1. 引自:楊翎,2016。驚豔•新視野:科學攝影事件簿,頁3,18。臺中:國立自然科學博物館。 2. Heiferman, Marvin, 2019. Seeing Science: How Photography Reveals the Universe. New York: Aperture Foundation. 3. Heiferman, Marvin, 2012. Photography Changes Everything. New York: Aperture Foundation. 4. 朱文婷,2018。用科學攝影呈現平凡食物中令人驚歎的微觀「乾坤」。網路資源,。12月29日。
策展手札-自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影特展 Curatorial Notes- Maze between Nature and Art: A Special Exhibition of Science Images 31
1 天文、海洋與水生
2 無機、地質與礦物
3 昆蟲與蜘蛛、烏與動物
4 植物與真菌
用以呼應自然與藝術之迷這一主題。透過常見景 物作裝飾主調,暗合這些平凡的自然中所隱藏著 的科學奇觀。展示的整體空間風格清新有活力, 使一個科學攝影展示脫離「科學」範疇的疏離感 與嚴肅感,打造成生機盎然的自然科學景觀,拉 近觀者與「科學」的距離。 當抬頭仰望星空,無垠的蒼穹帶來無盡遐 想;當仔細觀察生活,物理與化學充滿了千變萬 化的樂趣;當探索藍色星球奧秘,水世界蘊藏了 無窮無盡的秘密;當凝望生命歷程,生態鏈下的 每一環都散發著無盡魅力;當顯微鏡叩開無限小 世界的門扉,一個個色彩斑斕的「小宇宙」得以 展現。科學攝影特展的意義,不僅展示著攝影藝 術,也將生活裡習以為常之事,以及原以為無法 看見的大千世界,展現在世人面前。
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1. 特展室入口 ( 楊翎攝 )
2. 科學攝影原理和古董相機介紹 ( 楊翎攝 ) 3.「綠野迷宮」概念敘事 ( 楊翎攝 )
策展手札-自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影特展 Curatorial Notes- Maze between Nature and Art: A Special Exhibition of Science Images 33
科學攝影特展佳評如潮 本次特展參觀人數總計16.77萬人,得到各界 領導的高度重視,觀眾們對此次展示也是好評如 潮。7月中旬,浙江省生態環保廳領導一行人, 在筆者的陪同下一起參觀了展示,表示十分喜愛 展出作品,並做出了高度評價。 從觀眾的問卷調查中顯示,有43%的觀眾 是經他人介紹瞭解到展示資訊,30%是透過網路 宣傳途徑瞭解。76%以上的觀眾是同家人一起參 觀。觀眾們對此次展示的整體印象、佈局設計、 展品選擇的滿意度均達到了70%以上。其中《天 文與地理》、《生命的奧妙》這兩個單元觀眾的 滿意度較高,分別為68%和62%。從觀眾的留言 中發現,《哭哭》、《極光》、《冰解》、《囂 張的勇士》等多幅作品被提及的次數最多。除了 科學攝影展,觀眾們還想在博物館中看到有關於 科技小發明、各種昆蟲標本、手工藝術類、深海 動物等諸多類型的展示。
1 2 3
1. 浙江省生態環保廳一行人參訪,做出了高度評價(楊嶺提供)。 2. 觀眾們對此次展示好評如潮(楊嶺提供)
3. 手機掃描標籤二維條碼,科學知識帶著走 ( 楊翎攝 )。
針對本次的展示,我院推出了一系列的教 育活動,其中與科博館共同辦理的「自然與藝 術之迷:科學攝影實拍工作坊」(2019年7月 19日)最為火爆。此活動由臺灣自然科學博物 館優秀的老師們:楊翎、劉德祥、何恭算、江 品君4位老師主講。為杭州及安吉的攝影愛好者 們,帶來一場接一場技術含量高、生動有趣的 課程。上午是理論學習篇,主要向觀眾們講述 什麼是科學攝影?攝影器材、攝影技巧等,同 時介紹數件具有代表性的作品,做為經驗分享 與資訊交流。下午是戶外實踐篇,帶著攝影器 材一同走入大自然,運用上午所學的技巧留住 自然中的美好,之後再回到教室中,一起分享 所拍攝的作品,老師們及時的給出一些意見和 建議。最後還為下午拍攝的優秀作品送上精心 準備的小禮物。 本特展至2019年12月底結束,這一次的 優秀作品展,為觀眾們帶來了一場視覺上的盛 宴,展示了自然的奧妙與神奇,啟發人們用一 雙善於發掘美的眼睛去發現身邊的美好。
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浙江自然博物院與科博館共同辦理「自然與藝術之迷: 科學攝影實拍工作坊」(陳胤仁攝)
策展手札-自然與藝術之迷:科學攝影特展 Curatorial Notes- Maze between Nature and Art: A Special Exhibition of Science Images 35
緣起性空的中道觀超越了「有無生死」, 心色根識的攝影創作展現了「真善美」的心智結晶。 The insight of the Middle Way, which represents emptiness and dependent origination, has exceeded the concepts of not only life and death, being and not being, but also mind, form, faculty, and consciousness. With these meanings, photographic creations present the crystallization involving the truth, kindness, and virtue.
~ 沈文振
Walter Shen
Astronomy and Meteorology
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Milky Way over Snow Mountain 楊友利
銀河在中國古代又稱天河、銀漢、星河、星漢、雲漢, 是由無數暗星、數千億顆恆星和較暗塵埃的光所組成。 夏冬季所見銀河有不同的景觀,北半球的夏季能夠看 到最為壯麗的銀河,但這些都不是銀河系的全貌,而 僅是銀河系的一部分。銀河系總質量大約是太陽質量 的 6 千億至 3 兆倍,直徑約 10 萬光年。自古以來,氣 勢磅 礴 的銀河就是人們十分注意觀察和研究的物件。 古人不知道銀河是什麼,把銀河想像為天上的河流。
著名的神話故事牛郎織女鵲橋相會,這鵲橋就是鋪設 在這天河之上。 The Milky Way appears as a haze of light comprised of countless faint stars, hundreds of billions of bright stars and gases. In summer and winter, it takes on different appearances. In summer, the Milky Way is most majestic in the Northern Hemisphere. This is not the whole galaxy, only a part. The Milky Way’s total mass is from about 600 billion to 3 trillion times the mass of our sun, with a diameter of 100,000 light years. Since ancient times, people have observed and studied the Milky Way. The ancient Chinese imagined it as a river flowing in the heavens. There is a tale of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, banished to opposite sides of the Milky Way, who meet once a year when magpies form a bridge over this “heavenly river”.
第四屆 二等獎
二等獎 第四屆
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 6 月 27 日攝於四川省阿壩州松潘縣雪山梁。
使用 Canon 5D3 相機 + 16-35mm 鏡頭,35mm 焦距
Dated June 27, 2017 at Xueshanliang, located in Songpan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China. Canon 5D3 camera was used with
拍攝、光圈 f/2.8。天空部分 ISO 1600,曝光速度 61 秒,
16-35mm lens, 35mm focal length, f/2.8 aperture. For the sky, setting
拍攝 8 張。在拍攝中為了讓亮星更加明顯,使用柔光
ground level, setting was ISO 3200 with 20-sec exposure. Eight images
共拍攝 12 張;地面部分 ISO 3200,曝光速度 20 秒, 鏡,總計由 20 張拼接而成。
was ISO 1600. Exposure was 61 sec. Twelve images were taken. At were taken. To make the bright stars more obvious, flash diffuser was used. The resulting image was created from a montage of 20 images.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 41
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Juniper Tree and the Milky Way 陳茂元
玉山圓柏是高山上最高大的常綠針葉樹,而合歡 北峰的這棵玉山圓柏頗負盛名,每逢夏季都吸引 攝影愛好者上山拍攝圓柏與銀河。此次拍攝時正 好巧遇人造衛星經過,留下兩道軌跡。 The single-seed juniper is the largest evergreen conifer in Taiwan’s high mountains. This tree, located on the north peak of Hehuan Mountain, is very well known. Every summer, photographers come here to capture it against the backdrop of the Milky Way. It just so happened that while photographing, a satellite passed by, as evidenced by the streaks.
第四屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 8 月 19 日 17:41 攝 於 合 歡 北 峰。 使 用 Nikon
D610 相機 + Sigma 14mm 定焦鏡,f/2.2、曝光 25 秒, 微調亮度對比。
This photograph was taken on the north peak of Hehuan Mountain at 17:41 on August 19, 2017. Equipment included Nikon D610 camera + Sigma 14mm prime lens, f/2.2, exposure 25 sec, with fine turning of brightness and contrast.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 43
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Contrasting Clouds and Galaxy 陳朝宇
遠古的時代,人們已認出銀河、見過雲海,將大 自然的鬼斧神工視為神話,直至近代科技發展 才漸漸揭開它們的面紗。我們身處的太陽系只 是廣闊銀河系的一小部分,在星際塵埃遮蔽的 區域,依然有著數以千億計的恆星在閃爍。雲 海則由地上雲霧水氣聚集而成,由上往下俯瞰, 呈現如大海般起伏流動的景觀。站在合歡山主峰 仰望銀河、俯視雲海,看似距離相近的兩片海, 其實相隔著以光年計算的距離,永遠只能遠遠 相映著。
第五屆 佳作
Since ancient times, work of God has been a common description for amazing scenes in nature, such as the view of the Milky Way or a sea of clouds. However, the development of science and technology in modern times helps us to understand how and why they look like this. Our solar system is just a small part of the Milky Way. There are still hundreds of billions of shining stars blocked by the interstellar dust in dark regions. A sea of clouds is formed by the accumulation of clouds and vapor on the ground. This phenomenon, when viewed from above, looks very similar to the open ocean. Standing on the top of Mt. Hehuan’s main peak at night, the Milky Way can be seen above with a sea of clouds below, meeting at the skyline, although the stars are light years away from the clouds.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 9 月 2 日攝於臺灣合歡山。使用 Nikon D810 相 機 + 14 -24 毫米鏡頭,ISO 4000 + F/2.8 + 25 秒快門。
以 Lightroom、Photoshop 後製。
This image was obtained on Hehuan Mountain, Taiwan on September 2, 2018. Nikon D810 camera was used with 1424mm lens, under ISO 4000, F/2.8, and 25 sec shutter speed. Editing was carried out with Lightroom and Photoshop.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 45
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Eroded Milky Way 陳朝宇
天上難以數計的星辰,在人類眼中或許只是小小 的亮點,但神秘奧妙的宇宙,卻存在相當久遠, 是現代科技熱衷探索的對象。浩瀚的大海,同樣 隱藏著許多尚無人知的故事。漆黑的夜晚,面 對被海水侵蝕的海蝕溝,懷著謹慎與尊敬之心,
2018 年 9 月 12 日攝於花蓮石梯坪。使用 Nikon D810 相機 + 14-24 毫米鏡頭。ISO 3200 + F/2.8 + 25 秒快門。
以 Lightroom、Photoshop 後製。
This image was obtained in Shitiping, Hualien County
on September 12, 2018. Nikon D810 camera was used
with 14-24mm lens, under ISO 3200, F/2.8, and 25 sec
人類能更了解宇宙萬物,同時保有尊崇敬佩的 心。 Maybe those uncountable stars in the sky look like shiny dots to some people, but researchers have been very keen to study the mysterious universe from ancient to modern times. The same is true for the vast sea, which contains so many unknown stories. Let’s imagine standing in front of a sea groove, eroded by seawater, on a dark night. Every step is careful and respectful. The deep ocean and vast universe are both full of curiosity and imagination. I hope one day when you are facing them that you will remember the sea groove that night and those steps you took.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
第五屆 佳作
shutter speed. Editing was carried out with Lightroom and Photoshop.
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Jiaoshan Star Trails 王金磊
利用攝影的手法,讓古老的長城和星軌結合。星軌是 因為地球自轉所見亮星在天空運動的視覺軌跡,恆星 仿似以圓形軌跡繞行地球,旋轉一周約需 23 小時 56 分鐘,最終回到最初的位置,這個週期稱為恆星日。 如果抬頭仰望天空中的恆星,會發現它們在夜空中移
用 Nikon D610 相 機 + 24-85mm 鏡 頭,
光圈 f/5、快門速度 1521 秒、感光度 ISO 250、焦距 24mm,調整對比明暗和飽和
Taken at Jiaoshan Great Wall, Shanhaiguan,
Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China.
動 15 度。星軌其實是圓弧或者部分的圓,隨著時光
24-85mm lens, aperture f/5, shutter speed
的流逝,永不停歇地轉圈移動。 Special photography methods were used to create this image of the Great Wall and star trails, which are the trajectories of the apparent motion of bright stars in the night sky due to Earth’s rotation. These stars appear to orbit the earth. After 23 hours and 56 minutes, the time needed to complete one rotation, the stars appear again in the same position in the sky. This is referred to as sidereal day. If you stare at the stars, you will see them move across the sky. Those near the poles produce the smallest circles, while those near the equator produce the largest. Stars are like the sun in that they first appear in the east and move westward about 15 degrees every hour. Star trails form an arc or a partial circle over time.
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第四屆 佳作
Equipment included Nikon D610 camera + 1521 sec, ISO 250, focal length 24mm. There was fine tuning of contrast, shading and saturation.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 49
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
M27 啞鈴星雲 M27 Dumbbell Nebula 陳麒瑞
M27 啞鈴星雲是行星狀星雲,紅色光主要來自 氫的發射譜線(H alpha),藍綠色的光,來自雙 電離氧離子的發射譜線(OIII)。其中 OIII 這條 譜線是發生機率非常低的能階跳躍譜線,難以
2017 年 8 月 13 日攝於鹿林天文臺。使用鹿林一米望遠
鏡,直徑 1000 毫米,焦距 8000 毫米,U42 2048 x 2048 R 相 機, 濾 鏡 曝 光 60s x 10 B。 以 RBB as RGB(like
HOO) 、Maxim DL、Photoshop 軟體後製。
Taken on August 13, 2017 at the Lulin Observatory with
20 分鐘再加以合成,達到小望遠鏡數十小時累
one-meter reflector of 1000mm in diameter. Focal distance
積曝光該有的效果。 M27 Dumbell Nebula is a planetary nebula. The red light is produced by the emission spectrum of hydrogen (H alpha). The bluish green light is produced by the emission spectrum of doubly ionized oxygen (O III). The O III spectrum has a very low probability of energy level transition, making it very difficult to replicate in a laboratory on Earth but can be found in diffuse and planetary nebulae. This image was obtained using a broadband filter. Exposure time was set at 20 min to achieve what would have required dozens of hours of accumulated exposure using a small telescope.
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was 8000mm, U42 2048 x 2048 R camera, filter exposure 60 sec x 10 B. Editing was carried out with RBB as RGB (like HOO) Maxim DL and Photoshop.
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
International Space Station and the Moon 顏鴻選
離地面 400 公里的軌道高度,讓史上最大的人 造天體,只剩下人眼分辨力極限的大小。原以 為會忽略它,卻在飛越過地球與月球之間發現, 原來還是那麼大!從地面目視的視角,看見該 天象的範圍只有幾公里寬,通常須橫越幾個縣 市才能看見;若要看清枝微末節,請使用口徑 大的望遠鏡。對天文觀測來說,口徑一直是王 道。國際太空站為了維持軌道高度,必須以每 1.5 小時環繞地球一周的高速飛行。忙了大半 天,最終的決戰時刻僅有 0.5 秒。
第五屆 佳作
The largest habitable artificial satellite in human history is in low earth orbit at about 400km in altitude. Its size should be just discernible to the naked eye on the earth and easily missed. However, when I discovered it passing between the earth and the moon, I had no idea it was so huge! Viewed from the earth, it appears only a few kilometers away. Usually it requires traveling over several counties and cities to see. To observe it more clearly, it is best to use a large caliber telescope. For astronomical observations, caliber is always very important. To maintain its orbit, the International Space Station must circle the earth once every 1.5 hours. After busily preparing for most of the day, this scene lasted for about 0.5 sec.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 3 月 25 日 18 點 6 分 39 秒攝於緯度 22.7866,經度 120.3031。使 用 Takahashi TOA-130 望 遠 鏡 + Canon EOS
This image was captured at 18:06:39 on March 25, 2018. GPS coordinates were 22.7866, 120.3031. Takahashi TOA-
6D 相機,ISO 800 + 1/2000,4.5fps 連拍,Vixen SXP 赤道
130 telescope and Canon EOS 6D camera were used, under
SXP equatorial mount was used for free tracking. Brightness
ISO-800, 1/2000, and 4.5fps for continuous shooting. Vixen was increased by superimposing the paths of the International Space Station.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 53
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
White Tower and Solar Halo 楊友利
四川省松潘縣岷江鄉的龍安堂,是座藏傳佛教的 廟宇。高大的白塔上空,太陽的周圍出現了一圈 完整的日暈,就似白塔上的佛光一般,令人感到 神聖無比。日暈,又叫圓虹,是日光通過捲層雲 時,受到冰晶的折射或反射,分散成不同方向的 各色光。日暈半徑的視角一般是 22 度和 46 度, 人們通常可以用肉眼觀察到日暈現象。雲層中冰 晶含量越大,光環也就越顯著;反之則無法形成 日暈,或者即使形成,也無法在地面上清楚地觀 察到這一現象。日暈多出現在春夏季節,俗諺云 「日暈三更雨,月暈午時風」,意思是若出現日 暈的話,夜半三更將有雨;若出現月暈,則次日 中午會颳風。日暈在一定程度上成為天氣變化的 一種前兆,出現日暈則天氣有可能轉陰或下雨。
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 8 月 22 日攝於四川省阿壩州松潘縣岷江鄉龍安
堂。使用 Canon 5D3 相機 + 21-105mm 鏡頭,24mm 拍
攝、光圈 f/11、曝光速度 1/1250,以 4 張照片拼接而成。
Longan is a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Minjiang Township, Songpan County, Sichuan Province, China. Its main feature is a white tower. Just above it appeared a solar halo, which looked like a flammule, creating a sense of the divine. Solar halos are also called full-circle rainbows and are caused by sunlight penetrating cirrus cloud layer, which is then refracted or reflected by ice crystals in the atmosphere and scattered. The angle of radius is generally 22° or 46°. Most solar halos are visible to the naked eye. The more ice crystals there are in the cloud layer, the more obvious the halo. Otherwise, it may not be possible for a halo to form or to be observed from the ground. Solar halos are more common in spring and summer. There is an old Chinese saying that if there is a solar halo, it will rain during the night and if there is a lunar halo, a typhoon will hit the following afternoon. Solar halos are a sign of weather change, such as impending clouds or rain.
Taken at Longan Temple in Minjiang Township, Songpan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China on August 22, 2017. Equipment included Canon 5D3 camera + 21105mm lens. It was shot at 24mm, with aperture f/11 and shutter speed 1/1250. This image is comprised of four different photographs.
第四屆 佳作
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Prominence and Bailey’s Beads 張玉文
2017 年,世界各地天文同好蜂擁至美國觀測日 全食。日全食中有許多難得一見的奇景,像是日 珥與倍里珠。本作品於全食中生光時的連續拍 攝,由 3 張影像疊合而成,每張間隔 2 秒。除 了清晰與立體的大日珥之外,還觀察到隨著時間 變化一一浮現、大小不一的倍里珠,以及月球邊
2017 年 8 月 21 日攝於美國懷俄明州道格拉斯。由左至
右拍攝時間:上午 11:46:44、11:46:46、11:46:48。使用 Vixen ED81SII 望遠鏡 + Canon 50D 相機 + 81 毫米口徑 + Vixen GPD2 赤道儀 + 7.7 焦比。拍攝參數:左和中 ISO
100 + 1/1600;右 ISO 100 + 1/3200。拍攝時使用日食排
程軟體 Eclipse Orchestrator,以 Photoshop 後製。
Images were obtained in Douglas, Wyoming on August
In 2017, astronomy enthusiasts from all over the world converged on the US to view a total solar eclipse. This image was obtained by continuously photographing. Three images were superimposed to form one image, with two seconds between each frame. In addition to the threedimensional prominence, it is possible to observe Bailey’s beads of different sizes, as well as the rugged terrain along the periphery of the moon. Although the solar eclipse lasted only two and a half minutes, it was so magnificent that I have not been able to forget it.
