NMS July 2011

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The Magazine for Southwestern Agriculture

2011 JULY 2011

Make your reservations today for a PRIME time at the 2011 Joint Stockmen's Convention December 1st - 4th at the

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JULY 2011

JULY 2011



JULY 2011

JULY 2011



JULY 2011

JULY 2011



You have a meeting with Lady Luck. Whether it’s hitting the casino, the golf course or the indoor pool, Inn of the Mountain Gods is the perfect escape for business or pleasure. Complete with state-of-the-art meeting facilities, luxury rooms and suites, and award-winning dining, your perfect mountain getaway is closer than you think. > 273 luxury rooms and suites > 40,000 sq. ft. of flexible meeting space > Championship golf course* > Fine and casual dining

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JULY 2011

JULY 2011


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AG NEW MEXICO’S SERVICE OFFICE LOCATIONS Administrative Office & Clovis Service Center 233 Fairway Terrace N. Clovis, NM 88101 1/800/357/3545

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Las Cruces Service Center 1310 Picacho Hills Las Cruces, NM 88007 575/647/4430


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JULY 2011

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JULY 2011

JULY 2011


TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HETEROSIS WITH A PROVEN BULL PROGRAM THREE WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR PROFITS For over 32 years you’ve known us for our outstanding Hereford cattle. We have also been producing top quality Angus and Charolais cattle for over 10 years. All of our breeding programs are built on the top genetics in their respective breeds. We provide proven crossbreeding components that will add pounds to your calves and work in your environment. For maternal traits, beef quality, muscle and durability, we have the options. We use these cattle in our own commercial program and finish them in the feedlot. We know what they will do for you.

Proven Crossbreeding Components New Mexico’s Largest 1 Iron Seedstock Producer!


Selling: 100 Angus Bulls Other sires include UpWard, Thunder, GridIron, TC Rito 696, & X Factor


Selling: 100 Charolais Bulls s Other sires include Oakie Dokie, LT Easy Pro 3151, LT Mighty Blend 6297, LT Bravo Star 5151, & Western Edge


Bill King • 505-220-9909 Tom & Becky Spindle 505 321-8808 • 505 832-0926

P.O. Box 564 • Stanley, NM 87056 Located 40 miles east of Albuquerque. 8

JULY 2011


Selling: 150 Hereford Bulls Other sires include Harland Too, C Maui Jim, C Pure Gold 4215, & CL1 Domino 6136S JULY 2011










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w www.growneyinc.com w w.growneyinc.com LLimited imite d ttime im e ooffer. f fer. AAvailable v ailable aatt pparticipating ar ticip ating aand nd eeligible ligible ddealers e aler s oonly. nly. O Offer f fer m may ay vvary ar y bbyy pproduct roduc t ttype, y p e, sseries, e rie s, m model od el aand nd sselect ele c t uunits nit s in in ddealer e aler inventory. inventor y. Offers O f fer s available av ailable oonn nnew e w eequipment quipm ent iinn U US S aand nd C Canada anad a oonly. nly. S Some om e rrestrictions e stric tions aapply. pply. LLength eng th ooff ccontract ontr a c t m may ay vvary. ar y. PPrior rior ppurchases urcha s e s nnot ot eeligible. li g i b l e . S See Bobcat well e e ddealer e aler ffor or ddetails. e t ails. FFinancing inancing pprovided rovid e d oonn aapproval pprov al ooff credit cre dit bbyy aauthorized u t horiz e d B ob c at fifinance nanc e pproviders rovid er s ttoo w ell qqualified ualifie d buyers. bu yer s. The The nto cconsideration onsid er ation aany ny aadministrative dministr ative ffees e e s aand nd aare re ssubject ubje c t ttoo change chang e based b a s e d oonn the the amount a mount ooff such such ffees e e s ((which w hi c h m ay vvary). ar y) . O f fer nnot ot aavailable v ailable ttoo ggovernment overnm ent accounts, ac c ount s, nnational ational aaccounts c c oun t s rrates ate s llisted iste d hherein erein ddoo nnot ot ttake a ke iinto may Offer is c ontinue aany ny ooff tthese he s e pprograms rogr a ms aatt aany ny ttime im e w ithou t pprior rior notice. notic e. ““Bobcat” Bob c at ” iiss a registered registere d ttrademark r ad e m ark ooff Bobcat B ob c a t C omp any. aand nd m municipal/utility unicip al / u tilit y bbid id ccustomers. ustom er s. Bobcat Bob c at Company Comp any reserves re s er ve s the the right right ttoo eextend x tend oorr ddiscontinue without Company. Offers end May 31, 2011.


JULY 2011

JULY 2011


Since 1916, we’ve been here for New Mexico’s ranchers and farmers. We don’t just offer financial services, we also get where you’re coming from. That’s why we can help you with loans, insurance and other services that fit your unique needs. At Farm Credit of New Mexico, we’re with you every step of the way.

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JULY 2011

VOL 77, No. 7

USPS 381-580


FEATURES NEW MEXICO STOCKMAN Write or call: P.O. Box 7127 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194 Fax: 505/998-6236 505/243-9515 E-mail: caren@aaalivestock.com

by Karen Budd-Falen


Reform of Excessive Litigation Pay-Outs


Congress Should Free Public Land For Locals by US Senator John Barrasso & Congressman Kevin McCarthy


2011 Directory of New Mexico Agriculture

Official publication of: n

New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Email: nmcga@nmagriculture.org; 2231 Rio Grande NW, P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584, Fax: 505/842-1766; President, Bert Ancell; Executive Director, Caren Cowan; n

New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc. P.O. Box 7520, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584; President, Jim Cooper Executive Director, Caren Cowan


N.M. Cattle Growers’ Association President’s Letter


N.M. CowBelles Jingle Jangle


N.M. Federal Lands Council News


News Update


In Memoriam


To The Point


N.M. Old Times & Old Timers

by Bert Ancell

by Frank DuBois

by Caren Cowan by Don Bullis

148 Market Place

EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING Publisher: Caren Cowan Publisher Emeritus: Chuck Stocks Office Manager: Marguerite Vensel Advertising Reps.: Chris Martinez, Melinda Martinez, Michael Wright Contributing Editors: Glenda Price, Callie Gnatkowski-Gibson, Carol Wilson, William S. Previtti, Julie Carter, Lee Pitts Photographer: Dee Bridgers

PRODUCTION Production Coordinator: Carol Pendleton Editorial & Graphic Design: Kristy Hinds Graphic Design: Becky Matthews

152 Seedstock Guide 159 NMBC Bullhorn 162 Real Estate Guide 166 Coming Events 168 Cowboy Heroes

by Jim Olson

174 N.M Livestock Board Update 174 Estrays 178 Scatterin’ The Drive

by Curtis Fort

180 Advertisers Index

ADVERTISING SALES General: Chris Martinez at 505/243-9515, ext. 28 or chris@aaalivestock.com Real Estate: Michael Wright at 541/286-4135 or 505/243-9515, ext. 30 or michael@aaalivestock.com

New Mexico Stockman (USPS 381-580) is published monthly by Caren Cowan, 2231 Rio Grande, NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104-2529. Subscription price: 1 year - $19.95 /2 years - $29.95. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Mexico Stockman, P.O. Box 7127, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87194. Periodicals Postage paid at Albuquerque, New Mexico and additional mailing offices. Copyright 2008 by New Mexico Stockman. Material may not be used without permission of the publisher. Deadline for editorial and advertising copy, changes and cancellations is the 10th of the month preceding publication. Advertising rates on request.

The Magaz ine

for South west

ern Agricu ltur


ON THE COVER . . . This months cover features Tim Cox’s “Looking Good” one of the tremendous works of art that documents the beauty and the life of the cowboy. For more information on this and Tim’s other work please contact Eagle Creek Enterprises, 891 Road 4990, Bloomfield, NM, 87413, Phone 505/632-8080, Fax 505/632-5850, email scox@timcox.com

2011 JULY 2011

www.aaalivestock.com 11

JULY 2011

JULY 2011









S W E R S' A S

b y Bert Ancell


“The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing.” — John Adams Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you live safely in the land and prosper. — Psalms 37:3

Howdy Folks,


hope everyone survived the summer meeting and pray that the monsoon rains are sending the much needed moisture over this parched and burnt land. I was looking at some of my letters I’ve written but never sent in when I found the one below. I wrote it a couple of years ago and I think it is still appropriate today.

July 8, 2009 — Ramblings of an Ole Cowboy Dear America, It has just been a few days from your birthday, and I pray that is was a happy one. Don’t take this letter wrong, but cowboys spend many hours alone with nature and God and use much of that time contemplating on various subjects, some good and some not so good for animal or man. I have spent many of these days since last fall thinking of our national economic woes. We have created a debt that we may not be able to ever pay back. Who have we borrowed from and what have we used for collateral? I would like our president or one of his top czars to explain this. I know that if I borrow money I have to put something up for collateral. Have we Americans been duped by our governmental leaders for years? I am not pointing fingers at any one party or political persuasion — just big government — period. The only real assets America has is land and natural resources. I also know that much of our nation’s natural wealth is held (supposedly in trust for our country’s future) in the many national parks, monuments, forests, wilderness areas, military reserves, etc. One has only to look at ANWR, the Escalante Staircase, Devil’s Tower, and many of the other areas. Have we put up these lands for collateral for loans from China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and other countries? Might make you scratch your head. Our border with Mexico has been put in jeopardy with many of these same areas being off-limits to different types of transportation for U.S. citizens, but have left a gate wide open for illegal aliens and the smuggling of drugs or possibly dirty weapons by OTMs. The nation has lost a river to the border fence. Just ask Texans which side of the river is the fence built. When federal, state, county, or local authorities cannot patrol these areas because of our own laws prohibiting them from vehicle use in wilderness areas and such that are close to the border, we might need to look at the law. We have created a monster with the Endangered Species Act. Way back when this act was passed, we all had a fuzzy feeling that we were helping the Bald Eagle. Today, when a microscopic bug can halt any kind of economical development, something is wrong. Many animals, plants, birds, bugs, and such became extinct long before man came along and supposedly ruined the world. We (the government) have closed down or hindered the businesses and vocations in the West with these laws. Look at the logging, mining, farming, ranching, and oil and gas businesses — all that use natural resources —to help the economical stability of the United States and to keep our country fed, clothed, and sheltered. IS THIS BECAUSE THE ONES THAT HOLD THE NOTES ON OUR DEBT DO NOT WANT THEIR COLLATERAL DIMINISHED? Like I said — Cowboys have a lot of time to contemplate on the problems that we are faced with. These things are a little heavy for this cowboy — Maybe I’d better ponder on something I have no control of whatsoever — like the weather. Things are sure moving slow. It seems we still have the same problems today that I was contemplating on a few years ago. Members of the Association have lost loved ones this past month. These folks will be missed by everyone that was lucky enough to have had them in their lives. The history that they helped forge should not be forgotten. It is the fabric that the West and our nation was built upon. Again, Happy Birthday America! May God Bless Us, www.nmagriculture.org NEW MEX I CO CATTLE GROWERS’ ASSOCI ATI ON OFFI CER S Bert Ancell Bell Ranch President


JULY 2011

Rex Wilson Carrizozo President Elect

Jose Varela Lopez Santa Fe Northeast V.P.

Ernie Torrez La Jara Northwest V.P.

Ty Bays Silver City Southwest V.P.

Pat Boone Elida Southeast V.P.

Lane Grau Grady V.P. At Large

Troy Sauble Maxwell Sec./Treas.


JULY 2011

JULY 2011


1-800-328-7659 Website: www.polydome.com email: Dan@polydome.com

Call for the Dealer Nearest You 14

JULY 2011

Colorado Dairy Service 970-593-9704 Loveland, CO Bucke’s Feed 530-865-4427 Orland, CA

Western Polydome 800-822-5837 Monroe, WA Greenfield Park Dairy 505-276-8659 Portales, NM

Dairy Partners 800-256-4875 Sulphur Springs, TX Zoderow Dairy 785-386-4475 Seldon, KS JULY 2011



JULY 2011

JULY 2011


Happy July, CowBelles ~


hope this letter finds all of you having a good summer and maybe you had the chance to come to the New Mexico CowBelle meeting. Buffalo Thunder Resort was the place that the NMCB joined together with the New Mexico Cattle Growers and the New Mexico Wool Growers to meet, share and discuss the current issues facing our agriculture livelihood.

The NMCB Beef Ambassador contest included both senior and junior contests this year and we now have 2011-2012 Beef Ambassadors for New Mexico. Our past Beef Ambassoador, Kyra Grant, did a great job at promoting the beef industry and the contest. Thank You, Kyra ! Evelyn Yates is a New Mexico CowBelle whom I would like to mention and say how proud and happy that she was chosen as the 2011 Diamond in the Rough winner during the American National CattleWomen & Women in Ag Leadership Conference in Albuquerque. Evelyn is a shining example of what agriculture women are made of . . . Koodos to Evelyn! Did you see the June Stockman where another New Mexico CowBelle woman was honored along with her husband as the

Dates To Remember: Aug. 1-4 – Cattle Industry Summer Conference, Orlanda, Florida August 1 – State ManPower money & insurance due to State Treasurer Sept. 9-25 – N.M. State Fair Booth Sept. 15 – Deadline for Membership Award Oct. 4 – Exec. Board Meeting, Clayton Oct. 5 – Five State Round-Up, Clayton

Wool Grower of the Year? Congratulations to the the Gnatkowski Family which includes Pete, Sarah, Callie & John. I would also like to recognize a group of ladies who have done much for our organicontinued on page 18

Which trail are you on?

CATTLE AVAILABLE NOW INCLUDE: 120 Registered Angus heifers bred to low PAP, low birthweight Angus bulls for spring calving 100 18-month-old Registered Angus Bulls ready to work


JULY 2011

806/825-2711 806/225-7230 806/460-2508

Tru The Brand You


De di ca te d t o Prod uc ing B ulls for t he Sout hw est!

High Selling Bull SW Livestock Auction. D.C. Chavez & Family


Purchaser Lot #1 Rancho De Diego

Volume Buyer Johnson Cattle, Inc., c/o Jarrod Johnson



LOT 23 - RDF RAYO 0023

Thank You To All Our 2011 Bull Buyers!





JULY 2011

We hope to see you all at the New Mexico State Fair in September 2011 & at next year’s Red Hot Bull Sale in 2012 703 S. Christopher Rd., Belen, NM 87002 • 505/980-5093 JULY 2011


Jingle Jangle

continued from page 16

zation and who have been the recipients of the “New Mexico CowBelle of the Year”. This award began in 1966 and continues today. I would like to list these special ladies so all can be reminded of those who have been honored: Tommy Harrington, Peggy Monzingo, Lily Major, Peggy Sultemeier, Mary Alice Copeland, Alvera Benton, Eula Grady, Netti Harrelson, Faye Plank, Ida King, Wilma Fulgham, Lava Butt, Edith Pankey, Pat Nowlin, Sharon King, Dorothy Vaughan, Berry Ann Bell, Sherri Raska, Jean Brown, Linda Ponder, Barbara Martin, Debbie Sauble, Fita Witte, Barbara Wagner, Betty Pepper, Genora Moore-Canon, Viola Jeffers, Jean Lee, Ella Roberson, Owaissa Heimann, Anne Ferguson, Pearl Sowers, Inez Marrs, Patty Townsend, Kay Lindsey, Evelyn Yates, Janet Witte, Lyn Greene, Kathryn Malcolm-Callis, Joan Kincaid, Toni Barrow, Estelle Bond, Rachel Ricklefs, Freda Havens, and Yetta Bidegain. Some of these women are no longer with us, but all these ladies are assets to NMCB and agriculture. As you read these names, I am sure many memories come to mind. You probably know someone who would be a great nominee for this honor.


JULY 2011

Look around your local, or within the state and submit her name. Honor someone and tell her you are proud of her and what she has done for us. Nominations are due to the NMCB President by October 15, 2011. The form is in Section 4 of the Red Book and on line at our NMCB Web-Site under members only, or contact your local president. As the saying goes . . . “the more things change, the more things stay the same,” and NMCB are always looking for ways to promote beef while working to raise funds. We had a slogan contest for a bumper sticker and new T-shirt idea to support agriculture. Several ideas were sent in and new ideas were discussed. It is our hope to have a couple of new items to sell at the New Mexico State Fair this September. Thanks to those that submitted ideas and congratulations to our winners. I would like to mention something concerning our state organization. There have been many different times which I have overheard members expressing feelings about joining, or not joining the American National CattleWomen. We are all Supporters of Beef and the head of our organization is the American National CattleWomen. ANCW membership dues are $50, which is added on to our state/local dues.

NMCB is an affiliate of ANCW but your individual membership helps to keep you informed on current issues facing our industry. Please take time to consider all of the things that National does to speak, inform, and educate us at the state level. They also represent us at the National Cattleman’s Beef Association and Cattle’s Beef Board as our representative for the checkoff dollars. Without our ANCW officers, we would not be able to participate at the National level and would not be represented. We have enjoyed having the ANCW 2010 President Lana Slaton and PresidentElect for 2011 Tami Didlot in the past few years come to our meetings, so would it not behoove us to support the ANCW organization as a whole. Remember when Fita Witte was the ANCW 2007 President and how proud we were to have her represent us at national? ~ We could have another. ~ We have many women in our state who are strong and intelligent and have big hearts. It is through them and you that we are a New Mexico CowBelles. Thank You ~ – Linda Lee New Mexico CowBelle President P.S. I know that I have teased you about our new Beef Ambassador and our Contest continued on page 20

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B&H B& &H Heref Herefords fords


JULY 2011

JULY 2011


Jingle Jangle

continued from page 18

Winner, this letter has to be sumtted for publication before I get the final results. These winners will be front and center in my next letter. Sacaton CowBelles would like to express their congratulations to Evelyn Carlisle Yates, 2011 Diamond in the Rough winner. The group is so proud of her and all she has done for Agriculture. She is a driving force for the Agriculture Industry! Susann Mikkelson, Director of The Southwest Cooperative Development Center was the guest speaker for the May meeting. Her organization works to improve economic conditions for New Mexico’s rural areas by helping to create retention and expansion of sustainable cooperative and mutually owned businesses, particularly related to healthy food access, and local and regional systems. Susann outlined how the organization can help in areas ranging from cooperative or community-owned food retail stores to marketing cooperatives for producers. Her presentation was informative and well received. Anything to market local beef is always a plus. If you would like to have a

presentation or want further any information please email sacatoncowbells@ hotmail.com June is Beef Month. Thank you to all ranchers for your hard work providing food for many tables across America. Submitted by Anita Hand On June 6, fifteen Powderhorn CowBelles met to prepare for the Barbeque at Old Fort Days. Karen Cortese, Beverly Ann Overton, and Dorie Tucker, chairpersons organized the event. On June 11 the CowBelles served over 420 people barbeque beef brisket, cole slaw, beans, rolls, condiments and a dessert of their choice. Charlie Overton helped by taking tickets. President Sandra McKenna’s grandson stuck stickers saying “I heart Beef” on all ticket holders. Dorothy Vaughan, her granddaughter Amy, Frances Fikany, Frances Speight and Nikki Lou Gregory sold tickets and were in charge of the monies. Working in the kitchen were Carolyn Bedford, Dorothy Bilberry, Beverly Carter, Carolyn Geiler, Kyra Grant, Renee Grant, Kathy Hall, Becky Harris, Sondra Jack, Karen Kelling, Sarabel Key, Sandy McKenna, Charlotte Orton, Nancy Schade, Dorie Tucker, Elayne Horney, and Ellen Vaughan in addition to the two chairpersons. This is the main fund raising event

for the Powderhorn CowBelles to fund scholarships. Kyra Grant, the New Mexico Beef Ambassador, had a table set up to give people information on beef cuts, beef recipes and other information. The group wants to thank all the people who supported this successful fund raiser. On May 16 the Powderhorn CowBelles furnished hamburgers and buns to feed 60 people at the annual hamburger fry for the Ft. Sumner grade school students. This was done in conjunction with the Woman’s Club and Rotary Club of Ft. Sumner. The Powderhorn CowBelles also furnished the beef and buns for a cookout enjoyed by the students of Ft. Sumner Grade School for accelerated reading. In addition to the above, Powderhorn CowBelles also donated money to the Ft. Sumner High School’s After Prom Party. Carolyn Bedford, Secretary The May 10 meeting of the Grant County Copper CowBelles was opened by president, Pat Hunt at 12:00. Neline introduced her guest, Linita Lambeth. Erin Crumbley, scholarship recipient also introduced herself. Minutes were approved as published in the April 12 newsletter. The State CowBelle t-shirt/bumper sticker continued on page 22

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We have two locations to serve you! 230 S. Alameda, Las Cruces, NM & 108 E. Maple, Deming, NM

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JULY 2011

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JULY 2011

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JULY 2011



Jingle Jangle

continued from page 20

contest was discussed and both will be entered from this local. A thank you note was read from El Refugio for a monetary contribution and continued support. A letter was received from NMCB with a State Fair booth schedule. Pat shared The White Horse Campaign which celebrates women making a difference in our world today, find more info at: www.moderncowgirl.com. Pat read an article where the Humane Society of U.S. disclosed that only 1 percent of contributions from the national organization actually go to the hands-on shelters that actually care for the animals. It is better to contribute directly to local humane animal shelters. Evelyn Yates won The Diamond in the Rough award. It was reported that the slate of candidates was awesome and the competition fierce. Pat made a folder for Neline and presented it to her. Arley gave a report on Ranch Days, saying it was a lot of fun, went well and had the experience of watching a calf being born. Thank you to those who attended Alma Ranch days. Gale Moore thanked Pat and Wanda for helping out at the Dutch

Oven Cook-off in Glenwood and is selling 2011 Dutch oven cookbooks. For Beef Month a $300 donation will be made to the Volunteer center for beef jerky and a photo will be in the Daily Press. Advertising for Beef Month will be placed in the Daily Press, the Glenwood Gazette, and the Desert Exposure. Scholarship Committee: two of last year’s recipients would like to be considered for this year as well. Recipes are needed for the cookbook. The cookbook needs to be more personal, so please include the story behind the recipes. Since Pat Bennett is having health problems, please send recipes to LJ Lundy at present time. The 2011 Budget was approved. Denim and Pearls: a sit-down dinner, Lorraine England is 99 percent sure they will serve the dinner which will consist of beef, beans, coleslaw and a roll. The ticket prices will increase to $25. Members will be asked to make desserts. Joe Delk will be the band. It was decided to allow LJ to spend up to $300 to buy Southwestern items. It was decided to purchase a framed shufly print by Robin Gierhart instead of doing a decorated scholarship tub. There will be a parade on June 4th and Western dress is

required. The Group has always had honorary members, Diane Hamilton, member of legislature and Donna Irwin, as examples. Group will keep track of these in yearbook. Yearbooks will be mailed to members who are unable come to meetings. Discussion of the 2012 meeting schedule was tabled. Submitted by Wanda MacInnis, Secretary The April 11, 2011 meeting of the Berrendo CowBelles was held in Dexter. There were eight members and one guest present. President Betty Solt called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. Minutes: Correspondence: Thank you letters and notes were read from The Boys and Girls Ranches, the Goodner Ranch, Pat Nowlin Memorial Fund Chairman Anne Ferguson, the Family of Bill Dinwiddie and Raye Duran of the Roswell Community Kitchen. Unfinished Business: It was decided to donate $25 to the Pat Nowlin Memorial Fund in the name of Charlie Chewning. New Business: Sterling Pierce was chosen as our $500 scholarship winner this year; Lillian Graham will take the check to him. There are five pins left of the new Berrendo continued on page 33

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JULY 2011


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JULY 2011





Lands News Bingaman Is After Us Again he Bingaman wilderness mess is back. Mike has already written about his bill for northern New Mexico, so let’s look at what he has planned for the southern part of the state. On May 19 Senators Bingaman and Udall introduced S. 1024, the Organ Mountains – Doña Ana County Conserva-


tion and Protection Act. This is basically the same bill from the last session of Congress. According to a Bingaman press release it would designate 241,000 acres as wilderness and place 100,000 acres in a National Conservation Area. There is one very noticeable change from last year’s bill. Notice the title. The word Wilderness is nowhere to be found. If Wilderness is so wildly popular with the

public, why did the Senators remove the word from the title? Since it is the same bill, it has the same old problem areas, which for some reason Bingaman refuses to fix. The four areas of primary concern are 1) Grazing 2) Flood Control 3) Public Access and 4) Border Security. continued on page 25

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JULY 2011

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continued from page 24

I’ll address the grazing issues in my next column. For now the hot-button issue is Border Security and law enforcement. It’s very apparent that Senator Bingaman realizes the Border Security issue is an impediment to his passing the bill. For instance, take a look at the joint press release issued by the Senators. Border Security is in the title, the release contains 662 words, and 371 of those words are about Border Security. Bingaman has a reason to be worried about opposition to his legislation. Recall that Wilderness prohibits the use of motorized vehicles or mechanical equipment, thus prohibiting mobile and fixed

surveillance systems and communication centers. In addition, this means the Border Patrol is relegated to patrolling these areas on foot or horseback. That puts these officers at a distinct disadvantage against the drug cartels, who don’t feel compelled to follow Wilderness rules. In response to criticism from law enforcement and civic groups such as the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce, Bingaman carved out a five-mile area from the border where the Border Patrol has unencumbered access. Five miles? A New Mexico citizen was recently murdered 10 miles from the border. Rancher Rob Krentz was murdered 20 miles from the border and a deputy sheriff in Arizona was wounded after encountering illegals 70 miles from the border. And Bingaman thinks five miles fixes every-

thing! Let’s take a look at what Bingaman’s counterparts in Arizona are doing. Senators McCain and Kyle have introduced S. 803, the Border Security Enforcement Act of 2011. A provision of that bill allows the Border Patrol to have unencumbered access to all federal lands, including components of the National Wilderness Preservation System, within 150 miles of the border with Mexico. Arizona Congressman Ben Quayle has introduced H.R. 1922 which also grants the Border Patrol unencumbered access to all federal land for 150 miles. Representative Peter King, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, has cosponsored the Quayle bill stating, “How can anyone take seriously the continued on page 26

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continued from page 25

Obama Administration’s claim that it is intent on securing our borders when the Department of the Interior and the Forest Service hinder the Border Patrol’s access to some 40 percent of the Southwest Border? We cannot possibly succeed in securing our borders against illegal immigrants, including potential terrorists, unless our front-line Border Patrol agents can do their jobs anywhere along the border.”

Arizona says 150 miles, Bingaman says five miles. Why such a difference? Because Arizona has been living with the consequences of having Wilderness on the border, the exact same situation which Bingaman is trying to create for New Mexico! Whether you call it Bingaman’s Bandito Boulevard or Bingaman’s Aboveground Railroad, it is bad legislation for New Mexico and for our nation. Wild Lands, Wilderness and the Bingaman Bill

On December 22, 2010 Secretary



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Salazar issued Secretarial Order 3310 which directed BLM to inventory lands with wilderness characteristics and designate them as “Wild Lands”. On June 1, 2011 Secretary Salazar issued a Memorandum to BLM stating “the BLM will not designate any lands as ‘Wild Lands’.” This was after Congress had defunded the program for this fiscal year and the states of Utah, Wyoming and Alaska had filed suit against the order. In the Memorandum Salazar also stated: Based on my conversations with members of Congress, there is broad interest in managing our public lands in a sensible manner that takes into account such lands’ wilderness qualities. There continues to be broad support for providing permanent protection for some of those lands under the Wilderness Act. Given our shared interests in managing the public lands for the benefit of our communities and for future generations, the Department of the Interior will be soliciting input from members of Congress, state and local officials, tribes, and Federal land managers to identify BLM lands that may be appropriate candidates for Congressional protection under the Wilderness Act. I am directing the Deputy Secretary to work with the BLM to deliver a report to me and to the Congress regarding those areas. Read broadly this means all BLM lands in New Mexico with “wilderness qualities” will be considered in compiling the report. On June 10 Salazar sent a letter to Congress stating, “the Department of the Interior will, by October 15, 2011, submit to Congress a list of “crown jewel” areas that we believe are ready for immediate Wilderness designation by Congress.” It should be noted that Salazar sent the letter after being criticized by former Secretary Babbitt and that he announced this policy at a Wilderness Society meeting where Babbitt was receiving an award. At any rate, all users of federal lands should stay alert as we find out exactly how this report will be put together. It remains to be seen how this process may or may not affect S. 1024. Bingaman’s Wilderness bill last year was made part of an Omnibus Public Lands Bill which died as Congress adjourned. I believe that approach will be taken again. Bingaman’s bill is controversial enough that it would not pass as a stand-alone bill. Furthermore, Binga-

3428 PAN AMERICAN FRWY. NE, ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107 continued on page 27


JULY 2011


continued from page 26

man’s committee has been holding perfunctory hearings, with only Obama administration officials allowed to testify, on bills that could be combined into a new Omnibus package. As of this writing, no hearing has been held on S. 1024. This may all boil down to whether the Republicans in the House will agree to an Omnibus bill, and if so would they agree to include a provision which creates more Wilderness on the border. My sources tell me no, they would never agree to such a provision. Others point out, however, that Bingaman is retiring, and funny things happen when a Senator wants something for his “legacy”. Time will tell. Speaking of time, let’s gaze into the future. It’s 2012 and a Presidential election year. President Obama and Bingaman have been unsuccessful in getting an Omnibus bill through the Congress. The enviros are howling that Obama has been woefully inadequate in fulfilling their federal lands agenda. What to do? Now flashback to September of 1996 and another Presidential election. Bill Clinton held a press conference and designated 1.9 million acres of Utah as a National Monument. Focus again on 2012. Can you visualize an Obama press conference with Bingaman by his side, and the designation of Otero Mesa or the Organ Mountains as a National Monument? Come to think of it, Bruce Babbitt was Clinton’s Secretary of Interior and didn’t he just receive an award from the Wilderness Society? Sometimes all this gazing isn’t good for the soul. Until next time, be a nuisance to the devil and don’t forget to check that cinch. Frank DuBois was the NM Secretary of Agriculture from 1988 to 2003, is the author of a blog: The Westerner (www.thewesterner.blogspot.com) and is the founder of The DuBois Rodeo Scholarship (http://www.nmsu.edu/~duboisrodeo/).

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by KAREN BUDD-FALEN he American public has been asking for legislative reform of a system that pays taxpayer dollars to environmental “nonprofit” attorneys who charge $650 per hour to bring cases for statutory procedural violations, and we finally have it. On May 25, 2011, H.R. 1996, the Governmental Litigation Savings Act of 2011, was introduced to stop the deficit bleeding and level the playing field for all who seek to sue or need a permit from the federal government. But the simple introduction of this bill in the U.S. House of Representatives is not enough and we need your help. This bill has 18 sponsors, but needs many more and we need to get Congress to hold hearings to learn the true extent of the abuse. This is a call to action and a request for your help. The Governmental Litigation Savings Act of 2011 (“GLSA”) has five major sections.


Tax documents show a great many environmental and animal rights groups are worth far in excess of $7,000,000. First, this Act eliminates the false distinction in net worth between a “for profit” organization and a “nonprofit public interest” organization. Currently, under the Equal Access to Justice Act (“EAJA”), a for profit entity or person with a net worth over $7,000,000 is ineligible to recover attorney fees for litigation against the federal government. However, an entity that has been determined to be “nonprofit” is not bound by this restriction. Thus, even though tax documents show a great many environmental and animal rights groups are worth far in excess of $7,000,000, these groups can “recover” attorney fees for suing the federal government. In other words, these “non-profit” groups get paid by the American taxpayers to sue the federal government which

Financing Available continued on page 31


JULY 2011



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JULY 2011


JULY 2011


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JULY 2011

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Excessive Payouts

continued from page 28

results in families losing their homes and businesses. Under the existing EAJA, groups like the Sierra Club, who reported its worth as $56,527,055 in 2007 can receive tax payer money to sue the federal government, but a company with the same net worth cannot. Similarly, if the compensation package for the President of the Natural Resources Defense Council is $432,959.00, do they really need the American citizens funding their litigation agains against the American government? Second, the GLSA places a cap on both the hourly fees that attorneys can charge and on the amount of money that can be awarded to an individual group in a year. Under the GLSA, the hourly fees charged by attorneys is capped at $175 per hour and that cap can only be adjusted for inflation. Under the current Act, attorney fees are capped at $125 per hour, but that hourly fee can be “adjusted” to a significantly higher amount. For example, in cases involving radical environmental “non-profit” attorneys in California, attorney fees as high as $650 per hour have been paid although the statute caps the fee at $125 per hour. Originally Congress passed EAJA to put litigants back in the same place as they were prior to the litigation against the federal government. However, radical environmental groups can legitimately argue that prior to the ligation, they were paying their nonprofit attorneys $650 per hour. Additionally, the GLSA caps the total attorneys fees reimbursement to $200,000 for a single action and allows no more than three awards in a calendar year. That should stop the litigation gravy train for groups like the Center for Biological Diversity who was involved in 770 federal court cases between 1999 and the May, 2011 according to research using the PACER data base. Importantly this reimbursement cap does not apply to individuals who have suffered a direct and personal monetary interest at the hands of an overreaching bureaucracy. Third, the GLSA requires reporting of all taxpayer moneys paid out in attorneys fees, including those money paid in confidential settlement agreements or consent decrees. In approximately 10.5 percent of the cases polled, the amount of money paid to environmental groups for attor-


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continued on page 32 JULY 2011


Excessive Payouts

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continued from page 31

neys fees is not disclosed to the public. Shouldn’t the public know how much of its money is being funneled to radical groups through attorneys fees payments? Fourth, the GLSA requires federal agencies to reduce the awards made for “pro bono” work and does not allow attorneys fees to be paid in cases where the litigator either acts in bad faith or tries to delay the litigation just to rack up attorneys fees. Finally, this Act requires that the federal government account for the taxpayer money it spends on attorneys fees and that continued on page 33

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JULY 2011

Excessive Payouts

continued from page 32

a searchable data base be created to allow the American citizens to have the ability to search how much money is being paid and to whom. The American taxpayer has a right to know how and to which groups and individuals their money is being spent. However, accounting of the money spent on attorney fees has not occurred since 1995. Is it any wonder that this country is broke? With the introduction of this bill, our work is just beginning. Out of 435 members of the United States House of Representatives, only 18 have cosponsored this bill with Wyoming’s representative Cynthia Lummis. The cosponsors are Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-1); Rep. Glenn Thompson (PA5); Rep. Mike Simpson (ID-2); Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-3); Rep. Don Young (AK); Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-3); Rep. Jeff Denham (CA-19); Rep. Michael Conaway (TX11); Rep. Denny Rehberg (MT); Rep. Mike Coffman (CO-6); Rep. Trent Franks (AZ-2); Rep. Devin Nunes (CA-21); Rep. Kristi Noem (SD); Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-5); Rep. John Duncan, Jr. (TN-2); Rep. Steve Pearce(NM-2); Rep. Wally Herger (CA-2); Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ-6); and Rep. Greg Walden (OR-2). Please contact your Congressman and request that they cosponsor H.R. 1996. This bill has been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, Lamar Smith Texas Chairman. It is important that this bill be aired in open public hearings so that America can voice its opinion on the spending of American tax dollars on litigation. Please urge Mr. Smith and your Congressional members to hold hearings on this bill. Like so many other laws in this country, the original idea of the federal government reimbursing individuals and small businesses who have to fight against overreaching bureaucracy is noble. But like many original ideas, over the years EAJA and the payment of attorney fees out of the Judgment Fund on Endangered Species Act and other litigation has been distorted beyond recognition. It is time to bring this Country back to its roots, cut the deficit spending and put American citizens back to work. I hope you will work to support the Governmental Litigation Savings Act. n



in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

Jingle Jangle

continued from page 22

CowBelles pins. Genora Canon introduced Speaker Diane Capizzo and she presented a wonderful power point program, “Calves for Christ”, and her project to fund the “Young Life” program here in Roswell. Meeting adjourned 11:40 p.m. Submitted by Genora Canon The Otero CowBelles met in Tularosa on June 2. There were 13 members and one guest present. To make the business part of the meeting move right along, President Debi Rupe sends the minutes of the past meeting and the agenda for the

current meeting via E-mail and it has been a boon to those that might have something of interest to present to the group. Estelle Bond gave a glowing report on the “Kids, Kows and More” event held May1011 at the Otero County Fair Grounds. Pres. Rupe reported that she and Linda Mitcham handed out about 250 beef information bags at the Kindergarten Registration and Health Fair. Getting information about beef nutrition to the youngsters and their parents is part of Pres. Rupe’s motto “Can Do.” Otero CowBelles will be giving a precontinued on page 37

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JULY 2011


Congress Should Free Public Land for Locals by SENATOR JOHN BARRASSO & CONNGRESSMAN KEVIN MCCARTHY / ROLL CALL “Our ability to enjoy our national resources has been constrained by Congress’ failure to take action on recommendations to open up millions of acres of

public land for increased use and recreation.” ver the past three decades, our ability to enjoy our national resources has been constrained by Congress’ failure to take action on recommendations to open up millions of acres of public land for increased use and recreation. Most public lands across the country are managed for “multiple use,” which


means that ranching, grazing, recreation, tourism and energy exploration can occur there. These decisions are almost always made at the local level because those who live, work and recreate in and around public lands know best how to manage them. There are some areas across the United States that have characteristics deserving of special preservation. In order to protect these specific areas, Congress has designated them “wilderness areas,” and most activities are restricted or eliminated. However, there are tens of millions of acres across the United States that do not have these special characteristics but are essentially being treated as if they did. Let us explain. In 1976, Congress promised to make a choice about which public lands should have special preservation, directing the Bureau of Land Management to conduct a study to determine which lands were suitable for wilderness designations and which were not. The BLM recommended 6.7 million acres as not suitable. However, because Congress has not acted on these recommendations, they continue to be treated essentially as if they were wildercontinued on page 47


JULY 2011








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JULY 2011

JULY 2011


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Judge Rules in Favor of Livestock Grazing he Colorado Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) announced June 17 that the U.S. Forest Service, the Chaffee County Board of Commissioners, CCA, and most importantly – 13 livestock producing families – prevailed against a lawsuit filed by Western Watershed’s Project (WWP). In 2009, CCA and Chaffee County joined ranchers in protecting their right to multiple-use grazing of public lands by intervening in a lawsuit filed by the anti-livestock grazing WWP, which sought to deny renewal of grazing in the Pike and SanIsabelNational Forests. “This is a huge win for our family and cattlemen in this part of the state,” stated Ken McMurry, grazing permittee. “Through the support of Chaffee County, other local cattlemen’s associations and the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, we’ve come to realize how significant this ruling is statewide to all cattlemen, whether grazing on private or public lands.” The appeal by WWP objected to the renewal of the grazing permits, which had been approved after a thorough environmental review. The Forest Service grazing decision also incorporated adaptive management principles to improve environmental conditions in the forests. The ranchers and the Forest Service worked together to develop management steps that would address resource issues and still be cost-effective. Upon reviewing the briefs and the administrative record, the court affirmed the decision of the Forest Service and allows continued livestock grazing under the adaptive management that everyone committed to do. As CCA counsel Connie Brooks explained, “This decision is especially significant because Western Watersheds had objected to the fact that the Forest Service had worked closely with the grazing permittees to develop management plans that made sense and would achieve the Forest Service’s objectives. While federal law calls for these grazing plans to be written in coordination with ranchers, this litigation would have undone the cooperation and consultation that has characterized the grazing program on the Salida Leadville Ranger District of the Pike San Isabel National Forest.” Tim Canterbury and his family are also thrilled with the courts decision. “We are happy to see that the court ruled this way. It shows that the courts recognize all of the hard work the permittees and agencies put into the Environmental Assessment.” The WWP argued that the decision made by the Forest Service was inconsistent with the Forest Plan; more specifically, it violated the Forest Plan in various ways including wildlife protection, protecting soil productivity, protecting water quality, and protecting archaeological resources. The court found that the Forest Service properly addressed each of these issues. Some of the measures included in the Proposed Plan were changing the stocking rate, limiting grazing to certain seasons, rest rotation,


continued on page 46


JULY 2011

Jingle Jangle

continued from page 33

sentation to the Cub Scouts Day Camp on June 13 and handing out BEEF bags with lots of information which we hope will help parents make wise decisions for their children’s diet. We plan to use Beverly Butler’s “Embrace the Plate” demonstration to bring attention to a healthy diet for children and adults. The annual 4th of July picnic will be held at Comudas Mountain hosted by the Jones Ranches. Just maybe — it will rain that day! And none of us would put up a fuss about it as we have had no moisture in this neck of the woods. Submitted by: Barbara Wagner, OCB sec. The Chuckwagon CowBelles met on June 14 with 17 members, three junior members and four guests present. Toni Barrow called the meeting to order and introduced Marc Lefrancois, Chief of Resources at Salinas Monument, as guest speaker. He gave a program on the history of the peoples who occupied Abo from 6,000 BC through the present. As resources were depleted and droughts and famines hit, the various groups would be forced to move out of the area. Toni reconvened the meeting at 12:35 p.m. The group decided to give Bay Baker a $100 graduation scholarship. Toni read thank you notes for our support of the ANCW and WALC meeting. Toni also read an announcement about the Mid-year meeting June 26 and 27 at the Buffalo Thunder Resort. It was decided to buy $100 of chile flavored beef jerky for the troops who don’t normally receive packages from home. There was discussion about the booth at the All Indian Livestock Days. Toni thanked those who worked at the booth. Lyn Greene presented her sample of ditty bags emphasizing the new nutrition plate on the outside. It was decided that these will work very well for the Mid-year meeting. (Our very generous Chuckwagon CowBelles personally donated $85 in addition to the $100 mentioned above for beef jerky to the troops! Babbi Baker will purchase, package and ship it within the next week. Within the boxes will be a note thanking them for their service as well as a note mentioning that June is Beef Month. Babbi will give a complete accounting at the July meeting. Thank you for supporting our troops, ladies!) New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to “Jingle Jangle.” Please send minutes and/or newsletters to: Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 n or email: janetwitte@msn.com

inMemoriam Oleta Marie Stirling, 99, passed on May 12, 2011 in League City, Texas. She is survived by her sister, Madge Lundy, as well as many generations of nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her husband R.D. Stirling. They were married for 52 years, all of which were spent as cattle ranchers in Colorado and New Mexico. She was active in the Girl’s Ranch of New Mexico, the Methodist Church in Las Vegas, the Rebecca Lodge of Las Vegas, the New Mexico CowBelles, as well as countless other charitable organizations we will never know about. She always showed wonderful hospitality to all who came into her life, always with a cup of coffee and something good to eat. Joel Thomas Bennett, 33, Des Moines, passed away June 29, 2011, in Des Moines. He was born April 15, 1978, in Raton, the son of Vernon Ray and Linda Mae Kruse Bennett. Joel grew up on the Bennett Ranch along the Ojo del Pinaveta. He was a member of Grace United Methodist Church and the Raton Elks Lodge. He attended Des Moines Public Schools, graduating in 1996. Joel participated in many 4-H and school activities including FFA, student council, FHA, science fairs, basketball, track, and cross-country. He was valedictorian at Des Moines High School his senior year. Joel attended Clarendon College and then Oklahoma State where he received a bachelor of science in animal science in 2000. Joel is survived by his parents, Vernan and Linda Bennett, Raton; son James Ray Bennett, Raton; brother Justin Bennett, Des Moines; maternal great-grandmother Julia Ione Hawk Kruse, Fairview, Kansas, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. John H. Mahoney, 63, Roy, was called home June 25, 2011, in an accident while working in his shop. He was born in Roy June 3, 1948, to John A. and Rena Mahoney and graduated from Roy High School in 1966 and from New Mexico State University in 1970. He is survived by his father John A. Mahoney; his wife June; his sons, Tappan (wife, Simone), Justin (wife, Shea), Joe (wife, Leslie) and Sean (wife, Tennessee); his two sisters: Janet Willis (husband, Jim), and Colleen Grogan; two grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews, other family and friends. John was a husband, dad, grandfather (Papo), brother, uncle, boss, mentor and friend. He was a member of the Roy school board

and an active volunteer firefighter and EMT for several years. He was a master water well driller, serving northeastern New Mexico for more than 35 years. He was a member of both the New Mexico and National Groundwater Associations. John was NMGW president for numerous terms and served as a delegate for the NGWA making trips to Washington, D.C. He was a master of many trades, with a vast wealth of knowledge upon which many relied. He always had good advice for everyone, whether they wanted it or not. He could strike up a conversation or argument with anyone he met; he never met a stranger. Ryan Thomas Hyatt, 22, Deming, passed away on June 9, 2011 while working on the ranch he loved. Ryan was born on October 26, 1988 in Las Cruces to Leedrue and Sandy Hyatt and was raised on the family’s homestead at Cook’s Peak. He attended Deming Public Schools and graduated in 2007. He was one semester from completing his bachelor’s degree at New Mexico State University where he was on the Dean’s List. He also worked for Torch Energy and at the Jornada Ranch. Ryan will be remembered for his work ethic, quick wit, sense of humor and capacity to make everyone around him happy. He was an excellent student, guitar player, accomplished hunter, and football player. Ryan was a member of the FFA, 4-H, and was a true friend to many. Ryan will be truly missed by his mother and father; sister Brady, Deming; brother, Garrett (wife, Terra) Minneapolis, MN; his grandparents, Betty Hyatt, Deming and Siegfried and Phyllis Thunborg, Corrales; as well as three nieces, his fiance, Jessica MacDonald, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and all the people who were blessed to have known him. Michael Lee McWhorter, 52, Datil, passed away on April 12, 2011 in Albuquerque. Mike was born in Socorro to Frank and Lola McWhorter on August 5, 1958. He is survived by his wife, Katharina; his sons, Trampus and Kade McWhorter and their mother, Carol Lee, Hondo, Texas; his mother, Lola McWhorter, Socorro; two sisters, Linda Rosales (husband, Mario) Lemitar; and Cindy Curry (companion, Allen Rinehart) Alamogordo; one brother, Larry McWhorter, Socorro; his uncle, Dub McWhorter (wife, Becky); four nephews, continued on page 175 JULY 2011





Io the Point



Bailin’ Wire & Duck Tape


S W E R S' A S

by Caren Cowan, Exec. Director, New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Assn.

addy could fix almost anything with bailing wire and duct (I used to think it was “duck” . . . never did figure out what happened to the feathers) tape. It was perhaps fortunate that he was near the end of his ranching life when most hay started coming with bailing twine. He still found uses for the twine like tying up gates, but it just wasn’t ever as versatile as the old wire. In that vein, there was never a good enough excuse for not getting a job done. If you didn’t complete an assigned task, it was highly likely that you would be sent to do it again . . . and again until it was done and done right. With that getter’ done training, we have worked diligently, along with New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association’s (NMCGA) leaders, our attorneys and other groups to make the resources of and available to the Association go absolutely as far as possible. While this is not intended as a complaint, I


have to admit that approaching every issue with a lick and prayer is frustrating. It appears that there may really be a turn in the view of the American public as we look at a simple little lizard that has the potential to shut down industries, kill jobs and drive up the price of fuel that is already out of control. We are faced with a tremendous opportunity to join arms with the oil and gas industry, local governments, hunters, recreationists, local businesses and many others to create a campaign to educate our nation while driving Congress to finally take action on an Endangered Species Act (ESA) that is clearly not operating as it was intended nearly 40 years ago and should have never been extended continually in its current form. The kind of campaign I am talking about takes real dollars and professionals who are not only familiar with New Mexico and Texas, but who have a track record of

winning in this kind of forum. This is not a bailing wire and duct tape project. As I visited with a friend on the issue she made an analogy that is the best yet. We don’t go look for someone who might be able to figure out how to perform brain surgery; we don’t take the time to shop for the least cost-surgeon. We attack the problem with the best resources as quickly as we can. Are we going to seize this moment? Can’t back up

I stopped listening to country music some time ago because it makes me sad. There is an old joke that if you play country music backwards, you get your house back, your dog back, your truck back and so on. I have lived enough to know and

continued on page 40

PACO FEED YARD, LTD. Commercial Cattle Feeders Located in the Heart of Cattle Feeding Country – 10 miles South of Friona on Hwy. 214


aco Feed yard has been providing cattlemen high quality custom feeding since 1969. As a result of expert management skills, an excellent track record, and aggressive marketing of fed cattle, Paco Feed Yard gives you the highest earning potential for your investment.

An on-site mill keeps your feed costs low and quality high. Paco Feed Yard uses the most modern and cost efficient equipment. Computerized steam flaking, monitored by our consultant nutritionist, ensures higher feed efficiency. Cattle get on feed quickly and produce maximum gains at a lower cost. Paco Feed Yard also does a superior job of timely feeding. We have an excellent ratio of feed trucks to number of cattle, so your cattle aren’t left standing, waiting for feed. The bunks are monitored closely and Excellent Facility & Feeding Program management reviews consumption records daily. IDEAL GROWING CONDITIONS / Attention to your cattle’s health by our consulting veterinarian protects your investment and provides optimum gains. With the assistance of a computerized health system, our highly-qualified cowboy staff provides each pen of cattle with the best care possible. Paco provides clean pens with ample space to keep stress at a minimum. Excellent water, abundance of local feed grains and a mild, dry climate provide the most economically favorable conditions for your cattle to reach their potential. CUSTOMIZED SERVICE / Cattlemen have control of their investment at Paco. We work closely with retained ownership customers, coordinating our animal health programs to enhance theirs. Our monthly computer billing system gives you a comprehensive summary of expenses, so you always know where your money is going.


JULY 2011

Feeder Cattle Procurement / Feed Financing Retained Ownership Planning / Partnering Backgrounding / Market Consultation Grower Ration / Cattle Financing OWNED BY FRIONA-AREA CATTLEMEN


CAPACITY 35,000 1-800/725-3433 806/265-3281 Paco Feed Yard, Ltd. • Feller Hughs, Mgr• Box 956, Friona, Texas 79035 www.pacofeedyardltd.com

Mother of our senior herd sire, SAV New Foundation TSAR. Another son, SAV Adaptor 2213, is leased to Genex Bull Stud. New Foundation’s sons and daughters are among our sale offering this year.

“Consistent Angus Quality Since 1965”

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Tri-State Angus Ranches Sam Jenkins & Kandy Lopez P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034 USA 575/536-9500 (ranch) or 575/493-9192 (cell) • tristateangus@aol.com JULY 2011


To The Point

continued from page 38

accept that Betsy or Daddy, Uncle Bill, Aunt Florence or the rest of their generation that we have lost in the past six years are not coming back. We won’t get the ranch back and now the concept of “home” has truly become New Mexico. But looking at what is going on in the state and federal regulatory arenas today, I would rather listen to country music than listen to the news. With that said, we cannot back up and we ARE making a difference. While the barrage of new regulations is coming about as fast as the fires are burning across Arizona and New Mexico at this writing, there was some good news. Clearly a more conservative U.S. House of Representatives is already helping us push back. The Christmas present from the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) was an executive order giving itself the power to create “wildlands” even though the surveys for Wilderness Areas under the Wilderness act were concluded about 30 years ago. The unified livestock industry opposition to this new policy coupled with the help of congressional representatives from across the West caused the Secretary

of the Interior to announce in early June that he would be withdrawing the executive order. Things may look grim, but we cannot back up or give up. Obscene & heard

No, I am not going to address the issue of former New York Congressman Weiner’s social media mishaps. I got to

The CBD spokesman is no dummy. He knows as well as anyone that for the past eight years, the deck has been stacked against ranchers and private property owners. spend another day with the New Mexico Game Commission in early June. Although I may not always agree with this august body, you have to thank them for


TUCUMCARI FEEDYARD, LLC 4 Miles NE of Tucumcari • Exit 333 from I-40

New 4,800 Head Capacity




* Preconditioning * Cattle Procurement * Bull & Heifer Development

* Cattle Bought & Sold * Feed Financing Available Tony Gabel, Manager Office: 575/461-9736 Mobile: 575/403-6251 P.O. Box 912, Tucumcari, NM 88401 email: tucumcarifeedyard@hotmail.com

taking the abuse and nonsense that comes with the job. In what has to be the umpteenth discussion on the Mexican wolf, comments would be laughable if there wasn’t so much at stake. The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) noted with great pride that wolves had not been removed from the landscape for livestock depredation since 2008 yet depredation complaints had declined over that time, surely demonstrating that leaving depredating wolves in the “wild” was a positive action for livestock owners. The CBD spokesman is no dummy. He knows as well as anyone that for the past eight years, the deck has been stacked against ranchers and private property owners. He knows that depredation reports are down because no one does anything about them. He might also have some idea that times they are a changing. After it was pointed out to the Commission that a large portion of the wolf habitat – and probably the wolves – have gone up in smoke in the Wallow Fire, that as of this writing is burning in two states, the Southwest Environmental Center’s response that “in a couple of years all of

continued on page 41

The Department of Animal & Range Sciences is part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences

,1. ,+ #!*-1/ !+(*!) &!#()(0(%/ ',1/% Students can major in Animal or Rangeland Resources and are provided with the very best of “hands on” academic instruction by our faculty. Fully equipped labs allow students access to cutting-edge research in: LIVESTOCK NUTRITION / GENETICS / PHYSIOLOGY / ENDOCRINOLOGY / MEAT SCIENCE / WOOL / TOXICOLOGY / WATERSHED & RANGELAND ECOLOGY / WEED & BRUSH CONTROL / PLANT SYSTEMATICS / GRAZING MANAGEMENT

The Department also offers preveterinary studies – our graduates have a high acceptance rate into veterinary medicine programs. We offer graduate degrees at the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy levels. The M.S. or Ph.D. in Animal Science can emphasize nutrition or physiology, and offers a Ph.D. in Range Science to study range management, range ecology and watershed management.

The Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (The College Ranch) – 64,000 acre ranch just outside of Las Cruces The Corona Range & Livestock Research Center – 28,000 acre ranch & facilities in Corona, NM Student organizations, including a Block & Bridle Club, Pre-Vet Club, Range Club, Horsemen’s Association, Therapeutic Riding Club, & Judging Teams

. ,'+ !*-"%)) 2 . (* ,// 2 '00- !#%/ +*/1 %$1 !#!$%*(#/ !+./


JULY 2011

To The Point

continued from page 40

that burned area will make great undulant grazing.” Surely he knows that fires of this magnitude and heat carbonize the soil, creating huge erosion and water quality issues for years to come. If not, he needs to rename his organization. Then there were those women who shook their fingers at and reprimanded the Commissioners for each not keeping constant eye contact with every one of the nearly 30 speakers for the entire duration of their three- to five-minute speeches. One went so far as to suggest that if the Commissioners didn’t have a 100 percent attention span to each and everything going on after an eight-hour meeting, they should resign. At the very least these females need a course in “how to win friends and influence people” not to mention a session in lady-like manners. At long last the outcome of this riveting afternoon was that the Commission voted UNAMIOUSLY to suspend the participation of the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish in the Mexican wolf recovery program. Another battle won for the good guys!

Then there are the traps . . . For as long as I have been involved in New Mexico range livestock, the trappers have been under siege . . . worse than the livestock industry itself. Some of the first meetings I attended when I moved to New Mexico were with trappers. Over the past two decades there have been some changes in public perception about wearing fur as well as changes made in the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish (NMDGF) regulations, but the trapping industry has survived. There is yet another run going to be made at them in July at the Game Commission meeting. While the NMDGF has proposed regulatory changes that are for the most part reasonable, they felt compelled to propose an alternative that would eliminate trapping on federal and state lands. That was a bow to the WildEarth (ScortchedEarth?) Guardians, Animal Protection of New Mexico and the Sierra Club, who not only want to call the shots in wildlife management without contributing one thin dime to aide in that management. AND they want to dictate where Commission meetings are held so that they will be convenient to all those people who want to tell other people how to man-

Proverbs 16-3

CATTLE SALE Every Thursday at 11 a.m. SPECIAL COW SALE Last Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. SPECIAL DAIRY HEIFER SALE 2nd Tuesday of every month at 11 a.m. ~TRUCKING AVAILABLE Matt & Jeana Wing / Jo Wing P.O. Box 58, Dalhart, TX 79022 • 806/249-5505 • clcc1@xit.net Visit our website at www.cattlemanslivestock.net

continued on page 42 JULY 2011


To the Point continued from page 41

age wildlife and land without ever getting their hands dirty. I bet the Clayton Chamber of Commerce and Union County are pleased to know that they are deemed “inaccessible” by those who claim to have the greatest concern for the environment. Thankfully there is a good size contingent of true hunters and fishermen who clearly understand that this is just the first shot across the bow (in the nautical sense) in eliminating all hunting and fishing. Bow (as in arrows) hunters beware; it might not be long before some think nailing big eyed does with a lethally sharp pointy thing is cruel and inhuman. Another item on the agenda is the ban on trapping in the Gila due to potential harm to wolves. The Department has had seven (7) months to study the issue via a literature review. Apparently they cannot find anything that supports this mandate ordered as one of many fine parting gifts by Governor Bill Richardson. Let’s stop managing wildlife through politics and ideology. If you haven’t contacted the Game Commission on these issues already,

please visit www.nmagriculture.org to get their contact information and give them a call to support trapping and common sense wildlife management by the people who live and work with them every day. Empty Saddles

Nothing teaches us better than livestock production that life is a cycle and

Nothing teaches us better than livestock production that life is a cycle and that it is the normal course of life for our loved ones to live and to pass on. that it is the normal course of life for our loved ones to live and to pass on. For the

past many weeks, that cycle has been in overdrive in New Mexico. I would begin to question the master plan of our Maker in His decisions lately, but at the same time it is hard to understand His need to gather so many of our flock around Him in such a short time. His reach has been across the ages, selecting from the young with seemingly lots of life to live to those who have given so much over countless decades. To each of those who have suffered a loss recently or in the past, or those who are facing a loss, know that there are lots of us out here who hold you and your loved ones in our thoughts and prayers every day. In that vein, I will take some privilege to recognize the contributions of a great lady in my life, my Aunt Cordy, who left us in early June. I was blessed that most of my family was well within driving distance much of the time. Most holidays were spent as an extended family. The “neighboring” we did to get branding and shipping done was mostly the family coming together in a common goal. In other words, we saw each other at our best and our worst. Aunt Cordy did so many things so well continued on page 43

Seven Generations Have Been Raising Cattle

CORNERSTONE A & Angus N Hereford Bulls & Heifers For C Sale at Private Treaty H



Leslie and Glenda Armstrong 575/355-2803



• CL 1 DOMINO 6123S 1ET

Kevin and Renee Grant 575/355-6621 616 Pecan Dr. Ft. Sumner, NM 88119




LaMoyne and Opal Peters Josh and Tanya Bequette

E-mail: Cornerstone@plateautel.net


JULY 2011


We are looking forward to great calves from these three new herd sires.

Ephesians 2:20



To the Point continued from page 42

that often I didn’t even realize what I was learning from her. There are the obvious things like making her tacos and enchiladas. I don’t remember when she taught me those things and maybe it was that she taught my mother and it was passed down that way. There are the funny things, like if you find wearing apparel that fits and you like it, you should buy it in every color because it might be a long time before you get to town again or find anything you like as well. I have learned that in the case of shoes, you must apply this principle with care — you might end up far away from home with two left shoes. If you were going to have a party or a fight, it is always best to surround yourself with family and friends. I was bitterly disappointed that my parents would never take me to the famous Cloverdale Picnics, the two- or three-day picnic and dances, that Uncle Bill and Aunt Cordy, held annually on a slab under some big old trees on the road into the Cloverdale headquarters. I was always told that when I got “old enough” I could go. When I was about 10 the tradition played out.

It seemed ironic that my first meal at the picnic site was in about the year 2000 when Aunt Cordy invited friends and family to take on the U.S. Forest Service about reducing grazing on the Cloverdale allotments as well as many of those across New Mexico and Arizona. During that same time frame Uncle Bill and Aunt Cordy spent two days in T or C and Hillsboro backing up Jimmy and Brent Bason on the

same issue. I could go on, but suffice it to say that Aunt Cordy loved life, loved to dance, loved to laugh and did it all in at least a high trot. I am blessed that I was able to spend time with her in recent months and I know that she was at peace and ready to go home. She loved and knew she was loved and we cannot ask for much more than that out of n life.


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The original Reveal 4-N-1 is a multi-use tool. It will dig up that hard pan, break it up, level constantly, then roll it back down to the footing depth you desire. One Tool — Four Functions. Hydraulically controlled without ever leaving your tractor seat to change tools. All units are available in 6- to 14-ft. widths. We now have tools in 45 states and Canada.



New Mexico’s Old Times and Old Timers

Seboyeta, a Frontier Town told by the Indian people that they “could not become Christians or stay in one place because they had been raised like deer.” Another Navajo said this: “I know all these people well, for they are my people and my relatives, and I say that neither now nor ever will they be Christians. They may say yes in order to get what is offered them, but afterwards they will say no.” The Spaniards, it seems, had made a tactical mistake. They used Laguna Indians as slave labor to build the mission, and the Navajos feared they would end up in the same kind of servitude. They withdrew their support by 1750 and the mission was soon abandoned. The area was ignored for about 50 years. In early 1800, The Spanish Governor, Don Fernando de Chacón gave possession of the area to thirty families which had previously resided near the Rio Grande at Albuquerque. The names of some of those settlers remain familiar

s the crow flies, it is only about 40 miles from Albuquerque west to Seboyeta.* The village is located in what is now the far northeast corner of Cibola County, close to the confluence of that county’s borders with those of Sandoval and McKinley counties. Seboyeta, at the base of Mt. Taylor, was an important community in the early development of western New Mexico. Sources disagree on exactly when the first effort to settle the area was made. Abe Peña, probably the most astute historian on the region, says that a Father Menchero attempted to establish a Franciscan Mission there in 1746. Other sources say the priests didn’t arrive until 1749. Whatever the year was, the purpose of the mission was to accommodate the Navajo Indians who had agreed to support it. There were many problems. The Navajos soon lost interest, for one thing. An interpreter at the time is said to have been


By DON BULLIS . . . Don Bullis is the author of ten books on New Mexico. Go to www.DonBullis.biz for more info.

today: Aragon, Baca, Chavez, Gallegos, Garcia, de Herrera, Jaramillo, Marquez, Pera, Peralta, Romero and Santillanes. Abe Peña describes what the trip might have been like. “Imagine more than 30 carts, each pulled by a pair of oxen, lumbering and squeaking up Nine Mile Hill. Some of the men rode horses. Sheep, goats, and milk cows followed the train herded by boys and some of the older women.” The original plan called for the trip to take four days. It actually took five. The settlers officially took possession on March 16, 1800. Alcalde Don Jose Manuel Aragon, representing Governor Chacón wrote in his official report: “Today the colonists received the grant in community and the suertes (lots) as individuals and acknowledged same by throwing stones in the air, pulling weeds and shouting, ‘God save the King’ continued on page 45

Manufacturers of a complete line of Livestock Feeds. All feeds priced Mill to Feeder.

Garcia Costilla

Rio Grande





Tierra Amarilla

Tres Piedras Canon Plaza




Cha ma

Abiquiu Res.

Santa Clara Pueblo

Los Alamos

Los Alamos



Agua Fria

ran de

Rio G

Rio Pu o erc


Placitas 14 Sandia Pueblo Corrales Sandia Heights North Valley Sandia Park

Paradise Hills


Cowles Tesuque



Eldorado at Santa Fe



Las Vegas




Gallin as R.




Newkirk Cuervo


Santa Rosa


Clines Corners





84 54


Negra Pedernal


Encino Carnero





L. Sumner





Largo Yeso Ricard


Torrance Gran Quivira






JULY 2011

Conchas L. Conchas



Broncho Mountainair 60

Bell Ranch Trementina



Anton Chico

Estancia Willard

Mosquero Sabinoso


Ribera Sena Villanueva




Mora R.

San Miguel

Santa Ana


Valmora Watrous



Santa Fe




San Jose Serafina






s Trujillos




El Porvenir


Mills 39







San Ignacio


Wagon Mound Roy


Ojo Feliz

La Cueva


Canoncito Lamy Rowe


Bosque Farms Isleta Pueblo Peralta Los Lunas Valencia Meadow Lake aves Tome







Holman Lucero


os R Pec

Pajarito Bernalillo Isleta




Armijo South Valley



Santa Fe

La Cienega

Zia Pueblo Santo Domingo Pueblo Domingo 44 San Felipe Pueblo Santa Ana Pueblo Madrid Algodones

Rio Rancho


Tesuque Pueblo

White Rock

Ponderosa Jemez Pueblo Cochiti Pena Blanca San Ysidro




Cleveland Mora



Jemez Springs



Truchas Espanola Chimayo Santa Cruz

San Ildefonso Pueblo

Angel Fire

Ranchos de Taos


Vadito Dixon Chamisal Penasco Ojo Sarco






San Juan Pueblo


Taos Pueblo



Eagle Nest


dian R. Cana

La Jara



La Madera 554


Youngsville Canones Coyote


El Rito

Abiquiu Medanales


We deliver sacked & bulk range cubes.


Ute Park 58

El Prado



Taos Ski Valley Valdez

Arroyo Hondo



Red River



San Cristobal




Palomas Montoya

…isn’t it time you talked to Farmway?

Old Times

continued from page 44

three times, wherefore they hold and enjoy all the ownership over said tracts which I have districted for such is the will of his Majesty the King.” The settlers immediately set about two important tasks. The first was to establish a church, which they called Our Lady of Sorrows. The next was to build a fortified village. Ten-foot stone walls were constructed and houses were built up against them with no windows facing outward. Two entrances, one facing south and one east, were protected by hand-hewn ponderosa pine board gates which were each a foot thick. The Spanish settlers and the Indians of nearby Laguna got along well, but the Navajos in the area felt threatened, and were justified in feeling so. The settlers often engaged in raiding Navajo villages for the purpose of kidnapping children, primarily females, which would be sold into slavery in Albuquerque for about 500 pesos each. In 1804, the Navajos laid siege to Seboyeta. They attempted to burn the village and to breach the walls. Doña Antonia Romero was one of the heroines of this event. She climbed to the roof of a house

to take a look around and saw that a Navajo warrior had managed to climb over the wall and was in the act of removing the huge bar that held one of the gates closed. “Swarms” of Navajos waited outside. “Snatching a heavy stone metate, Doña Antonia lifted it above her head and brought it down with all her strength on the head of the savage, killing him instantly.” (No mention is made as to why a metate, a stone used for grinding corn

and nuts, was on the roof of the house and available to Doña Antonia. On the other hand, maybe she had climbed down from the rooftop before she slew the invader. The narrative of the event is not clear on the point.) By the following year, the settlers had suffered about all they intended to. They made a plea to the governor to be released continued on page 46

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JULY 2011


Old Times

continued from page 45

from their promise not to abandon the village. Their request seemed to have been ignored, and they pulled out for Albuquerque. Along the way, though, they encountered a detachment of about 30 soldiers, and the settlers returned to their homes. Trouble with the Navajo subsided after that and the village flourished. Seboyeta became the so-called Mother

Village from which settlers founded other villages in the region. Among them were San Mateo in 1862, San Rafael in 1865, and El Concho, Arizona, in 1869. Ruins of the walls that were so important 200 years ago remain in place yet today. * The name of the village was originally spelled Cevolleta. Later that was changed to Cebolleta. The current spelling, Seboyeta, was adopted to meet requirements for postal service. There were previous settlements that used the earlier spellings. The word means, “place where onions grow.”

The high energy liquid feed


Judge Rules

continued from page 36

and active herding – all of which permittees will conduct to protect the public’s natural resources. After further review, the court strongly disagreed with WWP, stating the court may not assume that the Forest Service will fail to implement these actions in their Proposed Plan. “The good guys won!,” exclaimed Chaffee County Commissioner Frank Holman. “The Western Watersheds Project is ignorant of the positive impact ranchers have on the land, and that these same ranchers leave the forest in an improved state. This verdict by the government keeps WWP from running over the little guy. This finally proves that cattlemen do not have to put up with invasions to our Western n way of life.”

Free Up Some of Your Time All of the Cows & Calves Get their Fair Share Call To Compare Mix 30 to Your Program for Availability & Price Contact BOB BAESLER, 575/623-6966 bullsnmore@dfn.com or AGRIDYNE LLC, 800/575-7585 ext. 258 Chad Horsley, chorsley@mix30.com

Auction Co., Inc.

Cattlemens Livestock

Dulce Cattle SALES

CALL FOR DETAILS: FOUR UPCOMING FALL SALES . . . September TH October TH For more information or to consign cattle, please give us a call or drop by. We guarantee our same high quality service as in the past. P.O. Box 608 • Belen, NM CHARLIE MYERS • Ofc.: 505/864-7451 Fax: 505/864-7073 • Cel: 505/269-9075


JULY 2011



in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

Have Helicopter, Will Travel ... Cattle Roundup REASONABLE RATES. Call and compare. KMB HELICOPTERS Kurt Mastopietro • Mesa, AZ


Public Land For Locals continued from page 34

ness areas. Separately, in 1979 the U.S. Forest Service inventoried their Inventoried Roadless Areas and determined that 36 million acres were not suitable for wilderness; however, public access and use remain severely restricted. Congress’ lax approach to these recommendations means that millions of acres of public land across our country remain in limbo; off-limits to multiple use and set apart from the local planning process. That’s why we introduced the Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act. Our legislation would end the cycle of indefinite wilderness review and bring nearly 43 million acres of public lands out of purgatory. Specifically, the BLM and Forest Service lands specified above would be released from de facto wilderness management and opened up for multiple use. Our legislation does not direct what type of activities must occur on these lands. Rather, it would return management of these lands to the local Americans who live on and around them and provide them the flexibility to manage them for a multitude of activities. In Wyoming, land that remains locked up by Washington is being ravaged by mountain pine beetles. The infestation has devastated the area, weakening the recreational and environmental value of the land. Since this land remains on Washington’s “do not touch” list, local land managers aren’t able to take steps necessary to address the problem. In California, more than 3 million acres, including tens of thousands in the 22nd district, remain under lock and key unnecessarily. This means many rural and outlying communities that depend on tourism and recreation cannot maximize the potential of the public lands in their area. It also makes it harder for our firefighters to battle wildfires, which can devastate tens of thousands of acres of forest land and release thousands of tons of pollution into the air. Our bill will face strong opposition from environmental extremists and their friends in the administration. But the bottom line is that this legislation is just common sense. It simply acts on the recommendations of the agencies that manage these lands and allows the American people to take advantage of their own land. It’s long past time for Congress to act. Land that isn’t Congressionally recognized as “wilderness,” as well as deemed unsuit-

able for a wilderness designation by the very agencies that manage them, should be opened up for public use and enjoyment. Washington promised to make this choice more than 30 years ago. The Code of the West says, “When you make a promise, keep it.” Washington might not have read the Code of the West, but we have, and we’re going to hold Washington to its promises. This land is the people’s land. It does not belong to the bureaucrats in Washington.

Bradley 3 Ranch Ltd. www.bradley3ranch.com Ranch-Raised ANGUS Bulls for Ranchers Since 1955

200+ Angus Bulls Sell Feb. 11, 2012 at the Ranch NE of Estelline, TX M.L. Bradley, 806/888-1062 Fax: 806/888-1010 • Cell: 940/585-6471

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) is the Senate Republican Conference vice chairman and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is the House Majority Whip.

JULY 2011


CCA Gets New Executive


Red Miller & Joplin Regional Stockyards Video Auction Sale every Monday with excellent buyer participation on yearlings and Source and Age Verified calves. Low commissions compared to competition and no pass out fee. For more information, contact Red Miller at 575-278-2445. Calves and yearlings for sale and buyer of feeder cows also.

Munks’ Slings & Ambulances Rehabilitating Down & Injured Animals CATTLE • HORSES • SWINE • DOGS • SHEEP • LLAMAS

Also available: Velcro™ Hobbles

Munks’ Manufacturing, Inc. 9578 March’s Pt. Road, Anacortes, WA 98221-9628 1-800/377-9454 Fax: 1-800/377-9459 or 360/293-2094 www.munksmanufacturing.com


Calf Weigh Sling

Made in the USA

Sling used in the movies JURASSIC PARK to lower a live bull into the raptor pit and CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY to lift a cow!

