em Magazine

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em magazine // Spring 2009

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e n i z a ag m

ff a st


editor's Letter // 3

a change in perspective


ast semester em magazine lost two of its biggest assets: our founders Andrea Drygas and Faye Brennan. Their hard work, dedication and passion made em magazine what it is today. However, the show must go on. We came on board this semester only partially sure about just how to go about running a magazine. Over 3 months, thousands of emails, and countless hours later we certainly figured it out and created something we are more than proud of: The Rebel Issue. We knew creating an issue around the theme of rebels would be a challenge at a school where everyone is determined to stand out amongst the crowd. Our goal was to find the rebels among rebels. What resulted is a semblance of style, artwork and school pride that we never thought we would discover.


icholas: As the sole remaining member of the original staff of em magazine, it was been a surreal experience to watch the magazine evolve. I am truly humbled to have been a part of such a process. When I first joined em magazine I hardly knew a thing about magazines. With my lack of experience, all I could do was offer my hard work. I volunteered to be Faye and Andrea’s assistant (and sometimes diplomat) and the rest is history. I have touched just about every aspect of the magazine: writing on the website, editing the relationships section, and overseeing the art direction. Through all my time with the magazine I swore I would never want to be editor in chief. Yet when Andrea and Faye offered me the job last December, something in me just couldn’t say no. The result has been a rewarding, albeit sometimes difficult, experience. I want to thank both Andrea and Faye for trusting me with their magazine. It has been an honor, and I couldn’t have done it without everything I learned from you throughout my time here. I also have to thank my co-editor Emily Dyess. Your excitement and dedication to em has supported me whenever I would lose faith in what we were doing. You have certainly become a friend, and I know this magazine will thrive under your leadership. I must now bid em magazine adieu as I leave Emerson for good. I have truly valued my experience here and thank everyone I’ve worked with for what they have taught me and brought to this magazine.


mily: As a new member to em magazine, the journey of my freshman year at Emerson College was unique to say the least. Attending the first general meeting in September, I knew this was an organization I had to be apart of. I was thrilled beyond belief at the thought of being Production Director, learning the ins and outs of the process from current writers, designers and editors. The opportunity that I faced at the end of my first semester in was once in a lifetime, to be a co-editor, but consuming to say the least. I have worked with some of the most talented students at Emerson, and have been privileged with experiences I won’t soon forget. It’s been a crazy semester, but none of this would have been possible without Andrea and Faye believing in me, and the vision I had for the magazine they founded. In addition, my co-editor Nicholas Munyan was a saving grace. His experience and knowledge of the magazine and the production process was exactly what was needed to have this issue go off without a hitch. The Rebel Issue is dear to us both, as our duo is something that won’t happen again. A senior and a freshman, thrown together for a single semester to continue on this legacy was quite an undertaking. I’m excited for the upcoming issues and look forward to meeting and working with all the talented students with similar goals and passions for the magazine industry.


e want to hear from the student body to continue to cover things that are important and interesting in the minds of Emersonians, because that is what we are all about. Receive this issue as a product of a new direction and style that em magazine is taking. As we move forward, we are aiming to continue with massive involvement by the Emerson student body and “saying what you’re thinking”, while taking our audience to new places with each new issue. We are taking risks and covering topics we’ve found are most important to those who matter most: our readers. Enjoy The Rebel Issue as we’ve crossed boundaries publications of our kind don’t often cross, and take it as a bridge into the future. em magazine // Spring 2009

Contents // 4

Contents Emerson 7-14

Rebels by the Numbers Street Seen External Programs: Ghana Emerson Dance Company Recruited Athletes


4 looks, 1 tee Vivid Ventures for Spring Style like its 100 BC The Nail Files Be a Hot Somebody at the Beach Healthy Summer Snacks


The Player’s Guide to Playing the Field A-Z Sex Positions All Talk No Action Why We Hate Your Friends Don’t Let Your Buddy Fly Solo Coming Out Embarrassing Sex Stories


Playlists Musician Profiles Cocktail Lounge Banned Books Musical Festivals Best Burgers of Boston Badass Films Under the Radar Films

On the Cover: photos by Zac Wolf // Stylists, Valerie Molina and Margaux Moses // Models Joahn Anderson and Carolin Denton // Suit provided by Club Monaco www.emmagonline.com

contents // 5


42Hot Shots Emerson Rebels 45

Emerson Alums Ashton Blount and Layne Anderson talk about their lives post-Emerson.

Kristen Berke tries to shead some light on the phenomenon that’s catching on just about anywhere and everywhere.

Andre the Giant Invades Boston Artist and self-declared rebel Shepard Fariey


comes to the ICA, but just how rebellious is he really?


lious Emersonian models for Spring.

Five Emerson students who do things a bit differntly tell us just what makes them a rebel amongst rebels.

Sex in Public 56

Be Rebellious with Style Club Monaco dresses some rebel-

This Isn’t the Town Flea Market Why buy new, when you can get


Vintage? Four great place to get vintage right here in Boston, just for guys.

Burroughs: 72Boston Davis Square

Break from the pack and find something new to do in Davis Square

em magazine // Spring 2009

Editors in Chief // Emily Dyess & Nicholas Munyan Founders // Andrea Drygas & Faye Brennan Production Director // Megan Donovan Secretary // Emily Holden Emerson





art photo

editorial Web

emTV marketing

editor // Shana Wickett assistant editor // Emily Geaman writers // Ariel Knoebel, Dana Filek-Gibson, Michelle Golden, Holly Griffith, Zaneta Jung designer // Livia Nelson editor // Becky White fashion shoot coordinator // Joey Hebert chief stylist // Valerie Molina stylists // Margaux Moses, Stephanie Thomas writers // Krista Firkins, Adrianne Hedberg, Stephanie Thomas, Helen Seachrist, Samantha Lawsky designer // Casey Roeder, Stephanie Guarda edtior // Lauren Landry assistant editor // Evan Sigel writers // Nina Dineen, Krista Mastroianni, Rachael Zerbato Bryan Chabrow, Beata Rybka designer // Jusmine Martin editor // Joanna Arpie assistant editor // Chrisanne Grise writers // Catie Colliton, Maria Montemayor, Alex Spanko, Maria Rios, Samantha Russo, Beth Semel, Stine Osttveit designer // Chris Scherer editor // Victoria Guerrera writers // Kimya Kavehkar, Caitlin Wilson, Tony D’Ovidio, Kristen Berke, Thomas Mckee designer // Nicholas Munyan, Casey Roeder illustrators // Michaela McCrink, Charis Talcott photo editor // Matthew Taylor Ruggieri head photographer // Zac Wolf assistant head photographer // Valentijn van der Sloot photo shoot coordinator // Margaux Moses photographers // Darcy Hofmann, Juliana Hudson, Sarah Jacobs, Demetra Lymberis, Casey Neidorf, John Podhor, Nicole Rosenbaum, Ben Austin, Mary-Kate O’Sullivan, Cecille Avila, Seth Brown, Holly Trippett, Minting Zhao copy editors // Diana Filar, Abbie Rickard designer // Llora McGrath editor // Elissa Garza graphics // Kelsey Fink writers // Melina DiPaola, Ariel Goldberg, Maressa Levy, Natasha Westbrook, Melissa D’Agnese, Katherine Shustari, Alex Spanko, Misty Cook, Kendra Ryan, Maida Noreen, Peter Cocchia, Karen Harris, Christina Leonor Velez, Dara Continenza, Sarah Daniels, Maya Phillips, Lorena Moral, Melanie Cordova, Jessica Lander, Livja Kelly, Livia Nelson Amanda Cuoco, Abbey Elizabeth Conway, Jessica Saint Jean, Ashley Aram, Irina Grecho, Libby Earlbaum- Rumelt, Nicholas Garlow, Simone Tetteh, Meena Ganesan, Sam Warihay, Sarah Mupo producer // Victoria Bergland editor // Ethan Giventer on-air talent // Kendra Ryan, Dana Mooney, Samantha Russo, Simone Tetteh marketing director // Debbie Lee PR Head // Fernando Febres event coordinator // Amanda Maltz advertising director // Melanie Wong Business Director // David Ziemlak Jr. marketing staff // Alexandra Leach, Adrianna Merlo, Aviva Aronovitch, Rachel Gaudette, Alessandra Grant, Chelsea Graven, Christina Hernandez, Julie Hubbard, Ana Curcija, Katherine Connors, Bijal Patel, Melissa Boss, Teodora Kaltcheva, Jordan Calia, Katherine Heffler


em magazine is published onceper semester by students at Emerson College in Boston, MA, and is distributed for free on campus. To contact em magazine, email us at emmagonline@gmail.com. We appreciate your feedback! Mission Statement em magazine is committed to giving Emerson students real life experience in magazine publishing. We serve as a creative outlet for our staff and as an entertaining and informative product for our readers. Each issue of em magazine is completely student produced and we seek to use the wide range of talent that Emerson students have. Each issue focuses on the lifestyle of Emerson students, because we think Emerson is a unique place full of unique people! wwwemmagonline.com

For advertising inquiries, please contact us at emmagonline@gmail.com For editorial inquiries, please contact us at emmagonline@gmail.com To work on em magazine, visit our website for more information. Address: em magazine Emerson College 150 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02116 © 2009 em magazine All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever is prohibited. We worked really hard on this! Printed by Interactive Print on somewhat recycled paper. Special Thanks: Emerson College, Sharon Duffy and the Student Government Association. Club Monaco. Boloco. Elephant and Castle. Mho Media.

emerson // 7

Q a

Faculty, what is the most rebellious thing you did during your college days?

HOLLY GRIFFITH “During the blizzard of ‘78, I was at school in Cambridge, and my boyfriend was in school at B.U. I walked all the way from Harvard Sq. to B.U. to see him. Because of the blizzard, I had to avoid snowplows and all sorts of things, and I ended up with pneumonia and had to have a police officer escort me to the hospital because I had gotten so ill.” Cathryn Edelstein // Communication Studies Department During spring break, I snuck into this medieval fort, monument thing in Scotland and camped out there for the night. It had an outer wall and an inner wall and then a chamber in the middle. We slept in between the outer and inner walls, and we really weren’t even supposed to be near it. We did no harm that’s the important thing.” Steven Himmer // Writing, Literature & Publishing Department “I didn’t go to college. I’ve been teaching since 1978, all from experience. I was in the military for four years instead.” Bob Clinkscale // Journalism Department

rebels by the numbers text by Zaneta Jung


hile the wide variety of Emerson rebels can’t be simplified to numbers, many quirks about them certainly can. em surveyed 200 students and looked to key campus officials to fit you into statistics. Find where you belong in between the science minors and PC desktop users, and do what Emersonians do best: defy the conventional!




come in undeclared

actually like math


supported Sarah Palin

5.5% are registered Republicans


don’t drink alcohol

are vegetarian



countries are represented at Emerson

don’t receive financial aid



10.5% smoke cigarettes

are out-of-state

are virgins



out of 3,418 are pursuing science minors

14.8% are not in any clubs

use a PC laptop


smoke marijuana

em magazine // Spring 2009

22% consider themselves religious

7.2% are in five clubs or more

sectiontitle // 8











emerson // 9

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em magazine // Spring 2009

sectiontitle // 10

s m a r g o r p l a n r e ext te x t a

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F Dana o s by

il ek- G




When I told people I was going to study abroad in Ghana, oftentimes their first reactions were, “Wow! That’s great! ...So, where is Ghana exactly?” While most Americans – and admittedly myself – are not familiar with West Africa, Ghana is an incredible and vibrant country with plenty to offer. From the moment I landed in the Ghanaian capital of Accra, I knew I had made the right decision.


chool: Not your average classroom Classes at the tiny but well-equipped New York University in Ghana Academic Center in Labone give students the opportunity to study subjects like history, music, and even filmmaking while putting Accra’s resources to good use. Historical sites like Christiansborg Castle in Osu and the National Archives are excellent resources for classes like Global Connections: Accra, a history course about the city and its creation. Students can also get a feel for Ghanaian education by taking classes at the University of Ghana. I took a French class at UG, and I was the only obruni, or foreigner, of the 150 students in the room. It was quite the experience, and I couldn’t hide from participating in class.


ightlife: Hiplife, Highlife, and Star Beer On Wednesdays, the most popular place to be is Reggae Night at Labadi Beach. Labadi offers live music, cheap drinks, and an incredible view of the ocean.

Thursday nights are best spent at Bywell Bar in Osu. In a room that has four walls and no ceiling, Bywell’s live band plays Ghana’s signature highlife music – a blend of African, Caribbean and Western influences – all night long. If you’re looking for something more like home, head to Afrodisiac, a Western-style nightclub. Just don’t show up in chale wotes, or flip-flops. The doormen will probably laugh at your fashion faux pas, and they won’t let you in!


ulture: Life in Accra Accra does not represent the common misconceptions of the African lifestyle – nobody lives in a mud hut, and though it is prone to breakdowns, the city has electricity, Internet, and running water. Accra is a bustling metropolitan city with African roots, and trying Ghanaian food in Accra is an absolute must for obrunis. Some dishes are more of an acquired taste, like kenkey and banku, made from fermented maize or cassava. However, foods like waakye


hana (rice and beans) or red red (plantains and beans in palm oil) are spicy, delicious, and worth all of their inexpensive two-cedi price tags, or what amounts to about $1.50 in the U.S.

sectiontitle // 11

Q a

what was the most rebellious thing you did at Kasteel Well?


anguage: Wote Twi anaa? (Do you speak Twi?) Though the functional language of Ghana is English, most Ghanaians also speak a native language. In Accra, most locals speak Twi. Ghanaians will appreciate your attempt to speak it, and they are often amused by an obruni speaking their language. Twi uses the English alphabet with additional vowels. One of these vowels is “ε,” the backward 3-shaped letter you see in some words below. While the Twi “e” sounds like “ay” as in bay, the “ε” sounds like “eh” as in deck. “Akwaaba” (a-kwa-ba): “Welcome.” “Yoo” (yo): the appropriate response to “Akwaaba” “εtε sεn?” (eh-tuh sane): “How are you?” “εyε” (eh-yeh): “I’m fine.” “Mepaakyεww” (may-pawch-ow): “Please.” “Medaase” (may-dah-say): “Thank you.”

Zaneta Jung “The entire class jumped off a cliff in Croatia and into the ocean. It was such a unifying experience. Everyone was cheering each other on.” Lindsey Hamby-Real // Theatre Education // Class of 2011


“We skipped the tour of Westminster Abbey and went to Abbey Road instead.” Kelsey Corrigan // Writing, Literature & Publishing // Class of 2011

laces You Can’t Miss in Accra Kokrobite: About 45 minutes outside of Accra, Kokrobite is easily accessible by tro-tro, an oversized van that is a common and inexpensive way to travel, or by taxi. This localsonly beach is home to fishermen and a handful of other Ghanaians. Kokrobite is much cleaner and less crowded than the city beaches. It is the average tropical paradise and an excellent way to spend an afternoon. James Town: James Town is one of Accra’s poorest neighborhoods and an eye-opening experience for those visiting Ghana. Just a walk through the narrow alleys of James Town offers plenty of Accra’s rich history and provides insight into the living conditions of most Ghanaians that is not found in upper-class neighborhoods like Labone or the Cantonments. Makola Market: Makola is probably the best place to get a feel for Accra. This crowded, multistory marketplace is the heart and soul of the city and the place to find literally anything from food to music to clothing to tro-tros.