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21, 2017. From left to right, they were taken at 11:46:44, 11:46:46, and 11:46:48, respectively. Vixen ED81SII telescope + Canon 50D camera + 81mm caliber + Vixen GPD2 equatorial mount were used, with 7.7 focal ratio. Settings: left and center, ISO 100 + 1/1600; right, ISO 100 + 1/3200. Eclipse Orchestrator was used to photograph during the eclipse and Photoshop to edit.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 57
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Corona During Total Solar Eclipse 張玉文
日冕位於太陽大氣的最外層,只有在日全食時, 可以在不藉外物遮擋的狀況下,以肉眼觀測到, 形狀隨太陽活動大小而變化。日冕分為內日冕和 外日冕,外日冕最遠可達 2.3 倍太陽半徑以上, 超過幾百萬公里。因為從內到外,光度差異甚 大,可使用多種不同曝光值,捕捉不同高度與亮 度的日冕,疊合成高動態範圍照片。此作品以 10 種不同曝光值,疊合 40 張照片而成。曝光時 間從 1/200 秒到 2.5 秒,每次增加一級曝光,共 跑 4 次循環。對角線形狀的日冕,是一生難忘 的壯麗景色。
第五屆 佳作
The corona is the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere and can be seen without special instruments during a total solar eclipse. It changes depending on the intensity of the sun’s activity. Divided into an internal corona and an external corona, the latter can reach a radius 2.3 times larger than that of the sun or several million kilometers. There is large variation in brightness from inside to outside. Different exposure values can capture coronas at different altitudes and of different brightness with superimposing of images. This work is the result of 10 different exposure values and 40 superimposed images. Exposure times were 1/200 sec to 2.5 sec. Each time, exposure was increased for a total of four cycles. This oblique corona was an unforgettable sight.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 8 月 21 日攝於美國懷俄明州道格拉斯。拍攝時間:
上午 11:44:46 ~11:46:18。ISO 100 + 1/200 x 4 + 1/100 x 4 +
A total solar eclipse was photographed in Douglas, Wyoming on August 21, 2017 from 11:44:46 to 11:46:18. ISO 100 +
1/50 x 4 + 1/25 x 4 + 1/13 x 4 + 1/6 x 4 + 1/3 x 4 + 0.6sec x 4 +
1/200 x 4 + 1/100 x 4 + 1/50 x 4 + 1/25 x 4 + 1/13 x 4 + 1/6 x
遠鏡 + Canon 50D 相機 + 81 毫米鏡頭 + Vixen GPD2 赤道儀,
of 40 images. Vixen ED81SII telescope + Canon 50D camera +
1.3sec x 4 + 2.5sec x 4,共 40 張照片。使用 Vixen ED81SII 望
7.7 焦比。拍攝中使用日食排程軟體 Eclipse Orchestrator, 以放射狀模糊方式疊合成高動態範圍圖。
4 + 1/3 x 4 + 0.6 sec x 4 + 1.3 sec x 4 + 2.5 sec x 4, for a total 81mm lens + Vixen GPD2 equatorial mount were used, with 7.7 focal ratio. Eclipse Orchestrator was used for photographing during the eclipse and radial blur method for high dynamic range imaging.
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 59
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Sudden Storm 徐哲
第一次到桂林,在日落時分登上疊彩山,不料 風雲突變,親眼目睹氣旋風暴的形成,大自然 創造的奇蹟是如此的震撼!正在欣賞的時候, 暴風雨朝著我所在的方向襲來,瞬間狂風暴雨, 山頂亦無處可藏,連疊彩山頂的避雷針都被狂 風颳倒,砸在離我 3 公尺遠的地方,十分驚險, 讓我親身感受到暴風雨的威力。忽遇一陣暴風 雨,天空霎時分兩極。雨從斗中傾盆落下,匯 入灕江向南去。 The first time I visited Guilin, I climbed Diecai Hill at sunset. Suddenly, this storm formed in front of my eyes, a magnificent natural wonder! As I was watching, the storm began moving toward me. In an instant there was howling wind and heavy rain. There was no place to take cover on Diecai Hill. The lightning rod at the summit was blown over by the wind, landing about three meters from me. It was dangerous, but thrilling, as I experienced this storm’s power firsthand. After a short time, it developed into this funnel shape from which rain fell in a downpour from the center. It then moved southward along Li River.
第四屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 6 月 8 日攝於廣西省桂林市疊彩山,山頂近避雷針 右側的護欄處。拍攝方向朝南,原攜帶單眼相機到山頂等待
Taken facing southward from behind a guardrail to the right of the lightning rod on Diecai Hill in Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region, China on June 8, 2017. I had brought
景模式記錄下了這個壯觀時刻。以 I PHONE 7 手機拍攝,
this storm appeared. As the storm was large and close, it was
手機軟體 jpg 直接輸出。全景照片解析度 9067 ( 寬 ) x 3587
( 高 )。
a single-lens reflex camera to photograph the sunset when difficult to fit it into the frame. I took out my cell phone (iPhone 7) and used panorama mode to record this magnificent scene. Then, I exported the jpg files using an app. The resolution of this panoramic image is 9067 (width) x 3587 (height).
天文與氣象 Astronomy and Meteorology 61
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Spring Lightning Over Jiapeng 程周平
春日夜晚大雨前閃電的壯觀景象。雷雲(帶電的 雲層)對建築物及大地的自然放電引起雷電,天 氣悶熱潮濕時,地面的水受熱變為蒸汽,並且隨 地面的受熱空氣而上升,在空中與冷空氣相遇, 使上升的水蒸汽凝結成小水滴,形成積雲。雲中 水滴受強烈氣流吹襲,分裂為小水滴和大水滴。
2018 年 3 月 25 日攝於安徽省宣城市家朋鄉山區。使用 Nikon D4S 相機 + 14-24 毫米超廣角鏡頭,選擇閃電的夜 晚拍攝,後期稍微改變色溫,使照片呈現漂亮的藍調, 更增添神秘感。
This image was captured on March 25, 2018 in the
mountains of Jiapeng Township, Xuancheng City, Anhui
Province, China. Nikon D4S camera and 14-24mm ultra
雲與大地間形成了一個大的電容器。當電場強度 很大,超過大氣的擊穿強度時,即發生了雷雲與 大地間的放電,就是一般所說的雷電。 On a spring night, thunderclouds (cloud layer that carries an electrical charge) and lightning appear. When it is warm and muggy, steam and hot air from the ground rise to encounter cold air. Water drops and, subsequently, cumulus form. The water drops in cumulus are subjected to strong air currents and separate into large and small drops. Negative charge accumulates at the bottom of cumulus or thunderclouds. Due to electrostatic induction, there is reaction with positive charge on the earth’s surface and the formation of a large capacitor. When electric field intensity surpasses electrical breakdown strength, electricity is discharged, creating thunder and lightning.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
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wide-angle lens were used. A night with thunder and lightning was chosen. Later, there was slight adjustment of color temperature to enhance the beautiful blue hues of this image and its sense of mystery.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Dancing Spirits 1
來自太陽的帶電粒子到達地球附近時,地球磁 場會迫使部分帶電粒子沿著磁場運行。地球磁 線南北兩極附近較集中,當大量帶電粒子進入 地球極地高層大氣時,會碰撞激發高層大氣中 的氮原子和氧原子,產生瞬間的原子能階躍遷, 出現巨觀的紅色和綠色光譜,就是所謂的極光。 北美洲的印地安人稱「舞動的精靈」,中世紀 的歐洲人,視極光為來自神的召喚。綠色極光 較常見,紅色極光只有在太陽活動強烈的情況 下才能看見。 When charged particles from the sun come close to the earth, the earth’s magnetic field forces some of them to move along the earth’s field lines and accumulate at the poles. When large numbers of these charged particles enter the upper atmosphere, they collide and cause energy level transitions of nitrogen and oxygen, producing red and green light, known as auroras. In indigenous cultures of North America, they are considered “dancing spirits”. In medieval Europe, people believed that auroras were a calling from God. Green light is more common. Red auroras are visible only under more intense solar activity.
2 3
技術說明 Technical Introduction
圖 1:2018 年 4 月 7 日攝於加拿大。使用 Canon EOS 5D MarkIII 機身 + 16-35 毫米鏡頭(16 毫米端),ISO
3200 + F/2.8 + 8 秒快門。一曝完成,地景搖黑卡遮光 6 秒。
圖 2:2016 年 11 月 2 日攝於冰島。使用 Canon EOS 5D
MarkIII 機身 + 16-35 毫米鏡頭(18 毫米端),ISO
3200 + F/2.8 + 10 秒。一曝完成,地景搖黑卡遮光 9 秒。
圖 3:2018 年 4 月 7 日攝於加拿大。使用 Canon EOS 5D MarkIII 機身 + 16-35 毫米鏡頭(16 毫米端),ISO
4000 + F/2.8 + 4 秒。一曝完成,地景搖黑卡遮光 3 秒。 後製降噪訊,做亮度對比的基本調校。
Image 1: Taken on April 7, 2018 in Canada. Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera body + 16-35mm lens (16mm end) were used, under ISO 3200 + F/2.8 + 8 sec shutter speed. Black Card was applied for 6 sec. Image 2: Taken on November 2, 2016 in Iceland. Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera body + 16-35mm lens (18mm end) were used, under ISO3200 + F/2.8 + 10 sec shutter speed. Black Card was applied for 9 sec. Image 3: Taken on April 7, 2018 in Canada. Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera body + 16-35mm lens (16mm end) were used, under ISO 4000 + F/2.8 + 4 sec shutter speed. Black Card was applied for 3 sec. Noise reduction and basic adjustments of brightness and contrast were carried out.
第五屆 佳作
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Geology and Minerals
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Night View of Shitiping 陳朝宇
由安山礫石組成的石梯坪,含有鐵質的夾層,氧化 後呈現紅褐色。白天看白紅相間,為受海水侵蝕的 單面山。黑夜寧靜之時,更能體會大自然的奧妙。 少了白天遊客的喧鬧,耳邊只剩下強勁的海風與海 浪拍打岩石譜出的交響曲,震魂動魄。陣風吹來,
2018 年 9 月 12 日 攝 於 花 蓮 石 梯 坪。 使 用 Nikon D810 相機 + 14-24 毫米鏡頭。ISO 3200 + F/2.8 + 25 秒快門。以 Lightroom、Photoshop 後製。
This image was obtained at Shitiping, Hualien County
on September 12, 2018. Nikon D810 camera and 14-
24mm lens were used, under ISO 3200, F/2.8, and
燦爛,更叫人無法忘卻花東的自然之美。 Shitiping was formed from andesite gravel and beds of iron that are reddish brown due to oxidation. During the day, red and white appear to alternate with the formation of a cuesta due to erosion by the sea. At night, it is dark and quiet, making it possible to experience the mysteries of nature in silence, without crowds of tourists. The only sounds are the sea breezes and the waves striking against the rocks. It is an amazing symphony. Strong winds bring with them the moisture and saltiness of the sea. Without any light pollution, there is vast starry sky. This is something that is not seen in the city and makes it impossible to forget the natural beauty of eastern Taiwan.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
第五屆 佳作
25 sec shutter speed. Editing was carried out with Lightroom and Photoshop.
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
The Beauty of Salt Flats 蘇經堯
出現奇特景觀的廢棄鹽灘地,必須有形成要件,如 果海水太多,就只是一池水。鹽灘內海水太少,則 只見乾涸龜裂,要有適量的海水,加上久旱不雨、 日照強,才有出現奇景的可能!廢鹽灘內的海水蒸 發後,變成高濃度的滷水,在陽光照射下將整片海 水染成紅褐色,與結晶出來的白色鹽岸邊,形成奇 特景觀,不規則圖形,形成美麗的構圖。 These images are of an abandoned salt flat. Several conditions are needed to form a salt flat. There must be just the right amount of seawater. If too much, it becomes a pond. If not enough, it becomes dry and cracked. Moreover, there must be strong sunlight and no rain. As the seawater evaporates, what remains is highly concentrated brine solution. Under the sun’s rays, the entire area appears to have been dyed reddish brown. Salt has formed along the shore creating this distinctive landscape and beautiful pattern.
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 6 月 2 日 攝 於 臺 南 市 七 股 區 頂 山。 使 用
Nikon D700 相機 + AF-S 16-35 毫米 F4 VR 偏光鏡。 後製拉曲線、增加飽和度。
These images were taken in the Dingshan area of Qigu District, Tainan City on June 2, 2018, using Nikon D700 camera and AF-S 16-35mm F4 VR polariscope. Adjustment of curves and saturation was carried out.
地質與礦物 Geology and Minerals 71
Physics and Chemistry
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
A Peaceful Place 薛涵宇 陳郁婷 蔡松祐
地球的萬物起源於藍海深處,聽說嬰兒在母親的 羊水中看到的是暖暖的藍。顯微鏡下,聚合物錯 綜複雜的紋路,在有機溶劑中呈現璀璨的藍,彷 彿帶領觀察者進入內心平靜深處,傾聽那遙遠的 初始。 The source of all life on the earth is the deep blue sea. I have heard that a fetus can see warm blue hues in amniotic fluid, while in its mother’s womb. Under the microscope are shown bright blue intricate patterns of a polymer in organic solvent. This image seems to draw viewers to a peaceful place where they experience distant origins.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 6 月 15 日攝於中興大學材料科學與工程學系。嵌段共聚物, 聚苯乙烯 - 聚二乙烯基吡啶嵌段物(PS-P2VP),在適當溶劑的浸潤
下,因膨潤現象形成規則的孔隙,可見光穿過樣品週期性結構時,因 結構孔隙的大小排列,產生光子晶體效應,散發出絢麗靛藍色澤。使 用光學顯微鏡和數位相機拍照,修改對比和明暗。
These images were obtained at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, on June 15, 2017. Block copolymer, polystyrene-poly-2-vinylpyridine (PS-P2VP), was soaked in solvent. Swelling resulted in the neat arrangement of pores. When visible light penetrated the period structure, due to the arrangement of pores of different sizes, photonic crystal effect and brilliant blue luster were produced. Light microscope and digital camera were used followed by adjustment of contrast and shading.
第四屆 佳作
物理與化學 Physics and Chemistry 75
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Booklouse and Rainbow Sugar Crystals 蔡佳展
顯微鏡下觀察蔗糖析晶的過程。滴下糖液隔日, 一隻書蝨跑來吸取糖液,卻被糖液黏住,無法離 去。第 10 日,書蝨都還有明顯的吸吮糖液動作, 也有排泄。第 12 日,書蝨已無明顯動作。隔日 糖蝨化為晶核,放置多日的糖液,遂開始析晶。 偏光下的糖晶,產生光線干涉,形成美麗的虹彩 色,仿若由仙逝書蝨化成的晶核,藉由糖晶散發
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 8 月 26 日攝於臺北市大安區自家書桌前。先取 2~3 克臺 糖特砂顆粒放入容器,加水溶解後,用滴管吸取一滴糖液,滴於
玻片上,等待結晶。12 日後開始析晶,使用 Scimage 手機顯微 鏡加上手機,以偏光、穿透光及金相的方式觀察拍攝。
圖 1:偏光顯微鏡下,糖晶呈現虹彩,化為晶核的書蝨在右下一角。 圖 2:光線略斜的穿透光顯微鏡觀察,化為晶核的書蝨與析晶中 的糖晶。
圖 3:以金相照明,加高倍率觀察書蝨。金相照明下,糖晶只剩
出巨大的能量。 I wanted to observe the crystallization of sucrose under a microscope. I placed some sugar solution on a slide and found a booklouse feeding on it the next day. It eventually became stuck in the solution. On day 10, the booklouse was clearly feeding on the sugar solution and excreting. On day 12, there was no obvious movement. The following day, it had become part of a sugar crystal. The sugar solution crystallized after many days. Under polarized light, beautiful rainbow colors were produced due to interference. It was as if the booklouse had released some great power as it was taken over by a sugar crystal.
晶體邊角略有輪廓,書蝨則尤其鮮明,突出唇基與絲狀觸 角特徵格外明顯。
These images were taken at home in Daan District, Taipei City on August 26, 2018. I placed 2-3 grams of white granulated sugar in a container and added water to dissolve. I used a dropper to obtain one drop of the solution, which I placed on a microscope slide. Crystallization began 12 days later. I used Scimage Smartphone Microscope and smartphone. Image 1: Under polarizing microscope, sugar crystals appear rainbow colored. Booklouse is in lower right corner. Image 2: Under transmitted light microscope, sugar crystal with booklouse is shown.
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Image 3: Using metallography microscopy, booklouse is observed
at high magnification. Only the contours of the side of the crystal remain and mouthparts and filiform antennae are clear.
第五屆 佳作
物理與化學 Physics and Chemistry 77
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Enzyme Bubbles Under Super Macro Lens 鄭焜龍
鳳梨酵素經過激烈搖晃後,產生非球型(近扁平 狀)且形狀多變的泡沫、泡泡之間相隔管狀的氣 管,作為輸送空氣之用。透過超微距鏡頭觀察, 可見微小的空氣泡泡,在很小很精緻的透明管中 (約 0.02 毫米)移動,大泡沫經由透明氣管抽 光小泡沫的空氣,直到小泡沫縮小消失為止。
第五屆 佳作
When a bromelain mixture is violently shaken, nonspherical (nearly flat) bubbles of varying shapes are produced. The tube-like structures between the bubbles are used to transport air. Using a super macro lens, it is possible to see tiny air bubbles moving inside the very small, fine and transparent tubes (approximately 0.2mm). The larger bubbles draw air from the smaller bubbles in the tubes until all the smaller bubbles have shrunk and disappeared.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於嘉義縣民雄鄉。使用 65 毫米超微距鏡頭(5:1)+ 兩支
閃光燈 + 腳架 + 快門線,ISO 640 + F/7 + 1/200。
These images were obtained in Minxiong Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan, with 65mm super macro lens (5:1), two flash units, tripod, and shutter release, under ISO 640, F/7, and 1/200.
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Underwater and Marine Life
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Sailing on the Sea: By-the-Wind Sailors 陳翎
隨風漂流的風帆水母,分類上屬於刺絲胞動物門 水螅蟲綱。有時因為牠們無法控制走向,而受風 吹擱淺在海岸。從上方俯看漂浮於海平面的水 母,深藍的體色與周圍海水形成了保護色,同時
優選 第五屆
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2014 年 3 月 23 日、2018 年 7 月 21 日,攝於新北市貢
寮區馬崗。使用 Nikon D7000 相機拍攝海中的風帆水母; Olympus TG-850 相機拍攝擱淺在岩石上的風帆水母。
具防曬的效果。風帆水母倘佯於海中,像是一枚 濃縮的海洋。
These images were taken on March 23, 2014 and July 21, 2018 at Magang, Gongliao District of New Taipei City. Nikon D7000 camera was used to photograph a by-the-
By-the-wind sailors (Velella velella) belong to the class Hydrozoa and the phylum Cnidaria. As the name suggests, they are driven by the wind and drift on the water’s surface. Since they are not able to steer, they are sometimes winddriven onshore and end up stranded. Looking from above, their bright blue color serves as camouflage but also blocks the sun’s rays. These little sailors appear just like a condensed ocean floating on the sea.
