F lorida T rail R iders June 2013
June 2013
Belle, e k i M : l White, e i n a D a w t e r, Kayla V grass od F o rd S n
d e r u t c i P
B anquet 2013
A wards and banquet celebration - August 3, 2013
Florida Trail Riders
co m mu nicat i ons
D aytona B each , F la .
F o r d S n o d g r a ss president@fl or ida tr a ilr id e r s.org
Daytona Beach Ocean Center
(941 ) 9 1 5 -98 9 4
101 N. Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Brooks Tomblin vicepresiden t@ flor ida tr a ilr id e r s.o rg
(386 ) 6 1 5 -04 9 3
Daniel White treasurer@flo r id a tr a ilr ide r s.org
(407 ) 4 8 0 -10 5 9
K ay l a V a wt e r secretary@flor ida tr a ilr id e r s.org
(863 ) 3 8 1 -26 4 9
B u s i n e ss M a n a g e r
businessmana g e r @ f l o r i d a t r a i l r i d e rs.org
(352 ) 5 3 8 -62 9 1
Send banquet ticket order and checks payable to: Florida Trail Riders Banquet 5461 Carrick Rd. Cocoa, FL 32927 Or use the FTR website to pay with credit card
Call (352) 538-6291
oceancenter.com photos
Come and enjoy great food, door prizes, music, raffles, vendors and great friends!
Vendor Area open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for ticket pickup, FTR membership renewal, raffles and more! Dinner/Awards/Dancing: 4:30 p.m. to midnight Dinner served at 5 p.m.
Ticket Sales - Banquet tickets ($35 adult, $18 kids) will be sold online only through the FTR website or by mail to the FTR business office. No ticket sales at the banquet! All tickets must be purchased before July
For more information on hotels in the area and FTR discounts, visit the FTR homepage at floridatrailriders.org
Florida Trail Riders
2-3 FTR Communications 4-5 Advertising Index 6-7 Membership Application 8 Table of Contents 9 Who to Contact in FTR 10 Where to Ride 11 Official FTR Contacts 12 Rider Representatives 13 Chaplain’s Corner: Andy Dickson 14 FTR Promotions 15 From the Forum A 16 From the Forum B 17-18 Chicks Who Rip: Lydia Greiner 20 New Advertiser: J&G Brothers Assets 23 Out Front: Danielle and CJ 24-25 FTR Family: Part 1 26-27 Hare Scrambles Scores 28-37 FTR Schedule 39 FTR Magazine
Pu b l i s h e r Jenn Sheppard
editor@floridatrailriders.org (407) 719-5513
Fac e b o o k
@FTRmoto / general news @edFTR / live tweets
Q uad A’ s Jon B outwell
B lo g
floridatrailrider s.org /f trblog
ADv e r t i s i n g: editor@floridatrailriders.org (407) 719-5513
Photos from Mesa Park MX Fellsmere, Fla.
June. 2, 2013
Florida Trail Riders (FTR) Magazine is delivered 12 times per year for members of Florida Trail Riders, Inc. FTR Magazine will review and consider letters and mail submitted by members. Deadline is day 20 of the month prior to publication. The decision to publish or edit submissions rests with the magazine. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor or of the members.
M ore from
Mesa Park MX
next month
Ad index 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 16 18 38 38 40
ridepg.com upstatecycle.com RockOnAdventures.com blackopsmoto.com tuckerrocky.com GB Works J&B Brothers Assets spectro-oils.com tfsuspension.com mxmarioncounty.com jacksonvillepowersports.com wmr1.com spaceportcycles.com MCEnthusiasts.com lazydays.com bbms.com
Florida Trail Riders
a dv er ti s in g
W e b R at e s - fl ori d a t ra i l ri d e rs . org
Months Banner
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6 months $750
M o nthl y F l o ri da Trai l Ri ders mag azi ne - ci rcul ati o n 1,400+
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Bu y o n e , g e t o n e f re e de a l f o r n e w a dv er t i s er s ! F re e w e b a d o n F T R h o m e p a g e f o r a l l pr i n t ads
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | 6
Master C’s Ed Sapsford at Chipley Kevin M a Moyer y 2 0 1 photo 3 | 7
TheThe300cc enduro optimum balance of power, weight and agility. Husqvarna TXC310
GasGas EC300
Commercial & Consumer Collections / Skip Tracing
Your Dirt Bike Superstore
904 Laurens Road, Greenville, SC 29607 864-232-7223 UpstateCycle.com AUTHORIZED DEALER
Jacob Gilliam
(941) 544-9744
florida trail riders
florida trail riders
Who to contact in
Counties: Out-of-State, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Leon, Wakulla, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Lafayette, Dixie
Area #2: Gary Wyatt, 841 Cousintown Road Interlachen, FL 32148 wyattg1@windstream.net (386) 684-2698 Counties: Hamilton, Suwannee, Columbia, Baker, Union, Bradford, Nassau, Duval, Clay, Putnam, St. Johns
Area #3: Brad Gustafson, 1464 NW 106th St. Gainesville, FL 32606 bradg47FL@gmail.com (352) 359-1543 Counties: Gilchrist, Alachua, Levy, Marion, Citrus, Sumter, Lake
Area #4: Chad Hunter, 408 Grove St. Ormond Beach, FL 32174 chunter@islandshutter.com (386) 295-0845 Counties: Flagler, Volusia
Area #5: David Wildner, 731 Locust St. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 Katoom200@hotmail.com (727) 510-9039 Counties: Hernando, Pasco. Pinellas, West Hillsborough
Area #6: Jack Terrell, 180 Sunrise Hill Lane Auburndale, FL 33023 jackterrell@tambabay.rr.com (863) 984-9294 New in 2013 Counties: East Hillsborough, Polk Florida Trail Riders Magazine | 10
Area #7: Bill Jenkins, Jr., 13519 Lacebark Pine Road Orlando, FL 32832 ford3233@aol.com (407) 282-6056
Counties: Seminole, Orange, Osceola
8 10
Area #8: Sam Boydstun, 1410 Gleneagles Way Rockledge, FL 32955 woodsracer@cfl.rr.com (321) 433-0619
12 13
Counties: Brevard, Indian River
Area #9: Kevin Vaughan, 7397 Manthey Ave. North Port, FL 34291 vaughan10@verizon.net (941) 426-5122 Counties: Manatee, Sarasota, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands
Area #10: Jonathan Campbell, 6008 Tangelo Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34982 jonathan.soup@gmail.com (918) 261-9770 Counties: Okeechobee, St. Lucie, Martin
Area #11: Ed Lukosavich, 6655 Bottlebrush Lane Naples, FL 34109 jackpinner@aol.com (239) 253-2333 Counties: Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry, Collier
Area #12:
Counties: Palm Beach
Area #13: Shaw Dunkel, 2620 NE 11th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33064 shawdunkel@bellsouth.net (954) 901-9505 Counties: Broward, Dade, Monroe
Kevin Moyer photo
to ride in
2 3
Board of Directors by county: Area #1:
13 3
Out of State:
5, 7, 8, 11, 17
1. A pollo M otorcycle C lub : Jim Rollyson - Cocoa, FL (321) 917-6845, oldjimdandy@bellsouth.net apollomotorcycleclub.com 2. A zalea C ity M otorcycle C lub : Gary Wyatt - Interlachen, FL (386) 684-2698, wyattg1@windstream.net 3. Big Scrub Trail Riders: John Hawkins - Tavares, FL (352) 516-6903, jamohawkins@embarqmail.com
4. C entral F lorida T rail R iders : Keith Finnerty - Altamonte Springs, FL (407) 774-9090, keith@keithfinnerty.com 5. C olumbia E nduro R iders : Ricky Dennis - Columbia, SC (803) 786-0051, mastercraft@bellsouth.net 6. D aytona D irt R iders : Randy Griffin - New Smyrna Beach, FL (386) 423-4302, harescram755x@aol.com daytonadirtriders.com 7. F amily R iders , I nc .: Johnny Thomas - Hanahan, SC (843) 553-1463, familyriderssc@bellsouth.net 8. G reenville E nduro R iders A ssociation : Duane Wellington - Laurens, SC (864) 908-6109, lcwell@prtcnet.com 9. O ld S chool D irt R iders : Ron Collis - Myakka City, FL (941) 962-5036, rjcollis@mailmt.com 10. P alm B each T rack & T rail : Randy Rash - Ft. Lauderdale, FL (954) 931-5709, motodadfla19@aol.com
13. R iver C ity D irt R iders : Brad Stanton - Switzerland, FL (904) 219-6980, brstanton@bellsouth.net rcdr.org
4 19
14. S arasota A rea D irt R iders : Randy Faul - Arcadia, FL (863) 494-6476, randt817@gmail.com sadraracing.com
1 21
16 10
15. S arasota A rea Q uad R iders : Amanda Fronckowiak - Venice, FL (941) 223-6974, ajc7191@comcast.net 16. S outheast F lorida T rail R iders : Frank Campbell - West Palm Beach, FL (561) 721-1321, seftr35@yahoo.com seftr.org 17. S umter E nduro R iders : Johnny McCoy - Sumter, SC (803) 481-5169, jmccoy@sc.rr.com 18. S uncoast T rail B lazers : Brian Coughlin - Tampa, FL (813) 908-9008, bcoughl2@tampabay.rr.com 19. S unrunners M/C: Jack Terrell - Auburndale, FL (863) 984-9294, jackt@nohvcc.org 20. T allahassee T rail R iders : Larry Nielson - Tallahassee, FL (850) 544-4840 tallahasseetrailriders.org 21. T reasure C oast T rail R iders : Scott Klucinec - Vero Beach, FL
(772) 473-3801, bronc3@comcast.net
11. P erry M ountain M/C: Glenn Hollingshead - Selma, AL (334) 872-0619, hhollingsh@msn.com 12. N ature C oast T rail B lazers : Paul Ladouceur (352) 279-4911, paul@spectrumvoice-data.com naturecoasttrailblazers.com
M ay 2 0 1 3 | 1 1
florida trail riders
Elected officers
President: F ord S nodgrass ,
president@floridatrailriders.org (941) 915-9894
Vice President: B rooks T omblin , vicepresidentfloridatrailriders.org (386) 615-0493
Secretary: K ayla V awter ,
secretaryfloridatrailriders.org (863) 381-2649
Treasurer: D aniel W hite ,
treasurerfloridatrailriders.org (407) 480-1059
Referees E nduro : Lee Daley
enduroref@floridatrailriders.org (321) 631-4406
H are S crambles : Donny Richardson
hsref@floridatrailriders.org (727) 235-2051
M otocross : Sean Fitzgerald
mxref@floridatrailriders.org (352) 455-4029
Scorekeepers E nduro : Ken Stephenson
enduroscore@floridatrailriders.org (321) 453-0638
Hare Scrambles: M ike B elle
M otocross : Ken Kloza
Enduro: J eremy P owell (904) 225-3176
(813) 963-0657
Motocross: R ick D reggors mxchairfloridatrailriders.org
(407) 862-6878
H are S crambles : Donald St. John
(912) 729-1089
(305) 849-1707
Hare Scrambles Scoring Database Maintenance:
(352) 303-0088 score.n.it.4.ftr@gmail.com
T im N ordle
florida trail riders
Hare Scrambles: AA/A
Jonathan Belle, (813) 240-6022 jbelle34@gmail.com
B/C Vacant Specialty A & B
Danny Kittell (727) 244-7299 jeremypowell88@hotmail.com
Specialty C, Women
Kerri Chambers, (863) 956-9140 jekchambers@aol.com
AA/A Dave Johnson, (863) 660-4459
davidj@mullinginsurance.com B/C Ray Spudeck, (850) 274-9961 ray@teamjurassic.com Specialty A/B Steve Loomis, (407) 467-8290 steveloomis848@earthlink.net Specialty C, Women Joe Steidl, (352) 494-6944 drtbkj@msn.com Quad Dwayne Sprenger, (772) 571-8199 fellsmerefeed@aol.com
Saturday Riders
Steve Nutter photo
Kurt Lucas, (786) 385-7771 ktmx16@gmail.com
Kayla Vawter, (863) 381-2649 vawter1105yahoo.com
AA/A Matt Ludwig, (727) 424-3532
cdlover90@hotmail.com B/C Mike Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 MLgamer4@aol.com Specialty A & B Doug Ludwig, (727) 510-9295 dougludsig8@aol.com Specialty C, Women Allen Pearce, (352) 339-5644 allen.pearce@cox.net Kevin Moyer photo
Special Promotion
Who is involved with Black Ops Moto?
Black Ops Moto mainly consists of 5 guys: Alex, Sam, Lee, Pat and Chris.
What is the business’ focus? Currently, the business focus of Black Ops Moto is the development of performance ignition coils and ECU tuning for the motocross, enduro and hare scrambles bikes.
Where are you located? We are located in Sanford, Florida which is just 25 miles north east of Orlando, Florida.
When did the idea for Black Ops Moto come about? Why? Black Ops Moto comes from years of experience in the performance world with both automotive and motorcycle applications. Pat and Chris at Black Ops Moto have been involved with motorcycle performance since the late ‘70s racing district 6 motocross in the northeast for many years and even qualifying for the famous Loretta Lynn’s national amateur championship race. Black Ops Moto tuners have worked with Rolex Daytona Prototypes and GT Cup cars, lending their experience to ECU mapping under racing conditions. Since motorcycles have moved to electronic fuel injection (EFI), it was only
natural for Black Ops Moto to use passion and experience to create and develop new products for them. Although the name is new to the motorcycle industry, be assured the team behind the name has years of experience. “Since opening Black Ops Moto, we have been involved with tuning and setting up calibrations for many current motocross racers such as Mike Alessi, Malcolm Stewart, Gary Semics, Justin Summers, Jake Canada, Matt Lemoine, Travis Baker and Donald Solley to name a few.”
