Report from the Field: Deploying Broadband Infrastructure in North Carol...
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Report from the Field: Deploying Broadband Infrastructure in North Carolina Posted on Wed, April 13, 2011 by Andy Spurgeon, Federal Program Officer
As part of BTOP’s comprehensive oversight of its grant recipients, I recently spent several days in North Carolina conducting an on-site review of two broadband infrastructure projects. Local broadband provider MCNC received two BTOP grants that together will fund deployment of more than 2,000 miles of
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BTOP in Action
California Emerging Technology Fund Representatives from BTOP recipient California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) spent the weekend...
new fiber infrastructure. The new infrastructure will reach 69 counties and directly connect more than 500 community anchor
institutions across the state, including universities, hospitals, and public safety facilities. To date, MCNC has deployed more than 140 miles of conduit, with plans to begin running fiber-optic cable through the conduit in the coming weeks. During my visit, I examined MCNC’s project management approach, project status, grants management procedures, financial practices and controls, and compliance with BTOP and Recovery Act program requirements. My review included a productive series of meetings with MCNC that after two days of rolling up our sleeves yielded a better understanding of our shared objectives and the challenges associated with deploying and managing statewide projects. State Broadband Data & Development Grant Program
Figure 1: Construction crews at work to place conduit in the vicinity of existing buried utilities. MCNC has had up to 160 construction workers on site.
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Figure 2: A plowing and trenching crew installs fiber along the Rocky Mount to Greenville route. I closed the visit with a half-day field inspection of portions of MCNC’s Rocky Mount to Greenville route. This included stops to observe crews installing conduit along the route. Here, I saw first-hand the day-to-day difficulties involved in network construction, as a bolt on the plow sheared off due to difficult terrain, causing a brief work stoppage. It was rewarding to speak with these crews and construction project managers, whose jobs are a direct result of the Recovery Act. While there are 160 workers on site now, MCNC expects Recovery Act dollars will fund additional crews this summer.
4/15/2011 1:32 PM
Report from the Field: Deploying Broadband Infrastructure in North Carol...
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4/15/2011 1:32 PM
Data Steward Be a reliable source of information for the R&E networking community
Be the Convener for member and community forums
Advocate for regional and state research and education networks
Quilt Goals
About The Quilt
Build an Agile Organization to support our members in a fast changing networking landscape Foster a collaborative environment
Founded in 2000, The Quilt is a not-for-profit collaboration of our country’s advanced regional networks. It is a vibrant forum where leaders of these organizations meet with their peers to innovate, share best practices and explore new ideas with one another to collectively advance networking for research and education in the U.S. Based on its members’ combined experiences in operations and development of leading edge technologies, The Quilt aims to influence the national agenda on information technology infrastructure with particular emphasis on networking. Through its collaborations, The Quilt promotes the delivery of networking services at a lower cost, higher performance, greater reliability and security. The Quilt is a member-powered organization. It derives its funding and organizational support from contributions and volunteer efforts of its members.
A Letter from the President The last year proved to be a very distinctive year for our country’s advanced regional research and education networks with the release of federal funds through the National Telecommunications and Information Agency’s Broadband Technologies Opportunity Program and the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Research Infrastructure Program. Both of these programs aim to expand broadband opportunities for our country’s community anchor institutions as well as further the advanced research infrastructure for our country’s higher education institutions. These areas are the cornerstones of the work Quilt member organizations have performed for decades in support of providing advanced networking capabilities to their members. As recipients and sub recipients of BTOP grants, seven Quilt members collectively received $483 million in grant dollars, not including matching funds, for broadband projects. In addition, eleven of our members are actively involved in the planning and deployment of the BTOP initiatives in their state or region. Three of our members received NSF ARI awards to deploy leading edge 100Gbps networks. These funds provided many of our members with an unprecedented opportunity to increase capacity to existing members and to extend their networks into rural areas of their states that were otherwise too cost-prohibitive to reach. As a result of these projects, extraordinary partnerships have developed between our members and private companies, many of which are local telecommunications providers. These partnerships not only create the opportunity to connect thousands of additional community anchor institutions to our member networks but also for partner telecommunications providers to share this infrastructure to provide broadband services to residences and businesses that was not previously possible.
In support of our members in this area, The Quilt found itself quite focused on three of its Guiding Principles in the last year: • fostering a collaborative environment • advocating for regional and state research and education networks and • acting as a data steward for collecting information about our member organizations The Quilt established a member and community forum to share information about the BTOP program. In this forum, members exchange ideas and provide information on their own efforts to deploy these grant funded projects. Through these efforts, The Quilt saw its members at their best. The support and cooperative spirit among the consortium was immeasurable and our work together this year was a valuable reminder of the stake we all share in the success of one another’s organizations. This edition of the Quilt Circle is filled with stories about our members in action in their communities, supporting advanced research, education, healthcare, and economic development through their advanced, high-capacity networks. These stories highlight our members’ participation in the NTIA and NSF programs and feature the on-going work of our members to fulfill their public service missions. All serve as wonderful examples of the dedication and high level of support these organizations provide for their members. We are grateful to all for sharing their stories with us. As The Quilt embarks on its second decade of working with our members, we look forward to our continued collaboration on topics of key importance to our country’s advanced regional and state research and education networks.
Jen Leasure Jen Leasure President and CEO
Member organizations collaborate to collectively advance research & education networking. We collaborate by: » Developing and exchanging best practices » Solving problems together » Sharing information » Developing the newest advancements in networking Examples » Hosting community workshops, e.g., optical networking workshop series » Providing a collection of member business model cases » Convening the TelePresence working group
The Quilt serves a single point of contact to engage partners on behalf of our members and their work. Examples » Federal Policies such as the FCC’s national broadband plan » Federal funding sources such as the National Science Foundation and Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) » Industry Partners such as optical equipment providers
Members leverage the collective consortia knowledge and buying power, contributing to the value each member proviedes to their participants. Knowledge Broker » Support organizational review projects by peers » Source of aggregate data about our country’s R&E networks Buying Consortia » Commodity internet services (CIS) » Network Equipment » Since 2002, members have saved a total of $68,000,000 on CIS
Members and Board of Directors Albuquerque GigaPoP (NM) Gary Bauerschmidt
LONI (LA) Lonnie Leger
OARnet (OH) Paul Schopis
CENIC (CA, NV, AZ) Dave Reese
Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (DC, VA, MD) Abdella Battou
OneNet (OK) James Deaton
Florida LambdaRail (FL) Veronica Sarjeant
Merit (MI) Don Welch
Oregon GigaPoP (OR) David Crowe
Front Range GigaPoP (CO, WY) Jeff Custard
MOREnet (MO) Chip Byers
OSHEAN (RI) George Loftus
Great Plains Network (OK, SD, KS, MO, NE, AR) Claude Garelik
MREN (IL) Joe Mambretti
PNWGP (AK, HI, WA, ID, MT) Amy Philipson
NCREN (NC) Joe Freddoso
Southern Crossroads (AL, GA, FL, MS, SC, TN) Ron Hutchins
Indiana GigaPoP (IN) Dave Jent KanREN (KS) Cort Buffington
Network.Virginia (VA) Richard Hach
Three Rivers Optical Exchange (PA, WV) Wendy Huntoon
KyRON (KY) Doyle Friskney
Northern Crossroads (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) Michael Krugman
Utah Education Network (UT) Jim Stewart
LEARN (TX) Mike Phillips
Northern Lights (MN) Myron Lowe
WiscREN (WI) Dave Lois
NYSERNet (NY) Tim Lance
Quilt Staff Jen Leasure President and CEO
Jennifer Griffin Program Coordinator
Š2011, The Quilt
Acknowledgements The Quilt wishes to recognize and thank its associate member, MIDnet, for its contributions to this publication. The Quilt also wishes to recognize and thank our member LONI and Andrew Parrino of Louisiana State University for his exceptional support in crafting this publication.
Ocean Observatories Will Make Use of CENIC and PNWGP 10-Gigabit Peerings with Amazon Web Services In an effort to control cost while expanding services for their members, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) and Pacific NorthWest GigaPoP (PNWGP) are collaborating to provide two 10 Gigabit per second (Gbps) connections to the Amazon Web Services: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). S3 provides a web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web and gives developers access to the same scalable, reliable, fast and inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. EC2 features a web service interface that allows researchers to obtain and configure the massive compute resources that innovative research requires.
including elasticity to deal with a highly variable demand. So we focused on core measurement processing as well as distribution and presentation of the data. This led to a shared model where some work could be managed by academic computing and other work by commercial clouds.” The OOI will monitor and forecast environmental changes in the oceans on global, regional and coastal scales. Scientists will be able to extrapolate from data gathered by an array of more than 50 diverse sensor types and other scientific instruments that will communicate through permanently installed seafloor cables and satellite telemetry. Scientists will then be able to share data with their colleagues around the world via OOI’s networked cyberinfrastructure, which is being implemented by a team of computer scientists, engineers and geophysicists. In the long run, hundreds or thousands of researchers will benefit from the new high-bandwidth connections between California Research and Education Network (CalREN) and PNWGP’s networks and Amazon Web Services. “We anticipate that many OOI users will need Amazon’s cloud,” said OOI CI’s Matthew Arrott.