第五屆 廣達青少年特別獎
wind sailor on the sea surface and Olympus TG-850 camera was used to photograph a stranded colony on a rock.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Little Green Gulper 薛福源
海蛞蝓居住的地方相當多元,但總不離其食物來源,哪邊有吃 的就往哪邊去。這種直接住在香蕉藻裡的肯果柱狀海天牛,鑽 進香蕉藻裡,吸食細胞液、收集在藻壁的葉綠體,並儲存在自 己身上,用來產生能量,所以身體也呈現綠色。在觀察海底的 時候,多注意藻類生長的地方就會發現很多驚喜。 Sea slugs live in diverse habitats but never far from their food source. They go wherever there is food. The sacoglossan sea slug Ercolania kencolesi has burrowed its way into the algae Boregesenia forbesii, where it feeds on cell sap. This animal collects and stores chloroplasts from the algae in its body for producing energy. Thus, this sea slug appears green. When observing the sea floor, pay attention to places where algae grows, as there might be surprises.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 6 月 30 日夜潛攝於綠島。使用 Olympus TG5 相機,ISO 100 +
F/4.9 + 1/80,手持光源,裁剪邊框。
This image was taken on June 30, 2018 during a night dive off Green Island. Olympus TG5 camera was used with handheld light source. ISO 100 + F/4.9 + 1/80. Cropping was carried out to adjust the margins.
第五屆 佳作
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Crinoid Love 吳允翔
巨翅美羽枝在分類上屬於棘皮動物門、海百合 綱,俗名「海羊齒」。在海中呈暗褐色,唯有在 燈光或陽光下才可還原其鮮豔的紅色。巨翅美羽 枝在臺灣分佈於恆春半島、蘭嶼、綠島和小琉球 等海域,喜歡棲息在海流經過的石珊瑚和岩石表 面。第一次被海百合吸引是在海裡驚見一株酷似 愛心的個體(如圖 1),彷彿在提醒著大家要好 好愛護這片海洋。每次潛水,牠們總是以不同的
The feather star Himerometra magnipinna belongs to the phylum Echinodermata and class Crinoidea. In the water, it appears dark brown. Illuminated by strobes or sunlight, it reveals its original bright red color. In Taiwan, this feather star is distributed in waters off the Hengchun Peninsula, Lanyu (Orchid Island), Green Island and Xiao Liuqiu. It prefers reef corals or rock surfaces with passing flows. The first time I noticed this crinoid was when I saw what appeared to be a heart shape (Image 1). It was as if reminding people to love and cherish the ocean. Every time I go diving, this crinoid welcomes me with different poses, appearing free and unrestrained.
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技術說明 Technical Introduction
圖 1:2017 年 10 月 9 日攝於蘭嶼,F/2.8 + 1/60。
Image 1: Taken on October 9, 2017 in the waters off Lanyu
圖 3:2018 年 7 月 22 日 攝 於 綠 島,F/5 + 1/100 秒 快 門。
Image 2: Taken on August 31, 2018 in the waters off Green
圖 2:2018 年 8 月 31 日攝於綠島,F/5 + 1/100。
使用 Olympus TG5 相機 + UFL3 閃光燈,ISO 200。 後製調整亮度及對比。
(Orchid Island), F/2.8 + 1/60. Island, F/5 + 1/100. Image 3: Taken on July 22, 2018 in the waters off Green Island, F/5 + 1/100 sec shutter speed. Olympus TG camera and UFL3 flash were used under ISO 200. There was adjustment of brightness and contrast.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Roadkill Under the Sea 余慧盈
章魚是自然界的偽裝和脫逃大師。常見章魚快速 變色隱匿於背景之中,或擠身於狹窄的洞穴隙縫 裡,然這樣的偽裝和脫逃方式,在一望無際的沙 地上卻無用武之地!由於章魚的挖洞鑽沙能力不 怎麼好,住在沙地的不同種類章魚,不約而同地 發展出特殊的躲藏方式:趕快貼平在沙上(以 為)你看不到,看起來就像是被輪胎壓過的動物 屍體,讓我不禁想起了陸上常見的「路殺」。 Octopuses are Nature’s camouflage and escape experts. They can quickly change color to blend in with their surroundings or squeeze into narrow caverns or cracks. However, such abilities are useless on flat, sandy bottoms. Since octopuses are not very adept at burrowing in the sand, species on sandy bottoms have coincidentally developed similar hiding strategies. They quickly flatten themselves, so that (they believe) they are difficult to be seen. In this state, they resemble an animal that has been run over by a vehicle on land, which made me think of “roadkill”.
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 8 月 13-14 日 攝 於 印 尼 藍 碧 海 峽(Lambeh Strait, Indonesia)。 使 用 Panasonic GX85 相 機 + 60 毫 米 macro
lens+ 防水殼 + 兩顆水下閃燈。水肺潛水取得畫面,經後製。
These images were captured while scuba diving in the Lambeh Strait, Indonesia on August 13-14, 2018. Panasonic GX85 camera, 60mm macro lens, underwater camera case and two underwater strobes were used, followed by editing.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Nighttime Attack 張嘉麒
軟絲(萊氏擬烏賊)是東北角常見的生物。夜裡 變化多端的顏色非常漂亮,碰巧遇見了一隻正在 獵食的軟絲,捕捉到突然衝向獵物,咬著䲁魚的
2017 年 8 月 12 日攝於臺灣東北角。使用 Nikon D810 相 機 + 105 毫米鏡頭 + INON Z-240 閃燈。ISO 200 + F/16 +
Big fin reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) are common in
Captured off the coast of northeastern Taiwan on August
the waters off northeastern Taiwan. At night, they display quick color changes. I found one that was hunting. It suddenly rushed towards a blenny and grabbed it in a spectacular scene.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
第五屆 佳作
12, 2017, using Nikon D810 camera, 105mm lens and INON Z-240 flash. ISO-200 + F/16 + 1/320. There was adjustment of white balance, brightness and definition, with removal of smudges and cropping.
水下與海洋 Underwater and Marine Life 91
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Deep Sea Reaper : Abralia renschi 李坤瑄
鉤腕魷是一群較小型的魷魚類,白天時會棲息在數百公尺的深海, 晚上則會搭著湧升流到淺海來捕食獵物。身上具有一些深海中層動 物的特徵:巨大的眼睛、透明的身體、四散分布的發光器與腕足上 特化為鉤狀的吸盤環!互補色處理的方式,可以更清楚地看出身上 的色素胞與發光器的分布位置。 The genus Abralia includes species of squid of relatively small size. During the day, they stay in deep sea at several hundred meters. At night, they ascend to shallow water to forage. They possess several characteristics of deep-sea animals: large eyes, transparent body, luminous organs and hook-like sucker rings on their tentacles. Using complementary color processing method, the distribution of chromatophores and luminous organs are better displayed.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 5 月 9 日攝於國立自然科學博物館生物學組。使用 Nikon D5000 相機 +
AF-S Micro 60 毫米 + RAYNOX CM-3500 Micro Explorer 微距攝影鏡頭拍攝。 圖 1:Abralia renschi 倫氏鉤腕魷標本,互補色(底片)處理。
圖 2:Abralia renschi 倫氏鉤腕魷觸腕穗上的鉤狀吸盤環。
圖 3:Abralia renschi 倫氏鉤腕魷觸腕穗上的鉤狀吸盤環和一般吸盤。 These images were obtained in the Biology Department, National Museum of Natural Science on May 9, 2018. Nikon D5000 camera, AF-S Micro 60mm, and RAYNOX CM-3500 Micro Explorer macro lens were used. Image 1: Abralia renschi specimen, complementary color (negative) processing. Image 2: Hook-like sucker rings on the tentacular club of Abralia renschi. Image 3: Normal and hook-like suckers on a tentacular club.
第五屆 佳作
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
In a Bed of Bubbles 張嘉麒
小丑魚幼期,只要看到外面有威脅,就會躲入奶 嘴海葵裡。剛好捕捉到牠一進一出,只露出顆頭 的可愛模樣。 A juvenile clownfish hides among a cluster of bubble-tip anemones when threatened. I managed to capture it with only its head poking out, which was an adorable scene.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 7 月 23 日攝於臺灣東北角。使用 Nikon D810 相 機 + 105 毫米鏡頭 + INON Z-240 閃燈。ISO 250 + F/20 + 1/320。後製調整白平衡、銳利化、鮮豔化、去髒點。
This image was captured along Taiwan’s northeastern coast on July 23, 2017. Nikon D810 camera, 105mm lens, and INON Z-240 flash were used, under ISO 250, F/20, and 1/320. Adjustments of white balance, definition and color were carried out. In addition, dust spots were removed.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Perfect Match 吳允翔
雖然海葵有會分泌毒液的有刺觸手,但因小丑魚 身體表面會分泌特別的黏液,使海葵觸手的刺絲 胞不會被觸發,遂成為保護小丑魚不受天敵攻擊 的守護神。居住在海葵間的小丑魚,除了會趕走
技術說明 Technical Introduction
圖 1:2018 年 7 月 21 日攝於綠島。ISO 200 + F/3.5 + 1/125。 圖 2:2018 年 7 月 21 日攝於綠島,ISO 100 + F/2.8 + 1/200。 圖 3:2017 年 10 月 9 日攝於蘭嶼,ISO 200 + F/5 + 1/100。 使用 Olympus TG5 相機 + UFL3 閃光燈。後製調整亮
擊,而成為宿主海葵的食物,回家讓海葵免費享 用。小丑魚也會移除海葵身上的寄生蟲、壞死組
Image 1: Taken in the waters off Green Island on July 21, 2018.
ISO-200 + F/3.5 + 1/125.
Image 2: Taken in the waters off Green Island on July 21, 2018.
Stinging tentacles of sea anemones are armed with nematocysts that contain toxins. Mucus secreted by clownfish covers its entire body and keeps the nematocysts calm so that the fish are well protected from predators among host tentacles. In return, the fish symbionts drive away natural enemies of anemones and lure prey for their hosts. Clownfish also remove parasites, dead tissue and debris from anemones. Such mutualistic symbiosis makes anemones and clownfish the perfect underwater match.
Image 3: Taken in the waters off Lanyu (Orchid Island) on October
ISO-100 + F/2.8 + 1/200.
96 第五屆 佳作
9, 2017. ISO-200 + F/5 +1/100. Olympus TG5 camera and UFL3 flash were used. Adjustment of brightness and contrast was carried out.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Defensive Vomiting by Frogfish 陳楊文 陳鯨
裸躄魚為一種底棲、會用胸鰭行走的魚,體色常 擬態海藻或海綿。兩眼之間有一凸起的釣餌,可 吸引獵物靠近,然後出其不意跳起吞食獵物。行 為科學家發現有些幼鳥在受到危險壓力時,會進 行防禦性嘔吐,將胃中或消化的食物對敵人吐 出,藉以嚇退敵人。這隻裸躄魚的幼魚在壓力 下,也將胃中的食物嘔吐出來,藉此防禦自己的 安全。嘔吐物為跳蝦,由此得知裸躄魚幼魚時期 的食物選擇。 The frogfish Histrio histrio is a benthic species that can use
its leg-like pectoral fins for walking. Its coloration mimics seaweed or sponges in the surroundings. Between its eyes is the protruding esca, which may attract prey. Once prey approaches it jumps at it and devours it alive. Behavioral scientists have discovered that juvenile birds conduct defensive vomiting when threatened. Digested food that is vomited tends to startle the enemy and make it retreat. Feeling threatened, this juvenile frogfish employed similar strategy. The vomited stomach contents contained amphipods, which reflect the diet of juvenile H. histrio.
98 第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 4 月 15 日攝於新北市馬崗海邊。利用裸躄魚不
善游動的特性,緊追不捨之下,意外誘發幼魚防禦嘔吐 的行為。使用水下攝影機 Olympus TG-4 + 單一水下閃光 燈拍攝,後製組合調整魚體與跳蝦上的光源。
This image was captured along the coast of Magang in New Taipei City on April 15, 2017. Since frog fish are not good swimmers, I pursued this animal with ease. By doing so, I induced its defensive vomiting behavior. Olympus TG-4 underwater camera and single underwater strobe were used. Adjustment of light source on the fish’s body and amphipods was also carried out.
水下與海洋 Underwater and Marine Life 99
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Hunting Flying Fish 張嘉麒
東北角每年 6 ~ 7 月就會有飛魚來產卵,潛水就 有機會遇到成群的小飛魚。這次剛好遇到在水面 獵食的小飛魚。前面是浮游生物,讓觀者以為是 兩隻小飛魚交疊,其實是小飛魚和牠自己的反射
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2016 年 7 月 1 日攝於臺灣東北角。使用 Nikon D810 相
機,ISO 200 + F/29 + 1/320,後製調亮、裁切、對比加強、 白平衡、修髒點。
倒影。 This image was captured in northeastern coast of Taiwan
Flying fish spawn off Taiwan’s northeastern coast in June and July. At that time, divers may encounter schools of juvenile flying fish. I observed this juvenile hunting near the water’s surface. In front is plankton. This appears to be two overlapping flying fish. In fact, it is a flying fish and its reflection.
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on July 1, 2016. Nikon D810 camera was used, under ISO 200, F/29, and 1/320. Adjustment of brightness, white balance, and contrast, as well as cropping and removal of spots were employed for image improvement.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Dark Force: Striped Eel Catfish ( Plotosus lineatus) 曾詩琴
黃昏時分,在海裡遇到一群黑壓壓的鰻鯰幼魚, 在海藻間覓食。線紋鰻鯰除了有集體群聚的特性 外,身上所暗藏的劇毒,讓牠們有如一團黑暗勢 力,有恃無恐地到處覓食。 At dusk, I came across a dense school of juvenile striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus) foraging among seaweed. Striped eel catfish possess spines that hold virulent venom. Possessing such a dark force makes this school of fish fearless foragers.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 8 月攝於綠島。使用 Olympus TG4 相機。後製 調整亮度與對比。
These images were taken in the waters off Green Island in August 2018, using an Olympus TG4 camera. Adjustments of brightness and contrast were carried out.
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Plants and Fungi
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Tube of Life 巫函軒
在顯微鏡的觀察下,日日春花瓣連接花托筒的中 心直徑約 1 公釐,其內布滿纖毛。此纖毛可以防 止灰塵、雨水自開口進入,保護花藥和雌蕊,使 它們可以藏在花托筒中。而當昆蟲為吸食花蜜將
將日日春花壓在載玻片上,使用 Zeiss Observer Z1 顯微鏡, 輔外部測光,以 2.5 倍物鏡拍攝花瓣連接花托筒部位的構 造,並剪短一部分花托筒。為了使中央出現光源,透過電
A rosy periwinkle blossom was pressed onto a microscope
The petals of the rosy periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) connect to the center of the floral tube, which measures about 1 mm in diameter. Under the microscope, we can see cilia around the inside. These keep out dust and rain to protect the anther and pistil, allowing them to remain concealed within the floral tube. When insects come to feed on its nectar, their mouthparts enter the floral tube, bringing pollen to the stigma to complete pollination.
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slide. Zeiss Observer Z1 microscope with external light meter was used, in addition to 2.5X objective lens, to photograph the area where the petals connect to the floral tube. Part of the floral tube was shortened, to allow light to penetrate the center. Computer software was used to edit the image and add color, staying true to the actual hues.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Potato Jade 周純瑗
馬鈴薯俗稱洋芋,是全世界常見的美味塊莖食 物。切塊烹調時,常會在手中殘留澱粉顆粒粉 末,究竟這些美味的粉末藏在哪裡?使用小刀將 洋芋切薄片,以甲基藍稍微染色後,放在顯微鏡 下觀察,這些澱粉顆粒就如同盛產的玉石般,規 則且美麗地綻放在塊莖的薄壁細胞中。 The potato is among the most common tubers in the world. If you cut a potato into pieces and cook it, starch granules appear. Where do these tasty starch granules come from? A small knife was used to cut a potato into thin slices, which were lightly stained with methyl blue and observed under a microscope. These starch granules appear like pieces of jade, arranged neatly and beautifully inside the thin-walled cells of this tuber.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於 2017 年 2 月 24 日下午。先至超商購置洋芋,以小刀 多次手動切片後,將切片置於滴水的載玻片上,並蓋上蓋
玻片後,先觀察標本厚度,確認標本夠薄後,以甲基藍進 行 10 秒的染色,目的在於清楚分別每個細胞的細胞壁。在
光學顯微鏡物鏡 40X 下拍攝,使用 Panasonic 的 GX85 微
單眼和上宸光學顯微鏡攝影目鏡 M43 套件,M 模式、ISO 400、1/15s。
This image was obtained on February 24, 2017. I first went to the supermarket to purchase some potatoes. Then, I used a small knife to slice them. A thin slice was placed on a microscope slide with a drop of water and cover glass, making sure that the thickness was appropriate. Methyl blue was added for 10 sec to differentiate the walls of each cell. The specimen was photographed under light microscope with 40x lens using Panasonic GX85 digital single lens and M&T Optics M43 microscope photography eyepiece, under M mode, ISO 400, 1/15 sec.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Mushroom Lanterns 張瓊之
小菇屬真菌的掃描式電子顯微鏡照片。小菇屬真菌的菇體 嬌小柔嫩,有些物種菌傘直徑不超過 5 公釐,常因體型 太小而被忽略。然而,在袖珍的菇體上,有許多無法用肉 眼看到的形狀奇特而精巧的構造,這些構造是鑑定物種時 的重要依據。利用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察,可見到菌傘的 邊緣掛著一圈細細的條狀物,這些流蘇般的構造稱為囊狀 體。拉近一看,囊狀體的表面均勻緻密地長著細小的刺狀 突起,近看像是狼牙棒,遠看像是一根根修長而柔軟的小 燈籠,懸掛在菌傘的邊緣。原來外表不起眼的小菇,在微 觀的視角下竟是如此精緻。
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2015 年 12 月 4 日攝於國立中興大學。使用掃描式電子 顯微鏡(SEM)設備,機型為 JEOL-JSM-7401F。將菇體 樣本浸於 2.5% 的戊二醛中固定一晚,取出後以磷酸鹽緩
衝液清洗 30 分鐘,再用酒精序列脫水,以液態二氧化碳 進行臨界點乾燥。乾燥完成後,以雙面膠固定於 T 字載
子顯微鏡觀察並擷取影像,放大倍率在原投稿照片下方, 參見 15KV 右邊的數字。
These images were obtained at National Chung Hsing University on December 4, 2015 using JEOL-JSM-7401F scanning electron microscope (SEM). Fruiting bodies were
These are scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of Mycena sp. The fruiting bodies of Mycena sp. are small and delicate. In some species, the caps are no more than 5mm. They are often overlooked because of their size. Moreover, many unique microstructures on the tiny fruiting bodies cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, these are important characteristics for species identification. Using SEM, we can see long and slender rods at the edge of the cap. These tassellike structures are cystidia. Look closely at the spinose protrusions that are evenly and densely distributed along the surface of the cystidia, resembling spiked clubs. From a distance, they are more like little lanterns hung along the edge of the cap. These images surprise us by revealing the delicate structures of the inconspicuous Mycena mushroom.
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fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde overnight, then rinsed in phosphate buffer for 30 minutes followed by dehydration in alcohol. Liquid carbon dioxide was used for critical point drying. Subsequently, samples were fixed to a T-shaped stage with double-sided tape, coated with gold and examined under SEM. Accelerating voltage and magnification are shown at the bottom of each image.
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Insects and Spiders
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Hatching of Calinaga buddha formosana Larva 李鍾旻
絹蛺蝶初產下的卵,外觀半透明,造型有如一粒 果凍,然而直徑只有 1.2-1.4 公釐。借助微距攝 影器材,得以洞悉這微小構造,在孵化前後一系 列細微變化。新鮮的卵經過 5-8 天後,頂端顏色 逐漸轉深,裡頭的幼蟲發育已臻完備。當發育成 熟的幼蟲甦醒,即開始以環狀轉圈的方式啃咬卵 殼,直到咬出一道弧形缺口,身軀便如掀開蓋子 般,將卵殼頂部撐起,奮力爬離卵殼。孵化過程 費時約 25-50 分鐘。 When the eggs of the Calinaga buddha formosana butterfly are laid, they are semi-transparent and jellylike, measuring 1.2-1.4mm in diameter. With the aid of macro photography, it becomes possible to see these tiny structures. Before hatching, there are a series of subtle changes. Five to eight days after being laid, the top gradually darkens and the development of the larva is almost complete. When fully mature, the larva starts eating a circular gap into the egg casing, pushing it open and crawling out. The hatching process takes 25-50 minutes.
