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What it is and what it isn't


By Erlinda Carter | @girlgangsteaming

First things first, all POV shared here is mine, Erlinda Carter, and mine alone. With all things, take what you like and leave the rest.

Yoni steaming, or vaginal steaming, is an ancient wellness practice done all over the world — except in the U.S. The reason for this is a long list that starts off with white men becoming doctors and banishing our healers and holistic practices. If you were to ask your medical provider their thoughts on yoni steaming, you would likely get a bit of pushback or transparency. Our medical system has not studied vaginal steaming, so this practice and the data may not be provided in any medical journal. If you were to google yoni steaming, you would see several articles calling you names for even googling it or telling you your yoni dreams are about to come true. I walk in the gray area, and, for me, the gray area is LARGE.

I have been steaming my vulva for seven years. I learned about this practice at a women’s gathering in my friend's living room. On folding chairs in the Mumu Mansion on a Friday night, I intently listened to Keli Garza of Steamy Chick talk about all the things I had been dealing with for what felt like my entire adult life: bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, postpartum healing, seven-day periods, blood clots, and intense cramps. Since I was little, all the things I was going through were normalized. The pain and discomfort was my lot in life for being born a girl, and there was nothing I could do about it. Then, right there, in that living room, the walls of the box I was put in all came tumbling down. I was SOLD! But I still had lots to learn about steaming and my body and how the two would work together. After five years of steaming, I became a yoni steaming practitioner, learning from Keli Garza. My ego loved the title, but I was quickly humbled.

In 2018, I met a dear business partner and friend who invited me to lead a steaming circle. She was gathering a group of womb-bodied women for a three-day fall retreat. I hadn't even steamed with one client, let alone a group. The first night of the retreat was led by Pamela Samuelson of Embodywork LA in her Taking Back the Speculum workshop. I can tell you right now I did not want the darn speculum! But that offering changed my entire life! When I used the speculum on myself, I could see down my vaginal canal and my cervix. Around my cervix, I could see what I knew instantly but was in denial about was blood. I was on day 11 of my cycle. I stopped bleeding on day four. Sitting there was old blood! That day I had an odor that was, as we all know, very embarrassing. I knew that night I would be taking back a damn speculum and cleaning myself up. I’d had no idea I would find old blood: humbling moment number one.

On my journey, I have met a handful of women who steam with their aunties and grandmothers. This tradition has been passed down to them. They took no class and got no title, but they know the benefits and risks and can speak of it just as well. I have sat in a circle with these women side-eyeing me and my “title.” Let’s take a quick moment to honor generational wisdom: humbling moment number two.

Before I get into the specifics of yoni steaming, I want to say if you have a medical condition of ANY kind, please find a medical provider that is aligned with you so that you can receive HOLISTIC care. This includes mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical care. Please do not try to yoni steam alone to cure any medical condition. Women have lost their lives by not seeking proper help. In honor of them, I am going to tell you right now: Yoni steaming is not a cure-all. Yoni steaming is only one of MANY things we should all be doing to take care of ourselves.

Now let’s get down to the deets! Everyone wants to know the basics of the yoni steaming process. When? Where? Why? How?

WHEN: You can steam for three consecutive days before you start bleeding. This will help break down the lining of the uterus, so when you bleed, your body does not have to work as hard, which tends to cause cramps and contractions. After your period, when there is no more fresh, bright red blood, you can steam for three consecutive days. This helps clean out the old blood (remember humbling moment number one). If you are no longer bleeding but are experiencing dryness and discomfort, steaming can support you. Steaming is not only for bleeding bodies. Men and women who are dealing with hemorrhoids have also found comfort in steaming.

WHERE: There are yoni steam practitioners all over! After working with a practitioner once or twice, you can steam in the comfort of your home. Ideally, every woman would have a yoni steaming stool in her home.

WHY: If you bleed monthly, have a womb space, or are in a postpartum phase (abortion, miscarriage, or birth), steaming can support you.

HOW: For ease, I highly suggest a steaming box. If you are in a clutch, squatting or kneeling over a stainless-steel pot or ceramic bowl will do. Some folks put some sort of plastic bowl or a pot in a toilet — yes it works, but for me, the toilet is for holding things that come out. Generally, most will steam for 10 to 30 minutes. Sit with a practitioner to find the ideal steaming time for you.

For many folks, there is a lot of fear around steaming, and the unknown for most of us is scary. Some will say, “You will burn yourself,” and it’s true. You're dealing with hot water — I have burned myself drinking a hot cup of tea — so yes, you must be careful. Also, if the steam is too hot to sit over, GET UP! Like I tell everyone, this is not a workout ad or tampon commercial. We aren’t pushing past the pain to see results. This is a gentle, loving process. Ideal herbs for steaming are herbs that have volatile oil. Some examples of those herbs and plants include rosemary, rose, sage, orange and lemon peels, basil, and bay leaves. Each of these herbs supports different things going on with you. Never use essential oil; that is too strong for your vulva! Sitting down with a steaming practitioner to walk you through the process is easy. Of course, find someone who is aligned with you. If someone is saying that steaming is going to fix every issue in your body and restore you to your ultimate healthy, run and fast!

Sending each of you love on your wellness journey. You are worth it!

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