Among the first users to benefit from access to Amazon Web Services will be researchers participating in the $400 million National Science Foundation-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) project. The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is building the information technology and telecommunications infrastructure that will bring ocean and atmospheric sensor data from the observatories and make them available to environmental researchers around the country and throughout the world. Research teams in California will have the option to do their storage and computing on their own machines or remotely on Amazon S3 or Amazon EC2. Early on, OOI CI researchers recognized that given the scale of the initiative, it would be too expensive and unwieldy to manage all storage and computation via the traditional model of building large, dedicated data centers. “We always envisioned cloud computing as a key component of our implementation strategy,” said John Orcutt, OOI CI Principal Investigator and a professor of geophysics at UCSD’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “At our core, we are a sensor network, and, with streaming data from sensors, we need both continual and periodic computation,
About CENIC: California’s education and research communities leverage their networking resources under CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California, in order to obtain cost-effective, high-bandwidth networking to support their missions and answer the needs of their faculty, staff, and students. CENIC designs, implements, and operates CalREN, the California Research and Education Network, a high-bandwidth, highcapacity Internet network specially designed to meet the unique requirements of these communities, and to which the vast majority of the state’s K-20 educational institutions are connected. In order to facilitate collaboration in education and research, CENIC also provides connectivity to non-California institutions and industry research organizations with which CENIC’s Associate researchers and educators are engaged. For more information see www.cenic. org About PNWGP: PNWGP is a not-for-profit, advanced networking organization whose roots go back to the creation of the original Internet. PNWGP provides state-of-the-art broadband, optical, and other networking as well as direct peering and exchange capabilities. These offerings serve to interconnect nearly all of the major research institutions and many other schools and colleges in Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, Montana and Idaho to one another and all of the USA national research and education networks. Further international connectivity is facilitated via the Pacific Wave distributed international peering facility which PNWGP operates with CENIC, and in which most of the research and education networks in countries around the Pacific Rim participate. For more information see
Prairie Light: Next Generation Optical Networking for Mid Continent Science The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded three universities in Kansas $1.176 million over two years to upgrade KanREN, the research and education network in Kansas. The University of Kansas (KU), Kansas State (KSU) and Wichita State University (WSU) will collaborate on a project that will directly benefit research by increasing available bandwidth and increasing reliability of the network. Researchers in Kansas have depended on the network since it’s inception to enable and enhance their research. The upgrade will further enhance and enable research within Kansas and beyond its borders by allowing exchange and analysis of large data sets and increasing the ability for researchers to collaborate.
“The NSF EPSCoR-funded ‘Prairie Light’ 10 Gbps upgrade to KanREN is a foundational piece for a Kansas Science Commons on which researchers at institutions of higher education can build stronger research collaborations through broader sharing of sophisticated instruments and computing resources. Students will learn in an environment rich with tools and expertise,” said Donald F. “Rick” McMullen, director and senior scientist for research computing at KU. “This next-generation research network will enable activities that maximize national and state investments in computing infrastructure at individual campuses by making them easier to share and to build into distributed research collaborations.” Specific research projects that will benefit from the upgrade include: • Ecological Forecasting in the Great Plains, a collaboration between the University of Kansas and Kansas State University • The cyberCommons for Ecological Research, a NSF-funded collaborative project between KU, KSU, the University of Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State University; • Climate Change and Energy: Basic Science, Impacts, and Mitigation, the newly funded initiative that consists of a collaboration among four Kansas universities— KU, KSU, WSU, and Haskell Indian Nations University—the economic growth organization Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation and several private sector companies • Fundamental network research through an NSF GENI collaboration between two universities in Kansas and other member institutions in the Great Plains Network. About KanREN: Kansas Research and Education Network (KanREN, Inc.) is a non-profit consortium of colleges, universities, school districts and other organizations in Kansas, organized for the purpose of facilitating communication among them and providing themselves with connectivity to the Internet via a statewide TCP/ IP network.
Photo Courtesy of Rick Summerhill
Quilt Fact 40% of Quilt members are organized as 501(c)(3).
MOREnet’s Desktop Video Pilot Spurs Innovation in Missouri The Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet) is helping schools and other organizations communicate around the world. In 2010, MOREnet launched a pilot program using Desktop Video Services. Much like traditional video rooms, the end user can communicate two-ways, both with the videoconference room and other desktop end users. Using the Polycom Converged Management Application (CMA), which is designed for its compatibility to H.323 videoconferencing, the desktop end-user only needs to download an application and use a webcam. By itself, the technology is exciting, but the pilot demonstrated to MOREnet some of the innovative and useful ways its members used this new application. Eight MOREnet members were part of the pilot program utilizing more than 50 endpoint licenses. A user in a state agency office used the video desktop service to provide live video hearings to commissioners in a public hearing setting, allowing the commissioners to participate in the hearings without leaving their offices. One commissioner even attended the public hearings using CMA from China. A Missouri K-12 member used the software, a laptop and a webcam so a high school student could attend his classes after a debilitating car accident. Another K-12 member is using the software to record high school courses so any absent student can log in from home and watch what he or she missed in school. Gone are the days when expensive equipment and video rooms are needed to maintain a course online. With a camera and the help of MOREnet’s Network and Video Services, videoconferencing and video courses are accessible to almost anyone. MOREnet plans to launch this new service to its members in Fiscal Year 2012.
Today, MOREnet has evolved from focusing on Internet service delivery to a consortium-driven organization deploying and supporting the technology resources members need to be successful. MOREnet provides such essential services as technical support, videoconferencing support, technical training and network security. From advanced communication tools and online resource databases to network configuration and assessment, MOREnet is committed to supporting and enabling its members’ missions through the use of technology to enhance opportunities for public access, learning and research. About MOREnet: MOREnet is a consortium of schools, public libraries and higher education institutions, originally formed through collaboration between the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Secretary of State’s Office and the Department of Higher Education. MOREnet, which operates as a separate business unit within the University of Missouri, was created in 1991 to deliver secure, reliable and robust Internet connectivity to its member organizations. For more information see
Quilt Fact The Quilt member representatives are invaluable resources to the communities they serve and to one another. As one of its member services, The Quilt’s offers a Peer Review Service which draws upon its members’ expertise to facilitate reviews upon the request of our member organizations and their boards. These peer review efforts provide Quilt members with important benchmarking information and recommendations for specific areas of their operations. MOREnet recently utilized The Quilt’s Peer Review Service to receive input from a panel of Quilt members sharing their expertise and recommendations on potential changes to the MOREnet organization and its membership structure.
The Front Range GigaPoP: A Valued Partner in Advanced Networking For over 12 years, the Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP) has advanced the research and educational goals of government, nonprofit, and educational members and other institutions in the Rocky Mountain region by establishing and maintaining a unique multi-state network infrastructure that is owned and controlled by the FRGP member research and education community. The FRGP is a key collaborator at the state, regional, and national levels providing advanced networking for its members. Current collaborations that highlight the important work and contributions of the FRGP to advanced networking include: 1. The Western Regional Network (WRN) - The Front Range GigaPoP, along with the Pacific Northwest GigaPoP, New Mexico/University of New Mexico, and the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California announced the formation of the Western Regional Network. WRN is a multistate partnership providing robust, high-speed networking for research, education, and related uses through the sharing of network services among communities across the western U.S. WRN provides cost savings by providing intra-region peering, efficient and cost-effective commodity Internet services, TR/ CPS connections, and shared NLR and Internet2 services in addition to diverse backup connectivity options. 2. UCAR Point of Presence (UPoP) - The UPoP is a consortium of institutions hosted by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, that shares wide area network services, intra-FRGP traffic, commodity Internet, and Internet2 access. The UPoP has substantially contributed to the growth of the FRGP as one of its largest single users. In the last 4 years, UPoP has added 13 members. This dynamic growth is expected to continue in 2011 as one of the newest UPoP members will be the Colorado Telehealth Network, which will connect hundreds of health care related sites throughout Colorado as a result of an FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program award. More growth is also expected to come from the Educational Access Gateway Learning Environment Network a public-private partnership that brings broadband service to school districts, libraries, and community anchor institutions across Colorado. Colorado’s Centennial Board of Cooperative Educational Services, as the sponsoring entity of EAGLE-Net, received a $100 million Round 2 BTOP grant. 3. Bi-State Optical Network (BiSON) - With stimulus funds from the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Research Infrastructure program, the BiSON recently completed an upgrade to support 10Gbps, 40Gbps, and 100Gbps capabilities on a resilient fiber ring spanning sites in Colorado and Wyoming. The BiSON partners are the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Boulder, and the University of Colorado Boulder. The upgraded BiSON ring will include connections to the NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC) currently
being constructed outside Cheyenne, Wyoming. NWSC will house one of the world’s fastest supercomputers for scientific research and will provide advanced computing services to scientists across the nation in a broad range of disciplines, including weather, climate, oceanography, air pollution, space weather, computational science, energy production, and carbon sequestration. It will also house a premier data storage and archival facility that will hold, among other scientific data, unique historical climate records. About FRGP: The FRGP is a consortium of Universities, nonprofit corporations, government agencies, and secondary members behind primary FRGP members who cooperate as part of a Regional Optical Network (RON) in order to share wide area networking services including the commodity Internet, Internet2, National Lambda Rail (NLR), and peering connectivity.
