Nohelia Gonzalez Architecture Portfolio

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M.Arch. Nohelia Gonzalez

Nohelia J. Gonzรกlez J. July, 1989



IAAC (Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia) | 2015 M. Arch in advanced architecture | Average: 8.5/10 Graduation Project: Self - Adaptive Membrane. Kinetic passive system | Barcelona, Spain


DIGITAL MATTER Exploring intelligent and responsive construction systems through smart materials. The investigation method follows an experimental approach and progresses from small scale material sampling to the production of 1:1 scale architectural components and prototypes.


B. Arch., Cum Laude (5 years long program) | Average: 4.3190/5 | Graduation Project: Simón Bolívar University: Rethinking University’s model. Dorm as transformation strategy | Caracas, Venezuela.

Photogrammetry and landscape computation


Karamba and grasshopper based course

Average: 18.60/20 | Caracas, Venezuela.





Documenting and broadcasting the international lecture program

Presentation of reflexive arguments that link art and architecture, in terms of representation, shape exploration and the political role that they are able to fulfill.




Planning and study of several kinds of structures in engineering constructions, considering environmental and constructive factors.



Attendee | Medellín, Colombia.

Study and design of a Botanical Garden for the coast campus of the Simón Bolívar University affected by a landslide. (Vargas in 1999). Recovery of the area and disaster prevention.


EXPERIENCE IN REINFORCED CONCRETE | 2009 Development of an habitat | 1:1 .scale model



FREELANCE WORK | 2013 Project development of Individual offices area for renting (104 m2) | Project development and supervising of mural at a Plastic Container Industry | Project development of terrace to be converted in a dining space for an electric company | Caracas, Venezuela.

JOURNAL “DECO NEWS” | #86 year 17.


Art School at Central University of Venezuela, UCV.

Major renovation of an Industrial building for Pharmaceutical Laboratory sustainable offices | Minor renovations of apartments and stores | Caracas, Venezuela

JOURNAL “DECO NEWS” | #77 year 15. Concrete habitat.





Due to remarkable quality of work | IAAC






V-Ray rendering engine
















CNC CUTTING AND MILLING Brass | Plywood | Foam | Plaster

LASER CUTTING Cardboard | MDF | Plywood | Methacrylate | Textiles | Plastics






Advanced | IELTS - Good user


Advanced | Daple - Bom




CV 01 02 03 04 05 06

07 08

Self Adaptive Membrane. Kinetic Passive System

2015 | Master’s project.


2015 | Data Informed Structures,

Behavior Prediction

2015 | Grasshopper

Data Visualization

2015 | Grasshopper

Digital Fabrication

2014 | Felt and Brass Lamp

Mural at the Plastic Container Industry

2013 | Independent work.

Rethinking University’s Model

2012 | Undergraduate dissertation.

Temporary Island

2012 | VIII Biau competition 5


Self Adaptive Membrane

Architecture is emerging into the information sector where technology and built environment are together creating a new paradigm of design. This new model of design is not only sensitive towards the changing situations with time but also has the capacity to actively identify problems or opportunities and respond to them. This practice of designing active solutions depending on technology has proven to be immensely effective but requires a lot of energy to function. Also, this tendency has set itself apart on a new path, further away from the passive traditional solutions in architecture, thus creating an ever increasing gap. ‘Self-adaptive Membrane’ is a research and built project developed at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain by Master research students Nohelia Gonzalez and Shreyas More to introduce a new technique which unifies the gap between the active performance and passive strategies of architecture. The study involves scientific investigation



Location Barcelona, Spain Date


June, 2015

of the shape memory alloy – Nitinol, made up of Nickle and Titanium, to develop a passive kinetic motor which is capable of deploying geometries in response to the presence of solar radiation. Inspired by the project Smart Screen by Decker and Yeadon and the research is an extension to their findings to construct an amplified passive change. 7

