Neckz 'n Throats Magazine Issue #1

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CONTENTS Cover Story

22 Scott McCall How did McCall go from bitten teenager to one of the hottest young Alphas around?


Letter from the Editor


TV Guide





11 New Faces in Town 24 Scott McCall-

Teen Wolf to Alpha Hunk



Predator or Prey? Strawberry Moon with “Big Mama” Ruby Quill




Neck of the Month

20 Which Neck Accessory Fits You Best? 8

10 Signs your Alpha is into You 22 Ask Alpha 23 Ask Greenberg 35 How to Raise a Werewolf


Adventures of a Failwolf


Stiles Stilinski

40 42 43 45

Starsigns Credits Upcoming Issue Free Gift


from the


Hey Guys! As werewolves and others who embrace werewolf culture, we’re privy to a little secret; the neck, the throat are not only vital but are captivating to behold. It’s a place we adorn with jewelry, or frame with clothes and hairstyles. We dress it with scents. It’s skin that’s sensitive to every kiss or nip that our lovers send along, and at times bears marks that are remnants of intimacy. We use it in the subtlest (and boldest) nonverbal signals of attraction and dominance. It’s true, we’re a bit of a niche culture here at Neckz ‘n Throats Magazine. Not every were’ will admit to finding the sight of a bared throat exciting. But for those of us who give in to our instincts, who embrace our love of the chase, we know that there’s nothing quite so thrilling as a beautiful display of neck. And that’s why we’re here, bringing you this, the premiere issue of Neckz ‘n Throats Magazine. For this first issue we’re keeping things pretty tame, just to get our paws wet, though as you know we’ve all got much more wildness in us. In the coming issues we’re going to showcase the hottest authors and most striking art. We’ll talk about the latest fashions in werewolf culture and, of course, bring you the sexiest models. Thanks to our creative contributors and dedicated editorial staff, I think we’ve really got a great magazine for you. I know I’m excited, and I hope you are too. So without further ado, may I present for your reading pleasure: Neckz ‘n Throats Magazine.


TV Guide Season Finale

The Alpha Mate

Esarosa hopes the last-chance dates with the two remaining betas will bring some clarity to the most difficult decision of her life. Will she hand out her final rose? Will she introduce them to her pack? Will they complete the mating?

The Amazing Chase

The six remaining teams travel from Maun, Botswana to Interlaken, Switzerland, where they revisit a classic challenge when they grapple with giant river monsters. Tuesday 8/7c

Wednesday 8/7c

Coming Soon Protector:

(Series Begins June 25th) A group of contestants must protect their assigned humans stranded in a remote location with little more than the clothes on their back. The lone team remaining at the end of this contest takes home a million dollars.

The Werewolf Journals:

(Season Three Begins June 27th) Feuding werewolf brothers Jacob and Leland vie for the affection of captivating human Lucian, who attempts to unravel the many dark secrets of his hometown of Remus Pointe.

Argents & Louvels:

(Part One Airs June 13th) A 3-Night Miniseries, presented by Moonlight Pictures. Dramatization of the bitter blood feud between the two families on the French border in the years after the Treaty of Nemours.


The Alpha of Entertainment

10 - The Young and the Packless 11 - As the Moon Rises 1 - The Wild and the Wilderness 2 - The Fangs of Our Minds 3 - Feral Hospital

You can’t always rely on your sense of smell, especially if you’re human! How then can you be certain your Alpha is really interested and not just trying to strengthen your pack bond? Remember, you can’t assume just because someone is an Alpha they’ll be ready to make the first move. Alphas have a lot to worry about and making a pass at an unreceptive subordinate could wreak havoc on the pack dynamic. Don’t worry if you’re having trouble deciphering your Alpha’s signals; the following ten signs will help you know, for sure, if your Alpha wants to be more than your pack leader.

1. They want to keep you close.

3. The nose knows.

Okay, so sometimes you can rely on your sense of smell. Your senses can help and even humans can tell when their Alpha is flooding the air with arousal just by looking for certain clues. Alphas are paragons of self-control; if you do catch a whiff of arousal it’s hard to know if it’s for you. Context is key. Listen to their heartbeat. If they’re lost in thought, they’ll seem spacey and their heartbeat will be calm. In this case the arousal is probably due to some stray fantasy. However, If their heartbeat picks up and they’re focused in the moment, focused on you, 2. They tolerate your back-talk . then have no doubt that you are the cause! Humans: Alphas all have different personalities, some may be don’t be put off by a weak nose! Look for universal cues more strict than others, but one thing they all have like flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. Does your alpha in common in a knee-jerk reaction to having their sniff the air then suddenly seem embarrassed and put authority questioned. Don’t be fooled by bluster or gruff space between you? Chances are they’ve just caught responses, they’re probably just a cover. If your Alpha the scent of their own arousal. They know you can’t listens when you point out the flaws in their supposedly smell it, but if they aren’t ready to act on their feelings perfect plans (but they haven’t mentioned promoting they will instinctively recoil to protect their secret; You you to second in command) it’s a sign they appreciate just have to catch them in the act. Bonus Tip: Feeling that you can offer good counsel, a highly prized quality daring? Grab their wrist while engaged in conversation in a mate! If you frequently find yourself engaging in and sneakily feel for their pulse. Just because you can’t spirited banter or lighthearted bickering with your hear like a werewolf doesn’t mean you have to miss out Alpha they may be testing your ability to challenge on the fool-proof attraction tip off that is the elevated them when necessary. heartbeat! It’s easy to dismiss your Alpha’s lack of personal space as typical pack behavior. Humans are especially prone to missing the subtle differences. Look around you... Does your Alpha stand closer to you than they do to other pack members? Are they overly tactile, touching you more than other pack members (even in seemingly aggressive ways)? If so, they may be expressing an unspoken claim and engaging in subtle scent-marking.


