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New Mexico CowBelles Jingle Jangle
pleteness of Recommendation 17, saying that “the study spoke to issues during the Town Hall…. Three or four different strategies they wanted to focus on.”
At this point I am completely confused, not hard to do, but I think in this case there is plenty of malice of forethought. As far as I can find there is no overlap between the Resiliency Plan and the Economic Security NM1st Projects on the NM1st website.
The silver-tongued researcher couldn’t answer some questions on the recommendations but did note that “for cattle ranchers it’s a hard go.” He also pointed out that the Governor came out with an Executive Order to protect 30 percent of New Mexico’s lands by 2030.
He forgot to note that there is another 20 percent added on in the Executive Order for climate change … we are really talking about 50 percent by 2030.
But what does that have to do with giving tax breaks to the wealthy?
That probably matters not. The fact is that an end run is being played and ranchers and farmers are going to have to be ready to protect their special use tax valuation during the 2022 Legislature. ▫
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Dear CowBelles & Friends
After another hard year for everyone, we enjoyed a good annual meeting. Only three officers were able to attend in person, but we were able to use Zoom and include a fourth officer and other members to make a quorum. We were able to attend to some tabled business and touch on some new business, including voting on an officer slate. The officers are as follows: Jacinda Price – President, Vonda Frost – President Elect, Michelle Greeman – Vice President, and Stephanie Avent – Treasurer. We currently have a vacancy in the Secretary position, which we hope to fill before Mid-year. We honored Dalene Hodnett with the CowBelle of the Year award, recognized Corriente with the membership award for their 24 percent increase in membership, remembered several members who sadly passed last year, and we welcomed some new members.
Updates were provided by NMSU’s Dr. Ivey concerning the modernization of their Animal and Range Science Facilities, which includes a meats lab. Haydn Forward from Heritage Waters Coalition was kind enough to update us on their progress concerning the Wild and Scenic legislation and encouraged us to write our objections to that legislation and send those letters to Heritage Waters to be forwarded to the proper legislators. We also had an update from NMCGA and encouragement from NM Beef Council; we look forward to our continued work together.
In fact, we are hoping to return to a more active role in beef promotion this year and endeavor to improve communication amongst all of our members to help serve that purpose. We know there are issues to address, things to consider, and much work to do. In the meantime, we hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and that everyone will be blessed indeed in this new year. Jacinda Price New Mexico CowBelle President
The Chamiza CowBelles held their December meeting at 12:12 p.m. on December 2 at Johnny B’s Restaurant by President Jeni Neeley with eleven members present. Sherry read the Invocation, all recited the Pledge, and Sherry read the Creed. The previous meeting’s minutes and treasurer’s reports were approved. Nancy read the names of members who have not yet paid their dues but whom she feels will renew their memberships. She will email the list to Jeni who will help in contacting these members. Jeni volunteered to send a thank you note to the Hopkins for purchasing a beef at the county fair and turning it back to the CowBelles for the raffle. It was also decided to give them a brand throw. Nancy planned to attend both the Cattle Growers’ and the CowBelles’ annual meetings. She also mentioned that bill readers are badly needed. Jeni announced that it is projected there will be up to 30 show steers for next county fair. Suggestions were heard regarding fundraising items to sell. A couple of possibilities mentioned were gift certificates, and gift baskets to sell for gifts to livestock buyers. More discussion will follow at the next meeting. Cathy won the
Powderhorn Cattlewomen met at the warm and beautiful home of Nick and Karen Cortese for the family Christmas party on December 7. Nick cooked a wonderful brisket and everyone brought sides to complete the meal. Beverly Overton and Rene Grant were hostesses and 20 people attended. Gifts were exchanged with much laughter and fun as no matter what gift you chose, someone could steal it and you had to choose another one from the under the tree or steal someone else’s! As the group looked forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth and a new year, all are so thankful for our friends, our country and our lord Jesus Christ. May everyone have a prosperous new year and a wet one too! Joan Key, secretary
Mesilla Valley CowBelles met virtually to discuss officers and other business. Officers were voted on and the slate of officers is as follows: Gretchen Lindsay, President; Mary Esther Grider, Vice-President; Janet Witte, Treasurer; and Secretary TBD. Exciting news was discovered that our nomination for CowBelle of the Year was chosen…Congratulations Dalene Hodnett! Your years of service to our local, our community and to the State has not gone unnoticed! Thank you for your continued service to the Agriculture Industry! Submitted by Janet Witte
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. Please send minutes and/or newsletters to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com by the 14th of every month. ▫