7 minute read
Who would have believed it …
the next couple of weeks.
Comments on the USFS scoping notice were due on January 9. While there were numerous comments submitted pointing out the fallacy of the exercise, there hasn’t been a peep out of the agency since then.
This is not surprising because the point of the scoping exercise was for the USFS to give itself a categorical exclusion to kill the cattle with no environmental analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
This is not the first time this has happened, and once the government gets away with this a second time, this practice will no doubt become common.
There are already rumblings of the potential in the northern part of New Mexico. Don’t be foolish enough to believe that this practice will stop in New Mexico.
However one wonders why this is happening in New Mexico first. The answer is simple. Elections have consequences. We get the government we vote for… or not.
We may be skeptical about election integrity, but that is no excuse for staying home on Election Day. The next time you have an opportunity to vote, please consider using your rights.
Help from outside
New Mexico’s ranchers are thankful that the US House Western Caucus weighed in to the try and stop the cattle slaughter. Six members of the Caucus, Congressmen Dan Newhouse, (R-WA), Doug LaMafa (R-CA), Ronnie Jackson (R-TX), Ryan Zinke (R-MT), Chris Stewart (R-UT), and James Moylan (R-Guam) wrote the Chief of the USFS asking him to “immediately and permanently delay the proposed aerial and ground shooting of cattle in the Gila National Forest until concerns raised by local stakeholders have been adequately addressed.
Protect Americans Now was a sponsor of the Western Caucus meeting held in October in Albuquerque where many of these congressmen got a full briefing on the cattle slaughter.
New Mexico deeply appreciates the aide from these congressional leaders from coast to coast.
Your retirement investments
As reported in this issue, a new rule from the US Department of Labor took effect on January 30, 2023 that allows retirement plan managers are able to factor in a company’s environmental, social, and governing (ESG) positions. These considerations will not necessarily provide the greatest return on your investment.
For example, energy investments are not ESG friendly, yet it was energy that provided the greatest gains in the market last year.
Companies like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, which collectively manage trillions of dollars in assets, have taken lead roles in the ESG movement. You might want to check your investments to see how they are being managed.
With the extension of the effective date for the lesser prairie-chicken endangered species list until March 27, 2023, there is still time for landowners to sign up for candidate conservation agreements (CCA) until March 26.
One source for CCAs is CEHMM, 575/885-3700. 505 N. Main St., Carlsbad, NM 88220, www.cehmm.org . Watch the New Mexico Federal Lands Council Facebook page for more information. ▫
February, CowBelles & CattleWomen!
Iwant to recap a little on our first Zoom meeting for the year. If you aren’t aware, we host a statewide Zoom meeting every second Thursday of the month, at 7 p.m. You can find the link on our Facebook page or via your email from our website.
We introduced our Officer Team, announced our theme; Believe, Encourage, and Educate for our Future (B.E.E.F), and gave a summary of upcoming dates to be aware of. My word for the year was “Encourage”. Encourage our members so that they believe in the value of our organization.
Our mission is to, “Serve as the premier women’s agricultural organization by promoting and supporting the New Mexico Beef Industry through education.” I said the word “encourage” to Michelle, our President Elect, and in five minutes she came back with an idea for the theme. I can’t think of anything more relevant to our purpose than those words.
We segued into upcoming dates and of course the question on everyone’s mind, District meetings. We have posted a Save the Date notice on our website under Events. The Event page will also be the location to register (or the mail in form printed on the next page) when we have finalized details, which won’t be long.
There will NOT be a fee for registering but please fill out the form so we have a count for food. And please plan to bring a door prize! Watch for an email as well, we will try to cover all options to remind/register everyone.
The Southern Region will be held on February 25th, in Alamogordo (location pending) and the Northern Region will be held on March 25th, at the Rio Arriba County Fairgrounds, in Abiquiu. We plan to start around 10 a.m. for both days.