4.They’re playful.

7. They go out of their way to provide for you.

If your Alpha is repeatedly trying to engage you in play outside of pack activities it means they want to strengthen their bond with you in particular. Be on the lookout for roughhousing and ambushes! Afterall, what wolf doesn’t love trying to thwart a packmate’s heightened senses? Please note, this behavior can be startling to humans who didn’t grow up around werewolves but shouldn’t be mistaken for genuine aggression. If your Alpha is protective and respectful of your boundaries when you draw them, then you can be certain their intent is nothing but good-natured.

Sure, Alphas are all about providing for the pack, but if your Alpha is bringing you lunch at work or leaving you small gifts, usually of food, that’s textbook mate behavior. Bonus Tip: Be brave! Next time you’re eating together steal a fry off your Alpha’s plate. If it goes well, they definitely have a soft spot for you. If it doesn’t...we hope their bark is worse than their bite!

5. They mark your home as their territory. Does this sound familiar? You’ve just come home from a long day at work or school only to find your Alpha hanging around in your room unannounced. This behavior can be baffling to betas and humans alike. It’s totally understandable, you don’t know what they’ve been doing or how long they’ve been there! Well, thanks to Neckz N’ Throats the Alpha mind is no longer a mystery. It’s simple – if you find your alpha in your home, fiddling with your things, or lounging on your bed, they are spreading their scent and subtly annexing your personal space. It leaves a clear message to other werewolves you might bring home that an Alpha has been there. It’s normal for an Alpha to do this in the public areas of a pack member’s house but in the bedroom the intent couldn’t be more clear. If this happens often, you can be certain they’re serious. Bonus Tip: Are you friends with any werewolves (preferably Alphas) outside your own pack? Get them to help you confirm your Alpha’s intentions by inviting them over to roll around on your bed and spread their scent all over your things!

6. They come to you when they’re vulnerable. Does your alpha consider your home a safe haven? Do they come to you when they’re sick, injured, or anytime they need to be weak and can’t afford to do so in front of the pack? If so, that’s a very good sign. An Alpha needs to know it’s safe to let their guard down around a potential mate. They need to understand that you won’t exploit any weakness to advance in the pack. If they put themselves in your hands when they’re down for the count, you know they can consider you as serious mate material.

8. Jealousy, thy rank is Alpha! Does your Alpha seem sullen or irritated when you mention old flames or someone new who has caught your eye? Do they attempt to rebuff others who make advances towards you in their presence? Alphas are naturally territorial and will be protective even of unclaimed, potential partners. Bonus Tip: Turn your lovable monster’s red eyes green with envy. Suggest a pack trip to your favorite club and try out your sexiest moves. If your Alpha sticks close to you all night you’ll know you’ve triggered their mate-guarding instinct.

9. Don’t overlook human cues! Werewolves have a human side too and typical human courtship behavior shouldn’t be taken for granted. Ironically, it’s usually humans who make this error in judgment. Don’t fall into the trap of writing that invitation to get coffee or catch a movie off as just another pack-bonding exercise. Even werewolves can make this mistake as a result of thinking their Alpha in unattainable; don’t be one of them! Never sell yourself short. The coffee date and the 2am phone calls? Yeah, they mean exactly what you think they mean.

10. They consistently put you in leadership positions. This is a big one! If you’re not their second in command, and no mention has been made of moving you up in the pack, then you can be sure there’s another motive for your suddenly expanding authority. Alphas are known to choose strong partners to help them run their pack. If your alpha is asking you to take charge, they may be preparing you to take up co-leadership of the pack in the hopes you you will accept them as your mate. If this is happening in connection with the other nine signs, then congratulations, you have definitely got a highly interested Alpha!


Ask Alpha Dear Alphas, I work at a coffee shop in my town. Every morning this surly Alpha comes in and orders a black drip coffee no cream no sugar. He seems really mean but he always tips large and then stares at me when I hand him the coffee. I know Alphas prefer to be in charge but would it be a bad idea to give him my number and see where it goes? Or should I wait for him to make the first move? Help me Alphas. -Mochaccino Heart

Dear Alphas, I recently got bitten and the person who turned me is well... he is a really bad Alpha. He’s always throwing us into fights we don’t need to be in, risking the lives of me and my packmates and I’m sick of it! I didn’t ask for the bite and I want to walk away but I’m scared of becoming an Omega. What should I do? Please help.

