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CENIC California Middle Mile Broadband Initiative: GoldenStateNet progress
to design, build, and operate a middle mile network of nearly 10,000 miles to support equitable access to previously underserved communities and households in California.” knowledge to bear on developing key infrastructure and service architecture plans to support the middle mile project.
When California’s Legislature and Governor launched the visionary initiative to provide “Broadband for All” in July of 2021, few fully appreciated the complexity and range of relationships that would be necessary to operationalize that vision. Among the few, was the engineering team responsible for building and expanding California’s high-performance research and education (R&E) network run by The Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC).
“We knew what was required to develop trust relationships based on our ever-expanding network from top higher ed institutions, to K-12 schools, libraries, health care institutions, tribal nations, scientific and cultural institutions,” said Louis Fox, CENIC ceo. “It presents a formidable challenge
It turns out that the human network of relationships CENIC built over 25 years was precisely what was needed to enable significant progress in the project’s first year. By leveraging key partnerships with private sector companies, broadband consortia, metropolitan and rural planning organizations, state, community, and tribal based organizations, CENIC California Middle Mile Broadband Initiative–doing business as GoldenStateNet (GSN) – has driven significant progress in its first full year of operations.
“CENIC was founded in 1997 to serve California’s top R&E universities,” said Fox. “But always there was this idea that we could serve needs beyond those we imagined at the time. And today, the drive for greater equity in California is possible thanks to CENIC’s networks.”
Working with the California Department of Technology (CDT), California Department of Transportation (CalTrans), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), plus vendors and ISPs, GoldenStateNet has brought its network engineering and operational
The first year of focused work has successfully determined how the network can reach the 20 percent of Californians who are un- or underserved. By November 2021, 18 projects were defined and within six months, the first fiber and materials contracts were signed with initial construction proposals received three months later. By the end of last year, CDT had more than 7,000 miles of construction contracts out to bid while convening and consulting with a broad range of stakeholder groups. CENIC and GSN have nearly completed the “System Level Design” for the network, including the backbone, regional routes, over 180 facilities for colocation and regeneration, and equipment specifications (see map).
GoldenStateNet is now developing the business model for ensuring the sustainability of the middle mile network, having completed its “Go-to-Market Plan” for the new network. The team is also developing the RFP for Fiber and Inventory Management systems.
CENIC has developed a range of informational overviews to educate and engage partners and communities in the progress and process of this initiative. “It has been remarkable to see how collaborative these diverse communities in California can be when we’re inspired by a visionary goal,” said Fox.
GoldenStateNet, funded through California State Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom’s “Broadband For All” legislation, was selected by the California Department of Technology (CDT) as its Third Party Administrator (TPA) for the state’s 3.25 billion dollar project. GoldenStateNet is managing the development, acquisition, construction, maintenance, and operation of a statewide open-access, middle-mile, broadband network. GoldenStateNet is a Limited Liability Corporation managed by CENIC. GoldenStateNet leverages CENIC’s key partnerships including broadband consortia, metropolitan and rural planning organizations, community-based organizations, state, tribal, and private sector organizations. www.goldenstatenet.org