3 minute read
Could Collecting Save Your Life?
from NMS May 2023
Collecting is a hobby enjoyed by people for centuries. From jewelry and coins to art and antiques, there is a wide variety of items to collect in all price ranges. Some people consider collecting an obsession, almost like a disease, but there are actually a number of benefits which come when engaged in a hobby such as collecting. Let’s explore some of them and find out why it may be worth your while.
One of the more significant benefits of collecting is that it can reduce the stress and anxiety many people feel in their everyday lives. Putting together a collection can be a great way to take your mind off the daily grind. When you’re focused on adding new items to your collection, or organizing your existing collection, you are less likely to dwell on the negative thoughts which can plague some of us. This can lead to a greater sense of calm and relaxation, which according to many doctors, can have a positive impact on your overall health. (Just don’t let your collecting become an obsession that you stress over.)
special connection to the collection. Each collector has their own reason for collecting a particular item and the objects they collect can tell a story about who they are.
Many collectors enjoy connecting with others who share their interests. Joining a collector’s club or attending related events can be a great way to meet like-minded people and form lasting friendships. This can be especially beneficial for those who are feeling isolated or out of place in their everyday lives. By connecting with others who share your interests, you feel a sense of belonging and community that can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.
Building a collection may also give you a sense of accomplishment and pride, especially when you acquire special new items, or complete a set of something in particular. This can help to boost self-esteem and confidence. When you see your collection growing, you may feel a sense of accomplishment that spills over into other areas of your life. This can help you feel more confident and capable, which has a positive impact on your relationships and work life.
Collecting can be a wonderful way to appreciate, not only the objects themselves, but history as well. Whether you are collecting art, antiques, or other items, it’s not just acquiring physical objects, you are also gaining a deeper appreciation for the history and cultural significance of the pieces. When collecting art, for example, you’re not only acquiring a beautiful piece to display in your home or office, but also gaining a deeper understanding of the artist’s inspiration, technique, and cultural context. By learning more about the history and cultural significance of different items, you gain a greater appreciation for what you collect and the ways in which it may have shaped our world.
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Having a collection to work on can also give you a sense of purpose and direction. It can be a way to channel your energy and creativity into a positive project. Whether you’re collecting Americana or vintage jewelry or whatever, there is always more to learn and things to discover. This can provide you with a sense of purpose, which psychiatrists say can be especially beneficial when you are feeling lost or uncertain about life.
Along the same lines, collecting can be a deeply personal and creative way to express oneself. It is a way to showcase your passions, values, and personality through the objects you choose to collect. For instance, someone who collects antique saddles may have a deep appreciation for the history of the Old West, or maybe a love for horses, and thus feels a
While collecting should not be solely motivated by financial gain, it’s worth noting that some collections can become quite valuable. Collectors who are knowledgeable and diligent in their efforts may be able to acquire items which appreciate over time. This can provide a financial reward in the end, for you or maybe your heirs, in addition to the other benefits mentioned above. A nice little bonus, if you will.
While Collecting probably will not save your life, it can be a fun and rewarding hobby that offers a range of mental health benefits (which may extend it). However, it’s important to remember that like any hobby, it should be enjoyed in moderation and not become an obsession that interferes with other aspects of your life — otherwise it can just add more stress to an already stressful existence.
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