Mochaccino Heart, I’m going to take this moment to remind you and everyone reading this that, enhanced senses aside, your Alpha is first and foremost a person. The good news is that, once you realize this, it frees you up from misconceptions. Alphas don’t prefer to be in charge any more than humans prefer to be submissive. He could be a creep who is cataloging the exact bend of your wrist as you pour coffee so he knows the best method to bind them once you’re in his wolfy clutches. Or, you know, he could just be shy and socially incompetent. If social ineptitude is what gets you going, go for it, and exercise the same caution you would with any other potential romantic relationship. -Randi

Dear Worried Were, Not all Alphas have their pack’s best intentions at heart. It seems that you have an Alpha that is making a pack purely to build his own strength. There is a good chance he will try to kill you if he knows you are planning on leaving the pack, as you may prove a future threat. If you do leave you will have to run far and run fast. There are some packs out there willing to take in Betas such as yourself but many werewolves bitten against their will create packs with their human family and friends. It is the link of comradeship, rather than species, that is the key to pack. They will help keep you strong. Good luck. -Rafe

Mochaccino Heart, It’s a common misconception that just because a person is an Alpha that they must also be dominating and assertive. Remember, Alphas have the same insecurities as the rest of us but with the added strain of being responsible for a whole pack. Anxiety over pack dynamics can often spill into your personal life and make Alphas nervous about approaching potential partners directly, especially if they are worried about how the pack might take to a new mate. With werewolves, it’s all about the eye contact. The fact that he stares at you so intently suggests that he has some interest in you. Proceed with caution though! This interest might not be the kind you’d like but more the kind of interest with biting and claws and too much blood to be fun. Try writing your number on the napkin you hand him with his coffee. That way you have displayed your interest but the control still lies with him. -Rafe

Worried Were, I don’t feel equipped to give advice on this topic, except to say that you need to put your safety first. Aside from that, I can at least help you get in contact with people who can help you do that.


-Worried Were

LPS (Lycan Proctective Services) 1-800-555-0132 Howl (a crisis hotline) 1-800-555-0147 If you are able to get to utilize an internet connection, these sites may help:, These organizations have safe havens in most states, and can get you in contact with a shelter if they don’t. -Randi

Ask GREENBeRG I work in the public library and there’s this really cute I have a problem. I’m the Alpha of my pack, but at work guy that’s always coming in and asking for books on the I’m the new girl and I don’t know how to handle not weirdest subject. I really want to talk to him, but I don’t being in charge. How do humans handle that? know how to start a conversation with him. Help! - Trying Not To Bark At Everyone I See - Awkward Librarian Awkward Librarian, Have you thought about researching one of these weird subjects that he seems to like? Find one that interests you as well and bond over it. If none of them catch your attention, ask him why he finds it so interesting. Just be sure to be honest about it. Feigning interest in something that you aren’t actually interested in isn’t a great way to start a relationship. Next thing you know, you’ll have four years of lacrosse behind you and nothing to show for it, y’know? Good luck, Librarian!

Bark, Honestly, some humans don’t handle it very well, either. My advice would be to view your at-work superiors as fellow Alphas. Treat them with the respect that you’d treat another Alpha and try to heed their advice. Remember that they’re only trying to help you. If that doesn’t work then just remember this: your pack is counting on you to set an example. If you can’t handle situations like that with poise and grace, how can you expect your pack to? You’re an Alpha, a leader, so lead by example and show your pack how it’s done. Good luck and try not to bite anyone’s head off!

- Greenberg

- Greenberg

So, how do I go about meeting werewolves? How do I I just told my best friend I have a huge crush on him, know if I’ve met one? They’re supposedly everywhere, have for a while, and now he hasn’t spoken to me in a but I don’t think I’ve ever met one. week. What do I do? - Blind To Wolves - Confused And Lonely Blind, Trust me: you’ve met a werewolf. Just because they didn’t announce it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. There are werewolf-specific hangouts that you can frequent but I wouldn’t recommend doing that without at least bringing another human along that knows about the ins and outs. Werewolves have some pretty weird customs and habits, you don’t want to find yourself getting caught in situations you can’t get yourself out of. The only safe advice I can give you is to try to meet one online or take out an ad! We have personals in this very magazine, try to meet yourself a friend (or more) through us. Just make sure you’re meeting one for the right reasons. Meeting a werewolf just for the sake of saying that you’ve met a werewolf is not going to endear you to the community. They’re people, too, and they have feelings. Treat them right and more than likely, they’ll do the same.

