Dance Instruction Videos
When was the last time you let yourself go and just have fun? Well, I found something I loved to do and mustered enough courage to try it out. Here is the story of my love affair with dance instruction videos. I know, you’ve already probably guessed it— I love to dance. I bet a lot of you do too, or at least are interested in it since you’ve already invested a few seconds in reading this article. So, what’s stopping you? For me, it was because I was very shy and I thought it’s a little embarrassing to be caught dancing. I mean, it’s fantastic if I was great at it, but an adult fumbling about in heels and sexy samba music? I don’t think so. What made me change my mind? It’s funny but I was watching television and I saw teenagers just having the time of their lives and I thought— why not me? What is stopping me from enjoying my life? Kids don’t worry too much on what other people are thinking. While this is not necessarily a good thing, for me it was something to think about. I had to live for myself and not for what others might think. If that meant doing something as trivial as pursuing something I loved like dance, then so be it.