“We refused to call euros ‘euros’ and called them dollars.” Daniel Hanson // Writing for Film &Television // Class of 2011

“In France we didn’t pay for the subway tickets. Instead, we climbed over, under, and went in pairs through the bar.” Rebecca Ballard // Visual and Media Arts // Class of 2011

em magazine // Spring 2009

sectiontitle // 12

don't be a rebellio us intern text by Em ily Geama

emerson da company nce

liable: St schedule and dead ick to the lines you’ve establish sences an ed. Unexpected ab d a good im lateness never make p ression a text by A rie n d l Knoebel e c ve o u ry ld one else b p ut // photo b ehind sch y M inting edule. Zhao Don’t b rea he John Han k cock Center Unless oth the d ress code: is an impres of the Bosto erw ise sta sive city land n sk yline as m e ted, this a n s colla red m it reflects th that seats ab shirts and o r knee -le e city around ark, rising far above th out a thousa Dance Com n g e th re it nd people, th st . sk irts. Even pants pany’s Spring employee is impressive Wit h a performance sp if other 20 University D s d re ace ss mo venue is the d ance Theater, 09 showcase. This venu on’t d ress site of Emer e is noticeab down unle re casually, the site of th company’s fir so n ss instructe ly different fr e co st performan d. om ce held in Em mpany’s Fa ll 2008 show surge of inte case, and a fa the Boston rest this year erson’s Cabar D o n’ t a ss r , ume the in and the spri cr et the 40 that pa . y Th fr om e co th si m te knows w e pany has expe ng show te rnship rticip hat rienced a hu Michael Lupa ated in last semester’s pe case w ill include about ge Shape you you want to do: 80 dancers, cchino, a M rformance. r e xp year eager to a jump from arketing Com erienc to wo rk on jo munication p rojects o e! A sk plying to Em in the Emerson Dance major, Class r attend meetings Company. It erson, but w of 20 in 10, entered was a group he nowhere to fo r oppo rt stead of waiting freshman he had hear be found. 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Nik i Gerber, ve grow n such as the Don’t show a Broadcast Boston Univ b Emerson Dan Journa lism m o redom: Em er si ty D w an ant interns ce Company ajor and Dan ce ployers who a re e from its begi ce minor, Cla recent grow lea rn and xcited to nnings and sa th. “To be a ss of 2010, ha e a g part of it in e ys s r company ou be to sh en involv e is equa gain expe ence. Avo genera l is am t of nothing. riid checkin azing,” she sa lly dumbstruck by the co ed in It’s such an ac on you r ce Lupacchino g the time ys. “Michael mpany’s hievement fo ll ’s passion fo p h one o r loo Lupacchino r him.” r the compa it because w ki the latest star ted the ny is clear. “W e want dirt on Pere ng up e’re learning z H ilton. 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It’s fun to be a rebel at Em erson, but not nece real world. H ssarily in the ere’s hat NO T to do at an w internship. 1 Don’t be unre

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Good luck


athle te

emerson // 13

Though some Emerson students may not know a recruited athlete personally or even know that Emerson recruits at all, these athletically inclined beings do indeed walk among us.


recru ited

n fact, Emerson has more than 200 athletes, and more than half of them have been recruited. Because of its specialized academic programs and 15 NCAA Division III teams, Emerson has attracted students looking for that balance between a passion for academic pursuits and a fire for playing sports. “We look for commitment level, someone who has been playing soccer since they were seven or hoops since they were eight or baseball since they were nine and into the high school years,” said Stanford Nance, Assistant Athletic Director and Recruitment Coordinator for Emerson’s Department of Athletics. The Department of Athletics identifies prospective recruits by making sure they are interested in Emerson’s communication and arts programs, fit the academic requirements for admission, and have athletic abilities that suit the teams. They find these students in a number of ways. Some send in their own statistics and game tapes, and others play sports at recruitment camps and events in front of college coaches. Coaches then contact prospective recruits to learn more about them, see them in action, and offer them guaranteed spots on the sports teams if they make the cut. Alleigh Marré, a Marketing Communication major, Class of 2009, received a letter from Emerson about recruitment for women’s basketball and cross-country after playing in a recruitment tournament and submitting her cross-country statistics. “I hadn’t even heard of Emerson until I started

em magazine // Spring 2009

text by Shana Wickett // photos by Ben Austin

getting recruited,” said Marré. “It ended up being the best fit overall.” While recruited athletes said their experiences here aren’t much different from those of athletes who weren’t recruited, they acknowledged it was an exclusive opportunity. They knew they would be on teams before ever stepping foot on campus as students. “It was kind of like I would automatically be a part of the Emerson community,” said Katie Peters, a Digital Post-Production major, Class of 2011, about her recruitment for the women’s lacrosse team. “It was a relief to know lacrosse was going to be there for me because I had been playing it for so long.” Jake Frank, a New Media major, Class of 2009, said he was “pumped” when he found out he had a spot on the men’s lacrosse team. “I just really like lacrosse, and I was able to come here and do what I love even more, which is filmmaking,” he said. “There’s a blend of perfection in the classroom and perfection outside of the classroom.” Some recruited athletes might say their experiences would be even more “perfect” with discounted price tags, but Division III colleges don’t offer athletic scholarships. Marré said>>

emerson // 14

Q a

what makes emerson students rebellious? Dana Filek-Gibson “Modes t y. It 's ra re to wa l k a round E me r son and not notice some one f l a unti ng some th i ng. It’s i n the way we d res s and wa l k . E me r son k ids con stantl y s t r ut. Why? Th i s a i n’t no r unway! I don’t see too many k ids not t r y i ng to show of f w hat they k now o r have." Khellie Braxton // Radio // Class of 2010 “ Someone w ho’s a confo r m i s t i n the rea l wo r l d, l i ke a jock o r someone w ho doesn' t hate eve r y th i ng.” Allison Foster // Writing, Literature & Publishing // Class of 2009 “ Someone w ho doesn’t ca re if they’re reg u l a r l y mak i ng a statement.” Lisa Frye // Writing, Literature & Publishing / Post-production // Class of 2009

>>this means coaches know academics come first. “They understand that they can’t give you a scholarship, and you’re paying $40,000 for an education. You’re not paying for basketball or running,” she said. Though scholarships aren’t part of the deal, Varun Kapur, a Visual and Media Arts major, Class of 2010, said he was offered a recruitment scholarship from a Division II school and rejected it because the Division III level fit the amount of time he wanted to dedicate to men’s tennis. “You can balance out studies and sports in the Emerson program,” he said. “They offer you a spot on the team, and that’s the best they can do. On the other side, it’s unfortunate for us because the school doesn’t give scholarships, and we spend a lot of time practicing and playing matches.” Let’s face it: there aren’t too many Division III players going pro. However, many of these players said they plan to carry their sports from the courts or fields to their professional careers. Most hope to use the skills they’ve learned in the work force, coach their sports in the future on the side, and play recreationally for the long haul. Steve Selnick, a Broadcast Journalism major, Class of 2012, and men’s volleyball player, hopes to incorporate volleyball into his profession. “I would love to end up doing some sort of commentary for volleyball games,” he said. “That’s something up there on the dream list.” While being recruited for a college sports team would be a dream to many, the opportunity is an honor these athletes said doesn’t come up too much in game play. “I guess there’s a little difference only in how we got here,” said Lauren Vassallo, a Print and Multimedia Journalism major, Class of 2009, and women’s basketball player. “But in the end we’re all the same. We’re all students doing what we love, playing a sport we love to play.”

“ Someone w ho doesn’t wea r sk i n ny j eans." Michael Francis // Radio // Class of 2009


looks // 15


1 4 White V-Neck: Rubbish 1 // flannel shirt: forever21, jean shorts: taverniti jeans 2 // floral scarf: urban outfitters, sweater: old navy, jeans: lucky brand jeans, sandals: old navy, bangles: h&m 3 // pencil skirt: forever 21, floral shirt : H&M, espadrilles: banana republic, belt: urban outfitters 4 // blazer: forever21, skirt: h&m, brooch & ring: vintage


dmit it, ladies, you all own a white v-neck t-shirt. It’s the most basic of all the basics. Whether you got yours at American Apparel or in a 3-pack of men’s undershirts, the look is the same: crisp and clean, a blank canvas on which to show off your unique style. The white v-neck is your starting point. You don’t even have to think twice about this staple. In the end, you can wear it with anything. It doesn’t matter what your personal style is, you can introduce this classic t-shirt to your wardrobe seamlessly. From bohemian to polished, grungy to girly, the v-neck is your best fashion friend. If you feel like looking feminine and fresh, pair your v-neck underneath a sheer, flowing top in a light color or floral print. Wear this with a belted pencil skirt, leather gladiators and some mixed metal bangles to complete the style. Keep your makeup flirty with shades of pretty pink and your hair natural and wavy. If you’re not the girliest of girls, try a more casual look. Distressed denim shorts or cut-offs, your favorite sneakers, and that flannel shirt you bought last fall give the v-neck a laid back look that’s comfortable. Put on some Ray-Ban Wayfarers and a long necklace to finish it off. Maybe you have a job interview or an event that requires you to look professional but still allows you to show off your style. The white v-neck can help you avoid looking too prim while keeping you classy. Pair it with a tulip skirt in a fun print with a structured blazer for a classic look. Wear some wedge espadrilles in a neutral color and add on a few pieces of colorful jewelry, like a big cocktail ring and a brooch. Keep your makeup simple but polished with a swipe of eyeliner and plum lipgloss. Even the flower child is safe with a v-neck. Wear it with your best jeans and a woven belt, leather tstrap sandals in an earth tone, and a floral scarf. Keep your hair in loose waves, braided at the hairline, and wear some feather earrings for a hippie vibe. Grab your hobo bag and you’re ready to bask in

4 looks, 1 tee

text by Stephanie Thomas // photos by Valentijn van der Sloot

2 em magazine // Spring 2009

looks // 16

vivid ventures for text by Becky White // photos by Cecille Avila



he best way to get over that drab winter wardrobe? Color, and lots of it. Oranges, purples, pinks and whites will get you out of that awful coat and sunning on the Esplanade in no time. We took a stroll down Newbury Street to bring you our favorite summer-bright delights. The more extreme the color contrast the better-- so don’t be afraid to mix and match. And with all these priced under $100, we’re sure your wallets won’t be afraid either.

Tye-dyed t-shirt, Madewell $36

Belt, H&M $7

Windbreaker with removable hood, Zara $29.90

Insight, KarmaLoop $35

Shorts, Madewell $62

Plaid shirt, Urban Outfitters $48

Striped shorts, Zara $35.90 Pink striped shirt, H&M $19.90 Floral skirt, Zara $79.90


looks // 17

Q a

Bracelets, H&M $6.90

Cream sunglasses, Urban Outfitters $24

text by Krista Firkins

Q a

Blue purse, H&M $16.90

Swim Suit, Victoria’s Secret top $58, bottom $44

What’s the best compromise between cute summer makeup and makeup that won’t melt off on hot afternoons? During the day, keep makeup fresh with a light daily moisturizer with SPF and translucent powder. I recommend using Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Sun Damage Daily Moisturizer with SPF 28, and then using MAC Select Sheer/Pressed powder. Both products are long-lasting and provide enough UV coverage for the whole day. SPF should also be in your lipgloss or lip balm. For eyes, stick with waterproof mascara for the daytime to prevent smearing and add eyeliner and eyeshadow at night. For full lashes, my favorite is Dior’s Diorshow Waterproof Mascara in Jet Black. Urban Decay’s Deluxe Eyeshadow stays on, doesn’t crease, and comes in a ton of colors. Eyeshadow color trends this spring include pinks, yellows, and purples.

Q a

Patterned scarf, Zara $19.90

What’s worth dishing out lots of cash on this summer and what’s not? Personally, I’ve already splurged on a quality leather bag that will last me all summer. For girls, a flattering swimsuit that you feel comfortable in is always a good purchase. For guys, your safest buys are some sweet, colorful kicks and a bright, sporty watch that you can rock all summer long. When shopping on a budget, take into account how long the quality of the item will allow you to wear it, and how long you’ll actually want to wear it. You want to find a safe medium between timelessness, quality, and price.

Ruffled dress with exposed zipper, Zara $69.90

Q a Silence + Noise dress, Urban Outfitters $58

Kimchi Blue sandals, Urban Out fitters $38

a passion for summer fashion

I don’t want to buy a whole new wardrobe for spring. How can I work in some of my winter clothes for warmer weather? Most people would be surprised at the versatility of their clothing. My favorite all-year items include simple flats, zip-up hoodies, and of course, the classic pair of jeans. Even lightweight, solid cardigans can work during the summer. Scarves are generally good all year round if their fabric is thin. Try pairing your favorite leather boots with bare legs and a summer dress. Or, try matching leggings with a longer t- shirt and some flats. You can also pair your favorite long-sleeved plaid shirt with denim shorts and sandals. Don’t put your blazers away either- wear them at night with a skirt and flats.

Q a

As a guy, I never know what shoes to wear with shorts in the summer. Help! Shelf those leather boots and heavier sneakers and trade them for a pair of Chuck Taylors, Sperry Top-Siders, or slip-on Vans. Save your flip flops for the beach. They may be more comfortable, but they may also make some girls shriek in disgust at unkempt feet and toes. Whatever you do, make sure your look is balanced out.

Sneakers by Creative Recreation, Karma Loop $100 em magazine // Spring 2009

looks // 18

Styling Like it’s

100 B.C. text by Adrianne Hedburg // photos by Casey Neidorf


ust when you thought that it was a trend of the past, the Sex and the City movie has brought back gladiator sandals and added some height as well. The newly added heel has shaped the gladiator sandal into the ‘It’ shoe of the summer. These thick-strapped, Roman inspired shoes add style and personality to any outfit. They’re the perfect way to make

an everyday T-shirt look chic and a formal dress look stunning. This accessory of the season is so adorable you could wear it with a potato sack and still look great. But since that’s an unlikely option, we’re here to help you out with four other ways to rock the gladiator heel. Go casual and wear them with jeans. Choose a light or dark wash and don’t be afraid of the

‘destroyed’ style. Fitted jeans look best with the gladiator heel and even better when folded at the ankle. Pair it with a billowy blouse or a colorful flannel top and a crossover messenger bag for a relaxed look. For a fun and girly look, wear gladiator heels with a mini dress. It’s quick, comfortable, and perfect for hot summer weather. When picking a dress, go for one that is shapeless and unconstructed, like a cotton shirtdress. Get creative with colors and patterns to fit your style and personality, then dress it up with chunky jewelry and a hobo bag.

Gladiator Heels, $90, Aldo. Clothes and accessories, model’s own.


If you are in the mood for something edgier, wear gladiator heels with black eel leggings or black opaque tights. Pair it with a black tunic and add a dark blazer. Accessorize even more with a long, layered necklace and chain strap bag. You’ll look both fashionable and daring. The gladiator heel can look especially chic when worn with a skirt. It’s the perfect outfit for a dinner date or just a fun night out with friends. Choose a high-waisted skirt with lots of volume and belt it at the top. Wear it over a short sleeved, solid colored leotard and pair it with a chunky necklace.

looks // 19

The Nail Files Find the right salon for you while on a budget text by Helen Seachrist // photos by Demetra Lymberis



296 Newbury Street

82 Charles Street

Basic Manicure: $10 Basic Pedicure: $25 Mani/Pedi: $33 Proximity to Emerson: Walking distance, about 11 minutes Special Features: Probably the least expensive, no-frills mainicure in Beacon Hill

Less pricey

Teke’s Nails & Spa

Treasured Hands Nail Studio

715 Boylston Street

Basic Manicure: $14 Basic Pedicure: $32 Mani/Pedi: $43 Proximity to Emerson: Walking distance, about 16 minutes. It’s on the second floor Special Features: At a moderate price, it’s the best combination of service, atmosphere and affordability.


35 Newbury Street Basic Manicure: $15 Basic Pedicure: $30 Mani/Pedi: $45 Proximity to Emerson: Walking distance, about 9 minutes Special Features: Offers a variety of “G guys” services for $10. This includes the “Beard Tamer” and the “Nape Nip.”

em magazine // Spring 2009

Best Overall

Basic Manicure: $18 Basic Pedicure: $35 Mani/ Pedi: $53 Proximity to Emerson: About a 25 minute walk, or Take the T to Hynes Convention center Special Features: The Callus Treatment is designed for athletes (male or female) who are extra hard on their feet. Also offers $6 Luxe upgrades. Since you’re indulging why not go for an extended arm massage for just a little extra?

Dude Friendly


e’ve scoured the Boston salon scene to find the most student friendly spots around. Take a look!

looks // 20

Be a hot someBODY at the beach Get toned for summer with this beach body workout text by Tony D’Ovidio // photos by Juliana Hudson & Casey Neidorf


s the weather gets warmer, clothes get more revealing. Unfortunately for most people, all they’re revealing is belly fat that’s accumulated over the winter months-hot cocoa may be wonderful for sipping as the snow piles up, but it’s also great for piling pounds onto your body. But we can rebuild your beach body--we have the technology. It’s just a little complex. Complexes are exercises done one after another with no breaks in between. It’s like circuit training on steroids. Training this way is grueling, but it’s one of the fastest ways to shed pounds. All you need is a barbell and some balls to get started. Load the bar with the highest amount of weight you can lift for five reps in your weakest exercise--which will probably be the military press for most people.

Bent-over row

The weight should be on the floor in front of you. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist to about a 45 degree angle with a slight bend in your knees. Keep your back straight. Grip the bar with an overhand grip, hands shoulder width apart. Pull it into your body while keeping your shoulder blades pinched and your elbows back.


In the same stance and grip, pull the weight up off the floor by standing up and leaning back. Make sure to keep your back straight and to push your hips out to finish.

Front Squat

On your last deadlift rep, pull the bar up to your chest and catch it. With the bar across your shoulders and chest, drop down as far as you can, at least until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Push back up as fast as you can while maintaining good form.


looks // 21


Which new fitness routine would you like to try? by Helen Seachrist // photos by Minting Zhao

“I want to do Zumba. They offer it downstairs, and I’ve always wanted to sign up. It has a cool latin vibe, so I think I’d fit right in.”

Military press

Valerie Molina // Print journalism // Class of 2012

For girls

“I would say Stripperobics, but that's too crazy. I think it would be fun, but a little intimidating."

Same grip as the front squat, push the bar from the chest to above the head. Don’t lean back or jump at the start to get momentum.

A few moves you get your body rockin’ for bikini season

melissa boss // marketing// Class of 2012

Lunges Step forward with one leg and sink down until your opposite knee is a few inches from the ground. Keep your torso straight and make sure your knee stays behind your front toe. Step up and repeat with the other foot.