Email editor@floridatrailriders.org to advertise for as low as $25 per month in print and online at floridatrailriders.org
Black Ops Moto is also the selected calibrators for the United States by GET/Athena and JD Racing Ignitions (developers of the aftermarket ECU for the motocross bikes), which are used by many of the top teams such as JGR, Pro Circuit and KTM.
How can FTR members benefit from Black Ops Moto? The goal and intent of Black Ops Moto is to provide the very best in tuning and performance products for motorcycles. These products are designed and tuned to work with each other which will create the results needed to be competitive. Our dyno and race proven performance gains will show that. We are dedicated to supply the professional, privateer and weekend warrior with top quality race proven parts and ECU computer tuning that will allow you to compete against the best.
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The weekend of the eighth FTR Motocross race
Full Service Race Shop
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“Just Thinking”
Hello FTR Family,
Summer has finally arrived. By the time you read this, the kids will be out of school and the Florida humidity will be in. I for one am glad that the season is over. I am ready for a break and look forward to doing something that is not dusty. Next weekend many of our FTR Off-Road Racing Ministry (ORRM) friends will meet our family for a weekend of tubing down the Ichetucknee Springs. I’m You can contact us at: sure that many of you already (904) 813-5713 have a wonderful summer planned and can’t wait to do 78 Dolphin Blvd. something with your kids or Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 take that long trip that you have been plotting.
“Run the race with endurance, the course that has been laid out for you” (Hebrews 12:1).
I want to say thank you for a great racing season. Though we have had a number of folks injured, thankfully they are on the road to recovery. Most should be ready to crawl back on their bike and go to the starting line by the time the new season gets under way.
Let me also say thank you for attending our church services on Saturday nights at the Hare Scrambles and on Sunday mornings at the Motocross events. Meanwhile, during the off-season, let me encourage you to visit your local church. If you have never been, this is a great time to go. For those who do have a church home, continue to be faithful. I know that during the race season our family misses a lot that happens at our local church and our church family is always happy to see us when we come off the road. As a matter of fact, this morning at church we were discussing an individual named Job. It’s an incredible story of a very wealthy man who thought he was faithful to God, he still had problems. Have you ever blamed God for your trials? In this story, you discover that sometimes our difficulties are a test of our faith and commitment to God. Let me encourage you to read about Job this summer. You can find his story almost in the middle of your Bible. If your life seems to be falling apart, don’t do what most do. They blame God and turn from Him. Do the opposite. Turn to God and run toward Him. Meanwhile, have a great and safe summer. I look forward to seeing you in August at the banquet. Your friend, Andy Dickson FTR Chaplain Super Senior A #121 | Now… Having fun in the Sportsman class #121
Chicks Who Rip By: Lydia Greiner
was the most busy and exciting of the season. I had sincerely hoped to qualify and try to race at Loretta Lynn’s this year after my college graduation but the hectic nature of preparing for law school, moving, working and the like, had made qualifying seem more daunting. I am not usually that spontaneous of a person…I like to plan, write everything down, make lists and stick to a schedule, but my dad had flirted with the idea of still trying to qualify just with the idea of having fun and seeing what happens, a way to take off the pressure of making it to Loretta’s amidst all of the other things I have going on. Friday night when I got off of work, Dad and I met at the grocery store to get some water and things for the weekend - with the intent of going to Bithlo. He, however, had other ideas. By 10 o’clock we were loaded up and, at 10:30, we were on our way to Chatsworth, Georgia to race the area qualifier at Lazy River! Taking turns and driving Facebook photo through the night, we arrived at the track 481 miles later a and spent a lot of the moto remembering it was still too slick for me to make a pass little before 6 a.m. North Georgia had exactly where everything was on the on the inside. been soaked with rain the night before track--and trying to find the driest spots. About five corners until the end, and I and the track was a thick soupy mess. The race went so quickly and the field held it on as long as I could and inched My first time ever at Lazy River and the spread way out. Coming to the white flag past her on the outside of a big sweeper whole practice was spent trying not to and a rhythm section, I was in too high and made it to the finish in second! It fall! It was the first time riding in mud of a gear and stalled my bike! I kicked was an exciting race, but exhausting like that in quite some time and it was and kicked and it just didn’t want to after such a long day and night before. fun! My boots were so heavy with the start. I saw the third place girl catching The third moto came around and the clay and dirt-blended mud that I had to up from three corners behind. I panicked track was much drier. The ruts were shake them off as I was riding just to fit and tried to slow myself down and kick getting deep and hard. Nothing like my foot on the brake or shift lever. from the top and when she got to the riding in Florida. I had a horrible start By the time my moto came around, the turn before the rhythm section, my bike but made my way into second. The girl track had been scraped again and had finally started and she slid around me. who had gotten third behind me in the started to dry off. Thank goodness. Parts I took off and rode the fastest lap of the first moto came out with a lot more of it were still very sloppy but it was a whole moto - probably the fastest lap of spunk in the second moto. Every lap she little more manageable. I had a good the day for me! I caught up with her but would catch me over a couple of jumps start but lost the holeshot in the first turn continued on next page
that I hadn’t gotten comfortable enough to clear and every lap I would catch back up and pass her in the corners. It was like clockwork. Fortunately for me, I was able to get ahead of her on the section before the finish line and she had been passing me immediately after. On the last lap, I was barely holding on - worn out from the night of driving, the anticipation and everything else, and I missed my rut going into the turn. My feet flew off the pegs and I supermanned over the little double before the second to the last turn and she was right on me. I just kept myself from going down hard and she just got around me and I got stuck in the outside line before the single table and the finish and I just couldn’t regain second. I ended up third at Lazy River but I qualified and it was one of the most fun and exciting races that I’ve had in a long time! As soon as we were loaded up and I had changed, we were on the road again - we had a race in Florida to make! We made it home in record time, about 9:30 p.m. and quickly got together fresh gear for the next day. The next morning, we got up at 5:30 and headed out the door to race round eight of the FTR Motocross series at Bithlo! There was a threat of rain and, after a weekend in the mud, I was relieved to arrive at a dry track! There were some clouds, a light and steady breeze and absolutely perfect track conditions. It felt so good to sink my tires into some sand! The whole day was filled with fun racing but the best parts were probably racing the Youth 16-24 class. We were on the line with the Two-Stroke class and Youth 13-15 all on one gate. First moto I didn’t get a very good start and I had a hard time
working through the pack. Instead I got to race in the back of the group racing David Dreggors. It was awesome and, by the end of the race, I had received my fill of mouths full of sand. The track was pretty one-lined and he had just enough finesse to keep me behind him. It was a great race and it was a lot of fun. Moto 2, I had a much better start, picking a gate further to the outside of the first turn. I loved the new start, it was long and sweeping so it allowed everyone to get a lot of speed before a small table and a hard 180-degree left handed turn. There was a great line and I just held the inside into the second turn making my way around a few of the boys. I was able to catch up and hang with the two leaders of the TwoStroke class and the entire race I worked to keep up and hold on while avoiding those face fulls of Bithlo dirt. It was a great race and at the end, after a practice and four motos, I felt like that was my best ride of the day. Bithlo was a great way to end my long and action packed weekend and it makes for a bittersweet Round 8. I am sad that there is only one round left of the FTR Mx series but at the same time it was a great weekend of racing and I couldn’t have asked for more fun! There is no better way that I could think to have spent my weekend than on my dirt bike at the motocross track and I am so happy thankful for the family of racers that exists in FTR and for my wonderful family and friends who have supported me not only through this weekend but through all of my endeavors! Can’t wait to see everyone at Mesa Park for Round 9! It should be great! - LG
Congrats, Jesse, on a perfect FTR season! by Jesse Ansley
recap Wanda Kittell photo
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‘TF Racing, Action Kawasaki and DirtWise Riding School backed Jesse
Ansley finished a first in the Mini A and a first overall out of the morning youth race at FTR’s Round 13 Hard Labor Creek Hare Scrambles. The race took place in Chipley, FL on Saturday, April 13, 2013. Rainy condition the previous day made the track spectacular for race day. No dust what so ever. The lappers were not really bad. There were only 35 youth racers. I got a good start but the start straight was only probably 30-40 feet so the kid on the inside of me pinched me off. I rode behind him for about 4-5 miles until he made a mistake and got wedge between a section of trees. I did the wrong thing of riding behind the kid and I knew what I did wrong. I needed to get ahead of him and sprint. Do to the rain the course in some spots were slick. I happen to crash twice in the mud. The first crash was on the second lap and the reason why I fell is because I braked too hard. I did the same thing on my second crash on the last lap only a couple more turns to go. Luckily it was in the woods so no one saw it. I was the only youth rider to get 6 laps completed. This race I wrapped up the FTR Championship in the Mini A Class. The season is not over but since they only count 11 races out of the 15 races. I have a perfect season.
I would like to thank, TF Racing, Action Kawasaki/ Yamaha, DirtWise Riding Schools, HBD Grafx, IMS gas tanks, FMF Pipes, Dunlop Tires, Fox Shoxs, Power Band Racing, S.A.D.R.A., Total Building Solutions, G2 Photos, Pit Posse/Outlaw, and my family along with all my Florida Trail Rider supporters. I also want to personally thank Jerry Curtis for helping me out in my racing by letting me stay and hitch a ride up to Chipley. I really appreciate it. Thank you all so much!’
Jesse 28A FTR & 18 GNCC facebook.com/
Enduro Recap
by Jeremy Powell
Wrapping up 20122013
he final race on the books this season was the Apollo Eagle’s Nest Enduro, and many class championships for many classes were decided at this event. For those racers battling for a championship, the weather leading up the event was ominous. If you were racing in this event, or watching the weather leading up to the event, you certainly doubted the likelihood of the Apollo club being able to manage the conditions facing them (and all their participants.) I am going to highlight some of the great racing over this season. The following classes will make this edition of the “Enduro Files:” Overall High Point, High Point A and the Class of 66. It probably makes sense to start with our forefathers. The Class of 66 is a class whose competitors are typically some of the original competitors of our sport. This season, the battle for that jacket came down to the very last race, and the winner of the Eagle’s Nest Enduro would prove to be the winner of the class.
Class of 66
Jimmy Pitts
Lee Daley captured this photo of the property from the weekend of the event. This is from the south end of the property and this portion was cut out of the route before the racing started.
(I see a good line or two in there!)
and W ayne A nthony The buzz around the pits at the Apollo event was deafening concerning the heralded championship fight between “Jammin’” Jimmy Pits and Wayne Anthony. You see...these guys have a history. It goes all the way back to Cocoa High School. The two of them graduated from High School in the same graduating class at Cocoa High in 1964. Isn’t this AMAZING? We have two guys who grew up in the same area of Florida and graduated in the same class at the same high school, racing bikes in the same class of our Enduro series nearly 50 years after meeting each other. How cool this is was not lost on me. I started delving into the details of the racing and the history between these two competitors. The folks who knew them in high school recalled that Jimmy was the class clown, and Wayne was the jock. When I asked each of them to tell me about the other from their high school days, they were reticent to disclose much detail. After some prodding, I was able to get Jimmy to admit that he kept his jokes to himself around Wayne because “Wayne was a fighter,” according to Jimmy. Wayne admitted, “Jimmy was the social butterfly – always happy-golucky.” When the conversation turned to racing and
the season as it had unfolded so far, there were some interesting details that came to light. Jimmy has been racing much longer than Wayne, but this season is a bit of a rebuilding season for Jimmy. The reason why, according to Peter Magee, is that Jimmy was rehabbing a shoulder injury. When I asked how it happened, Peter said with a smile, “You haven’t heard that story?” According to Peter, an eye witness of the injury, Jimmy was working the trail at Gatorback for the BSTR hare scrambles that were slated to occur there this season. He and Jimmy were making their way down one the bigger hills on the property when a “Hey, watch this” event happened. Jimmy, still the jokester, decided he was going to pass Peter on the descent and started jogging, which due to gravity and the grade of the slope, turned into a run, which continued to build and turned into a sprint, which unfortunately devolved into “Jammin’” Jimmy Pitts getting some seat time at Highland Park Brad Gustafson photo a “Pete Rose” head first dive as the slope transitioned to flat land. This caused him to do major damage to his shoulder, and I can only imagine strained his relationship with Peter, who couldn’t control his laughter. Jimmy’s shenanigans on the hill that day will live on in BSTR’s folklore (and now because this magazine article – perhaps in FTR’s, as well.) He had rotator cuff and A/C injuries that required surgery to repair the effects of the run and dive, and he is still working on getting back to 100 percent. These details are awesome, right? When I asked Jimmy about the season so far, he was afraid to talk much about himself and the final race (I believe out of superstition), but he did have some suggestions as to questions for me to ask Wayne. Jimmy, with a gleam in his eye, said, “Make sure you ask him about Richloam.” As a good steward of a good story, I made sure to ask Wayne about some of the items Jimmy mentioned. One of the events in question happened at the Richloam Enduro. I witnessed the aftermath of Wayne’s Richloam adventure, but I had no idea of the cause. All of you at that event no doubt also witnessed the aftermath of Wayne’s racing follies that day. Do any of you remember seeing the “Mud Man?” Well, that was Wayne. Wayne is Red/Green color deficient and on a fast part of the trail near the very end of the 70 mile course, he was really on the throttle and came upon a well marked obstacle. Unfortunately, due to his vision deficiency and with the speed he was carrying, he was not able to avoid a large “Mud Pit.” In his haste to drop speed and in attempts to avoid the danger, he was hard on the binders and slid right up to (and beyond) the ribbon and arrows that denoted the edge of the pit. When all hope for stopping was lost, he attempted to turn the handle bars to try to skirt the hole. Those two in concert created a “high side,” which tossed Wayne headfirst into the pit. Of course, the wreck wouldn’t even be worthy of mention if it weren’t for the fact that his bike followed him into the cavernous hole, likely sinking any chance of beating Jimmy that day. Luckily, Wayne’s brawn, which Jimmy remembered from high school, was equal to the task of “Bike Retrieval from that mud hole.” Even with such a crazy crash, Wayne was able to hold off Jimmy for a Richloam Class victory in the Class of 66. I’ll never forget the “Richloam Mud Man” that was walking around the pits after that race. I’ve never seen anything like it! This background sets the stage for the Class of 66 Showdown at the Eagle’s Nest Enduro. The Apollo pits were alight with chatter about Jimmy and Wayne (as well as the other classes I’ll highlight a little later on). I started asking people around camp for predictions and comments. Here are some of the highlights: Don Chriss (SSR champ this season in Hare Scrambles and Enduros) said, “Jimmy needs to get on the main jet in order to pull off a victory,” and “Wayne will need to up shift,” intimating that each rider will have to ride outside of their comfort zone to win the coveted jacket. Jimmy Pitts chimed in with, “I ain’t racin’ for second” as his battle cry, showcasing his neversay-die attitude. Peter echoed Jimmy’s motivation and noted that the weather (while not ideal Wayne “Mud Man” Anthony Dan Graziano photo – remember – we had 5+ inches of rain in the few days leading up to the event) wouldn’t tether Jimmy’s enthusiasm. “Hell or High Water, Jimmy will not quit,” Peter said. Wayne, knowing his competitor, worried that some of their differences in riding style might help Jimmy with the trail conditions. Apollo often puts tight woods sections into their enduros, and Wayne fares better when there is room to fully utilize the gearbox. He stated, “Jimmy is much tougher than I thought he was,” and complimented Jimmy as being “Savvy at reading trail and better at riding in the tighter sections.” Maybe it was Jimmy’s mental toughness, or his skill in the tight sections, or his intimate knowledge of the Apollo property (just kidding Jimmy), but whatever the advantage, Jimmy was able to secure a victory and a Jacket in this year’s Class of 66. What this means, as I am sure you all know by now, next year’s class of 66 racing is going to be watched by many of us as these two gladiators will no doubt be at it again for honor, pride and that ever elusive FTR Champion’s Jacket! Good Work, gentlemen! Now, on to some of the Young Guns!
