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The GPS for the journey: LEARN’s strategic planning initiative
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to identify key themes. Each participant used sticky notes to select their most important themes and ideas. As each sticky note was placed on the boards, common themes began to emerge that would make their way to the strategic plan. Dr. Hites reflects, “The level of engagement was spectacular. By the time we got to the point where we’re talking about priorities and goals and objectives, I think everybody in the room got to speak.”
Over the last two years of unprecedented change in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and on the eve of the next generation network project, LEARN recognized a critical need to gather its stakeholders and determine a clear organizational strategy moving forward.
LEARN’s president and chief executive officer, Akbar Kara, explains, “When the pandemic started to subside in the fall of 2021, we knew we needed to update our strategic plan. We’re the only organization in Texas that brings all higher education together at a statewide scale, and we want to sustain that. The strategic plan gives us guidance on keeping all of those things healthy.”
A key goal was to ensure that the strategic planning process was as inclusive as possible. To capture the unique perspectives of its diverse membership, LEARN chose regional in-person meetings as the primary way to gather feedback from stakeholders. This allowed members to assemble closer to home in a more intimate setting as well as the opportunity to speak about more region or institution-specific concerns. Seventyone participants, including board members, affiliates, and LEARN staff, attended four regional meetings throughout Texas in Dallas, Lubbock, Houston, and Austin.
LEARN looked to past board chair and chief information officer for Southern Methodist University, Dr. Michael Hites, to spearhead the strategic planning process. LEARN also engaged consultant and former Pennsylvania REN CEO Wendy Huntoon to develop a report outlining the current REN and higher education landscape at sister networks across the country. Dr. Hites brought a deep understanding of two integral concepts – strategic planning best practices and a comprehensive perspective of the higher education and research and education network landscape. Dr. Hites facilitated a guided discussion and SWOT analysis
As the staff and the board reviewed the feedback, they quickly found that the main themes fit organically within existing functional areas. “This process provided us a beacon with clear and concise guiding principles for the direction we’re headed moving forward,” reflects Kerry Mobley, LEARN’s treasurer & chief financial officer. At its second quarter board meeting in 2022, the board approved the strategic plan. Kara shares, “Now we have the GPS and they have given us coordinates and are saying, ‘You’ve gotta get there.’ Our road conditions might change and there may be detours or delays along the way. We will adjust as needed based on what’s in front of our windshield, but ultimately, we know we’re going North. That’s what I’m excited about – that we have clarity and a very focused direction for the journey ahead.”