P.O. Box 1268 Yulee, FL 32014 www.floridatrailriders.org
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Florida Trail Riders www.floridatrailriders.org
Volume 40 | Number 2
P.O. Box 1268 Yulee, FL 32014 | (352) 538-6291
Table of Contents
There will be a Board of Directors meeting Feb. 26 at Fun Bike Center, 1845 E. Memorial Blvd. Lakeland, Fla. 33801.
EDITORIAL On the Cover 3 The Prez Says 4 Treasurer’s Check | FTR Riders in Service 5 The Editor’s Beat | Advertiser Index 6 The meeting will start FTR Contingency Sponsors 7 promptly at 10 a.m. There Chaplain’s Corner 9 will be coffee available Troy Stainbook Report from HS #7 16 starting at 8:30 a.m. Style Check 17 Team Hedin Spotlight 18-19 If you would like something Between the Trees: Gus Rickman 20-21, 24 on the agenda, please send that information to Letter to the Editor 25 ON THE COVER our Secretary Deborah Weekend Warrior 26 JD Tillman Broderick: #114 B250 Troy Stainbook Report from HS #8 33 Photo: G2 MINUTES Secretary@floridatrailriders.org January HS Committee Meeting 10-15 t the Brooksville All FTR members are RESULTS race in January, JD welcome. Tillman finished second, Hare Scrambles # 7 27-33 just a few seconds behind Hare Scrambles # 8 34-42 Cody Merrick in first. “I INFORMATION just worked all the way through the race and came up just four FTR Benefit HS # 10 44 seconds sort of the win,” JD said after the race. “I was pretty happy with a second.” SADRA Hare Scrambles # 11 45 The Lake Placid native, who recently turned 18, has been DDR Alligator Enduro # 7 46 trying to get on the cover for years, he said. Last year, he won SE FTR Razorback HS # 12 47 C Open and C High Point, but it wasn’t until this year that JD Executive Committee 48 found he was in the right place at the right time. “I saw Glenn (G2PhotosMx.com) from a distance and I thought, Who to Contact in FTR 49 ‘I gotta make this one good,’ ” JD said in a phone interview. “I FTR Officers 50 kind of hit it hard and the picture turned out so good.” Where to Ride? 51 Even Glenn said the photo was one of the better ones he’s FTR Membership Application 52 taken, according to JD. Now, the son of Bo Tillman, a former AA rider who used to 2010-2011 Competition Schedule 54
battle with Kenny Keylon back in the day, is leading the points in B250 and is hoping to win the championship. “I just have to get my confidence under me and hopefully it will come through,” he said. JD would like to thank his mom and dad along with Bill Crenshaw. “Bill helps me out a lot,” JD said. “I ride with him and my dad and they push me. They have all the knowledge for it. It’s kind of taking a while but it’s starting to pay off.” As for a motto, JD said his dad has been telling him to “Ride on and ride out. That’s pretty much my motto now,” he said. “I love riding and I’m getting super good at it.” This magazine is published and distributed to inform the members of the Florida Trail Riders, Inc. of FTR events and official business. It is also a medium for members to express personal views, report on the efforts of individuals, groups or the sharing of a good story. The quantity of input from you, the FTR membership, directly affects the content of each month’s edition.
RemembeR: If you have questions regarding weather-related event cancellations, visit the FTR website at www.floridatrailriders.org.
The deadline for articles, photos, flyers, ads, ad changes, corrections, cancellations, etc. is the 15th of the month prior issue. Submit photos and articles via e-mail or burn to a CD or DVD and mail to P.O. Box 1268 Yulee, FL 32014
Contact: Jenn Sheppard editor@floridatrailriders.org
The Prez Says Hi, my name is Ford Snodgrass and I am your new FTR president. I would like to take a moment to tell you a little about myself. I am 45 years old and race mainly Hare Scrambles but have also raced Motocross as well as Enduro’s. I am a past champion in Vet C and Evo B. I currently ride Super Senior A and my racing number is #555. Thank you, for your votes will help me to give back to an organization that has given so much to my family as well as me. I feel it is very important to thank Allen Pearce, the previous president,
The first article by FTR’s new President Ford Snodgrass
for all his years of dedicated service. During this past year he had to make some extremely tough decisions with the circumstances at hand. He, along with the executive committee and the board of directors, has made incredible strides toward turning FTR around. I would like to thank Jonny Simpkins in particular, for bringing some transparency to FTR and its problems. At great personal sacrifice, he was willing to bring things to light for the betterment our organization. That takes courage and he should know that he made a difference. You all should be made aware that Tiffany St. John volunteered her services as business manager until we could put everything in place to actually hire staff. I am happy to say she is now on staff in that position
4 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
and doing a fabulous job. Last but not least, I want to take this opportunity to personally thank Dan and Bonnie George for their years of hard work at FTR. I truly hope to see them back at the races soon. They have been missed. My plan for the year to follow is to keep an open mind, keep communication open, err on the side of caution and proceed from there with common sense. I look forward to seeing all of you throughout the rest of the race season. If you need to be heard or just want to chat you can usually find me at the “Crazy 8 Trailer.” (They feed me there.) Ride hard and safe, (but if you do crash may you execute with great style). - Your new President Ford 555A
Treasurer’s Check
A word from FTR Treasurer Jonny Simpkins
would like to welcome Ford Snodgrass as our new President and Deborah Broderick as our new Secretary. Ford has years of service with the Sarasota Police Department and Deborah brings her expertise of accounting. With these two people in the leadership of FTR, we are all in good hands. As we move into the new year, I would like to share a little bit of where we are financially, as well as the outlook into the near future. As everyone knows, FTR has pulled out of a financial hole that was pretty deep. We currently have no loans out, all of our bills are paid and have recently made a deposit of the monies that were collected so far this season for the Land Use Fund. By the time the next magazine comes out, we should have a new checking account open that will be for all of the “Year End Award” head tax money that has been collected so far this season as well. This will allow us to always set aside the monies that we will need each year for the Year End Awards. Hopefully, the end has come for FTR to need any type of bank loan to pull us through at the end of a season.
For the first time in it’s history, FTR has voted on and approved a detailed “2011 Year Budget”. The Finance Committee worked countless hours on answering questions and preparing this Budget. As Finance Committee Chairman, I could not have done it without the endless help of Jack Terrell, Deborah Broderick and George Pollard. If you see these guys at the races, be sure to thank them for using so much of their time to help prepare this time consuming Budget. This Budget will hopefully help guide us and keep us in calmer waters, rather than the heavy storm that can be caused by unpredictable spending and costs. We all have made major headway in guiding FTR into a better future by creating and approving this Budget. If this is done every year, I think it will become a very accurate and useful financial tool. The yearly banquet will be here soon enough, so I can assure FTR members that I will keep a close eye on the expenditures. FTR has learned a most valuable lesson as to how easy it is for spending to get out of control. We now have Tiffany St. John in the position as our newly hired Business Manger. The Treasurer
and the Business Manager will be working together closer than any other Executive Committee member to assure that FTR stays on the right track. I look forward to this challenge of taking FTR further into the positive financial direction. As our scoring equipment gets older, it will most likely start failing. Scoring is a major service to the FTR members. I will be working on ideas that can allow us to have the money in place, when the time is needed, to be able to purchase this equipment. I will be addressing this concern and working on different ideas that will offer some solutions, and present these to the Executive Committee. It has been a very rough past two years as your Treasurer, but with the support that I have received from most of you, I can proudly say that I see a most promising future for our great organization. We still have hurdles to get over, and I am sorry to hear that the long standing MX series has now come to an end. As most of you know, I raced the MX series many years ago and had a great time. I am sorry to see it end, but this economy takes no prisoners. Some things must be cut to make sure other important things will survive.
FlORiDa TRail RiDERS WHO SERVED UniTED STaTES COaST GUaRD - bRooks Tomblin, 12 YeaRs; Joe Collis, 4 YeaRs UniTED STaTES aRmy - mike DinsmoRe, 10 YeaRs; JoeY Young, 8 YeaRs; FoRD snoDgRass UniTED STaTES naVy lee DaleY, 7 YeaRs; James golDen, 6 YeaRs; FRank geRemia, 8 YeaRs; sCoTT kluCineC, 8 YeaRs; maTT oaTwaY, 7 YeaRs; UniTED STaTES maRinE CORpS RobeRT Camp, 3 YeaRs; bRian seCekl, 4 YeaRs; Joe blum, 4 YeaRs; shane hiTz, 5 YeaRs; DaviD Davis, 6 YeaRs UniTED STaTES aRmy naTiOnal GUaRD peTeR mCgee, 6 YeaRs UniTED STaTES aiR FORCE - CaRol pResTon, 14 YeaRs UniTED STaTES naVy RESERVE - eDmunD muRziC, 5 YeaRs (anD 4 YeaRs FloRiDa aiR naTional guaRD) UniTED STaTES aRmy RESERVES - Duke baRwiCk, 6 YeaRs DiD you serve? email eDitor@floriDatrailriDers.org
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 5
The Editor’s Beat
or my second printed issue, I got the feeling that it’s not necessarily the biggest names that make the best storytellers but the up-and-comers who deserve the attention. The struggle for success is always a better story. By now, the new cycle of printing, which alternates between a printed issue and an online issue each month, should be enticing more members to connect online and join the conversations through the FTR Forum and sites like Facebook. I’ve also been busy catching up on the current state of the organization, and I truly believe FTR is becoming better than ever. The magazine is a valuable tool for members to communicate. Even if half of the 1,100 members on the mailing list skim these pages, that’s enough to keep “rocking on,” as many would say. I hope you heard FTR’s own Kirk Layfield, writer of Weekend Warrior, a firefighter and EMT esteemed in the industry, signed up for the World Fire Games in NYC later this year. It’s an international dirt bike race between firefighters and law enforcement officers. He actually sent his article in two weeks early this month because he said he would be “out riding and training the rest of the week.” Another former MX champion Jimmy Button is riding his bicycle more than 2,400 miles from California to Daytona Beach in April. JB was paralyzed in 2000 and it was thought he would be confined to a wheelchair. Slowly but surely, he was able to regain movement and now he’s riding across country in support of spinal cord research. He’s hoping to raise $1 million. I’m beginning to see this year as a unique opportunity. FTR has a new president, secretary and business manager. There’s a few openings for area directors and rider reps. FTR officials recently passed the first budget, ever. And, despite the recent cancellation of the FTR MX series, I hear there could be Jenn Sheppard is some other ways to get the MX crowd involved. What will we think of next? a former FTR Enduro Women’s champion who started riding dirt bikes, on a three-wheeler, at the age of four. She recently earned her master’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University and promptly returned to Florida where she’s working to bring her fellow FTR members a championship magazine!
Advertiser Index 2 JacksonvillePowersports.com WMR1.com 4 MxMarionCounty.com 7 BTOSports.com 7 GB Works 7 DougHarveyRacing.com 7 HBDmotografx.com 8 For Sale: Dutchmen 17 StellarMX.com 22-23 GNCCRacing.com 43 HapsCycle.com 50 TuckerRocky.com 55 BeachBlvdMotorsports.com 56
6 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
FTR Contingency Sponsors
The next Dirtwise event is Feb. 12 and 13 in Fort Basinger, 20 miles NW of Okeechobee. The cost is $360 per rider with World Enduro and U.S. Champion Shane Watts. For more information, contact dirtwise@shanewatts.com or call (828) 465-4181.
Support Local Business “Oldest operator owned track in Florida”
Reddick, FL (352) 591-2377 January Winter AM Series February AMA National Vet Race and Loretta Lynn Area Qualifier www.mxmarioncounty.com
Trackside Service at most FTR Hare Scrambles and MX Events! Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 7
8 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
“Super Senior What”
Boy, do I feel stupid. Undoubtedly, I was completely confused about our Florida Trail Riders Magazine. I was under the impression that I was to write an article every other month. However, our wonderful magazine editor, Jenn Sheppard, has kindly just explained to me that each month FTR is alternating the magazine between an online version and a printed version. Not a combined bimonthly printed version. Having learned that, I had to quickly turn out a few words for her to print. So let me wipe the egg off my face and share a few rapid thoughts with you. First, I hope you have had a chance to make it to a hare scrambles race this season. Our clubs have done a great job! This last event (only yesterday), hosted by the Treasure Coast Trail Riders, was a humdinger! The one inch of rain that fell on Friday was perfect. The event was 14 miles long with some of the fastest, tightest, “rootiest” prettiest woods and fields you’ll ever hare scrambles in. After practice I was psyched and ready to go. The Lord had given us an absolutely beautiful Sunday morning. After the first row left I “toed” the painted line with my new classmates, the Super Senior A’s. By the way, I’m thinking of partitioning the hare scrambles committee and asking them to change the name of that class. That’s like the worst name ever. I’ve ridden the Vet Class and Senior Class. I have buddies that ride the Master Class; now that sounds cool. Why the Golden Master Class sounds like the crème de le crème of all classes. But when I tell someone outside of our off-road racing family that I ride the Super Senior Class, the first thing out of their mouth is, “You mean people that old still ride motorcycles?” My suggestion is to change our class name to something like: the Super Fast Class. Or, better yet, exchange the word “Senior” for “Superior.” We could be the Super Superior Class, or if that is too intimidating, we could just be “The Superior Class.” You have to admit, that does have a nice ring to it. I ride in the Super Superior A class. I like it!
awful start. As I was maneuvering my way through the course… Oh yeah, and another thing. Since I’m at this part of my story, why don’t all these guys on row #2 let me by? Don’t they know I’m the preacher? I get absolutely no respect out there on the course. I have to fight for every inch of ground. Shouldn’t they just let me by so I can ease my way to the front of the line? Shouldn’t I be able to holler, “Excuse me, preacher coming through” and they safely pull over and I say “thank you” as I pass on by. (Now for all of you out there that don’t know me or may be looking for an excuse to not like me even more, let me insert a disclaimer… I’m making a joke. You should be laughing right now.) Like I was saying, as I was fighting my way through the crowded course, I unfortunately ended up with a flat tire around mile three. What a disappointing day. However, the club volunteers got me safely back to the chicane so I could cheer and encourage all my friends through the event. Was I ever more bummed about that flat? Yes, but that’s racing. Sometimes no matter how well we are prepared, stuff just happens. If you are breathing, I’m sure you’ve experienced it. If not, hang on, it’s coming. At some point life is going to throw you a curve. How many times have you picked yourself up off the ground and said, “What did I just hit?” When that happens, you can get mad. You can scream, holler and cuss. But is that going to fix the problem? Generally not. Sometimes it’s best to pause just for a moment, evaluate the situation and then determine your best reaction; all of that may take only seconds. Trust me. There are times I wish I had taken my own advice. That is why the Bible, in some instances (such as in Psalm 64:3), has described the tongue like a sword. It has the ability to do so much damage. Once a word is uttered it cannot be retrieved. However, in God’s perfect wisdom, the same tongue that can cut like a knife will also say “I love you”. It can encourage. It can bring peace. God knows what He is doing. It’s you and me that don’t have a clue. That’s why I trust Him! How about you? Now go and think on these things. I look forward to seeing you on the line. Your friend, Andy Dickson
Now where was I…? Oh, yes I was “toeing the line” with my classmates when the horn blew. I had an You can contact us at: (904) 813-5713 78 Dolphin Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 orrmfamilyracing@bellsouth.net or www.offroadracingministries.org
8, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by the chairman. Role was taken, in attendance were: Mike Belle (Chairman) | Don St. John (Scorekeeper) | Donny Richardson (Referee) | Jeremy Powell (Specialty A & B Rider Rep.) | Michael Sacco (Saturday Rider Rep.) | Kerri Chambers (Specialty C & Women Rider Rep.) | Trey Heath (AA, A & B Rider Rep.) | Rocky Gavins (TTR) | Jerry Bean (RCDR) | Ron Collis (OSDR) | Mark Bordelon (Apollo) | Kevin Moyer (DDR) | Roger Butler (TCTR) | Carol Preston (SADRA) | Troy Stainbrook (Suncoast) | Mike Reynolds (BSTR) | Jonny Simpkins (CFTR) | Jack Terrell (Sunrunners) Quorum was verified.
Old Business, Second Vote
New Business, First Vote
Chapter III, General Rules D. Rider Classification Current Rule: HARE SCRAMBLES
Jason Croley submitted a petition to the committee to be allowed to drop from the “A “division to the “B” division. He presented data and explained that he was no longer able to be competitive in the “A” division and would not place consistently in the top half of the “B” division.
Division/Class 65A 65B 65 65 Girls
Displacement classes 51-65 cc*** 51-65 cc*** 51-65 cc*** 51-65 cc***
Age 8 thru 12* 8 thru 12* 8 thru 12* 8 thru 12*
***Play bike type motorcycles up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter the 65A and 65B classes. Proposed Rule Change to: HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class 65A 65B 65C 65 Girls
Displacement classes Age 51-65 cc 2-stroke and 52-90 cc 4-stroke *** 8-12* 51-65 cc 2-stroke and 52-90 cc 4-stroke *** 8-12* 51-65 cc 2-stroke and 52-90 cc 4-stroke *** 8-12* 51-65 cc 2-stroke and 52-90 cc 4-stroke *** 8-12*
*** 16” front wheel max. in all 65cc classes. Two stroke play bikes (ex: PW80) up to 80cc displacement are allowed to enter 65cc classes.
