EINA - Incomin erasmus portfolio

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Marco Righetto via A. Di Duccio, 14 35134 - Padova Italy ++393286961870 marco.righetto@gmail.com







IUAV Admission Selected works





Visual Design Lab. 1 (prof. G.L. Pescolderung) Visual Design Lab. 2 The magic shop (prof. Giorgio Camuffo)




Creative Thinking Lab (prof. Daniel Eatock)



3D seminar (prof. M. Ciammaichella)



Non commisioned works



Web based presentations & IxD seminars



But we are proposing a reversal of priorities in favour of the more useful and more lasting forms of communication. We hope that our society will tire of gimmick merchants, status salesmen and hidden persuaders, and that the prior call on our skills will be for worth while purposes. First things first manifesto



As you will see in the works, the methodology I prefer to develop a project is the combination of two elements. The first one is the game, because playing is serius. A game needs rules and it is necessary to follow them, until they do not become boundaries to creativity. The second one is the individual responsability: each project is a social one, just because it causes effects on the society we are a part of. Therefore, the whole production and consumption of a design project must be considered: from the choice of the materials and their transportation, to how the object (in a wide conception) will be consumed. Moreover, the designing culture gets to an interesting point only when it finds creative solutions to pushing issues. This is my opinion, as a person, and I try to make it clear in every project, as a designer.


If you ever get close to a human and human behaviour be ready be ready to get confused. Bjork


IUAV Admission - Selected works

Editorial design Logo design Packaging Illustration T-Shirt


Editorial design: A guide to recognizing your saints Designing this book cover I focussed on the most important character of the novel: the NYC underground. This is the reason why I decided to put un the front the stop of Astoria - Queens, the environment in which the story takes place. Moreover, the typography I used (Akzidenz Grotesk9 is a sort of quotiation from the MTA project of the 1970s designed by Massimo Vignelli at Unimark. The choice of a white character on a black background is referred to the change in the underground sign system done in order to stop the growing of graffiti. This final element is represented on the back of the cover, together with the Vignelli map. 8


Editorial design: 1984 Simple and clear images represent what is the Big Brother nowadays. The way in which our informations are detected by using cards seems to be the realization of Orwell’s prophecy; the use of private cameras is so common that I preferred to leave it on the back. I used the less elements I could, so that they can communicate in the most powerful way. Typography: Frankin Gothic (heavy 16pt - book 24pt).



Logo design: Architecture Workshop - Mathias Klotz Logo for the Squero (Gondolas boatyard) Project. Simplicity, visual effect and consonance between the project methodology, the visual result graphically and typographically.


Packaging: Amnesty International Proposal Our work, as designers, can incite a change in behaviours and attitudes towards what happen around us. It is our responsability to give back to the world a result of the privilege we have as “applied intellectuals�.


Packaging: WantED condoms


Sex is a pleasure. Only if it is safe. And it is safe only if the informations are clear. This reason led me to design a brand new package for condoms. They are really different from the others condoms’ packages, in terms of colours, so that no one who buys theese condoms have fear to communicate her/ his passion in love. Moreover, the bodytext of the package was design to promote a clear and simple reading of the instrucions. Images inside :)

Illustration: Still life These skatches represent different human behaviours I usually see underneath the facade of perfectness in many peole aroun me. It is so common, that this is not meant to be a social critique, just a sort of “soul reportage�, to remember the common destiny for the mankind. Take care. 15


T-Shirt: Representing my thoughts On your left you can see that my ridings in Padova are becoming less enjoyable that how they could be, particularly because of cars’ pollution. On your right you should think about of the meaning of St. Mark Square in Venice...



Visual Design Lab. 1 (prof. G.L. Pescolderung)

Typographic experiments Poster


Typographic experiments: Lighttapparella Condensed & Texture Rune Words enlighten our ideas. Language shapes thoughts. I tried to represent these simple consideration with typography. Letters are generated through accomulation, a process which is opposite to the design practice but which look for order in an impossible grid.


A divertissement, a play: leave a codified system to find new rules. The representation of another world through written language and its forms. Illegible typography: a culture that cannot be discover, unveiled yet.