Tyler Trammell known to most of you as last season’s overall champ, wrapped up a nearly perfect season at the Eagle’s Nest Enduros. I took the time to ask him a few questions: JP – You have won FTR’s Overall Enduros Championship twice in a row. Are you going to attempt a three-peat?
TT – I will most definitely be back next year for an attempt at a three-peat.
Enduross are my favorite type of racing and especially down in Florida. I love the terrain Florida offers. I don’t know why I love it so much more than riding around home. I guess it’s because I never get to ride sand unless we come down for a race. But every weekend we have a FTR Enduros, I cannot wait to get down because they are always so much fun.
JP – I know from talking to you that you really enjoy racing our series and the conditions of Florida. What is it about our events that you like?
TT – I enjoy the FTR events so much because of the people and the great
Enduross put on by the FTR. The clubs and members of FTR are always so nice and that really makes a big difference. Everybody always talks to me and asks me how the day goes, and even the check workers are super nice. Heck, sometimes I have to re-focus myself because I’ll be in a full conversation with a worker and then realize I am about to be on the clock! The series gets better and better each year, and I think FTR doesn’t get enough credit for the quality races they have. JP – There’s a King of the Woods Series in the FTR this year (3 Enduross, 3 Hare
If you put in the right work during the week, the races will start being the easiest part. -TT
Scrambles). Formal invitations are going out to past champions of our Hare Scrambles, Enduross and MX series as well as to the top SETRA, GNCC and AMA/NEPG racers. If you don’t have any other conflicts, do you think you will make an effort to race in that series? TT – I am not sure about the Kind of the Woods Series yet. I know we are definitely interested in it. I just do not know my plans yet for everything in the upcoming year and what we are going to chase as far as titles. This year alone we have done SETRA, FTR and SERA Enduross, along with the nationals going on right now. Plus we did the SETRA hare scrambles as well, so we never have much time off. We will definitely consider it in our plans because it sounds like a really neat idea. JP – Our young riders look up to you and your program and how fast and successful you have been. Is there any advice you could give to them to improve their results and speed? TT – For young people, I would have to say the number one thing is that you have to be all in. The dedication it takes to be successful in this sport is unreal. But it is very reachable if you work for it. It is not just one thing, it’s everything. You have to train hard physically and prepare just as hard mentally for this sport. If you put in the right work during the week, the races will start being the easiest part. And as far as improving results and speed, just do your best to surround yourself with good people who want you to do well. Speed and results will come with hard work. But the main thing is to always work hard because I promise you there is somebody else out there that is working for it just as hard. You just have to want it that much more. JP – You are walking away from the banquet with some great loot again this year. I’ve noticed that you and your dad (William) are very close. Tell me a story or two from this season on the road with William that was humorous or interesting or is about something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Certainly, you and Dad had a good time racing like y’all do. Share a story from the road or from one of the races that hints at how life is around the Trammell camp. TT – Oh, man, I don’t even know where to start with the stories about me and Dad and everybody else that comes racing with us. We all love racing, and we love the good times that Defending Enduro champion Tyler Trammell is this come along with it. We do our best to keep it as fun as possible even though, at the level I’m at, there is some year’s FTR Enduro Champion! seriousness that comes along with it. I think one of the funny things about the traveling we do is that my dad has NASCAR tendencies while driving, and everybody who knows Dad knows he can’t see for nothing, so it makes for some intense action on the road. And really all races are fun and mean something in their own way because they all lead to the big picture, which is a championship. One example that shows how we are at the races is the last race of this season at Eagles Nest. I had a horrible first loop and made a ton of mistakes, so Dad kind of got on me and pumped me up for the next time through. I ended up taking two minutes off my first time in the first test, and then zeroed the middle test. It just goes to show we have fun, but when it’s time to turn it on and race, we do it. We do whatever it takes to get it done. JP – Is there anyone you would like to acknowledge or thank for their support? TT – I owe it all to my dad. If it wasn’t for him, I couldn’t do what I do. He makes it all happen. I go to school and train and get home from riding or what not, and he’s working on the bike. It’s unreal everything he does. Also, there is a great group that is always up at the house during the week making it all happen: Marty Jarrard, Brian Southern, Dave Wasson and anybody else who puts in hours during the week. Next I have to thank my trainer, Steve Hatch. He has taken my riding to a whole new level and has more knowledge about the sport than I ever imagined. And to everybody else in my family who supports me in what I do. My entire family is so supportive of me, and it means more than they know. I’d also like to thank all the sponsors that keep me going as well: KTM, Bart Hayes at WP Racing USA, Troy Lee Designs, Ride PG, VP Fuels, FMF, Dunlop tires, Cycle Specialty of Fayetteville, GA, Mike Grizzle, All Terrain Motorsports and anybody else I might have left out.
High Point A Champions
Branson Blake and Scott Gawler Jr. were locked in a battle for “High Point A,” which has been held forever by the “Enduros King,” Lee Daley. This year, Scott
and Branson were neck-and-neck all season long, and for the first time in anyone’s memory, we have a tie for High Point A. I asked them to comment on their success and here are their responses: JP – Scott, I noticed that you really came on this season in Hare Scrambles and Enduross. Your season this year in Hare Scrambles and Enduross was really fantastic (Scott won his class in both series (A Open), and he won A High Point and A Overall in Enduross and Hare Scrambles.) Is there anything that you can specifically call out that contributed to that speed and success this year? SG – I wouldn’t say there was one thing. I feel my mental and physical ability is progressively getting better and with that comes the speed and consistency to win. JP – Scott and Branson – I noticed that you guys were only at a few Enduross before this season. With this season being the first time you had seen many of the courses, what did you like most about the format and the conditions of the Enduross this year? Rhonda Blake (Mom), Branson, Chris Blake (Dad) and Zara Blake SG – I love that you can go ride all day with people who are not necessarily in your class, and (Sister) Tammy Wilson photo I like that you get to stop to take a break and talk with other racers at the resets. BB – Enduross are a lot more laid back than most of any other kind of racing, but not knowing the terrain and having to read the trail for the first time at race pace adds a degree of difficulty. JP – Branson, you have been doing some national racing at GNCC and National Enduros events this year. How do those events compare to the FTR racing? BB – FTR is just practice compared to GNCCs and NEPG. The track gets three times worse in GNCC, and you have an extra hour to race. Some of the “A Only” sections at the National Enduross are much more technical than the kinds of riding available in Florida. JP – Branson, I’ve seen that you really like the two strokes, yet you are often on two stroke bikes. What do you like about each? What bike are you thinking about running next year? BB – I have ridden both for quite a while, but I’m starting to realize that I like to be on four strokes in most situations. Two strokes are good for tight stuff, but overall I like the four strokes more. Next year is still up in the air. I have been wondering what I might ride next year. That has been a question running through my
head. I’ve been racing Hondas for a while but thinking hard about switching over to a KTM 350.
JP – Scott and Branson, What are your plans for racing next season? SG – Next season I plan on doing the hare scramble series and hitting some Enduross when I can.
BB – Next season I’m racing FTR and possibly GNCCs and NEPG Enduross depending on how I finish this year up.
JP – Scott, are you going to race the KOW series? SG – The KOW series is going to be really cool, and I hope to compete in it. JP – Branson, what about you? KOW for you next season? BB – Yes. JP – Scott, What was your favorite race this year in Enduross and why? SG – My favorite Enduros was the Orange State at Croom. I like that the trail is a
lot faster than most Enduross but is still challenging. It was at this Enduros when my dad and I decided we were going to try to hit enough races to win our classes for the series. JP – Branson, What about you, do you have a favorite race this year? BB – Yes. My favorite race by far this year has been Sandpaper Enduros in South Carolina. The terrain was much like Florida with sand and flat ground. JP – You guys and your successes this year will help bring other young guns into Enduross. Knowing that is likely to happen, is there any advice that you would give to the new guys coming out to the Enduross for the first time? BB – The best advice I can give them is to keep plenty of fluids and food in you throughout the race. If not, your body will start losing energy and not perform at its best. SG – My biggest advice would be to ride smart. Small mistakes add up during a Enduros and could cost a win at the end of the day. But, most importantly, have fun! JP – My dad and I raced Nationals in BMX and much of what I remember about that time in my life was the camaraderie developed between me and him while we were travelling and competing. Both of you and both of your dads are walking away from the banquet with some great trophies and jackets. Scott, tell me a story or two from this season on the road with Scott Sr. that was humorous or interesting or is about something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Certainly, you and Sr. had a good time. Share a story from the road or from one of the races that hints at how life is around the Gawler camp. SG – The first story that comes to mind is from the first Enduros of the year at Lochloosa. Me, my dad and a good friend of mine, Mike Brandl, decided we would ride this Enduros. My dad and I were just going to get some training in before the first Hare Scrambles of the season, and Mike was just wanting to see what an Enduros was all about. My dad had not trained at all for the better part of the summer. The section before the gas stop was pretty tight and very hot, and it wore him out. At the gas stop, my dad and Mike were pretty tired and debating about even going out for the second half. I talked Mike into going back out, but my dad had said he was done for the day. So me and Mike are sitting on the line waiting to go off with about a minute to spare, and here comes my dad all geared up ready to go back out. We Candid shot of Chris and Branson Blake at were cheering for him because he decided to come back for the the hotel before the Richloam Enduro
second half, and he ended up finishing. I even think he won. JP – Branson, any stories from the road? BB – My dad has gone to every race I’ve ever attended and supported me 100 percent thoughout my racing career. We both have had our ups and downs throughout this year’s season. One of our “downs” was seeing my dad coming in the pits about Speed is hereditary. Both to pass out from being so wore out after are to accept jackets for class racing 60 miles of an Enduros at the championships in Hare Scrambles Little Brown Jug. He was overheated and Enduros! and not feeling well. A down for me this season is that I always manage to find every mud hole on the track and get stuck, which has cost me in multiple races this year. Some “ups” have been catching all of the Open A riders and most of the AA at a couple of the [Hare Scrambles] races. Catching people that you know that are faster than you is the best feeling in the world. If you come around the Blake camp before the race, we are most likely working on my bike, but we try to stay laid back and relaxed as much as we can. JP – Is there anyone you would like to acknowledge or thank? BB – First off, I would like to thank my mom and my dad for everything they have given me throughout the years of racing. Without them this wouldn’t be possible. There are many others that have helped me like Jeremy Powell helping me out with my fitness and nutrition. HBD for helping my look good everywhere I go. Conner racing for building my motors. Doug Harvey has helped me for years with my suspension, Enduros Engineering, Fly Racing, G2 Photos, Two Cool Lubricants, Kings Bay Honda all help out. SG – I would like to thank my dad for helping me get to all the races this year, the entire Berard family for being an awesome pit crew, my mom for always giving me positive support and helping in any way she possibly can, and Kenda Tires.
enduro 1-4 #1
August 18
Lochloosa, FL*
September 1
Whitmire, SC
October 6
Brooksville, FL
November 3
Maplesville, AL A special thanks to Jeremy Powell for compiling the Enduro Files.
