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New Mexico CowBelles Jingle Jangle
from NMS May 2022
Communication is something the state officers have on our hearts this year and we have all been trying, when we can, to reach out to locals, other than our own, and non-locals as well. We want to encourage communication between the state officers and each CowBelle, and we want to encourage each CowBelle to be in communication with other CowBelles outside their local groups.
Yes, we have FaceBook and the Wrangler and the Stockman to help keep us up to speed on each other’s efforts, but it sure is nice to actually speak to you ladies one on one. We want to know what you need help with, what you need from us or each other, or whatever other thoughts, ideas, criticisms or encouragement you might want to share.
Recently, I had the opportunity to reach out to some locals, and some non-locals, and even sit in on one of the local meetings. I knew a couple of the ladies already, but it was wonderful to meet everyone there that day, and I appreciate you ladies for so graciously allowing me to join in your meeting on the “spur” of the moment.
We are all CowBelles. We all have promoting beef as our mission. We all have things we are doing to work that mission in our own way. Thank you all, all of the CowBelles for all you do, whether it is putting together a local, being a local officer, driving hundreds of miles to be at a beef promotion event, setting up an event, helping another CowBelle through the loss of a friend, or welcoming someone new. Thank you for all you do and all we don’t hear about. We know you are out there. We want you to know you are not alone. – Jacinda Price
NMCB President
Chamiza CowBelles met April 7, 2022. Meeting called to order by President Jeni Neeley with seven members present. Cathy read the Invocation and Creed, and all recited the Pledge. Minutes from the previous meeting read and approved along with treasurer’s report. Beef raffle tickets printed on regular paper. The cost of printing tickets reimbursed to Nancy, around $102. Tickets given to those wanting them. Ag Day is May 6, not May 5 as reported in previous minutes. That correction made to the March minutes. The morning portion of Ag Day will be devoted to students; the afternoon will be open to the public. Jeni will find out whether or not CowBelles permitted to sell items at booth. John Hardcastle contacted Jeni requesting the CowBelles set up a booth at the TorC Fiesta Rodeo the same evening as Ag Day. After some discussion group decided not to have booths at evening events. Jeni apologized for missing the deadline for the Man of the Year submission. She emailed the nomination on time, but found out two days late that she also should have submitted the nomination via USPS mail. The mid-year CowBelle meeting is in Ruidoso on June 12 through 14, no additional information available at this time. NMCB now have Beef license plate frames. Chamiza will purchase 50 frames for re-sale. NMCB will have a booth at the May 15 Isotopes baseball game in ABQ. Volunteers needed to work this booth. A covid vaccination card is mandatory for admission to stadium. Scholarship applications reviewed and discussed. The group decided to increase amount of the vocational scholarship this year to $3000. There were five academic finalists. Chamiza agreed to award each finalist a $1000 scholarship, payable in $500 increments, with the option for each applicant to re-apply at the end of their first year in college. The group received one application for continuing education from a former winner re-enrolled, after a leave of absence from college. This applicant had already received $500 from a $2000 scholarship; the balance of $1500 awarded. This will be payable in $500 increments with the option to re-apply for further assistance. This student’s name, along with one of the high school recipients, submitted to the NMCB for the Pat Nowlin scholarship. The local voted to donate $300 to the Pat Nowlin Scholarship Foundation. Nancy will revise the award letters to reflect award conditions. Jeni won the door prize of free lunch. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. Submitted by Cathy Pierce

Mesilla Valley CowBelles met virtually discussing presentations at Ag Days and Dona Ana County Ag Explorer. Mary Esther, Fita and Liz will do the Where’s the Beef Presentation at Ag Explorer and the other Ag days have not been confirmed. Action Academy in Mesilla has contacted us to do an Ag Day. They are in school later into the summer. Mary Esther working on specifics with the school. Need to begin thinking of speakers and length of presentations. Submitted by Janet Witte
New Mexico CowBelles: Thank you to all who have submitted their news to Jingle Jangle. Please send minutes and/or newsletters to Jingle Jangle, Janet Witte, 1860 Foxboro Ct., Las Cruces, NM 88007 or email: janetwitte@msn.com by the 14th of every month. ▫