Top 30 DIY Pest Control

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Top 30 DIY Pest Control

Unwanted pests can ruin the joy you get from your home and garden. When you notice pests in your home, you can make homemade pest control pest products that can help kill the pests—wondering the kind of pest control products you can make at home? Read on to find out.

1. Pepper Spray The smell of pepper scares away pests such as ants. You can mix 1 gallon of water and three tablespoons of cayenne or any other hot pepper flex and simmer for almost 10 minutes. It is best to let the mixture sit for a day before straining but remember to add a couple of drops of detergent to be effective. 2. Garlic Insecticide You can use garlic insecticide to sprinkle on your garden. Mix pepper, onion, garlic and water and place the mixture in a food processor to settle for a day before using it to kill ants and termites 3. Basil Tea If you notice the presence of aphids, you can use basil tea to kill them. All you have to do is boil basil in water and let it cool before treating pests.

4. Vinegar Solution When using vinegar, be keen on it as it causes scorching on plants. To prepare, add vinegar to water and spray on the ants. 5. Neem Mixture This is one of the oldest pest control products. You can prepare it by mixing neem soap with water and let it cool for one hour before using it to kill flies, cockroaches and snails. 6. Salt Spritz When you have vegetable pests, you can make this pest control product by using salt and water. It kills pests such as cabbage worms, mites and critters. 7. Potato Tea If you have potato leaves, you can use them. Cut them and dip them in hot water and cover it in a sunny area. The mixture can later be used to spray on insects such as spiders.

8. Snail Slug Bath Snails are usually drawn to areas where there is beer yeast. You can place a cup of beer next to plants that have snails, and they will automatically die when the beer evaporates. 9. Onion Insect Repellent Suppose you are looking to kill aphids and spiders, op for this solution. Use dried onions peels and soak in warm water for a few days. Later on, sieve to get the onion bits and bury where aphids are. 10. Rhubarb Mixture This solution contains dish detergent and rhubarb leaves. Boil the mixture and apply in the areas there is pest infestation as it kills aphids. 11. Natural Insecticidal Soap Spray Pests such as mites, white flies and aphids can be destroyed using this. By using natural oil soap to make, it will attack their skin and cause them to suffocate. 12. Horticultural Oil Mix Use vegetable oil, water and detergent to prepare this mixture. Shake it well before applying where the pests such as white flies are. 13. Japanese Beetle Bait Trap If you notice beetles, you can prepare this trap by using wine, yeast, banana and water. Place all the ingredients in one bowl and cover it for one day and later open the lid. 14. Eggshells To prevent pests such as slugs and snails from accessing a place you do not want, sprinkle crushed eggshells. Pests usually have discomfort when moving in areas with crushed eggshells.

15. Coffee Repellent When having pest infestation in your garden, ensure to sprinkle coffee leftover. Also, you can ward off damaging pests like beetles by spraying coffee repellent to other plants that have not been affected yet.

16. Wet Newspaper Stacks To quickly kill insects such as slugs, you can attract them by using wet newspaper stacks. Place the wet papers during the night and check in the morning underneath, and you will find them. 17. Borax and Sugar Solution The killing of ants is easy when using borax and sugar solutions. Mix warm water, sugar and tablespoons of borax and place it in the line where ants pass. 18. Dust Mite Oil Repellent To get rid of mites, mix oil, clove, lavender, water, rosemary oil, and eucalyptus and spray your bed. Mites hate this scent and will stay away.

19. Bananas and Tin Foil Chop banana peels and place them under the soil. Other than chasing nasty critters away from the plant, the banana peels will also add nutrients to the soil. By placing foil around your plants, you will also chase aphids away. 20. Citrus Spritz To get rid of pests infesting your vegetables, boil orange peels with water and let them cool. Later, spray it on infested plants to kill flies. 21. Mineral Oil Spritz If you want to get rid of leaf roller, aphids, coding moth and many more, use this solution. You can prepare the solution by using oil and water. 22. Anti-fungal Spray Get oil, baking soda and water and mix to form a solution. Afterwards, spray the mixture on the plants having fungal infections. 23. All-Purpose Garlic Chili Spray Slugs, borers, deer, and rabbits detest garlic; hence you can make chilli spray using pepper and garlic mixture and sprinkle it to your vegetables. 24. Use Citrus Food It is easy to kills pests such as flies and slugs when they are gathered together. You can use grapefruit or bananas to attract them and kill them when they are assembled. 25. Diatomaceous Earth This solution can kill pests like ants, slugs, and snakes. All you have to do is sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the soil where pests are.

26. Pest Prevention Concentrate To control pests such as flies in your home, mix soap dishes with oil. Place it in a container and tightly seal it. 27. Easy Solution Use soap flakes and quart water to prepare an easy solution but remember not to use detergents. After mixing, let it cool before spraying on the ants or aphids. 28. Apple Cider Vinegar Fruit Fly Trap To get rid of flies, use a bottle with a shaker or funnel on top to trap the flies inside. Put apple cider vinegar or apple pieces inside to get rid of the buzzing noise. 29. Tomato Brew You can get rid of grasshopper and white fly by using tomato brew. Crush tomato leaves and soak in later for a few days, and strain.

30. Peppermint Tea Use peppermint essential oil and water to prepare this mixture. After mixing, spray the mixture to ants. The above homemade pest control products do magic to your home. Ensure to use them weekly as excessive usage can affect your plants. Source:

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Published by: NO1 Pest Control Brisbane Phone: 07 3062 7707 Address: 36/71 Eagle Street, Brisbane, 4000 Email: Webmail:

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