College Bound 2012

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2F Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Daily Nonpareil

Surviving your first year of college A little advice for freshmen MIKE BROWNLEE MBROWNLEE@NONPAREILONLINE.COM

After Asher and Carol Shorey helped move their son, John, into his dorm at Northeast Missouri State University before freshman year, Dad told son: “Don’t let your studies get in the way of your education.” John, now a professor of history and political science at Iowa Western Community College, said classes are obviously very important – “Go to class, take it seriously” – but so is meeting new people, joining organizations and attending campus activities. “Take advantage of everything the college has to offer,” he said. “Take advantage of the college life.” Incoming freshmen will experience many new things that first year of college. Here’s some advice from people who’ve been there a while. ■ When it comes to class, the first piece of advice from Shorey is, “make sure you go to class.” “Your parents aren’t always there to wake you up. The thing about college is you have a lot more freedom,” he said. “Like they say, 90 percent of life is showing up.” Some colleges have an attendance policy, others don’t. Same for professors. Shorey said he doesn’t. “Students who don’t come to class get bad grades anyway,” he said. “I don’t penalize further.” ■ Complete the readings, ask questions, get involved in the class, Shorey said. “Even if it’s a lecture.” ■ Work hard. Joseph Brown, a professor of psychology with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, said ability and smarts are important. But hard work is even more important. “It’s what you do, what time you put in, the seriousness you put into studies,” he said. “Often times people believe the successful students are successful because of ability they have instead of something they’re doing. But they put in the time.” ■ Critical thinking skills are a must. “You have be able to read a textbook, read a chapter from beginning to end and be able to

Staff photos/Erin Duerr

John Shorey lectures a class at Iowa Western Community College. The professor of history and political science said classes are obviously very important – “Go to class, take it seriously” – but so is meeting new people, joining organizations and attending campus activities. “Take advantage of everything the college has to offer. Take advantage of the college life.” use all of it,” Brown said. ■ Quality note taking is a must – “write down as much as you can,” Shorey said. And you have to understand all of the material, according to Brown. “Just having a vague explanation is not going to be good enough in a college course. You have to understand what’s going on, in depth,”

he said. “You have to be able to explain the actual theory or subject.” ■ For that reason study groups are invaluable, the UNO professor said. When studying alone students often go over material, quiz themselves, then think, “‘Oh I understand that’ and move on.” “But in a study group you have to give your

answer, a member might be able to ask for what’s missing, what could be added,” he said. “Study groups are a really useful tool for students.” ■ And do that learning for yourself. “Master the material, not to match the level or what the instructor wants but because mastering it is important (in itself),” Brown said.

Research indicates infamous ‘freshman 15’ is a myth METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

Hundreds of new students enter college each September. One long-standing assumption about college freshmen is their propensity to gain weight – on average 15 pounds over the course of their initial year in college. As it turns out, a new study pokes holes in that assumption and goes on to point out the truth about freshman weight gain. A study by research scientist Jay Zagorsky from Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource Research debunks the myth of the “freshman 15,” stating that the average weight gain is between 2.4 pounds for women and 3.4 for men. In total, no more than 10 percent of all college freshmen who were examined in the study actually gained 15 pounds.

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College freshmen may not gain 15 pounds their first year after all. Some even lost weight. The results of this study were published in Social Science Quarterly. The study

pointed to aging and becoming young adults as the culprit behind the weight gain, not necessarily the late-night

pizza study sessions or cafeteria grub. The study also looked at same-aged people who were not in college, and most gained the same amount of weight during the period of time they could have been college freshmen. While students may not gain 15 pounds their freshman year, college-age people do gain about 10 to 12 pounds over the four-year school period. Again, this is attributed to natural body changes associated with moving from adolescence into adulthood. Students concerned about weight gain in excess of the 2 to 3 pounds per year can employ these strategies to keep weight gain at a minimum. ■ Limit alcoholic beverages, which tend to be high in calories and add weight fast. ■ Plan for some daily exer-

cise, even if it’s just strolling the quad. ■ When selecting foods from the cafeteria, fill half of your dish with vegetables and then a quarter with whole grains and a quarter with lean meat whenever possible. ■ Limit consumption of packaged, processed foods, which are high in salt and calories. ■ Go sparingly on drive-

thru foods. ■ Keep healthy snacks on hand in your dorm room so you won’t have to head out when hunger pangs strike. ■ Utilize the campus gym if there is one. ■ Take a class as part of your electives that includes physical activity, like a sport. ■ Surround yourself with friends who have like-minded fitness goals.