“I would just say going to the gym regularly. I want to start running in the mornings, and I’ve been trying to eat better.” Joe dolce // VMA // Class of 2012 “Fitness is the last thing on my mind, but I would say mountain biking. It always appealed to me because it just looks cool. If I have to exercise I want to do something exhilarating.”

Power Push-UPs

Get into a push up position, but on your elbows instead of your hands. Hold that position for 30 to 45 seconds, and make sure to keep your back straight. Next, rotate over to one side so that your hips and shoulders are perpendicular to the ground. Hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

em magazine // Spring 2009

kevin o'such // VMA // Class of 2012

3 looks // 22

SNACKS summer


text by Samantha Lawsky // photos by Nicole Rosenbaum

Summertime, and the living is…delicious. Whether you’re keeping up with a summer job, enjoying the beach, or relaxing at home, these healthy summer snacks will keep your energy level up without costing you a lot of calories.

frozen banana treats

lean turkey bites



1 banana 1/2 cup crushed pretzels 1 container plain non-fat yogurt

4 slices lean turkey breast 2 slices Swiss cheese 1 apple, cut into 1” wedges 1 small box raisins Toothpicks



1 Dip banana slices halfway 2 yogurt and place on into

Peel and slice banana into 1/2” pieces.

just peachy smoothie


1 medium peach (about 1 cup) 6 ounces peach yogurt (1 individual container) 1/2 banana 1/2 cup ice 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon honey to add taste

a sheet of waxed paper. Place in refrigerator for about 10 minutes to set.


Spread crushed pretzels on a plate. Coat the yogurt covered part of the bananas with pretzels and set back on waxed paper.

Freeze for up to two 4 hours, then enjoy!



Place all ingredients into a blender and process until just a few chunks remain.


Serve in a glass and garnish with a peach slice.

Fold one slice of turkey breast in half. Place half a slice of cheese on top.


Place apple slice on top of cheese. Sprinkle 4-5 raisins on top.


Keeping the apple and raisins in place, roll the turkey/ cheese layer so that it forms a wrap around the rest of the ingredients. Secure with a toothpick through the center.



Repeat with other 3 slices of turkey and enjoy!

So easy, you could make one for every day of summer!

relax & heal with reiki


Even with finals over and summer on its way, do you still find yourself feeling a bit stressed? In order to rejuvenate for summer and find peace of mind, try the following technique. Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that conceptualizes the idea of the body filled with a “life force energy”. Separate from any spiritual or religious beliefs, Reiki

is considered a healing technique that promotes the spreading of positive energy throughout the body and the destruction of negative energy. It is considered both a healing and relaxation technique, making it even more appealing to a wide audience. People interested in the technique can take classes taught by a certified master. Once the process is complete, students will be able to tap into an unlimited



supply of life force energy at will in order to improve their quality of life via relaxation and healing. Holly Griffith,freshman a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major, Class of 2012, said, “I feel like this technique does something different by promoting healing. It’s important to come to terms with things and heal both your mind and body during a stressful time as opposed to just relaxing for the time

being.” For more information on Reiki and details on how you can get involved, visit http://www.reiki.org/ FAQ/FAQHomepage.html.

relationships // 23

The Player’s Guide to Playing the Field text by Krista Mastroianni // photos by Valentijn van der Sloot


et’s face it– the idea of marriage sounds kind of nice. There’s great food, there’s dancing, sometimes an open bar, and then there’s the joy you have in knowing that you now have someone to share the rest of your life with. However, to make it to your wedding day, you mustn't be forever stuck in a string of monogamous relationships. Too many people end up single late in their lives because they invested too many years in one man or woman only to later find out they were entirely incompatible. No need to date one person when you can date two, three, or four. First, realize this– organization is key to multitasking. If you text Brad or Stacy saying, “Last night was amazing,” but really meant to send the text to Bryan or Stephanie, your cover will be blown quickly. Make sure you keep a separate mental log of each person’s interests; once the two start meshing together, you’ll find yourself in dangerous domain and will be forced to answer too many questions.

how to embrace casual dating

Second, keep your dates far away from your local hangouts and favorite spots. The last thing you need is an overly-obsessed love interest tracking you down and barging in on your bro time or girl’s night out. The whole goal is to casually date without making yourself look like a jerk. You can boast about how great you are at dating more than one person at the same time, but you can’t actually be caught doing it. Never casually date a friend-of-a-friend. Just like your local hangouts, your group of friends should remain uncharted waters. No one wants to deal with the awkward interrogations at the next social gathering. It’s never easy to answer, “Well, how come you never called me again?” Lastly, be honest up front. If you’re not planning on being with someone long-term, there is no reason for them to be thinking you are. If the question arises, answer honestly. However, don’t dive into detailed descriptions about the other people you date. The less information there is, the better. Minimizing information adds an intriguing air of mystery, and even the slightest ounce of competition could score you definite points with your date who fears they’re on the relationship chopping block. Let’s cut out the slutty cliché of sex with multiple partners. You’re not being a skank or a man whore, you’re being adventurous. Having sex with casual dates is acceptable, just take precautions. Refrain from too many nights with one person to eliminate the routine cuddle sessions, and be sure to stay on your own schedule. If it’s not working out, end it. One of the dates may blow your mind in bed, but if you cringe at the sight of their phone call, there is no point in wasting anyone’s time. Cutting ties gives you the opportunity to find someone new. It’s out with the old, and in with the satisfying love life.

26% of Emerson students polled were under the influence of alcohol the first time they hooked up with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

em magazine // Spring 2009

sectiontitle // 24

sex positions


text by Beata Rybka and Krista Mastroianni // artwork by Michaela McCrink

The A rchway

Bouncing Ballerina

Time to stretch those muscles! Ladies, lie on your back while your man positions himself on his knees in front of you, between your legs. Lift your butt off the bed so you’re in a “bridge” position, allowing your man to enter at an elevated level.



Down Under

Ladies, lay on the bed with your butt all the way to the edge, allowing your man to kneel in front of you with his knees on the ground. Wrap your legs around his shoulders, allowing for deeper penetration as he enters from below you.

Gals, while you lie down on your back and pull your knees up to your chest, the guy enters by kneeling in front of you penetrating extra-deep. For balance, it's important that he holds onto your feet or rests them on his chest while holding onto your hips. Since he only needs one hand to balance, it leaves the other hand free to use however he'd like.



It’s time to get up on that washing machine and get ready for a bumpy ride!

Fellas, lie flat on your back allowing your shoulders, arms, and head to hang off the edge of the bed while your girl takes control on top. The blood-rush to the head will heighten every sensation. If you liked this, try this move

Kitchen Entrance

Giddy up, gals! Guys, let the girl do all the leg-work, however make sure to keep your legs close together so she can sit back on your thighs. Keeping your legs bent allows her to enter at an angle for deeper penetration.


Good Vibrations


Classical Cowgirl

Both partners should stand facing each other. Girls, lift one leg up and rest it on your man’s shoulder. And guys, make sure you bend your legs slightly for leverage because it allows for an easier entrance.

Bored with the bedroom? Ladies, sit on edge of the counter and pull your knees to your chest, resting your feet on the counter. Guys, stand in front of your lady for an exhilarating entrance.


Face Time

This one is kisser-friendly. Ladies, lie down while your guy gets on top. Wrap your legs around his back, just below his shoulders so that your butt is slightly lifted off the ground.

Head Rush

Girls, lie flat on your back and bring your legs up to a candlestick position. Using your hands to support your butt, your man must kneel in front of you and rest your legs on his shoulders. He can steady you with his hands on your hips, while you hold on to his thighs for balance as he enters. The rush of blood to your head will amp the head-overheels pleasure both can experience.

The Lean Back

Think sultry sex scene. Straddle your guy while he's sitting on a couch or chair, and lean back stretching your arms to the floor. Plant your feet on either side of him. The thrusting is up to you, but the view your guy gets from this up-close-and-personal presentation of your entire body will leave him wanting more.




Guys, start this position sitting cross-legged and have your girl lower herself onto you before wrapping her legs around your back. Holding onto each other's elbows, start pulling your upper bodies to the floor against the other's weight. It's crucial to stay close at the hip region, because it might otherwise be difficult to stay connected.


Gentlemen, stand behind your lady while she climbs onto a chair, bed, or footstool. When she squats down, her head should be level with your chest. You must provide the support by placing your hands on her hips or under her butt, while you enter from behind.


sectiontitle // 25

through Naughty Girl On Top

Take control between the sheets by sitting your man in a way that will give him a lot of back support while you climb on top. Instead of simply straddling him, give him a full frontal show of all your goodies by placing your legs, one at a time, on each of his shoulders. For the full effect, leave the lights on.


Guys, get on your back and pull your knees to your chest. Girls, squat down and place your feet on each side of his hips. Lower yourself down, and the closer he pulls his thighs to his chest, the closer you can descend by keeping your knees bent for leverage.

Great for public places and most convenient when your girl is wearing a skirt.

Play it equal


This is for those who believe that the man should do all the work. Gentlemen, turn the missionary position on its head by turning your body in a full circle after entering your gal, with your member serving as the pivotal point. Ladies, enjoy the sensation, as well as the view, of the entire package in action.

W Waterfalls

This position takes the concept of "the wetter, the better" to whole new heights. Fill the bathtub with warm water before you both get in. Kneel in the steamy bath, girl in front, the guy kneeling behind, so that you have easy access to the shower head. Once you guys start steaming things up yourselves, direct the warm stream of water from the shower head between your legs.

Private Show

Both girl and guy should stand on a staircase one or two stairs apart so that their torsos are even. Girls, put your back towards the wall and place one leg on the banister for balance. You'll certainly be climbing the stairway to heaven.

Rebel Rocker

The Quickie

P o

On my level

Cooking is not the only hot thing to do in the kitchen! How about a personal runway show featuring nothing but lingerie? Ladies, after you're done struttin' your stuff, you can sit on the edge of the counter in front of the male spectator and give him a more intimate viewing by leaning back on your elbows and placing your ankles on his shoulders. Gentlemen, we're sure you can take it from there.

Sexy Spring

Up, Up, and Away


For those unable to contain their passion, this is the perfect quickie. While standing against the wall, the guy lifts the girl so their hips are aligned. Good old up-against-the-wall goodness. Every bit as good as they make it look in the movies.


Fellas, lie flat on your back, and while your girl straddles you backwards, you'll be able to look at her back before she lowers herself onto you. Using your legs for leverage, the girl is in charge of the thrusting, the depth, and the angle.



Vibe On

Those looking to amp up the intensity of their lusty bedroom romps can try the regular doggy-style position enriched with a vibrator. To kick this up a couple of notches, either of the partners can use a vibrator to simultaneously stimulate her clitoris for a mind-blowing effect.


Who doesn’t love hearing that in the sheets? While the girl lies face-down on the bed, allowing her body from the waist up to hang off the bed, the guy lies on top of her and enters, his legs between hers. By putting his hands on her hips, he can peel himself off her back and arch his up and back so that you form a Y shape.

em magazine // Spring 2009


Ladies, bring your knees up to your chest so that, after your man lies down on top, you can easily rest your knees on his shoulders. It’s a little twist on the missionary position which will definitely add some bounce to your mattress springs.

The Zipper

Sick of seeing each others' faces but still want hot and heavy sex? Problem solved! Ladies, lie on your stomach and have your guy lay on top of you, also belly-down. Guys, enter her from behind and hold yourself slightly off the bed to control your pace.

Relationships // 26

All talk, no action So what’s the big attraction?

text by Beata Rybka // illustration by Michaela McCrink

I “She had the sex drive of a 16-year-old boy. That kind of message is not something I want to get from a girlfriend." -John Cortese

relationships Rachael Zerbato

n the art of seduction, risque texts and steamy IMs have replaced the outdated phone call. The unnerving personal interaction that, up to this point, kept the more timid at bay has finally been eliminated. Only few rejoice, however, as many have actually been left pining for deeper connections made through bad reception. "All we have room for is the point," says sophomore Chelsea Van Bloom, in reference to the limited space and lack of tone a text message provides. Freshman John Cortese once found, "Where the hell are you? What is more important than fucking me right now?" in his inbox. "She had the sex drive of a 16-year-old boy," Cortese says. "That kind of text message is not something I want to get from a girlfriend. It has no sentimentality to it." Inevitably, the point of a bawdy text is to be remembered. Yet more so than not, those text

sare shrugged off and forgotten. "I'm assuming that the desired effect is some sort of stimulation, and it always peaks my curiosity," says sophomore Walker Glascock. "But then it's like 'Eh, all right. I don't know what to do with that." Though raunchy texts might at first seem ballsy, that's not always the case. "It's such an easy escape. You send it, and that's it. You don't have to respond past that point," Cortese says. Saying something screen to screen is much less daunting than saying something face to face. "You have time to read [the text] over a couple of times before answering, instead of just laughing in their face," says freshman Caitlin Boroden. Sophomore Greg Sands remarks, "I don't mind a dirty text, but you can never take it super seriously. As serious as I can be about being with a girl, there still has to be an aspect of flirtation to it. I feel like if you say dirty things

when you're not in the moment or mood, it doesn't really mean as much." Texting is not all bad, however. When used in moderation, it can add flavor to a relationship, especially a long-distance one. "My boyfriend and I like to push each other to see how far the other will go, or talk about what the other wants to try in the future," says freshman Holly Trippett. "It makes it easier to get over the hurdle of 'does this make you uncomfortable?'" So although a cheeky text can have the allure of finality to it, it's no mystery that it's also less intimidating. The real daredevil thing to do is to bring things back to basics and get some old-fashioned face time. After all, it's much easier to go from talk to action when in close proximity.

“The ball pit at McDonald’s. Kids have to grow up sometime.”

“I’d say on the T.”

Q a

What is the wildest, raunchiest, most rebellious place to have sex?

“Right here. Right now.” -Michael Niederer, 2012

“At school. The shared showers. Not that I would actually know...I’m just saying.” -Cady Drell, 2012


-Derek Anderson, 2012

-Rachel Cervarich, 2011

Relationships // 27

ate your Why we h

n Sigel // text by Eva mann y Da rc Hof photos by


tta get lover, you go (i.e. anna be my w en u m yo e f m “I , so cation for Spice Girls s ifi es ar ed el cl nd m te ed ti in e ne of th ent may it h), the n the words le this statem but rather, get along w cockhi al W ic ” it s. cr nd ie po h, w it h my fr hook up w it for those judgmenta l, hy either. esn’t mea n you h. But ut tr get w it h do g in we don't li ke dy om al l men: ains an un fr m ge re sa g es in n m a mea s,' itical rls ca ll 'friend enta l, hy pocr blocks you gi being judgm g the in en nt oft ra s ar nd w ie bags, thus e girls' fr it um sp sc de n the w he at lo w th al t say vinistic, sh fire away, bu Now let me your often be chau at them. In those cases, an n th ca om ys nd bo s leveled ems more ra ge cock-block s, se sa de es tu m ti xt at tchy te reak of barrage of bi and the outb . t warra nted, ust be stated no e m g ar s in w ck ta llo at fo e th stinctua l n, io nnect e feminine in ightest m so is ECmobile co e er es the sl just that th yf riend mak bitches, it’s a friend 's bo u’re al l ev il aim you have n yo cl he at ou W th Y . t t. ay no It’s n s come ou u act that w aw yo cl e es th ake their ow ak , m m ns to at enough expectatio em response th ur th yo t of us t tr t or n’ lls sh you do mista ke or fa an suppor t. at hear t, but ent rather th best interest m ’s dg nd ju ie fr ng ur ci ti yo prac her floor, ou are then ys who live on doesn't bo te decisions. Y cu e th iend of way, it d your girlfr rpes. Eit her or he had he inua lly remin en Facebook m nt ad ru co -l u at de yo th tu ti be ad at re of May sp to ho rm w fo e rl t somet hing me in th u're the gi . If you've go does not co or maybe yo xt m te is . a ic us vi it s cr lt ow e su ctiv e in get to kn help. Constru and immatur n the time to unnecessar y ve even ta ke ha u yo if , is messages or at ay from our faces. Th “stole” her aw say, say it to s you think he t you be too? Cou ld ap rh Pe s. ou ably jeal k y, shou ldn’ meone to as is you’re prob if she’s happ you want so o The best part lost your w ing-girl. But D y? ? rn m ho no your ve you just be you too? Or are contribute to an you, or may u go to bed ship success yo your girl ’s m on ti re to la fo h re be tc of bi ht a ig n ke y a lack li er ng ev ti as ac day w ging. e above, s before enga you how your ” to al l of th swered “yes ious question ev an u pr e yo th if lf l, Wel ke a yourse help, so ask t it doesn’t ta e isn’t going to th telligence, bu in to l in na k io al ot w e n for our em glares as w ty ow it the kn d gr d en be t sp an ht no ares e you’ ll We men mig decode your scornfu l st ur bff– the on signed to make yo , er ff bi to ur t is ie, yo tions de rocket scient it h your best editated ques ons to make us look and ha nd w us w it h prem ti es ng li qu il p gr room, ha nd -u iend w by s torturing editated follo if you don’t think your fr next two hour hich you already prem hit en lls ev bu e ur it becaus (to w w it h yo us look bad and we’ ll ta ke we know that putting up e er th t si ll e’ al l, worse). But w and most of ting, we do, is wor th trus tter may be a be g w it h her. at someone is wor th bein th t bu , er tt ne be serve someo al ly does de May be she re fr iend .


em magazine // Spring 2009

Relationships // 28

Don’t Let Your Buddy Fly Solo How to be a Good Wingman text by Bryan Chabrow // photo by Darcy Hofmann


ellas, picture this: It's Friday night, you're walking into a bar, and the first thing you see is a big breasted, gorgeous blond sipping a drink. You have the urge to stroll over and give it your best shot, but just as you're slicking back your hair and checking your breath, you remember that tonight is not about you. Tonight, you are making the ultimate sacrifice and choosing bromance over romance. Tonight, you are the wingman. As a wingman, your overall job is to support your buddy (the pilot) in approaching women. While the job can be tough and involves employing whatever tactics necessary to help your friend score, he will definitely appreciate it and will be sure to repay the favor the following weekend. In most wingman-pilot relationships, the two work together and change positions depending on what night it is and who won the girl the last time. However, when it is your turn to wing, if you take these suggestions to heart, you can be sure you helped your buddy get the girl at the end of the night.