Roger Butler made a motion to allow the petition, and it was seconded by Carol Preston. The motion passed and Jason will be allowed to race in the “B” division the next time he enters a race. Mike Hauptkorn submitted a petition to the committee to be allowed to drop from the “A “division to the “B” division. He presented data and explained that he was no longer able to be competitive in the “A” division and would not place consistently in the top half of the “B” division. Jonny Simpkins made a motion to allow the petition, and it was seconded by Donnie Richardson. The motion passed and Mike will be allowed to race in the “B” division the next time he enters a race.
A motion was made by Mike Sacco to approve the proposal for the second vote. It was seconded by Donnie Richardson, and passed. The rule will take effect at the start of the 2011-2012 season if approved by the Board Of Directors.
Jason Langworthy submitted a protest stating that he was DQ’ed after the protest period was over for having the wrong color backgrounds on his bike during the race, and that someone at signup told him it would not matter. There were extenuating circumstances related to him not having the correct color installed at the race.
Proposal #1 of 10
Jonny Simpkins made a motion to reverse the DQ and it was seconded by Jeremy Powell. The motion passed and the scorekeeper is going to reinstate Jason’s points for the race.
Purpose: It has been observed that many times officials are not using the penalty of disqualification and are looking the other way because they feel that disqualification is too severe for the offense. This proposal creates penalties that can be used in many instances that will be more appropriate to the severity of the offence in the hope that penalties will be issued more consistently and be more effective. Chapter III General Rules Currently reads: C. Duties: 2. Referee c. The duties of the FTR Referee shall include the following: • Assistant referee checks the course. • Check promoters’ insurance (Enduros, Hare Scrambles and Motocross). • Render, with assistant referee and the promoter’s referee, all decisions on disqualification of riders and disqualify any rider who violates any of the rules of the meet or FTR. • See that any major violations or problems are taken to the Enduro, Hare Scrambles or Motocross Chairman prior to the next scheduled event. • Responsible for transferring FTR equipment to the next sponsoring Club and insure that all equipment is in good condition. O. Disqualification and Recourse
10 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
1. All disqualifications issued during an event shall be recorded by the referee. The record should contain all pertinent information needed for review of the disqualification by the competition committee. This information should include identification of involved parties and witnesses and shall state the nature of the disqualification. The log shall be forwarded to the FTR Scorekeeper for consolidation throughout the competition season. 2. Any disqualified rider may file a grievance with the appropriate competition committee. The grievance shall be filed in writing with the series Referee or Committee Chairman at the event the disqualification was issued. 3. The Committee Chairman shall bring the grievance before the committee within 60 days and shall notify the disqualified rider and disqualifying official of the time and place of the meeting. 4. The Competition Committee shall consider the grievance in an open meeting, allowing time for both rider and official, and resolve the grievance with a vote. The vote shall result in only one of three options: a. Disqualification stands as issued b. Disqualification stands - modified to remove any series standing inclusion requirement c. Disqualification is repealed and scores to be reinstated 5. The decision of the Competition Committee shall be final with no further recourse open to either rider or official.
Change to: C. Duties: 2. Referee c. The duties of the FTR Referee shall include the following: • Assistant referee checks the course. • Check promoters’ insurance (Enduros, Hare Scrambles and Motocross). • Render, with assistant referee, associate referee (HS) and the promoter’s referee, all decisions on penalties of riders and penalize any rider who violates any of the rules of the meet or FTR. • See that any major violations or problems are taken to the Enduro, Hare Scrambles or Motocross Chairman prior to the next scheduled event. • Responsible for transferring FTR equipment to the next sponsoring Club and insure that all equipment is in good condition. O. Penalties and Recourse 1. On the day of an event, and at the discretion of the meet referee, any or all of the following penalties may be administered: (1) Disqualification. (2) Docking of finishing position one or more places. (3) Fine of up to $50. (4) Recommendation of further action by the executive committee. 2. All penalties issued during an event shall be recorded by the referee. The record should contain all pertinent information needed for review of the penalty by the competition committee. This information should include identification of involved parties and witnesses and shall state the nature of the penalty. The log shall be forwarded to the FTR scorekeeper for consolidation throughout the competition season. 3. Any penalized rider may file a grievance with the appropriate competition committee. The grievance shall be filed in writing with the series Referee or Committee Chairman at the event the penalty was issued. 4. The Committee Chairman shall bring the grievance before the committee within 60 days and shall notify the penalized rider and penalizing official of the time and place of the meeting. 5. The Competition Committee shall consider the grievance in an open meeting, allowing time for both rider and official, and resolve the grievance with a vote. The vote shall result in only one of three options: a. Penalty stands as issued b. Penalty stands - modified to remove any series standing inclusion requirement c. Penalty is repealed and scores to be reinstated or fine repaid 6. The decision of the Competition Committee shall be final with no further recourse open to either rider or official. 7. Any participant who is fined under these rules will be deemed suspended from all FTR sanctioned activities until the fine is paid. The fined party is entitled to a receipt upon payment. Fines will be paid to the referee or other party designated by the referee and will be deposited in the FTR Scholarship fund. A motion was made by Jonny Simpkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Mike Sacco. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #2 Purpose:To reduce the penalty structure for pit riding so that the rules will more likely be enforced. Chapter III General Rules Currently reads: C. Pit Riding
7. Any FTR member in violation of these rules shall be subject to the following: a. Responsible FTR member is disqualified for the event. b. If the member is not competing at the event then the rider shall be requested to leave the event property. c. All disqualifications shall count in the year end standings. d. A second offense within the same competition season shall result in an automatic suspension from all FTR competition for one calendar year following the date of the second offense. Multiple offenses may count even at a single event. e. A third offense shall be defined as “Conduct unbecoming an FTR member” and shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the Scorekeeper. Change to: C. Pit Riding 7. Any FTR member in violation of these rules shall be subject to the following: a. Responsible FTR member is fined $25. b. If the rider is not a member then the rider shall be requested to leave the event property. c. A second offense within the same competition season shall result in the responsible FTR member being disqualified for the event and receiving a score of zero which must count towards the rider’s year end total. d. A third offense within the same competition season shall result in an automatic suspension from all FTR competition for one calendar year following the date of the second offense. Multiple offenses may count even at a single event. A motion was made by Jonny Simpkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Ron Collis. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #3 Purpose: To clean up the wording from disqualifications to penalties. Chapter VI Currently reads: A. General 2. In Hare Scrambles, there shall be two additional officers. b. The Associate Hare Scrambles Referee, who is the primary assistant to the HS Referee .The Associate Referee’s primary duties, will involve pit area safety and sound/tech inspection. The Associate Referee will coordinate with the Clubs regarding providing manpower for these functions, and supervise these functions at the event. The Associate Referee has the authority to disqualify riders. Final authority on disqualification remains with the Hare Scrambles Referee. If the Hares Scrambles Referee cannot be present at the event, then the Associate Referee will serve as the Acting Hare Scrambles Referee. Change to: A. General 2. In Hare Scrambles, there shall be two additional officers. b. The Associate Hare Scrambles Referee, who is the primary assistant to the HS Referee .The Associate Referee’s primary duties, will involve pit area safety and sound/tech inspection. The Associate Referee will coordinate with the Clubs regarding providing manpower for these functions, and supervise these functions at the event. The Associate Referee has the authority to penalize riders. Final authority on penalties remains with the Hare Scrambles Referee. If the Hares Scrambles Referee cannot be present at the event, then the Associate Referee will serve as the Acting Hare Scrambles Referee. A motion was made by Ron Collis to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Roger Butler. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting.
continued...on page 12
continued...January HS minutes
Proposal #4 Purpose: To add greater flexibility to penalty for errors of following the course. Chapter VI B. Course 3. Add to end of text: Failure follow marked course within 20 feet of orange arrows or to go between double green arrows may result in the rider being docked by one finishing position or more, up to disqualification from the event, subject to the referee’s discretion. A motion was made by Jonny Simpkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Trey Heath. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #5 Purpose: To create an enforceable safety zone in the chicane and around downed riders. Chapter VI Hare Scrambles Rules A. General Add: 15. The ribboned off area of the scoring chicane shall be considered a safety area. Any section of the track where an EMT or track worker is attending to a downed rider is also considered a safety area and it will extend to 20 feet either side of the downed rider. If there is a course worker signaling a rider to slow down with hand motions or a flag, the safety area will start at that point. Once a rider enters a safety area they are to maintain an even safe speed, without hard acceleration or braking or anything that would kick up avoidable dust or dirt. There should be no passing in the safety zone unless another rider is completely stopped and it is safe to pass. Failure to follow this rule will result in the rider being docked by one finishing position or more, up to disqualification from the event, subject to the referee’s discretion. A motion was made by Jonny Simpkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Donnie Richardson. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #6 Purpose: To add exception to fractional point rule for peewee riders. Chapter VII, Hare Scramble Scoring Currently reads: B. Championship Series Points System 1. Class championship points will be awarded based on finishing position according to the following schedule: 1st place in class 50 points 2nd place in class 47 points 3rd place in class 45 points 4th place in class 43 points 5th place in class 41 points 6th place in class 40 points etc., one point less per position provided the required number of laps are completed) Riders completing within 1 lap of the winning rider for their class will receive full position points. Riders completing less than 2 laps from the winning rider in their class will receive fractional position points. For example: a rider completing 3 laps of a possible 5 lap race will receive only 3/5 of their position points. Change to: B. Championship Series Points System 1. Class championship points will be awarded based on finishing position according to the following schedule: 1st place in class 50 points 2nd place in class 47 points 3rd place in class 45 points 4th place in class 43 points 5th place in class 41 points 6th place in class 40 points etc., one point less per position provided the required number of laps are completed) Riders completing within 1 lap of the winning
12 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
rider for their class will receive full position points. Riders completing less than 2 laps from the winning rider in their class will receive fractional position points. For example: a rider completing 3 laps of a possible 5 lap race will receive only 3/5 of their position points. Exception, peewee riders will receive full point value regardless of laps completed. A motion was made by Jonny Simpkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Trey Heath. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #7 Purpose: To allow Saturday riders to race more than one race. Chapter VII, Hare Scramble Scoring Currently reads: A. General 3. A rider may ride one division or class per day. If they elect to move to another division, they must stay in the higher division and not return to the lower division without written request to and approval by the Hare Scrambles Committee. The division that the rider rides first (if the rider decides to change divisions on race day) will be the one that points will be kept on for that race. This is the lower-ranking of the divisions. After the race, they will be scored in the higher division. They will take up to 90% of the earned lower division points with them. Change to: A. General 3. If a rider elects to move to another division, they must stay in the higher division and not return to the lower division without written request to and approval by the Hare Scrambles Committee. The division that the rider rides first (if the rider decides to change divisions on race day) will be the one that points will be kept on for that race. This is the lower-ranking of the divisions. After the race, they will be scored in the higher division. They will take up to 90% of the earned lower division points with them. 10. Saturday riders may enter more than one race providing they are eligible for each. No allowance will be made for conflict of race times. Sunday riders may only enter one race. A motion was made by Mark Bordelon to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Rocky Gavins. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #8 Purpose: To create A&B classes for peewee quads. Chapter III, General Rules, D Rider Classification Currently reads: HARE SCRAMBLES
Division/Class Quad Super Peewee Quad Peewee
Displacement classes 51-90cc 50cc
Age 6 thru 12* 4 thru 8*
Change to: HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class Displacement classes Age Quad Super Peewee (A, B) 51-90cc 6 thru 12* Quad Peewee (A, B) 50cc 4 thru 8*
Chapter VI, Hare Scramble Rules, C Event Rules Currently reads: Race 4 Race 5
11:15 AM – 11:30 AM 11:35 AM – 11:50 AM
Change to: Race 4
11:15 AM – 11:30 AM Row 1 - Quad Peewee A Row 2 - Quad Peewee B
Race 5
11:35 AM – 11:50 AM
Quad Peewee Quad Super Peewee
JanUaRy HaRE SCRamblES COmmiTTEE mEETinG minUTES high numbers on side plates. The number of 3.25 is what HBD Motografx has been printing for many current FTR H/S racers
Row 1 - Quad Super Peewee A Row 2 - Quad Super Peewee B
Chapter VIII, Hare Scrambles Responsibilities C. Hare Scrambles Quad Technical Requirements Add: 7. Peewee Quads will start with bikes running, hands on head. Row 2 will start as soon as practical after row 1. All timing will be based on Row 1. Only bikes and riders will be allowed on the grid in front of row 2 at the start. A motion was made by Trey Heath to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Rocky Gavins. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #8.5 Purpose: To specify Backgrounds and letters for new Quad Peewee classes. Chapter VIII, Hare Scrambles Responsibilities, B Riders, 3 Currently reads: Classes Number Plate Quad Super Peewee green Quad Peewee white Change to: Classes Number Plate Quad Super Peewee A green Quad Super Peewee B green Quad Peewee A white Quad Peewee B white
Letters none none
Number Color white white
Letters A B A B
Number Color white white black black
A motion was made by Jeremy Powell to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Carol Preston. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #9 Purpose: To allow 4 stokes up to 125cc in the Quad Super Peewee classes
Chapter III General Rules D. Rider Classification Current Rule: HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class Quad Super Peewee
Displacement Classes 51-90cc none
Age 6 thru 12*
Change to: HARE SCRAMBLES Division/Class Displacement Classes Quad Super Peewee 51- 90cc 2 stroke and 51- 125 cc 4 stroke A Age: 6 thru 12* Quad Super Peewee 51- 90cc 2 stroke and 51- 125 cc 4 stroke B Age: 6 thru 12*
A motion was made by Mark Bordelon to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Trey Heath.
The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #10 Purpose: Proposal #10 Purpose: Reason for Rule change proposal: Side number plates on current model dirt bikes are shrinking in size. The newest KTM plate is so small it is nearly impossible to be 5” high numbers on pre-printed backgrounds. There is also a trend to free up more of the number plate area for advertising of sponsors. This proposal recommends keeping current rule of 5 inch minimum number size for the front plate only and allowing 3.25 inch
Current Rule: Chapter VIII Hare Scrambles Responsibilities B. Riders 3. Firmly affixed number plates with the correct color background, correct color and type FTR assigned numbers, and correct color an type alphabetical designations will be required on each side of the motorcycle and on the front. Quads will have number plates with the correct color background, correct color and type FTR assigned number, and correct color and type alphabetical designation firmly affixed to the front and the rear of the quad. Numbers and letters will be standard, block style of one color. No flames, checkers, chrome or stylized numbers and letters of any type are allowed. All letters will be the size of the numbers or less, provided the numbers are at least 5 inches high and the letters at least 2 inches high. Keep in mind that the scorekeepers must be able to quickly identify the color, number and letter on your machine as you ride through the scoring area. Classes Number plate Letters/Color (3) / Letter and Number color *AA red AA / white Open A, B & C yellow A, B, C / black 250 A, B & C green** A, B, C / white 200 A, B & C black A, B, C / white Veteran A, B & C red A, B, C / white Senior A, B & C green** A, B, C / white Super Senior A, B & C white A, B, C / black Master A, B & C blue*** A, B, C / white Golden Master A, B black A, B / white Women A, B & Vet yellow A, B, V / black Junior A , B, C, Girls black A, B, C, G / white Mini A, B & C, Girls white A, B, C, G / black 65 A, B, C, Girls green** A, B, C, G / white Vintage white V / black Evolution A, B, C & Senior yellow A, B, C, S / black Peewee A, B & C white A, B, C / black Beginners white none/ black Classes Number color Quad AA Quad A Quad Open B, C Quad 0-400
Number plate Letters / Color (2) red white white yellow
Quad +30 red Veteran Quad red Senior Quad black Super Senior Quad black Master Quad green** Quad Utility white Women Quad blue*** Women Vet Quad blue*** Quad Junior white Quad Super Peewee green Quad Peewee white
Letter and AA / white A / black B, C / black none / black
none /white V / white none /white X / white none /white X / black none /white V / white none /black none /white none /white
*See VI.A.9 Pro Am rule. ** This should be a Kelly green. Do not use greens so light that they look yellow or so dark that they look black. ***This should be a medium blue. Do not use blues so light that white numbers and letters are hard to see on them or blues so dark that they look black. a. All A, B and C Division riders will use a letter to designate their divisions. Vintage bikes (not Evolution) will have the letter “V” on their number plates. b. All numbers shall be a minimum of five (5) inches high, letters two (2) inches high.
continued...to page 14
continued...January HS minutes
New Rule: (changes/additions in bold) Chapter VIII Hare Scrambles Responsibilities
2009 the split was 214 versus 104, morning versus afternoon with an average of 48 VET racers.