Generic Joint Composition

Zinc Springs Weight Study

Linear Fresnel lens

Mobile arm

NiTi & zinc springs

Anchor points

Reflective surface

Perforated tube

Zinc vs. NiTi Springs

Zinc Springs

Balance of Forces Study

Weight + Heat Study

Applied Joint Composition Linear Fresnel lens Mobile arm NiTi & zinc springs Anchor points

Brass Filled Joint

White Joint

Black Joint

Geometry Panel

Nitinol (NiTi) is a smart material with the ability to get deformed and transform back to its original shape at an actuation temperature which ranges from 75 - 85째C. Although commercial springs have a high actuation temperature, unachievable in standard climatic conditions, they possess a larger amount of strength. A NiTi commercial spring has the ability to pull up to forces of 16N per 20mm of length of spring. The kinetic Nitinol joints (NiTi + zinc springs) perform a loop displacement motion in presence and absence of solar radiation thus creating an independent mobile mechanism. Since the standard atmospheric temperatures are not enough, Fresnel lenses are used to concentrate the solar energy. First passive research involves the use of multiple concentric Fresnel to focus the solar radiations. Second one involves simulation of a linear Fresnel lens by moving its focal point along the 8

Exploited Model Fresnel Lenses

Assembled Components with Kinetic NiTi Joint

Unactive Model

Perforated Folds

Structural Fabric

Active Model Complete Geometry

NiTi spring. The results prove the performance of the kinetic NiTi joints in a complete passive condition. Self-adaptive Membrane’ has two vital performative components: The kinetic Nitinol joints and the folding tessellation geometry working together as an integrated system. The resultant 2-Dimensional displacement of Nitinol joints is coupled with the 3-Dimentional tessellation to produce a deployable unit which can be customized to suit different design applications. The prototype consists of 16 kinetic joints with NiTi springs of 2cm each, forming 4 clusters of joints, collectively synchronizing to mobilize the model. The joints are embedded in a folding geometry which not only expands the volume but also its surface area. Apart from its advantage of being light weight, construction in a fabric enclosure has been intentionally chosen to minimize the need of additional joineries. 9

Single Person Unit

The prototype is a part model of a larger concept which the team visualizes to be a stand-alone single person shell which can be transported and deployed on leisure sites, like camps or beaches. Or it can resort as day-light shelters in the deserts with extreme climate. The team envisions the project to open possibilities for adaptive architecture which is inexpensive in construction, lightweight, and transform the interior spaces according to the relative position of sun. 10


Smart Garnment In a small scale application, garments were seen as a suitable option. The device, made of light structural inside panels embedded into two fabrics, create an uniform surface that opens up when solar rays reach it, creating a self-adaptive hat that provides shadow only when is needed. 12

Facade & Roof Panels

As an alternative on a smaller scale, the team proposes the use of this system to function as a completely passive, responsive building skin or roof. Where, in the presence of sun, when the interior temperature is above the comfort zone, the geometry would expand to exhale the accumulated hot air through the perforated side panels. This process would reverse in absence of sun or in cloud cover as the comfort temperature would be attained thus giving it breathing and exhaling quality. Solar fabric panels could be attached to the geometry to capture and store energy from sun as the surface area increases on actuation, creating a self-sustaining model for smart cities. 13

aramba Data Informed Structures The aim of the project was to build an experimental structure linked to Karamba, a digital structural analysis tool, along with physical experimentation to produce structural feedback loops through consciously evolving the structural design. These tools were used to relate the output data (structural analysis results) to alter the design to become stronger, stiffer, quicker to build, more uniform in carrying load, more material efficient, etc. Where as much as the structure the choice of feedback relates to the architectural design. The developed structure is a concrete shell with a significant cantilever. For this purpose it was necessary to add stiffness to the shell as introducing a counterweight that balance the cantilever.

First proposal included a flat shell with very high deformation and a counterweight given by the shape of the structure. However digital an physical models show the low capacity of the structure and the through the Karamba tool, the weak points were detected and corrected creating informed versions of the structure with better capacities and better efficiency. 14

Massive folding proved to distribute the best the loads, so the base became more and more folded while the top included curved folds that not only distributed the loads but also added stiffness to the unsupported thin area.


