MCNC-BTOP Round 1 News Clips - 2Q-2010

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Bids sought for broadband project | The Business Journal

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This Was Printed From The Business Journal

Bids sought for broadband project The Business Journal Date: Monday, June 21, 2010, 2:58pm EDT - Last Modified: Monday, June 21, 2010, 3:02pm EDT The group organizing a $40 million effort to expand the reach of a fiber optic broadband network in southeastern and western North Carolina are looking for bids from material suppliers. MCNC said it will select a vendor to deliver materials to project construction sites over the next 24 to 36 months, including 500 miles of fiber, 1,000 miles of conduit plus couplers, posts and grounding rods. The materials will be used to expand the state's fiber network, which connects a number of universities, schools, research centers and others to an ultra-fast broadband network. The nonprofit MCNC received $28.2 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the project and raised $11. million in matching funds. The expansion will touch 37 counties in the state, including Davie and Davidson counties in the Triad. Click here to view the RFP request.

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Site Map • En Espánol

Lending Our Support to the Region’s Communities Serving Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, & Transylvania Counties 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140, Asheville NC 28806 Phone: (828) 251- 6622 • Fax: (828) 251- 6353 • Email: LOS Home | Calendar | Staff | Links | Contact Us Local Government Services ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)

Economic Development • Regional Vision • Restorative Economy • Regional Brownfields Initiative

The purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is to create and save jobs, jumpstart our economy, and build the foundation for long-term economic growth. The Act includes measures to modernize the nation's infrastructure, enhance America's energy independence, expand educational opportunities, increase access to health care, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need. (Source:

Environment • Water Resources • Air Quality • Waste Management • Waste Reduction Partners • Clean Vehicles Coalition

Housing & Community Development • Home Ownership • Housing Directory • Housing Development • Housing Press Release • Funding • Straight Piping Elimination

Land-of-Sky Regional Council is committed to assisting its local governments pursue funding through the ARRA (“stimulus”) opportunities. Land-of-Sky Regional Council is disseminating information and providing technical assistance to determine the appropriate match for ARRA funding and, when appropriate, helping local governments submit grants for local projects. LOSRC has assisted several communities directly with expertise, grant-writing, research, and other guidance about ARRA and related funding agencies. LOSRC has also submitted several grant applications for funding for regional projects. Julie Lawhorn, LOSRC Regional Planner, continues to help staff and the local governments in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania counties access and apply for ARRA opportunities. Contact Julie at or (828) 251-6622 ext. 162.

News ARRA Resources Sources for ARRA Information and Updates ARRA Compliance and Reporting Applications - funded for ARRA grants submitted by LOSRC (or in partnership with LOSRC); Status:

Land Use & Transportation • Getting Around WNC • Land Use Planning • Regional Transportation Options • Rural Planning Organization (RPO) • Strive Not To Drive

funded Applications – submitted for ARRA grants by LOSRC (or in partnership with LOSRC); Status: pending or not funded NEWS - UPCOMING ARRA DEADLINES*

4/30/10- Quarterly reporting data is published on 5/4/10- Technical assistance briefing at Haywood Community College, Waynesville, NC by NCOERI at 2 pm 5/5/10- Technical assistance briefing at Auditorium at Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton, NC by NCOERI at 2 pm 7/1/10- Beginning of next federal reporting period *Not a comprehensive list- visit;; /IPS/OpenBidSearch.aspx; and /or for more information about all ARRA opportunities.

NEWS - RECENT ARRA NEWS AND EVENTS 4/30/10 - Progress Energy Awarded $200 Million ARRA Grant for Smart Grid Project 4/30/10 - The following documents were circulated by the North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery

and Investment (NCOERI) in early April, and may be of interest to local governments and other agencies involved in managing or programming ARRA money- particularly those involved in projects with ARRA money passed through a state agency. -Management Directive #8 from NC Recovery Office -Compliance w/ARRA, Competitive Purchasing memo from NC Recovery Office to NC City and County Managers -Final audit report format 4/30/10 - The North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery and Investment (NCOERI) announced a

series of technical assistance briefings to provide guidance to enhance compliance with ARRA-related procedures. This is an opportunity for any ARRA grant recipient to engage in a conversation with the NC Recovery office and ask ARRA-related questions. Briefings in western NC include: -May 4th at 2 pm at Haywood Community College, Waynesville, NC -May 5th at 2 pm at Auditorium at Western Piedmont Community College, Morganton, NC 4/23/10 - During this week's Sustainable Energy Office in Raleigh, representatives from the State