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 5 月 1 日、5 日 攝 於 室 內。 在 桃 園 市 復 興 區 採
集 絹 蛺 蝶 卵, 於 室 內 進 行 飼 養 及 拍 攝。 使 用 Pentax K-3 相 機 + TAMRON SP 90 毫 米 F/2.8 Di macro 鏡 頭 +
Yongnuo YN585EX 閃 光 燈。 鏡 頭 前 同 時 加 載 RAYNOX DCR-250 近攝鏡 + RAYNOX DCR-150 近攝鏡,以提升影 像放大率。由十幅照片後製拼貼合成一幅作品。畫面順
序由作品左側起始,將卵的變化過程依序以逆時針方向 排列一圈,中央者為最終孵化完成之狀態。
Images were taken indoors on May 1 and May 5, 2018. Prior to that, Calinaga buddha formosana eggs were collected from Fuxing District, Taoyuan District and raised. Pentax K-3 camera, TAMRON SP-90mm F/2.8 Di macro lens, and Yongnuo YN585 EX flash were used. In front of the lens were added RAYNOX DR-250 super macro lens and RAYNOX DCR-150 super macro lens to increase magnification. Ten images were pieced together to create one image following editing. Starting from the left, the process of changes in the eggs is shown in a counterclockwise direction. In the center is the hatched larva.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Changing Faces 林志豪
黑 樹 蔭 蝶 幼 蟲, 齡 期 較 早 的 幼 蟲, 頭 部 為 黑 褐色;齡期較大的幼蟲,頭部顏色變得豐富多 變,呈現綠中帶黑邊延伸至頭角。幼蟲齡期約為 30 ~ 40 天,頭部斑紋隨著齡期增長或不同個體 之間而有所變化。「變臉」的樣貌讓人驚喜又驚 豔,顏色多變的頭殼加上頂部那對像兔子般的耳 朵,真是可愛極了!幼蟲寄主植物為芒草、五節 芒、颱風草和柳葉箬等植物,在山區郊遊時不妨 多留意看看這可愛的變臉寶寶! The larvae of Melanitis phedima, the dark evening brown, have a black or dark brown head in the early stage, which becomes more colorful over time. When the larvae are 3040 days old, thin black stripes appear. However, there can be variations among individuals. These images, entitled Changing Faces, show changes in the coloring of the head over time. The paired processes look like rabbit ears! These larvae feed on silver grass, bristle grass and swamp millet. When visiting mountainous areas, keep an eye out for these larvae with lovely faces.
第四屆 三等獎
三等獎 第四屆
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2016 年 6 月 4 日攝於臺灣臺中市大坑生態園區,徒步觀察尋
找紀錄。使用 Canon 600D 相機 + 55-250mm + DCR-250 近
Taken on June 4, 2016 in Dakeng Ecopark, Taichung City, Taiwan. I was walking, observing, searching and recording. Canon 600D camera + 55-250mm + DCR-250 close-up filter were used. Adjustment of saturation and sharpness and appropriate cropping were carried out.
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Yearning to Fly 李銘崇
蝴蝶的翅膀是飛行的構造,翅膀上的鱗片是由毛 特化而成,緊密排列如屋瓦,除了顯現出各種美 麗的色彩外,還有吸熱、發香、抗蜘蛛網的功用。 表面有蠟質加上鱗片本身的奈米結構,更具有防 水的效果。在寒冷的一月,雖然太陽已升起,但 清晨的山谷裡溫度低、水氣重,臺灣紋白蝶身上 滿是露珠。如果不是身著「與生俱來」的雨衣, 如何能有效防潑水呢 ? 留下遠方些許的亮光,與 蝴蝶身上晶瑩剔透的露珠作為對比,表達等待黎 明、期待再次飛翔的渴望。 Butterfly wings are designed for flight. The scales on the sides of the wings are derivatives of specialized hairs, closely arranged like tiles. In addition to their beautiful colors, they absorb heat, release scent and aid in escape from spider webs. The surface of each scale is covered in wax and has its own nanostructure, for waterproofing. In January, although the sun is up, it is still chilly and damp in the valley. A Pieris canidia butterfly is covered in dewdrops. Without its “built-in” raincoat, how can it effectively resist water? The light from afar and the sparkling dewdrops form a contrast, symbolizing a wait for the dawn and the desire for the next flight.
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技術說明 Technical Introduction
2012 年 1 月 19 日上午攝於曾文水庫旁的一條小徑,使 用 Canon 7D 相機 + 100micro 鏡頭拍攝,ISO 400 + F/13 + 1/100 秒,使用機頂閃補光。刻意縮小光圈,讓背景變
暗,表現天色昏暗、山雨過後迎接黎明之感。補上閃燈, 使鱗片上的水珠更顯晶瑩剔透。後製調整銳利度、對比 和飽和度。
This image was obtained along a small path next to the Zengwen Reservoir on January 19, 2012. Canon 7D camera and 100 micro lens were used. ISO 400 + F/13 + 1/100 sec, with built-in flash. The aperture was purposely reduced for a darker background and to reveal the dim light in the distance. There is the feeling of welcoming the dawn after a mountain storm. Flash was used to enhance the light, as well as the glittering scales and dewdrops. There was adjustment of definition, contrast and saturation.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Deceptive Eyespots 吳宜叡
許多小灰蝶科的成員都具有尾突及假眼紋,假眼 紋可用來混淆天敵的判斷。尾部的眼紋和尾突, 擬似頭部的複眼和觸角,常混淆天敵的攻擊,騙 得生存的機會。小灰蝶在訪花時,會不時的擺動 尾突,以吸引天敵的注意,讓天敵誤以為是頭 部。圖 1、圖 2 的尾突和假眼紋皆遭受過天敵的 攻擊而有破損,圖 3 則是完整無缺的個體。三隻 在相同地點的恆春小灰蝶,就有兩隻小灰蝶的假 眼紋有破損,可見其假眼紋生存的重要性,藉此 逃離捕食者的攻擊。
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Many lycaenid butterflies have filamentous “tails” and eyelike markings on the ends of their wings. Such eyespots and tails mimic eyes and antennae, confusing their predators and increasing their chance of survival. While visiting flowers, these butterflies frequently move their hindwing tails to attract predators’ attention and make them believe they are looking at as head. In images 1 and 2, the hindwing tails and eyespots have apparently been attacked by a predator. Image 3 is an intact individual. Three individuals are all Deudorix epijarbas menesicles, photographed in the same location. Two of them show damaged eyespots, indicating the importance of mimicry in surviving predator attacks.
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2017 年 8 月 1 日攝於臺灣新竹北埔的麻布山林。使 用 Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20 相 機 拍 攝。 圖 1:
These images were taken on August 1, 2017 at Mabuville in Beipu, Hsinchu County, Taiwan, Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20
f/3.3、1/100s、ISO 100; 圖 2:f/3.3、1/160s、ISO
camera was used. Image 1: f/3.3, 1/100 sec, ISO 100. Image 2:
2 皆原圖直接輸出,圖 3 僅調整檔案大小。
-0.33EV. Images 1 and 2 were directly exported. For image 3,
100;圖 3:f/3.3、1/125s、ISO 100、-0.33 EV。圖 1、
f/3/3, 1/160 sec, ISO 100. Image 3: f/3.3, 1/125 sec, ISO 100, image size was adjusted.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Leaf Carpet Illusion 陳柏璋
深秋的中海拔森林裡,正在舉辦一場華麗的變葉 舞會。駐足於緋寒櫻大樹下,留戀於色調飽滿的 落葉地毯,偶然與一片特別美麗的落葉相遇。天 蠶蛾科的銀目天蠶蛾,翅面上暖色調的花紋,鑲 嵌著四枚銀白透窗,屬於中海拔冬季限定的大型
2016 年 12 月 2 日攝於雪霸國家公園觀霧遊憩區。時值
臺灣中海拔山區許多闊葉樹種變葉落葉期。使用 Nikon D610 單眼相機 + Micro 60 毫米微距鏡頭。運用自然光
This image was taken in the Guanwu Scenic Area of Shei-
枯黃程度不一的落葉堆上,畫面美得令人屏息。 渾然天成的氣勢,是多麼精緻的偽裝技巧! In late fall, leaves change color in mid-elevation forests in Taiwan. Under a Taiwan cherry tree, a carpet of fallen leaves has formed. There appears to be one extraordinarily beautiful leaf. This is Rhodinia verecunda, a moth belonging to the family Saturniidae. Its wings are of warm hues with four silvery white transparent spots. It is a species of macro moth found only in winter in mid elevation forests. Adults are most active when leaves change color and fall to the ground. This moth is hidden among leaves in different stages of withering, creating a beautiful scene. This is also an outstanding example of natural camouflage.
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Pa National Park on December 2, 2016. Leaves were changing color in mid-elevation areas of Taiwan. Nikon D610 single lens reflex camera and Micro 60mm macro lens were used with natural light. Only minor adjustment of contrast was made to enable the colors to be as close as possible to the actual colors.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Damselfly Montage 杜江濤
世界上最頑強的莫過於生命,看似脆弱的小精 靈,卻有頑強的生命力。不管是藤蔓小憩、捕食 或交配,牠們都很認真地對待。短小的身體很難 讓人發現,鮮豔的外表卻很容易暴露自己。這個
攝於湖北省潛江市高石碑鎮長市村的自家菜地。使用 Canon 600D 相機,以 RAW 格式拍攝,進行局部調整,
These images were taken in my vegetable garden in
Changshi Village, Gaoshibei Town, Qianjiang City, Hubei
及捕食狀態開始。通過這組美麗的圖片,提醒人 們愛護環境,保護尊重身邊的任何生命。 Although damselflies appear as fragile fairy-like creatures, they display toughness and vitality. Whether resting on a vine, foraging or mating, they complete their missions carefully. They would hardly be noticed except for their bright colors. When I was little, I thought they were tiny dragonflies. To understand them better, I took sets of images. The best way to know damselflies is to observe them resting, mating and feeding. These beautiful images should also remind people to value the environment and to protect and respect all forms of life.
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Province, China. Canon 600D camera was used and images were saved in RAW format. Partial editing was carried out to draw attention to these little fairy-like creatures and to enhance their bright colors and beauty.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
God-Given Colors: Sapphire Flutterer 陳洲男
三角蜻蜓,兩對翅膀披覆著強烈金屬光澤的藍紫 色,是臺灣最美的蜻蜓之一。這隻蜻蜓倒立,筆 直地停棲在一片葉子上面,在高溫下,堅挺的身 軀,可減少光照面積而進行散熱。觀視倒立隨風 搖擺的身軀,把握斜順光得以照耀到翅膀的瞬
2015 年 7 月 18 日攝於臺北市立木柵動物園水生植物生 態池畔。使用 Sony 單眼 A77 Mark II 相機 + 300 毫米長
焦段鏡頭。手持拍攝,注意快門和穩定度,按下快門時 暫停呼吸,以求相片的銳利度。選在高溫下拍攝,兼顧
This image was obtained on July 18, 2015, at the aquatic
美色彩。 The sapphire flutterer dragonfly (Rhyothemis triangularis) possesses two pairs of wings with patches of intense violet metallic luster. This is one of the most beautiful dragonfly species in Taiwan. This individual was standing straight and upside down on a leaf blade. On hot days, it can reduce its surface area exposed to the sun by staying in an oblique position. Observing this dragonfly swaying in the wind, I captured the moment when light shone on its wings. Due to refraction and reflection of the violet metallic luster, balance between mechanics and esthetics was achieved. These colors are God given.
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plant ecological pond inside the Taipei Zoo. Sony single lens reflex A77 Mark II camera and 300mm long focal length lens were used. Image was taken manually with attention paid to shutter speed and stability. I held my breath as I pressed down on the shutter to enhance the definition. I chose to take this image in hot weather, with consideration given to the reflection and refraction of the wing colors.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Dragonfly Firecrackers 李潛龍
每年冬天在臺南山區,一小群線紋蜻蜓會固定停 棲在某個小區域的植物上。白天氣溫升高時,四 散在附近覓食,下午氣溫開始下降時,又會回到 同樣的地方。通常是選擇下垂的樹枝或是藤蔓停
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2017 年 12 月 21 日 攝 於 臺 南 崁 頭 山。 使 用 Panasonic GX-85 相機 + 300 毫米鏡頭 + 閃燈,ISO 2000 + F/5.6 +
棲,保持靜止不動度過夜晚,直到隔日又重複相 同的過程。聚集行為年年冬天在此地上演,遠望
on December 21, 2017. Panasonic GX-85 camera, 300 mm
lens, and flash were used. ISO 2000 + F/5.6 + 1/200. There
was enhancement of contrast and brightness.
Every winter in the hills of Tainan, a small group of line forest-skimmer dragonflies (Cratilla lineata) gather on a plant. During the day, as the temperature rises, they scatter and search for the food. In the late afternoon, as the temperature starts to decrease, they return. They usually choose a drooping branch or vine on which to perch, remaining motionless throughout the night. The next day they repeat the process. This behavior has been observed over many winters. From a distance, they look like a string of firecrackers, from which this image gets its title. The function of this behavior remains a mystery that entomologists have yet to solve.
These images were taken on Kantou Mountain, Tainan City
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Tadpoles on a Leaf 林志豪
奇怪?蝌蚪何時進化可以不用在水裡了?偶然觀 察到這幾隻可愛的幼蟲, 形狀像極了小蝌蚪, 牠們是「葉蜂幼蟲」。幼蟲口器還很小因而無法 啃食葉片,所以用「刮食」葉面表層葉肉的方式 進食。葉面經刮食後,猶如被加工過,呈現美麗 的葉脈輪廓。幼蟲身體呈現晶瑩剔透的透明狀, 還可清晰見體內腸道綠色的葉肉組織呢!
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2017 年 5 月 5 日攝於臺灣臺中市大坑生態園區,徒步觀
察尋找記錄。使用 Canon 600D + 55-250mm + DCR-250
These images were obtained in the Dakeng Ecopark, Taichung City, Taiwan on May 5, 2017. I was walking, observing, searching and recording. Canon 600D camera + 55-250mm + DCR-250 close-up filter were used.
How strange! When did tadpoles evolve to be able to survive outside of water? I unexpectedly came across these adorable sawfly larvae which bear a close resemblance to tadpoles. As the mouthparts of these larvae are very small, they are unable to bite into a leaf and instead “scrape” the mesophyll from the leaf surface. Following scraping, the surface of this leaf appears to have been “processed”, revealing its beautiful veins. These transparent larvae glimmer and it is possible to see the green mesophyll in their intestines!
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Adjustment of saturation and sharpness, as well as cropping, were carried out.
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Ichneumon Wasp Laying Its Eggs 李欣容
姬蜂很常見,但產卵的畫面倒是第一次遇見!首先 利用敏感的觸角偵測樹幹裡生物,找出鑽食木頭的 甲蟲幼蟲,再用細長的產卵管鑽透堅固的木材,直 通幼蟲體內產卵。姬蜂的產卵管非常堅硬且有彈 性,基部可控制角度和方向,讓牠可以輕鬆鑽透堅 韌的木材纖維。幼蟲孵化後便開始行寄生生活,這 項本能實在是嘆為觀止,生態世界果然奇妙無比! Although ichneumon wasps are common, this was the first time I saw one laying eggs. This female used her sensitive antennae to detect living organisms within a tree trunk. After finding a wood-boring beetle larva, she inserted her long, thin ovipositor into solid wood, laying eggs in the body of the larva. The ovipositor is strong and flexible. The angle and direction can be controlled from the base. In this way, this wasp mother can drill through wood substrate. Once the wasp eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the host. The natural world is truly a marvel to behold!
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2017 年 5 月 17 日攝於臺中市新社區。使用 Nikon 7100 相 機 + 105 微距鏡 + 外閃。五之一登山步道口處,發現這隻
姬蜂在樹幹上徘徊,一會兒後停了下來,細長的產卵管在 樹幹上動來動去的,心想會不會是在產卵?為了取得美的 畫面,等待著陽光灑落下來到這片樹林裡,讓背景明亮點 不會太黑暗,以免無法呈現出姬蜂那特別的產卵管。拍攝 了半個小時。
This image was taken in Xinshe District of Taichung on May 17, 2017 with Nikon 7100 camera, 105 macro lens, and external flash. At the entrance to the No. 5-1 trail, I saw this ichneumon wasp moving back and forth with its long, thin ovipositor along the tree trunk. I wondered if it was about to lay its eggs. To capture this beautiful image, I waited until the sun’s rays shone onto the forest for a brighter background, so that the image would not be too dark. I photographed for half an hour.
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Reproductive Life and Death
對於自然界大部分生物來說,傳宗接代是物種生 存的首要目標,但對許多昆蟲而言,交配這件大 事,卻暗藏著重重危機。這天,天氣晴朗陽光燦 爛,樹枝上一對身體修長、外表優雅、披著寬大 如羅紗般綠翅膀的寬腹螳螂,正共譜愛的樂章。 倏地,雌螳螂不顧情義轉過臉來,泰然自若地啃
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2016 年 4 月 30 日 攝 於 南 投。 使 用 Canon 單 眼 相 機 + 100 毫米微距鏡頭,以閃光燈作為輔助光源。後製適當 裁切,增加曝光度,暗部拉亮並調高對比,增加色彩飽 和度。
These images were photographed in Nantou on April 30,
2016. Canon single-lens reflex camera and 100mm macro
lens were used. Flashlight was used to increase light.
螂犧牲自己的生命,成為後代的養分,出色地完 成了自己的使命。大千世界有結束,才有開端;
There was appropriate cropping and increased exposure. Dark areas were made brighter with adjustment of contrast and saturation.
有死亡,才有新生。 In the natural world, reproduction is crucial for the survival of species. However, for many insects, mating can be a dangerous activity. On a clear, sunny day, two praying mantises were on a branch. They appeared elegant with their long, slender bodies and gauze-like wings, locked in an intimate embrace. Suddenly, the female, uncaring about the significance of the moment, turned her head and fed on the anterior portion of the male. Although the male has lost his head, his body remains attached to her abdomen to complete the process of reproduction. The male sacrificed himself to provide nutrients for his offspring. Where there is an ending, there is a start. And, where there is death, there is new life.
第五屆 大江獎
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
You Found It! Camouflage Master Theopompa ophthalmica 李興漢
嘿!看到了嗎?我的祖先們從白堊紀開始,經歷了 漫長的演化,至今讓我有一身絕妙膚色。你們叫我 樹皮螳,我很喜歡,但我覺得比較像地衣啦!法國 昆蟲學家 Guillaume-Antoine Olivier 老伯伯看上我水 汪汪的大眼睛,取了一個享譽國際的名字「眼仔」, 害我都好想去怪獸電力公司應徵哩!我喜歡趴在樹 幹上沈思,等著美食外送服務,有時也會起身練練 螳螂拳,舒展一下筋骨。總之,我超愛住在樹上的, 你可別熱心地帶我去你家玩喔! Hi! Can you see me? My ancestors appeared during the Cretaceous period. After a long period of evolution, we now have ingenious coloring. Some people call me “tree bark praying mantis”. I like that name, but I think my appearance looks more like lichen. French entomologist GuillaumeAntoine Olivier was attracted by my large, bright eyes and added “ophthalmica” to my scientific name. For this reason, I feel quite competent to apply for a job at Monsters, Inc. I like to rest on tree trunks, where I can ambush my prey. Sometimes, I practice mantis boxing to maintain my physique. I love to live in trees, so please do not take me home.
