5 minute read
ABC’s the Cobb Family Tradition
Educated at Stanford as a geologist for his father’s oil company, Alfred Burl Jr. “Buddy” and Cecile Cobb moved to his family’s ranch west of Augusta, Montana along the Rocky Mountain Front in 1952. They were absolutely new to cattle ranching, possessing the gift of ignorance with no prior traditions or prejudices to overcome. And when the price of cattle fell 50 percent that year, they realized they would soon go broke, unless they could somehow produce more pounds of beef within the limits of the environment in which they operated.
They purchased a 15/16 Charolais bull, “Snowball,” based upon the bull’s performance records, from Clint Ferris of Tie Siding, Wyoming for $900 in 1954. A friendship with M.G. “Maxy’ Michaelis and later Max III and Sharon Michaelis, of Kyle, Texas and Coahuila, Mexico, brought linebred original Jean Pugibet Charolais stock, imported from France to Mexico in 1930-33, to the Cobb Ranch in Montana. Every Cobb animal traces his or her lineage back to this herd.
Buddy was trained to think analytically and methodically, and detailed records were part of his former scientific life. A friendship with Dr. Ray Woodward of the renowned Ft. Keogh Livestock Experiment
tency. Using performance records as the basis for herd selection became part of a movement that grew into the Beef Improvement Federation. Buddy helped pioneer the founding of not only the BIF, but also the American International Charolais Association, and the Mexican and Canadian Associations as well. Son John graduated from Montana State-Bozeman and U of M Law School, and son Mike graduated from Univ. of Montana-Missoula. After 24 years of continuous service in both the House and Senate of “They were absolutely new to cattle ranching, possessing the gift of ignorance with no prior traditions or prejudices to overcome. Montana’s Legislature John was retired in 2009 due to term limits. Buddy and Cecile passed away in 2002 and 2003. John’s wife Cheryl now serves as the region 1 Director on the AICA Board of Directors for the northwest states. John and Mike and their families, all living and working on the ranch for 35-plus years, continue their tradition of Station of Miles City, MT, originators of the producing economic, functional Charolais. famous “Line 1” Herefords, further In addition to the performance data records cemented his resolve to use careful line- beginning in 1956, we continue to add techbreeding and culling, supported by nological evaluations, such as ultrasound meticulous performance records, for greater progeny uniformity and consis- continued on page 22 >>
Linebred performance testing since 1956. All one brand and home raised.
See the valuable difference! Crossbreed with Cobb Charolais Bulls.
50 Bulls Sell
Tuesday, November 2nd 2021
Remember to vote! Internet Bidding Available *** Bulls Guaranteed *** Free Trucking 1st 500 miles Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls Montana
Uniform muscular Cobb bull sired cross feeder calves. • Pocha Ranches, Helmville, MT
John & Cheryl: 406-562-3670 cobbchar@3riversdbs.net
Mike & Sarah: 406-562-3694 cobbcow1@3riversdbs.net www.cobbcharolais.com | Box 348, Augusta MT 59410

Hereford - Angus - Charolais

BR Belle Air 6011

LT Sundance 2251 PLD

Connealy Power Surge 3115

Registered Bulls For Sale Private Treaty
If you’re looking for a new herd sire for the upcoming breeding season, we have the bull for you! Our bulls are proven to add pounds to your calves and put money back in your pocket. Our range ready bulls will be able to handle a large ranch or small operation and cover every cow in between. They are hardy cattle that do well in drought stricken areas. Not only do we offer spring born bulls, but a small group of fall borns are also available. We strive to offer the best seedstock available at affordable prices. Whether you are looking for one bull or 20 we have what you are looking for. All bulls are trich and fertility tested upon purchase and are ready to go when you pick them up.
2020 Seedstock 100 Producer Give us a call to schedule a visit! -Beef Magazine
Moriarty, New Mexico Bill King: (505)220-9909 Tom Spindle: (505)321-8808 BillKingRanch.com Facebook.com/billkingranch
in the New Mexico Stockman. Call: 505/243-9515.
data, to aid in the ongoing selection process for our own herd replacements, continuing to raise better cattle. Sixty-plus years of continual inherd and linebred selection is reflected in the uniformity and consistency of these cattle and their resulting progeny. We have utilized this selection method to constantly eliminate the lower-performing animals from our breeding program while retaining the top animals for replacements. Our EPD’s for Terminal Sire Selection are among the top in the Charolais breed in the nation, all backed up with complete performance data. A link to “Inbreeding in Cattle” by Dr. Sally Northcutt and colleagues of Oklahoma State explains the practice of using this method thoughtfully: http:// cobbcharolais.com/df/history/Inbreeding%20in%20Cattle--Northcut-OK%20 State.pdf
The Cobbs thank renowned Charolais breeders, from Montana’s own DeBruycker, Eaton, Franz, and Stipe families, to producers in such diverse environments as Maryland, Mississippi, Ohio, West Virginia, Missouri, the Dakotas, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, California, Florida, Texas, from Quebec to Alberta, and back to northern Mexico, who have either begun with or added Cobb Charolais genetics to their herds. ▫


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