Membership News by Fran Cverna, Membership Chair
NODA’s 2020 Membership Year
12/1/2019 – 11/30/2020
Thank you to everyone who joined in 2020! The NEW 2021 NODA Membership Form is on page 16 of this month’s Newsletter The 2021 year begins 12/1/2020 and ends on 11/30/2021 You will get an email reminder to renew in October or a USPS mail to those without email. You can renew your membership online at at any time. We are ending the membership year with 248 members, 162 Adult Amateurs, 34 Youth, 52 Professionals. Compared to last year, we were down about 110 members, but we had 41 NEW members in 2020!
Membership News Notice! The NODA Board of Directors appreciates all our 2020 members Your membership helped support us in this crazy 2020 COVID- 19 year
All 2020 members will receive a $5 voucher towards 2021 renewal You will receive an email (or USPS if you do not have email) with the 5 voucher, but don’t wait! Renew right now! Use the on-line sign up from our website and choose the option with $5 off for 2020 members, or copy/print and mail the membership form in this newsletter or on NODA’s website subtract $5 if you are a current member and use your NODA bucks! Contact Fran Cverna at, if you have questions. Looking forward to 2021!
From the Archives - Fondly Remembering NODA’s 2019 Banquet with Historian Fran Cverna Remember just a year ago, gathering and celebrating Year End Awards at the Annual Banquet? Virtual greetings to everyone! NODA usually gets about 60 memberships at the banquet; this year it is up to YOU to remember good times and RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP! Photo right: NODA’s Membership Chair and Historian, Fran Cverna, sitting and working at the membership table at the 2019 banquet. Below: Members enjoy the 2019 Banquet. Photos by Mosie Welch.
NODA News 2020, Page 15