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2018 年 8 月 5 日攝於桃園市復興區,經過一番尋找才在目標區 看到樹皮螳螂,移動快速且善於隱蔽,拍攝時需要相當耐心。 使用 Canon EOS 5D Mark III 相機 + Yongnuo YN560 IV 閃燈 + SUNPOWER 柔光罩。
圖 1:停棲於樹幹上的雄蟲,EF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM 鏡頭, ISO 320 + F/13 + 1/125 秒。
圖 2:停棲於樹幹上的雌蟲,Laowa 15mm f/4 1:1 Macro 鏡頭, ISO 400 + F/8 + 1/125 秒。
圖 3:伏擊捕獵中的雌蟲,EF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM 鏡頭,
ISO 400 + F/13 + 1/125 秒。後製調整對比亮度,裁切後轉存 JPG 格式。
These images were taken in Fuxing District, Taoyuan City on August 5, 2018. After searching for some time, I saw a praying mantis, which quickly moved to take cover. Capturing these images required a lot of patience. Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera, Yongnuo YN560 IV flash and SUNPOWER flash diffuser were used. Image 1: A male resting on a tree trunk. EF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM lens, ISO 320 + F/13 + 1/125 sec. Image 2: Female resting on a tree trunk. Laowa 15mm f/4 1:1 Macro lens, ISO 400 + F/8 + 1/125 sec. Image 3: A female hunting its prey. EF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM lens,
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ISO 400 + F/13 + 1/125 sec. There was only adjustment of contrast and brightness. After cropping, images were converted to JPG format.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Insect Mohawk 張旭
熱帶雨林是一個物種多樣性極高的生態系,生 存在這裡每個物種的個體,每天都面臨存亡的 挑戰。為了生存,每個物種都發展出各種方法 來隱蔽或保護自己避免被捕食者掠食。這種生 活在枯葉堆中的菱蝗(枝背菱蝗亞科),便是
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攝 於 馬 來 西 亞 婆 羅 洲 熱 帶 雨 林。 使 用 Olympus EM5
MARK II 相機 + 60mm 微距鏡頭,配合雙頭閃光燈,微 調色彩明暗度。拍攝個體不到 2 公分較為微小,且顏色
區 2 公分,前胸背板向後延伸成半月板狀,看
This image was photographed in a tropical rainforest on the
island of Borneo, Malaysia. Olympus EM5 MARK II camera + 60mm macro lens with double-headed flash were used.
Fine tuning of color and shading was carried out. This
insect is small, less than 2 cm in length. Moreover, its color matches with the surrounding environment. It took a
Tropical rainforests are ecosystems of high of biodiversity. Every organism faces the daily challenge of survival. To avoid being eaten by predators, each species develops various strategies of camouflage or defense. This pygmy Paraphyllum grasshopper (subfamily Cladonotinae) inhabits piles of fallen leaves. It is a delicious meal for various predators. Its body is about 2 cm in length. The pronotum extends into a crescent shape like a Mohawk. Its color is similar with that of its surroundings and its shape resembles a withered leaf, providing perfect camouflage.
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lot of time to find this animal subject during a search of the leaves lying next to a path.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Insect Mustache 劉政宜
顆粒短肛竹節蟲,捲捲的手像翹鬍子般,可愛 極了。為什麼會翹鬍子呢 ? 竹節蟲遇到天敵或被 捉住時,為了生存會有自割求生的行為(自斷 附肢)。竹節蟲的若蟲具有再生能力,從斷裂基 部長出小圈圈狀的小腳組織(俗稱蚊香腳),經 過數次脫皮恢復正常。成蟲的竹節蟲因為不再脫 皮,斷腳也就長不出來了。 The Ramulus granulatus stick insect has a mustache-like front leg. It is very cute, but what is it for? If this insect is under threat from a natural predator or when it is caught, it will shed its legs to escape. Stick insect nymphs can regenerate broken legs after several molts. The re-growth of the leg appears curled during regeneration. As adults do not molt, their legs cannot regrow if they break off.
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2017 年 8 月 20 日攝於苗栗山區。使用 Fujifilm X-T2 相
機 + 55-200 毫米鏡頭 + DCR250 近攝鏡 + 閃光燈 + 補光 柔光罩。
Taken in the mountains of Miaoli County on August 20, 2017. Fujifilm X-T2 camera, 55-200mm lens, DCR250 super macro lens, flash, and flash diffuser were used.
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Peeping Tom 曾國忠
小十三星瓢蟲體長約 6 ~ 9.5 公釐,體背為橙黃色 至橙紅色,前胸背板下緣的中央有一個雙峰型的黑 色斑紋,小盾板為黑色,鞘翅為橙紅色,翅上共有 13 個黑色圓斑。個體間的差異,除蟲體背部底色 外,黑色斑紋的變化極小。低海拔地區常見,為肉
2017 年 8 月 3 日晚上 8 點攝於臺灣臺中市
豐原區中正公園。使用 Canon 70D 相機 +
55-250mm 鏡頭 + 近攝鏡 + 外閃 + 柔光罩, f/18、ISO -200、1/250 秒,裁切構圖,微
This image was taken in Zhongzheng Park in
代的任務,下面那隻鬼蛛像是不識相的偷窺者,正 虎視眈眈地覬覦這可口的食物。 The Harmonia dimidiata ladybug is about 6-9.5mm in length and yellowish to reddish orange in color. Along the margins of the pronotum are black, double peaked markings. The scutellum is black, while the eletrya (forewings) are reddish orange. On the elytra are 13 black spots with some variation. However, there is little change in the pattern along the margins. This species is common in lowlands. It is a carnivorous insect. Both adults and larvae feed on aphids, making them beneficial to farmers. This pair is mating. The Araneus spider below is like peeping Tom, gazing on and waiting for its next meal.
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Fengyuan District of Taichung City, Taiwan at 8:00 pm on August 3, 2017. Canon 70D camera + 55-250mm lens + close-up filter + external flash + flash diffuser were used, under f/18, ISO 200, 1/250 sec. Cropping was carried out to enhance composition, with fine tuning of saturation and sharpness.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Firefly and Headlight Trails 陳雅慧
人的眼睛,無法看見經過一段時間累加的軌跡, 但相機可以經過長時間拍攝,捕捉一段時間內發 生的畫面。夜間肉眼看見螢火蟲一閃一閃發光, 但只能看到一個光點,透過攝影捕捉,就能看到 一條光軌。路過的車燈也因為長時間曝光,出現 一道車軌的光影。 It is not possible for the unaided human eye to see a light trail. However, through time-lapse photography, such trails can be captured. At night, the light pattern produced by fireflies flashes, but we can only see single light points. Through a camera, firefly light trails can be observed. However, car headlights appeared as another light trail under time exposure.
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2018 年 5 月 6 日攝於新竹縣竹東鎮。使用 Nikon D500
相機 + 35 毫米定焦鏡拍攝,為了讓螢火蟲看起來更多, 將兩張照片疊成一張後,再使用 LR 修圖,拉亮、加強對 比和飽和度。
Taken in Zhudong Town, Hsinchu County on May 6, 2018, using Nikon D500 camera and 35mm prime lens. To create an image in which there appear to be larger numbers of fireflies, two images were superimposed. In addition, LR was used to enhance brightness, contrast and saturation.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Stink Bug Eggs 林汝貞
「荔枝椿象」是臺灣近年新進的外來種害蟲,嚴 重危害荔枝、龍眼等無患子科植物。卵初產時淡 綠色,漸轉為灰褐色,近孵化時呈紫紅色,一般 14 顆卵。雖然不會主動攻擊人類,但受到驚擾 時會分泌臭液,若不慎觸碰臭液,輕則造成皮膚 灼燒感,嚴重甚至引發潰爛,噴到眼睛更可能造 成失明。
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2018 年 4 月 10 日 攝 於 臺 中 潭 子 新 田 步 道。 使 用
OLYMPUS E-M1 Mark II 相 機 + 40-150 毫 米 鏡 頭 + DCR250。後製校色、裁切。
These images were captured along Xintian Trail in Tanzi District, Taichung City on April 10, 2018. OLYMPUS E-M1 Mark II camera, 40-150mm lens, and DCR250 were used. Adjustment of colors and cropping were carried out.
The lychee stink bug, Tessaratoma papillosa, is a recently introduced pest to Taiwan, causing damage to plants of the family Sapindaceae, such as lychee and longan. In the early stage, the eggs are light green, then turn ash brown. Just before hatching they are purplish red. There are generally 14 eggs in one clutch. Although they do not attack humans, when disturbed these insects excrete defensive chemicals from their scent gland, which can cause a burning sensation on the skin and even skin ulcers in severe cases. If these chemicals enter the eyes, they can cause blindness.
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A Stink Bug Spears a Beetle 吳展康
一隻椿象若蟲,使用刺吸式口器,如標槍的方式 刺到一隻甲蟲,並正在吸食其體液。 A stink bug uses its piercing-sucking mouthparts like a spear, to impale a beetle and suck up its body fluids.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於香港。以 Cannon 600D 相機 + tamron 60 毫米鏡頭 拍攝。先把 RAW 轉換為 JPG,再修正影像和裁剪。
These images were taken in Hong Kong, using a Canon 600 D camera + Tamron 60mm lens. First in ddp, RAW files were converted to JPG. Then, the images were edited and cropped.
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Curiosity 陳茂元
赤星椿象交尾,左邊為雌蟲,右邊為雄蟲,腹面 側緣有紅、白色相間的條紋,顏色非常漂亮。兩 蟲正當翻雲覆雨忘我的境界,一隻好奇的螞蟻,
2017 年 3 月 4 日上午攝於臺灣南投縣國姓山區。使用 Nikon D500 相機 + 105mm Micro 微距鏡,微調亮度及對
This image was taken in the morning of March 4, 2017 in
These two red cotton strainers (Dysdercus cingulatus) are mating. The one on the left is the female and the one on the right is the male. These insects possess striking red and white stripes along the side margins of the abdomen. A curious ant has crawled onto their backs to observe what is happening, creating a very interesting scene.
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the mountains of Guoxing, Nantou County, Taiwan. Nikon D500 camera + 105mm Micro lens were used. Fine tuning of brightness and contrast was carried out, in addition to cropping.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Surplus Value 李浩銘
特別獎 第四屆
獵蝽若蟲在地面上找到一隻剛死去不久的蟬之屍體。獵蝽 若蟲伸出刺吸式口器,選擇了一處最細弱的結構,即圖中 前足跗節與脛節之間的節間膜,將口器刺入,吸取體液。 An assassin bug nymph has come across a cicada that has just died. It extends its piercing-sucking mouthparts, penetrating a thin and soft area, which is the intersegmental member between the torn leg tibia. This nymph is sucking out the cicada’s body fluids.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝 於 哥 斯 大 黎 加 熱 帶 雨 林。 使 用 Canon EOS-1D X Mark ll 相 機 + Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L 微 距 鏡 頭,ISO 800、100mm、f/13、
This image was taken in a rainforest in Costa Rica. Canon EOS-1D X Mark 11 camera + Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L macro lens were used, under ISO 800, 100mm, f/13, 1/320. There was fine tuning of color and shading.
第四屆 青少年特別獎
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Colorful Adulthood 王福章
臺灣球瓢蠟蟬成蟲體長約 5 公釐,體色主要由橙 紅及水青二色組成。全身色彩與花紋十分鮮艷絢 麗,很像小時候吃的柑仔糖,頗具療癒效果。但 是臺灣球瓢蠟蟬小時候的體長只有約 1-2 公釐, 體色大都為黑色,看起來就像是一顆黑芝麻。隨 著成長,黑色素才會漸漸褪去,慢慢出現橙紅 色,最後成為人見人愛的柑仔糖。 The adult issid planthopper (Hemisphaerius formosus) is about 5mm in length. Its reddish orange and blue-green stripes are very vivid, resembling the hard and round candies popular in childhood. However, nymphs are only 1-2mm in length and black in color, resembling sesame seeds. As the nymph develops, melanin is gradually lost, revealing reddish orange until it finally becomes a colorful adult, a lovely hard candy ball.
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技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝 於 臺 灣 臺 中 市 大 坑 山 區, 使 用 Canon EOS 7D 相 機。 圖 1:2016 年 10 月 22 日攝,手動對焦,手動曝光模式,
These images were obtained in the hills of Dakeng in Taichung City, Taiwan. Canon EOS 7D camera was used. Image 1: Taken
ISO 100、光圈 f/16、快門 1/256 秒、焦距 237mm。圖 2:
on October 22, 2016 under manual focus and manual exposure
焦距 180mm。圖 3:2017 年 4 月 22 日攝,ISO 200、光圈
length 237mm. Image 2: Taken on October 8, 2016, ISO 250,
2016 年 10 月 8 日攝,ISO 250、光圈 f/18、快門 1/197 秒、 f/20、快門 1/197 秒、焦距 178mm。微調照片的對比、飽 和度及銳利度。
mode, ISO 100, aperture f/16, shutter speed 1/256 sec, focal aperture f/18, shutter speed 1/197 sec, focal length 180mm. Image 3: Taken on April 22, 2017. ISO 200, aperture f/20, shutter speed 1/197 sec, focal length 178mm. Fine turning of contrast, saturation and sharpness was applied.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Cicada Transformation 李思霖
臺灣特有種「阿里山紋翅暮蟬」,半翅目蟬科暮 蟬屬,分布於阿里山海拔約 2000-2500 公尺山地, 喜棲息於鬱閉度較高人造柳杉林。午間來到林間, 聆聽著蟬鳴鳥叫,享受「蟬噪林逾靜,鳥鳴山更
2017 年 6 月 8 日 攝 於 阿 里 山 公 路 海 拔 2000 公 尺 林 間。 使 用 Canon EOS-1D X 相 機 + EF100 毫 米 f/2.8L Macro IS USM。IOS 160 + F/7.1 + 1/125。
Taken in a forest along the Alishan Highway at an
elevation of 2,000 meters on June 8, 2017 with Canon EOS 1D X camera and EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
lens. ISO 160 + F/7.1 + 1/125. In the dark of night,
several flash units were used to photograph this process.
的生命蛻變就此完成。持續於山林大鳴大放,不 斷繁衍。 Tanna infuscate is a cicada endemic to Taiwan. It belongs to the order Hemiptera, family Cicadidae and genus Tanna. It is found in the mountains of Alishan at elevations of 2,000 to 2,500 meters in Japanese cedar plantation forests with high crown density. In the afternoon, when the cicadas are buzzing and the birds are calling, I enjoyed a moment that can best be expressed as: “The buzzing cicada make the forest even quieter and the calling birds make the mountains more secluded.” In the afternoon, thunder appeared. I was worried it would interrupt this cicada’s emergence. Fortunately, the storm passed quickly and I was able to observe the molting process. Following its dramatic transformation into an adult, this cicada is ready to continue the reproductive cycle.
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A New Start 吳宜叡
高砂熊蟬,這普遍分布於平地和低海拔的物種, 是都市裡最容易聽到的蟬鳴之一。夏日夜晚是高 砂熊蟬的羽化時段,終齡若蟲從土裡鑽出來,找
攝於臺灣臺中市東海大學。使用 Panasonic Lumix DMC-
TZ20 相機,f/3.3、1/60s、ISO 400,相機內建閃燈,輔
This image was obtained on the campus of Tunghai
University in Taichung City, Taiwan. Panasonic Lumix DMC-
旅程。 The Cryptotympana takasagona cicada is widely distributed along the plains and lowlands. It is one of the most common species in urban areas. On a summer night, this last instar nymph dug its way out from the ground. This image shows the cicada spreading its wings, resembling a stage performer in her final pose. After emergence, it climbs into a treetop and searches for a mate. This marks the start of a new journey.
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TZ20 camera, built-in flash and flashlight were used, under f/3.3, 1/60 sec, ISO 400. The image size was adjusted.
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Looking onto a New World 楊宇宏
蟬的若蟲總是選在夏夜,從土中爬到高處羽化。羽化過程順利的 話,大概半個鐘頭就會結束。整個羽化過程,從舊表皮中慢慢蛻 皮而出,先將頭部與胸部伸展出來,最後腹部,準備伸展翅膀, 等待隔天早晨飛向天際。照片中是牠正將身體伸展出來的時候, 這個動作宛如仰望夏季的星空一般,面對與地下截然不同的世 界,似乎充滿了期待。 Cicada nymphs emerge from the ground on summer nights and find a higher place to molt. If all stages go smoothly, the molting process is completed in about half an hour. The insect gradually emerges from its old cuticle. Head and thorax are first, followed by the abdomen. It then prepares to spread its wings, but will wait until dawn to take flight. In this image, the cicada is emerging from its old shell. In this position, it seems to be looking up at the starry sky, filled with the anticipation of entering a world different from the one it has experienced underground.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 6 月 10 日晚上攝於臺灣嘉義市蘭潭。使用 Canon EOS M5 相機 + Canon EF 100mm,f/2.8 L Macro IS USM 鏡頭。光圈 8.0、快門 1/60、ISO
This image was taken at Lantan in Chiayi City, Taiwan on the night of June 10, 2017. Equipment included Canon EOS M5 camera + Canon EF 100mm, f/2.8 L Macro IS USM lens. Aperture 8.0, shutter speed 1/60, ISO 800, with flash. The image was cropped with adjustment of brightness and contrast.
第四屆 佳作
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
New Life 曾國忠
嗜菊短頭脊沫蟬若蟲寄主廣泛,以刺吸食植物木 質部的汁液為生。牠會分泌泡沫保護自己,一方 面隔絕外界的強光和冷熱,另一方面調控正常發 育所需的溫濕條件,同時也避免天敵的捕食與寄 生。 The spittlebug (Poophilus costalis Walker) nymph has a wide range of host plants. It pierces these plants to suck the xylem sap. It also secretes a foamy substance to protect itself from sunlight, cold and heat, as well as to maintain the humidity needed for normal development. At the same time, this foamy substance prevents it from attacks by predators or parasitoids.
第四屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 7 月 24 日上午 10 點攝於臺灣臺中市潭子 區山區。使用 Canon 70D 相機 + 55-250mm 鏡頭 +
近攝鏡 + 外閃 + 柔光罩,f/18、ISO 200、1/250 秒。 裁切二度構圖,微調飽和度及銳利度。
This image was captured in a hilly area of Tanzi District, Taichung City, Taiwan on July 24, 2017 at 10:00. Canon 70D camera + 55-250mm lens + closeup filter + external flash + flash diffuser were used, under f/18, ISO 200, 1/250 sec. Cropping was carried out to enhance composition, in addition to fine tuning of saturation and definition.
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Bubble Bath 陳麗果
沫蟬的種類很多,屬半翅目沫蟬科,常見紅紋 沫蟬和小紅斑沫蟬,亦稱吹沫蟲、鵑唾蟲或吹泡 蟲。身長只有 6 毫米,有些不到 5 毫米,顏色很 樸素。生活在植物葉片上,具保護色因此不太容 易發現。若蟲會分泌一種泡沫狀物質,用來保護 自己不至於乾燥及免受天敵侵害。用鏡頭記錄家 鄉的生態。 Froghoppers belong to the family Cercopidae and order Hemiptera. The most common species are Cosmoscarta uchidae and Cosmoscarta bispecularis. They are also called spittlebugs or cuckoo spit insects. They measure up to only 6mm in length. Active on leaves, their protective coloration makes it difficult to spot them. Nymphs secrete a foamy substance to maintain moisture and avoid attacks by predators. Through my lens, I record nature in my hometown.
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 06 月 11 日攝於浙江省甯海縣黃壇鎮西溪水庫。 使 用 Canon EOS 5D Mark III 相 機 + EF100 毫 米 f/2.8L
Macro IS USM 鏡 頭。ISO 250 + F/25 + 1/125s + 100.0
This image was taken at the Xixi Reservoir in Huangtan Town, Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province, China on June 11, 2017. Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera and EF100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM lens were used. ISO-250 + F/25 + 1/125 sec + 100.0mm.