Relevant links: Front Range GigaPoP Western Regional Network UCAR Point of Presence Colorado Telehealth Network EAGLE-Net NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center
Merit Network – Building 2,287 Mile-Long Fiber-Optic Network Extension in Michigan with Key Interconnection Points in Wisconsin and Minnesota In 2010, Merit Network, Inc. was granted two federal stimulus awards to build a fiber-optic network extension in Michigan that will also provide the region with critical backhaul to connection points in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Rural, Education, Anchor, Community and Heathcare – Michigan Middle Mile Collaborative (REACH-3MC) is a collaboration between Merit and commercial sub-recipients that will create much-needed, middle-mile infrastructure in many parts of the state. REACH-3MC is funded through the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Merit’s portion of REACH-3MC fiber will allow state and local governments, universities, schools, libraries, healthcare facilities and other community anchor institutions to connect to Merit’s private, high-performance network, enabling them to lower costs, consolidate services and provide more to Michigan’s citizens. Merit’s existing fiber infrastructure combined with the new REACH3MC network infrastructure creates a robust foot¬print in the state, providing Michigan with a strategic asset to leverage in the future. Merit members will soon have the opportunity to take advantage of Merit’s statewide fiber infrastructure.
The REACH-3MC network includes fiber across the Mackinac Bridge and the Upper Peninsula. Diverse paths, providing muchneeded redundancy to the region, will terminate at the University of Minnesota Duluth and University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. This will connect Merit’s network with the networks of neighboring BOREAS-Net, Northern Tier Network and WiscNet. Leveraging these connections, REACH-3MC will provide direct fiber-optic connections between research and education networks from Alaska to Ohio. About Merit: Merit Network, Inc., a nonprofit corporation owned and governed by Michigan’s public universities, owns and operates America’s longest-running regional research and education network. In 1966, Michigan’s public universities created Merit as a shared resource to help meet their common need for networking assistance. Since its formation, Merit Network has remained on the forefront of research and education networking expertise and services. Merit provides high-performance networking solutions to Michigan’s public universities, colleges, K-12 organizations, libraries, state government, healthcare, and other non-profit organizations.
LEARN’s National Weather Service Partnership The National Weather Service (NWS) and Lonestar Education and Research Network (LEARN) recognize the critical importance of collaboration with public, private and academic partners to achieve our mutual public service mission. Nearly 5,000 NWS scientists, forecasters, technicians and support personnel work closely with the emergency management community, media and other partners to prepare for and mitigate the impacts of natural or man-made events. Weather prediction and warnings help protect our nation’s infrastructure, and climate forecasting contributes to the management of the nation’s water resources, energy supply and food security. During the next decade, weather, water, climate and environmental information will play a greater role in the decisions we make as individuals and as a society. The information will affect significant decisions, including the quantity and quality of water we need, the quality of the air we breathe, generation and distribution of renewable energy and safe passage on our country’s highways, railways, over the sea and in the air. It is all designed to make our lives safer, healthier and more productive.
The NWS has responded to changes in the way people communicate and share information by using new technologies to make weather information more accessible and interactive. The LEARN network plays an essential role in the dissemination, communication and validation of critical NWS forecasts and warnings to the public. The partnership between NWS and LEARN provides critical, reliable and trusted weather, water and climate information to foster a safe, healthy and weather-wise society. About LEARN: The Lonestar Education And Research Network (LEARN) is a consortium of 36 organizations throughout Texas that includes public and private institutions of higher education, community colleges, the National Weather Service, and K-12 public schools. The consortium, organized as a 501(c)(3), connects these organizations, and over 500 affiliated organizations, together with high performance optical network services to support their research, education, healthcare and public service missions. LEARN is also a part of a national community of research optical networks, and provides Texas connectivity to the national and international research and education networks.
New Network Supports NOAA’s Data and Computing Advances From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information when they need it. To get better weather forecasts and climate predictions, better models are needed. Better forecasting models depend on tremendously large data sets and the computing power to analyze the data. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is spotlighting a third crucial element—a powerful secure network that connects the modeling researchers with their data and supercomputing centers. To do that, NOAA is building N-Wave, its nationwide, high-capacity data transfer network. Now 10 years in the making, NOAA’s N-Wave is a stable and secure network that can send the information contained in two hours of YouTube video in a single second. N-Wave enables the agency’s world-class weather and climate modeling research and development. N-Wave will vastly improve information exchange among large NOAA research and operational sites, helping the agency meet its mission to better understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage the nation’s coastal and marine resources.
When the High-Performance Computing Program at NOAA determined the need for a consolidated agency-wide network resource to meet its advanced research connectivity requirements and supplement operational connectivity requirements, who could it rely on to build such a network? The answer was a very straightforward one: NOAA would utilize the network facilities provided by our country’s regional and national research and education networks. N-Wave’s creation and success is dependent on “the partnerships and long-term relationships among NOAA and the research and education network communities,” said Jerry Janssen, project director. Highly scalable and cost-effective, the network can expand as needed, using fiber-optic links supplied by partners in the national science network community including several Quilt members , Internet2, the Global Research Operations Center (GRNOC) and the National Lambda Rail.
Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX); Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP); North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN) managed by Microelectronics Center of North Carolina MCNC; Pacific Northwest GigaPoP (PNWGP); Florida Lambda Rail, LLC (FLR); Oklahoma’s telecommunications and information network OneNet; and the Lonestar Education And Research Network (LEARN).
MCNC is Connecting North Carolina’s Future Today Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN) expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC’s sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the expanded infrastructure has the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families.
As a part of the sustainable business plans for MCNC’s two BTOP awards, MCNC collaborated with North Carolina Information Technology Services (ITS) to provide rural broadband connectivity and services to create the North Carolina Telehealth Network (NCTN). The customer partners within the NCTN combined four FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program awards into two phases that provide discounted broadband services in the first phase to public health offices and free clinics, and to non-profit hospitals in the second phase. Program awards total $12.1 million. The NCTN will be focused on the emerging needs of North Carolina and will connect health care facilities with high-speed bandwidth to support leading-edge health care throughout the state, especially in rural areas. These services provide the size, reliability, and security needed for daily health data sharing in addition to supporting disaster preparation and recovery activities. About MCNC: Founded more than 25 years ago, NCREN was one of the nation’s first statewide education and research networks. NCREN currently has 338 connections in North Carolina servicing 2,500,000 users in public education (1,450,000 in K-12; 850,000 in Community Colleges; and 200,000 at universities). NCREN also serves the broadband needs of many health care community anchor institutions in the state. The demand for bandwidth among health care and education institutions grows annually between 20 and 40 percent. And, the applications these institutions operate require a level and type of connectivity not commercially available to optimally perform. For more information on MCNC and its BTOP projects visit
Quilt Fact 64% of our members are involved in BTOP initiatives
NYSERNet: Building Community to Industry and Government with Strong Collaborative Links Today’s global challenges such as energy, climate change, health care, financial modeling and technology are issues subsuming disciplines, institutions, sectors, and nations that increasingly compel our collective response. Research on these issues requires very different computing and networking resources from the early days of research and discipline specific applications. Today’s global challenges and research require the ability for cross-disciplinary, cross-global teams to move large amounts of data to many locations to share among many individuals. In New York, NYSERNet is a key initiator and stakeholder in fostering collaboration among a community of stakeholders in research efforts within the state. New York’s research enterprise includes first-rank public and private higher education institutions, hospitals in the vanguard of medical advances, IBM, GE, Corning and Kodak’s research headquarters, and many other major corporations with a significant research presence in New York (e.g., Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Xerox, Welch Allen) as well as a myriad of smaller companies, a significant number of these in university incubators. Though individual researchers at universities and hospitals have long had industry partners, the NYSERnet Board of Directors made a commitment early on to actively outreach as a community to industry and government and to explore the possibility of forging stronger collaborative links. Combined with the commitment of the heads of IBM research and by NYSTAR, New York’s funding agency for science and technology, the state of New York is making valuable progress. Researchers and research administrators from academe, industry and government have convened twice to date to address obstacles to successful collaboration. These concentrated meetings yielded clear near term objectives. The need for “bridging” people in order to connect experts in high performance computing or other advanced technology with specific disciplinary training was universally acknowledged as was the need to identify and support researchers whom high performance computing would benefit. Another significant result was the awarding of a grant to create a network of such facilitators by NYSTAR to Rensselaer, Buffalo, Brookhaven/Stony Brook, and NYSERNet. The need for continued investment in advanced, shared tools to address grand challenge problems was also recognized, a priority that, despite budgetary challenges, people within Governor Cuomo’s administration at the highest levels have now reaffirmed.
This collaboration has improved our mutual understanding of the coupling of computers to process research data and an advanced network with unique capabilities to handle the massive data flows. As part of this research cyber infrastructure, NYSERNet plays a crucial role in continuing to provide a research network that equals the rapidly growing data flow demand, to sustain its global peering point in Manhattan, to contribute to international discussion regarding such facilities’ nature and function, to understand the academic and corporate research community’s needs, and to ready the network resources required. About NYSERNET: NYSERNet is a private not-for-profit corporation created to foster science and education in New York State. Its mission is to advance network technology and related applications to satisfy needs common to the institutions comprising New York State’s research and education community, providing a forum for exploration of the opportunities and challenges these innovations present. More information on NYSERNet can be found at www.