*King of the Woods event
o u t front Jeffrey D. Smith
[ Editor’s note:
I met Jeffrey D. (JD) Smith and his then-fiancé Rachel Zimmerman at Round 1 of the FTR MX Series in Bostwick. The turnout was huge and stoked everyone up for the three FTR series this year, which recently concluded at Mesa Park MX. I kept in touch with them through Facebook and Instagram and when we saw each other at the Enduros or the Motocross races. (I learned later why a championship run in Hare Scrambles was not happening for JD this year, though he did enter a race in all three series in 2012-2013, and a couple of times in the Evo class!) So, I wanted to find out which was his favorite, though his answer did not surprise me. We chatted at the last FTR race at Mesa Park MX (less than a week before his wedding,) where I snapped a few pics of the future Mr. and Mrs. Smith.] JS: Hey, so, I’m going to start by asking if you go by JD or Jeffrey? JDS: JD honors my Grandpa. His name is Donald and that’s my middle name. When I was younger my family called me JD, now that I’m older, people just call me Jeff. I liked the way JD Smith sounded when I was younger, it sounded more adult. I would sign everything ‘JD Smith.’ I was only ever called Jeffery when I did something wrong.. JS: Right! What about your number, 323? JDS: When I worked for Alachua County, we weren’t supposed to say our names, because it’s over public broadcast, so every person was assigned a number. I was assigned 323. If they wanted to speak with me, they would say, “323 come back. Do you copy?” and I would say, “323. Copy. “
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | 24
JS: That’s cool. Tell me how you found out about FTR? JDS: I first was introduced to FTR in 2004 when I met Craig Maddox and Jaco Wolmarans. I worked with them at Southern Land Services putting in silt fence. I didn’t race back then. I had a lot of student loan debt and I just moved to Florida and I started hanging out with those two guys. I started really going to the races with Jaco because he was doing the GNCC events and
so I would just go hang out at the races. I was big into sports bikes at the time. When I had a couple of close calls on the sport bike, I said, ‘It’s time for me to get off the road.’ I still wanted to ride bikes but I didn’t want to be where cars could kill me. So I sold my sport bike and bought a dirt bike in 2009. Then I tried racing. I did the last race of the 2009-2010 series and got 7th. I thought, ‘wow this is really fun and I’m out of shape.’ So I started to get into shape and started racing C class the whole next season. I had a couple of crappy finishes before I got the hang of it and then I ended up winning C250 Hare Scambles. JS: Nice. What about Enduros? JDS: I did Enduros my fisrt season too; I just did the Florida ones and I got a taste for the Enduros. I actually like that the best and that’s what I concentrated on this season: Enduros. JS: And MX? JDS: I got ito that because, for me being new to the sport, I didn’t know a lot of people or a lot of places to ride besides Croom. MX was always the closest for me to go practice and I suck at it. I did a Gold Cup and got destroyed in D class. Somebody said, ‘Why don’t you try FTR MX, because it’s not as big.’ And I was like, ‘Sure, I’ll do that.’ So I raced MX this year with the hopes of just going out there and having a fun. It’s all seat time on your bike so it will help you get better.
JS: Of course. You also entered a few Hare Scrambles? JDS: I didn’t do so much this year because, in 2011-2012 season at the first race in Bartow, I got a bad start and left dead last and, about two miles in, a B200 rider collided with me. I was actually moving over to let him pass and he ran right into me. I tore my ACL, MCL and meniscus cartilage in my knee. I also messed up something in my hips and tore something where my hips hook together. I’m still actually suffering with that now and probably going to have to have some kind of surgery for it soon. continued on next page Rachel Zimmerman photos
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My thoughts on Hare Scrambles: I was like, ‘man, I’m racing against 16-year-old kids who don’t have to go to work on Monday and they don’t care.’ That’s why I like Enduros. There is more camaraderie than at any of the other FTR events. Everybody out in the woods always checks on you if there’s something wrong. Guys will let you borrow tools if your bike breaks. They’ll stop their race and help you get going again. It’s just, I don’t know, you see the same faces every race – the hardcore group of guys. Most of them are older, too, and they’re always there to help you out. They’re there to educate you on how to ride better, ride smarter, so I really enjoy the Enduro guys. They’re so much fun. JS: Yes. Enduros are my favorite, too. I like not having to worry about the start or bottlenecks, really. JDS: In Hare Scrambles, especially in B250 or A class, you’re riding in a freight train. If you make one stupid mistake in one turn, it costs you a place and it may take you three laps and then the race is over to make up that mistake. In Enduro, everybody is making mistakes. You gotta pay attention for arrows, everybody blows corners. You got 500 guys and you see everybody blows the same corner. (But) if you ride a consistent pace, it pays off and you win. JS: Exactly. But you did ride a few Hare Scrambles in the Evo class? JDS: Yea, I borrowed an ’86 XR 200 and I took it to a couple of races. Hare Scrambles are super fun if you do it on an Evo bike because you just laugh your butt off. You’re out there and you got to think two turns ahead because the old bike doesn’t accelerate like the new one or you brake and you blow a corner super wide; it’s just goofy and it levels the playing field on your skill level because everybody is having the same problems you are. Guys were passing me in the fields at Brooksville because they had bigger displacement bikes than me, but as soon as we got into the woods, my bike was so small that I was passing them back through the trees and it was
hilarious the whole race. If I go to do Hare Scrambles again, I could be a Saturday dude for sure. It’s just so much fun. I just laugh thinking about it. JS: Nice. That’s what everyone says. So, what brought you to Florida, anyway? JDS: My beautiful future wife brought me here - who I’m going to marry next weekend. JS: Aww! JDS: We met in college and when she graduated she wasn’t getting the job offers she wanted; we lived together in Philadelphia for three years. She was just ready to come back home and I moved down here with the goal that I was going to come down temporary; I drove down in my van with a couple of things just to try and get her to come back up north and I’m still here 8 years later.
“I’ve changed my whole lifestyle since I started racing and I feel heathier and better for it..”
J.D. Smith
JS: Awesome! Have you grown to love it? JDS: We like Florida we just haven’t found that right place in Florida that we want to stay. We lived in Tampa, Ormond Beach, Ponta Vedra Beach, Jacksonville and now we live in Gainesville. I come from Long Pong, Pennsylvania. We have no stores, no stop lights but we have a NASCAR track. JS: Nice. That’s all you need. Tell me about Rachel Zimmerman Physical Therapy? JDS: – I m a walking injury. I always go from one injury to the next every since I was a little kid.. So, she got into physical therapy partly because she knew my active lifestyle – I used to race snowboards, did stunt jetski stuff, BMX races, so my body is pretty tortured, I’m 31 but I always joke that I got a body of an 80-yearold so she keeps me going. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t even be racing because that injury was so bad. It was bad, man. She keeps me going. She’s my biggest supporter. JS: What about 352 Motorsports? JDS: It’s owned by my buddies Bobby Henderson and John Hawkins who are in Big Scrub continued on next page
M ay 2 0 1 3 | 2 7
Mr. & Mrs.
Kevin Moyer photos
on and gets the kids out there off their butts. I like that every year that I’ve been in FTR, there’s always new kids coming in. Too many kids play video games and, if they’re out there every weekend riding dirt bikes, at least they’re
Trail Riders. It’s a parts, accessory and repair shop down in Tavares/Leesburg area. I give them support because Bobby helps me out when I need parts. He’s given me a place to ride. If I ever need anything, those guys are always there. I’ve only known them for 3 years now and you can’t really ask for much more than that.
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | 28
JS: Yep. So, what’s your favorite thing about FTR? JDS: Just being out in the woods, man. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and I just like being out in the woods and any chance I get to go play in the dirt and in the woods, that’s the best part about FTR. We have so many members who are just out there supporting motorcycle riding. Whatever puts your knees in the breeze and puts a smile on your face, ride it everyday. Anybody who wants to give back to motorcycling and keep events going
doing something. JS: Oh, yea. I’m with you on that. How did you get into Big Scrub Trail Riders JDS: It’s one of the best things I’ve done since I learned...the clubs put on the events in FTR and so I found my local one and I’ve been a member ever since. But I told my club, just tell me when to show up and what trail to cut, and how you want it laid out or what work needs to be done. You know, club trips and all that stuff are a bonus. I just want to help out and be out in the woods. I did a work credit this year and it was a good experience. I encourage other people to do a work credit for a club even if you’re not even in a member of a club, because it’s just
cool to see how they do stuff. I did one for the Alligator this year with Daytona Dirt Riders and it was such a great experience that I want to join two clubs. JS: Speaking of Daytona, you guys going to the banquet? JDS: Yea, I have to pick up my first loser trophies, so I should be getting two of those – one for MX and one for Enduros but I’ll be happy when I earn my A’s and I get an Enduro championship. That’s my goal. That means more to me than anything. I have two second place overalls in Enduro and a third overall so I gotta get that first one for Enduros and I’ll be happy. JS: Anyone you want to thank? JDS: Rachel Zimmerman, my fiancé - well, she’ll be Rachel Smith by the time this comes out; 352 Powersports Bobby Henderson and John Hawkins; Chris Sprayberry who’s been my Enduro partner and Jaco Wolmorans who’s been my trainer and coach since I started riding. I have him in my head all the time when I ride, telling me what to do. Ronnie at HBD Moto Grafx and Munn Racing in Texas always helps me out on the KTM parts. Elliot Cook and Willie Manning at Sharp Moto Racing Suspension. My boss Tom Mcginnity for hooking me up with a place to train in Gainesville. JS: Awesome. Last question: what’s the best advice you’ve ever heard? JDS: My dad’s advice when I was younger was, ‘Just go out there and have fun.’ That was my dad’s advice when I was 5 years old on a BMX bike waiting to start my first race. He goes: ‘Just do your best and have fun and that’s all you can do. You, at the end of the day, will know if you did your best or you could have done better.’
