Tourism Marketing

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The LoveDestinations model

Confidential material. All rights reserved to Nicolás Barboza Consultant®. 2014 - Barcelona, Spain


by Nicolás Barboza

Photo by Tim McKenna®

Marketing Consultant.

who am I?

“ + + + + + +


The LoveDestinations model

I’m a Marketing Professional dedicated to the tourism industry. I have successful international experience in marketing strategy conception and tourism brand building. After many years of studying the decision making process, I have developed a whole new model for tourism marketing: The LoveDestinations model ® and I want to share it with you.

Master’s Degree in Marketing and Sales Management Business Manager French Polynesia and exotic Tourism marketing consultant Consumer behavior researcher Specialist in ‘millenials’ Marketing

by Nicolás Barboza




model 速

This model is a innovative way to understand tourism marketing. Developing destinations as brands is just the first step in a long road for passengers attraction and seduction. !


People are changing the way they chose destinations. They seek LoveDestinations. Is your destination ready for this challenge?

Bora Bora Pearl Beach. Photo by Pearl Resorts速

The key of this new way of defining the touristic strategy is to recognize the importance of the emotional connection with passengers.

what is a

LoveDestination? And why you should care about this.


Tehahupoo, Tahiti - Photo by Tim McKenna®

It’s a place that makes us dream. It’s a deep desire, a longing in our hearts. The trip of our lifetime. A destination that seduces us, that makes us feel special. A destination capable of creating an emotional connection, and lets us feel close even if it’s far away.

A place that makes us fall in love.

Love = Sensuality + Passion + Intimacy



model ®

The destination product has been conceived as a mix of programs, packages, people and physical product. This place is ATTRACTIVE.

I dream with living this“

Bora Bora- Photo by Tim McKenna®

I want to visit this place “

There’s a line that divides ‘ ‘the trip of your lifetime This line is Only LoveDestinations can make us dream.

There are two variables to consider when building amazing destinations

ATTRACTION&LOVE a LoveDestination is irresistible.

a destination is attractive



Information vs Relationship Recognized vs Loved Generic vs Personal Statements vs Love Stories Quality vs Sensuality Symbols vs Icons Attributs vs Mystery Values vs Spirit Professional vs Creative Image vs Personality Desired vs Dreamed Clients vs People Trip vs Experience Rational vs Emotional Satisfies vs Delights Multimedia vs Transmedia Spectators vs Participants ! ! ! All you need is Love ! !

All you need is Love - Love is all you need - All you need is Love


All you need is Love - Love is all you need - All you need is Love Bora Bora Pearl Beach. Photo by Pearl Resorts速

how does this model work? Attractive Destinations

Low Love + High Attraction

Both variables, Physical attraction and Love, give us 4 types of destinations.

LoveDestinations High Love + High Attraction


Generic Destinations

Trendy destinations & Unprepared destinations

Low Love + Low Attraction

High Love + Low Attraction

Physical attraction

Kevin r tourism from fo on ti ta ap ad ks This model is an brands: Lovemarks. Lovemar r fo el od m Roberts’ ve and respect. are based on lo model on t this successful ou ab e or m rn Lea .com www.lovemarks

First comes attraction, then comes love.

Physical attraction

Physical product: Facilities - Transportation - Attractions - Reputation Programes: Events - Festivals - Activities Performance: Visitor mix - Quality - Service - Community - Trust Packages: Offers



model 速

The recognition of physical attraction has to be earned with hard work, strategic planning and destination management efficiency. For being loved, a destination has to be respected and perceived as attractive first.

Le Meridien Bora Bora . Photo by Le Meridien速

no Physical attraction, no Love

For being loved, destinations must have a soul.


Sensuality: sensory experience Passion: dreams - inspiration - mystery Intimacy: commitment - empathy - belonging


Taha’a Island. Photo by Nicolás Barboza.

Passengers are people Earning love is much more difficult than building attraction. Destinations must have a capacity for seducing people, transmitting passion and creating intimate relationships with them. It’s all about creating an emotional connection with people, rather than selling to passengers.



model ®

4 types of destinations

Trendy or unprepared destinations High Love / Low Physical attraction

Destinations that are able to generate love, but its lack of physical attraction turns this love into something fleeting. They have some occasional love generators, but they need to work on their destination management first. Trends are cool places, but are they going to last? Unprepared destinations have good potential, but they don’t have the right touristic management.



+ High Sens ion + High Pass Intimacy + Average



product l a ic s y h P w Lo es Low Program ce an Low Perform s Low Package

*Example only. Destinations classification it’s up to your target travelers. Love and Attraction are both given by people.

Easter Island. Photo by Nicolás Barboza.



4 types of destinations

Generic destinations Low Love / Low Physical attraction

Destinations that we need, but don’t desire. We may even don’t enjoy the whole experience, but they are convenient because of their price, their location or traveler’s habits.

! -


ty Low Sensuali n sio Average Pas Low Intimacy

oduct r p l a ic s y h P - Average rames g o r P e g a r e - Av rmance - Low Perfo ages + High Pack

*Example only. Destinations classification it’s up to your target travelers. Love and Attraction are both given by people.