Relevant links: first ‘Shaping a Cyber Infrastructure for New York’ conference second ‘Shaping a Cyber Infrastructure for conference
Quilt Fact 100% of our members serve public universities and colleges
Ocean State Libraries and OSHEAN Awarded $1.2M Federal Stimulus Grant to Fund 600 New Library Computers and Mobile Computer Centers In February 2010, Ocean State Libraries (OSL), in partnership with OSHEAN, was the sub-recipient of a Federal Broadband stimulus grant awarded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The $1.245 million grant will provide over 600 computers and printers for public service and public access. One hundred new laptops, equipped with Internet connections will be used to establish twelve mobile computing labs that will be housed and shared at various library locations. In addition, the grant will provide central libraries and their branches with new state-of-the-art routers and switches, ensuring that each site will have upgraded bandwidth capabilities. The grant, awarded as part of the Federal Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) will expand the libraries’ capacities to offer public-use of personal computers, enable expanded employment training and workshops, and provide streaming, video conferencing and an archiving ability that will allow libraries to offer classes in one location while sharing content at another. “Being able to simulcast our programming from one library to others and to archive sessions so they can be reviewed later or seen by someone who cannot attend the scheduled classes brings great economies of scale to the efforts in our libraries and brings broader access to our citizens,” said Lisa Davis, OSL Assistant Director.
“Receiving the BTOP stimulus grant represents an unprecedented opportunity for the citizens of Rhode Island,” said Joan E. Gillespie, OSL Executive Director. “We are also very grateful to the state Office of Library and Information Services for their help and to the Champlin Foundations for providing matching funds for this grant and for their ongoing support of RI libraries. They have truly built the backbone of library technology in Rhode Island.” In times of library funding cuts, these grant awards will strengthen the libraries’ abilities to serve the citizens of Rhode Island better than ever. About OSHEAN: OSHEAN Inc., (pronounced ocean) is a consortium of non-profit organizations that was formed to foster the development of a communications infrastructure for Rhode Island’s research, educational, health care, and public service community. OSHEAN is committed to developing network expertise among its member organizations and to creating an environment that encourages collaboration through shared resources, information and expertise.
It has been estimated that over 36,000 library patrons will utilize the newly upgraded computers each week. Bi-lingual trainers will enable libraries to provide workshop training opportunities to a large part of the community; more so than ever before. Before the grant award, library branches used public computers for class training sessions. This limited and often interfered with the allotted amount of time available for community members to use the computers. Now, with the new mobile labs, branches can hold classes when and where they want without disturbing a patron’s computer time.
Quilt Fact 74% of the membership serve public libraries
UEN’s Broadband Infrastructure Serves Students and Educators and Saves Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Utah Education Network (UEN) is actually two networks. One —a robust broadband data network—connects Utah schools and districts, charter schools, colleges, universities and public libraries. The other—a diverse network of educators, leaders, engineers, accountants, programmers and communicators—drives the thinking and research that the broadband network enables. Both networks work together to serve Utah teachers and students, saving Utah taxpayers millions of dollars annually. Both networks embody UEN’s mission statement, “We network to create educational opportunities, connect people and collaborate with partners in serving Utah Communities.” For example, the UEN statewide Learning Management System (LMS) will transition from Blackboard Vista to Instructure’s Canvas LMS over the next two years. UEN’s success with Blackboard wins praise from Chuck Wight, Dean of the University of Utah Graduate School. “The central hosting model has worked very well for us, because UEN is able to devote a small but extremely capable team of system administrators to the task.” “The LMS selection committee’s decision is a win-win-win for the state of Utah,” says UEN’s CEO and executive director Mike Petersen. “It’s a win for Utah students and faculty who gain a stateof-the art Learning Management System at a competitive price. It’s a win for Utah-based Instructure, who created an excellent product, and it’s a win for all Utah citizens who benefit from the economic development made possible by a well-educated cadre of college students. The Canvas contract combined with the efficiencies of central hosting will save the state more than $1.5 million annually. In a time of increasingly tight budgets, we deliver exceptional value for every dollar spent.” Another example of UEN’s technical and human synergy is the Network’s extensive Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) system. From July through December 2010, UEN provided more than 23,000 events and meetings for public education, higher education and state government. More than 3,000 of those were concurrent enrollment events in which high school students take college level courses, earning high school and college credit simultaneously. Students pay less than $100 to register for the program and save thousands in college tuition costs. State agencies benefit from UEN bandwidth. The Utah Division of Rehabilitation Services has saved an estimated $600,000 annually in per diem, lodging, mileage and increased productivity using its own teleconferencing equipment over UEN’s infrastructure. Since the network leases most of its circuits from commercial telecom providers like Qwest, CentraCom Interactive and South Central Communications, UEN earns Federal E-Rate discounts for services provided to public schools and libraries. The E-Rate program reimburses about $7 for every $10 the state spends on many circuit costs, generating substantial savings.
Utah State University (USU) would have paid more than $12.6 million to lease circuits at telecom tariff billing rates. With UEN’s statewide contracts and discounts, net circuit costs are about $1.7 million. The Network saves Utah taxpayers about $11 million annually for this institution alone. Working side-by-side, UEN’s broadband data network and its human network deliver mission critical services to educators and students ranging from preschoolers to seniors citizens. As Utah enters the second decade of the 21st century, UEN’s motto to connect, create and collaborate is a reality for the taxpayers it serves. About UEN: The Utah Education Network (UEN), based out of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, provides high-speed connectivity to more than 200 rural classrooms and positively impacts the lives of more than 530,000 public education students throughout the state. In addition the network provides high-speed connectivity to all ten state-owned colleges and universities. That includes more than 220,000 higher education students. From kindergarteners through graduate students UEN provides mission critical connectivity to more than 750,000 Utah students. For more information on UEN, see
Albuquerque GigaPoP Expands Network Services to Navajo Nation Albuquerque GigaPoP (ABQG) has expanded network services to two Navajo Nation educational institutions in the state of New Mexico. Navajo Preparatory School, also known as Navajo Prep, and Navajo Technical College (NTC) have acquired telecommunication services and Internet access to advance education and research. Both schools serve a diverse population of American Indian students who travel from areas located in and around the Four Corners region of the state and from other American Indian tribal communities. Both schools are now members of ABQG’s List of Collaborators and have access to commodity internet. NTC and Navajo Prep are now equipped with reliable, efficient, and affordable technology to create new tools to deliver education, enhance curriculums, and extend networks to the un-served and underserved in their areas, continuing the mission of ABQG—to enhance education and research. New Mexico remains a mostly rural state with major population centers in seven separate areas spread throughout the state. The ABQG vision includes support the Wire New Mexico initiative bringing Internet connectivity to all of New Mexico with the help of ABQG participants. State-wide networking reduces the amount of “hops” (routers determining traffic flow) around the nation on the Internet by keeping the network traffic in-state. By developing these types of collaborations, leveraging technological assets, reducing duplication and sharing large bandwidth access, ABQG is assisting in “unleashing new waves of innovation” to encourage network access to rural locations throughout the State of New Mexico.
About: Located in Farmington, New Mexico, a few miles outside the Navajo Nation, Navajo Prep is the only Navajo sanctioned, college preparatory school for American Indians. With a 90% success rate of students attending higher education, the school offers an advanced curriculum in science, math and technology, along with the traditional academic subjects. Based on the foundation of Navajo (Diné) philosophy and a strong appreciation of the Navajo language, culture, and history, Navajo Prep students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to become leaders of their people and role models for future generations. Formerly known as Crownpoint Institute of Technology (CIT), Navajo Technical College (NTC) is a two-year tribal technical college located in a quiet rural area in Crownpoint, NM on the Navajo Nation. With campuses in Crownpoint, NM and Chinle, AZ, NTC offers a variety of courses, programs, and services to meet an individual’s needs to earn a certificate or associate degree. Recently, NTC received approval from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association (NLC-NCA) to provide two (2) four-year degree programs: Applied Science degree in Information Technology and Registered Nursing. These new bachelor degree programs will meet the demands for jobs involving the computer sciences, information technology, digital media and registered nursing. About the Albquerque GigaPoP: ABQG is a state-of-the-art interconnection facility established by the Information Technologies group at the University of New Mexico in collaboration with New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Council for Higher Education Computing Communication Services (CHECS) and the New Mexico State Agency of IT. It is designed to serve research and education programs in New Mexico. ABQG is the on-ramp for high speed National Networks. These high speed networks are the National Lambda Rail and Internet2. Additionally, access is available to commodity Internet and peering to keep in-state traffic local.
Photo Credit: American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC)
Quilt Fact 96% of Quilt members serve K-12
Ohio Library Repository Thrives in the Cloud OARnet’s cloud computing service infrastructure; benefits extend worldwide
Ohio campuses are treasure troves of knowledge, but valuable resources are often hidden. With the Digital Resource Commons (DRC), scholars worldwide have a single access point to the research, historic and creative materials produced at Ohio’s public and private colleges. The multi-institution academic repository shifted into the cloud last year, thanks to the combined efforts of the Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK), and OARnet, Ohio’s research and education network. The DRC is just one of many programs actively running on OARnet’s private cloud computing service, created in 2010 to consolidate the system infrastructure for the Ohio Board of Regents and five of its shared services partners, including OhioLINK and OARnet. OARnet centralized the partners’ processing and storage requirements, thereby creating a shared environment that meets their requirements while reducing costs for hardware, software and staff. The American Library Association Office recently selected the DRC project as one of four winners of its America’s Libraries for the 21st Century award, which honors cutting-edge technologies in library services.
