4 minute read
View from the Backside
from NMS Feb 2021
by Barry Denton
Saving Agriculture From Joe
(The views expressed in this column are not necessarily the views of the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association or this publication.)
In Arizona fuel prices went up 25 cents a gallon in the anticipation of a Biden presidency. I know of no rancher, farmer, trucker, that is not concerned about this. I find it astounding that an event such as the inauguration of an American president, would depress major commodity markets.
America has now elected someone that feels the United States should not be first in the world, especially when it comes to oil production. I have always felt like the election of a new president would give the country new hope.
No one since Ronald Reagan has been able to do that except Donald Trump. Do you really believe that 80 million people voted for a man as un-inspirational as Joe Biden? Mr. Biden has been preaching doom and gloom for years. His latest message of more lockdowns will send this country backwards for sure.
Now we hard working Americans, need to find how to circumvent Joe Biden’s predicted, dismal mandates. The other blatantly obvious point that no one is talking about, is that Joe Biden inspires no one, and there is no evidence that he ever has in his 47 year stint of living off taxpayers.
He has been around most of your life, but what has he done to make your life better? Nothing positive that I can find, and I did quite a bit of research. This is truly a coup to take traditional America away from its citizens by the far left. Just think, if the left wing media can limit the free speech of the President of the United States, how effective can they be in limiting yours?
I thank God every day that we have so many independent free-thinking writers here at Livestock Market Digest and New Mexico Stockman. On top of that our editor Caren Cowan, is one courageous woman. Isn’t it interesting the different points of view that you get in these magazines?
Thankfully, we are still the voice of the working agriculture people in the southwest. If you like what you get here, then tell your buddy to subscribe. If you don’t, then rant and rave all you like. At least as of today, we still have that choice.
One of the best things President Trump did for American agriculture was to get rid of the North American Free Trade Agreement and replaced it with United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement or USMCA as it is commonly referred to. USMCA helped farmers and ranchers that were struggling with losses due to the effects of Covid-19.
The $2 billion annual increase in US agricultural exports and the $65 billion increase
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in gross domestic product should be a very welcome result. The estimate of the Covid19 impact by the United States Department of Agriculture was a $50 billion decline in commodity value which did not even include all of agriculture’s losses. It is vital that we keep these good policies in place. It will be difficult to do, with this seemingly growing war by the left on farmers and ranchers.
However, farmers and ranchers are not alone in this war. A few days ago CNN host Don Lemon compared the 74 million people that voted for President Trump to the Ku Klux Klan. Talk about a far-fetched stretch, with absolutely no merit. In my book racists are very few and far between. I can’t even think of one that I know. Of course, I am sure the leftists have developed their own definition of racist so it fits their agenda, but that it has nothing to do with Merriam-Webster.
It seems to me in this world that people are either good or bad. Calling everyone a racist is childish behavior in my book. To me, the only person I have ever considered to possibly be racist because of her seemingly intense hatred of our great country would be Michelle Obama. However, I do not know Mrs. Obama personally, so I will not make that judgment from here.
Another point that I think is racist are these politicians demanding reparations for slavery. Some even say the burden should fall heavily on those in agriculture today because the slaves were agricultural workers. Even the proponents suggesting that, are not dumb enough to think that we in agriculture are rolling in millions of dollars. I would say that these alleged politicians making these demands are just manipulating the system to get something for nothing.
Slavery ended in the United States over 140 years ago. No American citizen alive has been a slave owner or been a slave. How stupid is this? My biggest question is why these same politicians that are calling for reparations do not also want reparations, for the families of the Union soldiers that freed them? After all without those Union soldiers, abolitionists, and President Lincoln no slaves would have been freed.
If you know history at all, and if it has not been erased yet, President Lincoln lost his life to a southerner that loved slavery. Should we pay Mr. Lincoln’s family too? I think that the most hypocritical part of these political shysters is that they are unconcerned about slavery that is still happening today across the world.