B. Riders 3. Firmly affixed number plates with the correct color background, correct color and type FTR assigned numbers, and correct color and type alphabetical designations will be required on each side of the motorcycle and on the front. Quads will have number plates with the correct color background, correct color and type FTR assigned number, and correct color and type alphabetical designation firmly affixed to the front and the rear of the quad. Numbers and letters will be standard, block style of one color. No flames, checkers, chrome or stylized numbers and letters of any type are allowed. For the front plate, letters will be the size of the numbers or less, provided the numbers are at least 5 inches high and the letters atleast 2 inches high. For the side plates, letters will be the size of the numbers or less provided the numbers are at least 3.25 inches high and the letters at least 2 inches high. Keep in mind that the scorekeepers must be able to quickly identify the color, number and letter on your machine as you ride through the scoring area.
This proposal recommends moving the VET A, VET B and VET C classes to the 1:00 pm races. Since VET class participation has averaged 41 riders per event this season, the morning versus afternoon split becomes 183 versus 137. VET classes would also be able to compete for top 20 recognition at each event and VET A and VET B would be included for top 10 year end awards.
Classes Number Plate Color (3) red *AA Open A, B & C yellow green** 250 A, B & C 200 A, B & C black red Veteran A, B & C Senior A, B & C green** Super Senior A, B & C white Master A, B & C blue*** Golden Master A, B black Women A, B & Vet yellow Junior A , B, C, Girls black Mini A, B & C, Girls white 65 A, B, C, Girls green** Vintage white Evolution A, B, C & Senior yellow Peewee A, B & C white Beginners white Classes Number Plate Color (2) Quad AA red Quad A white Quad Open B, C white Quad 0-400 yellow Quad +30 red Veteran Quad red Senior Quad black Super Senior Quad black Master Quad green** Quad Utility white Women Quad blue*** Women Vet Quad blue*** Quad Junior white Quad Super Peewee green Quad Peewee white
Letter and Number color AA / white A, B, C / black A, B, C / white A, B, C / white A, B, C / white A, B, C / white A, B, C / black A, B, C / white A, B / white A, B, V / black A, B, C, G / white A, B, C, G / black A, B, C, G / white V / black A, B, C, S / black A, B, C / black none/ black Letter and Number Color AA / white A / black B, C / black none / black none / white V / white none / white X / white none / white X / black none / white V / white none / black none / white none / white
*See VI.A.9 Pro Am rule. ** This should be a Kelly green. Do not use greens so light that they look yellow or so dark that they look black. ***This should be a medium blue. Do not use blues so light that white numbers and letters are hard to see on them or blues so dark that they look black. a. All A, B and C Division riders will use a letter to designate their divisions. Vintage bikes (not Evolution) will have the letter “V” on their number plates. b. Front numbers shall be a minimum of five (5) inches high, side plate numbers will be a minimum of 3.25 inches high , and all letters a minimum of two (2) inches high. A motion was made by Jonny Simpkins to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Carol Preston. The motion passed and will be published in the magazine and presented for a second vote at a subsequent committee meeting. Proposal #11 Purpose: Reason for Rule change proposal: For several years, the Sunday morning Specialty Class participation has been significantly larger than the afternoon displacement classes. The first 6 races of the 2010-2011 season has seen an average of 224 in the morning and 96 in the afternoon. In 2008-
The result of this disparity in numbers is crowded lines (up to 40 racers) even with 11 rows in the morning. Since Master B and Golden Master A currently start on the same row with up to 40 racers, it has been necessary to split this row effectively making 12 total rows. This could be issue on short course or when dust necessitates adding a minute between row starts where Row 1 could be completing their first lap when the last row is starting.
Current Rule: Chapter VI Hare Scrambles Rules C. Event Rules 2. Only the following divisions may be run together at the same time with one minute between starting different groups. The races will be run at the times listed unless permission to change is approved by the Hare Scramble Committee prior to publication of the flyer. Starting times may be adjusted to accommodate available daylight hours. Race time deviations will be published on event flyer. Sunday Race Schedule Signup and Tech Inspection: 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM Practice 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Riders Meeting at starting line 10:00 AM Race 1 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Row 1 – Vet A, Senior A Row 2 - Super Senior A, Master A Row 3 – Vet B Row 4 – Senior B Row 5 – Super Senior B, Women A Row 6 - Master B, Golden Master A Row 7 – Vet C Row 8 - Senior C Row 9 - Super Senior C Row 10 - Golden Master B Row 11 - Master C, Women B, Women Vet Race 2 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Row 1 - AA Row 2 - A Open Row 3 - A-250, A-200 Row 4 - B Open Row 5 - B-250 Row 6 – B-200 Row 7 - C Open Row 8 - C-250 Row 9 - C-200 Chapter VII Hare Scrambles Scoring
The approved proposals listed under “New Business” were approved to be published in the FTR magazine for evaluation and comment by the membership. If you or any FTR members have strong feelings, either positive or negative, about any of the proposals, you have plenty of time to personally contact your rider representative, club representative, and the Executive Committee members to voice your opinion before the final votes are cast. - Mike Belle
B. Championship Series Points System 5. Timing will be used for two purposes: a. To determine high-point and top 20 positions for the event and year-end overall top 10 awards (AA, A, B Divisions only). The top 20 riders (based on elapsed time) will be awarded points for year end overall position on the same basis as each class is awarded points (paragraph B-1). B riders will not be eligible for top ten year-end overall awards. The B-High Point year end award will be calculated based on points given for the top 20 B riders (based on elapsed time) at each race on the same basis as each class is awarded points (paragraph B-1). The list of top 20 B riders for each race is to be used only for calculating the year-end B-High Point award, as is not to be published as a separate class for each race.
New Rule: (changes/additions in bold) Chapter VI Hare Scrambles Rules C. Event Rules 2. Only the following divisions may be run together at the same time with one minute between starting different groups. The races will be run at the times listed unless permission to change isapproved by the Hare Scramble Committee prior to publication of the flyer. Starting times may be adjusted to accommodate available daylight hours. Race time deviations will be published on event flyer. Sunday Race Schedule Signup and Tech Inspection 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM Practice 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Race 2 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Row 1 - AA Row 2 - A Open, Vet A Row 3 - A-250, A-200 Row 4 - B Open Row 5 - B-250 Row 6 – VET B Row 7 - B-200 Row 8 - C Open Row 9 - C-250 Row 10 – VET C Row 11 - C-200
Donnie Richardson made a motion that we allow OSDR to host a second event on May 14-15, 2011. The motion was seconded by Jonny Simpkins. The motion passed and Ron Collis the president of OSDR has been given the approval to host the event.
Riders Meeting at starting line 10:00 AM
Race 1 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Row 1 - Senior A Row 2 - Super Senior A Row 3 – Master A Row 4 – Senior B Row 5 – Super Senior B, Women A Row 6 - Golden Master A Row 7 – Master B Row 8 - Senior C Row 9 - Super Senior C Row 10 - Golden Master B Row 11 - Master C, Women B, Women Vet
Since the original Benefit hare scramble scheduled for Gatorback in August was cancelled, we had an open event on the schedule. The rules allow us to run 15 events as long as one of them is an FTR benefit. The race scheduled for 2/5-6/2011 in Okeechobee is a benefit, so that requirement has been met. Both OSDR and SADRA were interested in holding a second event, but SADRA backed out due to land issues.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
Mike Belle - HS Committee Chairman
At the Apollo rAce in SAmSulA, chriS Borich [Below] took Second Behind AdAm mcGill in c open. they were the only two in the clASS who completed three lApS on SundAy. on SAturdAy, Borich And mcGill went 1-2 in QuAd AA.
Chapter VII Hare Scrambles Scoring
B. Championship Series Points System 5. Timing will be used for two purposes: a. To determine high-point and top 20 positions for the event and year-end overall top 10 awards (AA, and all A and B classes at 1:00pm.) The top 20 riders (based on elapsed time) will be awarded points for year end overall position on the same basis as each class is awarded points (paragraph B-1). Only AA, A and Vet A will be eligible for top ten year-end overall awards. B riders will not be eligible for top ten year-end overall awards. The B-High Point year end award will be calculated based on points given for the top 20 B riders (displacement and Vet combined) (based on elapsed time) at each race on the same basis as each class is awarded points (paragraph B-1). The list of top 20 B riders (displacement and Vet combined) for each race is to be used only for calculating the year-end B-High Point award, as is not to be published as a separate class for each race. A motion was made by Jeremy Powell to accept the proposal and it was seconded by Trey Heath. The motion failed. Committee Discussion:
15th Race
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 15
“a FaTHER anD DaUGHTER GO RaCinG” by
troy stainbrook
he setting for this race report is the flat and woodsy property near New Smyrna used by the Apollo Motorcycle club. The course was 5+ miles for Sat and 11+ miles for Sunday. The weather was forecast to be cold with a chance of rain on Sat. The moisture arrived just as the practice lap was ending and made for some slippery conditions for the start of Haley’s race. This will be her 3rd start on the bigger bike so she’s still learning to use all it has to offer. The course was one of thick woods/ palms with not a lot of open areas to regroup/take a breath, so staying relaxed will be important. The horn sounds and she’s off. Not last into the 1st corner is an improvement as she disappeared into the woods. Soon enough she appears to complete the first lap and looks like she’s having fun. She manages to dump it in a tight right-hander just as the course enters the woods and by the way she was able to pick the bike up quickly and get going it looks like keeping her on a 2 stroke continues to be the right move. Time passes and we start to get worried....where is she. An answer isn’t far away as a friend rides up and says Haley is back at camp...Mad... And minus her kick starter ! I’m soon greeted by a upset racer who is ready to fire her mechanic. Seems she stalled the bike, went to kick it and realized she was missing something. A nice course worker got her bump started. She most upset that she had to now wait 3 weeks to race again, so it seems my master plan of getting her
hooked on this all is going according to plan Speaking about grand ideas, mine was going according to plan. The mist that was bothering most folks during practice has started to let up. There were only 12 riders in the class (usually 20+) due to the weather so less competition. The horn sounds and in one kick the bike fires and I’m off. Now David Davis (48C) is the hole shot king of the Senior C line. His technique is shrouded in mystery and the scuttlebutt is he never actually kills his motor for the start, he just has it idling really, really slowly So as I shoot away from the line I look over and realize with shock...I’ve got the holeshot! Seems David had installed a Rekluse after the prior race and the slight delay it caused in his start let me get the jump on him. I decided at that moment I was going to park it next to the pole and make everyone go around me, which worked for 2 corners until David went flying around the outside of me and led the class into the woods. Now prior to this race I was talking with Haley about how this race was going to be the one of opportunity. Tight trail meant I needed to bide my time and wait for opportunities. Don’t push too hard and wreck as it would be so much work to try and pass people back. I was thinking this as I followed David into the first 1/4 mile of the trail. David took a slower line and I couldn’t resist it, I passed him back and took over first. Now some of you might remember the last time I had
[left] After GrABBinG the StArt in B open, #817 kAwASAki of Jp wilSon of Vero BeAch pulled off A third. [riGht] Alex mitz hAd A Good ride in A open. he finiShed Second Behind keVin Smith After rAce leAder pAlmer lynch pulled off with A flAt tire. 16 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
first place and how I had the propensity to give it right back. I was passing over some seemingly routine whoops and released my grip on the throttle for a 2nd. The issue was my sticky gloves combined with some excellent grips meant for a split second the throttle had other plans. The bike and I shot off into the bushes as if we knew something the trail designers didn’t, and the entire class passed me by. So much for staying cool and letting the race come to me.. It’s pretty remarkable how deep a 300 can bury itself when the ham-fisted pilot blunders. After getting it back on track I knew all I could do was try and salvage something. I also learned I am now a card carrying member of the Brian Coughlin/tight trees are for enduro’s way of thinking. I swear they I saw a sign that said “Lee Daley was here” as I plowed the bars back and forth through a section that sapped what little strength I had left. I passed a few people, was forced to go out another lap and passed a few more. I managed to make it up to 6th by the end, but the course had whipped my butt. I was laughing as I pulled up and told my story to David and Tom Miller (congrats on the win Tom !!!) so I guess any race you can smile after is a good one. Should be a great one this weekend in Brooksville so see you there !!!
P.S.. I would thank my cheering section for the encouragement, as I really need it!
Style Check
STylE FOR THE CamERa Photos by Mike Belle
In Evolution A, #13A Michael Goodman is leading the series after the halfway point, but #111A Brett Williams, Sr is not far behind and has been known for his consistency. At the Apollo HS #7 pictured here, Goodman took second behind Garrett Edmisten and Williams finished third by less than a minute.
Team Hedin Spotlight
by Clarissa Zabarac
ou may not recognize the name, but I would bet that if you’re on a Hare Scrambles property on Saturday afternoon when the last row of quads take off, you know the sound! That would be Keith Hedin on his monster Can-Am 800 quad in his trademark racing bib-overalls, popping a wheelie down the starting grid. Keith is the patriarch of Team Hedin (which when pronounced correctly- rhymes), a family full of fast, fun, four-wheeled racers. Keeping this group in line is “Quad Mom” Jennifer, who is probably one of the busiest ladies at a Hare Scrambles on Saturday. In addition to her husband Keith’s racing, their six-year-old Kalob is tearing up the PeeWee track in the morning along with his five year old sister, Karlee, while three-year-old Karson is out with Mom cheering everyone on. Even though this is only their second competition year in FTR, racing for this family is nothing new. Throughout the years, Keith has raced karts, both dirt and enduro, open wheel dirt cars and
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late model stock cars, but one key point he made about his racing career was that it always involved family. From the days of building and racing cars with his dad and brother, Keith has kept those family values alive and racing in his own family. “That’s why we compete in FTR,” Keith said. He could travel and race different venues and series, but what brings the Hedin family to the FTR events is having the whole family participating. When you go to watch the PeeWee quad races, that #75 blasting around the track would be Kalob Hedin. In just his second year of racing, you usually find Kalob battling for the top spot in his class. With a second place finish overall in points last year, he is well on his way to making a run at the top spot for this season. While she may not be making her rounds as fast as her big brother, #76 Karlee Hedin is certainly making her rounds in style! From her pretty pink quad to her matching pink pom-pom ponytails, this girl is going places. At five-years-old, she is competing with the big boys and holding her own. Even though you don’t see him on the track during the races, #78 Karson Hedin’s quad is sitting in the family’s camp, ready to go. This spirited three-year-old is ready to race, but for now, you can usually find him pedaling away
on his bike thru the camp, or in one of the best seats in the house - those custom mounted kart seats on the back of his Mom’s quad. Occasionally, we get a rare sighting on the #74 quad of Jennifer Hedin. Keeping Team Hedin running smoothly is a full time job, but sometimes with the help from family who comes to watch the kids, Jennifer goes out for her hour and a half of “me” time. As I talked with her about the family and racing, she was all smiles. You will most often see her camera in hand snapping shots of the racing action and preserving the memories her young family is making at the events. The highlight of Quad Row #8 is the #79 of Keith Hedin. He usually puts on a “wheelie clinic” on the starts, much to the delight of his children and the rest of the spectators. Keith began on two wheels in motocross and eventually three-wheels if you remember those. Interestingly enough, he raced three-wheeler motocross at Gatorback back in the day.
Although he cut his teeth on two wheels and said he loves motocross, after eight knee surgeries and one knee replacement, he has been persuaded to continue on four wheels. When he’s not racing, you can find Keith running his businesses - Keith’s Oil Can has two locations and Keith’s Mini Storage. Check out keithsoilcan.com and the racing page.
Jennifer and Keith Hedin live in Vero Beach, Fla. Front row left to right, Kalob #75, Karlee #76 and Karson #78
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 19
Between the Trees
us Rickman #686 is the 18-year-old who has only been riding for five years. Already, he’s one of the fast guys in Quad AA. The Rickman family resides in Lake Wales, Fla., where Gus attends high school, rides and trains during the week. This year, he said he’s racing the entire national circuit and, with that, getting help from Jennifer Albright Motorsports. As for his motto, “It doesn’t hurt ‘til the bone shows,” Gus said he’s seen a lot of bones. “Quite a few actually,” he said. “I’m not going to lie!”
continued...to page 24
It doesn't hurt ‘til the bone shows.
22 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
continued from page 21 - Between the Trees | Gus Rickman Hey, Gus. Great photo from the Brooksville race. What happened though, you were DQ’ed? GR: Yeah I was having a horrible day and I was bouncing off everything. I think they DQ’ed me because of a number plate or something, or maybe I missed a double green. I’m not sure. So, you didn’t even find out why you were DQ’ed! Funny! How was your speed compared to Pro ATV Adam McGill and Chris Borich, who finished first and second? GR: I rode with (Adam) McGill for like half of the first lap, then he pulled away from me in some of the field section. How did you get started racing quads? GR: I used to ride - just recreational riding. I was around 13 and then a friend of ours took us to our first FTR race and then it just pretty much started from there, going to GNCC and stuff like that. There are others in your family who race? GR: I have two little brothers that race, Gage and Garrison. All G’s! GR: Yeah, my parents get it mixed up all the time. What keeps you coming back to the FTR races? GR: The FTR are a lot tighter and a lot more sections are a lot more technical. I love that about the FTR tracks because on GNCC you never hit anything that tight. Have you always been interested in racing quads? GR: Yeah, I love the quads. I never really gave dirt bikes a real chance. We always had quads. We just decided to do quads. People always underestimate the quads. They can do almost anything a dirt bike can do and sometimes it’s a little more challenging to me. What was your first FTR race? GR: I started in the Schoolboy class 13-15 on a Yamaha Blaster. The first year I didn’t dominate anything. I was back of the back the whole entire race. Then, the next year, we stepped up to a 300. The Honda? GR: Yeah, that’s when I started to do a little bit better and got some better finishes. In five years you went from basically beginner to AA class? I would venture to call you a natural! GR: For the most part, as much as we’ve been riding, it seems like I have more (natural ability) than I actually do. I’m trying to be a natural! How much do you ride?