The DRC model demonstrates that libraries and consortia can create cloud-computing environments that meet their needs and expand their services,” said John Magill, executive director of OhioLINK. Each member organization can design its DRC instance to match its main website with the flexibility to administer it remotely. The system uses DSpace open source software to store more than a 250,000 items from 17 institutions; it serves more than three million page views annually to visitors from 138 countries. “The DRC’s success highlights how consolidating systems and moving access to a virtual infrastructure not only saves expenses, but also improves flexibility, storage, development and staffing needs,” said Pankaj Shah, executive director of OARnet. “Moreover, this savings is above and beyond the $3.7 million the University System of Ohio saves or avoids with OARnet’s cloud computing shared service.” About OARnet The Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) provides technology solutions for Ohio’s education, public broadcasting, health care and government communities. For more than 20 years, OARnet has identified and deployed shared services that reduce costs, deliver quality programs, increase productivity and improve customer service. Our communities voluntarily participate in the OARnet consortium because they value these benefits and services. Ultimately, OARnet promotes community and economic development by expanding access to affordable technology.
Quilt Fact 42% of the membership offer cloud services and 58% offer data center services
SCinet: The Fastest Computer Network in the World For one week in November 2010, New Orleans was home to the fastest computer network in the world. The network, SCinet, is created each year for SC, the international conference for networking, storage, analysis and high performance computing. Over 100 individuals from the research and education community volunteered their time and expertise to provide a production 100 Gbps wide-area circuit and to build a wide-area network infrastructure capable of delivering 260 Gbps aggregate bandwidth to enable exhibitors to demonstrate some of the most advanced computing applications and services. If this network were available to the general public, a user could download the entire Library of Congress’ collection of books in about 30 seconds.
This year vendors loaned approximately $23M in equipment to build SCinet. Volunteers have the opportunity to attend the conference, to learn first hand from industry experts, to gain handson experience, to explore new technology, and to meet a broad range of experts in related fields. Each year SCinet volunteers survey the network landscape to bring to bear innovative, cuttingedge advances in networking to enhance the SC experience.” Linda Winkler, Senior Network Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory and SC10 SCinet Routing Co-Chair. To learn more about SC11 to be held Nov 12 - 18, 2011 in Seattle, Washington, see http//
But there is more to SCinet than the speed. Planning and building the network builds knowledge and experience in the research and education community as the SCinet committee members must address interoperability, power, routing, measurement, security, wireless communications, and wide-area transport on a grand scale. When the volunteers return to their institutions, their knowledge and expertise are shared broadly and the research and education community as a whole benefits. “SCinet is a remarkable undertaking. Volunteers including scientists, engineers, researchers and students from the United States, Canada, and Europe representing universities, industry, government, and US national laboratories collaborate in a yearlong effort to plan each year’s event. The wide range of activities which make up the SCinet effort provides opportunities for participants to work with equipment vendors and commercial and research networks around the globe to design, build and showcase state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions that support the networking needs of all attendees, exhibitors and demonstrations.
Quilt Fact 92% offer technical support, consulting and/or training
The Quilt 2442 NW Market Street #68 Seattle, WA 98107
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Google Fiber doesn't mean Googletown forever ::
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Posted: April 28, 2010
Google Fiber doesn't mean Googletown forever Get News Alerts to your Email & Cell Phone Headlines
RALEIGH, N.C. — A lot of people in the Triangle and around the U.S. want Google Fiber to come to town, but even if a city or region lands a project, that doesn’t mean Google will be around forever providing ultra-fast access.
Internet's 'father' evangelizes about the Net Raleigh hosts Web visionaries for week-long conference
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Vint Cerf, Google’s Internet evangelist and one of the people who built the Internet’s infrastructure, came to the Triangle on Wednesday to address the WWW 2010 conference. After evangelizing about all the wonders to come during his keynote address, he said in an interview that Google has no plans to build its own network. So let’s say someone names children after Google’s cofounders – as a certain Raleigh City Council member has promised to do – and the City of Oaks becomes Googletown, the names might not have meaning for long.
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“We are interested in trying to cover as many of the technological challenges as we can,” Cerf said. “If we pick 10 sites that are all the same in terms of challenges, we might not get the range of experiences we are looking for.
‘We really have no interest in turning (Google Fiber) into a business that we operate.” Cerf couldn’t say how many applications had been received by Google about the project, although he said there had been “many.” But he did make clear that even the ones selected for the fiber pilot project shouldn’t expect Google service techs to be a 911 call away. “Our first objective is to demonstrate that a wholesale model can be made to work,” Cerf said of providing Internet broadband. “The second is to document what problems arise," he said. “The providers make their cost claims, but there isn’t any third party collaboration about what those costs might be. The best way to assess the costs and problems is to go build something.” Even a company as wealthy as Google “can’t possibly” afford to build the infrastructure to wire the U.S., let alone the world – and Google is a global company, Cerf noted. “We’re not in the business of creating this kind of infrastructure,” he added. So why expend capital on testbeds? “We know that access, particularly high-speed access, is an important aspect of the Internet experience," he said. "We would rather create enough intellectual understanding to allow others to engage in that (broadband) business.
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“Today, we rely very much on service providers around the world to enable our users to reach us, but they don’t pay us. Our customers who do pay us want uses to access their products and services," he said. “If we’re going to make investments, they have to be in applications that are appealing to users and to our customers.”
Cerf, who knows a great deal about networking infrastructure from his days at the old MCI, said Google would like to deploy, test and then turn over the broadband lessons learned to true providers.
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“Anything that we can do to help the providers build a credible case for Internet access is in our best interest,” he said. Cerf nodded when asked if he was aware of how eager several groups in the Triangle and North Carolina were to be chosen as part of Google Fiber. Asked if he’d put in a good word for the Triangle, he nodded again. Referring to North Carolina’s efforts at broadband in the past and today through MCNC’s expansion of the N.C. Research and Education network, Cerf said the Tar Heel state is on his radar. “North Carolina has a very good track record of academic and government infrastructure construction,” Cerf said. “I sort of hope they will be a model for other states to follow.” Google already has its own major investment in North Carolina – a data center in Lenoir – so the company already knows how to do business in the state’s political realm. So could Google Fiber come to Raleigh, Durham Chapel Hill-Carrboro, Greensboro or Asheville?
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Google Fiber doesn't mean Googletown forever ::
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SOURCE: Daily Advance (Elizabeth City,NC) AUDIENCE: 14,511 [provided by Nielsen//NetRatings] DATE: 04−07−2011 HEADLINE: Broadband group seeks last−mile providers Source Website Broadband group seeks last−mile providers By William F. West Staff Writer Thursday, April 7, 2011 Two members of a new nonprofit group told Albemarle business leaders Wednesday that they need help bringing the "last mile " of broadband Internet service to small businesses and rural residents. Noel Preston and Paul Tine, both of Kitty Hawk and both board members of Northeast Broadband, were the speakers at Wednesday (TM)s quarterly luncheon of the Albemarle Area Committee of 100. Typically "last mile " is a phrase used to describe the technologies and processes needed to connect an end customer to a communications network. Because of the challenges involved, achieving this last mile of service is usually expensive. Northeast Broadband (TM)s mission is to work with potential last−mile providers as part of the multi−million−dollar broadband project being spearheaded by the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina. "Now, the challenge is, typically, that the last−mile providers are going to be in a for−profit area or a co−op type of arrangement, " Preston said. "And the challenge for them is to find a way financially to get out to where they need to get for the unserved and under−served " to have reliable broadband Internet service. The broadband project is being funded with $76 million in federal stimulus funding as well as a $24 million grant from the Rocky Mount−based Golden LEAF Foundation. The "middle mile " of the project is going to provide broadband Internet access to Elizabeth City (TM)s and Pasquotank (TM)s governments, along with Albemarle Hospital, College of The Albemarle and Elizabeth City State University. Preston said MCNC is expected to soon request a proposal for a wholesale marketer for the middle mile, with the winner to be responsible for marketing the lines to the last−mile providers. Preston said the middle mile is expected to be complete in the Albemarle by late next year. Tine said the bottom line is that northeastern North Carolina is going to have fiber that is not in the hands of telecommunications giants, with potential service at reduced rates. Tine said that while such companies make profits for themselves and their stakeholders, there are areas they do not feel would provide a return on investment, including many in parts of northeastern North Carolina. Of the last mile, Tine said, "We don (TM)t care who does it. We just want to get that infrastructure there " because of the many potential jobs on the back end compared to the handful on the front end.
Elizabeth City City Manager Rich Olson told Preston and Tine that it is not going to do any good to have the last mile in a low−income region such as the Albemarle if the cost is going to be unaffordable for consumers. "You cannot get that unless you have competition at the final mile, " whether it is public or private, Olson said. "We also need to ensure that, in the middle mile, that there is adequate capacity left. " Olson said he could see the middle mile becoming a commodity "and being sold to the highest bidder so they can basically buy up the bandwidth and make it very hard for the last mile user to have beneficial use of that. " Preston said he believes what is important is the broadband has got to be fast, reliable and affordable. He said, for example, that $60 to $80 a month is going to be too high a cost for most people in the region. "We know the challenge. We (TM)d love to hear a solution, " he said. Preston (TM)s and Tine (TM)s appearance at the Committee of 100 meeting comes amid debate over state legislation designed to limit the ability of municipalities to provide broadband Internet service. The House has already approved the bill and sent it to the Senate for consideration. The bill would grandfather in areas, such as Wilson and Salisbury, that already have local government−run broadband service. Preston after Wednesday (TM)s meeting that while he (TM)s not in a position to speculate about the bill (TM)s future, the prospects for expanding broadband service everywhere would be better if it didn (TM)t become law. "I don (TM)t believe it would be good legislation because it removes a potential tool that could be used by the localities to get what they need in broadband, " he said. Contact Bill West at Add new comment Copyright 2010 Elizabeth City Daily Advance. All rights reserved Highlights: NC, NORTH CAROLINA, Microelectronics Center, North Carolina, Golden LEAF, MCNC, North Carolina
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Mount Airy News - Trustees delve into the process of replacing president
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Trustees delve into the process of replacing president by Morgan Wall 1 day 12 hrs ago | 335 views | 0
DOBSON — Monday night, the Surry Community College Board of Trustees heard from Kennon Briggs, executive vice president and chief of staff for the North Carolina Community College System, about the presidential search procedure.
