Chemical Analysis

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Chemical Analysis by Derek Cantrell A close look at our biology reveals that we are a chemical process. This is the best way to define humanity. In fact, the term chemical process is the best way to define all living things. We currently define life, as an entity that contains DNA or RNA. As we’ve learned much about the origins of life, we can thus far conclude that life originated in the oceans. With this information, we can also conclude that DNA/ RNA, is necessary for life that derives from water, but cannot conclude that DNA/ RNA is necessary for theoretical life that formed out of oceans. This means that if we were to encounter extra-terrestrial life, there is sufficient reason to believe that DNA/ RNA, would not be a necessity for them. We also identify a characteristic of life as, having a drive to thrive. For example: Plants will grow toward sunlight and produce seeds, animals will eat nourishment and procreate. Through acknowledgement of evolution, we can also determine that we as a chemical process, derived from chemical processes, derived from chemical processes, and so forth. We must also conclude that we derived from an original chemical process. Using this method, we can trace our origins. The oldest living chemical process in existence today, are bacteria that emerge onto the ocean floor, from tunnels connected to the Earth’s mantle, called Smokers. These bacteria contain RNA, which is the predecessor to DNA. RNA is also more UV resistant than DNA. The RNA’s UV resistance is useful, as the bacteria derive from the vicinity of the Earth’s mantle, where molten rock and fire is present, thus UV radiation is abundant.

The bacteria flows from the Smokers, as if emerging from the fiery lava itself. Fire, though not considered to be alive, displays many behaviors of living organisms. For example, fire consumes gases such as oxygen, and consumes various elements to produce energy. It also emits waste, through smoke and ash. Fire displays other predictable and unpredictable behaviors, just as we find in living entities. Fire is a chemical process just as we are, and while primitive in many respects to humans, it is also much more advanced in other respects. Fire can reproduce instantly, fire can digest many more elements, and it emits waste far more efficiently than we do. Another characteristic of living entities is we create anomalies to potentially gain advantages to environment. This is how we define evolution. If we can theorize that the fire from our Earth’s mantle is capable of evolution, it’s conceivable that fire would produce RNA, as a UV and liquid resistant anomaly, in order to efficiently navigate the water environment. Once we omit our current, and possibly outdated, definition of living, we see that fire is a much older predecessor to our species, than the bacteria from the ocean floor. Perhaps a microscopic flame existed in a nutrient rich droplet of oil, for a brief moment in time. Soon millions of flames existed in millions of droplets. The fire’s interaction with the oils eventually formed the first RNA. This may sound like a farfetched idea, but this is what life does. Life struggles and explores until it finds a more efficient way to exist in its environment. The harsher the environment, the more extreme the evolution. We as humans, came from fish. Whales from a wolf-like creature that walked the Earth on all fours. Fire was once confined to the Earth’s mantle, but soon became the first life at sea. Fire has since continued its great crusade to master every environment. We are a product of that crusade.

We are born of fire. As a product of fire, we have a drive to survive, reproduce and evolve. Just as vast particles of fire, we are driven to thrive in unison. This doesn’t promote conformity, for each particle of fire is driven to explore the environment. It simply means that we are all potentially, equally important to our existence as a species. Not only should we find solace in our species, but if we as living things, are all evolutions of fire, then all living entities should attempt to live in unison. Segregation is irrelevant. Social expectations are irrelevant. Religions are inaccurate and irrelevant. We are all here to explore and to benefit life, not just ours, but all life. A very quick recap: Humans are chemical processes. Evolution suggests that we derived from the simplest chemical process. Fire is a chemical process that predates the oldest living thing on our planet. Fire is also in the immediate vicinity of these bacteria. If we employ Occam’s Razor to draw our conclusion, the answer is quite obvious. Do I have proof that fire made the jump to ancient bacteria? Do I have the power to place fire into interaction with water and wait millions, or billions of years? Obviously the answer is no, but apply scientific method or mathematics to current belief systems and note which hypothesis comes out on top.

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