Noble Companions
Pedigree Portfolio
WE BELIEVE We believe the German Shepherd Dog is the Most Loyal Companion and Greatest Protector a family can have, and are proud to offer some of the World’s Best Imported Working Bloodlines.
Noble Companions 719-884-1125 Facebook: Noble Companions
Introducing the foundation of our breeding program. STREITEN VAN DEN HEUVEL DOB: 06/17/2005 AKC: DN 11314703 From: Van Den Heuvel K9
We purchased Streiten (a German verb meaning “to Battle�) from Van Den Heuvel K9 in December of 2005. Since then, he has been Service Trained (Mobility Assistance) and Protection Trained. He is extremely confident and capable, loyal, and eager. He has been the most intelligent and easy to train GSD that I have ever owned in my 25 years of GSD involvement..
Streiten Van Den Heuvel’s Pedigree Sire: CONGO VIKAR SCHH3, IPO3, ZVV3 DOB: 05/19/1996 CMKU: 28572/96 HD-FCI: A 1/2 From: Czech Republic Congo Vikar was one of the top three producing stud dogs for the World Renown Border Patrol Stud Dog Lineup in Europe!. He is a virtual replica of one of the greatest producing Working Stud Dogs, Gent od Policie IPO3, SchH3, ZVV2, OP1. Congo earned champion of the class, overseas, along with his extensive list of titling. Congo is the perfect ideal GSD both in tremendous working disposition and in working conformation type. He excels in dual purpose police work and serious protection work, yet he was very successful on the sporting field. He is an extremely serious Alpha male that possesses very hard and precise defense. He is equipped with perfect character and tremendous working drives. This hard civil stud has a massive body and head, with very dark rich pigment, and imparts his offspring with all that he is. 4
Streiten Van Den Heuvel’s Pedigree Sire: Congo Vikar Pedigree on his Sire’s side SP PS Zar z Pohraniční strá e CS ZM, ZVV3, SP-PS, SP-VB SG Iro z Pohranicni straze CS SCHH3, IPO3, ZVV3 VD Gent od Policie 1992 SZ 1959966 HD-normal
SZ 9101132 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire
SZ 9101115 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
Elza z Pohranicni straze CS CKSP 1793 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
Groß, kräftig, typvoll, guter Kopf, normaler Widerrist, gute Kruppe in Länge und Lage. Gute Winkelungen der Vorund Hinterhand, ausgeglichene Brustverhältnisse, korrekte Front. Geradetretend, raumgreifende Gänge. Sicheres Wesen, Härte, Mut und Kampftrieb ausgeprägt; läßt ab.
Gomo vom Schieferschloß 1984 DDR 9001091 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire
CKSP 3813 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
FH/ZVV1 Hanne vom Fürstendamm 1980 SZ 9002146 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
Streiten Van Den Heuvel’s Pedigree Sire: Congo Vikar Pedigree on his Dam’s side
ZM, ZVV2 Marko z Poluxu CS SVV2 IPO3 V2 Axel z Hury CS 1987 CKSP 9007380 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
CKSP 40577/84/86 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire
Gerta z Helenky SKSP 4738/84/87 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam
zvv1 Bona zo Stiavnickych hor HPK 22588/92/94 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam
SchH1/FH V Ford vom Ritterberg 1984 SZ 9000772 HDSire
IPO2 ZVV1 SG Britta v Helmegrund SZ 9116119 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam
SCHH2 Giesa vom Bleichtal 1984 SZ 1808252 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
Streiten Van Den Heuvel’s Pedigree Dam: AMALKA Z POHRANICNI STRAZE ZVV1 DOB: 12/23/1997 AKC DL83316301 HD a-normal (a1) From: Czech Republic Amalka is a fantastic Czech import rated velmi dobra, ZVV1 titled, 1st breeding class, full bonitacion pronounced courage, hardness and willingness to fight, hips/elbows 0/0.
Amalka is a strong boned high power female that excels in tracking and serious protection work. She is a strong female equipped with super solid nerves, a love for the work, and an overall interest in her work with the handler. She has high characteristic retrieve drive, full hard calm grips, perfect defense, and an outstanding disposition with the family.