Play | Stop | << Previous | Next >> Image 2 of 2 The SCC Board of Trustees recognizes members of the early childhood education program which recently received national accreditation.
After SCC President Dr. Deborah Friedman announced her retirement at the March board meeting, the college has started the process to find a replacement. The board will collect applications before reviewing them and sending at least three potential candidates to the community college system for approval. Briggs pointed out that the process is designed to find the best person for the position and ensure that person is qualified to hold the post.
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“Ultimately we will review and assess these three names. You can submit more than three names,” he told the board. He told board members that if they had a front runner they could begin to talk about salary and contracts with that candidate contingent upon approval by the state board. The state board is meeting this week and the college is on the agenda to appoint an interim or acting president to replace Friedman when she leaves the college effective May 1. The trustees will meet April 18 at 4 p.m. with the hopes of voting to appoint an interim president. “I think it goes without question that this board of trustees and its predecessors have done an excellent job,” said Board Attorney Fred Johnson, who has overseen the three previous selection processes. “Every trustee has an equal voice in the selection process as every trustee has an equal vote. (Selecting a new president) is without doubt the most important thing the board of trustees does.” Friedman announced that she would be retiring to take up a position with the Center for Creative Leadership, a non-profit organization based in Greensboro. She will manage the education sector for the international organization. “It has been an honor and a privilege and I’m proud to have served here,” she told the board at Monday’s meeting. “I look forward to continuing to hear wonderful things from Surry Community.” Chief Financial Officer Tony Martin updated the board on the financial state of the college. He said that entering the fourth quarter, the college, both the Surry and Yadkin campuses, seem to be on track with the budget. He also said the college is beginning the process of creating some new labs at the Elkin campus for a crime scene program as well as to refurbish the labs in the “T” Building on the Dobson campus and add an organic chemistry lab.
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“Hopefully that’s going to bring a lot more students here,” said Martin. Pending approval of a contract by Johnson, the board also approved a possible easement agreement with MCNC, a non-profit organization based in the Research Triangle, for an NC Research and Educational Network booster station on the campus. The booster station would provide fiber optic Internet access to the college and would be located on the north side of campus. Contact Morgan Wall at or 719-1929. Share This Article | 4/13/2011
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative | -
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative | -
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative Wednesday April 13, 2011 - 09:00 AM EDT Released By MCNC
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Three firms share millions to install high-speed fiber optics for broadband expansion of NCREN RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million.
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Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe ads by Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second Share: phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of highspeed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent non profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative | -
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and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobaccodependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404. About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and widearea networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online. You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details. Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. 速 indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative | -
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative Recommend
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Information contained on this page is provided by companies via press release distributed through PR Newswire, an independent third-party content provider. PR Newswire, WorldNow and this Station make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. SOURCE MCNC Three firms share millions to install high-speed fiber optics for broadband expansion of NCREN RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million.
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Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide.
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In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and T... Page 2 of 3
districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco-dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404. About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks !
For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online.
You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or
Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details.
Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. Ž indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105 Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or Š2011 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved.
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SOURCE: Business Journal Charlotte (NC) AUDIENCE: 1,494,638 [provided by Nielsen//NetRatings] DATE: 04−13−2011 HEADLINE: MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative Source Website MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative Three firms share millions to install high−speed fiber optics for broadband expansion of NCREN PR Newswire RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C.,April 13, 2011/PRNewswire−USNewswire/ −−MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub−recipient ERC Broadband(ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope a " nearly four−times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full−service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C.Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, A, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately−raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private−sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high−speed "middle−mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. 1
The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C.was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley−Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C.was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development(NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority−owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP−related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP−related opportunities. The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non−profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K−20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System,Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non−profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K−12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future−proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user−community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non−Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's economy. The foundation receives one−half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco−dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development 2
organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404. About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community−focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C.that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide−area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation,$8 million from the MCNC Endowment,$4 million from private−sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e−NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private−sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC−BTOP Webspace & Social Networks For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online.You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details. Acceptable Use Policy and Forward−Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. A, (R) indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, 3
reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward竏値ooking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105 Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or Source: MCNC Back to Press Releases Index The information on this page is provided by PR Newswire. All rights reserved. (c) 2011 American City Business Journals, Inc.and its licensors. All rights reserved. Highlights: NC, NORTH CAROLINA, North_Carolina, MCNC, Golden LEAF, Rural Broadband Initiative, Rural Broadband Initiative, NCREN, N.C, North Carolina, Research and Education Network, Broadband Technologies Opportunities, BTOP,, North Carolina, Research and Education Network, Golden LEAF
In searching the publicly accessible web, we found a webpage of interest and provide a snapshot of it below. Please be advised that this page, and any images or links in it, may have changed since we created this snapshot. For your convenience, we provide a hyperlink to the current webpage as part of our service.
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative - WECT TV6 - - Wilmington... Page 1 of 2
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative Information contained on this page is provided by companies via press release distributed through PR Newswire, an independent third-party content provider. PR Newswire, WorldNow and this Station make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. SOURCE MCNC Three firms share millions to install high-speed fiber optics for broadband expansion of NCREN RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project subrecipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minorityowned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco-dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404. About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative - WECT TV6 - - Wilmington... Page 2 of 2
and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks !
For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online.
You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or
Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details.
Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forwardlooking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105 Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or ©2011 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved.
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative 10h 50m ago
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber opti
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4/13/2011 7:11 PM
Durham firm gets piece of $40M fiber work | Triangle Business Journal
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Triangle Business Journal - by Monica Chen Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 10:11am EDT Related: Technology MCNC has awarded three contracts valued at $40 million to companies for the construction of 1,200 miles of high-speed fiber optics for the second phase of the expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network, or NCREN. The expansion of NCREN, called the Golden Leaf Rural Broadband Initiative, has an estimated total cost of about $146 million. The second phase is four times larger than the first phase and is expected to be completed by July 2013. The selected firms are Durham’s Globe Communications, Loganville, Ga.-based Fiber Technologies and Columbia, S.C.-based Edward Telecommunications. Globe Communications also was chosen for work in the first phase and currently is building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for the second phase in January. The total second phase cost of $106 million was funded by a federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program, and $31.25 million in other funds, including $24 million from the Golden Leaf Foundation. Overall, the Rural Broadband Initiative will be more than 2,000 miles of new and acquired fiber outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina.
4/13/2011 10:51 AM
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by Press Release on April 13, 2011 · 0 comments 0
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK (April 13, 2011) – MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope – nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in
4/13/2011 11:31 PM
MCNC announces construction companies slated to complete broadband ...
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southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed “middle-mile” broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI’s Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:32 AM by Esme Vos MCNC announced announced today that it has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Construction and Splicing of the fiber optic middle-mile project related to the expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN) through the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI). MCNC is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to provide construction and splicing for those routes funded by MCNC’s second federal Broadband Technologies Opportunies Program (BTOP) award, received in August 2010, through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s BTOP staff. The project requires the appropriate vendor(s) to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina and divided into these identified segments: Total North Central segments (approximately 203.9 route miles) Total Northeast segments (approximately 282.8 route miles) Total Outer Banks segments (approximately 243.3 route miles) Total South Central segments (approximately 238.7 route miles) Total Central segments (approximately 113.5 route miles) Total Graham segments (approximately 18 route miles) Total Northwest segments (approximately 50 miles) Respondents may submit proposals for one or more segments. The priorities for segment completion will vary with some segments requiring streamlined construction timelines due to their location and potential impact. At MCNC’s sole discretion, each segment may be awarded separately or not at all. Proposals will be accepted in electronic format only. Proposals should be submitted to Bid bonds also are due by the proposal due date and may be submitted to: Patricia Moody, MCNC Chief Financial Officer, P.O. Box 12889, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709. The firm deadline for submission is Feb. 28 at 5 p.m. EST. Late proposals will not be accepted or reviewed. The GLRBI must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines. All construction must be finished by Jan. 31,
4/13/2011 7:14 PM
MCNC Opens Construction Bids for Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initia...
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2013 to allow MCNC to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. Interested parties also can register to view the RFP, Construction Agreement, and Baseline Route Maps at The GLRBI will be constructed in mainly rural regions of North Carolina and involves construction in 69 counties. The project will build a fiber optic, broadband delivery infrastructure that serves community anchor institutions statewide. Also, through partnerships with private-sector service providers, the project has the potential to deliver affordable broadband service to many rural areas of the state that today lack this service. In evaluating the responses to this RFP, MCNC will work with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to reach N.C. companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The NCIMED, through their Minority Business Enterprise Center, has with partners like the Self Help Credit Union, created loan programs targeted for small, minority, and local businesses who desire to bid on ARRA opportunities such as this RFP that are part of MCNCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BTOP Round 2 award. Respondents interested in learning more about these loan programs should contact Kaye Gantt at the Minority Business Enterprise Center via e-mail at or phone at (919) 956.8889.