24 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
GR: I ride three days a week, well, we’re stepping it up to four days. We train every day that we’re not riding. The training consists of multiple steps. You definitely have to put in your results off the track. What else do you do, go to school? GR: Yeah, I’m still in high school so I have to go. Every day out of high school I’m either in the shop working on the quad. It’s pretty much church, school and then racing. Sometimes, it’s racing before school but... How’s the new Yamaha? GR: Jennifer Albright and Albright Motorsports are helping me out a bunch this year. Is there anyone out there you would like to thank? GR: Definitely my family, my dad and mom and his company. They’re really putting it together for me.
Sponsors: Albright Motorsports. Maxxis. Elka. HMF. Hiper Technology. Fly Racing. Fasst Company. PowerMadd. IMS. B.H. Racing. Scott Goggles. Twin Air. MTB Motosports. DP Brakes. Rath Racing. Impact Solutions. Precision Racing Products. G4 Graphics. Spider Grips. DC Cycles. G2 photos
Letter to the editor senD your stories, letters anD photos to: eDitor@floriDatrailriDers.org bikes. I’m different from a lot of other women I know, I believed in my vows when I married him way back in 1976. I decided if this is what is going to make him happy let’s just jump in with both feet! Get involved find out how it all works, and just have fun! I remember back when riders meetings were mandatory! I remember impound areas for all those children under 16 with no drivers license who were caught on their bikes and were put into them and having to walk back to their camp sites to explain to their parents where the bike was! I remember knowing almost everyone in FTR, back when a good weekend had 200 riders and only 400 members! Our magazines were black and white, regular news type paper and there was only hand scoring. We watched, we wrote down what we witnessed and the results went straight to the A note from “Miss Linda” scoreboard. I remember belonging to four clubs I decided to start with Mike and I then go on from as well as FTR! there with the first people we met as we became There were more tents than campers. The more and more involved with FTR! campfires held conversations that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. I especially remember The photo of myself with my FTR hat in the woods is the last time. We camped in a tent at an Apollo my favorite of me. I was on my land out in the woods, event. But during that last night our campsite just last summer. was attacked by wild hogs; I was rudely awaken by one of them rooting and snorting at my head. My screams woke up everyone, and it was a hen we first came into FTR, it was due to a great laugh the next morning for all who heard. beautiful young man and his girlfriend who had On Monday, Mike bought me my first camper. It was moved on to our tiny quiet little street, with a Valentine’s Day! It was “ugly” but no hog has ever river to the West and A1A and the Atlantic Ocean to rooted at the back of my head since. the East. Mike became similar to a serious watch dog, Back then, the wives were the scorekeepers; you just his ears up, nose up sniffing the air, trying to decide couldn’t score your own man’s class. I remember what’s going on over there? What’s that smell? Who’s getting wet trying to keep our score sheets dry, riding a dirt bike on our street? standing at the score board while practice was going Mike grew up on dirt bikes in Daytona Beach, riding on, praying for the safety of all the riders and covering his bike to school and back every day because “back everyone who was there with a prayer of Blessing! in the day,” it was legal! Riding on the beach was legal, I remember someone coming up to me and asking too! me, “Why do I always see you standing here alone In his very early teens, he even remembers riding his during practice?” I simply answered “Praying,” for all bike to the Alligator Enduro, racing it, then riding it the people here! home! After awhile I was joined by others, and it grew. I The next thing I know, we’re off trying to buy a cheap remember standing and praying with tears flowing as used motorcycle! What were we thinking? He says, “I a young man was being brought up from the bottom of wanna race.” I wondered, “Has he lost his mind?” But that deep pit at Gartorback and being joined by lovely I know I have lost this battle even before it’s begun! My young women who asked if we could pray together. We first FTR event was spent sitting on a tailgate of an old did. Afterward, she said we should have an organized blue bronco trying to stay dry and keep my feet from service. I suggested we should pray about it, at home disappearing into the sea of mud. and on our regular prayer times. Then I was asked I did believe, “Oh, this is his mid-life crisis,” and he’ll to pray over the race from the back of trucks at the be over it soon! NOT! riders’ meetings. After a while, we got Pastor Andy. So now all these years later, after four or five (Look) how large FTR is now. background color changes, one used bike, and four - More next time...Sincerely, “like new” and yes, finally two brand new machines, Linda C. Miss Linda to the kids he’s content. Oh wait, I almost forgot his two street
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 25
Weekend Warrior Athletes, no matter what sport, strive toward achieving their personal best. As coaches, parents and trainers, we need to be able to guide them so they can reach their goals without injuring themselves. One way to prevent injuries is having the athlete train to increase strength and flexibility through a supervised strength and conditioning program. With every young athlete, the question eventually arises: What is the appropriate age for a child to start strength training? Before answering this question, let’s define strength training. This refers to a method of conditioning designed to increase an individual’s ability to exert or resist force. The goal is not to see which child is the strongest but to improve the musculoskeletal strength. Strength training can mean using weights, or it can mean doing sit-ups, push-ups and leg curls without weights. Despite the previously held belief that strength training was unsafe and ineffective for children, health organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) now “support children’s participation in appropriately designed and competently supervised strength training programs.” Experts have found that strength training programs can be safe, effective and may also help prevent certain sports-related injuries among young athletes. Recent findings suggest that strength training during childhood and adolescence may make bones stronger, a benefit which can last a lifetime. As far as what age a child should start such a program, here is a good rule of thumb: If 7-or-8-yearolds are ready for throwing a leg over a KTM 65, organized sports such as little league or gymnastics, then they are ready for some type of strength training program. For children starting out in weight training, lifetime fitness and proper exercise techniques should be emphasized. Adults designing training programs should provide a stimulating environment that helps children develop a healthier lifestyle. Before beginning, children should have a healthy, balanced diet to make sure they are getting enough carbohydrates, protein and dietary fat to maintain
26 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
Kirk Layfield, M.S. EMT-P “When to start training?”
energy for exercise. This is also part of the healthy lifestyle image that will help athletes through their adult years. When teaching children proper techniques for strength training, keep in mind that children learn best by doing. Show the child the correct technique, and then closely supervise them to make sure they understand how to do it. Push-ups and situps are great for beginners, but as they advance, young athletes may want to try weight machines or free weights to enhance their work outs and to keep themselves from getting bored with the same routines. This is fine as long as an adult is available for teaching the correct lifting techniques and to supervise the athlete’s progress. Warming up should be performed before every class as well as a cool down and stretching after class. Since children are more prone to heat illness than adults, they should be encouraged to drink plenty of water throughout the workout. For a beginning program, start with one set of ten to 15 repetitions of six to eight exercises that focus on the major muscle groups of the upper and lower body. Start with light weight and high reps and increase the load and decrease the reps as strength improves. In general, two to three training sessions per week on nonconsecutive days is sufficient. Remember, strength training should be one part of a total fitness program, which includes a sound nutrition plan and plenty of seat time on the bike. If you need help with your young athlete, please feel free to contact me at: innovationtrainingsystems@ yahoo.com Visit www.innovationtrainingsystems.com for all your fitness and nutrition needs. I would greatly appreciate your support through website sales as I continue to raise money for the World Police and Fire games in New York City this fall. If you have an interest in supporting me for this event please contact me ASAP. Also, I would also like to thank the following sponsors and ask you to support them as well - Tucker Rocky, Answer, Stellar MX, Motocross of Marion County and Eastbay Motocross. See you next month.
Scores - HS #7 - Apollo MC - Samsula, FL - Dec. 18-19
From the Forum: “Kudos to Apollo Motorcycle Club for cutting a trail that was so awesomely reflective of the clubs
namesake! It doesn’t get any better than that for single-track in Florida.” - “Great time today at Samsula Track, but that is a bear! Sure whupped me good anyway. Must have crashed about six times. I am very new at this and that was a tough one for this “Master.” I think the deep soft whoops were the things that really challenged me, but there were some really cool section in there. No time for daydreaming, that’s for sure.” - “Loved the start area particuarly. It’s super nice to let the racers have a long section like that before the go into the woods. That really helps reduce the chaos and put racers closer to the order in which they might finish.”
AA Place # Name 1 217AA Garrett Edmisten 2 9AA Mose Howard 3 17AA Dustin Morgan 4 8AA Joey Medina Jr
A Open Place # Name 1 489A Kevin Smith 2 64A Alex Mitz 3 171A Juander Rodrigues 4 2A Palmer Lynch Work 716A Clayton Carter
8 21B 10 159B Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:33:52 11 49B 47 0 3 1:37:22 Work 531B 45 0 3 1:40:22 B 200 43 0 3 1:42:19 Place # 1 101B 2 32B Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:42:07 3 27B 47 0 3 1:48:31 4 28B 45 0 3 1:50:37 5 18B 43 0 2 1:06:24 6 46B 0 0 0 0:00:00 C Open
A 250 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 DNF
# 59A 529A 411A 264A 916A 893A 151A
Name Robert Prather Logan Garcia Branson Blake Corey Blanton Jacob Mattioli Tanner Hughes Shane Hoskins
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:40:49 47 0 3 1:44:23 45 0 3 1:45:33 43 0 3 1:46:59 41 0 3 1:47:55 40 0 2 1:16:35 0 0 0 0:00:00
A 200 Place # Name 1 421A Ryan Martin 2 153A Ryan Mieszczenski 3 10A Jason Croley
B Open Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 DQ Work DNF
# 111B 794B 817B 700B 422B 104B 629B 331B 63B
Name David Settle Dustin Mathiesen Jeffery "J.P." Wilson Erick Bond Dominick Graziosi Chris Wise Brandon Hagerott Tommy Hill William Sloup
B 250 Place # Name 1 532B Seth Robbins 2 114B JD Tillman 3 88B Tyler Hackenberger 4 29B Jason Frazee 5 415B Matthew Baker 6 143B David Eickwort 7 40B Kyle Fischer
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DNF
# 335C 17C 929C 308C 179C 7C 3C 457C 12C
Brandon St. John Alex Hitz Joey Davis Jordi Garcia
2 1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0
1:17:32 0:45:28 0:49:18 0:00:00
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 2 1:17:13 47 5 2 1:19:34 45 4 2 1:22:36 43 3 2 1:31:37 41 2 2 1:33:18 40 0 2 1:39:44
Name Adam McGill Chris Borich Ricky Payne Joseph Lombard Justin Brock Johnny Gallagher Camilo Escobar Sebastian Howell Josh Hennessey
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 3 1:53:29 47 5 3 1:55:56 45 4 2 1:20:21 43 3 2 1:21:59 41 2 2 1:23:46 40 0 2 1:24:23 39 0 2 1:41:49 13 0 1 0:48:54 0 0 0 0:00:00
1:32:20 C 200 # Name 0:41:28 Place 0:00:00 1 1C Evan Rollyson 0:00:00 2 88C Clayton Edmondson 0:00:00 3 23C Steve Rodgerson 4 11C Tyler Hissong 5 313C Sergio Santana Jr Adv Laps Elapsed Point 6 8C David Williams 50 10 3 1:51:24 Work 13C Justin Duthie 47 5 3 1:53:22 45 4 3 1:54:16 Veteran A # Name 43 3 3 1:55:25 Place 41 2 3 1:56:29 1 39A Dwayne Allgire 40 0 3 1:56:56 2 13A Michael Goodman 39 0 3 1:58:30 3 35A Billy Cone 2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Name Kurt Lucas Garrett David Tyler Miller Dylan Eaton Michael Whigham Scott Howell
Point Adv Laps Elapsed C 250 # Name 50 0 3 1:43:39 Place 47 0 3 1:49:19 1 992C Christopher 15 0 1 0:43:32 2 323C Jeffery Smith 3 646C Jimmy Loomis 4 127C Ben Myers Point Adv Laps Elapsed 5 22C Jason Hood 50 10 3 1:49:20 6 2C Michael Acker 47 5 3 1:52:39 Work 69C Steve Clark 45 4 3 1:54:17 DNF 28C Hal Trask 43 3 2 1:21:39 41 13 0 0 0
38 12 12 0
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 2 1:24:43 47 5 2 1:26:48 45 4 2 1:28:01 43 3 2 1:40:32 41 2 1 0:43:10 40 0 1 0:53:55 0 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 3 1:56:57 47 5 2 1:28:58 45 4 2 1:29:17 43 3 2 1:34:40 14 2 1 0:40:39 13 0 1 1:09:53 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:39:59 47 0 3 1:46:22 45 0 3 1:46:40
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 27
4 5 6 7 8
55A 131A 8A 97A 168A
Daniel Hilker Craig Wilder Bradley Stanton Dave Steindl Jon McCabe
43 41 40 39 13
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 2 1
1:47:04 Senior B 1:50:49 Place # Name 1:52:21 1 222B Ronnie Hames 1:13:42 2 848B Steve Loomis Sr 0:32:58 3 143B Kevin Jacobsen 4 420B Mark Prenoveau Veteran B Place # Name 5 8B David Jensen Point Adv Laps Elapsed 6 34B Ryan Turner 1 110B Alex Gutierrez 50 10 3 1:55:38 7 208B Marc Kinley 2 321B Sergio Santana Sr 47 5 3 1:56:31 8 9B Jerry Wilson 3 25B Rodrigo Velez 45 4 3 1:57:41 9 646B James (Bob) 4 418B Jerry Bean Jr 43 3 2 1:19:44 10 512B Scot Holman 5 5B Scott Lamb 41 2 2 1:20:23 6 12B Avo Laido 40 0 2 1:21:48 Work 23B Robert Pierce 7 324B Chip Golden 39 0 2 1:21:52 Senior C 8 2B Michael Dinsmore 38 0 2 1:22:24 Place # Name 9 316B Phillip Mageloff 37 0 2 1:25:43 1 31C Tom Miller 10 88B Steve Lindquist 12 0 1 0:44:03 2 48C David Davis 0 0 0:00:00 DNF 998B William (Trey) Heath III 0 3 828C Mike Hunter DNF 3B Robert K Camp 0 0 0 0:00:00 4 15C Kevin Vaughan 5 919C Randy Bolen Veteran C Place # Name 6 117C Troy Stainbrook Point Adv Laps Elapsed 7 26C Robert Ryan 1 305C Jason Sessions 50 10 2 1:25:19 8 818C Irvin Kelly 2 77C John White 47 5 2 1:25:32 9 11C Don Learn 3 123C Mike Zabarac 45 4 2 1:25:34 10 42C Brenton Teixeira 4 42C Morgan Finnerty 43 3 2 1:26:23 11 1C Ouri Kahn 5 79C Danny Grubb 41 2 2 1:27:27 6 6C Joe Collis 40 0 2 1:29:44 DNF 96C Todd Comeens 7 111C Joseph Vann 39 0 2 1:29:59 DNF 69C Armando Rios 8 9C L.T. Adreon 38 0 2 1:31:21 Super Senior A 9 159C Shane Hitz 37 0 2 1:38:22 Place # Name 10 377C John Rust 36 0 2 1:39:20 1 87A Willy Hooper Work 320C Chad Holman 0 0 0 0:00:00 2 24A Jerald Brownell DNF 28C Stephen McDonald 0 0 0 0:00:00 3 6A Paul Lucas 4 731A John Bergen Senior A Place # Name Adv Laps Elapsed 5 61A Les Evans Point 6 9A James Clingan 1 102A Jason Chambers 50 0 3 1:44:41 7 4A Tommy Thompson 2 71A George Edwards 47 0 3 1:44:56 8 32A Jim Green 3 111A Brett Williams Sr 45 0 3 1:47:12 9 911A Scott Gawler 4 200A Jason Langworthy 43 0 3 1:47:56 10 431A Brian Coughlin 5 34A Chad Hunter 41 0 3 1:49:07 6 32A Kevin Watts 40 0 3 1:51:33 Work 17A Lee Daley 7 517A Jeremy Powell 39 0 3 1:52:02 Super Senior B 8 69A Peter Magee 38 0 3 1:55:08 Place # Name 9 28A Scott Curtis 37 0 2 1:19:56 1 17B Brooks Tomblin Sr 10 21A Donald St. John 12 0 1 0:39:37 2 815B Mike Muchard 3 575B Cary West 4 37B Brett Long 5 111B David Thompson 6 1B Jon Horner
28 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 3 1:59:35 47 5 2 1:22:05 45 4 2 1:22:45 43 3 2 1:24:47 41 2 2 1:25:27 40 0 2 1:25:39 39 0 2 1:27:17 38 0 2 1:30:39 37 0 2 1:35:17 12 0 1 0:43:55 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 2 1:28:23 47 5 2 1:28:51 45 4 2 1:29:41 43 3 2 1:30:19 41 2 2 1:31:50 40 0 2 1:32:56 39 0 2 1:36:15 38 0 2 1:37:39 37 0 2 1:40:07 36 0 2 1:44:55 35 0 2 1:56:26 0 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:48:59 47 0 3 1:49:25 45 0 3 1:49:57 43 0 3 1:53:44 41 0 3 1:56:36 40 0 3 1:58:09 39 0 3 1:58:23 38 0 2 1:19:45 37 0 2 1:21:10 12 0 1 0:39:07 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 3 1:58:47 47 5 2 1:21:30 45 4 2 1:22:34 43 3 2 1:25:09 41 2 2 1:25:15 40 0 2 1:25:17