Confused, I’m probably not the best person to ask for advice like this. The last time I confessed to a crush, he told me to take a lap. In situations like this, you have to figure out what’s best for you. Ask yourself questions like: If your friend doesn’t feel the same way, can you still be friends with them without resentment festering? Will you be okay if they start dating someone else? If the answer to either of those questions is ‘no,’ then you need to leave them be and walk away. If the answer is ‘yes,’ then make them sit down and talk to you. Explain it to them. Tell your friend that you confessed your feelings because you wanted to be honest but you’re alright if they don’t feel the same way. Tell them nothing has to change. Their reaction after that is out of your hands so don’t worry about it. Situations like this are hard and I’m sorry you have to go through this. Be strong! - Greenberg - Greenberg

“Need advice? Email our columnists at”

Scott Mccall S

cott McCall first appeared on the public stage as believe it. Not until the full moon. Then…well, then an unfortunate statistic: one of the small number I believed it.” (excerpt from Beacon Hills Chronicle of people each year who are bitten and turned by interview, March 21, 2011) rogue Alphas, also called “serial Alphas.” He was only sixteen years old, and his remarks from that time are The basic facts of McCall’s story (alone in the woods, the chase, the bite, the slow realization and struggle to cope heartbreaking: with the changes in his life) are clear and deeply tragic. “At first I didn’t know what was happening. I thought But details, particularly regarding what it’s like to learn I’d been bit by a dog. Which sounds so stupid now that to be a werewolf with no preparation or warning, are not I say it! Like, it healed immediately; of course it was forthcoming. In response to requests from the McCall a werewolf. But I didn’t know. I guess I just couldn’t family, the Beacon Hills Sheriff ’s Department, and the


“At first I didn’t know what was happening. I thought I’d been bit by a dog. Which sounds so stupid now that I say it! Like, it healed immediately; of course it was a werewolf. But I didn’t know. I guess I just couldn’t believe it. Not until the full moon. Then…well, then I believed it.”

local Alpha, media attention on McCall’s werewolf transition was kept to a minimum. McCall resurfaced years later as one of the youngest Alphas in California; he caused quite a stir several months ago when he approached the Alpha Council of Northern California to register his new status. His pack mostly consists of fellow college students, many of whom are friends from before or during his werewolf transition. How did McCall go from bitten teenager to one of the hottest young Alphas around?

Neckz ‘n Throats has secured the first exclusive interview with Alpha McCall since he formed his pack, where he’s given us all the juicy details. Our team met Alpha McCall (“oh, wow, no, call me Scott”) in the heart of his home territory, a house he shares with the other members of his pack. It’s a comfortable studio apartment, large and roomy and surprisingly neat for a group of college students. The living room is cozy; one corner a jumble of TV and gaming systems and another apparently devoted to

“I felt out of control, and like I was being turned into something that wasn’t even me any more. We didn’t realize it before my first full moon, and I almost hurt someone.”

board games. McCall spots a fascinatingly lacy piece of We’re here to talk about Scott. underwear hanging off the back of one of the armchairs, NECKZ N’ THROATS: So, Scott, tell us a little bit about and closes his eyes with a groan. your life right now. How’s school? “Guys, really,” he sighs, more resigned than surprised, SCOTT MCCALL: School is great. This year I’ve really and with no evidence of squeamishness, tosses the started to lock in what I want to major in; before, I offending clothing up the stairs. “Sorry about that.” was kind of bouncing around between economics and We weren’t complaining, though we are a bit sorry we didn’t get a chance to snap a picture. The point of our afternoon, however, isn’t to talk about McCall’s pack (no matter how intriguing their taste in undergarments).


psychology and medicine. I didn’t really know where I wanted to be. But I’ve been taking a lot of biology lately, and it’s starting to look like I really do want to be a doctor. Which is scary, because it’s so much more

