Richard Tam Portfolio 1.0

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Countercurrent Turtle Village Fort -The intervention of the empty shell village Location:(Guangdong, China) 2020.December Individual Academic Work “In the midst of rampant urbanization, the world population is still divided roughly 50/50 between city and countryside. In the developing areas of the world, about half of those who live in the countryside still work in agriculture. So even in countries where rural depopulation is a fact, agriculture remains critical. But in Europe and the U.S., the percentage of the rural population working in agriculture is somewhere between two and eight – almost negligible. Globally, if we look at the 50 percent who live outside of cities, there are actually two billion people living in the countryside, not working in agriculture. They live in the countryside and we don’t know what they do there.” COUNTRYSIDE by Rem Koolhaas (Part I) February 13, 2020

Viewing from central axis






Viewing from Drying Room

Viewing from Slaughter House

Viewing from Marinating Room

Viewing from Duck House



Tea-Workshop Museum

-Exploration of Bluring Architecture Location:Songyang, Zhejiang, China 2021.August Individual Academic Work “Architecture of Blurry Boundaries is a law that simulates the malleability of functions through the Internet. This thesis discusses the betweenness of the village. I want to think about how village’s memory can grow and preserved with architecture. Colin Rowe addressed crisis of the object and predicament of texture in the third chapter of “Collage City”. Rowe thought modern cities are more object-oriental. Then, what should internet celebrity villages look like?”

Viewing from mezzanine space





Viewing from Entrance Hall

Viewing from Exhitbition Space

Viewing from Recreation Space

“Mix clay utensils, because the middle is empty, so we implement effect. Carveddoors and windows cover into a house, because the middle is empty, have thefunction of the house.”——Tao and Teh By Laozi



Tesla GIGA Factory

-Exploration and Attempt of New Methodology Location:Brandenburg ,Berlin 2021.April Individual Academic Work “Culturalproduction in the third millennium is totally flat. The information we make and share travels through media that lack hierarchy or centrality. There is no principal authority, no recognized arbitrator, and no centralized archive. There is no perspective, no yesterday, and no tomorrow. Flatness has neither a limit nor a horizon. It has permanently changed our relationship with time and space. As a contemporary metaphor, flatness describes how the invention of the Internet has restructured global society.” -JackSelf (032c: THE BIG FLAT NOW: Power, Flatness, and Nowness in the Third Millennium, 2018)

A preliminary test of the methodology (Trail ver)



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