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Book Review
Population Bombed BOOK REVIEW
Ma n y scholars, w r i t e r s , activists and policy-makers have linked growth in population to environmental degradation, especially catastrophic climate change. In the last few years, however, a number of writers and academics have documented significant improvements in human well-being, pointing to longer life-spans, improved health, abundant resources and a general improvement in the environment.
Population Bombed!: Exploding the Link Between Overpopulation and Climate Change, addresses the main shortcomings of arguments advanced by both population control advocates and optimistic writers, explaining how economic prosperity and a cleaner environment are the direct results of both population growth and humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels. The book also shows how campaigns against the spread of fossil fuels will cause misery in the developing world, fuel poverty in advanced economies, and will inevitably wreak havoc on the natural world. Copies may be purchased at www.cfactstore.com/product/ population-bombed
Cost of the book $11.99 Shipping $5.49 Total $17.48
Spring calving is one of THE best times of year for ranchers! Nothing cures a soul like the face of a new born calf with their fuzzy little heads.
then I think I have provided some ideas for “rainy day” activities that will take your mind off of what you can’t do. J I’ve listed a few resources below that might give you some more specific ideas for your to-do list.
Resources and further reading: “Saddle cleaning tips” in Western Horseman magazine. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from: https:// westernhorseman.com/horsemanship/how-to/4- saddle-cleaning-tips/ Waller, S. 2006. “Trailer Maintenance, Right on Schedule” in The Horse magazine. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from: https://thehorse. com/130111/trailer-maintenance-right-on-schedule “How to Make a Portable First-Aid Kit” in The Horse magazine. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from: https://thehorse.com/154857/how-to-make-aportable-first-aid-kit/ Harrison, A. 2017. “Best-Ever Show-Day Checklist” in Horse & Rider Magazine. Retrieved December 10, 2019, from: https://horseandrider.com/training/ show_checklist_121709 American Quarter Horse Association website (aqha. com). If you search “exercises”, then several links to articles for exercises for you and your horse will come up for review.