Wool Rugs - Nouds

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Nodus has selected from the best producers in six countries of the world visiting them one by one, verifying materials, techniques, expert craftsmen and ethical production.

Each carpet from Nodus will be a unique piece, entirely made by hand, even including the packaging. The spirit of the carpets is captured in dynamic and organic forms.

DESIGNER RUGS If you are searching for designer rugs for a long time and you are not getting them than at Nodus we offer highquality designer rugs which give stylish and retro styled outline look to your place.

We are offers on the high quality designer rugs the possibility that you are not planning your inside space in a retro styled outline. Visit Nodus rugs get the luxury and classic collection of designer rugs that reflects your style absolutely in a unique way.

WOOL RUGS Find the wide variety of colors, design, patterns, and style of Wool Rugs and decorate your living room with supreme quality. Increase the aesthetic value of your home.

In order to find the best price on wool rugs in Italy, Nodus offers the best large collection of wool rugs and free same-day pick-up in store. This season, decorate your living room with supreme quality wool rugs.

CONTACT US Il Piccolo, Via Delio Tessa,120121 Milano, Italy Call Us - +3902866838 EMAIL - design@ilpiccolo.com WEBSITE - https://www.nodusrug.it



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