7 8 9 Work Work DNF
569B 64B 9B 141B 121B 888B
Eric Gray Rick Graley Michael Stebilla Glenn Peskar Charles Fuller Rick Bertine
39 38 12 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 1 0 0 0
1:25:44 1:31:09 1:11:59 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Super Senior C Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
# 823C 14C 392C 7C 863C 27C 66C 35C 124C 617C 95C 43C 311C 701C 29C 770C 247C 39C
Name Mitch Melheim Tony Rodgerson Jack Hatfield Britt Hissong Troy Weeks Kurt Drummond Larry Thomas Daniel Holder Don Chriss Tony Waters Kenneth Harris Gerald Wallace Todd Allen John Ryll Michael Boris Raymond Burr John Payne Kelly Williams
Master A Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Work
# 834A 8A 41A 44A 19A 321A 20A 73A 7A 828A 115A
Name Robin Frey David (Chris) Berg Gary Gardner Kirt Lynch Joseph Tokar David Hill Gary Williams Tim Myers Mike Frazee Mike Hauptkorn Mark Bordelon
5B 13B 44B 88B 578B 3B 167B 67B 326B 1B 953B 7B 158B 123B 12B 75B
Steven Krutsinger Michael Willcox Bill Jenkins Jr Randy Rhodes Patrick Voltaire Mike Belle Harry Pollard Mark Cronk Henry Croley Bruce Steinberger Ken Stephenson David Duthie Steve Carter Steve Thomson Robbie Carstens Michael Delligatti
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 2 1:25:46 47 5 2 1:27:36 45 4 2 1:28:02 43 3 2 1:29:45 41 2 2 1:30:10 40 0 2 1:30:13 39 0 2 1:31:16 38 0 2 1:31:49 37 0 2 1:32:26 Master C # Name 36 0 2 1:33:42 Place 1 212C Edmund Knauf 35 0 2 1:34:32 2 833C John Goddard 34 0 2 1:34:51 3 21C Keith Brammer 33 0 2 1:36:26 4 707C Rocky Gavins 32 0 2 1:37:58 5 19C Larry Roberts 31 0 2 1:43:53 6 67C Ty Thomas 30 0 1 1:01:31 7 130C Robert Wilder 29 0 1 1:21:06 8 40C Scott Fischer 28 0 1 1:27:01 9 11C Rick Hathaway 10 13C William Toreki Point Adv Laps Elapsed 11 22C Doug Lenz 50 0 3 1:48:57 12 30C Thomas Glancy 47 0 3 1:49:44 13 9C Carlos Colorado 45 0 3 1:57:13 14 28C Clifford Eaton 43 0 2 1:19:36 15 17C James Swinford 41 0 2 1:20:28 16 37C Wes Snyder 40 0 2 1:20:30 Work 54C Ted Schropp 39 0 2 1:21:29 Work 29C Eduardo Garcia 38 0 2 1:23:43 37 0 2 1:25:00 DNF 18C Joseph Hood 7C Steven Smith 36 0 2 1:41:32 DNF 0
Master B Place # Name 1 93B David Johnson 2 111B Steve Brunton 3 121B Mark Ernst 4 65B Will Hardin 5 117B Jack Steele 6 113B Steven Maher 7 112B Joey Young
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Work Work Work Work Work DNF
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 2 1:22:54 47 5 2 1:23:33 45 4 2 1:25:12 43 3 2 1:26:08 41 2 2 1:27:31 40 0 2 1:27:48 39 0 2 1:27:55
38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1:28:20 1:28:38 1:28:43 1:31:34 1:32:38 1:32:58 1:34:23 1:34:45 1:46:49 0:55:20 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 2 1:27:08 47 5 2 1:34:28 45 4 2 1:36:02 43 3 2 1:36:10 41 2 2 1:41:04 40 0 2 1:43:03 39 0 2 1:46:09 38 0 2 1:47:03 37 0 2 1:49:41 36 0 2 1:50:31 35 0 1 0:55:05 34 0 1 0:56:16 33 0 1 0:59:18 32 0 1 0:59:27 31 0 1 1:06:29 30 0 1 1:06:32 0 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0 0:00:00
Golden Master A Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# 3A 74A 6A 10A 110A 15A 1A
Name Robin Arnold Thomas Missimer Greg Davis Drew Humston Kenny Brown Gates Pelletier Bernard List
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 2 1:22:03 47 0 2 1:22:32 45 0 2 1:22:34 43 0 2 1:26:05 41 0 2 1:27:45 40 0 2 1:28:32 39 0 2 1:33:44
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 29
8 9 Work DNF
7A 11A 31A 86A
Tommy Neal Bill Lingafelter Roland Lyons Jr Mike Reynolds
38 37 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
0:48:31 0:51:39 0:00:00 0:00:00
Golden Master B Place # Name 1 42B Jack Terrell 2 7B Allen Pearce 3 66B Mark Rhoades 4 161B Mike Baron 5 111B Max Cole 6 43B Tom Rose Work 440B Joe O'Connor
Women A Place 1 2 3 4 DNF
# 28A 10A 4A 5A 9A
Name Kelsey O'Donnell Kerri Chambers Cheryl Myers Lacey Nordle Deborah Broderick
Women Vet Place 1 Work
# 31V 99V
Name Julie Miller Carol Preston
Evolution A Place # Name 1 217A Garrett Edmisten 2 13A Michael Goodman 3 111A Brett Williams Sr 4 523A Sonny Smith 5 153A Ryan Mieszczenski 6 55A Daniel Hilker 7 6A Paul Lucas DNF 24A Jerald Brownell
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 5 5 0
1:22:42 1:24:14 1:24:49 1:27:44 0:00:00
Junior A
Point Adv Laps Elapsed Place # 50 5 2 1:35:30 1 218A 47 3 2 1:41:43 2 112A 45 2 2 1:45:54 3 5A 43 1 2 1:47:20 Junior B 0 0 0 0:00:00 Place # 1 17B Point Adv Laps Elapsed 2 7B 50 0 1 0:50:55 3 394B 0 0 0 0:00:00 4 101B 5 848B Adv Laps Elapsed 6 882B Point 50 0 7 1:23:10 7 31B 47 0 7 1:26:38 8 70B 45 0 7 1:27:27 9 117B 43 0 6 1:18:12 Junior C 41 0 6 1:19:45 Place # 40 0 6 1:19:47 1 527C 11 0 2 0:26:39 2 83C 0 0 0 0:00:00 3 708C
Evolution B Place # Name 1 817B Jeffery "J.P." Wilson 2 60B Cash Jacobs 3 370B Patrick Franklin 4 44B Bill Jenkins Jr 5 53B David Pierce
40 39 38 37 0
Point Adv Laps Elapsed Evolution C # Name 50 10 2 1:33:37 Place Point Adv Laps Elapsed 1 410C Dean Blake 50 5 5 1:23:56 47 5 2 1:37:49 2 44C Jamie Cassidy 47 3 4 1:07:20 45 4 2 1:42:42 3 25C Stephen Mackie 45 2 4 1:21:14 43 3 2 1:44:37 41 2 2 1:58:39 Evolution Senior 40 0 1 0:57:41 Place # Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed 0 0 0 0:00:00 1 20S Alan Edwards 50 0 6 1:24:24 2 3S Tim Smith 47 0 6 1:24:53 3 27S Robert Edmisten 45 0 6 1:29:26 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:59:49 4 5S Charles Vollenweider 43 0 5 1:19:32 47 0 2 1:20:10 Work 18S Bill Crenshaw 0 0 0 0:00:00 45 0 2 1:32:19 Vintage 43 0 2 1:35:09 Place # Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed 0 0 0 0:00:00 1 20V Jeffry Backlund 50 0 2 0:41:08
Women B Place # Name 1 9B Jennifer Howard 2 541B Linda Lundstedt 3 21B Dawn Laido 4 86B Kimberly Reynolds DNF 327B Chelsey Ward
6 250B Lee Smith 7 8B Michael Sacco 8 83B Thomas Miller 9 411B Chris Blake Work 101B Kurt Lucas
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 6 1:19:16 47 5 6 1:24:16 45 4 5 1:12:12 43 3 5 1:18:06 41 2 5 1:19:40
30 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
4 5 6 7 8 9
114C 151C 747C 10C 320C 88C
Name Nick Lieske Cody Thomas Jacob Corlett
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 7 1:25:33 47 0 7 1:29:34 45 0 6 1:21:26
Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed Alex Patapis 50 10 7 1:24:10 Logan Anderson 47 5 6 1:20:01 Daniel Dunson 45 4 6 1:20:02 Troy Wiek Jr 43 3 6 1:26:13 Steve Loomis Jr 41 2 6 1:26:33 Danny Hill 40 0 6 1:27:17 28 0 5 1:18:03 Amanda Richardson Theron Gant 27 0 5 1:18:35 Cameron McDowell 11 0 2 0:31:53 Name Jason Hendricks Fred Heery Jr Jett Ryll Cody Michaud Brian Pendray Jr. Mark Loomis Dillon Moyer Christian Waters Matt Johnson
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 6 1:25:49 47 5 5 1:16:50 45 4 5 1:18:36 43 3 5 1:19:43 41 2 5 1:24:18 27 0 4 1:04:20 26 0 4 1:17:03 6 0 1 0:22:08 6 0 1 0:22:15
Junior Girls Place # Name 1 5G Zoe Steindl 2 169G Haley Schell
Mini A Place # Name 1 431A Max Coughlin 2 19A Dylan Rash 3 15A Zack Muchard 4 168A Trevor McCabe
Mini B Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Work
# 213B 128B 33B 112B 48B 12B 196B 142B 311B 122B 9B 16B 211B 8B
Name Daniel Nelson Spencer Rollyson Ty Thompson Austin Rich Dylan Davis Jack Frey Hansen Matthew Hawkins Kye Jacobsen Connor Lovett Jamie Wilson Avery Bowman Jacob Ogden Gus Carter Ryan Muchard
3 DNF Adv Laps Elapsed Point 50 0 4 1:08:58 65C 12 0 1 0:19:08 Place 1 2 Adv Laps Elapsed Point 3 50 0 7 1:28:50 4 47 0 6 1:19:54 5 45 0 6 1:25:57 6 18 0 3 0:39:00 7 8 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 9 50 10 6 1:26:29 10 47 5 6 1:27:47 DNF 45 4 6 1:28:16 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 23 11 0
3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 0
Mini Girls
# 112C 115C 80C 114C 88C 302C 44C 2C 848C 41C 123C
Name Hunter Rich Joseph Gallo Christopher Magee Ben Wilson Clayton Jensen Parker Smith Jakob Jenkins Jacob Brownell Trevor Loomis Troy Gardner Fisher Zabarac
1:16:46 65 Girls # Name 1:17:44 Place 1 306G Kayla Dunkel 1:17:47 2 10G Emma Chambers 1:19:18 3 35G Julia Cone 1:19:40 4 108G Holly Langford 1:20:26 1:21:28 Peewee A # Name 1:22:28 Place 1:13:58 1 102A Jack Chambers 0:32:25 2 26A Gage Hunter 0:00:00 Peewee B
Mini C Place # Name 1 709C Jack Langford 2 6C Kyle Blum 3 44C Brad Jenkins 4 5C Brandon Gallo 5 31C Jake Alsup 6 78C Logan Branton 7 101C Tristan Lantz
141B Kaden Jacobsen 33B Jeff Chambers Jr.
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 5 1:25:34 47 5 5 1:25:43 45 4 5 1:29:30 43 3 4 1:14:33 41 2 4 1:16:15 40 0 4 1:25:07 8 0 1 0:30:58
Place # Name 1 88B Dawson Colburn 2 388B Howard "Eddie" 3 6B Colin Nix 4 700B Cole Ryll 5 143B Pyke Dawson 6 24B Joshua Mageloff 7 35B Kayla Cone 8 115B Allison Lamb
2 0
4 0
1:28:15 0:00:00
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 4 1:23:13 47 5 4 1:27:05 45 4 3 1:05:18 43 3 3 1:10:29 41 2 3 1:14:14 40 0 3 1:15:45 39 0 3 1:22:05 38 0 3 1:24:41 18 0 2 1:02:27 9 0 1 0:24:27 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 4 1:20:38 47 0 4 1:21:08 45 0 3 1:12:27 22 0 2 0:43:18 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 11 0:21:15 47 0 10 0:21:07 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 10 7 0:17:09 47 5 7 0:17:12 45 4 6 0:15:38 43 3 6 0:15:55 41 2 6 0:17:07 40 0 6 0:17:08 39 0 6 0:17:43 27 0 5 0:16:31
Peewee C
Place # Name # Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed Place 1 153G Alyssa Mieszczenski 50 0 5 1:25:31 1 7C Adam Stanton 2 321C Zoee Grzech 65A 3 16C Cadence Howard Place # Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed 4 4C Kye Pollard 1 4A Zion Steindl 50 0 5 1:24:55 2 43A Joshua Tolken 47 0 5 1:25:09 DNF 776C Hayes Cassidy Place # Name 1 197B Mason Cassidy 2 22B Matthew Tolken
45 0
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 0:15:18 47 0 5 0:15:40 45 0 5 0:16:12 43 0 5 0:17:49 0 0 0 0:00:00
Quad AA # Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed Place 1 1AA Chris Borich 50 5 5 1:27:32 2 3AA Adam McGill 47 3 4 1:11:31 3 12AA Johnny Gallagher 4 941AA Bradley Crofut
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 6 1:17:27 47 0 6 1:19:51 45 0 6 1:23:20 43 0 6 1:26:48
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 31
5 76AA Chuck R Piper 6 331AA John E Vawter 7 115AA Michael Ansbaugh DNF 47AA Cody Ellison
Quad A Place # Name 1 63A James Tyson IV 2 7A Jeffrey Cloud 3 204A Barry Rickelman 4 8A C.J. Frazier 5 13A Ryan Burcel
Quad B Open Place # Name 1 7B Adam Wood 2 270B David Lemus 3 19B Chris Baird 4 36B Mike Carlini
Quad C Open Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 369C 188C 8C 23C 15C 211C 77C 948C 96C 876C
Name Roben Griffin Chris Stagmiller Justin Ladouceur Shawn Loesel Chase Cameron Brent Lenzen Jeff Marinko Paul Massa Frank Maze Leon McCalla
41 40 39 0
0 0 0 0
6 5 5 0
1:27:58 Quad Veterans 1:19:24 Place # Name 1:25:05 1 18V Mark Bradley 0:00:00 2 8V Paul Ladouceur 3 26V Bill Nichols 4 27V Eric Mullen Point Adv Laps Elapsed 5 428V Dan Aitken 50 0 6 1:28:00 47 0 6 1:29:10 Quad Senior 45 0 5 1:13:34 Place # Name 43 0 5 1:16:57 1 4 Jim Sheer 14 0 2 0:29:03 2 926 Don Johnson 3 2 Rob Swann Adv Laps Elapsed 4 3 Robert Novak Point 5 5 Wayne Oakley 50 5 5 1:15:37 47 3 5 1:19:33 DNF 131 Sean Malloy 45 2 5 1:27:42 Quad Super Senior 43 1 4 1:11:01 Place # Name 1 777X Keith Knauss 2 4X James Tyson III Point Adv Laps Elapsed 3 444X Joe DiFranco 50 10 5 1:18:09 4 44X Edward Genaw 47 5 5 1:20:49 5 7X Mike Ferguson 45 4 5 1:21:08 6 77X Robert Catterton Jr 43 3 5 1:26:04 7 25X Ronald Padron 41 2 5 1:27:36 40 0 4 1:03:43 Quad Master 39 0 4 1:15:32 Place # Name 38 0 4 1:19:19 1 3 Bob Brown 37 0 4 1:27:02 Quad Utility Open 7 0 1 0:16:15 Place # Name
Quad 0-400 Place 1 2 3 4
# 18 87 529 29 # 6 77 31 110 11 282 4 2 54
11X Ken Kloza 117X Sandi Kloza
Name Mel Cunningham Gordon Crowhurst Michael Yodonis Sr Justin Genaw
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:28:11 Quad Women 47 0 5 1:29:10 Place # Name 45 0 4 1:06:12 1 331 Kayla Vawter 43 0 4 1:17:30
Name Domingo Fuentes Angel Berrios Billy Olson Michael Terango Sean Decosta James Gallo Jose Cabreja Jason Lyons Raul Chacon Sr
Place # Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed 1 4V Wanda Sturgis 50 0 6 1:26:41 2 18V Angela Ladouceur 47 0 5 1:18:36 3 8V Renita Swann 45 0 5 1:19:34 Quad Junior 43 0 5 1:19:58 Place # Name 41 0 5 1:19:59 1 8 Rudy Lemus 40 0 5 1:23:28 2 789 Danielle 39 0 5 1:27:23 3 4 Jose Cabreja Jr. 19 0 3 0:45:29 DNF 51 Sarah Cameron 18 0 3 0:51:31
Quad +30 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:16:28 47 0 5 1:17:06 45 0 5 1:19:38 43 0 5 1:20:18 41 0 5 1:26:27 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:16:47 47 0 5 1:21:10 45 0 5 1:22:34 43 0 5 1:27:07 41 0 4 1:25:06 0 0 0 0:00:00 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:19:15 47 0 5 1:20:22 45 0 5 1:24:50 43 0 4 1:17:31 41 0 4 1:25:02 16 0 2 0:47:11 8 0 1 0:22:32 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 2 0:44:59 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 3 1:26:43 47 0 2 1:02:29 Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 4 1:12:55
Quad Women Vet
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:24:18 47 0 4 1:17:55 27 0 3 1:14:05 0 0 0 0:00:00
Quad Super Peewee
Place 1 2 3
32 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:29:38 47 0 4 1:28:32 27 0 3 0:58:18
# 8 99 11
Name Brandon Frazier Jimmy Frazier III Joey Chambers
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 8 0:17:05 47 0 7 0:17:07 45 0 7 0:17:15
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
45 107 54 112 1 123 33
Nicholas Mason Joshua Jeffreys Raul Chacon Jr Abigail Streetman Dylan Terango Bryanne Parks Brandon King
43 31 30 29 24 18 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 6 6 6 5 4 3
0:17:18 0:14:37 0:17:09 0:17:17 0:14:38 0:10:37 0:14:15
Quad Peewee Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# 75 91 69 2 31 15 525
Name Point Adv Laps Elapsed Kalob Hedin 50 0 6 0:16:11 Tyler Frazier 47 0 6 0:16:12 0 6 0:17:24 Christian "Max" Magee 45 Beau Swann 43 0 5 0:16:40 Riley Olson 27 0 4 0:14:41 Jackson Parks 27 0 4 0:16:10 Michael Yodonis Jr. 26 0 4 0:16:17
Beginners Place Promo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 83 133 13 599 40 17 320 850 539 101
Name Fred Heery Sr Tom Widener Michael Herrera James Earhart Travis Free Randy King Ashley Grzech Kevin Roberts Ivanovich Read John Baltzell
Point Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 5 1:17:46 47 0 5 1:18:48 45 0 5 1:19:47 43 0 5 1:21:15 41 0 5 1:22:24 40 0 5 1:22:47 39 0 4 1:16:33 38 0 4 1:20:07 22 0 3 0:53:58 14 0 2 0:39:10
HS #7 - Astronaut Hare Scrambles
Teams Score Report Place Bikes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quads 1
Team Name
WDR Suncoast Trail Blazers Dirt Poor Racing Lucky 13 Racing HBDMoto Graf-x ORRM CFTR
150 147 142 138 133 131 125
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
50 47 45 43 41 40 39
Screw Loose Racing
“A Father and Daughter Go Racing” by
Troy Stainbrook
This race’s report takes place up in Brooksville, Fla. at the Mondon Hill property. This is our “home” race as we are both member’s of Suncoast Trailblazer’s. The property is very different from most in that being an old mining site it offers many elevation changes and a chances to ride in some clay vs. sand. The course for Sat afternoon was 10 miles. Sat dawned with guarded optimism. Haley is riding on a familiar course so confidence should be high, but racing it is another story and anything can happen. Having her grandparents and a friend from school there for the first time gave her more determination to do well....”Beep” Haley was off into the first corner and not last which is good. She ended up following someone off course on the slag pile as a barrier had been knocked down and some confusion ensued. Lesson learned on following the course and not relying on the rider in front to know the right way. Apparently at some point on the course she was pitched off the bike in front of the paramedics. She said she saw stars as they ran up and said they were going to call it in. She asked them if she could just sit there a bit and collect her self. He asked “How many fingers am I holding up?”...”3” was her correct answer and they cautiously let her continue with the advice of “take it easy out there!”. Glad to hear the EMT’s were there to help and she toughed it out and continued on. I followed her for a few miles on her 2nd lap through the ravine and out to the field. She looked like she was having fun! Haley ended up doing 2 laps and to quote “I only wrecked 3 times “ so she seemed happy with that. Her grandparents were very impressed with what a she accomplished and the whole FTR in general. I think her friend also had a few stories to share at school on Monday, including her first experience using a port-a-potty.
