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Salazar Honored by New Mexico Federal Lands Council
from NMS Jan 2023
Salazar Honored by NM Federal Lands Council
Carlos Salazar was born into a ranching family that goes back to his ancestors that homesteaded in the Canones area. The family started with sheep then transitioned to cattle over time. Carlos is actively involved in the family ranch as well as his own.
Carlos has always had a passion and fight for the rights of ranchers. His work to keep ranchers on federal and state trust lands goes back at least 30 years.
One notable action on his part came in 2002 when he and a group of ranchers headed to Washington, D.C. after the US Forest Service (USFS) attempted to remove all the livestock off the Santa Fe National Forest over the 4th of July.
With the help of Senator Domenici the crisis was averted. The New Mexico State University Range Improvement Task Force was called in to monitor the Forest. In the end only a few allotments required destocking.
The entire Salazar family came off the mountain to be present for the Bud’s Contract Award presentation.

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Carlos is a tireless leader serving on numerous boards and associations. He is currently president of the Northern New Mexico Stockman’s Association, president of the Acequia de Rio Chama, secretary of the Rio Chama Acequia Association, vice president of the New Mexico Federal Lands Council (NMFLC), has served on New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Board of Directors and as co-chairman of committees. Carlos is also active in his church functions.
He served in the U.S. Army, then attended NMSU, graduating with an Animal and Range Science Degree. Carlos worked for 30 years with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, serving in Shiprock on the Navajo Nation and then in Espanola with the eight Northern Pueblos.
Carlos has been married to his bride Rita for 47 years. They have two sons, Benjamin, wife Cathy; and Carlos, wife Tracie; and are blessed 11 grandchildren.
The Bud’s Contract Award was presented to Carlos by Mike Casabonne and Bebo Lee. The Award is presented in honor of Bud Eppers, the Roswell area rancher who became involved in federal lands grazing issues when a Bureau of Land Management district manager began to tell him how to run his ranch.
Bud’s knowledge and commitment led him to representing ranchers in Santa Fe and Washington, D.C. He became a national authority and leader on natural resource and property rights issues.
Bud intended to present the award, a bronze handshake, to someone who was a friend of ranching. He wasn’t able to get it done before the Lord took him.
The NMFLC decided to make the award an annual presentation in honor of Bud’s memory. Jimmy Bason came up with the name.
The award has been presented to numerous champions of federal lands ranching. ▫
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