Streiten Van Den Heuvel’s Pedigree Dam: Amalka Z Pohranicni Straze Pedigree on her Sire’s side
IPO1;SPO;SVV2 ZM, IPO3, ZVV2, HD 0/2 SG Ben z Bolfu CKSP 73359/87/91 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3)
SG Argo Agar CKSP 7305/81/85 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
SVV2 SG Carina Vltavanka CKSP 20480/86 HD-FCI: A 1/2
WUSV 1997(FASE C 99), IPO3, SCHH3, ZM, ZVV3, ZPS1
SG Grim z Pohranicni straze CS 1992 SZ 9110595 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
Kaso z Pohranicni straze CS ZVV1, SP-PS
CSSR-Kör.: 5KV1/P
SG Tina z Pohraniční stráce CS 1990 CKSP 10834/92 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
2452 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire
PSH2;PS/SP SG Dama Marga CKSP 80601 HD-SV: HD a-Ausland (a6) Dam
Streiten Van Den Heuvel’s Pedigree Dam: Amalka Z Pohranicni Straze Pedigree on her Dam’s side
ZM, ZVV2 SG Bojar z Pohraniční straze ZM, IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV3, OP1 SG Baron z Pohraniční stráze CS
CKSP 1291-85/85/87 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
CKSP 04755/93 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Sire
ZVV1 SG Inka Z Pisova VZ1 Lena z Pohranicni Straze
HD-Normal Dam
HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
Zar z Pohraniční strá e CS SZ 9101132 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire
SP-PS VELMI DOBRY Sara z Pohranicni Straze
HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam
ZM, SP/PS, ZVV1 VELMI DOBRY Vala z Pohranicni Straze EV.C. 1572 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam
Introducing the feminine side to our breeding program. ABIGAIL SLAVENS DOB: 08/10/2009 AKC: DN 26168802 From: Van Den Heuvel K9
Abigail is a top producing daughter of World Renowned producing and working stud male Orry. Her pedigree is absolutely excellent for producing serious working progeny with a taste for the work in all three phases. She is a structured linebreeding on Border Patrol great Grim z Pohranicni Straze. She is absolutely solid around children and other "domestic animals� but she really hates black bears. She is an excellent Dam, mothering her pups even after weaning. She spends time with each pup everyday on her own, both playing and grooming. Abigail is a key part of our breeding program for her ability to produce excellent overall structure coupled with extreme working drives and versatile temperament, and imparts this into her progeny. She has truly superior intelligence and problem solving ability, and imparts this to her progeny as well. 10
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Sire: SG ORRY (IT) WUSVX6, SCHH3, IPO3, ZVV3, ZM, Kkl 2 DOB: 04/30/2001 CMKU 46238-02/01/03 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) From: Czech Republic Multiple SchH3, Multiple IPO3, ZVV3, 6 Time Czech National Championship Competitor, 2007 WUSV, TEMPERAMENT PRONOUNCED, 0/0 excellent hips/elbows. ORRY'S DETAILED INFORMATION Orry 6 Times Czech National Championship competitor, in the year 2005 -3rd place. Orry WON the Czech National Championship Qualifier in 2007 for the Moravian district and was an official representative for the World Team for 2007. He is the only sire for a country that not only competed himself, but had 2 sons also competing for the World Team for the same country! Orry and his progeny Lord and Erri all represented the Czech Republic's WUSV Team for 2007! Some of Orry's titles and scores: ZVV1 - 95-92-98=285 - excellent ZVV2 - 97-92-98=287 - excellent ZVV3 - 93-86-94= 273 - very good IPO1 - 100-99-99 = 298 - excellent IPO2 - 97-99-98 = 294 - excellent IPO3 - 98-98-99 = 295 - excellent SchH/VPGA - 97-97= 194 - excellent SchH/VPG2 - 96-95-94 = 285 -excellent SchH/VPG3 - 99-95-93 = 287- excellent
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Sire: SG ORRY (IT) WUSVX6, SCHH3, IPO3, ZVV3, ZM, Kkl 2 Orry's sire and dam were both highly influential working and producing German Shepherd Dogs. They both were top International Level working dogs. Orry's sire Dingo von conneforde - SchH3, Multiple World Team competitor where he placed 7th in Italy at the height of his career and was one of the top producing stud males during his famous breeding/ working career.