school after this. But it’s also exciting. And I’m getting NNT: Werewolves who ask to be bitten usually spend to the point in my classes where I kind of have enough a period of time beforehand learning to anticipate the background to ask good questions, you know? That’s new senses, abilities, and instincts. Do you think it was a really cool place to be in. I haven’t had a class that your lack of training that caused your first full moon to really kicked my butt since Multivariable Calculus last be so disastrous? semester, so it’s been a nice break. SM: I do, yeah. But also…I think intent matters. I’m an NNT: Medicine, wow. Any idea what you’d like to Alpha now, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about very seriously; what a responsibility it is to give the specialize in? bite. It creates a connection, and that connection does SM: Oh man, so many ideas. I love kids, so pediatrics a lot in those first few months. I felt it when the guy is a big one, but then I also really like the idea of doing that bit me died and it was really painful for about five something with rehab and physical therapy, particularly minutes. But after that, it was like I could breathe again. for shifters. Those of us who weren’t born with such I didn’t feel the same kind of bloodlust, not even on the fast healing have kind of a unique perspective on what full moon, and my head was just quieter. Everything healing means, I think, and I’d like to share that with was better. Like the bite wasn’t someone else’s pollution people. anymore and I could finally start figuring out what it meant for me. NNT: What draws you to medicine, do you think? SM: My mom, definitely. She’s a nurse, and whenever NNT: And what did it mean for you? I visited her at the hospital I’d always feel like it was SM: A lot of changes. A lot of things I wouldn’t just amazing, what she was doing there. Taking care of necessarily have chosen for myself, if I’d had the chance, people. Saving lives, taking pain away…it’s just more but also a lot of things I’m grateful for now. I had a lot and more clear to me that that’s what I want to do, too. of trouble learning to control the instincts and the shift, And then, also, the doctors that took care of me when and I think I’m a more patient person because of that I was bitten were big inspirations. They were calm and really difficult process. I’m also really grateful that the they knew what to do in the middle of something so people around me were so supportive. A true friend is chaotic. I want to do that. someone who will pelt you with lacrosse balls until it stops making you grow fangs. NNT: That’s a very powerful story. You mentioned being in the hospital: could you tell us a little more about what NNT: That sounds like an interesting story… that time was like, right after the bite? SM: We did a lot of dumb things during those first few Scott pauses. Up until now he’s been engaged, months. I’ll always be very thankful to Alpha Hale enthusiastic, a young man talking about his plans in life. for her advice and training; she offered as soon as she Now, however, he looks down at the table briefly, and heard what had happened to me, but I was stubborn when he looks up, it’s with an almost startling intensity. and didn’t want anything to do with Alphas for a while. Eventually…and oh man this is embarrassing to admit… SM: Yeah. I’m not going to lie: it was awful. I started the thing that got me to go to her for help was getting feeling changes pretty fast, and when you’re not expecting moved to the werewolf lacrosse team. it, when you didn’t ask for it, it’s terrifying. I felt out of control, and like I was being turned into something that NNT: What made that the tipping point? wasn’t even me any more. We didn’t realize it before my SM: Suddenly I was playing with all these werewolves first full moon, and I almost hurt someone. My best who knew exactly how to handle themselves. I had friend. I—and he gave me permission to tell this story this problem where I kept wolfing out on the field— but I’d rather leave his name out of it—chased him into the adrenaline, you know?—and when I did it on the a locker room. I was stalking him, closing in to lunge, human team people freaked out. On the werewolf team when he managed to spray me with a fire extinguisher everyone just looked at me like “seriously? How old and snap me out of it. I almost killed him, and we both are you? I haven’t done that since I was five.” And then knew it. That was worse than all of the other changes someone would sit on me until I calmed down. It made combined. me realize how much of a mess I was in comparison,

honestly. And it helped with…for awhile there even unless someone, not naming any names, son, got him seeing another werewolf freaked me out. I knew it made into it first. I wouldn’t hand this kind of responsibility no sense, but all I saw was…him. But then I was on a to just any twenty-year-old, but I think Scott is going to team full of girls and guys who were nice, fun, regular live up to the trust his pack has placed in him.” people, and it settled me down enough to take Alpha Hale up on her offer. I made a lot of good friends on It’s a little humbling to hear the kind of faith these adults that team, including several of my pack members; we have in this young werewolf. As for Scott, he seems oblivious, or at least immune, to the pressure of his new still have pick-up games on the weekends sometimes. position. And with all of the serious questions taken NNT: Speaking of your pack members, can you tell us a care of, we were happy to follow his lead and get back to bit about how you acquired a pack and became Alpha? the fun questions. SM: I don’t think this is typical, but it just sort of NNT: So, Scott. Anyone special in your life right now? happened as a side-effect of growing up and making friends. I know usually Alphas build their packs pretty SM: There are a lot of special people in my life— intentionally, but that wasn’t how we did it. We’ve been through a lot together, and I think that’s part of it. We NNT: Oh really? all know we can trust each other to be there when things SM: Hah, no, I didn’t mean it like that! I just mean, you are tough, but we also…we make each other better. We know, I have a lot of people around me that I’m really learn from each other. None of us would be who we are grateful for. A lot of really good friends, family, pack, without the others. people that I love a lot. Was that sappy? I sound sappy. As for how I became an Alpha? Honestly, I think I’m still working that out for myself. It wasn’t a surprise, not really, and it definitely feels right, but I’m not sure I can really explain it.

NNT: It was a very sweet, slightly sappy way of dodging our question.

would compromise his own safety to do it. In the years since, he has channeled that ability to care for others into building strong relationships and a promising career. I’ve seen him learn to lead without dictating and to have confidence in his own strength while respecting that of others. It’s not at all surprising to me that he’s become an Alpha this young.”

SM: Come on, you’re exaggerating.

SM: Damn, you noticed! Okay, okay, fine. I do have someone who is special—incredibly special—to me. If Alpha McCall can’t explain how he came by that I’m sure she wouldn’t mind being named, but I’d rather title, perhaps some other people in his life can. Neckz not right now, just until our pack has worked out some ‘n Throats was lucky enough to secure a few moments of our feelings about publicity a little more. But she’s of Alpha Hale’s time via email, and she had this to say amazing. about her protégé’s new status: NNT: That’s lovely, but I hope you know that in a single “Even when he had just been turned, Scott had some of sentence you’ve dashed the hopes and dreams of young the best protective instincts I’d ever seen. He wanted werewolves everywhere. We can hear the wails of “he’s everyone to be safe, so strongly that sometimes he taken!!” already. NNT: Less than you’d think. But, all right, let’s get more general. What do you look for in a partner? SM: Uhm, I guess I’d say…vitality? Someone who enjoys life. And, uh…kindness, passion, intelligence, courage…when do I stop listing?