Energy Office announced that the third round of EECBG grant recipients will be announced in coming weeks and the fourth round of EECBG grant recipients will be announced soon after that. In addition, the SEO reports that at least four new RFPs will be announced soon for building code and evaluation training, transportation (local govt.), transportation (private sector), and residential and small non-profit retrofit projects. 4/23/10 - Energy Star Appliance Replacement and Rebate Program continues through 4/25/10. The

rebates are being funded by ARRA and offered by the State Energy Office through the U.S. Department of Energy. The program allows consumers to replace older refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers with similar new Energy Star-rated items. 4/16/10- ERC Broadband (ERC) and BalsamWest FiberNet, LLC (BalsamWest) announced their participation in the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. The purpose of the $111M initiative is to bring broadband infrastructure to underserved areas of northeastern, north central, far western, northwestern, north central and south central North Carolina. Full press release here. 4/16/10 - Recent, open ARRA grants include: - State RFP: Health Information Exchange Strategic and Operational Plan(for consulting agencies) Deadline: 4/20/10 at 2 pm. - State RFP: Deadline: Cryogen Free Magnet for Emission Mossbauser Spectroscopy(for UNC-A Chemistry Dept.) Deadline: 4/28/10 at 2 pm. 4/10/10 - The State Energy Office published a list of applicants that responded to the recent Student Energy Intern RFP (deadline 3/17/10.

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4/10/10 - Recovery funds to help reimburse businesses, train vision impaired people 3/26/10 - NC to Receive More than $383 Million in Additional Recovery Funds 3/26/10 - ARRA-Funded Water System Projects to Improve Health and Sanitation in Communities in NC

and 19 Other States 3/19/10 - Trade Adjustment Assistance Technical Assistance and Outreach Partnership Grants

-The Department of Labor announced the availability of approximately $1.2 million in grant funds authorized by ARRA to provide technical assistance and outreach to dislocated workers impacted by foreign trade. The eligible applicants are National Employer Associations, National Labor Union Organizations, other Labor Union Affiliates, Non-profit Organizations and National Associations with connections to the TAA program or TAA-certified workers. Deadline: 4/14/10 at 4 pm. 3/5/10 - The North Carolina State Energy Office has designated 35 firms to provide technical

assistance to N.C. Department of Community Assistance designated Main Street Communities. These entities can apply to the North Carolina State Energy Office (SEO) to have one of the designated firms provide assistance with creating a strategic energy plan, responding to the project request for proposals (RFP), and performing preliminary and detailed energy surveys. The fee for this technical service will be paid by the SEO through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding. 3/5/10 - The USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, based in Asheville, is providing nearly $2

million ARRA funds for the economic stimulus effort being administered by Land-of-Sky Regional Council (LOSRC). LOSRC seeks to help underemployed or unemployed forest workers with creative proposal ideas about improving their businesses. More information about the economic stimulus effort and how to submit a proposal is available online. 2/26/10 - The North Carolina State Energy Office (SEO) issued a RFP for the installation of landfill gas

