5 minute read
In Memoriam
from NMS May 2022
the item needs to at least sell for. This number either includes shipping, or they say $_____ will be added for shipping.
What a buyer really needs to look at is the bottom line. How much did this item cost me delivered. For example, if you were to pay $200 for an item and they advertised free shipping, it might be about the same as paying $180 for it and they add shipping and handling on top. The problem is really just in the psychology. The one buyer who paid $200 doesn’t think a thing about high shipping. But the other guy is likely to gripe about being charged $20 for shipping and handling—even though they each paid the same!
So the next time you think, man that guy is making a killing on shipping, just remember: bubble wrap isn’t free, boxes aren’t free, labor isn’t free, paper isn’t free, and then the Post Office, UPS or FedEx is charging more and more because of their increased fuel costs, the higher cost of vehicles, higher labor costs and a million other little hidden costs which add up.
Also don’t forget about the little things— like if you want the package insured—just in case it doesn’t arrive in the condition it should have. And sellers have costs most people don’t think of, like the cost of a new computer to process your order every few years, rent, payroll taxes, liability insurance and on and on.
I get a kick out of the occasional buyer who says, “just throw it in a flat rate box and ship it. That only costs $13.95 (or whatever the number might be). But then they forget about the cost of labor, shipping supplies and all the other little things mentioned above. And generally, when you tell them, okay you take the risk if it is sent without insurance, they back off on wanting it sent without.
In closing, it looks like higher shipping costs are here to stay. And remember, professional buyers look at the bottom line, not each individual cost. It doesn’t matter if you think one area is too high or not, what matters is the total cost it took to get the item delivered to your door. Because in the end, the consumer (buyer) is always the one paying for it. ▫
Hazel Joyce Shaw, 92, Mountainair, passed away peacefully in her sleep Saturday February 5, 2022. Joyce was born November 12, 1929 to A.M and Eunice Williams Lester. Joyce enjoyed working and over the years worked a myriad of jobs from switchboard operator, to drugstore owner, to bank teller and office clerk for several car dealerships. She was a member of Mountainair Church of Christ. Joyce enjoyed sewing, cooking and baking. She loved gathering family together and enjoying a good meal. Joyce was an active member of both the Coronado Club and Chuckwagon CowBelles. She is survived by her sons Kenneth (Venita) Shaw, Mountainair; Keith (Diane) Shaw, Sylvester, Georgia; brother-in-law Jerry Shaw and sisterin-law Marion Shaw; grandsons Heath (Rachel) Shaw, Dahlonega, Georgia; Justin (Nick) Shaw, Durham, North Carolina; Chad (Megan) Shaw, Buford, Georgia; and three great-grandchildren, Lcpl Bailey Amey, 29 Palms, California; Raven Amey Dahlonega and Zoe Shaw of Buford, Georgia. Joyce was a loving wife, mother, grandmother. She was a thoughtful and kind friend to all who knew her.
Editor’s Note: Email caren@aaalivestock. com. Memorial donations may be sent to the Cattlegrowers’ Foundation, a 501(c)3, tax deductable charitable foundation serving the rights of ranch families and educating citizens on governmental actions, policies and practices. Cattlegrowers Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 7517, Albuquerque, NM 87194. The New Mexico Stockman runs memorials as a courtesy to its readers. If families & friends would like to see more detail, verbatim pieces must be emailed to us, & may be printed at 10¢ per word. ▫

Capitan, New Mexico • Sat., May 21, 2022
Please RSVP (See below for details.) LOCATION: FLYING W DIAMOND RANCH BULL AND HEIFER BARN, 107 Cora Dutton Road; 5 miles south of Capitan and 15 miles north of Ruidoso on Highway 48.
MORNING ■ Coffee and Donuts for Early Arrivals
Starting at 8:30 AM 9:30AM – NOON Speakers/Presentations: ■ Clay Burson, PhD Beef Cattle Consultant, Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC. “The Interaction of Nutrition and Immunity: Considerations for Cattle Health and Performance.” ■ Troy Marshall, Director of Commercial Industry Relations American Angus Association. “Capturing Value in Today’s Marketing Environment” NOON ■ Dr. Bill Clymer, Parasitologist
“Internal and External Parasites of Livestock” ■ Lunch: Catered by K-BOB’S Steakhouse Featuring Hamburgers Made
With 44 Farms Beef 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Speakers/Presentations: ■ Dr. Gary E. Sides, Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Zoetis
“Modern Ag in a Cancel Culture” ■ Joshua Broussard, Jill Ginn and Tracy Woods, 44 Farms
More about Prime Pursuits. How to Participate and Capitalize on Better
Returns for Your Calves ■ Dinner: K-BOB’S Steakhouse will be Hosting All Guests at 6:30 PM.
Featuring: Prime 44 Farms New York Strips, Salad Wagon & Open Bar.
Location: 157 US-70 Ruidoso, NM 88345

PLEASE RSVP: Space is Limited to 75 Attendees. RSVP ASAP to: laurarice@flyingwdiamond.net - Off: 575-3540770. Cell: 254-493-9484 PLEASE INCLUDE IN YOUR RSVP: ■ Number in your party ■ Names in your party ■ Number to attend dinner at K-Bobs LODGING RECOMMENDATIONS: MCM Elegante Lodge and Suites. www.ruidoso.net/lodging/all-lodging or 575-258-5500. Reference “Flying W Diamond Field Day” when calling for special rate.
Our Flying W Diamond Ranch Team of Laura, Teal, Todd and myself welcome you! We’re available to answer any questions on logistics, timing and other details. I guarantee a great experience and wonderful opportunities to meet others in our industry. Please contact us any time: Ed Tinsley, Owner, edtinsley@flyingwdiamond.net, 575-644-6396. Teal Bennett, Ranch Manager, tealbennett@flyingwdiamond.net, 806-672-5108. Laura Rice, Office Administrator, laurarice@flyingwdiamond.net, 254-493-9484. Sincerely, Ed Tinsley, III — Owner, Flying W Diamond Ranch