Cargill Cattle Feeders, LLC Your Source For Efficient Cattle Marketing At Cargill Cattle Feeders we are committed to producing the highest quality cattle and beef for our customers. Call us about selling calves or yearlings if you share this commitment and are interested in tracking the performance of your cattle without retaining ownership.

Custom Sizes

fter five years as Executive Vice President of the California Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), Matt Byrne has stepped down from as executive vice president to enter the cattle and beef industry full time. Bryne has serve California’s beef cattle producers — from Modoc County to the Imperial Valley — and to worked with dedicated CCA leadership and talented staff on behalf of ranching and cattle feeding families in California and throughout the West. Prior to his stint at CCA Byrne spent five years in Washington D.C. serving the livestock industry. Bryne looks forward to remaining an active CCA member and supporting the organization as has his family for nearly 100 years.He plans spend more time working on the family ranch, running stocker cattle in California and working with partners to launch and develop the SunFed beef label, marketing California-raised cattle. The first focus of the new endeavor will be developing marketing and cattle supply for the grass fed and organic beef market. Billy Gatlin has been named to replace Bryne and can be reached at billy@calcattlemen.org or by calling the CCA office at n 916/444-0845.



, Closed herd since 1937 – 74 Years Following the Six Essentials Set Forth by Tom Lasater





TANA BAKER 316/291-1974 • tana_baker@cargill.com Ask about our Sharing Total Added Value (STAV) program for cow-calf producers.

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A Few Select Private Treaty Females Available.

Call Ian Miller at 575/840-8098 or Dale & Alex Lasater at 719-541-2855 for more information.


“The Pedigree is in the Name”


*Minimum 120 head same sex calves or yearlings (co-op OK) 50% or greater English, 3/16 or less Brahman


JULY 2011

The Lasater Ranch, Matheson, CO 80830 • 719/541-BULL Dale@LasaterRanch.com • www.lasaterranch.com


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JULY 2011





Caren Cowan


Chris Martinez Melinda Martinez Michael Wright












Carol Pendleton


Kristy Hinds Becky Matthews Camille Pansewicz


Lee Pitts Glenda Price William S. Previtti Carol Wilson


Marguerite Vensel


JULY 2011


62, 63





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JULY 2011


The Numbers

Livestock Production

Based on analysis of administrative data and Census of Agriculture


Cattle & Calves Sheep & Lambs Hogs & Pigs* TOTAL VALUE






% Change 2009-10

1,570 130 2.0

1,530 130 2.0

1,540 120 2.0

1,560 120 1.5

+1.3% 0% -25%


% Change 2009-10

$970,633 $1,002,868* $1,010,944 $1,190,606 $5,854 $5,566 $5,514 $6,672 $316 $348* $310* $393

+118% +121% +127%









*Hogs & Pigs inventory Dec. 1 of pervious year.

Livestock Prices


Prices (annual average)

Beef Cattle (per cwt.) Calves (per cwt.) Hogs (per cwt.) Sheep (per cwt.) Lambs (per cwt.) Wool (per lb.) Milk (per cwt.)







87.0 131.0 47.50 51.0 108.0 1.20 15.10

81.10 128.00 42.00 38.00 92.00 .90 12.10

80.40 120.00 40.80 36.00 98.00 1.40 18.80

79.30 113.00 40.30 30.00 99.00 1.70 17.50

72.90 105.00 34.80 34.00 109.00 1.00 12.10

84.70 118.00 47.60 52.90 135.00 1.50 15.80

To obtain latest data go to www.nass.usda.gov

Livestock Slaughter LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER (head)

Cattle Hogs Sheep & Lambs TOTALS






7,900 1,000 12,200 21,100

5,700 1,900 15,100 22,700

6,700 1,700 13,500 21,900

6,100 1,600 15,000 22,700

Milk Production Milk Cows on Farms Milk Production (lbs.) Milk Per Cow (lbs.) Source: N.M. Ag. Statistics Service


JULY 2011

2007-2010 2007




332,000 7,290,000,000 21,958

338,000 7,865,000,000 23,269

325,000 7,904,000,000 24,320

321,000 7,881,000,000 24,551

There’ss no mama like a Hereford-sired mama. Net income of $51 more per cow per year and a 7% advantage in conception There’ rrate, ate, ccompared ompared ttoo sstraight traight AAngus ngus females.* females.* AAllll tthis his ffrom rom a bbull ull that that is is kknown nown ffor or iits ts ffertility ertility aand nd easy-going easy-going nature. nature. Hereford bulls — better mamas and no headaches.

Hereford — gentle bullss makin making ng black better better. r.. * Data from the Circle A Ranch Heterosis Project

The measure of our success is never greater than when we watch our next generation achieve greatness.

Congratulations to the 2011 Hereford Herdsman of the Year — New Mexico's own Matt Copeland — (!"$ )%$ 53

JULY 2011

# *&* '&*


$ +

!") JULY 2011


The Numbers

CropProduction *


Acres Harvested, Yield Per Acre, Value of Production CROP

Acres Harvested (thousands)

. Unit

Yield Per Acre

Production (thousands)

Value of Production (thousands)

220.0 310.0 8.7 66.0 72.0

Tons Tons Tons Bu. Tons

5.2 4.30 7.7 180 27

1,114 1,333 66.6 11,880 1,944

181,896 206,277 41,610 58,806 68,040

2.7 47.0 10.0 68.0 290.0

Bales Bales Lbs. Bu. Bu.

836 1,174 3,200 66 28

4.7 115 32,000 4,488 8,120

NA 46,721 13,280 22,368 34,916

Alfalfa Hay All Hay Chile Peppers Corn, Grain Corn, Silage Cotton Lint: American Pima Upland Peanuts Sorghum, Grain Wheat, Grain Subject to revision.

Acres Harvested 2007-2010 CROP





240 350 11 54 80

250 340 11.1 55 83

240 320 12.3 50 78

220 310 8.7 66 72

Alfalfa Hay All Hay Chile Peppers Corn, Grain Corn, Silage







Cotton, All Peanuts Sorghum, Grain Wheat, Grain

43.6 10 75 300

36.9 8 80 140

32.3 7 50 140

49.7 10 68 290





TOTAL ACRES OF ALL CROPS HARVESTED (will include factors not listed above) Subject to revision.

Cash Receipts from Marketings New Mexico – 2006-2010






Livestock & Livestock Products Crops

$1,876,914 $623,361

$2,364,472 $712,064

$2,408,100 $716,025

$1,977,449 $700,943








Subject to revision. Based on analysis of administrative data and Census of Agriculture Total receipts do not include cash receipts for livestock grazing. Source: N.M. Ag. Statistics Service.


JULY 2011


Long in the Tooth

by Rich Sims


History and culture of Territorial New Mexico and its transition into statehood.


ripping, heart-wrenching and triumphant stories of a twelvemember, pioneering “Tejano” Family. It, along with its companion book, The Way T'wer, consists of over 800 pages, including more than 125 historical documents and 450 pictures.


A very different perspective on the Texican “invaders” than that presented by Rudolpho Anayas’ great book, Bless Me Ultima. Anaya and Rich Sims are both Pastura, N.M.-born natives. Long in the Tooth contains 522 pages including over 150 photo pages. Both volumes only $59.00, including postage and handling. To order, call or write, Long in the Tooth, 20 Ringtail Circle, Carlsbad, N.M. 88220, 575/981-2402.


Recommended for permanent placement in the New Mexico Historical Society by Max Evans. JULY 2011


New Mexico Dept. of Agriculture

THE PEOPLE AND THE Department of Agriculture

Department Heads Dr. Barbara Couture, President, 646-2035 College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences, Lowell B. Catlett, Regents Professor, Dean & Chief Administrative Officer, 646-3748 Academic Programs, Jim Libbin, Assoc. Dean & Director, 646-1807 Agricultural Economics & Agricultural Business, Terry Crawford, Interim Department Head, 646-3215 Agricultural Experiment Station, David Thompson, Assoc. Dean & Director, 646-3125 Agricultural & Extension Education, Cynda Clary, Interim Dept. Head, 646-4511 Animal & Range Sciences, Tim Ross, Interim Dept. Head, 646-2515 Entomology, Plant Pathology & Weed Sciences, Jill Schroeder, Dept. Head, 646-1145 Family & Consumer Sciences, Esther DeVall, Interim Dept. Head, 646-3936 Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Ecology, Martha Desmond, Interim Dept. Head, 646-1544 Educational Media Productions, Jeanne Gleason, Dept. Head, 646-5003 Plant & Environmental Sciences, Richard Pratt, Dept. Head, 646-3405 School of Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management, Janet Green, Dept. Head, 646-5995

Cooperative Extension Service Cooperative Extension Service, P.O. Box 30003 MSC 3AE, Las Cruces, NM 88003, http://aces.nmsu.edu


Jeff Bader, Northern District Dept. Head, 4001 Office Court, Ste. 308, Santa Fe, NM 87501, 505/983-4615 Bruce Hinrichs, Eastern District Dept. Head, Star Route, Box 77, Clovis, NM 88101, 985-2521 Charlie Siepel, Southwest District Dept. Head, Hidalgo County CES, 524 E Demoss, Ste. 7, Lordsburg, NM 88045, 542-9207.

Specialists Area Agronomist, Mark Marsalis Clovis, 985-2292 Robert Flynn, Artesia, 748-1228 Agronomy Specialist, John Idowu, 646-3455 Beef Cattle Specialists, Neil Burcham, 646-2309; Manuel Encinias, 374-2566 Computer Analyst, Don Rheay, 646-3305 Dairy Specialists, Robert Hagevoort, 985-2292 Economic & Community Development, Michael Patrick, 646-5682 Entomologist, Tessa Grasswitz, Los Lunas, 865-7340; Jane Pierce, Artesia, 748-1228; Carol Sutherland, 646-1132 Extension Vegetable Specialist, Stephanie Walker, 646-7999 Fruit Specialist, Shengrui Yao, 852-4241 Horse Specialist, Jason Turner, 646-1242 Horticulturists, Curtis Smith, Los Lunas 865-7340 Plant Pathologist, Natalie Goldberg, 646-1621 Ranch Business Specialist, Jerry Hawkes, 646-2332 Range Brush Control Specialist, Keith Duncan, Artesia, 748-1228

Jon C. Boren, Associate Dean & Director, 646-3015

Range Management Specialist, Chris Allison, 646-1944; Kirk McDaniel, 646-1191; John Fowler, 646-2841

Esther DeVall, Extension Dept. Head, Family & Consumer Sciences, 646-3936

Range Plant Identification Specialist, Kelly Allred, 646-5002

Chris Allison, Extension Dept. Head, Animal Science & Natural Resources, 646-3326

Riparian Management Specialist, Vacant, 646-2218

Frank Hodnett, Extension Dept. Head, 4-H/Youth Development, 646-3026

Turfgrass Specialist, Bernhard Leinauer, 646-2546

Natalie Goldberg, Extension Dept. Head, Extension Plant Sciences, 646-5280

Water Quality Coordinator, Craig Runyan, 646-1131 Weed Control Specialist, Jamshid Ashigh, 646-2888 Wildlife Specialist, Sam Smallidge 646-5944


JULY 2011

MSC 3189, P.O. Box 30005, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8005 Office of the Director/Secretary: Director/Secretary, Jeff Witte, 646-5063 Deputy Director, Tom Bagwell, 646-3702 Industry & Agency Programs, Director, Larry Dominguez, 646-8955 Government & Legislative Relations, Director, Ricardo Gonzales, 646-2787 Agricultural Biosecurity, Director, Jeff Witte, 646-5949 Coordinators: Budget and Support Services, Kim Allbright, 646-5344 Information Technology & Communications, Lesa Medina, 646-2858 Human Resources & Staff Development, Rose Leyva, 646-7523 Public Information Officer, Noreen Jaramillo, 646-2804

Directors Agricultural Programs & Resources Division, Director, Julie Maitland, 646-2642 Agricultural & Environmental Services Division: Interim Director, Bonnie Rabe, 646-2133 • Entomology and Nursery Industries Program, Asst. Division Director, Brad Lewis, 646-3207 • Feed, Seed and Fertilizer Program, Asst. Division Director, Tim Darden, 646-3107 • Pesticide Compliance Program, Bonnie Rabe, 646-2134 • State Chemist, Vacant, 646-3318 • State Seed Analyst, Michael Gill, 646-3407 Dairy Division, Director, Alf Reeb, 505/841-9427 Marketing and Development Division, Director, David Lucero, 646-5055 Standards and Consumers Services Division: Director, Joe Gomez, 646-1616 • Consumer Services Program, Asst. Div. Director, Raymond Johnson, 646-1616 • Petroleum Standards Program, Asst. Div. Director, David Turning, 646-1616 Veterinary Diagnostic Services, Director, Dr. Flint Taylor, 505/383-9299

Cooperating Agencies USDA Agricultural Research Service Experimental Range, Kris Havstad, Research Leader, 646-4842 USDA Wildlife Services, Alan May, State Director, Albuquerque, 505/346-2640 New Mexico Agricultural Statistics Service, Jim Brueggen, State Statistician, 522-6023

Commitment. Responsibility. Self Esteem. Accomplishment. These are the values taught by the New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranches for 67 years. Every year, there are hundreds of children from troubled backgrounds that need our help. We provide the opportunity to see life as it can be. Because we do not accept government funding, we depend on the support of people like you. We need your help to do more.

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JULY 2011



The New Mexico Livestock Board Staff New Mexico Livestock Board, 300 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Suite 1000, Albuquerque, NM 87108 • Phone 505/841-6161 • Fax 505/841-6160

Office Staff 841-6161 Dr. Joe Baker, DVM Dr. Tammy Burton, DVM Julie Gauman, IT Tech Ron Hofius, IT Tech Kendra Hileman, Brand Dept. Barbara Hoffmann, Brand Dept.

Cherrie Arries, HR & Administrative Ops Sharon Nelson, Accounting Mary Ann Marquez, Accounting Jerry Miller, Veterinarian Admin Becky Valencia, Customer Service

Livestock Inspectors AREA I Troy Patterson, Supervisor, (c) 840-5378, Roswell 5. Shawn Davis, Roswell (c) 840-5372 5. George Mendoza, Roswell (c) 840-5374 5. Joe Niece, Roswell (c) 840-5375 5. Office, Roswell 623-3189 11. Randy Houghtaling, Lakewood (c) 200-5367 12. Gene Cessnun, Jal (c) 749-0973 12. Bill Prather, Tatum (c) 399-2200 13. John R. Eisenberger, Clovis (c) 760-6545 13. Barry L. Allen, Melrose (c) 799-2090 13. Tim Allison, Portales (c) 714-0580 13. Terry Jack Jones, Clovis (c) 799-2670 13. Cody Cochran, Clovis (c) 799-4142 13. Terry Roberts, Portales (c) 760-6153 13. Jeremy Weese, Melrose (c) 760-3457

AREA II Ray Baca, Supervisor, (c) 643-6804, Santa Fe 1. John Latham, Des Moines (c) 643-6804 1. April Riggs, Springer (c) 643-6162 2. Eddie Farrington, Clayton (c) 207-5305 2. Joel Gilbert, Grenville (c) 447-2088 2. Keith Coble, Clayton (c) 207-5474 3. Frankie McKinley, Tucumcari (c) 461-1811 15. Heath Lee, Ft. Sumner (c) 207-5307 15. Walter Jones, Cuervo (c) 799-3549


JULY 2011

18. Tim Martinez, Las Vegas (c) 617-5417 18. Mathew Romero, Buena Vista (c) 617-5417 19. Alfred Martinez, Solano (c) 643-6815

Board Members

Administrative Staff

BILL KING, Chairman, Stanley BILL SAUBLE, Vice-chairman, Maxwell ROBERT GARCIA, Secretary, Santa Fe

MYLES C. CULBERTSON, Executive Director, Albuquerque


VACANT, Assistant State Veterinarian, Albuquerque

ROBERT PIERCE, Deputy Director, Edgewood DR. DAVE FLY, State Veterinarian, Edgewood

PENNY SAMPLE, Administrator, Albuquerque MICHAEL SISNEROS Chief Financial Officer, Albuquerque

AREA III Gary Mora, Supervisor, (c) 927-2509, Tierra Amarilla 6. David Atwood, Aztec (c) 235-4875 6. Vicki Atkinson, Bloomfield (c) 330-4962 8. Beth Mitchell, Estancia (c) 595-5151 8. Randy Riley, McIntosh (c) 250-1609 8. B.J. Winchester, Los Lunas (c) 220-0261 8. Aaron Romero, Rio Rancho (c) 362-6036 8. Brandon Major, Los Lunas (c) 252-7446 9. Donald Maestas, Espanola (c) 929-4040 9. Carl Manzanares, Tierra Amarilla (c) 929-0472 23. Mark Waters, Gallup (c) 362-3923 24. Ruben Baca, Ranchos de Taos (c) 770-1490 28. Jim Bagley, Corona (c) 643-6806

AREA IV Sam Wilson, Supervisor, Rincon, (c) 640-6781 4. Kenneth Hileman, Sacramento (c) 551-1782 7. Janice Blandford, Deming (c) 544-7062 10. Field Office, Las Cruces 233-4787 10. Trey Bays, Mesquite (c) 639-2612 10. Shaun McCauley, Mesquite (c) 642-3993

14. Bea Bell, Socorro (c) 418-8676 16. Bryan Waldrop, Animas 362-0652 17. Buddy Eby, Silver City (c) 590-4183 20. Don Hatfield, Carrizozo (c) 649-2758 21. David Trujillo, Garfield (c) 639-3663 22. Tommy Padilla, Quemado (c) 590-2683

N.M. State Game Commissioners New Mexico Department of Game & Fish Tod Stevenson, Executive Director 1 Wildlife Way (off of Caja Del Rio Road) Santa Fe, NM 87507 Phone: 505/476-8000 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 25112 Santa Fe, NM 87504

Jim McClintic, Chairman, Albuquerque Post Office Box 21027, Albuquerque, NM 87154 Work: 505/271-4550 Fax: 505/271-2472 Tom Arvas, Albuquerque 7905 Spain, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 Work: 505/898-4884 Scott Bidegain, Tucumcari Cell: 575/403-5254, scott_bid@plateautel.net Robert V. Hoffman, Las Cruces P.O. Box 1292, Mesilla Park, NM 88047 Home: 575/523-9101, RVHoffmandgf@live.com William “Bill” Montoya, Alto 125 Little Creek Hills Road, Alto, NM 88312-9503 Home: 575/336-2533 Cell: 505/412-0290 billmontoya@hotmail.com Gerald “Jerry” Maracchini, Rio Rancho jmaracchini@cableone.net Thomas “Dick” Salopek, Las Cruces 975 Holcomb Road, Las Cruces, NM 88007 Work: 575/526-5946 Fax: 575/526-0867, DickSalopek@hotmail.com

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JULY 2011


e h T Gestation TablesNumbers Gestation Timetable for Livestock Date of Service

Date of Delivery EWE SOW June 4 April 26 June 14 May 6 June 24 May 16 July 4 May 27 July 14 June 6 July 24 June 16 Aug. 1 June 24 Aug. 21 July 14 Sept. 1 July 24 Sept. 11 Aug. 4 Sept. 21 Aug. 14 Oct. 1 Aug. 24 Oct. 11 Sept. 3 Oct. 21 Sept. 24 Nov. 1 Oct. 4 Nov. 11 Oct. 14 Nov. 21 Oct. 24 Dec. 1 Nov. 3 Dec. 11 Nov. 13 Dec. 21 Nov. 25 Jan. 1 Dec. 4 Jan. 11 Dec. 14 Jan. 21 Dec. 25 Feb. 1 Jan. 4 Feb. 11 Jan. 14 Feb. 21 Jan. 24 March 3 Feb. 3 March 13 Feb. 13 Mach 23 Feb. 24 April 3 March 6 April 13 March 16 April 23 March 28 May 13 April 8 May 23 April 18

COW Oct. 14 Oct. 24 Nov. 3 Nov. 14 Nov. 24 Dec. 4 Dec. 12 Jan. 1 Jan. 12 Jan. 22 Feb. 1 Feb. 11 Feb. 21 March 14 March 24 April 3 April 13 April 23 May 3 May 14 May 24 June 3 June 14 June 24 July 4 July 14 July 24 Aug. 3 Aug. 14 Aug. 24 Sept. 3 Sept. 13 Sept. 25 Oct. 3

Jan. 5 Jan. 15 Jan. 25 Feb. 5 Feb. 15 Feb. 25 March 5 March 15 April 5 April 15 April 25 May 5 May 15 June 5 June 15 June 25 July 5 July 15 July 25 Aug. 5 Aug. 15 Aug. 25 Sept. 5 Sept. 15 Sept. 25 Oct. 5 Oct. 15 Oct. 25 Nov. 5 Nov. 15 Nov. 25 Dec. 5 Dec. 15 Dec. 15

MARE Dec. 6 Dec. 16 Dec. 26 Jan. 6 Jan. 16 Jan. 26 Feb. 3 Feb. 23 March 6 March 16 March 26 April 5 April 15 May 6 May 16 May 26 June 5 June 15 June 25 July 6 July 16 July 26 Aug. 6 Aug. 16 Aug. 26 Sept. 5 Sept. 15 Sept. 25 Oct. 6 Oct. 16 Oct. 26 Nov. 5 Nov. 15 Nov. 25

Heat & Gestation Periods in Days Regularity of Heat Period

Species Sow Ewe Cow Mare

Average 21 17 (Seasonal) 21 21 (Seasonal)

Heat Period Duration

Variation 18-24 15-19 18-22 19-23

Length of Gestation Period

2-3 1-2

Average 114 150

Variation 112-116 148-153

1 or Less 4-7

283 336

275-290 320-345

Variations Even within each species there is a difference in gestation periods. Generally early-developing and early-maturing breeds have a shorter period of gestation than later developing breeds. Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Days

Horses Arabian & English Thoroughbred . . . . . . . 337 Trakehnen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Belgian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

Cattle Dutch Friesian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Jersey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Guernsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Aryshire (Sweden) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Aryshire (U.S.A.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Shorthorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Aberdeen-Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Brown Swiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Simmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Sheep Karakul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Shropshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Southdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Merino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Pigs Danish & Swedish Landrace. . . . . . . . . . . 115 Larger White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Middle White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Berkshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Goats Saanen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Anglo-Nubian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Toggenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Rabbits All Breeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Popular Fowl Hatching Chart Variety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Days Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Turkey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Muscovy Duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-35 Goose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-31 Guinea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 Pigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18


JULY 2011

Variety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Days Ring-neck Pheasant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24 Mongolian Pheasant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Bobwhite Quail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Japanese Quail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 Chukar Partridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Peafowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Swan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-37

Mother of our senior herd sire, SAV New Foundation TSAR. Another son, SAV Adaptor 2213, is leased to Genex Bull Stud. New Foundation’s sons and daughters are among our sale offering this year.

“Consistent Angus Quality Since 1965”

Bulls & heifers – Private Treaty Raised in Rough Country (4,500-7,500 ft.) To Be Used in Rough Country!

AKC/ASCA Australian Shepherd Puppies

Aussie stud TSAR Daddy’s Mimbres Abraham (AKA Abe)

+ Out of Working Stock + Great Ranch Hands + Loyal Pets

PUPPIES AVAILABLE All Year – All Colors • Our puppies come from two of the greatest working dog lines in the country


Tri-State Angus Ranches Sam Jenkins & Kandy Lopez P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034 USA 575/536-9500 (ranch) or 575/493-9192 (cell) • tristateangus@aol.com JULY 2011



SAN JUAN Page 130

COLFAX Page 94

TAOS Page 140

MORA Page 121


SANTA FE Page 135


HARDING Page 110



CIBOLA Page 93

UNION Page 144

QUAY Page 124

GUADALUPE Page 108 TORRANCE Page 142 DE BACA Page 99


SOCORRO Page 138

CATRON Page 88

LINCOLN Page 115

22010 010

CHAVES Page 90

SIERRA Page 137

GRANT Page 106

LEA Page 113

OTERO Page 122

LUNA Page 117

CURRY Page 97

EDDY Page 104

DOÑA ANA Page 101

HIDALGO Page 112

State Listings Index





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JULY 2011

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111 LEA




117 LUNA
















139 TAOS



JULY 2011




Boykin Barzonas, Raymond Boykin, Jr., 2144 W. Aberdeen Dr., Montgomery, AL 36116, 334/4300563. Reg. & comm. Barzona and Barzona crosses; wheat, soy beans, fescue; grassfed beef; feedlot calves. Original Mink Oil Company, Chuck Nelson, P.O. Box 835, Gulf Shores, Alabama 36547-0835, 866/823-8492, cnelson@originalminkoil.com.



ADM Alliance Nutrition, Roger Hurliman, Chandler, AZ, 480/895-1957. Sales Agent. ADM Alliance Nutrition, Tammy Smith, Elfrida, AZ, 520/824-3255. Sales Agent. Acordia of Arizona, Karen O’Brien, 3020 Camel back Rd. #200, Phoenix, AZ 85016, 602/381-2800. Agribusiness specialists for all your insurance needs. Animal Health Express, Inc., Barbara Jackson, 4439 N. Hwy. Dr. # 2, Tucson, AZ 85705, 800/5338115, fax 800/437-9898. Supplier of animal health products, livestock supplies, supplements, equine supplier and more. Please call for a free catalog. Apache Creek Ranch, Tom Sanders, 155 Sanders Dr., Duncan, AZ 85534, 928/687-1863. Reg. and comm. Limousin. Arizona Feeds / Eagle Milling Co., Inc., Casa Grande, AZ 85222, 888/220-6455. Livestock feeds. Arizona National Livestock Show, Grant Boice, 1826 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85007, 602/258-8568, gboice@anls.org. National Livestock Show; Jr. Market Auction; Sun Classic Heifer Sale. Arizona Production Machinery & Supply, Bill Scott, 8901 W. Hwy 287, Casa Grande, AZ 85222, 520/421-4488, bill@azpromac.com. Arizona Ranch Real Estate, Troy Cooke, P.O. Box 3151, Show Low, AZ 85902, 928/532-0055, tcooke@whitemtns.com. Real estate sales. Arizona Ranch Real Estate, Jim Olson, P.O. Box 1, Stanfield, AZ 85172, toll free 520/424-3839, www.azranchrealestate.com. Farm, ranch and rural real estate across AZ & NM. Arizona Ranch Real Estate, Scott Thacker, 5880 W. Cortaro, Tucson, AZ 85741, 520/572-0109, scottthacker@mail.com. Real estate sales. Arizona State Fair, Shay Armstrong, 1826 W. McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85007, 602/257-7163, shay.armstrong@azstatefair.com Arrow Beefmasters, Box 152, Snowflake, AZ 85937, Chuck Bentz, 602/536-7468. Reg. Beefmasters. Arizona Texas Longhorn Breeders Assn., Kip Ripley, pres. or Cynthia Cameron-Ripley, sec./treas., 15805 W. Quinlin Trail, Tucson, AZ 85735, 520/822-1296, cynthiacameron1@msn.com. Reg. Longhorn; breeding bulls and steers available; also replacement heifers/cows.


JULY 2011

Ash Creek Ranch, Gary Mortimer, 3700 South Cherry Rd., Dewey, AZ 86327, 928/925-6653. Reg. Angus, ABS semen sales, Ash Creek Ranch 100% Natural Beef. Atascosa Ranch, David Lowell, 789 Ave. Beatriz, Rio Rico, AZ, davidlowell@perucopper.com, 520/281-8271. Comm. cow-calf Brangus, feeder calves, mountain raised bulls.

Cedar Ridge Angus, Calvin L. Davis, P.O. Box 271, St. Johns, AZ 85936, 928/337-4460. Reg. Angus bulls and females; top AI bloodlines. Cedar Ridge Salers, Lorrie Smith, HC 30, Box 1020, Prescott, AZ 86301, 520/771-8225. Reg./comm. Salers.

Babbitt Ranches, Bill Cordasco, P.O. Box 520, Flagstaff, AZ 86002, 928/774-6199. Comm. Hereford; reg. quarter horses.

Cross L Ranches, Sylvia Wilson and Earl Baker, P.O. Box 294, Springerville, AZ 85938, 602/3332834. Comm. Hereford and crossbred cattle; comm. ranch geldings. Ranchers’ dirt work; all kinds of dozer and dirt work for the farmer or rancher.

Bar LR Angus Ranch, Robin Richey, P.O. Box 1120, Benson, AZ 85602, answering machine 520/720-4847; cell 520/975-2832. Reg. Black Angus.

D and H Realtors, Richard Smith, P.O. Box 1002, Pinetop, AZ 85935, 928/367-1700, cell: 928/5871700, dhrealtors@citlink.net. Real estate brokerage; property management.

Bar T Bar Ranch, Inc., Bob Prosser, P.O. Box 190, Winslow, AZ 86047, info@bartbar@com, 928/289-2619. Reg. Balancer and calving ease Angus Bulls. Comm. bred replacement heifers.

DalMolin Ranch, Frank DalMolin, #1 DalMolin Heights, Globe, AZ 85501, 928/425-2256, fdalmolin@hotmail. Comm. cattle

Bobacomari Ranch Co., P.O. Box 490, Sonoita, AZ 85637. Reg. Angus cattle. R. Lewis Bowman, 208 E. Vista, Bisbee, AZ 85603, 520/432-4139. Comm. Charolais & Charbray. Three western “Bumfuzzled” books and calendars; maguette & miniature sculptures of Evertt Bowman, the George Washington of pro rodeo. Bull Run Ranch, Datil, NM and Prescott, AZ, Carl & Whitney, home 928/717-8267, cell 928/ 713-0176, fbangus@aol.com. Reg. Black Angus bulls and heifers; show cattle and club calves. Bunkhouse Trading Co., Michael, Trail Boss; Mary, Head Wrangler; Missy, Scout Dog; Chino Valley, AZ, 928/710-7509, 928/710-4502. Bunkhouse blankets, home decor, western stuff. “There’s always something for you at the Bunkhouse.” Carter Brangus, Bart J. Carter, 1017 S. 1st Ave., Thatcher, AZ 85552, 928/348-8918, bjcmd@cableone.net. Reg. Brangus bulls & females. Cattle Express, Inc., Milton Ellzay, P.O. Box 669, Maricopa, AZ 85239, 620/244-2030, 800/406-4036. Livestock transportation. Cattleman’s Supply, Joe Echeverria, 3905 W. Van Buren #8, Phoenix, AZ 85009, 602/272-3950. Serving the animal health industry. Cattle Track Ranch, Tom and Betty Donato, P.O. Box 2, Greer, AZ 85927, 602/735-7359. Reg. Shorthorn cattle.

Raymond Boykin, Jr. BREEDER SINCE 1986

BARZONA: EASY-KEEPING CATTLE THAT GRADE Montgomery, AL Ph: 334/395-5949 • Cell: 334/430-0563 etheldozierboykin@yahoo.com

Davenport Cattle Co., Jack Davenport, 2925 W. Marguerite Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643-3079, 520/384-4452. Reg. Hereford (horned). Dees Bros. Brangus, Alex Dees, P.O. Box 10090, Yuma, AZ 85366, office: 760/572-5261, mobile: 520/920-3800. Reg. Brangus. Diamond K Angus Ranch, Lance Knight, P.O. Box 127, Springerville, AZ 85938, 928/333-7241, lanceknight@frontiernet.net . Reg. Angus. Double Heart Beefmasters, Star Rt., Box 342, Pearce, AZ 85625, Bobby J. Straub, 520/824-3587, 602/824-3583. Beefmaster cattle; will deliver cattle. Downs’ Ranch Hideaway, Bill or Mona Bunnell, P.O. Box 77, Blue, AZ 85922, 928/339-4952, downsranchhideaway@frontiernet.net. Comm. Quarter horses — we offer trail rides and packing with cabin rentals. Drag Seven Ranch, P.O. Box 657, Willcox, AZ 85644, Nan Cambern, 520/384-2663. Reg. Red Brangus cattle, rock-footed, raised and priced with commercial cattlemen in mind. Dunn & Morris Cattle Co., Bill Dunn, 520/363-5665, Kemp Morris, 480/529-5099. Reg. Angus, annual sale in November. Dunn Ranches, Bill Dunn, Box 302, Kearny, AZ 85237, 520/363-5665, bill dunn@theriver.com. Reg. cattle. Eagle Milling Co., Patty Young, P.O. Box 15007, Casa Grande, AZ 85320-5007, 520/836-2131, 888/220-6455. ADM dealer. Manufactured livestock feeds. Serving ranchers for 153 years — since 1851. Eaton Farms, Jeff & Jamie Eaton, Buckeye, AZ 85362, 602/469-0757, cowzrus@cox.net. Reg. Brangus. Echo Brangus, Rt. 2, Box 86, Queen Creek, AZ 85242, Jay Horsman, 602/868-4272. Reg. Brangus cattle. Elkhorn Ranch, Mary and Charley Miller, HC 1, Box 97, Tucson, AZ 85736, elkhornranch@wildblue.net, 520/822-1040. Comm. horses; guest ranch. Farm Credit Services SW, Gary R. Dyer, P.O. Box 24138, Tempe, AZ 85285, 602/431-4148. We handle all your products and needs.

Rolf M. Flake, 55 E. Silver Creek Rd., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480/926-1509, 602/615-3993 cell, crazycowboys@cox.net. Comm. Corriente roping steers, heifers, bulls; cowboy poetry; Cloudwatchers, book; Western Verse or Worse, Cowboy Heritage, CDs. Flagstaff Equipment Co., Inc., Chris Algya, 500 N. Grant St., Flagstaff, AZ 86004, 928/600-6322, calgya@aol.com Flying Heart Ranch, Jesse V. Rowley, Box 1000, 3474 W. Rowley Dr., Thatcher, AZ 85552, 520/428-7439. Reg. Salers. Flying M Ranch, Kit Metzger, P.O. Box 700, Flagstaff, AZ 86002, flyingm@hughes.net, 928/526-8066. Comm. cow/calf — Balancer (Red Angus/Gelbvieh) from Bar T Bar Ranch herd. Locations for filming commercials and other special events; rent out one 2-bed/1-bath for hunting stays; one 2-bed/2-bath for star gazing. Flying V7 Ranch, Glenn or Terry Links, 3975 Dripping Springs Rd., Winkelman, AZ 85292, 520/909-0005. Reg. and comm. cattle, reg. horses. Ganado Group, Inc., Tom Rolston, 777 E. Thomas Rd. #210, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602/248-9232. Agricultural and rural real estate services. Gila County Cattle Growers, John Fowler, 602/980-5646. Annual replacement & stocker sale in April. Headquarters West, Ltd., Tucson office: Walter Lane, 520/792-2652, wlane@hqwest.com. Sonoita office: Sam Hubbell, 520/455-5834. St. Johns office: Traegen Knight, 928/524-3740. Phoenix office: Con or Charlie, 602/258-1647. www.headquarterswest.com. Headquarters West, Ltd., Andy Groseta, 257 Justin Dr. Suite B, Cottonwood, AZ 86326, 520/634-8110. Ranch, farm, rural property brokerage, appraisal, management.

Korral Kool Inc., Steven Carlson, 3355 N. Reseda #1, Mesa, Arizona 85215, 480/807-0290, steven.carlson@korralkool.com. Comm. cattle; Dairy Cooling Equipment.

Mattox Beefmasters, Jeff & Sarah Mattox, P.O. Box 21445, Wickenburg, AZ 85358, 928/684-9571, 928/671-0398. jeffmattox@msn.com. Reg. & comm. Beefmaster cattle — all types.

Kuhn Limousin, Box 1083, Willcox, AZ 85644, Jay W. Kuhn and Doug Kuhn, 520/384-5282. Reg. Limousin cattle, 4-H and FFA, alfalfa.

McElhaney Cattle Co., Patsy Echeverria, P.O. Box 277, Wellton, AZ 85356, 520/785-3384. Specializing in personalized cattle feeding programs to meet the needs of farmers, ranchers and professional cattle feeders.

Landview Properties, Carol Jorgensen, 1508 E. Treasure Cove, Gilbert, AZ. 85234, 480/632-7377, cjorgensenfirst@aim.com. Las Vegas Ranch, 14000 Seven V Ranch Rd., Prescott, AZ 86305, Steve Pierce, 928/445-7949, Nelson Pierce, 928/778-1962, Larry Stark, 928/778-1962. Reg. Hereford & Angus. Lazy JD Ranch, David Ward, P.O. Box 192, Ft. Thomas, AZ 85536, 928/485-2940. Reg. Beefmasters. Lazy KT, Rick Skaarer, 2898 E. Kimzey Rd. Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/384-5210. Reg. and comm. Brangus; all classes of bulls, heifers and replacement heifers; reg. and comm. solid ranch horses; LP Bar Ranch, LaMar and Pat Clark, 6422 South 35th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85041, 602/276-8354. Reg. Limousin. Lueck Land & Cattle Co., Dr. Wade Lueck, 2567 East Brooks St., Gilbert, AZ 85296, 480/5605625, wadelueck@gmail.com. Reg. Black Angus — comm. cross-bred cattle; reg. AQHA; pasture for lease. Mad Bull Designs, Todd Stewart, 6407 E Parkview Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85257, 480/383-9800, todd@madbulldesigns.com. Marana Stockyards, Clay Parsons, P.O. Box 280, Marana, AZ 85653, 520/682-4400. Cattle sale barn.

Monk Ranch, Dennis Layton, P.O. Box 3070, Thatcher, AZ 85552, 928/428-2596. Reg. and comm. Barzona. Morrison School of Management and Agribusiness, Paul Patterson, Arizona State University, 7001 E. Williams Field Road, Mesa, AZ 85212, 480/727-1124, paul.patterson@asu.edu. Mountain View Hereford Ranch, HC 1, Box 788, Elgin, AZ 85611. Grace Wystrach, 520/456-9052, grace@azsteakout.com. Sell registered Hereford heifers, cows & bulls.

Apache Creek Limousin Ranch Registered Limousin Tom & Barbara Sanders 928/687-1863 155 Sanders Dr., Duncan, AZ 85534

Hebbard & Webb, Inc., 1401 N. 24th, Ste. 1, Phoenix, AZ 85008, 602/275-5715. Ranch real estate. Heiden Land and Cattle, 26200 W. Broadway Rd., Buckeye, AZ 85326, 602/386-4410. Custom feeding, Ariz. native cattle our specialty, alfalfa hay cubes and processed grain for the beef industry. Herron Saddlery, Bonney Herron, P.O. Box 1207, Chino Valley, AZ 86323, 928/636-5461. Reg. horses; custom saddles. Hook and Line Ranch, R. Lewis Bowman, 208 E. Vista, Bisbee, AZ 85603, 520/432-4139. Bumfuzzled, Bumfuzzled Too, western, non-fiction books. Comm. cattle. Hooper Hereford Ranch, P.O. Box 268, Springerville, AZ 85938, Lance Knight, 928/3334377, 928/333-7241, lanceknight@frontiernet.net. Reg. horned and polled Herefords. J & J Show Cattle, Jody and Janine Eddy, Rt. 1, Box 243 via Virden (N.M.), Duncan, AZ 85534, 505/358-2400, jjshowcalves@aznex.net. Reg. and comm. percentage Maine-Anjou; pasture; bulls heifers and club calves. JaCin Ranch, 928/688-2602, 928/688-2753, Sanders, AZ. Reg. Shorthorns and Red Angus. K 7 Ranch, Joe & Daisy Mae Cannon, 1788 Cosper Loop, Duncan, AZ, 928/687-1531. Comm. Angus cross.

Red Angus Cattle For Sale Purebred Red Angus • Weaned & Open Heifers • Calving Ease Bulls


JaCin Ranch

THE BRAND THAT REPRESENTS QUALITY REG. BLACK BRANGUS BULLS & FEMALES Thatcher, Arizona H: 928-348-8918 • bjcmd@cableone.net

CARTER’S Livestock Equipment MRS. W.J. CARTER 928/567-4010

675 S. Main, Camp Verde, AZ 86322


work: 928/688-2602 evenings: 928/688-2753 Livestock Handling Equipment JULY 2011


R.L. Robbs 520/384-3654 4995 Arzberger Rd. Willcox, AZ 85643 robbs.brangus@powerc.net

Horses Pigs Goats PACIFIC Sheep Calves Cows LIVESTOCK Bulls Horses Pigs AUCTION Goats Sheep Calves Cows Bulls Horses All types of cattle sold Goats on Wednesday; Pigs Sheep horses, pigs, sheep, Calves Bulls goatsCows and calves on Saturday. Horses Pigs Goats 480/839-2938 Sheep Steve Calves Lueck, FredCows Lueck, Jr. Call Anytime to Visit About Your Cattle Bulls Horses Goats 5025 W. PECOS • CHANDLER, AZ 85228

Naschitti Livestock Auction, 57th Annual Cattle Sale, Naschitti, N.M., Oct. 9, 2006 at Flake Livestock Auction (our 41st year), 480/892-4726, 602/615-3993.

Pratt Farms, Loren Pratt, 44996 W. Papago Rd., Maricopa, AZ 85139, 520/568-2811. Reg. Brahman, Hereford, Gelbvieh; alfalfa, corn silage, cotton, Bermuda.

Nine Cross Ranch, Fred Moore, 8215 N. 21st Dr., D. 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021, mobile 602/380-4716, fredmoore@ninecrossranch.com. Reg. Herefords; reg. Quarter horses;

Prescott Livestock Auction, Richard Smyer, 855 Auction Dr., Chino Valley, AZ 86303, 928/445-9571. Livestock auction selling cattle, horses, sheep & goats from throughout Arizona. Cattlemen’s Weekend — first weekend in March.

Noland Tough Fence and Noland Ranch, Crystal Noland, P.O. Box 1092, Morenci, AZ 85540, 928/322-3658, crystal@nolandtoughfence.com. Reg. & comm. Angus, Hereford and X-bred. Mountain raised, rock footed cattle; barbwire fence construction. North Point Ventures, Travis Bard, 1535 E. Rd. 3 S., Chino Valley, AZ 86323, 928/710-7007, npventures@bullerinetworks.net. O’Haco Cattle Co., Jim O’Haco. P.O. Box 727, Winslow, AZ 86047, 928/587-4526. Reg. and Comm. Hereford/Angus; ouarter horses. Oro Blanco Ranch, LLC, Robert Noon, HC 2, Box 205, Nogales, AZ 85621, 520/287-8986. Reg. and comm. Charolais bulls for sale. Pacific Livestock Auction, Steve Lueck, 5025 W. Pecos Rd., Chandler, AZ 85226, 480/839-2938, pacificlsa@aol.com. Cattle, horses, pigs and sheep. Parker Brangus, Larry A. Parker, P.O. Box 146, 1700 N. Parker Rd., San Simon, AZ 85632, 520/845-2411. Reg./comm. cattle. Powder River Livestock Hauling Equipment, South Main St., Camp Verde, AZ 86322, 520/567-4010, cattle handling equip.

Producers Livestock Marketing Association, Danny Major, Branch Mgr., 928/925-3710, P.O. Box 5128, Chicno Valley, AZ 86323. Order buying, country sales, video & Internet sales monthly. Quiotosa Ranch Co., P.O. Drawer L, Gila Bend, AZ 85337, Ernie Jordan, 602/683-2624. Reg./comm. Longhorn cattle. R&R AgroTech, Inc., Ray Rodriguez, 3059 W. Calle de Dalias, Tucson, AZ 85745, 520/743-7127, rayrodriquez39@hotmail.com. Reg. and comm. Balancer, Gelbvieh, Red Angus, Fleckvieh, and Simmental; cattle and product export to Sonora. R & R Ranch Supply, Imperial Trailers, Ron Duckworth, 213 S. Alma School Rd., Mesa, AZ 85210, 602/833-3090. Horse and livestock trailers, horse and cattle equipment, panels, gates, feeders, chutes, alleys. Red Rock Feeding Co., Dave Stevenson, P.O. Box 1039, Red Rock, AZ 85245, 602/682-3448. Commercial feedyard, 36,000 head annual production. Cotton, hay, grain, slaughter cattle.

Producers of Quality & Performance Tested Brahman Bulls & Heifers “Beef-type American Gray Brahmans, Herefords, Gelbvieh and F-1s.” Available at All Times Loren & Joanne Pratt 44996 W. Papago Road Maricopa, AZ 85139 520 / 568-2811 66

JULY 2011


Redington Land and Cattle Co., Don and Barb Steinman, 14501 S. Taylor Pass Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643, 928/828-5555, www.redingtonranch.com. Gooseneck trailers, Priefert cattle handling equip., pipe and rod (oil field) and Olathe boots. ReproTec, Inc., Tim Jackson, 4439 N. Hwy. Dr. #2, Tucson, AZ 85705, 520/888-0401. Providing a bull fertility test that is the only objective measure of a bull’s fertility. Rex Beefmasters, U Cross Ranch, P.O. Box 430, Mayer, AZ 86333, 602/632-7166. Reg./comm. Beefmaster cattle. Rim Fire Stock Dogs, Jeb Pringle, 1534 N. Ocotillo, Benson, AZ 85602, 520/586-7484, jebpringle@ hughes.net. Raise and sell Border collies and Australian kelpies with strong cattle working bloodlines. Robbs Brangus, R.L. Robbs, 4995 E. Arzberger Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/384-3654. Reg. Brangus cattle. Rose Tree Ranch, Bill Brake, HCR 1, Box 15, Elgin, AZ 85611, 520/455-0524. Comm. Red Angus X, Brangus, Red Angus. Tanks, water troughs. Rustic Realty, Inc., Mary Ella Cowan, designated broker, P.O. Box 6, Tombstone, AZ 85638, 520/457-3226. Sales of ranches, farms, businesses; lots and acreage for sale, residential and commercial. SAILA/Southern Arizona International Livestock Assn., Tor Sorensen, P.O. Box 1089, Tucson, AZ 85702, 609/792-1060. Horse show; livestock show; field days. Sci-Agra, Inc., Gary Wilson. P.O. Box 333, Seligman, AZ 86337, 602/319-2538. Feed supplements for cattle, horses & sheep. Scythe & Spade Company, 12 S. San Marcos Pl., Chandler, AZ 85225, 480/855-0800. Real estate brokerage. 76 Ranch, Phil Clifton and Al Stansberry, P.O. Box 4441, Fort Grant, AZ 85644, 520/828-3418. Reg./comm. Brangus.

Shelton Ranches, Ty Shelton, 3250 E. Shelton Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/384-3082. Comm. Brangus cattle. Shiloh Ranch, Stan Smith, PO Box 72, Rodeo, NM 88056, 575/557-2429, pcanyon@vtc.net. Comm. mixed breed Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, & Balancer. Silver Star Ranch, Kip & Cynthia Ripley, 15805 W. Quinlin Tr., 520/822-1296, cynthiacameron1@q.com. Reg. Texas Longhorn cattle — bulls, steers, cow-calf pairs Singing Valley Ranch, Rt. 1, Box 14A, McNeal, AZ 85637, 602/642-3603. Comm. cattle. Shaarer Brangus, Rick or Chase, 2898 E. Kimzey Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/820-5210, skaarerbrangus@gmail.com. Reg. Brangus. Slaysman Cattle Co., Dan Slaysman, P.O. Box 1641, Eagar, AZ 85925, 928/333-4265, blackangus@frontiernet.net. Reg. Black Angus. Bulls, yearlings and coming 2 yr. olds available year-round. Low birth weight calving ease bulls.

John Sparks, TechniTrack, LLC., 5403 S. Bell Dr., Chandler, AZ 85249, 602/989-8817, john@technitrack.com. Age & Source Records Verification. Animal Monitoring Software. Spear W Limousin, Patrick Whillock, Home: 16830 W. Lambert, Marana, AZ 85653, 520/682-6330, mob: 520/307-2753. Ranch: 17455 W. El Tiro, Marana, AZ 85653. Reg./comm. Limousin and Limousin crossbred. Bulls, heifers, club calves, purebred and percentage. Spur Feeds, Harold and Sallie Ward, P.O. Box 429, Springerville, AZ 85938, 520/333-4868. Feed and ranch supplies, vet supplies, tack, seed and fertilizer. Stockmen’s Realty, Nancy A. Belt, 520/455-0633, cell: 520/221-0807. Real estate brokerage. Sumrall Cattle Fitting, 13103-B E. Chandler Heights, Chandler, AZ 85249, Dan and Sherrill Sumrall, 602/895-1830. Reg. Limousin.

Lorrie Smith, HC 30, Box 1020, Prescott, AZ 86301, 520/636-0526. Reg./comm. Salers. Snowflake Beefmasters, HC 63, Box 7420, Snowflake, AZ 85937, 602/536-7115 or 536-4539. Reg. Beefmaster seedstock. Sonoran Associates, LLC, Clifford W. Saylor, 1530 West Flynn Ln., Phoenix, AZ 85015, 602/371-8109, cwsaylor@cox.net. Southern Arizona Int. Livestock Assn., Tor Sorensen, P.O. Box 1089, Tucson, AZ 85702, 520/792-1060. Livestock and horse shows.

MOUNTAIN VIEW RANCH Heifers and Bulls For Sale Year Round Grace & Michael Wystrach • 520/456-9052 HC1, Box 788 • Elgin, AZ 85611

Southwest Brangus Breeders, R.L. Robbs, 4995 Arzberger Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/3843654. Reg. Brangus. Brangus breed organization for Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado. Southwestern Scale Co., Inc., Dean Dumont, 2535 W. Broadway Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85041, 602/243-3951, 800/373-7763, scaleinfo@ swscale.com. Weighing equipment sales; service; manufacturing and calibration.

Registered Bulls & Females Available Horned & Polled Special Private Treaty Corral Sale

RIM FIRE STOCKDOGS Australian Kelpies, Border Collies, Kelpie/BC crosses Strong cattle working bloodlines

JEB PRINGLE, 520/586-7484 BENSON, ARIZONA jebpringle@powerc.net

DARIC & PATTY KNIGHT • SPRINGERVILLE, AZ 928/333-3600 • CELL 928-521-9897



Nice selection of registered Brahman Bull and Heifer calves. Various ages, exceptional bloodlines, stocky, lots of bone and natural muscling, beefy, gentle grays available by private treaty, priced to sell. marywcc@msn.com 16543 West Victory St. • Goodyear, AZ 85338

CEL. 602/809-5167


623/932-0809 JULY 2011


Sun Land Beef Co., Becky, 651 S. 91st Ave., Tolleson, AZ 85353, 602/936-7177. Providing service with experience and integrity. TechniTrack, LLC., John Sparks, 5403 S. Bell Dr., Chandler, AZ 85249, 602/989-8817, john@technitrack.com. Age & Source Records Verification. Animal Monitoring Software. Tenney’s 4U Land & Real Estate, J.L. Tenney, 4520 West Airport Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/384-2834, jimassist@vtc.net. Kim P. Trickey, Artist, P.O. Box 277, Springerville, AZ 85938, 505/547-2818, kimtrickey@yahoo.com. Western artist, originals and limited edition prints. Represented by: Diamond West Gallery, Pinetop, AZ, www.diamondwestgallery.com. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Tuscany Farms, David and Shirley Acedo, 20522 E, Superstition Dr., Queen Creek, AZ 85242, 602/7572596, sacedo@aol.com. Reg. Brahman bulls and heifers; F1s, open heifers, bred heifers and bulls. University of Arizona Animal Sciences Dept., P.O. Box 210038, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038, 520/621-7623, ANS@ag.arizona.edu . Comm. cattle at V-V Ranch; reg. thoroughbred Quarter horses. Valley Livestock Auction, E. of Holbrook on I-40, Sun Valley, AZ, 602/524-2600, livestock auction.

J.M. Webb Livestock, Jim Webb, 1401 N. 24th St. Ste. 1, Phoenix, AZ 85008, 602/275-5717. Reg. cattle. West-States Properties, 55 E. Silver Creek Rd., Gilbert, AZ 85296, Rolf M. Flake and Kent M. Flake, 602/892-4726. Farm and ranch sales and appraisals, rural property specialists. Westbrook-Cole Company, Chip Cole, 103 S. Irving #609, San Angelo, TX 76903, 915/655-3555. Real estate services. Westlake Cattle Growers, LLC, Gary A. Thrasher DVM, P.O. Box 1059, 3217 S. Hwy. 191, Cochise, AZ 85606, 520/384-3761, westlakevtc.net. Reg. & comm. All Breeds cattle; custom cattle care and processing – backgrounding – growing – AI. Willcox Livestock Auction, Sonny Shores, Drawer E, Willcox, AZ 85643, 602/384-2206. Arizona’s largest livestock auction. Serving southeast Arizona and southwest New Mexico with pride and integrity. Willcox Real Estate Co., Earl Moser, 916 W. Rex Allen Dr., Willcox, AZ 85643, 520/384-2838. Real estate – farm and ranch. Williams Cattle Company, Mary Williams, 16543 W. Victory Lane, Goodyear, AZ 85338, 623/932-0809, 602/809-5167, marywcc@msn.com. Reg. & comm. Brahman, Red Angus. Bulls & heifers for sale at all times. W.W. Williams, Doug Drake, 2602 S. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009, 800/944-7375. Diesel engines, generators, water and hydraulic pumps. Covering Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas.

ZR Hereford Ranch, Ed A. Monzingo, P.O. Box 2225, Benson, AZ 85602, 520/586-3509, zrzingo@vtc.net. Comm. Hereford and horses.



Husky Branding Irons, John Skelton, P.O. Box 460, Knoxville, AR 72845, 800/222-9628, fax: 800/ 267-4055. All electric brands shipped within 24 hours. Parker Red Angus Ranch, Dave Otto, 75 Parker Ranch Rd., Booneville, AR 72927, 479/928-5049, david.otto@parker-ranch.com. Reg. cattle – quality, efficent Red Angus bulls & heifers for sale by private treaty. War Eagle Stockdogs, Robert Young, P.O. Box 511, Huntsville, AR 72740. Stock dogs bred for working cattle.



American Breeders Service, Greg Collin, 9834 Hansway, Elk Grove, CA 95624, 916/686-4385. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club, P.O. Box 1271, Alpine, CA 91903, 619/445-3334. Registry for Anatolian Shepherds. Cherry Glen Beefmasters, John or Sue Pierson, P.O. Box 8697, Vacaville, CA 95696, 707/448-9208, piersons@castles.com. Reg. Beefmasters. Early Dawn/Buckhorn Ranches, 2243 Kaufman Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361, 209/847-8440. Reg. Gelbvieh. Top performancetype bulls and females sold annually throughout western U.S. and Mexico. One of the nation’s largest herds of purebred Gelbvieh cattle.

Custom Processing, Weaning, Backgrounding, Growing, Finishing, and Marketing Bull and Heifer Development, AI

Fresno Livestock Commission, LLC, 559 W. Lincoln Ave., Fresno, CA 93706, 559/237-5259 www.fresnolivestock.com. Phil Tews owner/auctioneer, Cindy Stuhaan & Wendy Kenison, owners/office managers. Thursday 12 noon slaughter cows & bulls (dairy & beef), 1st Thurs each month fresh heifer/springers/open heifers. Saturdays 9 a.m. hogs, goats, sheep, horses, beef cattle (all classes). Gillespie Longhorns, 4713 Baker Rd., Winters, CA 95694, Longhorn cattle, Davis, CA 916/737-2374, Maxwell, NE 308/582-4522, Brady, NE 308/584-3551, North Platte, NE 308/532-6320.

USDA–NHTC and Age/Source Verification available through IMI Global.

Hitchings Ranch, Jerry Hitchings, 708-980 Center Rd., Susanville, CA 96130, 530/251-5471, beef@hitchingsranch.com. Reg. & comm. Beefmaster; reg. Quarter horses; alfalfa — grass & grain hay; custom hay & farming. Home Ranch Properties & Equities, 19855 S. Main, P.O. Box 1020, Cottonwood, CA 96022, 530/347-9455, homeranchr@sbcglobal.net. Real estate brokerage. Inosol, Stephen Fairbanks, 1774 Citrus Lane, El Centro, CA 92243, 800/847-2533, shf@inosol.com. Bonding castration tool.


JULY 2011

McPhee Red Angus, Rita or Nellie McPhee, 14298 N. Atkins Road, Lodi, CA 95240, 209/727-3335, info@mcpheeredangus.com. Reg. Red Angus cattle. Neer Hereford Ranch, Dean Neer, P.O. Box 1705, Alturas, CA 96101, 530/233-2255, neer@frontiernet.net. Reg. Hereford bulls. Oakdale Livestock Auction, 1614 Año Nuevo, Diamond Bar, CA 91765, 714/599-8830. Auction. Peets Gelbvieh, Merlin and Jeanette Peets, Rt. 2, Box 2652, Orland, CA 95963, 916/865-2513. Reg. Gelbvieh. Red Bluff Bull Sale, P.O. Box 930, Red Bluff, CA 96080, 916/347-3183. Sale in January. Stuhaan Cattle, Dane Stuhaan 559/280-7695 or 308/778-6286. Livestock hauling in California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Nevada & Nebraska. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergsten, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/570-1388, 800/778-8734, rbergsten@TSLCC.com, www.tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931; also offering other agribusiness & term loans. Western States Beefmaster Marketing Group, P.O. Box 248, Santa Ynez, CA 93460, Pamela Ewing, sec./treas., 805/688-5366. Promoting and marketing of BBU reg. Beefmasters in the western states. Western States Red Brangus Assn., Creston Star Rt., Paso Robles, CA 93446, Walt Neilsen.



AGPROfessionals, Tom Haren, 4350 Highway 66, Longmont, CO 80504, 970/535-9318, tharen@agpros.com American Bison Assn., P.O. Box 16660, Denver, CO 80504, 303/292-2833. American Gelbvieh Assn., Wayne Vanderwert, 10900 Dover Street, Westminster, CO 80021, 303/465-BEEF, info@gelbvieh.org. The official registry for reg. & comm. Gelbvieh & Balancer cattle. American Salers Assn., Sherry Doubet, 19590 E. Main St., Ste. 202, Parker, CO 80138, 303/ 770-9292. Salers beef cattle breed association. American Sheep Industry Association, Inc., Judy Malone, 9785 Maroon Circle, Suite 360, Englewood, CO 80112, 303/771-3500, juydm@sheepusa.org. Sheep Description: National Trade Association for the Sheep Industry. Arapahoe Valley Angus, 6511 Weld County Rd. 21, Ft. Lupton, CO 80621, Anita Erickson, 303/659-9721. Reg. Angus cattle. Ark Valley Hereford Farm, Tom Wagner, Star Rt., Box 12, Holly, CO 81047, 303/537-6017.

B & B Angus, Bob and Barbara Chenoweth, Box 44, Springfield, CO 81073, 719/523-6310. Reg. Angus cattle, wheat.

Broken Buckle Ranch, Dennis L. Thompson, 26550 Co. Rd. 35-B, Vilas, CO 81087, 719/523-4744. Angus cross Limousin, club calves.

B & J Angus, Betty and Jack Plane, 8144 Rd. 105, Alamosa, CO 81101, 719/589-3196. Reg. Angus.

Burr Feedyard, Inc., 20552 Co. Rd. DD, Rocky Ford, CO 81067, 303/254-7667. Custom cattle feeding.

Baine Angus, Bill Baine, P.O. Box 669, Sedalia, CO 80135, 303/475-5060. Reg. and comm. cattle. Bamford Feedyard, Kent Bamford, 18829 CR 95, Haxtun, CO 80731, 970/774-6163, bfyk@pctelcom.coop. Family-owned cattle feedyard — all services offered — growing to finishing. Bar 7 N Herefords, Ltd., Robert H. Norris, P.O. Box 6, Matheson, CO 80830, bar7n@aol.com, 719/541-2456. Reg. and comm. horned Herefords; reg. Quarter horses; hay – grass and alfalfa; horse training (gentle methods). Rob Norris AKA Equine Therapist, 719/237-7630. Barzona Breeders Association of America, Herb Young, 11477 E. Warren Place, Aurora, CO 80014, 303/696-5299, info@barzona.com. Reg. & comm cattle. Basin Coop, Inc., Debbie Candelaria, 26103 Highway 160E, Durango, CO 81301, 970/247-3066, deb@basincoop.com. Benson Limousin, Fred Benson, 508 W. Georgia, Gunnison, CO 81230, 970/641-1783. Reg. high altitude Limousin with good dispositions.

Burrows Enterprises, Inc., Royal Burrows, 2024 E. 8th St., Greeley, CO 80631, 970/353-3769, rotogrind@ctos.com. Farm equipment manufacturer; Roto Grind Tub Grinders & Grain Grinders. Cache La Poudre Feeds, LLC., Rob Treiber, 1724 N. Overland Trail, Ft. Collins, CO 80521, 970/482-5092, clpfeeds@msn.com. Livestock feeds, Profile show feeds. Cimarron Wind Music, Patty Clayton, P.O. Box 140772, Edgewater, CO 80214, 303/234-1162, patty@pattyclayton.com; www.pattyclayton.com; www.myspace.com/pattyclayton. Award winning performing songwriter of Buckaroo ballads & Western swing. Chicote Corrientes, Rick & Jill Kidd, 719/544-5239, Avondale, CO. Herd reduction sale. Reg. Corriente cows and non-reg. 2-yr.old heifers. About 90 cows and 30 heifers available in October. Colorado Cattle Feeders Assoc., 11990 Grant #318, Denver, CO 80233, 303/457-2232. Promoting and representing the cattle feeding industry in Colo.

Best Bet Beeflot, Inc., 21571 Rd. 24, Route 1, La Junta, CO 81050, 719/634-8882. Custom feeding for yearlings, calves, cows and bulls. Feed financing, processing, purchasing, selling, feed warehousing, partnering and risk management.

Colorado Genetics, Inc., Darrel DeGrofft, DVM, 5441 Boeing Drive, #1A, Loveland, CO 80538, 970/203-9357, cginc@hotmail.com. Specializing in embryo transfer & reproduction in livestock. Offering A.I. ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis & import and export services.

Bitner Charolais, Lynn Bitner, Box 322, Walsh, CO 81090, 719/324-5748, lobi@rural-com.com. Reg. Charolais – polled, gentle, low birth weight Charolais bulls and heifers.

Colorado Limousin Assoc. Bull Test & Sale, Pueblo, CO. For information call Gordon Schuppe, 303/522-8195.

Black Diamond Angus, Eddie Riley, P.O. Box 714, Nucla, CO 81424, 970/864-7885. Reg. cattle. Bledsoe Gelbvieh Ranch, Bill and Hilary Bledsoe, Box 396, Hugo, CO 80821, 303/962-3598. Gelbvieh cattle. Blind Badger Ranch, Ft. Morgan, CO, Jim Hett, 303/435-1271, Eric Gabel, 970/768-5306, www.blindbadgerranch.com, Reg. Maine-Anjou cattle & club calves. Blue Print Marketing, Lisa Bard, 480 Jason Rd., Ft. Collins, CO, 80524, 970/498-9306, lbard@blueprintma.com. Bow K Ranch, David and Dawn Bowman, 55784 Holly Road, Olathe, CO 81425, 970/323-6833, bowkranch@skybeam.com, www.bowkranch.com. 125 head of reg., high altitude Gelbvieh, Angus, & Balancers; 28 yrs. of A.I. breeding: emphasis on moderate size, calving ease, carcass. Bulls & females for sale. Braiden Cattle Co., 19550 County Rd. 10.75, La Jara, CO 81140, 719/274-5222. Reg./comm. Salers and Angus, crossbred bulls and replacement heifers, high-altitude cattle, alfalfa hay, barley and oats. Russell oats – seed and feed. Brighton Feed & Saddlery, Roger Allgeier, 370 N. Main St., Brighton, CO 80601, 800/237-0721, info@brightonsaddlery.com. Saddles, custom cowboy gear, ropes, bits & spurs.

Colorado State University, Tom Field, Michael Hays, Dept. of Animal Sciences, Ft. Collins, CO 80524, 970/491-6642, fax 970/491-5326. Reg. Angus, Hereford, Lim-Flex cattle; reg. Southdown, blackface cross sheep; comm. crossbred swine; alfalfa, sudex, corn, hay; education, research and outreach. Colorado’s Best Beef Co., Ben Elliott, 4791 Jay Rd., Boulder, CO 80301-4341, 303/478-5889. All natural Charolais/Charolais-cross beef; no feed antibiotics, no growth hormones and no animal by-products in feed. Colorado Genetics, Inc., Darrel DeGrofft, DVM, 5441 Boeing Drive, #1A, Loveland, CO 80538, 970/203-9357, cginc@hotmail.com. Covington Gelbvieh, Mark Covington, 10582 South River Rd., Montrose, CO 81401, 970/249-1453. Reg. Gelbvieh bulls and females for sale, Gelbvieh seedstock for reg. and comm. herds, A.I. services for all breeds. Consulting for Gelbvieh breed. Coyote Ridge Ranch, Jane Evans Cornelius, 18300 Weld Co. Rd. 43, LaSalle, CO 80645, 970/284-6878. Reg. Hereford (polled). Craig Herefords, Dan or Karen Craig, P.O. Box 152, Phippsburg, CO 80469, 970/736-2272, dcraig45@ yahoo.com. Reg. cattle; bulls and females for sale at the ranch. Craig Limousin Ranch, Joel Craig, 14908 Hwy. 550 South, Durango, CO 81301, 303/259-0650. Reg. Limousin cattle, alfalfa, grass hay, oat hay. JULY 2011



LIMOUSIN RANCH Breeders since 1971 of Top Quality, High-Altitude Registered Limousin Cattle.

For Sale Year-Round BLACK BULLS • BLACK HEIFERS Polled • Horned • Red • Black A.I. Sired from Select Bulls JOEL CRAIG 970/259-0650

14908 Hwy. 550 S. Durango, CO 81301

Danciger Tybar Ranch, Mark Nieslanik, 1872 Prince Creek Rd., Carbondale, CO 81623, 970/963-2494, marknies@sopris.net. Reg., Black Angus; PAP tested cattle.

Five Bar Angus Ranch, Aric Gerber or Stacy Gray, 83761 W. US 40, Craig, CO 81625, (Aric) 970/8243341; stacy_5bar@yahoo.com. Reg. Angus bulls & heifers.

DD Ranch, Debra & Dene Vance, 12535 CR 23, Ft. Lupton, CO 80621, 970/785-6033, www.theDDRanch.com, DebVance@theDDRanch.com, fax 970/785-6041; Dene@the DDRanch.com. Reg. Galloway cattle; herd bulls carry all 8 stars for feed efficiency, and are quality & tenderness gene tested; herd is PAP tested by Dr. Tim Holt, CSU, vaccinated and ready to work. Pack pricing on groups of cattle. Please visit our website.

Flying Diamond Ranch, Glen W. Lewis, 22999 Hwy. 71, Ordway, CO 81063, lglewiss@agristar.net, 719/267-4010. Reg. and comm. Texas Longhorns, Black Angus; reg. Navajo Churro sheep; farm rail.

Double D Ranch, James or Debbie McCaleb, P.O. Box 1330, Fairplay, CO 80440, 719/836-7027. Reg./comm. cattle. Reg. Black Angus & Angus crosses. Double J Ranches, Peter and Joan Jaffe, Gaylan Schroeder, mgr., McCoy, CO 80463, 800/544-5893, 303/653-4321. Limousin cattle.





PAP Tested, High Altitude Cattle

Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011 Selling Hereford & Angus • Calving Ease Bulls • Milk and Growth Bulls • Registered Bred Heifers

A Proven Program for 49 Years... Fertiliity, Muscle, Calving Ease, Milk, Easy Fleshiing Ability, Low PAP & Pigment (in the case of the Herefords). Mary Strang 800/351-5362 cell: 970/270-4445 Tom & Lisa Walsh 970/878-5879 • 970/270-9599 2969 RBC 8, Meeker, CO 81641 strangherefords@wreawildblue.org strangherefords.com

DWD Farms, Inc., Don Wright, 2645 WCR 23, Ft. Lupton, CO 80621, 303/659-8276. Comm Simmental cross, Red Angus X Simmental; alfalfa hay, corn. Eagle View Ranch, Ken and Betty Likely, 57237 Hwy. 330, Collbran, CO 81624, 970/487-3726. Reg. Black Angus – seedstock, heifers and bulls. Elliott Charolais, Ben Elliott, 4791 Jay Rd., Boulder, CO 80301, 303/478-5889. Reg. and comm. Charolais, bulls, heifers for sale private treaty. All natural beef. Esch Cattle Company, Don Esch, 3126 County Rd. 9, Ordway, CO 81063, 303/709-1595, don@eschcattle.com. Committed to breeding quality Chi-Angus hybrid cattle that fit the needs of commercial cattlemen from high elevations to the plains. Figure 4 Cattle Company, Gary Volk, 15488 County Road 77, Somerset, CO 81434, 970/8353944, 970/929-5181, figurefour@tds.net. Your Rocky Mountain source for productive registered fullblood and purebred Salers cattle. We also offer percentages Salers X Angus cattle. Quality bulls and females for sale.

Frazier’s Golden Spur Gelbvieh, Bonnie Frazier, Road O, Star Rt. 30475, Brush, CO 80723, 303/842-2239. Reg. Gelbvieh cattle. The Freeman Ranch, Russell Freeman, 38805 Meyers Road, Yoder, CO 80864, 719/338-3344, russell@freemanbraunvieh.com. Reg. & comm. cattle. Your western source for productive registered Braunvieh cattle, embryos and semen. Offering Braunvieh bulls and heifers for sale annually. Mike Fuchs Herefords, 3673 County Rd. 14, Del Norte, CO 81132, 719/657-2519. Reg. high-altitude Herefords, PAP-tested. Horse-quality grass hay, dairy-quality alfalfa hay. Funk Angus Ranch, David Funk, Hayden, CO, 970/276-3314, angus@springsips.com. Reg. Angus cattle. Jack Gilstrap, 83501 County Rd. 10, Bronson, CO, call: 719/946-5528. Comm. Angus cattle; yearlings. Pearson Cattle Handling Equipment. Lot in Branson one block south of P.O. (walk in gate). Goeglein Angus, Kent Goeglein, 1905 Rd. 33, Yuma, CO 80759, 970/848-0360. Reg. Angus, wheat, corn, alfalfa.

Greer Ranch, 7882 C.R. 100, Hesperus, CO 81326, 970/588-2220. Reg. Angus cattle.

LaJunta Livestock, LaJunta, Colorado PCSL TRUMP Black Polled Purebred

JULY 2011

Four “W” Ranch, Scott and Fred Weits, 1231 CR 126, Hesperus, CO 81326, 970/588-3428 or 303/423-6220. Reg. Red Brangus cattle. Commercial breeders, improve your herd with stock from Colorado’s lean beef leader, offering you fertility, calving ease and growability.

Great Western Beef Expo, P.O. Box 127, Sterling, CO 80751, 303/522-3200. Progeny steer test – measure feedlot performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits. All breeds accepted – steers only.

April 2012


Four States Ag Expo, Bob or Travis, P.O. Box 133, Cortez, CO 81321, 970/565-1836, www.fourstatesagexpo.com. Over 18,000 attendees in 2005. Call us for information packet. 25 years being celebrated in 2006.

Gold Spur Gelbvieh, Bonnie Frazier, 30475 Rd. O, Brush, CO 80723, 970/842-2239. 150 reg. Gelbvieh cows, reg. and comm. Corriente cows. Annual Gelbvieh bull sale – females for sale private treaty.


Clinton Clark • Ph: 719/446-5223 • Cell: 719/892-0160 32190 County Road S, Karval, CO 80823

Flying W Ranch, WyNeal Alfrey, 233 East 7th, Springfield, CO 81073, 719/523-6549. Reg. MaineAnjou bulls, Angus-Maine cross club calves.

Doug Hall Registered Herefords, Doug Hall, 1145 18 Rd. Fruita, CO 81521, 970/985-2938, dmchall60@aol.com. Reg. polled bulls & cattle; selling at UBIA Sale 3rd Sat in Marcg, Salina, UT.

BW 78 • WW 666

Heartstone Angus, Aaron Evans, 231 Nyberg Road, Pueblo, CO 81006, 719/948-4528, Angus cattle.

EPD’s: BW +1.5 • WW +36 • YW +71 Milk: +21 • Mat +39

Hi Plains Charolais Breeders, Brian Ferris, 970/ 356-3162, Grant Ritchey 303/536-0715, Jason and Mary Sue Liss 719/495-3927, Peyton, CO 80831. Reg. Charolais. Will have some bulls private treaty.