Be Prepared To Block A good wingman should be aware of the other males in the room. Testosterone runs rampant on weekends, so most men out on the town are all looking for the same thing. If a potential suitor attempts to cockblock your pilot and interfere with his conversation, be prepared to jump in and help him secure some alone time with the girl. This could mean telling the ladies about how your buddy's competition has been hopping from girl to girl all night. Other times, you might need to throw

a drink in the competition's face and ask him if he wants to "take things outside."

Coach and Motivate Your Pilot Fueling your buddy with pep talks is one of the most important parts of being a wingman. Your job is to boost his confidence and guide him. And although this usually means motivating him, it also means leveling with him. Sometimes you have to bring your friend back down to planet earth and make him aware that some girls are out of his league. Rejection can be a bitch, but you can't let your pilot approach a girl that is way above his cruising altitude.

Take the Ugly Friend A good wingman will do whatever it takes to help his pilot end the night successfully, and that might mean chumming up to the ugly friend. As disgusting as she might be, getting the mud-creature out of the way is often exactly what your buddy needs to seal the deal with her hot friend. Plus, everyone looks a bit better after two drinks...or five.

Talk Your Buddy Up In Front of the Ladies Making your buddy look good in front of potential targets is critical. Don’t overdo it, but set him apart from the other guys in the bar and prove to the ladies that he’s the alpha male. Tell them a story about the time he saved you from drowning, or when he traveled to Africa to teach underprivileged children.

Don’t Steal the Spotlight When you’re winging, it’s important not to get in the way of your pilot and look better than him. Try not to be too charming or charismatic. If you dominate the conversation, your friend won’t be able to work his magic. It’s important to make him look good, but be sure that you’re not taking attention away from him when you speak.


Being a great wingman isn't as easy as it appears. There's much more to it than being a good friend and a smooth talker. But if you pull out all the stops and employ these tactics, you'll be the top gun of all the wingmen.

sectiontitle // 29

Coming Out text by Nina Dineen // photos by Mary-Kate O’Sullivan


or all LGBT young adults, 'coming out' is a necessary step in becoming comfortable with oneself. Although all coming out stories are different, for many it can be a major source of anxiety. However, coming out to one's family is something a

homosexual must do, and not for their family, but for themselves. There are some choices that, if made, can make coming out a much more manageable process. Being comfortable with oneself is key in having a good coming out experience. Ashley Peters, a Theater Studies major, Class of 2011, says that when she realized she was a lesbian, "It was hard for me to admit it to myself before I could ever admit it to anyone else." It is important one knows him or herself well enough before coming out to family members. "There is no right time to come out to your parents," says Michael Ryan Allen, a Marketing Communications major, Class of 2011. "Just make sure that you feel comfortable with who you are when you do it. Not all parents will react with open arms, so you have to stand your ground if they get angry or upset." One can be comfortable with coming out if they have plenty of support. Coming out to friends or siblings first can help when dealing with a more conservative family. "I was nervous about my sisters, but terrified about my parents," says Havalah Backus, a BFA Acting student, Class of 2010. "I felt horrible, but I had great friends supporting me." If coming out becomes harder than expected, knowing there are people to lean on is reassuring. And parents often respond better when their child explains themselves calmly. "I think I helped fuel my mother's freak out," Backus says. "I think she would have freaked out less if I didn't make such a big, dramatic deal [about it]." For some, a short conversation will be all that is necessary, but for others,

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a lengthier conversation may need to take place. Kyle Rainey, a Theater Studies major, Class of 2009, came out to his parents the day he moved into Emerson. "With all the chaos of moving in day, there wasn't really any time to talk about it more," Rainey says. Yet for some, the experience may be easier than expected. After Allen told his parents he was gay, they just looked at him and said, "Oh, okay," and continued eating dinner. "I didn't really feel very different [after coming out]," Allen says. "I definitely felt more comfortable talking to them about what was happening in my life, but nothinside." Allen states that his coming really changed. They reacted ing out experience was a relief with love and acceptance, and I because he knew it had to happen feel really lucky." eventually. One must come out No matter what the outcome to people they feel comfortable is, coming out is a very imporwith knowing about tant thing for a LGBT person to do. "When I don't want their sexuality. "I I decided that I was to be afraid of am glad I'm out now to everyone" ready to come out, I made the conscious being myself. says Corey Efron, a Writing, Literature, decision that I was and Publishing going to tell my fam-Corey Efron student, Class of ily and I set a date for 2011. "I don't want to be afraid of myself," says Brendan Davis, a being myself." To come out as hoWriting for Television and Film mosexual is to show one's family major, Class of 2009. "I knew him or her true self. that if I was face-to-face with Being open about one's sexuanyone in my family and didn't ality is a liberating experience. tell them, that it would eat me up

"When I came out, I no longer felt like I had to put up a front for the rest of the world. I no longer felt like I had to have a crush on some girl just to fill my quota for that year," Davis says. Once a student comes out, he or she is allowed to celebrate him or herself for who they really are and can also celebrate with others. "Had I lived these past five years hiding what I once thought was a dirty secret, I would never have been able to celebrate the progression that our country has made in achieving equality for all," Peters says. At a time in history when being different is acceptable, members of the LGBT community should be proud of their sexuality. 'Coming out' is a great way to 'come in' to a life of acceptance, comfort, and pride.

embarrassing sex stories

text by Lauren Landry

During my senior year of high school, my exboyfriend and I decided that it would be a good idea to hook up in his car. Suddenly, we saw flashing blue lights. The cop cars (yes, multiple) got to us faster than we could put our clothes on, and we had to move up to the front seat in only our underwear. After a series of questions like, "Are you here of your own free will," the cops let us go. Months later, the same thing happened. This time the cop just said, "Hey guys, since I just received another call I'm going to say everything is taken care of here. So, you don't have to leave for a while if you have 'stuff' to do, OK? Have a good night." After getting caught twice and feeling utterly ridiculous, we vowed to keep our sexcapades behind closed bedroom doors.

I had two boxes of mac and cheese and an entire fifth of Southern Comfort in my system when I started hooking up with two females, concurrently, in their dorm room for the better part of 30 minutes. Apparently I blacked out. When I regained consciousness, I was on my back naked and realized I had been throwing up. I threw up all over their bed, their floor, and their clothes. To top it all off, I later found out that both of the ladies had boyfriends. www.emmagonline.com

I teasingly began kissing my girlfriend’s neck and quickly moved down to the inside of her thighs. When she gripped the sheets, I made my motions more intense. Everything was perfect, until I tasted blood. Panicked by seeing blood between my girlfriend’s legs, I ran into the bathroom. I was ignoring her laughter until I looked in the mirror and saw blood gushing from my nose. I then heard, “How’s your nose bleed, honey?” We ended up heading to the shower instead.

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emmag exclusive:


oral sex quiz

1) When your boyfriend cums in your mouth you...? a. Sprint to the other side of the room in disgust and spit into a trash can. b. Swallow. c. Politely, and subtlely, spit into a napkin you previously placed by your knees.

About your woman...

2) Your take on biting down there is...?

1) To hit that illustrious G-spot, you should...? a. Put one or two fingers inside your girl with your palm facing up (if she is lying on her back) and make a “come hither” gesture, reaching up towards the belly-button. b. Put one or two fingers inside your girl with your palm facing down (if she is lying on her back) and make a “come hither” gesture, reaching down towards the tailbone. c. Stamp the letter G on her ass and break out the paddle!

a. I gnaw on his penis like a sirloin steak. What? My boyfriend’s kinky! b. Ouch! Never! And if I have, it was a slip of the mouth. c. I’ll give a little nibble if he asks for it. Whatever he says, I do.

3) The “frenulum” of the penis is...? 2) You feel a sneeze coming on, you...? a. Just sneeze right down there all in her business. b. Excuse yourself, and sneeze into your elbow. c. Somehow, someway hold it in.

a. The long nerve on the underside of the shaft that makes stroking pleasurable. b. The sensitive v-shaped area on the under side of the head of the penis. c. Very similar to the “Vagina Monologues,” but about penis instead.

3) When going down on a girl, how should you lick?

Two: The average number of sexual partners for both a senior and a freshman so far this academic year.

a. I like to mix it up a bit- a little hard, a little soft. b. I start out soft and work my way up to the grand finale. c. Teeny little licks is all she needs.

His About your man...

Newsflash: Cum is low calorie! The average amount of male Newsflash: is lowand calorie! ejaculate containsCum 5 calories Theprotein, averagezinc, amount ofC, male contains vitamin ejaculate contains 5 calories and other nutrients. Bottoms up! and

contains protein, zinc, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Bottoms up! Continued on page 36

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QUIZ: continued from page 35



4) If your girlfriend isn’t tasting so great down there, you should...?

4) When giving head, what do you with your guy’s balls? a. I recognize Little Petey does have neighbors. Everyone on the block should get a little bit of lovin’ and tuggin’. b. Balls? What are those? I’m sucking his dick, ignore the rest! c. I focus solely on the balls. Why play with one penis when you can play with two balls?

a. Finish the job and never discuss it. Even if it happens again, you don’t want to offend her. b. Finish the job, and tell her that while you love venturing down there, she may need to take a few measures. Communication is key. c. Pinch your nose and ask what died (besides your sex drive).

5) When you’re going down on a girl you look...?

5) When a guy starts to orgasm you...?

a. Intently at her throughout. b. At her occasionally. Her reactions drive you wild. c. At the ground, at her vagina, at the wall– anywhere but at her.

a. Stop giving him pleasure immediately and walk away. b. Keep doing what you’re doing, but kick it up a notch. c. Continue the same motion, but with a little less pressure and speed until he is done.

6) You are more likely to give your girlfriend some pleasure when...?

6) When giving him head, how much of his penis should you take in?

a. She went out of her way to be extra nice to you. She even baked you cookies. b. Well, she gave me head so I guess I have to reciprocate. c. It’s a Monday, so why not celebrate? Score yourself: 1. a) 2, b) 1, c) 0 2. a) 0, b) 1, c) 2 3. a) 1, b) 2, c) 0

a. One third. b. At least half. c. I don’t go beyond the tip. I’d gag if I tried to do otherwise. Score yourself:

4. a) 1, b) 2, c) 0 5. a) 0, b) 2, c) 1 6. a) 1, b) 0, c) 2

0-3 Ladies, you may like to suck his dick, but too bad you suck at doing it. And fellas, to you, a labia is like a labyrinth. Need some tips? Girls, if swallowing is your problem, try feeding your man parsley, celery, pineapple, or other fruits. All of the above can offset the bitter taste. And how about you gentlemen introduce yourself to the clitoris? You know, that small mound of erogenous flesh that becomes rosecolored when she’s aroused? Don’t be afraid to take a moment in finding it. The more you arouse your lady, the more she’ll be willing to arouse you. Lastly, to both genders, go through the quiz and read the right answers. School yourself.

1. a) 0, b) 2, c) 1 2. a) 0, b) 1, c) 2 3. a) 1, b) 2, c) 0

4. a) 2, b) 1, c) 0 5. a) 0, b) 1, c) 2 6. a) 1, b) 2, c) 0

Results 4-9 Ladies, you might have made him cum, but you’re not walking on water just yet. And fellas, you may have got the big “O,” but you’ve still got a long way to go. You’ve both got the basics– now explore the nuances (i.e. the frenulum and G spot).


10-12 Ladies, you’re top notch. You’re the Crystal of teasing his balls, you rock at sucking his cock, and you’re at the head of giving him head. And fellas, you’re most certainly aware of what’s going on down there. You might not be Crocodile Dundee, but you’re an expert at going down under. You can conduct a symphony orchestra with your tongue, and your girl has definitely kissed her vibrator goodbye. We applaud you, young sexperts. Job well done. (But don’t let it go to your head because there’s always room for improvement.)

entertainment // 33

playlists. text by // Stine Osttveit

Summertime and music are two things that go hand in hand. Whether barbequing in the back yard with your friends, hanging at the beach or just kicking back at home, with summer approaching you’re going to want to stock up your MP3 player with some hot playlists. With this mix-up of newfound classics, energetic tunes, and forthcoming faves, you can’t go wrong.



hen hanging with your friends under the summer sun, there’s only one music rule: it better be an adventure in sound that leaves unforgettable memories. No reason to curb those lofty expectations; gather your friends in the burning heat and enjoy these tunes of sheer joy.

James Morrison-The Only Night Kings Of Leon- Sex is on Fire Muse-Starlight Royksopp-Rainbow Stylin’ The Crash-Lauren Caught My Eye The Strokes-Someday Solitaire-I’m Thinking of You Gnarls Barkley-Going on Jamiroquai-Virtual Insanity The Killers-Spaceman Basement Jaxx-Red Alert David Guetta-Time

euro flair


rom edgy rock, to ecstatic electronica and sweet pop melodies, Europe has a lot to offer that you definitely shouldn’t miss out on. Listen to this on any given day and you are guaranteed to experience startling lyrics, mind-blowing riffs and a great mood to boot.

The Kooks-Naïve The Wombats-Let’s Dance to Joy Division Justice-We Are Your Friends Sugarplum Fairy-She Alphabeat-Fascination Sondre Lerche-Phantom Punch Hot Chip-Boy From School Arctic Monkeys-Old Yellow Bricks Efterklang-Caravan Sigur Ros-Inni mer Syngur Vitleysingur Oh Laura-Release Me Mando Diao-God Knows



ummertime is all about chilling with your buds and relaxing an unspeakable amount. Don’t let your summer job get in the way; this is a time to lay back and stay there. These easy listening tracks make the ultimate playlist for those lazy days catching some rays or simply enjoying life.