Behavior prediction Pedestrian trajectories analysis on Grasshopper My Tracks application was used to “stalk ourselves” over a period of 1 month in order to obtain base information analyze. Two people information (Nohelia Gonzalez and Taiesha Edwards) was joint together for comparison and, through grasshopper, it was possible to develop an algorithm able to “predict” the areas that are more like to be visited by one of the persons or the other. The results were projected on a color grid with a gradient from green to blue, where green highlights are more likely for subject 1 (N) to visit and blue more likely for subject 2 (T) to visit. Also, a video was recorded where the gradient was evolving as the paths of both subjects were being created.


Barcelona’s Immigration / Emigration Data Visualization using Grasshopper Where are the strongest global exchanges of Barcelona’s emigration and immigration populations? Using the collected data from reflecting Barcelona’s emigration and immigration on 2013, a CSV file was created in order to be processed and visualized through Grasshopper. Immigrant and emigrant data was processed individually, represented with green and blue respectively. On the Grasshopper definition, each line represents 50 people in and out of Barcelona, coming and going from each continent (Barcelona point is fixed while the continent points are randomly distributed along its area. Using the GUID and expression components, the layer names (of continents previously drawn on Rhino) and location data names were matched. The segments that represent the mobilization are lighter on the destination point and darker on the origin. This was achieved by dividing the values of a list (of segments) by the number of segments. This gives the value or parameter for the gradient (between 0 and 1) 17

Digital Fabrication

Gradient Level 1

Gradient Level 2

Gradient Level 3

Felt and brass lamp

Felt Cladding

Felt Structure

Brass Cladding

Joinery Small-Small Felt Triangle Joint Felt - Felt Joint

Felt - Brass Joint

Felt / Brass Level of Gradient

Felt / Brass Level of Gradient

Big - Small Triangle Joint Big - Big Triangle Joint


Felt & brass lamp

Location Barcelona, Spain Date

05 18

Dec, 2014

The aim of the project was exploring the digital fabrication techniques on the elaboration of a 2 m long lamp with a gradient that goes from less light coming out from the top to the most light coming out from the bottom. The materials were pre-established and they are industrial felt and brass sheets. In order to give a turn on what common premise on using the hard material for structure and the soft one to fill the gaps, the felt was used for the overall structure while the brass was used to give weight to the lamp and create a drape effect. For this purpose 3 gradient levels were set where “1” was the most open and “3” the most closed. On these gradients a felt triangle with an internal opening, with an appropriate size according to the gradient level, was filled either with a felt or a brass cladding, in the case of the felt, the gradient was determined by the size of internal cut, while the brass gradient was achieved by folding the piece and increasing the amount of light that could go through the central area. Laser Multicam machine was used to cut the felt and a Milling Machine for engraving and cutting the brass sheet.


The project was developed for a plastic processing factory on a wall that is the face of the main access to the factory offices. This factory is located on a 1.800 m2 warehouse and its main production is white and yellow plastic containers for paint in a wide variety of sizes. The owner was looking for a representative wall for the company using his own products. For these matter, the upper rings of the defective products were cut and joint with each other using metallic screws, washers and nuts. The result was a 2m wide x 8m long piece suspended from the roof structure given the low strength of the wall (made of drywall)

Mural at the Plastic Container Industy Project

Interior design

Location Guarenas | Miranda, Venezuela Date

06 20

July, 2013

Defective Product

Complete Wall Work

Cut and used portion Crushed and recycled portion

Assemble process





1 Screw 2 Washer 3 Nut


Rethinking University’s Model The Project sets the Simón Bolívar University as the study case for understanding

American model) because of the need of the students’ isolate from the political

the current field as a Campus or a small self-sufficient City. This “city” must be re-

context of the moment. However, city’s growth embraced the outskirts turning

lated with its surroundings and should be able to receive external flows through

the University into a secluded bubble which doesn’t interact with its nearby

an infrastructure capable of meeting the needs that entails keeping two dialed

context and with a strong access deficit. Taking into account that the Univer-

environments (the public space and the student’s private area). The Simon Bolivar

sity and the City are into a continuous renovation process in order to react to

University was established in the 70’s in a valley with hilly topography and poor

changes and prompt needs of Society, the institution should be able to attend

access at the outskirts of the City. Thereby it assumes a “segregated model” (North

the urban and architectural criteria on the design of the spaces and looking for the active association with the City as well as being flexible to adapt to its continuous transformations. Therefore, it is fundamental for the university setting and its surroundings to locate facilities that establish specific relationships with


