Samba Dance in Brazil
That is why samba dance brazil plays such a prominent role in the street carnivals. Gorgeous women in sequined bikinis and elaborate accessories make an eye-popping fixtures in the colorful floats. Of course if you are going to learn ballroom samba dance steps, you will need much more than a few scraps of cloth and some choreography to make it work. The basic step for the samba is the box step. If you are familiar with ballroom, you know that the box step is termed as such because the footwork form a box pattern on the dance floor. The rhythm that is followed by the samba is one, and two; three, and four. Three steps are done for every two measure of counts. The box step is a simple enough step to master. The lead (usually the man) steps forward with the left foot, then closes the gap by putting the right foot beside the left foot. Shift the weight to the left foot. Take a step back with the right foot, and close the gap by placing the left foot beside it. Shift the weight to the right foot. The woman follows the mirror opposite of the man’s steps, meaning if the man goes to the left, the woman goes to the right; if the man goes forward, the woman goes backwards.