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MCNC picks 3 contractors for $40M broadband project :: Editor's Blog a...
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Updated Apr. 13, 2011 at 9:28 a.m.
MCNC broadband project By WRAL Tech Wire RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Companies from North and South Carolina as well as Georgia will construct the next phase of the 1,200 miles of fiber being added to the North Carolina Research and Education Network. MCNC, the operator of the state-wide network, and ERC Broadband, its partner for the expansion project in northwestern North Carolina, announced the selections Wednesday. Durham-based Globe Communications, S.C.-based Edwards Telecommunications and Georgia-based Fiber Technologies won the contracts. The NCREN expansion is expected to be completed by July 2013. MCNC, with funding support from Golden LEAF, an economic development group, and several private sector partners, is already at work on taken broadband across the state with support from two major federal grants. The overall project will cost $146 million. Once completed, more than 2,000 miles of new or existing fiber will be added to NCREN across 69 counties. The contracts announced Wednesday cover work in the Outer Banks as well as north central, northeast, south central, central and northwestern parts of the state.
Click here for more information about the NCREN project.
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4/13/2011 10:14 AM
MCNC picks network builders for Phase 2 of regional project
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CONNECTED PLANET ONLINE » RESIDENTIAL SERVICES » NEWS » MCNC picks network builders for Phase 2 of regional project
APR 14, 2011 1:54 PM,
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By Dan O'Shea
Three vendors hired for North Carolina non-profit's broadband expansion with partner ERC Broadband MCNC, an independent, non-profit network operator in North Carolina, and partner ERC Broadband announced this week it has chosen three construction firms--Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications--for the upcoming second phase of its broadband expansion for the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). MCNC is a repeat winner of broadband stimulus funding ( /independent/news/satellites-public-safety-stimulus-081810/index.html) , and ERC Broadband is a community-focused broadband operator. The companies are set to spend roughly $40 million with the three vendors as part of a total $106 million Phase 2 investment. The NCREN expansion, also referred to as the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of about $146 million. MCNC started requesting proposals for the Phase 2 work in January. The second phase, representing about 1,200 network miles, is about four times larger than the first phase. The overall project is scheduled to be completed by July 2013. All three vendors are local to the Southeast: Edwards Telecommunications is based in Columbia, S.C.; Fiber Tech is based in Loganville, Ga.; and Globe is in Durham, N.C. Both Fiber Tech and Globe participated in Phase 1 of the network expansion. The stimulus money MCNC won includes a federal grant of $75.75 million, awarded last August by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program. Other funds include $31.25 million in privately raised funds, including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The entire network project involves more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed “middle-mile” broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. Other vendors already involved in Phase 2 of the project include CommScope and Kimley-Horn and Associates.
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Telecom New Zealand, Vodafone to manage New Zealand’s Rural Broadband Initiative MCNC selects vendors for its North Carolina middle mile network extension Telecom New Zealand considers network spinoff to participate in broadband initiative Government awards $795 million in broadband stimulus’ second round Palmetto Rural Telephone Cooperative selects Calix E7 for regional GPON
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MCNC selects contractors for Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative, ...
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MCNC selects contractors for Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative, round 2 April 13, 2011 MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC) have selected three companies to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The vendors share a roughly $40 million construction award. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber-optic construction firms--Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications--were selected for this phase of the project, the size and scope of which is nearly four-times larger than round 1. The project is scheduled to be completed by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia; S.C.Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech is working on roughly 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications is currently building segments totaling roughly 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources: a federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP), and $31.25 million in privately-raised funds, including$24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber-optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the round 2 project.
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4/13/2011 7:07 PM
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April 13th, 2011 • View Comments • Filed Under • by ABMN Staff
4/13/2011 10:14 AM
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative Apr. 13, 2011 (PR Newswire) — RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope – nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed “middle-mile” broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and
4/13/2011 10:14 AM
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadban...
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Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI’s Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina’s K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina’s education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation’s first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina’s economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina’s funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco-dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404. About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband’s regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC’s sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from privatesector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state.
4/13/2011 10:14 AM
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadban...
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Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks For more information regarding all of MCNC’s BTOP activities, visit MCNC’s BTOP Webspace online. You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details.
Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization’s current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization’s communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105 Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or SOURCE MCNC (Press release provided by QuoteMedia)
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MCNC Selects Contractors For Round 2 Of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative By PR Newswire
04/13/11 - 09:00 AM EDT Add Comment
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. More on Press Releases MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Stock Game
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MCNC Selects Contractors For Round 2 Of Golden LEAF Rural Broadba...
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Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance.
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The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide.
Kathryn B. Kaiser Elected To Kaiser Family Foundation Board Of Trustees Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P. Announces Pricing Of $400 Million Private Placement Of Senior Notes Due 2019 Angeion Corporation Announces Increase In Stock Repurchase Program NCPA Responds To Consumer Groups' Request For CVS Caremark Divestiture
In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities.
In The Shadow Of Competition, The Soy Market Slumps, Reports Mintel
The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June.
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RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 –
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RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope – nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013.
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Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. sponsored links Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. [ For complete coverage of politics and policy, go to Yahoo! Politics ]
The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access
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4/13/2011 7:14 PM
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadban...
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to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit
Robin Givhan on... Michelle Obama's uncensored fashion choices. » More from The Daily Beast
Union protests spread About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobaccodependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404.
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About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with privatesector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks
For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online. You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details. Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105 Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or SOURCE MCNC
4/13/2011 7:14 PM
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MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative
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RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and
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Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated
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at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband
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Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million.
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Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Business VoIP Service
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the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and
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scope - nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the
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competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the
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overall project by July 2013.
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Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Call Center Management
Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville,
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Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech
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also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200
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miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also
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was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles
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in southeastern North Carolina.
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MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded
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by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's
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National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies
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Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment
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was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the
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Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build.
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Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be
outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for
Communications Provider
Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build
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in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be
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Contact Center Outsourcing
The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects
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universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county
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offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The
CRM Cloud Computing
specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor
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will be based on performance.
encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure
construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a
CRM Solutions
4/13/2011 7:13 PM
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadban...
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Customer Service Software Data Center Network Data Center Power e911
The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later
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date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by
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Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before
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July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor
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institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide.
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In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to Environmental Monitoring ERP Software
provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project.
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In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for
proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic
Green Builders
Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small,
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disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on
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BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities.
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The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction
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expected to start in June.
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About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a
IP Multimedia Phone IP Phone Maker
quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke
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University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research
IP Phones
networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit
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About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband
IVR Solutions IVR System
communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the
Knowledge Management
NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century
Knowledge Management Software
learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change
Lead Management Software
Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and
and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities;
Least Cost Routing
58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along
Load Balancer
with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will
Managed Networks
provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the
Master Agent
N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond.
Metro Ethernet Military Robotics
About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's economy. The foundation receives
Mobile Unified Communications Mobile Video Mobile VoIP
one-half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco-dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development
organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072
Network Acceleration
grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant,
Network Access
visit or call (888) 684.8404.
Network Processor Network Security On Hold Messages
About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National
Online Video Platform Solutions Open Source Recording
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and
Power Protection Predictive Dialer
community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit
Private Cloud Projector Lamp
About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC
Renewable energy
currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and
Sales Software
Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative.
Satellite Optimization Softswitch
To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce
Software Licensing
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In
Solar Power
addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP
Speech Analytics
program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF
Speech Recognition and Text to Speech Survey Telecom Cost Management Telecom Expense Management
Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state.
Telemarketing Software
4/13/2011 7:13 PM
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadban...
3 of 4
Text Messaging Video Content Management Systems Virtual Call Center Virtual Office
Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than
Virtual PBX
1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000
Virtual Tap
underserved families.
Voice Broadcast Voice Management Voice Peering VoIP Call Center VoIP Call Recording
MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online. You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or
VoIP Equipment VoIP Gateways VoIP Management
Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details.
Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Wholesale VoIP
Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property
WiMAX Testing
rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are
Wind Power
registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. (R) indicates USA registration.
Wireless Management
Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by
Workforce Management Workforce Optimization
either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed,
should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial ContactsMCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or SOURCE MCNC [ Back To's Homepage ]
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April 13, 2011 9:00 AM ET
Three firms share millions to install high-speed fiber optics for broadband expansion of NCREN RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., April 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope â&#x20AC;&#x201C; nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina.
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MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build.
The Wall Street Journal
The Associated Press
The Motley Fool
Thomson Reuters
Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed "middle-mile" broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed.
Business Wire
Seeking Alpha
The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina. Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide.
Bloomberg Businessweek
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In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI's Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina's K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina's education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation's first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina's
4/15/2011 1:42 PM
MCNC Selects Contractors for Round 2 of Golden LEAF Rural Broadban...
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economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina's funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with Privacy cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobacco-dependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404.
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About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband's regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC's Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC's sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with private-sector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. MCNC-BTOP Webspace & Social Networks For more information regarding all of MCNC's BTOP activities, visit MCNC's BTOP Webspace online. You also can follow the progress of the GLRBI at or Questions? Please see our FAQ section regarding Round 2 construction questions, or contact us for more details.