If you all have any questions, please email me or any of the officers and we are happy to help. I hope you’ll join us, this officer team is incredible and their hearts are on fire! www.newmexicocowbelles.org
The Grant County Copper CowBelles’ January 6th meeting was called to order by President Kim Clark, immediately following the Installation Potluck Dinner at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance cited and the Cow-
Belle Creed read. Twenty-four attended, including families and guests of members. Visitors Marilyn and Bryon Wiley recently moved from the Prescott AZ area and were warmly greeted. Kim Clark proceeded in dismissing the outgoing officers and then swore in new officers for the 2023 year: Pat Hunt as President, Michelle Greeman as Vice President, Cyndi Donovan as Treasurer and Carol Crosley as Secretary. As outgoing President, Kim chose Pat Hunt as our 2022 CowBelle of the Year. This was a popular decision, given Pat’s continuing work on behalf of the club throughout some difficult years. Pat Hunt reminded of a vote taken online last year to repeat the challenge, encouraging other CowBelle groups to financially support the “Ag in the Classroom” program as decided by all. Michelle Greeman gave a brief but informative report on NM CowBelles, highlighting NM AgFest 2023 to be held at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center on February 16th. The Southern Region District Meeting and Workshops will be held on February 25, 2023 in Alamogordo NM. Specifics on time and location soon to follow. She updated on 2023 NMCB officers and what to expect in the coming year. There is also good news that Margie McKeen will again host Ranch Days at their place this year and volunteers are sought. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Big thanks to Kathy and Billy Davis, Leslie Crumbley, Kim Clark, Pat Hunt and Lauren Baker, who threw their resources together to make set up happen and the party decorations shine. Submitted by Carol Crosley
Chamiza Cowbelles held the January Meeting at Johnny B’s restaurant, and the meeting called to order at 12:13 p.m. McKenzie presented the secretary’s minutes as accepted by all. Nancy gave the treasurer report, it was filed for audit. Nancy updated on merchandise stock. The group received 25 license plates instead of the 75 planned to order. There was confusion somewhere and ended up with five cases of small napkins and two cases of large napkins, whereas, ordered five cases of large napkins and two cases of small napkins. Nancy also mentioned two Cowbelles’ Workshops coming up this Spring. Chamiza will get together a group of people to attend the Workshop in Alamogordo. The group decided to email and USPS mail the nominee for the Man of the Year award to the State Association. A buckle will be sponsored by group for the High Steaks Jackpot that will be taking place on February 4th, in Sierra County, where group will set up a booth to sell napkins and license plates. The next meeting scheduled for Thursday February 2nd at 12:00 p.m. at Johnny B’s restaurant. The meeting was adjourned at 1:08 p.m. Submitted by Kimmy Molsbee
Powderhorn Cattlewomen met January 12th at the First Baptist Church in Fort Sumner. President Ann Sleep called the meeting to order and lead the Invocation, Pledge, and Creed, with nine members present. Mary read the minutes and they stand approved as corrected. Carol gave the Treasurers report. Her report was accepted as given and 33 of 35 members had paid their dues. The group reminded to attend the NMCB zoom meeting that evening if desired. Cards were signed for Janean Grissom, Yetta Bidigain, and Carolyn Bedford. Sign in sheet for 2023 meetings circulated by Sandy. All the meetings filled and ideas for programs requested. Old Business: Kelsey has tried numerous times to take the donations to Hartley House. She will try again, then if no luck, will take the donations elsewhere. New Business: The group went over the Budget, and all were happy with the increase in Scholarships. The group decided to have three scholarships, one for De Baca, one for Guadalupe and one for college students in the area and the scholarship increased to $750 each. It was decided to not do a quilt this year to give the quilters a rest. They grumbled a bit but said OK. Committees: Barbeque became Fundraising and Joan Key, Kelsey McCollum and Beverly Overton will organize. Outreach will be Mary McClain. Education and Promotion- Kari Henry, Kelsey, McCollum, and Kyra Monzingo. Legislative – vacant and Scholarship will be Nancy Schade and Carol Thorpe. The next meeting will be February 9th at Wayne Overton’s home. Meeting adjourned and Posole and fixings were enjoyed by all. Submitted by Mary McClain
Mesilla Valley CowBelles will hold first meeting of 2023 on January 24th at Andeles. The group will discuss the many Agriculture Literacy opportunities coming up this year. Cowboy Days – March 3 and 4, several Ag Days and some other Ag in the Classroom events. Also to be discussed will be round up of those needing to pay dues as well as inviting several new potential members. District Meetings coming up and the great things NMCB Officers have planned. Submitted by Janet Witte
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. Please send minutes and/or newsletters to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com by the 14th of every month. ▫