Hunt Ranch, Linda Buller, 43160 CR 17/21, Elizabeth, CO 80107, 303/646-6486, huntranch@qwestoffice.net. Comm. yearling cattle.

Lazy Shamrock Ranch, Blue River Route, Dillon, CO 80435, 303/724-3866. Reg. Limousin cattle; mountain meadow hay; range bull, replacement females.

Hutchison Western, Buck Hutchison, 7460 Hwy. 85, Adams City, CO 80022, 800/525-0121, info@hutchison-inc.com. HW Brand livestock and equine equipment; farm & ranch supplies; building & lumber products.

Lewis Limousin, Les & Elaine Lewis, 10085 Co. Rd. 3, Kirk, CO 80824, 970/362-4321, lcl@plainstel.com. Reg. Limousin & LimFlex; selling bulls & females private treaty.

HV Angus, and TV Hereford Ranch, T.J. Verquer, 14752 Hwy. 239, Trinidad, CO 81082, 719/8463510. Reg. Angus cattle; reg. Hereford cattle. Indian Head Gelbvieh, Bob and Suzanne Burton, 18918 County Rd. 15, Del Norte, CO 81132, 719/657-2892. Reg. and comm. purebred Gelbvieh cattle. High-protein San Luis Valley alfalfa in 16"x18" and 4'x4'x8' bales, oat hay also. Bulls and heifers for sale at all times. J & J Cattle Co., 22624 Weld City Rd. #37, La Salle, CO 80645, Curt Johnson 303/352-1561. Gelbvieh cattle. J & M Salers, Marlene or Jerold Nicks, 8850 Ermel Rd., Fountain, CO 80817, 719/382-3583. Reg. and comm. Salers; red and black , fullbloods and purebreds. J Bar 3 Simmental Ranch, Mike and Sandra Ray, 747 2200 Rd., Delta, CO 81416, 970/874-5029. Reg. full blood and purebred Fleckvieh/ Simmental cattle. J Cross Ranch, Art A. Winter, 20110 Co. Rd. 75, Trinidad, CO 81082, 719/846-3570. Reg. Black Angus. Jones Ranch, Ron or Jo Jones, 8350 CR 160, Salida, CO 81201, 719/539-2771. Reg. Texas Longhorns. JSI Gelbvieh, Joe A. Intermill, Jr., 43379 Rd. 51, Ault, CO 80610, 970/834-2342. Reg. Gelbvieh. JT Cattle, Jerry Taylor, P.O. Box 438, LaPorte, CO 80535, 970/484-7454. Comm. Angus and Tarentaise crossbred cattle. Kerst Gelbvieh, George or Mary Ann Kerst, 40207 CR 52, Wray, CO 80758, 970/332-5528. Reg. and comm. Gelbvieh bulls, black and red, polled; Gelbvieh replacement heifers.

Lion Edge Technologies, Ranch Manager Software, Maria Boland, 7663 S. Duquesne Way, Aurora, CO 80016, 720/870-5086, media@lionedge.com. Reg. & comm. cattle, sheep an horse Management Software Windows & Mac platforms.

Magness Land & Cattle Co., Wendell Geeslin, P.O. Box 190, Platteville, CO 80651, 970/785-6170, wendell@magnesscattle.com. Reg. & comm. Limousin, Lim-Flex. Marshall Cattle Company, Troy Marshall, 30649 County Road 53, Burlington, CO 80807, 719/3468984, marshallcattlecompany@hotmail.com. Reg. & comm. cattle; reg. horses. Mason & Morse Ranch Co., John Stratman, 214 8th St. Suite 100, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, 877/207-9700, 970/928-7100, john@ranchland.com. Ranch real estate.; serving buyers and sellers in the western U.S. McKenna Ranch, Tom and Sandra McKenna, 7110 Hwy. 10, Walsenburg, CO 81089, 719/738-3284. Reg. Barzona – ranch raised, high-altitude bulls and females.

Since 1904

— 4th Generation Cattleman —

BLACK ANGUS “High-Altitude, Low Pap” JIM & PAT GREER • 970/588-2220 7882 C.R. 100 • Hesperus, CO 81326

DAVE & DAWN BOWMAN 55784 Holly Rd. • Olathe, CO 81425 970/323-6833 www.bowkranch.com

Reds • Blacks • Balancers® FEMALES PRIVATE TREATY

“POT OF GOLD” BULL SALE Friday, February 24, 2012

McKee Registered Angus, Randy McKee, 1653 C.R. 213, Durango, CO 81303, 970/259-3158, Reg. Angus cattle, annual sale in March.

St.Vrain Simmentals

Mountain Meadow Cattle Co., Harold Miller, Gen. Mgr., 22421 Hwy. 14, Walden, CO 80480, 970/723-EPDs (3737). Reg. Angus.

Gary & Tina Bogott 303/517-6112 CELL.

Mundell Brangus, Bill Mundell, 34000 Rd. 47, Walsh, CO 81090, 719/324-5713. Reg. Brangus cattle. MVR Ranch, Michael Ripp, P.O. Box 54, Delta, CO 81416, 970/874-5127. Reg. Black Angus. Nara Red Angus, Andy Nara, 5375 LE 2/10 Road, Molina, CO 81646, 303/487-3754. Reg. Red Angus.

La Noria Ranch, Arturo Arevalos, P.O. Box 1433, Wellinton, CO, 760/310-4465, arevalos@miracosta.edu. Reg. & comm. cattle.

National Bison Association, 8690 Wolff Ct., #200, Westminster, CO 80031, 303/292-2833, www.bisoncentral.com.

Lasater Ranch, Matheson, Co 80830, Dale Lasater, 303/541-2855. Beefmaster cattle.

National Western Stock Show & Rodeo, 1325 E. 46th Ave., Denver, CO 80216, 303/2971166. Jr. show heifers, Jr. market beef, lamb, swine shows, Quarter, Paint, Appaloosa, draft, miniature horse shows.

Lazy JB Angus Ranch, Jeff and Kathi Creamer, 17270 6450 Rd., Montrose, CO 81403, Jeff 970/596-4517, Kathi 970/596-0045, kathi@lazyjb.com, www.lazyjbanguscom. 250 reg. Angus females; Show heifer online sale, Oct. 2012; Annual Bull Sale, March 19, 2012; Private treaty female sales year round; superior grass hay; show cattle care & fitting clinics, hoof trimming, cattle fitting, cattle ranch consultation & management services.


Lower Valley Limousin, 1858 M. Road, Fruita, CO 81521, John Frezieres 970/858-7165. Reg. Limousin cattle.

Kiowa Creek Ranch, 29898 Co. Rd. 25, Kiowa, CO 80117, 303/621-2334. Reg. black Angus bulls and females, private treaty.

The Lazy H Ranch, thelazyhranch@earthlink.net, Mitch Rohr, 9663 E. Palmer Divide, Larkspur, CO 80118, 303/435-3715. Reg. Black Angus; reg. cutting horses; two bull sales annually; embryos, semen and cattle for sale; member and endorser of PACN.


Home: 303/702-9729 P.O. Box 622, Niwot, CO 80544 tbogott2@aol.com The Herd With Proven Performance

North American Corriente Assn., 9101 E. Kenyon Ave. No. 3000, Denver, CO 80237, 303/770-0144. North American Limousin Foundation, Bo Sexson, commercial programs, 7383 S. Alton Way, Suite 100, Centennial, CO 80112-2339, 303/2201693, limousin@nalf.org. Frank Padilla, Membership Relations. Reg. Limousin & LimFlex®. Northeast Colorado Beef Improvement Center, 508 So. 10th Ave., Ste. 1, Sterling, CO 80751, 970/522-3200. Northeast Colorado Bull Test, Great Western Beef Expo Steer Progeny Test. JULY 2011


Northwest Iowa Livestock, Inc., Maurice W. Boney, 25377 WCR 17, Johnstown, CO 80534, 970/5872252, mmboney@webtv.net. Reg. Irish blacks.

Running Creek Ranch, Joey Freund, 45400 CR 21, Elizabeth, CO 80107, 303/840-1850, limitup04@yahoo.com. Reg. Limousin.

Orcutt Ranch, Karen Orcutt, 4550 Holtwood Rd., Rush, CO 80833, 719/478-5996. Reg. polled Herefords; 2-year-old bulls for sale.

St. Vrain Simmentals, Gary Bogott, P.O. Box 622, Niwot, CO 80544, 303/702-9729, tbogott2@aol.com. Reg. Simmentals – reds/blacks.

Orth Limousin Ranch, Eddie and Charlotte Orth, 1086 County Rd. 29, Monte Vista, CO 81144, 719/ 852-3069. Reg. Limousin cattle, bulls and females.

Sandhill Angus Ranch, Robert and Joyce Barth, 14388 Co. Rd. 39, Holly, CO 81047, 316/372-2643. Reg. Gelbvieh, Angus cattle.

Weaver Ranch, Inc., Adrian or Susan Weaver, 3000 West Co. Rd. 70, Fort Collins, CO 80524, 970/568-3898, weaverranchj@aol.com. Reg. Angus bulls and heifers; PAP tested.

OXO Hereford Ranches, Mark Owings, 2316 CR 12, Ridgway, CO 81432, 970/626-5239, oxoranches@yahoo.com. Horned Herefords since 1952. High altitude, high performance, high quality. Grass hay for sale.

SEGA Gelbvieh, Steve Fiolkoski, 16509 WCR 86, Pierce, CO 80650, 970/834-2138. Reg. Gelbvieh & Balancer; corn, alfalfa, wheat; Private Treaty Bull & Heifer Sale March 5, 2011.

Webster Feedlots, 24597 Hwy. 263, P.O. Box 1850, Greeley, CO 80631, Dan Webster, gen. mgr., 303/353-4303. Custom cattle feeding in northern Colorado.

Seven X Bar Registered Herefords, Dave Hooker, 884-3650 Ln, Hotchkiss, CO 81419, 970/872-3034. Reg. Horned and Polled Hereford.

Wells-Champlin Ranch, Cliff Schmid, P.O. Box 452, Ignacio, CO 81137, wcrcows@juno.com, 970/8835305. Reg. and comm. Polled Hereford bulls & heifers.

Seventy Seven Outfit, Sandy Young, 11374 Highway 550, Durango, CO 80303, 970/247-3231, sandy@77outfit.com. Horse quality first cutting grass hay available out of the field the end of June.

Western Colorado Bull Test, Delta, CO 81416, Sylvia and Gene Spangler.

Plateau Red Angus, Lee L. Walz, 20201 CR 76 #100, Peetz, CO 80747, 970/334-2200. Reg. Red Angus. Bull sale March 13, 2006, Ogallala, Neb. Pot of Gold Gelbvieh, Angus, and Balancer Bull Sale, Mark Covington, 10582 S. River Rd., Montrose, CO 81403, Mark 970/249-1453 or Dave 970/3236833, www.gelbviehbulls.net. Selling registered Gelbvieh, Angus & Balancer bulls February 24, 2012 in Olathe, CO. Prairie View Farms, Leroy Leavitt, 33389 WCR 57, Gill, CO 80624, 970/356-0703. Reg. Red Angus cattle, bulls and heifers. Quailridge Angus, LLP, Steve Nielsen, 33285 Co. Rd. 33, La Junta, CO 81050, 719/853-6030, Reg. Angus seedstock, breeding bulls and heifers. Quailridge Farm, Don Nielson, 33285 Co. Rd. 33, La Junta, CO 81050, 719/853-6260. Reg. Angus. Ranch-Way Feed Mills, Inc., Bonnie Szidon, 546 Willow St., Fort Collins, CO 80524, 970/482-1662, bszidon@ranch-way.com. Ranch & feed supply. Rancho Espuelas, Mike or Linda Sanchez, 98 CR 103A, Hesperus, CO 81326, 970/588-3648, ljs1116@peoplepc.com. Comm. cattle; comm. Suffolk sheep; Reg. AQHA – two studs standing, colts for sale. The Record Stockman, Chris Brooks, 6073 W. 44th Avenue, Suite100, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80003, 303/420-1500, chrisbrooks@recordstockman.com. Redd Ranches, Paul Redd, 20923 Rd. T-5, Paradox, CO 81429, Paul Redd, 970/859-7358; sales@reddranches.com. Reg. Angus, Red Angus, Gelbvieh, composites. Reed Cattle Co., Rt. 1, Box 93, Sanford, CO 81151, 719/274-5604. Reg. Angus cattle, reg. Limousin. Reynolds Ranch Limousin, Rod Reynolds, 695 10th St., Sanford, CO 81151, 719/274-4090. Reg. Limousin, Limousin X Angus crossbred show steers. Rimrock Ranches, Star Rt., Aguilar, CO 81020, Howard Melvin, 303/941-4586. Reg. polled Hereford cattle, hay. Ritchey Livestock ID, Sales, 13821 Sable Blvd., Brighton, CO 80601, sales@ritcheytags.com, 800/327-8247. Livestock identification ear tags. Tom Robb & Sons, Tom Robb, 34125 Rd. 20, McClave, CO 81057, robbherefords@rural-com.com, 719/456-1149. Reg. and comm. Polled Herefords. Romur Angus Ranch, 117 40th Ave., Greeley, CO 80634, Robert Montgomery, 303/352-7902. Reg. Angus cattle, semen.


JULY 2011

Shoeneman 5M Charolais, Joel and Linda Shoeneman, 8672 WCR 73, Roggen, CO 80652, 303/849-5259. Colorado’s oldest Reg. Charolais. Alfalfas and grass hay. S/M Livestock Sales, Steve Jarmon, P.O. Box 1683, Cortez, CO 81321, 970/759-0986, 970/565-7663, sjarmon1073@msn.com. Reg. Irish Black cattle; Stampede Steel livestock equipment. /JP Angus Ranch, C. Chermak, 1060 3250 Rd. Hotchkiss, CO 81419, 970/872-3161 or P. Schmucker, 1064 3200 Rd., Hotchkiss, CO 81419, 970/872-2517. Reg. Angus bulls, yearlings, heifers.

Wagon Wheel Ranch, 34346 Hwy. 59, Yuma, CO 80759, 303/848-2545. Reg. Angus. Walking Stick Ranch, Ron Erjavec, 225 I.L. Road, Boone, CO 81025, ronerjavec@qwest.net. Reg. Barzona.

Western Colorado Polled Hereford Assn., c/o Joe Raff, Hotchkiss, CO 81419, 303/527-6333. Annual sale. Western Colorado Simmental Assn., Ralph Walchle, 3500 County Rd. 12, Ridgeway, CO 84132. Western Polled Hereford Inc. Sale, 15000 State Hwy. 115, Florence, CO 81226, Tom Robb, 303/372-3116. Wilkes G-D Angus Ranch, Darrell Wilkes, 16088 Quarry Hill Drive, Parker, CO 80134, 303/770-1971. Reg. Black Angus. Winter Livestock, Inc., John Campbell, Box 308, La Junta, CO 81050, 719/384-4491. Cattle auction every Tuesday.

Smith Land & Cattle Co., Inc., Louie Smith, 7950 Indiana, Arvada, CO 80007, 303/424-2012. Reg. polled, homozygous black Limousin cattle.

Winter J Cross Ranch, Harold or Art Winter, 20157 Co. Rd. 75.0, Trinidad, CO 81082, 719/846-3570, 719/859-4824. Reg. Angus bulls for sale.

Smith Land & Cattle Co., T.J. Smith, P.O. Box 292, Ft. Garland, CO 81133, 719/3795213, tina@fastimap.com. Reg. Red Angus.

Yocom-McColl, Margaret McColl, 540 W. Elk Place, Denver, CO 80216, 303/294-0582. Testing for animal fiber diameter measurement.

Southeast Colorado Bull Test Assn., Bruce Fickenscher, P.O. Box 97, Eads, CO 81036, 719/438-5321, fickens@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Reg. and comm. Angus, Hereford, Gelbvieh, Salers and Irish Black Brangus.

Yoder Limousin & Salers, Yoder, CO 80864, J.A. 719/478-5400, Wade 1-888/438-0519. Reg. Limousin & Salers cattle.

Steel Ranch, Bill Steel, P.O. Box 576, Windsor, CO, 303/686-2109. Reg. Charolais, Maine-Anjou and black Simmental.


Strang Herefords & Black Angus, Bart & Mary Strang, Tom & Lisa Walsh, 2969 County Road 8, Meeker, CO 81641, 800/351-5362; Cell: 970/2704445, email: strangherefords@wreawildblue.org. Annual Sale of PAP Tested, High Altitude Reg. Hereford & Black Angus on Oct. 27, 2009 3 Bar Ranch, 1758 Co. Rd. 191/2, Platteville, CO 80651, Keith M. Russell, 303/785-2589; or 9053 Co. Rd. 34, Platteville, CO 80651, Ben R. Houston, 303/785-2408. Reg. Angus cattle. Vaca Roja Ranch, 31 County Rd. 309, Ignacio, CO 81137, Keith and Carolyn Fassbender, 303/259-0138. Reg. Red Angus. Valley View Angus, Chuck or JoAnn Leaf, 59365 Co. Rd. R, Merino, CO 80741, 970/522-1829. Reg. Black Angus – moderate framed cows, calving ease; we sell bulls and heifers private treaty.


International Braford Assn., Inc., P.O. Box 2727, Ft. Pierce, FL 33454, 305/461-6409. Marden Industries, Inc., Dan Darby, P.O. Box 796, Mulberry, FL 33860, 863/682-7882, d.darby@ mardenind.com. Manufacturers of brush control drum choppers, pasture renovators, fire plows, bedding plows and V-shears.



in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.



I & G Distributors USA, Ron Duckworth / JamesKeane-Murphy, 4965 Hidden Branches Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30318, 1-888/750-6154, sales@igd-usa.com. Sprigger’s Choice, Inc., Jesse Grimsley, P.O. Box 488, Dawson, GA 39842, 229/886-3347, jesse@spriggerschoice.com, www.spriggerschoice.com.



Knipe Land Co., Inc., John Knipe, Box 1031, Boise, ID 83701, 208/345-3163, john@knipeland.com. Comm. cattle.



Cowtown Feeders, Inc., Box 921, Syracuse, KS 67878, 316/384-5711.

American International Border Collie Registry, Inc., 506 Third St. SE, Altoona, IA 50009, 515/967-0375. Stock dog registry.

Donahue Corp., Mike Stika, 800/457-7406, info@donahue-trailers.com, P.O. Box 126, Durham, KS 67438. Trailer manufacturer.

Diamond V Mills, Sandra Goodin, 838 First Street, Cedar Rapids, IA 52407, 319/366-0745. Feed manufacturer.

Elk Valley Herefords, Bob Faler, Rt. 1, Box 138, Elk City, KS 67344, 316/627-2510. Reg. cattle, wheat, milo, soybeans, alfalfa hay. Reg. breeding-age Hereford bulls.

Featherlite Mfg., Inc., Michaelle Boyd, P.O. Box 320, Hwy. 63 and 9, Cresco, IA 52136, 319/547-6000. Aluminum and steel horse, stock, utility, car, ATV, motorcycle, dry freight trailers.

Eulert Ranch, RR 1, Box 18, Paradise, KS 67658, Harold 913/998-4308, Lewis 913/998-4413. Reg. Hereford cattle.

North American South Devon Assn., Box 68, Lynnville, IA 50153, 515/527-2437.

Fairleigh Feedyards, Inc., Rt. 2, Scott City, KS 67871, Gary O. Battles, 316/872-2111.

1031FEC – Financial Exchange, Kenneth Wheeler, 310 NE Ewing St., Grimes, IA 50111-3002, 515/3091538, 888/618-9681, ken@1031fec.com, www.1031fec.com

Payette River Ranch, Linda Fischer, 1580 Vanderdasson Rd., Emmett, ID 83617, 08/365-5944. Reg. Beefmaster cattle, bulls and females for sale.

Port-A-Hut, Inc., P.O. Box 369, Storm Lake, IA 50588, 712/732-2546, 800/882-4884, don@porta-hut.com, www.port-a-hut.com. Portable steel livestock shelters; calf huts

Rio Hondo Piedmontese Cattle, 19645-B Hwy. 30, Buhl, ID 83316, 208/543-5808. Reg. Piedmontese cattle.

Ritchie Industries, Inc., Cheryl Miller, Box 730, Conrad, IA 50621, 515/366-2525. Livestock fountains, thermal tubes, 66B stock tank heaters.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Carter Thomson, P.O. Box 686, Grinnell, IA 50112, 800/541-7866, miraco@miraco.com. Livestock waterers.

Western Hills Realty, Jack H. Hill, P.O. Box 387, Burley, ID 83318, 208/678-9300, cell 208/431-4700, www.westernhillsrealty.net. Real estate sales for farm and ranch.



ADM Alliance Nutrition, 1000 N. 30th St., Quincy, IL 62301. Livestock feed concentrates and premixes, mineral supplements, parasite-control product, livestock equipment and personal feed counseling at farms, ranches and feedlots. Agridyne, LLC, Bob Baesler, P.O. Box 7510, Springfield, IL 62791, 505/623-6966, Mix 30 liquid supplement. Hereford Works, Janelle Swiercinsky, 19941 Townline Rd., Mokena, IL. 60448, 708/479-5270, herefordworks@yahoo.com. Unique Hereford gifts. www.herefords.net Mix 30 – Agridyne, Joe Meggison, P.O. Box 7510, Springfield, IL 62791, 800/575-7585, jmeggison@mix30.com. Mix 30 Liquid Cattle Feed. United Duroc Swine Registry, 1803 W. Detweiller Dr., Peoria, IL 61615, 309/691-8094. Reg. Duroc swine.

Circle S Angus Ranch, Gordon Stucky, 421 NE 70 Ave., Kingman, KS 67068, 316/532-3220. Reg. Angus, females and embryos available private treaty.



B & W Custom Truck Beds, Inc., Scott Marsh, 1216 Hwy. 224 / P.O. Box 186, Humboldt, KS 66748, 1-800/248-6564. Manufacture all your truckbed and towing needs: gooseneck and 5th hitches, bale movers and headache racks, custom truckbeds. Ken Babcock Sales, Kenneth Babcock, 1858 220th St., Hiawatha, KS, 66434, 785/544-6592, kbs@rainbowtel.net. Feed and grain handling systems.

Fansher Angus Ranch, Brad Fansher, Garden City, KS 67846, 620/275-8101. Reg. Black Angus. Quality Angus genetics; 2004 Grand Champion NACC (National Angus Carcass Challenge). Fink Beef Genetics, Galen, 7101 Anderson Ave., Manhattan, KS 66503, finkbull@flinthills.com, 785/776-9385. Reg. Black Angus and Charolais. Selling 600 bulls each year across the U.S. Finney County Feedyard, Inc., Imperial Rt., Garden City, KS 67848, 316/275-7163. Custom cattle feeding. Flint Hills Beefmasters, Beaumont, KS 67012, Jim Squier, foreman; Everett A. Palmer, owner, 316/843-2551. Reg. Beefmaster cattle, bulls available, bluestem grazing for summer stocker cattle. G G & T Land & Cattle Co., George Werth, Rt. 1, Box 108, Quinter, KS 67752, 913/769-5312. Wheat, milo, alfalfa, Salers breeding stock. HRC Feedyard, Inc., Box 186, Scott City, KS 67871, 316/872-5320. Feedlot. Halford Cattle Co., Inc., R.R. 2, Box 29, Colby, KS 67701, John Cranston, gen. mgr., 913/462-3947. Preconditioning, feeding, financing, order buying. Harlow Ranch, Richard & Linda Harlow, HC-1, Box 83, Richfield, KS 67953, 620/592-2099, www.harlowranch.com, rharlow@pld.com. Reg. Gelbvieh cattle.

Benoit Angus, Everett Benoit, RR 1, Box 81, Esbon, KS 66941, 888/870-2855; Doug Benoit 785/ 725-6211; Chad Benoit 785/725-3005. 350 cows, 150 heifers – registered; wheat, corn, sorghum, hay.

Harvest Brands, Inc. P.O. Box 46, Pittsburg, KS 66762, 316/231-6700. Minerals, protein blocks, dried molasses, molasses blocks, livestock feeding equipment.

Cattle Empire, LLC, Roy N. Brown, 1174 Empire Circle, Satanta, KS 67870, 620/649-2235, rbrown@cattle-empire.net. Comm. cattle.

High Plains Gelbvieh, Route HC2, Box 40, Dighton, KS 67839, Don Hineman, 316/397-2504. Gelbvieh.

Cattle Empire Feedyard, Inc., Star Route, Box 20, Sublette, KS 67877, 316/649-2235. Comm. cattle feeding.

Hillhouse Angus Ranch, Tim Benton, Rt. 2 Box 214, Garnett, KS 66032, 913/448-6763. Reg. Angus. Performance-tested bulls our specialty – cows, embryos, semen for sale.

Circle D Corporation, 613 N. Ash St., Hillsboro, KS 67063, 1-800/526-0939, circle-dtrailers.com. Livestock & horse trailers, flatbeds for pickups and one-ton trucks. Circle Feeders, Inc., circlefeeders@qcnet.com, Bill Porterfield. P.O. Box 1255, Garden City, KS 67846, 620/275-0108, 800/231-0108. Commercial custom cattle feeding.

Hinkson Angus Ranch, Frank Hinkson, 1025 Sharps Creek Rd., Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845, 620/273-6747. Reg. Angus; Annual Bull Sale, Mar. 17, 2009; Reg. Female Sale Nov. 6, 2009. IMC Salt, (formerly North American Salt), Terry Naylor, 8300 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS 66210, 913/344-9149. Salt. JULY 2011


Jamison Herefords & Quarter Horses, 2271 Co. Rd. 74, Quinter, KS 67752, 785/754-3639, 785/754-3611. Reg. Herefords, Reg. Quarter Horses. Kahn Steel Co., Inc., Curtis Buckler, 6740 W. 121 St., Ste. 100, Overland Park, KS 66209, curtis@kahnsteel.com, 913/642-6426, 800/828-5246. Galvanized & bare guardrail, fencing pipe 1/2'-36", plate. Kan-Sun Feeders, Rt. 1, Box 60, Leoti, KS 67861, 620/375-2282. Comm. cattle. Kansas Forage Products, LLC, Kelly Warner, 121 NE 80th Ave., Stafford, KS 67578, 620/2345800, kelly@kansasforage.com. Producers & sellers of alfalfa pellets. www.kansasforage.com

Moly Manufacturing, Inc., Ray Sturn, 2435 10th Rd, Lorraine, KS 67459, 785/472-3388, support@ molymfg.com, www.molymfg.com. Silencer’s hydraulic neck bars offer 3 options to turn animal’s head left, right or straight ahead. Set the bars, the animals flow, no need to reset the bars for each animal! Silencer’s hydraulic squeeze chute models feature the patented NRS noise reduction system and optional pivot controls. Turretgate, the advanced gate design that rotates remotely, providing automated animal procession, then shuttles through the turret, repositioning behind additional waiting livestock to virtually eliminate people being in with the livestock. Four chute carriers, scales, circular fencing, alleys, transitions, hydraulic loading chute.

Kansas Gelbvieh Assn., c/o Jim Lonker, P.O. Box 345, Medicine Lodge, KS 67104.

Mushrush Red Angus, Joe Mushrush, RR1, Box 9A, Stron City, KS 66869, 620/273-8581, redcows@ mushrushredangus.com. Reg. Red Angus. bulls and heifers, 400 comm. RAX bred heifers.

Kansas Hereford Assn., Route 1, Box 38, Lucas, KS 67648, Carolyn A. Herbel, secretary, 913/525-7765. Reg./comm. Herefords.

No-Bull Enterprises LLC, Rachel Dodd, General Manager, 800/858-5974, P.O. Box 748, St. Francis KS 67756, rachel@nobull.net. Callicrate bander.

Laflin Ranch, Box 54 Rt. 1, Olsburg, KS 66520, Bob 785/468-3529, RD 785/468-3571. Reg. Angus cattle, high performance Angus. Home of Northern Edge, 2001 Reno Res. Grand Champion Angus bull, semen available. Reg. and ranch-broke horses, big and stout. 101 years of breeding, reg. Angus. We are still making a contribution to the cattle industry – selling 150 bulls annually. Lakin Feed Yard, P.O. Box 1026, Lakin, KS 67860. 10,000-head feedyard. Lazy EH Cattle Co., R.R. 2, Liberal, KS 67901, Ed Herron, 316/624-1803. LBS Scales, Jimmy Ballinger, P.O. Box 1467, Gardern City, KS 67846, 620/276-8438, www.lbscales.com. Livestock scale systems; electronic scales. Carl Leatherwood, Inc., Carl Leatherwood or Ken Furgason, P.O. Box 788, Cimarron, KS 67835, 620/855-3850. Reg. and comm. Limousin, small square bales of alfalfa, grinding alfalfa. Luco Manufacturing, Co., Inc., Bill Luder, 705 N. Cottonwood St., Strong City, KS 66869, 888/816-6707, info@lucoinc.com. Hydraulic chutes, working circles, cake feeders, continuous fencing, panels and gates. Maverick Feeders, LLC, Gene Carson, 11995 Quaker Rd., Dodge City, KS 67801,620/227-3308. Commercial feedyard; also have some reg. horses. McKenna Limousin, Rt. 1, Box 66, Palco, KS 67657, Everett McKenna, 913/737-4065. Reg. Limousin cattle. McKissick Gelbvieh Ranch, Bob McKissick, P.O. Box 380, Minneola, KS 67865, 316/885-4820. Reg. Gelbvieh. Miller Feedyard, Red Miller, Box 459, Satanta, KS 67870, 620/657-2911. Commercial cattle. Molitor Angus, 11558 S.W. 90th St., Zenda, KS 67159, 620/243-6335, cell: 620/243-3081, molangus@onlinezenda.net. Reg. Angus cattle, annual sale in March.


JULY 2011

Ochsner Herefords, Gilbert Ochsner, Rt. 1, Box 324, St. Francis, KS 67756, 785/332-3030, sochsner@ ruraltel.net, www.ochsnerherefords.com. Reg. Hereford cattle. Annual bull sale – first Thursday in February. Your dependable source of Canadian genetics!s Ohlde Cattle Co., Tim or Trudy Ohlde, 1362 – 2nd Rd, Palmer, KS 66962, 1800NEWBULL (639-2855), tim-trudy@ohldecattle.com. Reg. & Comm. cattle. Oleen Bros., Box 8, Dwight, KS 66849, 913/ 482-3229. Reg. and comm. horned Hereford-black Angus, bulls and females. Reg. Am. Quarter Horses. Oleen Cattle Co., Glenn or Chuck Oleen, 10272 S. Forsse Rd., Falun, KS 67442, 913/668-2368, 913/ 668-2454. Reg. and comm. Hereford, high-quality breeding bulls and females at private treaty. Precision Mfg., www.precisionmfg.com, Bill Reed, 5424 Antioch Dr., Merriam, KS 66202, 913/362-9244. HyReach tree clipper, hydraulic tree clipper. River Bend Feed Yard, Inc., Pat Staats, Box 448, Ulys ses, KS 67880, 316/356-4100. Commercial cattle feeding. Roberts Red Angus, Tom Roberts, 620/598-2369. 1381 Rd. 16, Moscow, KS 67952, roberts @pld.com. Reg. Red Angus; easy calving cattle. Roto-Mix LLC, Allin Butcher, National Sales Mgr., 2205 E. Wyatt Earp Blvd., P.O. Box 1724, Dodge City, KS 67801, 620/225-1142, abutcher@rotomix.com Rusk Ranch, Star Rt., Sun City, KS 67143, Arlos Rusk 316/248-3337. Angus cattle. Sandy Knoll Farm, Rt. 3, St. John, KS 67576, Leon Dunn, 316/549-6511. Reg. Gelbvieh. Sankey’s 6N Ranch, 1124 So. 1050 Rd., Council Grove, KS 66846, sankeys6Nranch@yahoo.com, 620/767-5026. Reg. show heifer prospects, bulls and females for sale at all times.

Sunbelt Feeders Inc., P.O. Box 38, Hugoton, KS 67951, Lee Isaac, 316/544-4379. Custom cattle feeding. Supreme Feeders, Inc., P.O. Box 708, Liberal, KS 67901, 316/624-6296. Swihart Sales Company, Roger Swihart, 7240 County Rd. AA, Quinter, KS 67752, 800/864-4595, swiharts@ruraltel.net. Complete line of mist sprayers. Wedel Red Angus, Frank & Susan Wedel, RR 1, Box 71, Leoti, KS 67861, 620/3752578, fswedel@wbsnet.org, www.WedelRedAngus.com. Reg. Red Angus, annual sale in March. Western Feedyard, Inc., 548 So. Road I, Johnson, KS 67855, 316/492-6256, cattle feedyard.



Mill Stone Creek White Limousin, Donald Ray Wenzel, 994 Airport Road, Falmouth, Kentucky 41040, 859/654-3612, millstonecreek1@hughes.net. Reg. cattle; hay.



Green Vale Farm, John G. Buth, 6383 Leonard Rd., Eastmanville, MI 49404, 616/837-6109, muffiebuth@aol.com. Reg. Holstein Friesan; embryos. Reg. T bred racing horses; corn soybeans, wheat hay.



BullShop.com, Paul Soli, 7894 Irish Ave So, Cottage Grove, MN 55016, 651/459-9414, Paul@BullShop.com. Dairy Association, Rhonda Paris, P.O. Box 145, Lyndonville, VT 05851, 802/626-3610. Bag Balm, Green Mountain Hoof Softener, Tackmaster. Hydro Engineering Inc., John Hochstein, P.O. Box 300 – 115 East Main St., Norwood Young America, MN 55368, 800/833-5812, sales@hydro-eng.com. North American Normande Assn., 11538 Spudville Rd., Hibbing, MN 55746, 218/262-1933.

Stockdale Brands, Inc., Carroll Fox, P.O. Box 46, Pittsburg, KS 66762, 800/835-0306, cfox@stockade brands.com. Manufacturer of protein & mineral blocks, bagged minerals, poured molasses blocks and dried molasses.

PolyDome, 62824 250th St., Litchfield, MN 55355, 320-693-8370, 320-693-9323, 800-328-7659, Dan@PolyDome.com. Polyethylene products for use in raising farm animals. Huts, hutches and nurseries for calves, cattle and pigs, lick tanks, bulk bins, and silo accessories.

Suhn Cattle Co., Vernon Suhn, 1647 200th St., Eureka, KS 67045, office: 620/583-5923, cell: 620/583-3706. Reg. Brangus, & Angus seedstock.

Wulf Limousin, Jerry Wulf, 47694 320th St., Morris, MN 56267, 320/392-5802. Reg. Limousin bulls and females.

Zinpro Performance Minerals®, 10400 Viking Dr., Suite 240, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, 800/4456145, 952/983-4000, fax 952/944-2749, Zinpro@zinpro.com, www.zinpro.com. Premier source of trace minerals in the industry; deliver consistent, performance-driven results. Cow-calf producers, stocker operators & feedlot managers trust Zinpro products to help improve beef cattle production. “Greater profitabilty, improved performance, proven research.”



American Angus Association, Jared Murnin, 3201 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64506, 816/383-5100, angus@angus.org. The AAA maintains performance and ancestral records on millions of reg. Angus cattle; performance records; marketing programs; Certified Angus Beef, LLC. American Blonde d’Aquitaine Association, James Spawn, executive director, P.O. Box 12341, N. Kansas City, MO 64116, 816/421-1305. National registry for Blonde d’Aquitaine cattle.

North American Elk Breeders Assn., P.O. Box 1640, 1708 N. Prairie View Rd., Platte City, MO 64079, 888/431-3605, www.naelk.org. Complimentary information on raising elk as an alternative agriculture. Pfizer Animal Health, E. Michael Amos, 1107 South State Route 291, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081, 816/ 524-5580. Liquamycin® LA-200® (oxytetracycline injection): injectable antibiotic for cattle and swine; Rumatel® (morantel tartrate): cattle dewormer. Precision Manufacturing, Dave Kopetzky, 424 N. Harding Ave, Sedalia, MO 65301, 660-827-6131, info@precisionmfg.com, farm and ranch equipment. Seedstock Plus, LLC, John Burbank, 18864, Kepler Dr., St. Catharine, MO 64628, 877/486-1160. john@seedstockplus.com. Gelbvieh, Angus, Red Angus and Balancer bulls. Vaughn Family Farms, 14459 Lawrence 2090, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712, 417/793-1830, dvdruggest@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. Beefmaster bulls, replacement females, Beefmaster Plus females. Comm. sheep – nannys, kids; goats. Fescue, clover, mixed hay, sudan. Embryo transfer and weaned calf program.

American Chianina Assn., Bob Vantrese, P.O. Box 890, State Hwy. 92, Platte City, MO 64079, 316/431-2808.

W\ Corriente Cattle Co., Woody or Cindy Taylor, 24700 S. Wilson Rd., Peculiar, MO 64078, 816/779-6153. Reg. Corriente breeding stock bulls, heifers, roping steers.

American Hampshire Sheep Assn., Jim Cretcher, exec. sec., P.O. Box 345, Ashland, MO 65010, 314/657-9012. Sheep registry association.

WW Herefords, Willis Wilson, 452 Summer Top Lane, Fenton, MO 63026, 314/305-7530. Reg. Herefords, located at Junction City, KS.

American Hereford Assn., P.O. Box 014059, Kansas City, MO 64101, 816/842-3757. Breed association services. American-International Charolais Assn., P.O. Box 20247, Kansas City, MO 64195, 816/464-5977. National breed registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Inc., Wayne Cole, 2621 N. Belt Hiway, St. Joseph, Missouri 64506, 816/236-2763, wcole@bi-vetmedica.com. Complete line of animal health biologicals, pharmaceuticals, insecticides, and specialty products. Genetic Horizons, Cattle Breeders, Inc., Phil Blom, 151 Dripping Springs Rd., Columbia, MO 65202, 573/442-8307. Reg. and comm. cattle, alfalfa – 100 ac. Markets elite genetics on 1,200 sires on 34 beef breeds of cattle. Livestock Marketing Association, John McBride, P.O. Box 901445, Kansas City, MO 64190-9802, 800-821-2048. “Providing members the industry information, insurance and legislative/regulatory services which they need to remain viable businesses.” Lolli Brothers Livestock Market, Dominic Lolli, 704 Main, Macon, MO 63552, 660/651-4024. Comm. cattle; reg. horses; exotic animals – zebra – camels. Auctioneers. Neo-Sho Farms Red Angus, Kirby Lane, Rt. 1 Box 126, Southwest City, MO 64863, 417/762-3247. Reg. Red Angus. North American Corriente Assn., P.O. Box 12359, N. Kansas City, MO 64116, 816/421-1992, www.corrientecattle.org. Reg. Corriente cattle; free on request – breeder directory, Corriente Corresponder magazine and more info.


Montana American Galloway Breeders’ Assn., 310 West Spruce, Missoula, MT 59802, Bob Mullendore, sec., 406/728-5719.

American Murray Grey Assn., Box 30085, Billings, MT 59107, Joan Turnquist, 406/248-1266. American Simmental Assn., www.simmental.org, Dr. Jerry Lipsey, 1 Simmental Way, Bozeman, MT 59715, 406/587-4531, simmental@simmgene.com. Reg. and comm. Simmental and Simbrah registries. Big Sky Management, Roy Rose, 61 Cow Trail, Livingston, MT 59047, 406/222-0005, roy@bigskymanagement.com. Real estate brokers. Billings Livestock Commission, P.O. Box 31533, Billings, MT 59107, 406/245-4151. Livestock sales. DeBruycker Charolais, Brett DeBruycker, 406/476-3214, 1690 6th Lane NE, Dutton, MT 59433. Reg. Charolais Double Fork Ranch, 2441 Eastside Highway, Stevensville, MT 59870, John Robbins, 406/642-3254. Red Angus. Felton Angus Ranch, Inc., Richard Felton, HC 32, Box 4448, Miles City, MT 59301, 406/784-2756. Reg. Black Angus. Bulls and females sell 2nd Monday of Feb. each year. Selling coming 2-year-old bulls, 18-month-old bulls and yearling bulls. Also bred heifers and heifer calves.

Green Mountain Angus, Box 209, Ryegate, MT 59074, 406/568-2241. Reg. Angus. Meyer Company Ranch, 1433 O-H Rd., Helmville, MT 59843, 406/793-5653. Reg. Red Angus. Out West Mfg, “Castrators for Livestock. The Ranchers answer to Clean & Productive Castrating.” 35259 Dublin Gulch Rd., Saint Ignatius, MT 59865, 888/745-8822, www.Castrator.com R-CALF USA, Shae Dodson, P.O. Box 30715, Billings, MT, 59107, 406/252-2516, sdodson@r-calfusa.com. A non-profit cattle producer organization working on marketing and trade issues in the U.S. cattle industry. Sitz Angus Ranch, Arvin Arthur, marketing rep, 3123 Marguerite Blvd., Billings, MT 59102, 406/652-3296, purepro@imt.net. Reg. Angus – coming two-year-old bulls sell in Dec., yearlings bulls sell in March, and comm. bred heifers sell in December. Hay and small grains. Stevenson Basin Angus, P.O. Box 220, Hobson, MT 59452, 406/423-5700. Reg. Black & Red Angus, annual sale in March. Valley View Charolais Ranch, Buddy Westphal, 44601 Valley View Rd., Polson, MT 59860, 406/883-2469, www.vvcrbulls.com. Reg. Charolais. 43nd Annual Bull Sale, Mar. 26, 2011 – selling 180 2-year-old Charolais bulls. Bulls, females & semen. Vermillion Ranch, P.O. Box 30758, Billings, MT 59107, 406/259-4589, 406/373-5143. Reg. Angus.



Alcorn Angus, Marian Alcorn 308/232-4555, Ross Alcorn 308/232-4508, HC 56, Box 156, Hay Springs, NE 69347. Reg. black Angus cattle; bulls, heifers and cow-calf pairs. Sale in February. American Shorthorn Assn., Dr. Bert Moore, 8288 Hascall St., Omaha, NE 68124, 402/393-7200, info@shorthorn.org, www.shorthorn.org. Reg. Shorthorn cattle. Braunvieh Association of America, Stephanie Nelson, 3815 Touzalin Ave., Suite 103, Lincoln, NE 68507, 402/466-3292, braunaa@attglobal.net. Braunvieh cattle have proven profitability, performance and carcass quality along with maternal traits and adaptability that add profit to your herd. Convert-A-Ball Distributing, Bob Van Fleet, 955 Ball St., Sidney, NE 69162, 308/254-7115, ddclyde@yahoo.com. Cushioned ballmounts; universal tailgate step; towing accessories; fifth wheel adapters, quick change balls. Flying H Genetics, Dick Helms, 42041 DR 728, Arapahoe, NE 68922, www.flyinghgenetics.com, 308/493-5411. Reg. Gelbvieh and GelPLUS; corn, wheat, soybeans, hay. Tested and guaranteed seedstock stressing balanced maternal and growth with fertility and carcass data utilizing crossbred vigor. Indication Gelbvieh, Tim Schroeder, Rural Rt. 3, Box 104, West Point, NE 68788, 402/372-2763. Gelbvieh cattle. JULY 2011


Jones Manufacturing Co., Bob Jones or Don Reis, P.O. Box 38, 1486 12th Rd., P.O. Box 38, Beemer, NE 68716, 402/528-3861, mightygiant@gpcom.net. Mighty Giant equipment for grinding livestock forage. Marcy Cattle Co., George, Marcy, & Tom Marcy, 3950 470th Road, Hay Springs, NE 69347, 308/6387587 (Tom); 970/204-1134 (George), marcycattle@ bbcwb.net. Quality registered Angus cattle with milk and muscle. Deep-ribbed, fertile, easy-fleshing cowmakers with extraordinary feedlot performance. A program with over 50 years of superior genetic selection. National Braunvieh Bull Test, Mark Nelson, 3815 Touzalin Ave, Suite 103, Lincoln, NE 68507, 402/984-8263, marknelson@inebraska.com Braunvieh Bulls are tested for feed efficiency using GrowSafe as well as evaluted in all other customary performance traits. Fall and spring sales. Profit Maker Bulls, Dave Bittner, 1361 Hwy 30 East, Paxton. NE 69155, 308/284-8280, bulls@megavision.com, Reg. Angus Bulls. Buy them or Lease Them – You Decide. Sandhills Cattle Feeding, Inc., Larry Carlson, P.O. Box 307, Bassett, NE 68714, 402/684-2388, cattlefeeders@hotmail.com. Comm. cattle. Custom grazing and feeding all types of cattle. Schurrtop Angus & Charolais, John L. Schurr, 40842 E. Farnam Rd., Farnam, NE 69029, 308/5692520. 400 bulls sell – Coming 2-Yr.-Old Bull Sale, December 5. Yearling bull sale March, ‘07. Sukup Angus Farms, RR 1, P.O. Box 17, Verdigre, NE 68783, 402/847-3295. Reg. Angus. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. West Point Design, Inc., Erv, Chad or Scott Eisenmenger, P.O. Box 255, West Point, NE 68788, 402/372-2408, wpdesignninc@qwest.net. Spread-All Manure Spreader, Country Welding Box Scrapers – parts, sales and service.



ORO Ranch, Don Hartry, 2000 Flagstone Rd., Reno, NV 89510, 775/475-0621. Reg. Romagnola – Romagnola bulls, the ideal cross for high desert comm. cattle. Reg. Paint horses. Silver State Beefmasters, Dalton Lowry, 4660 Rice Rd., Fallon, NV 89406, 775/867-4099, lowry@phonewave.net. Reg. Beefmasters – sell purebred breeding stock. Alfalfa, grain hay; sell concrete sand. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. W.W. Williams, Doug Drake, 2602 S. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009, 800/944-7375. Diesel engines, generators, water and hydraulic pumps. Covering Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas.

North Dakota

N. Dakota

Blegen Galloways, 15788 52nd St SE, Kindred, ND 58051, 701/645-9073, blegengalloways.com, blegengalloways@juno.com. Performance black Galloway cattle – breeding stock & semen available. L&H Branders, Box 639L, Mandan, ND 58554, 701/663-9821. Electric branders.



COBA Select Sires, Inc., Julie Ziegler, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Road, Columbus, OH 43228. 800/837-2621, julie@cobaselect.com EZ Hutch, Jon Wreede, P.O. Box 67, Kettlersville, OH 45336, 937/693-8691, ezhutch@watchtv.net. Portable plastic housing for animals; calf raising accessories. D.J. Reveal, Inc., Pam Heist, 15686 Webber Rd., Mt. Orab, OH 45154, 937/444-2609, reveal4n1@wildblue.net. Reveal 4-N-1 multipurpose tool / arena groomer.

Bottari Realty, Inc, Paul Bottari, Broker, P.O. Box 368, Wells, Nevada 89835, 775/752-3040, paul@bottarirealty.com. J&J Key Beefmasters, P.O. Box 818, Reno, NV 89504, Joe Key, 702/322-3366. Reg. Beefmasters.


MJM Cattle Co., Joe Marangi, P.O. Box 610, Gardnerville, NV 89410, 775/265-2076, Joe@MJMCattleCo.com. Reg. Quarter horses, reg. Herefords, alfalfa. North American Romagnola & RomAngus Assn., Don or Arlene Hartry, 2000 Flagstone Rd., Reno, NV 89510, 775/475-0621. Reg. cattle.


JULY 2011



American Cattle Services, Inc., Rt. 2, Chattanooga, OK 73528. Cattle sale management. Arrow Head Ranches, 17614 SH 39, Purcell, OK 73080, 405/919-4370, 405/527-2804, keithredan gus.com, arrowhead@owlo.com. Reg. Red Angus cattle. Jim & Sue Darnell, El Paso and Dona Ana address: 5 Paseo de Paz, El Paso, TX 79932, 915/877-2535, ofc. 915/532-2442; OK address: 10381 McClain Rd., Freedom, OK 73842, barjbarherefords@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Herefords – bulls & heifers for sale at private treaty. Visitors welcome. Beaver City Stockyards, Bill Skaggs, P.O. Box 1270, Beaver, OK 73932, 405/625-3051 or 625-4564. Regular sale every Wednesday. Cabaniss Club Lambs, Riley Cabaniss, Rt. 1 Box 19, Arapaho, OK 73601, 580/445-6240, cabanissok@itlnet.net. Reg. sheep — club lambs and breeding rams and ewes. Production Sale and wether sales — call for information. Cimarron Feeders, Linda Englehart, Rt. 1, Texhoma, OK 73949, 580/543-6383, cattle feedyard. Coyote Hills Ranch, Rt. 1, Chattanooga, OK 73528, Ken Holloway, 405/597-2419. Reg. Limousin. CPI Pipe, 16544 W. Hwy. 66, Yukon, OK 73099, 405/350-8555, cpipipe@aol.com. Feed bunks. Darnell Hereford Ranch, Sandy Darnell, 39722 State Hwy. 34, Freedom, OK 73842, 580/589-2667, kdarnell05@sbcglobal.net. Registered Hereford. Doherty Herefords, Bill and Janice Doherty, Rt. 1 Box 5B, Hastings, OK 73548, 405/963-3601. Reg. Hereford. We sell bulls, heifers and show steers by private treaty. Express Ranches, 2202 N. 11th St., Yukon, OK 73099, 800/664-3977, www.expressranches.com. Reg. Angus & Limousin. Fisher Ranch, John M. Fisher, 5220 W. Hwy. 7 Road, Marlow, OK 73055, 580/658-3820, cell 580/6410062. Reg. horses – Shoemaker-Skipper W breeding. Gallaway Gelbvieh, Randy Gallaway, RR2 Box 54, Mulhall, OK 73063, 405/649-2410, rgallaway@ itlnet.net. Reg. Gelbvieh cattle Hayhook Limousin Ranch, J.W. Snyder, 9700 Slaughterville Rd., Lexington, OK 73051, hayhooklimousin@valornet.com, 405/527-7648, 405/306-5202. Reg. Limousin & LimFlex. Hollis Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., P.O. Box 313, Hollis, OK 73550, 580/688-3394 or 3395. Manufacturers of cottonseed cake, meal, range cubes. For pricing and information contact: Bob Baesler, 1905 S. Adams Dr., Roswell, NM 88201, ofc. 505/623-6966, mob. 505/626-7262, bullsnmore@dfn.com. International Salorn Assn., P.O. Box 2501, Ardmore, OK 73402-2501, 405/223-4200, fax 405/223-8201. Cattle breed registry and association.

in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

Kreger Beefmaasters, Joe Kreger, 20515 W. Oakland, Tonkawa, OK 74653, 405/206-9560, joe.kreger@nmfn.com. Reg. & comm. cattle, Beefmaster. Reg. bulls, purebred & Beefmaster x Angus replacement heifers.

Langford Herefords, Leon Langford, 918/7331331, 6815 N. 317 Rd., Okmulgee, OK 74447, langfordherefords@yahoo.com. Reg. Herefords. 150 bulls and 100 females sell private treaty yearly.

Thomas Wire Rope, Darrel Thomas, 12900 S. Sunnylane Rd., Moore, OK 73160, 405/794-9799, new and used fencing cables, turnbuckles, chain hardware nylon and wire rope slings.

Light Ranch, Phil Light, Rt. 2, Box 352, Turpin, OK 73950, Phil Light, 405/259-6285, Pete Gibb, 405/259-6234. Reg. Angus cattle. For sale – reg. Angus bulls, heifers and comm. feeder cattle.

3C Cattle Feeders, P.O. Box 144, Mill Creek, OK 74856, 580/384-9343. Cattle feedyard.

M&M Engineered Products LLC, Martin Meek, 522 N. Ash, Nowata, OK 74048, 877/301-1700, info@treeshear.com. Tree shears and saws; grapple rakes & wood spliters. McMurphy’s Farms, Randy, Cody & Casey McMurphy, 32162 US Hwy. 64, Alva, OK 73717, 580/829-3150, 405/880-4587,520/906-8509, mcmurphyfarms@hotmail.com. Reg. comm. Red Angus. Go to: www.mcmurphyfarms.com. Messner Ranch, Van Messner, Rt. 2, Box 68, Laverne, OK 73848, 580/837-5532, messner1@ptsi.net. Reg. cattle. Miller & Son Angus Ranch, John Miller, Rt. 1 Box 152, Arnett, OK 73832, 580/939-2498. Reg. Angus bulls and females for sale, low birth weight, gain and carcass qualities. Reg. Quarter Horses and Paints bred to cow, mare for sale. Moss’s Two Pine Ranch, Ed or Geraldine Moss, 16129 Lost City Rd., Hubert, OK 74441, 918/772-2844, jamesmoss78@hotmail.com. Reg. Blonde D’Aquitane. Naylor Cattle Co., Dale Naylor, Rt. 1, Box 65, Balko, OK, 580/646-3548, Maine-Anjou breeding stock and club calves.

Townsend Brangus, Gayland Townsend, P.O. Box 278, Milburn, OK 73450, 580/443-5777, cell 580/380-1606. Registered and commercial Brangus, Angus Plus; grass hay. Williams Charolais, HCR 1, Box 69, Boise City, OK 73933, John and Margaret Williams 405/426-2740. Reg. Charolais cattle. Winney Angus, Curtis Winney, Stillwater, OK, 888/562-4521, cell: 405/880-5190, jwin@olypen.com. Reg. Angus. WW-Paul Scales, Kirby Kelly, P.O. Box 729, Duncan, Oklahoma 73534, 580/439-8802, kirby@paulscales.com. Livestock handling equipment, hydraulic chutes, equine stalls, livestock scales, rodeo equipment, hog & sheep pens.



Bluestate Productions, Keeter Stuart, 1542, 6th St., West Linn, OR 97068, 503/381-2920, keeter10@ comcast.net. I’m a tunesmith and singer; have a new CD of Stan Jones songs coming out (Stan Jones was an Ariz. songwriter who wrote “Ghost Rider in the Sky.”

OPSU, Panhandle State University School of Agriculture/University Farm, Box 430, Goodwell, OK 73939, 580/349-2514 ext. 262. Reg. Angus, reg. Hereford, reg. Suffolk sheep, reg. Quarter Horses, comm. crossbred swine, grain, hay, ensilage, performance testing program for beef cattle – bulls and steers, annual bull test.

Professional Images, Erin Dorsey, 1336 W. Main, Suite C, Oklahoma City, OK 73106, 1-877/742-2771, picaps@aol.com.

Stampede Sales, Jim Hill, P.O. Box 131, Marlow, OK 73055, 877/826-7333, stampedesales-jh@cableone.net. Strickland’s Maine-Anjou, David Strickland, Rt. 2, Box 44, Turpin, OK 73950, 580/259-6282, bjstrickland3@hotmail.com. Reg. and comm. Maine-Anjou; wheat, alfalfa. TV Cattle, Dara Vaughan, HC1 Box 8, Boise City, OK 73933, 580/426-2239. Reg. and comm. Maine/Angus cross.

John M. Fisher 5220 W. Hwy. 7 Road, Marlow, OK 73055 580/658-3820 cell 580/641-0062 Registered Horses – Shoemaker-Skipper W Breeding



Ratliff 3R Bar Ranch, Paul D. Ratliff, Box 268, Washington, OK 73093, 405/640-3674, ratliff3rbarranch@yahoo.com. Reg. cattle – Fullblood Limousin “The Original Kind!” Bulls & heifers for sale on the ranch. Semen available on “Second to None” and “Lord Krug’.

J5 Longhorns, Sheryl, 12037 S. Fox Rd., Molalla, OR 97038, 503/829-9459, j5longhorns@yahoo.com. Farnam Livestock Tracking Systems, Bill Stevenson, P.O. Box 1057, Veneta, OR 97487, 541/954-6272, bstevenson@central.com. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.


Pennsylvania Pneu-Dart, Inc., Blair D. Soars, 1 West Third St., Ste. 212, Williamsport, PA 17701, 866/299-DART (3278). Manufacturer of animal tranquilizing equipment.

South Dakota

Oklahoma Shorthorn Assn., P.O. Box 85031, Yukon, OK 73085, 405/485-3274.

Parker Angus Ranch, Rt. 2, Box 156A, Waurika, OK 73573, 580/228-3251, cell: 580/313-0248, parkerangusranch@wavelinx.net, www.parkerangus.com. Reg. Angus.

Chandler Herefords, Inc., George Chandler, 17578 Chandler Lane, Baker City, OR 97814, 541/4030125, gchandler@uci.net. Reg. & comm. Hereford cattle – thickness, depth, correct conformation, good disposition, fertility, feed efficiency; sell breeding bulls, replacement heifers, feedlot cattle; high quality.


Bieber Red Angus, Ron and Lois Bieber, HCR 1, Box 17, Leola, SD 57454, 605/439-3628. Reg. Red Angus. Hereford America, Marc and Jill Hotchkiss, HC 3, Box 38, Reva, SD 57651, 605/866-4495. Privately owned Hereford newspaper. Reg. and comm. cattle. High Plains Genetics, Inc., HC 80 Box 835-10, Piedmont, SD 57769, 605/787-4808. Full service beef reproduction service. Hoff’s Scotch Cap, HCR 66, Box 25A, Bison, SD 57620, 605/244-5973. Reg. Angus. Thompson Livestock, Inc., Tommy Thompson, 20265 Superior Pl., Whitewood, SD 57793, 605/2692222, thompsonlivestock@gmail.com. Livestock dealer.


21st Annual Brangus Bull & Female Sale

February 25, 2012

RANCH MANAGER: Steven & Jacqueline Townsend P.O. Box 278, Milburn, OK 73450 H: 580/443-5749 • C: 580/380-1968

Gayland & Patti Townsend P.O. Box 278, Milburn, OK 73450 H: 580/443-5777 • C: 580/380-1606 cgtpattownsend@yahoo.com


P.H. White Co., Sharon Horner, P.O. Box 155, Dyersburg, TN 38025, 800/344-0115, phwhite@ecsis.net. Fly control for catle, Cow Life-Cattle Rubs, Face Flyps, Fly Bullets. JULY 2011




Abaco Custom House Brokers, Pete Araujo, 915/542-1742, 3922 Delta, El Paso, TX 79995. Dwight Adair, 11511 Queens Way, Austin, TX 78759, 512/431-0679, info@bobwills.com. Official site of Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. ADM Alliance, Mona Klein, P.O. Box 1918, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/282-8429, mona.klein@adm.com. Horse and livestock feed and nutrition products. Ag Specialties, Inc., Darrol Childers, P.O. Box 7483, Amarillo, TX 79114, 806/679-7295. Silage inoculants, probiotics, enzymes. Since 1977. Agrow Credit Corporation, John Lefner, Pres., 2579 Western Trails Blvd., #210, Austin, TX 78745, 512/892-8999, john@agrowcredit.com. Agricultural and rural land loans. Allflex USA, Sid Howard, PO Box 612266, Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Texas 75261-2266, 1-800/989-TAGS (8247), howard@allflexusa.com. Ear tags, electronic ID, syringes. Amarillo Livestock Auction, Joe Bell, 806/683-0449, 806/373-7464. Livestock auction, sale every Tues., 10 a.m. American Brahman Breeders Assoc., Chris Shivers, 3003 South Loop West, Suite 520, Houston, TX, 77054, 713/349-0854, cshivers@brahman.org. Reg. and comm. Brahman and F1. Breed registry for American Brahman cattle. American Brahmousin Council, 7007 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77087, Carl Detering, Jr. 713/643-4386 or Jerry Bradley 405/385-2460. American Breeders Service, Jack L. Wiley, district sales manager, 701 Somerset Drive, El Paso, TX 79912, 915/581-0286, A.I. cattle breeding, udder care products. American-International Charolais Assn., Scott Farmer, AICA Director of Commercial Activities, 816/464-5977, scott@charolaisusa.com. American Paint Horse Assn., Box 18519, Ft. Worth, TX 76118, 817/439-3400. Reg. Paints, serving Paint enthusiasts for over 25 years. American Quarter Horse Assn., P.O. Box 200, Amarillo, TX 76168, 806/376-4811, Stacie Moriarty, reg. American Quarter Horses, breed registry, programs for promoting the breed, transferring, registering, breeding, records. American Rambouillet Sheep Breed, 2709 Sherwood Way, San Angelo, TX 76901, 915/949-4414. Annual sale. American Red Brangus Assn., Mary Snavley, 3995 E. Hwy. 290, Dripping Springs, TX 78620, www.americanredbrangus.org. Reg. American Red Brangus, reg. and transfer reg. Red Brangus, advertising and information on ARBA. American Romagnola Assn., P.O. Box 450, Navasota, TX 77868-0450, 409/825-8082. Reg./comm. Romagnola cattle.


JULY 2011

Arrow B Gelbvieh, Rt. 4 Box 158, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/289-5829, Gelbvieh, commercial bred heifers, A.I. to low birth wt. Angus.

Big Bend Trailers, www.bigbendtrailers.com, Jim Dyer, HC 74, Box 146, Ft. Davis, TX 79734, 432/426-3435.

Ash Cattle Co., Andy Holloway. P.O. Box 751, Stamford, TX 79553, 325/668-0466. Reg. and comm. Angus, Brangus, Angus x Hereford.

Big K Ranch, Ron Kendall, 48 S. Lakeshore Dr., Ransom Canyon, TX 79366, 806/745-2896, bigkranchtexas@aol.com. Reg. Black Angus.

Ash Marketing Service, Inc., Andy Holloway, P.O. Box 3719, Abilene, TX 79604, 325/677-8900, info@ashcattle.com . Cattle marketing (private treaty and auctions for comm. and reg. cattle), ranch real estate, farm equipment auctions.

Big S Beefmasters, P.O. Box 60290, San Angelo, TX 76901, Andy Smith 915/949-3438. Beefmaster cattle.

Aus-Tex Enterprises, Sharon or Bill Van Der Vlist, 19807 Sundance Drive, Humble, Texas 77346, 281/852-2157, austex2000@earthlink.net. AzTx Cattle Co., John Josserand, 311 East Park Ave., Hereford, TX 79045, 800/999-5065. Commercial feedyards, complete pasture programs. B & M Tractor Parts, Inc., Bo Brasfield, 101 Sloan St., Taylor, TX 76574, 512/352-8515, 800/356-7155. Used, rebuilt and new tractor parts for all makes and models. B-Bar Herefords, 876 St. Hwy. 70 S, Roby, TX 79543, Brad Stuart, 325/338-5111. Reg. Hereford cattle, alfalfa, cotton, wheat, sudan. Bagley Performance Horses, Jane Bagley, P.O. Box 966, Dimmett, TX 79027, 806/647-8303, janebagley@ earthlink.net. Reg. horses. Standing outside stallions and Taris Juge, Palomino son of Doc Tari, w. champ PHBA Working Cowhorse and Reining, 2002 AQHA Hi Pt Versatility Ranch Horse. Dick Bailey, Boc 542, Groom, TX 79039, 806/681-1592. Reg. and comm. cattle; buy or sell all types cattle including calves and yearlings. Bar-G Feedyard, Rt. 3, Summerfield, TX 79085, Johnny Trotter 806/364-1172, mob. 806/289-5634. Bar J Bar Hereford Ranch, Jim Darnell, 5 Paseo de Paz Ln., El Paso, TX 79932, home 915/877-2535, barjbarherefords@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Herefords. Barber Ranch, Mary Barber, 10175 FM 3138, Channing, TX 79018, 806/235-3692, barberranch@wildblue.net. Reg. Hereford. BC Preconditioning, LLC, P.O. Box 966, Dimmett, TX 79027, 806/647-8302, 806/647-8229, janebagley@ earthlink.net, contact Scott Bagley or Eugene Corrales. Cattle preconditioning, feeding & wheat pasturing – we will customize a program to fit anyone’s needs. Beefmaster Breeders United, Dr. Tommy Perkins, 6800 Park Ten Blvd., Suite 290 West, San Antonio, TX 78213, 210/732-3132, tperkins@beefmasters.org. Purebred beef breed registry. Begert Limousin, Hiram Begert, Box 43, Allison, TX 79003, 806/375-2346. Reg. black polled bulls and heifers. Henry L. Beken Ranches, Henry L. Beken, Box 605, Weimar, Texas 78962, 979/561-6136, bumpercrop@verizon.net. Comm. cattle Belltec Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 270, Belton, TX 76513, 817/780-1452. Tractor-mounted down pressure post-hole digger, augers and core barrels. Big Bend Saddlery, Gary Dunshee, 2701 E. Hwy. 90, Alpine, TX 79830, 432/837-5551, info@bigbendsaddlery.com. Produce saddles, tack, belts, books, jewelry, custom sterling silver buckles, gifts.

BJM Sales & Service, Inc., Chris Cabbiness, Rt. 1, E. Hwy 60, Hereford, TX 79045, 800/5257470, cell: 806/344-2392. Mixing, feeding systems, trucks, trailers, stationary units. Border Tank Resources, Brian Booher, 9953 Pioneer Ct., El Paso, TX 79927, 915/539-7781 mobile, 915/859-6843. Cattle, horse, goat, sheep drinkers; metal tanks. Bovina Feeders, Inc., Rt. 1, Farwell, TX 79325, 806/825-2103. Comm. cattle and cattle feeders. Boyd Industries, Inc., Jason Maatsch, P.O. Box 315, Boyd, TX 76023, feederinfo@boydbuilt.com, 940/433-2315. Cattle, creep, bulk, horse, sheep troughs and feeders. Braden Industries, Rt. 2, Box 52, Sulfur Springs, TX 75482, 903/439-3233. Labor saving devices for dairy cattle. Bradley 3 Ranch, Ltd., M.L. Bradley, 15591 CR K, Memphis, TX 79245, 940/585-6471, bradley3@srcaccess.net. Reg. Angus cattle. Producer of Angus bulls & females; semen sales on our top herd sires. Breckenridge Partnership Ltd., Lawton Heatley 254/559-4830, Bernarr Treat 575/623-2999, P.O. Box 1973, Roswell, NM 88202. Reg. & comm. Black Angus. Briggs Ranches, P.O. Box 1417, Victoria, TX 77902, 361/573-7141, briggsranches@hotmail.com, www.BriggsRanches.com. Reg. Santa Gertrudis cattle. Brown Cattle Feeders, Inc., HCR 2, Box 61, Friona, TX 79035, 806/289-5594. Cattle feedyard. R.A. Brown Ranch, Box 789, Throckmorton, TX 76083, 940/849-0611. Reg. Angus, Red Angus, SimAngus & Simmental cattle, annual sale in October. Brumley Limousin, David Brumley, Rt. 4, Box 159, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/289-5901. Reg. and comm. Limousin bulls and females, replacement females. Burns Cattle Company, 8750 A East Farmers Ave., Amarillo, TX 79118, Klayton Burns, 806/570-8630, kwburns1@wtamu.edu. Club calves. John Burns Lumber & Hardware, Texline, TX, 806/362-4808 also 1511 N. Prince, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/769-2528 and in and Tucumcari, NM, 612 E. Rt. 66 Blvd, 505/461-1241. Lumber, and hardware supplies. C Bar Ranch, Trey Wood, P.O. Box 391, Slaton, TX 79364, 806/789-7312, ncwoodiii@gmail.com. Reg. & comm. Charolais & Angus. Cactus Feedyard, Cactus, TX 79013, Jim Lookingbill, manager, 806/966-5151, feedlot.

Caddylak Graffix, Max Gathings, 600 West Park Row, Suite A, Arlington, Texas 76010, 817/860-4600, caddylak@caddylakgraffix.com.

Clarendon Feeders, Inc., Rt. 2, Box 92, Hedley, TX 79237, 806/856-5444, 806/874-5052. Feedlot, custom cattle feeding.

Copeland Limousin, Jim Copeland, 6110 Maine Rd., Huton, TX 79313, 806/997-5031. Reg. Angus–Limousin cross; excellent bulls.

Camp Cooley Ranch, Mark Cowan, Cheramie Viator, 4297 Camp Cooley Rd., Franklin, TX 77856, 979/828-3968, email@campcooley.com. Reg. Brangus, Angus, Charolais; consulting, semen sales, bull leasing; Bull and Female Sales!

Clear Creek Farm, Hal Witt, Rt. 1 Box 143, Gilmer, TX 75644, 903/734-4714. Reg. Black Angus bulls for sale at all times.

Coyote Lake Feedyard, Rt. 5, Box 720, Muleshoe, TX 79347, 806/946-3321, all breeds comm. cattle, wheat, corn, grass, custom cattle feeding.

R.C. Cline Land Co., Inc., Richard C. Cline, Jr., 3014 W. 26th, Ste. 5000, Amarillo, TX 79109, 806/353-5200, cline@amaonline.com. Real estate brokers.

CPE Feeds, Inc., Lan Skains, 2102 Lubbock Rd., Brownfield, TX 79316, 806/637-7458. Process cottonseed to make c/s range cubes; we also sell utility trailers of all kinds.

Coates Ranch Co., Steve Wayne Coates, P.O. Box 645, Mertzon, TX 76941, 325/835-2531, scoates.jr@yahoo.com. Reg. horned Herefords.

Crooked Hollow Ranch, P.O. Box 1366, Brady, TX 76825, Bob L. Bales, 915/597-1856 (ranch). Reg. Beefmaster cattle.

Bobby Cochran, Box 74, Quitaque, TX 79255, 806/455-1308. Reg. Cochran Beefmaster, seedstock, herd bulls and replacement heifers.

Crown X Ranch, P.O. Box 1325, Marfa, TX 79843, 915/729-4415. Reg. Gelbvieh.

Campo Bonito Real Estate, David P. Dean, P.O. Box 1077, Ft. Davis, TX 432/422-3779, dpdean@hueghs.net New Mexico and west Texas ranches. Canon Ranch, Joe Canon 806/497-3626, Eurdist Rinehart 806/759-9379, Gail, TX 79738. Reg. Angus cattle. Caprock Cattle Feeders, Ben Brophy, 905 S. Fillmore, Ste. 700, Amarillo, TX 79121, 806/3713711. Buyers of calves and feeder cattle. Cow-calf Producer Alliance (STAR) Sharing Total Added Value. Data return to producer. No retained ownership.

Chip Cole, Ranch Broker, Chip Cole, 14 E. Beauregard, Ste. 201, San Angelo, TX 76903, 325/655-3555. Comm.cattle. Ranch real estate.

D & L Tooling & Plastics Inc., Darrell Dement, 950 S. Loop 456, Jacksonville, TX 75766, 1-800/2274829, darrell@dlplastics.com. Cattle ear tags.

Cargill Animal Nutrition/Nutrena, Kevin Burns, kevin_burns@cargill.com, 301 N. Grand, Amarillo, TX 79107, 806/341-7300. Horse & beef feeds, minerals, tubs. Cargill Cattle Feeders, LLC, Chad Brown, 316/291-1938, chad_brown@cargill.com. Feedlot.

Bradley 3 Ranch Ltd.

Carroll Real Estate Co., G. L. Carroll, P.O. Box 1978, Sherman, TX 75091, 903/868-3154, glcarrollandco@yahoo.com. Real estate brokerage Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.

Ranch-Raised ANGUS Bulls for Ranchers Since 1955

Case Ranch, Pete Case, P.O. Box 1218, Eldorado, TX 76936, 325/650-6209, pete@caseranch.com. Reg. cattle. Casey Beefmasters, Watt M. Casey, Jr., P.O. Box 2469, Albany, TX 76430, 325/668-1373, watt50@sbcglobal.net. Reg. Beefmasters. Castro County Feeders, Bert Byrd, P.O. Box 730, Hart, TX 79043, 806/938-2151. Comm. cattle. Cattleman’s Livestock Commission Co., Larry Wing, P.O. Box 58, Dalhart, TX 79022, 806/249-5505. Livestock auction every Thurs. 11 a.m. Caviness Packing Co., Inc., Brent Caviness, P.O. Box 790, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/364-0900. Buyers of slaughter cows and bulls. Century Trailer Company, Scott Mooney, 2900 W. Dickinson Blvd., Ft. Stockton, TX 79735, 432/336-8797, centurytrlco@hotmail.com. Livestock trailers, trailer parts and service, overhead bulk feed storage tanks. Champion Feeders, Inc., P.O. Box 150, Hereford, TX 79045, Dave Hopper, 806/258-7255. Custom cattle feeding. Circle P Real Estate Brokers, Nick Philipello, Jr., 1420 F M 2223, BRYAN, Texas 77808, 979/7786711, nick@nickphil.com. Circle 7 Ranch, Rt. 1, Box 27, Plains, TX 79355, Tommy Burrus, 505/398-6137. Reg. Herefords and Brafords. Clarendon College Ranch and Feedlot Operations Program, Laban Tubbs, Box 968, Clarendon, TX 79226, 800/687-9737 ext. 249. “Education: It’s What You Want for the Future, Today.”