Undergraduate dissertation | University’s residences


Arch. Tomás Cervilla

Location Sartenejas | Caracas, Venezuela Date

07 22

October, 2012

the rest of the City. The project propounds a hybrid model which keeps the private spaces from the segregated model and the relation and identity between the City and the University from the English model.


Proposed Urban Plan

L Scale Urban Plan for Sartenejas

70’s Nolli


2012 Nolli

Current Access


The intervention area is composed by the road line that connects La Trinidad with Hoyo de la Puerta. The urban plan looks for a

Proposed Intermodal Station La Trinidad

sustainable alternative placing two poles of intermodal stations located in both endpoints as the vial restructuring, allowing traveling on public buses or walking through a 6 km rout with green stops every 600 meters. The pictures below show the current situation where traffic jams are common and there are not appropriate conditions for walking beside the road as well as the road’s edges are shaped by

Proposed Bus stops

informal housing. Also, public transport use is difficult because the supply does not cover demand. There are only seven public transportation routes which only three of them make a little more than 20 round trips, while the others make at most 2 round trips. Therefore, current public transportation is not able to supply the needed service for the almost 10.000 students. This situation collapses the only bus stop in the campus as well as the few roads that connect the University area with the rest of the city.

Proposed Intermodal Station Hoyo de la Puerta

In relation to student housing, students are located all over the city because there are not dorms on the campus and the bodies responsible to place students on dorms are increasingly unable to find the right place for them. In 2008 could only be covered 25% of demand and in 2011 the percentage was reduced to 14%

Slope Analysis

Current Informal Housing, Roads, Bus Stop, Traffic Jam

Intervention Area



M Scale

Organization Scheme

Connecting the Campus Siting Criteria

Campus Zoning

Vegetation Observation Study of the Slope

Compatible w/ community zoning

Housing is used as the element which is not only capable of

Week Observation Study

Weekend Observation Study

solving the dorm need but also the type of facility that can generate a change on the University dwell mode. It gives an absolute permanence character by transforming it into a real City, where the timetable is not ruled by the class schedule. The dorms location is given by the Campus’ zoning and the activities on its surroundings. There are two points that stand out for been consistent with students and the rest of the city, where both users are able to coexist.

Section B


Section C

Section D

Top Plan

The features of the Valley reinforce the University’s isolation and the project becomes into a “Stair building” allowing the reintegration of students in the community and generating a clear public space where both coexist. A vegetation study helps to locate the different parts of the building where topographic events are respected; old trees are kept up and the steep slopes are intended for two story room which will be teachers’ rooms The residence building is supported by complementary services as student halls, shops, intermediate public space and a cultural center. There are two main pedestrian entrances to the Campus garden (public space) and two winding roads that run throughout the assembly. The cultural center works as a floodgate which controls the access to the private student area. By occupying the rooms, bridges can be formed (lifting side doors) so walking the complex during school time is very easy. By the other hand, at vacation bridges are closed so the path is more restricted.

Section A


S Scale Student Residences Professor Room

Lower Level

Student Room

Professor Room

Upper Level

Facade Function

Organization Scheme


Facade Detail

Bridge Detail

The rooms work as green-roof blocks that “pixelate” the slope turning it into a large staircase breaking the boundaries between the University and the housing complex that has been formed through the years. They are separated 4 meters between each other and the remaining rift allows ventilation, fitting a stair or adapting to topography. By the other hand, the facades fulfill two important functions: when they are closed provides solar protection and when they are open it turns into a pergola that allows the room functions to be expanded to the green roof as the appropriation of the space. The side entrances closure needs to be lifted when the room is occupied and when two adjoining rooms are occupied a bridge is created. Student rooms shares the bathroom, although the room itself can be separated or joint by closing or opening the central doors. Professor’s room has two stories and the sanitary core is separated so it can be more functional, just like it is in the student room.


