2 minute read
The Button
from NMS May 2023
by Dino Cornay
On the other side of nowhere, out beyond the urban sprawl, A life exists unknown to most, though few will heed the call
Careers and opportunities prevail, and most depart, Yet some remain with what they’ve known, that dwells deep in their heart
The sons and daughters, born and bred, on ranches of this nation, Deep family ties, a way of life, embraced for generations

The proving ground reveals the weak, while sifting grain from chaff, Exposing those without the grit, required to hone their craft
The cuts, the scrapes, the rope burned hands, he’ll try and try again, As youth gives way to hardened steel, the learning never ends
The ghosts of those that came before, the strong, the old, the young, They rode the range when it was wild, before barbed wire was strung
Their spirits permeate his path, they gallop by his side, And place their hand upon each man and woman born to ride
The smoke from countless branding fires, the incense of the range, From heated iron on hair and hide, traditions never change The rain, the hail, the dust and drought, at times enduring winters, When mother nature pours her wrath, upon the saints and sinners
The observer sees but romance, daring feats, and charming grin, Yet the glamour fades to powder, in a cold December wind Will trust his horse, and drop his loop, in many heated battles, At times ride home in dark of night, from long hours in the saddle
He’ll inhale the scent of horse sweat on the stifling canyon floor, And will taste hard ground that greets him, from a horse declaring war
Will ride the rim, and rattle rocks, high lope across the plain, Most noble in his element, to ride and feel the reins
Will love that special horse, so brave and fearless, strong and fast, Then help him at the end, as he prepares to breathe his last
The “Sunday Riding” fallacy, belies the naked truth, That brutal miles will steal away each vestige of his youth
60% of the proceeds to benefit the Cattlegrowers Foundation Inc. for their youth projects.
Unsigned posters $50, Signed posters $75
Please make checks payable to: Cattlegrowers Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 7035, Albuquerque NM 87194
For questions call: 505.243.9515
Yet what he’ll see, within the years, of God’s predestined plan, Will yield a panorama, starkly beautiful and grand
He’ll watch the big floodwater flow, and feel life giving rain, Will see the eagle soar, and hear the coyote’s wild refrain
So many times with eastward gaze, he’ll ride into the dawn,
As daybreak sky explodes with light, till grip of night is gone
He’ll master skills a ranch requires, though none can take the place, Of feeling well bred horses move through miles of open space
At times will second guess his path, and choices that he’ll make, Yet find it’s deep within his core, and damn sure hard to shake
Yet through it all, the code persists, he’ll sign up till the end, And through each joy and sorrow, stay the course, and never bend
The sentinel of a way of life, surviving many tests, As talons from encroaching waves, engulf his sacred west
From the Kansas Flint Hills prairie, Colorado and beyond, Every legacy endures within his breed, until they’re gone
As pages turn, will know his path, work hard to make a hand, As the button takes the polish........And the boy becomes a man
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