and municipal waste water treatment facilities that capture and convert greenhouse gases (Methane) into energy. Applications are due by 4/5/10 at 2 pm. . 2/26/10 - The Land-of-Sky Regional Council is pleased to announce that the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) will award a Climate Showcase Grant to fund the Reading, Riding and Retrofit (RRR) project. The grant award was $500,000 and will fund part of a larger project designed by the Asheville Hub with community partners. The RRR project will support environmental sustainability in public schools throughout Buncombe County. The project will create energy efficient school building retrofits, transportation system enhancements, recycling improvements and volunteer "Green Teams" to support the schools. The Climate Showcase Grant will directly support the annual reduction of Green House Gas emissions by an estimated 1,129 tons. Land-of-Sky Regional Council will partner with Buncombe County and City of Asheville school officials and other partners to lay the ground work for long term potential reduction of Green House Gas emissions by more than 11,000 tons annually. 2/26/10 - The Land-of-Sky Regional Council is pleased to announce that the City of Asheville received the Local Energy Assurance Planning (LEAP) grant from the US Department of Energy. This is the first time that the Department of Energy will provide grants to local communities for energy assurance planning. The City of Asheville, in partnership with 22 local governments, designed the Regional Fuel Project to plan for economic and emergency service disruptions caused by the fuel shortages in Western North Carolina. This funding will further allow our region to address dramatic, recurring and anticipated future fuel shortages and the need for revised and new energy assurance plans. 2/26/10 - Did you know that the NC Office of Economic Recovery and Investment compiles a list of Federal and State ARRA contracts that are open in NC? Visit the Competitive Grants and Contracts web page for details. 2/26/10 - Governor Bev Perdue announced that 43 contracts totaling $138.3 million have been awarded for highway and bridge projects across North Carolina, including 12 projects funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The N.C. Department of Transportation awarded the contracts to the many local governments in western NC including Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania Counties. 2/26/10 - Governor Perdue announced that North Carolina will receive $152 million in federal Medicaid relief. The funding is part of a nationwide action to provide some budget relief to states, and is made possible by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). 2/18/10 - The North Carolina State Energy Office (SEO) is soliciting proposals for Energy Efficiency Improvements in New Single Family (sitebuilt or manufactured) Homes and Multi-Family Housing. The SEO intends to hire one (1) to three (3) contractors who will be responsible for working with the state to develop, implement, and monitor a state-wide residential energy efficiency program that demonstrates measurable incremental energy savings in new homes. Deadline for questions is 2/26/10 and deadline for the RFP is 3/10/10 at 2 pm. Click here for details. 2/18/10 - The North Carolina State Energy Office (SEO) requests proposals from accredited public and private educational institutions, local and state government agencies and nonprofit organizations for the creation of green energy-related internships and/or fellowship programs in the energy sector that would serve the needs of talented undergraduate and graduate students in North Carolina. Applications for the "Student Energy Internship and Fellowship Program" RFP are due 3/17/10 by 2 pm. All questions about the RFP must be submitted in writing by 3/1/10 by 1 pm. 2/16/10 - Governor Bev Perdue announced this week that the federal high-speed rail grant to North Carolina will create or maintain as many as 4,800 private sector jobs in North Carolina over the next four years, with 1,000 of those expected this year alone as ready-to-go projects get under way. Click here for details. 2/16/10 - Updates from the SEO indicate that no awards have been made for the Renewable Energy Project grant that was issued in the fall. Applications are still under review and no decisions have been made. 2/09/10 - The North Carolina State Energy Office announced the 7th Annual Sustainable Energy Conference. The conference, "Sustainability: Moving Beyond the Federal Stimulus," will be held April 20-21 in Raleigh. 2/09/10 - Do you need help in planning, implementing, and monitoring your energy efficiency initiatives funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009? If so, further assistance is available through another free ICMA-hosted Web training session on March 4, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. ET in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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2/5/10 -The Land-of-Sky Regional Council offers it congratulations to several communities recently awarded ARRA energy grants. Henderson County was awarded $183,101 from the State Energy Office for the ARRA Funded EECBG (Round 2). Awards from the EECBG (Round 2) include six other recipients from across North Carolina. Land-of-Sky staff and it's Waste Reduction Partners' engineers are proud to have played a role in providing technical assistance and guidance to many local governments and school systems during this grant process. WRP staff and volunteers continue to work with local governments, community colleges and K-12 school systems to provide energy audits, building assessments, energy plan development, and grant-writing assistance for energy-related projects. 2/5/10 - More than $4 million in economic recovery funding was awarded to five communities for wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects as a part of ARRA awards. This funding allocation was originally earmarked for other projects but became available when final project costs were less than original estimates. Click here for a list of award recipients and project descriptions. 2/5/10 - The NC Office of Economic Recovery and Investment has released its updated Jobs Impact Report (ARRA) online. 2/1/10 - Organizations wishing to apply for federal stimulus money for broadband projects will have several opportunities in the coming weeks to learn more about the grant process. Several workshops will be offered in early February in Fayetteville, Blacksburg, VA, and Atlanta, GA. Opportunities include: Broadband Incentive Program (BIP) Round II and Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Round II. 2/1/10 - Gov. Bev Perdue announced that North Carolina is receiving $545 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for further development of the Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor, a nearly 500-mile route that will allow trains to travel between Charlotte and Washington, D.C. at top speeds of up to 90-110 miles per hour and an average speed of 86 mph. 2/1/10 - Recent green jobs grant awards include: 1. “North Carolina's Department of Commerce will receive a $5.9 million federal grant to train workers in rural counties for green jobs. The grant, which is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (federal stimulus), was awarded by the US Dept. of Labor. The federal agency announced a total of 34 awards ranging from approximately $2 million to $6 million - to encourage State Workforce Investment Boards to develop workforce sector strategies that target energy efficiency and renewable energy industries as well as other green industries.” (Source: NCSEA eNews Newsletter, 1/27/10) 2. On 1/13/10 the US Department of Labor announced $150 million in ‘Pathways Out of Poverty’ training grants for green jobs including an award to partners in the Asheville area. Congratulations to the local partners on this grant including: Ashville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry, Community Action Opportunities of Madison and Buncombe Counties, IBEW Locals 238 and 728, Asheville Minority Economic Development, Mountain Area BizWorks, Blue Ridge Biofuels, Mountain Area Job Link, Asheville-Buncombe Technical College, Buncombe County Department of Social Services. See p. 26 of grantee summaries for overview of the project or the recent local newspaper article (1/14/10). The grant was awarded to the national organization, Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America, Inc. 1/22/10 - The Land-of-Sky Regional Council offers it congratulations to several WNC communities recently awarded ARRA energy grants. Land-of-Sky staff and it's Waste Reduction Partners' engineers are proud to have played a role in providing technical assistance and guidance to several of the grant recipients. Awards included: 1. Hendersonville, Main Street Energy Grant (State Energy Office), $52,200 2. Morganton, Main Street Energy Grant (State Energy Office), $101,995 3. Spruce Pine, Main Street Energy Grant (State Energy Office), $66,938 4. Morganton, EECBG (State Energy Office), $118,622 5. Valdese, EECBG (State Energy Office), $200,000 6. Buncombe County Schools, EECBG (State Energy Office), $200,000 WRP staff and volunteers continue to work with local governments, community colleges and K-12 school systems to provide energy audits, building assessments, energy plan development, and grant-writing assistance for energy-related projects as a SEO-approved technical assistance provider. 1/22/10 - Gov. Perdue announced that MCNC has received $28.2 million in broadband funding through ARRA to build a 480-mile fiber-optic network for the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The new fiber build will traverse 37 counties in North Carolina. Counties in western N.C. include: Alexander, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Cleveland, Davidson, Davie, Gaston, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lincoln, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Polk, Rutherford, and Transylvania. 1/20/10 - The State Energy Office announced a RFP for the Efficient Appliance Rebate Program. Deadline: 2/5/10. UPDATE: Answers to questions about this RFP were posted on 1/29/10. 12/23/09 -The State Energy Office has released the following three (3) announcements about future ARRA funding opportunities:

43A-2010EENHMF1 -- Notification of Intention to Post RFP for Energy Efficiency for New Site-Built Homes, Manufactured Homes and Multi-family Apartments

43A-2010EESF1 -- Notification of Intention to Post RFP for Energy Efficiency for Existing Single Family and Multi-Family Housing

43A-2010INTERN1 -- Notification of Intention to Post RFP for Student Energy Internship and Fellowship Programs 12/22/09- Land-of-Sky has announced a job announcement for a Forest Stimulus Project manager. For more information select “Working Lands Planning Job” on the LOSRC home page. 12/22/09- The 2010 North Carolina Green Business Fund Solicitation (call for proposals) is now open. Eligibility for the grant is limited to small for-profit businesses, non-profit organizations, State agencies, and local governments to encourage the expansion of small to medium sized businesses with 100 or fewer employees that have innovative commercial technologies, products and services to grow a green economy in the State. Deadline for the receipt of pre-proposals (750 words maximum) is January 19th, 2010. Invitations for full proposals will be issued by the end of January 2010. Email: 12/11/09 - SEO Technical Assistance - The State Energy Office has designated 37 firms to provide technical assistance to government agencies. Please fill out an application in order to access the technical assistance. A list of the firms designated to provide technical assistance, and the areas they have been approved to provide service, is attached to the application (now available online). Waste Reduction Partners is one of the designated firms, however, their name was previously listed as “Land-of-Sky Regional Council” on the list of firms. 12/11/09 -Webinar-The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Assistance Project (TAP) for state and local officials is offering a webinar on how state and local governments can use funding from the 2009 Recovery Act to establish performance contracts for energy efficiency on Wednesday, December 16, from 3:00 to 4:15 p.m. EST. The webinar is titled "Introduction to Performance Contracting." Register to attend the December 16 Webinar. The Web seminar is free of charge, but you must register in advance to obtain a URL

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for the presentation and call-in phone number. You can register online, find information about the presenters, and read background materials and reports on the TAP Webinar section of the DOE Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Web site. 12/09/09 - Webinar - An “ARRA Reporting for Projects Administered By Local Agencies - Update Webinar” will be offered on December 15th from 2-3:30 pm and December 16th from 10- 11:30 am. This Webinar provides an update for Monthly Project Status and Employment reporting that the North Carolina Department of Transportation is requiring for all projects administered by local agencies with Contractors/Subcontractors performing work on projects that include the use of any ARRA funds. This webinar is designed with recipients of NCDOT funding (ARRA) in mind. Local agency representatives and their respective NCDOT contacts are requested to attend. Register for a session now by clicking a date: Tue, Dec 15, 2009 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST or Wed, Dec 16, 2009 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST. 12/9/09 - Recovery Zone Bonds - Dempsey Benton, Director, Office of Economic Recovery & Investment issued a memo regarding the Recovery Zone Bonds 'Notice of Intent' Deadline: Dec. 15. This information can be accessed at the NC Recovery Web site or /pdf/RecoveryZoneBondsReminderMemo.pdf. 12/9/09 - The North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery and Investment published an online “Guidebook” that outlines North Carolina ARRA activity in detail. ARRA- related Management Directives, Reports, and Workshop presentations are also available at this website. 11/20/09- The State Energy Office announced the release of the RFP for the competitive EECBG. The application is now available online. 11/19/09 at 2-3:15 pm- NACo will host a webinar entitled "ARRA and Rural Broadband Partnership Opportunities." This webinar will offer an overview of private, nonprofit and public sector partners that are interested in partnering with counties on broadband deployment projects. Click here to register for the Webinar. 11/18/09 - The City of Asheville will offer an ARRA Vendor Support Session at the Asheville Municipal Building (Police & Fire Station) 100 Court Plaza, 4th Floor on November 18th. This event will update vendors on how to access information on ARRA grant funding. Two sessions on the status of ARRA grant funding and opportunities will be offered (9:30-10:30 and 11:30-12:30pm). Q & A will follow each session. Parking is available in the County Parking Deck off College Street, the deck off Biltmore Avenue and metered street parking where available. For more information, contact Brenda Mills. 11/12/09 at 1 pm - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will host the first in a series of webinars to support ARRA recipients who are launching energy efficiency and renewable energy financing programs. This session will highlight some of the resources that are now available and will review a range of financing program options that cities and states can consider. Participants will learn about: The activities of the DOE’s Financing Technical Assistance Team; key guidance on use of ARRA funds to launch financing programs; tips for effective program design; and the financing program options available. to register: /eecbg - click the "register" link next to "event status" on the left hand side of the screen 10/21/09 - The Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses – generally known as the HUB Office – is offering a free webinar on Oct. 21 from 10 am- 2pm. The HUB Office committed to advocating for minority, women and disabled-owned businesses in their efforts to conduct business with the State of North Carolina. This information is important for local businesses and ARRA grant administrators and funding recipients. Businesses may be interested in learning about the certification how to receive notification of funding opportunities, contracts, and grants. The training is relevant to ARRA recipients because ARRA contracts have requirements related to notification, outreach, and reporting business with HUBs. To access the webinar please register by sending your name, address, company name, and email to or fax it to 919-807-2335. On the day of the webinar, visit, and then click the icon for “webinar.” The webinar is interactive, so participants may submit questions via phone, fax or email. 10/21/09 - The Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses – generally known as the HUB Office – is offering a free webinar on Oct. 21 from 10 am- 2pm. The HUB Office committed to advocating for minority, women and disabled-owned businesses in their efforts to conduct business with the State of North Carolina. This information is important for local businesses and ARRA grant administrators and funding recipients. Businesses may be interested in learning about the certification how to receive notification of funding opportunities, contracts, and grants. The training is relevant to ARRA recipients because ARRA contracts have requirements related to notification, outreach, and reporting business with HUBs. To access the webinar please register by sending your name, address, company name, and email to or fax it to 919-807-2335. On the day of the webinar, visit, and then click the icon for “webinar.” The webinar is interactive, so participants may submit questions via phone, fax or email.