Crystalyx Brand Supplements, Lee Pritchard, leepritchard@ridleyinc.com, 2309 Hwy. 1187, Crowley, TX 76036, 817/291-1756. Crystalyx brand supplements.


200+ Angus Bulls Sell Feb. 11, 2012 at the Ranch NE of Estelline, TX M.L. Bradley, 806/888-1062 Fax: 806/888-1010 • Cell: 940/585-6471

Coming Soon To a pasture near you

1-877/2-BAR-ANG 1-806/344-7444 Hereford, Texas JOHN THAMES STEVE KNOLL WWW.2BARANGUS.COM


Charolais & Angus Bulls

TREY WOOD 806/789-7312 CLARK WOOD 806/828-6249 • 806/786-2078

D 7 Ranch, Tommy Burrus, Box 1090, Plains, TX 79355, 575/398-6137. Comm. Hereford; Corriente; reg. Quarter horses. Dairy Health Equipment, Service and Supply Co., Inc., Chip Carroll, Sara Carroll, 11205 Rojas, Ste. B, El Paso, TX 79935, 915/595-2833, 800/3658328, ccarroll@dairy-health.com. IBA products; dairy equipment and supplies; vet supplies; mastitis lab. Dairy-Max, Mike Konkle, 2214 Paddock Way Drive, Ste. 600, Grand Prairie, TX 75050, 972/603-4700 or 800/332-4790, Promote milk. konkle@dairymax.org Greg Darnell Bits & Spurs, Pat Loria sales Mgr., P.O. Box 8008, McKenney, TX 75070, 800/3579861, patloria@peoplepc.com. Bits & spurs. Jim & Sue Darnell, El Paso and Doña Ana address: 5 Paseo de Paz, El Paso, TX 79932, 915/877-2535, ofc. 915/532-2442; OK address: 10381 McClain Rd., Freedom, OK 73842, barjbarherefords@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Herefords – bulls and heifers for sale at private treaty. Visitors welcome. Dauer Herefords, Box 715, Panhandle, TX 79068, 806/537-5016. David P. Dean, Campo Bonito, LLC, P.O. Box 1056, Ft. Davis, TX 79734, 432/426-3779, cell: 432/634-0441, www.availableranches.com. Real estate brokerage. Diamond R Longhorns, LLC, Bob Rubel, 7740 Berry Rd., Burleson, TX 76028-2821, 817/483-6288, diamondrlonghorns@iglide.net. Reg. Texas Longhorns. Dimmitt Feedyard, Inc., P.O. Box 638, Dimmitt, TX 79027, 806/647-2108, custom cattle feeding. Dixon Beefmasters, Fred Risser, Box 540, Matador, TX 79244, 806/347-2782. Reg. cattle, hay, feed. Donnell Cattle Co., Tommy Donnell, P.O. Box 1777, Graham, TX 76450, 940/362-4555, cell: 940/550-5575, info@donnellcattlecompany.com, www.donnellcattlecompany.co. Reg. Angus. Annual Wehrmann-Donnell Bull Sale in March. JULY 2011


Doom Ranch East, Jerald Doom, Route 1 312E, Blossom, TX 75416, 903/982-6530. Reg. and comm. Limousin.

Great Plains Cattle Feeders, Inc., Rt. 5, Box 73, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/578-4291, custom cattle feeding.

Double Cross Limousin, Jim Donaldson, Box 186, Allison, TX 79003, 806/375-2437. Reg. Limousin cattle.

Great Plains Cattle Feeders South, Rt. 4, Box 35, Dimmitt, TX 79027, Clay Birdwell, Ed Derrick, mgr., 806/647-3189, cattle feeding.

Double D Bar Beefmasters, Doyle or Dorothy Sanders, 28234 Bremen Rd., New Ulm, TX 78950, 979/357-2232, dsanders@industryinet.com. Reg. and comm. Beefmaster – live cattle and semen; seedstock and comm. heifers and bulls, CSS semen – domestic and international.

Grote Angus Ranch, Box 1133, Mason, TX 76856, 915/258-4656. Reg. Angus cattle.

Double U Charolais, Alton J. Oney, Rt. 5, Box 92E, Marshall, TX 75670, 903/935-3554, 120 head registered Charolais cattle. Dumas Cattle Feeders, Etter Rt., Box 96A, Dumas, TX 79029, 806/935-5541. Dunn’s Circle Dot Beefmasters, Box 13, Alice, TX 78332, Jack Dunn 512/664-6409. Elgin Breeding Service, Box 68, Elgin, TX 78621, 512/285-2019, custom semen collection and cattle fitting service. Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons, 541 State Hwy. 75N, Fairfield, TX 75840, 903/389-4394, cindyemmons@hotmail.com. Reg. Beefmaster Fischer Beefmasters, P.O. Box 1614, Gonzales, TX 78629, K.L. Fischer, 512/437-5611, reg. Beefmaster cattle; reg. Quarter Horses; coastal bermuda hay. Fitzgerald Charolais, Johnnie L. Fitzgerald, Rt. 1 Box 215, Plains, TX 79355, 806/456-8282, purebred Charolais cattle, bulls of all ages. 5M Ranch, Route 5, Box 48, Tyler, TX 75706, 903/882-6364. Reg. Longhorn. Flint Rock Feeders, LTD, P.O. Box 750, Gruver, TX 79040, 866/733-2129, frankw@ flintorockfeeders.com,www.flintrockfeeders.com. Cattle feedyard. Foster Brothers Farms, David or Jody Foster, Rt. 2, Box 36, Lockney, TX, 79241, 806/652-3351, fosterbros@att.net., www.fosterbrosfarms.net Reg. Angus, Chiangus, Simmental & SimAngus. Four B Ranch, Bill Brown, 1439 Sunshine Lane, Southlake, TX 76092, 817/488-5857. Reg. Santa Gertrudis, polled and horned cattle, show heifers for juniors. Frenzel Beefmasters, Gary J. Frenzel, 7163 FM 3117, Temple TX 76501, 254/721-2214, gary@frenzelbeefmasters.com. Reg. breeding age bulls; females. Friona Industries, L.P., Brad Stout, customer services and finance, P.O. Box 15568, Amarillo, TX 79105-5568, 800/658-6014. Five commercial feedyards in the Texas Panhandle with a one-time capacity of 193,000 head. Global Quest, Sharon or Bill Van Der Vlist, 19807 Sundance Drive, Humble, Texas 77346, 281/8522157, globalquest@networldtoday.com. Golden Harvest, P.O. Box 1504, 518 W. 7th, Dumas, TX 79029, 806/935-5298, hybrid corn, grain sorghum, forage sorghum, soybeans, alfalfa.

Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 11323 Rojas, El Paso, TX 79935, 915/598-1133, John Deere sales, service, parts. GWF Mfg. Company, www.blastersprayer.com, 405 N. Chestnut, Gainesville, TX 76240, 940/6651786, gwf@sbcglobal.net. “Blaster” agricultural sprayer, reg. Longhorn. Hales Angus Farms, Rick Hales, 27951 S. U.S. Hwy. 87, Canyon, TX 79015, 806/679-9303, halesangus@midplains.coop Reg. Angus cattle; Annual Bull Sale 3rd Sat. in March each year (3/17/12); wheat & cotton. Halfmann Red Angus, Glen Halfmann, 2501 CR 357, Miles, Texas 76861, 325/468-5391, sales@halfmannredangus.com. Reg. & comm. Red Angus; wheat, cotton, grain sorghum, sorghum silage, sorghumsudan, coastal-Bermuda grass. Hall and Hall, Monte Lyons, 7103 87th Street, Lubbock, TX 79424, 806/698-6882, mlyons@ hallandhall.com, www.hallandhall.com. Real estate brokers. Harper Cattle LLC, Mark Mitchell, 700 Highlander Blvd., Ste 500, Arlington, TX 76015 817/466-7417, irene.nowell@hayrpeesrcattle.com. Reg. cattle; reg. horses; hay. Hartsdale Polled Shorthorns, Dale Hart, 2563, Hwy. 214, Friona, TX 79035, 806/250-3871. Reg. Polled dual-purpose Shorthorns. Hartzog Angus Cattle, Roy or Trudy Hartzog, 505 FM 3333, Farwell, TX 79325, 806/825-2711, arlo22@wtrt.net. Reg. Black Angus – bulls; open and bred heifers. Henard Ranches, Box 480, Plains, TX 79355, 806/456-8848, E. Star Rt., Tatum, NM 88267, 505/398-6155. Reg./comm. Hereford cattle, reg. Quarter Horses. Hereford Feed Yards, Inc., P.O. Box 151, Hereford, TX 79045, Wade Lewis, 806/364-0172, feedlot. Heritage Equipment Co, Inc., Rowdy Young, 102 SE Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79404, 806/7454451, rowdy.young@heritageeq.com. Case, CE, and Case IH; sales, service, parts. Hi Plains Feedyard, Inc., Rt. 2, Box 29A, Friona, TX 79035, 806/295-3100. High Meadow Ranch, Jim Rosenbaum, 502 Line Dr., Gainsville, TX 76240, 940/665-0223, general358.aol.com. Reg. sheep & goats. High Plains Ranchers & Breeders, Larry Wing, P.O. Box 58, Dalhart, Tx 79022, 806/249-5505. Reg. horses; local association has production horse sale the first Sat. in May. Horses raised or owned by 20 local ranches.

Hi-Pro Feeds & Animal Health Supplies, Blake Williamson, P.O. Box 519, Friona, TX 79035, 806/250-2791, blakewilliamson@hipro.net. Livestock feed and supplies. Higgins Ranches, Ollie Higgins, Rt. 1 Box 162A, Bronte, TX 76933, 915/473-2103. Reg. Black Angus cattle. Hilltop Ranch, 5530 Rifle Range Road, Iowa Park, TX 76367, Ronnie and Sandra Waters, mgrs., 817/592-5578. Reg. Angus cattle. Hudson Livestock Supplements, Inc., Ronnie Hudson, 8193 Thompson Road, Miles, TX 76861, 325/659-3992, hudliv@aol.com. International Brangus Breeders Assn., Terri Barber, 5750 Epsilon, San Antonio, TX 78249, 210/696-8231. Reg. and comm. black Brangus – registrations, transfers, certifications, enrollments, performance and promotion. Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, Kelby Cowley, 9401 Tradewind Street, Amarillo, Texas 79118, 806/773-0785, kelby.cowley@sp.intervet.com. Reg. horses. Isa Cattle Co., Inc., Laurie or Lorenzo Lasater, P.O. Box 60327, San Angelo, TX 76906, 325/949-3763. Reg. Beefmaster & Charolais. Bull sale 10/01/11. Females private trreaty. J Bar 4 Beefmasters, Jeff M. Hairgrove, 519 C.R. 155, Alice, TX 78332, 361/664-9449. Reg. Beefmaster bulls and females. Johnson Cattle Co., Ronnie or Jay, HCR 2 Box 101B, Happy, TX 79042, 806/764-3316. Reg. Gelbvieh, Red Angus, wheat, haygrazer. JY Ranch, Inc., Bill Stovell, Box 942, Friona, TX 79035, 806/265-7393, bstov@wtrt.net. Reg. & comm. Corriente roping cattle, heifers & bulls. Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equipment Sales, Alvin Kaddatz, 535 HCR 4223, Hillsboro, TX 76645, 254/582-3000, akaddatz@yahoo.com. New & used farm equipment and parts; salvage yard. Keeton Limousin, Leonard Keeton, 10501 CR 1100, Wolfforth, TX, 79382, 806/866-9440, llkt@door.net. Reg. Limousin. Kingwood Kowboy, Larry W. Johnson. I’m Larry W. Jones from Kingwood, TX, 30 miles north of Houston. I write old-style Country/Cowboy/Western song lyrics. I call this series “Real Country Lyrics,” in the style of Hank Williams, Hank Snow, Bob Wills, Patsy Cline and the other great pioneers of country music. Five volumes of 250 songs each have been published, and volume six is nearing completion. www.pic-a-pagediscounts.com/ Real_Country_Lyrics.html. LH7 Ranches, Barker, TX 77413, and Bandera, TX 78003, Maudeen Marks, 713/492-2791 or 512/796-4314. Reg. Texas Longhorn cattle, LH7 ranch resort. Littlerobe Angus, Duane Jenkins, 11790 Co. Rd. 30, Higgins, TX 79046, 806/852-4171. Reg. Angus bulls and females; production sale Mar. 25, 2006. Lone Antler Ranch, Vic Hartman, 126 E. Los Lingos, Silverton, TX 79257, 806/847-7507. Red. fullblood Wagyu cattle; bulls for sale. Lone Star Feedyard, Bill Kimmell, mgr., P.O. Box 308, Happy, TX 79042, 806/655-7703, feedlot.


JULY 2011

Los Cuernos Ranch, Marvin F. Shurley, P.O. Box 1321, Sonora, TX 76950, 325/387-6100. Reg. and comm. goats; performance tested billies.

Nutrition Service Associates, Brent A. Berry, Ph.D. P.A.S., 310 N. Miles Ave, Hereford, Texas 79045, 80/576-7576, brentberry@amaonline.com.

Charlie Lytle, Charlie Lytle, 3905 Permian Ct., Midland, TX 79703, 432/661-5337, 432/689-7406, CharlieLytle@Grandecom.net. Pipe, tubing, rods and paint for fencing, pens and corrals.

Oak Creek Farms, John & Carolyn Kopycinski, 13750 FM 1371, Chappell Hill, Texas USA, info@ oakcreekfarms.com, home: 979/836-6832, cell: 979/251-2530. Reg., Brangus, Red Brangus, Angus, Red Angus; Forage Tested Bull Sale every October

M6 Ranch, Kevin Moore, 2929 Oak Hill Rd, Alvarado, TX 76009, 817/822-7109, m6ranch@ att.net. Reg. & Comm. Herefords and Charolais. Mabery Cattle, Hulan Mabery, 1082 CR 478, Stephenville, TX 76401, res. 254/968-7680. Reg. and comm. Angus and Chiangus. Massey Ranch, Sam G. Massey, P.O. Box 518, Wickett, TX 79788, 432/940-7720, samhereford@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. cattle. McBee Limousin, Cyndee, 417 Hwy. 2731, Rising Star, TX 76471, 254/643-7176, cktlt@earthlink. Reg. Limousin. McDonald Marketing Communications, Amy and Keith McDonald, 604 W Clinton, Dublin, TX 76446, 254/445-4333, amy.mcdonald@mmcsolutions.com. Mead Registered Angus, Regan Mead, P.O. Box 66, Hartley, TX 79044, 806/365-4204. Offering reg. Angus bulls & heifers; reg. & grade Quarter horses. Medbury Beefmasters, June Medbury, 111 Atwater Dr., San Antonio, TX 78213, 210/342-7275. Reg. Beefmaster cattle; hay. Chas. S. Middleton & Son, 1507 13th St., Lubbock, TX 79401, 806/763-5331, sam@csmandson.com. Ranch sales & appraisals; brokers in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas. Milligan Cattle Co., Scott & Bitta Milligan, Vega, TX, 806/267-0303, cell: 806/683-6435, millcattle@amaonline.com. Reg. Charolais cattle. ML Cattle, Mike Bragg, 1923 Shawnee Tr., Dalhart, TX 79022, 806/333-4486, mlcattle@mlcattle.com , www.mlcattle.com. Reg & comm. horned Hereford cattle. Mockingbird Hill Herefords, Jack Chastain, P.O. Box 516, Mineral Wells, TX 76067, 817/821-3544, jackchastain@sbcglobal.net. Reg. & comm. Hereford. M-6 Cattle Feeders, Inc., P.O. Box 310, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/578-4325, feedyard. Mur-Tex Co., P.O. Box 31240, Amarillo, TX 79110, 800/299-7418. Fiberglass stock tanks, storage tanks and potable water tanks. Delivery available. Dean Newberry Real Estate, Dean Newberry, P.O. Box 966, 108 E. Third St., Hereford, TX 79045, 806/364-4042, dnre@wtrt.net. Real estate – farm & ranch, CRP land, dairy locations. Bill E. Newman Real Estate, Bill E. Newman, Box 811, Guymon, OK 73942, 806/676-8599, 580/3383823. Marketing farms & ranches – OK, KS, TX North Camp Ranch, Inc., Ken Scott, P.O. Box 1592, Bowie, TX 76230, 940/841-3111, scottcattle@comcell.net. Comm. Angus Brangus. Producer & seller of Angus & Brangus females. Nutrition Plus, LLP, Dan Pucket, 5055 White Fence Rd., Canyon, TX 79015, 806/290-4089, dpuckett@amaonline.com, www.nutritionplus.biz. Range mineral; feedlot cattle.

Olson Cattle Co., Steve Olson, Box 590, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/647-2698, sg_olson@live.com. Reg. & comm. Angus. O7 Ranch, Tommy Burrus, Box 1090, Plains, TX 79355, 575/398-6137. Comm. Hereford & Corriente; reg. Quarter horses. Otten Cattle, Lloyd Otten, Larry Otten and Dale Hopkins, El Paso, TX 79997, 915/559-9101. Outfront Cattle Service, Dennis Adams, P.O. Box 10590, College Station, TX 77842, 979/229-4472, dennis@outfrontcattle.com. Charolais sales management. Paco Feed Yard, Ltd., Feller Hughs, P.O. Box 956, Friona, TX 79035, 806/265-3281, pacofeedyard@wtrt.net. Comm. cattle; full service cattle feedyard. Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, 2503 4th Avenue, Canyon, TX 79015, 806/651-2244, http://www.panhandleplains.org. Texas’ largest history museum.

Ranch Land Co., Leon Nance, 430 W. Beauregard Ave., San Angelo, TX 76903, 325/658-8978, ranches@ranchlandco.com, agri-real estate – broker in NM, TX & OK. Continually licensed since 1964.

Ranch Magazine, P.O. Box 2678, San Angelo, TX 76902, 915/655-4434. Keeping current on the sheep, Angora goat and cattle industries. Ranch Management Program, Texas Christian University, James E. Link, director, 3200 Stadium Dr., Ft. Worth, TX 76129, 817/921-7145, education. Rancho Espuela Limousin, Jim and Kelie Dyer, HC 74, Box 146, Ft. Davis, TX 79734, 432/426-3435; James and Jan Dyer, Box 1009, Ft. Davis, TX 79734, 432/426-3336, www.bigbendtrailers.com. Ranch-raised and range-ready Reds, Blacks and Polled, plus Limousin-Angus hybrid heifer bulls. Free delivery to San Angelo, Texas and Roswell, N.M. Since 1968. Se habla español. Red Angus Assn. of America, Greg Comstock, Ex. Sec., 4201 I-35 North, Denton, TX 76207-3415, 940/387-3502. National registration/membership for the Red Angus breed. Red Bluff Buckles, P.O. Box 53, Ivanhoe, TX 75447, 903/583-7973, www.redbluffbuckles.com, twister@fanninelectric.com. Trophy buckles, gifts and accessories. Rocking Chair R Ranch, Debbie Hester, P.O. Box 1064, Gainesville, TX 76241, 940/665-7983, Longhorn cattle.

Perma Graphics, Virden Perma-Bilt, P.O. Box 7160 NMS, Amarillo, TX 79109, 806/352-2761. Windmill cylinder barrels.

Rodeo Sport Tours, Frank , 108 Park Ridge, Boerne, TX 78006, 830/336-3634, frank@rodeotours.com.

Perryton Feeders, Inc., Rt. 2, Box 74, Perryton, TX 79070, 806/435-5466. Feedlot, 26,000-head capacity.

Round Water Troughs, Brian Booher, El Paso, TX, 915/859-6843. cell: 915/539-7781. Steel water troughs.

Pine Ridge Ranch, Bill Travis, 9876 Plano Rd., Dallas, TX 75238, 214/360-0990, billtravis@bigplanet.com. Reg. Simbrah. Pioneer Water Tanks, 650 Century Plaza Drive (Suite D100), Houston, Texas, 77073, 1-866/9844040, sales@pwtusa.com, www.pwtusa.com. Unique water storage systems developed in Australia. Priddy Construction Co., Jeryl Priddy, 7201 CR 406, Winters, TX 79567, 325/977-0769, jcp7201@aol.com. Cattleguards. Pronger Brothers, Stratford, TX 79084, 806/7694474 or 4473. Reg. Herefords. Dan Pucket, Canyon, TX. Livestock range nutrition, supplements. Quality Genetics, Tim Head, FM 2017, P.O. Box 1380, Van Horn, TX 79855, 432/284-9664, qgra@hughes.net. Reg. Red Angus – bulls & females. Rabo Agri Finance, Brad Cottrell, P.O. Box 8305, Amarillo, TX 79114, 806/353-4024, bradcottrell@raboag.com. Operating and real estate loans.

RR Ranch, Robert R. Petty, Jr., 1502 CR 126, Nolan, TX 79537, 915/798-3467. Reg. Angus, annual bull sale (call for date). Cotton, wheat, grain sorghum, sudan hay. Running Arrow Farm, Sandy Martin, P.O. Box 271, Wellington TX 79095; www.runningarrowfarm.com; 806/205-1235, sales@runningarrowfarm.com. Reg. Texas Longhorns; reg. Tennessee Walking horses; Registered seedstock - weaned calves and foals. Semen available for both reg. & comm. use. Nolan Ryan Exhibit Center, Judy Blunck, 2925 S. Hwy. 35, Alvin, TX 77511, 281/388-1134. 2,500 sq. ft. exhibit showcasing the life and career of Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan. Santa Gertrudis Breeders Int’l., Ervin Kaatz, Exec. Dir., P.O. Box 1257, Kingsville, TX 78364, 361/592-9357 ekaatz.sgbi@sbcglobal.net. Breed registry for Santa Gertrudis cattle. Schoenfeld Charolais, Sharon Schoenfeld or Shelly Loessberg, P.O. Box 1117, Alpine, TX 78861, 915/ 837-1875. Reg. Charolais bulls and heifers for sale.

Rampley Beefmasters, J.O. Rampley, P.O. Box 189, Silverton, TX 79257, 806/277-0540, rampleybeefmaster@hotmail.com. Reg. Beefmaster cattle – heifers, bulls, breeding stock.

Scott Cattle Co., Ben G. Scott, Rt. 4 Box 9-K, Dimmitt, TX 79027, 806/647-4375 day or night. Comm. feeder cattle, #1s or better off wheat, May 15-June 10 delivery.

Dwight Rampley Beefmasters, Dwight Rampley, 18091 FM 47, Wills Point, TX 75169, 903/873-2608. Reg. Beefmaster cattle, pairs, open heifers, bulls for sale.

Scott Land Co., Ben G. Scott/Krystal M. Nelson, 1301 Front St., Dimmitt, TX 79027, scottland@ amaonline.com, 806/647-4375. Real estate broker – ranches, farms, feedyards and elevators. JULY 2011


Scott Tractor & Equipment, Weldon Preston, 102 SE Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79404, 806/745-4451, farm tractors, wheel loaders, skid loaders, manure spreaders, hay equipment.

Summerour Hereford Ranch, Johnny Summerour, 4438 FM 3212, Dalhart, TX 79022, 806/384-2110. Reg. and comm. cattle. Wheat, corn, maize. Bull and Heifer Sale Sept. 26, 2009.

Nathan Segal & Co., Murray H. Kalmin, P.O. Box 272189, Houston, TX 77277-2189, 713/621-2000, murrayk@nathansegal.com. Feed ingredients.

Sunshine Trailers, Paul Jenkins, 10846 FM 2589, Dumas, TX 79029, 806/570-8904, pjjenkiins@ hotmail.com. Authorized dealer for PJ Trailers, Sundowner Trailers; overnight horse motel; monthly horse boarding.

Shady Acre Farm, Colston and Son, Rt. 4, Box 42, Floydada, TX 79235, Angus cattle. Shallow Creek Charolais, Dennis Adams, P.O. Box 39, Madisonville, TX 77864, 409/348-5360. Reg. Charolais, bulls for purebred and commercial. Silverthorne Investments, Craig B. Silverthorne, P.O. Box 10, Plainview, TX 79072, 806/296-6378. Ranch loans. 450 cows; cotton; wheat. Slash Seven Angus, McFarland C. Osborn, Rt. 2 Box 33, Friona, TX 79035. Reg. Angus, low birth weight reg. bulls, high weaning weight. \ s (Slash Triangle) Ranch, Bob Jones, Box 599, Dell City, TX 79837, 505/963-2845, comm. cattle. Slaughter Ranch, David or Dub Slaughter, P.O. Box 301, Sheffield, TX 79781, 915/836-4431 or 915/836-4425. Reg. and comm. Charolais bulls, Salers bulls; reg. Boer goats, South African genetics, breeding services. Smith Pipe, Danny Smith, 6203 ECR 120, Midland, TX 79706, 432/557-6784, dsmith2@smithbrospipe.com. Structural pipe. Snodgress Cattle Co., Randy Snodgress, 2200 CR 705, Joshua, TX 76058, 817/556-8245, rsnod@sbcglobal.net. Reg. Santa Gertrudis; reg. Quarter horses. Southern Star Ranch, Michael & Claudia Sander, 1807 Forest Land, Weslaco, TX 78596, 956/968-9650, 968-4528, msanders@rgv.rr.com. Reg. Red Angus. Southwest Ag Insurance Services, Tim Young, P.O. Box 408, Claude, TX 79019, 806/226-2319, tim@youngag.com. Insurance. Southwest Dairy Museum, Inc., Jim Hill or Carolyn McKinney, P.O. Box 936, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483, 903/439-6455, mckinney@ southwestdairyfarmers.com. Southwest Exposition & Livestock Show (Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo), W.R. Watt, Jr., Pres./Mgr. P.O. Box 150, Ft. Worth, TX 76101, 817/877-2400, www.fwssr.com. The oldest, continuously held livestock show in the nation. Southwest Feedyards Ltd., P.O. Box 873, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/258-7291. Custom cattle feeding, stocker and feeder cattle procurement. State Fair of Texas Pan-American Livestock Exposition®, www.bigtex.com, livestock@bigtex.com, P.O. Box 150009, Dallas, TX 75315, 214/421-8723. Reg. cattle, sheep; reg. and comm. swine. Joe Stubblefield & Associates, Joe Stubblefield, 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX., 806/622-3482, cell 806/674-2062, joes3@suddenlink.net. Michael Perez Associates, Nara Visa, NM 575/403-7970. Ag Land Loans as low as 3%, payments scheduled on 25 years.


JULY 2011

Supreme Feed Mills, Marilyn Johnston or Richard Davis, Box 520, Slaton, TX 79364, 806/828-6511. Cottonseed cake. Sweetlix LLC, Bruce Butler, Canyon, TX, 806/922-3680. Rumensin blocks, Bloat Guard blocks, loose minerals for cattle; minerals and blocks for sheep; minerals and blocks for horses. T & S Trip Hopper Feeders, Jim Taylor, P.O. Box 336, Jermyn, TX 76459, 940/342-2005. Trip Hopper automatic cattle feeders. Call for dealership near you. T6 Cattle, Toni Kester, Box 394, Grandfalls, TX 79742, 915/547-2926. Reg. Angus and Tarentaise. Tex-Mex Feedyard, P.O. Box 296, Clint, TX 79836, David Dean, 915/851-2602. Texas Brangus Breeders Assn., Buck Thomason, 5750 Epsilon, San Antonio, TX 78249, 210/5580800. Reg. Brangus. Texas Cattle Feeders Assn. Burt Rutherford, 5501 I-40 West, Amarillo, TX 79106, info@tcfa.org, 806/358-3681. Texas Christian University Ranch Management Program, Kerry Cornelius, P.O. Box 297420, Ft. Worth, TX 76129, 817/257-7145, k.cornelius@tcu.edu Education. Texas Goat Flock, Marvin Shurley, P.O. Box 1321, Sonora, TX 76950, 915/387-6100. Reg. and comm. Boer and meat goats, show wethers, breeding stock, replacement stock, sales, leasing, quality animals. Texas Hereford Assn., Jack Chastain, 4609 Airport Frwy., Ft. Worth, TX 76117, 817/831-3161, email: texashereford@sbcglobal.net, www.texashereford.org. Reg. and comm. Hereford cattle.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Tru-Test, Inc., Brandon Schweiss, 528 Grant Rd., Mineral Wells, TX 76067, 800/874-8494, sales-usa@ trutest.com. Digital livestock scales; electric fencing; water trough valves. Tru-Test, Inc./Speedrite, Cris Larson, 11915 Starcrest Dr., San Antonio, TX 78247, 800/874-8494. Tru-Test livestock scales; Speedrite electric fence. Tulia Feedlot, Inc., John Van Pelt, 7405 FM 928, Tulia, TX 79088, 806/668-4731. Feedyard. Wagon Wheel Beefmasters, 2001 Gulf Ave., Midland, TX 79705, Fred Gist, ofc. 915/682-3120, ranch 512/752-3379, Beefmaster cattle. Walsh Ranches, Lewis H. Marshall, 151 Walsh Dr., Aledo, TX 76008, 817/441-8123. Charolais, Charbray. Watts TD Beefmasters, Rt. 2, Box 118, Wellington, TX 79095, Tanja and Danny Watts, 806/447-2696. Reg. Beefmaster cattle. Wehrmann-Donnell Bull Sale, Abilene, TX; www.donnellcattlecompany.com; info@ donnellcattlecompany.com. Call Richard McClung Jr., 505/896-6545 or Tommy Donnell, 940/362-4555. Reg. Angus, annual sale in March. Welps Hoof Service, Inc., John Welps, 1705 CR 530, Tulia, TX 79088, 806/683-4245, welpshoofservice@hotmail.com. Ranch, dairy, show ring – cattle hoof trimming. Wendt Ranch, Dan Wendt, 5473 FM 457, Bay City, TX 77414, 979/245-5100. Reg. Santa Gertrudis. Wes-Tex Feed Yards, Inc., P.O. Box 425, Muleshoe, TX 79347, Wayne Tunnell, 806/272-7555. Cattle feeding. Western Feedyards, Inc., Box 1663, Hereford, TX 79045.

Texas Limousin Assn., P.O. Box 239, Crowley, TX 76036, 817/297-2462, breed organization.

Westway Feed Products, LLC., Gary Range, 14105 Park Dr. Ste. 217, Tomball, TX 77377, 325/665-1721, garyr@westway.com. Liquid supplements and supplement blocks for beef/dairy cattle.

Texas Longhorn Breeders Assn. of America, 2315 N. Main, Suite 402, Ft. Worth, TX 76106, Don L. King, president/CEO, 817/625-6241, tlbaa@tlbaa.org. Registered Texas Longhorns.

Whitten Cattle, Earl or Bret Whitten, P.O. Box 40, Bovina, Texas 79009, 806/251-1669, 806/225-7074, fivestar@wtrt.net. Reg. Angus hybrids (Chiangus).

Texas Range Minerals, Inc. Gerry Cates, P.O. Box 773, Albany, TX 76430, 325/762-2100, 800/8843779, gcates@TRMinerals.com. Custom formulated range minerals since 1993.

White Herefords, Beau White, P.O. Box 1484, Marfa, TX 79843, 915/467-2421. Reg./comm. Herefords.

Thorne Cattle Co., Bill Thorne, P.O. Box 1057, Dalhart, TX 79022, 806/244-4521, thornect@xit.net, www.clubcalves.com. Reg. Maine-Anjou cattle. Tri-State Cattle Feeders, Inc., Steve Sims, P.O. Box 1682, Hereford, TX 79045, 806/364-4030, steve@sims-kirk.com. Custom cattle feeding — offering competitive modern options.

J.E. White, Jr. & Sons, J.E. White, Jr., P.O. Box 995, Marfa, TX, 915/729-4334. Reg. and comm. Herefords, stocker and replacement cattle. Whitten Chiangus, Earl F. Whitten, Box 40, Bovina, TX 79009, 806/238-1669. Reg. Chiangus. Wilkens Trailers, Tony Wilkens, 1315 Andy Taylor Rd., Plainview, TX 79072, 806/291-9255, tony@wilkenstrailers.com. Walking Floor and chain/v-bottom live floor trailers; sales – new and used, rentals; service.

W.I.N. REALTY, Myrl Goodwin, 6101 W. Country Club Rd., Canyon, TX 79015, 806/655-7171, mgoodwinrealty@msn.com. Wing Bros. Quarter Horses, Larry Wing, #18 Southpark, Dalhart, TX 79022, 806/249-2402. Reg. horses for sale; standing stallions for breeding; home bred and raised horses offered at public auction in May and August. W.W. Williams, Doug Drake, 2602 S. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009, 800/944-7375. Diesel engines, generators, water and hydraulic pumps. Covering Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas. www.bobwills.com, Dwight Adair, 11511 Queens Way, Austin, TX 78759, 512/431-0679, dadair2@austin.rr.com XIT Weekend Horse Sale, Moss Wing, P.O. Box 58, Dalhart, TX 79022, 806/249-5505. Reg. and comm. horse sale held annually on Sunday of XIT Rodeo and Reunion. First 150 head of guaranteed horses. Zinpro Performance Minerals, 4409 Chandler Dr., Amarillo, TX 79109, 806/358-3936, ttatom@zinpro.com. Trace minerals for livestock.



CJ Beefmasters, R.D. Campbell, 1535 W 250 So., P.O. Box 269, Wellington, UT 84542, 435/637-3746. Reg. Beefmaster; alfalfa, sorghum, corn, grain. Evans Beefmasters, Mark G. Evans, P.O. Box 177, Enterprise, Utah 84725, 435/878-2655 or 878-2355. Reg. Beefmasters. Johansen Herefords, Craig Johansen, P.O. Box 487, Castle Dale, UT 84513, 455/381-2523, jt@etu.net. Reg. horned Hereford. Utah Beef Improvement Assn., C. Kim Chapman, 250 N. Main, Richfield, UT 84701-2158, 435/8930474. Central Utah All-Breeds Bull test, reg. cattle.

Larson Century Ranch, Inc., Rick, P.O. Box 1982, Clarkson, WA 99403, 208/791-6121, sales@larsoncentury ranch.com. Brahma Angus X; hay; LCREcoMiracle Ag Wash, LCR Paste Plus.

Largent and Sons, Mark or Cathy, P.O. Box 66, Kaycee, WY 82639, 307/738-2443, largentandsons@yahoo.com. Reg. Herefords — bulls and heifers.

Munks Manufacturing, Inc., Cathy Munks, 9587 March’s Point Rd., Anacortes, WA 98221-9628, 800/377-9459. Livestock equipment.

Malm Ranch, Andy Malm, P.O. Box 55, Albin, WY 82050, 307/246-3415. Reg. Herefords.



Merricks, Inc., P.O. Box 307, Middleton, WI 53562, 608/831-3440. Milk replacement for lambs and calves.



Washington Bodie, Bonifacio Dominguez, Clarkston, WA, 509/758-0447, www.soundclick.com/bodie, www.myspace.com/bodiedominguez, bdominguez2001@yahoo.com. Performer with 35+ yrs. experience; cowboy poetry & music; cowboy gatherings as a performer, promoter, sound, and radio personality; do CD reviews for three magazines.

Oteco Mfg., LCC, www.OTECOMFG.com, Jim Stevenson, 82 Rainbow Rd., Wheatland, WY 82201, 307/322-3373. Wheel track fillers for your center pivot ruts. Ranch-Way Feed Mills, Inc., Jack W. Settlemire, Jr., P.O. Box 2026, Fort Collins, CO 80522, 800 /3337929, Ranch-O-Blocks, Ranch-O-Minerals, Ranch-O-Lyx Tubs, Range Cake, Calf Creep, All-American Horse Feeds, 4-H and FFA Show Feeds.


W.W. Ritchie, 13 Canal Road, Buffalo, WY 82834, 307/684-2494. Reg. and comm. Hereford and Simmental.

Bauman Charolais, Rd. 156, Box 55, Carpenter, WY 82054, 307/649-2443. Reg. Charolais cattle, wheat, alfalfa, corn.

Shamrock Angus, 250 Dalles Land, Laramie, WY 307/745-6427, www.ShamrockAngus.com. Reg. Angus annual sale in March.

Beckton Red Angus, 37 Beckton Drive, Sheridan, WY 82801, 307/674-6095. Reg. Red Angus.

Taylor Angus Ranch, 335 Carrol Lake Rd., Laramie, WY 82070, 307/745-6427. Reg. Angus.

Blevins Mfg. Co., Inc., Kevin Bryant, 615 Ferguson Rd., Wheatland, WY 82201, 307/322-2190. Stirrup buckle manufacturer.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corporation, Robert D. Bergstem, President, 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Booth’s Cherry Creek Ranch, Inc., Rt. 1, Box 85, Veteran, WY 82243, 307/837-2510. Angus breeder. Colorado State University Beef Improvement Center, Star Route Box 18, Saratoga, WY 82331, 307/327-5339. Comm. Angus cattle, hay/native and alfalfa, not for sale. Sale of bulls, bred heifers and bred cows. Kail Land & Livestock, Richard Kail, Box 981, Conchas, NM 88416, 505/641-5256, 150 Rd. 5 N, Powell, WY 82435, 307/754-5574. Reg. Angus, Romagnola and RomAngus.

Western States Beefmaster Marketing Group, P.O. Box 248, Santa Ynez, CA 93460, Pamela Ewing, sec./treas., 805/688-5366. Promoting and marketing of BBU reg. Beefmasters in the western states. Yardley Cattle Co., Gib Yardley, Box 288, Beaver, UT 84713, 435/438-2424. Reg. Black Simmental, Black Maine-Anjou, Black Angus; reg. roan & buckskin Quarter horses, black Tabiano paints. 185 Bulls Sell, March 13, 2010.

MJ Cattle Company, Mark & Jennifer Peterson, P.O. Box 338, Encampment, WY 82325, 307/761-3331, mjcattle@gmail.com, www.mjcattle.com. High altitude, quality, fullblood, purebred and percentage Braunvieh cattle.

Wagonhound Land & Livestock Co, Rita Hunsucker, 1061 Poison Lake Road, Douglas, WY 82633, 307/358-3413, www.wagonhound.com. Reg. Quarter Horses. Standing NCHA Champion WR This Cats Smart.

US Beef Breeds


BEEFMASTERS R.D. and PEGGY CAMPBELL P.O. Box 269 • 1535 West 250 South Wellington, UT 84542

US Beef Breeds

The American Galloway Breeders Association, www.AmericanGalloway.com, email: AGBA@midrivers.com, 517/627-22310. Herdbook data is available at the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation www.circ.com. The Answer is Galloway: moderate framed, feed efficient, highly maternal, low BW, resistant/immune to brisket disease; ideal for traditional or grassfed programs. Get your cowherd working for you again. The question is: What are you waiting for?

435/637-3746 Cell 435/636-5797 JULY 2011


615,099 1,169 square miles median, 8.1’’ October 30 April 14 5,311 ft. Albuquerque 154,590 acres with 17,225 acres BLM and 76,860 acres Forest Service 32,201 acres 222,527 acres 338,842 acres 0 acres surface: 6,810 acres; ground: 360 acres; surface & ground: 3,460 acres 243-1386

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent







Milk Cows

3,000 RANKS

19 *


Rio Rancho Paradise Hills







Sandia Heights North Valley Sandia Park 25

Los Ranchos de Albuquerque


Armijo 40

South Valley Pajarito Isleta






www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO! ©2009 National Geographic ®


JULY 2011


Counties Bernalillo

Corazon Cattle Co., LLC, Paul Donisthorpe, 10439 4th St., NW, Alameda, NM 87114, 505/228-5735. Reg. and Comm. Santa Gertrudis.

ADM Alliance Nutrition, Jakie Ford, Bosque Farms, NM, 505/869-3390. Sales agent.

Coyote Springs Traders, Robbie Craig, P.O. Box 13132, Albuquerque, NM 87192, 505/271-0379, robbie@thinkcoyote.com. Custom-made boots, hats, buckles, spurs, bits and saddles.


ADM Alliance Nutrition, Dr. T.D. (Dusty) Rich, Albuquerque, NM, 505/293-3032. Beef cattle nutritionist. Adobe Truck & Equipment LLC, Ian Hurley, 6613 Edith Blvd. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505/3422566, ihurley@adobete.com. AG New Mexico ACA, 19554 Highway 314, Belen, NM 87002, 1-800/722-4769, lnewton@farmcreditbank.com. Agricultural production loans and various real estate financing products. Alamo Farm, Blair Darnell, P.O. Box 1239, Corrales, NM 87048, 505/898-0768. Reg. Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses. Albuquerque Hilton, 1901 University Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505/884-2500. Hotel accommodations and fine dining. Meeting and convention services.

Joe Delk, Mesilla Park, NM, 505/644-3082. ADM Sales Agent. Diesel Motive & Fuel Injection Inc., Charles Noble, 620 Industrial Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/345-3581, dieselmotive@msn.com. Generator sets, diesel parts, Deutz, Perkins, Lister-Petter, Lombardini, Baldwin filters, Racor filters. Direct Power & Water, Chris Karsa, 4000 Vassar Dr., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 800/260-3792, chrisk@directpower.com. Dolan & Associates Attorneys, Dan Dolan, P. E., 5801 Osuna NE, Suite 106, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/883-1266, cell 269-2056, dan@lobo.net. Legal services for ranchers & producers; defense of envir. claims; BLM & FS claims; water rights; due diligence.

R.L. Cox Fur & Hide, Mike Goodson, P.O. Box 25321, Albuquerque, N.M. 87125, 505/242-4980. Leather and hides.

Domenici Law Firm, P.C., 320 Gold Ave, SW, Ste. 100, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505/883-6250. Law firm specializing in land, water, public land, mineral and environmental law.

DairyMAX, Jan Newquist, P.O. Box 2188, Tijeras, NM 87059, 505/286-1686. Generic dairy promotion services, including nutrition education, school food service consultation, and industry relations.

DPN Solar, Chris Karsa, 4000 Vassar Dr., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 800/260-3792, dirpowdd@directpower.com. Solar electric well water pumping & solar systems for ranches and log cabins.

Dan’s Boots & Saddles, 6903 4th St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/345-2220. Feed, animal health products, livestock equipment, Western and English tack, western wear, boots.

Farm Credit Services of New Mexico, 5651 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy. NE, P.O. Box 94330, Albuquerque, NM 87113-2164, 800/451-5997. New Mexico’s full service ag lender providing ag real estate loans, operating loans, equipment and livestock loans, crop hail and multi-peril insurance to N.M.’s farmers and ranchers. Located in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Roswell, Clovis and Tucumcari.

Davis Farms/Coronado Cattle Co., Keller and Anna Fay Davis, Box 3035, Bernalillo, NM 87004, home 505/867-5571, farm 505/867-5754, mobile 505/263-6732.

Fred S. Anaya, CPA, 1501 3rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505/842-8524. Accountant. Black Cattle Ranch, LLC, Randy White, 9007 Washington NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505/856-0056. Comm. Hereford and Angus cattle; feeder calves. Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico, P.O. Box 27630, Albuquerque, NM 87125-7630, for group insurance call: 800/672-9700, for individual call, 866/445-1396. Health insurance plans including dental, life and disability. Capital Realty, Howard McCall, 133 Eubank NE, Suite 6, Albuquerque, NM 87123, 505/296-0979, real estate sales. Cattlegrowers Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194. Non-profit foundation supporting activities that enhance your operation and industry. Chuck Stocks, president, 505/243-9515 x23, chuck@aaalivestock.com. Don Chalmers Ford, Dina Kotovsky, 2500 Rio Rancho Blvd., Rio Rancho, NM 87124, cell. 505/ 259-6215, 888/897-2500 ext. 314, DCFSales@ aol.com, Kotovsky@ Worldnet.att.net. Commercial/fleet sales and leasing, new and pre-owned vehicles. Chilili Angus, Geomy Pohl, P.O. Box 1159, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/832-4052. Reg. Angus cattle. Coldwell Banker Legacy, A.C. Taylor, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/ 792-7676, actaylor@nmland.com, www.nmland.com. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

R.L. Cox Fur & Hide Co.

COME ON IN! We have the best prices on leather for any type of project!

Garments Chaps Saddles and More We are conveniently located just south of Lomas at: 708 FIRST NW • ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY • 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

505/242-4980 JULY 2011


Bernalillo County


Farm Credit Services of New Mexico, Shacey Sullivan, 5651 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy. NE, P.O. Box 94330, Albuquerque, NM 87199, 505/880-1048, www.farmcredit.com. Ag lender. Golden Equipment Co., Craig Hill, 721 Candelaria NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/345-7811, chill@goldenequipment.com. Construction and ag equipment, sales, parts and service. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Jimmie C. Hall, 13008 Gray Hills Rd., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111, cell 505/681-4255, office 505/294-6178, jimmiehall@aol.com. Farm & ranch consulting; youth development; political campaign consulting. Hilton Inn Albuquerque, 1901 University Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, NM, 505/884-2500. Hotel and meeting accommodations. Holiday Travel Trailer Sales, Inc., Andrew S. Aragon, 11810 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123, 505/294-8280, hl101@aol.com. Travel trailers – new, used – RV parts & service.

McCall Land & Cattle Co., Howard McCall, 1524 Eubank NE, Suite 5, Albuquerque, NM 87112, 505/296-3434. Reg. Limousin and Maine, reg. swine, pumpkins and alfalfa.

New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches, 6209 Hendrix Rd., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505/881-3363. Group home, education, counseling, foster care, older child adoption, parenting classes.

Metal Depots, Bud Hoffman, 8316 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105, 800/677-2524, bhoffman@ncilp.com.

New Mexico Cattle Growers Assn., 2231 Rio Grande NW, P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194, 505/247-0584.

Mesa Tractor, Inc., Pat Hopkins, 3826 4th St., NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/344-1631. Kubota products and other tractor, loader, utility vehicles — service, sales and parts.

New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Health Insurance Plan Admin., Robert L. Homer, 5600 Wyoming NE, Ste. 150A, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/828-9690. Group and individual health insurance, estate planning services, low-cost term life insurance, business planning, long-term care.

Mountains & Rivers Earthworks, LLC, Max Cordova or Gwendolyn Pirtle, P.O. Box 25965, Albuquerque, NM 87125, 505/459-5047, mountainsandriversearthworks@yahoo.com. Earth moving of all kinds including pond, stock tank and dam construction and repair; erosion and flood control; road construction and repair; land clearing and land leveling; “nuisance” plant removal; rock excavation. New Mexico Beef Council, Dina Reitzel, Executive Director, 1209 Mountain Rd. Pl. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110, 505/841-9407, www.nmbeef.com. Becky Smith.

Kinetic Improvement Inc., Patrick W. Pickett, PO Box 16103, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87191-6103, 505/298-8842, info@kineticimprovement.com. Koll Trailers, Inc., Ronnie Koll, 1001 Prosperity SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105, 505/873-8400, kolltrailers@msn.com. Sales of horse, livestock, utility & cargo trailers – complete service. Filson livestock equipment. La Gloria Cattle Company, Manny & Hayley Encinas, 29 Truman Dr., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-3393, 505/927-7935, lagloriacattleco@hotmail.com. Angus bulls and females – easy fleshing, performance and eye appeal; combining the most proven grass-based genetics from LGCC, OCC, Duff and Manzano Angus. LG Genetics, Manny & Hayley Encinas, 29 Truman Dr., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-3393, 505/9277935, lggenetics@hotmail.com. Custom AI breeding services; semen available on top AI services; synchronization and AI supplies, AI training; reproductive ultrasound services; pregnancy diagnosis. Maloy Mobile Storage, Inc., Mary Beth Maloy, 535 Comanche Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, maloystorage@maloystorage.com, 505/344-6123. Sell and rent storage containers and trailers.

New Mexico Livestock Board, Myles Culbertson, Director, 300 San Mateo, NE; Ste. 1000, Albuquerque, NM 87108, myles.culbertson@state.nm.us, 505/841-6161. Reg. cattle, comm. cattle, reg. sheep, comm. sheep, reg. horses, reg. swine. New Mexico Mortage Co., Inc., Adam Consiglio, 6303 Indian School Rd. NW, #104, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505/292-3200. Farm, ranch and rural residence financing.

Robert L. Homer & Associates, LLC., Bob Homer, 5600 Wyoming Blvd. NE #150A, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/828-9690, rhomer@finsvcs.com. Financial planning, health insurance, life insurance. Horsemen’s Feed & Supply, Jim Owens, 8812 2nd St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, 505/792-8225. Feed, health products, tack, clothing, panels, tanks and saddles.

New Mexico Horsebreeders Assn., Anna Fay Davis, P.O. Box 36869, Albuquerque, NM87176, 505/262-0224, www.nmhorsebreeders.com. Reg. horses. Official registry for racing NM Bred Thoroughbreds and Quarter horses.



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Fred S. Anaya

New Mexico Paint Horse Club, Kathy O’Neal, President, P.O. Box 1088, Corrales, NM 87048, phone 505/688-0221, email: kathy@liverytraining.com website: www.nmpainthorse.org . Registered American Paint Horses. NM affiliate of American Paint Horse Association, offering horse shows and clinics. New Mexico Organic Commodity Commission, Joan Quinn, 4001 Indian School NE, Suite 310, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505/841-9067, joan.quinn@state.nm.us. New Mexico Quarter Horse Association, Toni Miller, www.nmqha.com. Reg. American Quarter horses. NM affiliate of AQHA. Offering shows, futurities, activites for horses of all breeds. New Mexico Quarter Horse Assoc. Breeders Futurity, Berniece Zielke, 6655 Coors Blvd. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87121, 505/861-2164, lhrramorris@juno.com, website: www.nmqha.com. New Mexico State Fair – Expo New Mexico, Melissa Shaw, 300 San Pedro, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108, 505/222-9732, melissa.shaw@state.nm.us. Cattle – Reg. Angus, Hereford, Red Angus, Santa Gertrudis, Texas Longhorn, all other breeds. Sheep – Reg. & comm. Dorset, Columbia, Hampshire, Mutton breeds, Rambouillet, Suffolk, wool breeds and others. Horses – Reg. Paint, Pinto, Appaloosa, Buckskin, Quarter horse, miniature horses, Arabian, Saddlebred, Hackney ponies, Morgan, other disciplines, 4-H, carriage driving, mules, donkeys, hunter/jumper, all breeds. Swine – Poland, China, Spotted Poland, Duroc, Hampshire, Chester White/Landrace, Yorkshire, all other breeds & classes.

Mass Mutual, 5600 Wyoming NE, Ste. 150-A, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/828-9690. Life insurance, estate planning.

New Mexico Veterinary Diagnostic Services, 700 Camino de Salud, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505/841-2576. Veterinary diagnostic laboratory services.

McCall Auction Service, 133 Eubank NE, Suite 6, Albuquerque, NM 87123, 505/296-0979. Auctioneer services for real estate, farm and ranch brokers and registered cattle sale management.

New Mexico Wool Growers, Inc., P.O. Box 7520, Albuquerque, NM 87194, www.nmagriculture.org, 505/247-0584, fax 505/ 842-1766. Trade organization for New Mexico’s sheep industry.


JULY 2011

Bernalillo County


Oñate Feed Co., LLC, 8000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105, 505/877-0410. Manufacture and market Oñate feed for all classes of livestock. Victor Perez Ranch, Leroy and Mercedes Cravens, 1124 Wade Cir. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112, 505/299-2214. Comm. cow-calf Herefords, yearling Hereford cross. Comm. Rambouillet sheep; beef, lamb and wool. Plains Electric Cooperative, P.O. Box 6551, Albuquerque, NM 87197, 505/889-7306. Electric generation. Geomy Pohl, P.O. Box 1159, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/832-4052. Reg. Angus. Prospect Mortgage, John M. Heckendorn, Branch Manager, 9201 Montgomery Blvd., Suite 405, Albuquerque, NM 87111; 505/299-2840, ext. 1 Direct; 505/379-8212 cell; 1-866/698-6229 fax; email: jheckendorn@prospectmtg.com, on the web: www.MSUNewMexico.com. Ranchers Livestock Auction, Terry Waggoner, 7715 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105, 505/877-0723. Livestock auction. Saturday sales day.

USDA-APHIS-Animal Damage Control, 10304 Candelaria NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/766-3474. USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services, Alan May, State Director, 8441 Washington St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505/346-2640, alan.may@aphis.usda.gov USDA Farm Service Agency, Rick Lopez, 6200 Jefferson NE, Ste. 211, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/761-4900, rick.lopez@nm.usda.gov. USDA Farm Service Agency, Salomon Ramirez, 6200 Jefferson NE Suite 211, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, 505/761-4900, salomon.ramirez@nm.usda.gov. Vigil’s Saddle Shop, 8008 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, 505/898-1489. Westly Wellborn CPA LLC, Westly Wellborn, 1401 Central Ave NW, Ste B, Albuquerque, NM 87104, 505/843-7801, westly@wellborncpa.com. Wells Fargo Bank, 200 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505/765-5000.

Catron County


Bissey Valley, Larry Bissey, P.O. Box 622, Pie Town, NM 87827, 575/772-2521, dcb45@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. Texas Longhorns. Brown’s Back O Beyond, Sibyl G. Brown, Reserve, NM 87830, 505/533-6249. Comm. Black Angus. Bruce Brown, Box 302, Datil, NM 87821, 575/7725766. Feed sales and delivery; livestock transportation. Bull Run Ranch, Carl Whitney, P.O. Box 544, Datil, NM 87821, 575/772-5171. Reg. and comm. cattle. Catron Pipe, Box 2Y, Pie Town, NM 87827, Jerry McPhaul, 505/772-2603. Steel, tanks, portable panels for corrals. Clark Feed & Supply, Magdalena, NM, 505/854-3253. ADM dealer. Coker Ranch, Kenneth and Carol Coker, Box 2, Datil, NM 87821, 505/772-5788. Comm. Hereford cattle, reg./comm. Quarter Horses.

West Wood Realty, James (Jim) E. Haworth, Shari Hollins, ofc. mgr., 3613 NMSR 528 NW, Ste. H, Albuquerque, NM 87114, 505/792-3713, haworth@wwrealty.com. Specialize in farms and ranches; commercial real estate sales.

Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

White Herefords, Randy White, 9007 Washington NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505/856-0056, randy@rbwhitepc.com. Reg. & comm. Hereford and Angus.

The Double Spring Ranch, LLC, John Richardson, P.O. Nox 39, Monticello, NM 87939, 575/772-5735, john@doublespringranch.com. Comm. cattle; comm. horses.

Sheraton Uptown, 2600 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 1-800/252-7772 or 505/881-3736, www.sheratonuptown.com. Hotel/meeting accommodations.

R.B. White PC Certified Public Accountants, Randy White, CPA, 9007 Washington, NE, Ste. A, Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505/856-0056, randy@rbwhitepc.com. Accountants.

Drummond Livestock, Tracy Drummond, HC 62, Box 657-B, Reserve, New Mexico 887830, 575/5336399, drummondlivestock@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. Maine-Anjou cattle; club calves

Sidekick Productions, Mary Ryland, P.O. Box 8442, Albuquerque, NM 87198, 505/232-3184, bestofthewest@abq.com. Produce and promote Western music events.

Wild West Properties, LLC, Randy Wood, Qualifing Broker, 2233 Pajarito Road, SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105, 505/836-4558, rjwood5@comcast.net. Ranch and farm real estate sales since 1996.

E/ Ranch, Monte & Shirley Edwards, P.O. Box 301, Datil, NM 87821, 575/772-5922, daticowman@gmail.com. Comm. Texas Longhorns.

Dr. T.D. (Dusty) Rich, Albuquerque, NM, 505/293-3032. ADM cattle nutritionist. Sandia Trailer Sales & Service, 1435 Rt. 66, Edgewood, NM 87015, 505/281-9860, sales@sandiatrailer.com. New and used Sundowner and Logan stock and horse trailers; full service to all; shop 24 hours at www.sandiatrailer.com

Southwest Livestock Auction, Dennis Chavez, 24 Dalies Rd., P.O. Box 700, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/865-4600. Auction every Saturday, 10 a.m., selling cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Quarterly horse sales – featuring over 1,000 head of horses. Tours of Old Town, Julie Brown, 303 Romero St., Plaza Don Luis – N120, Albuquerque, NM 87104, 505/246-TOUR, info@ToursOfOldTown.com. History tours daily, guided walking tours, ghost tours nightly! Town & Country Feed, Inc., Judy Davis, 15600 Central Ave., SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123, 505/296-6711. Hay, feed, vet supplies, tack, trail rides, horse boarding. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Umbrage & Umbrage, CPAs, Don H. Umbrage, 3420 Constitution NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87106, 505/255-9551. Accounting, record keeping, income tax prep., estate planning, computer consulting.



Ag-N-More Veterinary Supplies, Jimbo Williams, P.O. Box 268, Quemado, NM 87829, 505/238-4656, jimwilliams@wildblue.net. Delivering your animal health needs to your front door. Allflex USA, Sid Howard, PO Box 612266, Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Texas 75261-2266, 1800/989-TAGS (8247), showard@allflexusa.com. Bar LB Limousins, Frank Belcher, HC 32 Box 220, Quemado, NM 87829, 505/773-4810. Reg. Limousin. Bear Cloud Ranch, Kay Peterson, P.O. Box 570, Quemado, NM 87829, 575/773-4101, bearcloudranch@gmail.com. Reg. Tibetan yak, reg. Navajo-Churro sheep & Angora goats, reg. Rocky Mountain & Kentucky Mountain horses. Beaverhead Ranch, Kaye Diamond, HC 30 Box 446, Winston, NM 87943, 575/772-5677. Comm. yearlings, professional hunting.

Eagle Guest Ranch, Box 68, Datil, NM 87821, Kenneth Coker, 505/772-5612. Farr Cattle Co., Farr Cattle Co., Roy Farr & Dave Farr, P.O. Box 1000, Datil, NM 87821, 575/8386325, farrcattle@yahoo.com. Comm. Hereford and Black Baldys. Bred heifers for sale in the fall. Glenwood Realty, Darrel Allred, P.O. Box 38, Glenwood, NM 88039, 505/539-2711. Real estate. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Hooper Cattle Company, Steve and Debbie Hooper, HC 32, Box 255, Quemado, NM, 505/773-4535. Reg. horned and polled Herefords, reg. black Angus. Sale of bulls, open heifers and bred heifers. Hooper Hereford Ranch, P.O. Box 268, Springerville, AZ 85938, Lance Knight, 928/3334377, 928/333-7241, lanceknight@frontiernet.net. Reg. horned and polled Herefords. Hubbell Ranch, Rick Hubbell, P.O. Box 99, Quemado, NM 87829, hubbell@wildblue.net, 575/773-4770. Reg. & comm. Angus Plus & Brangus – bulls, replacement heifers. JULY 2011




Population Pie Town

Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Cibola NF Datil 60



State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land



San Fra ncis co



County Extension Agent

Gila NF

3,476 6,898 square miles median, 14.6’’ September 24 June 8 6,879 ft. Reserve 2,799,004 acres with 581,435 acres BLM and 2,217,036 acres Forest Service 533,037 acres 0 acres 1,081,779 acres 900 acres surface: 2,010 acres; ground: 240 acres; surface & ground: 1,680 acres 533-6430



Glenwood Pleasanton

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument




21 *



21 *

2010 Figures CROP





www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


All Cattle



Glenwood Realty and Reserve Realty ~ Specializing in Ranches of the Southwest ~ Darrel Allred – Qualifying Broker Misty Riegel – Associate Broker Nina Atwood – Associate Broker Give us a call at: 575/539-2711 or 575/533-6211 or look us up online at: www.realestate4newmexico.com


JULY 2011

Catron County


Jacari Ranch, Carrie Sarnicky, HC 61, Box 39, Datil, NM 87821, 575/772-5918, sarnicky@wildblue.net. Reg. Texas Longhorn. Hugh B. McKeen Ranch, Hugh B. McKeen, HC 61, Box 175, Glenwood, NM 88039, ph/fax 575/539-2733, mmckeen@gilanet.com. Comm. cattle; beautiful park area suitable for weddings, parties, reunions; tennis court & swimming pond. Red Lake, Bar 15 Ranches, Al Grieve, G.M., P.O. Box 310, Acoma, NM 87034, 505/854-2559. Comm. cows, calves and yearlings. Buyers of calves and yearlings, pasture cattle. Reserve Area Chamber of Commerce, www.gilanet.com/reservecc, reservecc@gilanet.com, P.O. Box 415, Reserve, NM 87830, Andres Giron, pres., 505/533-6116. Promoting economic development in Catron County.


Chaves Canyon Ranch, Hondo, NM, 505/653-4526, Sam & Jan Donaldson, owners.


AC Nutrition, Tim Tankersley, 905 White Mill Rd., Roswell, NM 88202, 800/527-9315, ttankersley@ ac-feeds.com. Feed products. Ag & More, 3001 E. Second, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-3131, sales@agnmore, www.agnmore.com. Animal health supplies at wholesale prices direct to your door.

Coldwell-Banker/Paul Taylor, 400 West Second, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-1490, cell: 505/420-5585, ptaylor@rt66.com, www.ranchline.com. Real estate brokerage.

Alta Vista Ranch, Don Soukup and Oliver Soukup, 5407 Rio Peñasco Rd., US Hwy. 82, Mayhill, NM 88339, 575/687-2000. Comm. Red & Black Angus; seasonal grass hay; hunting & fishing.

Corn Herefords, 212 E 4th, Roswell, NM 88201, Mike Corn, 505/622-3360, mikecorn@roswellwool.com. Reg. Hereford; comm. sheep.

American Breeders Service, Bob Curtis, 1000 W. Pine Lodge, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/623-1675.

Dairy Producers of New Mexico, Sharon Lombardi, 5106 S. Main, Roswell, NM 88203, 575/622-1646. Dairy trade association.

Bank of the Southwest, John Naylor, 226 N. Main, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/625-1122. Full-service bank, short- and long-term financing.

Rocking Arrow Cattle Co., Marinel J. Poppie, DVM, P.O. Box 188, Glenwood, NM 88039, 575/539-2204. Comm. cattle, reg. horses, border collie and kelpie stock dogs.

Bar M Real Estate, Scott McNally, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM 88202, sammmcnally@msn.com, 575/622-5867. Farm and ranch sales; appraisals of rural property; comm. cattle.

Slash RS Ranch, Sam Ray, HC 32, Box 238, Quemado, NM 87829, 575/773-4170, slashrsranch@gmail.com. Reg. Angus bulls; reg. Paint & Quarter horses.

Bar 3M Maine-Anjou, 3406 East Poe, Roswell, NM 88203, LTC Royce A. “Pancho” Maples, 505/625-2843, 626-3386. Reg. Maine-Anjou and club calves.

Spur Lake Cattle Co., Sam Ryerson, P.O. Box 59, Luna, NM 87824, 575/547-2015, info@spurlake.com. Comm. cattle

—TP Angus, Tom & Robbie Jo Powell, P.O. Box 5, Hagerman, NM 88232-0005, 575/752-3189, cell 575/626-6481. Reg. Angus cattle, alfalfa hay, semen for sale.

Tri-State Angus Ranches, Sam Jenkins or Kandy Lopez, P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/536-9500, 915/203-3411, tristateangus@ aol.com. Reg. and comm. Angus; reg. and comm AQHA; hay; locker beef; licensed auctioneering services and certified personal property appraisals; Australian shepherds; Boer goats. Also serving Grant county. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Triple Bar P, Chuck Parnel, PO Box 363, Pima, AZ 85543, 928/485-2638, crparnell@cableone.net. Apples. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Z Summers Ranch, Carma Zumwalt, HC 32, Box 402, Quemado, NM 87829, 575/773-4746. Lease grass to other ranchers.

Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

Alderman-Cave Feeds, P.O. Box 2365, 905 White Mill Rd., Roswell, NM 88202, 800/5279315. Full line of livestock feeds, and minerals.

Rio Frisco Farm, Cory Bragg, P.O. Box 266, Glenwood, NM 88039, 575/539-2477, coryrff@wildblue.net. Comm. Brangus; reg. & comm. horses - AQHA - cutting bred (Boon Bar & Smart Little Lena).

T / J Ranch, Pat Jenks, Box 80, Luna, NM 87824, 505/547-2601. Comm. Red Angus cross.

Chaves County FSA, Lynn Muncy, 1011 South Atkinson, Roswell, New Mexico 88203, 575/6228745, lynn.muncy@nm.usda.gov.

Best Western Sally Port Inn & Suites, Jered Smith, 2000 N. Main, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-6430, sallyportcatering@cableone.net. Hotel, restaurant, bar. Bogle Ltd., Mary, P.O. Box 460, Dexter, NM 88230, 575/734-5442. Comm. cattle; reg. horses; alfalfa,corn, wheat. Brennand Ranch, Norma / David Brennand, 159 Chinaberry Rd., Piñon, NM 88344, 575/687-2185. Reg. Black Angus – top genetics, high altitude, ranch raised, BVD free herd, Igenity profile (genomic enhanced EPDs), parentage microsatellite SNP. Bulls & heifers for sale. Brown Brothers Ranch, Jay/Carrie Hollifield, 3930 South Brown RD, Roswell, NM 88203, 575/623-5594, brownranch@plateautel.net. Comm. Brangus; Corn, Winter Wheat, Alfalfa. Bulls & More, Bob Baesler, 1905 S. Adams Dr., Roswell, NM 88203, bullsnmore@dfn.com, 575/623-6966, 623-9064, 626-7262, cell. In business to service your feed & seedstock requirements; seedstock, Mix 30 range cubes & liquid feed.. Cattle Baron, 1113 North Main, Roswell, NM, 505/ 622-2465. Steak and seafood restaurant at it’s best. F.V. Cauhape Ranch, Marion Cauhape, #74 Cauhape Ranch Rd., Hope, NM 88250, 505/484-3441. Wool, feeder lambs, commercial Western White Face.

Davenport Farms, Darel Davenport, 245 East Orchard Park Rd., Dexter, NM 88230, res.: 575/6224905, cell 575/420-3934, dustindd@nmsu.edu. Reg. British White cattle and comm. crosses; reg. Quarter horses; alfalfa. DBS Commodities, 184 E. Darby Rd., Dexter, NM 88230, 505/622-9200. Dairy feed and nutritional consulting. Denning Farm & Cattle, Dink Denning, P.O. Box 366, Hagerman, NM 88232, 575/752-5696. Reg. Black Angus. Dos Amigos Corrientes, Randy Harris 505/7602315, Bill Stout 505/760-6451, rancintare@msn.com, Clovis, NM. Corriente seedstock and roping stock. Eagle Creek Ranch, Caterino Vareles, Box D, Hope, NM 88250, 505/484-3466. Reg. Charolais bulls, comm. cattle, lambs, ewes, wool. Eastern New Mexico State Fair, Trisha Lair, P.O. Box 824, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/623-9411, enmsf@cableone.net. Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, Dina Jenks, P.O. Box 6000, Roswell, NM 88202, 505/624-7337. Training/education for automotive, aviation, electronics/computer technology, drafting and design, industrial engineering, safety, pilot training, fire safety and welding. Elk Cattle Co., Bud and Bernard Cleve, HC 64, Box 416, Mayhill, NM 88339, 505/687-3440. Comm. cattle. Elkins Ranch, Sam Elkins, 170 Bluewater Creek, Piñon, NM 88344, 505/687-3387. Comm. cattle, cows & calvers – Angus; comm. ranch horses. Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft. Sumner, NM, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch Sales. See listings at ranchseller.com. Farm & Ranch LTD, Larry Benton, Russell Gap Box 1, Piñon, NM 88344, 505/687-3328. Reg. Angus: rock-footed – making their own way, not fed up. FBFS/Larry Marshall, •Roswell: Larry Marshall, East 19th & Grand, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/6231020; •Dexter: 120 E. 2nd St., Dexter, NM 88230, 505/734-5415; lmarshall@fbfs.com, www/fbfs.com. Insurance: auto, home, renters, life, annuities, farm/ranch, business, college, retirement. JULY 2011


State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

62,474 6,095 square miles median, 9.7’’ October 29 April 8 3,636 ft. Roswell 1,265,500 acres with 1,195,868 acres BLM and 40,148 acres Forest Service 703,706 acres 0 acres 1,929,694 acres 1,900 acres surface: 3,260 acres; ground: 78,970 acres; surface & ground: 15,590 acres 622-3210

Pecos R.

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Boaz Elkins


Salt Creek Wilderness

Bitter Lake NWR 380





Dexter Hagerman

2010 Figures


Alfalfa Hay Corn, Silage Cotton, Upland


20,500 16,000 1,500

Flying H


157,000 tons 483,000 tons 4,100 ba.


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JULY 2011



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185,000 84,000 14,700

www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

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Chaves County


First American Bank, Mike Hendricks, 303 W. Main, Artesia, NM 88210, 575/746-8044, mhendricks@firstamb.com. Operating lines of credit, equipment and livestock loans, loans to purchase farms and ranches. We are an FSA professional lender. First National Bank – Roswell, Kenneth Berry, P.O. Box 1857, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/623-8500. Agricultural and commercial loans, checking and savings accounts, trust services. Floyd Brangus, Troy Floyd, P.O. Box 133, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/734-7005, Reg. and comm. Brangus bulls and females. Flying H Ranch, Inc., Flying H, NM 88322, 505/687-3371, Roswell: 505/623-4131. Comm. Angus cattle, comm. Rambouillet sheep, reg. Quarter Horses, alfalfa. Gilmore, Gannaway, Andrews, Smith & Co., LLC, 2724 Wilshire Blvd., Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-5200. Public accountants, CPAs. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 3404 Enterprise, Hobbs, NM 88240, 505/392-6923. John Deere sales, service, parts. Hickman Shearing, Kevin Hickman, 212 East 4th St., Roswell, NM 88210, 417/777-1416, kevinhickman326@gmail.com. Hisel GI Ranch, Glen Hisel, 1990 San Patricio Rd., Elida, NM 88116, 575/274-6250. Comm cattle and horses.

Chaves County


Chaves County


Mulcock Ranch, Charles Mulcock, 5299 Rio Penasco Rd., Mayhill, NM 88339, 575/687-3352, chuck1@pvtn.net. Comm. cattle; mule deer hunts & catch and release fly fishing.

Stirrup Cattle, Cody or Becky Harwell, 813 Pinon Dunken Hwy., Piñon NM 88344, 575/687-3791, codybecky@pvtn.net. Reg. Black Angus and comm. mixed breed cattle.

Roswell Livestock and Farm Supply, Dale Rogers, 1105 E. 2nd, Roswell, NM 88201, 575/622-9164, dale@roswelllivestock.com. Farm & livestock supplies and services.

Swickard Agency, Inc., Renee Swickard, 400 N. Pennsylvania, Ste. 600, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/624-1379, rmswickard@earthlink.net. Health insurance, individual and group. Independent agent contacted with most health insurance carriers doing business in N.M. Lots of options for self-employed.

Roswell Livestock Auction & Trucking, Benny Wooton, P.O. Box 2041, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/622-5580,rla@dfn.com. Livestock services. Roswell Wool and Mohair, Inc., 212 E. 4th St., Roswell, NM 88202, 505/622-3360, fax 505/ 622-3161. Wool and mohair commission, shearing supplies, order buying and selling all classes sheep. Tom & Pam Runyan Ranches, Tom and Pam Runyan, 4839 Rio Peñasco, Mayhill, NM 88339, 505/687-3505. Comm. sheep; apples. Salt Creek Farm & Ranch, Bernarr Treat 575/6232999 ext 313, P.O. Box 1973, Roswell, NM 88202. Comm. Black Angus & alfalfa hay. Schrimsher Ranch Real Estate, LLC, Keith L. Schrimsher, P.O. Box 802, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/622-2343, srre@dfn.com. Comm. Brangus cattle, reg. horses. Paint horses & mule deer for sale. Real estate brokerage, appraisal & consulting. Singleton Ranches, Jeff Bilberry, P.O. Box 39, Elida, N.M. 88116, 575/274-6464. Comm. cattle; reg. horses.

