3 minute read
Just the Facts ... and Then Some
by Caren Cowan, Publisher New Mexico Stockman
You Can’t Live on Beauty Alone
As I sit here the morning of April Fool’s Day, it is my fondest hope that we in New Mexico will not be fooled for much longer. I came across a website that had a photo depicting something good from every state. The photo for New Mexico was the Ship Rock. It is beautiful, but it doesn’t put food on the table.
Our state has the highest unemployment rate in the nation although you don’t walk into a business that doesn’t have a “help wanted” sign. Our state is worst in education in the nation. We are ranked as the 48th state in the nation overall.
None of this is news. We are watching our brightest and best leave the state to better their families and escape the oppression we are living under.
It also isn’t news that we have a shot at fixing a lot of this. The New Mexico primary election is about 60 days away and the general election is six months out. There is a real chance for change, if we choose to take it.
There are seven candidates for governor. Now is the time to pick one and get out your checkbook, not only to make donations, but for gas to hit the campaign trail for your candidate.
I don’t know if we have completely tapped out the agricultural vote or if people are so disgusted that they have just bowed out. Either one is devastating.
If we have everyone from agriculture being politically active, we have got to expand our reach. We all have friends, neighbors and even family members outside of agriculture that must vote in both the primary and the general election. Make sure they are registered to vote NOW.
There are a host of new candidates for the New Mexico Legislature. Do you know who is running in your district? If you don’t, please contact me and we can help you out.
We have Better Together New Mexico to thank for generating nearly 300,000 emails to the 2022 Legislature that were instru-
A Safe Private Treaty Environment
Select Your Bulls in Person mental in beating back much of the really bad legislation especially in the area of the environment, energy and elections.
Were you part of that 300,000? If not, why not?
The fact that PNM is forecasting rolling blackouts hit the television news last night. PNM has extended the use of coal powered energy until September 30, 2022. According to the report PNM “thinks” this will prevent the need for blackouts.
But what happens next winter? PNM says the state uses the most energy during the summer months. All well and good until we hit a deep-freeze winter that comes along every decade or so.
This energy crisis is a result of the Energy Transmission Act passed in the 2020 Legislature that mandates the use of only alternative energy (wind and solar) after June 30, 2022. If anyone ever needed a reason to vote and get out the vote, this is it.
I know, I am preaching to the choir… but the choir needs to stop singing and start yelling.
On a personal note, I was saddened to learn this week that Chad Smith is stepping down from the New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau. Chad has been a huge asset to agriculture and a true friend to all. We wish Chad and his family the best as they move on to a bigger and better future.
Thank you Chad. ▫
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