10/15/09 - The City of Asheville, AB-Tech Small Business Center, and other regional business support agencies hosted the “ARRA Business Support and Information Seminar.” The presentations and fliers from this event are now posted online. The workshop addressed ways that private businesses can seek out, register for notification of, and apply for government contracts resulting from ARRA and non-ARRA opportunities. The information included overviews of: AdvantageWest Advantage Opportunity Fund Buncombe County’s ARRA Activities City of Asheville’s ARRA Activities Self Help’s Portfolio Loans, New Golden Leaf Loan Program SBA loans List of Participating Agencies and Contact Information (includes Asheville SCORE, NCDOT, Mountain BizWorks, Cherokee Business Development Center, and many more) Steps and Resources for Contracting with Federal Government And much more!

9/24/09 - The State Energy Office announced two new ARRA-funded Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Details of the RFPs can be found at Non-profit Energy Management Grant Fund (ARRA) (RFP #200901040) –Deadline: 10/30/09 at 2 pm. The NC Main Street Energy Grant Fund (RFP#200901019)- The “Main Street” program will fund energy

efficiency and renewable energy initiatives for small businesses and industries. This program seeks to boost economic development in small towns, including those in rural areas. Energy initiatives will complement existing economic development tools and support regional job creation. Eligible communities are those designated by the N.C. Commerce Dept., (Division of Community Assistance, Main Street Center) as N.C. Main Street or Small Town Main Street communities. Deadline: 11/18/09 at 2 pm. 9/24/09 - National Forests in NC and ARRA. Approximately $2.25 million in ARRA funding will support national forests in NC restoration projects. More information is available through this press release or by contacting Alice Cohen at 9/24/09 - Montreat was one of the recipients of the reallocation of about $7.7 million in economic