Enduro Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8
Tyler Trammell Lee Daley Jaco Wolmarans Clay Lyons Matt Boni Ian Blythe Ben Swaim Dillon Swaim Joey Medina Jr
12 14 15 15 17 18
Scores through race #8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Scott Gawler Jr Christopher Sprayberry David Settle Seth Robbins Nicholas Frey Jeffery (Jp) Wilson Delmi Molina Jonathan Belle Juander Rodrigues
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Branson Blake Corey Blanton Matt Ludwig Logan Garcia Mark Kelly Kyle Fischer Alex Mitz Bobby Springer Daniel White
75 2
80 1 75 2
80 1 100w
80 70 65 75
1 3 4 2
80 1 60 5 70 3
80 70 42 33 75
1 3 5 6 2
80 1 75 2
80 1
23 2 80 1
75 2 65 4 65 4
Total 480 470 -10 177 -303 108 -372 98 -382 80 -400 75 -405 65 -415 65 -415
Trophy T T
GG 80 1
80 43 65 75 70
1 5 4 2 3
75 2 80 1
80 60 70 65 27 75 35
1 5 3 4 8 2 7
100w 75 2 80 1
80 1 75 2
80 1 33 4 75 2
80 1 75 2
70 3
31 6 49
Total 500 408 -92 365 -135 220 -280 167 -333 75 -425 35 -465 31 -469 4 -496
80 1
65 4 80 1 100w 65
80 1 75 2 70 3
80 65 75 70
80 1
100w 75 2 65 4 80 1
80 75 65 70
1 2 4 3
75 2 70 3
1 4 2 3
80 1 70 3 75 2 75 2 58 3
70 3 75 2
70 3 65
Total 500 450 -50 445 -55 376 -124 145 -355 128 -372 75 -425 70 -430 6 -494
1 2 3 4 5
Samuel, Jr Plumb Jordi Garcia Chris Bottomy Dylan Rash Dylan Sisco
75 2 50 3
75 2 80 1 25 3
100w 80 1
80 1 75 2 70 3
75 2 80 1
75 2 80 1
80 1
80 1 75 2
Total 480 445 -35 175 -305 80 -400 75 -405
Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Cbob House Thomas Cole Mike Reynolds Cliff Golby Thomas Missimer Robin Arnold Chris Fahan Greg Davis Calvin Smith Steven Krutsinger Jerry Myers Kenny Brown Kirt Lynch
Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 10 10
Curtis Storm James Clingan Tony Pavai Spencer Rollyson Steve Clark Mike Brandl Brandon St John Derek Swaldner Todd Decker Justin Brock Travis Meisman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
Todd Vess Jeremy Powell John Franklin Joslie Cutillas Michael Goodman Shaw Dunkel Michael Relyea Craig Wilder
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9
Michael Ludwig Jeffery Smith Dylan Long Brooks Tomblin Jr. Max Coughlin Zachary Muchard Kurt Cosman Joey Cancio-Bello Robert Mitchell
80 1 75 2
80 1 21 3 75 2
80 1 75 2
65 80 70 75
100w 80 1
80 1 75 2 65 4
80 1 100w
70 3 47 5 75 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tim King Chad Hunter Peter Magee J Philippe Bauduc Lane Wood Jason Chambers Giuseppe Gambacurta Richard Turner
4 1 3 2
70 3
70 3 75 2
80 1 65 4 65 4 19-Aug
80 1 70 3 100w 65 4 45 75 2
80 1 70 3 75 2
80 70 60 55 75
1 3 5 6 2
75 2 80 1
1 2 3
Total 500 485 -15 257 -243 220 -280 145 -355 80 -420 65 -435 65 -435
80 1 70 3 75 2
80 1 75 2 70 3
80 1 100w 75 2 70 3
80 1 75 2 70 3
65 4 50 7
Total 480 475 -5 470 -10 335 -145 79 -401 75 -405 65 -415 50 -430
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12
Jerald Brownell Jerry Curtis Brett Long Brooks Tomblin Sr Reggie Yarbrough Thomas Mcginity Richard Kemman Dana Rice Scott Curtis Paul Lucas Willy Hooper Robin Frey
80 70 75 35
1 3 2 6
80 1 75 2 70 3 100w
80 1 100w 65 4 60 5 75 2 70 3
80 75 70 65
1 2 3 4
80 65 70 60
1 4 3 5
70 3 75 2 65 4 80 1
80 1 70 3 65 4 100w 75 2
100w 70 3 54 4
80 1 75 2 75 2 46 4 39 5 14 7
Ian Finnerty Michael Ridgway Stephen Zaffiri
Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 12
Doug Ludwig Keith Finnerty Jerry Bean Jr Gregory Richardson Chris Hill L.T. Adreon Gary Kennon Phillip Mageloff Jorge Rivera Thierry Mas Aaron Lockwood Joseph Vann James Gallo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 10 12 13 14 15
Daniel Graziano Curtis Bell Ronnie Hames David Jensen Ryan Turner Donnie Thompson Michael Priest Jonathan Nix Charles Nix Chris Clinton Shep Mchenry Raul Chacon Sr William (Trey) Heath Iii Robert Pierce Irvin Kelly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 15 17 18
Scott Gawler, Sr. Mark Bordelon Terry Hanks Gary Williams Jeff Flick Mark Mannschreck Bob Osborne Brad Gustafson Mitch Mcree Glenn Hunt Joe Doan Carlos Allen Paul Giorgio Randy Martin Brad Clark Will Hardin Jeff Holland Sr Russ Human
100w 75 2
70 3
80 1 70 3 75 2 34 5 65 4 100w
60 5 55 6 75 2 80 1 37 8 65 4 18 9 13 10
80 1 65 4 33 6 75 2
60 5 65 4 75 2
20 4 80 1
100w 70 3 60 5
100w 65 4 75 2
65 70 55 18
4 3 6 8
80 1
80 1 100w 75 2 100w 22 4
70 3 80 1 33 6
80 1 75 2
70 3 70 3 60 5 50 7 50 7 35 3 46
A Golden Masters (58+) - by Place
Place Rider Name
Total 475 440 -35 345 -130 333 -142 330 -145 328 -147 300 -175 188 -287 173 -302 93 -382 75 -400 70 -405 70 -405 60 -415 50 -425 50 -425 35 -440 4 -471
50 70 65 60
75 2 70 3 65 4 60 5 80 1 100w
80 70 75 60
75 2 100w 100w 70 3 100w 80 1
80 1 70 3 65 4
65 4 24 5 70 3 100w 75 2
75 2
100w 75 2 20 4 70 3 80 1
1 3 2 5
65 4
80 1 75 2
70 3
70 5 65 75
3 5 4 2
80 1 36 5
22 6 25 6
80 1
39 4 52 4
39 6 36 7 19-Aug
80 1
80 1
80 1 75 2 28 3 74 80 1
75 2
75 2 100w
70 3 80 1
80 1
75 2 75 2 70 3 70 3 82 82 19-Aug
80 1 75 2 43 5
70 65 72 80 75
3 4 5 1 2
100w 75 2 80 1 68 4
80 42 60 72
75 80 70 72
1 3 2 4
2 1 3 4
80 1 0 53 2
75 2 100w 80 1 100w
80 1 75 2 29 3
70 3 70 3 65 4 19-Aug
80 1
80 1
70 3 80 1 75 2
4-Nov GG
19-Aug BSTR 80 55 46 59
1 3 4 2
80 1
80 1
80 1
LBJ 75 2 70 3 24 4
100w 46 4 75 2 80 1
75 2 80 1
70 3 100w 24 5
80 1 75 2
70 3 12 5
75 2
75 2 65 4 80 1
80 1 75 2 95
80 1
100w 80 1
18 5 22 6
60 5
70 3 70 3 65 4 65 4 19-Aug
80 1 75 2
80 1 5 7 75 2 70 3 60 5 22 6 65 4 100w 100w
75 2 80 1 100w 100w 70 3 26 4
100w 80 1 75 2
80 75 70 60
1 2 3 5
65 4
70 3 65 4 60 5
80 75 70 36 65
1 2 3 5 4
80 1 75 2 70 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13
Jody Dalebout Troy Mitchell David Mcarthur Woody Crumm David Wildner Jon Horner John Hardiman Mitchell Reis Brian Coughlin Donald St John Lance Oulman Henry Webster Sr James Rollyson
75 80 70 65
2 1 3 4
100w 60 5
70 3
60 5
65 4 65 4 60 5 55 6 32 6 20 6 19-Aug
80 1 75 2
80 1 75 2 33 9
80 1
35 3 80 1 45 2
80 60 55 45 75 65 70
80 1 75 2 70 3
75 2 80 1 35 3
55 6 70 3 65 4
75 2 70 3
45 8 55 50 70 65 60
6 7 3 4 5
1 5 6 8 2 4 3
485 455 -30 445 -40 425 -60 410 -75 245 -240 160 -325 111 -374 102 -383 64 -421 52 -433 39 -446 36 -449
Total 240 225 -15 198 -42 167 -73 80 -160 75 -165 75 -165 70 -170 70 -170 8 -232 8 -232
Total 490 480 -10 430 -60 427 -63 80 -410 75 -415 70 -420 70 -420 65 -425
Total 500 80 -420 75 -425
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ken Stephenson Sam Boydstun Art Whitney George Tolson Russell Holliday Paul Jones Jack Burton Joseph Smith Dan Lichtenwalter Rick Bertine Robbie Carstens Richard Edwards Danny Kittell Kirk Balliette Jeff Moser Mitch Melheim Steven Maher Stephen Harp David Thompson Eric Gray Mike Hathaway Michael Delligatti Ty Thomas Elbert Barnes Tom Buchanan Scott Howell Britt Hissong Terry Long Craig Lindsley Chris Molloy Jon Wilbur Ed Lukesavich Henry Croley Fred Legleitner Bill Cook Randy Rash
1 2 3
Ken Stephenson Sam Boydstun Art Whitney
76 70 65 60 60 50
26 4
6 7 7 9 10 11
-424 -430 -435 -440 -440 -450
60 5
50 7
Joel Martin Lance Trappe Chad Holman Chris Wise Adam Martin Jorge Duhart
100w 80 1
1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8
Boyd Bradfield Bill Jenkins Jr Mike Hauptkorn Tommy Neal Jody Swaldner John Crafton Stephen Loveridge Kevin Holecko
Place Rider Name
50 2 80 1
24 5 26 4
60 5 50 7 19-Aug
55 6 60 5 75 2
75 2 80 1
55 6 65 4 100w
75 2 70 3 60 5
75 2 65 4 70 3
75 2 80 1
80 1 65 4 55 6
100w 100w 75 2
55 6 60 5 75 2 70 3 80 1 65 4 50 7 2 18 21 14 28 13 100w 40 9
75 2 80 1
55 6 65 4 100w 70 3 75 2 80 1 50 7
75 70 60 65
75 2 65 4 70 3
75 2 80 1
80 1 65 4 55 6 100w 70 3
100w 100w 75 2 50 7 80 1
45 8 100w 2 18 2 18
70 3 100w
14 11
80 1 80 1 30 7
45 8 40 9
60 5 100w
60 5 65 4 70 3
45 8 40 9 60 5
55 6
65 4 55 6
75 2 65 37 60 33
4 8 5 9
60 5 100w
21 10 45 8 55 6
60 5 0
55 6
30 11 70 3
19 16 35 29
15 16 10 12
50 7 50 7 28 13 26 15 50 7 28 9
11 10
35 10 30 11 29 12 27 14 23 8 17 9 16 10 15 16 12 17 10 17 2 18
Place Rider Name
Total 480 460 -20 435 -45 425 -55 385 -95 325 -155 295 -185 272 -208 196 -284 192 -288 175 -305 165 -315 158 -322 150 -330 133 -347 117 -363 102 -378 85 -395 70 -410 69 -411 66 -414 63 -417 55 -425 50 -430 39 -441 35 -445 30 -450 29 -451 27 -453 23 -457 17 -463 16 -464 15 -465 12 -468 10 -470 2 -478
80 1
80 1
45 2 80 1
23 2 80 1
38 2 80 1
80 1 100w
Larry Roberts Kevin Versace John Demotto Manuel Hernandez Allen Linville Joshua Larsen Rylan Hissong Facundo Vitale Fernando Ferreyra
100w 100w 75 2 42 3 13 4 73 19-Aug
100w 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 54 2 25 3 54 54
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Paul Cox Eric Sanders Caleb Kennon Jason Croley Everton Assuncao Zack Frasier Ronald Saldonlin Eric Robinson Chris Mcguckin Chad Carlson Coleton Prutsman
80 1 100w
80 1
70 65 60 55
Place Rider Name
1 2 3 4 4 6 6 8 9 10 11
Austin Crumm Logan Smith Keith Day Dillon Moyer Brad Jenkins Matthew Hawkins Clay Pendray Jesse Miller Stan Vanlandingham Michael Rogers West Anderson
80 1
31 2
80 1
3 4 5 6
45 3 35 7 29 3 0
23 2
80 1
50w 80 1
75 2
75 2 80 1
100 80 -20 80 -20 80 -20 80 -20 54 -46 25 -75 5 5
Total T
80 1 100w 100w
80 1 80 1 75 2 42 3 28 3 20 4
Total 254 240 -14 180 -74 100 -154 100 -154 80 -174 80 -174 75 -179 42 -212 28 -226 20 -234
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11
Randy King Dan Aitken Chris Miller Micaich Amick Matthew Smyth Joel Martin Lance Trappe Chad Holman Chris Wise Adam Martin Jorge Duhart
75 2 80 1
80 1
100w 75 2 70 3 55 6 65 4 100w 80 1
70 3 20 4 80 1
70 3 75 2
65 4 70 3
75 2 100w 80 1
100w 70 3
80 1 75 2 60 5 17 5
C Senior (40+) - by Place 19-Aug
100w 25 7 80 1 31 6 60 3
80 1 75 2
80 1 70 3
80 1 75 2
80 1 75 2 70 3
75 2 80 1
75 2 80 1
75 2 25 3 80 1 75 2
75 2 46 4 43 5 39 4 36 5 35 3 16 8 13 4 0
Total 495 455 -40 150 -345 106 -389 85 -410 80 -415 75 -420 75 -420 46 -449 43 -452 39 -456 36 -459 35 -460 16 -479 13 -482 0 -495
Don Chriss James Waldron Lou Tunno Jeff Wilkinson Marty Sapsford William St. Laurent Trevor Larsen Chris Goodale Troy Stainbrook Matthew Covey Larry Thomas Marko Moisanen Jack Hatfield Rodney Armstead Eric Rasberry Scott Mcgourley Bill Lites Gerald Wallace Scott Kotansky David Davis David Jock Mike Earl Ronald Strauss Roger Lamb Eric Evans
80 1 70 3 75 2 100w
44 5 80 1
75 2 100w 80 1 70 3 65 4 60 5 55 6
75 2 26 3 80 1
80 1 70 3 75 2 65 4 55 6 100w 50 7 60 5
80 1 75 2
80 1 65 4 50 7 55 6 100w 75 2 45 8 60 5
100w 75 2 70 3 80 1 35 5
3 10 65 4 39 6 60 5
70 3 75 2
65 4 21 7
100w 28 9 50 7 70 3
65 4 45 8
6 11
11 10 32 9
28 6
45 8 40 9 36 7 35 10 32 8 29 9 21 10 19 8 3 11
6 12
3 10
Total 495 470 -25 430 -65 370 -125 255 -240 235 -260 218 -277 206 -289 170 -325 142 -353 110 -385 70 -425 65 -430 62 -433 60 -435 45 -450 40 -455 36 -459 35 -460 32 -463 29 -466 21 -474 19 -476 9 -486 3 -492
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 17 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33
Greg Wheeler Cary Hunt David Nagle Eduardo Garcia Gene Borntrager Dave Duthie Merideth Burch James Tyson III Scott Summey William Toreki Sam Frasier Steve Frontauria Dirk Wipperman Tim Nordle Kevin Moyer Allen Pearce Ed Sapsford Mark Fennessy Patrick Mullins Mark Massey Tom Mccullion Jimmie Delong Jerry Wightman Fedor Rubio Brian Krause Tom McCullion Dwayne Ausley Wade Anderson Robert Wilder John North Howard Martin DALE ELLIS Arthur Sampson Jr Quinn Holton
80 1 100w 55 6 65 4 75 2 70 3
80 1 70 3
80 1 6 12 100w 70 3 65 4 75 2
80 1 75 2 70 3
100w 15 7 60 5 65 4
80 1 18 6
80 70 55 65
1 3 6 4
80 75 55 65
1 2 6 4
70 3 60 5
75 2 100w 29 8
65 4 75 2
7 10 80 1 70 3 28 9 50 7
65 4 70 3 50w 75 2
75 2
36 7
55 6 60 5
55 6
12 8 100w
100w 60 5 60 5 60 5 11 10
45 8 50 7
45 8 9 11
16 9
13 7
32 7 17 9
14 8 12 9
0 11 10 10 10 9 11 6 13
48 2 11 2 11
Total 500 408 -92 395 -105 395 -105 285 -215 265 -235 167 -333 155 -345 145 -355 128 -372 125 -375 120 -380 115 -385 112 -388 100 -400 100 -400 60 -440 60 -440 60 -440 56 -444 50 -450 45 -455 38 -462 32 -468 17 -483 14 -486 12 -488 11 -489 10 -490 9 -491 6 -494 4 -496 2 -498 2 -498
Class of 66 - by Place Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total 470 350 -120 230 -240 220 -250 205 -265 100 -370 80 -390 80 -390 75 -395 60 -410 17 -453
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Place Rider Name
371 100 -271 80 -291 70 -301 65 -306 60 -311 55 -316 45 -326 35 -336 29 -342 23 -348
Jerry Bentley Ian Joubert Euro Mendez Aki Polvikoski Eloy Rodriguez Roger Jean John Indelicto Rob Michaels Mike Hunter Rick Cole Jon Carroll Brenton Teixeira Eric Mullen David Chorazak Cesar Diaz Scott Johnson
C Masters (50+) - by Place
C Veteran (35+) - by Place Place Rider Name
54 2
75 2
60 5
17 5
100 -370 80 -390 80 -390 75 -395 60 -410 17 -453
C Super Senior (45+) - by Place
Total 346 340 -6 100 -246 100 -246 75 -271 42 -304 13 -333 7 -339
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Place Rider Name
C 200 - by Place
Total 480 460 -20 435 -45
1 2 2 2 2 6 7 8 8
Place Rider Name
Total 500 445 -55 330 -170 250 -250 190 -310 154 -346 125 -375 76 -424 70 -430 65 -435 60 -440 60 -440 50 -450
C 250 - by Place
Total 495 470 -25 465 -30 435 -60 401 -94 298 -197 125 -370 100 -395 100 -395 65 -430 65 -430 60 -435 55 -440 32 -463 20 -475
C Open - by Place
Total 485 358 -127 249 -236 214 -271 165 -320 160 -325 155 -330 107 -378 82 -403 70 -415 70 -415 65 -420 65 -420
2 3 5 4
80 1
C Senior (40+) - by Place
B Golden Masters (58+) - by Place Place Rider Name
B Masters (50+) - by Place Place Rider Name
7 3 4 5
Shane Hitz The 387 tires I changed! Can’t wait until next year. Place Rider Name
B Super Senior (45+) - by Place
A Masters (50+) - by Place Place Rider Name
Mitchell Reis Brian Coughlin Donald St John Lance Oulman Henry Webster Sr James Rollyson
B Veteran (35+) - by Place
Place Rider Name
Total 500 470 -30 420 -80 390 -110 330 -170 170 -330 80 -420 75 -425 75 -425 46 -454 39 -461 14 -486
B Senior (40+) - by Place
A Super Senior (45+) - by Place Place Rider Name
8 9 10 11 11 13
B Masters (50+) - by Place
B 200 - by Place Place Rider Name
A Senior (40+) - by Place Place Rider Name
35 3
B 250 - by Place
A Veteran (35+) - by Place Place Rider Name
50 7
70 -405 60 -415 50 -425 50 -425 35 -440 4 -471
B Open - by Place
Place Rider Name
A 200 - by Place Place Rider Name
60 5 50 7
A Golden Masters (58+) - by Place
A 250 - by Place Place Rider Name
70 3
AA - by Place
A Open - by Place Place Rider Name
Best part of your season?
