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New Mexico CowBelles Jingle Jangle
from NMS Feb 2021
Hi this is Sandra Lacy the 2021 CowBelle President. Here are a few things I would like to share with you about my background . I was born into a ranching family, established in the 1930s outside of Capitan and 1950s in Bingham, NM. Being around livestock my whole life I was naturally involved in 4-H, FFA, showing horses and rodeo events. Later working at sale barns and feedlots in NM and TX, in addition to managing a large dairy in ID and riding cutters in AZ. Just like that old Johnny Cash song, “I Been Everywhere.”
Today I have an office job in Capitan, a business named Cowboy Antics in addition to breeding miniature Australian shepherds.
As we close the gate of 2020 behind us and ride into 2021, I would to ask for your assistance in addressing specific issues and concerns that effect each of us today. We have an opportunity to help each other with the vast knowledge of all who read the NM Stockman.
If you would be so kind to submit questions, ideas, topics or concerns to my email (Cowbellringing@yahoo.com), we can address these issues using common sense solutions in each monthly issue.
The new CowBelle Officers of 2021 would like to offer our assistance in any way to help the NM Stockman and all members of CowBelles to help each other succeed as we face these uncertain times together. I am looking forward to your feedback to make all this possible. I would like the opportunity to thank you in advance for your participation.
I believe the Words Written In Red will guide us.
Lets tighten our cinches. – Sandra Lacy
2021 NM State Cowbelle Officers:
President: Sandra Lacy
Pres-Elect: Jacinda Price
Vice-President: Vonda Frost
Treasurer: Shelly Frost
Secretary: Michelle Greeman
Powderhorn Cattlewomen met January 14 at First Baptist Church Fellowship hall with 2021 Officers as co-hostesses. Brenda led us in the invocation, pledge and creed. Minutes of the November meeting were read, as was the treasurer’s report for the year end financial report. Thinking of you cards were sent to several of our ladies. Brenda Copeland, President, announced committees will stand as they were in 2020. Under Old Business, a raffle for three beautiful items will be held at our Feb 11 meeting at First Baptist Church, Ft. Sumner. Aspen Achen did a wonderful job printing up books, information of the three items and a letter to be sent to our members. She also hand tooled a leather purse, AND, she also made a basket of candles that will be in the raffle. THANK YOU ASPEN! AND Sarah Fitzgerald donated a beautiful pair of turquoise earrings. Tickets are $5 each and money and ticket stub must be returned by Feb 11 for the drawing. Under new business, Hostess and Co-Hostess Sheet was passed around for sign up. Sandy McKenna will be contacting members if there is an empty spot! Budget was discussed and presented, and was accepted. See you in February! Joan Key, Secretary
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. Please send minutes and/or newsletters to: Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com. ▫
Editorial Calendar
Plan your advertising for the coming year! JANUARY — Wildlife; Gelbvieh;
Joint Stockmen’s Convention Results FEBRUARY — Beefmasters; Texas Longhorns MARCH — Limousin; Santa Gertrudis APRIL — Dairy MAY — News of the Day JUNE — Sheepman of the Year JULY — Directory of Agriculture AUGUST — The Horse Industry SEPTEMBER — Charolais; Fairs Across the Southwest OCTOBER — Hereford; New Mexico State Fair Results NOVEMBER — Cattleman of the Year; Angus; Brangus; Red Angus DECEMBER — Bull Buyers Guide; Joint Stockmen’s Convention Preview
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