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recovery funding to 12 communities for “green” drinking water projects and two communities for wastewater infrastructure projects as a part of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act awards. 9/18/09 - U.S. Senator Kay R. Hagan (D-NC) announced that Western North Carolina is receiving a $100,000 investment for its clean energy industry. The funding has been allocated by the U.S. Department of Commerce through the Economic Development Administration (EDA). It will go to the Land-of-Sky Regional Council, a planning and development organization, to fund a clean energy asset mapping study for the region. The EDA seeks to meet the economic development needs of communities and prepare American regions for success in the worldwide economy. 9/14/09 - The US Department of Energy announced up to $454 Million for Retrofit Ramp-Ups in Energy Efficiency. Of this amount, $390 million will be for competitive grants for neighborhood-scale building retrofits. This competitive portion of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program will target community-scale retrofit projects that make significant, long-term impacts on energy use and can serve as national role models for grassroots energy efficiency efforts. Eligible applicants for the $390 million funding allotment are the same as for the formula EECBG program, however, as currently proposed, there will be only a few large awards made nationwide. The second component of this funding will include $64 million for the units of local government and Indian tribes that are not eligible for the direct formula grants. These funds are intended to help expand local energy efficiency efforts and reduce energy use in the commercial, residential, transportation, manufacturing, or industrial sectors. Currently the plans for this funding are outlined in a Request for Information (RFI) and the US DOE is accepting feedback on this proposal through 9/28/09. A formal Request for Proposals (RFP) or Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will be released after that time period. The non-profit group, Climate Communities, is collecting feedback and submitting comments to the US DOE, but comments can be made directly to the US DOE by email through 9/28/09. 9/9/09 - Green-for-All hosted a webinar, entitled "American Recovery & Reinvestment Act - A Webinar for Small Businesses and Non-profits. “The video of the webinar is available here. 9/9/09 - The School of Government at the University of North Carolina offered a webinar to address the reporting and contracting requirements for local government purchases and projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), including advertising requirements; mandatory contract provisions; information on where, how, and what to report; and a review of ARRA-related terminology. The panelists will provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding ARRA-funded projects, and will give participants the opportunity to ask additional questions. For more details and to register for the webinar, visit the course page: 8/31/09 - The Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) has been awarded $12.9 million in federal grant funding to support clean vehicles, fuels and infrastructure development for the Carolina Blue Skies and Green Jobs Initiative. The Carolina Blue Skies and Green Jobs Initiative will provide support for alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure projects by collaborating with five alternative fuel partners in the Carolinas: Triangle Clean Cities Coalition (TCCC), Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition (CFCC), Land-Of-Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition (LOS-CVC), North Carolina Solar Center, and Palmetto State Clean Fuels Coalition (PSCFC). The initiative is also supported by the NC and SC State Energy Offices, the NC Biofuels Center, the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. Carolina Blue Skies will include vehicles and fueling infrastructure for electric, hybrid-electric, compressed natural gas, propane, E85, and biodiesel fuels and technologies. Triangle Clean Cities estimates that this Initiative will displace over 750,000 gallons of petroleum annually while creating and preserving over 300 jobs and jumpstarting local economies in both states. Up to forty-two (42) project partners across both states will receive grant funding to purchase advanced technology vehicles and install alternative fueling infrastructure. Please note that other funding opportunities for alternative fuel projects are expected to be released soon. For more information or to discuss project ideas please contact Bill Eaker

8/27/09 - Broadband and WNC. Applications for ARRA funding for broadband projects were submitted mid-August 2009. The total funding requested through ERC for broadband in WNC was approximately $39 million. Applications included both middle-mile and last-mile projects. The purpose of the ARRA broadband grant applications is twofold – to increase broadband access and build up rural broadband infrastructure. ERC Broadband and its partners (Country Cablevision and Balsam West) completed applications for broadband expansion to impact five counties directly: Buncombe, Graham, Mitchell, Yancey, and McDowell Counties. Other surrounding counties are expected to receive indirect benefits from the expanded fiber infrastructure. In addition, MCNC, the state's K-20 educational network, requested funding to build middle-mile fiber in Buncombe, McDowell, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania, and several other western NC counties. A total of $7.2 billion is available in ARRA funding for broadband initiatives with $4.7 billion to be allocated in the first of three funding cycles. If selected for further consideration under the first round of funding, applicants will complete a more extensive evaluation to begin in mid-September. Then award notifications will be sent out in mid to late October and funding will be allocated at the end of 2009. For more information on the broadband grant opportunities visit: 8/21/09 - The North Carolina State Energy Office has released two Request for Proposals (RFPs) – one for technical assistance providers (for energy surveys and plans) and another for Renewable Energy Projects for the installation of solar, wind, biomass, and hydropower systems that use commercially available technologies. Please note that the deadlines are 9/14 and 9/21 respectively. The State Energy Office provided two updates to the recently released Request for Proposals for Renewable Energy Projects for renewable energy proposals. One addendum announced the new deadline as September 21, 2009 at 2 PM. The other addendum announced changes to the RFP. For more information visit

8/21/09 - If you have received $25,000 or more in Recovery Act funds you are required, under Section 1512 of the Recovery Act, to report on the expenditure of those funds. Register now at in preparation for October 1 when the reporting process begins. Recipients of funds received under the Recovery Act may now register at 8/14/09 - Land-of-Sky Regional Council of North Carolina has been selected by the US EPA to receive $660,000 to provide loans and subgrants to help carry out cleanup activities, redevelopment projects, and create jobs for local residents living near brownfields sites. This grant was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 8/4/09 - Materials from the workshop on “Energy Planning for Local Governments” presented by the Land-of-Sky Regional Council in anticipation of ARRA grants by the State Energy Office and other funding agencies are now available online at

8/14/09 - Funds provided under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) for Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects were awarded to 24 projects including the following awards in Western North Carolina: ·

City of Asheville, Buncombe County, biodiesel offsets, $30,000


Western NC Regional Air Quality Agency, Buncombe County, diesel controls on fire trucks, $31,500