Screw Loose Racing Team Photo: Kayla Vawter
Scores - HS #8 - Sunrunners MC - Brooksville, FL - Jan. 8-9
From the Forum: “Wow - what a cool piece of property! Yep - it was a little brutal but all in all, it flowed nicely. There was a little bit of everything.” - “I was at this race also and would like to add that I drove 300 some miles (Round trip) without my bike and just had a blast hanging around and with the greatest people. FTR is just so ‘Cool’ ”- “Got my first win in Hare Scrambles in about 15 years, so I loved the course.” - “This was.... IS the best course so far, in my opinion. Everything flowed perfectly. The off camber stuff is tough but still fun.”
AA Place Name 1 Charlie Mullins 2 Garrett Edmisten 3 Russell Bobbitt 4 Andrew DeLong 5 Dustin Morgan 6 Mose Howard 7 Clay Lyons 8 Kyle Parsons 9 Gene Kapica, Jr 10 Joey Medina Jr 11 Nate Kanney 12 Joshua Gilliam
Points Adv Laps Elapsed 50 0 4 1:38:31 47 0 4 1:41:08 45 0 4 1:42:36 43 0 4 1:42:40 41 0 4 1:47:14 40 0 4 1:47:30 39 0 4 1:48:07 38 0 4 1:51:57 37 0 4 1:52:32 36 0 3 1:25:31 18 0 2 0:51:20 8 0 1 0:27:19
A Open Place Name 1 Chase Bishop 2 Palmer Lynch 3 Chris Douglas 4 Kevin Smith 5 Clayton Carter 6 Alex Mitz 7 Juander Rodrigues 8 Jesse Dyer 9 Charlie Davis 10 Matt Lyons 11 Scott Moore 12 Dalton Platt
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 18 8
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:48:11 0 4 1:48:18 0 4 1:48:27 0 4 1:48:39 0 4 1:55:27 0 4 1:55:30 0 4 1:58:31 0 4 1:59:49 0 3 1:39:17 0 3 1:45:35 0 2 0:56:35 0 1 0:37:15
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 20 19 9
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:50:28 0 4 1:51:24 0 4 1:52:29 0 4 1:52:41 0 4 1:56:24 0 4 1:57:29 0 2 0:53:55 0 2 0:56:54 0 1 1:14:40
Place Name Point 1 Ryan Martin 50 2 Ryan Mieszczenski 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:56:34 0 3 1:27:30
A 250 Place Name 1 Alex Spade 2 Lucas Nanney 3 Loic Leanard 4 Luke Parsons 5 Bryce Griffin 6 Corey Blanton 7 Shane Hoskins 8 Logan Garcia 9 Jesse Freeman
A 200
Sean Daugherty Tommy Hill Kyle Johnson Christopher Brian Ashby William Sloup Kent Ashby Jeff Holland Jr. Travis Meisman Brandon Sharff
43 41 40 39 38 37 36 18 17 8
3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1
1:31:56 1:32:35 1:33:39 1:35:41 1:35:58 1:41:00 1:51:07 1:09:25 1:10:04 0:44:21
B 250 Place Name Point 1 Cody Merrick 50 2 JD Tillman 47 3 Seth Robbins 45 4 David Eickwort 43 5 Tyler Hackenberger 41 6 Jordi Garcia 40 7 Matthew Baker 39 8 Alex Hitz 38 9 Jason Frazee 37 10 Jesse Jerome 36 11 Cory Lukosavich 35 12 Joel Gregor 34 13 Cody Schmitt 33 14 Patrick Dayan 32 15 Michael Pazdur 31 16 Christopher 30 17 Stefan De Villiers 29 18 Kyle Fischer 14 19 Brandon St. John 14
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:56:51 5 4 1:56:55 4 4 1:58:30 3 3 1:30:14 2 3 1:30:35 0 3 1:31:08 0 3 1:31:25 0 3 1:32:26 0 3 1:32:53 0 3 1:32:54 0 3 1:33:19 0 3 1:35:10 0 3 1:35:59 0 3 1:36:37 0 3 1:39:48 0 3 1:43:42 0 3 1:46:03 0 2 1:03:12 0 2 1:03:38
B 200 Place Name 1 Kurt Lucas 2 Adam Stevens 3 Alex Fuller 4 Dylan Eaton 5 Dallas Blake 6 Michael Whigham 7 Scott Howell 8 Tyler Miller Work Garrett David DNF Tommy Moore
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 13 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:34:47 5 3 1:35:08 4 3 1:35:23 3 3 1:37:14 2 3 1:38:27 0 3 1:42:09 0 3 1:51:42 0 1 0:31:24 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:58:09 5 3 1:34:59
C Open
B Open Place Name 1 Jeffery "J.P." 2 Eric Binette 3 David Settle
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:58:23 5 3 1:30:29 4 3 1:30:43
Place Name 1 Adam McGill 2 Fred Chancey
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DNF
Dakota Coscia Justin Brock Andre Bibeau Josh Hennessey Joseph Lombard Ricky Payne Jonathan Wallace Camilo Escobar William Whigham Sebastian Howell Matt French Jr. Jacob Catterton
45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 16 0
4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0
1:35:53 1:37:46 1:38:03 1:38:21 1:39:02 1:40:23 1:46:57 1:50:13 1:51:04 1:58:35 1:19:00 0:00:00
C 250 Place Name 1 Jeff Cozine 2 David McLaughlin 3 Jeffery Smith 4 Steve Clark 5 Matt Daugherty 6 Justin Mack 7 Kurt Cosman 8 Dajhan Van 9 Robert Payton 10 Ryan Colon 11 Jimmy Loomis 12 Hal Trask 13 Dylan Long 14 Chris McGuckin 15 Josha Wilkison 16 David Holbrook DNF Guido Cortes
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:35:54 5 3 1:37:17 4 3 1:41:13 3 3 1:45:38 2 3 1:46:43 0 3 1:48:22 0 3 1:51:38 0 3 1:52:20 0 3 1:53:47 0 3 1:53:49 0 3 1:57:21 0 2 1:06:43 0 2 1:15:28 0 2 1:22:25 0 2 1:37:41 0 2 1:48:29 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 0 0 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:38:43 5 3 1:40:16 4 3 1:41:45 3 3 1:45:22 2 3 1:47:13 0 3 1:49:10 0 3 1:51:04 0 3 1:51:49 0 2 1:09:53 0 2 1:19:26 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
C 200 Place Name 1 Sergio Santana Jr 2 Thomas Harris 3 Stephen Zaffiri 4 Clayton 5 Justin Duthie 6 Steve Rodgerson 7 Jesse Miller 8 Michael Ridgway 9 Jackson Human 10 Johnny Katopis DNF Stephen Pound DNF Rob Pound DNF Mitchell Farmer DNF Zachary Frasier
Place Name 1 Jon McCabe 2 Michael Goodman 3 Shelby Dunson 4 Daniel Hilker 5 Craig Wilder 6 Billy Cone 7 Jay James Work Dwayne Allgire
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 10 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:52:50 0 4 1:53:23 0 4 1:56:26 0 4 1:58:33 0 3 1:29:17 0 3 1:30:17 0 1 0:28:50 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:30:37 5 3 1:31:20 4 3 1:31:21 3 3 1:31:23 2 3 1:34:25 0 3 1:34:51 0 3 1:34:56 0 3 1:35:07 0 3 1:36:55 0 3 1:37:48 0 3 1:40:12 0 3 1:40:14 0 3 1:43:47 0 2 1:03:36 0 2 1:24:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:39:14 5 3 1:39:44 4 3 1:40:50 3 3 1:41:30 2 3 1:41:35 0 3 1:43:38 0 3 1:44:20 0 3 1:45:16 0 3 1:46:01 0 3 1:46:07 0 3 1:46:44 0 3 1:50:34 0 3 1:52:44 0 3 1:52:57 0 3 1:57:28 0 3 1:58:39 0 2 1:08:02 0 2 1:14:04
Veteran B Place Name 1 Robert K Camp 2 Avo Laido 3 Sergio Santana Sr 4 Alex Gutierrez 5 Chip Golden 6 Barry Miller 7 Jerry Bean Jr 8 Rodrigo Velez 9 Jason Garrett 10 John White 11 Shawn Norton 12 James Aeckerle 13 Rodney Arnold 14 Scott Lamb 15 Keith Hendry DNF Jason Johnson
Veteran C Place Name 1 Danny Grubb 2 Jason Sessions 3 Chad Holman 4 Mike Zabarac 5 Jonathan Nix 6 James Matheson 7 Joseph Vann 8 Peter Redfern 9 Dan Aitken 10 Joe Rodgers 11 Jim Eason 12 Stephen McDonald 13 Randy King 14 Greg Solis 15 Frank Geremia 16 Matt Kwartler 17 Joe Collis 18 Troy Summerall
Veteran A
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 35
19 Patrick Lincoln 20 Darin Golden Work Shane Hitz
27 26 0
0 0 0
2 2 0
1:20:48 1:50:48 0:00:00
Senior A Place Name 1 George Edwards 2 Jeremy Powell 3 Jason Chambers 4 Chad Hunter 5 Peter Magee 6 Donald St. John 7 Kevin Farrell 8 Jason Blankenship 9 Thomas McGinity 10 Brett Williams Sr 11 Giuseppe DQ Lane Wood DQ Scott Curtis
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 19 18 9 9 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:54:17 0 4 1:58:07 0 4 1:58:59 0 4 1:59:03 0 3 1:29:14 0 3 1:33:02 0 3 1:34:49 0 2 1:00:00 0 2 1:39:55 0 1 0:30:15 0 1 0:31:06 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:31:42 5 3 1:33:28 4 3 1:33:48 3 3 1:34:41 2 3 1:36:18 0 3 1:36:50 0 3 1:39:03 0 3 1:39:29 0 3 1:39:31 0 3 1:40:16 0 3 1:40:18 0 3 1:40:20 0 3 1:41:24 0 3 1:41:50 0 3 1:42:44 0 3 1:43:20 0 3 1:44:48 0 3 1:50:19
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:41:34 5 3 1:41:42 4 3 1:43:41 3 3 1:44:23 2 3 1:44:48 0 3 1:45:16 0 3 1:46:12
Senior B Place Name 1 Greg Melka 2 Robert Pierce 3 Ronnie Hames 4 Scott Dawson 5 Steve Loomis Sr 6 Evan Schantz 7 Jerry Wilson 8 Jeff Moan 9 Jerry Mena 10 David Jensen 11 Mark Prenoveau 12 Marc Kinley 13 Ryan Turner 14 Blake Austwick 15 James (Bob) 16 Tom Miller 17 Jeff Chambers 18 Greg Wrobel
Senior C Place Name 1 Chris Lannon 2 Jorge Colon 3 Vernon Hackett 4 Charles Nix 5 Frank Gamperl 6 Robert Downs 7 David Davis
36 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Work Work DNF DNF DNF
Tim Hannen Mike Hunter Brian Brannigan Armando Rios Randy Bolen Mark Boris Robert Ryan Mark Zaremskas Brenton Teixeira Darryl Siemer Steve Skinner Chris Reid Ouri Kahn Dan Thaler Todd Comeens Richard Malmberg Troy Stainbrook Kevin Vaughan Marc Wohltman Irvin Kelly Brett Chase
38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 8 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
1:46:23 1:48:10 1:48:19 1:48:44 1:48:57 1:49:04 1:52:24 1:52:43 1:55:51 1:13:21 1:19:06 1:19:56 1:21:06 1:21:16 1:27:07 0:36:37 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Super Senior A Place Name 1 Paul Lucas 2 John Bergen 3 Willy Hooper 4 M David Morrell Sr 5 Mark Mannschreck 6 Andy Dickson 7 Mike Goodner 8 Jerry Curtis 9 Les Evans 10 Russ Human 11 Joel Coscia 12 Todd Bynum 13 Michael Sizemore 14 Ted Edgar Work Brian Coughlin DNF Scott Gawler
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 16 8 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:55:34 0 4 1:57:24 0 4 1:57:44 0 3 1:30:35 0 3 1:31:07 0 3 1:31:50 0 3 1:32:35 0 3 1:33:07 0 3 1:35:42 0 3 1:38:34 0 3 1:38:36 0 3 1:41:17 0 2 1:00:11 0 1 0:30:59 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:35:45 5 3 1:36:49 4 3 1:37:16 3 3 1:37:44 2 3 1:38:22 0 3 1:38:41 0 3 1:39:15 0 3 1:40:14
Super Senior B Place Name 1 Mike Muchard 2 Brett Long 3 David Wildner 4 Ben Kelly 5 Daryl Thiel 6 Mitch Melheim 7 David Thompson 8 Mike Veach
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Work Work DNF DNF
Eric Gray Dan Lichtenwalter Jochy Gomez David Parsons David McDaniel Glenn Peskar Kirk Balliette Charles Fuller Frank Swindell Lou Tunno Thad Kolanko Cary West David McArthur Chris Swanbom Barry Lovett
37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0
