Update GP
Issue Number 7 Summer 2011
Go Confer for timely advice CONSULTANTS AT NNUH are attending a series of information sessions to explain the benefits of a new online communication system for GPs So far 350 GPs in the NNUH catchment area have expressed an interest in piloting the “Confer” system, which is designed to provide instant access to specialist advice from our consultants. The system allows GPs to log on and “chat” to consultants to help with their decision making. Clinicians can even view a snapshot of information, such as lab test or ECG results, by clicking on a hyperlink on their desktop. It’s thought this timely access to specialist advice could considerably reduce the number of unnecessary referrals, especially for patients where the diagnosis is not yet clear or for the management of those with long-term conditions There is wide variation between referral rates in the East of England and currently around 30 per cent of patients attending for first appointments are discharged from the consultant’s care with no further follow up required.
A new look for children’s services
ou may remember that in the spring edition of GP Update we
highlighted some of the children’s services we offer and the benefits of specialist care closer to home. Our new logo (above) was launched at an evening event in June and you will be seeing this branding in all our correspondence and communications relating to children’s services. Soon you will be receiving in the post our new brochure, which contains a directory of contact details for all our children’s services. The brochure is a forerunner to the new-look website for children’s services which will give in-depth information at the touch of a button. The website should be ready by early autumn but until then up-to-date information can still be accessed from the Norfolk & Norwich website: www.nnuh.nhs.uk – select Jenny Lind. We will shortly be sending you details of of our GP evening events for the autumn and look forward to seeing you then. Meanwhile, we welcome your feedback and suggestions on the brochure, the website and other children’s service issues. Please contact me by email: rebecca.perry@nnuh.nhs.uk Rebecca Perry, GP Liaison Manager, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Same day cataract surgery to be launched in Cromer CROMER HOSPITAL is to launch a onestop cataract service so patients can have surgery on the same day their condition is diagnosed. They will be seen by a consultant during the Tuesday morning clinic and, if appropriate, will be assessed for surgery and offered an operation later that afternoon. Consultant ophthalmologist Mr Colin Jones commented: “We are delighted to be able to offer this service for patients in North Norfolk as it should save them the
inconvenience of having to make extra journeys to hospital. “Initially it will be limited to a small number of newly referred patients but if successful we will extend the service to other out-patients needing cataract surgery.” Patients will be warned about the new service in information leaflets sent out with their appointment letters so they are fully prepared for same-day surgery. Most will be fine afterwards, although they need to
arrange to have a lift home as they will not be able to drive. It’s expected that the same-day service will be available at the Allies Day Procedure Unit from September until the ophthalmology department moves into the new hospital building next spring. The new unit will occupy about a third of the ground floor area and will include theatres, out-patient facilities and space for pre-assessment.
KEY CONTACTS Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Colney Lane Norfolk NR4 7UY Website: www.nnuh.nhs.uk On-call: For emergencies tel: 01603 286286 and ask to be transferred to the appropriate on-call teams: • Surgical: SpR. (bleep 0080) • Medical: via the Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU) on bleep 0002 • Medicine for the Elderly: ext. 6509 There is also an on-call general (GI) and vascular consultant available via the switchboard.
Norwich Community Hospital Bowthorpe Road Norwich NR2 3TU Tel: 01603 776776 (Also Breast Screening, Pain Management)
Norwich Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic Grove Road Norwich NR1 3RH Tel: 01603 287345
Room for more at Cromer BABIES AND children up to the age of five could be referred to Cromer Hospital for specialised hearing tests when the new hospital opens its doors next spring. Newborn hearing screening is already carried out at Cromer but children needing further investigation are currently referred to NNUH for further diagnostic tests. The new facilities will provide this service closer to home for families living in North Norfolk. A special “flexible test room” is being built as part of the redevelopment project and our audiology specialists have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure the new state-of-the-art facilities meet all their specifications. The plans provide for a “room within a room” suspended on antivibration mounts to eliminate echoes and
Pharmacy Medicines information line: 01603 287139
Pathology Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology 01603 286929 / 286932 / 286959 Microbiology 01603 288587 / 288588 Knowledge Norfolk website: http://nww.eastern.nhs.uk/scripts/index.as p?pid=73450&id=95975
Our IT team has been working on a webbased system to enable our staff to view and track the progress of electronic referrals across the hospital. The system saves valuable time for the admin teams and should ensure that referrals do not go missing between departments.
From September 2011 we will be offering a one-stop Urology clinic allowing patients to receive their diagnosis and treatment plan on the same day. Investigations available for this same day service include: • Ultrasound – renal/ testicular • Flexible cystoscopy • Flow rate • Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate • Plain film x-rays The clinic will run three times a week and will reduce the time taken from initial referral to consultant led diagnosis.
COTS FOR TOTS GP UPDATE GP Update is edited by Rebecca Perry and produced by the NNUH Communications team If you have any questions, comments or contributions please contact Rebecca on 01603 289989 or by email: rebecca.perry@nnuh.nhs.uk
noise from the rest of the building. “Children’s diagnostic hearing tests are extremely sensitive and it’s vitally important that the acoustic levels are the same throughout the room,” explained John FitzGerald, clinical director of audiology at NNUH. “Noise can reverberate throughout a building, which is why the room has to have a false floor, ceiling and walls. It also has to be big enough to allow us to test the children’s reaction to sounds from a loud speaker.” The audiology unit will be known as the Cox Audiology Unit after Phyllis Cox, who left £1.3 million to Cromer Hospital in her will. The unit includes three testing rooms and for the first time in Cromer there will be a fully equipped work room for shaping ear moulds to fit each individual patient.
More than £107,000 has been raised so far for the Norwich Cots for Tots appeal, including £24,000 from our hospital Open Day and Fete in June. Staff and visitors turned out in force to make the day a success and support the appeal, which aims to increase the capacity of our Neonatal Intensive care Unit so we can provide care for more premature and critically ill babies closer to home.
STOP PRESS - DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Cardiology Up-date – an opportunity to meet our cardiology consultants and hear about new services – Tuesday 13 September 7-9:30pm Dunston Hall Norwich, more details to follow. If you would like to attend email rebecca.perry@nnuh.nhs.uk