Poster: Spritz (traditional Venetian aperitif) The aim of the poster was to expess a personal point of view on the typical venetian drink, the spritz. This kind of drink is made of wine, water and different liqueurs, according on the region. I tried to communicate how alcoholic drinks distort the perception of the world, in terms of physical perceptions, such as distance and time; but also in terms of the perception of your person as an element of relationships with other human beings.



First proposal

Final artifact



Visual Design Lab. 2 - The magic shop (prof. Giorgio Camuffo)

BeTwin - The magic zip Communication Plan: Object Video - Backstage Typography + Multiple Book Exhibition set and poster


The object: BeTwin, the magic zip The object is a magic zip that let you duplicate yourself. The intent of the Lab was to create a magic object (one object each group), to explore its possibilities and to create a whole communication plan to promote it.


Video: Backstage


Backstage of the video, see the full microfilm @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zts4lJvA448

Typography + Multiple Book



This little book represents visually the core concept of the product, in a small scale (B5). Anytime you open a page you find a meaningful sencence, that starts with the letters of the previous one, until the final - or first - full coloured sentence is completed: “Behind the clouds there is always the sun�.

Exhibition set and poster Under: illustrated work in progres poster proposal Right: me working on the final artifact for the exhibition and main element of the poster




Just enough is more. Bruce Mau


Creative Thinking Lab (Prof. Daniel Eatock)

No smoking sign + Holley Portrait Alternative: Train ticket Recycled air The perspective of a 3y.o. child


No smoking sign + Holley portrait

We were asked to... “Write a short text about yourself (300 words min / 500 words max) include interests, likes, dislikes, future plans etc. 34 To have a no smoking enviroment everyone must do its part. So this is effectively a no smoking sign-ature.

Using black ink make a careful print from your thumb. Enlarged your black and white thumb print to approximately the size of your face. Using a clean sheet of A3 paper, handwrite your text following the contour lines from your thumb print (you can use tracing paper, or thin copy paper) Final result: You should have a combination of your own words, in your handwriting, in the pattern of your finger print forming a personal self portrait.� (http://www.eatock.com/ project/holley-portraits/) This is my final result.

Alternative: The train ticket Padova



10 Mestre

Venezia S. L.


5 10


20 Mira Mestre

Venezia S. L.

Venezia S. L. Mestre

5 10

Venezia S. L. Mestre

5 10






















40 Vicenza




1h. /60

1h. /60

1h. 10

1h. 05 Verona P.N.

1h. 10

1h. 15

1h. 15

1h. 20

1h. 20

1h. 25

1h. 25

1h. 30

1h. 30

1h. 35

1h. 35

1h. 40

Milano Centrale



1h. 05

Milano Lambrate



1h. 40

1h. 45

1h. 45

1h. 50

1h. 50 1h. 55 2h 2h. 05 Chiari

2h. 10 2h. 15 2h. 20

This is an alternative project for the train ticket: the longer the travel, the longer the ticket. Distance is measured in time, and each millimeter of paper corresponds to a minute. The little cicle would be holed to check. Finally, if the train is delayed the passenger recives a refund ticket that corresponds to the delayed time.

2h. 25 Milano Lambrate

2h. 30 2h. 35 2h. 40

Milano Centrale

2h. 45


Recycled Air


10 yogurt tubes 10 indcations printed on recycled paper 10 cover-ingredients printed on recycled paper I decided to sell used empty tubs of yogurt filled just with air, but very precious anyway... Each tub has a single reciepe made with yogurt. All the reciepes are measured with yogurt tubs, therefore you don’t need anything else... than recycled air! The reciepes were divided into two parts: the ingredients were written on the top of the tub; the indications were inside it.

Tzatziki Grate without peeling the cucumbers, put them into a bowl with salt for an hour. Chop the garlic; mix the cucumbers and the garlic, with the minced mint and put a bit of oil. Mix with yogurt until you get a cream. Put in the fridge for at least an hour.