The New Pornographers-Adventures In Solitude Death Cab For Cutie-I Will Possess Your Heart Anja Garbarek-The Last Trick Thomas Dybdahl- Henry The National-Daughters of Soho Riots Maritime-German Engineering Elliott Smith-Angeles Ingrid Michaelson-You and I Mew-Symmetry Jose Gonzales-Slow Moves Josh Rouse- Winter in The Hamptons Feist-Gatekeeper em magazine // Spring 2009

Average number of songs on an Emerson student’s Ipod


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musician profiles. text by Chrisanne Grise // photos by Seth Brown

One chilly night back in December, dozens of Emerson students milled quietly around the dimly-lit Bill Bordy Theater. Most sat or stood along the walls, enjoying the music of funk band Frit, but only a handful of brave souls moved towards the center of the room to dance. It was then that guitarist Rob Compa, a former Berklee student, spontaneously broke into his own rendition of 2pac’s “California Love.” Unexpected outbreaks such as this are not uncommon with Frit, a delightfully energetic band that prides itself on having lots of fun all the time. “I think the biggest secret to keeping it fun is that we’re having fun ourselves,” says drummer Cameron Tyler, a Marketing Communications major, Class of 2011. “Oh, and the other part is encouraging people to get their groove on.” While the band members, which also includes bassist Andrew Walley, a former Berklee student, are big advocates of fun, they are very serious when it comes to their ambitions. “We’re trying to simultaneously push the boundaries of where music can take the listener and the audience as well as us, the musicians,” says keyboardist

Noah Schy, a Music Production student at Berklee, Class of 2010. Frit released their debut, the extremely catchy and danceable album Just the Tip, this past winter. They’re hoping to play a few East Coast gigs over the summer and in the meantime are looking to play at some student parties around Boston. “The whole point of music is to give it to other people,” Compa says. “You don’t just do it for yourself. It’s so other people can hear it.” “And for the sake of the funk,” Tyler adds quickly. “And for the sake of the funk,” Compa agrees. http://www.myspace.com/fritband

“We’re really a pop band,” says Justine Bowe, of her band Ferris Wheel. “Usually I hesitate to say that because pop is sometimes seen as senseless, but it isn’t. It just happens to apply to a lot of people.” Ferris Wheel also call themselves “elegant.” There does not seem to be a more accurate description for the brand of melodic and beautiful pop-rock they have created. Their debut EP, Goody Twos, is the perfect soundtrack for a spring evening. The band started when Bowe, now a freshman at Tufts, was in high school in North Andover, MA. She and her friend, fellow singer-songwriter Josh www.emmagonline.com

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Bolduc, now a sophomore at Boston College, formed Ferris Wheel. “We were in an epic performance of ‘Piano Man’ [by Billy Joel] where I forgot all the words,” Bowe says of the band’s beginning. After a few years, the duo decided they wanted to expand a little. In the past, they had worked with high school buddy Mike Moschetto, an Audio Production major at Emerson, Class of 2010. “It wasn’t until the middle of October 2008 that we actually serious’d up,” Moschetto says. “Then our EP came out and got a surprising amount of attention without a lot of promotional effort on our part. I don’t know, I feel like a lot of bands take a fairly long time to get to what we’ve achieved in just a few months.” The band further expanded this past year, adding friends from both high school and college: bassist Mike Wolfenden, guitarist Joe Solof, cellist Shaheen Lavie-Rouse and trumpeter Sawyer Bernath. Finding Lavie-Rouse was particularly lucky, according to Moschetto. “We just happened to be walking by him practicing his little classical thrash in a Tufts practicing room and it was amazing. We decided to brazenly knock on the door and ask him if he wanted to join our rock band. And he was down.” They released Goody Twos this past February. All the recordings were self-produced and mixed by Moschetto. Since the EP release, they have been lining up shows and recording their first full-length album, which they hope will be finished by summer. They’ve been getting a lot of coverage on music blogs recently, so keep an ear out for these guys. http://www.myspace.com/ferriswheelsongs

For most Emerson students, the hordes of Gypsy Bar patrons are nothing more than obstacles clogging the sidewalk on weekends. But for Riley Ziesig and Jared Hauser, the drunken debauchery was a business opportunity. “Last year, we started playing music on the streets for the Gypsy crowd at 2 a.m. and made a ton of money,” says Ziesig, a Visual and Media Arts major, Class of 2011. The experiment was a success. “We decided this was something we should keep doing.” Ziesig met Hauser, a Marketing Communications major, Class of 2011, when he came to Emerson, but coincidentally, they live only two hours apart back at home in New York. The two, combined with Mario Gutierrez, Hauser’s childhood friend who attends school in Buffalo, New York, make up the Brit-pop inspired band Reel Karma. “We’re timely and timeless,” Hauser says of their irresistible tunes that are guaranteed to make your toes start tapping. Ziesig elaborates: “You take Sheryl Crowe, put her in a car with a bunch of monkeys, crash that car and set it on fire, and that’s kinda what we sound like.” All joking aside, the guys of Reel Karma are very passionate about music. “We just really love rock ‘n roll. We like that sound and we have a lot of fun playing,” Hauser says. “Performing is the best part. We love being on stage.” One of Reel Karma’s most recent accomplishments, however, is a performance of another sort. Last semester, they created a hilarious zombie musical called I Eat My Feelings. They hope to write another musical soon, and plan on spending the summer writing new material and practicing as much as possible since they will all be together in New York. “Musicals are just another way to keep doing music all the time,” Ziesig says. “That’s really all we want to do.” http://www.myspace.com/ reelkarma

em magazine // Spring 2009

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Spice World // The Spice Girls belt out, “I’m the Leader of the Gang (I Am)” while Technicolor sailors gyrate behind them in assless parachute pants. This is badass in the most literal sense of the word. Air Force One // Let’s be real: Harrison Ford would make an awesome president. He can melt Nazis, destroy TIE fighters, and do whatever it is he did in Blade Runner. So it comes as no surprise that he could (more or less) singlehandedly protect Air Force One from international terrorists. Obama/Ford ’12!

Network // Peter Finch yells “bullshit” on television, then boosts his network’s ratings by fortyfive percent, declares that he’s “mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore!”, and establishes the entire field of tabloid television journalism in the process. Bonus points for the posthumous Oscar, which of course only goes to true badasses. Good Burger // Kel singlehandedly blows up the Mondo Burger and saves the tiny Good Burger from capitalist destruction. Runner-up from this film: STRAWBERRY JACUZZI! Carrie // Carrie fucks shit up at the senior prom, teaching young men and women everywhere not to pour pig’s blood on the girl who menstruates in the shower and may or may not have telekinetic powers. Anyone who doubts the badassery of Carrie must read this sentence: she makes a car overturn and blow up just by looking at it. Bonus? John Travolta was in the car.

Charly // This ain’t your momma’s Flowers for Algernon, bitches. After getting his magic smart injections, Charly does everything us booklearnin’ people do all the time: smoke pot, ride motorcycles, and hang out with loose women to pounding drums of Mr. Ravi “I’m Not Just Norah Jones’s Dad” Shankar. (Note: this was probably only badass in the sixties. Don’t tell Dick Van Patten.)

Back to the Future // Sure, this film gets all the glory for “Earth Angel” and flux capacitors, but few people appreciate the true badass that is George McFly. He gets battered and bruised the whole movie, only to rise like a nerdy phoenix to save his future wife from the horny grasp of Biff Tannen. He got his damn hands off her right quick, thank you very much. Rock ‘n’ Roll High School // Having the Ramones hang out in your high school is pretty damn awesome. Seeing the Ramones play a show at your high school is kickin’. Showing up that stuffed-shirt principal with the Ramones is incredible. Doing all three and blowing up your high school (again, with the Ramones)? Stonecold badass.

Election // There’s something subtly badass about Matthew Broderick tearing up deciding ballots after cheating on his wife and sustaining through a gigantic bee-sting shiner. And of course it’s badass anytime Reese Witherspoon gets knocked down a few pegs.

The Dark Knight // The pencil scene. There’s nothing more I need to say. www.emmagonline.com

entertainment // 37

Cocktail Lounge

text by Samantha Russo // photo by Ben Austin


hat’s a badass without a signature drink? Along with a worn in leather jacket, brooding good looks and a fearless attitude, a signature drink is a must if you really want to have a baddass rep. Whether you’re going for the James Bond type or more like Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski, try these signature drinks from these famous movie rebels. Granted you may not turn into the Fonz overnight, but at the very least you’ll look like the badass at the party.

James Bond (Die Another Day, 2002)

If you’re the slick, adventurous type, try the Vesper Martini. Remember “shaken, not stirred.” • Two parts Gordon’s Gin • One part Vodka, preferably grain vodka • 1/2 part Kina Lillet

Combine all ingredients in an ice-filled shaker and shake till icy cold. Serve in a deep champagne goblet as preferred by Bond himself.

Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, 2004) If you’re the rebellious, drunken type, try a Black Devil. With this drink, by the end of the night you’ll be saying “but why is all the rum gone.” • 2oz of Light Rum • 1/2oz of Dry Vermouth • Cracked Ice

Stir with cracked ice and strain into a glass.

Ron Burgundy

(Anchorman the Legend of Ron Burgundy, 2004)

If you’re the self-centered, news loving type, try a simple scotch on the rocks. A few rounds and you’ll be akwardly singing,“I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly.” • Scotch • Ice

Sugar Kane Kowalczyk (Some Like It Hot, 1959)

If you’re the sassy, singing type, try a Manhattan Cocktail. This drink will have you thinking “It’s all make believe, isn’t it?” • 2oz Rye Whiskey • 1/2oz of Sweet Vermouth • 2-3 dashes of Angostura Bitters

Stir well then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski (The Big Lebowski, 1998)

If you’re the lazy, bowling fanatic type, try a White Russian. Don’t forget drink with caution,“Hey, careful, man, there’s a beverage here.” • 2oz Vodka • 1 oz coffee liqueur • Light cream

Pour vodka and coffee liqueur over ice cubes in a glass, then fill rest with light cream.

em magazine // Winter Spring 2008 2009

entertainment // 38

So Underrated...

Movies you won’t admit you’ve seen, but should! text by Maria Montemayor // photo by Ben Austin


he Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings, Titanic...all these movies are well-respected and were incredibly popular at the time of their release. Some movies, like the ones listed below, are fantastic movies, they just didn’t seem to get the response they deserved from the movie-going public. So maybe next time you are hanging out with your friends, ready to watch Donnie Darko for the millionth time, offer up one of these alternatives.

The Assassination of Jesse James The movie runs like a wellacted, narratively-structured Ken Burns documentary. Heightened by the amazing writing by novelist Ron Hansen and director Andrew Dominik, this film tells an incredible story of two very different men. Casey Affleck’s portrayal of Robert Ford is phenomenal and Brad Pitt is the perfect arrogant Jesse James. The story follows the relationship between the two men as their worlds collide. What may seem like one of the greatest betrayals in American history proves to be more complicated than Robert Ford pulling the trigger on his idol. At almost three hours in length this movie may be a little long for some, but stay with it, it’s worth it! Definitely a movie to check out if you have any interest in Westerns or psychological dramas.


King Arthur

Clerks 2

Although to most, Fight Club, is David Fincher’s best work, this creepy, obsession-driven thriller about the Zodiac Killer that stalked San Francisco in the 1970s is truly his best film. Fincher creates a world around very different individuals whose lives were affected by the man whose identity still remains a mystery today. A combination of amazing acting (courtesy of Mark Ruffalo, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Robert Downey, Jr.) and spectacular special effects creates a fantastic movie that, despite its length, captivates and haunts you days after watching it.

This may be one of the most underrated movies of the last ten years. It may not be The Lord of the Rings, but it definitely has an amazing look and an epic story line that make for quite the cinematic adventure. This is really just a wonderful re-telling of a classic story. Guinevere is a badass, and overall this movie is just really cool. Awesome action scenes set against beautiful landscapes make this movie fantastic. When renting, be sure to get the director’s cut– it’s longer and has several action scenes not included in the theatrical release.

If you have hesitated seeing this movie because of its negative reviews, just give it a chance. Perhaps the raunchiest of all of Kevin Smith’s movies, this film is another chapter in his New Jersey saga. Once again, we are brought into the world of Dante and Randal. However, Dante is planning to move to Florida and marry a trophy wife. We are introduced to a host of other characters that could only exist in a Kevin Smith universe. Basically, this movie is hilarious, and only Kevin Smith could add heart to a film involving a donkey show.

We all know movie food prices are a bitch, that’s why 22% of Emerson students stick it to the man and sneak in their own.


entertainment // 39

thought crimes. Books you aren’t supposed to read.

text by Beth Semel // photos by Valentijn van der Sloot

These “dangerous” literary works are famous for being banned, challenged, or just plain hated-on by The Man. Read them and feel bad...in a good way.

The House of Spirits Isabel Allende

Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury







Allende gives us magical realism at its very best through the story of the Truebas, a family divided in beliefs, yet connected through mysticism amidst the upheaval of post-colonial Chile.

A sci-fi thriller set in a dystopian future where all books are burned to avoid political incorrectness, and all citizens caught reading are sent to insane asylums.

Her frank portrayal of the torture and suffering that characterized this period was deemed critical of the Chilean government. It didn’t help that her uncle was the former president.

Besides its initial censored publication in 1953, the book is pulled from library shelves due to its message on the dangers of state-sponsored censorship.

The text shines from start to finish with the voice of rebellion and resistance, suggesting that the cycle of war and destruction can be broken, or at least resolved.

At the center of its message lies an examination of the role of literature against mass-media, pertinent as ever in the Facebook Age. Plus, a banned-book about book-banning? Wicked meta.

The Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov WHAT IT’S ABOUT:

Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller


A semi-autobiographical work based on Miller’s experience as an expatriate writer in Paris that spits in the eye of all things sacred, saving room for graphic sex scenes that come in all shades of nasty.

Bulgakov places the devil (and his giant talking cat) smack-dab in the middle of atheistic, Stalinist Soviet Union and asks: if you don’t believe in God, what happens to the forces of good and evil?


Fearful of the reaction to the book’s statement against oppression, Bulgakov refused to publish the manuscript in his lifetime. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that the book was published in its uncensored state, although it’s still bashed due to its Satanist readership.

Considered a work of utter depravity, the book remained unpublished in the U.S. until a series of obscenity trials set it loose to the public, setting precedent for pornography-protection laws.




Altogether hilarious and terrifying, The Master poses serious questions about our concepts of religion, history, and morality. This will win you major Satanist points.

Beyond the straight-up down and dirty lies a philosophical journey into a freeflowing life lived outside the boundaries of society. A mouthwatering body of art. em magazine // Spring 2009

entertainment // 40

got meat? T h e B e s t B u rge rs i n B o s to n

text by Catie Colliton // photos by Nicole Rosenbaum

Biggest Burger (if you are up for the challenge) Eagle’s Challenge Burger $50 Eagle’s Deli 1918 Beacon St Cleveland Circle If you can finish this monster burger made of 5 pounds of ground beef, 20 pieces of cheese, and 20 pieces of bacon with a side of 5 pounds of fries, you get your money back and the burger named after you. But if you can’t, you get your picture put up on the Wall of Shame, So come when you’re starving, not just hungry. However, if you aren’t up for a major bellybursting pig out, but still want a super burger, try the Godzilla Burger (1 pound of beef with 4 slices of cheese, served with a 1 pound side of fries) for $7.50.

Most Bang for Your Buck

Best Burger When You Are Looking For a Change: The Barack Obama $9 Mr. Bartley’s 1246 Massachusetts Ave Harvard Square Mr. Bartley’s famous burgers have a constantly changing menu since 1960, and have dedicated a burger to President Barack Obama: 7 ounces of fresh ground beef (or substitute a veggie burger) topped with feta cheese, lettuce, tomato, and red onion and a side of fries. If you’re feeling a little bitter over the outcome of the election, don’t worry. There’s a pizza flavored John McCain burger just for you.

UVeggieBurger Under $5 UBurger 636 Beacon St Kenmore Square Vegetarians, rejoice! A good fast food veggie burger is practically unheard of, but UBurger has made one bangin’ meatless burger. Try it with cheddar cheese and guacamole. The beef burgers are just as mouthwateringly delicious and even cheaper than the veggie burgers. These burgers might not be as cheap as McDonald’s, but the fresh daily ground beef and overall quality (plus savory toppings like banana pepper rings, grilled mushrooms, and tiger sauce) make UBurgers the best bargain high-quality burgers.

Best Burger That Doesn't Taste Like a Burger Organic Vegan Black Bean Burger $7 Four Burgers 704 Massachusetts Ave Central Square This veggie burger literally tastes like a burrito in burger form when you order it with guacamole, salsa, and cheddar cheese. For a little more kick try the black bean burger topped with mango barbeque sauce. It will leave you wondering, “What is this delicious thing I’m eating?”

Best Overall Burger Eating Experience Bleu Cheese Burger $9 Audubon Circle 838 Beacon St Fenway The juicy bleu cheese burger with bacon on a fresh, bakery-style bun is wicked good, especially when dipped in the chipotle ketchup sauce that comes on the side. On top of chowing down on a delicious sandwich with a multitude of flavors, Audubon Circle’s warm and trendy atmosphere is a great place to eat a burger: no florescent lights glaring down at you or order numbers shouted over an intercom.

Best Burger Worth the Price Angus Burger $14 West Side Lounge 1680 Massachusetts Ave Porter Square Burger connoisseurs will revel in this gourmet burger at the classy West Side Lounge. The hefty Angus beef patty comes topped with creamy but sharp manchego cheese, a sofrito of sautéed onions, and a mildly spicy roasted garlic aioli sauce. Try not to drool.


entertainment // 41

Rockin’ Summer

The Best Summer Music Festivals in the US and abroad text and photos by Stine Osttveit


uring the summer months legendary musicians as well as up-and-coming talents inhabit thousands of stages around the world, determined to give every music enthusiast a life-changing experience. Ah yes, it’s a little thing we like to call the “Music Festival Season”. This is the time to leave your MP3 player at home and experience raw live music at its best, performed under an open sky. Here are some suggestions on the best music festivals at home and abroad.

Europe The Glastonbury Festival (June 24 to 28) // www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk Glastonbury, located in the mythically drenched Vale of Avalon, England, is famous for its high quality lineup. This year, both Bruce Springsteen and Franz Ferdinand have already signed up. Celebs and hobos alike keep coming back to this 900 acre mini society filled with anything you might need from a circus to the theater or a jazz lounge. Just be sure to buy your tickets early, as they sell out really quickly. Don’t forget your rain boots for those muddy fields. Roskilde Festival (July 2 to 5) // http://www.roskilde-festival.dk/uk/ If you’re too late to the box office but still crave that Glasto-vibe, The Roskilde Festival in Denmark is definitely your best choice. Roskilde is known for being five steps ahead in discovering up-and-coming bands without skimping on the big names. The 2009 lineup features Coldplay, Oasis, Slipknot, and many more. To get the full Roskilde experience, be sure not to miss out on the annual nude parade, the chill-out tents, nightly raves, or skate ramps. If you want a decent spot for your tent, be at the gates on the 28th of June for the warm-up party. For first-time goers West camp is your best bet. FIB Benicassim (July 16 to 19) // http://www.fiberfib.com For those a bit more interested in sun and beaches, FIB Benicassim in Spain offers 4 days of rock and pop right on the beach. This year, bands such as Kings of Leon and The Killers will make sure everyone finds a favorite tune to wail along to. And when you want out of the sun, there are tons of unique cafés and restaurants in the small town, or you can cruise the local marketplace.