Acceptable Use Policy and Forward-Looking Statements MCNC, NCREN and the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative (NC STEM), respect the Intellectual Property rights of others. MCNC, NCREN, NC STEM and all other product or service names are registered trademarks in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Whenever your document or writing uses materials or information that is copyrighted by either MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM, you must obtain permission. All requests for permission to use copyrighted materials, along with a copy of the materials you wish to use and a description of the document you are writing and how it will be published and/or distributed, should be sent to MCNC, NCREN and/or NC STEM communications representatives for prior approval. In addition, certain statements made are considered forward looking, reflecting each organization's current intent, belief or expectations. MCNC, NCREN or NC STEM undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements herein whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. For any additional questions or for clarity regarding acceptable use, contact the individual organization's communications office. Editorial Contacts MCNC Communications Hotline: (919) 248.4105 Noah Garrett, NGC Communications, on behalf of MCNC: (252) 423.1277 or SOURCE MCNC Copyright 2011 PR Newswire Related news StatSlice Partners With XLCubed to Provide Customers With Powerful Data Analysis and Reporting Capabilities
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4/15/2011 1:42 PM
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April 14, 2011 By: NCTechNews Category: Networks (Research Triangle Park, N.C.) MCNC and its northwestern North Carolina project sub-recipient ERC Broadband (ERC), announced today that three companies have been selected to construct 1,200 miles of new fiber optics as part of the second phase expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN). The construction award shared by these vendors is estimated at $40 million. The entire expansion of NCREN, called the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative (GLRBI), has an estimated project cost of approximately $146 million. Three experienced fiber optic construction firms (Globe Communications, Fiber Technologies, and Edwards Telecommunications) were selected for this second phase of the project. Three vendors are required for this phase of the project because of the size and scope – nearly four-times larger than Round 1. Each vendor demonstrated during the competitive bid process the necessary experience and qualifications to help complete the overall project by July 2013. Edwards Telecommunications is a full-service telecommunications contractor based in Columbia, S.C. Fiber Technologies, a Quanta Services Company, is based in Loganville, Ga., with more than 35 years of telecommunications construction experience. Fiber Tech also was selected by MCNC for Round 1 construction and currently is working on about 200 miles of fiber installation in western North Carolina. Globe Communications in Durham also was chosen for work in Round 1 and is currently building segments totaling about 220 miles in southeastern North Carolina. MCNC began seeking proposals from qualified construction and splicing contractors for Round 2 in January 2011. The total second phase project cost of $106 million was funded by two sources. A federal grant of $75.75 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program (BTOP) awarded to MCNC in August 2010. This federal investment was matched by $31.25 million in privately-raised funds including $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation. The majority of the project funds will be spent with private-sector engineering, construction, materials, and technology companies who will assist with the build. Overall, the GLRBI includes more than 2,000 miles of new and/or acquired fiber to be outfitted through 69 counties in North Carolina. Currently, more than 140 miles of conduit for Round 1 has been installed in southeastern and western North Carolina. The Round 1 build encompasses construction of 407 miles of high-speed “middle-mile” broadband infrastructure in 37 counties. This second phase includes approximately 1,200 miles of new fiber to be installed. The GLRBI requires vendors to construct a new fiber cable network that connects universities, community colleges, schools, health and safety facilities, libraries, county offices, and other community anchor institutions to a statewide fiber optic network. The construction encompasses seven routes in North Carolina.
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NCTechNews -- North Carolina's Technology News Source
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Each vendor will be assigned a specific segment to start. The overall amount of work eventually assigned to each vendor will be based on performance. The following segments have been identified in North Carolina for Round 2 construction and include these approximate route miles: North Central (203.9 miles); Outer Banks (243.3 miles); Northeast (282.8 miles); South Central (238.7 miles); Central (113.5 miles); Northwest (50 miles); and Graham (18 miles). The Graham portion will be awarded at a later date. All construction must be completed in accordance to federal guidelines and finished by Jan. 31, 2013 to allow MCNC time to equip and place the fiber optic into service on or before July 31, 2013. This new network has the potential to serve more than 1,500 anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and more than 300,000 underserved families statewide. In early March, MCNC announced that CommScope, Inc. of Hickory, N.C. was selected to provide all the necessary materials for the second phase of the project. They also were chosen for Round 1. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Raleigh, N.C. was selected in October 2010 as the lead engineering firm for the Round 2 project. In evaluating the Round 2 construction bid responses and for all other requests for proposals, MCNC has worked with the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development (NCIMED) in Durham to identify companies who qualify as small, disadvantaged and minority-owned businesses. NCIMED has been advising MCNC on BTOP-related opportunities for several months and will continue to work with MCNC to make businesses throughout the state aware of BTOP-related opportunities. The GLRBI’s Environmental Assessment currently is under review with construction expected to start in June. About MCNC MCNC is an independent, non-profit organization that employs advanced Internet networking technologies and systems to continuously improve learning and collaboration throughout North Carolina’s K-20 education community. MCNC provides advanced communications technologies and support services that enable access to 21st century learning applications and offers the opportunity to improve teaching, learning, research and collaboration among North Carolina’s education community. For a more than a quarter century MCNC has operated a robust, secure, exclusive communications network that has connected the institutions of the University of North Carolina System, Duke University and Wake Forest University to each other and through advanced research networks such as Internet2 and National Lambda Rail, to the world. Visit About NCREN Community NCREN, operated by the non-profit organization MCNC, is one of the nation’s first statewide education and research networks. It provides broadband communications technology services and support to K-12 school districts, higher education campuses and academic research institutions across North Carolina. MCNC offers the NCREN network, technology tools and services to guarantee equal access to 21st century learning by providing a future-proof technology network that is the foundation for change and innovation in our educational systems. In addition to all public school districts in North Carolina, the NCREN user-community now includes: 17 institutions of the UNC System and General Administration; 24 of the 36 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities; 58 North Carolina Community Colleges; research institutions and foundations; and, along with the N.C. Office of Information Technology Services and other partners, MCNC will provide broadband services for the Public Health and Non-Profit Hospitals Phases of the N.C. Telehealth Network in 2011 and beyond. About Golden LEAF Foundation The Golden LEAF Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to help transform North Carolina’s economy. The foundation receives one-half of North Carolina’s funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with cigarette manufacturers and places special emphasis on assisting tobaccodependent, economically distressed and/or rural communities across the state. The Golden LEAF Foundation works in partnership with governmental entities, educational institutions, economic development organizations and nonprofits to achieve its mission. The foundation has awarded 1,072 grants worth over $497 million since its inception. To learn more about applying for a grant, visit or call (888) 684.8404. About ERC Broadband ERC Broadband is a regional, community-focused broadband network based in Asheville, N.C. that serves to expand technology in western North Carolina. ERC Broadband’s regional network connects groups including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center, regional colleges and universities, local and regional government, and regional healthcare facilities. In addition to local and wide-area networking, ERC Broadband provides data center services and community consulting to implement networks and grow infrastructure, and to increase technological awareness. Visit About MCNC’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Awards MCNC currently is working on a $146 million expansion of the North Carolina Research and Education
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NCTechNews -- North Carolina's Technology News Source
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Network expected to be complete by 2013. This initiative has been labeled the Golden LEAF Rural Broadband Initiative. To fund this expansion, MCNC applied for and received two U.S. Department of Commerce Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) awards totaling $104 million. In addition, MCNC raised $42 million in private matching funds as required by the BTOP program. MCNC’s sources of matching funds included $24 million from the Golden LEAF Foundation, $8 million from the MCNC Endowment, $4 million from private-sector wholesale telecommunications company FRC, and an estimated $6.55 million through donations of land and existing conduit from individual community colleges, universities, and others including the Albemarle Pamlico Economic Development Corporation. No direct funding from the State of North Carolina was required. MCNC estimates the expansion of NCREN will create or save 2,500 engineering, construction, and manufacturing jobs in the state. Both MCNC awards are a part of a coordinated strategy developed by the Office of the Governor, the N.C. Office of Economic Recovery & Investment, and e-NC Authority to improve broadband access for businesses and residents in underserved areas. Once all work is complete, the two rounds of BTOP infrastructure have the potential to serve directly, or through MCNC and ERC partnerships with privatesector service providers, more than 1,500 community anchor institutions, 180,000 businesses, and reach more than 300,000 underserved families. Tags: Broadband, Golden LEAF, MCNC, Taxpayers Comments are closed. ← Sensus Launches Tender Offer Polyglot Systems, Inc. Launches Its Newest Version of AVA™ →
The Product Development and Management Association is hosting a day-long conference on Open Innovation at the UNC Charlotte campus on Friday, April 15, showcasing examples of how regional companies solicit and implement product ideas and technologies from the outside.
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Durham-based Cree has announced revised financials for its fiscal third quarter ending March 27, 2011, reducing revenue targets to a range of $215 million to $220 million primarily due to lower sales of LED chips and LED components.
The Central Carolina Community College Green Central Speaker Series kicked off this month with two noted speakers on “Applied Principles of Sustainability – Economic Growth and Job Creation.”
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With half of the world’s population at risk of malaria, RTP's Liquidia Technologies is collaborating with the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) to explore the use of the company’s PRINT® particle technology to design next generation of vaccines.
Transite Tapped by Command Transportation to Provide Transportation Management Solution Polyglot Systems, Inc. Launches Its Newest Version of AVA™ MCNC Selects Two Out-of-State Firms for NC Taxpayer-Funded Project Sensus Launches Tender Offer Technology Industry Visionaries Join Together for 2011 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World
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