3L Angus / Lucas Limousin, Lynette Lucas, 3749 Woodbine Way, Roswell, NM 88203, 575/420-8967, lllangus@netzero.net. Reg. Angus / Limousin & Limflex. Toadstool Feed and Supply, LLC, Jessie Harkleroad, 1703-A North Garden, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/625-5288, toadstoolfeed@qwest.net. Livestock feed and supplies. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. 2 C Slash Ranch, Calder or Candy Ezzell, P.O. Box 2125, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/625-0550, csecows@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Limousin – blacks, mottled faced.

Hollis Cotton Oil Mill, Inc., manufacturers of cottonseed cake, meal, range cubes. For pricing and info. contact: Bob Baesler, 1905 S. Adams Dr., Roswell, NM 88201, ofc. 505/623-6966, mob. 505/626-7262, bullsnmore@dfn.com. Mill: P.O. Box 313, Hollis, OK 73550, 580/688-3394 or 3395. James Polk Stone Community Bank, Kenneth Berry, 1901 N. Main, Roswell, NM 88201, 575/6227621, kenneth.berry@jpstonecb.com. Financial services. JY Ranch Inc, Bill Stovell, Box 942, Friona, Texas 79035, 806/265-7393, bstove@wtrt.net. Comm. Corriente roping cattle - heifers, bulls. Key’s Drilling & Pump Service, Inc., Gary Key, 1012 E. Second, Roswell, NM 88201, 575/623-6537. Well drilling and water well pumps; windmills and supplies. In business since 1975. Langford Tractor Work, Archie Langford, 3400 W. Brasher, Roswell, NM 88203, 575/623-1407, langtrac@cableone.net. Road grading. Latigo Ranch, Ronald H. Mayer, P.O. Box 2391, Roswell, NM 88201, 575/623-5658. Comm. cattle; comm sheep. Leer Ranch, Lola Leer, 167 Magdalena Rd., Roswell, NM 88201, 575/910-5208, leerranch@ hotmail.com. L-X Angus Ranch, Pat Carver, 5500 W. Pine Lodge Rd., Roswell, NM 88201, 575/622-5355. Reg. & comm. Angus cow - calf operation. Scott McNally, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM 88202, 505/622-5867. Real estate and appraisal services, ranch management. Comm. cattle, comm. sheep. Michelet Homestead Realty, Cherri Michelet Snyder, 920 E. Second Street, Roswell, NM 88201, 575/623-8440, cherrisnyder@aol.com.


ANDREWS, SMITH, LOWERY & CO., LLC www.aslaccounting.com 575/622-5200 • Fax: 575/622-5206 • 800/748-3662 2724 N. Wilshire Blvd., Roswell, N.M. 88201


Se habla Español JULY 2011


Chaves County David & Norma Brennand Piñon, NM 88344 575/687-2185

Ranch Raised: Igenity Profile (Individual Genomic Enhanced EPDs) Parentage Microsatellite BVD FREE HERD Fertility and Trichomoniasis Tested


Crisden Investments. LLC., C.E. Sanchez, P.O. Box 992, Grants, NM 87020, 505/287-2074, milanstorage@gmail.com. Sanchez Farms - hay crops; office & warehouse rental storage & retail rental.

Vagabond Cattle Co., Aubrey or Robin Dunn, P.O. Box 1047, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/653-4910, vagabondcattleco@hughes.net. Reg. and comm. cattle, Maine-Anjou bulls and replacement heifers.; also Corriente roping steers and bulls.

Farm Credit Services,5651 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy. NE, P.O. Box 94330, Albuquerque, NM 87113-2164, 505/884-1048. Agricultural mortgage financing.

Vet Pharm & Feed, Jill or Gus Barron, 102 S. Virgina, Roswell, NM 88203, 505/622-6564. Veterinary pharmacy, large and small animal vaccines, branding supplies and parasite control. Veterinarian’s Outlet of New Mexico, Matt Cunningham, 44 E. Martin, Roswell, NM 88203, 575/625-1469, vonm@plateautel.net. Cattle health products, milk quality services, dairy cleaners and sanitizers.

Call us for . . .

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Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377, full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.



Acoma Livestock Growers, Corley Valdez, San Fidel, NM 87049, 505/552-6046. Comm. cattle, comm. sheep, comm. horses. Cibola County Extension Office, Chase Elkins, 551 Washington Ave., Grants, NM 87020, 505/2879266, cibola@nmsu.edu. Reg. cattle; reg. horses; reg. sheep., reg. swine; alfalfa. Cibola and McKinley County Cattle Growers Assn., P.O. Box 3525, Milan, NM 87021.


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JULY 2011



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Fernandez Co. Ltd., Lee Ranch, San Mateo, NM 87050, 505/287-2911. Comm. cattle, comm. horses. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Grants State Bank, 824 West Santa Fe and 1015 E. Roosevelt Ave., Grants, NM 87020; Milan, NM: 609 W. Hwy. 66, 505/285-6611. Financial institution. JMJ Cattle Co., Jim & Val Jackson, P.O. Box 667, Grants, New Mexico 87020, 505/344-5140, jmjcattle@gmail.com. Various comm. cattle breeds. Las Norias Ranch, Wendell M. Briggs, Sonny and Martha Briggs, Rt. 1, Box 21, Fencelake, NM 87315, 505/788-2264. Reg. Limousin cattle; reg. purebred Limousin seedstock; horse shoeing; pipe/pens welding. Lazy GL Slash, Gilbert Louis, Jr., H.Q.: Acomita Lake, NM; 817 Santa Marina, Grants, NM 87020, 505/285-5173. Reg. Polled Santa Gertrudis cattle. Louis Farm & Ranch, Gilbert Louis, Jr., Acomita Lake, New Mexico 505/285-5173. Reg. Polled Santa Gertrudis and Star 5. Pine Hill School Farm, Box 189, Pine Hill, NM 87357, Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc., 505/775-3395. Comm. Hereford/Chibrangus cattle; reg. Rambouillet, Targhee and Cormo sheep; education. Rancher’s Livestock Auction, LLC, Sheri Willcox, P.O. Box 2339, Milan, NM 87021, 505/287-5023. Receiving station for cattle, horses, sheep and goats to be auctioned in the Albuquerque facility. Southwest Livestock Auction, Dennis Chavez, 24 Dalies Rd., P.O. Box 700, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/865-4600. Auction every Saturday, 10 a.m., selling cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Quarterly horse sales – featuring over 1,000 head of horses.

$! "


USDA Farm Service Agency, Lynn Muncy, CED, 1011 S. Atkinson, Roswell, NM 88203, 575/6228745, lynn.muncy@nm.usda.gov. Crop insurance, disaster assistance, farm loans.

Van Cleve Ranch, Bernice Kniepkamp, 1936 Piñon Dunken Rd., Piñon, NM 88344-9706, 505/687-3327. Comm. Hereford, comm. Debouillet sheep.

Born & Raised in the USA

Cibola County

Member FDIC


Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

27,481 3,986 square miles median, 10.0’’ October 12 May 7 6,160 ft. Grants 656,743 acres with 256,531 acres BLM and 365,928 acres Forest Service 229,746 acres 689,551 acres 1,357,800 acres 1,437 acres surface: 6,300 acres; ground: 500 acres; surface & ground: 2,260 acres 287-9266










JANUARY 1, 2011




All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

San Mateo

Bluewater Cibola NF


Milan San Rafael

El Morro National Monument




Cibola NF

Seama Cibola

Ramah Navajo Indian Res. 36

El Malpais National Monument


16,800 4,200



Acomita Lake San Fidel


* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin



Paguate Laguna Mesita

Laguna Indian Res.

Acoma Indian Res.


Laguna Indian Res.

Fence Lake 601

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic



We’re proud to be a part of Cibola County! The Slash F Slash brand has been continuous in Cibola/McKinley Counties for well over 200 years, and three generations of the family of Floyd and Frances Lee for well over 90 years.

JULY 2011




13,514 3,771 square miles median, 15.9’’ October 6 May 11 6,933 ft. Raton 15,740 acres with 261 acres BLM and 10,121 acres Forest Service 278,189 acres 0 acres 2,115,011 acres 4,500 acres surface: 30,800 445-8071

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

2010 Figures CROP




11,700 tons

Alfalfa Hay


www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin












Angel Fire


JULY 2011

. dian R Cana





Colfax Maxwell NWR Maxwell

Eagle Nest Ute Park


Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic






Carson NF



Abbott 39



ADM Alliance Nutrition, Eli Hronich, Raton, NM, 505/445-8977. Sales agent. Ag Services, Inc., Blake Prather, 201 Innsdale Terrace, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/762-9178. Agricultural loan and lease services.

Double Z Bar Ranch, Steve Zimmer, P.O. Box 17, Miami, NM 87729, 505/483-5054. Reg. AQHA horses, selling yearlings and 2-yr.-olds at the ranch. Express UU Bar Ranch, LLC, Mike Hobbs, 1115 Highway 21, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2035, mdhobbs@bacavalley.com. Reg. and comm. Angus bulls, Red Angus - bulls conditioned for this environment; reg. horses - professional cutting horses training - sales; alfalfa hay; grass pasture for summer yearlings; big game hunts & fishing - lodge & cabins.

A Taste of Cimarron, David Kenneke, 22 Deer Run Road, Cimarron, New Mexico 87714, 575/376-2706, dkenneke@netbsa.org.

Gateway to the Southwest Realty, Punch Hennigan or Debra Wright, 744 S. 2nd, Raton, NM 87740, 505/445-1100, gateway@ bacavalley.com, www.gatewaysouthwestrealty.com. Farm/ranch real estate and recreational property in northern NM.

Burns Do It Center, James Burns, 1511 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101, 575/935-1111, james.burns@xit.net. Fencing, water tanks and equipment.

Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service.

Cattlecliffs, Edith Clarke, P.O. Box 7, Miami, NM 87729, 505/483-2905. Reg. Red Angus, comm. red baldies, alfalfa hay.

Harper Cattle LLC., Jeff Cole, Wagon Mound, NM, 505/666-2655, cell: 505/447-4034. Reg. Hereford and Angus. Selling 300 bulls annually.

Chase Ranch, Gretchen Sammis, P.O. Box 227, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2398. Comm. cattle. Since 1876.

High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, Box 965, Llano, TX 78643, 512/567-3036, jdyates@hotmail.com. Comm. cow calf & yearling; reg. ranch horses; real estate sales & acquisitions; elk hunts.

Angel Fire Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 547, Angel Fire, NM 87710, 505/377-6353.

Check Six Ranch, Dusty Davis, P.O. Box 855, Springer, NM 87747, 575/483-0160, checksix@ qwestoffice.net. Reg. ranch-bred quarter horses. Cimarron Angus, Bill, Barbie and Ben Goebel, Rt. 1, Box 41, Maxwell, NM 87728, 575/375-2972, bgoebel@bacavalley.com. Reg. and comm. Black Angus cattle; comm. sheep; alfalfa/grass hay; direct market beef, lamb and pork. Cimarron Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 604, Cimarron, NM 87714, 505/376-2417. Clearview Ranch, LLC, R.W. or Lisa Hampton, HCR 61 Box 5, Miami, NM 87729, 505/483-0042, cboy@zianet.com. Comm. cattle, reg. horse. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

Chase RANCH COMMERCIAL HEREFORDS 575/376-2398 P.O. Box 227 Cimarron, NM 87714

CS Cattle Co., Kirk Davis, 620C State Rd. 58, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2827, csranch@bacavalley.com. Comm. cattle; reg. Quarter horses; alfalfa hay; hunting & outfitting service.

Doherty Ranches, Jim, Tanky and Ben Doherty, Box 384, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/278-2654, 505/ 278-2191; Trinchera, CO, 719/946-5510. Reg. and comm. Hereford and Red Angus cattle, private treaty sales, bulls and bred heifers, high-quality grass hay. Dos Rios Ranch, HCR 60, Box 6, Springer, NM 87747, Joe H. Knowles, MD, 505/483-5957. Reg. Salorn and Texas Longhorn.


Hollenback Hooks & Horns, Joe Roy & Jeannine Ray, P.O. Nox 227, Eagle Nest, NM 87718, 575/3777007. Comm. Beefmaster cross. Private guided elk hunts and fly fishing. Jeffers Ranch, E.N. Jeffers, Jr., HCR 60, Box 24, Springer, NM 87747, 505/485-2451. Reg. Herefords, comm. Quarter Horses. Kern Ranch, Mary Lou Kern, P.O. Box 303, Maxwell, NM 87728, 575/447-2969, lkern@bacavalleu.com. Selling quality bred high altitude replacement heifers. All qualities of alfalfa oats and alfalfa mix hay. King Family Cattle Co., LLC, John B. King, P.O. Box 9, Capulin, NM 88414, 505/278-2051. Comm. Hereford natural. Kiowa Land and Sales, LLC, Punch Hennigan, QB, 116 S. 2nd St., Raton, NM 87740, 505/4454077. sales@kiowaland.com. Real estate. Lee Angus, James Lee, Box 1319, Raton, NM 87740, 505/445-2789, reg. black Angus. Loma Linda Ranch, Bobby Rankin, 3007 Bowman St., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/524-0744 res., 575/312-6019 cell, bobbymargierankin@msn.com. Comm. stocker yearlings; reg. Quarter horses; feeder cattle; antelope hunts. Mesa Vista Stud, Truman Smith, DVM, 1600 South 2nd St., Raton, NM 87740, 575/445-3912, mesavista@zianet.com. Reg. Thoroughbred race horses, breeding, foaling, year-round mare care, sales pep on yearlings. Monte Verde Realty, Inc., Stan Harrell, Qualifying Broker, 3415 Mountain View Blvd. #1, Angel Fire, NM 87710, 800/368-0753, 575/3772344, monteverde@newmex.com. Real estate; ranch/acreage sales. New Mexico Ranch Real Estate, Jim Olson or Kenny Zamora, P.O. Box 2822, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/425-3850, www.nmranchrealestate.com. Farm, ranch & rural real estate across NM & AZ. O’Neill Agricultural, LLC, Timothy John O’Neill, P.O. Box 145, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2341, land@swranches.com. Ranch real estate services; ranch mapping services. Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, NM 87714, 505/376-2281. Comm. Hereford, Simmental, Salers cattle, reg. Quarter Horses, hay, buffalo.

Diamond Arrow Ranch, Charles Garcia or Boe Lopez, P.O. Box 674, Springer, NM 87747, 505/4699055, diamondarrowranch@yahoo.com. Comm. Angus. John J. Doherty & Sons Cattle Co., Box 460, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/278-2654. Reg./comm. cattle, reg. Herefords, bulls and show steers for sale private treaty, comm. Herefords and red baldies, bred females for sale in the fall.

Colfax County

Red Mountain Genetics, James Lee, P.O. Box 1319, Raton, NM, 505/445-8633. Reg. Black Angus, forage developed, pap-tested bulls.

We have been taking care of your fencing needs since 1888 (123 years — 4 generations), including steel post, sucker rod, & treated yellow pine post fencing. ........ ...........

''' &#!$ " % $% "

Running Creek Ranch, Joey Freund, 45400 CR 21, Elizabeth, CO 80107, 303/840-1850, limitup04@yahoo.com. Reg. Limousin cattle. Sauble’s Circle Dot Ranch, Maxwell, NM 87728, 505/375-2686, Roy 375-2730. Gelbvieh cross. Seward Ranch Co., LLC, Rob or Lynn Seward, HC 62, Box 41, Raton, NM 87740, 575/375-2605, bear4paws@bacavalley.com. Comm. cattle. Install pipeline & livestock tanks; also lease summer pasture. Spahn & Friends Bison Ranch LLC, Sonja Spahn, Heartland Rd. A 36, Raton, NM 87740, 505/2782316, spahnandfriends@bacavalley.com. JULY 2011


Colfax County

Borden Brothers Angus, Grady, NM. Phillip Borden, 505/456-2015 or 760-6987. Reg. Angus cattle.


Burns Do It Center, James Burns, 1511 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101, james.burns@xit.net, 575/935-1111. Fencing, water tanks & equipment.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Citizens Bank of Clovis, 421 Pile St., Clovis, NM 88101, 575/769-1911. Commercial, consumer & agricultural lending; checking, savings, certificates of deposit, retirement accounts, Internet banking; VISA Travel Money Card. www.citizensbankofclovis.com.

TS Show Steers, Truman Smith, DVM, Box 237, Raton, NM 87740, mesavista@zianet.com, 505/445-3912. Comm. Maine-Anjou cross, Shorthorn cross, Charolais cross.


Aero Tech, Inc., 5333 East 21st St., Clovis, NM 88101, Ted Stallings, aerotech@plateautel.net, 505/763-4300. Brush spraying and helicopter services. Ag New Mexico, FCS, ACA, 233 Fairway Terr. N., Clovis, NM 88101, bill.yoakum@farmcreditbank.com myra.jenkinson@farmcreditbank.com, 505/762-3828.

Clovis Livestock Auction, Inc., P.O. Box 187 (504 S. Hull St.), Clovis, NM 88102-0187, 505/762-4422, reg./comm. cattle (all breeds), reg./comm. horses (all breeds, registered and grade). Curry FSA County Office, Rhonda Mitchell, 918 Parkland Dr, Clovis, NM 88101-4432, 575/762-4769. Curtis & Curtis Seed, Blake or Tye Curtis, 4500 N. Prince, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/762-4759. Seed sales, small grains, alfalfa, sorghums, forages, irrigated and native grasses.

Albert’s Irrigation, Inc., Daryl Martin, 3512 S. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101, 505/763-4416, waterdog@3lefties.com. Center pivot sales and service; Zimmatic sprinklers.

George Curtis Inc., Dan Ray or Blake Curtis, 4500 N. Prince, Clovis, NM, 505/762-4759, seed@curtisseed.com. Reg. Angus.

Eastern New Mexico Natural Gas Assoc., Inc., John Mattics, mgr., P.O. Box 428, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119-0428, 505/355-2468. Retail natural gas sales.

Farm Bureau Financial Services, Dennis Reid, 1516 Thornton, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/762-4729, dreid@fbfs.com. Insurance & investments. Specializing in insurance for America’s ranchers and farmers.

Clovis Industrial Development Corporation, P.O. Box 930, Clovis, NM 88102, 505/763-6600, 866/963-6600, www.developclovis.com, info@ developclovis.com. Economic development for the Clovis-Portales Microplex.


Dos Amigos Corrientes, Randy Harris or Bill Stout, 1505 PR Lyons, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/760-2315 or 505/760-6451, rancintar@msn.com. Reg. cattle; roping cattle.

Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft. Sumner, NM, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch sales. See listings at ranchseller.com

Clovis/Curry Chamber of Commerce, Ernie Kos, Economic Development Chairman, 215 Main St., Clovis, NM 88101, 505/763-3435. Promotion, information and business development.

Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Dairy Farmers of America, Frm. Lt.. Gov. Walter Bradley, 917-B Norris Street, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/763-4528, wbradley@dfamilk.com.

Farm Bureau Financial Services & Insurance, Jeff Brooks, 1516 Thornton, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/760-0291, jeffbrooks@fbfs.com. Ag insurance. Farm Credit Services, 2420 Ashford, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/763-5565. Lending institution. Fury Farms, Inc., Stan Fury, 725 CR 45, Broadview, NM 88112, 575/760-6711, fury@plateautel.net. Used highway guardrail corrals. Gilmore, Gannaway, Andrews, Smith & Co. Certified Public Accountants, 716 Gidding, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/762-3897. Accountants. Gore Brothers, Inc., Mark Wagener, 408 S. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101, mwagener@gorebros.com, 505/763-4013. Dairy, beef, equine, lamb, goat, swine – commodity and bagged feeds and minerals.

Williams Insurance was establishe d in 1985, in Clovis, NM. It has been fami ly owned & operated for three generations. The agency spec ializes in agricultural business, as well as the energy industry. In addition, we are able to assist in commercial property and casu alty. Recently, a second location was opened in Lubbock, TX.

Specialized Areas of Focus / Crop/Hail / Farms & Ranches / Dairies Oil & Gas Lease Operators & Non-operators / Drilling/Workover Contractors Servicing Contractors / Energy Product Manufacturing / Energy Equipment Rental Pipeline Operators / Pipeline Construction / Wind Farm Service Contractors Commercial Business / Construction: Home Builders / Commercial General Contractors / Roofing Contractors / Plumbing Contractors Commercial Property & Casualty: Restaurants/Bars / Hotels Apartments/Condominiums / Offices MANY MORE…

Crossing the Rayado




138 Years of Raising Quality Cattle and Horses When in Colfax County visit Cimarron and the Aztec Mill Museum. CS Cattle Co.


JULY 2011

Cimarron, New Mexico “Out in God’s country”


CROP/HAIL-FARM/RANCH-DAIRIES David Williams / david@williamsinsurancellc.com / 575.769.2855 ENERGY – COMMERCIAL BUSINESS Todd Williams / todd@williamsinsurancellc.com / 972.948.5508 1101 N. Norris | Clovis, NM 88101 | 575.769.2855 5805 64th St. | Lubbock, TX 79424 | 972.948.5508

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

45,513 1,404 square miles median, 16.5’’ October 28 April 15 4,280 ft. Clovis 3,862 acres with 391 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 60,667 acres 0 acres 833,231 acres 800 acres ground: 222,000 acres; surface and ground: 200 763-6505







All Cattle Milk Cows

238,000 87,000

* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin








Corn Silage Sorghum, Grain


16,100 32,200


Weber City

440,000 tons 2,255,000 bu.



Pleasant Hill



Melrose 267





Cannon AFB

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


Route 1 · Grady, New Mexico 88120

Breeding Performance Ch arolais Since 1965


Bulls, Females & Semen

FOR SALE WESLEY GRAU 575/357-8265 • CELL. 575/760-7304 LANE GRAU 575/357-2811 • CELL. 575/760-6336

JULY 2011


Curry County


Grau Charolais, Lane or Wesley Grau, 3720 CRQ, Grady, NM 88120, 505/760-7304, 760-6336. Reg. Charolais; reg. AQHA. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 3404 Enterprise, Hobbs, NM 88240, 505/392-6923. John Deere sales, service, parts.



FEED, Inc.

Feed Specialists www.sweetlix.com

Hi Pro • Cargill LOVITA HALE 400 S. Hull • Clovis, New Mexico



Jimbar Angus, Jimmie Smith, P.O. Box 397, Melrose, NM 88124, 505/253-4777, blee@yucca.net. Reg. Angus bulls & heifers. Joe’s Boot Shop & Country Junction, Coli Hunt, 2600 Mabry Dr., Clovis, NM, 88101, 800/658-6378, www.joesbootshop.com, customerservice@joesbootshop.com. Western wear, furnishings, boots, hats & tack. Kern Land, Inc., Dave Kern, P.O. Box 805, Clovis, NM 88101-0805, dkern@suddenlinkmail.com, 575/762-3707. Ag real estate services for 24 years in New Mexico. Lack-Morrison Brangus, Bill Morrison, 411 CR 10, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/482-3254, bvmorrison@yucca.net; www.lackmorrisonbrangus.com. Reg. Brangus – bulls, heifers, semen and embryos. Landmark Title, Inc., Jay Neff, 117 E. 4th, Clovis, NM 88101, jneff@landmarkclovis.com, 575/7633904. Title insurance, escrow closings, abstracts, title reports, 1031 exchanges. Lazybell Ranch, E.G. Abernathy, 1401 East Ridge, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/762-0214, lazybell@suddenlink.net. Comm. Santa Gertrudis – Angus cross cattle. TSWCR Beef Quality Producer #9164. Maulsby Angus, Richard Maulsby, 699 CR K, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/742-2233, Comm. Angus bulls; reg. horses; certified livestock appraiser – member International Society of Livestock Appraisers. Mesa Feed Co., Larry Tindell, P.O. Box 387, Clovis, NM 88102, 505/762-2500, mesafdcl@ plateautel.net. Liquid or dry feed for cattle.


REGISTERED Black Angus Bulls & Heifers FOR SALE

Sundown Club Lambs, Kevin and Rebecca Robinson, 1862 CRT, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/985-2655, kbranum@nmsu.edu. Blackface club lambs and Blackface breeding stock. Taylor Scale, Inc., Thelma Taylor, 3721E 21st, Clovis, NM 88101, 452/763-4852. Fairbanks scales – sales and check and install scales. 3M’s Angus Ranch, Jay Sealey, 2100 CR L, Clovis, NM 88101, jsealey@plateautel.net, 575/9852675. Reg. Angus; corn, wheat, milo; custom farming. Tidenberg’s Welding & Repair, Inc., Jim Tidenberg, 575 US Hwy. 70, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/763-1979. Heavy duty laydown chute, box scrapers, hay forks, push wheels, roll-out buckets, calf bottle, trailers. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, info@TSLCC.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Widner Angus, Jamie Widner, Box 227, Melrose, NM 88124, cell 575/799-3348. Reg. and comm. Angus; wheat.

My Metal Wholesale Supply, Gabe Goodwin, 1379 US 60/84, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/763-2662, ggoodwin@gomymetal.com.

Williams Insurance Agency, Charles J. or David A. Williams, 1101 N. Norris St., P.O. Box 824, Clovis, NM 88102, 505/769-2855, 800/953-2855, fax 505/769-2856. All types of insurance for farmers, ranchers and truckers.

One Stop Feed, Inc., Lovita Hale, 400 S. Hull, Clovis, NM 88101, 575/762-3997. Reg. horses; wheat, milo; Retail livestock feed & supplies; pet foods and supplies.

Young Livestock, Wyatt or LaShawna Young, 750 CR 13 Clovis, NM 88101, 575/714-4769, wlyoung@plateautel.net. Hereford and Charolais Cross; AQHA.

JAY & PAMELA SEALEY 2100 CR L, Clovis, NM · Box 17, Graford, TX 575/985-2675 or 575/760-6076 3ms@plateautel.net

CORTESE Feed & Supply

We have been taking care of your fencing needs since 1888 (123 years — 4 generations), including steel post, sucker rod, & treated yellow pine post fencing. ........ ...........

''' &#!$ " % $% "


JULY 2011

PURINA FEEDS & MINERALS Fast, Dependable Service ANYWHERE in New Mexico! • • • •

Animal Health Supplies Ranch & Livestock Equipment Storage Containers And Much, Much More!

You’ll Like Our Prices . . . You’ll Love Our Service!

CO R T ES E Feed & Supply 704 N. 4th, Ft. Sumner, NM

knox@plateautel.net 575/355-2271 BUILT STRONGER TO LAST LONGER


Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

County Extension Agent






All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

www.nass.usda.gov NUMBERS

* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

26,000 700


L. Sumner

Cardenas Largo Yeso Buchanan

R. os Pec

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

1,991 2,366 square miles median, 15.1’’ October 23 April 18 4,030 ft. Ft. Sumner 90,848 acres with 81,508 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 234,570 acres 0 acres 1,173,222 acres 6,600 acres surface: 6,140 acres; ground: 7,080 acres 355-2381



Fort Sumner Agudo







34,800 tons

Alfalfa Hay



Ramon 285

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

Ironhorse Pipe U.S. 60/84 East Ft. Sumner, New Mexico 575/355-2277

Portable Corral Panels Pasture and Corral Gates Pipe – New and Used Square, Angle, Flat Steel B & W Turnover Ball Hitches Lee Purlin

& Steel

Welding Supplies Custom Welding Trailer Parts

JULY 2011


De Baca


Canyon Blanco Ranch, Inc., Frances Fikany, P.O. Box 207, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-2525, fhf@plateautel.net. Reg. and comm. cattle; reg. Texas Longhorns. Citizens Bank of Clovis, Bill West, 319 Sumner Ave., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 505/355-2426 x 102, fax 505/355-9612. Ag loans and banking services. Cornerstone Ranch, Inc., Glenda Armstrong, 616 Pecan Dr., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-2803, cornerstone@plateautel.net. Reg. and comm. Hereford, Angus and Black Baldy. Alfalfa hay. Cortese Angus, Gerald Don Cortese, P.O. Box 21, Fort Sumner, NM 88119, 505/355-2254. Reg. Angus. Cortese Farm & Ranch, Buddy Cortese, 3121 Bully the Kid Dr., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-7218, buddy.cortese@farmcreditbank.com. Comm. cattle; alfalfa, wheat, hegari (all for hay), oats; custom farming. Cortese Feed & Supply, Knox and Elaine Cortese, P.O. Box 25, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 505/355-2271. Purina Feed, tack, animal health, T&S feeders, flatbed trailers, storage containers. El Yeso Ranch Co., Inc., P.O. Box 32, Yeso, NM 88136, Charlie Overton, 575/355-7788. Comm. Angus, reg. horses; guest ranch services; hunting services. Ensz Hay Sales, Daryl Ensz, Salt Cedar Dr., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, res. 575/799-9180. Alfalfa, triticale and hegari. Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch sales. See listings at ranchseller.com. Fort Sumner Processing, Darrin or Julie Burns, 26450 US Hwy 60, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-2004, dburnsfsp@plateautel.net. Meat processing; retail meats; grassfed lamb. Gramma Valley Ranch, Collins & Joan Key, 2047 Gem Rd., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, mailing address: P.O. Box 4203, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/623-6203, joankey@swwmail.net. Comm. Angus cross. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Ironhorse Pipe & Steel, Ron Koehn, 26301 US Hwy. 60/84, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-2277. Portable pipe panels; pipe, steel, welding supplies; trailer parts; custom welding. Kern Land, Inc., 1304 Pile St., Clovis, NM 88102, 575/762-3707, dkern@suddenlinkmail.com. Ag real estate services in New Mexico for over 25 years. Koontz Ranch, Dunlap Rt., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 505/355-2984; Jasper, 505/897-0524. Yearlings and registered Quarter horses. Manzano Angus, Yeso, Cole Gardner, P.O. Box 41, Yeso, New Mexico 88136, 575/512-6237, cole.gardner@hotmail.com, www.manzanoangus.com. Reg. Angus Cattle. Annual Bull Sale in March.


JULY 2011

McKenna Westcamp Ranch, Tom McKenna, P.O. Box 1882, Taiban, NM 88134, 575/355-1882, winners@att.net. Comm. cow / calf Angus. Reg. NM Bred thoroughbred race horses – standing Dominque’s Cat and K.O. Punch. Email: winners@att.net.

B & H Herefords, Phil Harvey, Jr., P.O. Box 40, Mesilla, NM 88046, 575/524-9316; Jim Bob Burnett, P.O. Box 1566, Hope, NM 88250, 575/484-3141. Reg. Hereford bulls, females and semen for sale. Cattle at Hope and Lovington, N.M.

Merritt Ranches, Ron Merritt, Yeso, NM 88136, 505/849-1128. Reg./comm. Barzona cattle.

Bank of the Southwest, Tina Cabrales, P.O. Box 371, Hatch, NM 87937, 505/267-1095. Full service bank, short- and long-term financing.

Morgan’s Menagerie, Morgan McClain, 645 N. 4th St., Fort Sumner, NM 88119, 575/355-9327, mem@plateautel.net. Nordtome, Bob or Mary Nordtome, P.O. Box 333, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, nordtome@hotmail.com, 505/355-9688. Comm. crossbred cattle; reg. Quarterhorses of color – Driftwood/Hancock. Land ‘O’ Lakes feeds. Payne’s Red Angus, Jim or Robbie Payne, Box 325, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 505/355-7982. Reg. Red Angus bulls and heifers. Rafter X Ranch, Bob or Sondra Jack, HC 61, Box 31, Taiban, NM 88134, 575/279-6020. Comm. cattle; comm. horses. S and RP Ranch, Inc., Anna Perez Osle, 1900 Rita Ct., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106, 505/268-3439. Comm. horses. Silver Buckle Horse Ranch, Bob or Mary Nordtome, P.O. Box 333, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 505/3559688, nordtome@hotmail.com. Reg.quarter horses of color – Driftwood, Two Eyed Jack, Hancock and Colonel Freckles. Horse breeding. 3H Club Lambs, Casey or Aspen Achen, P.O. Box 55, Yeso, NM 88136, 575/355-8042, h3clublambs@gmail.com. 4-H and FFA club lambs for sale. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Triangle Cattle Co., Michael Carrica, P.O. Box 1738, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-5480. Comm. Beefmaster/Hereford/Angus X. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Wrecks-All-Wranglers Ranch, Lloyd McConnell, P.O. Box 27, Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 928/671-1561. Saddle-maker / leather crafter - chaps, tack, repairs.

Jim & Sue Darnell, El Paso and Dona Ana address: 5 Paseo de Paz, El Paso, TX 79932, 915/877-2535, ofc. 915/532-2442; OK address: 10381 McClain Rd., Freedom, OK 73842, barjbarherefords@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Herefords – bulls & heifers for sale at private treaty. Visitors welcome. Butterfield Trail Ranch LLC, Tom Cooper, 575/647-1300; Steve Wilmeth, 575/642-8505, 585 S. Valley Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, tscooper@qwestoffice.net. Comm. Beefmaster & Red Angus crossbred bulls & females. Carrasco Ranches, Greg Carrasco, 2600 Apodaca Road, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005, 575/6495268, greg.carrasco@farmcreditnm.com. Reg. & comm. Angus bulls and replacement heifers for sale. Cavender Beefmasters, Richard Cavender, Box 918, Hatch, NM 87937, 505/267-4768. Reg. Beefmasters. Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center, Milt Thomas, 328 Knox Hall, MSL-3I, NMSU, Las Cruces, NM 88003, 505/646-3427. Reg. Angus, Brangus and Brahman. Annual production sale every April. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Conniff Cattle Co. LLC, John and Laura Conniff, Casey Roberts, General Delivery, Rincon, NM 87940, 505/644-2900, 505/644-9583 cfxf@aol.com. Reg. & Comm. Limousin, LimFlex, Angus, Brangus. Conniff F Cross Farm, John and Laura Conniff, 1500 Snow Road, Las Cruces, NM 88005, 505/644-2900, cfxf@aol.com. Reg. & Comm. Limousin, LimFlex, Shorthorn, Durham Red, Angus, Alfalfa, Pecans. Cooper Cattle Company, Tom Cooper, 585 S. Valley Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/647-1300, tscooper@qwestoffice.net. Comm. crossbred. Cooperative Extension Service – New Mexico State University, Animal Resources Dept., Ron Parker, Dept. Head, Box 30003, MSC 3AE-NMSU, Las Cruces, NM 88003, 505/646-1709.

Doña Ana


ADM Alliance Nutrition, Joe Delk, Las Cruces, NM, 505/598-1160. Sales rep. Armstrong Equine Services, Josh Armstrong, 175 Esslinger Rd., La Mesa, NM 88044, 575/233-2208, rusty@armstrongequine.com. Reg. horses. At stud: Von Reminic, NRHA Futurity Champion, $185,000 LTE. Training, showing, breeding.

Delaney Quarter Horses, Dan Delaney, 5545 Tres Sendas Road, Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/644-0776, nmlandman@zianet.com, Reg. horses and mules for sale. Race bred QH’s. Geldings and fillies – roping and barrel prospects. Bred mares with foals. First Down Dash, Beduino, Special Effort. Dan Delaney Real Estate, LLC, Dan Delaney, 318 West Amador Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/6440776, nmlandman@zianet.com. Real estate. Jim & Sue Darnell, 5 Paseo de Paz, El Paso, TX 79932, 877-2535. Reg. and comm. Herefords.

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Garfield Salem




San Andres NWR


White Sands Missile Range



Jornada Experimental Range

White Sands Nat’l Mon.


County Extension Agent

Holloman White AFB Sands Missile Range

G Rio

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

193,888 3,804 square miles median, 8.3’’ October 28 April 9 3,881 ft. Las Cruces 1,821,515 acres with 1,151,044 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 286,910 acres 0 acres 326,135 acres 0 acres ground: 9,370 acres; surface & ground: 86,660 acres 525-6649

Dona Ana

Spaceport City

Las Cruces





San Miguel




Chile Corn, Silage Cotton, Upland


2,800 5,600 8,200

25,750 tons 150,000 tons 23,100 ba





Vado La Mesa Berino Chamberino Chaparral Anthony



University Park





Vinton Canutillo Strauss



All Cattle 115,000 Milk Cows 52,000 Sheep and Lambs 700

Sunland Park

TO OBTAIN THE LATEST DATA GO TO=www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

The Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (The College Ranch) – 64,000 acre ranch just outside of Las Cruces

The Department of Animal & Range Sciences is part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences

,1. ,+ #!*-1/ !+(*!) &!#()(0(%/ ',1/% Students can major in Animal or Rangeland Resources and are provided with the very best of “hands on” academic instruction by our faculty. Fully equipped labs allow students access to cutting-edge research in: LIVESTOCK NUTRITION / GENETICS / PHYSIOLOGY / ENDOCRINOLOGY / MEAT SCIENCE / WOOL / TOXICOLOGY / WATERSHED & RANGELAND ECOLOGY / WEED & BRUSH CONTROL / PLANT SYSTEMATICS / GRAZING MANAGEMENT

The Department also offers pre-veterinary studies – our graduates have a high acceptance rate into veterinary medicine programs. We offer graduate degrees at the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy levels. The M.S. or Ph.D. in Animal Science can emphasize nutrition or physiology, and offers a Ph.D. in Range Science to study range management, range ecology and watershed management.

. ,'+ !*-"%)) 2

. (* ,// 2


The Corona Range & Livestock Research Center – 28,000 acre ranch & facilities in Corona, NM Student organizations, including a Block & Bridle Club, Pre-Vet Club, Range Club, Horsemen’s Association, Therapeutic Riding Club, & Judging Teams

!#%/ +*/1 %$1 !#!$%*(#/ !+./ JULY 2011


Doña Ana County

Cooper Beefmasters Lifetime member – Beefmaster Breeders United (QUARTER CIRCLE A)


Joe Delk, Mesilla Park, NM, 505/644-3082. ADM Sales Agent. Charles F. Dickerson, Inc., International Auctioneers, Charles F. Dickerson, 3920 W. Pichaco Ave., Las Cruces, NM 88007, 575/644-7445, charles@cfdauction.com. Auction services: real estate, livestock, equipment.

Range-raised at our Camaleche Ranch in southern Otero County, NM, 45 miles NE of El Paso, 65 miles SE of Alamogordo, 15 miles off Hwy 62-180.

Doña Ana County FSA Office, Gilbert Garcia, 2509 N. Telshor Suite B, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011, 575/522-8774 Ex. 2, gilbert.garcia@nm.usda.gov.


DuBois Rodeo Scholarship, Frank DuBois, P.O. Box 999, Mesquite, NM 88048, mscowboy@gmail.com, 575/523-4151.

Our Beefmaster genetics include Casey, Lasater, Cage, Cargile, and Salt Creek.

We have an excellent selection of yearling and two year old Beefmaster bulls for sale this fall, ready to go to work!

El Abrigado Animal Clinic, Mark Cox, D.V.M., 900 Country Club Rd., P.O. Box 808, Santa Teresa, NM 88008, 505/589-1818. Veterinary services, Mexican export.

In addition to our Beefmaster cattle, we will offer a limited number of yearling F-1 Beefmaster-Angus bulls, out of Mushrush and NMSU sires, range-raised at our Butterfield Trail Ranch (old Lazy E), 25 miles W of Las Cruces.

Farley’s, Foothills and Nacho, Las Cruces, NM 505/522-0466. Fun, food and pub. Sixteen beers on tap, wood-fired pizza oven, billiards.

We always welcome the opportunity to show our cattle. Come visit us!

Farm Credit Services, 375 W. Boutz Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 505/524-2883. Agricultural mortgage financing.

BEEFMASTER BULLS: Tom and Carol Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .575/647-1300 Las Cruces Beefmaster – Angus bulls and females: Steve Wilmeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .575/642-8505 Las Cruces

4 Bar Company, Robert Barnard, 1140 E. Idaho Ave., Las Cruces, NM 88001, 575/373-3737, robert@4barcompany.com. Reg. Longhorn cattle. Life insurance, investments, retirement planning financial planning. GB Quarter Horses & Reg. Corriente Cattle, Greg Ball, 1563 Snow Rd, Las Cruces, NM 88005, 505/524-9443 or 644-0819. Reg. Corriente cattle, reg. Quarter horses. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 11323 Rojas, El Paso, TX 79935, John Deere sales, service, parts. Hammett's Hatchery, Dennis, Hammett, 520 Soukup Rd., Anthony, NM 88021, cell 915/877-1665, hammettd@yahoo.com. Alfalfa hay; game birds: bobwhite quail, chukar partridge, ringneck pheasants.


Hatch Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 38, Hatch, NM 87937, 505/267-5050.

MANUFACTURERS OF: Liquid Feed Supplements and Dry Feed for Beef and Dairy Cattle • CLOVIS

LARRY TINDELL P.O. Box 387 • Clovis, NM 88101 575/762-2500 RONNIE TINDELL P.O. Box 100 • Rincon, NM 87940 575/267-5000 102

JULY 2011


Heard Around the Supper Table, Glenda Price, P.O. Box 1148, Mesilla Park, NM 88047, 575/5419371, glendaprice00@comcast.net. Humor columnist (country living). “A Goat Tale” and other stories. “Heard Around the Supper Table” column collection. Horse & Hound Feed N Supply, Curtis W. Crieghton, 991 W. Amador, Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/523-8790, horsenhoundfeed@ qwestoffice.net. Full line of Purina Feeds bag and bulk; vet supplies. JCJ Ranches, C.J. Johns, P.O. Box 1318, Santa Teresa, NM 88008, 575/233-4628, jcjeip@aol.com. Comm. cattle; reg. & commercial horses & mules; cattle and mules alwyas available for sale. Johnson Livestock, Dan Johnson, P.O. Box 118, Berino, NM 88024, 505/882-2298. Reg. Brangus bulls and heifers; boarding and lay ups of horses. Jornada Realty, Bill D. Boling, P.O. Box 788, Fairacres, NM 88033, 575/524-0353. Real estate brokers – statewide services.

Doña Ana County


Lack-Morrison Brangus, Bill Morrison, 411 CR 10, Clovis, NM 88101, bvmorrison@yucca.net; www.lackmorrisonbrangus.com, 575/482-3254. Reg. Brangus – bulls, heifers, semen and embryos. Las Cruces Convention & Visitors Bureau, 211 N. Water St., Las Cruces, NM 88001, 505/524-8521. Lazy Y Bar Real Estate Note Finders, Ed or Vivian, P.O. Box 482, Hatch, NM 87937, 575/2674869, vivianward31@gmail.com. List your real estate notes for sale – trust deeds – mortgages. We will get you the best price available. Donald Lewis Real Estate, Inc., Donald B. Lewis, P.O. Box 1370, Mesilla Park, NM 88049, 505/690-8216, donaldblewis@aol.com. Real estate – specializing in ranches & horse properties. Ligon & Co., Vicki Ligon, P.O. Box 2239, Mesilla Park, NM 88047, 505/644-6928, vicki@ligonlingo.com. Mathers Realty, Inc., Keith Brownfield, 2223 E. Missouri, Las Cruces, NM 88001, 575/522-4224, 6409395, mathersrealty@zianet.com. Real estate broker. McGinley Red Angus, Marshall McGinley, 2901 Ancho, Las Cruces, NM 88007, 575/526-9470. Reg. Red Angus bulls, females. Good disposition, calving ease. Mesa Feed Co., Ronnie Tindell. P.O. Box 100, Rincon, NM 87940, 505/267-5000, marshall@mcginleyredangus.com.. Manufacture and sell liquid feed. New Mexico Dept. of Agriculture, Benjamin M. Segovia, bsegovia@nmda.nmsu.edu, res. 505/5278404, or Raul B. Tellez, res. 505/233-3314. MSC 5600, P.O. Box 30005, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8005, ofc. 505/646-4929, fax 505/646-3303. Providing statewide assistance to New Mexico agribusiness companies in developing new international markets for livestock, livestock supplies, seed, farm and ranch machinery and alfalfa. Call us – we will assist you in all your export activities New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau, John Wortman, 2220 N. Telshor Blvd., Las Cruces, NM 88011, 575/532-4700. A free, independent non-governmental and voluntary organization of farm and ranch families united for the purpose of analyzing their problems and formulating action to achieve educational awareness and social advancement, thereby promoting the national well-being. Farm Bureau is local, statewide, national and international in its scope and influence and is nonpartisan, nonsectarian and nonsecret in character. New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum, 4100 Dripping Springs Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88011, 575/522-4100. Tours, demonstrations, exhibits, special events, livestock. New Mexico State University, Tim Ross, Box 30003, Dept. 3-I, Las Cruces, NM 88003, 575/646-2514, ascience@nmsu.edu. Reg. & comm. Angus, Brangus and Brahman cattle; comm. Suffolk; reg. Quarter horses. NMSU Horse Farm, Dr. Jason L. Turner, PO Box 30003, MSC 3-I, Las Cruces, NM 88003, 505/646-1242, jlturner@nmsu.edu. Reg. Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred.

Doña Ana County


Oxbow Quarterhorses, Hank Willemsma, P.O. Box 84, Radium Springs, NM 88054, 575/644-7253, hank@oxbowquarterhorses.com. Corriente roping cattle; Quarterhorses – Joe Hancock/Driftwood line. Pfizer Animal Health, Wade Mulcock, 574 Canyon Point, Las Cruces, NM 88011, 505/644-9233. Vaccines, antibiotics, endectocides for cattle. Roberts Red Angus, 6435 S. Hwy. 28, Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/524-3144, mrmredangus@zianet.com. Reg. Red Angus – females, heifer bulls, semen. Robinson Cattle Co., Rob & Dawnee Robinson, P.O. Box 215, Mesilla Park, NM 88047, 575/523-5154, james.robinson@jhrose.com. Comm. cattle; reg. horses. ROD Ranch, P.O. Box 683, Las Cruces, NM 88001. Reg. Red Brangus cattle. Sachse Club Lambs, Jim Sachse, 3125 Dona Ana Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88007, 575/523-0521, sachse00@comcast.net. Reg. & comm. Suffolk, Hampshire sheep, rams, breeding sheep, market lambs. Sierra Alta Ranch LLC, Tom Mobley, P.O. Box 417, Dona Ana, NM 88032, 575/526-2112, tommobley@fastwave.biz. Comm. cattle; alfalfa. Sierra Irrigation, Jay Dunlap, 480 6th St., Las Cruces, NM 88005, sierrairrigation@zianet.com, 575/523-4500. Irrigation supplies and pipe. Southwest Border Food Safety and Defense Center, Jeff Witte and Billy Dictson, Box 30003 MSC 3AG, Las Cruces, NM 88007, 575/646-5949, swborder@nmsu.edu. Tominson Farm, Jimmy Tomlinson, P.O. Box 774, Hatch, NM 87937, tomlinson@yahoo.com, 575/267-4190. Reg. Texas Longhorns; pecans; alfalfa. Tri-State Angus Ranches, Sam Jenkins or Kandy Lopez, P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/536-9500, 915/203-3411, tristateangus@ aol.com. Reg. and comm. Angus; reg. and comm AQHA; hay; locker beef; licensed auctioneering services and certified personal property appraisals; Australian shepherds; Boer goats. Also serving Grant county.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Welch Land & Cattle, Mary Welch, 1433 Snow Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/524-8248, welch@zianet.com. Reg. Shorthorn cattle; pecans, onions, alfalfa. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.



GG Armstrong Farm, Gary Anderson 575/3656509, Bernarr Treat 575/623-2999 ext 313, P.O. Box 1973, Roswell, NM 88202. Alfalfa hay. Artesia Alfalfa Growers, P.O. Box 975, Artesia, NM 88210, 505/746-4852. Acco Feed dealer of animal and poultry feeds, bag or bulk. B & H Herefords, Phil Harvey, Jr., P.O. Box 40, Mesilla, NM 88046, 575/524-9316; Jim Bob Burnett, P.O. Box 1566, Hope, NM 88250, 575/484-3141. Reg. Hereford bulls, females and semen for sale. Cattle at Hope and Lovington, NM Bach Brangus, Albert Bach or Leon Hendrix, 37 Angus Rd., Artesia, NM 88210, 505/365-8339, 575/317-8010. Reg. cattle, horses, alfalfa hay, oat hay. Brangus bulls, Angus bulls, easy calving bulls, cows and heifers, cow calf pairs. Bar 5 Farm & Ranch, Ron Hyden, 3510 Seven Rivers Hwy., Carlsbad, NM 88220, 505/885-3570. Alfalfa, cotton. Broken Spokes Mfg., www.steelwrangler.com, 5604 Sioux Rd., Carlsbad, NM 88220, twister@ steelwrangler.com. Farm, ranch and oilfield welding, metalwork, signs, gates, smokers, gifts, décor and custom orders. Bullock’s Feed, Kent Bullock, 105 South First Street, Artesia, NM 88210, 505/746-4816, ckbullock@zianet.com.



Low Birth Weight, Range-Raised Bulls James Sachse • Dee Sachse 3125 Doña Ana Road Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005


Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 910, Carlsbad, NM 88220, 505/887-6516. Casa de Caballo, LLC, Jay Jenkins - Kirstin Carlson, 1948 Pecos Highway, Loving, NM 88256, 575/7062873, www.casadecaballo.net. jayjenkins@plateautel.net. Reg. horses - raise & train reg. barrel racing horses; stud service - Streakin Hot Feature; horses for sale. Mike Casabonne, Box 1451, Hope, NM 88250, 505/484-3268. Comm. sheep. F.V. Cauhape Ranch, Marion Cauhape, Star Route, Hope, NM, 505/484-3441. Comm. Western White Face, fine wool, comm. Quarter Horses. Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Silvia Carrera, P.O. Box 230, Artesia, NM 882100230, 505/746-3571. Electricity to rural areas. JULY 2011





Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

51,815 4,180 square miles median, 11.9’’ November 5 April 2 3,120 ft. Carlsbad 1,648,563 acres with 1,420,300 acres BLM and 134,739 acres Forest Service 477,730 acres 0 acres 540,807 acres 8,100 acres surface: 15,180 acres; ground: 35,470 acres; surface & ground: 25,040 acres 887-6595

All Cattle 51,000 12,600 Milk Cows Sheep and Lambs 1,900





www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin



Dayton Lakewood 360







Alfalfa Hay Cotton, Upland



29,000 4,100

155,000 tons 9,200 ba.

Pe cos



Loving Lincoln NF

Black River Village



Whites City Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Red Bluff Reservoir

Map created with TOPO! ©2009 National Geographic ®

Let us service your salt needs. 1-800/386-1235 WALLY MENUEY 575/885-8369 www.circlesfeed.com


Livestock and water softener salt. Some broken and damaged blocks available. Have trucks. Will deliver. WE HAVE THE VERY BEST ANIMAL FEED, HEALTH PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES AVAILABLE.


JULY 2011

Eddy County


Century 21/Associated Professionals, Inc., 1205 W Pierce St., Carlsbad, NM 88220, 505/ 885-9722, realestate21@carlsbadnm.com, www.realestate21.com. Real estate brokerage. Circle S Feed Store, Carlsbad, NM, 800/386-1235. ADM Alliance Nutrition dealer. Cox Land & Cattle, Joe Cox, 130 Cougar Rd., Carlsbad, NM 88220, 575/981-2427, jjcox@putn.net. Comm. Black cows, Hereford bulls - Black Baldy calves. Crockett Ranch, Doepp Crockett, P.O. Box 141, Hope, NM 88250, 575/703-5972, kcrockett@pvtn.net. Comm. Charolais and Red Angus cross; alfalfa hay/pasture grazing, wheat/pasture grazing. Dagger Draw Ranch Inc., Steve McCutcheon, P.O. Box 1061, Carlsbad, NM 88221, 505/457-2550. Comm. Brangus, Corriente. Farm Credit Services, 614 N. Main, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-1354. Agricultural mortgage financing. First American Bank, Mike Hendricks, 303 W. Main, Artesia, NM 88210, 575/746-8044, mhendricks@firstamb.com. Financial services The First National Bank-Artesia, Mike Hendricks, 303 West Main/P.O. Box AA, Artesia, NM 88210, 505/746-8044, 800-289-6140. Agricultural and commercial loans, checking and savings accounts, trust services.

Eddy County


Forehand Liquid Feed, Mark Forehand, 127 Misty Lane, Carlsbad, NM 88220, 505/885-1108. Pro-Lix liquid feed (protein supplements).


Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 3404 Enterprise, Hobbs, NM 88240, 505/392-6923. John Deere sales, service, parts. Hughes Brothers Ranch, Trent Hughes, 5056 Queen Hwy., Carlsbad, NM 88220, 575/981-2481. Comm. cattle; hunting services. Letcher, Golden & Associates, Inc., Rob Golden, P.O. Box 185, (1901 W. Main), Artesia, NM 88211, 575/746-2793, robgolden@letchergolden.com. Insurance. Lewis Land & Livestock, Steve Lewis, 1807 Don Lewis Rd., Artesia, NM 88210, 575/202-2111, lewislivestock@hotmail.com. Bonded livestock buyer, sheep, cattle goats. Real estate broker. “Long In The Tooth,” Rich Sims, 20 Ringtail Circle, Queen Rt., Carlsbad, NM 88220, 575/981-2402. Books: “Long in the Tooth” and “The Way T’wer”. Over 800 pages of facts and photos of the pioneering Ed Sims family in New Mexico territory 1907 to 2005 $59.50 per set.

Residence: 575/748-2770 Shop: 575/746-3072 11032 #2 LOVINGTON HWY. ARTESIA, NM 88210

• Specialists in parts and service for your 4 x 4 vehicle • Trailer Parts & Repair • ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE

Nag Ranch, Etta James, P.O. Box 1411, Hope, NM 88250, 575/484-3393, thtetta@yahoo.com. Reg. sheep; all colors of Navajo-Churro sheep, fleece, roving, batting, warp; locker lamb & breeding animals for sale year round. www.ranchrodeophoto.com.

AT TENTION Farmers, Dairymen & Ranchers Insurance Too High? We can insure your home, barns, equipment, vehicles and liability, all in one competitive package. Representing several companies that insure agriculture risks, we are recognized as one of New Mexico’s leading agriculture insurance specialists. Contact us for a no obligation review of your insurance needs. Ask about Employers Liability versus Workers Compensation for your employees.

Artesia, N.M. 1901 WEST MAIN 575/746-2793 Lovington, N.M. 830 WEST D 575/396-2950

Letcher, Golden & Associates, Inc.

1-800/ 748-2190

JULY 2011


Mule Creek



Gila R.



Gila 35


Pinos Altos

Fierro Hanover

Silver City 75

Redrock 464

Gila NF

Tyrone White Signal


Mimbres San Lorenzo 152

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

San Juan



Hurley Whitewater


State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land


County Extension Agent

29,792 3,970 square miles median, 14.2” October 24 April 28 6,142 ft. Silver City 1,270,877 acres with 385,575 acres BLM and 884,383 acres Forest Service 367,685 acres 24,000 acres 878,238 acres 0 acres surface: 3,690 acres; ground: 1,840 acres; surface & ground: 1,420 acres 388-1559



Separ Wilna



JANUARY 1, 2010 TYPE 81


All Cattle

2010 Figures

26,000 CROP








www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO New Mexico Farm and Ranch Specialist Border to Border, Serving all of New Mexico P.O. BOX 985 ELEPHANT BUTTE, N.M. 87935


JULY 2011




C. EARL GREER, BROKER 575/744-5140 877/744-5410 Fax: 575/744-5121

New Mexico Hay Assn., P.O. Box 1396, Artesia, NM 88211, 505/746-1157, email: nmhay@pvtnetworks.net, web: www.nmhay.com. Statewide non-profit organization to promote New Mexico hays. List of hay producers in New Mexico. Information on New Mexico hays.

Billy and Debi Collard, Rt. 15, Box 1150, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/536-3294. Comm. crossbred cattle, oats, AI and pregnancy checking (licensed).

New Mexico Home Ranch Realty, Janet / Joe Cox, 130 Cougar Rd., Carlsbad, NM 88220, 575/9812427, jjcox@putn.net. Real estate sales specializing in ranches, farms, horse properties.

Joe Delk, Mesilla Park, NM, 505/644-3082. ADM Sales Agent.

New Mexico Salt and Minerals Corp., Wesley Watts, Box 2262, Carlsbad, NM 88220, 575/745-3658, westleywatts@mywdo.com. Bulk, bag, block salt - white, sulpher, iodized, trace mineral, diCal block. Runyan Ranch, Jim Bob Burnet, P.O. Box 1566, Hope, NM 88250, 505/484-3141. Comm. black baldie replacement heifers; top-quality show steers. Steve’s 4-Wheel Drive, 11032 #2 Lovington Hwy., Artesia, NM 88210, shop: 575/746-3072, res.: 575/748-2770. Parts and service for your 4x4, trailer parts and repair. Alfalfa hay for sale. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. USDA-FSA, Jodie Chism, 84 Means Rd, Carlsbad, NM 88220, 575/887-3506, jodie.chism@nm.usda.gov. Comm. Angus cattle, comm. horses.

Cowboy Trappings, Dean Foster, P.O. Box 301, Gila, NM 88038, 575/590-0397, dean@cowboytrappings.com.

Desert Skies Ranch, Steve and Judy Dorn, 80 Horse Thief Canyon Road, Redrock, NM 88055, 575/5428194, sjdorn@wildblue.net. Reg. Red Angus, comm. Black Angus & Maine-Anjou mix. Flying C Ranch, Evelyn Carlisle Yates, P.O. Box 53085, Piños Altos, NM 88053, 505/388-5440. Comm. cattle.

H–Y Ranch, Jon Means, HC 61, Box 112, Buckhorn, NM 88025, 575/535-2339. Comm. cattle. Hughes T3 Ranch, Betty Hughes, 24 Cleveland Mine Rd., Silver City, NM 88061, 575/538-2116. Comm. cow/calf operation. Ir y Venir (Come and Go), Ginny Cordell, 9275 Hwy. 180 W, Silver City, NM 88061, 830/313-2666, 830/317-8866, cordells@earthlink.net. Comm. cattle and roping horses in Del Rio, TX; Bed & breakfast in Silver City - 15 mi. west of Silver City - Ir y Venir Guest Ranch - www.nmbedand breakfast.com. J Six Ranch, Frankie Benoist, RR 15, Box 1345, San Lorenzo, NM 88041, 505/536-9347. Reg./comm. red and black Limousin, rabbits, Blue Heelers, turkeys. Leavitt Group Southwest, Joe McCauley, 106 West 13th St., Silver City, New Mexico 88061, 888/4119595, joe-mccauley@leavitt.com.

The Glenwood Gazette, Gale Moore, P.O. Box 4077, Silver City, NM 88062, 575/388-4806, gale@cybermesa.com. Publisher of “The Glenwood Gazette”, and “Forever Frontier” Visitors Guide to SWNM & SE AZ.

LT Cattle Co., Kyle McCauley, P.O. Box 1252, Silver City, NM 88062, 575/538-3148, wizmehan@hotmail.com. Comm. cattle; feeder beef.

Greer & Winston LLC, Jim Greer, P.O. Box 700, Mimbres, NM 88049, 575/536-3730. Reg. and comm. cattle.

Manchester Mfg. Co., Ron Kloefkorn, Main St. & Hwy. 132, Manchester, OK 73758, 580/694-2292, mmfg@kanokla.net. Force feed feeder chains.

Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 11323 Rojas, El Paso, TX 79935, 915/598-1133. John Deere sales, service, parts. Harrington Ranch LLC, David Miller, HC 76, Box 7, Lordsburg, NM 88045, 575/544-1320. Comm cattle. Heartstone Angus, LLC, C.R. or Erin Evans, 314 C Bar Ranch Rd., Silver City, NM 88061, 575/3134028, CBarRanch@starband.net. Reg. Black Angus.

Montaña del Oso Ranch, Lynn Edwards, P.O. Box 2563, Silver City, NM 88062, 575/534-5040, lynnedwardsmdo@hotmail.com. Reg. & comm. cattle. Porter Angus Ranch, Art Porter, P.O. Box 32, Mule Creek, NM 88051, porterangus@gilanet.com, 505/535-2196. Reg. bulls & heifers; alfalfa

USDA Farm Service Agency, Dale Woods, P.O. Box 278, Carlsbad, NM 88221, 505/887-3506 ext 2, dale.woods@nm.usda.gov. Comm. cattle, reg. & comm. horses Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Wilkerson Well Ranch, Michelle Fierro, 4231 Jones Street, Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220, 505/200-6432, slaymaster99@yahoo.com. Comm. Black short-eared Brangus, reg. & comm. Quarter & mixed breed horses



Action Realty, Dale Spurgeon, P.O. Box 408, Cliff, NM 88028, 505/535-2286. Rural properties, residential, commercial, ranches and farms. A T Cross Cattle Co., Gerald W. Billings, Jr., 78 Whitewater Rd., Silver City, NM 88061, 575/3132780, bbillings@aznex.net. Comm. Angus cattle. Bar J Horse Boarding, Jeanette Hamilton, 3905 S. Broken Arrow Dr., Silver City, New Mexico 88051, 505/538-3470, ctrujillo@zianet.com. Cameron Creek Show Steers, Leslie Ann Pugmire, P.O. Box 1003, Santa Clara, NM 88026, 575/5344952, ccrshorthorns@gmail.com. Reg. Club Calves, Chi-Maine, Maine-Anjou, Shorthorn.

" " 8








.*42 %33,( 1(' )/1 (6 (7+&/:2 0(&+)+& .5+1/.-(.3 Cattle that are easy fleshing, fertile, low birthweight, moderate milk and high growth. Registered Angus Bulls Available at the Ranch

" +,%


/7 (7+&/ /-( (,, JULY 2011


Anton Chico Dahlia

4,365 2,999 square miles median, 13.6’’ October 25 April 17 4,620 ft. Santa Rosa 120,053 acres with 117,488 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 117,810 acres 0 acres 1,620,697 acres 800 acres surface: 3,730 acres; ground: 450 acres 472-3652

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Dilia Colonias Cuervo


State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

Santa Rosa

. os R Pec


County Extension Agent

Pastura 84 54



L. Sumner Vaughn







Alfalfa Hay





All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

28,500 3,100



www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

CORTESE Feed & Supply • Animal Health Supplies • Ranch & Livestock Equipment • Storage Containers • And Much, Much More! 256 Historic Route 66 Santa Rosa, NM

PURINA FEEDS & MINERALS Fast, Dependable Service ANYWHERE in New Mexico! You’ll Like Our Prices . . . You’ll Love Our Service!


JULY 2011

knox@plateautel.net 575/472-3421 BUILT STRONGER TO LAST LONGER

Grant County


Re/Max Silver Advantage, Billy Donnel, P.O. Box 1477, Silver City, NM 88061, billydonnel@remax.net, 505/538-3847. Realtor – New Mexico properties. Rio Mimbres Ranch, Beverly Hamill or Liz Stewart, P. O. Box 1477, Silver City, NM 88061, 1-800/ 716-3847 Ext #23 or #21, bev@bevhamill.com or stewart@zianet.com. Comm. Black Angus; 140.9 acres of surface irrigation water rights from 3 ditches for farming and/or livestock.. Southwest Horseman’s Assn., Silver City, P.O. Box 586, Silver City, NM 88062, Bill Mehan 575/538-2308. “Wild, Wild West” Pro Rodeo, Pat Bearup 575/534-5030. Sumrall Angus, Don Sumrall, 377 Ridge Rd., Silver City, NM 88061 575/538-3365, dssumrall@q.com. Registered Black Angus. Tri-State Angus Ranches, Sam Jenkins or Kandy Lopez, P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/ 536-9500, 915/203-3411, tristateangus@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Angus; reg. and comm AQHA; hay; locker beef; licensed auctioneering services and certified personal property appraisals; Australian shepherds; Boer goats. Also serving Grant county. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft. Sumner, NM, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch sales. See listings at ranchseller.com.

Payne Hereford Ranch, Tom Payne, P.O. Drawer S, Santa Rosa, NM 88435, 505/472-3744. Reg. Hereford.

The Feed Store, Don Sultemeier, 1311 Historic Rt. 66, Santa Rosa, NM 88435, 575/472-5020. Livestock feeds, vet supplies, pet supplies, tack, poultry.

Rimrock Ranch, Joe Scott, Ima Rt., Box 12, Cuervo, NM 88417, 505/472-3069. Reg. Brangus, comm. black baldy cattle.

Garrett Bros. Ranch, Vaughn, NM, Owners Toni and Mike Garrett, 1999 McKinney Ave., Ste. 408, Dallas, TX 75201-1753, ofc. 214/9229381, fax 214/922-9383, res. 214/999-6060, GarrettM@swbell.net. Foreman, Blaine Muncy, P.O. Box 123, Corona, NM 88318, mobile 575/799-0924. Comm. stocker/feeder cattle, yearlings.

Spear - T - Ranch, Phillip Hoehne / Larry Nelson, P.O. Box 183, Vaughn, NM, 575/584-2251, nelsonmeats@hotmail.com. Comm. cattle.

Guadalupe County FSA Office, Melecia Flores, P.O. Box 502, Santa Rosa, NM 88435, 575/4725401, melecia.flores@nm.usda.gov. JT Land & Cattle, Jim & Carol Thorpe, HC 67, Box 14, Newkirk, NM 88431, jimthorpe@wildblue.net 575/868-4686. Comm Angus - quality replacement heifers – gentle. Tom Mackechnie, Grady, NM, 505/357-2994. ADM sales agent.

Moon Valley Ranch, Horacio J. Lopez Puerto de Luna, NM 88435, 575/472-4090. Reg. and comm. cattle.



Emilio Burguete, Inc., P.O. Box 177, Vaughn, NM, Andy Cordova, mgr., 505/584-2502. Reg. and comm. Gelbvieh cattle; comm. Rambouillet sheep. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Cortese Feed & Supply, Lou Chavez, 256 Coronado Ave., Santa Rosa, NM 88435, 505/472-3421. Purina Feed, tack, animal health, T&S feeders, storage containers.

Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.



Aragon’s Feed Store, Robert Aragon, 4th & Main, Mosquero, NM 87733, eves. 505/673-2332. Ranch-Way feeds dealer, bulk/bag, delivery available. Bell Ranch, Bert Ancell, HCR 67, Box 23, Bell Ranch, NM 88431, 505/868-2207, ancell@plateautel.net. Comm. Composites, Reg.

W B Guide Service Inc., Wayne Billings, P.O. Box 676, Tyrone, NM 88065, 575/388-0220, wbillings@aznex.net.

Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Moise Livestock Co. LLC, Steve Moise, P.O. Box 1705, Albuquerque, NM 87103, steve@moiseco.biz 505/629-2060. Comm. Angus cattle.

U Bar Ranch, David Ogilvie, 10199 Hwy. 180 W., Silver City, NM 88061, dogilvie1@hotmail.com, 575/535-2975, 575/574-4860 cell, dogilvie1@ hotmail.com. Reg. Angus & comm. cattle.

Wells Fargo Bank, Corner of Pope and 12th St., Silver City, NM 88061, 505/538-5302. Deposit accounts, safe deposit boxes, ATM, loans.

Sultemeier Fencing, Mark Sultemeier, P.O. Box 157, Vaughn, NM 88353, 505/472-5294. Custom fencing, horseshoeing and day work.

F&F CATTLE CO. Producers of quality foundation BARZONA cattle for over 39 years. REGISTERED BULLS AND HEIFERS AVAILABLE. MIKE FITZGERALD 575/673-2346 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733 ffcattleco@plateautel.net

Cactus Cowboy Gear, Joe Roy and Jeannine Ray, P.O. Box 520, Roy, NM 87743, 505/666-2289. Powder River Livestock Handling Equip., Hillsboro trailers, ranch supplies and tack. Clavel Ranch, Joe Clavel, HC 73, Box 181, Roy, NM 87743, 505/485-2591. Reg./comm. Hereford. Culbertson Ranch (W.O. Culbertson & Sons Inc.,) 542 Culbertson Rd., Amistad, NM 88410, David Whatley 575/633-2828, Jack Culbertson 806/249-4665, Joe Culbertson 575/633-2851. Comm. Hereford and Angus-Hereford crosses. F & F Cattle Company, Mike & Pat Fitzgerald, 130 Fitzgerald Lane, Mosquero, NM 87733, 575/6732346, ffcattleco@plateautel.net. Reg. Barzona cattle; comm. herd; Reg. Quarter horses; winter wheat / round bales hay. Garcia Ranch, Jimmy Garcia, P.O. Box 369, Roy, NM 87743, 575/485-2431, garciaranch@plateautel.net. Reg. & Comm. Angus and Corriente cattle; reg. Quarter horses. Harding County FSA, Darlene Hazen, 411 Chicosa Street, Roy, NM 87743, 575/485-2294, darlene.hazen@nm.usda.gov. Hartley Ranch/Hartley Construction, Ray Hartley, 50 Guest Ranch Lane, Roy, NM 87743, 575/673-2244. Comm. cow/calf; dirt contractor; stock tanks; pipelines, roads. JULY 2011


State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

718 2,138 square miles median, 15.5” October 24 April 26 5,884 ft. Mosquero 70,506 acres with 5 acres BLM & 70,501 acres Forest Service 344,981 acres 0 acres 949,933 acres 2,900 acres ground: 4,670 acres 673-2341

. dian R Cana

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Kiowa National Grassland


120 39


Roy 120





26 *

2010 Figures

* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin










All Cattle


Cr e ek


Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

Clavel Herefords ROY, N.M.

Range Raised



JULY 2011

Joe: 575/485-2591

C.J. 575/485-2543



Heimann-Lewis Cattle Co. Inc., Mike or Linda Lewis, 141 Lewis Rd., Mosquero, NM 87733, 505/673-2321. Comm. Hereford, Angus and Baldies. Jerry’s Welding & Dozer Services, Jerry R. Hazen, P.O. Box 83, Mosquero, NM 87733, 575/673-2311. Comm. cattle; metal fabrication – shop & field welding; trailer repairs & parts; dirt moving – tank & trail building; brush control. T.E. Mitchell & Son, Inc., Lyn Ray, 661 Tequesquite Lane, Albert, NM 87733, 505/673-2202. Comm. cattle, reg. Quarter Horses. Ray Ranch, Donna Ray, WR Corrientes, P.O. Box 99, Roy, NM 87743, 505-485-2545. Reg. Corriente breeding stock, reg. Quarter Horses. Ray Ranch – RR Corrientes, Dusty Ray, P.O. Box 67, Roy, NM 87743, 505/485-2559, fax 505/485-2619, mob. 505/487-8111. Reg. and comm. Corriente cattle, breeding stock, semen, roping steers, reg. horses. Shaw Ranch, Richard L. or Barabara L. Shaw, 1466 Shaw Ranch Rd., Mills, NM 87730, 575/485-2512, shawbarbara@yahoo.com. Reg. Angus cattle. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, Fourth and Chicosa, Roy, NM, 505/485-2281. Banking/financial services. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Yesterday’s Valley Ranch, Inc., Doug Campbell, 250 Bravo Dome Hwy., Bueyeros, NM 88415, 575/673-2326, libcamp@aol.com. Comm. Angus Source Verified “All Natural Beef” calves..




Hidalgo County FSA Office, Arlen L. Hall, CED, 405 Duncan Hwy., Lordsburg, New Mexico 88045, 575/542-3241 Ext. 2, arlen.hall@nm.usda.gov. Jinglebob, Ltd., John & Keri Guldemann, 26 Acequia Rd., Animas, NM 88020, 575/548-2402, johnkeriguldemann@yahoo.com. Criollo – heritage cattle of the Americas; Longhorn & Corriente cattle of Spanish decent; reg. Quarter horses – foundation breeding: Joe Hancock; Driftwood, San Simon, Roan Wolf & more; recreational cattle; heritage beef cattle; custom finishing; cattle dogs. JO Bar Ranch, Amanda Mayfield, 3 Dale Douglas, Lordsburg, NM 88045, 505/542-8453. Comm. Angus bulls; reg. AQHA, race breed and cow bred. Keeler Ranches, Murray or Judy Keeler, P.O. Box 307, Animas, NM 88020, 575/548-2520, 575/4436-2621, jfkeeler @vtc.net. Comm. F1 cows with reg. Leachman & Massey Angus bulls & Gray Charolais bulls. Kipp Cattle Co., Justin Kipp, Rex Kipp, Brock Kipp, Tyke Kipp and Chance Kipp, P.O. Box 250, Lordsburg, NM, 575/546-1812, kippcattleco@hotmail.com. Comm. Hereford since 1882. Tyke Kipp, 2010 NM State High School All Around Cowboy and Bareback Champion. Lordsburg-Hidalgo Co. Chamber of Commerce, 117 E. 2nd St., Lordsburg, NM 88045-1926, 505/542-9864. Mayfield Ranch, Butch Mayfield, Box 9031, Playas, NM 88009, 505/436-2544. Comm. Angus and Charolais bulls; crossbred cows; reg. AQHA breeding.