Paul Giorgio Randy Martin Brad Clark Will Hardin Jeff Holland Sr Russ Human
Jimmy Pitts Wayne Anthony Fred Storm Tom Cufr Smiley Hulbert Bernard List Greg Davis
100w 80 1 59 2
57 80 47 75
80 1 70 3 75 2
80 1 75 2
75 2 80 1 56 3
80 1
75 2 100w 33 4
80 1 75 2 47 3
3 1 4 2
10 3
70 3 100w
75 2 70 3
65 26 4
70 3 80 1
Total 495 490 -5 359 -136 215 -280 116 -379 96 -399 80 -415
Women - by Place T T
Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Deborah Broderick Kimberly Reynolds Lacey Nordle Jenn Sheppard Tiffany Hoskins Linda Lundstedt Gina Harp
80 1 75 2 100w
80 1 38 3 41 2
80 1 100w
80 1
80 1 14 3
80 1 75 2
80 1 23 2
80 1
75 2 42 3
23 2
50 3 24 4
Total 480 448 -32 141 -339 75 -405 65 -415 50 -430 24 -456
Evolution - by Place Place Rider Name
2 3 4 5 6 7
Kimberly Reynolds Lacey Nordle Jenn Sheppard Tiffany Hoskins Linda Lundstedt Gina Harp
75 2 100w
38 3 41 2
80 1
14 3
75 2 42 3
75 2
23 2
448 -32 141 -339 75 -405 65 -415 50 -430 24 -456
80 1
23 2
50 3 24 4
Evolution - by Place Place Rider Name 1 2 3 4 4 4 7
Chris Blake Mark Ernst Jd Tillman Alan Edwards John Roeske James Hogan Bo Tillman
65 4
80 1
70 3 80 1
75 2 80 1
80 1
80 1 0
80 1
Total 465 160 -305 80 -385 75 -390 75 -390 75 -390 70 -395
80 1 75 2 75 2 75 2 70 3
Beginners - by Place Place Rider Name 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 15 17 18
Kevin Littwin Clay Levell Anibal Martignani Victor Vilchez Raymond Szikney Julian Echavarria Derek Vanderzyl Pedro Marques Shannon Levell Robert Parks Chuck Bosworth Jose Mendez Miguel Platkin Scott Brown Roxie Hanna Mark Hanna Mo Garcia Michael Riddle
5-May EN
24 1
70 3 80 1 80 1 80 1 75 2 75 2 75 2 70 3 33 4 28 3 26 4 26 4 20 5 11 6 96 96
0 0
Total 94 80 -14 80 -14 80 -14 75 -19 75 -19 75 -19 70 -24 33 -61 28 -66 26 -68 26 -68 20 -74 11 9 9 8 0
Eric Berard: After
taking 11 years off from riding, I would say the best parts of this season were reconnecting with some old friends and watching my twins (11) do so well in their 1st season. Kevin Moyer photo
2012-2013 Enduro High Point Winner Place Rider Name 1
Tyler Trammell
85 1
80 1
85 1
80 1
75 2
80 1
85 1
Total 495
High Point A Place Rider Name 1 1
Scott Gawler Jr Branson Blake
A Open A 250
75 2 80 1
80 1
80 1 0 27
75 2
100w 75 2
75 2 80 1
80 1 65 4
80 1 100w
75 2
65 4
80 1
21 20
75 2
75 2
55 6
Total 490 490 -0
High Point B Place Rider Name 1
Jody Dalebout
Class B Sup Sen
Total 470
High Point C Place Rider Name 1
Greg Wheeler
Class C Mas
80 1
80 1
75 2
80 1
65 4
80 1
80 1
Total 500
Top20 20Enduro EnduroRiders Riders Top Trophy T T T T T T T T T T
Place Rider Name 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Tyler Trammell Scott Gawler Jr Branson Blake Lee Daley Todd Vess Chad Hunter Tim King Jeremy Powell Corey Blanton Jerald Brownell Matt Ludwig Peter Magee Jerry Curtis Logan Garcia Jordi Garcia David Settle Reggie Yarbrough Cbob House Samuel, Jr Plumb Jeff Flick
Class AA A Open A 250 AA A Vet A Sen A Sen A Vet A 250 A Sup Sen A 250 A Sen A Sup Sen A 250 A 200 A Open A Sup Sen A Gold Mas A 200 A Mas
19-Aug BSTR 85 1 65 4 70 3 60 5 27 14 55 6 29 12 40 9 25 16 28 13 100w 0 34 35 10 0 36 0 32 0 28 0 25
2-Sep LBJ 80 1 70 3 40 9 55 6 26 15 45 8 29 12
27 14 28 13 50 7 30 11 100w 22 19 0 22 25 16
7-Oct CROOM 85 1 75 2 0 31 60 5 29 12 23 18 55 6 0 45 50 7 25 16 100w 0 21 100w 0 47 65 4 35 10 22 19 0 35 100w 0 25
4-Nov GG 80 1 70 3 65 4 75 2 30 11 45 8 60 5 50 7 55 6 40 9 35 10 23 16 29 22 25 14 22 17
24-Feb Rich 100w 75 2 35 10 25 16 85 1 65 4 40 9 30 11 55 6 24 17 0 23 50 7 22 19 60 5 0 27 21 20
3-Mar SL 75 2 65 4 70 3 100w 45 8 55 6 50 7 60 5 28 12 29 11
40 9 25 23 0
14-Mar DDR 80 1 75 2 55 5 60 5 40 9 100w 70 3 35 10 45 8 29 12 30 11 24 17 50 7 65 4 28 13 100w
5-May EN 85 1 75 2 100w 100w 65 4 55 6 60 5 100w 30 11 100w 0 26 25 16 24 17 35 10 70 3 50 7 21 20 100w
Total 495 455 -40 455 -40 385 -110 364 -131 342 -153 340 -155 324 -171 280 -215 278 -217 267 -228 246 -249 240 -255 220 -275 210 -285 210 -285 190 -305 176 -319 167 -328 147 -348
250/open A
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# 111 999 111 999 113 735 151
Name (attended) Dustin Whitehead (3) Michael Clark (2) Ivan Gonzalez (1) Michael Clarke (1) Travis Hullfish (1) James Gaines (1) Shane Hoskins (1)
Points 147 97 50 50 47 45 45
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
# 148 114 84 120 70 893 63 821 55 635 613 421 115 11 44 57 254 250 48 1 31 200 147 1 127 23 37 14/
Name (attended) Nicholas Smyth (8) Scott Westbrook (7) Gareth Ter-morshuizen (4) Dan Ludwich (4) Sean Sattanno (3) Tanner Hughes (2) Tyler Meyer (1) Kevin Steele (1) Sydhar La Roche (1) Josh Schechter (1) Austin Rue (1) Nick Jenkins (1) Nathan Anderson (1) Tristan Lane (1) Jake Raikes (1) Jesse Dyer (3) Pablo Guzman (1) Landon Lynn (1) Brittany Marcotte (1) Mario Testa (1) Dylan Peak (1) Javier Roberti (1) Nigel Love (1) J.p. Wilson (1) Shane Kehoe (1) Kirk Eminger (1) Ryan Nolan (1) Ryan (peter) Emerson (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
# 47 27 821 124 57 421 222 112 53 21 199 1 353 25 15 875
Name (attended) Jonathan Baker (2) Rich Wilkes (2) Kevin Steele (1) Bradford Young (1) Aaron Havener (1) Nick Jenkins (1) Neviker Romero (1) John Marinos (1) Patrick Tokanarski (1) Rj Hampshire (1) Dawson Stark (1) Mario Testa (1) Jason Frank (1) Ryan Hoover (1) Oscar Esparis (1) Lacey Nordle (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
# 500 185 712 16 646 946 151 277 6 88 34 65 78 91 10 35 812
Name (attended) Michael Reynolds (6) Mason Hobbs (5) Kent Ashby (5) Wyatt Syfrett (4) Jimmy Loomis (3) Stephen Culleny (2) Renzo Medvescig (2) Matt Karwat (1) Gabriel Guzman (1) Carl Kwasny (1) Garrett Black (1) Tanner Olson (1) Daniel Cook (1) William Harris (1) Austin Morquez (1) Tony Delrio (1) Dalton Strickler (1)
Points 341 276 161 159 150 92 50 50 50 47 47 47 45 45 45 45 43 43 43 Pos. 41 1 40 2 40 3 39 4 39 5 39 6 37 7 37 8 35 9 10 Points 11 97 12 97 13 50 14 50 15 50 16 47 17 47 18 47 19 45 20 45 21 45 22 45 23 43 24 43 25 41 26 41 27 28 Points 29 266 30 209 31 206 32 177 33 117 34 97 35 84 36 50 37 50 38 50 39 47 40 47 41 47 42 47 43 47 44 47 45
250/open B
125 B
250/open C
34 65 78 91 10 35 812 84 646b 32 17 6 232 12 605 304 212 208 10 6 864 138 9 116 91 64 17 224 114 108 33 27 110
Garrett Black (1) 47 Tanner Olson (1) 47 Daniel Cook (1) 47 Scores William Harris (1) 47 Austin Morquez (1) 47 Tony Delrio (1) 47 Dalton Strickler (1) 45 Gareth Ter-morshuizen (1) 45 James (bob) Loomis (1) 45 Devin Landry (1) 45 Bryce Griffin (1) 43 Shane Sands (1) 43 Logan Smith (1) 43 Nicholas (cole) Barrett (1) 43 Olive Cashe (1) 41 Ezequiel Suarez (1) 41 Wade Milligan (1) 40 Jackson Human (1) 40 Austin Marquez (1) 39 Kurt Lucas (1) 39 Rolando Garcia (1) 39 Gage Stern (1) 38 Dustin Downer (1) 37 Benjamin Torsiello (1) 37 Jared Wiggings (1) 37 Andrew Hoffacker (1) 36 Lucas Martins (1) 36 Bryan Shaffer (1) 33 Tyler Taber (1) 31 Thorne Pavish (1) 30 Paul Colson (1) 29 Dylan Kooba (1) 28 Adam Aderhold (1) 27
2012-2013 FTR Motocross
Best part of your season?
