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Rodeo Calendar
Range Changer is a mix of three different types of Forage Kochia, along with Russian Wild Rye and Vavilov Siberian Wheatgrass and soon to be added, a very drought tolerant Smooth Brome Arid. This is not your typical brome. It’s very drought tolerant down to a 8 inch yearly precipitation.
Range Changer is my personally designed range mix. It is fashioned for arid climates and will improve your worst rocky, clay, sandy, poor, dry range ground. It thrives in extreme heat, cold, and drought. In other words, sow it on your poorest, rocky ground and watch it produce some amazing cow feed; and that’s at 6-8 inches of precipitation. Plant it in better conditions and it will totally out-perform your expectations. — Shane Getz, Westfork LLC, Tremonton, Utah
Range Changer is an extremely drought resistant rangeland mix, with several types of Forage Kochia originating from the sandy soils of the Middle East. As an arid range ground shrub, it loves extreme heat and extreme cold. In addition, it also has two very drought tolerant coolseason grasses. This mix will compete with prickly pear, yucca and will even grow under junipers, where normally nothing will grow. And…it will never freeze out …it truly is a miracle plant. I call it the alfalfa of the desert. If you live in dry cowboy country where you deal with droughts and fires, you owe it to yourself to become educated about this shrub. — Connor Kent, Kent Cattle, Lehi, UT
Forage Kochia does very well in arid, dry regions. It is good, high protein feed for fall and winter. It will grow well in all kinds of soil: alkali, sandy, rocky and clay. I always like to have other grasses in with the Forage Kochia, making it a well-rounded range feed. — Bob Adams, Salt Wells Cattle Company, Promotory, UT
Range Changer is a very good fall and winter feed. It is a mix of several Forage Kochias and two cool season, drought resistant types of grasses. The mix will crowd out cheat grass and other noxious weeds and will increase your dry arid rangeland by at least three-fold. Another plus …because of the high moisture content in the Forage Kochia, it provides excellent fire prevention. Just last summer, in 2016, we had a wild fire on our winter sheep range. The fire came, raged over the mountain and then stopped as it hit our Forage Kochia (see photo below). Best feed available down to a six inch yearly rain fall. — Cole Selman, Selman Ranch, Tremonton, Utah
Ask us for more information about Range Changer. Also able to discuss warm season grasses if you would like along with the Forage Kochia.

Forage Kochia puts fires out.

The forage Kochia will not burn any day of the year.