Government, regulatory bodies: local, national, international
from the stakeholders & interests to
value proposition to
Port Authority Traffic management & operating engineers
Stimulated ecologies risk mitigation
Country - State
City - Municipal Urban
Education well-being
Planning Department
design means
bus terminal • bus terminal - bus shelters
Banks, creditors, owners, shareolders & investors
• bus parks/carparks
Human relationships well-being survival
Banks - Investors Real estate developer Insurance companies
Physical stimulation well-being
• lobby - commercial spaces
• restaurants-terraces-cafés
• offices
Commercial companies Shops - Surrounding offices - Associations Sport facilities
Greenmarket Urban farmers
Design engineers contractor - construction company Ecology specialists
Communities of users
Health survival
wetland • ecological water filtration (pondslakes-basins)
Water & food resilience survival risk mitigation
• h2o plant-h2o storage tanks
• reservoirs
Bus companies
Air quality improvement survival risk mitigation
Tourist - Leisure seeker
• amphitheatres - boardgame arenas
• outdoor working spots Rising T°C resilience risk mitigation
• walking paths - running paths -hiking trails - climbing wall sport facilities
• swimming ponds Provisioning resilience risk mitigation
Workers Fauna - flora
• h2o research centre
• urban farming area - orchards Human safety survival
risk mitigation
Project partners
Buyers, customers, prospects, suppliers, partners
Water company
• greenmarket
Change adaptation risk mitigation
• view points
• observatory on nature & technosphere/biosphere interactions
Other interest groups
• ice-skating vs waterpark Research institutions Universities
the business model
The business model does not depend on one stakeholders but a group of them. Stakeholders are interested only by risk mitigation for the urban environment while others only well-being. The value proposition is a range of services answering to the risk mitigation, survival and well-being strategy.
Flood resilience risk mitigation
And any design can answer to it, more links they are between the value proposition and the design elements, more resilient it is. The best is when they connect to all services. Here, the wetland strategy is supporting the bus terminal design to mitigate risks. The answer is both technical and ecological and address the crucial opposite interests of the stakeholders.
project vision piloting managing public interests/ project vision piloting communicating about it
opening rights to build above infrastructures &PABT lands
stimulating innovation stimulating innovation
incentives to use less h2o + free-chemicals households stakeholders management working out new regulations for new feedback on regulations for implementation systems: ie urban dry toilets/roof gardens/ support from state-country separated wastewaters in households for regulatory model making
insuring good functioning of public places/maintenance
monitoring/publications/insuring safety
technical - spatial
assuming new challenges visiting worldwide masterpieces: busparks Japan, carparks Chicago, etc.
Bus companies Commercial companies Shops - Surrounding off ices - Associations - Sport facilities Greenmarket Urban farmers
pilot committee for the project linking competences of the municipality
reused materials - new economic regional network
merging regional engineering experience/competences together for technical solutions & modelling + assisting design engineers
checking investments monitoring/ construction guarantees
construction management
supervising all infrastructures construction
in charge of septic tanks + district
committee responsible for implenetworks + h2o plant + ecological h2o mentation & interests managewetland ment + possible launching team testing phase after construction
controlling safety urban planning department involved developing new BU/partner- smart grid design to keep a metropolitan perspective construction follow-up on the masterplan ships for h2o ecological plant testing h2o local prototypes providing adequate structure + adaptation design for safe system taking measures to be CO2 neutral/technological shift collaboration with ecology specialists participating in proto- time investment for evaluating design need of prototypes/ training for innovative typing/design detailing coordinating whole design visits similar projects construction methods
social cultural
Banks - Investors Real estate developer Insurance companies
Water company
responsible for financial business modeling investing $ investing $ business modeling monitoring/auditing financial management convincing all stakeholders management in the investing in innovation + pilot unit within organisabusiness modelling: exploring phase investing $ construction phases regional entrepreneurship tion grouping traffic manfinancial management for h2o implementation business modeling investing $ agement/financial managebuilding themselves their gardens develop partnerships for wastes/gases/etc ment/regulatory authorities investing own R&D to shift electric/double-deck buses investing in new knowledge: ecological h2o partnerships for use of partnership with regional suppliers greenmarket investing $ in h2o management systems in buildings
Traff ic management & operating engineers Country - State City - Urban Planning Department