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Beautiful Froghoppers 江建敏
沫蟬屬於昆蟲綱半翅目沫蟬科,是一群有趣的昆 蟲,種類也多,雖然也叫蟬,但牠們不會鳴叫, 也比蟬小得多。牠們全為植食性,取食草本和木 本植物。外觀看上去像是某人吐出的口水泡沫, 所以又稱泡泡蟲。其實是若蟲腹部末端會分泌泡 沫把自己隱藏起來,避免被天敵發現,等到羽化 變成成蟲後,就不在泡沫裡生活。曾觀察食蟲虻 會吃沫蟬的成蟲,說明了若蟲生活在泡沫還是比 較安全。由於幼小的沫蟬身體瑩潤透亮,往往是 昆蟲攝影人喜歡的題材之一。 Froghoppers belong to the family Cercopidae, order Hemiptera and class Insecta. They are interesting insects of highly diverse species. They feed on herbaceous and woody plants and are sometimes observed in a foamy substance, as if someone spat on them. It is the nymphs that secrete this substance from the end of the abdomen to conceal themselves from predators. Once they molt and become adults, they no longer produce it. I have seen assassin flies prey on adult froghoppers, which means that nymphs are safer within their foam. As froghopper nymphs are often clear and bright, they are a popular subject for insect photographers.
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技術說明 Technical Introduction
拍於安徽九華山。使用 Nikon 5200 相機 + A6000 微距鏡頭 +
閃光燈 + 柔光罩。沫蟬很小而且很漂亮。
These images were taken on Mount Jiuhua in Anhui Province, China, using Nikon 5200 camera, A6000 macro lens, flash and flash diffuser. Froghoppers are very small and beautiful.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Conducting a Search 王福章
角蟬使用刺吸式口器吸食植物的汁液,消化後多 餘的含糖水分以蜜露型式排出。蜜露吸引來螞蟻 取食,過程中角蟬也因此受到保護的回報。兩者 之間存在著互利共生的關係,所以經常可見螞蟻
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2016 年 8 月 7 日攝於臺灣臺中市大坑山區。使用 Canon EOS 7D 相機,手動對焦,手動曝光模式,ISO 200、光
圈 f20、快門 1/166 秒、焦距 237mm。微調照片對比、
This image was taken on August 7, 2016 in the hills of
Dakeng, Taichung City, Taiwan. Canon EOS 7D camera was used with manual focus and manual exposure mode, ISO
Treehoppers use piercing-sucking mouthparts to feed on tree sap. After digestion, what remains is a sugarrich sticky liquid (known as honeydew), which attracts ants. In this mutualistic relationship, the treehopper receives protection. Therefore, it is common to see ants patrolling the area around treehoppers. In this image, an ant is standing on a treehopper. It is as if the ant is communicating to the treehopper: “Lift up your wing and let me conduct a search to make sure you are not hiding any honeydew.”
第四屆 佳作
200, aperture f20, shutter speed 1/166 sec, focal length 237mm. Fine tuning of contrast, saturation and sharpness was carried out.
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Ant Predators and Prey
長腳捷蟻工蟻體長 0.45-0.5 公分,身體外形細 長,觸角和各腳也特別細長。腹部、觸角基節和 腳腿節為褐色,頭部、胸部等部位為橙褐色。體 色略帶透明,腹部較深具褐色環節。本種是戶外 常見的漂泊蟻,習慣於枯竹莖孔洞裡築巢,爬行 速度快。某一隻死亡後,隔不久會有同伴來將死
2017 年 8 月 2 日中午攝於臺灣臺中市豐原區山區。使用
Canon 70D 相機 + 55-250mm 鏡頭 + 近攝鏡 + 外閃 + 柔
光罩,ISO 200、f/18、1/250 秒,微調飽和度及銳利度。 Taken at noon on August 2, 2017 in a mountainous area of Fengyuan District, Taichung City, Taiwan. A Canon 70D
camera, 55-250mm lens, close-up filter, external flash, and
中,常常會攻擊昆蟲來當食物來源,這 2 隻正在
flash diffuser were used, under ISO 200 , f/18, 1/250 sec.
奮力地把受傷的黑棘蟻搬回蟻穴當食物。 The Anoplolepis longipes worker ant is about 0.45-0.5 cm in length, appearing long and slender. The antennae and legs are also gracile. The abdomen, basal segments of antennae, legs and femurs are brown. The head and thorax are brownish orange. The body is slightly transparent with brown rings on the abdomen. These are common tramp ants in fields, where they build nests in bamboo cavities and climb quickly. When one of these ants dies, other worker ants clear it away. As they are omnivorous, they prey on insects. This image shows two ants working together to bring an injured Polyrhachis dives ant back to the nest.
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There was fine tuning of saturation and sharpness.
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Joining Forces 潘麗峰
螞蟻能夠舉起超過自身體數十倍的重量,負重 能力驚人。樹叢角落的螞蟻們,發現帶有翅膀 和胸部的豆娘,便使出全身力氣,合力搬著這 塊美味的食物,準備帶回地下螞蟻窩儲存。社 會性昆蟲的生活習性,常用來正面鼓勵我們, 也要發揮同心協力、分工合作的精神。 Ants can carry astonishingly heavy loads, which are many times greater than their body weight. In the corner of a grove, some ants have discovered the thorax with wings of a damselfly. They use their full strength to bring this delicious meal back to their nest together. The habits of eusocial insects remind us of the importance of developing a spirit of teamwork in society.
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2016 年攝於埔里。使用 Nikon 相機 + 腳架 + 閃光燈。 This image was captured in Puli in 2016 using Nikon camera, tripod, and flash.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Weaver Ant Dream Home 蔡岳霖
凶狠的編織蟻不以地底為巢,反而以枝條上的葉子 「編織」成家。猶如一支精良部隊,工蟻們咬住葉緣, 以腳爪及褥盤固定住,團結齊力將葉子拉近或反捲作 為巢壁;若有葉子過於遙遠,工蟻們甚至將身體串連 在一起,後者咬住前者的腹部前端,一隻接一隻,如 同拔河般,形成「螞蟻鎖鏈」,甚至是「螞蟻橋梁」! 精彩好戲正要開始上演,這是編織蟻最令人訝異的行 為模式―工蟻輕咬終齡幼蟲,如同身體的延伸,刺激 幼蟲來回吐絲,以黏合葉子。在編織蟻的世界裡,孩 子是要付出相當辛勞的,不過也完成一個遮風避雨的 家。 The aggressive weaver ant lives in trees, unlike other ants which are ground dwelling. Groups of workers construct nests by weaving together leaves. They act like a well-trained military unit. The workers bite the leaf margins and use their tarsal claws and pulvilli to fix the leaf in place. Then, they work together to pull the leaves closer or to roll them to make the nest walls. If the gap between two leaves is too big, the workers will form a chain by grasping onto each other’s petiole (anterior end of abdomen). The following behavior is most astonishing. They gently bite last instar larvae and stimulate them to excrete larval silk which is used for binding the leaves together. In the world of the weaver ant, juveniles work hard. But their contribution leads to a strong nest that provides protection from the wind and rain.
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技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 8 月 10 日攝於馬來西亞婆羅洲庫巴(Kubah)
These images were taken in Kubah National Park on the island of
+ Speedlite 580EX 閃光 + 大型柔光罩。光圈 f/8、快門
Speedlite 580EX flash + large flash diffuser were used. Aperture
國家公園。使用 Canon 7D 相機 + EF 100mm f/2.8 鏡頭
1/200 秒、ISO 400,微調亮度及裁切。
Borneo, Malaysia, Canon 7D camera + EF 100mm f/2.8 lens + f/8, shutter speed 1/200 sec, ISO 400 were applied. Fine tuning of brightness and cropping were carried out.
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Last Ditch Effort 楊宇宏
許多蜘蛛靠著結網捕食,路過的小昆蟲只要誤入 網中,往往只能垂死掙扎,最終成為蜘蛛的佳 餚。照片中的螞蟻才剛陷入網中,或許無法接受 這樣的命運,試著擺動六足希望能掙脫,但卻纏
2017 年 8 月 15 日早晨攝於臺灣臺北市陽明山二子坪。 使用 Canon EOS M5 相機 + EF 100mm f/2.8 L Macro IS
USM 鏡頭。光圈 8.0、快門 1/60、ISO 640,加閃光燈。
This image was obtained in the early morning of August 15,
注意到牠的存在,加速自己的滅亡。 Many spiders depend on webs to catch food. If a passing insect gets caught in a web, all it can do is struggle until it becomes the spider’s meal. In this image, an ant has just fallen onto a web. Unable to accept its fate, it attempts to wiggle its legs in the hope of freeing itself. However, this only serves to entangle it further. At the same time, the vibrations along the silk threads that make up the web signal the spider, which is lying in wait in the center of the white thread spiral. By catching the spider’s attention, this ant has quickened its end.
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2017 at Erziping on Yangmingshan in Taipei City, Taiwan. Canon EOS M5 camera + EF 100mm f/2.8 L Macro IS USM lens were used. Aperture 8.0, shutter speed 1/60, ISO 640 with added flash. Post-production included cropping and adjustment of brightness and contrast.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Endless Love 許淑娟
帶孩子觀賞樹幹時,發現直徑約 5 公分的漂亮白色編織物,赫見上方 有隻雌蛛正在護卵,原來是蜘蛛的卵囊。這隻薩氏長疣蛛體色接近樹 皮,具有完美的保護色,貼近卵囊守護著小寶貝們,避免其他天敵的 侵擾,展現無邊無際的母愛。 As I was observing a tree trunk with my children, I discovered a beautiful, white cocoon of about 5 cm in diameter. Above it was a female spider protecting her eggs. The coloring of this two-tailed spider (Hersilia savignyi) closely matches that of the tree bark in an example of natural camouflage. She stays close to the cocoon, protecting her young from predators in a display of endless maternal love.
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2017 年 8 月 19 日攝於臺灣臺中東海大學文理大道旁榕樹。使用 Casio ZR3600 相 機 + 25mm 鏡頭,ISO 200、f/2.8、1/125 s。
This image was taken on a banyan tree along Wenli Boulevard on the Tunghai University Campus in Taichung City, Taiwan on August 19, 2017. Equipment included ZR3600 camera + 25mm lens, under ISO 200, f/2.8, 1/125 sec.
第四屆 佳作
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Glorifying Motherhood: Peucetia formosensis 顏嘉志
許多動物的母親,從交配、護卵到育幼的過程扮 演主導角色,當然綠貓蛛媽媽也不例外!綠貓蛛 媽媽在產卵時,會以絲將卵包覆住形成卵囊(圖 中棕色球狀物,直徑約 2 公分),並且不眠不休 地呵護著,即使尋找食物也是在一定範圍內,隨
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2014 年 9 月 6 日攝於臺灣臺中市霧峰區桐林里北坑溪一
帶的青桐林生態園區。使用 Canon 相機、鏡頭為Macro
f/2.8 100mm、光圈 f/13、快門 1/00、ISO-800。補光設 備為環形閃燈和白色補光燈。拍攝 RAW 檔,裁剪出所需
Taken on September 6, 2014 in the Beikeng River area of
the Qingtong Forest Ecopark, located in Tonglin Village,
末初秋之際,如果在野外林間草叢見到牠們時, 可要好好地觀察一番! In the animal kingdom, females play a dominant role in raising offspring, from mating to protection. Peucetia formosensis mothers are no exception. They create a cocoon for their eggs using silk-like thread (spherical object of 2cm in diameter in this image). This female keeps guard over her young. Even when foraging, she does not go far, so that she can quickly drive away any invaders. Once the spiders hatch, they stay near the cocoon to continue to receive their mother’s protection. Once they have grown and molted, they are scattered by the wind to start new and independent lives. If you are in a forest area in late summer or early fall, you may have the chance to observe them.
第四屆 一等獎
Wufeng District, Taichung City. Canon camera was used. Macro f/2.8 100mm lens, aperture f/13, shutter speed 1/100, ISO 800. Lighting equipment included ring flash and white assistant exposure light. The RAW files were cropped to the desired specifications with adjustment of brightness, saturation and sharpness.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Hunting Green Lynx Spider 曾國忠
臺灣綠貓蛛捕食椿象,一隻小螞蟻來搶食。臺 灣綠貓蛛,為貓蛛科貓蛛屬的蜘蛛,體長約 0.72.1 公分,是徘徊性蜘蛛,不結網,喜待在開花 植物葉面或葉背,伺機捕捉前來吸食花蜜或停 歇的昆蟲。綠貓蛛是非常美的蜘蛛,臺灣中南 部平地至低海拔山區最為常見,每年 7-8 月間到 臺中大坑山區,幾乎都會看見牠們。臺中大坑一
2018 年 7 月 25 日上午 6:46 攝於臺灣臺中大坑一號步道。 使用 Olympus EM1 II 相機 + 40-150 毫米鏡頭 + DCR250
近攝鏡。ISO 64 + F/14 + 1/125 秒 + 40 毫米。後製微調
曝光及清晰度。每年 4 到 9 月喜到住家附近山區晨拍, 記錄昆蟲生態順便運動。
Taken at 06:46 on July 25, 2018 along the No. 1 hiking
trail in Dakeng, Taichung City, Taiwan. Olympus EM1 II
camera, 40-150mm lens and DCR 250 super macro lens
態畫面。 A green lynx spider preys on a stink bug, which an ant is fighting over. This wandering spider belongs to the genus Peucetia and family Oxyopidae. It is 0.7-2.1cm long and does not build a web. Instead, it hides among the leaves of flowering plants to prey on insects. This is a beautiful spider, which is most common in the plains and lowlands of central and southern Taiwan. In July and August, it can be seen in Dakeng, Taichung City. As I was on the No. 1 hiking trail in Dakeng, I saw this spider preying on a stink bug. Below it, an ant was trying to wrestle it away. This is a rare image.
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were used. ISO 64 + F/14 + 1/125 sec + 40mm. There was fine tuning of exposure and definition. Every year from April to September I photograph in the hills near my home, recording insect ecology while exercising.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Hammock 陳麗果
紅螯蛛科(大陸譯「优列蛛科」)的雌性蜘蛛, 白天多躲藏在巢內而夜晚出巢活動,是以小型昆 蟲為主食的遊獵型蜘蛛。蛛絲在棉葉上結成不具 黏性的船棚式絲巢,是蜘蛛的庇護所和產卵場
2017 年 06 月 11 日攝於浙江省寧海縣黃壇鎮西溪水庫。 使用 Canon EOS 5D Mark III 相機 + EF100 毫米 F/2.8L
Macro IS USM 鏡頭,ISO 250 + F/14 + 1/125 快門 +
100.0 毫米焦距。
速泌絲下垂逃跑。雌蛛體長約 7 毫米,背甲橙黃
This image was taken at the Xixi Reservoir in Huangtan
色,額部與牙的色澤較紅,步足和腹背均黃褐色 且無斑紋。用鏡頭記錄家鄉的生態。 A female spider (family Eutichuridae) conceals itself in a nest during the day, but leaves at night. It is a wandering spider that mainly preys on small insects. It has used its thread to create a non-sticky canopy-like cocoon on cotton leaf. This is a retreat and a place to lay eggs. However, it does not function to capture prey. If startled, this spider can propel downward and escape. The female measures approximately 7 cm in length. Its carapace is orange and chelicera and fangs red. Its legs and dorsal abdomen are yellowish brown without spots. Through my lens, I record the ecology of my hometown.
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Town, Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province, China on June 11, 2017. Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera and EF100mm F/2.8L Macro IS USM lens were used. ISO 250 + F/14 + 1/125 shutter speed +100.0mm focal distance.
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Animal Puzzles
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Aegista mackensii 何俊霖
臺灣盾蝸牛的殼上長滿了許多殼毛,長相奇特。 殼毛有蓄積水份、防禦、增加偽裝等幾種功用, 但說法還未有定論。以透光的拍攝方式,彰顯盾 蝸牛殼毛有趣的一面。 The shell of the snail Aegista mackensii is covered in hairs, making it appear very strange. These hairs store moisture from the air. They may also be used for defense and camouflage. However, this is still inconclusive. Using light transmission method, these hairs are revealed, creating an interesting image.
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2018 年 6 月攝於臺灣南投竹山。使用 Nikon D610 相機
+ Nikkor AF-S 105 毫米 Macro 鏡頭。以兩把手電筒補光, 一支從葉子背後打光,另一支補前方的亮度。
Taken in June 2018 in Zhushan, Nantou County, Taiwan. Nikon D610 camera and Nikkor AF-S 105mm macro lens were used. Two flashlights provided supplemental light. One was used to transmit light from under the leaf and the other to add light in front.
第五屆 佳作
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Dangerous Game 李銘崇
臺灣窗螢的幼蟲在獵捕蝸牛時,若是遇到蝸牛奮 力逃離,會以尾部的吸盤攀附在蝸牛殼上,伺機 注射麻醉劑。這個看似騎馬打仗的遊戲姿勢,其 實是蝸牛生死存亡的危險時刻。生命總是為了存 活而努力著 ! 刻意減弱機頂閃的正面光,加強離
2016 年 10 月 22 日晚上攝於苗栗苑裡。使用 Canon 7D + 100micro 拍攝,ISO 400 + F/11 + 1/125 秒,機頂閃 +
This image was taken on the night of October 22, 2016
in Yuanli, Miaoli County. Canon 7D and 100 micro were
used, with built-in flash and external flash. ISO 400 + F/11
現出蝸牛逃離時的緊張感。 Larvae of the firefly Pyrocoelia analis feed on snails. If a snail tries to escape, they use a sucking disc to attach to the shell and then inject the snail with anesthetic. This image reminds me of pretending to ride a horse as a child. However, this is no game for the snail. I purposely reduced the front lighting from the built-in flash and enhanced the side lighting. This resulted in dark background. The composition is on the diagonal to make the most of the emerald green leaf veins and allow light to penetrate the snail’s shell and firefly larva, to build on the intensity of the moment.
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+ 1/125 sec. This was followed by adjustment of definition, contrast and saturation.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Transparent Skeleton Specimens 陳煒
透明骨骼染色標本,是解剖學教學和科研工作中 常用的標本形式之一。它可以在保持外形完整的 情況下,顯示其內部的骨骼結構。透明標本是利 用藥品或物理的方法將骨骼處理後,使其折射係 數與透明劑的折射係數相接近,使全身的肉變透 明,從而顯現出經過染色的骨骼的形態。透明骨 骼染色的方法,主要用於難以解剖的較小材料和 胚胎。 Transparent skeleton specimens are commonly used in the teaching of anatomy and scientific research. The internal skeletal structure is displayed when the external structure is preserved. Transparent specimens are created by treating skeletons with reagents or physical methods. When the refractive index of the specimen is close to that of the clearing agent, the flesh becomes transparent. In this way, the dyed skeleton morphology is shown, revealing areas that are small and difficult to dissect or embryo anatomy.