1:40:33 1:41:08 1:41:55 1:41:59 1:42:00 1:42:07 1:42:13 1:45:24 1:49:15 1:49:36 1:49:49 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Super Senior C Place Name 1 Troy Weeks 2 Chester Heath 3 Don Chriss 4 Tony Rodgerson 5 Brian Atwater 6 Larry Thomas 7 Tony Waters 8 Daniel Holder 9 Don Polanis 10 Kurt Drummond 11 Steve Lannon 12 Frank Montz 13 Kenneth Harris 14 John Ryll 15 Charles Fizer 16 John Kersey 17 Pete McNamara 18 Britt Hissong 19 Raymond Burr 20 Mike Keefe 21 Richard Sommers 22 Burt Rhodes 23 David Martini Jr 24 James Agate 25 Ken McWilliams 26 Ken Park Work Jack Hatfield DQ Sam Frasier
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:42:49 5 3 1:43:18 4 3 1:43:38 3 3 1:44:51 2 3 1:45:05 0 3 1:45:21 0 3 1:46:25 0 3 1:47:02 0 3 1:47:08 0 3 1:47:54 0 3 1:48:39 0 3 1:50:36 0 3 1:51:18 0 3 1:54:31 0 3 1:55:37 0 3 1:55:55 0 3 1:59:06 0 2 1:12:58 0 2 1:20:27 0 2 1:20:41 0 2 1:25:13 0 2 1:25:40 0 2 1:30:06 0 2 1:34:13 0 2 1:35:30 0 2 1:49:15 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:30:14 0 3 1:31:51
Master A Place Name 1 David Hill 2 Gary Gardner
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Work DNF
Kenny Boyd David Francis Randy Rash Mark Bordelon Tim Myers Richard Reid Kirt Lynch Robin Frey David Berger
45 43 41 40 39 38 37 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0
1:32:02 1:33:58 1:35:01 1:35:02 1:35:44 1:36:02 1:40:15 0:00:00 0:00:00
Master B Place Name 1 David Johnson 2 Mark Ernst 3 Clay Scott 4 Steven Krutsinger 5 Glenn Gardner 6 Dan Dyer 7 Jack Steele 8 Will Hardin 9 Robbie Carstens 10 Steve Thomson 11 Ray Spivey Jr 12 Neil Schulman 13 Randy Rhodes 14 Steven Maher 15 Rod Allen 16 Patrick Voltaire 17 Bill Jenkins Jr 18 David Duthie 19 Duncan Farash 20 Jeff Tuttle 21 Mark Cronk 22 Steve Carter 23 J Wayne Hartsfield 24 Stephen Harp 25 Mike Hauptkorn 26 Ed Lukosavich 27 Wade Anderson 28 Michael Delligatti Work Joey Young Work Brooks Duncan Work Danny Kittell Work Scott Corlett
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 6 0 0 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:36:04 5 3 1:37:00 4 3 1:37:22 3 3 1:39:06 2 3 1:40:01 0 3 1:40:30 0 3 1:42:06 0 3 1:42:13 0 3 1:42:29 0 3 1:42:57 0 3 1:43:26 0 3 1:43:29 0 3 1:44:01 0 3 1:44:13 0 3 1:44:41 0 3 1:44:49 0 3 1:44:55 0 3 1:45:39 0 3 1:45:43 0 3 1:46:44 0 3 1:46:56 0 3 1:48:02 0 3 1:48:59 0 3 1:52:40 0 3 1:54:29 0 2 1:09:06 0 2 1:15:56 0 1 0:34:02 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:46:37 5 3 1:48:21 4 3 1:49:21
Master C Place Name 1 Rocky Gavins 2 Ben Huss 3 Eduardo Garcia
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 37
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Work Work DNF DNF
Mike Farmer Mike Pakledinaz Ty Thomas David Pierce John Goddard Paul Rydzewski Kevin Moyer Keith Brammer Jim Porter Mark Fennessy Ted Schropp Rick Hathaway John Dougherty Alton Snellgrove BJ Harris Lloyd Smith Scott Fischer Robert Wilder Richard Winship James Swinford William Toreki Bobby Eisenbrandt Brian Krause Michael Whigham Richard Soto Thomas Glancy Charles Colon Thomas Phelps Carlos Colorado
43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 7 7 7 6 6 0 0 0 0
3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1:51:21 1:51:34 1:52:36 1:52:54 1:53:11 1:53:32 1:54:05 1:54:34 1:55:56 1:56:00 1:57:30 1:59:35 1:59:37 1:16:52 1:17:02 1:19:10 1:20:38 1:20:40 1:30:11 1:46:46 0:40:24 0:44:47 0:53:01 0:53:06 0:53:57 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Golden Master A Place Name 1 Roland Lyons Jr 2 Mike Reynolds 3 Kenny Brown 4 Drew Humston 5 George Pope 6 Bernard List 7 Jim Petrosky 8 Thomas Cole 9 Gates Pelletier 10 Robin Arnold 11 Dwayne Lyons Work Thomas Missimer DNF Greg Davis
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:37:15 0 3 1:37:19 0 3 1:40:45 0 3 1:42:37 0 3 1:44:05 0 3 1:44:59 0 3 1:45:43 0 3 1:46:00 0 3 1:47:03 0 3 1:48:32 0 3 1:54:42 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Golden Master B Place Name 1 Glenn Knox 2 Tim Miller
Point 50 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:46:12 5 3 1:49:19
38 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Work DNF
Fred Storm Jack Terrell Mark Rhoades Marty Barbero Allen Pearce Don Hough Arne Gudheim Tom Rose David C Shade, Sr. Thomas Miller Larry Roberts
45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 0 0
4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 0 0
1:52:44 1:53:17 1:54:03 1:55:38 1:56:48 1:57:30 1:21:22 1:33:38 1:37:45 0:00:00 0:00:00
Women A Place Name 1 Lacey Nordle 2 Cheryl Myers
Point 50 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:40:31 0 3 1:46:03
Point 50 47 45 43 41
Adv Laps Elapsed 5 3 1:49:26 3 3 1:54:49 2 3 1:58:42 1 2 1:21:44 0 2 1:30:13
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:47:28 0 3 1:59:59 0 2 1:27:27
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 11 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:10:01 0 3 1:10:07 0 3 1:10:09 0 3 1:12:28 0 3 1:13:15 0 3 1:13:42 0 3 1:14:01 0 3 1:14:53 0 3 1:15:06 0 3 1:20:38 0 2 0:53:41 0 2 0:55:13 0 1 0:34:47 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:17:03 5 3 1:18:38 4 3 1:22:32 3 3 1:23:09
Women B Place Name 1 Tiffany Hoskins 2 Jennifer Howard 3 Kimberly Reynolds 4 Dawn Laido 5 Linda Lundstedt
Women Vet Place Name 1 Carol Preston 2 Julie Miller 3 Gina Harp
Evolution A Place Name 1 Michael Goodman 2 Garrett Edmisten 3 Kyle Meeks 4 Brian McCall 5 Daniel Hilker 6 Sonny Smith 7 Brett Williams Sr 8 Scott Moore 9 Paul Lucas 10 Joshua Jacobs 11 Richard Reid 12 Scott Dawson 13 Cory Lukosavich DNF Chad Hunter
Evolution B Place Name 1 Jeffery "J.P." 2 Cash Jacobs 3 Kurt Lucas 4 Neil Schulman
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DNF Work Work Work DNF
Shawn Norton Bill Jenkins Jr David Pierce Mike Zabarac Ed Lukosavich Tim Fuller Oris (Don) Combee Stephen Harp Don Hough Brooks Duncan Scott Doerr Michael Sacco Joe Bevelacqua
41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
1:23:15 1:25:55 1:26:13 1:27:58 1:28:00 1:29:13 1:29:47 1:00:47 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Evolution C Place Name 1 Dean Blake 2 Jamie Cassidy 3 Ivor Townsend 4 Stephen Mackie 5 William Meyer 6 Gina Harp 7 Walter Depietto
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 2 1:01:09 5 2 1:02:13 4 2 1:02:24 3 2 1:04:12 2 2 1:06:57 0 2 1:17:45 0 1 0:31:35
Point 50 47 45 43
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:18:23 0 3 1:20:50 0 2 1:09:14 0 2 1:18:42
Point 50 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 1 0:35:19 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 13
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:07:13 0 3 1:09:29 0 3 1:13:47 0 3 1:22:25 0 2 0:53:43 0 1 0:23:42
Point 50 47 45 43 41
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:13:58 5 3 1:14:02 4 3 1:16:18 3 3 1:17:37 2 3 1:18:04
Evolution Senior Place Name 1 Alan Edwards 2 Robert Edmisten 3 Harold Fletcher 4 Michael Riddle
Junior A Place Name 1 Alex Patapis 2 Nick Lieske 3 Cody Thomas 4 Jacob Corlett 5 Adam Comeens 6 Dominick Fanti
Junior B Place Name 1 Logan Anderson 2 Nicholas Karch 3 Daniel Dunson 4 Ryan McCarthy 5 Jason Hendricks
Kyle Gardner Danny Hill Steve Loomis Jr Theron Gant Nick Doerr Cameron McDowell Amanda Gene Sawyer Corbin Meinke Troy Wiek Jr Kevin Wild Christopher Ross
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 10 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 0
1:18:18 1:19:43 1:19:52 1:20:47 1:21:28 1:24:29 1:25:49 0:52:02 1:04:17 0:26:06 0:00:00 0:00:00
Junior C Place Name Point 1 Mark Loomis 50 2 Joshua Dunn 47 3 Jett Ryll 45 4 Nicholas D'Angeleo 43 5 Brian Pendray Jr. 41 6 Dillon Moyer 40 7 Ryan Gross 39 DNF Christian Waters 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:20:06 5 3 1:25:11 4 3 1:26:33 3 3 1:28:01 2 2 0:59:41 0 2 1:05:34 0 2 1:12:10 0 0 0:00:00
Junior Girls
Vintage Place Name 1 William Drymon DNF Jeffry Backlund
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Work DNF
Place Name 1 Haley Schell
Point 50
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 2 1:19:33
Point 50 47 45 43 41 24
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 5 1:23:16 0 5 1:27:23 0 5 1:27:24 0 5 1:29:43 0 4 1:15:00 0 3 1:08:24
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:16:02 5 4 1:16:04 4 4 1:16:22 3 4 1:18:32 2 4 1:19:19 0 4 1:19:31 0 4 1:22:06 0 4 1:23:35 0 4 1:23:48 0 4 1:24:26 0 4 1:25:56 0 4 1:26:41 0 4 1:26:52
Mini A Place Name 1 Max Coughlin 2 Dylan Rash 3 Trevor McCabe 4 Benjamin Parsons 5 Zack Muchard 6 Clay Levell
Mini B Place Name 1 Karlynn Beam 2 Ryan Muchard 3 Daniel Nelson 4 Matthew Arick 5 Gus Carter 6 Jack Frey Hansen 7 Connor Lovett 8 Michael Gow 9 Jacob Ogden 10 Ethan Dickson 11 Billy Cassidy 12 Jamie Wilson 13 Matthew Hawkins
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 39
14 15 16 DNF
Tyler Boris Dylan Davis Mason Osborn Jacob Paul
32 16 8 0
0 0 0 0
4 2 1 0
1:27:24 0:42:37 0:20:40 0:00:00
Mini C Place Name 1 Clay James 2 Jack Langford 3 Jonathan Gow 4 Kyle Blum 5 Jeremy Gagen 6 Ryan Downs 7 Brad Jenkins 8 Anthony Depietto 9 Dakota Nix 10 Austin Dinkel 11 Jake Alsup 12 Logan Branton 13 William Edgar 14 Beau Smith 15 Mitchell Edgar 16 Logan Derigo-Gow 17 Kevin Moore 18 Jacob Miller 19 Josh Hall Work Cory Nocera DNF Tristian Schoelles
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 14 14 7 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:26:32 5 4 1:27:34 4 3 1:07:38 3 3 1:08:07 2 3 1:08:24 0 3 1:09:04 0 3 1:10:06 0 3 1:10:16 0 3 1:10:18 0 3 1:12:21 0 3 1:13:29 0 3 1:14:36 0 3 1:18:16 0 3 1:20:02 0 3 1:20:28 0 3 1:23:42 0 2 1:00:12 0 2 1:10:13 0 1 1:08:44 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:10:07 0 3 1:17:09 0 2 1:01:14
Point 50 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:19:45 0 4 1:28:59
Place Name Point 1 Christopher Merrick 50 2 Matthew Tolken 47 3 Austin Dickson 45 4 Mason Cassidy 43 5 Zachary Sommers 41 6 Justin Dinkel 40
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:27:42 5 3 1:07:30 4 3 1:09:57 3 3 1:12:12 2 3 1:12:44 0 3 1:13:09
Mini Girls Place Name 1 Alyssa 2 India McDonald 3 Jessica Gill
65A Place Name 1 Jesse Ansley 2 Joshua Tolken
40 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
Jeff Chambers Jr.
