MARKS - Interior Design

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Interior Design

DIPLOMA OF INTERIOR DESIGN AND DECORATION Interior designers and decorators need to be creative, imaginative and artistic. They also need to be disciplined, organised and skilled business people in order to be successful. The programs in Interior Design and Interior Decoration offer students an understanding of the nature of environmental space and spatial ambience, with an ability to manipulate the relationship of spaces, objects and products within the surrounding space. Students will develop the ability to approach a variety of design problems with creativity, a high level of competence and sensitivity to the requirements of the design brief. This two-year qualification provides the practical skills and knowledge to develop a range of decoration and design services and provide interior design advice. Design projects enable the development of spatial planning skills to design some residential, commercial and institutional interiors. Developing and responding to client briefs, specifying FF&E (furniture, finishes and equipment) colours, lighting, hard and soft materials, fixtures and furniture, as well as skills in design spatial planning. Hand drawing skills, Auto CAD applications and specifying are all required to document and illustrate design proposals and develop a design practice. Students will be working on simulated live projects with many different briefs from a wide range of industry disciplines. There are also opportunities to participate in industry visits and enter competitions that also engages with industry. From this students will be well prepared to enter into the workforce as a design consultant or continue to the Advanced Diploma to develop high level skills as interior designers.

ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF INTERIOR DESIGN This qualification provides the practical skills and knowledge for creative and technical solutions for built interior environments. Interior design includes planning and detailing complex residential, hospitality, retail, commercial and institutional design projects with an emphasis on space creation and spatial planning. Interior designers consider aesthetics, function, branding, manufacturing, marketability and construction of interior spaces, including materials and sustainable environments and special needs for the benefit of the user. The students will adapt global design trends and technical innovations, while developing contacts with interiors sources, products, and suppliers. This industry requires creativity and the ability to work to a client’s needs and guidelines. By the end of the course you will be able to work on design projects; consider aesthetics, functionality, understand client needs, space planning, construction, materials and finishes; complete designs for commercial/institutional interiors; create digital presentations; research and keep up with current design trends and develop sustainable designs.

- Students will develop the ability to approach a variety of design problems with creativity. -

Outcomes include a career as an interior designer for interior design and architectural practices, and self-employed design consultants and employment opportunities are good in the commercial sector including interior decoration work in office-fit outs for large businesses. The Advanced Diploma of Interior Design is a great precursor to further study at University. Upon completion of this Advanced Diploma you will have the opportunity for further study through our University Pathways program. With a higher qualification you can improve earning potential and employment prospects.

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Kaila Cicchini Interior Designer Woods Bagot, Perth

2015 GRADUATE My advice to current students regarding the rapidly evolving demands of the design industry would be the following. Keep your software skills up to date and continuously develop those skills. If you don’t find yourself with a job after graduation, don’t let yourself get left behind, as you need to keep working on maintaining those skills to ensure you stay current. Always stay on top of global design trends, interesting design details, advances in materials – new product releases, ethics in design, sustainability integration and recycled materials. Keep ‘thinking outside the box’. I always found creating mini-projects for myself to complete was a great way to challenge myself and help me to stand out. One of the most important skills to maintain and develop is your ability to network and interact with other people. Make sure you are signed

I found my TAFE studies focused heavily on conceptual design submissions for both residential and commercial projects. The content was built around understanding and responding to the brief, conceptual ideas, often hand drawn and rendered for the project and then finally the design proposal. This includes working drawings, documentation, colour finishes and materials schedule, 3D models to support the story and then sell the idea to industry, Lecturers and our peers. This has helped me make a mark within the Woods Bagot team as my peers are aware of my strengths, namely, narrative writing, selecting finishes and dealing with clients, consultants and builders. One point I should add is that the design industry is so

– TAFE provided a solid foundation for my life in the industry. – up to all the local networking newsletters and design organisations. The unfortunate nature of the world we live in is that it’s as much about who you know as what you know. If you can build a small network you will be ahead of the rest. I am now in my third year working for Woods Bagot and my network and status has grown significantly within the interior design community. A lot of this is due to the incredible opportunities my job has created, from leading designs alongside my seniors, seeing projects from concept through to completion, dealing with consultants and clients daily on several large-scale projects around the Perth CBD and receiving both national and state awards on a few recent projects. None of this would have been possible if TAFE hadn’t taught me the hands-on industry skills for documentation, conceptual design and understanding how to break down the fundamentals of a client brief.