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於北京實驗室。使用 Nikon D810 相機 + 105 微距鏡 頭 + R1C1 微 距 雙 頭 閃, 底 部 打 光。IOS 200 + F/36 +
These images were taken in a laboratory in Beijing, China. Nikon D810 camera, 105 macro lens, and R1C1 closeup double flash were used, with backlight source. ISO 200 + F/36 + 1/160.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Spawning Stejneger’s Paddy Frog 何俊霖
像這種卵粒型的蛙種在產卵時,經常會有特別習 性,只要是沒有特別的障礙物,產卵時會以繞圈 圈的方式陸續產卵,有的是順時針,有的是逆時 針。這對史丹吉氏小雨蛙正在逆時針產卵,非常 有趣。 In the absence of an obstacle, Stejneger’s paddy frog (Micryletta steinegeri) spawns while moving in a circle, sometimes in a clockwise direction and sometimes in a counter-clockwise direction. Here, this Stejneger’s paddy frog is moving in a clockwise direction, resulting in a very interesting scene.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 6 月攝於臺中市太平區。使用 Nikon D610 機身 + Nikkor AF-S 105mm macro 鏡頭,機頂閃 + 離機閃共
These images were taken in Taiping District, Taichung City in June 2018. Nikon D610 camera body and Nikkor AF-S 105mm macro lens, with built-in flash and external flash, were used.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Odd Nursery 吳兆豐
在馬來西亞砂拉越之庫巴國家公園的每個夜晚,我們都 在著名的蛙池搜尋。在嚮導的帶領下,終於在林下落葉 層中,找到世界最小的蛙—豬籠草姬蛙。最令人激動的 是,還看到了一對正在交配,二隻豌豆大的小傢伙溫柔 地抱在一起,晶瑩剔透,宛若朱玉,溫馨又可愛。次日 夜晚,在同一地點的瓶狀豬籠草捕蟲籠裡,發現了豬籠 草姬蛙的寶寶。捕食昆蟲的陷阱,竟然變成了育兒室! 芝麻大半透明的蝌蚪,悠然在捕蟲籠的溶液裡暢遊,有 幾隻已經長著後腿。大自然的精妙絕倫,真是超乎想像。 Every night, when we were in Kubah National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia, we would explore Natural Frog Pond. With our local guide, we came across the world’s smallest frog, the Matang narrowmouthed frog (Microhyla borneensis), among leaves on the forest floor. What was most exciting is that we discovered a mating pair. Two frogs, each the size of a pea, were in a glimmering, gentle embrace. It was a warm and lovely scene. The next night, in the same area, we found tadpoles of Microhyla borneensis inside a tropical pitcher plant (Nepenthes ampullaria). This insect-catching plant had become a nursery! The semi-transparent tadpoles, each the size of a sesame seed, were swimming in fluid inside the pitcher cup. Several of them had developed hind legs. The unrivaled ingenuity of nature is beyond our imagination.
第四屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於馬來西亞砂拉越庫巴國家公園。使用 Canon EOS
7D 相機 + Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM 鏡頭,手電筒補 光,並加以修圖。
These images were obtained in Kubah National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia with Canon EOS 7D camera + Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM lens. A flashlight was used to increase the amount of light, followed by editing of the image.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Internal Organs of a Transparent Tadpole 陳岳峯 陳詠琦 陳瑞鑫
兩生類經常是科學研究的實驗對象,有些蝌蚪不 需要解剖就可以看清楚內臟運作。透明的腹部可 直觀心臟跳動、腸子蠕動、鰓的活動等,十分有 趣。 Amphibians are common scientific research subjects. In some tadpoles, the internal organs can be seen, without the need for dissection. Due to the transparent abdomen, it is possible to directly observe the heart beating, the intestines wriggling and the gills moving. It is all very fascinating.
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2017 年 8 月 3 日至 9 月 3 日攝於臺中市東勢區自宅。使
用 Nikon D7000 相機 + Laowa Macro 60mm 鏡頭 + 雙燈 離閃。
These images were taken between August 3 and September 3, 2017 at my home in Dongshi District of Taichung City, Taiwan. Nikon D7000 camera + Laowa Macro 60mm lens + two remote flashes were used.
第四屆 三等獎
三等獎 第四屆
動物的拼圖 Animal Puzzles 199
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
觀眾 票選獎
Transparent Tadpoles
陳岳峯 陳瑞鑫
某些蝌蚪在發育的過程中,腹面會呈現透明狀 態,此時牠的內臟清晰可見,可以看到腸道微弱 的蠕動、心臟撲通撲通地跳動著。透過相機就可 以看到身體內部運作的畫面,令人對生命感動! 剛好在小犬練習二胡時,樂音與心臟的跳動合而 為一,緊密的契合成有趣的畫面(拍攝日期就是 小犬的生日,真是太巧合了)。 In some tadpoles, the abdomen is transparent, such that it is possible to observe the faint squirming of the intestinal tract and the beating of the heart. Through a camera lens, the inner workings of the tadpole body can be viewed, which is a representation of life. My son happened to be practicing the erhu, a two-stringed bowed musical instrument. The tadpole heart began to beat in time to the music, creating an interesting scene. (The date this video was taken also happened to be my son’s birthday.)
第五屆 影像動態組觀眾票選獎
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 9 月 3 日 攝 於 菜 園 蜂 窩 工 作 室。 使 用 Nikon D7000 相機 + 微距鏡。觀察青蛙成長時的拍攝紀錄。
Taken on September 3, 2017 at Cai Yuan Feng Wo Workshop using Nikon D7000 camera and macro lens. This video records the developmental process of frogs.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
這個應該是咖啡豆吧 ! No, No, No!
These Are Not Coffee Beans! No, No, No!
陳岳峯 陳瑞鑫 陳詠琦
可別說它是咖啡豆喔!青蛙會生氣的!這是蛙 卵要發育脊椎的重要時期。外型像咖啡豆中間那 條凹溝兩旁的稜會慢慢合攏,形成重要的神經 管。蛙卵的發育適合觀看細胞分裂與胚胎成長。 下次到水池邊,看到這個畫面,可別以為是咖啡
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 11 月 28 日 攝 於 菜 園 蜂 窩。 使 用 Nikon D7000
相機 + 微距鏡拍攝。觀察梭德氏赤蛙成長時所拍攝,影 像大約是蛙卵成長的 G15 神經管期。
This image was taken on November 28, 2017 at Cai Yuan
Feng Wo Workshop using Nikon D7000 camera and macro
lens. The developmental process of the frog Rana sauteri was observed and photographed. This image shows G15
To refer to these as coffee beans might be offensive to frogs! This is an important stage in frog development. From the outside, these frog eggs look like coffee beans. But, the edges along the groove will slowly close to form the neural tube. To better understand frog development, it is best to observe cell division and embryonic growth. Next time you are near a pond and see something that resembles this image, don’t think that coffee beans have fallen into the water. They are frog eggs.
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stage development of the neural tube.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Nature’s Crystal Balls: Temple Tree Frog Eggs 陳岳峯 陳詠琦 陳瑞鑫
樹蛙的卵只會產在水中或者是在樹上的卵泡嗎?臺灣特 有種面天樹蛙的卵產在地上,像是灑滿地上的粉圓。兩 棲類無尾目的發育,有一個非常特殊的時期-外鰓期。 本組照片呈現平時我們不會注意到的面天樹蛙蝌蚪成長 過程中的外鰓期之美。 Do tree frogs lay their eggs only in the water or in foam on trees? The eggs of the temple tree frog (Kurixalus idiootocus), which is endemic to Taiwan, resemble tapioca balls. They are laid on the ground. Anuran tadpoles have a stage in their development during which external gills form. This set of images presents the beauty of external gills in larval temple tree frog tadpoles, which may not normally be seen or given much attention.
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2017 年 6 月 3 日 至 12 日 攝 於 臺 中 市 東 勢 區 自 宅。 使 用 Nikon D7000 相機 + Laowa Macro 60mm 鏡頭 + 雙燈離閃。依據 Gosner
These images were obtained at home in Dongshi District of Taichung City, Taiwan from June 3 to June 12, 2017. Nikon D7000 camera, Laowa Macro 60mm lens, and double external flash were used. Based on the Gosner staging system for the development of Anurans, the focus was on photographing and recording the changes that occur during the development of external gills.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Changes in Labial Teeth of Temple Tree Frog Tadpole 陳岳峯 陳詠琦 陳瑞鑫
葷 食 的 青 蛙 與 素 食 的 蝌 蚪 在 食 性 上 有 差 別, 「齒」的差異也很大。蝌蚪有超多的唇齒。本照 片記錄臺灣特有種面天樹蛙,前肢伸出前第 24 天到第 33 天的唇齒列變化。牠的唇齒列不僅和 進食有關,在第 33 天唇齒列掉光後的 24 小時 內,前肢就會伸出來準備上岸。 Carnivorous frogs and herbivorous tadpoles have different feeding habits and, thus, different “teeth”. Tadpoles have many labial teeth. These images record changes in the labial teeth of the temple tree frog (Kurixalus idiootocus), which is endemic to Taiwan, before extension of the forelimbs, from day 24 to 33. The labial teeth are not only related to feeding. On day 33, all the labial teeth are gone. Within 24 hours, the forelimbs are extended in preparation for moving onto land.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2017 年 6 月 3 日至 12 日攝於臺中市東勢區自宅。使用 Nikon D7000 相機 + Laowa Macro 60mm 鏡頭 + 雙燈離 閃。每天拍攝面天樹蛙腹視圖,裁切成相同畫面。再運
比較變化圖。蝌蚪的前肢不是慢慢地長出來,而是直接 由體內伸出來。什麼時候會伸出來呢?當唇齒列掉光時 就會伸出來。
These images were taken at home in Dongshi District of Taichung City, Taiwan from June 3 to June 12, 2017. Nikon D7000 camera, Laowa Macro 60mm lens, and double external flash were used. Every day, abdominal views of developing temple tree frogs were obtained. Cropping resulted in images of similar composition. Then, nEO iMAGING image editing software was used to create this montage. The forelimbs of this tadpole do not slowly emerge, but directly extend from the body. When does that happen? When the labial teeth have all fallen out.
第四屆 佳作
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Maternal Love in the Amazon 李浩銘
麝雉是一種生活在亞馬遜河流域的特有種鳥類, 雖然氣味不太好聞,但可是圭亞那的國鳥。牠的 幼鳥具有始祖鳥一樣的翼爪,可以在遇到危險時 幫助緊急逃跑。當羽翼豐滿時,翼爪就會脫落。 這次在亞馬遜雨林有幸拍到雌鳥呵護下的幼鳥, 雖然羽翼看似豐滿,但還沒有足夠飛行的能力。 牠一直依偎在媽媽的身邊寸步不離。
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於厄瓜多爾的亞馬遜雨林。使用 Cannon EOS-1D X Mark ll 相 機 和 Canon EF 300mm f/4 L IS 鏡 頭。ISO
This image was taken in Amazonian rainforest of Ecuador. Equipment included Canon EOS-1D X Mark ll camera and Canon EF 300mm f/4 L IS lens. ISO 3200, 800mm, f/5.6, 1/320. There was fine tuning of colors and shading.
The hoatzin is an endemic species of the Amazon River region. Although it has a foul odor, it is the national bird of Guyana. Newly hatched birds have wing claws like those of Archaeopteryx. These can be used to help them escape danger, before their wings are strong enough to fly away. Once their wings have fully formed, the claws disappear. I was fortunate to come across this female hoatzin feeding its young. Although the juvenile appears to have fully developed wings, it is still not able to fly. It depends on its mother, staying close to her.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Crested Serpent - Eagles Raising Their Young 陳加盛
大冠鷲是臺灣低海拔山區常見的猛禽,分佈範圍可上達中海拔山區。因捕食 蛇類,又稱為蛇鵰。胸腹間有類似梅花鹿的斑紋,也有「鹿紋」之稱,是臺 灣最容易觀察到的猛禽之一。大冠鷲經常翱翔在晴空中宣示領域,發出嘹亮 悠長的鳴叫聲,每年 4-5 月繁殖期,臺南的淺山、丘陵地帶,常可發現牠們 的巢位。每巢產一卵,孵卵期約 45 天,育雛 60 至 65 天。初期幼鷹極為脆弱, 曾被鳳頭蒼鷹攫走,但大冠鷲也會抓回鳳頭蒼鷹幼雛,餵食自己的幼鷹。牠 們獵取食物繁雜,築巢地區因物種不同略有差異。觀察這一巢,以蛇類為大 宗,毒蛇數量不少,以赤尾青竹絲最多,還有攀木蜥蜴、石龍子、青蛙、蟾 蜍、鼴鼠等。過去有親鳥抓回未死的毒蛇,反而幼鳥被蛇咬死的紀錄,此次 則觀察到小蛇溜下巢逃走的情形。由於巢築於樹冠層,缺乏遮蔭的樹枝,親 鳥們輪流立於巢中,替幼鳥遮擋陽光,直至幼鳥羽翼豐滿為止。 The crested serpent-eagle is a common raptor in Taiwan’s lowlands to mid-elevation mountains. It feeds on reptiles, especially snakes, from where it gets its name. Markings on its underside resemble those of the spotted deer. On sunny days, it soars, announcing its territory with a clear, long call. Its breeding season is April to May. In low elevation mountains and hilly areas of Tainan, it is possible to find its nesting grounds. One egg is produced per clutch. Around 45 days are needed for hatching and 60 to 65 days for weaning. The hatchlings are weak and prone to capture by the crested goshawk. Crested serpent-eagles also prey on crested goshawk hatchlings. Snakes made up most of the diet in these nesting grounds, with the bamboo viper common. There were also Taiwan japalure, skinks, frogs, toads and moles. There have been sightings of parents bringing back live poisonous snakes, which have killed juvenile birds. I saw smaller snakes escape from a nest. The nests are in treetops with little shade and parents take turns protecting their young from the sun’s rays.
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
These images were taken in Dongshan District, Tainan City,
5 月 13 日,在幼鳥出生後一個星期開始觀察拍攝,7 月 10
nesting sites of the crested serpent-eagle. On May 13, 2018,
偽帳,定期做長時間觀察拍攝,以了解其繁殖情形。2018 年 日幼鳥試飛離巢後結束,合計 59 天。
Taiwan. I created a covered spot from where to observe I started observing and photographing, which was about one week after the juveniles had hatched. I continued until July 10, when the juveniles attempted to fly and leave the nest. The total observation period was 59 days.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Birds Love Nectar
雖然叫做「捕蛛鳥」,其實主食是花蜜。長長的 脖子和喙,能順利地伸進花裡吸食花蜜。這可是 第一次近看紋背捕蛛鳥,而且探出頭的姿勢也很 有趣。另一隻是藍喉太陽鳥,身上紅黃藍三原
2017 年 10 月 5 日攝於泰國清邁附近的 Doi Inthanon 山。 使用 Canon 6D 相機 + Tamron 150-600mm 長焦鏡頭。
On October 5, 2017, these birds were photographed on Doi
Inthanon near Chiang Mai, Thailand. Equipment included
Canon 6D camera + Tamron 150-600mm telephoto lens.
蜜的喜愛。我把這兩種鳥放在一起,是因為牠們 都食用同一種花蜜,而且都有可以吸食花蜜的彎 嘴,體現大自然趨同演化的神奇。 Although referred to as the streaked spiderhunter, this bird’s long neck and bill are suited to feeding on nectar. This is the first time I have been able to observe this bird up close. Its pose with head pointed upward is very interesting. The red, yellow and blue bird is a Mrs. Gould’s sunbird. It is not only brightly colored, but also a high-elevation sunbird indicator species. I was able to photograph it foraging up close and observe its love of nectar. I placed these two species together, as they both feed on the nectar of the same plant and have curved bills, highlighting the magic of convergent evolution.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
第四屆 青少年特別獎
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Super Architect 李浩銘
褐色園丁鳥,是一種非常有名的鳥類,可是長 相 卻 十 分 普 通, 從 學 名(Amblyornis inornata ) 可 以 說 明 這 一 點。 屬 名 Amblyornis 為 希 臘 文 ambluoeis 和 ornithos 的結合,前者意指「平淡」, 後 者 意 指「 鳥 」; 種 本 名 inornata 源 自 拉 丁 文 inornatus,意為「平淡不加以修飾的」。既然不 是因為外表而出名,那又是因什麼而有名的呢? 原來褐色園丁鳥是傑出的建築師,可以建造出精 美的宮殿來求偶。在建設求偶場前會挑選出一片 區域,並把地面清理乾淨,幾乎是寸草不留,接 著開始用細樹枝等材料建設求偶場。求偶場前的 空地會用一些花瓣、果實、樹葉等進行裝飾,裝 飾物的擺放也是井井有條。而牠們最喜歡的竟是 黑色和藍色!
第四屆 佳作
The Vogelkop bowerbird is a very well-known species, although its looks are somewhat ordinary, as suggested by its scientific name Amblyornis inornate. Ambylornis is the combination of the Greek words ambluoeis and ornithos. The former means “dull” and the latter “bird”. Inornate comes from the Latin inornatus, which means “dull, without embellishment”. With this description, how did it become so famous? The Vogelkop bowerbird is an outstanding architect. The males create elaborate “bowers”. A male first selects a desirable area and then clears away debris. It uses twigs to build a bower and decorates it with flower petals, fruits and twigs. The placement of these decorations is methodical. Moreover, this bird prefers the colors black and blue!
技術說明 Technical Introduction
下午 5 點攝於印尼的西巴布亞省 ARFAK 山脈的高山雨林。
These images were photographed in high elevation rainforest
和 Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD 鏡頭。ISO
was quite dark. Canon EOS-1D X Mark ll camera and Tamrom
森 林 內 光 線 極 暗, 使 用 Cannon EOS-1D X Mark ll 相 機 40000、150mm、f/5、1/250。色彩明暗度微調。
in the Arfak Mountains of West Papua, Indonesia. The forest
SP 15-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD lens were used. ISO 40000,
150mm, f/5, 1/250. There was fine tuning of colors and shading.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Gathering of Birds Along Arctic Glacier 段煦
2013 年,夏天來到北極的腳步比往常都早。7 月 30 日上午, 在冷岸群島北部的摩納哥冰川(北緯 79°30 東經 12°29),數 以萬計的三趾鷗正在享受一場超級豪華盛宴。盛夏季節,巨型 的冰塊接連不斷地從冰川前緣崩塌下來,晝夜不停。幾乎每一 次冰崩,都能產生強大的渦流,深水中的魚群及浮游生物,被 這些渦流帶到上層水體,成為三趾鷗們爭相捕食的獵物。群鷗 的彌集,表面上是因為冰塌頻繁,使得表層水體餌料豐富,然 究其根本,是因全球氣候變化的加劇,使得北極冰川融化速度 越來越快,導致冰川前緣發生如此頻繁的崩塌。因此,群鷗彌 集所反映出的,是地球氣候變化的一個縮影。極地,是觀察地 球變化的視窗;關注極地的每一個細節,是為了認識和瞭解地 球環境,從而知道人類該如何保護並適應變化。 In 2013, I traveled to the North Pole in summer, which was earlier than usual. On the morning of July 30, I saw thousands of black-legged kittiwakes foraging along the Monaco Glacier in the Svalbard archipelago (79°30 north latitude, 12°29 east longitude). At the height of summer, large blocks of ice fall from the front margin of the glacier night and day. Almost every time this glacier calves, strong eddies are formed. Deep water fish and plankton are brought to the surface by these eddies, becoming food for these birds. Due to global climate change, Arctic glaciers are melting at a faster rate, increasing the frequency of calving along the front margins. This large group of birds reflects this phenomenon. The polar regions are a window onto global change. By observing the polar regions in detail, we can understand the global environment and how to protect it, as well as how to adapt to changes. 216
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2013 年 7 月 30 日攝於北極冷岸群島摩納哥冰川前緣,搭乘
On July 30, 2013, I was photographing along the front margin
IS II USM 鏡頭,ISO 320 + F/5.6 + 1/1250 秒 + 150 毫米焦
motorboat in the Arctic Ocean. CANON EOS 60D camera and
衝鋒舟拍攝。使用 CANON EOS 60D 相機 + EF 70-300 毫米
of the Monaco Glacier in the Svalbard archipelago aboard a EF 70-300mm IS II USM lens were used. ISO320 + F/5.6 + 1/125 sec + 150mm focal length. Cropping and adjustment of brightness and contrast were carried out.
動物的拼圖 Animal Puzzles 217
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Atayal Slug: Eating Snake 李潛龍
泰雅鈍頭蛇主食為蝸牛和蛞蝓,蝸牛有殼保護, 蛞蝓會分泌旺盛黏液,為了攝食這兩類動物,鈍 頭蛇演化出特殊的覓食機制。以蝸牛為例,自然 界中大部分的蝸牛殼都是「右旋」的方向,為 有效取食螺肉,鈍頭蛇必須用上下頷固定螺殼,
2018 年 6 月 7 日攝於北橫公路。使用 Panasonic GX-
85/45 毫米微距鏡頭+閃光燈,ISO 500 + F/9 + 1/160, 調整對比與亮度。
These images were obtained along the Northern Cross-
Island Highway on June 7, 2018, using Panasonic GX-
85/45mm macro lens and flash. ISO 500 + F/9 + 1/160.