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
# 97 73 500 11 277 78 41 27 6 68 742 151 304 11 28 132 97/ 5 721 58 35 864 25 133 23 138 291 122 51 237 224 8 218 6/ 566 586 951 7 434 212 441 114 34 46
125 C
Name (attended) Patrick Fitzgerald (8) David Dreggors (8) Michael Reynolds (6) Mark Zerrusen (6) Matt Karwat (2) Daniel Cook (2) Robert Foote (2) Dylan Kooba (2) Gabriel Guzman (1) Angelo Lorenzo (1) Russell Heggan (1) Renzo Medvescig (1) Ezequiel Suarez (1) Mark Zerrusen (1) Bryce Mauldin (1) Ty Casey (1) Chris Simon (1) Eric Jacobs (1) Bradley Leachman (1) Justin Bierle (1) Tony Delrio (1) Rolando Garcia (1) Alex Blaue (1) Jared Sedhoff (1) Griffin Prusia (1) Gage Stern (1) Damian Freda (1) Judson Prusia (1) Richard Bong Jr (1) Avery Dixon (1) Bryan Shaffer (1) Timmy Harrington (1) Cody Weiss (1) Franco Dos Santos (1) Cody Havener (1) Louis Castle (1) Hagios Dewet (1) Elvio Gomez (1) Hunter Hawkins (1) Wade Milligan (1) Anthony Arbeso (1) Tyler Taber (1) Garrett Black (1) Morgan Edwards (1)
4 Stroke
Points 368 313 264 206 97 87 71 66 50 50 47 47 45 45 45 45 45 45 43 43 41 41 41 41 41 40 40 40 39 39 38 38 38 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 34 32 29 28
41 42 43 44
441 114 34 46
Anthony Arbeso (1) Tyler Taber (1) Garrett Black (1) Morgan Edwards (1)
34 32 29 28
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
# 57 222 111 18 277 113 55 999 65 626 6 124 244 37 1 107 258 254 200 29 128 893 129 46 91 17
Name (attended) Jesse Dyer (3) Neviker Romero (1) Ivan Gonzalez (1) Dj Macfarlane (1) Matt Karwat (1) Travis Hullfish (1) Sydhar La Roche (1) Michael Clark (1) Tanner Olson (1) Jaco Wolmarans (1) Kurt Lucas (1) Daniel Calza (1) Mark Mclaughlin (1) Will Jones (1) J.p. Wilson (1) Ryan Renfro (1) Cole Collier (1) Pablo Guzman (1) Javier Roberti (1) Aj Sowerboy (1) Cody Madore (1) Tanner Hughes (1) Brady Bergeron (1) Morgan Edwards (1) Jared Wiggings (1) Lucas Martins (1)
Points 88 50 50 50 50 50 47 47 47 47 47 45 45 45 45 43 43 41 41 41 40 40 40 39 38 37
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
# 148 112 16 151 64 79 91 53 23 29 735 195 121 41 875 47 291 27 5 673 17 97/ 28
Name (attended) Nicholas Smyth (8) Cody Thomas (6) Wyatt Syfrett (4) Shane Hoskins (3) Alex Mitz (3) Kyle Mcafee (2) William Harris (2) Patrick Tokanarski (1) Kirk Eminger (1) Aj Sowerboy (1) James Gaines (1) Michael Hardin (1) Ethan Dickson (1) Ashlee Applewhite (1) Lacey Nordle (1) Jonathan Baker (1) Nicolas Duarte (1) Dylan Kooba (1) Alejandro Rodriguez (1) Ben Dickson (1) Bryce Griffin (1) Chris Simon (1) Nicholas Karch (1)
Points 351 268 188 139 133 86 84 50 50 50 50 43 43 41 41 40 39 39 39 38 38 37 36
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 111 64 735 57 111 864 37 626 109 159
Name (attended) Dustin Whitehead (3) Alex Mitz (3) James Gaines (2) Jesse Dyer (2) Ivan Gonzalez (1) Rolando Garcia (1) Ryan Nolan (1) Jaco Wolmarans (1) Matt Boni (1) Quinton Bigalow (2)
Points 150 139 94 91 50 47 45 45 43 43
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# 84 323 11 79 64 635 750 147
Name (attended) Gareth Ter-morshuizen (6) Jeffery Smith (5) Jim Nagy (2) Kyle Mcafee (2) Andrew Hoffacker (1) Josh Schechter (1) Michael Jones (1) Nigel Love (1)
Points 290 227 100 97 50 47 47 45
4 Stroke
2 Stroke
Plus 25
Plus 30
5 6 7 8
64 635 750 147
Andrew Hoffacker (1) Josh Schechter (1) Michael Jones (1) Nigel Love (1)
Plus 35
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 42 318 192 9 811 113 413 413 72
Name (attended) Teddy Block (5) Richard Sommers (5) Billy Nuzzo (1) Brad Kadam (1) Eric Braun (1) Travis Pepin (1) Mike Pattan (1) Kevin Hahn (1) Johnny Smith (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
# 27 42 917 811 9 412 40 16 848 501 120 157
Name (attended) Barry Mccarty (7) Teddy Block (5) Alvin Moore (3) Eric Braun (1) Brad Kadam (1) Preston Tyson (1) Steve Nagy (1) Paul Lucas (1) Steve Loomis Sr (1) Wayne Thompson (1) Robert Butts (1) Todd Klisiewicz (1)
Plus 40
Plus 45
Pos. # Name (attended) 1 27 Barry Mccarty (7) 2 311a David Johnson (4) 3 771 Jon Osborn (2) 4 3 Daniel La Placa (2) 5 159 Rick Bigalow (2) 6 24 Cliff Badgett (1) 7 589 Ed Higgins (1) 8 770 Raymond Burr (1) 9 16 Paul Lucas (1) 10 11 Alvaro Espeleta (1) 11 755 Randy Griffin (1) 12 13 Donald Schmelyun (1) 13 534 Dana Gaines (1) 14 145 Sam Nasrallah (1)
Plus 50
Pos. # Name (attended) 1 13 Donald Owen (6) 2 27 Raymond Spudeck (7) 3 311a David Johnson (5) 4 755 Randy Griffin (3) 5 771 Jon Osborn (2) 6 921 Gary Emerson (1) 7 54 Glenn Mousette (1) 8 117a Jack Steele (1) 9 24 Jim Badgett (1) 10 145 Sam Nasrallah (1) 11 101 Dan Dyer (1) 12 331 Eric Marshall (1) 13 75 Michael Delligatti (1) 14 61 Neil Schulman (1) 15 67b Mark Cronk (1) 16 52 Robert Nagy (1) 17 46 Scott Howell (1) 18 39 Bobby Mcclelland (1) 19 45 Bill Kasavage (1) 20 578 Patrick Voltaire (1) 21 82 Paul Reynolds (1) 22 466 Joe Steidl (1) Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# 32 114 277 151 893 41 63 222
Youth 16-24
Name (attended) Lydia Greiner (7) Scott Westbrook (5) Matt Karwat (2) Shane Hoskins (2) Tanner Hughes (3) Robert Foote (2) Tyler Meyer (1) Neviker Romero (1)
50 47 47 45 Points 245 184 50 50 47 47 45 45 43
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Points 350 236 137 47 Pos. 47 1 47 2 45 3 45 4 45 5 43 6 43 7 41 8 9 Points 10 350 11 186 12 94 13 92 14 90 15 50 16 47 17 45 18 45 19 43 20 43 21 41 22 41 23 40 24 25 Points 26 278 27 259 28 250 29 135 30 97 31 50 32 47 33 47 34 47 45 Pos. 45 1 45 2 43 3 43 4 41 5 41 6 39 7 39 8 38 9 38 10 37 11 37 12 13 Points 14 294 15 217 16 95 17 92 18 86 19 75 20 50 21 50 22
771 921 54 117a 24 145 101 331 75 61 67b 52 46 39 45 578 82 466 # 32 114 277 151 893 41 63 222 73 68 946 12 6 115 44 148 613 124 57 821 254 848 122 128 200 112 23 127 15 25 108 55 121 23 # 97 73 848 11 3 27 47 250 199 11 815 721 51 237 747 11 434 566 17 28 7 946
Jon Osborn (2) Gary Emerson (1) Glenn Mousette (1) Jack Steele (1) Jim Badgett (1) Sam Nasrallah (1) Dan Dyer (1) Eric Marshall (1) Michael Delligatti (1) Neil Schulman (1) Mark Cronk (1) Robert Nagy (1) Scott Howell (1) Bobby Mcclelland (1) Bill Kasavage (1) Patrick Voltaire (1) Paul Reynolds (1) Joe Steidl (1)
Youth 16-24
Name (attended) Lydia Greiner (7) Scott Westbrook (5) Matt Karwat (2) Shane Hoskins (2) Tanner Hughes (3) Robert Foote (2) Tyler Meyer (1) Neviker Romero (1) Kyle Goerke (1) Angelo Lorenzo (1) Stephen Culleny (1) Nicholas (cole) Barrett (1) Gabriel Guzman (1) Nathan Anderson (1) Jake Raikes (1) Nicholas Smyth (1) Austin Rue (1) Daniel Calza (1) Aaron Havener (1) Kevin Steele (1) Pablo Guzman (1) Steve Loomis Jr (1) Judson Prusia (1) Cody Madore (1) Javier Roberti (1) John Marinos (1) Griffin Prusia (1) Shane Kehoe (1) Robbey Ruffner (1) Ryan Hoover (1) Thorne Pavish (1) Sydhar La Roche (1) Ethan Dickson (1) Kirk Eminger (1)
Youth 13-15
Name (attended) Patrick Fitzgerald (8) David Dreggors (8) Steve Loomis Jr (7) Mark Zerrusen (6) Perry Warren (4) Dylan Kooba (2) Jonathan Baker (2) Landon Lynn (1) Dawson Stark (1) Tristan Lane (1) Colton Eigenmann (1) Bradley Leachman (1) Richard Bong Jr (1) Avery Dixon (1) Mark Loomis (1) Mark Zerrusen (1) Hunter Hawkins (1) Cody Havener (1) Shawn Ramsey (1) Bryce Mauldin (1) Elvio Gomez (1) Stephen Culleny (1)
97 50 47 47 47 45 45 45 43 43 41 41 39 39 38 38 37 37
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
434 566 17 28 7 946 41 218 197 719 10
Hunter Hawkins (1) Cody Havener (1) Shawn Ramsey (1) Bryce Mauldin (1) Elvio Gomez (1) Stephen Culleny (1) Ryan Rossier (1) Cody Weiss (1) Colby Serio (1) Jacob Bender (1) Dillon Sandberg (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6
# 32 875 597 46 41 789
Name (attended) Lydia Greiner (7) Lacey Nordle (4) Kristen Moore (3) Andrea Barnett (1) Ashlee Applewhite (1) Danielle Hennessy-wack (1)
Points 350 188 135 45 45 43
Name (attended) Tracy Forward (1)
Points 50
Vet Women
Pos. Points 1 294 217 Pos. 95 1 92 2 86 3 75
# 46 195 123
Name (attended) Jazzmyn Canfield (3) Aura Schmelyun (2) Bryanne Parks (1)
Points 150 97 50
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
# 54 62 3 319 14 815 30 228 119 132 10 49 54 41 33 719 50 31 19 11 225 8 55 180 12
Name (attended) Jonathan Fitzgerald (8) Wyatt Dreggors (7) Perry Warren (6) Christopher Post Jr (6) Bryce Platt (3) Colton Eigenmann (2) Alex Lugar (2) Dalton Finke (2) Tyler Lang (1) Ty Casey (1) Dennis Mullen (1) Devon Stodart (1) Billy Baker (1) Ryan Rossier (1) Elijah Thompson (1) Jacob Bender (1) Oscar Martin (1) Dominick Tinari (1) Darek Pixton (1) Patrick Napolitano (1) Parker Mcguire (1) Dylan Rappach (1) Justin Maloy (1) Tanner Walker (1) Joe Keeser (1)
Points 332 298 278 271 120 100 90 80 50 50 47 47 47 47 45 45 43 43 43 41 40 39 39 39 38
Pos. 1 Points 2 355 3 331 314 247 Pos. 191 1 82 2 77 3 50 4 50 5 50 6 50 7 47 8 45 9 45 10 45 11 43 12 43 40 Pos. 38 1 38 2 37 3 37 4
# 29 222 318
Name (attended) Ryan Garner (1) Kody Youtzy (1) Zachary Sommers (1)
Points 50 50 50
50 50 50 50 50 50 47 47 47 47 45 43 43 43 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 39 39 38 37 35 34 33
43 40 38 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 34
# 62 319 33 815 228 3 121 54 10 13c 55 386 # 54 848 14 46
Girls 9-12
Super Mini
85cc 14-15
85cc 12-13
Name (attended) Wyatt Dreggors (7) Christopher Post Jr (6) Nicholas Mason (5) Colton Eigenmann (2) Dalton Finke (2) Perry Warren (2) Austin Dickson (2) Billy Baker (1) Dennis Mullen (1) Ethan Cox (1) Justin Maloy (1) Austin Perdue (1)
85cc 7-11
Name (attended) Jonathan Fitzgerald (8) Trevor Loomis (8) Bryce Platt (7) Jazzmyn Canfield (3)
Points 324 290 221 100 90 88 85 50 47 45 45 41 Points 368 316 294 150
9 10 11 12
10 13c 55 386
Dennis Mullen (1) Ethan Cox (1) Justin Maloy (1) Austin Perdue (1)
85cc 7-11
47 45 45 41
11 12 13 14
368 151 316 585
Nathan Fleming (1) Donny Smallwood Jr (1) Josh Mageloff (1) Bobby Munro (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
# 54 848 14 46 715 30 8 225 19 18 51 195 49 50 320 180 44 121 627 368 4 12
Name (attended) Jonathan Fitzgerald (8) Trevor Loomis (8) Bryce Platt (7) Jazzmyn Canfield (3) Christian Dresser (3) Alex Lugar (3) Dylan Rappach (3) Parker Mcguire (2) Darek Pixton (2) J.c. Crenshaw (2) Leighton Dreggors (2) Aura Schmelyun (2) Devon Stodart (1) Oscar Martin (1) Jhamir Scott (1) Tanner Walker (1) Cody Downer (1) Austin Dickson (1) Hunter Blackledge (1) Nathan Fleming (1) Hayden Hawkins (1) Marc Gonzalez (1)
Points Pos. 368 1 316 2 294 3 150 4 142 5 139 6 127 7 92 8 88 9 88 10 83 11 81 12 50 13 47 14 47 15 43 16 41 17 41 18 40 19 39 20 38 21 37 22
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 8 100 415 199 368 15 585 316 99