United States Lollapalooza (August 7-9) // www.lollapalooza.com This Chicago-based festival guarantees an onslaught of awesome music. Last year the lineup included acts like Radiohead and Gnarls Barkley, so expect to see some awesome big name bands. Located in Grant Park, all the excitement of Chicago is close by to explore and enjoy. Outside Lands (August 28 to 30) // http://sfoutsidelands.com San Fransisco’s newly-born Outside Lands Festival will for the second time transform Golden State Park into a raving music orgy with hippies jamming in trees and a one of a kind Frisco vibe. This eco-friendly festival promises not only good music, but also a wine tent, a solar-powered stage, and artworks scattered about to satisfy whatever visual needs hot musicians don’t take care of for you. Bonnaroo (June 11 to 14) // www.bonnaroo.com Looking for a more rural setting? Head to Tennesse for Bonnaroo and join artists such as Wilco, Snoop Dogg, TV On The Radio, and MGMT on this 700 acre farm. Besides the overflow of been-around-the-block musicians, make sure you catch some of the comedy shows and dance parties. If you need a breather, chill at the on-site cinema. Sensation White (Select dates all year) // http://www.sensation.com This crazed trance/house/dance rave embarks on a world tour every year visiting countries in every corner of the world. If it doesn’t stop here this year it will be stopping somewhere close by. The 10 hour event of pure madness hosts some of today’s most famous DJs in enormous multi-floored venues where your only way of getting past the gates is dressing in all white. The mind-blowing music, visual effects, indoor rain, explosions of confetti, and mesmerizing vibe will keep you dancing till sunrise. Leave your sanity at home for this one.

Some final tips for the road Mark the top of your tent so you spot it amongst all the others, which can seem like an impossible scavenger hunt after a few too many. If you’re with a group of people, plan a meet-up spot, and never rely on your phones (charging is a bitch). Bring a flashlight for spotting string-traps scattered throughout the grounds. You can also use it to keep the tent lit during the night to keep tent pillagers away. Don’t be afraid to just wander about, pop into tents and share a beer with random people, that’s what it’s all about. Also, for those of you who simply can’t find the money for the ticket, most of the festivals offer free entry in exchange for different kinds of volunteer work, just check their sites for further info. My final tip: grab your tent, choose your poison, and start planning your festival summer today.

em magazine // Spring 2009

Features // 42

hot shots

Recent alums making waves in the real world

Ashton Blount Grad. 2007

text by Victoria Guerrera // photo courtesy of Ashton Blount


he deal breaker that attracted Ashton Blount to Emerson College was not only the people, the city, and the programs, but something that most students do not take into consideration when choosing the perfect school: the architecture. Blount’s passion for architecture was a reason he chose to attend Emerson because he was inspired by one of the new buildings on campus when visiting. Blount, who graduated from Emerson College in May 2007 with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Theatrical Design and Technology and Scenic Design, grew up in the small town of Athens, Georgia before moving to Boston. He grew up in a liberal college town, home to the University of Georgia, and always looked forward to college. Blount has wanted to be a designer since he was five years old, and Emerson was the place for just that. “Emerson was the perfect fit for me…the energy of the city, the theatrical program, the people, and the architecture of the new building are what interested me,” said Blount. Blount, now an independent entertainment and interior designer, has worked on many projects in the past couple years, including being the associate project designer of the pre-show set of the 2008 Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards and the Design Engineer of the The Simpson’s Ride at Universal Studio’s Hollywood. Blount has also been the production designer of various films, commercials, and music videos. Blount kept himself busy at Emerson in order to prepare himself for his future career as a designer. Even though Blount’s major was theater design, he branched himself out and took film classes and marketing classes. He worked long


hours with film majors on the set of many films as the production designer. “I owe the film kids a lot. I got to work on so many sets, it was beautiful and appealing. Film had no rules, it was great,” said Blount. Blount also studied abroad in the Netherlands, and spent a semester at the Los Angeles program and interned with Lexington Designs in LA. Blount was also a part of a fraternity on campus. “The fraternity did a lot for me. I learned how to communicate with a variety of people; it was very social,” said Blount. “It’s all about becoming applicable in different environments and networking.” “Working as an independent designer is tough There isn’t always work you want, but sometimes you have to take it. You have to start from the bottom up,” said Blount. In the summer of 2008 Blount designed the “California and Climate” museum exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. “It was cool to collaborate with different architects and putting many ideas together into one exhibit. It was the most rewarding thing I’ve done and seeing it after was amazing,” said Blount. “That’s what I’m most proud of.” Blount’s inspirations come from Renzo Piano, an architect he deeply admires and describes as “perfect,” and his parents. “My parents are the biggest inspirations of all. My father worked so hard for me to go to Emerson, and my mom was with me all the way, even through cab money,” said Blount. “I appreciate them now more than ever and I’m inspired by all the work they do.” Blount now lives in New York, and for more information on Ashton Blount visit his website at www. ablountdesigns.com.

Features // 43

Layne Anderson Grad. 2008

text by Thomas McKee // photos courtesy of flickr members Enrique Dans and D.B. King


t Emerson College, President Barack Obama is a god. The collective student body’s vehement support of this political rock star is comparable to religious adoration. During the course of the campaign, it was common to hear of students’ pilgrimages to his open-air speeches. The Audacity of Hope attained the same notoriety as the Bible; the young generation read it with the same sense of wonder reserved for theological scripture. Obama-Biden t-shirts, laptop decals, and posters served as indicators of a belief and piety. Not to mention Inauguration Night was like Christmas -- a joyous celebration of the birth of a new prophet. Most students at Emerson College dream of reaching the top, making it big, of hitting the proverbial jackpot. Layne Anderson, Political Communications major of the Class of 2008, is the official “Special Advisor to the President” as an Obama campaign speechwriter. She stands as a testament, a beacon of hope that all the struggle, strife, and stress is not a necessary component to finding success in a world characterized by an oversaturated job market and economic recession. At the tender age of twenty-three, she was the youngest speechwriter on the campaign, one of five staff writers that single-handedly developed the rhetoric style of a presidential candidate that is considered to be one of the most eloquent orators in modern history. For a little over two years, Anderson lived out of a suitcase, traveling the country, occasionally writing speeches in the backseats of cars en route to political rallies and town hall meetings. She had worked alongside the upper echelon of political analysts and campaign managers, schmoozing with the likes of John

em magazine // Spring 2009

McCain, and yes, Sarah Palin. What is her formula? What does she have to say for herself? Take out your pens-- note taking is absolutely advised. “Luck, being in the right place at the right time, put me in a position to reach some pretty amazing heights in my career really early on,” says Anderson. She’s just being modest. I hope. In high school, the Gardner, MA native was on the fast track for a college career in physics. She applied to Emerson on what seems like a whim, claiming that she heard of Emerson from “a kid in her English class.” Upon visiting Emerson, she felt at home in the urban setting, claiming she “didn’t really like the campus atmosphere at other places.” She chose Emerson among a pool of the best academic institutions our country offers. “I didn’t want to wake up and realize that four years had gone by with my head in a book.” She appreciated the under-the-radar, close-knit program Emerson’s Political Communication major offered. Although Anderson was not actively involved in Poli-Comm organizations like Emerson Peace and Social Justice (EPSJ) or Communication, Politics and Law Association (CPLA), she immediately started working for political campaigns offcampus. As an intern for current Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, she started her still-young political career stuffing envelopes. As his ranking in the polls began to drop against Republican opponent Tom Reilly, Anderson was offered a chance as a staff member to bolster Patrick’s appeal to young voters. “He gave me a shot to do some voter outreach in my hometown,” says Anderson. She set up a series of satellite youth outreach offices

Features // 44

It’s very hard to hide from the secret service. I tried at a bunch of campaign stops to hide in closets. They don’t like it, and they find you very quickly.

around the Western part of the state, which ended up being very effective. With Patrick’s eminent win into the governor’s seat, Anderson gained her first experience writing and eventually an introduction to then-Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. “I was blown away by how regal and presidential-feeling he was, even at that time. And this was 2006,” says Anderson. The day after Patrick’s inauguration she received a call from the Obama camp and was offered a position in the writing department. As a staff speech writer, she was commissioned by both the campaign manager and Senator Obama himself for specific assignments based on her personal writing style. She would then attend a lengthy meeting with the Senator where he would discuss his ideas, either over the phone or in person. “He performs in person,” says Anderson. From there, she would develop a draft which was then edited by the entire speech department, then a second and third draft. “He is a writer himself, and would write his own speeches if he had the time. He makes it very clear what he is looking for,” says Anderson. Anyone else would consider her timeline to complete these tasks monumentally varied. “I had anywhere from fifteen to twenty minutes, to two months.” Anderson characterizes her style as “reflective, definitely punctuated cadences. He likes to use me for bigger things, for bigger assignments…I don’t have a knack for jazzing up policy. I could come up with one-liners.” She emphasizes simplicity and concision in her work, claiming that a good speechwriter “needs to convey a point in the simplest possible language in the least possible words.” She also stresses the importance of knowing the speaker and knowing the audience just as well. “People


forget about that a lot. A lot of people get bogged down in using big words -- that’s not necessary.” Her proudest writer’s moment: the last section of Obama’s election night speech. Now that the election has ended, and she has returned to a more “normal” routine, Anderson has trouble articulating her feelings regarding her experience. How does she feel now that he has won? “It’s an amazing feeling. It’s interesting that I get paid to write words and I can’t find the words to describe how it feels.” She describes the Inauguration as “the greatest day of my entire life.” Decked out in a huge movement-hindering ball gown designed by style heavy-hitter Zac Posen, with Office actor John Krasinski on her arm as a date, the “pretty epic” night felt like “a superstar prom.” Now that the history making campaign has concluded and the real implications of the presidency have set in, Anderson’s words characterize her relationship to the president best. “I’m still very protective of him. Everybody around here makes fun of me because I still don’t take Barack jokes very well. He is my friend, and I think that is lost on a lot of people. I went through this twoyear harrowing experience with him. He came out victorious, but either way he would be my friend. I’m incredibly proud of him.” Some words of advice from the alum: “It’s very hard to hide from the secret service. I tried at a bunch of campaign stops to hide in closets. They don’t like it, and they find you very quickly.” “The most common question people have is, do you have the president’s blackberry number?” And? “Yes, I have it.”

Features // 45

n o s r e Em s l e R eb photos by Zac Wolf and Valentine van der Sloot



students are hardly typical

when compared to college students across

the country, yet sometimes when looking around Boylston street, it is hard to spot the true rebels among us. Leather jackets and graffiti aren’t the only defining qualities in our version of rebels; we’ve realized everyone sticks out, but oddly enough, in a lot of the same ways. We are proud to introduce the Emerson rebels, defying the wives tales everyone grew up ignoring, who have the same enthusiasm and drive for Communication and the Arts, but something a little different that sets them apart from all other hipsters around. While these students aren’t the typical rebels, you’ll find passionate students focused on a variety of areas: a ROTC student (Ying Wang), a morman (Dean Egan), a non-profit film founder (Martin Zaharinov), a transfer student (Sammi Sinsheimer) and even a student bold enough to take a gap year (Josh Anderson).

em magazine // Spring 2009


Features // 47

Jo s h And e rso n in t ernational bad ass text by Tony D’Ovidio


arents of small children have long debated whether it is best to put them into school as early as possible, or whether to hold them out for a bit. Both options have their benefits: sending kids into schools earlier gets them learning sooner, but students that are held out enter schools more physically and psychologically developed, making them leaders among their classmates. This debate rages on among the teeter-totters and juice boxes in pre-schools across America, but what happens when high school graduates wait for a year? What happens when they hold themselves out? Josh Anderson did just that—and it worked exactly as planned. Confident and secure, he looks at people in the eye when he talks to them. He speaks clearly and slowly. He’s an Alpha male. Now a sophomore at Emerson, Anderson did what so many students wish they were brave enough to do—take a year off after high school to do what he wanted. While many would take this time off and spend it watching Family Guy reruns and eating Lucky Charms, Anderson had a different plan. He was going on an Indiana Jones-style adventure in South America. No, he wasn’t searching for crystal skulls—at least he told me he wasn’t (I still have my suspicions— he spent four months at the National Outdoor Leadership School, or NOLS. As the name suggests, NOLS stresses leadership, a skill Anderson developed while backpacking through the wilderness of Chile and Argentina. “It was an adventure just getting there,” said Anderson. The “adventure” spanned 36 hours, and included stints on three planes, two buses, and a cab. When he finally arrived at his destination, Anderson found out he was the youngest one on the excursion. This didn’t matter; by the end of his leadership training he took made a name for himself. “I was telling 25- to 30-year-olds what to do, and they were listening.” These well-developed leadership and survival skills have helped Anderson at Emerson, which he describes as “a whole different type of jungle.” Like a six-year-old going into kindergarten, Anderson was more psychologically developed than his peers. Adjusting to college can be stressful for freshmen, but the difficulties of expository writing and figuring out what train goes to Allston pale in comparison to navigating the South American wilderness, finding and preparing food, and performing basic first aid hundreds of miles from civilization. “I think I have more self-reliance and more self-esteem,” said Anderson. “It sounds cliche, but [NOLS] showed me that I can do anything if I persevere.” Anderson is even a trailblazer when it comes to his major—he created his own major, a mix of journalism and multimedia studies that he hopes will help him to reach his goal of running his own news website. Anderson did have some reservations about taking time off before school. He worried that a year off from the sport he loved, lacrosse, might leave him rusty. And it was strange when his friends came back from their first year of college and he couldn’t relate. Looking back, Anderson is happy with his decision. “In the end, [NOLS] teaches you more about yourself than you ever thought was possible.”

em magazine // Spring 2009

Features // 48

Martin Za harinov Film fro n t Runn e r text by Kimya Kavehkar


he smell of Martin Zaharinov’s cologne wafts delicately over the table. His handshake is firm; it is a handshake that has seen its fair amount of business deals. He wears an immaculate suit with a white flower pinned to the lapel. He leans on the table with both elbows and a crooked, mischievous smile. “Everyone was telling me that I was going to fail,” said Zaharinov, a Film major with the slightest Bulgarian lilt. “I told them, I’m not gonna give up I’m not gonna quit.” It seems like a scene that would come out of any self-respecting mobster movie. But Zaharinov is not a mobster; he is a film producer, he is a business man, he is go-getter with the tenacity to accomplish the impossible. This is quite hard to do when the people who you though had your back don’t believe in you. Zaharinov is the president of Inspiration Spotlight Films Inc., a non-profit organization that fiscally helps students get their films made by providing grants and tax exemptions. He first started when he wanted to make an independent film from a script he had read online for, he says, “selfish reasons,” and the difficulties that he faced trying to make this film (lack of money, lack of resources, lack of faith) spurred him to start this company to help students overcome these difficulties. Zaharinov seems to be a vessel of business and filmmaking knowledge—just don’t ask him to explain the process of getting grants and setting up a company because if the jargon doesn’t go over your head… well, the jargon is sure to go over your head. He spins off into dimensions unknown by the normal college student about insurance policies, IRS paperwork, and tax exemptions. This is all pretty impressive for a person who had no idea what he wanted to do after he graduated high school. “My dad asked me what I wanted to do and I said ‘I don’t know, I like to watch movies,’” said Zaharinov. When he entered Emerson, he was up against some stiff competition against kids who had been shooting films since they were toddlers. He describes his transition into the world of filmmaking as a “sponge dropped in a basin of water.” “I’m very driven and cutthroat,” said Zaharinov. “I hit roadblocks everywhere,” said Zaharinov. “I took every roadblock and incorporated into IS films.” According to Zaharinov, the Emerson Visual and Media Arts faculty has been one of the biggest barriers for students to shoot films. “I love Emerson, but sometimes around the school there’s so much red tape. I did speak to a lot of faculty members and a lot of them discouraged me. There was a lot of negativity,” said Zaharinov. “A lot of the policies are stupid…you can quote me on that.” For now, Zaharinov says he is perfectly content causing earthquakes under the foundation of the rigid and stingy Emerson system. With Inspiration Spotlight Films, he’s sticking it to the faculty that laughed at him by providing advices and financial aid to young filmmakers in the Boston area who are looking for support and just one shot. For now, he’s striving to make things better for his peers and to give them an opportunity to live out their dreams. “The real driving force is the film; I saw how hard it was for students to make a film,” said Zaharinov. “I don’t think that [they] deserve to go through all of this crap.” www.emmagonline.com

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Features // 51

Yin g Wan g R eal. ov e r tim e. tough . c hick. text by Caitlin Wilson


t five-foot-one-inch tall, Ying Wang admits that she does not strike you as the type of person who thinks about joining the army. But that is exactly what she’s doing. The Marketing Communication major, Class of 2012, is the only student from Emerson participating in a local Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program hosted by Northeastern University. ROTC is an officer commissioning program that prepares college students to enter all branches of the armed forces through leadership development, strategic planning, and physical training. The group that Wang is in, the Liberty Battalion, is made up of over 100 students from Emerson, Suffolk University, Northeastern University, Simmons College, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and Berklee College of Music. Since this is Wang’s first year in the program, she is still in a trial stage. After the first year, students can decide to either conclude their participation or continue for the remainder of their time in college. Although Wang is still deciding if she will continue on to her second year in the program, she admits that a military life does have its perks. “The military guarantees you a job for life,” said Wang, adding that her mother is in the military and first brought up the idea of joining the ROTC to Wang. As far as training goes, Wang’s physical regimen is not something that just anyone can keep up with. From obstacle courses to uphill sprints to Charles River runs, Wang doesn’t need to waste any of her free time at the gym. She meets her group at 5:30 a.m. three days a week for training and occasionally attends leadership retreats on weekends. Unlike at Emerson, the ROTC does not provide a lot of room to explore individuality. “You have to make sure everything meets their standards,” said Wang of the strict regulations cadets have to follow, including wearing uniforms every Thursday. “You don’t want to show up not having all your gear. They’ll definitely give you a lot of crap for it.” But the contrast, according to Wang, only makes it more exciting. Even though ROTC can be terribly stern at times, that doesn’t mean the participants don’t have fun. “ROTC people bond together,” said Wang. “It becomes very social and makes the daily challenges they face a little bit easier.” As for an outside social life, Wang still manages to find time to hang out when she’s not with her ROTC pals. Her friends outside of the program worry for her safety if she chooses to pursue a military career, but they still show their support. Some wonder about why a petite young woman at a liberal arts college would consider the path to the military, but many others marvel at her endurance—maybe because they know she could kick their butts.

