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Camp Hill Community, Happy New Year!


As the second marking period draws to a close on Januar y 20th, our students, families, faculty, and administration are all working superbly together to live the District mission of “providing all students with the foundational skills, knowledge, and oppor tunities for lifelong success ”

One of the many hallmarks of Camp Hill is the altruistic nature of our community Shared here is another meaningful oppor tunity for you to suppor t our Camp Hill School District students I am pleased to write that CHSD is once again par tnering with The GIANT Company to help suppor t children in our District who are facing food insecurity Throughout the months of Januar y and Februar y, 2023, ever yone who shops at GIANT stores will be invited to “Round Up At The Register ” and donate the round-up amount of their bill to suppor t feeding school kids. Please help us spread the word of this program to ensure its success in mitigating food insecurity for students in our community. Our goal is to suppor t the children in our district who need the most help accessing nutritious meals so that they are ready to learn. As a community, we look for ward to continuing to par tner with The GIANT Company to fight childhood hunger. Your suppor t of this endeavor is highly encouraged.

Thank you!

Daniel D Serfass Superintendent, Camp Hill School District

Board Of Sch Ool Directors

Robert E Latham, President

Melanie W. Gurgiolo, Vice President

Laurie S. Kennedy, Treasurer

Gregory E. Lamay, Assistant Secretary

Josceylon R Buchs

Neil O Connelly

Randall G Gale

Karen Mallah

Geoffrey S. McInroy

Daniel D Serfass, Superintendent

Jeff Ammerman, Director of Business & Operations and Board Secretary

Autumn Reely, Director of Student Services & Special Education

Mark Ziegler, High School Principal

Leslee DeLong, Middle School Principal

Nicholas Snider, MS/HS Assistant Principal

Dr Sandra Fauser, Eisenhower Elementary Principal

Eileen Czarnecki, Hoover Elementary Principal


Girls Wresting Team, who are now an officially sanc- • tioned team at the Camp Hill School District!

Hannah Brungard for placing in PMEA District 7 Upper • Band!

Maria Mulvihill for being chosen as “Student of the • Quar ter ” in the cosmetology program at CPACTC!

Middle School Student Mini-THON leaders & CH • faculty! CHMS Mini-THON raised $17,451 for Four Diamonds!

Luke Parise for earning a spot and Noah Doi for his • honorable mention on the Class 2A Postseason Football team!


Kindergarten Registration Day for the 2023-2024 school year is March 29, 2023 by appointment If you have a child that will be five (5) years of age by September 1, 2023 and will be attending kindergarten in the 2023-2024 school year, please check the District website after Januar y 27, 2023 for more details on how to pre-register your child


For the first inclement weather day, where schools must be closed to in person learning, a traditional snow day will be called and the weather makeup day as listed in the board approved calendar will be used for instruction (June 7, 2023) Additional snow days, up to 5, will be FID (flexible instruction day) remote learning days. If there are additional days beyond that, days will be added after June 7, 2023

Newsletter photos cour tesy of Samuel Getty & CHSD

Our Children, Our Community, Our Future

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