Rubio Cattle Co. LLC., Michael & Christy Rubio, 13 Circle Dr., Animas, NM 88020, 575/436-0014, chrblack_98@yahoo.com. Comm. Angus cross; reg. AQHA Quarter horses. Custom leather goods. Shiloh Ranch, Stan Smith, P.O. Box 72, Rodeo, NM 88056, 575/557-2429, pcanyon@vtc.net. Comm. mixed breed Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, & Balancer. Three Mile Hill Ranch, Cash & Kansas Massey, P.O. Box 335, 29 Cherokee Lp., Animas, NM 88020, home/fax 575/548-2477, Cash cell 575/544-7998, Kanzas cell 575/494-2678, massey2@vtc.net. Raising reg. Black Angus bulls; working cow dogs - Border collie x Australian kelpie.. Tri-State Angus Ranches, Sam Jenkins or Kandy Lopez, P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/5369500, 915/203-3411, tristateangus@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Angus; reg. and comm AQHA; hay; locker beef; licensed auctioneering services and certified personal property appraisals; Australian shepherds; Boer goats. Also serving Grant county. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Midbar Ranch, Stephen & Meira Gault, 53 Midbar Ranch Rd., Animas, NM 88020, 575/548-2443. Comm. Hereford-Red Angus cross.


Move Cattle, Amanda Mayfield, Box 9031, Playas, NM 88009, 505/534-7707. EID software & service, software, marketing management, cattle trucking, Superior Livestock Auction representative.

ADM Alliance Nutrition, Wayne Banks, Lovington, NM, 505/396-7284. Sales agent.

Pride Ranch, J.H. (Butch) Mayfield, P.O. Box 362, Playas, NM 88009, 505/436-2544. Reg./comm. crossbred cows and reg. Charolais bulls. AQHA breeder. Pyramid Livestock, Butch Mayfield, Box 9031, Playas, NM 88009, 505/436-2544. Cattle broker Superior Livestock Auction.


B & H Herefords, Phil Harvey, Jr., P.O. Box 40, Mesilla, NM 88046, 505/524-9316; Jim Bob Burnett, P.O. Box 1566, Hope, NM 88250, 505/484-3141. Reg. Hereford bulls, females and semen for sale. Cattle at Hope and Lovington, N.M. Bess Ranch, Dorothy Bess, Box 143, Tatum, NM 88267, 575/398-6217. Comm. Angus.


Bootheel Heritage Association, Judy Keeler, Secretary, P.O. Box 307, Animas, NM 88020, 575/548-2520, jfkeeler@vtc.net. Information dispersal organization. Conserving the land, its resources, our culture and the economy through private ownership. “Give a man the secure possession of bleak rock, and he will turn it into a garden; give him a nine-year lease of a garden, and he will convert it to a desert . . . the magic of property turns sand into gold.” - Arthur Young, “Travels”, 1787.

C Culbertson-WhatleyRanch C

Culbertson Ranch W.O. C S , I . ULBERTSON AND AND



Commercial Hereford & Angus-Hereford Crosses

Joe Delk, Mesilla Park, NM, 505/644-3082. ADM Sales Agent. Elbrock Ranch, Edward & Tricia Elbrock, 100 Elbrock Ranch Rd., P.O. Box 25, Animas, NM 88020. Comm. Beefmaster; 4-H & FFA show lambs.


S ONS , I NC .


Jack and Catherine Culbertson Josh & Laura Smith • Joe & Vivian Culbertson David & Cathy Whatley • Amanda Culbertson


JULY 2011






5,087 3,447 square miles median, 10.4” November 4 April 6 4,250 ft. Lordsburg 882,679 acres with 805,459 acres BLM & 77,220 acres Forest Service 354,431 acres 11,000 acres 957,970 acres 0 acres ground: 37,640 acres; surface and ground: 2,780 acres 542-9291

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent




JANUARY 1, 2011





All Cattle



Lordsburg Lisbon


Animas 9




2010 Figures CROP

Alfalfa Hay




28,100 tons



Coronado NF




* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

San Bernardino NWR Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

Elbrock Ranch Quality Commercial Beefmasters and Blackface Show Lambs 112

JULY 2011

Edward & Tricia Elbrock Animas, NM 88020 H: 575/548-2270 O: 575/548-2429 elbrock@vtc.net


125 RANKS *






2010 Figures








JANUARY 1, 2011

Cotton, Upland Peanuts Lovington


20,500 3,600

54,200 ba. 16,500,000 lbs.





All Cattle Milk Cows Sheep and Lambs

85,000 19,600 2,000


Population Land Area


Hobbs 18



Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Eunice Maypens Teague 128 18


State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent


57,312 4,394 square miles median, 14.8” November 4 May 7 3,615 ft. Lovington 466,952 acres with 466,952 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 873,748 acres 0 acres 1,470,460 acres 1,000 acres ground: 83,500 acres 396-2819 TO OBTAIN THE LATEST DATA GO TO

www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

Always Producing Winners In the show ring or in the field! Stop by the Ranch any time! We love to show off our Red Angus. • 2-YEAR-OLD BULLS • YEARLING BULLS AVAILABLE

Show Calves By: /LD Carmiel

Lazy D Ranch Red Angus 2022 N. Turner • Hobbs, NM 88240 Phone: 575/392-3753, 575/318-4086 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.lazy-d-redangus.com

JULY 2011


RLand io Hondo & Cattle Co. – Since 1970 –

FOR SALE: PUREBRED BRANGUS BULLS Royce Griggs 575 / 653-4617 P.O. Box 2 Picacho, NM 88343

Lea County


Cattle Baron, 1930 N. Grimes, Hobbs, NM, 505/393-2800. Steak and seafood restaurant. Circle 7 Ranch, Tommy Burrus, Box 1090, Plains, TX 79355, 505/398-6137. Reg. Hereford cattle; reg, quarter horses. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Doom Ranch West, Becky Jo Doom, 47 Doom Lane, Jal, NM 88252, 505/395-2877. Doom Ranch East, Jerold Doom, 1753 FM 194, Blossom, TX, 903/784-7301. Comm. cattle; West structural pipe. Double M, Mark McCloy, Box 1076, Jal, NM 88252, 432/940-4459, annettemccloy@yahoo.com. Comm. cattle; reg. horses.

Chavez Canyon R





575/653-4526 HONDO, NEW MEXICO Coy Dictson, Ranch Manager Sam & Jan Donaldson, Owners

First National Bank–Hobbs, Zane Bergman, Shane Faught, P.O. Box 460, Hobbs, NM 88241-0460, 505/ 392-9200, 800/289-6140. Agricultural and comm. loans, checking and savings accounts, trust services. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 3404 Enterprise, Hobbs, NM 88240, 505/392-6923. John Deere sales, service, parts. Henard Ranch, Oscar Henard, Box 975, Tatum, NM 88267, 575/398-6155. Reg. and comm. cattle – Reg. Herefords; Reg. Angus – Black Baldie. Hobbs Chamber of Commerce, 400 N. Marland, Hobbs, NM 88240, 505/397-3202, 800/658-6291. Relocation, economic, demographic, business and tourism data/information. J and J Angus, Ed Johnston, P.O. Box 152, Monument, NM 88265, 575/397-3039, EJohn61071@windstream.com. Reg. Angus. Carl L. Johnson Ranch, Box 917, Tatum, NM 88267, 505/393-6547. Steers/cow-calf operation.

Lea County


Edward Jones, Jesse L. Brownfield, 921 Turner, Hobbs, NM 88240, 575/397-0661, jesse.brownfield@edwardjones.com. Stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, life insurance & annuities. Klein Ranch, Faye Linam Klein, P.O. Box 1503, 6800 Carlsbad Hwy., Hobbs, NM 88241, 575/4415597. Comm. Purebred Santa Gertrudis. Lazy D Ranch, Mary Dobry, 2022 N. Turner, Hobbs, NM 88240, cell: 575/318-4086. Reg. Red Angus. Lea FSA County Office, Terry L. Carter, 401 Tatum Highway, Lovington, NM 88260, 575/396-5857, terry.cater@nm.usda.gov. Letcher, Golden & Assoc. Insurance, Rand Rogers, Rob Golden CIC, 830 W. Ave. D, Lovington, NM 88260, 505/396-2950. Farm, ranch and dairy insurance programs, independent insurance agency. McWhorter Ranch, Dub McWhorter, 32 McWhorter ln., Lovington, NM 88260, 575/396-3769, beckymcwhorter@gmail.com. Comm. Red Angus. Bulls & heifer calves. O7 Ranch, Tommy Burrus, HC 12, Box 505, Tatum, NM 88267, 505/398-6137. Comm. Hereford and Corriente cattle; reg. Quarter horses. Pitchfork Cattle Co., Bert Madera, 524 Antelope Ridge, Jal, NM 88252, 575/390-2861, bertmadera21@yahoo.com. Comm. Hot Landers; all natural beef – 1/4 – 1/2 or whole. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

A.D. Jones Estate, Inc., Punch or Dirk Jones, HC 12, Box 25, Tatum, NM 88267, 575/398-6477. Comm. cattle; comm. sheep; reg. horses.


NATURAL 16% Protein • 10% Fat


NOT YOUR FATHER’S LIQUID FEED Truckload or individual trough delivery

BAR GUITAR LIQUID FEED CO. LLC 575/653-4140 Serving Lincoln and Chaves Counties


JULY 2011

PALEFACE RANCH Registered Red Brangus

Offering a Few Bred and Open Heifers and Young Pairs. P.O. Box 343 Alto, New Mexico 88312 Mike Levi 575/336-4983 mlevi@palefaceranch.com • www.palefaceranch.com Ranches located at Alto and Picacho, New Mexico Member: AMERICAN RED BRANGUS ASSOCIATION

21,223 4,859 square miles median, 12.6” October 7 May 7 6,220 ft. Carrizozo 1,103,482 acres with 563,368 acres BLM and 400,414 acres Forest Service 301,841 acres 0 acres 1,704,937 acres 500 acres surface: 2,230 acres; ground: 1,920 acres; surface and ground: 2,160 acres 648-2311

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent


Cibola NF


Tecolote Ancho


Carrizozo Capitan







JANUARY 1, 2011

Lincoln San Patricio


Ruidoso Ruidoso Downs Hollywood


All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

Lincoln NF

Fort Stanton





Hondo Picacho Sunset


33,000 11,400

2010 Figures




www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

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JULY 2011



Lincoln County


Allen Longhorn Cattle Co., Mrs. John Allen, 32 Wilson St., Lambertville, NJ 08530, 908/246-7780.


Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

Anderson Livestock Co., Bayne Anderson, 1470 W. Florida, Deming, NM 88030, 505/546-3848, andersonlivestock@msn.com. Reg. Limousin, Maine-Anjou, crossbreds.

Cooper Bros., Arabela Rt., Tinnie, NM 88351, 505/653-4440. Reg./comm. Hereford cattle, comm. fine-wool sheep.

G.G. Armstrong Ranch, Bernarr Treat, 575/6232999 ext 313, P.O. Box 1973, Roswell, NM 88202. Comm. Angus..

Cooper Cattle Company, Thomas Cooper, 585 S. Valley Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/647-1300, tscooper@qwestoffice.net. Comm. crossbred.

Bar Guitar Ranch, Gary Mendiola, P.O. Box 69, Picacho, NM 88343, 575/653-4140, mendiola@pvtn.net. Distributor of Min 30 Liquid Feed; tree sales and landscaping. Bar M Real Estate, Scott McNally, P.O. Box 428, Roswell, NM 88202, sammmcnally@msn.com, 575/622-5867, 575/420-1237. Farm and ranch sales; general certified appraiser. Bar W Ranch, Inc., S.T. Spencer, P.O. Box 36, Carrizozo, NM, barwranch@tularosa.net, 505/6482814. Comm. Red Angus x Gelbvieh; reg. Quarter horses; tested bulls – spring; feeder calves – fall, spring; replacement heifers; ranch/performance horses; hunting. Barham Family Ranch, LLC, Gordon Barham, P.O. Box 67, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 575/648-2479. Comm. Maine-Anjou, Limousin, Angus Limousin, crossclub calves. Bryan Ranch, William Bryan, HC 34, Box 12, Corona, 88318, 575/849-1056. Double performance, cows and bulls; comm. cattle. Raising outstanding mountain adapted cow families. Carrizo Valley Ranch, Sid Goodloe, P.O. Box 598, Capitan, NM 88316, 505/354-2379, carrizovalleyranch@yahoo.com or sralt@hotmail.com. Comm. Angus; Grassfed Natural Angus Beef. Carrizozo Cowboy Days, Roland Caster, P.O. Box 1014, Carizozo, NM 88301, 575/648-2265, 2020bandit@tularosa.net. Annual city-wide celebration honoring the cowboy and the Western way of life June 12-14, 2009. Julie Carter - Cowgirl Sass and Savvy, Julie Carter, P.O. Box 284, Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301, 505/648-1152, jcarter@tularosa.net. Cattle Baron, 657 Sudderth, Ruidoso, NM, 505/257-9355. Seafood and steak restaurant, fine dining. Centerfire Real Estate, Russell Burris, P.O. Box 1417, Los Lunas,, NM 87031, 505/991-3617, nonidad@aol.com. Real estate services. Century 21, Aspen Real Estate, James Paxton or Marilyn Ward, 727 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345, 800/658-2773, homes@zianet.com. Real estate sales. Champ Peak Farm, Velma Ward, P.O. Box 61, Capitan, New Mexico 88316, 575/973-2555, eatgourmet@hotmail.com. Crops Description: Vegetable farm to market crops.


JULY 2011

Cornerstone Ranch, Inc., Glenda Armstrong, 616 Pecan Dr., Ft. Sumner, NM 88119, 575/3552803, cornerstone@plateautel.net. Reg. & comm. Hereford, Angus & Black Baldy. Alfalfa hay. Corona Eagle Ranch, Dr. Terry B. Adams, P.O. Box 1, Corona, NM 88318, coronaeagleranch@sbcglobal.net. Comm. cattle; reg. horses. Corona Range & Livestock Research Center., Neil Burcham, 331 Knox Hall, MSC 3I, NMSU, Las Cruces, NM 88003, 505/646-2309. Reg. Angus. CRT Registered Black Angus, Candy Ray Trujillo, P.O. Box 25, Capitan, NM 88316, cell 480/ 2081410, crtangus@valornet.com. Reg. Black Angus; certified A.I.U. technician; Genex rep. semen sales. Eagle Creek Land & Cattle, LLC., Bud Hettinga, 2205 Shalem Colony Trail. Las Cruces, NM 88007, 575/644-7477, budhettinga@yahoo.com. Comm. 1/2 Angus, and Corriente fullblood roping calves, bulls and heifers. EBS West, Dr. Joe Gray Peeples, P.O. Box 696, Hwy. 48 and Cora Dutton Road, Capitan, NM 88316, 505/354-2929, custom bovine semen collection, processing and storage, sales and worldwide shipping service, complete line of AI supplies, in-house embryo transfer services. Erramouspe Inc., Joseph Erramouspe, P.O. Box 371, Corona, NM 88318, 575/849-1023, jaerramouspe@yahoo.com. Comm. cattle. Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft. Sumner, NM, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch sales. See listings at ranchseller.com. Farley’s, 1200 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso, NM, 505/258-5676. Food, fun and pub, sixteen beers on tap, wood-fired pizza oven. Farm Bureau Insurance & Investments, Rutalee Jernigan, 1207 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM 88345, 575/258-1431, rtodd@fbfs.com. Brad McConnel, 1414 S. Ave. O, Portales, NM 88130, 575/356-6621, brad.mcconnel@fbfs.com. Farm Credit Services, 614 N. Main, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/622-1354. Agricultural mortgage financing. Ferguson Ranch, Matt Ferguson, Box 846, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2984. Comm. Red Angus – Red Angus x Herefords. Ferguson Ranches, Wally and Anne Ferguson, Box 578, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/849-1446. Comm. crossbred calves, Hereford-Red Angus, steers and heifers.

Lincoln County


First National Bank-Roswell, Kenneth Berry, 5th and Virginia, P.O. Box 1857, Roswell, NM 88201, 505/623-8500. Agricultural and commercial loans, checking and savings accounts, trust services. Flying W Diamond Ranch, Ed Tinsley, P.O. Box 708, Capitan, NM 88316, 575/354-0770, edtinsley@ thg-llc.com. Comm. cattle; reg. & comm. horses. G Bar F Ranch, Frank Sidwell, P.O. Drawer 1517, Roswell, NM 88202, 505/653-4383. Reg. and comm. Beefmaster. Glencoe Rural Events Center, Linda Wallace, Box 10, Glencoe, NM 88324, 505/653-4542 or 800/827-8972. Special events center and Joe R. Skeen Arena, auctions, trade shows, ag expos, ropings, horse and cattle shows, reunions, etc. Grider Ranch Real Estate, Jim Grider, P.O. Box 990, Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301, 505/491-5415, jim@griderranchrealestate.com. Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino, Mescalero, NM, near Ruidoso, 800/545-9011, www.innofthemountaingods.com. World-class resort, hotel, casino, skiing, golf. Latigo Ranch, Ronald H. Mayer, P.O. Box 2391, Roswell, NM 88202, 505/623-5658, ronal@ranchfinder.com. Comm. yearlings, seasonal grazing; comm. horses. Lincoln County FSA Office, Lynn Muncy, 3501 Mesa Village Drive, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310, 575/437-3100, lynn.muncy@nm.usda.gov. L/S Cattle Co., Speedy & Leanne Hutcheson, P.O. Box 116, Corona, NM 88318, 575/849-1122. Buy, sell, trade all breeds & types of livestock. Mendoza Ranch, George Mendoza Jr., 27635 Hwy. 70, San Patricio, NM 88348, 505/653-4190, george.mendozajr@us.army.mil. Comm. Hereford / Angus cross; apples, pears, apple wood, cedar wood. Merritt Ranch, Ron or Sandra Merritt, HC66, Box 39, Yeso, NM 88136, 505/849-1423, rsmerrittjr@plateautel.net. Comm. Angus; Corriente roping cattle; reg. Quarter horses; trucking; dirt work; tire sales. Ronald and Beverly Merritt, HC 66, Box 30, Yeso, NM 88136, 505/849-1128. Comm. Black Angus cattle. Mill Iron Lazy 3 Ranches, R.C. and Gordon Barham, P.O. Box 369, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2903, 648-2479. Reg. Limousin and comm. Limousin crosses; limited number of reg. Quarter Horses; reg. swine (4-H use only). Moonlight Corrientes, Aub Dunn, P.O. Box 1047, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/653-4910. Auction services. New Mexico State Forestry & Resources Conservation Division, Capitan Dist., P.O. Box 277, Capitan, NM 88316, 505/354-3332. 99 Cattle Co., Jeff Brandenberger, P.O. Box 13, Claunch, NM 87011, 575/849-1105. Comm. Angus – quality replacement heifers. O Bar O Ranch and Headquarters, Box 65, Nogal, NM 88341, Bob Bullard 505/648-2510, south headquarters; James Calaway 505/648-2295, north headquarters. Reg. and comm. beefmaster, Reg. Thoroughbred horses.

Paleface Ranch, Mike Levi, 575/336-4983, P.O. Box 343, Alto, NM 88312. Reg. Red Brangus.

Rutalee A. Todd, Farm Bureau Financial Services, 1096 Mechem, Suite G2, Ruidoso, NM, 505/258-1431. Insurance and investments.

Ranney Ranch LP, Melvin W. Johnson, P.O. Box 376, Corona, NM 88318, 575/849-8141. Comm.Angus. Selling grassfed beef; stocker heifers & bulls.

Tankmasters, Jerry Richardson, P.O. Box 1772, Capitan, NM 88316, 575/430-7276, tankmasters.capitan@yahoo.com

Richards Ranch, Inc., Sue Maness, HC 66, Box 4, Yeso, NM 88136, lamb@plateautel.net, 505/8491115. Comm. Hereford; comm. Rambouillet and Debouillet cross; bucks for sale year around. Rio Hondo Land & Cattle Co. LP, Royce Griggs, P.O. Box 2, Picacho, NM 88343, 575/653-4617. Purebred Brangus; reg. Quarter horses. Roadrunner Ranch, Inc., Michael Carrica, P.O. Box 1738, Roswell, NM 88202, 505/622-5480. Comm. Hereford-Angus cross cattle; comm. Rambouillet-Columbia cross sheep. Ruidoso Convention Center, Rachel Burrus, 111 Sierra Blanca Dr., Ruidoso, NM 88345, 505/258-5445, sales@ruidosoconventioncenter.com. Convention space. Savvy Publishing, Julie Carter, P.O. Box 284, Carrizozo, NM, 575/648-1152, jcarter@tularosa.net. Freelance ag writer; two books in print. Web: www.julie-carter.com.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, info@TSLCC.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Candy Ray Trujillo’s Reg. Black Angus, Candy Ray Trujillo, P.O. Box 25, Capitan, NM 88316, 575/354-2682. Reg. Black Angus. Vega Ranch, Henry Vega, P. O. Box 606, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 575/648-2464. Comm. cattle and horses. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. R.L. York Custom Leather, Lee York, 505/354-2863, P.O. Box 805, Capitan, NM 88135, leeyork@valornet.com. Custom leather products of all kinds – from shootin’ to horses.

Sierra Blanca Equine, Kim Saunders, Ruidoso Downs Hwy. 70, East, Ruidoso Downs, NM 88336, 575/378-0043 home, 575/430-7084 cell. Reg. horses. Standing: Somethingtobelievein QH. Sierra Blanca Motor Company, Bud Swan, 304 Highway 70, Ruidoso, NM 88345, 800/626-6867, bud@sierrablancamotors.com. Sierra Blanca Realty, Barbara Willard, 700 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM 88345, 505/257-2576. Residential, land commercial real estate. Skeen Buckhorn Ranch, Mike, Mary or Gail, P.O. Box 67, Picacho, NM 88343, 575/653-4084, buckhornranch@pvtn.net. Comm. Brangus; Longhorn – Corriente mix; comm. Debouillet. Stephenson Ranch, Inc., Mark and Stacy Hendricks and/or Bill and Veda Stephenson, P.O. Box 307, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2477, 505/6482606. Comm. breeds – English cross, Hereford, Angus and Simmental cross; stocker calves and yearlings; private land elk permits. Stokes Land & Cattle Co., Len Stokes, P.O. Box 1067, Capitan, NM 88316, 575/430-3021, lenstokes@gmail.com. Reg. high performance, low birth weight, moderate framed Red Angus. Sultemeier LLC, Clint Sultemeier, Box 147, Corona, NM 88318, 575/849-8462. Comm. Black & Black Baldy; Comm. Rambouillet. Mark Sultemeier, Box 301, Corona, NM 88318, 505/849-1112. Comm. crossbred cattle, comm. Debouillet sheep, reg./comm. Quarter Horses. Horseshoeing, breaking, cowboy day work, yearling bucks for sale. TNT Herefords, Preston and Willa Stone, P.O. Box 484, Capitan, NM 88316, 505/354-2356. Comm. Hereford cattle and bulls, black baldy crosses, Lim. crosses. Reg. Quarter Horses; seasoned firewood, fenceposts, trophy antelope, mule deer and Merriam turkey hunts.



American Breeders Service, Orlando R. Chavez, Rt. 2 Box 118 AB, Deming, NM 88030, 505/546-4486. Anderson Livestock Co., Bayne & Phillip Anderson, 1470 W. Florida, Deming, NM 88030, 575/546-3848, andersonlivestock@msn.com Reg. Limousin & Maine-Angou& Cross Bred. Butterfield Trail Ranch LLC, Tom Cooper, 575/647-1300; Steve Wilmeth, 575/642-8505, 585 S. Valley Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, tscooper@qwestoffice.net. Comm. Beefmaster & Red Angus crossbred bulls & females. Castle Beefmasters, P.O. Box 531, Deming, NM 88030, William Noel Castle, 505/546-7894. Reg. and comm. Beefmaster cattle. Cooper Cattle Company, Tom Cooper, 585 S. Valley Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 505/6471300, tcooper@zianet.com. Comm. Beefmaster cross and reg. Beefmaster /reg. Angus cross. Delk Ranch, Jimmy or Suanne Delk, 6400 Wilna Rd. SW, Deming, NM 88030, 575/546-2985. Comm. cattle. Joe Delk, Mesilla Park, NM, 505/644-3082. ADM Sales Agent. Deming – Luna County Chamber of Commerce, Mary M. Galbraith, P.O. Box 8, 800 E. Pine, Deming, NM 88031, 575/546-2674, executivedirector@demingchamber.com. Farm Credit Services, 375 W. Boutz Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 505/524-2883. Agricultural mortgage financing.

First New Mexico Bank – Deming, Linda Reid or Amanda Laney, P.O. Box 511, Deming, NM 88031, 575/546-2691, lreid@firstnewmexicobank.com, alaney@firstnewmexicobank.com. Ag & comm. loans. Flying M Ranch, P.O. Box 2585, Deming, NM 88031, Fred and Caroline MacKenzie, 505/546-6789. Barzona cattle, purebred Crabbet Arabians, sales, training, consulting, etc. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 11323 Rojas, El Paso, TX 79935, 915/598-1133. John Deere sales, service, parts. Hatcher Ranch, Bill Hatcher, P.O. Box 997, Deming, NM 88031, 575/546-3790, bkhatcher@dishmail.net. Comm. Angus bulls & replacement heifers; stocker calves; feeder yearlings. Heritage Cattle Co., Butch Mayfield, Box 9031, Playas, NM 88009, 505/436-2544. Comm. Charolais and Angus bulls, crossbred cows. Hyatt Ranch, 11850 Uvas Valley Rd., NE, Deming, NM 88030, 505/546-3160, 505/546-9694. Comm. stocker and feeder cattle, commercial feedlot; reg. Quarter horses and Paint horses. G.A. Jones, P.O. Box 2401, Deming, NM 88031. Retired. Keeler Ranches, Murray or Judy Keeler, P.O. Box 307, Animas, NM 88020, 575/548-2520, 575/44362621, jfkeeler @vtc.net. Comm. F1 cows with reg. Leachman & Massey Angus bulls & Gray Charolais bulls. G.X. McSherry, David McSherry, Rt. 2, Box 138, Deming, NM 88030, 505/546-8086. Reg./comm. Herefords, corn, milo, alfalfa, oats, breeding cattle, custom feeding. Mimbres Valley Feed, Deming, NM, 505/544-8131. ADM Alliance Nutrition dealer. Justin Nunn Trucking, Allen Wilson, 11790 Steeple A Rd., NE, Deming, NM 88030, Allen 505/546-6860, Justin 505/546-6106, mob. 505/544-7186. We haul cattle in N.M., Ariz., Colo., Kans., Texas, Okla., Calif. We are a small part of Nunn Ranches. Tri-State Angus Ranches, Sam Jenkins or Kandy Lopez, P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/5369500, 915/203-3411, tristateangus@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Angus; reg. and comm AQHA; hay; locker beef; licensed auctioneering services and certified personal property appraisals; Australian shepherds; Boer goats. Also serving Grant county. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. USDA-Farm Service Agency, Mackey Irwin, 405 E. Florida, Deming, New Mexico 88030, 575/546-9291, mackey.irwin@nm.usda.gov. Reg. cattle, comm. sheep, reg. & comm. horses, reg. & comm. swine; alfalfa, milo, cotton,peppers, onions, corn, sorghum, watermelons, other vegetables, pecans, etc. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

JULY 2011



16 Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

27,205 2,957 square miles median, 8.6” October 28 April 25 4,301 ft. Deming 786,150 acres with 783,534 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 534,951 acres 10,670 acres surface: 10,670; ground: 61,970 acres; surface & ground: 1,310 acres 546-8806



All Cattle








* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


61 26




Carne 10



Alfalfa Hay Chile Corn, Silage

2,500 2,950 3,400



19,000 tons 24,900 tons 109,000 tons



Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

www.showsteers.com • WILLIAMANDERSON ME.com



Registered & Commercial Bulls for Sale 118

JULY 2011

Crossbred Bayne Anderson 575/544-1620 Phillip Anderson 575/544-7496 1470 W. Florida, Deming, NM 88031

Luna County


Western Bank, Mike Martin, P.O. Box 490, Lordsburg, NM 88045, 505/542-3521. Full service, locally-owned community bank serving southwest New Mexico and eastern Arizona. Woven Dreams, Etc., Carol Ward, 1980 Monte Vista Rd. SW, Deming, NM 88030, 505/546-3073, wovendreamsetc@earthlink.net. Shetland and Churro sheep. Yucca Bit & Spur, 905 Sunset, Deming, NM 88030, 505/546-0917, 494-7368, yuccabitandspur@ yahoo.com. Handmade for the workin’ man.



A Lazy 6 Ranch, Bob or Kay Anderson, Box 10, Ribera, NM 87560, 575/421-1809, cells: 505/6901191, 505/660-2909; alazy6ranch@yahoo.com. Reg. Black Angus bulls and replacement females. Reg. AQHA cutting horse bloodlines – yearlings and 2 yr. olds. Construction and ag equipment rentals and sales – backhoes, loaders, Bobcats, dump trucks, etc. Bob Bachen, P.O. Box 218, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 505/666-2497. Professional horseshoeing. Cates Ranch, Ginny Cates, 5469 State Hwy. 120, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 575/666-2360. Reg. Corriente cattle – bred cows, bulls & roping steers.

Thal Herefords, P.O. Box 16, Buena Vista, NM 87712, Alan and Felicia Thal, 505/387-2925. Reg. Hereford and Braford cattle, hay, grass, alfalfa. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. T & S Cattle, Ted Roybal, P.O. Box 676, Mora, NM 87732, 575/760-0169, tf_roybal@yahoo.com. Comm. cattle – Limousin, Angus. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Christmas Ranches, Inc., Brad and Becky Christmas, Box 173, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 575/666-2247, bchris9627@aoll.com. Yearling pasture operation.

White Canyon Ranch, Paul or Ellen Mentzel, P.O. Box 91, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 575/668-2047. Comm. cattle.

Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Pk. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.


Fernandez Co. Ltd., Lee Ranch, Floyd or Harry Lee, 500 San Mateo Road, San Mateo, NM 87050, 505/287-2911, fax 505/285-5121. Comm. cattle.

Cuatro Flechas Ranch, Jose R. Abeyta, P.O. Box 147, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 575/799-5216. Reg. & comm. Santa Gertrudis cattle; comm. Quarter horses.

Gallup Lumber & Supply Co., Sheree Stauder, 1724 S. 2nd, Gallup, NM 87301, 505/863-4475. Cattle panels, Powder River, livestock handling equipment, stock tanks, rodeo arena equip..

Express UU Bar Ranch, LLC, Mike Hobbs, 1115 Highway 21, Cimarron, NM 87714, 575/376-2035, mdhobbs@bacavalley.com. Reg. and comm. Angus bulls, Red Angus - bulls conditioned for this environment; reg. horses - professional cutting horses training - sales; alfalfa hay; grass pasture for summer yearlings; big game hunts & fishing - lodge & cabins.



Giant Industries, formerly Joe Milos, 1068 S. Hwy. 602, Vanderwagon, NM 87326, 505/778-5770. Ranch-Way feeds dealer. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. McKinley County Farm Service Agency, John Sakasitz, County Executive Director, 1658 S. 2nd St., Cedar Hills Plaza, Gallup, NM 87301 505/722-9060, John.Sakasitz@nm.usda.gov. Navajo Tractor Sales, Inc., Richard Coca, P.O. Box 1810, Gallup, NM 87303, 505/726-1440 ext. 104, rcoca@navajotractor.com. Massey Ferguson tractors; implements; horse & stock trailers; panels; chutes; full-service ranch and RV service dept. Rancher’s Livestock Auction, LLC, Sherri Willcox, P.O. Box 2339, Milan, NM 87021, 505/287-5023. Receiving station for cattle, horses, sheep and goats to be auctioned in the Albuquerque facility. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Fort Union Ranch, Box 116, Watrous, NM 87753, 505/425-3362, ranch@desertgate.com. Comm. cattle; rcomm. horses; pasture cattle. 4G Mountain Angus, Dr. Edward Beth and Patrick Gomez, 319 Coral Sky Lane, El Paso, TX 79912, 915/584-5582, edwardgomez@hotmail.com. Reg. Black Angus cattle. Harper Cattle, Jeff Cole, 36 CR 27, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 575/666-2655. Reg. & comm. cattle; reg. and comm. horses.. Hashknife Ranch, G.M. “Dogie” Jones, P.O. Box 72, Watrous, NM 87753, dogie@hashkniferanch.net, 505/425-6021. Reg. Corriente; reg. Quarter horses. Luna Canyon Cattle Company, Martin Duran, P.O. Box 113, Chacon, New Mexico 87701, 575/4471607, lunacanyoncattle@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. cattle - Beefmaster bulls, replacement heifers; grassfed beef. Mosimann Ranch, Martin or Beckie Mosimann, 367 State Hwy. 271, or P.O. Box 66, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 575/666-2145, mosimann@nnmt.net. Comm. cow/calf operation. Comm. Angus replacement heifers & stocker calves for sale. Reg. finished ranch horses for sale. Rafter T Ranch, Jeff and Camille Cornell, Box 157, Wagon Mound, NM 87752, 505/666-2203. Comm. cattle, source of quality crossbred females, firewood, mule deer and Barbary sheep.


Cloudcroft Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 125, Cloudcroft, NM 88317, 505/682-2733. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Nancy & Charlie Cookson, Jr., P.O. Box 1021, Alamogordo, NM 88311, 575/437-1969. Beef & cattle. Cooper Bros., Star Rt. East, Mayhill, NM 88339, 505/687-3445. Reg. Hereford cattle. Cooper Cattle Company, Thomas Cooper, 585 S. Valley Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 575/647-1300, tscooper@qwestoffice.net. Reg. & comm. Beefmaster; and crossbred. Joe Delk, Mesilla Park, NM, 505/644-3082. ADM Sales Agent. Gillespie Ranch, Kent or Susan Gillespie, P.O. Box 14, Mayhill, NM 88339, gillespie_ranch@yahoo.com, www.gillespieranchulazy2.com, 575/687-3732. Comm. cattle; reg. & comm. horses. Recreational RV park (bring your horses and ATV's and ride out on the ranch). Hunters welcome, also. Cozy cabin. Cody & Becky Harwell, 813 Piñon/Dunken Hwy., Piñon, NM 88344, 505/687-3791. Comm. Charolais and Angus cross cattle; Cody, horse shoeing, breaking/riding; leather work and day work. Becky, real estate broker with Lois Oliver Real Estate. Hat Ranch Inc., Don L. (Bebo) Lee and Madalynn Lee, Linda Lee, Jean Lee, P.O. Box 149, Alamogordo, NM 88311, 575/963-2505, thehat@dellcity.com. Commercial crossbred cattle. High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, Box 965, Llano, TX 78643, 512/5673036, jdyates@hotmail.com. Comm. cow calf & yearling; reg. ranch horses; real estate sales & acquisitions; elk hunts. A Monfette Construction Co., Phil Monfette, P.O. Box 747, Cloudcroft, NM 88317, 575/682-2308, 800/603-8272, watertanks@tularosa.net. JULY 2011


Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

71,875 5,461 sq. miles median, 9.7” October 2 May 8 6,465 ft. Gallup 564,580 acres with 351,760 acres BLM and 178,701 acres Forest Service 183,974 acres 2,158,410 acres 583,576 acres 4,500 acres surface: 6,240; ground: 200 acres 863-3432


Chaco Canyon National Monument

Tohatchi Mexican Springs Crownpoint Pinedale

Allison Mentmore

Gamerco Rehoboth Gallup Wingate Coolidge Fort Wingate



Cibola NF

Continental Divide 40





San Mateo RANKS







Zuni Pueblo 53

Black Rock

Zuni Zuni Indian Res.

2010 Figures 36



All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


JULY 2011

Alfalfa Hay


35,000 36,500


TO OBTAIN THE LATEST DATA GO TO www.nass.usda.gov *County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin




900 tons


Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent


5,151 1,944 square miles median, 15.3” October 8 May 8 6,300 ft. Mora 107,642 acres with 7,561 acres BLM and 99,360 acres Forest Service 81,638 acres 0 acres 1,052,280 acres 2,600 acres surface: 15,460 acres 387-2856

2010 Figures CROP

Alfalfa Hay



All Cattle




Ojo Feliz

Holman 442 Lucero Cleveland La Cueva Mora Gascon







11,600 tons

dian Cana



* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin








Wagon Mound Fort Union National Monument Optimo







Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

JULY 2011


Three Rivers White Sands Missile Range

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

62,744 6,638 square miles median, 11.2” November 5 April 6 4,350 ft. Alamogordo 2,688,626 acres with 941,526 acres BLM and 543,922 acres Forest Service 449,908 acres 460,255 acres 451,531 acres 0 acres surface: 3,450 acres; ground: 13,490 acres; surface & ground: 2,350 acres 437-0231


Mescalero Apache Indian Res. Mescalero

Bent Tularosa Holloman AFB

La Luz

Cloudcroft High Rolls Lincoln NF Alamogordo White Sands Boles Acres National Monument


Sacramento Holloman AFB Valmont




White Sands Missile Range Orogrande

Lincoln NF

Fort Bliss McGregor Range Desert








www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


All Cattle Sheep and Lambs


17,000 4,600






Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

We’re Proud of Our New Mexico Ranching Heritage. Hat Ranch 575/963-2505 575/437-1377 575/437-1608


JULY 2011

The Lee’s Drawer 149, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88311

Otero Electric Cooperative, Carroll Waggoner, P. O. Box 227, Cloudcroft, NM 88317, 575/8622521, cw@ote-coop.com Electric cooperative.

Bell Ranch, Bert Ancell, HCR 67, Box 23, Bell Ranch, NM 88431, 505/868-2207, ancell@plateautel.net. Comm. Composites, Reg. AQHA.

Otero County FSA Office, Lynn Muncy, 3501 Mesa Drive, Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310, 575/4373100, lynn.muncy@nm.usda.gov.

Borden Ranch, Harold Bordon, 3322 SH 278, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-3055, bordenranch!plateautel.net. Comm. Hereford and Black Baldies.; reg. cow bred and halter quality colts and breeding stock.

Pipeyard, Gary Caldwell, 32852 Hwy. 71, Rocky Ford, CO 81067, 719/254-7194. PVC pipe & fittings. Posey Springs Ranch, R.L. Posey, P.O. Box 7, Mayhill, NM 88339, 575/687-2003, lollie@pvtn.net. Comm. cattle; permanent grass. Riata Ranch/Tularosa Pistachio Groves, Adam & Danielle Kusmak, 500 Riata Rd., Tularosa, NM 88352, 575/921-7373, akusmak@tularosa.net. Alfalfa hay & pistachio trees available. Full Pistachio operation. Consulting retail and corporate sales. www.nmpistachios.com. Tom & Pam Runyan Ranches, Tom and Pam Runyan, 4839 Rio Peñasco Rd., Mayhill, NM 88339, 505/687-3505; Camille Figueroa, mgr., 505/6873330, Bar-f-rocker@hotmail.com. Nestled in the foothills of the Sacramento Mtns., along the Peñasco River. The Tom & Pam Runyan Ranches applestand has been open for over 50 years. The stand now offers a wide variety of items (over 400). But that is not all, we also offer trout fishing and guided trail riding with ranch horses! Visit our us at www.runyanranches.com and view our easy to order Online Fruit Stand and our coming attractions; read about the fishing and riding, along with everything else we offer! Southwestern Realty, P.O. Box 12, Alamogordo, NM 88310, Wayne Bennett, 800/445-7829. Real estate. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. The Turquoise Shop, Jeannie Elkins, Box 811, 507 Burro Ave., Cloudcroft, NM, 88317, 505/682-3327, Indian turquoise jewelry, rugs, pottery, sand paintings, baskets, gift items.

Brown Farms, Inc., Louis Bowman, 626 Rt. 66, Bard, NM 88411, home 575/576-2207. cell 575/403-8765, louis88411@yahoo.com. Reg. Salers bulls & heifers. Burns Do It Center, James Burns, 1511 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101, 575/935-1111, james.burns@ xit.net. Fencing, water tanks and equipment. Burns Ranch, Kevin Burns, P.O. Box 1444, Clovis, NM, 806/786-6002, burnskevin_@hotmail.com. Reg. & comm. cattle; reg. horses. C & M Herefords, Michael Perez 575/633-2038, 901 Quay Road 96, Nara Visa, NM 88430. Reg. & comm. Hereford & Angus; bulls for sale at all times. Caprock Creek Ranch, Bob & Jane Frost, 1710A Quay Rd. 50, San Jon, NM 88434, 575/357-2641, caprockcreek@gmail.com. Reg. cattle, Black Baldies.

Tucumcari General Insurance Agency, Inc. C.J. Wiegel Jim Lafferty P.O. Box 1304 214 S. Second St. • Tucumcari, NM Ofc.: 575/461-1623 • Fax: 575/461-4485 Toll Free: 1-888/461-1623 Email: insure@tucumcari-general.com SINCE 1954

Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.


Cargill Animal Nutrition/Nutrena, Kevin Burns, kevin_burns@cargill.com, 301 N. Grand, Amarillo, TX 79107, 806/341-7300. Horse & beef feeds, minerals, tubs. Citizens Bank, Tucumcari, NM, Jeff Nunn, P.O. Box 1228 / 211 E. Main St., Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-1261, tucumcari@gocitizensbank.com. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Jack Copeland & Sons, Star Rt., Nara Visa, NM 88430, Clifford or Cliff Copeland 505/633-2251. Reg./comm. Hereford cattle, bulls, females, club calves. Pat H. Copeland, Star Rt., Nara Visa, NM 88430, 505/633-2800. Livestock photography, county fair photography. Cosner Real Estate, Kent Cosner, broker, 3101 OR 63, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/576-2707. All types of real estate – ranches, farms, commercial and residential. Cross F Ranch, Adolph J. Miera, P.O. Box 67, Nara Visa, NM 88430, 505/633-2200. Reg. Beefmasters cows and bulls. Sale of steers, heifers, bulls. George Curtis, Inc. Angus, Blake Curtis, Tye Curtis, or Dan Ray, 4500 N. Prince, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/762-4759. Reg. Black Angus. DL Cattle Company, Box 922, Tucumcari, NM 88401, Eddy and Jacque Howell, 505/868-4501. Reg. Limousin. Dickinson Implement Co., Luke Haller, 1301 E. Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM 88401 575/461-2740. Farm & ranch supplies and services; feed dealer. Dos Livestock, Tom & Johnna Bruhn, 2371 Quay Rd. 72, Logan, NM 88426, 575/487-9266. Comm. cattle Double J Ranch, John Griffiths, P.O. Box 626, Logan, NM 88426, 575/487-1121, jgriffiths@ plateautel.net. Reg. & comm. Angus / Maine-Anjou & Chianina. Bulls, heifers, club calves. Enchanted Ridge Ranch, Robert & Molly Evetts, P.O. Box 1124, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/4611125, rmevetts@plateautel.net. Comm. cattle; reg. horses. Farm Bureau, Patrick Romo, 706 S 1st Suite 114, Tucucmcari, NM 88401, 575/461-8400, Patrick.Romo@fbfs.com.


Abercrombie Ranch, Robert Abercrombie, P.O. Box 803, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/576-2429. Reg. horned Hereford; reg. Quarter horses. Adams Farms, Donald Adams, 5913 Quay Rd. K, Bard, NM 88411, 505/403-7911, adamsfarms@yahoo.com. Reg. Charolais bulls; alfalfa hay, wheat. Agri Services, Inc., Harold Daniels, P.O. Box 476, Logan, NM 88426, 505/487-2327. Reg./comm. Romagnola cattle.

We have been taking care of your fencing needs since 1888 (123 years — 4 generations), including steel post, sucker rod, & treated yellow pine post fencing. ........ ...........

''' &#!$ " % $% "

Flat Iron Salers, Bennie Kirksey, 720 Escuela, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 505/461-2833. Reg. Salers – primarily polled heifers and bulls, reg. Border Collie dogs, alfalfa hay, haygrazer. Fortner Merritt Cattle Co., Brian and Mary Fortner, 2900 Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 505/576-2519. Reg. and comm. Beefmaster and crossbred cattle. Jerry Franklin Show lambs, Carolyn Franklin, 2849 Quay Rd. 64, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/576-2760, cmfranklin@plateautel.net. Comm. sheep. In the wether business since 1979. Never before in our 30year history have we been more progressive in trying to breed sheep that can “play” at the highest level. JULY 2011




Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

9,155 2,883 square miles median, 14.5” October 26 April 15 4,096 ft. Tucumcari 14,535 acres with 7,600 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 237,714 acres 0 acres 1,591,871 acres 1,000 acres surface: 40,550 acres; ground: 14,940 acres 461-0562


Nara Visa

JANUARY 1, 2011




All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

44,000 900

Obar . Canadian R


Ute Res.

489 104




Palomas San Jon








Endee 93



2010 Figures CROP


Alfalfa Hay Sorghum, Grain

3,000 2,500



6,700 tons 120,00 bu.

McAlister House 252




www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO! ©2009 National Geographic ®


JULY 2011

Bob Frost Ranch, Bob Frost,1710A Quay Rd. 50, San Jon, NM 88434, caprockcreek@plateautel.net, 505/357-2461. Comm. cow/calf; selling 300 calves annually. Goen Limousin Farm, Carl R. Goen, P.O. Box 821, Tucumcari, NM, 505/461-3349. Reg. Limousin cattle; alfalfa. Hatsoff, Inc., Perri Jennings, P.O. Box 888, House, NM 88121, 800/779-1137, perri@hatsoff.com, www.hatsoff.com. Wholesale, retail manufacturing and distribution of “The Hat Retainer” Hofman Ranch, Don D. Hofman, 8096 St. Hwy. 209, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 505/461-2236. Comm. cattle. JX Cattle Company, LLC, Tom Mimi Sidwell, 6237 Highway 209, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 505/487-2419, sidwell@jxranch.com. Comm. Corriente roping cattle, also lean, natural beef; reg. & comm. ranch horses.


Jackson & Jackson Chiangus Cattle, Wayne Jackson, 289 State Hwy. 392, Bard, NM 88411, 505/576-2284, cell 487-8838. Reg. Chiangus bulls and heifers, alfalfa – large and small bales. James, James & Judd, Box 376, Logan, NM 88426, 505/487-2482. Reg./comm. Hereford cattle. Jobe Charolais, Ronald G. Jobe, P.O. Box 1212, Tucumcari, NM 88401-1212, 575/461-3851, 575/403-9385. Reg. Charolais bulls & heifers. Kern Land, Inc., 1304 Pile St., Clovis, NM 88102, 575/762-3707, dkern@suddenlinkmail.com. Ag real estate services in New Mexico for over 25 years. Lyons Ranch, Patrick H. Lyons, Ima Rt., Box 26, Cuervo, NM 88417, 575/279-6161. Comm. cattle. Buyer & seller of stocker & feeder cattle.



BRISKET RIBS SAUSAGE & MORE Located at Tucumcari Ranch Supply 502 S. Lake • 575/461-9620

Mead Angus, L.H. Bob or Joanne, Rt. 1 Box 14, Taos, NM 88401, 505/758-3432 or 461-2066. Reg. Aberdeen Angus bulls and heifers. Mead Angus, Martin Mead, 5941 Quay Rd. AK, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/708-0420. Reg. Angus, bulls; charcoal portraits. Mesalands Community College, 911 South 10th St., Tucumcari, NM 88401, Justin Bollinger, 505/4614413 ext.162, justinb@mesalands.edu; Justin Bollinger, 505/461-4413, johny@mesalands.edu. New Mexico Property Group, Richard Randals, 615 W. Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-4426, nmpg@plateautel.net. Real estate. Quay County FSA Office, Judy Smith, 706 South First Street, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-3612 Ext 2, judy.smith@nm.usda.gov. Quay County FSA Office, Judy Smith, 706 South First Street, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-3612 Ext. 2, judy.smith@nm.usda.gov. Quay FSA County Offices, Joanie Fister, 3698 Quay Road 64, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-3612 Ex 118, joanie.fister@nm.usda.gov. Rimrock Ranch, Joe Scott, Ima Rt., Box 12, Cuervo, NM 88417, 505/472-3069. Reg./comm. Brangus and Brangus Baldie cattle; comm. horses; haygrazer for grazing. San Jon Ranch, LLC, Carl Kent, 1755 Quay Rd. 54, San Jon, NM 88434, 575/576-2425, sanjonranch@plateautel.net, www.sanjonranch.com. Comm. Red Angus; reg. performance Quarter horses (please look at or website); Fast Track Feeder calves available in Oct. Premium ranch horses for sale at all times.

Phil & Laurie, 575/868-2475 Scott & Brooke Bidegain, 575/403-7557 Yetta & Phillip, 575/461-1571 Donnie & Lacey Bidegain Julee & Dana Coffman • Louis Carman


Come on over and see us, we would enjoy showing you our reputation quarter horse program and our Hereford and Black Baldy cattle. JULY 2011



Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent



40,949 5,883 square miles median, 19” September 24 June 4 6,687 ft. Tierra Amarilla 1,948,673 acres with 555,238 acres BLM and 1,387,047 acres Forest Service 108,530 acres 646,932 acres 1,041,885 acres 19,100 acres surface: 40,330 acres; ground: 500 acres; surface & ground: 280 acres 685-4523





19,800 tons

Alfalfa Hay


www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin



Carson NF

Chama 64

Brazos La Puente RANKS


Tierra Amarilla 111

Canon Plaza


Rio C



25,500 4,200





JANUARY 1, 2011

All Cattle Sheep and Lambs



El Vado



Los Pinos





a 96

Abiquiu Res.

Youngsville Canones Coyote

Carson NF La Madera El Rito 554

Abiquiu Medanales

Picuris Indian Res. Embudo 75 Dixon 68

Santa Fe NF San Juan Pueblo Santa Clara Indian Res.

Alcalde Ojo Sarco San Juan Indian Res.

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

XP Cattle Co. LLC ~n~

Santa Gertrudis Cattle Since 1995

Ranch 126

JULY 2011


Lindrith, New Mexico JOHNNY CUNDIFF 505/320-1294


Quay County


Joe Stubblefield & Associates, 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX., 806/622-3482, cell 806/674-2062. Drew Perez Assoc., Nara Visa, NM, 806/392-1788. Ag Land Loans. Interest rates as low as 3%. Payments scheduled on 25 years. Sundowner Gallery, Bill Curry, 1701 S. First St., Tucumcari, NM 505/461-2070. Cowboy art – paintings, bronzes, Southwest gifts, jewelry, boutique and women’s fine apparel. T4 Cattle Company, LCC, Phil Bidegain, 5859 Quay Rd. BK, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/868-2475. Reg. Herefords and black baldy cattle; registered AQHA; alfalfa & wheat hay. T4 Farm, Donnie Bidegain, 3010 Quay Rd. 60, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 505/403-6971. Alfalfa. 3-Way Cattle Company, James & Robin Slutz, 1710B Quay Rd. 50, San Jon, NM 88434, 575/3572146, robin_blondie@hotmail.com. Reg. cattle. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Troutman Ranch, Jennifer Vance, 2714 QR 65.5, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/576-0450, jenivance@hotmail.com. Comm. Angus cattle; reg. horses – all around prospects for sale; training and lessons.

Rio Arriba


Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, P.O. Box 789, Chama, NM 87520, 505/756-2151. Scenic railroad excursions. Dulce Livestock Auction, Charlie Myers, P.O. Box 608, Belen, NM 87002, 505/864-7451. Comm. cattle; comm. sheep; comm. horses. Dulce Sale Barn, Charlie Myers, Dulce, NM 87528, 505/759-3491. Reg. and comm. cattle; comm. sheep; reg. and comm. horses; livestock sales by auction. El Rancho Chiquita del USA, Carlos Salazar, P.O. Box 702, Medanales, NM 87548, 505/685-4541, 505/753-1446, work. Commercial Hereford/Angus cattle; alfalfa and grass hay; custom haying and tillage. El Rito Lobato West Livestock Assoc., Josh Archuleta/Donald Martinez Jr., P.O. Box 814, El Rito, NM 87530, donmart@nnmc.edu, 505/581-0110 or 5819144. Comm. sheep, reg. horses, reg. and comm. cattle. Faulkner and Waye Cattle Co., Shane Faulkner or Jan Waye, P.O. Box 185, Los Ojos, NM 87551, 505/4902821 or 575/779-2201, twowayes@taosnet.com. Comm. Red Angus, Show calves. Five Points Ranch, Frieda Havens, P.O. Box 448, Cuba, NM 87013, 505/320-5377. Reg. & comm. cattle.

Tucumcari Animal Hospital, Jean P. Corey, DVM, P.O. Box 1204, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-3900. Veterinarian - mixed practice; small animal boarding.

4F Cattle Co., Shane or Sage Faulkner, P.O. Box 185, Los Ojos, NM 87551, 505/490-2821, sagefaulkner42@gmail.com. Custom grazing.

Tucumcari Bull Test Sale, N.E. Branch Station, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 505/646-1709. Bull test, March sale-all breeds.

H & C Trucking, Herman Manzaneres, West Rt., Box 1, Abiquiu, NM 87510, res. 505/685-4450, ofc. 505/672-3014, cell 505/470-2080 or 505/490-0622. Selling hay year around; cattle hauling year around.

Tucumcari Convention Center, 1500 W. Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM, 505/462-3064, rwilmot@cityoftucumcari.com. Convention Center, trade shows, conference facility, meeting center; wireless connections.

Tucumcari, Quay County Chamber of Commerce, 505/461-1694, www.tucumcarinm.com. Tourism and economic development. Tucumcari Ranch Supply, Jimmy Watson, P.O. Drawer X, 502 S. Lake, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-9620, trs@plateautel.net. Farm & ranch supplies. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Pina Red Angus, Walter Pina, Box 26, Los Ojos, NM 87551, 505/588-7417. Reg. Red Angus; timothy horse hay. Salazar Ranches, Miguel Salazar, P.O. Box 2847, Española, NM 87532, 505/929-0334, salazar_ranches@yahoo.com. Reg. Horned Hereford & Black Angus; reg. and comm. Quarter horses; NMBVM certified in pregnancy diagnosis artificial insemination in beef cattle. Schmitz Ranch Co., LLC, Darlene, HCR 74, Box 113, Lindrith, NM 87029, 575/774-6554. Comm. cattle. Soaring Eagle Ranch, Sage or Shane Faulkner, PO Box 171, Los Ojos, NM 87551, 575/588-7424, info@naturalsteak.com. Scottish Highland cattle; grass fed beef. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Trujillo Land & Cattle, Virgil Trujillo, P.O. Box 187, Abiquiu, NM 87510, 505/685-0572. Comm. English cross cattle. Resource management services & consultation in northern NM. USA Ranch, Manuel Salazar, P.O. Box 867, Española NM, 575/638-5434. Reg. and comm. Polled Herefords; alfalfa. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. XP Bar Cattle Co., LLC, Johnny Cundiff Sr. & Jr., HCR 74, Box 60, Lindrith, NM 87029, 505/320-1294 or 320-5603. Reg. and comm. Santa Gertrudis.

Phone: 575/638-5434

Tucumcari Feed Yard, Tony Gabel, P.O. Box 912, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-9736, tucumcarifeedyard@hotmail.com. Preconditioning, grow yard, cattle bought & sold. Tucumcari General Insurance, C.J. Wiegel, P.O. Box 1304, Tucumcari, NM 88401, 575/461-1623, insure@tucumcari-general.com

J Lazy BJ Ranch, Herman Manzaneres, West Rt., Box 1, Abiquiu, NM 87510, res. 505/685-4450, ofc. 505/672-3014, cell 505/470-2080 or 505/490-0622. Reg. Brangus; cow/calf operation; replacement heifers; Canadian Hereford and Brangus crosses.

Registered Polled Herefords

Bulls & Heifers FOR SALE AT THE FARM

Cañones Route P.O. Abiquiu, N.M. 87510 MANUEL SALAZAR P.O. Box 867 Española, N.M. 87532



American Breeders Service, Belvin R. Gardner, 490 New Mexico 88, Portales, NM 88130-9775, 505/276-8440. Big Valley Ford/Dodge/Jeep, Terry Wilcox, 1115 N. Chicago, Portales, NM 88130, 505/3568581. New and used vehicles, parts and service. Bonestroo Dairy, Gary Bonestroo, 326 B. N.M. Hwy. 467, Portales, NM 88130, 505/359-1509. Crossbred and Holstein calves.

JULY 2011


18,291 2,457 sq. miles median, 15.3” October 19 April 23 4,010 ft. Portales 38,517 acres with 16,397 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 211,140 acres 0 acres 1,321,223 acres 1,600 acres ground: 143,670 acres 356-4417

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent




Tolar Krider 60



All Cattle Milk Cows

135,000 60,000



Melrose AFB





Grulla NWR




2010 Figures

www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


Alfalfa Hay Corn, Upland Sorghum, Grain


10,500 6,400 24,000


Elida 70




Dora Causey Pep

60,000 tons 8,500 ba. 1,180,000 bu.


Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


JULY 2011


Roosevelt County


Brooke Insurance, Steven R. Johnson. P.O. Box 449, Portales, NM 88130, 505/356-8787. Ranch, equine and agriculture insurance. Buena Vista Realty, A.H. Jack Merrick, 521 W. 2nd, Portales, NM 88130, 575/226-0671, jack@buenavista-nm.com. Provide quality real estate service to buyers and sellers. Dairy, farm, ranch, commercial, or residential. We are committed to good honest service. Cattle Baron, 1600 S. Ave. D., Portales, NM, 505/356-5587. Steak and seafood restaurant. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Creighton Commodity Corp., Garland Creighton, P.O. Box 247, Elida, NM 88116, 505/274-6265. Hi-Pro Feeds, planting seeds, bulk grain handling, milo and wheat. Creighton’s Town & Country, Leslie Creighton, 1625 S. Ave. D, Portales, NM 88130, 505/356-3665. Purina and Hi-Pro feeds, planting seeds, pet supplies, lawn and garden supplies, horse tack, western and casual wear, jewelry and gifts. Cross Winds Cattle Co., Mickey Burkett, 6396 NM 206, Portales, NM 88130, 505/477-2491, j.m.burkett@yucca.net. Comm. cattle; grain sorghum, wheat; harvesting of grain sorghum, wheat or grama grass for seed. Davis Blackwater Ranch, Chad Davis, 424 Blackwater Rd, Texico, New Mexico 88135, 575/276-8301, Chadd@yucca.net. Comm. Black and black baldy cattle. Eastern Plains Insurance, Tom C. Dannelley, 700 S. Ave, C, Portales, NM 88130, 575/359-1227, epins@yucca.net. Insurance. Enviro-Ag, Gary Hatch, 2981 S. Roosevelt Rd. 10, Floyd, NM 88118, 505/478-2437. Monitoring well sampling and testing, beneficial insects, lagoon treatments for solids and odors, permit compliance. Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft.Sumner, NM, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch sales. See listings at ranchseller.com. Farm Bureau Insurance & Investments, Rutalee Jernigan, 1207 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM 88345, 575/258-1431, rtodd@fbfs.com. Brad McConnel, 1414 S. Ave. O, Portales, NM 88130, 575/356-6621, brad.mcconnel@fbfs.com. John L. Fought Mart, John Lyle Fought, 42609 US 70, Portales, NM 88130, 575/356-3760. Looking for ALPGCH or Cashmere goats. Office cleaning, artwork, music of the Southwest. Semi-organic gardening. Eggs, chickens, zucchini, pumpkins, cross Ameraucanas – wants to locate other breeds of chickens.

Lack-Morrison Brangus, Bill Morrison, Rt. 3 Box 171-D, Clovis, NM 88101, 505/683-5278. Reg. Brangus bulls and heifers for sale.

Porter Limousin, Jesse and Mildred Porter, Rt. 1, Box 100, Portales, NM 88136, 505/356-8176. Reg. Limousin.

Land O’Lakes Purina Feed, Stephen Swift, 1100 Megan Ct., Portales, NM 88130, 575/760-3112, sswift@landolakes.com. Livestock feed & nutrition supplies.

Purina Mills, Gary Creighton, 408 E. 16th St., Portales, NM 88130, 1-800/834-3198, gary_creighton@PurinaMills.com.

LKM, Inc., Loren E. McCaslin, 168 S. Roosevelt Rd. AG, Floyd, NM 88118, 505/478-2590. Reg. Limousin; wheat; small bales wheat hay. Miller Angus, Dink & Mitzi Miller, 174 N.M. 236, Floyd, NM 88118, 505/478-2398, cell: 505/760-9048. Reg. Angus. Miller Farm & Ranch, Inc., Dale Miller or Frieda Miller, 902 NM 236, Portales, NM 88130, 575/3568055, fanddmiller@yucca.net. Comm. Hereford / Angus cross. Wheat, milo, hay grazer. Musick Angus, Leon Musick, 1452 NM 114, Portales, NM 88130, 575/477-2254. Reg. Angus cattle; annual bull sale 3rd Thursday of March; heifers for sale in the fall. Neece Angus, Luther D. Neece, Jr., P.O. Box 29 (042-A NM458) Pep, NM 88126-0029, 505/477-2353. Reg. black Angus. New Mexico Ag Expo, New Mexico’s Premier Agricultural Trade Show, annually in February at the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds, Portales, NM. 800/6358036 for booth reservations, www.nmagexpo.com. Portales Livestock Dairy Sale, Randy Bouldin, Box 218, Portales, NM 88130, 505/356-8524. Holstein heifer sale from calves to springers.

Roosevelt County FSA Office, Harold Terry, CED, 050 New Mexico 467, Portales, New Mexico 88130, 575/356-6629, harold.terry@nm.usda.gov. 7B Show Stock, Gregory Burris, 569 A NM 114, Elida, NM 88116, 575/274-6361. Comm. MaineChiAngus cross cows. Milo (grain sorghum), wheat, hay grazer hay (round bales). Slash-D-Three Ranch, Dwayne or Sue Disney, 2770 S. Roosevelt Rd. 7, Portales, NM 88130, 575/356-4348 or 575/478-2871, sued@yucca.net, www.slash-d-three.com Reg. Red Angus, Durham Red & Shorthorn. Southwest Red Angus Assn., Sue Disney, 1704 S. Avenue D, Portales, NM 88130, 505/ 356-4348. Info. on Red Angus in the Southwest, activities, availability, etc. Tarango’s Charolais, Manny Tarango, Portales, NM 505/359-0116, cell: 505/749-0286. Reg. Charolais. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Eastern Plains Insurance Eastern Plains Insurance will offer top quality companies to serve your insurance needs. Tom has been associated with Roosevelt County Insurance for 25 years and will continue to give you the same friendly, professional service at Eastern Plains Insurance that you enjoyed in the past. Tom and his staff welcome the people of eastern New Mexico and West Texas and invite you to stop by and get acquainted.

Craig Hughes RV & Trailer Center, Nicole Tivis, Marketing, 002 NM 467, Portales, NM 88130, 505/ 359-0820, 866/359-0820. RV, trailer sales & service. Investments Out West Land Company, 300 N. Chicago, Portales, NM 88130, 800/403-0515, 505/356-6846, www.invow.com, Jerry@INVOW.com Sam@INVOW.com Doug@INVOW.com. Real estate brokerage. JULY 2011



2 CROP PRODUCTION Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

126,473 5,516 square miles median, 9.3” October 7 May 10 5,145 ft. Aztec 1,034,781 acres with 1,009,266 acres BLM and 0 acres Forest Service 168,416 acres 2,110,692 acres 210,051 acres 6,300 acres surface: 138,160 acres 334-9496

2010 Figures CROP

Alfalfa Hay




150,000 tons



Cedar Hill

La Plata

San Jua n R.

Aztec Ruins Nat’l Monument

Navajo Res.

Flora Vista

Shiprock Waterflow Fruitland


Aztec Turley

Kirtland Farmington Ojo Amarillo

Bloomfield Blanco








All Cattle Sheep and Lambs TO OBTAIN THE LATEST DATA GO TO



23,000 11,600






Chaco Culture National Historical Park


* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


JULY 2011

Roosevelt County


Vista Nueva, Inc., Charles Bennett, 708 S. Ave. C, Portales, NM 88130, charles@vista-nueva.com, 575/356-5616. Real estate sales specializing in ranches, farms, and other ag properties. Weaver Ranch, Jim Weaver, P.O. Box 23, Causey, NM 88113, 575/273-4237, jwmashona@yahoo.com. Reg. & com. Mashona cattle. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Wilcher Farm Story, Flint and Stacie Morrow, 143 Main, P.O. Box 337, Dora, NM 88115, 505/477-2391. Full-line Ranch-Way feed dealer. Eagle Pack Pet Foods. Terry Young Insurance Agency, Terry L. Young, P.O. Box 908, 1183 E.Second St., Portales, NM 88130, 575/356-9901, terry.young@fbfs.com. Farm, ranch and dairy insurance; financial services; crop insurance.

San Juan County


The Farm Center, Jim T. Dunlap or Darryl Dunlap, 4218 Hwy. 6A, P.O. Box 229, Kirtland, NM 87417, 505/598-5845, tfcenter1002@qwestoffice.net. Comm. cattle; John Deere tractors & equipment; Arctic Cat; farm related items. Frontier Buckles, Aztec, NM. 1-800/382-3393. www.frontierbuckles.com. Trophy belt buckles. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 1100 Troy King Road, Farmington, NM 87401, 505/326-1101. John Deere sales, service, parts. Hamblin Farms, Inc., Ellis A. Hamblin, 1421 Hwy. 170, LaPlata, NM 87418, 505/325-2032, ehamblin@earthlink.net. Reg. Beefmaster; alfalfa hay. Metal Depots, David Miller, 2001 San Juan Blvd., Farmington, New Mexico 87401, 800/624-9053, damiller@ncilp.com. Montoya Cattle Co., Louis Montoya, La Plata, NM, 505/793-4636, louisjmontoya@gmail.com. Reg. Hereford and Angus – PAP, fertility & trich tested. Montoya Sheep & Cattle, 1592 Hwy. 170, La Plata, NM 87418, 505/325-5397. Comm. Hereford, Angus & Hereford cross.

San Juan


ADM Alliance Nutrition, Bret Riley, Waterflow, NM, 505/598-1160. Sales agent. Animas River Brangus, 808 Baird, Aztec, NM 87410, D. Polk Brown, 505/334-2988. Reg./comm. Brangus cattle. B Square Ranch, 3901 Bloomfield Hwy., Farmington, NM 87401, 505/325-4275. Comm. cattle. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Tim Cox, Eagle Creek Ent., Tim or Suzie Cox, 891 Rd. 4990, Bloomfield, NM 87413, 505/632-8080, scox@timcox.com. Western art - original paintings, prints, posters, calendars, check books, & personal checks, labels & limited edition prints. Crouch Mesa Trailer Sales, Simon Slabaugh, #30 CR 5577, Farmington, NM 87401, 505/6324546, cmts99@afo.net. New trailers, flat beds, cattle trailers, enclosed, hitches and wiring. Decker Herefords, Sue Decker, 28 County Rd. 1332, La Plata, NM 87418, deckerherefords@hotmail.com, 505/330-3179. Reg. Hereford bulls. Decker Services, Justin Decker, 18 CR 6830, Waterflow, NM 87421, 505/330-8089. Alfalfa and oat hay. Denetclaw Beefmasters, Milford Denetclaw, P.O. Box 937, Shiprock, NM 87420, 505/368-5217. Reg. Beefmasters. Farm Bureau Financial Services, Agents: Evelyn Bond, Rita Eckler, Bret Riley, 2910 E. Bloomfield Hwy., Farmington, NM 87401, 505/327-3373. Insurance.

Naschitti Cattle Auction, 55 E. Silver Creek Rd., Gilbert, AZ 85234, Rolf M. Flake, auctioneer, 602/892-4726. Annual sale of 2,000 Hereford cattle. Navajo Agricultural Products Industries, P.O. Drawer 1318, Farmington, NM 87499, 505/327-5251. Feedlot, barley, wheat, alfalfa, corn, beans, mint, pumpkins, sod, hay grazer, orchard, potatoes, bag feed, alfalfa pellets. San Juan County FSA, Mark Bentley, 1427 W. Aztec Blvd., Aztec, NM 87410, 505/3343090, mark.bentley@nm.usda.gov. Comm. cattle programs, comm. sheep – wool & mohair programs, Programs for crop loss. Shear Perfection Ranch, Lyn Brown, P.O. Box 468 [382 County Road 1191], La Plata, NM 87418, 505/325-2837, nmredsheep@live.com. California Red Sheep. Rams, Ewes, Starter Herds, Terminal Sires for commercial operations. Tierra Linda Ranch, Dr. J. Garey Ritchie, Office: 904 E 20th St., Suite C, Farmington, NM 87401, 505/327-0444; Ranch: 6219 Hwy. 64, Bloomfield, NM (not for mail), 505/632-2220; drjritchie@earthlink.net. Reg. Texas Longhorns. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, info@TSLCC.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

San Miguel


A Lazy 6 Ranch, Bob or Kay Anderson, Box 10, Ribera, NM 87560, 575/421-1809, cells: 505/ 690-1191, 505/660-2909; alazy6ranch@yahoo.com. Reg. Black Angus bulls and replacement females. Reg. AQHA cutting horse bloodlines – yearlings and 2 yr. olds. Construction and ag equipment rentals and sales – backhoes, loaders, Bobcats, dump trucks, etc. Agua Verde Ranch, J. Leo Larrañaga, Jr., HC 61 Box 125, Encino, NM 88321, 505/584-2936. Comm. Beefmaster. Azure Enterprises, Inc., Larry Brow, P.O. Box 880, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/454-6000, larry@azureranches.com. Real estate sales. Bar X Bar Ranch, Ethan Savitsky, P.O. Box 208, Pecos, NM 87552, 505/757-8500, Reg. AQHA Quarter Horses; comm. Hereford , Black Angus Cross; big game hounds; trophy guide service. Bell Ranch, Bert Ancell, 181 Bell Ranch Drive, Bell Ranch, New Mexico 88431, 575/868-2207, ancell@plateautel.net. Comm. Red Bell composites, reg. horses, reg. good ranch-type horses. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Conchas Ranches, Alex Carone, HCR 69, Box 846, Santa Rosa, NM 88435, 505/427-1225. Comm. crossbred Angus, seedstock, calves and yearlings. Corazon Ranch, Floyd Causey, Corazon Ranch, Trementina, NM 88439, 575/641-5225. Comm. Angus cattle. CR Cattle Co., Gary and Suzie Morton, P.O. Box 850, Las Vegas, N.M. 87701, crcattleco@zianet.com, 505/ 425-6929. Reg. Corriente roping & breeding stock. D & J Cattle, H. Don Smith, 192 CR L23, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/425-3371, cell 505/617-1075. Reg. and comm. cattle. Farmway Feed Mills, Oc and John Octerbeck, P.O. Box 390, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/425-6775. Complete line of livestock and poultry feeds. Hashknife Quarter Horses, G.M. “Dogie” Jones, Hwy. 161, Box 72, Watrous, NM 87753, 505/ 425-6021. Reg. Quarter Horses by Genuine Credit, and A Dandy Rawhide. Hobo Ranch, Dan Flitner, HC 32, Box 208, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 575/641-9295, dmflitner@msn.com. Comm. organic, grassfed Angus cross; reg. performance Quarter horses. Kail Land & Livestock, Raul Munoz, Box 981, Conchas Dam, NM 88416, 575/461-5256. Reg. & comm. Angus and Romagnola. Las Vegas-San Miguel Chamber of Commerce, Martin Leger, 727 Grand Ave., Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/425-8631. Promote tourism. Melton Real Estate and Melton Ranch, Pat Melton, Route 1, Box 370, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701, 505/617-0777, pat@meltonrealestate.com. Comm. cattle; pasture yearlings for the five-month growing season on 11,000+ Acres. JULY 2011


29,325 4,767 square miles median, 15” October 8 May 13 6,857 ft. Las Vegas 394,215 acres with 65,273 acres BLM and 322,503 acres Forest Service 173,808 acres 0 acres 2,466,357 acres 16,500 acres surface: 13,370 acres; ground: 150 acres 454-1497

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land





All Cattle

Santa Fe NF 518 Cowles San Ignacio Sapello Tererro El Porvenir

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land



County Extension Agent Mora R.