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· Federal Government Recovery Act website – Stimulus Guidance · Directories of Federal government funding opportunities: and · ARRA Spending in NC · NC Office of Economic Recovery and Investment (OERI) · North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery and Investment (OERI) published a list of ARRA non-competitive (formula) funding distribution by county in NC in a spreadsheet which indicates the funding from major ARRA sources. This report reflects activities as of August 18, 2009. Other allocations are still to be made and will be reflected in subsequent updates. · List of ARRA funding for various sectors compiled by NC Recovery Office · North Carolina’s Interactive Purchasing System – Select “Purchase and Contract from the “Purchasing Agency”

drop-down menu. The search results show the open solicitations. Recovery opportunities will be listed in blue ink. · NC League of Municipalities – Stimulus Guidance · NC Association of County Commissioners – Stimulus Guidance SOURCES FOR ARRA INFORMATION AND UPDATES

To receive ARRA-related news and funding notices consider subscribing to the following email list serves: · Local Government Environmental Assistance Network - LGEAN Email Update · North Carolina League of Municipalities Federal Stimulus Email Updates - sign up at · · Solicitations newsletter – compiled by Washington State University Extension Energy Program. Email for regular updates on energy-related funding opportunities. · Receive notifications of new grant opportunity postings and updates on ARRA COMPLIANCE AND REPORTING On June 22, 2009, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published its final guidance on reporting requirements for stimulus funds. This guidance details the information that every primary recipient of stimulus funds must include in each quarterly report and provides a template for reporting data. The first quarterly report is due on October 10, 2009. The next quarterly report is due January 10, 2009. Visit for more information and review the following documents: · Implementing Guidance · Reporting template

Additional ARRA compliance and reporting resources include: The Office of the White House offers Webinar Training Materials The North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery and Investment ARRA guidance: · Management Directive #3 (published 5/5/09) – (scroll down to page 3) · Management Directive #6 (published 7/21/09).

The NC Department of the State Treasurer guidance: · Contract Provisions for Procurement (published 6/8/09) · ARRA Reporting (published 9/11/09).

UNC-CH School of Government compliance and reporting guidance: · School of Government blog about ARRA · Guide to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funding for North Carolina Local Governments ARRA FUNDING SUMMARY SHEETS (BY TOPIC) –PAST DEADLINES · Fire Station Construction Grant - deadline: 7/10/09 (updated 7/28/2009) · Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing grants US HUD- deadline:

early August (updated 7/7/2009) · NTIA Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) – deadline: 8/14/09

(updated 7/15/2009)

· USDA Rural Utilities Services (RUS) Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) – deadline: 8/14/09 (updated

7/14/2009) · Renewable Energy Projects –State Energy Office - deadline 9/21/09 (updated 9/5/09) · Green Jobs Training Grants - deadlines: 9/4/09 and 9/30/09 (updated 7/15/2009)

→ Understanding the Competitive Grants for Green Jobs Training (Download now) · US Fish and Wildlife Services Grants – deadlines: September 2009 (updated 7/15/09) ·US DOE Local Energy Assurance Planning (LEAP) Initiative – deadline 10/8/09

(updated 7/30/2009) · Non-profit Energy Management Grant Fund (ARRA) –State Energy Office - deadline 10/23/09 (updated 9/24/09) · Energy – State Energy Program and EECBG (updated 6/30/2009) · Energy – All ARRA and non-ARRA funding (updated 7/30/09) · Community and Economic Development (updated 6/30/2009) · Economic Development Administration (EDA) ARRA grants (updated 6/30/2009) · USDA Rural Development Grants (updated 7/8/2009) · Supporting Healthy Communities through ARRA (updated 7/8/2009) · NC Main Street Energy Grant Fund State Energy Office - deadline 11/18/09 (updated 9/24/09)

Copyright 2004. Land-of-Sky Regional Council. All Rights Reserved. Webmaster:

12/7/2010 9:15 PM

MCNC accepting proposals for broadband network expansion project :: E...

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Local Tech Wire Posted Jun. 21, 2010 at 2:12 p.m.

MCNC accepting proposals for broadband network expansion project

MCNC Local Tech Wire RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – MCNC, the operator of the state-wide North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN), is looking for contractors to help expand the broadband network. MCNC is accepting requests for proposals for work to be done in southeastern and western N.C. The non-profit organization is expanding NCREN through a $28.2 million federal grant as well as contributions from itself and private sector partners. RFPs will be accepted through 5 p.m. on July 9. MCNC is looking for suppliers of 500 miles worth of fiber, 1,000 miles of conduit, and other fiber optic network related equipment. The RFP information can be found at this site. Get the latest news alerts: Follow LTW at Twitter.

Copyright 2010 Local Tech Wire. All rights reserved. Tags: Broadband, Internet, MCNC

Editor’s Blog The latest blog posts from our Local Tech Wire and WRAL editors.

12/7/2010 9:16 PM

MCNC launches search for more contractors to expand network :: Editor’...

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Local Tech Wire Posted Jun. 3, 2010 at 7:04 a.m.

