SUPPLIES **Bee Journal **pencil **eraser **crayons or markers
DRAW A HONEY BEE One of the best ways to sharpen your skills of observation is to draw what you are studying. Even if you don’t have a live bee to draw, drawing one by following these directions will help you remember the important body parts and where they belong. Draw everything in pencil first so you can erase lines you don’t want.
1 Use your pencil to lightly draw a circle on the front cover of
your journal. This is your honey bee’s thorax.
2 Draw a flattened
circle about the same size on one side. This is your honey bee’s head.
3 Draw a bigger teardrop shape on the other side, with the point
headed out. This is your honey bee’s abdomen.
4 Draw a little circle inside the top edge of the thorax to make
the wing base. Draw a fat wing and a thin wing coming out of that little circle. Add some up-and-down lines to the wings to make them look shiny.