large and working for a global firm I have learned quite quickly that if you don’t have a voice and make yourself known, it is very easy to be over-looked and neglected. You really have to put yourself out there as no one even knows you exist if you don’t make contact. The trick is to be persistent and tenacious. You also must be passionate about design; this helped me through when I was receiving a lot of rejections for work experience. Over and above working hard and always putting my best work forward, I consistently sought out networking and work experience opportunities, which can be very difficult. Once you leave TAFE, you are accountable for yourself and can’t rely on the support of your lecturers anymore. In my experience, building my network with others in the industry, attending portfolio reviews and completing work experience helped my portfolio land in front of a senior designer at a global firm.

– Kaila Cicchini

2018 Advanced Diploma Interior Design Graduates @within_interiors_2018

Jennifer Bettles 168/169

Martine Butler 170/171

Rafael Carino 172/173

Anna Claessens 174/175

Rachel Kemp 182/183

Zoe King 184/185

Isobel Kingsbury 186/187

Estelle Lefevre 188/189

Kee Yin Pang 196/197

Charlotte Rae–Bennett 198/199

Victoria Carvajal 200/201

Sebastian Salamone 202/203

Vanessa Walker 210/211

Amelia Wells 212/213

Johanna Whiteford 214/215

Shatika Woolman 216/217

Jessica Hope 178/179

Prema Iyassamy 180/181

Ebony Mariba 190/191

Sharna McDonough 192/193

Jacinta Nelson 194/195

Amanda Stauer 204/205

Asha Sullivan 206/207

Mischa Szpilewski 208/209

Alana Wright 218/219

Hello, pleased to meet you.

Jordan Conley 176/177

– Jennifer feels that every interior space has a purpose and a meaning and everything should be designed to accommodate the client needs and wants. Each project has been carried out with great passion and discipline to create a purposeful and focused design. –

Jennifer Bettles @jenbettles 168 / 169

– Looking at everything from a creative perspective Martine strives to create interiors that challenge the norm, offering a once in a life time experience. Her design style reflects architectural influences with strategic use of shapes, form, line and texture techniques. –

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Martine Butler

– Rafael has faced the challenges of space planning by selecting the best materials and finishes to complete the design. He enjoys the diversity of design projects encountered during the course, which have raised his skills to a professional standard. –

Rafael Carino @rc.interiors 172 / 173

– Anna takes inspiration from distilling a brief down to its core elements and using that to conceptualise interiors that are functional, sophisticated and harmonious. She believes that spatial planning is the basis of good design and that textures and materials are the layers that give a sense of place. –

Anna Claessens

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– During Jordan’s studies she has loved creating unique styles and themes using her experience to help everyday people design beautiful functional homes. It is her passion to create spaces that are not only beautiful, but are designed for the client based on their individuality. –

Jordan Conley @jc-interiors 176 / 177

– Jessica is a strong believer that the spaces we live and work in have a profound impact on our daily lives and is motivated to create bespoke interiors that engage people and create conversation. –

Jessica Hope @jessicahopeinteriors 178 / 179

– Ambitious, meticulous and a great passion for design are the qualities and strengths that Prema believes she has to be a successful designer. From a very young age she started to re-design her own room which was challenging and interesting; seeing how small details could make big changes. Always having been fascinated by interior design and architecture, it was fulfilling for her to see how different colours, materials and lighting affected people’s mood and psychology. –

Prema Iyassamy

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– Looking past generalisations and finding unique qualities in each design is important to Rachel as she strives to create interiors that enhance the emotional connection between people and their surroundings. Rachel is also motivated to create designs that encourage an interactive experience and enable users to make discoveries about their environment. –

Rachel Kemp

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– Functionality and attention to detail are essential elements in Zoe’s work, as meticulous structure is key to creating an aesthetically pleasing space. When something works for someone, it makes her happy. She is confident that her realistic approach will mould her into a sought-after designer in the years to come. –

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Zoe King @zk.interiors 184 / 185

– Isobel comes from a strong artistic background and has always had a knack for being creative. She always wanted to learn how interiors are constructed, how everything works on a deeper level than what is just seen on the surface. –