象,是掠食者與獵物共同演化的結果。 The Atayal slug-eating snake (Pareas atayal) feeds mainly on snails and slugs. As snails have a protective shell and slugs secrete large quantities of mucus, this snake has developed unique foraging mechanisms. Taking snails as an example, in the natural world most snail shells spiral in a clockwise direction. To obtain snail meat, this snake uses its jaws to hold the shell in place, then slowly pulls out the meat using its teeth, of which there are more on the right side than on the left. This is an outcome of the coevolution of predator and prey.
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第五屆 佳作
There was adjustment of contrast and brightness.
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Marine Iguana Combat 游崇瑋
繁殖季節開始,是驗收雄性海鬣蜥求偶打鬥能力 的時候。強壯的雄性會彼此打鬥,除了少數以撕 咬方式攻擊外,大多數選擇相對平和的角力比 賽!用頭部特化前額鱗一帶互相頂住對方,可避 免海鬣蜥彼此因打鬥太過激烈而受傷,以致失去 生命。這是長久演化的成果呢! At the start of the breeding season, male marine iguanas fight each other for the chance to mate. It is the stronger males that do battle. In only a few cases, will male iguanas violently bite each other, with most competitions decided by “wrestling”. They use specialized bony plates on their heads which can interlock. In this way, they avoid serious injury or death. This combat is the result of a long period of behavioral evolution!
第五屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於加拉巴哥群島。使用 Nikon D7200 相機 + 80-400 毫 米長鏡頭,在一定距離以外拍攝。
This image was taken in the Galapagos Islands using Nikon D7200 camera and 80-400mm lens, at a fixed distance.
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浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Rolling Polar Bear 游崇瑋
北極熊在雪、冰上打滾,用意是清除獵捕、進食後的髒污。 除了可恢復一身白淨的毛皮之外,也可以降低異味,增高下 一次獵捕的成功率。這樣一個小動作,關係這隻北極熊之後 能否順利狩獵與生存,非常重要! A polar bear is rolling in snow and ice. This is to eliminate dirt and debris acquired while hunting and feeding. In addition to restoring the white of the fur, it reduces odors, increasing the chance for success the next time it hunts. This small action is very important in determining whether this polar bear can continue to effectively hunt and survive.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於加拿大努納福特地區。以 DJI MAVIC PRO 空拍機由高處往下拍攝, 在完全未干擾北極熊行為下,取得此生態照片。
Taken in Nunavut, Canada with DJI MAVIC PRO drone. This ecological image was obtained without interfering with the polar bear’s behavior.
第五屆 佳作
Microscopic World
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Race of Ciliate and High Speed Train 蔡佳展
顯微鏡下的微生物,經常有出人意外的動態和行 為。若把一隻纖毛蟲放大成高鐵車頭規格,牠的 時速會是多少呢 ? 顯微鏡下,這隻纖毛蟲不斷地 以舞蹈似的迴旋。駐足藻上,有如花式芭蕾單腳
技術說明 Technical Introduction
2018 年 8 月 5 日攝於臺北自家。池水樣本取自林口水資 源回收中心的生態池。使用 Scimage 手機顯微鏡通用模
組 + iphone5S 手機 + 20 倍物鏡,以暗視野的方式觀察
身長和高鐵車頭等比換算,會是多快啊 ?
This was filmed at my home in Taipei on August 5, 2018.
The activity and behavior of microorganisms are often surprising when observed under a microscope. If we enlarge a ciliate to the size of a high-speed train locomotive, how fast could it move? Under the microscope, this ciliate continuously gyrated as it pirouetted. Among algae, it appears like a ballet dancer rotating on one foot. It has enough power to shoot out like a rocket. If it is increased to the size of a high-speed train engine, what velocity could it reach?
第五屆 影像動態組評審獎
Water sample was obtained from the ecological pond at the Linkou Water Recycling Center. Scimage Smartphone Microscope, iPhone 5S smartphone and 20X objective lens were used with dark-field microscopy. Editing of the video was carried out with the software Edius™ and subtitles were added.
微觀的世界 Microscopic World 227
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
The Heart
誰說心臟只能是紅色的?老鼠心臟組織切片經染色液 染色後,不但絢麗多彩,讓人更清楚地辨識各種組織。 可以觀察到橫紋肌的紋理、血管中由內到外的黑色彈 性纖維、 紅色平滑肌以及黃色的膠原蛋白。此外,
2018 月 9 月 24 日攝於美國加州大學戴維斯分校健康與環 境中心。以染色液染色老鼠心臟組織切片,使用蔡司顯微 鏡倍率 200X 和 400X 觀察,以預覽程式調整曝光、顏色、
These images were obtained at the Center for Health and the
Who says the heart can only be red? Using pentachrome stain, thin slices of rat heart appear bright and colorful. After staining, it is possible to differentiate tissues. For example, patterns of striated muscle can be observed, in addition to black elastic fibers that extend from the center of the blood vessels. Smooth muscle appears red and collagen yellow. The blue-green mucoproteins and bright red fibrinoids are also very eye-catching!
技術說明 Technical Introduction
第五屆 拓凱獎
Environment on the University of California, Davis campus on September 24, 2018. Russel-Movat pentachrome stain was used to stain slices of rat heart. Then, Zeiss microscope was used for observation at magnifications of 200X and 400X. Adjustments of exposure, colors, saturation, and definition were carried out with image viewer software.
微觀的世界 Microscopic World 229
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
World of Fingerprints 蕭妃專
指紋是刑案現場用來比對可疑犯嫌的重要個人特 徵之一,它會遺留在犯罪工具或犯嫌侵入處等位 置,藉以增顯出物品表面的指紋,可以供犯罪偵 查使用。
第五屆 百里獎
優選 第五屆
Fingerprints are one of the important pieces of evidence collected at a crime scene to determine suspects. They are left on weapons and in places criminals have entered. Fingerprints that are lifted off objects are provided for use in criminal investigations.
技術說明 Technical Introduction
These images were obtained at the Forensic Science Center of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Taichung City Police Department.
Fluorescent powder was used to enhance the loops and whorls and
used as a filter to raise the patterns. Forensic scientists often apply
to reduce interference from background objects. Macro lens was superglue to the raising of fingerprints, after which digital microscope can be used to magnify them to observe their thickness. These loops and whorls look like complex labyrinths. 微觀的世界 Microscopic World 231
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Life Support
第四 屆
夏曉飛 黃振飛
間充質幹細胞,是一種具有自我複製能力和多向分化潛能的成體 幹細胞。這種幹細胞能夠發育成硬骨、軟骨、脂肪和其他類型的 細胞。間充質幹細胞可以接受移植,而它們會成長為何種類型的 細胞,取決於其被注入的部位。例如被注入心臟的間充質幹細胞, 能夠形成健康的新組織。圖 1 利用共軛焦顯微鏡,顯示人類骨髓 間充質幹細胞。經過螢光標記,幹細胞在顯微鏡下顯示為綠色。 綠色代表著希望,圖中的影像如夢似幻,像魚?像蝌蚪?像螢火 蟲?實則更像生命的軌跡!圖 2 利用共軛焦顯微鏡,顯示人類骨 髓間充質幹細胞。經過螢光標記,肌動蛋白纖維在顯微鏡下顯示 為紅色,細胞核顯示為藍色,兩個細胞核重疊正好形成了心形。 幹細胞的利用有多重可能性,為人類美好生活打開方便之門。 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can replicate and differentiate into a variety of cell types, such as osteoblasts (bone cells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells), and adipocytes (fat cells). They can also be transplanted. The types of cells they develop into depend on where they are transplanted. For example, in the heart, MSCs can develop into new heart tissue. In image 1, confocal microscopy was used to show MSCs in human bone marrow. They appear green due to fluorescent marker. The color green represents hope. Do the shapes look like fish? Tadpoles? Fireflies? They most resemble pathways to life! In image 2, confocal microscopy was also used to present MSCs in human bone marrow. Due to the addition of fluorescent markers, actin in the cytoskeleton appears red, while nuclei appear blue. The nuclei of two stem cells overlap to form heart shapes. Today many applications of stem cells have been adopted, opening the door to a better quality of life.
第四屆 三等獎
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於北京協和醫院電鏡室。圖 1 的人類骨髓間充質幹細 胞細胞形態,像夜空也像森林的螢火蟲,更像孕育著力
量的生命;圖 2 紅色部分為人類骨髓間充質幹細胞的細 胞骨架,藍色則為細胞核,兩個細胞核重疊正好形成了 心形,寓意團隊協作才能做出更好的科研成果。
Taken in the scanning electron microscopy room of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Image 1 shows MSCs in human bone marrow. They appear like stars in the sky or fireflies in a forest and represent the power of life. In image 2, the cytoskeleton of MSCs in human bone marrow glows red and the nucleus glows blue. Two nuclei overlap to form heart shapes. The implied meaning is that scientific research is best conducted through collaboration.
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~ 2019
Universe in a Tea Bowl 李崢
此作品用顯微攝影展現了宋代建盞的盞底景象, 圖中黃色宛如恆星的發光體為長石結晶,藍色像 星雲的物質為富含鐵元素的胎土和礦釉。經高溫 燒製而生成的兩種結晶物質,絕妙的搭配形成類 似宇宙星空的圖像。 Photomicrography was used to present the patterns of a Song dynasty Jian kiln tea bowl. The glimmering yellow dots that look like stars are feldspar crystals. The blue areas that appear like nebulae are comprised of clay and glaze that are rich in iron. After firing at high temperatures, they produce two types of crystals. This ingenious combination forms the image of a starry sky in the universe.
第四屆 佳作
技術說明 Technical Introduction
攝於 2016 年 9 月 13 日。使用 Canon EOS 650D 相機 + Phenix 顯微鏡 185 型鏡頭,以 10 倍物鏡加鏡頭轉接環,將相機加
設三腳架,利用改變盞底與鏡頭間的距離來對焦。調整圖片 尺寸和對比度。
This image was obtained on September 13, 2016 with Canon EOS 650D camera, Phenix microscope 185 lens, and 10X objective lens adapter ring. The camera was set on a tripod. To focus, the distance between the tea bowl and the lens was adjusted. There was also adjustment of image size and contrast.
大江大海大地為畫布,快門捕生物, 瞬、間永恆,科學佐光影,真、美兼具。 Great rivers, huge oceans, and earth are taken as canvas; shutters are used as means to catch creatures, eternality occurring flashily and instantly. These lights and shadows bring out science that creates a balancing between truth and beauty. ~ 林詠翔
Vincent Lin
索引 Index of Credits
48 / 角山星軌 Jiaoshan Star Trails
154 / 小時候黑不一定黑 Colorful Adulthood
168 / 搜身檢查 Conducting a Search
120 / 魅惑的假眼 Deceptive Eyespots
158 / 新的開始 A New Start
166 / 美麗沫蟬 Beautiful Froghoppers
188 / 臺灣盾蝸牛 Aegista mackensii
194 / 史丹吉氏小雨蛙下蛋 Spawning Stejneger's Paddy Frog
88/ 海底的路殺
Roadkill Under the Sea
86 / 海百合之愛 Crinoid Love
96 / 天生絕配 Perfect Match
196 / 險境即搖籃 Odd Nursery
148 / 椿象捕甲 A Stink Bug Spears a Beetle 106 / 生命的通道 Tube of Life
92 / 深海勾魂使者:倫氏鉤腕魷 Deep Sea Reaper: Abralia renschi
132 / 姬蜂產卵 Ichneumon Wasp Laying Its Eggs
156 / 阿里山紋翅暮蟬:羽化 Cicada Transformation
152 / 剩餘價值 Surplus Value
208 / 亞馬遜的母愛 Maternal Love in the Amazon 214 / 超級建築師 Super Architect
234 / 盞中宇宙 Universe in a Tea Bowl
136 / 找到我給你拍拍手!偽裝大師樹皮螳 You Found It! Camouflage Master Theopompa ophthalmica
114 / 絹蛺蝶幼蟲孵化十連拍 Hatching of Calinaga buddha formosana Larva
124 / 豆娘組照 Damselfly Montage
64 / 舞動的精靈 Dancing Spirits
118 / 渴望飛翔 Yearning to Fly
190 / 危險遊戲 Dangerous Game
128 / 蜻蜓鞭炮 Dragonfly Firecrackers
218 / 泰雅鈍頭蛇捕食蝸牛 Atayal Slug: Eating Snake
108 / 洋玉 Potato Jade 146 / 椿の和菓子
Stink Bug Eggs
116 / 變臉 Changing Faces
130 / 葉上的蝌蚪 Tadpoles on a Leaf
134 / 生命樂章 Reproductive Life and Death
216 / 彌集在北極冰川前緣的群鷗 Gathering of Birds Along Arctic Glacier
232 / 生命的支撐 Life Support
60 / 氣旋風暴 Sudden Storm
56 / 日珥與倍里珠 Prominence and Bailey' s Beads
58 / 日全食中的日冕 Corona During Total Solar Eclipse
138 / 莫西幹 Insect Mohawk
90 / 夜裡的強襲 Nighttime Attack
94 / 在泡泡床裡 In a Bed of Bubbles
100 / 飛魚獵食 Hunting Flying Fish
110 / 傘下的小燈籠 Mushroom Lanterns
178 / 無盡的愛 Endless Love
210 / 大冠鷲繁殖前期 Crested Serpent-Eagles Raising Their Young
陳岳峯 陳詠琦 陳瑞鑫
198 / 蝌蚪的透明身體:直視內臟 Internal Organs of a Transparent Tadpole
204 / 在地上的水晶球:臺灣特有種面天樹蛙 Nature' s Crystal Balls: Temple Tree Frog Eggs
206 / 面天樹蛙蝌蚪唇齒的變化 Changes in Labial Teeth of Temple Tree Frog Tadpole
陳岳峯 陳瑞鑫
200 / 透明的蝌蚪 Transparent Tadpoles
陳岳峯 陳瑞鑫 陳詠琦
202 / 這個應該是咖啡豆吧! NO, NO, NO! These Are Not Coffee Beans! No, No, No!
陳楊文 陳鯨
228 / 心 The Heart 122 / 迷幻的落葉毯 Leaf Carpet Illusion 126 / 上帝的色彩:三角蜻蜓 God-Given Colors: Sapphire Flutterer 42 / 玉山圓柏銀河 Juniper Tree and the Milky Way
150 / 好奇 Curiosity
82 / 海面上的御風者:風帆水母 Sailing on the Sea: By-the-Wind Sailors
44 / 河海相映 Contrasting Clouds and Galaxy 46 / 海蝕銀河 Eroded Milky Way
68 / 夜觀石梯 Night View of Shitiping
212 / 鳥兒愛花蜜 Birds Love Nectar
144 / 螢軌與車軌 Firefly and Headlight Trails 98 / 裸躄魚幼魚防禦性嘔吐 Defensive Vomiting by Frogfish
192 / 透明骨骼染色標本 Transparent Skeleton Specimens
50 / M27 啞鈴星雲 M27 Dumbbell Nebula
164 / 泡泡浴 Bubble Bath
184 / 吊床 Hammock
142 / 偷窺者 Peeping Tom
162 / 新生命 New Life
170 / 長腳捷蟻的食物 Ant Predators and Prey
182 / 臺灣綠貓蛛捕食 Hunting Green Lynx Spider
102 / 黑暗勢力:線紋鰻鯰 Dark Force: Striped Eel Catfish (Plotosus lineatus )
220 / 海鬣蜥的戰鬥 Marine Iguana Combat
222 / 打滾的北極熊 Rolling Polar Bear
140 / 翹鬍子 Insect Mustache
172 / 合力 Joining Forces
76 / 此逝彼生:書蝨與虹彩糖晶 Booklouse and Rainbow Sugar Crystals
226 / 纖毛蟲與高鐵來比快 Race of Ciliate and High Speed Train
174 / 編織夢想家 Weaver Ant Dream Home
62 / 家朋春雷 Spring Lightning Over Jiapeng
40 / 雪山上的銀河拱橋 Milky Way over Snow Mountain
54 / 白塔與日暈 White Tower and Solar Halo
160 / 仰望新世界 Looking onto a New World
176 / 深陷其中 Last Ditch Effort
78 / 超微距下的酵素泡泡相連 Enzyme Bubbles Under Super Macro Lens
230 / 指尖乾坤 World of Fingerprints
薛涵宇 陳郁婷 蔡松祐
74 / 平靜深處 A Peaceful Place
84 / 海藻中的小精靈 Little Green Gulper
180 / 散發母性光輝:綠貓蛛 Glorifying Motherhood: Peucetia formosensis
52 / 國際太空站凌月 International Space Station and the Moon
70 / 鹽灘之美 The Beauty of Salt Flats
花開四季,生命輪迴,鏡頭瞬間的定格, 是藝術之手正在編織大自然的美妙記憶。 科學攝影的最迷人之處在於, 它借助一項技藝解釋了人類進步內在的驅動力, 那就是——發現生命存在的科學意義。 Amid the changing seasons and cycle of life, an instant is captured and framed by the camera. An artist’s hands weave together beautiful memories of Nature. What is most fascinating about science photography is that it makes use of a specific techniques to explain the inner drive of humans for progress, namely discovering a science-based meaning of life.
~ 鄭鈺
Zheng , Yu
浮光≒謎離:第 4+5 屆科學攝影特展 主辦單位:國立自然科學博物館 合辦單位:財團法人國立自然科學博物館文教基金會、北京自然博物館、科學人雜誌、 財團法人廣達文教基金會 協辦單位:財團法人拓凱教育基金會、大江生醫股份有限公司、 臺中市立忠明高級中學曲德華老師
徵件官網: 第 1 屆「驚豔 ‧ 新視野」 第 2 屆「自然與藝術之迷」 第 3 屆「等待 > 秘鏡」 第 4+5 屆「浮光≒謎離」
第 4+5 屆實踐團隊 Team Members of the 4th & 5th Science Images Activities
楊 翎
楊 翎、江品君
巡場志工 王夢龍、李林水、汪阿美、沈香玲、張若芬、張翠紅、游淑華、楊滿時、廖秀美、 郭素釵、劉瑞芬、劉靜瑤、蘇美月 巡迴展示
國家圖書館出版品預行編目(CIP)資料 浮光≒謎離 : 科學攝影事件簿 . 2018-2019 / 楊翎主編 . -- 第一版 . -臺中市 : 國立自然科學博物館 , 2021.03 面 ;
ISBN 978-986-5461-73-7( 精裝 ) 1. 攝影集 2. 科學攝影 957.9
浮光≒謎離:科學攝影事件簿 2018~2019 Glimmering Puzzles: Science Images 2018~2019 出
版 / 國立自然科學博物館 National Museum of Natural Science
址 / 臺灣臺中市館前路一號 1, Guancian Rd., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C
話 / (04)23226940
址 /
發 行 人 / 孫維新 主
編 / 楊翎
執行編輯 / 蘇麗英 專文作者 / 楊翎、廖靜如、鄭鈺、楊嶺 審
稿 / 蔡經甫、黃興倬、陳輝樺、陳彥君、周文豪、楊海莉、廖鎮磐、何恭算、楊宗愈、黃文山、黃俞菱
美術編輯 / 厚厚設計工作室 英文翻譯 / 羅雪柔 校
對 / 許家華、陳金蓮
印 / 臺灣身心障礙人福利促進協會
發行日期 / 2021 年 3 月第一版 定
價 / 新臺幣 500 元
ISBN / 978-986-5461-73-7(精裝) G P N / 1011000182 展售門市 / 國立自然科學博物館員工消費合作社 地址:404 臺中市館前路 1 號 電話:(04)23226940 轉 354 五南文化廣場 地址:400 臺中市中山路 2 號 電話:(04)22260330 網址: 國家書店松江門市 地址:104 臺北市松江路 209 號 1 樓 電話:(02)25180207 國家網路書店