Sabinoso 419


Las Vegas

Pecos Romeroville


Santa Ana Ilfeld

Pecos Nat’l Historical Park

San Jose Serafina Ribera Sena Villanueva

Las Vegas NWR

Gall inas R.


Trujillo Corazon

Bell Ranch Trementina

Conchas L. Conchas 104









www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

Peddling Bulls in New Mexico

“They are worth more if they have Black Angus influence.”

CALL BOB, KAY, OR MIKE ANDERSON A LAZY 6 ANGUS AT BLANCO CANYON, HCR 72, Box 10, Ribera, NM 87560 Headquarters: 575/421-1809 Cells: 505/690-1191 • 505/660-2909 Email: alazy6ranch@yahoo.com


JULY 2011

O/X Ranch, Stacey Montano, P.O. Box 396, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/429-0067. Reg. and comm. Santa Gertrudis. Pino Creek Ranch, Martin or Margrit Honegger, HC 67 Box 40, Newkirk, NM 88431, 575/641-5282, PCR@Plateautel.net. Reg. & comm. cattle; Grassfed beef see also www.nmgrassfedbeef.com Romero Feed Store, Pat, Bennie or Gene Romero, 406 Pecos, P.O. Box 1264, Las Vegas, NM 87701, 505/425-7990. Dealer of Acco feeds, animal and poultry feeds.

Plain View Limousin Ranch, Onofre Cordova, P.O. Box 4, Cuba, NM 87013, 505/289-3829. Reg. and comm. Limousin cattle; reg. Quarter Horses, wilderness tours, overnight camping (water, no facilities).

Crossed Arrows Ranch, Rick Iannucxci, 3774 NM 14, Santa Fe, NM 87058, crossedarrowsnm@aol.com, 505/474-5425. Wrangler services for film, tv and still photography. Horses and cattle. For small to medium non-union productions.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Davis Hats, George or Maria Davis, 505/264-0206, davishatsandhorses@higherspeed.net, 817 B. Anaya Rd., Stanley, NM 87056. Full-service hat shop; hats retail; hat service - renovations, cleaning and blocking.

Walker Ranch Sales.com, Greg Walker, 4313 Corrales Rd., Corrales, NM 87048, 505/615-3131, greg@corralesrealty.com. Real estate brokerage.

Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, info@TSLCC.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans.

Water Services, Joseph F. Neas, 566 Hwy. 165, Placitas, NM 87043, contact Bill 505/867-4000. Water well and pump service, system design, maintenance and construction.

Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.


County Santa Fe County

Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

Corrales Realty, Greg Walker, 4313 Corrales Road, Corrales, New Mexico 87048, (505) 890-3131, email: info@corralesrealty.com, Real estate brokerage. Blair Darnell, P.O. Box 1239, Corrales, NM 87048, 505/898-0768. Reg. Thoroughbred horses, race horses and broodmares. Equine Relocation Services, LLC, Keller F. Davis, 1803 Los Arboles Rd., Bernalillo, NM 87004, 505/867-5571, 505/263-6732 cell, haytaxi9@aol.com. Authorized Vita Ferm dealer.

Ken Ahler Real Estate, Ken Ahler, 1435 St. Francis, Suite 210, Santa Fe, NM 87505, 505/989-7573. Real estate broker. Bodacious Longhorns LLC, P.O. Box 715, Edgewood, NM 87015 713/301-0028, dann.brown85@yahoo.com. Reg. Texas Longhorn cattle (for breeding or yard art!). Bryan Farm, LLC, Jack Bryan, 41 King Rd., Stanley, NM 87056, jackbryan@higherspeed.net, 505/832-1112. Reg. Limousin; reg. warmbloods and warmblood crosses; alfalfa, orchard grass; tractors, implements, farm equipment; service shop. Catron County Firestarter, Howard Hutchinson, 2928 Cliff Place, Santa Fe, NM 87507, 505/3799243, aznmc@earthlink.net.

Farm Credit Services, 5651 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy. NE, P.O. Box 94330, Albuquerque, NM 87113-2164, , 505/884-1048. Agricultural mortgage financing.

Century 21 LandSun, Kerry Boyd, 460 Cerrillos, Santa Fe, NM 87501-2637, 505/989-8100. Real estate sales and consulting.

Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service.

Clark, Grubesic & Jones, LLC, 1322 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501, 505/820-1825. Attorneys at law.

La Gloria Natural Angus Beef, Manny & Haley Encinas, 421 Coronado Rd., Corrales, NM 87048, 505/927-7935, 505/898-8141, lgnaturalbeef@ hotmail.com. All natural beef, custom grass and/or grain finishing options; dry aged up to 21 days and USDA inspected. NMSU Sandoval County Cooperative Extension, Steve M. Lucero, P.O. Box 400, Bernalillo, NM 87004, 505/867-2582, sandoval@nmsu.edu. Cooperative Extension Services agriculture and livestock. Peña Blanca Beefmasters, Jerry Leyba, P.O. Box 1236, Peña Blanca, NM 87041, 505/465-9936. Beefmasters.

Clark Show Cattle, Charlie and Nida Clark, P.O. Box 14, Moriarty, NM 87035, 50/832-4216. Limousin, Shorthorn, Maine and crossbreds, show cattle for FFA and 4-H. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Conron & Woods Architects, Roy L. Woods, 1222 Luisa St., Ste. A, Santa Fe, NM 87505, 505/983-6948, office@conronandwoods.com. Architect – agricultural and residential.

Farm Credit Services, 5651 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy. NE, P.O. Box 94330, Albuquerque, NM 87113-2164, , 505/884-1048. Agricultural mortgage financing.

High Valley Angus, Bill King, Stanley, NM, res: 505/832-4330, ofc: 505/832-4448. Reg. Angus cattle. Horse Talk, Connie Sue Jessup, 82 Emblem Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87507, trail@horse-talk.com, www.horse-talk.com. N.M./USA horse directory – find or list sale horses, stallions, horse properties, services, hay, supplements, bulletins, equine vacations, trail rides, stolen listings, barns and fencing, trucks, trailers, tack, equine art, judges, clubs, activities, publications, website design and more. Horses for Heroes-New Mexico, Inc. Cowboy UP! Rick Iannucci, 3774 NM 14, Santa Fe, NM 87508, 505/670-2059, horsesforheroes@gmail.com King Charolais, Bill King, P.O. Box 564, Stanley, NM 87056, 505/832-4448, 505/832-4330, mob: 505/220-9909. Reg. Charolais. King Farms, Box 103, Stanley, NM 87056, 505/ 832-6104. Cattle feeding and cow-calf operation, Oswalt dealer, alfalfa hay and Sun Sure pellets. King Herefords, Tommy & Becky Spindle, 505/832-0926, P.O. Box 564, Stanley, NM 87956. Reg. Herefords. Jerry L. or Jodi King, P.O. Box 4, Stanley, NM 87056, 505/832-6324. Reg. & comm. Red Angus. La Gloria Cattle Company, Manny & Hayley Encinas, 29 Truman Dr., Clayton, NM 88415, lagloriacattleco@hotmail.com, 575/374-3393, 505/927-7935. Angus bulls and females – easy fleshing, performance and eye appeal; combining the most proven grass-based genetics from LGCC, OCC, Duff and Manzano Angus. LG Genetics, Manny & Hayley Encinas, 29 Truman Dr., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-3393, 505/9277935, lggenetics@hotmail.com. Custom AI breeding services; semen available on top AI services; synchronization and AI supplies, AI training; reproductive ultrasound services; pregnancy diagnosis. Lone Mountain Cattle Company, Robert Estrin, owner, 1818 AB NM 14, Golden, NM 87047, 310/622-1040, info@LoneMountainCattle.com. Full blood Wagyu Cattle. Semen straws available. www.LoneMountainCattle.com New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranch, 6209 Hendrix NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, 505/881-3363. Comm. cattle, comm. horses, irrigated pasture, alfalfa. Residential care for youth, adoption and foster care placement. New Mexico Girls Ranch, 7 Avenida Vista Grande, PMB 312, Santa Fe, NM 87508, 505/466-7459. Group home, education, counseling. JULY 2011






All Cattle Sheep & Lambs

44 96

10,000 2,000

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

La Jara Santa Fe NF

Cuba Santa Fe NF 44

Jemez Indian Res.

Zia Indian Res.


County Extension Agent

Jemez Springs Jemez Indian Res. Ponderosa

Jemez Pueblo Cochiti Pena Blanca

San Ysidro

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


JULY 2011

ran de

Zia Pueblo Santo Domingo Pueblo Domingo 44 San Felipe Santa Ana Pueblo Rio G

o erc Pu Rio Laguna Indian Res.

113,772 3,717 square miles median, 13.1” October 20 May 1 6,250 ft. Bernalillo 87,297 acres with 588,449 acres BLM and 371,228 acres Forest Service 80,192 acres 650,380 acres 659,111 acres 1,900 acres surface: 16,410 acres; ground: 80 acres; surface and ground: 780 acres 867-2582 or 800/678-1802

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land



Rio Rancho




2010 Figures



San Felipe Indian Res.

Santa Ana Indian Res.

Placitas Sandia Pueblo Sandia Corrales


Alfalfa Hay




7,000 tons


www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

Chimayo Santa Cruz San Ildefonso Pueblo



Nambe Indian Res. Bandelier Nat’l Tesuque Indian Res. Monument

Tesuque Pueblo

Santa Fe NF Agua Fria Cochiti Indian Res.



Santa Fe Pecos Nat’l Historical Park

La Cienega Eldorado at Santa Fe




San Ildefonso Indian Res.



All Cattle Sheep & Lambs

8,000 900

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

Glorieta Canoncito Lamy

Cerrillos Madrid

County Extension Agent

Los Alamos

14 41





2010 Figures

Los Alamos Nat’l Labs

White Rock

142,407 1,909 square miles median, 13.9” October 13 May 6 7,200 ft. Santa Fe 336,157 acres with 85,587 acres BLM and 250,628 acres Forest Service 85,857 acres 79,548 acres 717,698 acres 2,500 acres surface: 5,850 acres; ground: 11,340 acres; surface and ground: 880 acres 471-4711


Alfalfa Hay




9,500 tons


www.nass.usda.gov Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

JULY 2011


The Quivira Coalition, www.quiviracoalition.org, Courtney White, 1413 Second St. #1, Santa Fe, NM 87505, 505/820-2544, exeutive@quiviracoalition.org. Rangeland health & monitoring; local meat production; riparian restoration services The Quivira Coalition, Valle Grande Ranch – Rowe Mesa, Craig Conley, 1413 Second St., #1, Santa Fe, NM 87505, cconley@quiviracoalition.org. www.newanch.net, 505/820-2544. Pasture raised beef sold directly to consumers. Rangeland health assessment and monitoring. Rancho Las Lagunas, Alfredo J. Roybal, 19-A Rancho Las Lagunas, Santa Fe, NM 87506, 505/455-7211. Reg. & comm. horned Hereford & Black Baldy cows and replacement heifers. Alfalfa and alfalfa-grass mix hay in small bales. Sand Creek Post and Beam of Texas, Stan Hegener, 245 FM 3351, Bergheim, TX 78006, 830/377-1358, barnsales@sandcreekpostandbeamoftx.com. Sandia Trailer Sales, sales@sandiatrailer.com, Morey 505/281-9860, 1435 Rt. 66, Edgewood, NM 87015. New and used trailers and service to all; parts also. Singleton Ranches, Grant Mitchell, 90 San Cristobal Ranch Rd., Lamy, NM 87540, 505/466-3021, singletonhorses@mac.com. Comm. cattle; reg. horses. Spindle Show Steers, Tom & Becky Spindle, Moriarty, NM, 505/832-0926 or 321-8808. Club calves. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. USDA- Farm Service Agency, Salomon Ramirez, State Executive Director, 6200 Jefferson Street NE Suite 211, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505/761-4900, salomon.ramirez@nm.usda.gov. USDA FSA Santa Fe County Office, Sheryl LaRue, CED, 1911 South Fifth St. Suite 211, Santa Fe, NM 87505-5403, 505/988-6253 Option 1, sheryl.larue@nm.usda.gov. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.



A-Spear Ranch, John Downs, P.O. Box 511, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901, 505/894-6450, mob: 505/740-7141. Comm. Longhorns. Apache Gap Ranch, Engle, NM 87901, 575/894-2550. Comm. Black Angus cows, Charolais bulls, fall calves for sale. Bank of the Southwest, Alma Grantham, P.O. Box 872, T or C, NM 87901, 505/894-7171. Full service bank, short- and long-term financing.


JULY 2011

Bar A Ranch, Charles Sullivan, Winston, NM 87943, 505/772-5619. Reg. and comm. Charolais, Charbray cattle. Bar Cross Ranch, Jane Cain, T. or C., NM 87901, 505/894-7987. Crossbred cattle; cow calf. Bar TL Leathercraft, Audra Lyon, 230 Palomas Circle, T or C, NM 87942, 575/640-6194, www.aacrafters.com, aulyon_98yahoo.com. Boot & shoe repair; custom leatherwork & repairs / belts, wallets, chaps, tack, home accents & much more.

Sierra County


Cutter Cattle Company, Inc., Dudley/Cindy Goetz, HC 32, Box 12, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901, 575/740-0789, cuttercattle@yahoo.com. Comm. crossbred cattle with Red Angus and Charolais influence. We sell calves spring and fall. Farm Credit Services, 375 W. Boutz Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88005, 505/524-2883. Agricultural mortgage financing.

Beaverhead Ranch, Kaye Diamond, HC 30 Box 446, Winston, NM 87943, 575/772-5677. Comm. yearlings, professional hunting.

Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., 11323 Rojas, El Paso, TX 79935, 915/598-1133. John Deere sales, service, parts.

Lewis Cain Ranch, Inc., Amanda Wallin, HC 32, Box 2, T or C, NM 87901, 505/977-3876.

H and P Farms (Las Palmomas), Horacio Armijo, HCR 31 Box 68, Williamsburg, NM 87942, 575/8947545. Comm. cattle; alfalfa hay.

Chatfield Ranch, Joe Chatfield, P.O. Box 36, Caballo, NM 87931, 575/497-9619. Comm. Beefmaster and Beefmaster crossbreds. Joe Chatfield, P.O. Box 36, Caballo, NM 87931, 575/497-9616. Comm. cattle & horses. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Cox Ranch Herefords, Russell Freeman, Box 187, Winston, NM 87943, 575/743-6904. Reg. Hereford cattle.



Red Brangus

FOR SALE: Registered and Commercial Bulls Heifers Rod Hille 575/894-7983 Ranch HC 32, Box 79 Truth or Consequences, NM 87901

Heritage Cattle Co., Butch Mayfield, Box 9031, Playas, NM 88009, 505/436-2544. Comm. Charolais and Angus bulls, crossbred cows. Quarter Moon Ranch, Hotch Manning, Box 25, Monticello, NM 87939, 505/524-8616. Reg. and comm. Red Angus, Hereford. Rabenau Ranch, Loretta Carter Rabenau, P.O. Box 121, Winston, NM 87943, 575/772-5542, rabenau@wildblue.net. Comm. cattle. Reg. Blue Lacy cowdogs. Red Rock Ranch, Chris Ashcroft, Manager, HC 30, Box 65, Monticello, NM 87939, 575/743-0091. Comm. cow-calf; Purebred Red Angus; private treaty sales. Reg. AQHA - for sale mares, geldings, stallions. Grazing leases. Wood for sale. Campground. ROD Ranch, Rod Hille, HC 32, Box 79, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901, 575/894-7983. Reg. and comm. Red Brangus. Sierra County FSA Office, Jordanna Gurule, 2101 S. Broadway, T or C, NM 87901, 575/894-2563. South Fork, Sioux Cochran or Bob, 100 Garcia Well, Winston, NM 87943, 575/740-7708. Comm. horses. Ranch raised Mt. horses, colts starting, grass-fed beef. Sullivan Hattery, Darryl Sullivan, HC 30, Box 20, Monticello, NM 87939, 575/743-6644. Comm. cattle; hay. Custom-made western hats. Taylor Ranch, Jim Taylor, HC 32, Box 45, T or C, NM 87901, 575/743-0068, englecowcamp@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. Texas Longhorns - show cattle; seedstock; bulls for sale. Grass fed beef. Tri-State Angus Ranches, Sam Jenkins or Kandy Lopez, P.O. Box 4, Faywood, NM 88034, 505/5369500, 915/203-3411, tristateangus@aol.com. Reg. and comm. Angus; reg. and comm AQHA; hay; locker beef; licensed auctioneering services and certified personal property appraisals; Australian shepherds; Boer goats. Also serving Grant county. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.




Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

12,669 4,219 square miles median, 8.3” November 4 April 7 4,190 ft. Truth or Consequences 1,830,310 acres with 822,175 acres BLM and 378,665 acres Forest Service 361,195 acres 0 acres 474,655 acres 34,000 acres surface: 3,050 acres; ground: 2,940 acres; surface & ground: 5,410 acres 894-2375


Alfalfa Hay Corn, Silage

2,000 500

14,000 tons 13,000 tons



Chloride Winston

Elephant Butte Res.



All Cattle

Caballo 152

Caballo Res.







Engle Cutter

Las Palomas


White Sands Missile Range

Elephant Butte

Williamsburg RANKS


www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


Truth or Consequences








Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic W




JULY 2011



18,240 6,626 square miles median, 8.6” October 24 April 13 4,585 ft. Socorro 2,318,458 acres with 949,396 acres BLM and 627,854 acres Forest Service 609,517 acres 56,680 acres 1,214,455 acres 14,500 acres surface: 3,330 acres; ground: 1,310 acres 835-0610

Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent






All Cattle Milk Cows Sheep and Lambs

Alamo Navajo Indian Res.

Cibola NF



8,500 1,100

51,000 tons 27,000 tons


Sevilleta NWR Polvadera Lemitar



Cibola NF 52

Cibola NF

Alfalfa Hay Corn Silage

Veguita Las Nutrias Bernardo Contreras La Joya 25





San Acacia

2010 Figures CROP

45,500 8,600 600

Salinas Pueblo Missions Nat’l Monument 55 Claunch

Escondida Socorro Luis Lopez San Antonio Carthage

San Marcial

Bingham 380

Bosque del Apache NWR



www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


JULY 2011

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


Socorro County


Bar A Ranch, Charles Sullivan, HC 30, Box 248, Winston, NM 87943, 575/772-5619. Reg. Charolais. Coldwell Banker Legacy, Betty Houston, 515 Center Street, Socorro , NM 87801, 575/835-1422, houston_betty@msn.com. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. D2 Ranch, Dan Wade, Rt. 1 Box 40, Mountainair, NM 505/849-1158, 505/275-1804. Reg. Tarentaise, seedstock, heifer leasing. Del Curto Cattle, Joan Del Curto-Monette, P.O. Box 1661, Socorro, NM 87801, 505/423-1661. Comm. Beefmaster cattle. Donaldson Ranch, Clem and Joan Donaldson, ABO Rt. Box 1G, Mountainair, NM 87036, 505/423-3257, 505/436-2372. Reg./comm. Simmental and Beefmaster, bulls, heifers, club calves. Dusty Ranch, Dale L. Henderson, P.O. Box 71, Winston, NM 87943, 575/772-5514. Reg. & comm. Angus cattle. Field Ranch, James Adren Nance, P.O. Box 5457, Alamo, NM 87825, nance@wildblue.net, 575/8542805. Comm. Black Angus, certified organic. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Henderson Ranch, Clay Henderson, 1520 Dusty Rt., Winston, NM 87943, 575/772-5764. Comm. Brangus & Angus x. Betty Houston, 515 Center St., SW, Socorro, NM 87801, 575/835-1422, houston_betty@msn.com. Real estate brokerage, residential, land, ranch, commercial. Iris Hill Farm, David & Jenny Anglen, P.O. Box 669, Bosque, NM 87006, res.: 505/861-0489, J. cell: 505/688-5459, D. cell: 505/553-9977, djanglen@msn.com. Comm. Galloway & dairy steers; reg. Katahdin; reg. Oberhasli dairy goats; asparagus, onions & garden vegetables; breeding stock; food. McDaniel Ranch, Knollene McDaniel, P.O. Box 42, Claunch, NM 87011, 575/849-1456. Comm. Irish Black fullblood & cross calves. Middle Rio Grande Realty, Jeanene Hall, broker/owner, P.O. Box 888, 413 California NW, Socorro, NM 87801, 505/835-0888, 800/687-2615. Real estate. Moeller’s Cross M Texas Longhorns, Dr. Fritz Moeller, P.O. Box 397, Socorro, NM 87801, 575/835-3866, fmoeller@sdc.org.Reg. & comm. Texas Longhorn mother cows; Angus crossbred calves. Authorized dealer – RAU animal immobilizer. New Mexico Boys Ranch, P.O. Box 5000, Boys Ranch, NM 87002, 505/864-7381. Group home, education, counseling.


Will Orndorf, P.O. Box 1247, Socorro, NM 87801, 575/835-0075, 575/418-7042. Mediation services. Real estate broker. Patterson Cattle Co., Jim Patterson, Box 425, Bingham, NM 87823, 575/423-3243. Comm. Angus & Angus cross calves; reg. started ranch horses. Porter Farm, Al Porter, P.O. Box 685, 1235 El Camino Real NW, Socorro, NM 87801-0685, 575/835-0882, cell 505/977-1277. Comm. club lambs, Blackface, Finewool-cross and Western Whiteface sheep. Rancho Magdalena, Lee & Lori Scholes, P.O. Box 1112, Magdalena, NM 87825, 575/854-3091, lori@ranchomagdalena.com. Reg. Longhorn; rural bed and breakfast. Rancho Santa Rita, Johnny or Felicia Krynitz, Box 585, Magdalena, NM 87825, 575/635-0559. Reg. & comm. Black Limousin, Black Angus, Limflex; alfalfa chile. R.C. Mobile Storage LLC, Cheryl, P.O. Box 1424, Magdalena, NM 87825, 575/838-7266. Sell used shipping containers & trailers. Rocking R Ranch, Randell & Lynn Major, P.O. Box 244, Magdalena, NM 87825, randell @gilanet.com, 575/854-2150. Comm. Charolais cross calves; real estate associate broker. Snake Ranch, LLC / Sichler Farms Produce, LLC., Chris or Paula Sichler, 111 Farm to Market Rd., San Antonio, NM 87832, 575/838-2839, chris@sichlerchile.com. Alfalfa, and other varieties of hay. Socorro County Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 7432, Socorro, NM 87801, 505/835-0424. Squaw Peak Ranch LLC, Bob Hendon, P.O. Box 8635, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657, 817/683-3983, robert_g_hendon@yahoo.com. Reg. horses; Border Collie ranch dogs; elk and muledeer hunts; Brangus and Angus Plus cattle; standing Guthrie Sun, Four Sixes bred stallion. Terrell Land & Livestock Co., Tye Terrell, P.O. Box 3188, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 575/4476041, tyecterrell@yahoo.com. Real estate brokerage; ranch mapping. Thompson Ranch, Ernest Thompson, HC 66, Box 613, Mountainair, NM 87036, 575/423-3313, thompson.ranch@yahoo.com. Reg. & comm. Angus; Angus bulls, steers, & replacement heifers. Alfalfa.


Socorro County


Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Valley Feed & Supply, 510 So. Hwy. 85, Socorro, NM 87801, 505/835-0273. Feed, seed, tack, fertilizers, vet supplies. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.



Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Cottam-Walker Ford L/M, Inc., R. Kim Walker, 1320 Paseo del Norte Sur, Taos, NM 87571, 575/751-3200, taosford@laplaza.org. Full line of Ford trucks. If you need a truck to get the job done, you need a Ford truck. Enchanted Circle Fair, Dan Bryan, P.O. Box 712, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514, 575/776-3829. July 18-22, 2012 – Jr. & adult exhibits in livestock, horses, poultry, rabbits, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, feature booth exhibits, home economics, photography and arts & crafts. Local exhibit classes open to residents of Taos, Rio Arriba, Colfax and Mora counties. All other exhibit classes open to everyone. Commerical exhibits, carnival midway, Jr. livestock auction, entertainment, CBR Bull Riding, PRCA rodeo, concert, local talent show. Faulkner & Waye Cattle Co., Shane Faulkner or Jan Waye, P.O. Box 610, Taos, NM 87571, Faulkner, 505/490-2821. Higham’s Lazy H Ranch, Paul Higham, P.O. Box 1614, El Prado, NM 87529, 575/770-6595, hfactor@q.com. Reg & comm. cattle; Angus cross; Natural, Irrigated grass hay. Mead Angus, L.H. Bob Mead, Rt. 1, Box 14, Taos Canyon, Taos, NM 87571, 505/758-3432, 461-2066, 487-7742. Reg. Angus cattle, 14- to 16-month-old bulls and replacement heifers. Rancho de Santa Barbara, Randy Sahd, Box 67, Penasco, NM 87553, 505/587-2486, 505/587-2211. Reg. Herefords. Rio Grande Feed Bin, Dennis A. Coca, P.O. Box 2978, Taos, NM, 505/758-7983. Reg. horses, oats, alfalfa, retail feed and tack supply.

Contact Dr. Fritz Moeller in Socorro County, 575/835-3866 Cell: 505/263-9216 • Email: fmoeller@sdc.org Web: www.sdc.org/~fmoeller

Taos Ski Valley, J.P. Rael, P.O. Box 90, Taos Ski Valley, NM 87525, 505/776-2291. Winter and summer outdoor activities, lodging, meeting space and catering. JULY 2011


Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land


d Rio Gran

Carson NF





Tres Piedras


Arroyo Hondo Taos Indian Res.


Picuris Indian Res.

Taos Indian Res. El Prado Taos Pueblo Taos Carson Ranchos de Taos 68 518


State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

Taos Ski Valley


San Cristobal



Red River

Carson NF

County Extension Agent RANKS




7,400 500



www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO! ©2009 National Geographic ®


JULY 2011


24 CROP PRODUCTION 2010 Figures


All Cattle Sheep & Lambs


31,832 2,257 square miles median, 12.2” October 3 May 17 6,945 ft. Taos 733,325 acres with 207,112 acres BLM and 526,213 acres Forest Service 97,144 acres 62,288 acres 550,723 acres 1,000 acres surface: 35,900 acres; ground: 5,230 acres; surface & ground: 770 acres 758-3982


Alfalfa Hay



11,000 tons


Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, info@TSLCC.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Walker Trailer Sales, R. Kim Walker/Manuel Gonzales, 1320 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos, NM 87571, 575/751-0074, 575/770-0201, taosford@laplaza.org. Full line of trailers, stock trailers, horse trailers, dump trailers, flatbed trailers, etc. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Wolf Springs Ranch, Tony Benson, P.O. Box 2848, Taos, NM 87571, 575/770-8198, benson1@newmex.com. Comm. cattle; Grass-fed beef.



The Adaina Group, Ted or Marj Jones, 582 Red Bluff Rd., P. O. Box 836, Mountainair, NM 87036, 505/847-0349, theadainagroup@hotmail.com. Autrey UL Beefmasters, Leon Autrey, HC66, Box 612, Mountainair, NM 87036, 505/423-3210. Reg. Beefmaster. Delbert & Marie Autrey, ABO Rt., Box 1C, Mountainair, NM 87036, 505/847-2782. Reg. and comm. Beefmaster cattle. B&R Construction Co., Inc., Ben Spence, P.O. Box 3054/3215 Hwy. 66, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/832-1400, brconstruction@lobo.net. All steel buildings, materials and erection; concrete slabs; some roof and building repairs and replacements. Broken Arrow Ranch, Milton or Thomasene Romans, Box 395, Corona, NM 88318, 505/8491927. Reg. and comm. Longhorn bulls and Longhorn/Angus-cross bulls for sale. Broome’s Feed & Supply Co., Jeff and Yolonda Broome, P.O. Box 2069, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/832-0075. Cattle feed and animal health, sheep feed and show feed, horse feed and tack, swine feed. ADM dealer. Brown Ranches, Henry Brown, 536 Long Canyon Rd., Folsom, NM 88419, 575/278-3070, brownmnh@bacavalley.com. Reg. Red Angus steers & heifers available in the fall; New Mexico State Land Stewardship Specialist – can do your state lease stewardship incentive project – prefer NE part of state. Caster Land & Cattle, LLC., W.D. or Cassie Caster, HC 75, Box 82, Mountainair, NM 87036, 505/847-0532, casterranch@net.com. Comm. Angus cross, cow / calf. Chilili Angus, Geomy Pohl, P.O. Box 1159, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/832-4052. Registered Black Angus. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide.

Wayne Connell Cattle Co., Wayne Connell, Rt. 1, Box 30, Mountainair, NM 87036, 505/847-2737, fax 505/847-0698. Comm. cattle; hay and corn; buyers and sellers of all types of cattle. Wayne Connell, auctioneer. Double Arrow Ranch, Estancia, NM (ranch is 12 miles east of Estancia), Roe Greene, Terri G. League, Kent League, Dane Caldwell, mailing address: 10024 Bridgepointe NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111, 505/8214142, 580/532-4257, terrilands042000@yahoo.com. We lease grass; antelope hunting close to Albuquerque & Santa Fe. D2 Ranch Tarentaise, Dan or Diana Wade, Box 293, Corona, NM 88318, Tarentaise cattle. Ranch: 505/849-1158, Albuquerque: 505/271-1865. Fallon-Cortese Land, Ft. Sumner, 575/355-2855 or 575/760-3818. Ranch sales. See listings at www.ranchseller.com. Farm Bureau Financial Services, Monte Anderson, 122 B West Impala Ct., Moriarty, NM 87015, 505/832-4152, monte.anderson@fbfs.com. Farm, ranch, business, auto, home and life insurance. Goemmer Land & Livestock Co., Shane Thompson, 3148 State Hwy. 42, Willard, NM 87063, 505/849-1072, sthompson@starband.net; goemmerlivestock@ starband.net. Reg. and comm. cattle; reg. horses. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Harral Ranch, Ronnie or Leland Harral, HC 61, Box 41, Encino, NM 88321, 505/584-2692. Comm. bred heifer sale in November featuring Brangus and Maine-Anjou cross heifers. Brahaim Hindi & Sons, Inc., P.O. Box 115, Duran, NM 88301, 575/584-2670. Comm. Black Angus; comm. Rambouillet and KaraKul sheep (KaraKul ewes, wethers, rams and wool; Rambouillet ewes); reg. Arabian horses. J-C Angus Ranch, John or Cathy Heckendorn, P.O. Box 3792, Edgewood, NM 87015, 505/2811514, 888/jcangus. Reg. Angus. Sires represented: SAF Fame, A&B Yukon 7150, EXT. JG Livestock Co., Shane or Sherri Goemmer, HC 68, Box 5A, Willard, NM 87063, 505/849-1072; goemmercattle@plateautel.net. Comm. Angus cross cattle; ranch and performance horses – foundation bloodlines: Peppy San, Docs J Jay; reg. red and white border collies. L.T. Lewis Ltd. Co., Michael Carrica, P.O. Box 1738, Roswell, NM 88202, 575/622-5480. Comm. Angus-Hereford. Lindsey Cattle Company / Atkinson Ranch, Wayne and Kay Lindsey, Rt. 1, Claunch, NM 87011, 505/849-1096. Comm. cow-calf operation. Manzano Angus, Bill Gardner, 502 County Road B107, Estancia, NM 87016, 505/384-5424 home; 505/705-2856 cell, manzanoangus@wildblue.com. Reg. Angus Cattle. www.manzanoangus.com – Annual Bull sale in March.

Torrance County


McKenzie Land & Livestock, Kenneth McKenzie, HC 61, Box 57, Encino, NM 88321, 505/472-5109, kenneth@plateautel.net. Comm. cattle, reg. Quarter Horses. Metzger Maine Cattle & Show Pigs, Jerry, Warren and Wayne Metzger, 820 Hwy. 55, Estancia, NM 87016, 505/384-2832 or 505/384-2514. Reg. and comm. Maine-Anjou bulls; Spots, Durocs, Hamps, Yorks, Chesters and crosses. Montoya Bros. Reg. Angus & Hereford Farm & Ranch, P.O. Box 984, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/ 832-6914. Reg. and comm. Angus, Herefords, reg. & comm. Rambouillet sheep, reg. & comm. Quarter Horses. 99 Cattle Co., Jeff Brandenberger, P.O. Box 13, Claunch, NM 87011, 575/849-1105. Comm. Angus – quality replacement heifers. 99 Cattle Company, Ronnie Harral, P.O. Box 999, Estancia, NM 87016, 505/584-2692. Comm. replacement Angus and Brangus bred heifers. Providing quality comm. females to producers in New Mexico and Texas. Buyers of all classes of calves and yearlings. Ernest E. Perez & Sons, Box 93, Encino, NM 88321, cell 575/799-5922. Reg. and comm. sheep. Victor Pérez Ranch, LeRoy or Mercedes P. Cravens, P.O. Box 152, Encino, NM 88321, 575/584-2392. Comm. Hereford/Angus cross yearlings; comm. lambs, mature ewes; wool, black wool. Sharp Ranch, Inc., Jerry Sharp, HC 68, Box 11, Corona, NM 88318, 505/849-4966. Reg. and comm. Maine-Anjou, comm. Rambouillet and Blackface sheep and lambs; show steers and lambs. 6 – H Ranches, LLC (Mountaineer), Vic & Phyllis Hawley, P O Box 1503, Edgewood, NM 87015, 928/380-1228, vic_hawley@juno.com, Reg. Rambouillet, Reg. Hereford. Thompson Ranch, Ernest Thompson, HC 66, Box 613, Mountainair, NM 87036, thompson.ranch@ yahoo.com, 575/423-3313. Reg. & comm. Angus; Angus bulls, steers, & replacement heifers. Alfalfa. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377, full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. Williams Ranches, Larry, Gary or Vickie Williams, P.O. Box 818, Moriarty, NM 87035, 505/832-2684, williams.ranches@gmaill.com. Reg. & comm. Santa Gertrudis, and Angus X cattle. Wrye Ranch, Bill or Brad Wrye, P.O. Box 109E, Estancia, NM 87016, 505/384-2217. Reg. MaineAnjou bulls and heifers. Comm. Angus/Maine cross cattle.

McCall Land & Cattle Co., Howard McCall, 1524 Eubank NE, Ste. 5, Albuquerque, NM 87112, h4mcCall@earthlink.net, 505/296-3434. Reg. Black Angus. JULY 2011



10 Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land County Extension Agent

17,551 3,355 square miles median, 11.5” October 1 May 20 6,107 ft. Estancia 207,787 acres with 56,017 acres BLM and 151,283 acres Forest Service 299,805 acres 16,300 acres 1,617,308 acres 6,000 acres ground: 38,110 acres 246-4745



All Cattle Sheep and Lambs

41,000 6,100



2010 Figures CROP



Alfalfa Hay



www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin


www.goemmerlandlivestock.com Shane: 575/849-1072, 575/710-9074



Clines Corners 285

McIntosh 337

Cibola NF


Estancia 41





Broncho Mountainair 60





Carnero 3

Abo Scholle




Cibola NF


Gran Quivira Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

AQHA QUARTER HORSES WITH COW SENSE & AGILITY • 40-year breeding program • Bloodlines – Driftwood, Doc O’Lena, Miss N Cash, Peppy San, Royal Bar and Three Bars (TB) • Broodmares & Saddle Horses • Started 2 year olds • Superior Calves (60%) Beefmaster-cross & (40%) Angus-cross. • Solid-Colored Longhorn Bulls produce color buyer’s want and benefit of calving ease. • ROPING CATTLE • CATTLE BRED WORKING STOCK DOGS – BORDER COLLIES, KELPIES & MCNABS



JULY 2011


Cedar Creek Cattle Company, Richard and Connie Snyder, HCR 75, Box 2, Grenville, NM 88424, 505/278-2793. Comm. Salers cross.


A Lazy K Ranch, A.C. and Karen S. Brown, 302 Echo Canyon Rd., Des Moines, NM 88418, 575/278-2594. Reg. horses – close-up Poco Bueno bred mares. American Breeders Service, Sean and Susan Russell, HCR 70 Box 58, Des Moines, NM 88418, 505/374-2162. Gene Atchley Cattle Company, Gene Atchley, P.O. Box 623, Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-2700. Barbed Wire Enterprises, Buzz Baird, 75 Lake Hwy., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-6688, bwire@plateautel.net. AQHA reg. horses – cutting horse bloodlines. Brown Ranch, Henry Brown, 536 Long Canyon Rd., Folsom, NM 88419, 575/278-3070. Reg. & comm. cattle; high quality commercial Red Angus heifers for sale late summer-early fall. Burns Do It Center, James Burns, 1511 N. Prince St., Clovis, NM 88101, 575/935-1111, james.burns@xit.net. Fencing, water tanks and equipment. Ross or Shelley Carter, 71 Cottonwood Rd., Clayton, NM 88415, 505/374-2052, sbcarter56@hotmail.com. Reg. Corrientes; reg. Quarter horses, working cow and roping horses.

Cedar Creek Mineral Co., Richard and Connie Snyder, HCR 75, Box 2, Grenville, NM 88424, 505/278-2793, mob. 505/374-7080. Super Sweet minerals distributor. Clayton Cattle Feeders, Jarrod Webster, P. O. Box 370, Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-2571. Custom cattle feeding & cattle marketing. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Copeland & Sons, LLC, Cliff Copeland, Clifford Copeland, Matt Copeland, 859 Romero Rd., Nara Visa, NM 88430, 575/633-2800, 575/633-2251, 580/336-8284, c3copeland@plateautel.net. Reg. and comm. Herefords, club calves, F1s, replacement heifers & bulls. Pat Copeland Photography, 859 Romero Rd., Nara Visa, NM 88430, 505/633-2800. Livestock photography. Cottonwood Corrientes, Ross & Shelley Carter, 71 Cottonwood Rd., Clayton, NM 88415, 505/374-2052, 447-2196, 374-7553. Corriente breeding stock, roping stock and roping horses.

The Breeding Season is Right Around the Corner – PLAN EARLY! Let us help you design a successful synchronized, AI program for your heifers and mature cows. Custom AI breeding services Semen available from the industry’s top AI sires Complete inventory of all synchronization and AI supplies AI breeding boxes for sale AI training available Reproductive ultrasound for early-pregnancy diagnosis Complete program discounts available (i.e. semen, supplies, preg-check, and labor) Age and source verification

We Focus on the Details Because it’s the Little Things that Make the Difference! Hayley and Manny Encinias 575/374-3393 • 505/927-7935 lggenetics@hotmail.com NMBVM Licensed AI & PD Technician

Farmers & Stockmens...

EVERYTHING WE DO, WE DO FOR YOU! or over 91 years, the Farmers & Stockmens Bank has served those who make their living off the land. We know that Farming and Ranching are tough businesses. We understand the effects of droughts and poor markets. Our Ag Team will provide you with the financial tools you need in good times as well as bad.


We aren’t just Ag Bankers, We’re also Producers! Farmers & Stockmens Bank Corner of 1st & Maple • Clayton, NM • 575/374-8301 Des Moines Branch 575/278-2861 Member FDIC



JULY 2011


Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land

State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

County Extension Agent

ar Cimm

3,801 3,817 square miles median, 14.1” October 20 April 27 4,970 ft. Clayton 58,725 acres with 503 acres BLM & 57,542 acres Forest Service 441,946 acres 0 acres 1,941,409 acres 800 acres ground: 8,310 acres; ground: 51,300; surface & ground: 390 acres 374-9361


on R.



Folsom Mount Dora 64

Des Moines 406

Grande Grenville Kiowa National Grassland Royce Clayton



Gladstone 120


Cor r


izo Cre ek Sedan


9 CROP PRODUCTION 2010 Figures





Alfalfa Hay




Stead Hayden



3,000 tons




All Cattle



www.nass.usda.gov * County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic


JULY 2011

Doherty Ranches, Inc., Jim, Tanky and Ben Doherty, Box 384, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/278-2654, 505/278-2191; Trinchera, CO, 719/946-5510. Reg. and comm. Hereford and Red Angus cattle. Bulls and bred heifers, private treaty sales, high-quality grass hay. John J. Doherty & Sons Cattle Co., John J. Doherty, Box 460, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/278-2486. Reg. and comm. Herefords. Eklund Dining Room & Saloon, Tami Goves, Mgr., 15 Main St., Clayton, NM 88415, 505/3742551. Restaurant and Bar. Good steaks! Farmer’s & Stockmen’s Bank, Larry Fluhman, Pres., P.O. Box 488, Clayton, NM 88415, 505/374-8301. Agricultural lending for more than 80 years, bank services. Five States Livestock Auction, Kenneth E. Dellinger, Box 266, Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-2505. Comm. cattle, sheep, horses. Livestock auction barn. Folsom Falls Ranch, Fred Balmer, P.O. Box 348, Folsom, NM 88419, folsomfalls@bacavalley.com, 575/278-2520. Reg. cattle. FSA County Office, Gary Rudolph, 18 N. 2nd, Clayton, NM 88414, 575/420-6363. High Nogal Ranch & Triple Creek Ranch, Joe David Yates, Box 965, Llano, TX 78643, 512/5673036, jdyates@hotmail.com. Comm. cow calf & yearling; reg. ranch horses; real estate sales & acquisitions; elk hunts.

Joe Stubblefield & Associates, 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX., 806/622-3482, cell 806/674-2062. Drew Perez Assoc., Nara Visa, NM, 806/392-1788. Ag Land Loans. Interest rates as low as 3%. Payments scheduled on 25 years. Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico, Fred Balmer, director, P.O. Box 348, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/278-2520. Trainham Cattle Co., Bruce Trainham, P.O. Box 455, Folsom, NM 88419, 575/278-3800, trainham@bacavalley.com. Comm. Murray Grey. Sell grass fed beef. Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, info@TSLCC.com, tri-statelivestockcredit.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Union County Community Development Corporation, Ruby Dorsey-Gonzales, 124 Main St., P.O. Box 216, Clayton, NM 88415, 505/447-2855, uccdc@yahoo.com. Union County Feedlot, Inc., Box 370, Clayton, NM 88415, 505/374-2516. Custom cattle feeding. Loretta Vigil, Loretta Vigil, P.O. Box 264, Clayton, NM 88415, 575/207-8184, ltvhill@hotmail.com. Reg. & comm. cattle, sheep & horses.

USDA, Farm Service Agency, Rhonda D. Lewis, 7 Mountain View Rd., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-2828, rhonda.lewis@nm.usda.gov. Comm. cattle; corn, wheat, milo. Effie Walker Brangus, 217 Thomas Hwy., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-8183. Comm. cattle; hay and wheat. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing. West Star Herefords, Sheldon Wilson, 1545 SR 456, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/451-7469. Reg. Herefords – bulls, females, semen, embryos for sale privately at the ranch. Comm. black baldie & Hereford replacement heifers for sale this fall. West Star Herefords consists of 150 registered cows. A.I. & embryo transfer is a major part of our program. Selling 50 bulls annually, yearlings & 2-year olds.



AG New Mexico FCS/ACA, 19554 Hwy. 314, Belen, NM 87002, 1-800/722-4769. Short- and long-term agricultural lending.

Horse Shoe Ranch, Wm. O. Doherty, Box 373, Folsom, NM 88419, 505/278-2486. Reg. and comm. Red Angus cattle, reg. Herefords.

American Breeders Service, P.O. Box 546, Belen, NM 87002, Clay Johnson, 505/864-6374. Frozen cattle semen, liquid nitrogen, A.I. breeding supplies.

Kern Land, Inc., 1304 Pile St., Clovis, NM 88102, 575/762-3707, dkern@suddenlinkmail.com. Ag real estate services in New Mexico for over 25 years.

Auge’s Dodge Chrysler Jeep, 650 East River Road, Belen, NM, 1-866/238-9705, http://augeboys.com. Automobile dealer.

La Gloria Cattle Company, Manny & Hayley Encinas, 29 Truman Dr., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-3393, 505/927-7935, lagloriacattleco@hotmail.com. Angus bulls and females – easy fleshing, performance and eye appeal; combining the most proven grass-based genetics from LGCC, OCC, Duff and Manzano Angus.

Bar B Arrow Farm, Toni and Mark Barrow, 50 Edmundo Rd., Belen, NM 87002, 505/864-3382, theheadcow@gmail.com. Grass hay.

LG Genetics, Manny & Hayley Encinas, 29 Truman Dr., Clayton, NM 88415, 575/374-3393, 505/9277935, lggenetics@hotmail.com. Custom AI breeding services; semen available on top AI services; synchronization and AI supplies, AI training; reproductive ultrasound services; pregnancy diagnosis. Mackey Made LLC, Jim Mackey, 58 Vandiver Rd., Sedan, NM 88436, 575/207-8396, mackey@ plateautel.net. Made to measure cowboy boots and trappings. Mini Butte Corporation, Judy & Van Robertson, 968 Ione Rd., Nara Visa, NM 88430, 575/633-2061, vanhrobertson@yahoo.com. Rivale Ranch Realty, Raymond Rivale, P.O. Box 217, Des Moines, NM 88418, 575/207-7484, rivale@bacavalley.com. Sachse Red Angus, Dee Sachse, HCR 60, Box 1, Gladstone, NM 88422, 575/485-2463. Reg. & comm. Red Angus.

Bar G Bar Buffalo Longhorn Ranch, Ron and Jan Gentry, 1910 Hwy 304, Belen, NM 87002, 505/864-1220. Reg. Longhorn.

“Genetics Designed for Short-Grass Country” Registered & Commercial Angus Bulls & Females Easy Fleshing Performance Eye Appeal Combining the Most Proven Grass-Based Genetics from LGCC, OCC Duff, and Manzano Angus Dr. Manny & Hayley Encinias Clayton, New Mexico 575/374-3393 or 505/927-7935 lagloriacattleco@hotmail.com www.lagloriacattleco.com Hablamos Español

Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction, Charlie Myers, 18543 Hwy. 314, Belen, NM 87002, 505/864-7451, pmyers1535@aol.com. Reg. and comm. cattle, horses, sheep. Livestock sales by auction. Centerfire Real Estate, Max Kiehne, 2206 Sun Ranch Village Loop, Los Lunas, NM 87031, info@centerfirerealesatate.com, 505/865-7800, www.centerfirerealestate.com. Rural, ranch & horse property real estate. Coldwell Banker Legacy, www.nmland.com, 10320 Cottonwood Park NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, A.C. Taylor, actaylor@nmland.com, ofc. 505/792-7646, res. 505/898-2700, fax 505/792-7676. Representing buyers and sellers in real estate statewide. Tom Growney Equipment, Inc., Larry Dugan, 2301 Candelaria Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505/884-2900. Bobcat and John Deere construction equipment and service. Lex Jaramillo – Alfalfa & Laser Leveling, Lex Jaramillo, 20 Tribal Road 8, Bosque Farms, NM 87068, 505/869-2949, cell: 505/610-6313. Alfalfa, oat, sudan grass, grass-alfalfa mix; laser levelling; custom farming. JULY 2011





Population Land Area Rainfall Average First Freeze Date Average Last Freeze Date Elevation County Seat Total Federal Land



Alfalfa Hay



59,600 tons



State Land Indian Land Deeded Land Inland Water Irrigated Land

* County Rankings Based on 2008 NM Ag. Stats Bulletin

Suwanee South Garcia


Isleta Pueblo Bosque Farms Peralta Los Lunas Valencia Meadow Lake Los Chaves Tome

s an Jo Rio S



Adelino Cibola


Los Trujillos NF Bosque 47


County Extension Agent

70,389 1,072 square miles median, 8.2’’ October 18 April 24 4,840 ft. Los Lunas 43,291 acres with 27,920 acres BLM and 15,365 acres Forest Service 22,000 acres 160,000 acres 460,789 acres 0 acres surface: 18,930 acres; surface and ground: 9,640 acres 841-5301






All Cattle Milk Cows Sheep and Lambs

29,000 8,800 1,000

Map created with TOPO!® ©2009 National Geographic

APSA 80 & Nutriplant AG LESS Water MORE Hay! “This works for EVERYTHING grown in the soil. I got 3.6 tons of alfalfa per acre in ONE cutting, the USDA statistic is 4 tons per year per acre, call me today to learn more.” — LEX JARAMILLO, DISTRIBUTOR APSA 80 – Why pay $1.25 to $2.50 an acre for a sticker? Get APSA 80 for as little as $0.11 an acre, cut your costs up to 75%! It not only increases water penetration and reduces run-off; it also reduces the affects of compaction for as little as $3.33 an acre as well as increase yields.


JULY 2011

Nutriplant AG – Supply your crop with a micro-nutrient/bio-stimulant program that increases photosynthesis, stress resistance, systemic nutrient uptake and tillering. It will increase your yield up to 15% for as little as $7.50 per acre.

Lex Jaramillo Alfalfa & Lasar Leveling • Specializing in designing fields — any size. • Good quality Alfalfa hay. • Cattle hay available. • Custom farming. Home: 505/869-2949 Cell: 505/610-6313 16 Tribal Rd. 8 Bosque Farms, NM 87068

Valencia County

Old Mill Farm & Ranch Supply, 19763 Hwy. 314, Belen, NM 87002, Corky Morrison, 505/865-5432, oldmill@nmia.com. Feed, animal health, livestock supplies.


JSW Horses, Scott Wright, P.O. Box 351, Tome, NM 87060, 505/804-1034, jswhorses@aol.com. We offer reg. Paint horses from show quality to working horses. Farrier services also available. Please visit us at www.jswhorses.com.

Phillips Diesel Corp., Andy Phillips, Box 999, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/865-7332. Small diesel generators, engines for pump-jacks. Rafter F Farm & Ranch, Felipe Sanchez, P.O. Box 398, Jarales, NM 87023, 505/861-1784, 505/2500265. Quality barn-stored alfalfa hay.

L&K Farm, Christopher or Lisa Carrasco, 1642 Juan Perea Rd., Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/865-9378. Reg. Black Angus, alfalfa, fruit trees, irrigated pasture.

Red Doc Farm, Roland K. Sanchez, M.D., 703 S. Christopher Rd., Belen, NM 87002, 505/864-7781, Reg. Santa Gertrudis; barn-stored alfalfa, horse, hay, natural meat.

Little Hills Ranch, Inc., Ron Morris, P.O. Box 908, Belen, NM 505/861-2164, email lhrramorris@juno.com, www.littlehillsranch.com AQHA & APHA registered horses for sale. Training and lessons available.

Sedillo Cattle Association, John M. Romero, 1537 State Rd. 314, Albuquerque, NM 87105, 505/ 977-2366. Comm. cattle. Native American grown beef cattle by members of the Pueblo of Laguna.

New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches, P.O. Box 5000, Boys Ranch, NM 87002-5000, 505/881-3363. Comm. crossbred cattle, comm. crossbred horses. Adoption, foster placement for youth and residential care for boys and girls.

Southwest Livestock Auction, Dennis Chavez, 24 Dalies Road, P.O. Box 700, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/865-4600. Auction every Saturday 10 a.m., selling cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Quarterly horse sales – featuring over 1,000 head of horses.

New Mexico Paint Horse Club, Ron Morris, Pres., P.O. Box 908, Belen, NM 87002, 505/861-2164, Lhrramorris@juno.com, www.nmpainthorse.org. Reg. American Paint horses. NM affiliate of Am. Paint Horse Assoc., offering horse shows and clinics.

Stromei Realty, P.O. Box 3290, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 505/866-4343, info@stromeirealty.com. Farm & ranch real estate brokerage.

New Mexico Palomino Exhibitors Assoc., Ron Morris, President, P.O Box 908, Belen, NM 87002, phone 505/861-2164, email: lhrramorris@juno.com; website: www.nmpea.com. Registered Palomino horses. New Mexico affiliate of the Palomino Horse Breeders Assoc. offering horse shows, clinics and award program for palomino horses showing in NM.

T&T Trailer Sales, Todd Gibson, 19480 Highway 314, Belen, 87002, 505/864-8899, tgibson619@aol.com. Horse, stock & equipment trailers; CM truck beds; Ranchhand truck accessories. Terrell Land & Livestock Co., Tye C. Terrell Jr., P.O. Box 3188, Los Lunas, NM 87031, 575/4476041. Ranch real estate brokerage; ranch mapping.

New Mexico Quarter Horse Association Futurity, Berniece Zielke, Box 908, Belen, NM 87002, 505/861-2164, lhrramorris@juno.com, Website www.nmqha.com. Reg. horses – Annual AQHA Stallion Service Sale and Halter and Performance Futurity at the New Mexico State Fair in Sept.

TJ’s Texas Longhorns, Jimmy Ellis or Terry Whalen, 1179 John Rd., Belen, NM 87002, 505/864-2690 Texas Longhorn Breeders of New Mexico, Sec/Treas. Reg. Texas Longhorns.

Southwest Livestock Auction QUARTERLY All-BREED HORSE SALES these (Cattle Sales on ld on be he weekends will k sales held Friday.) (Tac g before Friday Evenin le.) each Horse Sa

SELLING EVERY SATURDAY, 12 NOON DAIRY CATTLE • RANCH CATTLE • HORSES 24 Dalies Rd., Los Lunas, N.M. — Take I-25 to the Los Lunas exit (# 203). Go west 5 miles on Hwy. 6 to Dalies Rd.

Special SALES (In conjunction with our regular sales.)


Call NOW to consign. We have receiving stations in your area or we can arrange trucking for you. Call for details.

Tri-State Livestock Credit Corp., Robert D. Bergstem, Pres., 2880 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 224, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, 916/971-3800, 800/778-8734, tri-statelivestockcredit.com, info@TSLCC.com. Tri-State has been making loans to qualified livestock (cattle, dairy and sheep) producers since 1931. Tri-State also offers other agribusiness and term loans. Valencia County FSA, Barbara J. Zellers, 2600 Palmilla Rd. Suite A, Los Lunas, New Mexico 87031, 505/865-4641, barbara.zellers@nm.usda.gov. Waconda Livestock Carriers LLC, Lawrence A. Waconda, P.O. Box 1609, Peralta, NM 87042, 505/259-2165, waconda1@yahoo.com. Comm. lambs & ewes for pasture and for custom processing; 2 & 3 strand bales of quality alfalfa & oats year-round; insured interstate & intrastate transportation of livestock and baled livestock feeds – from semi-loads to gooseneck loads. Wells Fargo Bank, P.O. Box 129, Carrizozo, NM 88301, 505/648-2377. Full line of financial services including traditional banking, investments, trust, estate planning and leasing.

Thank you!

for your listings New Mexico



in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.


Dennis Chavez, Owner/Mgr. • Delbert Autrey, Auctioneer

JULY 2011


the t




t t t

To place your Marketplace advertising, please contact Chris Martinez at 505/243-9515 ext 28 or email: chris@aaalivestock.com
























Lemitar, N.M. • williamswindmill@live.com



575/835-1630 • Fax: 575/838-4536


Our goal is to provide healthy fresh meat!

Williams Windmill, Inc. New Mexico Ranch Items and Service Specialist Since 1976 New Mexico Distributor for Aermotor Windmills

FORT SUMNER Processing


Place your ad in the 2012 Directory of N.M. Agriculture This issue will appear on the internet for 12 full months after publication. This is the top ranking website in the Yahoo and MSN “Cattle” search engines.


Inspected ➤ Beef, Pork, Lamb, Goats, Wild Game ➤ Retail Meat Sales OWNER OPERATED

26450 E. HWY. 60-84 FT. SUMNER, NM 88119 Darrin & Julie Burns 575/355-2004 or 575/355-7601

BRAND FOR SALE! 505-757-8778 Make an offer! www.sandiatrailer.com • 505/281-9860 • 800/832-0603

ROBERTSON LIVESTOCK DONNIE ROBERTSON Certified Ultrasound Technician Registered, Commercial and Feedlot 4661 PR 4055, Normangee, TX 77871 Cell: 936/581-1844 Email: crober86@aol.com


Company Sales - Mist Sprayers -

Low Maintenance High Performance


Motor Models available

We offer a complete line of low volume mist blowers. Excellent for spraying, cattle, livestock, vegetables, vineyards, orchards, nurseries, mosquitoes, etc. For free brochure contact:

Swihart Sales Co.

7240 County Road AA, Quinter, KS 67752

References available in your area

American Made

ker Real Estate Bnro Mediatio Will Orndorff corro, NM 87801 P.O. Box 1247, So 42 cell: 575/418-70 575/835-0075 •

800-864-4595 or 785-754-3513 www.swihart-sales.com

A Monfette Construction Co.

Lex Jaramillo Alfalfa & Lasar Leveling Specializing in designing fields – any size. Good quality Alfalfa hay. Cattle hay available. Custom farming. Home: 505/869-2949 Cell: 505/610-6313 16 Tribal Rd. 8, Bosque Farms, NM 87068


JULY 2011

Drinking Water Storage Tanks 100 – 11,000 Gallons In Stock NRCS Approved

Heavy Duty Black Polyethylene Prompt Statewide Delivery 8' Poly Drinkers, Too! ALSO: Underground Tanks! Please call for your BEST SERVICE & VALUE. Cloudcroft, NM • 1-800/603-8272 NMwatertanks.com



505/286-0206 3/4 miles west of four-way stop on Old 66 at I-40 and the “Edgewood” exit. #1 Eunice Court, Edgewood, NM 87015 F: 505/286-0319 • Napaedgewood@comcast.net

Phillips has


Generator Sets & Pumps



PHILLIPS DIESEL CORP. I-25 & Hwy. 6, Los Lunas, NM


3826 4th St., NW • Albuquerque, NM 87107 Office 505/344-1631 • Fax 505/345-2212

CIMARRON ENGLISH SHEPHERDS HC 1, Box 23, Felt, OK 73937 www.englishshepherdhome.com horsesnewmexcom@yahoo.com horses@ptsi.net

580/426-2326 920/857-6979

Need a farm hand? Lots of Puppies this Spring!!

R.L. Cox

.( &$,,"*+ !-" )*$'#

Fur and Hide Co.

(*%$'# ,( % (/ & )",+ && (&(*+

Garments Chaps Saddles and More

We have the best prices on leather for any type of project!

708 1st St. NW, Albuquerque, N.M.



www. reveal4-n-1.com

D.J. Reveal, Inc. Truck Scales Livestock Scales Feed Truck Scales SALES, SERVICE & INSTALLATIONS

1-800/489-8354 602/258-5272




937/444-2609 Don Reveal 15686 Webber Rd. Mt. Orab, Ohio 45154 Fax: 937/ 444-4984

+ Compare Our COTTONSEED Product Ingredient Statement: Extruded Whole Cottonseed Mechanically Extracted, Extruded Sunflower Meal Mechanically Extracted, Cane Molasses and Vitamin A Supplement

Guard Rail Pipe, Tubing, Rods and Paint for Fencing, Pens and Corrals

CPE Feeds, Inc.


BROWNFIELD, TEXAS • 806/637-7458


432/661-5337 • 432/689-7406

— THE —

TURQUOISE SHOP Quality Reservation Jewelry, Rugs & Pottery Come visit our booth at the 2011 Joint Stockmen’s Convention! Sam & Jeannie Elkins, Owners WORK: 575/682-3327 HOME: 575/687-3387

www.theturquoiseshop.com JULY 2011




Farm, Ranch and Home Improvement

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT RODEO ARENA EQUIPMENT 1724 S. Second, Gallup, NM 87301 505/863-4475 • 800/559-4475


“We’ve Got You Covered” RENT, LEASE OR BUY


Cargill Cattle Feeders, LLC


OFFERS: www.maloystorage.com 535 COMANCHE RD. NE, ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87107

Serving the Community Since 1939

Sharing Total Added Value (STAV) For Cow/Calf Producers TANA BAKER 316/291-1974 or tana_baker@cargill.com

Weanlings, Yearlings, 2 & 3 Year Olds for Sale Please Contact Barbara Livingston • 713/632-1331 blivingston@harrisoninterests.com Rebecca Cook • 281/342-4703 www.harrisonquarterhorseranch.com


Art Prints by Sue Decker



Plate Steel Construction Plate Steel Floors Pipeline Compatible


Manchester Force ® Feed Feeder Chain SINCE 1919

Visit us at www.manchestermfg.com. CLAAS-FORD



CASE-IH (Axial-flow, 3 chains for axial-flow, all early Case & IH)


JOHN DEERE (All Titan & Titan II, and 9000 Series, and earlier models)



“Boy’s Best Friend” 17 x 24 www.deckerherefordranch.com deckerherefords@hotmail.com

505/330-3179 28 CR 1332, LaPlata, NM 87418


JULY 2011

BRIAN BOOHER 915/859-6843 • El Paso, Texas CELL. 915/539-7781


Manchester Mfg. Co. Main & 132 Hwy., Manchester, OK 73758


HEREFORD WORKS 19941 Townline Mokena IL 60448

Unique Hereford Products


Call (708) 479-5270

Read this issue on the Internet! OUR WEBSITE HAS A BRAND NEW LOOK! The Livestock Industry's Most-popular Website!


575/354-2863 leeyork@valornet.com P.O. Box 805, Capitan, NM 88316


FOR SALE! in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

Mountain Lion Depredation Hunter

A very old New Mexico single iron brand reverse E D connected on left rib cattle only crop and split left ear. $10,000 obo 775-209-4409

Tim Rawlings 602-499-2409 Outfitter and Guide Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas Mountain Lion, Elk, Deer and Antelope



ALL SIZES JERYL PRIDDY 325/754-4300 Cell: 325/977-0769

JULY 2011


the t




t t t



To place your Marketplace advertising, please contact Chris Martinez at 505/243-9515 ext 28 or email: chris@aaalivestock.com


Heifers and Bulls For Sale Year Round Grace & Michael Wystrach • 520/456-9052 HC1, Box 788 • Elgin, AZ 85611



M A I N E Show Heifers & Steers

LACEY MENAPACE • Gallup, N.M. 505-870-4844 • 505-863-4542

Two-year-old Bulls Proven Genetics, Range Ready

JOE FREUND 303/840-1850 (H) 303/341-9311

- We sell over 250 head annually

JOEY FREUND 303/841-7901

Running Creek Ranch

WALLY MENUEY 575/885-8369 1/800-386-1235


Please call us at 505/243-9515 to list your herd here.

Elizabeth, Colorado 80107



Don and Susan Sumrall 377 Ridge Road Silver City, NM 88061

Phone: 575/538-3365 Cell: 575/538-1374

“THE PEDIGREE IS IN THE NAME” lasater@rmi.net www.lasaterranch.com



The Lasater Ranch, Matheson, CO 80830 719/541-BULL (2855) • (F) 719/541-2888



PAT KELLEY 303/840-1848

outhern tar Ranch


928-776-9007 Toll Free: 877-928-8885

Michael H. & Claudia Sander

American Red Brangus Bulls for Sale

2150 N. Concord Dr. #B Dewey, AZ 86327

Visit us at: www.yavapaigas.com dc@yavapaigas.com

2702 S. Westgate

Weslaco, Texas 78596

956/968-9650 • Office 956/968-4528 msander94@yahoo.com


NEW MEXICO HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION The New Mexico Bred Program is the best State-Bred Program in the World!


505/262-0224 Uptown Stn., P.O. Box 36869, Albuquerque, NM 87176

www.nmhorsebreeders.com 152

JULY 2011

Bulls and Heifers 575/773-4770

Purebred Santa Gertrudis SHORT SHEATH BULLS FOR SALE

Rick and Maggie Hubbell Mark Hubbell

Quemado, NM hubbell@wildblue.net

CANDY TRUJILLO Capitan, N.M. 575/354-2682 1-800/333-9007, ext. 6712 Semen Sales AI Supplies AI Service

FAYE L. KLEIN • 575/942-0391 2 1/2 mi. W. of Hobbs, NM on Hwy. 62-180 SINCE 1958


George Curtis Inc. ~ Registered Angus Cattle ~

Good cow herds + performance bulls = pounds = dollars! Call: BLAKE CURTIS, Clovis, NM 575/762-4759 or 575/763-3302

Ranch Function...Championship Form

Jersey Bulls For Sale

Michael & Connie Perez 575/403-7970 Kyle Perez – 575/403-7971 Nara Visa, NM www.CandMHerefords.com Hereford Bulls - Hereford Females - Baldy Females


HAYHOOK limousin


Dan Paxton • 575/749-2171 1752 S. Roosevelt Rd. 9 Portales, NM 88130 ——— EASY CALVING ———

EDNA MANNING JUDY BUGHER • J.W. SNYDER 9700 Slaughterville Rd., Lexington, OK 73051 405/527-7648 • 405/306-1315 • 405/306-5202 hayhooklimousin@valornet.com


WINSTON, NEW MEXICO Russell and Trudy Freeman



Apache Creek Limousin Ranch

Since 1893 • Se Hable Español

Registered Limousin


Tom & Barbara Sanders 928/687-1863 155 Sanders Dr., Duncan, AZ 85534

TEXAS / N.M. RANCH: 5 Paseo de Paz Ln., El Paso, TX 79932 H: 915/877-2535 • O: 915/532-2442 • C: 915/479-5299 OKLA. RANCH: Woods County, OK • barjbarherefords@aol.com


Bulls & Females For Sale Private Treaty 2005-06 SEEDSTOCK PRODUCER OF THE YEAR ROBERT, CHRIS & KATIE CAMPBELL 5690 CR 321, Ignacio, CO 81137 970/563-9070 • 970/749-9708

Texas Hereford Association !

" $% ! % """ ! #


“High-Altitude, Low Pap” #

JIM & PAT GREER • 970/588-2220 7882 C.R. 100 • Hesperus, CO 81326





Charolais Bulls

SCOTT AND BRITTA MILLIGAN CELL: 806/683-6435 HOME: 806/267-0302 millcattle@amaonline.com www.milligancattlecompany.com

Since 1904



MILLIGAN CATTLE COMPANY Solid Performance • Good Disposition Easy Fleshing • Sound Conformation


— 4th Generation Cattleman —

! #

Yearling Bulls for Sale Private Treaty



Bulls & Females MARSHALL McGINLEY 575/993-0336 • Las Cruces, NM



ANGUS • BRAHMAN • HEREFORDS • F1s F1 & Montana influenced Angus Cattle GARY MANFORD 505/508-2399



Bulls & Females Black Polled Purebreds


806/866-9440, 806/866-9049 llkt@door.net • WOLFFORTH, TX

J & J Angus REGISTERED ANGUS CATTLE ED & FRANCES JOHNSTON Box 152, Monument, NM 88265 Ed Johnston 575/397-3039 575/390-5781 Kyle Johnston 575/392-8921

GRAU CHAROLAIS Grady, New Mexico Breeding Performance Charolais Since 1965


JULY 2011







The Southwest’s best source for Maine-Anjou genetics



Box 696 Capitan, NM 88316 575/354-2929 Fax 575/354-2942 W.H. Cardwell, DVM Quality Control Brad Cardwell President Brenda Cardwell Vice-President Hillary Voelker Manager, EBS

Box 68, Elgin, TX 78621 512/285-2019 or 285-2712 Fax 512/285-9673 www.elginbreeding.com

Bulls, Heifers, Show Steers


• Semen collection • Custom breeding service • Semen storage & shipping • Breeding supplies • Semen sales catalog • Embryo services for N.M.

Bradley 3 Ranch Ltd. www.bradley3ranch.com Ranch-Raised ANGUS Bulls for Ranchers Since 1955

200+ Angus Bulls Sell Feb. 11, 2012 at the Ranch NE of Estelline, TX M.L. Bradley, 806/888-1062 Fax: 806/888-1010 • Cell: 940/585-6471





LAND & LIVESTOCK AQHA QUARTER HORSES WITH COW SENSE & AGILITY • Broodmares & Saddle Horses • Started 2-Year-Olds • Registered Longhorns • Roping Cattle • Cattle Bred Working Stock Dogs – Border Collies, Kelpies & McNabs www.goemmerlandlivestock.com 575/849-1072 • 575/710-9074

Beefm asters

Bulls AND Bred Heifers, Private Treaty Roy, Trudy & Ashley Hartzog – Owners 806/825-2711 • 806/225-7230 Raul Tellez Las Cruces, NM 575/646-4929

Farwell, Texas

David Walker Tucumcari, NM 575/403-7916







Registered Bulls Polled Reds & Blacks CONNIFF CATTLE CO., LLC Las Cruces & Rincon, NM John & Laura Conniff 575/644-2900 • Cell. 575/644-2900 www.leveldale.com


JULY 2011

LIMOUSIN RANCH Breeders since 1971 of Top Quality, High-Altitude Registered Limousin Cattle.

For Sale Year-Round BLACK BULLS • BLACK HEIFERS Polled • Horned • Red • Black


50 th

BULL SALE October 1, 2011 160 Beefmaster & Charolais Bulls

A.I. Sired from Select Bulls JOEL CRAIG 970/259-0650

14908 Hwy. 550 S. Durango, CO 81301


Charolais & Angus Bulls

TREY WOOD 806/789-7312 CLARK WOOD 806/828-6249 • 806/786-2078 154


Ferguson Ranch Reg. & Comm. Red Angus For Sale

in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

Wally & Anne Ferguson • 575/849-1446





Please call us at 505/243-9515 to list your herd here.

Greer & Winston 鵷

Cattle Co 鵸



Yearling bulls and heifers for sale in spring of 2011 100% AI PROGRAM

Jim Greer or Dave Winston 575/536-3730 • 575/534-7678 575/536-3636 • 575/644-3066 P.O. Box 700, Mimbres, NM 88049

CAPITAN, N.M. 88316 • P.O. BOX 25 www.CaseyBeefmasters.com Watt, Jr. 325/668-1373 Watt50@sbcglobal.net Watt: 325/762-2605



American Galloway Breeders Association

E! L A S L L BU L A U N AN 2nd Monday in October! Home of Rancher Raised Performance Angus Cattle.

Featuring 200 Breeding Age Angus Bulls! Free Delivery in NM on Purchases of 5 head or More! Contact Andy Holloway (325) 668-0466 or andyh@ashcattle.com; www.ashangus.com


PUT YOUR HERD BACK TO WORK. Galloway genetics are ideal for today’s low input market demands. Feed Efficient • High Yielding carcass w/Minimal Back Fat • Easy Fleshing • Moderate Mature Size • Low BW


517-627-2310 Email: AGBA@midrivers.com


TIM & LYNN EDWARDS 575/534-5040 Silver City, N.M


SINCE 1962


17th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale Sat., March 18, 2012 Canyon, Texas 27951 South U.S. Hwy. 87, Canyon, TX 79015-6515 Richmond Hales • 806/488-2471 • Cell. 806/679-1919 Rick Hales • 806/655-3815 • Cell. 806/679-9303 halesangus@arn.net • www.halesangus.com

JULY 2011


Corazon-Pitchford Cattle Co LL 2x2

Athens, Texas

State-of-the-Art Livestock Sale Facility for Lease for Special Sales & Events Commercial Bulls & Replacement Heifers Santa Gertrudis/Angus/Shorthorn/Black Hereford Paul Donisthorpe - pauldonisthorpe@aol.com - 505-228-5135 Darrell Pitchford - pitchfordcattle@hotmail.com - 903-388-2288 corazon-pitchford.blogspot.com

# % #% & "" & & #"



#* $( ( ) " &'% ! " '

Recipient of the American Brahman Breeders Assn. Maternal Merit Cow and Sire Designation Award

muscle + structure + maternal excellence + performance traits = great value

Steve & Belinda Wilkins P.O. Box 1107 s Ozona, TX 76943 O: 325/392-3491 s R: 325/392-2554


KAIL RANCHES Quality Registered Romagnola and Angus Bulls & Replacement Females Disposition and Birth Weight a given. STOP BY – SEEING IS BELIEVING! R.M. Kail, Owner 307/367-3058

Raul Munoz, Manager 575/461-1120

P.O. Box 981 • Conchas, NM 88416 State Hwy. 104-3 miles north, mile marker 66


JULY 2011


in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.