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Isobel Kingsbury

– With the aspiration to place people’s experience at the core of her design philosophy, Estelle strives to deliver meaningful and engaging environments. By combining her creativity with her aptitude for lateral thinking, she dares to imagine spaces that are innovative, original and unexpected. –

Estelle Lefevre @el.de3ign 188 / 189

– Taking inspiration and truly understanding her natural surrounding environment, Ebony has the ability to apply her skills to a space in the most effective way, no matter how minimal or diverse it may be. –

Ebony Mariba

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– Sharna is a designer who draws great satisfaction from the little things in a design; from the material choices to the carefully considered placement of an item in a design, it all has purpose and it all contributes a piece to the overall design puzzle. –

Sharna McDonough @sharna.interiordesign 192 / 193

– As an analytical person Jacinta likes to understand and comprehend every detail, constantly looking for different ways to improve a situation, process or design. She takes an interest in functionality, space planning, innovative materials, technical drawing and sustainability. –

Jacinta Nelson

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– Kee Yin’s Interest was aroused by modern contemporary design and inspired by the inner beauty of marble and this has driven her to achieve the goal of becoming a passionate interior designer excited about the next milestone throughout this wonderful design journey. ‘Make simplicity become a beautiful complexity.’ –

Kee Yin Pang

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– Charlotte is a versatile designer who seeks to adapt and meet a range of different styles according to a brief. Her interest and appreciation for natural and sustainable materials is demonstrated through many of her projects. Charlotte seeks to provide creative design solutions while staying true to her values as a designer. –

Charlotte Rae–Bennett 198 / 199

– Victoria Rodriguez Cravajal as an energetic young designer employs the use of dynamic bright colours to effectively optimise the space she works in while using trusted practical design techniques. –

Victoria Carvajal @interior.victoria.roca 200 / 201

– Sebastian is inspired by all things around him, from the clouds in the sky to the vast oceans. Using anything seen to inspire him in the creative design process to create unique and innovative spaces that not only function well but are also asthetically pleasing is his goal. –

Sebastian Salamone @six_paths_designs 202 / 203

– Amanda has an eye for detail that is present throughout her designs. Her European background and travels have enabled her to have an enhanced cultural sense from which she derives her design influences. These skills will help Amanda’s plans to enter the commercial Interior Design industry. –

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Amanda Stauffer @amanda.stauffer

– Asha has a strong interest in the anthropometrics and ergonomics of interior spaces, providing the client with a functional interior. From conceptual design to technical drawing, Asha’s designs reflect sophistication and function. During her studies she has gained an adaptable style which can facilitate the diverse styles and requirements of the client. –

Asha Sullivan @ashasullivan.interiordesign 206 / 207

– Mischa spent his childhood in Germany and loves functional, practical and aesthetic design. He always applies the newest innovations to his projects. His inspiration is influenced by everyday life, by nature, by people and by world events. The selection of materials and colours reflects his true passion for Interior Design. –

Mischa Szpilewski

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– Vanessa takes design inspiration from her travels, both from nature and the diversity of architecture across the globe. Her creative passion derives from designs, across space and time that enhance the human experience. Vanessa’s design focus is on beautiful, unique materials that inspire and encourage discussion. –

Vanessa Walker

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– Good design is more than just creating something beautiful to Amelia, it‘s about evoking emotion and creating an experience, so that people form a connection the minute they walk into the space. She has developed a signature style that is engaging, innovative and carefully considered. –

Amelia Wells

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– Throughout Johanna’s years at TAFE she has expanded her skillset and learned so much about Interior Design, producing work that is of a higher standard and that she is proud of. Johanna hopes that in the future she will be working for a company and producing amazing projects with them. –

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Johanna Whiteford @jo_designs_

– Functional. Practical. Refined. These three words epitomise what Shatika strives for in the spaces she designs. Her studies have allowed her to develop an extensive knowledge of Interior Design and put her innovative ideas into practice. –

Shatika Woolman @sw.interiors 216 / 217

– Alana has a deep appreciation for the elements of design. Her creative mind sees possibilities that others do not see. Her artistic talents help her to bring her visualisations to life for others to share. The overall effect is an interior with uniqueness, personality, functionality, sustainability and approachability. –

Alana Wright @a.wright.interiors 218 / 219

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