Y-Apple cake Peel and chop the apples, then put them in a bowl with the eggs and the flour; keep mixing adding the sugar, the oil and - in the end - the yogurt. Finally, add the baking podwer and a bit of grated lemon. Cook in pre-hotted oven (180°C) until it becomes amber brown.


Frozen cake Mince the biscuits. Melt the butter in a little pan; then add the biscuits. Spread the mix on a oven paper. Whip up the cream, and slowly add yogurt and sugar. Spread the cream on the biscuits base until it becomes smooth. Finally put in the fridge for an hour and then in the frizer for 45 minutes.

Y-Chicken Put the oil in a pan and wait a couple of minutes; then add the mustard. Put the chopped chicken in the pan and l ow t he fire. Cook until i t starts to become amber brown and then add the yogurt. Mix until the souce becomes a crem. Put in a plate with salt and pepper.

Onion - tomato raita Beat yogurt and milk until smooth. Chop onion and tomatoes and add to yogurt. Add salt and pepper and sprinkle the Chat Masala over, and serve.

The perspective of a 3y.o. child I decided to create a series of elements, divided in categories (animals, mom, house environment), scaled as if a person 175cm tall was a 3y.o. child; which avarage height is 100cm). In this way it is possible to fell how a child see its environment, and therefore trying to design with, think to and get into a different perspective. Moreover, having these illustrations in the studio was very inspiring.


I chose expecially elements that can be represented in two dimension, to avoid a too realistic effect. Here are some photos of mock-ups and real printed illustrations.

In depth Creative Thinking Lab: http://issuu.com/no_id_sign/docs/eatock_guide http://issuu.com/no_id_sign/docs/presentazione05_2



3D seminar (prof. M. Ciammaichella)

Durex Condom Power - video animation: Storyboard Enviroment rendering Particulars rendering


3D Video: Storyboard During the seminar we were asked to create a spot of max 1’30”, using a 3D application (Cinema 4D). I decided to creat a short movie (with C. Giubaldo) to promote the use of condoms, related to a particular brand, which we thought was more close to our visions and ideas in thinking the relationship with sex. The spot was targeted on young people, so we decided to use superheroes that fail in having sex with Jessica Rabbit because they didn’t used condom. In the end, E.T. was the only one who got his point, because of he used condoms. 42

On the right the storyboard of the spot.

The spot starts with an overview of the scene, then we see Superman entering the room from the window and crashing on the bed, on which there is Jessica Rabbit.

Later on we see Flash entering the room and leaving it in only one second; and that’e why Jessica shows her disappointment. The last superheroe coming is Spiderman, but he cannot reach Jessica because he is blocked in his web. Finally, E.T. knocks the door and comes with a condom on his finger. Jessica seems to be quite happy of what is going to happen.


3D Video: Environment


3D Video: Particulars


See the whole video @ http://iuav-cast.blogspot.com/2008/04/durex-condom-power.html

I did it my way. Frank Sinatra


Non commisioned works

Concert poster Party invitation + T-Shirt Drawings


Concert poster


Party invitation + T-Shirt






Web based presentations & IxD Seminars

To see audiovisual works please visit the following links Squero San Trovaso http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVP64uPGur8 Dal Paesaggio Infinito al Frammento Perfetto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gv9RXozJIE Sacca San Mattia, Murano -Venice: Land Architecture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7aa6Xtrg4E Teach Me 2007 - Mike Mills - Ratatat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdfm9tL1OC0 Love affairs http://zooppa.com/contests/8_love-affairs No_id_sign

The results of the IxD Seminars are under copyright; to see them, you are cordially invited to send me an e-mail requesting the work, guaranteeing not to distrubute it without my authorization. Thank you.


Acknowledgements BeTwin: object - concept with Cristina Giubaldo and Sophia Eham video set - with Cristina Giubaldo and Sophia Eham exhibition set - with Cristina Giubaldo and Sophia Eham Durex Condom Power concept with Cristina Giubaldo storyboard illustrated by Cristina Giubaldo


Colophon This porfolio was written and illustrated on a MacBook Pro, and set using Adobe InDesgin CS3. Body text is ITC Officina Sans; headers are Foundry Journal.


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