Dingo Von Conneforde
Orry's dam Warra Gymor was Grim z Pohranicni Straze's most famous working/producing daughters. Warra was twice the champion of the Czech Republic -a 2 times FCI/WUSV competitor in Italy. Warra Gymor
In Orry's highly structured working German/Czech Border Patrol pedigree you will note the finest Border Patrol working genetics utilized by the Former Border Patrol along with famous German/DDR bloodlines. Orry currently has already had approx. 60 breedings in Europe. He has already sired Multiple World Team Competitors. Orry's son Lord won the IPO National Championship Qualifier, tied Ivan Balabanov in Italy for 1st place in the FCI, and finished 21st for the WUSV.
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Sire: SG ORRY (IT) Pedigree on his Sire’s side FH, SCHH3
SCHH3 (G-BSP) FH1 IP3 SG Pike von der Schafbachmühle 1993 SZ 1873570 HD-normal
V Karlo vom Peko Haus 1986 SZ 1726080 HD-normal Sire
SchH3/FH Gipsy von der Schafbachmühle 1988 SZ 1728703 HD-normal
SCHH3 IPO3 WUSV Dingo von Conneforde 1995 SZ 2001959 HD-Normal
SCHH3 FH1 SG Bora vom grauen Stern 1991 SZ 1805019 HD-normal
V Neumann's Janko 1985 SZ 1718504 HD-Ausland Sire
SchH3/FH/IP3 Dolly vom Wildbachtal 1984 SZ 1637636 HD-normal Dam
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Sire: SG ORRY (IT) Pedigree on his Dam’s side ZM, IPO3, ZVV2, HD 0/2 SG Ben z Bolfu
WUSV 1997(FASE C 99), IPO3, SCHH3, ZM, ZVV3, ZPS1
CKSP 73359/87/91 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Sire
SG Grim z Pohranicni straze CS 1992 SZ 9110595 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
ZVV1, SP-PS SG Tina z Pohraniční stráce CS 1990 CKSP 10834/92 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
WUSV 1999, FCI 1999,2000,IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV2 SG Warra Gymor 1997 CMKU 29182 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
ZM, ZVV2 SG Bojar z Pohraniční straze
CKSP 1291-85/85/87 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
Fency Gymor 1988 CKSP 83458 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
ZVV2 IPO1 VD Alice Gymor 1983 CKSP 30221/86 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Dam: ULRIKE EQIDIUS SVV1 Kkl2 ZVV1, IPO1, IPO2, SG DOB: 12/07/2002 SUCHN 44432/02/04 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) From: Czech Republic Ulrike is an intensely driven, high-powered and extremely dominant female that is a top producer of serious, powerful working progeny. Ulrike's pedigree is an excellent example of Czech working bloodlines combined with the very best German working lines through sire Honza Okal, half brother to the legendary Norbo Ben Ju. This is a pedigree that is famous for producing very hard and intelligent working dogs of very high temperament and drive. Ulrike is an extremely serious female with very high defensive drive who is quite realistic in her protection work and who will rise to defend her handler and territory in an instant. She is a dog whose respect must be earned, but whose loyalty and affection with her handlers is open, warm and giving. Ulrike has extreme drive to food, high retrieve drive and high prey/ play as well as prey/ hunt. Her work ethic is extremely intense, with a deep natural nose and excellent focus to any track. Ulrike has excellent nerves and for all her intensity and drive, settles beautifully once work is done and is a genuinely stable and pleasant companion in the home. Ulrike is a powerfully built black sable female with beautiful angulation and structure and is a known improver of hips and overall conformation. She is a flawless mover, with a fast, ground-covering stride and no wasted effort or movement, and she passes this to her progeny. Ulrike's progeny are intense and focused working dogs that will perform in any circumstance or environment. They are large and powerful, with substantial boning, correct angulation and crushing bite compression. Many of her progeny have gone to be foundation stock** for other working dog kennels in the United States.