participation into monitoring conducting other easibility through institutes/universities studies for other projects
adapting legislation standards (committee) organizing internal structure for reaching new innovative standards to take care of clean h2o informing clients + incentives organization of safe construction management for free-chemicals households setting NYC framework for urban farming feedback on legislation for design implementation
Port Authority
monitoring+ensuring safety
ensuring safety for commuters supporting organizational strucsupporting implementation of regulatory changes + incentives ture/help for entrepreneurs/economic metropolitan networks ie city initiatives like Transition towns
managing construction
construction organization/realization as an evolutive process coordinating the ecological communities with h2o constructions
continuous ROI management participate in time + ROI + monitoring through institute + with the stakeholders ROI + feedback + publications
new investments in NYC for same vision implementation new jobs for bus drivers-gardeners ROI using same partnerROI ships for other projects new jobs, special gardeners ecological h2o management ROI rent higher + new investments
monitoring + responsability of the plant + ROI
operating + monitoring internal: application of the stratmonitoring through institute + exchange of feedback between metropolitan scale & local
egy on the whole NYC + feasibility studies for other sites/projects like NYC oyster farm - Latrobe team
Design engineers contractor - construction company Ecology specialists Commuters Inhabitants Tourist - Leisure seeker Workers Fauna - f Lora Research institutions Universities sustainable innovation consultant
monitoring + directing h2o research center operating activating supply-chain greenmarket R&D buses to better performance/feedback monitoring & evaluating replacements needs/use phases
holding people emotion/ insuring good functioning of pubstakeholder management/involvement installing observatories for citizens managing opening of public domain share vision, involving public place/identity/ lic domain with users/feedback stakeholders, asking/man- having political support from education for risks/climate change/ to watch construction process meaning in their hands aging feedback fromcitizens national & international leaders: h2o scarcity/wastewater value bus promoting low-carbon experience/marketing tool involving communities to urban farm using BM/project for reputation+long-term vision daring vision’s implementation supporting incentives towards use of the facilities/commuting coming for visiting theusing observatories to colonizing new parts of the observing construction process educating neighborhood with communicating scientific proofs about their inhabitants/renters participation + educational farmplace as a NYC hotspot check construction process building as an adventure colonizing totally the ing with schools + daily presence h2o quality/brand activtation/market- communication about initiative + being involved to visit new infrastructures +support association district+ ing/incentives for behaviors place to meet other researchers + work together it/understand details for setting up customers relationship being informed about the project + monitoring studies on sociology h2o management precisely giving feedback + involvement in understanding how routine understanding the transformation of affected/knowing details sociological studies of the process/stakeholders involvement their routine biodiversity control in perspective of the city educating citizens about biodiversity making sure the conditions of ecosystems services control biodiversity are not discutable taking into account the ecologiwith botanists, selection of range of native species activating functioning + operating cal integrated approach: change of in light of people consumption/ecological value
paradigm > extend solutions design for ecological communities
envisioning construction process according to ecological colonization (materials, machines, etc)
capturing knowledge + combing expertise of regional ecosystems/h2o manimplementation of incentives + want agement wetland to design integrate to garden their rooftops urban farmbring awareness/education ecosystem to local + other stakeholders ing + receiving knowledge
feasibility - design study
testing prototypes to observe colonization/disturbance/resistance/productivity coordination of ecological communities construction with h2o plant
operating + taking care of taking care of ecological quality for better operating quality participate to monitor through universities/institutes ecological communities collaboration with ecology specialists adapting better crops in monitoring ecological evolution/ monitoring/participating/maintaining + training terms of quality/quantity seasonal changes/testing for more special gardeners for long-term daily maintenance monitoring + adapting resilience process to species behaviors
monitoring with specialists to adapt design for better colonization of fauna/flora observing biodiversity + new association for planting green roofs + balconies monitoring + comparative stud- bbiodiversity district to monitor it as inhabitants monitoring + comparative studies ies + international expertise
colonization construction
use + replicate
business modeling - key partners - key activities & key resources - channels & relationships - costs & revenues