The Sheriff of Beacon Hills, a friend of the McCall family NNT: You haven’t even gotten to the physical yet! and the official liaison between the Alpha Council and the Beacon Hills Municipal Government, gave a short SM: Oh man. I don’t even know how to answer that…a nice smile, I guess. And maybe not necessarily athletic, phone interview where he noted: but someone who likes to be active. I love sports, and “Scott’s always been a real good kid: responsible, level- it’s nice when someone shares that interest. headed, smart, all that. Never the kind to get into trouble NNT: And what about on your end? What are the best


things you think you bring to a relationship?

to our readers?

SM: That’s a hard question, too! But I think one of the SM: Yes! Use your words. It was the best advice biggest things I’ve learned is how to accept and embrace anyone has ever given me and I want to pass it on to desire. It’s okay to want things, even if they’re things everyone. Don’t assume someone knows how you feel. that people tell you you shouldn’t want. I like to think Don’t assume you know how someone else feels! Find that I encourage that in other people: the ability to be whatever way of communicating works for you guys, happy in wanting and having the things that are right and then use it. All the time. It makes all the difference. for them. [a pause] Also, I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve been told I’m a pretty awesome cuddler. NNT: We believe it. Any love advice you’d like to give


Food Foreplay with “Big Mama” Ruby Quill

Break out the whisks and pans, darlings, Mama’s about to teach you pups some recipes that’ll have you and your mates whimpering in all the best ways. After all, it’s not enough to give all the attention to the outside of the throat; you gotta give the inside some good lovin’ too. Now, I don’t wanna hear none of that “But Mama, I burn water/Alphas don’t cook/ I’m afraid of the stove” nonsense. If you can trek over hill and dale to lay a claim, you can get your pretty ass in the kitchen and whip up these simple, delicious dishes. You’ll be thanking me when you watch them take that first swallow, their eyes closed in bliss. Mmm. Since June is the Strawberry Moon, Mama’s gonna show you how to make a savory fruit-laden steak that’ll bring a smile to the faces of wolves and humans alike. In Europe, this month is known as the Rose Moon, so for dessert we’re going to make an easy, floral-scented sweet. Both dishes are laden with aphrodisiacs, making them perfect for that next date night.

Strawberry-Balsamic Flank Steak

Brown Sugar Rub: 3 tbsp brown sugar ¼ tsp kosher salt ¼ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp onion powder ¼ tsp chipotle chili powder ⅛ tsp ground dry mustard ⅛ tsp smoked paprika Allow all the ingredients to mingle together in a small bowl. Whisk until well-combined and set aside. Flank Steak: 1 ½ lbs flank steak ¼ cup crumbled gorgonzola cheese

Strawberry-Balsamic Topping: 2 cups sliced strawberries 2 tbsp good quality balsamic vinegar ¼ cup sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. Let them congregate at room-temperature for about 2 hours.

Trim the fat from the flank steak. Place between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound the meat to desired thinness (not too hard; we want to tenderize it, not brutalize it). Take the pounded cut and lovingly massage your dry rub in, using all of it on both sides, until the meat is completely coated. Now, grill to your desired doneness (I suggest medium rare for maximum flavor). Take off the grill, cover with foil, and allow to rest for 5 minutes. Serve topped with balsamic strawberries and crumbled gorgonzola cheese.


Rosewater White Peaches

Rose Water Syrup: 2 cups castor sugar 2 tbsp rose-water 6 cups water Other Ingredients: 4 white peaches 1 cup chopped pistachios plain yogurt In a heavy saucepan, mix the sugar and rose water with water. Bring the water to a boil. Using a sharp knife or a clean claw, lightly carve a cross at the top of the peaches (be careful not to cut too deeply). Place the peaches in the boiling water and simmer for 5-10 minutes or until softened. Remove the peaches from the water and peel off the skin like you would peel off a lover’s clothing. Place the peeled skin back into the boiling water and continue to reduce the syrup until volume is reduced by half. Toast some pistachios in the oven at 300°F for about 5-10 minutes. Chop the into small pieces. Serve the peaches by ladling a little Rose Water Syrup over the peaches and sprinkle with the toasted pistachios. Alternatively, the peaches can also be served with a scoop of yogurt or you can serve up some of the Syrup on your dinner date.