Photo by unknown photographer

in)* SALOU (Spa

4 types of destinations


Low Love / High Physical attraction

Most of your competitors are just destinations. For the last decades they have spent their budgets on developing their physical attraction, but they risk becoming insipid destinations. If they don’t develop love, they will be replaced by LoveDestinations.



ality u s n e S e g a r Ave Low Passion Low Intimacy


product l a ic s y h P h + Hig mes a r g o r P h ig + H ormance + High Perf ages + High Pack *Example only. Destinations classification it’s up to your target travelers. Love and Attraction are both given by people.

Photo by unknown photographer

exico)* M ( A Y A M A RIVIER

4 types of destinations

Love Destinations High Love / High Physical attraction

Destinations that let us be part of a dream. Photo by Tim McKennaÂŽ

sia)* e n ly o P ( A R BORA BO



+ High Sens ion + High Pass acy + High Intim


product l a ic s y h P h + Hig rames + High Prog ance m r o f r e P h ig + H ages + High Pack *Sample only. Destinations classification it’s up to your target travelers. Love and Attraction are both given by people.

How to create love

Sensuality !


Hearing: sounds and music. Sight: colors, shapes and contrasts. Scent: smells and perfumes. Touch: textures and finesse. Taste: gastronomical offer. !

A sensual destination wil stimulate people’s emotions.

Photo by Tim McKennaÂŽ

We are seduced through our senses, so a destination has to create sensory experiences.

How to create love

Passion !

As humans, we are moved by passion. We cannot resist nor change our passions. So a destination must transmit a passionate personality. !

Build a DREAM (stories - heritage) INSPIRE dreamers (icons - insights) Let MYSTERY surround the inspired dreamers (myths - intrigue)

Photo by Tim McKenna速


We decide with our heads, but we fal in love with our hearts.

How to create love

Intimacy Photo by Tim McKenna®


Listen, understand and build an experience, but never sell a trip. Sales must be replaced by intimate relationships with our travelers. !

Destination ambassadors must find the passenger’s place within the destination by a deep comprehension of its aspirations. This can only be achieved by EMPATHY. Creating this SENSE OF BELONGING will be essential for our dreamers. The destination assumes the COMMITMENT of making the dream come true. ! !

Destinations must enter traveler’s most intimate place, their hearts.


is your destination sensual? does it transmit passion?is it sold with intimacy?

Making people fall in love with your destination is the way to improve your product and increase your business

Photo by Tim McKenna速

is all you need.

And what about your travelers?

Millenials Traveling !

People between 18 and 29 years old

Although the Millennial generation isn’t the core customer group of airlines, hotels, and travel companies today, it will be in five to ten years, when Millennials enter their peak earning, spending, and traveling years.

The best way to understand millenials is to be one of them.

Brand loyalty|Hiper-connected |’Sharing opinions’ attitude | New experience seekers|More informed and more international travelers |

Photo by unknown photographer

This new generation of travelers have completely different values from its predecessors. Destinations have to adapt to these new passengers.

Tourism brand building.

my proposal


The LoveDestinations model

Let’s apply The LoveDestinations model ® to your destination and make it a successful business for your company and an incredible experience for your visitors. Applying this model requires a 4 step process:











by Nicolás Barboza BARCELONA, SPAIN - 2014

Research is the source of traveler’s

Photo by Tim McKenna®

RESEARCH Deep study of our experience seekers. Understand their motivations, and their mindset. First, we must listen. They are giving us the key to connect with them.




Tourism is not about traveling, it’s about creating


CREATIVITY We have to create, design and explore the experiences around your destination. This will give meaning to the trip, so we’d better plan something memorable.

Photo by Tim McKenna®




Before being travelers, people are dreamers. Therefore,

Photo by Tim McKenna®

BRAND&IMAGE We need to show the world that there’s a place that is changing the way we travel. We need to let them know us, and let them love us.



LISTENERS PASSIONATE IDENTIFICATION ENGAGEMENT PEOPLE The Destinations Ambassadors that are going to tell our story must be well prepared. Achieving intimacy with travelers is not easy nowadays, so we must train our team to be prepared for this challenge.

People that work with LoveDestinations must love their product first. There are no salesmen, only brand

Photo by Tim McKenna速





model ®


Emotion is the key for choosing destinations, and emotional connections have become not necessary, but essential. So, let’s build this connection through love.

Paul Gauguin: “Fatata te Miti”

Neuroscience has demonstrated the importance of emotions in our decisions. Our rational brain is only one player in this process, and we will convince it with the physical attraction. The second player is our emotional, intuitive brain, which we’re going to seduce and make it love us by applying the LoveDestinations model.

Lest’s work on your destination


The LoveDestinations model

Nicolás Barboza

Millennials, we are to changes. Consumi more sensitive suffer a new revoluting is about to millennial dna in yo on. You need to adapt your busine ur company wave of marketing. ss to this new Nicolás Barboza Photo by Jordi Folch

CONTACT ME by email: by phone: +34 644 275 097

The LoveDestinations model® Operations Center in Barcelona, Spain. Every photograph used in this presentation has its credits on the right side of the page.

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