temporary island Project

VIII Biau water workshop | housing and water treatment

Location La Yaguara | Caracas, Venezuela Date



March, 2012

The project aim was to tackle the production of architecture in an urban environment distinguished by a strong trace of water in a cultural and natural aspect, taking into account landscape issues as well as sustainable solutions related with the water. By the other hand, the project must be a collective housing for rented by low income people. Venezuela is located at South America’s North. Its climate is tropical with two distinct seasons. Venezuela’s capital is Caracas and it is placed in a hilly valley whose topography generates several streams. These streams cross the city being part of the wastewater system and flowing into the Guaire which is the longest river that crosses transversally the city, and now, its main sewer. There is no wastewater plant or near reservoir in the city. The project result is an habitable water treatment and rain collecting landscape, only connected to the contaminated streams furnishing the inhabitants of drinkable water available in the city.


Water paths and shortage Avila Mountain

Guaire River

Guaire River


La Yaguara


100 K



days of shortage a week

1063 masl 1 year rainfall

+6 +4 +2 50 K



Housing construction vs. occupation



68 masl 1985

20 K


Heat Island

Caracas’ heat Island

Tuy system

Rainfall in Caracas

Caribbean Sea

Current renting policies in the country are intended to the renter’s benefit, strongly disfavoring the owner. Nowadays, those who put

Current stream - sewage system

their apartments for rent endanger their assets because of the “law against the arbitrary eviction”, which hinders return of the apartment, taking lots of time, effort and money. These has evolved in a lack of renting offer and the trend in informal housing rent without the minimum health requirements. At the same time, most of the Caracas’ water supplies come from the “Tuy’s System” which is a net of 7 reservoirs located at 68 masl, while Caracas is a 1063 masl. This means that the water distribution requires elaborated machinery to pump up the water, increasing its cost and turning the process incredibly unsustainable. By the other hand, in terms of water, Caracas annual average of rainfall is 913 mm, enough to almost flood the valley completely if it was a container.

Since Caracas’ streams start clean on the top the Avila mountain and turn into waste along their path through the city and

Proposed stream - wastewater treatment system

they flow into the main sewer (Guaire River). The project aim is to create wastewater treatment plants at the intersection between the Guaire River and the streams, taking advantage of the water that naturally comes to the city without any effort. The collective housing establishes furnishes with this water, previously treating it through an helophyte channel system embedded in the landscape and returning clean water to the main river. This way the treatment plant is no longer a wide sterile land but a quality public space that take an active role in the management of the different stages of the water. The specific location was chosen not only for the intersection of mainstreams but also on an industrial area (warmer than residential areas) and with the most significant shortage of water.



d season






Cooling system is performed by the

Apr Jun

Shower Tower. Water is dropped from 16 m


Landscape schedule

towers while air from the street is injected. Water evaporates cooling air.




la Yaguara stream. During the dry season,




The internal water system is connected to Section 1

the water is treated by a system composed of septic tanks, helophytes channels and UV filters until it turns completely drinkable, while on the rain season, rainwater is collected through the landscape. 34

-5 째 C


en season


tim An






the landscape





er Riv

Shower towers

Rented Building

Helophytes filters

Water chanels

Septic tank system

Raw and drinking water tanks

Guaire River sewage

Floodable area

Water chanels

Shower tower

Helophyte filter

La Yaguara sewage stream

Floodable area

Rainwater tank 35

the building

Shower Towers

External Vertical Circulation

Apartment & terraces 36

Apartment & terraces

Shower Towers

External Vertical Circulation

Floodable Landscape

As an exposed system, the idea is to involve the inhabitant in the process and create awareness on the current situation of the city. Not only the water treatment system takes part on the landscape but also the shower towers. The apartments open the most to the this view through terraces and external circulation and allows to see the contrast between the industrial area and the intervened land.


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