Ranking Every Alvvays Song For Lack of a Better Idea Billy Bratton
In preparation for making this list, I decided to do a grueling relistening of the entire Alvvays discography. One hour later, my ranking was complete. Without further ado, here is the definitive ranking of Alvvays songs from not that good to that good. 23. Already Gone 22. Echolalia 21. Forget About Life 20. Underneath Us 19. Supine Equine 18. Dives 17. Ones Who Love You 16. Hey 15. Red Planet 14. Party Police 13. Lollipop (Ode to Jim) 12. Your Type 11. Saved by a Waif 10. The Agency Group This is my cool “deep cut” pick.
drowning as a relationship meta- The verses aren’t as strong as the phor. chorus but that’s pretty much a nitpick. 8. Not My Baby I definitely underrated this but to 4. Pecking Order acknowledge that would be to ac- Alvvays’s hidden gem and possibly knowledge my fallibility. their best chorus. 7. Plimsoll Punks 3. Adult Diversion I have no idea what a “plimsoll Secretly better than “Archie” alpunk” is but that doesn’t really im- though no one wants to admit it. pact my listening experience. 2. In Undertow 6. Atop a Cake If the rest of this song were as good Featuring potentially the best Alv- as the last minute or so, it would be vays lyric: “how could I lose control one of my all-time favorite songs. I when you’re driving from the back- mean it already is but even more so. seat?” 1. Dreams Tonite 5. Archie, Marry Me Yeah it’s the best.
9. Next of Kin Fun little tune about death by
Photos: Isaac Crown Manesis
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