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Features // 52

D ean Egan th e r e ligiou s r eb e l text by Kimya Kavehkar


ean Egan flits about his room, removes his shoes, and rolls up the sleeves of his white, rain-soaked dress shirt. “I just got back from church,” he smiles. He’s like a nervous moth following the light of duty, constantly in motion, constantly looking for something to accomplish. If there is one thing that Egan has plenty of, it is responsibility. Working three jobs, being a Resident Assistant, training for marathons, working on finishing his senior year next semester, and organizing social activities for his church, he seems to have little room left for a social life—but he somehow manages that too. Egan thrives off of the adrenaline of a full schedule, whereas other not-so-apt people would crumble. To be fair, he has had plenty of training in sacrifice and hard work as a missionary and spiritual leader in Finland for two years. Being a missionary for the Mormon church in another country provided positive learning experiences for Egan and gave him a way to show his dedication to his faith. “It was one of the most fun, hard, grueling, weird things I’ve done,” said Egan. “This was a time I never would get to repeat in my life. I put my heart into it, and I’m not that type of person normally; for those two years that was my job, my calling.” It is common in the Mormon culture for a young man of 19 to serve his church if he is physically and financially able to do so. For females it is less common, and the age usually averages around 21. After one year at Emerson, Egan left for Finland knowing full well what he was expected to give up while he was there. While on his mission, there were some extreme sacrifices that Egan made that seem harsh even in a strict Mormon culture. “You don’t watch TV or movies, listen to popular music, you don’t date, you don’t hang out,” said Egan. “I was allowed to e-mail my family once a week and call them twice a year.” It may sound pretty daunting for a young man in the prime of his years, but he felt that it was necessary for him to accomplish, and all other leisurely things that most people take for granted took a backseat to his higher purpose. “It is a way to give back to my church and share what has shaped the framework for most aspects of my life,” said Egan. Egan spent four hours a day studying the Bible, studying Finnish, teaching both Finnish and English, leading discussion groups about Mormonism to people wanting to learn more about the faith, and playing sports to maintain some sort of normalcy. Adjusting back to the culture of the United States was a difficult task for Egan, but his Emerson peers never treated him differently. According the Princeton Review, Emerson College ranks #6 in the list of “Least Religious Students,” but this fact never fazed him. “It wasn’t an issue,” said Egan. “People here come from such different backgrounds; they have an open mind to things.” Despite this tag that has been placed upon Emerson, Egan says that he has received very little antagonistic behavior from the students and most of the faculty, besides the friendly nickname of “Stormin’ Mormon”, as bestowed upon him by his friends and co-workers. As a native of Draper, Utah, being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more commonly known as being “Mormon,” is an ordinary thing. The cultural and religious beliefs of Mormons is something that has captivated the nation and pop culture, with the insanely popular “Big Love” on HBO, and the many polygamy scandals that have infiltrated the daily media feed. But to Egan, these things are not the defining aspects of what it means to be Mormon. “A lot of Mormons are incredibly bizarre,” Egan laughs. “Within our own religion we don’t talk about it [polygamy] all that much, but it shouldn’t be this thing that you would sweep under the rug.” It seems like Egan has everything under control and efficiency seems to be his trademark. Finally, he sits down, but not a bit of him looks physically drained. He looks up with a half-smile when asked how he does it all. “One of the things I learned in Finland was time management.” Only one of the many. www.emmagonline.com

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Sammi Sinsheim er T r an sf e r slu t text by Thomas McKee


crew everything, I’m moving to Boston. It’s gonna be fabulous!” Thus was the attitude of self-assured high school senior Sammi Sinsheimer. An Early Acceptance applicant at Emerson, had you told Sammi that in less than a year she would be compelled to reconsider her dream school, she would have been shocked. Having fallen in love with the innovative, communications-focused culture Emerson boasted on her first tour, like every other college-hungry teen, she was thrilled when she was accepted. A current transfer student sophomore at Emory University in her hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, after an arduous reapplication process, she reflects back on her Emerson experience with the world-weary wisdom befitting an individual readjusting from a period marked by an indifferent transition. “At seventeen, you don’t know what you want,” said Sinshiemer. There should have been no secret about Emerson’s rigid academic structure. High school seniors lost in the abyss of the Common Application and FAFSA paperwork check off their chosen box of majors on the Emerson Undergraduate Application with a self-assured, youthful conviction that, for some, can only be characterized as naiveté. For the Emerson freshman anomaly that is not a cinematography prodigy or published teen poet-laureate, and is simply seeking new opportunities and personal exploration, Emerson can be a battleground of pigeon-holing academic advisors and unmoving major requirements. In signing the mammoth $38,000 tuition check, some students blindly accept this inconceivable debt as a down payment for the trendy, career-driven, media-focused future they have envisaged for themselves. “Bringing Innovation to Communications and the Arts” is an alluring proposition. But, at the end of the day, when classes have ended, film shoots have wrapped, final drafts have been edited, and SGA meetings have adjourned, uncertain individuals like Sinsheimer may be compelled to wonder: are teenagers and twentysomethings truly prepared to decide the course of this elusive, overly-advertised entity that is their future? “It’s really hard to get a full perspective of a school from a tour…I made a decision about academics too soon,” said Sinsheimer. Sinsheimer still has the utmost respect for Emerson College, and is thankful for the learning experience she had at Emerson and the talented people she came to know. She just made the decision to settle down on a specific career too soon. While touring the school, wrapped up in the whirl of Emerson enthusiasm and school spirit, Sinsheimer was certain that the Writing, Literature, and Publishing program was everything she wanted. She accepted that Emerson did not offer the traditional campus experience, but was enraptured by the career-focused program and the specialized dedication her soon-to-be peers demonstrated toward their self-declared passions. “I wanted something that would set me up for a job, and I wanted to be a part of this group of students that was so focused on their craft,” said Sinsheimer. However, her expectations of Emerson took a “total 180.” Firstly, she was suprised with the lack of diversity among the student body. Describing her culture shock, Sinsheimer said, “I had no idea Emerson was ninety percent white. That surprised me.” She was also underwhelmed by the social scene, or the lack thereof, in her opinion. Attending the occasional “grimy, disgusting” Allston party was not enough for her. Midway into her first semester, she found that she resented the lack of centrality, “and it didn’t help that there was a homeless shelter around the corner.” What really made Sinsheimer think of transferring was the opportunity for a broader liberal arts education, including Middle Eastern studies classes. By the middle of winter break, she accepted that she had made the wrong decision in attending Emerson. Her desire for a more expanded liberal arts education guided her to Emory University. Emory is reputed as an outstanding academic institution, offers a traditional, centralized campus atmosphere, and flexible interdepartmental exploration typical of larger universities. Currently, Sinsheimer majors in Middle Eastern Studies and Political Science. Socially, Emory has offered her a greater opportunity to expand her interests. “It’s a totally different vibe…I think that was the main difference.” Greek life has a much larger presence at Emory, and she has rushed a sorority. “It’s something I never saw myself doing.” In addition to her studies and her sorority, Sinsheimer spends her time working on her radio show, appropriately dubbed “Transfer Sluts.” Initially applying as a joke, she embraced the opportunity to branch out of her usual taste and to relish in pop music and the random, curious, sketchy guys that call in expecting something more…scandalous. The non-competitive atmosphere works to her advantage. “It’s not nearly as legit as Emerson…but it’s something fun, a way to meet people, hang out, and play music.” She is better suited to the atmosphere Emory offers, although she still holds Boston as one of her favorite cities. “I miss bumming around Boston, going to the North End, the Garment District…random Boston things,” said Sinsheimer. “I did a lot of growing up last year, which put me in the place I am in now. I‘m where I need to be. I gained a really great life experience.” A very diplomatic answer, coming from a transfer slut. em magazine // Spring 2009

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x e S

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c i l b u p n i ...and why everyone’s doing it.


text by Kristen Berke // photos by Zac Wolf and Ben Austin

emember back when you were a teenager, beaming with pride and joy because you were just barely getting over puberty? Now think about how willing you were at such a ripe age to pretty much do anything just as long as it was considered rebellious, unruly, and for those die-hard delinquents out there, downright illegal. Drinking alcohol before you turned twenty-one or smoking a bowl with your friends behind the bleachers was all it took to make you feel like you were getting away with something epic. Well, you weren’t. And now that we’re in college, these things almost seem passé as we’ve come to realize the only rush we’re going to feel from binge drinking is the mad dash we make to the bathroom after that last kamikaze. So what now? Well, sex of course. Not just the kind of sex we have in the privacy of our fluorescently-lit dorm rooms. Not just the sex we regret having in the bed of that guy who was friends with Joe who had a cute hat and kind of a cute butt until he took off his clothes, but you decided to do him anyway because hell, you were horny and wanted a story the next day at the dining hall. Now it’s all about sex in a place where, at any time, someone could potentially peak their head through the bushes and snap a Polaroid of you and your naked significant other. I’m talking about sex in public. Let’s face it, sex in the same place can get dull after a while, and there’s a whole world outside just waiting for us to come along and contaminate it with our filth. But besides the aforementioned rush, why do we do it? Why do we risk being thrown in jail for the mere sake of getting our groove on outside the safety of our walls? One Emerson student said, “That’s part of the thrill of it. It’s sexy, two people that have each other at that moment, and it doesn’t matter if you’re in public, or wherever, it’s a dangerous kind of sexy.” As enlightening as that is, I say we ask someone with a little more clout. Sigmund Freud used the term “scopophilia” to describe the pleasure derived from actively looking at another. According to Freud, much like watching pornography, we all have an innate childlike desire to not only procreate, but to study the naked body in a voyeuristic, surreptitious, borderline-creepy kind of way. So, just like the sexual side of us inherently wants to watch, it’s not hard to understand how we might also want to share. Think of it as a kind of “show and tell,” only it’s X-rated, first come first serve, and in addition to words, we use gestures and moans to really get the point across. Now I know what you’re thinking. Doesn’t all this staring, sharing stuff take away from the intimacy of sex? What ever happened to the idea that sex was a bonding experience? Well besides the fact that if you believe this, you’re a chump, nothing. Sex in public seems to provide the best of both worlds. Another student agrees, and, pretty accurately sums up why sex in public is so popular. “I think it’s a few different things: I think it’s the idea of wanting to be wanted and knowing that people are watching and getting enjoyment out of it, but when people aren’t watching, it’s just the risk. Society places such an emphasis on sex being in private, so when someone knows that it’s not just someone in a room with the door closed, that adds a level of intensity and interest.” Freud also discusses a possible shift away from the overriding touch to a predominance of the visual. Not that touch will ever become a primal aspect of the sexual experience, but by adding a beautiful or strange surrounding to the picture, it’s likely to heighten all your senses and enhance your level of awareness more than any dimly lit bedroom ever will.

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t. it was ho e s u a c e b ’s I did it ecause it b n i a g a could be I’d do it I t a h t e car . hot. Do I guess not I ? l i a j put in

So just where exactly are people prone to having sex in public? “I mean usually it’s out of convenience. I’m horny, and I don’t want to wait until I get home to do the dirty. I don’t think I’m alone here,” explains one Emerson student. Another student continues this thought: “Yeah, I did it in the parking lot of a Daytona 500 car race once. The girl I was with was really hot and of a totally different background, so the risk of getting caught didn’t even cross my mind. She didn’t care and neither did I. And that was the way we both wanted it and that’s what made it work. And damn, was it worth it.” I asked a number of students who all admitted to having sex in public where their most memorable experiences took place. At least half of them replied they’d had sex on, by, or under the esplanade. And if they hadn’t, they wished they had and hope to in the not-so-distant future. My point here is that people still want that bit of beauty to remind them, or if not that at least fool them into thinking, that public sex is not only thrilling but still worthy of a romantic setting by the water, amidst the trees and ducks. And let’s not forget the giant piles of dog shit and slew of sweaty runners passing by. It’s a strange

phenomenon if you really think about it. The potential loss of intimacy aside, what about the fact that there’s few public places that even come close to being as comfortable as a simple couch or mattress? However, according to a couple students, apparently this added level of discomfort is something to thrive off of. When discussing the pros and cons of having sex in public, a fellow student Caitlin brought up some very interesting points that I found surprisingly relatable. “I often start zoning out while I’m hooking up with someone. Unless it’s like really new or hot or loving, my mind kind of drifts. But the public thing makes me stay in the moment because at any minute I could get arrested. I haven’t full-on boned in public. I’ve boned in the library and on a piano in the rehearsal hall, which I guess kind of counts.” I proceeded to assure her that yes, the library and the rehearsal hall do indeed count as public venues. Basically anywhere you’re at risk of being caught, expelled, or hell, maybe even joined, counts as public property. And if you really think about it, people practice heavy PDA in public places such as these all the time: in a restaurant, on the T, in that cab you mistakenly decided to share. What makes sex so much more severe


that our government has to legally forbid us from the act? I propose a revolution. If you suddenly have the urge to rip your clothes off and delve into sexual ecstasy at any given moment during your day, who am I to stop you? Who is anyone to stop you? It’s a free country, and even though sex was taboo once upon a time, movies and media have turned it into something casual. And, thanks to hippies, it’s now also an excuse for personal expression, getting to know oneself on a deeper level through human interaction (in a really naked way). I’ve never encountered a couple having sex in public, but I have a feeling my first thought wouldn’t be “Well that is downright offensive and obscene. They should be arrested.” No, I have a feeling I’d laugh and be glad there are people out there enjoying themselves, holding on to the thrill and that false sense of rebellion that we’re all familiar with from our yesteryears. As Caitlin and I were finishing our discussion, I asked her to sum up in just a few words why she thinks she chose to have sex in public. “I did it because it was hot. I’d do it again because it’s hot. Do I care that I could be put in jail? I guess not.” One thing’s for sure: I know Paris Hilton would agree.