How to Raise a Werewolf To the Human Parent of the Newly-Bitten Werewolf: Welcome to the club! We have an exclusive membership and once you’re in, you’re in for life. When my son was first changed, I wish someone would have taken the time to tell me what to do as his parent because I had no idea what I was doing. Since no one did it for me, I will do it for you:

Privacy Things you don’t have to worry about Drugs and alcohol. Car accidents. Sport injuries. Jumping from the roof of the house because another kid triple dog dared them to. Congratulations, your baby can take a licking and keep on ticking. And how many of us would go through just about anything to prevent our kids from becoming addicts and drunks? Maybe this isn’t the cure you were thinking of, but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Things you should worry about Werewolves are very strong. Almost indestructible. But everyone has their weak points, and I don’t just mean wolfsbane and mountain ash. It’s the people you really have to watch out for. People who believe they should only treat humanity humanely. People who are scared and want to lash out at your kid because of what your kid is. People who will shoot first and ask questions never. Your kid might be nigh-on unbreakable, but remember: you’re the parent. You didn’t turn in your protector badge when your kid grew fangs. Your kid still needs you.

Set rules right away. Your kid now has advanced senses. You know all those white lies you tell your child? They’re no longer an option. That vibrator you bought because it was the quietest one on the market? It’s not quiet enough. You had a horrible day at work and went into the bathroom for a good cry? May as well have invited your kid. Now, there are things about yourself you’d really rather keep to yourself. Trust me, your child doesn’t want to know all these things either. So establish some ground rules. Decide on a word to use to signify that you are having a private conversation and eavesdropping will be punished. As considerate as you expect your child to be with you, be equally considerate with them – know their schedule. Don’t masturbate when you know your kid is going to be home. Be mindful of what you smell like, and what those smells tell your child. You have the opportunity to get incredibly close to your kid; just be mindful of oversharing.


My husband and I got divorced when my son was still very young and, like a lot of little kids in that situation, he wanted to know if it was his fault. They might not say the words out loud right now, but your werewolf Things your kid’s not going to child is desperate to know that you still love them. They tell you can tell if you’re afraid or lying – you have to honestly Turning into a werewolf is overwhelming. Especially at assure them. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re reeling at the beginning. Your kid has to learn a whole other layer first – this can be a shock! But get over yourself. This is of self-control. They may be moodier and angrier than your child, and they have to know the strength of your usual as they adjust. Be patient with them; set aside one convictions. They crave your love and support. Give it area of the house, even if it’s just a closet, that’s cool and to them. dark and has very little outside stimuli. Your child is going to feel like their head is exploding with sensory Good luck! At the end of the day, they’re still your baby. overload – help calm them down! And get to know You’re never going to lose that, no matter how powerful your kid’s packmates. You want to establish a certain they become, and they will never stop seeking your love familiarity with them, after all, they’ll be around for a and approval. Don’t screw this up. long time. --Melissa McCall, proud parent of a werewolf

day. We do that the next day, in a small coffee shop two blocks from the studio. He’s wearing a pair of gym shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He’s just come from the gym. He looks nothing like the Stiles from the photo shoot yesterday, who was wearing skin-tight jeans and a tee that was just as tight, which became even clingier as he was drenched in water throughout the shoot. When I ask about this he laughs. “That was all picked out for me,” he says. “Apparently I have the style of a fourteen year old boy when I’m left to dress myself.” He sounds like he’s quoting someone, but he doesn’t tell me who. Interviewer: Cliché question, but how did you get into modeling for NnT?

Neck of the Month

Stiles Stilinski


ou’re standing amongst a flurry of people running around shouting orders and fixing lights and chasing after others with a makeup brush. In the middle of it all, standing there smiling, is a tall, slender guy with wide amber eyes, his arms crossed, leaning casually against a wall. A redhead shouts another order, and the guy’s lips quirk up into a grin.

lips. You move your eyes a little further and they fall in on the real moneymaker for this guy: the line of his neck. The delicate jut of his Adam’s apple is just this side of noticeable.

This is how I meet Stiles Stilinski, on a Monday morning at his very first shoot for the magazine. He’s happy and funny and quirky upon first impression, and once I get to You do a full-body checkout on know him further, I realize that this guy, starting from the top he’s genuinely like that all that time. and going down. Gorgeous face. Heartwarming eyes. Expressive We don’t do the interview that

Stiles Stilinski: It’s a pretty typical story. I’m a college kid and I was running broke and they were holding these audition things for it? You went in and got a photo taken of your best assets and they told you they’d call you back the next day. They had me stand in this bright light and tilt my neck back. I remember the photographer kept mentioning something about my eyes and how they captured my emotions while I bared my throat. I: You’re an up-and-coming model. Not many people have heard of you yet, but the people that have noticed you are already obsessed. Have you gotten stopped in the streets at all? SS: [laughs] I haven’t gotten stopped in the streets yet,

but my best friend likes to tease me about it. I think it’s just like – these people aren’t paying special attention to my face necessarily. Unless they’re staring right at my throat or I tilt my head to the right a little while they talk to me, I’m not gonna get noticed any time soon.

SS: Early childhood education major. I really love kids and want to work with them. It helps that I’m told pretty often I have the mentality of a five year old.

