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2022 ASI Photo Contest Now Accepting Entries
With the start of summer comes the annual kickoff of the ASI Photo Contest and sheep producers, photographers and others are encouraged to begin collecting their entries now. The deadline to enter is 5 p.m. (MDT) on August 1, 2022.
“I’m always excited to see the many great photos that are submitted each year in this annual contest,” said Sheep Industry News Editor Kyle Partain. “These photos provide ASI with a tremendous collection of industry-related images that will appear in a number of ASI publications in the years to come. It’s also a great opportunity to provide a true producers’ perspective on the industry.”
Winning entries will be featured in the October issue of the Sheep Industry News.
Rules and prizes for the 2022 contest are the same as last year. Photographs entered in the contest will be judged on clarity, content, composition and appeal.
More than $1,000 will be awarded, with awards of $125 going to the first-place photographer in each of the five categories listed below; $75 for the runner-up in each category; and a $50 prize for third place in each of the five categories. Only the top three photographers in each category will be notified of their winnings.
Photographers are advised to submit photographs in the largest file size possible. Also, judges and ASI staff encourage entrants to provide both horizontal and vertical photos. This will better assure these talented and creative photos can be shared in future issues of the Sheep Industry News, as well as in the 2023 ASI Calendar and other American sheep industry publications.
The five categories in this year’s contest are:
Shepherd/Shepherdess – Photographs of producers, shepherds or others working with sheep.
Scenic (East) – Photographs of sheep outdoors located east of the Mississippi River. Photos entered in this category cannot include people.
Scenic (West) – Photographs of sheep outdoors located west of the Mississippi River. Photos entered in this category cannot include people.
Working Dogs and Protection Animals – Photographs in this category should show herding dogs, livestock guardian dogs or any other livestock protection animals in their natural environments. Photos must also include sheep in some fashion as proof that these truly are working animals.
Open – Photographs with subject matter that does not fall into the four above-listed categories.
Entries should be emailed to kyle@sheepusa.org with the subject line of ASI Photo Contest. Those mailing photos should send them to ASI, Attn: Photo Contest, 9785 Maroon Circle, Suite 360, Englewood CO 80112.
Visit https://www.sheepusa.org/asi-annual-photocontest for a full set of contest rules. ▫
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