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t n a i G e h n t o t e s r o d B n A s e d a v In Shepard Fariey at the ICA text by Thomas McKee // photos Courtesy of the ICA Boston em magazine // Spring 2009

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t is clear that artist Shepard Fairey is unapologetic about his rebellious sentiment. This command, printed on the large-scale screen-print mural, “Two Sides of Capitalism: Good” (2007), characterizes the urgency advertised throughout his first full-scale museum survey, “Supply and Demand”, now on display at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. After birthing a clothing line and graphic design company, and with fifteen career arrests and a well-publicized pending appropriations lawsuit with the Associated Press, the media-dubbed “artsy prankster” descends on Boston, offering a civilized, surprisingly polite presentation of his body of works. The juxtaposition of material and arrangement is confusing, compelling one to question the legitimacy of Fairey’s notorious rebel icon status, and whether the ironic “OBEY Giant” logos and imagery truly incite questions of the urban landscape and the corporate machine as his press release so eloquently advocates. “Shep, I swiped some enchiladas from work … feel free to take some. — Matt.” This hilarious scribbled note is scrawled on the back of the first original “Andre the Giant Has a Posse” decal. The sticker, now laminated on display in the galleries next to Fairey’s filthy Adidas sneakers, sheds some light on the his punky art school beginnings. A student at Rhode Island School of Design, he developed his iconic sticker in 1989 in the likeness of the gargantuan seven-foot-four, five-hundred-twenty pound 1980’s wrestler, Andre the Giant, the self-proclaimed “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Originating as an inside joke, Fairey mass-produced the ubiquitous image with nothing more than a few stencils and a copy machine. Plastering it all over downtown Providence — illegally, of course — the mysterious image developed an underground subculture appeal that fueled its dissemination around the country. The black-andwhite dull gaze of Andre’s face slowly bled into Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and nearly everywhere in between. Thus is the birth of Fairey’s “OBEY, Giant” street art guerilla campaign.

n: stio e u q d t o t in e c or ee am f h e st r I , ’ B ut re is t rt ? A e t h ee ‘W st r s i h t

His images dominate the public space: plastered on broken billboards, boarded up windows, and anonymous alleyways. If you walk through Downtown Boston, Chinatown and the financial district, Andre’s tenebrous face will creep up on you in many obscure places. Fairey’s style is bold and simple. Referencing multiple art historical movements, he blends Radchenko and the Russian Constructivist’s Bolshevik propaganda, Warhol’s accessible, commercial appeal, Art Nouveau’s delicate intricacies, and Barbara Kruger’s photographic collage to produce politically-charged, blatant, layered works. Most images employ large, contrasting, arbitrary planes of color, amplified subjects that dominate the frame, and subverted, sardonic political messages. Over two hundred fifty pieces are displayed, ranging from large-scale collage murals, metal etchings, screen-print posters, album covers, and a series of skateboards. He unapologetically appropriates an enigmatic cast of characters — an extensive collection of portraiture featuring black panther Angela Davis, anarchist and psychological theorist Noam Chomsky, revolutionaries Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, not to mention villains like Nixon, Mao, Bush, a star-studded grouping of musical greats from Tupac to Iggy Pop, and of course, President Barack Obama. Walking throughout the stark white galleries, it is clear the general public is enthusiastic about the works. Students and geriatrics alike fill the labyrinth-like series of rooms, audibly gasping at the “OBEY Middle East Mural“ (2008) - a monolith of a work that consumes the entirety of the back wall in the far gallery from floor to ceiling. They cackle when the see George W. Bush depicted as a vampire with demon eyes in a colorful, color-blocked screen-print, caption reading “One Hell of a Leader,” (2004). The layered mural collage work, “War by Numbers,” is undeniably impressive. Mounted on a massive plywood frame, the image of a docile little girl clutching a grenade with a rose dominates the right side of the canvas. Rendered mainly in vibrant, Socialist reds and blacks, Fairey layers seemingly torn antique wallpaper with his oeuvre of stock poster images. Repeated images of a stereotypical 1950s couple clutches a military warhead, a horny hand, seemingly the fist of capitalism, hovers over an


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image of the world, menacing, threatening to descend on humanity, caption reading “No Cents.” Hidden newspaper headlines create the work’s backdrop; decoding the subtle layers becomes a game of investigating a pseudo-secret history, exploring subverted subliminal messages. The caption “E Pluribus Venom” poignantly resonates. The makeshift construction of the plywood frame and the hidden layers convey a sense of urgency that pervades the premise of his collective works: Question Everything. For a moment, one wishes to see Fairey, now nearing middle age, swiftly plastering the image in a dark alleyway, avoiding a nearby CCTV security camera. “Supply and Demand,” curator Pedro Alonzo, is too tightly arranged. The neatly arranged posters, hung in symmetrical, streamlined frame constricts the work; to put it simply, it cramps the street art style, like he had a rod up his you-know-what as he hung the works. There needs to have been at least one room where Fairey was allowed to go to town in true guerilla, street art fashion: posters busted out of their frame, plastered right to walls, some rough exposed brick, spray paint, stickers, spontaneously and freely arranged. The exhibition needs a definite infusion of grunge. However, Alonzo has his witty, clever moments; the famed “OBAMA HOPE” (2008) benevolently rests on a far back wall in the galleries, visible from afar through the doorways, giving it a formal, regal appeal. Standing in front of Mr. President, if glance to the right … the far right, from the liberal political figure, the aforementioned demon Bush smiles at you devilishly. It’s a nice touch. But, I am forced to question, “where is the street in this street art?”

one w near ish es t o i plas ng midd see F ai r l t dark ering t e age, s ey, now w h near all eyw e image iftl y a by C i CTV y, avoid n a ing a se c u rity came r a.

In the midst of a collection of work that urges the viewer to question their society, rebel from the system, and be weary of the propaganda and media images that saturate our public space, the “OBAMA HOPE” image feels out of place, and frankly, a little hypocritical. It is a work that is wholly propaganda; no Andre icon or “OBEY” caption reminds you to draw your own conclusions. It elevates the leader, evoking responses from museum-goers that is purely emotional. There is no intellectual engagement involved. In a show that thrives on subliminal thought, and claims to force viewers to “question everything,” the Obama piece makes Fairey look like an opportunist, aligning himself with the historic campaign to increase his reputation. Granted, the work does its job: this “image of a generation” attracts a mixed crowd of people into the museum. Often, grannies, soccer moms, and dads stroll into the ICA, asking for “Shepard Farley,” the “Obama guy,” and other misnomers of the sort. The show is worth seeing. Besides, it is here until August. Although its arrangement is lackluster, and at moments hypocrisy is palpable, the works themselves are aesthetically pleasing and represent a style that is [almost] Fairey’s own. My favorite by far is the series of music portraiture. Debbie Harry, Joan Jett, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Johnny Cash surround an absolutely bad-ass image of Sex Pistols punk icon, Sid Vicious. Roughly spray-painted on cracked plywood, “OBEY Sid Vicious” oozes irony, and embodies the antiestablishment spirit that ideally, would exist in all the works. In a culture where Pepsi Co. sponsors social revolution, and Apple, Inc. markets individuality as if it could be bought, Shepard Fairey’s work represents another encroachment of the marketing machine onto the art world. One cannot help but feel that ideals and rebellion have been commoditized, exploited for the commercial appeal it absolutely attains. Did I mention, the show is brought to you by Levi’s?

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hey ladies,

be rebellious with

STYLE stylists: Valerie Molina, Margaux Moses

ph o tos

by Zac

Wo lf

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shirt: $99

jacket: $39


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shirt: $89

skirt: $129

belt: $95

dress: $189

clothing by Club Monaco, jacket by H&M models: Simone Tetteh , Jillian Wilson , Melanie Wong, Molly Zervoulis

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shirt: $79

belt: $79

attention all emerson students and faculty: bring your emerson ID card to Club Monaco and recieve 20% off your entire purchase!



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This Isn't The Town Flea-Market This is Boston Vintage for Men Vintage clothing isn’t just for girls anymore. We bring you the best vintage boutiques for men in Boston to create your own truly one-of-a kind wardrobe. Text by Joey Hebert // Photos by Zac Wolf Stylist Valerie Molina // Models Will Sanderock, Adam Nickerson, Branden Smith, Duncan Menaker em magazine // Spring 2009

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Located in The Garage in Harvard Square, Proletariat is a bit hard to find. This boutique is a hole-in-the-wall in the truest sense of the phrase. Most notably, Proletariat houses a truly amazing selection of vintage t-shirts. For the most part, they stick to basic shirts and sweatshirts. Organized by color, the search for a perfectly worn “Rocker-T” is made easy compared to the frustrating searches most people encounter at vintage boutiques. In my opinion, this is great because it can be a one-stop shopping trip when I only need a few comfortable shirts. Don’t head over to this store unless you know what to expect. The selection for t-shirts and sweatshirts is great, but that’s about it. But don’t let that deceive you, while there I bought the coolest gray Kaiser Chiefs t-shirt. Proletariat is definitely a must for any easy-going guy looking for one-of-a-kind, truly vintage t-shirts.


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The Garment District, (200 Broadway, Cambridge MA) is perhaps one of the most infamous and notorious stores in the Greater Boston Area. Ironically, its notoriety isn’t due to its amazing selection of vintage clothing, but rather their huge assortment of Halloween costumes and supplies. However, grossly underestimated is their immense collection of great 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s vintage clothing. Of particular note are the selections of vintage for men. Not only are there an awesome number of plaid flannels, and western shirts, there are great hoodies and bowling shirts, all in a variety of colors and styles. The second floor is entirely devoted to vintage clothing, while the first floor has mostly Halloween supplies. The coolest thing about this store is the “dollar-apound” special. And even though this huge pile of used clothing can be intimidating and, lets face it, a bit gross, if you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty, you can find some great pieces. My favorite Bill Blass sweater is evidence enough. em magazine // Spring 2009

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Located at 175 Newbury St., The Closet describes itself as “Boston’s finest consignment clothing store for men and women.” Proximity in itself makes this store ideal; it’s just a quick walk across the Public Gardens. However, once you enter this cramped boutique, the men’s section can be overwhelming. Featuring an awesome selection of designer brands, The Closet is bursting with a great supply of men’s shoes, jackets, and pants. It’s almost ironic how little space is allotted for men’s clothing. Once you get into the racks however, it’s nearly impossible to leave without a bag full of designer shirts, pants, and jackets. While there I found an amazing velvet blazer and coolest pair of leather Prada shoes. However, hardcore vintage shoppers beware, this may be vintage clothing, but some comes at a department store price. This isn’t a place for your average college student. Unless, of course, your parents pay you a visit.


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Bobby’s of Boston in the South End (19 Thayer St) is without a doubt one of those stores you have to see to believe. Compare it to Ralph Lauren Rugby, but with an authentic vintage twist. Bobby’s houses a great selection of legitimate 1920’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s clothing in great condition. What’s even better is that the store focuses primarily on men’s attire, which is almost unheard of in the vintage industry. Besides awesome tweeds and cardigans, there is a great selection of retro sunglasses and other accessories. I bought a rad pair of vintage Ray-Bans that would of cost me double online. The prices range from reasonable to pricey, but given their vast selection and good quality, you’re bound to discover something awesome no matter your price range. While sifting through the racks of clothing, its cool to find not only classically vintage clothing, but also little pieces like bowties, handkerchiefs, and shoes. Complete with hardwood floors, a pool table, and an old shoe shining station, not to mention the collection of antiques scattered throughout, the decor of Bobby’s makes it a unique experience, almost cooler than the clothing. Almost. At Bobby’s, not only will you find an astonishing selection of truly vintage clothing, but also you’ll leave with a new experience under your belt.

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Boston Boroughs: Davis text by Joanna Arpie // photos by John Podhor



hen you need a retreat from the hustle and bustle of downtown, Davis Square is the perfect spot to go. Centered around local businesses and eateries, its got a great neighborhood feel to it without the suburban look. Located right next to Tufts, it’s a diverse scene of college students, young professionals, and families. Just take the Red Line outbound to the Davis T-stop (about 20 minutes) and enjoy all the unique character that Davis Square has to offer.

Art Scene

Davis Square was officially named in 1883 after Peter Davis, a grain dealer who built his home at the intersection of Elm, Grove, and Morrison Streets. More people moved into the area as public transportation made it increasingly accessible. The area experienced some commercial success, but it wasn’t until the late 1970s that things turned around. In 1982, the Davis Square Action Plan was created in order to spur commercial development while maintaining the unique character of the area. When the Davis Square subway station opened in 1984, the area truly transformed into the hip area driven by local businesses that it is today.

Art is definitely at the center of the Davis Square scene. Throughout the square you can find pieces of local artwork that lend a unique sense of character to the neighborhood. At the center of Davis Square you’ll find statues named after the seven hills of Somerville, each symbolizing an important part of Somerville history. Everywhere you look there are murals and paintings on everything from walls to switchboxes, which emphasize how big a role art plays within Davis Square.


Brief History

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Johnny D's

Where to Eat

17 Holland Street Emerson students looking for nightlife beyond Downtown Boston should check out Johnny D’s Restaurant and Music Club. In business since 1969, Johnny D’s has been home to many of the best acclaimed jazz, blues, folk, and rock artists over the years. Everyone from Badfish to Wilco to the Dixie Chicks have performed here. Although there is a cover charge, finding a hip place to hang out where you can listen to some talented musicians is definitely worth the money. Johnny D’s is also noted for its Jazz Brunch on Saturdays and Sundays when you can experience delicious food and some great tunes for under ten bucks.

tre rS e t s he

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Av e


spot to pick up some country grub and hang with your friends.

Diesel Cafe 257 Elm Street All the usual coffee drinks are available along with some pretty amazing sandwiches made with the freshest ingredients. Definitely try the ‘alternator:’ baked garlic and herb tofu, humus, red onion, cucumber, sprouts and tomato on seven grain bread—both delicious and healthy, it’s a win-win. You can take a break and play pool for just $5/hour or have some fun with your friends in the photobooth. Unfortunately, the WiFi doesn’t come free, but for $7.95 you can Google and Facebook all day until your heart’s content.


Rosebud Diner

55 Chester Street If, unlike most Emersonians, your ideal meal doesn’t include sprouts or tofu but rather a nice hunk of meat, Redbones is the perfect place to feed your craving. Redbones offers up a real down-home feel with its soulful southern menu and homey atmosphere. The food comes quickly and the people are extremely friendly, making Redbones the perfect

381 Summer Street There’s something so classic about a real oldschool, hole-in-the-wall diner like the Rosebud. It’s a quaint little spot perfect for grabbing a quick cup of coffee, or hanging with your friends when you have the late night munchies. The menu is filled with all the classic diner grub from pancakes to burgers, and all for the unbeatable diner price.


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what to do Somerville Movie Theater & Museum of Bad Art 55 Davis Square The Somerville Movie Theater is a landmark of Davis Square, located at its center. The theater is reminiscent of old Hollywood complete with the classic marquee, elegantly decorated ceilings, and lavish red velvet curtains covering the screens. Catch a matinee Monday through Thursday for a mere $5. After the show, go down into the basement and browse through the hilarious works submitted by wannabe artists in the Museum of Bad Art. And better yet, it’s free with the price of admission!

Poor Little Rich Girl 255 Elm Street For the vintage-obsessed Emerson girl, Poor Little Rich Girl is definitely worth the trip to Davis Square. Poor Little Rich Girl offers cheap prices on everything from designer jeans to retro dresses of the 60s, so whatever style you’re looking for it’s sure to have it. Also worth mentioning, the store has a good shoe selection as well as an array of old jewelry and hats. Whether you’re looking for the next addition to your wardrobe or to have some fun trying on 80s party dresses, Poor Little Rich Girl is a great find.

Davis Squared 409 Highland Ave. Davis Squared is a local treasure, known for its modern gifts and home goods. Whether you’re looking for unique knick-knacks for your apartment or quirky gifts for your friends, this place will definitely not disappoint. It’s the kind of store where you hear girls saying, “Oh this is cute,” every five seconds because literally everything is adorable and, for the most part, affordable.

Magpie 416 Highland Ave. If you’re looking for knitted beer cozies, lamps complete with paper umbrella shades, or bowls made out of melted down records, Magpie is the place for you. Just steps away from the Davis T-stop, Magpie is a small boutique featuring work from local artists. The store also specializes in green products, including mugs made from 100 percent corn plastic and bags made from discarded highway billboards.

em magazine // Spring 2009

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now at emmagonline.com Some highlights from a semster of our blog...plus check out behind the scenes photos from this semester of em! Tips on Making Relationships Last By Cristina Velez After many long term relationships (even some long distance), I can still say I do not have the key to the perfect loving relationship. But I do know one thing: Love needs to be fed. People like to say, “If I need to try too hard, then it is not worth it,” but that’s BS; every relationship requires sacrifice and patience, not just love. http://emmagonline.com/3/?p=1457

The Allure of Shiny Objects, or How i Got Pwned by CitiCards By Dara Continenza A strange thing happens to me around the fifteenth of every month. I become irritable. Anxious. I have trouble sleeping, I get weird cramps in my abdomen. My face breaks out like a fourteen-year-old boy’s, and I start eating Motrin by the wee fistful. http://emmagonline.com/3/?p=1442

Black Ink By Melissa D’Agnese Whether you’re planning your holiday shopping early or running out of birthday gift ideas Boston’s Black Ink is an ideal place to go. The store describes itself as a place to find “unexpected necessities” and is intriguing from the first moment you step inside. Black Ink has two locations in Boston: 101 Charles Street in Beacon Hill and 5 Brattle Street in Cambridge’s Harvard Square. http://emmagonline.com/3/?p=798

10 Public Places to Have Sex in Boston By Jessica Lander Having sex in a public place is hot. Nobody wants to get caught, but admit it: the risk of getting caught, the chance that somebody might catch you in the act that’s supposed to be saved for the bedroom, turns you on. Here are 10 sexy places around Boston to have sex—or at least fool around a bit—and maybe get away with it. I guarantee it’ll beat the grime basement of that Allston party. http://emmagonline.com/3/?p=1364

All I Need is...Plaid? By Elissa Garza From ‘classic American designer’ Michael Kors to the bondage-inspired designs of Vivienne Westwood, plaid is still popping up all along the runway for Spring 2009. Just as the quintessential pattern transcends fashion borders, it appears to have brought a common thread among dramatically different niche groups across America. http://emmagonline.com/3/?p=1121

Gwyneth's Detox By Katherine Shushtari Did you have a decadent spring break, a junk food eating weekend, or just feel like doing a little spring-cleaning for your body? Then you need to check out Gwyneth Paltrow’s detox. Paltrow has a blog called GOOP, where she shares everything from recipes to cool places to shop. After the holidays, she posted a seven-day detox that isn’t just subsisting on lemon water for several days. http://emmagonline.com/3/?p=1446


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Make your own rules. Seeking new recruits, Fall 2009. gamedev.emerson.edu

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