65C Place Name 1 Kody Gamperl 2 Ben Wilson 3 Damien Myers 4 Troy Gardner 5 Calvin Drake 6 Fisher Zabarac 7 Nick Schuster 8 Matthew Batchie 9 Dylan Jones 10 Gabriel McDougall 11 John Edgar 12 Parker Smith 13 Jakob Jenkins 14 Christopher Magee 15 D'artagnan Rardon 16 Evan McDonald 17 Trevor Loomis DNF Cameron Hannon DNF Clayton Jensen DNF Cole Lannon
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 0 0 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 3 1:12:31 5 3 1:17:49 4 3 1:18:54 3 3 1:18:55 2 3 1:19:23 0 3 1:21:30 0 3 1:24:03 0 3 1:24:23 0 3 1:28:31 0 3 1:28:52 0 2 1:00:04 0 2 1:00:51 0 2 1:00:52 0 2 1:01:26 0 2 1:07:05 0 2 1:07:12 0 2 1:07:25 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:12:12 0 3 1:13:01 0 3 1:17:03 0 3 1:28:57
Point 50 47
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 13 0:21:27 0 13 0:21:32
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 27 26 26
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 8 0:15:49 5 8 0:16:52 4 8 0:16:59 3 8 0:17:00 2 7 0:15:48 0 7 0:16:19 0 7 0:16:27 0 7 0:16:58 0 7 0:17:16 0 6 0:15:12 0 6 0:15:17 0 6 0:16:12
65 Girls Place Name 1 Holly Langford 2 Kayla Dunkel 3 Emma Chambers 4 Julia Cone
Peewee A Place Name 1 Jack Chambers 2 Gage Hunter
Peewee B Place Name 1 Dawson Colburn 2 Conor Crory 3 Jimmy Ansley 4 Pyke Dawson 5 Aaron Payton 6 Cole Ryll 7 Brayden Gibson 8 Allison Lamb 9 Tanner Sommers 10 Jacob Jackson 11 Patrick Crory 12 Cadence Howard
13 14 15
Howard "Eddie" Kayla Cone Colin Nix
21 12 4
0 0 0
5 3 1
0:09:38 0:08:21 0:02:12
Peewee C Place Name 1 Korbin Dinkel 2 Colton McInturf 3 Kye Pollard 4 Evan Thomas 5 Aiden Dion 6 Madison Jones 7 Jordyn Collis 8 Brandon Bennett 9 Wyatt Loynd 10 Alyssa Quenzer 11 Hayes Cassidy DNF Frankie Prince
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 24 18 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 6 0:15:47 0 6 0:16:18 0 6 0:16:32 0 6 0:17:02 0 5 0:15:50 0 5 0:16:20 0 5 0:16:49 0 5 0:16:50 0 5 0:17:21 0 4 0:14:50 0 3 0:16:11 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 10 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:12:59 0 4 1:13:33 0 4 1:17:01 0 4 1:19:22 0 4 1:22:00 0 3 0:58:58 0 3 1:01:45 0 1 0:24:47 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:21:47 0 4 1:22:14 0 4 1:23:51 0 4 1:24:19 0 4 1:24:20 0 4 1:25:59 0 4 1:28:36
Quad AA Place Name 1 Adam McGill 2 Chris Borich 3 Johnny Gallagher 4 Cody Ellison 5 Chuck W Piper 6 Bradley Crofut 7 Chuck R Piper 8 Michael Ansbaugh DQ Gus Rickman
Quad A Place Name 1 James Tyson IV 2 Trent Johnson 3 Michael Relyea 4 Michael Parks 5 Ryan Burcel 6 Traci Cecco 7 David Davis
Quad B Open Place Name 1 Landon Wolfe 2 Adam Wood 3 Chris Baird 4 Josh Mann 5 Brenton Crofut 6 Mike Carlini
Point 50 47 45 43 41 20
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:21:04 5 4 1:26:19 4 3 1:09:55 3 3 1:11:04 2 3 1:17:10 0 2 0:47:52
Point 50
Adv Laps Elapsed 10 4 1:27:56
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DNF
Brent Lenzen Justin Ladouceur Brandon Nichols Jacob Catterton Chase Cameron Jeff Marinko Michael Taggart Sean Malloy Richard Catterton Danny Copeland Rob Partelo David Mcdermott Leon McCalla Brian Pike William Jimenez Douglas Robertson Todd Pike Brandon Underhill
47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 15 14 14 0
5 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 0
1:07:11 1:08:37 1:09:06 1:09:51 1:10:55 1:10:57 1:12:28 1:15:28 1:15:52 1:17:22 1:18:05 1:20:46 1:21:17 1:21:22 0:55:38 1:03:04 1:03:25 0:00:00
Quad 0-400 Place Name 1 Robert Hoffman 2 Michael Yodonis Sr 3 Mel Cunningham
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:09:45 0 3 1:10:26 0 3 1:14:21
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:23:44 0 4 1:27:03 0 4 1:27:52 0 4 1:28:11 0 4 1:29:48 0 3 1:06:52 0 3 1:08:01 0 3 1:09:42 0 3 1:13:51 0 3 1:15:19 0 3 1:21:38
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:25:55 0 3 1:07:06 0 3 1:08:27
Point 50
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:26:07
Quad +30 Place Name 1 Domingo Fuentes 2 Kenneth Brening 3 Michael Terango 4 Robert Santella 5 Justin Yero 6 Angel Berrios 7 Sean Decosta 8 Billy Olson 9 Jose Cabreja 10 Mike Wormood 11 Chris Daugherty
Quad Veterans Place Name 1 Paul Ladouceur 2 Dan Aitken 3 John Plankey
Quad Senior Place Name 1 Jim Sheer
Quad C Open Place Name 1 Roben Griffin
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 41
2 3 4 5 6 7 DNF DNF
Rob Swann Ron Johnson David Magnusson Brian Green Michael Hubbard Robert Novak Matt Watson Don Johnson
47 45 43 41 40 39 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 4 3 3 3 3 0 0
1:29:49 1:29:51 1:07:59 1:08:39 1:08:50 1:15:34 0:00:00 0:00:00
Quad Super Senior Place Name 1 Keith Knauss 2 Carey Atkinson 3 James Tyson III 4 Steve Johnson 5 Jim Austin 6 Edward Genaw 7 Mike Ferguson 8 Robert Catterton Jr
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 10
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 4 1:26:39 0 4 1:27:13 0 3 1:08:33 0 3 1:10:49 0 3 1:17:44 0 3 1:19:20 0 3 1:25:08 0 1 0:27:27
Point 50
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 2 1:01:26
Point 50 16 15
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:22:01 0 1 0:35:12 0 1 0:35:13
Quad Master Place Name 1 Bob Brown
Quad Utility Open Place Name 1 Keith Hedin 2 Michael Havey 3 Tim Adams
Quad Women Place Name 1 Shannon Brening 2 Kayla Vawter 3 Kaylee Lietz
Point 50 47 45
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:13:34 0 3 1:14:09 0 2 1:03:18
Point 50 47 45 43 41 0
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:15:38 0 3 1:20:14 0 3 1:21:30 0 2 0:58:16 0 2 1:04:34 0 0 0:00:00
Point 50 47 45 43 41
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:09:15 0 3 1:24:04 0 2 0:58:05 0 2 1:02:15 0 2 1:10:06
Quad Women Vet Place Name 1 Wanda Sturgis 2 Angela Ladouceur 3 Renita Swann 4 Sherry Aitken 5 Donna Morrell DNF Lisa Lenhart
Quad Junior Place Name 1 Gage Rickman 2 Danielle 3 Jose Cabreja Jr. 4 Dylan Robertson 5 Hanna Plankey
42 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
Sarah Cameron
Quad Super Peewee Place Name 1 Jimmy Frazier III 2 Joey Chambers 3 Bryanne Parks 4 Garrison Rickman 5 Nicholas Mason 6 Joshua Jeffreys 7 Elizabeth Roth 8 Dylan Terango 9 Abigail Streetman 10 Marissa
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 30 30 29 28
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 9 0:16:16 0 9 0:16:21 0 8 0:15:01 0 8 0:15:12 0 8 0:16:07 0 8 0:16:25 0 7 0:15:20 0 7 0:15:25 0 7 0:15:41 0 7 0:17:06
Place Name Point 1 Kalob Hedin 50 2 Tyler Frazier 47 3 Christian "Max" 45 4 Jordan Frazier 43 5 Michael Yodonis Jr. 41 6 Ryan Cain 30 7 Beau Swann 29 8 Jackson Parks 28 9 Riley Olson 23 10 Karlee Hedin 22
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 8 0:16:40 0 8 0:16:41 0 7 0:16:24 0 7 0:16:33 0 7 0:16:49 0 6 0:16:03 0 6 0:16:28 0 6 0:16:37 0 5 0:15:58 0 5 0:16:32
Quad Peewee
Beginners Place Name Promo Jeffery Tyson 2 Benjamin Mullins 3 Shawn Downs 4 John Crafton 5 Rafferty McDougall 6 Reid Scott 7 Derek Holton 8 Robert Parks 9 John Baltzell 10 Josh Richards 11 Joe Gagen 12 James Hamilton 13 Hannah Sacco
Point 50 47 45 43 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33
Adv Laps Elapsed 0 3 1:14:06 0 3 1:20:55 0 3 1:27:08 0 3 1:27:22 0 2 1:00:57 0 2 1:01:47 0 2 1:02:05 0 2 1:05:05 0 2 1:06:56 0 2 1:07:59 0 2 1:14:06 0 2 1:16:42 0 2 1:24:43
HS #8 - Coyote Hare Scambles
Teams Score Report Place Bikes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quads 1
Team Name
Suncoast Trail Blazers WDR Lucky 13 Racing HBDMoto Graf-x ORRM Dirt Poor Racing Panama
147 144 135 208 207 126 123
3 3 3 5 5 3 3
50 47 45 43 41 40 39
Screw Loose Racing
44 | Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | February 2011 | 47
Executive Committee Ford Snodgrass, President 1524 Fleetwood Drive, Sarasota, FL 34232 President@floridatrailriders.org
Jack Terrell, Vice President 180 Sunrise Hill Lane, Auburndale, FL 33823 (863) 984-9294 Vicepresident@floridatrailriders.org
Deborah Broderick, Secretary 5461 Carrick Road, Cocoa, FL 32927-9074 Secretary@floridatrailriders.org
Jonny Simpkins, Treasurer 6300 Oil Well Road, Clermont, FL 34714 (352) 394-2430 Treasurer@floridatrailriders.org
Peter Magee, Enduro Chairman 17906 SW 15th Ave., Newberry, FL 32669 (352) 472-6932 Endurochair@floridatrailriders.org
Mike Belle, Hare Scrambles Chairman 912 Justice Drive, Tampa, FL 33613 (813) 963-0657 HSchair@floridatrailriders.org
Ken Kloza, Motocross Chairman 10544 SE 146 Terrace Road, Ocklawaha, FL 32179 (352) 288-3609 MXchair@floridatrailriders.org
Who to Contact in FTR Board of Directors by County: Area #1:
2 4
Rocky Gavins 290 East Palmer Mill Road Monticello, FL32344 blgavins@aol.com Counties: Out-of-State, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie
Area #2:
Ragan Dickson, 78 Dolphin Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082,
(904) 813-5713, orrmfamilyracing@bellsouth.net Counties: Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns
Area #3:
Allen Pearce, 3473 NW 49th Ave. Gainesville, FL 32605-1069
10 12
allen.pearce@cox.net Counties: Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake
Area #4:
Chad Hunter, 408 Grove St. Ormond Beach, FL 32174-7022 chunter@islandshutter.com Counties: Flagler, Volusia
Area #5:
Cary Hunt, 14967 Newport Road, Clearwater, FL 33764 cnhuntconstruction@yahoo.com Counties: Hernando, Pasco. Pinellas, West Hillsborough
Area #6:
Kerri Chambers, PO Box 231, Auburndale FL 33823, (863) 956-9140, jekchambers@aol.com
Counties: East Hillsborough, Polk
Area #7:
Bill Jenkins, Jr. 13519 Lacebark Pine Road, Orlando, FL 32832-6578 ford3233@aol.com Counties: Seminole, Orange, Osceola
Area #8:
Sam Boydstun, 1410 Gleneagles Way, Rockledge, FL 32955 woodsracer@cfl.rr.com Counties: Brevard, Indian River
Area #9:
Joe Collis, 2210 N Rye Road, Parrish, FL 34219-9625 oecollis@yahoo.com Counties: Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands
Area #10:
Rick Bertine,1565 SE Tidewater Place, Stuart, Fl 34997, (772) 260-3287, kgbrab@bellsouth.net Counties: Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin
Area #11 Ed Lukosavich, 6655 Bottlebrush Lane, Naples, Fl 34109-3813, (239) 514-4530, jackpinner@aol.com Counties: Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry, Collier Area #12:
Area #13:
Counties: Palm Beach
Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe
FTR Officers: Enduro Series: Don King (941) 749-5879 enduroref@floridatrailriders.org Hare Scramble Series: Larry Roberts (727) 235-2051 hsref@floridatrailriders.org Motocross Series: Carol Preston (813) 431-9183 mxref@floridatrailriders.org
Scorekeepers FTR Scorekeeper: Tim Nordle (352) 303-0088 ftrscore@floridatrailriders.org Enduro Scorekeeper: Jeff Flick (321) 453-4257 enduroscore@floridatrailriders.org Hare Scrambles Scorekeeper: Donald St. John (912) 729-1089 hsscore@floridatrailriders.org Motocross Scorekeeper: Sandy Moss (321) 537-0716 mxscore@floridatrailriders.org
Where to Ride?
Contact FTR Clubs in Your Area
Out of State: 5, 7, 8, 11, 16
19 1. Apollo Motorcycle Club - apollomotorcycleclub.com Dan Graziano, Cocoa, FL (321) 635-8436, graziano@cfl. rr.com
12 3 2
2. Azalea City Motorcycle Club - Gary Wyatt, Interlachen, FL (386) 684-2698, wyattg1@windstream.net
3. Big Scrub Trail Riders - Dave Edwards, Alachua, FL (352) 339-2392, scooprsteen@yahoo.com 4. Central Florida Trail Riders - Kevin Simmons, Orlando, FL (407) 859-3006 or (407) 625-3006, kwsjso@bellsouth. net 5. Columbia Enduro Riders - Ricky Dennis, Columbia, SC (803) 786-0051, mastercraft@bellsouth.net 6. Daytona Dirt Riders - Randy Griffin, New Smyrna Beach, FL (386) 423-4302, harescram755x@aol.com 7. Family Riders, Inc. - Johnny Thomas, 1 Venice Ave, Hanahan, SC 29406 (843) 553-1463
18 9
8. Greenville Enduro Riders Association - Duane Wellington, Laurens, SC (864) 908-6109, lcwel@prtcnet. com
15 10
9. Old School Dirt Riders - Ron Collis, Myakka City, FL (941) 962-5036, rjcollis@mailmt.com 10. Palm Beach Trail & Trail - Randy Rash, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 931-5709, motodadfla19@aol.com 11. Perry Mountain M/C - Glenn Hollingshead, Selma, AL (334) 872-0619, hhollingsh@msn.com 12. River City Dirt Riders - rcdr.org Mundy Murzic, Jacksonville, FL (904) 465-2013, mundyspro@bellsouth.net
16. Sumter Enduro Riders - Johnny McCoy, Sumter, SC (803) 481-5169, jmccoy@sc.rr.com 17. Suncoast Trail Blazers - Brian Coughlin, Tampa, FL (813) 908-9008, bcoughl2@tampabay.rr.com
13. Sarasota Area Dirt Riders - sadraracing.com Randy Faul, Arcadia, FL (863) 494-6476, randt817@gmail. com
18. Sunrunners M/C - Jack Terrell, Auburndale, FL (863) 984-9294, jackt@nohvcc.org
14. Sarasota Area Quad Riders - Amanda Fronckowiak, Venice, FL (941) 223-6974, ajc7191@comcast.net
19. Tallahassee Trail Riders - tallahasseetrailriders.org Rocky Gavins, Tallahassee, FL (850) 545-9945, blgavins@ aol.com
15. Southeast Florida Trail Riders - seftr.org - Glen Demick, Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 743-3683, tilenall@bellsouth.net
20. Treasure Coast Trail Riders - Scott Klucinec, Vero Beach, FL (772) 473-3801, bronc3@comcast.net
FIRST NAME _____________________________ LAST NAME ______________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH _____-_____-__________ (MM-DD-YYYY)
SEX _________
ADDRESS________________________________________ CITY_______________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ________________ COUNTY ______________________________ HOME PHONE ____________________ WORK PHONE ____________________ EMAIL __________________________________________________ AMA # ______________________________ (NOT REQUIRED)
OCCUPATION ________________________________ ENDURO:
CLASS ______________________ BRAND _________________ cc __________ HARE SCRAMBLES:
CLASS ______________________ BRAND _________________ cc _____ NUMBER ______,______,______ SATURDAY HARE SCRAMBLES:
(If you are a new member or renewing after July 31st, give three choices for numbers)
CLASS ______________________ BRAND _________________ cc _____ NUMBER ______,______,______ MOTOCROSS:
(If you are a new member or renewing after July 31st, give three choices for numbers) CHOICE 1:
CLASS ______________________ BRAND _________________ cc _____ NUMBER ______,______,______
(If you are a new member or renewing after July 31st, give three choices for numbers)
Do not mail this form to the Business Office if there are less than 10 days before the race you intend to enter. If you are mailing this form to the Business Office, please allow 10 days from the date of mailing before contacting us about your number.
2010-2011 FTR Schedule
Visit www.floridatrailriders.org for up-to-date race info or call (352) 538-6291
Event Promoting Club/Track Location
2010-08-07 FTR General Membership Meeting Orlando, FL 2010-08-07 FTR Annual Banquet Hilton in the WDW Resort 2010-08-22 MX #1 Thundercross Okeechobee, FL 2010-08-28 Lochloosa Junior Enduro Lochloosa, FL 2010-08-29 Enduro #1 Big Scrub Trail Riders Lochloosa, FL 2010-09-05 Enduro #2 Greenville Enduro Riders Clinton, SC 2010-09-05 MX #2 Bartow Motocross Bartow, FL 2010-09-19 MX #3 Bithlo Motorsports Park Bithlo, FL 2010-09-25 HS #1 River City Dirt Riders Lake City, FL 2010-10-02 HS Committee Meeting Favoretta, FL 2010-10-02 HS #2 Daytona Dirt Riders Favoretta, FL 2010-10-09 Enduro Committee Meeting 6pm Croom Entrance 2010-10-10 Enduro #3 Suncoast Trail Blazers Croom, FL 2010-10-10 MX Waldo CANCELLED Waldo, FL 2010-10-16 HS #3 Azalea City MC Palatka, FL 2010-10-24 MX #4 Sunshine MX Clearwater, FL 2010-11-06 HS #4 Sunrunners MC Bartow, FL 2010-11-07 Enduro #4 Perry Mountain MC Maplesville, AL 2010-11-14 MX #5 Lake City MX Lake City, FL 2010-11-20 HS #5 Central Florida Trail Riders Bartow, FL 2010-12-04 HS #6 Old School Dirt Riders Myakka City, FL 2010-12-12 MX #6 Eastbay MX Riverview, FL 2010-12-18 HS #7 Apollo MC Samsula, FL 2011-01-08 HS Committee Meeting Brooksville, FL 2011-01-08 HS #8 Suncoast Trail Blazers Brooksville, FL 2011-01-16 Enduro #5 Family Riders MC Ehrhardt, SC 2011-01-22 HS #9 Treasure Coast Trail Riders Brighton, FL 2011-02-05 HS #10 FTR Benefit Okeechobee, FL 2011-02-19 HS #11 Sarasota Area Dirt Riders Ona, FL 2011-02-27 Enduro #6 Central Florida Trail Riders Richloam, FL 2011-03-10 Enduro #7 Daytona Dirt Riders Daytona, FL 2011-03-26 HS Committee Meeting Okeechobee, FL 2011-03-26 HS #12 SE Florida Trail Riders Okeechobee, FL 2011-04-02 HS #13 Big Scrub Trail Riders Gatorback, FL 2011-04-16 HS #14 Tallahassee Trail Riders Chipley, FL 2011-05-01 Enduro #8 Apollo MC Seville, Fl 2011-05-14 HS #15 Old School Dirt Riders Bowling Green, FL 2011-05-22 Enduro #9 River City Dirt Riders Barberville, FL 2011-05-28 Rain date TBA 2011-08-06 FTR Awards Banquet Orlando, FL
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FtR BikE DEals... No FEEs FoR FtR MEMBERs! (taX & REG. oNlY)
2009 WR250F 2009 WR450F 2009 YZ250F 2009 YZ450F 2010 YZ250F 2010 YZ450F 2011 YZ250 2011 YZ 450
5290.00 5960.00 4965.00 5590.00 5690.00 6690.00 iNstock (call) iNstock (call)