Canine Hip Dysplasia
What is canine hip dysplasia? To put it simply, this is when the ball and socket of the canine’s thigh and hip bone are not fitted perfectly together. It may also be that the connective tissue that bonds the two joints together are not strong enough to firmly keep the thigh bone fit properly in the socket of the hip bone. As you can imagine, this will cause pain and extreme discomfort to the dog in his daily movements.
Hip dysplasia is oftentimes a genetic disorder that develops as the puppy grows older. Other times, it is caused by an injury to the young dog’s legs that have not been properly treated. The symptoms do not manifest until later on and when they are not given the right medical treatment – some dogs are altogether unable to walk at all.
This is not to scare you. There are ways to deal with your dog’s hip dysplasia. While surgery is an option that many people consider, it may not be a good idea for you. Surgery usually entails a significant amount of expense as well as constant monitoring that you might not be able to afford. But quite apart from the cost aspect, there are risks inherent in any surgery, and surgery is an invasive procedure that assaults the body and consequently takes some time for the body to be able to heal itself. If you are among the many who are reluctant to use surgery as a first option, a natural treatment for hip dysplasia is available for your dog’s use.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin are natural supplements that help restore the joint and cartilage tissues of the canine. While these two elements do not function as painkillers, consistent use of them will show an improvement after six weeks. Glucosamine and Chondroitin have very few side effects and are safe. Continued use is necessary to keep your dog arthritis condition well under control.
Methyl-sulfonyl-methane or MSM is another natural compound that enhance the connective tissue as well as reduce inflammation of joints, effectively lowering the pain the animal suffers from. Natural herbs like dandelion, alfalfa, yucca, licorice and rosemary are known to have helped dogs deal with the painful effects of arthritis.
Include the abovementioned supplements in a healthy diet rich in vitamin C, E and omega 3 fatty acids. More than their food intake, it is very important that you maintain their ideal weight especially when dealing with a degenerative disease like this. Combine a natural treatment for hip dysplasia with light exercise, closely monitored and directed by your vet’s instructions.
The exercise should be easy on the joints and ligaments of the canine. Try walking, swimming and slowly going up and down the stairs. Keep in mind that he should be not only building muscle but a wider range of motions. Do not play Frisbee or any extreme sport that will place heavy stress on the dog’s joints. Remember, because hip dysplasia is oftentimes hereditary, the best thing you can do for him is to keep his weight down and his immune system up.
With these helpful facts on canine hip dyplasia, you are equipped to handle it the best way possible. It usually affects the larger breeds but you will do well to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your dog to keep him at his optimal condition. Enjoy your pet’s best years today! For more dog information and it’s role in dog health visit