MCNC launches search for more contractors to expand network

MCNC Local Tech Wire RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – MCNC is looking for contractors to provide high-speed expertise to its network expansion project. The RTP-based organization runs the North Carolina Research and Education Network. The state-wide grid is being expanded with internal funding and the help of private sector partners as well as $28.2 million in federal funding. The new request for information that MCNC has posted is for optical network design. MCNC plans to expand its high-speed fiber backbone in southeastern and western N.C. “MCNC seeks to understand how each respondent would engineer and operate the new network in concert with the existing NCREN network in the most cost-effective and seamless way possible,” MCNC said. The RFP can be found here. The deadline for responses is June 18. Get the latest news alerts: Follow LTW at Twitter. Copyright 2010 Local Tech Wire. All rights reserved. Tags: Broadband, Internet, MCNC

Editor’s Blog The latest blog posts from our Local Tech Wire and WRAL editors.

12/7/2010 9:16 PM

MCNC looking for broadband project information from vendors :: Editor’...

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Local Tech Wire Posted May. 11, 2010 at 1:46 p.m.

MCNC looking for broadband project information from vendors

MCNC Local Tech Wire RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – MCNC, which has received a federal grant to build more broadband access in North Carolina by growing the N.C. Research and Education Network, is looking for information from vendors related to its expansion program. MCNC will accept responses through May 28. The project is for constructing additional fiber that would be linked to NCREN, which is operated by MCNC. Applicants must register online at the MCNC Web site where the project information page is located. MCNC received an initial grant of $28.2 million in January for some 500 miles of new fiber construction. MCNC is seeking an additional $78 million in federal funds in a project called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. If funded, this proposal will bring broadband infrastructure to even more rural areas. If the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative receives funding, MCNC will be able to build a $111 million broadband fiber network that will include 1,448 miles of new fiber through 69 counties North Carolina. Sixty-seven of the 69 counties currently are classified as underserved or partially underserved for broadband connections. Get the latest news alerts: Follow LTW at Twitter. Copyright 2010 Local Tech Wire. All rights reserved. Tags: Broadband, Internet, MCNC, Telecommunications and Wireless

Editor’s Blog The latest blog posts from our Local Tech Wire and WRAL editors.

12/7/2010 9:15 PM

MCNC seeks contractors for $28.2M project | Triangle Business Journal

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This Was Printed From Triangle Business Journal

MCNC seeks contractors for $28.2M project Triangle Business Journal - by Brian Austin Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 12:01pm EDT Research Triangle Park-based MCNC is looking for contractors interested in designing an optical cable network in rural southestern and western North Carolina. The request for information opened Monday and will continue until June 11. The project is part of MCNC’s effort to expand networking access across the North Carolina education system, work funded by a $28.2 million grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. MCNC is looking at vendors’ plans to engineer and operate new fiber paths that will work with existing N.C. Research and Education Network capabilities in a cost-effective and seamless way. • Click here for more information via the MCNC Web site.

12/7/2010 9:16 PM

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12/7/2010 9:17 PM

Process to expand optical network moves forward |

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Process to expand optical network moves forward Published: Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 11:17 a.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 11:17 a.m. An expansion of an optical network in Davidson and 36 other counties in North Carolina has moved a step closer to being implemented. MCNC, an independent nonprofit organization that seeks to improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina’s K-20 education community, is accepting requests for information related to the optical network design for the North Carolina Research and Education Network Southeastern and Western North Carolina Fiber Expansion Project. This RFI is intended to gather information from vendors related to the design of an optical network that would utilize new fiber paths being constructed by MCNC to expand the footprint and capabilities of the existing NCREN network. Those interested in more information should register at for download of the RFI. Submissions to answers related to the RFI must be submitted by June 18. Questions may be sent until June 11 to MCNC received $28.2 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. It will fund the engineering and construction of approximately 500 miles of new fiber in rural southeastern and western North Carolina to expand the optical footprint of the NCREN. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material may not be re-published without permission. Links are encouraged.


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12/7/2010 9:17 PM

With $28M to spend, MCNC seeks vendors | Triangle Business Journal

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This Was Printed From Triangle Business Journal

With $28M to spend, MCNC seeks vendors Triangle Business Journal - by Frank Vinluan Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 1:51pm EDT - Last Modified: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 3:54pm EDT MCNC is looking for vendors that can help the nonprofit expand the footprint of the statewide North Carolina Research and Education Network Research Triangle Park-based MCNC announced Tuesday that it is seeking requests for information, or RFIs, related to acquiring materials needed for the fiber optic network. In January, MCNC was awarded $28.2 million in broadband stimulus funds to expand the network in 37 counties in western and southeastern North Carolina. The plan calls for installing up to 500 miles of fiber optic lines. The network provides broadband communications technology services and support to school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. The deadline for filing an RFI is May 28. Potential applicants must register online to access the RFI. More information can be found at MCNC’s Web site,

12/7/2010 9:13 PM

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