Name (attended) Dylan Rappach (2) Jack Kinney (1) Jean Masini (1) Reese Sands (1) Nathan Fleming (1) Trent Hagy (1) Bobby Munro (1) Josh Mageloff (1) Chance Wiggins (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
# 51 279 100 95 225 522 413 718 71 511 151 122 15 85 4 362
Name (attended) Leighton Dreggors (8) Ethan Mcafee (2) Jack Kinney (1) Cody Russell (1) Parker Mcguire (1) Logan Lanier (1) Chase Pattan (1) Karson Clements (1) Eddie Dejesus (1) Josh Clark (1) Donny Smallwood Jr (1) Kyle Smith (1) Trent Hagy (1) Michael Hallicy (1) Vincent Valente (1) Ryan Fleming (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
# 51 715 100 15 95 415 718 225 85 4 368 151 316 585
Name (attended) Leighton Dreggors (8) Christian Dresser (3) Jack Kinney (2) Trent Hagy (2) Cody Russell (1) Jean Masini (1) Karson Clements (1) Parker Mcguire (1) Michael Hallicy (1) Vincent Valente (1) Nathan Fleming (1) Donny Smallwood Jr (1) Josh Mageloff (1) Bobby Munro (1)
Points Pos. # Name (attended) 100 1 13 Donald Schmelyun (1) 50 2 813 Nicholas Frey (1) 50 Woods 50 Pos. # Name (attended) 47 1 848 Steve Loomis Jr (8) 45 2 112 Cody Thomas (6) 43 3 646 Jimmy Loomis (3) 41 4 121 Ethan Dickson (3) 40 5 121/ Andy Dickson (2) 6 28 Nicholas Karch (1) Points 7 813 Nicholas Frey (1) 378 8 646b James (bob) Loomis (1) 92 9 747 Mark Loomis (1) 50 10 318 Richard Sommers (1) 50 11 67b Mark Cronk (1) 50 12 578 Patrick Voltaire (1) 50 13 466 Joe Steidl (1) 47 14 75 Michael Delligatti (1) 47 15 97 Robert Parks (1) 47 16 46 Scott Howell (1) 47 17 101 Dan Dyer (1) 45 18 924/ Brian Stewart (1) 43 19 75 Micaich Amick (1) 43 20 5 Alejandro Rodriguez (1) 41 Quad A 41 Pos. # Name (attended) 40 1 941 Bradley Crofut (4) 2 225 C.j. Frazier (2) Points 3 925 Trent Johnson (1) 371 4 11 Sean Decosta (1) 150 5 3 Brenton Crofut (1) 95 80 50 50 47 47 43 43 41 40 37 36
# 466 848 18 61
Name (attended) Joe Steidl (8) Steve Loomis Sr (7) Bill Crenshaw (2) Neil Schulman (1)
Pos. 1 2 3 4
65cc 10-12
65cc 7-9
65 Mod 7-12
Points 375 345 92 50
# 466 848 18 61 77 81 12 921 981 1 411 101 911 39 227 22 57/ 114 33 45 34 23
Name (attended) Joe Steidl (8) Steve Loomis Sr (7) Bill Crenshaw (2) Neil Schulman (1) Kai Strauch (1) Nick Garrett (1) Nicholas (cole) Barrett (1) Gary Emerson (1) Brian Mcpherson (1) Tim Loomis (1) Chris Bunnell (1) Kevin Herlong (1) Dirk Hepworth (1) Bobby Mcclelland (1) Donald Baham (1) Van Aderhold (1) Tony Persampieri (1) Danny Baxley (1) Chris West (1) Bill Kasavage (1) Mason Boyd (1) Tom Bell (1)
41 40 37 36 Pos. Points 1 375 2 345 92 Pos. 50 1 45 2 45 3 43 43 Pos. 41 1 41 2 40 3 39 4 38 5 37 6 36 7 35 8 34 9 33 10 32 Pos. 1
31 30 29
Quad B
# 20 3
Name (attended) Matthew Cameron (2) Justin Mcdaniel (1)
Points 97 50
# 3 7 9
Name (attended) Wayne Whitehead (1) Jeff Marinko (1) Jeff Vlasin (1)
Points 50 50 47
# 721 96 1 25 56 5 127 917 199 925
Name (attended) Dwayne Sprenger Sr (7) Kevin Keren (2) Chuck Frazier (2) Pablo Montanez (1) Charlie Consen (1) Money"marcus" Hires (1) Chuck Cookson (1) Alvin Moore (1) Reese Sands (1) Ron Johnson (1)
Points 347 93 88 47 47 45 45 45 43 40
# 55
Name (attended) Julie Kimmel (1)
Points 50
Quad C
Plus 35 Quad Men
Quad Women Quad 13-15
Points Pos. 1 50 2 50
# Name (attended) 33 Nicholas Mason (5) 428 Ryan Mccarty (2)
Points 250 100
Points Pos. 1 385 2 297 3 135 4 133 5 84 6 47 7 45 45 43 Pos. 43 1 43 41 Pos. 41 1 41 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 39 6 38 7 37 8 9 Points 10 200 11 93 12 47 45 Pos. 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 12 13 5 10 357 123 101
Points 245 197 97 47 47 47 45
Quad 7-12
Name (attended) Ian Platt (5) Brandon Frazier (4) Ian A. Nordle (2) Hunter Cameron (1) Seth Abbott (1) Bryanne Parks (1) Jacob Jackson (1)
Quad 4-8
# Name (attended) 125 Jackson Parks (2)
Points 100
# 74 1 125 379 413 124 505 362 122 117 818 81
Name (attended) Gage Pepin (2) Rosue Hernandez (2) Jackson Parks (2) Austin Mcafee (2) Chase Pattan (1) Christopher Achatz (1) Casey Stapleton (1) Ryan Fleming (1) Kyle Smith (1) Bailey Loudermilk (1) Michael Derico (1) Trey King (1)
Points 100 94 93 92 50 50 50 47 45 45 43 41
# 27 107 57 8 111 14 615 142 71 84
Name (attended) Ryder Mccarty (7) Jordan Renfro (2) Chase Matott (2) Jackson Greenman (2) Bradyn Johnson (1) Jimmy Moore (1) Colton Trouille (1) Dawson Baker (1) Julian Dejesus (1) Luke Bland (1)
Points 329 100 97 90 50 50 50 47 47 47
Peewee 7-9
Peewee 4-6
Bradley Crofut in Quad A at Sunshine MX Jason Roberson photo
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 17 357 414 44 731 30 106 712
Tyler Mollet (1) Blake Sands (1) Holland Purser (1) Billy Jones (1) Braxton Levi (1) Limay Rivera (1) Jack Sessions (1) Cohen Christenson (1) Dominic Tabolacci (1)
Peewee Oil 4-6
45 45 45 45 43 41 41 40 39
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
742 926 72 924/ 75 82 157 42
Russell Heggan (1) James Tartisel (1) Johnny Smith (1) Brian Stewart (1) Micaich Amick (1) Paul Reynolds (1) Todd Klisiewicz (1) Travis Scent (1)
Questions with...
40 40 40 39 38 37 36 32
by Jeremy Powell
Tell us a little about your racing history. When did you first get a bike? When and where did you first start your racing career? My first bike I owned was a Honda Z50, next a Sukuki RM 50, then an RM80. Then I moved on to a Honda ATC185S, followed by a 84 KX80. That was my last bike until August 2002 when I bought a KX250.
Pos. # Name (attended) 1 27 Ryder Mccarty (7) 2 107 Jordan Renfro (2) 3 14 Jimmy Moore (1) 4 123c Cody Cox (1) 5 357 Holland Purser (1) 6 54 Brayden Ford (1) 7 30 Jack Sessions (1) 8 731 Limay Rivera (1) 9 55 Brady Hawkins (1)
Points 350 97 47 47 47 47 47 45 45
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 107 8 57 413 122 362 124 615 818
Name (attended) Jordan Renfro (2) Jackson Greenman (2) Chase Matott (2) Chase Patton (1) Kyle Smith (1) Ryan Fleming (1) Christopher Achatz (1) Colton Trouille (1) Michael Derico (1)
Points 97 97 90 50 50 47 45 43 41
You raced nearly every event this year. Give me a favorite from Hare Scrambles. How about a favorite from Enduros.
Pos. 1 2 3
# 11 412 120
Name (attended) Jim Nagy (2) Preston Tyson (1) Robert Butts (1)
Points 97 50 45
You have found your stride this season. What do you attribute that new found speed to?
Pos. 1 2 3 4 5
# 40 750 323 346 813
Peewee Mod
Vet A
Vet B
Name (attended) Steve Nagy (1) Michael Jones (1) Jeffery Smith (1) Jason Beck (1) Nicholas Frey (1)
Vet C, Beginner
Pos. # Name (attended) 1 721 Dwayne Sprenger Sr (7) 2 742 Russell Heggan (7) 3 27 Raymond Spudeck (7) 4 323 Jeffery Smith (4) 5 73 Rick Dreggors (5) 6 97 Sean Fitzgerald (3) 7 466 Joe Steidl (3) 8 225 Matt French (2) 9 51 Bill Petitt (2) 10 770 Raymond Burr (2) 11 114 Matt French Sr. (2) 12 813 Nicolas Lievano (1) 13 411 Chris Bunnell (1) 14 413 Kevin Hahn (1) 15 113 Travis Pepin (1) 16 331 Eric Marshall (1) 17 227 Donald Baham (1) 18 924 Ryan Mcpherson (1) 19 646b James (bob) Loomis (1) 20 613 Dan Draper (1) 21 3 Jose Pinzon (1) 22 2 Sam Frasier (1)
Points 50 50 47 47 45 Points 297 293 280 195 188 106 104 100 97 92 83 50 47 47 47 45 43 43 43 41 41 41
Florida Trail Riders Magazine | 36
I started racing FTR Hare Scambles during 2002-2003 season. My first Hare Scrambles was at Scull Lake and my first Enduro was the 2003 Alligator Enduro. I raced the C250 class .
My favorite Hare Scambles was Bostwick Creek. My favorite Enduro would have to be Richloam. I also enjoyed the Little Brown Jug Enduro.
Jason Roberson photos
This is the second season where I have completed all the races in both series. For me, nothing beats seat time for staying in shape. I do not really do any other form of
For me, nothing beats seat time for staying in shape. I do not really do any other form of exercise. -CH Kevin Moyer photo
exercise. You high pointed the Richloam enduro this year. That’s an awesome achievement for sure. What is it about Richloam that suits you? I have always done well at Richloam. This year the trail was overgrown and not being able to see too far ahead helped to slow the fast guys down. I like a tough technical trail. You have several bikes in the stable. Tell us about them and what situations create a desire for one over the other. This year I bought my first four stroke, a KTM350. I have only owned 250 two strokes and one 200. I really like the 350, but cannot keep from stalling it. So much for the greener grass. My only successful race on the 350 was the PBT & T event. I think I am two stroke forever. Father’s day is around the corner. What plans are on the docket to celebrate all that is great about fatherhood. No specific plans yet. I’m sure most racers are aware we raced on Mother’s Day so my plans will be to do something we both will enjoy. Most likely a trip on the river to soak up some sun. Do you have anyone you want to thank? Any shout outs? I have to thank my wife Joelle when it comes to racing, she is outnumbered. She is always there to help Gage (son) and I to have fun!
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www.floridatrailriders.org for 2013-2014 Visit up-to-date race info
FTR Schedule
or call (352) 538-6291
2013 August 3 BOD and General Membership meetings/Banquet
- Daytona Beach, Ocean Center
August 18 BSTR Enduro #1/Lochloosa* September 1 Greenville Enduro #2/Whitmire, SC Sept. 7 & 8 RCDR Hare Scrambles #1/Maxville Sept. 21 & 22 CFTR Hare Scrambles #2/Bartow October 6 Suncoast Enduro #3/Brooksville October 12 & 13 DDR Hare Scrambles #3/Ormond Beach October 26 & 27 Azalea City Hare Scrambles #4/Bostwick November 3 Perry Mountain Enduro #4/Maplesville, AL November 9 & 10 Sunrunners Hare Scrambles #5/Bartow* Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 Apollo Hare Scrambles #6/Samsula* Dec.14 & 15 OSDR Hare Scrambles #7/TBA
2014 January 4 & 5 Suncoast Hare Scrambles #8/Brooksville* January 18 & 19 Palm Beach Hare Scrambles #9/Okeechobee January 25 & 26 Treasure Coast Hare Scrambles #10/Okeechobee February 2 Apollo Enduro #5/Samsula February 8 & 9 SADRA Hare Scrambles #11/TBA February 15 & 16 SEFTR Hare Scrambles #12/Okeechobee Feb. 23 CFTR Enduro #6/Richloam* March 1 & 2 Big Scrib Trail Riders Hare Scrambles #13/TBA March 2 Sandlapper Enduro #7/Salley, SC March 13 DDR Enduro #8/Ormond Beach* March 22 & 23 NCTB Hare Scrambles #14/Dade City March 29 & 30 Rain Date April 12 & 13 TTR Hare Scrambles #15/Chipley April 26 & 27 Rain Date May 4 Enduro #9/Seville May 10 & 11 Rain Date May 18 FTR Benefit Enduro #10/Heart Island
Red indicates multiple race weekend
Motorcycle Enthusiasts, Inc.
* Indicates King of the Woods event (6) Hare Scrambles Benefit to be determined
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