Producers of Quality & Performance Tested Brahman Bulls & Heifers

Reg i s ter ed CORRIENT E BUL LS Excel len t f o r Fir s t Cal f Hei f ers

“Beef-type American Gray Brahmans, Herefords, Gelbvieh and F-1s.” Available at All Times Loren & Joanne Pratt 44996 W. Papago Road Maricopa, AZ 85139 520 / 568-2811



575/ 6 66- 236 0 w w w . c at esr an ch .c o m

Red Angus Cattle For Sale Purebred Red Angus • Weaned & Open Heifers • Calving Ease Bulls



work: 928/688-2602 evenings: 928/688-2753


Villanueva •


BOB & KAY ANDERSON • 575/421-1809 HCR 72, BOX 10 • RIBERA, N.M. 87560

FOR SALE: Registered and Commercial Bulls Heifers

MILLER ~Angus~


Rod Hille 575/894-7983 Ranch HC 32, Box 79 Truth or Consequences, NM 87901

The Breeding Season is Right Around the Corner – PLAN EARLY! Let us help you design a successful synchronized, AI program for your heifers and mature cows. Custom AI breeding services Semen available from the industry’s top AI sires Complete inventory of all synchronization and AI supplies AI breeding boxes for sale AI training available Reproductive ultrasound for early-pregnancy diagnosis Complete program discounts available (i.e. semen, supplies, preg-check, and labor) Age and source verification

We Focus on the Details Because it’s the Little Things that Make the Difference! Hayley and Manny Encinias 575/374-3393 • 505/927-7935 lggenetics@hotmail.com NMBVM Licensed AI & PD Technician

High Altitude & High Performance Bulls, Cows & Heifers for Sale by Private Treaty

Dink & Mitzi Miller 575/478-2398 (H) 575/760-9048 (C)

OXO Hereford Ranches MOKENA, ILL. Linda, John and Janelle Swiercinsky 708/479-5270

RIDGWAY, COLO. Mark Owings, Manager 970/626-5239

Cattle that will produce in any environment.”


Red Brangus

Angus Bulls & Replacement Females

174 N.M. 236 Floyd, NM 88118 USA

oxoranches@yahoo.com www.oxoherefordranches.com

#$ $#


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JULY 2011


* Ranch Raised * Easy Calving * Gentle Disposition NMBVM Certified in Pregnancy Diagnosis & Artificial Insemination

ORDER QUALITY BEEF! Go to www.santaritaranching.com for Information About Our Business & Our Grass Fed, Locally Grown Beef!


Andrew & Micaela McGibbon 8200 E. Box Canyon Rd., Green Valley, AZ 85614 • 520/ 393-1722 • az_beef@yahoo.com



“BAR B Q” 3x Longhorn Showcase Champion


info@RunningArrowFarm.com www.RunningArrowFarm.com www.RunningArrowLonghorns.com


806/205-1235 (cell)

Santa Gertrudis Cattle David and Avanell Siler P.O. Box 3, Doole, Texas 76836 325/483-5449

Espanola, NM • 505-929-0334 • 505-747-8858

Coming Soon To a pasture near you

1-877/2-BAR-ANG 1-806/344-7444 Hereford, Texas JOHN THAMES STEVE KNOLL WWW.2BARANGUS.COM


40TH Annual Sale October 24, 2011 Alan Richardson 806/333-0624 4438 FM 3212 • Dalhart, TX 79022 806/384-2110 • 806/333-5910

“Genetics Designed for Short-Grass Country”

Selling Limousin and Lim-Flex Bulls Privately 30 YEARLINGS Les & Elaine Lewis 10085 Co. Rd. 3 Kirk, CO 80824 970/362-4321 C: 970/630-1283 lcl@plainstel.com

Mat & Wendy Lewis 30849 Co. Rd. 56 Liff, CO 80736 970/521-0545 C: 970/580-8209 lewislimousin@kci.net

“Ranch Tested . . . Customer Approved” 158

JULY 2011


Breeders and Ranches Performance Sale Sept 8, 2011: PREVIEW & COOKOUT Sept 9, 2011: SALE 785/754-3639 • 785/754-3611 2271 Co. Rd. 74 • Quinter, KS 67752

Registered & Commercial Angus Bulls & Females Easy Fleshing Performance Eye Appeal Combining the Most Proven Grass-Based Genetics from LGCC, OCC Duff, and Manzano Angus Dr. Manny & Hayley Encinias Clayton, New Mexico 575/374-3393 or 505/927-7935 lagloriacattleco@hotmail.com www.lagloriacattleco.com Hablamos Español



bullhorn Big Wow at Valles Caldera National Preserve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anta Fe New Mexican Santa Fe Reporter Rio Rancho Observer Enchantment ".% $/6&2"(& '2/-







A. Alana Greenfogel of KOAT-TV takes her best shots in the corral with Dr. Manny Encinias and Denton Harris. B. Brianna Kimsey of Grenville presents Dennis Trujillo, interim director of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, with a gift on behalf of all campers. C. Dina ChaconReitzel, executive director of the New Mexico Beef Council, explains the importance of changing global markets on Beef Day. D. NM Beef Ambassador Kyra Grant of Fort Sumner emphasizes to her fellow young ranchers the impact of their knowledge and energy on the family outfit. E. Socorro Extension Agent Tom Dean instructs campers on ways to promote healthy rangeland. F. What a way to start the day! Campers enjoy Jack ‘n Jill Chatfield’s cinnamon rolls, biscuits and gravy, breakfast burritos, all made from scratch. JULY 2011





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G. Ready, aim . . . archery and other shooting skills practice are a favorite activity on Wildlife Day H. Dennis Braden, General Manager of Swenson Land and Cattle Co. in Stamford, TX, shares his experience of 22 years of ranch management on Marketing I. NMSU Extension Beef Cattle Day. Specialist Dr. Manny Encinias; NMSU youth wildlife and natural resources expert Summer Eaton, and extension agent Tom Dean outline camp teams’ “allotments” of Valles Caldera ranch land. Each team designed a total ranch management team for profit and the environment. K. Dr. Jack Thomas, meat judge extraordinaire, takes students through the process of fabricating a beef carcass on Beef Day. J. By making grass cuttings on the Preserve, students learn how to analyze the complexity and value of forage. L. Top Hand Award winners: Matthew Denetclaw, Shiprock; Richard Rush, Melrose; John Gilbert, Grenville; and Brianna Kimsey, Grenville. M. Beaver or bear? Donald Auer, Habit Project Coordinator for the Wildlife Management Division, brings his skills as a habitat biologist to the table on Wildlife Day.



2010-2011 DIRECTORS — CHAIRMAN, Cliff Copeland, Purebred Producer. VICE-CHAIRMAN, Joe Clavel, Cow-Calf Producer; SECRETARY, Jim Bob Burnett, Cow-Calf Producer. NMBC DIRECTORS: Andres Aragon, Cow-Calf Producer; Darrell Brown, Cow-Calf Producer; David McSherry, Feeder; Tom Spindle, Feeder; Bernarr Treat, Cow-Calf Producer; Art Schaap, Fluid Milk Producer.

EX-OFFICIOS: Jane Frost, Producer, Federation of State Beef Council Director; Tammy Ogilvie, Producer, Beef Board Director; Wesley Grau, Producer, Beef Board Director.

For more information contact: New Mexico Beef Council, Dina Chacon Reitzel – Executive Director 1209 Mountain Rd. Pl. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87110 505/841-9407 • 505/841-9409 fax • www.nmbeef.com


JULY 2011

What’s in your Insurance Policy? Unwanted coverages? High premiums? Coverage you thought was there? New ventures or exposures that you would like covered?

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To place your Real Estate advertising, please contact Michael Wright at 541/286-4135 or 505/243-9515, ext. 30 or email michael@aaalivestock.com


P.O. Box 145 Cimarron, NM 87714 575/376-2341 Fax: 575/376-2347 land@swranches.com


74 Ranch – $795/ deeded acre. Located 30 miles NW of Truth or Consequences NM, this property features 16,443.40 +/- deeded acres, 42,240.00 +/- USFS lease acres and 1,360 +/- NM State lease acres for a total of 60,043.40 +/- acres. 10 miles of LIVE WATER and abundent water rights make this property a rare opportunity. Land owner elk permits in Unit 17 & 21B (well known for producing quality elk), Sierra & Socorro Counties, NM.

E L K P E R M I T S WA N T E D ! Attention landowners with elk permits. We are currently trying to find quality elk hunting ranches. We are a 25-plus-year outfit seeking long term leases on good ranches. Will pay top dollar in advance for your security and are happy to supply past and current landowner references for your comfort. We just have more hunters right now than we can handle on our current ranches. Would also be interested in your grazing lease too if available. Please call 575/445-0200 See our website at

www.tristateoutfitters.net Thank You!


JULY 2011

Canadian River Ranch, reduced to $293,000 – 39.088 +/- deeded acres, w/0.3 miles of the Canadian River going through the property. Excellent partially remodeled home, workshop on concrete slab, roping arena. Exceptional improvements at this price, located 6 miles east of Springer, Colfax County, NM. Great horse property, easy access off pavement. Miami Lookout, $395,000 – 80.00 +/- deeded acres in Miami, NM Approximately 60ft X 60ft metal building, utilities buried, water and septic in place. All back off highway up the mesa on private driveway, affording majestic views. Currently owner parks 5th wheel during summer months. Utilities could accommodate a 3 bedroom home. Has trees and irrigation shares. Colfax County, Miami, NM. Spear Road Ranch, $700,000 – 160 +/- deeded acres, w/exceptional three bedroom 3 bath home, approx 2,200 sq ft. Adjacent office, 3 car garage and workshop, one round pen, 150 ft X 300 ft arena. Convenient to I25, fantastic views of mountains and the plains. Second manufactured home on site. Water shares and three water meters. Approximately 5 miles NE of Springer, NM. Miami Mountain View – $697,000 - 80 +/- deeded acres, located 1 mile east of Miami, NM. Property has nice home, steel building with shop and barn, 150' by 230' roping arena with return alley, 80 shares of irrigation rights, irrigation pond,good hay pastures and awesome views of the mountains. Also other useful outbuildings and highway frontage onto SHW21.

O’NEILL AGRICULTURAL, LLC “Offers computer-generated color custom mapping service on digital USGS base maps. Hang a map in your office that looks like your ranch, w/water lines, pastures and roads etc. Put your ranch on one piece of paper.”



Ranch Sales & Appraisals Ranchers Serving Ranchers TX & NM LEE, LEE & PUCKITT ASSOCIATES INC.

1507 13TH STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 (806) 763-5331

Office: 325/655-6989 • Cell: 915/491-9053 1002 Koenigheim, San Angelo, TX 76903 • www.llptexasranchland.com email: llp@wcc.net

New Mexico - 461 acre farm just east of Deming. Very clean and well maintained turnkey operation. Texas - 7670 acres east of El Paso. Quality mule deer and exceptional quail. Texas - 7360 acres Brewster Co. Remote hunting ranch with beautiful vistas.

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If you’re moving or changing your mailing address, please clip and send this form to: P.O. Box 7127 Albuquerque, NM 87194 or FAX to: 505/998-6236

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JULY 2011





PAUL McGILLIARD Murney Associate Realtors Laura Riley 505/330-3984 Justin Knight 505/490-3455

Cell: 417/839-5096 800/743-0336 Springfield, MO 65804

Specializing in Farm and Ranch Appraisals


Randell Major Associate Broker 575/838-3016 Cell • 575/854-2150 Home 505/865-7800 Office • 505/865-7822 Fax For other properties go to www.centerfirerealestate.com




Brokers in New Mexico, Texas & Colorado. Ranches and Farms are our Specialty. 575/763-3851

YORK RANCH ~ GRANTS, NEW MEXICO A premier working cattle ranch located on the Continental Divide, consisting of 34,000 acres of deeded land plus an additional 136,000 acres of state and Bureau of Land Management grazing leases. Carrying capacity is estimated at 2,300 animal units making WKH UDQFK D SRVLWLYH FDVK Ă RZ RSHUDWLRQ 7KH UDQFK LV ERUGHUHG E\ Wilderness areas and a National Monument. A ranch highlight is the excellent hunting for trophy elk, antelope, mule deer and other wild JDPH ,Q DGGLWLRQ QXPHURXV $QDVD]L ,QGLDQ DUWLIDFWV FDQ EH IRXQG RQ WKH UDQFK &RQWDFW 5REE 9DQ 3HOW







1614 Grand Avenue, Suite A; Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 (970) 928-7100 toll free: (877) 207-9700

www.ranchland.com 164

JULY 2011

www.ranchesnm.com 575/622-5867 575/420-1237 Ranch Sales & Appraisals





Con Englehorn Shawn Wood Kyle Conway 602-258-1647

Fred Baker Ed Grose Sam Hubbell Gail Woodard 520-455-5834

Cottonwood Andy Groseta Paul Groseta 928-634-8110

St. Johns Traegen Knight 928-524-3740

Tucson Walter Lane Jack Davenport Barry Weissenborn Trey Champie Shane Conaway 520-792-2652

Providing Appraisal, Brokerage And Other Rural Real Estate Services For listings & other details visit our website:

TEXAS & OKLA. FARMS & RANCHES • Magnificent 90 Hunting – Cattle/Horse Ranch 50 miles E. of Dallas, 35 miles W. of Tyler, White pipe fence along FM Hwy. 3,700 sq. ft. elaborate home, flowing waterway, lake. Has it all. • 940 acre N. Texas Cattle Ranch 40 miles outside Dallas. Modern brick home barns, cattle pens, new fences, 30 lakes & dirt tanks. Excellent buy at $3.5 million. • 274 acres in the shadow of Dallas. Secluded lakes, trees, excellent grass. Hunting & fishing, dream home sites. $3,850/ac. • 1,700-acre classic NE TX cattle & hunting ranch. $2,750/ac. Some mineral production. • 735 acre Lamar Co. – House & all. $3.5 million. • 256 Acre Texas Jewel – Deep sandy soil, high-rolling hills, scattered good quality trees, & excellent improved grasses. Water line on 2 sides rd., frontage on 2 sides, fenced into 5 pastures, 5 spring fed tanks and lakes, deer, hogs & ducks. Near Tyler & Athens. Price $1,920,000. • 146 horse, hunting cattle ranch N. of Clarksville, TX. Red River Co. nice brick home, 2 barns, pipe fences, good deer, hogs, ducks, hunting priced at $395,000. • 535 acres Limestone, Fallas, & Robertson counties, fronts on Hwy. 14 and has rail frontage water line, to ranch, fenced into 5 pastures, 2 sets, cattle pens, loamy soil, good quality trees, hogs, & deer hunting. Priced at $2,250.00 per ac.


Joe Priest Real Estate 1205 N. Hwy 175, Seagoville, TX 75159

972/287-4548 • 214/676-6973 /1-800/671-4548 www.joepriest.com • joepriestre@earthlink.com

RANCHES FOR SALE TEXAS PANHANDLE RANCH: 12,408 acres southeast of Amarillo in the heart of the rugged Palo Duro Canyon. This ranch has excellent access with paved highway frontage. The property has been under the same family ownership since 1929. This scenic ranch has over 3 miles of the Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River. The south portion of the property is located on the elevated plains, with dramatic views of the colorful canyon country. The ranch is watered by windmills, electric wells, waterlines with drinking troughs and the river. If you are in the market for a rugged Palo Duro Canyon Ranch, loaded with game, with excellent access and unbelievable scenery, this property deserves your immediate attention. Priced at $675 per acre with some minerals.


TEXAS PANHANDLE RANCH: 71,059 acres located northwest of Amarillo, Texas. The centerpiece of the ranch is approximately 29 miles of the scenic Canadian River, which essentially runs through the center of the property. The terrain varies dramatically from elevated mesas descending to deep canyons and wide fertile creek bottoms. The property is extremely well improved and very well watered by the river, springs, creeks, and many water wells. Major improvements include a 7,000 square foot owner’s home, 4,500 foot paved landing strip, hand houses, dog kennels, and many extras. The ranch offers some of the best mule deer, whitetail, turkey and quail hunting to be found. Two state record deer have been harvested in recent years, and elk are now coming down the river out of New Mexico. This property has a colorful history and a carefully planned Conservation Easement is in place. This ranch has it all.


$475 per acre. SOUTHEAST COLORADO CATTLE RANCH: 12,383 deeded acres together with 640 acres of Colorado State Lease and a Comanche National Grasslands Permit to graze an additional 183 animal units for five months. The terrain varies from gently rolling open plains country to high elevated mesas and rugged mesa side slopes. Elevations vary from 5,800 feet to over 6,700 feet. As the country transitions from the open plains to the mesa tops the ranch has a fairly dense canopy of juniper, piñon, oak, and scattered ponderosa pine, which offers excellent habitat for turkey, mule deer and elk. Water quality is good and the ranch is exceptionally well watered and adequately improved with functional headquarter improvements including housing, barns and pens. This operating ranch is realistically priced at $425 per deeded acre with the lease and permit being transferred to an approved buyer. EAST-CENTRAL NEW MEXICO CATTLE RANCH: 60,400 deeded acres with approximately 6,000 acres of leased and free use land. The ranch is located near Santa Rosa and historical stocking rates indicate a carrying capacity of 1,200 – 1,300 animal units. The ranch has a rolling to hilly terrain with a small amount of canyon country. The property is watered by natural lakes, submersible wells, windmills and an extensive waterline network. Improvements include a nearly new Spanish style hacienda, two camps and several good sets of livestock pens. $240 per deeded acre.

Descriptive brochures available on all properties.

Chas. S. Middleton and Son • www.chassmiddleton.com • 1507 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79401 • 806/763-5331 JULY 2011



Headquarters West LTD.


Calendar of


July 2011

September 2011

21 - 23 / New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau Summer Meeting / Inn of the Mountain Gods / Ruidoso

9 - 25 / New Mexico State Fair / Albuquerque 10 / Lasater Beefmaster 62nd Annual Bull Sale / Matheson, CO

August 2011 1 - 4 / NCBA Summer Conference / Orlando, (Kissimmee) FL



If you want a ranch, I’ll find it. If you don’t want your ranch, I’ll sell it. If you’re not on my mailing list, you should be!

RONALD H. MAYER REAL ESTATE • P.O. Box 2391, Roswell, NM 88202 575/ 623-5658 • 575/626-0636

October 2011 1 / Isa Cattle Co, Inc. Bull Sale / San Angelo, TX 25 / Strang Herefords 32nd Annual Bull Sale / Meeker, CO

December 2011 1 - 4 / Joint Stockmen’s Convention / Albuquerque

January 2012 17 - 31 / New Mexico Legislature / Santa Fe

February 2012 We may not be the biggest, the fanciest or the oldest but we are reliable & have the tools. RICHARD RANDALS – QUALIFYING BROKER • TOM SIDWELL – ASSOCIATE BROKER O: 575/461-4426 • C: 575/403-7138 • F: 575/461-8422

nmpg@plateautel.net • www.newmexicopg.com 615 West Rt. 66, Tucumcari, NM 88401

1 - 16 / New Mexico Legislature / Santa Fe 1 - 4 / NCBA Annual Meeting / Nashville, TN 11 / Bradley 3 Ranch Bull Sale / Memphis, TX

SOUTHWEST NEW MEXICO FARMS & RANCHES WAHOO RANCH – Approximately 40,976 acres: +/- 11,600 deeded, 6,984 BLM, 912 state, 40 uncontrolled and 21,440 forest. Beautiful cattle ranch located on the east slope of the Black Range Mountains north of Winston, NM, on State Road 52. Three hours from either Albuquerque or El Paso.The ranch is bounded on the east by the Alamosa Creek Valley and on the west by the Wahoo Mountains ranging in elevation from 6,000' to 8,796'. There are 3 houses/2 cabins, 2 sets of working corrals (1 with scales) and numerous shops and outbuildings. It is very well watered with many wells, springs, dirt tanks and pipelines. The topography and vegetation is a combination of grass covered hills (primarily gramma grasses), with many cedar, piñon and live oak covered canyons as well as the forested Wahoo Mountains. There are plentiful elk and deer as well as antelope, turkey, bear, mountain lion and javelina (47 elk tags in 2010). Absolutely one of the nicest combination cattle/hunting ranches to be found in the SW. Price reduced to $5,500,000.


MAHONEY PARK – Just 10 miles SE of Deming, New Mexico. The property consists of approx. 800 acres Deeded, 560 acres State Lease, and 900 acres BLM. This historic property is located high up in the Florida Mountains and features a park like setting covered in deep grasses with plentiful oak and juniper covered canyons. The cattle allotment would be approx. 30 head (AUYL). Wildlife includes deer, ibex, javalina, quail and dove. This rare jewel would make a great little ranch with views and a home site second to none. Price reduced to $550,000. SAN JUAN RANCH – Located 15 miles south of Deming, NM east of Highway 11 (Columbus Highway) on CR-11. Approximately 24,064 acres consisting of approximately 2684 acres deeded, 3240 state lease, 13,460 BLM, and 4680 uncontrolled. The cattle allotment would be approx. 183 head (AUYL). There are 6 solar powered stock wells with metal storage tanks and approximately 6½ miles pipeline. The ranch has a very diverse landscape consisting of high mountain peaks, deep juniper & oak covered canyons, mountain foothills & desert grasslands. There is plentiful wildlife including deer, ibex, javalina, quail & dove A truly great buy. Price reduced to $550,000. 26.47 ACRE FARM FOR water rights. Priced at $380,000.




Borders the Rio Grande river. 13.55 acres EBID water rights/26 acres

177 ACRE FARM BETWEEN LAS CRUCES, NM AND EL PASO, TX – Hwy. 28 frontage with 132 acres irrigated, 45 acres sandhills, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well, cement ditches and large equipment warehouse. Priced at $1,629,000. 50.8 ACRE FARM – Located on Afton Road south of La Mesa, NM. Paved road frontage, full EBID (surface water) plus a supplemental irrigation well with cement ditches. Priced at $12,000/acre ($609,600). OTHER FARMS FOR SALE – In Doña Ana County. All located near Las Cruces, NM. 8, 11, 26, 27 & 63 acres. Starting at $12,000/acre. All have EBID (surface water rights from the Rio Grande River) and several have supplemental irrigation wells. If you are interested in farm land in Doña Ana County or ranches in SW New Mexico, give me a call. 166

JULY 2011

DAN DELANEY REAL ESTATE, LLC 318 W. Amador Avenue Las Cruces, NM 88005 (O) 575/647-5041 (C) 575/644-0776 nmlandman@zianet.com www.zianet.com/nmlandman

1-800/933-9698 day/night www.scottlandcompany.com www.texascrp.com

Ranch & Farm Real Estate

Nancy A. Belt, Broker Cell 520-221-0807 Office 520-455-0633


Jesse Aldridge 520-251-2735 Tom Hardesty 520-909-0233 Rye Hart 928-965-9547 Tobe Haught 505-264-3368

Check our websites for other properties!

TH IN KING ORGAN IC ! – 8 section ranch, excellent set of new feed pens w/concrete bunk, truck/cattle scale, commodity barn, well watered throughout, circle w/pivot sprinkler, pvmt. on two ends. BAILEY C O. , TX. – mule deer, bobwhite & blue quail, sandhill crane & varmint hunting, 2 subs. for domestic water. 2500 ac. +/-, 220.6 ac. CRP, balance native grass. Please call for details!


Joe Stubblefield & Associates 13830 Western St., Amarillo, TX 806/622-3482 • cell 806/674-2062 Michael Perez Assocs. Nara Visa, NM • 575/403-7970

RANCHES / FARMS *NEW* 52 Head Ranch, San Simon, AZ – Great Guest Ranch Prospect Pristine, and private, only 12 miles from I-10. Bighorn sheep, ruins, pictographs. 1480 acres of deeded, 52 head, BLM lease, historic rock house, new cabin, springs, wells. $1,500,000 Terms. *REDUCED* 250–400+ Head Cattle Ranch Sheldon, AZ – 1,450 deeded acres, +/-30 sections BLM, 150+ acres irrigated farm land. Nice HQ includes two rock homes, good set of steel shipping & horse corrals, 30' x 20' barn, 9 livestock & domestic wells & 4 irrigation wells. There is deeded access to the ranch off of a paved highway & power to the headquarters. $1,500,000, $1,250,000 Terms. *REDUCED* 320 Ac Farm, Kansas Settlement, AZ – This working farm has 2–120 acre Zimmatic Pivots, a nice site built home, large workshop & hay barn. 5 irrigation wells, 2 domestic wells. The property is fenced & cross fenced. Great set-up for pasturing cattle. $1, 250,000, $975,000, Terms. 35% down at 6% for 10 years. Wickenburg, AZ – 216 Head Cattle Ranch. Scenic, lush high desert vegetation. 103 deeded acres, State, BLM & 3,100 acres private lease. Well watered w/tanks, springs & wells. Abundant feed, numerous corrals & great steel shipping pens. $850,000.

RANCH SALES P.O. Box 1077 Ft. Davis, Texas 79734


DAVID P. DEAN Ranch: 432/426-3779 Mobile: 432/634-0441 www.availableranches.com

85 Head Cattle Ranch Bisbee/ McNeal, AZ – AZ & private grazing leases HQ on 966 acres of private land including log home, bunk house, corrals, hay barn, well, arena, tack house & storage sheds. $600,000. Purchase HQ on 244 acres & leases for $500,000. *REDUCED* Rainbow Valley, AZ, 300 Head Cattle Ranch – Excellent desert ranch owned & operated by the same family for 40 years. Well improved w/BLM & State grazing leases. HQ

on State land, well watered. $650,000. $500,000. Young, AZ 72 Acre Farm – Under the Mogollon Rim, a must see, w/small town charm, mountain views. 1,000 gpm well, home, 1800s museum, 2 BR cabin, shop, & barn. Excellent for horse farm, bed & breakfast, land or water development. +/- 62 acres & well for $1,700,000; home & other improvements. $424,500, Seller Financing. Santa Teresa Mtns, Fort Thomas AZ – 200 acre Plus 17 head BLM allotment, private retreat, two wells. Very remote & extremely scenic w/sycamores, cottonwoods & beautiful rock formations. $300,000, Terms. Greenlee County, AZ, 139 Head Ranch – Year long USFS permit w/two room line camp, barn & corrals at HQ. Remote horseback ranch w/limited vehicular access. 10 acres of deeded in Sheldon, AZ. $275,000. NEW MEXICO PROPERTIES Listed Cooperatively with Action Realty, Cliff, NM, Dale Spurgeon, Broker 310 Head Cattle Ranch, Virden, NM – 4500+/- deeded acres, BLM, NM & AZ State Lease. HQ – 3 BR, 2 BA, MH, w/power & corrals. Well watered, 12 wells, 10 dirt tanks, 10 springs. 7 sets of working corrals. $1,700,000, Terms 112 Head Mountain Ranch, Collins Park, NM – This gorgeous ranch is now the total package w/a new log cabin completed in 2009 w/a new well & storage, septic, & solar package; finished tack/bunk house; & excellent set of working corrals, USFS YL permit & 115 deeded acres w/tall pines & meadows. Includes equipment $725,000 or less acreage and lower price call for details. Terms. *REDUCED* 189 Head, Reserve to Collins Park, NM Two USFS Allotments

consisting of +/- 65 Sections and +/33.7 acres of deeded forest inholding. Beautiful setting in the tall pines and meadows. Improvements on deeded land include an old cabin, bunk house, corrals, and barn. Adjoins 112 head ranch combine them to run 300 head. Reduced to $500,000 with 80 head of cattle. *PENDING* 72 Acre Farm, Virden, NM – Charming 72 acre farm along the Gila River near beautiful Virden, NM. +/- 32 irrigated acres, 3 BR, 2 bath home, canal water, 2 wells, corrals. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. Nice little farms like this don't come along too often. $320,000 *REDUCED* 157 Acres Deming, NM – Fenced w/a nice pipe entry, close to town, paved access, mtn. views, power. Owner will split & carry! $160,000. $130,000. HORSE PROPERTIES * R ED U CE D P R I C E – I N CR EA S ED ACREAGE* San Pedro River north of Benson, AZ – +⁄ -345 acre Professional Horse Breeding Facility, 55 acres of irrigated pasture, 900 gpm well. 2 homes; barn w/office, apt., tack room, feed room, & storage area; 12 stall barn; 7 stall mare motel; lab/vet room; lighted riding arena; insulated workshop; & hay storage area. $2.4M. Reduced to $2.175M. Terms Available. Willcox, AZ, +/-9 Acres w/Roping Arena – 3BR/2BA Shultz mfg. home w/many upgrades, roping arena, nice 4-stall horse barn w/tack room & hay storage, second barn, new well, a very private & nice location $210,000. Willcox, AZ 40 Acres – Great views in every direction, power to the property. $85,000. Vail, AZ Horse Property – 1+ Acre charming horse property w/guest apt., pool & bunkhouse. $275,000.

"Thinking of Buying or Selling? Call! 'Cause we'll get 'er done!"

JULY 2011



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JULY 2011

Summer Hours Monday-Friday: 7:30 am-6:00pm Saturday 7:30 am-5:00 pm Closed Sunday

“Cuttin’ Bulls” OWWEE! Holy cow, I think I just cut my finger off!” Said I, looking at the end of it, hanging by a partial fingernail. Autumn, 1988: I was a young cowboy, hungry and looking for work. The opportunity presented itself when an opening came about at a feed yard owned by Oppliger Land and Cattle Co. This was a large operation along the Texas/New Mexico border, with holdings in Nebraska as well. As a matter of fact, it was once credited with being the largest privately owned farm/ranch/feedlot combo in the states of Nebraska and New Mexico. He owned a bunch of land in Texas also, but ask any Texan who is biggest there and they will all tell you they are the biggest operator in Texas. Anyway, it was my first experience with large-scale agriculture, and the first time I heard words like “economies of scale.” Being the new guy, only eighteen, I had to prove myself. The cow boss and the rest of the crew didn’t want too cover for some “kid.” I figured I was up for the challenge . . . it wasn’t my first go-round. When you initially hire out with a large outfit like that, you are generally given jobs, which no one else wants. Once they found out I could cut bulls, I was nominated for the project. Now at first glance, this sounds like a good job. I was pretty excited. I’d spent a lot of time branding cattle before and cutting bulls was one of the better jobs. Boy did I have a lot to learn. First off, like I mentioned, efficiency was the motto here. Bulls were not cut during branding and the initial processing of cattle as they arrived at the feedlot. That would slow down the crew too much. If you are not cutting bulls, a good crew can run cattle through the hydraulic squeeze chute at the rate of several head per minute. Generally, there were five men processing the newbies arriving from the country. Now cutting bulls on the other hand only took a two-man crew and the process was much slower; maybe a couple head per minute or so. When you pencil it out, if there are a lot of bulls to cut, you are better off to re-run the cattle through at a different time using only two men rather than slow down five. Using this model, three men could be doing something else



for that extra couple of hours. Being the fall of the year, my employer was buying cattle to turn out on wheat pastures for the winter month’s . . . lots of cattle. He must have found a good deal on bulls that year, because the feedlot seemed like it was full of them. Ears and tails stuck out of all fences it seemed. The bulls I was to cut ranged from 250 to 500 pounds, but mostly in the 400pound range. Like I said, I thought I’d hit the jackpot when they told me I would be cutting bulls for the next 30 days or so. I soon found out why others thought this a less than desirable job. A typical day went like this: Arrive for work about 5:30 a.m. so you could feed, saddle your horse and be ready for work, which started at 6:00 a.m. sharp. Usually, the guys would sit around drinking coffee in the cowboy shack for 10 or 15 minutes, after saddling, while their horses finished breakfast. This was a good time to go over the day’s plans. Even though it was fall, it still got a little warm in the afternoon; so all bull cutting needed doing during morning hours. At 6:00 a.m., you had better be in the saddle, or you were considered tardy, and given a rash of hooraying by your fellow cowboys. For me, the day began by heading down to whatever pen of bulls was designated for cutting that day, along with my new partner, Pancho. Pancho was from Chihuahua, Mexico, as I recall and he helped me tremendously with my Border Spanish, but that’s another story. He was assigned to the castrating crew with me because he was considered low on the totem pole, also. Pancho and I would bring up the cattle, usually about 225 head in a pen, to the processing barn. Once penned in the crowding alley, Pancho kept the lead-up full of cattle while I ran the chute and changed the bull’s way of thinking, “from fighting, to feeding.” After about an hour, I figured out why nobody else wanted this job. As a bull came into the chute, you were standing at the hydraulic controls. Once the victim was properly squeezed, you leaned over, opened the bottom kick panel on the chute



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and put a short rope around the nearside rear leg. You then pulled the leg towards the back of the chute and tied the rope off, thus allowing access to your work area and also it kept the critter from kicking your head off as you started surgery. Then you

either squatted down or sat on a small stool to preform the operation. Meanwhile, Pancho would give a preventative shot of penicillin to the animal, in the muscle, on the other side of the chute. Then he would go back to run more cattle up. Once the bull was a steer, you pulled the

slip knot on the rope, got it from around the back leg, put the kick panel back into place and freed the steer from the contraption, while opening the back gate at the same time. Pancho always had another victim waiting for its turn. Pretty simple ‘eh? That’s what I thought until my legs felt like spaghetti and my back began to ache. Within an hour, I was very tired of standing, leaning over, squatting, standing, sitting, and then standing again . . . on each and every head that came through. As I mentioned before, we averaged about two head per minute. One pen of cattle took around two hours, counting bringing them to and from their pen. We took a small break between pens. The cow boss expected us to do at least two pens each day before lunch, at 11:00 a.m. After lunch, the next couple of hours were spent riding through the new steers, looking for bleeders. Most of the time, a bull that has been changed into a steer will be in a little shock, going to lie down and rest once back home. This helps stop the bleeding. There are times, however, when certain animals just keep bleeding for various reasons. These cattle need to be doctored within a couple hours, or continued on page 171

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JULY 2011


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you risk death. If we came across a bleeder, the procedure was to take him to the nearest hospital pen where there was a chute and give him a dose of Vitamin K in the jugular vein. This and a squirt of blood stop powder on the afflicted area would stop the bleeding every time. I am proud to say that in the over 10,000 head of bulls I cut that fall, only one was lost to bleeding. That has a lot to do with technique during surgery . . . although some old timers claim, “it’s the signs.” Now I am not saying I don’t believe in “the Zodiac signs.” For sure there were times of the month that cattle bled worse than others, but I do know when you have 10,000 plus head to do in under 30 days, you cant wait on the signs to be just right. You need to use good technique. After bleeders were checked the next job was to go through the cattle, which had been cut day’s prior, to look for infections. As you can imagine, a feedlot is not the cleanest place in the world for a freshly steered animal to lie down. And in spite of giving a shot of penicillin during the operation, some became infected later. If we found any infected cattle, we took them to a hospital pen and doctored them. After that, any cattle in the hospital pen, which had been cured and looked good again, were returned to their respective pens. Once said cowboying jobs were taken care of, if there was any time left in the day, we had to clean out drinkers. Now cleaning out drinkers is a nasty job. In a feedlot, about 200 to 250 head of snotty nosed, cud chewing cattle all use the same 15-foot by 2-foot cement water trough located on either side of the pens. Being how Pancho and I were low men in seniority, we often cleaned out nasty water troughs with a wire brush in the last hour or so before going home. So that was my schedule during the first month of employment at Oppliger’s feed yard: cut bulls all morning, ride for bleeders, then infections in the afternoon and, time permitting, clean water troughs before going home at night. That’s how we did it back then; it may have changed by now. Not a very glamorous life, being a feedlot cowboy, but it provided a meager living. As a side benefit, my legs increased in size dramatically as I did about 1,000 squats per day at the chute! Cowboys, being as they are, always had

Western Legacy Alliance Research Spurs Congressional Action on Exposing Taxpayer Funded Lawsuit Racket of Radical Environmentalists Thank you for your support. I am/our organization is committed to protecting the open spaces, private property, private businesses and ensuring the responsible use of public lands. Please list me/my organization as a member of the Western Legacy Alliance. I have included my membership dues and my $____________ additional contribution. Individual Membership – $25 Association Membership – $500 Corporate Membership – $1,000 Other – $______________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _________ Phone: _________________________ Fax: __________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Receipt of Contribution to Western Legacy Alliance The Western Legacy Alliance thanks you for your contribution! Amount: $ __________________________________ Cash: ________________ Check#: _______________







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a lot of practical joking going on . . . just to liven things up a bit. Saddle pads were hidden at night, horse were moved to far-off pens during lunch, dried cow patties were put between slices of bread and then placed in lunch boxes, on and on. Being the new kid on the outfit, a lot of said pranking was pulled on yours truly, but I took it all in stride. There was one feller, named Alan, who took particular joy in rattling my chain. Normally if I couldn’t find my lunch box at mid-day, my pickup after work, or my horse in the morning, he had something to do with it. Also, his pet name for me was “Wuss.” Never used my real name, not even sure he knew what it was. To make things worse, he always said “Wuss” in a way that made me mad. I figured that once I had proved a hand, though, the razzing would slow down; it didn’t . . . not from Alan anyway. One day as he came through the processing barn, I was on the other side of the lead-up, trying to get a sulking bull to stand. I was using one of those big yellow hot shots . . . you know, the ones that look like a big cane and you charge them by

plugging them into an electric socket at night. Yeah, the really big one’s that are frowned upon now-a-days! It just so happened that it was a pretty warm day, and as he paraded through the barn, Alan had his shirt unbuttoned about half way down the front, exposing a chest, glistening with sweat beads. Well, ‘Ol Alan jumps up on the catwalk the other side of the lead-up and says to me, “Hey Jim” (it was the first time he had ever used my proper name), “you know what?” “What?” I replied, about half happy he had called me by name. “I heard you are nothing more than a little Wuss!” He laughed at his supposed cleverness. So, I retorted right back, “Hey Alan, you know what?” “What?” he sneered. I leaned in like I was going to tell him something important; he leaned in likewise. “I heard you are afraid of electricity!” And as I said it, with a slight flick of the wrist, I touched the end of that super snapper to the middle of his wet, exposed chest and laid down the buzzer! Oh boy did he have a look of horror on his face! He tried to back away from the excruciating pain on his chest; and as he did, his feet tangled up. He fell backwards, off the catwalk, hitting his head on a continued on page 173


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bucket and almost bit his tongue off in the process! I thought I’d killed him! He recovered fairly quickly however, and came up seeing red. I was thankful for two things right about then: 1) there was a lead-up full of cattle between him and I; and 2) I was much younger and faster than him. I took out of the barn like my hindend was on fire and jumped upon an alley full of bulls, running across their backs like Jesus on water. After clearing two more alleys, I looked back and saw that Alan was going to have trouble following me. He was too old and out of shape to have a chance. Also, just then, one of the other cowboys, who was laughing his butt off, roped Alan around

the upper body, trying to talk some sense into him. As it worked out, Alan finally calmed down and quit all talk about killing me. I was finally able to return to the processing barn. He had one heck of a welt on his chest, a swollen tongue and a big knot on the back of his head. That got him a lot of razzing from the other cowboys. And me, well, I was now one of the gang. I had proven my self-worth. No more disrespect from the guys, I could hold my own in their eyes. Alan and I became good friends after that . . . well maybe a few days later . . . after all; it took a few days for the welt and swelling to go away! Eventually I got off the bull crew, joining the others as hired men a-horseback. No more menial groundwork for me. The next

time a pen of bulls came into the yard, another newbie was nominated for the position. I did, however, get the honor of showing the new guy how to perform his bull cutting duties. The cow boss said I was one of the best “castrators” he had ever seen. While showing the new guy “up close and personal,” I figured he could just hold the leg rope as he watched. I should have known better. Let me tell you folks, when a 400-pound bull is protecting his manhood, always tie the leg rope to something solid. That bull went to kicking when he felt my razor sharp knife. My new protégé let go of the rope so it wouldn’t burn his hands, and THAT is how I almost cut the end of my finger off! It dangled precariously for a few days, but eventually it stuck and healed. To this day, however, when I am at a branding, I’d just a soon let someone else cut bulls.n

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Changes to Federal Tuberculosis & Brucellosis Programs Discussed roposed changes to the federal tuberculosis (TB) and brucellosis programs were presented and discussed


Estrays; 36p; Black; -; estrays NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following described estray animals have been taken under the provisions of Chapter 77, Article 13 of New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978, and sold for the benefit of the owners of said estrays as provided by law. The proceeds will be subject to claims and proof of ownership as provided by law. New Mexico Livestock Board · Myles Culbertson, Director · Albuquerque, N.M.

at a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) listening session held in Amarillo, Texas, recently. Representatives from the New Mexico Livestock Board (NMLB) and several producer organizations represented New Mexico’s cattle industry at the meeting. Cattle, bison and captive cervids (wildlife) will be covered by the new rules, while small ruminants will not. In addition, Brucella Suis (swine brucellosis) and Brucella Melitensis will not be included in the rule. “We are working to make sure that the concerns of New Mexico’s livestock industry are heard and addressed by USDA,” said Myles Culbertson, NMLB Director. “We want to keep things workable for our producers while continuing to protect animal health in the state.” Indemnity payments were a top concern for meeting attendees. Under the new rules, the USDA would use a calculator,

estrays July 8, 2011

which would include a number of parameters such as type of animal, age, weight, and stage of milk production, among others, to determine indemnity for a given animal. The value of an animal from a genetic improvement standpoint would not be considered. This would replace the current system of using appraisers, and eliminate the appeals process. The agency’s ability to make indemnity payments was another concern expressed. In its current budget, USDA has $1 million earmarked for TB indemnity payments, and $500,000 earmarked for brucellosis. The most recent infected herd in California was valued at $46 million. State roles and requirements was another topic. There were comments and questions regarding the appearance that the rule would place more responsibilities on individual states, creating an unfunded mandate. The USDA plans to continue their current system of cooperative agreements, however the uncertainty of the federal budget makes it difficult to commit to specific dollar amounts from year to year. Attendees also discussed states’ latitude related to interstate movement controls, and the requirements that USDA would like to see in place for interstate movement of livestock. There has been discussion about whether or not USDA should pre-empt the individual states’ rights to impose requirements greater or stricter than the federal agency. States’ ability to create a zone when practical and applicable to control and manage an animal health situation would continue under the new rule, as would the current system of testing and removal of suspect/reactor animals. “Creating a zone has helped New Mexico control TB while minimizing the costs and impacts to producers in most of the state,” Culbertson said. “We are glad to see this option n included in the new rule.”


in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515. 174

JULY 2011

In Memoriam

continued from page 37

one niece, and many other family members. Mike was a long time resident and rancher of Catron County, working for Quien Sabe Cattle Company for over 30 years. He enjoyed hunting, ranching, and fishing with his family and many friends. Jacquelyn (Jackie) Faye Warnica Spence, 79, Artesia, passed away on June 16, 2011. She was born December 29, 1931 in New Hobbs, the only child of Ralph Beaver Warnica and Lillian Fay Douglass. Jackie married James Solon Spence II on January 5, 1950. They spent their entire lives together farming the family farm in the Cottonwood community north of Artesia. Jackie was a stay-at-home mom, not working out of the home or off the farm until “the baby” started school. Jackie worked at Artesia High School as an assistant librarian and then was the rural mail carrier for the Lake Arthur Post Office. She was named Rural Mail Carrier of the year in 2000. She retired in 2001 but continued to be active in her church and community. She was a 4-H leader and fair judge for over 50 years. She and Solon were honored by the Eddy County Fair Board for their dedication and efforts to help with the building and development of the county fair and youth programs. Jackie was a longtime member of the St. Anthony’s Altar Society and served as a lector at mass on a regular basis. She loved to play cards, gamble a little, and visit new places. In recent years she especially loved to attend legislative sessions, and to debate issues with several elected officials, especially Sen. Tim Jennings. She was a proud member of the National Rifle Association. She is survived by her children: Mary Jane (spouse, Larry) Ward; Candy (spouse, Calder) Ezzell; Jim Spence and friend Carol Apple; Steve (spouse, Shellye) Spence; and Trampas (spouse, Vicki) Spence, and 18 grandchildren. John T. Harrington Ph.D, 49, Rociada, passed away on June 6, 2011 in a bicycle accident. He was born on May 11, 1962 in Nashville, Tennessee to Francis Eugene Harrington and Mary Adelaide Kelly-Harrington. He married Anne Marie Wagner on April 20, 1991. Following BS and MS degrees in Wisconsin and Virginia, John received a Ph.D. in Tree Physiology from New Mexico State University in 1991. Since 1990 he has been at New Mexico State University’s Mora Research Center and was a Professor of Tree Physiology as well as Superintendent of the Research

FIVE STATES Box 266, Clayton, NM 88415 SALE BARN: 575/374-2505 Kenny Dellinger, Mgr., 575/374-7761 Watts Line: 1-800/438-5764 We are an active supporter of local 4H clubs and several other student activities. Not only do we contribute to the youth but also to the local economy as 90% of the supplies and services are contracted.



Active buyers on all classes of cattle. Stocker demand within excellent wheat pasture and grass demand. Supporters of vaccination program of your choice. Four active packer buyers, supported by area feedlots on these feeder cattle. Receiving station available. Sheep sale 2nd to last Wednesday every month! We believe that customers, large and small, should receive the highest quality service available. Our buyers and sellers are our biggest asset and we are dedicated to serving your needs. Our top priority is to get you the best possible price for your cattle. Operating in Union County since the 1950s, Kenny Dellinger has been managing the sale barn and serving the surrounding community since that first sale 21 years ago.




Dan or Daina Wade

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continued on page 176 JULY 2011


In Memoriam

continued from page 175

Center. In 2006 he worked with the USDA Forest Service – Research Policy Analysis group in Washington, DC for six months. In late 2010 he went to Afghanistan as part of NMSU’s AWATT Program to work with US AID, the US Military and the Afghan government to restore Afghanistan’s watersheds and forests. He also served on numerous Federal, State and Regional Committees including: New Mexico Tree Farm, New Mexico Forest Stewardship, New Mexico Forest Lands Enhancement Committee, and New Mexico Watershed

Restoration Committee, serving as Program Chairman for the 2010 Society of American Foresters National Convention and Editor of New Mexico Tree Farm Newsletter. He was a member of the Society of American Foresters and numerous other professional organizations and he was an SAF Fellow and Certified Forester. John was an avid Ultra Marathoner, he had completed over one hundred Marathons and ultra Marathons. He loved the outdoors, was respected by everyone he worked with from federal policy makers to local land owners. He was a former member of Sapello/Rociada Volunteer Fire

Company and of San Miguel Search and Rescue. He is survived by his wife Anne; parents, Francis Eugene and Mary Harrington, Indianapolis, Indiana; sisters, Maureen Harrington, Indianapolis; and Kathy Keough (husband, Dennis) Berwyn, PA; brothers: Joe Harrington (wife, Diane) Minneapolis; and Bob Harrington (wife, Connie) Greensville, Wisconsin; other survivors include in-laws, nieces, nephews, and many, many close friends. Cordelia (Cordy) Carolyn Cowan, 86, long time Arizona/New Mexico rancher, passed away on June 7, 2011, in Albuquerque. She was born January 1, 1925 to Marguerite and Ben Robertson in Deming. Cordy met William (Bill) R. Cowan in high school in Douglas and were married in December 1943. They lived in McNeal where they raised Quarter Horses and began the Southwest’s first Brahman herd in 1948. In 1967 Bill and Cordy moved the headquarters to New Mexico and lived there till 2001 when they moved to Tucson. In 2009 Cordy moved to Albuquerque. She was a Charter Member of the Cochise College Foundation board, president and remained on the board for 30 years. She was instrumental in the establishment, funding, and continuation of the Cochise College rodeo program. It is difficult to separate Cordy’s accomplishments from Bill’s because they were such a team for 63 years. As a couple they were inducted into the Hidalgo County Hall of Fame with Cordy being the first woman inductee. She and Bill raised the National Champion Brahman Heifer at the Houston Livestock Show. Their ranch was once highlighted by Paul Harvey. Cordy is survived by her daughters Ruth Evelyn Cowan Giles (husband, Bob) Sierra Vista, AZ; Marguerite Vensel and Flossie Holly both of Albuquerque; four grandchildren, five greatgrandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Ernest Pérez, 87, Encino, passed away on June 6, 2011 while doing his morning chores. He and his wife Jewel of 65 years and family owned a registered and commercial Rambouillet sheep and Hereford cattle operation. His sheep operation was started by his father, Victor Pérez, who came to New Mexico form the Pyrenees Mountains of Europe in Isaba, Spain in 1904 at the age of 15. Ernest volunteered for service in World War II and was part of the invasion of The Beaches at Normandy in 1944. After four years of service he returned home to Encino to manage the family ranch. He was responsible for 5,000

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JULY 2011


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JULY 2011


Jornada by CURTIS FORT


n May of ‘71 it was good to be back to those red rim rocks, cedar trees, good horses and all that made the Bells a real cow outfit. By now it was home. Leo roped out a good string for me, including some of my favorites like Tom-cat, Eagle-eye, and several others . . . including a good night-horse. The night horse was just for wrangling horses when it was your turn. Over the next several days we shod our mounts, gathered and branded the registered calves, and then the cowboys, remuda, and wagon pulled out. There were some new punchers, who were there to make the spring works. All were young but craved cowpunchin’, made good hands and became good friends . . . the kind to “ride the river with”. Jim Peebles was from the Ruidoso Range

and Paul Pharies from Texas. Paul made the Bells his home for the next 30 years. Lil’Bill Nunnally from Ft. Sumner, who was 14 years old, always came in on the drive where he should, and when something ran off, his horn knot was pulled down and he had a loop on ‘em pronto! We worked all the range the next few weeks with no bad wrecks. After we were off a day or so for the Fourth, we gathered the three-year-old geldings. Bert and I spent all of July and a lot of sweat putting ten saddles on each of those broncs. The summer went by too soon and it was time to drift back to the desert range and New Mexico State. I needed eight or ten hours of credit to finish, and was lucky to get all my classes scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday so I could cowboy the rest of the time. Through my friends, the Davises, I got a riding job at the Jornada Ranch. They had the lease on it and Clyde Yarbrough was the manager. Wes Adams was the cowboy boss, and all cowpuncher. I talked to Joyce Jones, who along with Dogie, ranch at Watrous. She was raised on the Jornada and her Grandad, Mr. Christmas, had the lease from 1928 until the early 50s. It was acquired by the USDA in 1912, from the Tour-

ney family. The USDA furnished and paid the help and the person who had the lease let them keep records through the use of ear tags, etc. There was a good set of crossbred cows with some “ear” on them. There were close to three hundred sections of big pastures. The ranch lay between the Doña Ana Mountains and the San Andreas Range, all in the Jornada basin. That area is full of great history . . . conquistadors, Apaches, Civil War, range wars, outlaws and more. The first morning there I went in the office, met Clyde Yarbrough the manager and Wes Adams the cowboy boss, and we had coffee while looking at a big map of the outfit. Then I unloaded my outfit at the horse corrals and Wes roped out a bald faced bay for me. It was not hard to saddle him but he was fat and fresh . . . not a kid horse. He had a slight hump so I led him outside as the horse pen was too small to mount him. Don’t get me wrong . . . I’d rather mount a potential ‘problem’ in a good corral, but wanted Wes to at least think I was pretty forked. I snugged my cinch, turned him around, twisted that left ox-bow and stepped aboard. He hit two hard jumps, reared up, kinda hung in the air and then fell over backwards. I had a two-year-old colt do that to me when I was 15 and skinned me up good. When I was a button,I always had a colt or two I would ride for someone. One, I remember, was a good looking colt but too gentle as he was a pet. On a Sunday after church and a great meal my mom had made, we drifted down to the corrals. I saddled him, led him into a crowding pen and stepped on. The last thing I remember was looking down to hit the off stirrup and ‘bang’ the lights went out. My Dad said he fell over backwards in one quick motion. That bronc had his butt to the two by eight railroad-tie fence. I woke up in the hospital with ‘em taking stitches in my head. I missed several days of school and every day I would hobble continued on page 179


JULY 2011

Scatterin’ the Drive

continued from page 178

down to the horse corrals and plan my revenge. I did get him broke and going good but from then on I was quick to step off and hang in that left stirrup, when one would stand on his hind legs. Several years later at the Jornada that helped save my bacon . . . the cantle and swells took most of the hit. I came back up with him but to this day still have a hitch in my hip. While I was saddling up I was observing Wes. He had a red handle-bar moustache, a quirt hanging on his wrist, and the outline of a hog-leg in his chap pocket, you could tell he craved that cowboy stuff so I figured we’d get along! He rolled a Prince Albert smoke before he mounted, and his mount was not for kids. We became good friends and we put out lots of horse tracks together, not just at the Jornada. That Fall my job was to go horse back with Wes. I learned a lot from him. He was from that South Texas brush country, where one of my heroes, J. Frank Dobie was from. That was where Dobie said every plant had a thorn barb or hook. Wes sure missed that brush. As we were prowling a pasture, he would ride out of the way to ride through a patch of big brush and hear

the sound it makes dragging on his batwings. My second or third day there we were prowling and came together at a tank. We stepped off, reset our rigs and rolled a smoke. I already figured we were made out of the same ball of dirt, so I said do you ever get kinks in your rope? He had a slight grin as he twisted the end of his handle-bar and blew a cloud of smoke. He said the only way to fix that is to tie on to something and let them hit the end of it. So was a good fall and our mounts and ropes were always in tune. We got into the Fall works, weaning big calves, branding late calves, cutting out dry’s and shipper stuff. Cattle were in good shape and calves were heavy. I was working with good cowboys and decent mounts . . . does it get any better? One morning we hit a high trot to the north end to Tourney Well. The sky was just getting red in the East over the San Andreas Mountains. After we all reset our kaks, Wes sent half the crew with Clyde and the rest of us with him. I came out with my gather at Indian tank, as did Bob and Wes. We held everything up there. Some of those cows were pretty trotty and we needed to make sure they all had their calves or else turn ‘em back. As we popped our leggin’s and started them south, one

big dry outlawed. Wes had a loop that fit those high horns and we stretched her out. We drove the other cattle over close, so when we let her up she would get with them. Wes took his rope off her horns and I kept her hind legs gathered so he could get mounted. She didn’t bounce up snortin’ and hookin’ . . . she “sulled up” and stayed down. She wasn’t tired, hurt or any of that. We’ve all had it happen and do a lot of tail twistin’, but Wes stepped off and pulled a trick I’d never seen! He picked up two ten-inch mesquite sticks, picked up her tail and grabbed the bushy end in his teeth. Then he set back to stretch the tail tight. He put one stick on each side of the tail, grasped the two ends with his hands and rapidly worked the two sticks up and down on her tail. I smelled smoke and in ten seconds she came to her feet in one jump, like they say those old trail herds did in a storm. So the drive came together and the Fall works went on. A couple of years later, at the Bells, they were needing another man. I told Don I knew a good hand that was craving to come North, so he hired Wes. We put out a lot of horse tracks on the Bells. But I’ll always remember a good Fall works at the n Jornada.

JULY 2011




A Lazy 6 Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . .130, 157 AC Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Aero Tech Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Ag New Mexico FCS, ACA . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Ken Ahler Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid No . . . . . . .2 American Angus Association . . . . . . . . . .47 American Galloway Breeders Assn . .22, 155 Fred Anaya CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Anderson Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116 Andrews, Smith, Lowery & Co LLC . . . . .91 Animal Health Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Apache Creek Limousin . . . . . . . . .65, 153 Arrow L Custom Coffins . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Art Prints by Sue Decker . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Artesia Trailer Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 ASH Angus LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 B B & H Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 B & R Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Ken Babcock Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Bar G Feedyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Bar Guitar Liquid Feed Co LLC . . .115, 184 Bar J Bar Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . .29, 153 Bar M Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Tommy Barnes Auctioneer . . . . . . . . . .149 Barzona Breeders Assoc. of America . . .156 Big Bend Trailers / Rancho Espuela . . .151 BJM Sales & Service, Inc. . . . . . . . .22, 150 Border Tank Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Bow K Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Raymond Boykin, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Bradley 3 Ranch LTD . . . . . . . .18, 79, 154 Brand / Kelly Hodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Brand / Eugene Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 Brennand Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92














C C & M Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 C Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79, 154 Campbell Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Candy Ray’s Black Angus . . . . . . . . . . .155 Cargill Feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 150 Carter Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Carter’s Livestock Equipment . . . . . . . . .65 Casey Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Cates Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Cattle Guards/Priddy Construction . . . . .151 Cattleman’s Livestock Commission . . . . .41 Cattlemen’s Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . .46 Caviness Packing Co Inc . . . . . . . . . . . .186 Centerfire Real Estate . .118, 132, 137, 139 Chase Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Chavez Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Choices Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Cimarron English Shepherds . . . . . . . . .149 Circle S Feed Store . . . . . . . . . . . .104, 152 CJ Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Clark Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Clavel Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Clayton Cattle Feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Clovis Livestock Markets . . . . . . . . . .24, 25 Coba Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Conniff Cattle Co LLC . . . . . . . . . . .33, 154 Cooper Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . .102, 154 Corazon-Pitchford Cattle Co LL . . . . . . .156 Cornerstone Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Cortese Feed & Supply . . . . . . . . . .98, 108 Cox Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . .136, 153




Brighton Feed & Saddlery . . . . . . . . . .148 Bulls ‘n’ More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Burns Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 Burns Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147


Cattle Bred for: OPTIMUM GENETIC Performance

R.L. Cox Fur and Hide Co. . . . . . . .85, 149 CPE Feeds Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Craig Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70, 154 Creighton’s Town & Country . . . . . . . . .127 CS Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Culbertson-Whatley Ranch . . . . . . . . . .109 George Curtis, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152

FBFS / Rutalee Todd-Jernigan . . . . . . .114 Ferguson Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Fernandez Company Limited . . . . . . . . . .93 Fisher Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Five States Livestock Auction . . . . . . . .175 Flying W Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Fort Sumner Processing . . . . . . . . . . . .148 Fury Farms Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 G

D D & S Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . .156 D Squared Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 Dan Delaney Real Estate, Inc. . . . . . . . .166 David Dean / Campo Bonito . . . . . . . . .167 Decker Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Deja vu Impressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Desert Scales & Weighing Equip. .149, 184 Domenici Law Firm PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86

Gallup Lumber & Supply . . . . . . .150, 168 Genex / Candy Trujillo . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Giant Rubber Water Tanks . . . . . . . . . . .33 Glenwood Realty & Reserve Realty . . . . .88 Goemmer Land & Livestock . . . . .141, 154 Grants State Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 Grau Charolais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97, 153 Greer & Winston Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . .155 Greer Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71, 153 Tom Growney Equipment Inc . . . . . .9, 152

E Eagle Creek Enterprises / Tim Cox . . . . .21 Eastern New Mexico State Fair . . . . . . .162 Eastern Plains Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Elbrock Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Elgin Breeding Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Express UU Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .13, 94 F F & F Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Fallon-Cortese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Farm Credit of New Mexico . . . . . . . . . . .10 Farmers & Stockmen’s Bank . . . . . . . . .143 Farmway Feed Mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 FBFS / Monte Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . .184 FBFS / Larry Marshall . . . . . . . . . . .49, 92 FBFS / Roadrunner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51


H Hales Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Harrison Quarter Horses . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Hartzog Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .16, 154 Hashknife Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Hat Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Hayhook Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Headquarters West Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Henard Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Hereford Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Hi-Pro Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Hooper Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 Hubbell Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 152 Hudson Livestock Supplements . . . . . . . . .4 Hugley Co. Land Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Hutchison Western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Bulls and Open & Bred Females For Sale at Private Treaty at the Ranch GUARANTEED SOUND & FERTILE

— Registered Herefords & Black Angus — EPDs and TPR Records available on all cattle. Range-raised, rugged, rock-footed at over 7,000 ft. elevation.

Please visit our new Website: www.hoopercattlecompany.com

Grand Champion Hereford Bull 2008 NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR CE 1.6

BW 0.7

WW 40

YW 62

MM M&G 19 39

MCE 1.2

SC FAT 0.8 0.00

MCA 10X Hard Bound 505B KP Hard Bound 113 C&M Lady Diamond 471 HC Orbitor Disco 0134 HC MS Disco Apolla 3316

HC Hard Bound Disco 7124

Bred and shown by Hooper Cattle Company.

HC Orbett Adv Dom 9102

email: hoopercattle@wildblue.net

STEVE & DEBBIE HOOPER · 575/773-4535 · FAX 575/773-4583 · HC 32, BOX 405 RED HILL RT. , QUEMADO, NM 87829


JULY 2011

REA 0.10

I Inn of the Mountain Gods . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Inosol Castrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Insurance Services of New Mexico . . . . .161 Ironhorse Pipe & Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Isa Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 J J & J Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 JaCin Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65, 157 Jamison Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Lex Jaramillo Alfafa & Lazer Level .144, 148 Joe’s Boot Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179 John Burns Lumber & Hardware 95, 98, 124 K Kaddatz Auctioneering & Farm Equip. . .152 Kail Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Keeton Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 King Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Klein Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 KMB Helicopters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 L L & H Mfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 La Gloria Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . .143, 158 Lasater Beefmasters . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 152 Lazy D Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 LC Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Lee, Lee & Puckitt / Kevin Reed . . . . . .163 Letcher, Golden & Associates . . . . . . . .105 Lewis Limousin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 LG Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143, 157 Lone Antler Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Long in the Tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Charlie Lytle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 M Randell Major / Centerfire RE . . . . . . . .164 Maloy Mobile Storage . . . . . . . . . .150, 169 Manchester Mfg Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Manford Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 McGinley Red Angus . . . . . . . . . .153, 170 Merrick’s Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Mesa Feed Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102, 183 Mesa Tractor, Inc. . . . . . . . . . .27, 63, 149 Mesalands Community College . . . . . . .172 Michelet Homestead Realty . . . . . . . . . .163 Chas S. Middleton & Son . . . . . . .163, 165 Miller Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 Red Miller/ Joplin Regional . . . . . . . . . . .48

ADVERTISERS’ INDEX Milligan Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Moeller’s Cross M Texas Longhorn . . . .138 Monfette Construction Co . . . . . . . .49, 148 Montana del Oso Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Mountain Lion Depredation Hunter . . . .151 Mountain View Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .66, 152 Mountainair Heritage Meat Proce . . . . .173 Munks’ Slings & Ambulances . . . . . . . . .48 Murney Assoc / Paul McGilliard . . . . . . .164 N NAPA Auto Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 New Mexico Ag Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 New Mexico Breeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 New Mexico Cattle Growers Insurance . . .35 New Mexico Hereford Association . . . . . .53 New Mexico Property Group . . . . . . . . .166 New Mexico Purina Dealers . . . . . . . . .188 New Mexico State Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 New Mexico 4-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 NMSU Animal & Range Sciences . . .40, 101 Nine Cross Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .66 No-Bull Enterprises LLC . . . . . . . . . . . .172 O Old Mill Farm & Ranch Supply . . . . . . .187 Jim Olson Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 One Stop Feed Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 O’Neil Land, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Will Orndorff Company . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 OXO Hereford Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 P Pacific Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Paco Feed Yard, LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Paleface Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Paul’s Veterinary Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Dan Paxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Pfizer Animal Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Phase-A-Matic Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 Phillips Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Plaza Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 PolyDome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Pratt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66, 156 Joe Priest Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Principal Financial Group . . . . . . . . . . .182 R R. L. York Custom Leather Work . . . . . .151 Ramro LLC / R J Cattle Company . . . . . . .7

Ranch-Way Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 The Ranch Finder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 The Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Ranching with Wyatt West . . . . . . . . . . .34 Red Doc Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 D.J. Reveal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43, 149 Riley & Knight Appraisal, LLC . . . . . . .164 Rim Fire Stock Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Rio Hondo Land & Cattle Company . . . .115 Tom Robb & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . .71, 155 Robbs Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Robertson Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148 ROD Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135, 157 Roswell Livestock Auction Co. . . . . . . . . .36 Roswell Livestock Supply & Farm . . . . . .90 Roswell Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Running Arrow Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Running Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 S Sachse Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Salazar Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Sandia Trailer Sales & Service . . . . . . .148 Santa Gertrudis Breeders Intern . . . . . .152 Santa Rita Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Scott Land Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167 Seward County Community College . . . . .32 Siler Santa Gertrudis Cattle . . . . . . . . . .158 Singleton Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Southern Star Ranch . . . . . . . . . . .32, 152 Southwest Ag Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 49 Southwest Livestock Auction . . . . . . . . .145 St. Vrain Simmentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Steve’s 4-Wheel Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Stockmen’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167 Strang Herefords & Black Angus . . . . . . .70 Joe Stubblefield & Associates . . . . . . . .167 Summerour Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Sumrall Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Swihart Sales Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148

Tri State Outfitters LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Tri-State Angus Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Tri-State Angus Ranches / Puppies . . . .149 TRose Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Tucumcari Animal Hospital . . . . . . . . . .122 Tucumcari Farm & Ranch Supply . . . . .123 Tucumcari Feedyard LLC . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Tucumcari General Insurance Age . . . . .124 TV Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 2 Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79, 158 U U Bar Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 USA Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 V Virden Perma-Bilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 W Wanted – Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Western Heritage Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Western Limousin Expo . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Western Legacy Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Westlake Cattle Growers LLC . . . . . . . . .68 Westley Wellborn CPA LLC . . . . . . .84, 142 Westway Feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 White Mountain Herefords . . . . . . . . . . .66 Wildlife Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 Williams Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Williams Insurance LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Williams Windmill Inc . . .49, 148, 149, 184 WW-Paul Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 X XP Bar Cattle Co. LLC & Ranch . . . . . .126 Y Yavapai Bottle Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 York Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Z Zinpro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184

T T & S Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 T4 Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123 Texas Hereford Association . . . . . . . . . .153 The Turquoise Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 3M’s Angus Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Tire Water Troughs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Townsend Brangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Tri State Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

JULY 2011


In Memoriam

continued from page 176

ewes and 400 cows. Ernest acquired his first registered Hereford cow in 1950. Due to drought the cow herd was dispersed in 2004. Earnest was known world wide for his registered Rambouillet sheep operation. He sold sheep in 22 states, exhibited the champion fleece at the National Western Stock Show 10 times, and retired three flock fleece-traveling trophies, which had to be won three years consecutively to retire the trophy. Ernest’s greatest accomplishment was being the first American to win Champion Fleece of the World in 1989

in Tasmania, Australia. He was also named New Mexico Sheepman of the Year in 1994. Earnest was also devoted to his community serving on the Encino school board for 35 years and helping countless 4-Hers with their projects. Survivors include his wife Jewel; 3 sons Michael, Jeffery, Chris; 2 daughters, Diana Gallegos, Kathrin Dinwiddie; 8 grandchildren; and 2 great-grand children. Ernest will always be our sheepman of the year. Ivy Jay Whetten, 88, Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, passed away on June 4, 2011 in El Paso. He was born in Chuichupa, Chihuahua in 1922. He is sur-

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vived by his wife, Virginia; two sons, Jay (wife, Jennifer), Thatcher, Arizona; Mark (wife, Alison), Newkirk; three daughters; 17 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. He was a member of the Chuch of Latter-day Saints. Patricia (Pat) Grambling Harvey, 84, Las Cruces and Upper St. Regis, NY, died on June 30, 2011, in Upper St. Regis. She was born on February 24, 1927 in El Paso, TX, to Allen Rowell Grambling and Marion Hogan Grambling, and lived there until the past 15 years. She graduated from Texas Western College (now UTEP) in El Paso in 1947. There that she met E.P. (Phil) Harvey, just back from World War II. They were married on April 24, 1948, a marriage that would last over 59 years. Phil came from a ranching and banking family, so Pat was also quite involved. She accompanied him on many trips to New Mexico Cattle Growers’, American National Cattlemen’s, and Public Lands Council meetings as well as lobbying in Santa Fe and Washington, DC. Pat was a member of the American Guild of Organists, an avid gardener and played tennis, being a long-time member of the El Paso Tennis Club. Patricia was raised in the Episcopal Church, and was a member of the Colonial Dames and the Daughters of the American Revolution. Patricia is survived by her three sons, Eldon P. (Phil) Harvey, Jr. (wife, Carlitta) Mesilla; Allen G. Harvey (wife, Julie) Midland; and Patrick L. Harvey (wife, Lisa) Scottsdale; and 5 grandchildren and 2 step-grandchildren. Johnny Floyd Summerour, 76, Dalhart, died on July 2, 2011 in Amarillo, Texas. He was born to Elmer and Dorothy (Pronger) Summerour on December 9, 1934 at the Pronger Ranch. He lived at the Summerour Ranch all of his life, doing what he loved to do – working with cattle and raising registered Herefords. Johnny graduated from Stratford High School and attended Panhandle State College at Goodwell. He was a Member of St. James Episcopal Church of Dalhart. Johnny was active in many different organizations. He served as director for the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Association for 15 years, was President of The Texas Hereford Association for two years, was president of the Panhandle Livestock Association, and President of Great Plains Hereford Association of Guymon. He served on the Stratford School Board for 5 years. On July 4, 1954 he married JoWayne Harding. He is survived by his wife and two daughters: Melody Sample (husband, Buddy), and

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JULY 2011

In Memoriam

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Stephanie Sanders all of Ft. Worth, 7 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Also surviving are two brothers: Jimmy (wife, Helen), and Buzz (wife, Nell), Dalhart and a sister Donna (husband, Bob) Brasch, Los Angeles, California, and several nieces and nephews. Brahaim Ali Hindi Jr., 59, Duran, passed away on February 2, 2011. He was born on February 10, 1951 to Susie Marcille Garde and Brahaim Duran Hindi. Known to all as “Brother,” he graduated from New Mexico State University and loved teaching until his retirement. He was a lifelong member of the Duran Fire Department and Chief for the past two years. He was on the Vaugh School Board and the Torrance County FSA Committee. He was a fine horseman and tireless rancher as well as a saxophone player and a great dancer. He is survived by his father Brahaim Sr.; siblings Helen (Isidora) Manzanares, Samia, Kathy Rodriguez, Jamil and Anna, as well as nephews, a niece, extended family and many friends. Jesus (Susie) Garde Marcilla, 89, Duran, died peacefully on January 26, 2011. She was born to Emila Anaut Marcilla and Maurici Echandi Garde in October 1921 in Vaughn. She graduated from New Mexico State Univeristy and enjoyed a career as a county agent until her marrige in 1945. She was a homemaker and mother until her youngest was 9. She began teaching in Vaughn, retiring in 1979. She was a prolific and skilled cook as well as a tirelss aunt and mother. She is surived by her husband Brahaim Sr., children Helen (Isidora) Manzanares, Samia, Kathy Rodriguez, Jamil and Anna; grandchildren, nieces, nephews; brother Ray Garde, sister Helen Lewis and extended family and friends. Kyon Daniel Hobbs, 20, Cimarron, passed away on July 1, 2011 in Denver. Born on July 9, 1990 to Martie McDougall and Mike Hobbs, Kyon graduated from Maxwell High School and worked for the Table Mountain Ranch in Denver training show horses. For many years he worked on the UU Bar Ranch working cattle and living the cowboy life. He had a passion for music and lived life to the fullest. He had a kind heart and never met anyone he didn't consider a friend. In addition to his parents, Kyon is survived by his sister Michlyn Hobbs; brother Shyle Hobbs; maternal grandparents Don and Dianne McDougall;


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In Memoriam

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maternal grandmother Joyce Martin; a niece, a nephew and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends. Editor’s Note: Please send In Memoriam announcements to: Caren Cowan, N.M. Stockman, P.O. Box 7127, Albuquerque, NM 87194, fax: 505/998-6236 or email: caren@aaalivestock.com. Memorial donations may be sent to the Cattlegrowers’ Foundation, a 501(c)3, tax deductable charitable foundation serving the rights of ranch families and educating citizens on governmental actions, policies and practices. Cattlegrowers Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194.

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JULY 2011


Drought D rought Conditions Conditions & EEarly arly Weaning Weaning . . . Purina PPu rrina M Mills illls ooff offers ffe ferrs eea early rrly ly we w weaning aning pproducts roducccts ts aand nd pprograms rogra rams iif drought dro roughtt conditions conddittioonss continue. contttinuuee. If your yo ur calves calv lve ves es weigh weigh uunder ndeer 440 4000 ppounds ounds att we weaning aning aask sk aabout bout oour ur pproducts roduccts ts fo forr llightweight ight htwe htw weightt calves. calv lve vess. TA TTAKE AKE KE AS MUCH STRESS STRESS ST SS OFF OFFFF CALVES CALV LVES WITH WIT ITH PROVEN PROV OVENN WEANING WEANING PROGRAMS. PROGRAMSS. S

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JULY 2011

Call C Ca all yyour al o our ur llocal ocaaal ocal dealer contract de d eal ea ealer aler tto oc ont o ntra ntr rac act yyour our ffeed! our feed eed! JULY 2011


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