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Dam: ULRIKE EQIDIUS Pedigree on her Sire’s side
IPO3, SVV3, SPO, VD IPO3, SLP1, SVV3, PZ2, SZP1, CACIT VELMI DOBRY Car z Kostolianskej cesty CS 1990 SKSP 20322/90/93 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
VELMI DOBRY Dux Agar 1984 SKSP 4750/84/90 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
SKSP 8732/82/86 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
SG Honza Okal 1998 SK 35351/98/00 HD-FCI: A 1/2
V Fiasko von Gebrüder Grimm 1990 SZ 1767412 HD-fast normal Sire
Betty Egidius CS 1995 SUCHN 28584/95/97 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
IPO1 Xilla Egidius CS HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
Abigail Slavens Pedigree Sire: ULRIKE EQIDIUS Pedigree on her Dam’s side SCHH3 ( G-BSP ) FH SG Half vom Ruhbachtal 1990 SZ 1773244 HD-normal Sire
WUSV 1999, 3*BSP, SCHH3, FH1 V Nick vom Heiligenbösch 1994 SZ 1911480 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire
SCHH2 G Ina vom Haus Gard 1992 SZ 1830399 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
SVV-1 VD (SK) Daja Va - Pe 2001 SUCHN 39976 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1)
IPO2,SCHH2 G Loggi von der Maineiche 1995 SUCHN 31591 HD-fast Normal
V Yoschy von der Döllenwiese 1991 SZ 1823741 HD-normal Sire
SCH3 SG Dasti von der Maineiche SZ 1785200 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations AD AKC BH
Enddurance Title American Kennel Club Basic Obedience & Temperament Test
Bundessiegerprufung (Ger.) German National Working German Shepherd Dog Championship - a yearly Schutzhund competition
HD-FCI A 1/2
International Champion Title for working dogs assigned by the FCI Federation Cynologique Internationale (Fr.) - world canine organization Fahrtenhund Advanded Tracking Titles Fahrtenhund Advanded Tracking Titles - level 1 Fahrtenhund Superior tracking qualification Gut - Good show or Performance Rating Grenzenhund-Border patrol dog German Shepherd Dog Hip Dysplasia HD fast normal - near normal hips HD certification was passed in another country rather than Germany. A - no signs of HD, the same as "a-normal"
HD B - Nearly normal Hip Joints, the same as "a-fast normal"
HD-SV HD a-Ausland (a6)
HD certification was passed in another country rather than Germany.
HD-SV HD a-noch zugelassen (a3)
HD noch zugelassen - hips are still acceptable for breeding
HD-SV HD A-normal (a1) IPO IPO1 IPO2 IPO3 Kkl1 Kkl2 KrH OB 1-3 SCHA
HD normal - the best hip rating possible from the SV International Schutzhund Degree International Novice Schutzhund trial qualification International Intermediate Schutzhund International Masters level Schutzhund Koerklasse I Especially recommended for breeding Koerklasse II Suitable for breeding War Dog Obedience only at SchHI, SchHII, SchHIII level s Schutzhund - obedience & protection only Schutzhund (Ger.) = Protection Dog. There are 3 levels: SchH I, 18 SchH II, SchH III. SchH equivalents are ZVV, SVV, IPO, VH, and others.
CACIT FCI FH FH1 FH2 G-BSP GRH GSD HD HD - fast normal HD Ausland
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations cont. SCHH1
1st Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection
2nd Level of Shcutzhund Top Level of Shcutzhund Sehr Gut - Very Good show or performance rating; The maximum rating any dog can have without a Schutzhund title; highest rating obtainable by dogs under 2 years old or at USA SchH shows Border Patrol Title Border Patrol Title Border Patrol Title Verein f체r Deutsche Sch채ferhunde e. V. (Ger.) - Club for German Sepherd Dogs Inc - the main (original) GSD club and breed registry, based in Germany. 1st Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection Czeck 2nd Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection Czeck Top Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection Czeck Separate Tracking Titles Vorzuglich-Excellent show or performance rating - dog must minimally have a SchH 1 title Very Good Watch Dog Title International Police Dog trials World German Shepherd Dog Schutzhund Championship - the world Schutzhund competition where over 100 countries' teams compete each year. 1st Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection Czeck 2nd Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection Czeck Top Level of Shcutzhund; Obedience, Tracking & Protection Czeck