I: You’re pretty smart, from what we’ve gathered. Got a halfscholarship, a junior who’s made Dean’s List every year. You got into I: So, you’re in college. What’s your modeling to pay for school, and major? you don’t seem to plan on sticking

with it after graduation. What are your plans if you do become famous? SS: [shrugs] I think I’d try to avoid it. I like this job, to an extent, but I love what I want to do with my degree more. I’m not in this for the fame. I’m in this to pay for schooling and get my degree and move on with my life. I’m grateful I’m blessed with such a nice neck, I guess [laughs]. I: One more question: where do you see yourself in five years? SS: [pauses] I think… I see myself doing the job I love. Maybe with a partner I love and kids of my own. I’ve always dreamed of having this big, like, loud family. I grew up and it was quiet in my house. I always had all this energy and I love being surrounded by noise. I guess I want to share that with someone else.

Unless they’re staring right at my throat or they tilt my head to the right a little while they talk to me, I’m not gonna get noticed any time soon.


June’s Strawberry Moon incites passion and eroticism. Romance is all well and good, but every mate loves a hot and torrid night under a full moon, so let the influence of the moon take over as you seek to pleasure your mate. Those still searching for a mate shouldn’t be averse to the moon’s pull, either, as a passionate sexual partner is often key in finding a mate. In pack and career aspects, take advantage of your increased passion and make larger strides to achieve your goals. Your excitement will lead to greater accomplishments.


Oh, Cancers. You’ve had a rough few months through the spring, with any variety of burdens. The Strawberry Moon will return harmony and love to your relationships, opening your heart and bringing about much needed reconciliation. The opportunity for new relationships is strong, so use it well, whether you’re considering an addition to your pack, a new employee at work, or choosing a mate. Those already mated will find this month a perfect one for considering a more natural addition to the pack, as the Strawberry Moon influences the production of offspring between mated werewolves.


Pack your bags and take a trip, Libras, as the Strawberry Moon will enhance love on the road! Mated Libras should return to past romantic spots while unmated werewolves may find that special someone in a new romantic location. Use business trips to show off your skills and impress a boss or Alpha.


June’s Strawberry Moon will have a great influence on unmated werewolves, encouraging them to take bold steps and reach for new opportunities. Those already blessed with a mate will find themselves reinvigorated romantically. Your creativity will abound this month, so use it to take chances in your relationships.



May was a dark time but June will return joy and contentment to your life. The unmated shouldn’t be afraid of finding love in new places. Others use this time to learn new things about your mate. June is perfect to work through complex problems such as a long-standing disagreement between pack members.


June is likely to start out a little shaky for the Pisces werewolf but all will smooth itself out as the month progresses. Those still seeking a mate should live in the moment and appreciate playful interactions as they happen. Property decisions are best made in June, so keep that in mind if you’re an Alpha looking for a new house for your pack.

StarSigns That’s right, readers, June has arrived, and with it, one of our favorite moons to be born under. Colloquially known as the Strawberry Moon, due to the harvest of said fruit, the aphrodisiacal properties of the strawberry make the reign of this moon a great time to strengthen mate bonds or bring you closer to a potential mate.


The Strawberry Moon has little influence for Leos. While peaceful times are valued, they can breed discontent. Seek openness with your mate and pack and know that harmony will return in the future. Unmated werewolves may find the peacefulness helpful as it can allow relationships to develop without outside pressure.


The Strawberry Moon is all about unbridled passion. The full moon run is likely to be cut short by an overwhelming desire to mate. Summer affairs will blossom for the unmated werewolf as well during this month. The passion is likely to be overwhelming, so be careful lest you find your passions inspiring fights and loud arguments.


Let your love influence communication between you and your mate. Alphas should talk or playfully flirt with their mates. Not mated yet? That special someone may be waiting to hear from you. Communication will be just as important in your pack. Listen to others, but don’t let their words sway you too much.


For Virgos, affection, friendship, and sensuality maintain perfect harmony this month, allowing you to make clear decisions in all areas. The unmated Virgo should take particular heed during the strawberry moon. This is the time to assess feelings towards potential mates and consider making advanced steps.


The Strawberry Moon brings about harmony and playfulness for the Capricorn, whether mated or unmated. Give in to your desire to flirt this month, perhaps using a few succulent strawberries to grow closer to one another. Take care lest the playfulness of your personal relationships leave you neglecting other endeavors.


Take advantage of the increased need to provide for your mate or potential mate this month and make romantic, material gestures. A basket of fresh strawberries and dipping chocolates is never amiss. Carry this attitude over into work or pack negotiations; a little treat will help you achieve your goals without ruffling any tails in the process.


Upcoming Issue The next issue of Neckz ‘n Throats Magazine will be landing in August of 2013. We’ll have lots of room for new content, so start working on those ideas! Poll : Who should be our cover model for the next issue? Email your vote to Surveys : August is HOT, so tell us what you think the hottest end-of-summer fashions are! What jams have you howling? Submit a playlist or favorite song to Write to us : How is our magazine suiting your werewolfy needs? Which articles/models were most interesting? What other topics/models might you like to see? Write to the editor at Want to help create the magazine? Check out: for more information about the different roles involved in the magazine.

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