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The Daily Nonpareil

Sunday, April 8, 2012 3F

When money matters Save thousands by starting at a community college

Making the change Going from a two-year community college to a four-year college can be a challenge. When students transfer, they can experience a little bit of transfer shock, similar to what they experienced when they came from high school to Iowa Western Community College, according to Keri Zimmer, IWCC director of advising. “They have to learn to manage their time again,” Zimmer said. “The earlier students begin to plan to transfer and the more connections they make at their new school, the easier it will be for this shock to pass quickly.” IWCC officials offered the following tips for those planning to transfer from a two-year to a four-year college: ■ Start planning the transfer early. ■ Visit with an assigned academic advisor for information. ■ Determine what to study, since picking a major is an important decision in deciding where students want to transfer. ■ Attend the Transfer Fair and college rep visits. IWCC holds two Transfer Fairs a year, and college representatives commonly visit the student center to visit with students ■ Go on campus visits. This is generally when students make the decision on where they will transfer and where they will fit in. “It is a gut reaction when they are on visits as to whether or not it is a good fit for them,” Zimmer said. ■ Be aware of deadlines. Unlike Iowa Western, many institutions have deadlines to apply for admission, housing, financial aid and scholarships. ■ Apply for graduation at IWCC. It is important for students who are planning to transfer to graduate from IWCC, so they have that designation on their transcript. ■ Consider attending orientation on the new school. That’s what Chris Liewer, University of Nebraska at Omaha director of recruitment and orientation, suggested. Student may attend orientation on campus “to learn about specific resources available to them, where they are located on campus, and what you need to do in order to ensure you are fully aware of the services available to you here at UNO. The transfer students are able to meet with their advisors within their major. The students will be able see where the transfer credits fit in, register for the upcoming semester and create a plan to complete their degree,” Liewer said.


Not every college students gets his or her start at a fouryear school. Some college students decide to begin their education at a community college. One of the main reasons may be to save money – the costs are lower at a community college. “Tuition here is about 60 percent of tuition at the universities, and private colleges are much more,” Iowa Western Community College President Dan Kinney said. Keri Zimmer, IWCC director of advising, said tuition per credit hour at IWCC is $126, plus an additional $13 in fees. “Tuition at the public fouryear schools for a semester is around $7,500 for a year,” Zimmer said. “Another big difference is seen in the fee structures. IWCC has a flat $13 credit hour fee, whereas many other schools have fees for things like technology, application, parking, student IDs, activities, student service, graduation fees, transcript fees – so they add up very quickly.” A credit hour at the University of Northern Iowa costs $267. At the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska residents pay $189.75 per credit hour and non-residents pay $559.50 per credit hour. If an IWCC student transfers to UNO, Chris Liewer, UNO director of recruitment and orientation, said they save money with the school’s Metropolitan Advantage Program

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Iowa Western Community College student Vanessa Fichter of McClelland meets with enrollment advisor Libby Petersen, seated, and Keri Zimmer, director of advising. and Maverick Advantage Scholarship. “UNO is seeing an increased number of Iowa students transferring and benefiting from these programs,” said Liewer. “They provide significantly reduced tuition opportunities for students from 11 eastern Iowa counties, which includes Pottawattamie, Harrison and Mills.” Articulation agreements also help IWCC students. These are agreements with four-year universities like the University of Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa and Buena Vista University. “When a student completes a degree at IWCC, they transfer in at the junior level at the four-year school,” Zimmer added. UNO also has articulation agreements with several com-

munity colleges in the area. These agreements make students aware of how their completed credits transfer to UNO. “It is beneficial for the students to work closely with their advisor at both the community college and UNO,” Liewer said. “By keeping in touch with advisors, students are able to stay on track, take the right courses and have an easy transition into their bachelor’s degree program.” “Students could save thousands by starting at IWCC, graduating and moving on,” Zimmer said. Cara Cool knows starting at a two-year college, then attending a four-year college, has financial advantages. She became an IWCC student recruiter after graduating from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts degree in com-

munications. “I went to Iowa Western, graduated with an associate’s degree in arts and general studies, then I went to the University of Iowa,” Cool said. “All my classes transferred, and they were more than accommodating.” There are programs like the Iowa State and University of Iowa Admissions Partnership Program. Students sign up for the program and get an assigned advisor to help steer them toward a four-year degree while they attend IWCC. There also are programs like University of Iowa’s 2+2 where, “for specific majors students can be guaranteed graduation in two years if they take the appropriate coursework at IWCC and work with UI from early on,” Zimmer said.


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4F Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Daily Nonpareil

Dorm designs Comfort, space saving style at college without the cost METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

As any parent knows, the cost of college continues to rise. According to, the average costs at a four-year, private university for the 2009-10 school year exceeded $26,000. That figure is daunting on its own, but when combined with the nation’s struggling economy the sticker price is even more shocking. While parents are fully aware of the costs associated with college, they might not be aware of the many ways in which they can cut college costs. Though there’s little parents can do about lowering tuition, there are myriad ways to save on other costs associated with college. Perhaps no tactic better serves parents than planning ahead. While many high school seniors don’t know what to expect when they first step on campus, there are a few givens parents can plan for when it comes to college life. One such given is furnishings. While dorm rooms aren’t akin to a 5-star hotel, parents who plan ahead when furnishing their children’s room can save substantial amounts of money. For instance, dorm rooms are generally smaller than a kid’s normal room, requiring some careful planning if he or she plans to bring most of their things along to college. Parents of college bound youngsters should consider the following tips courtesy of, the premiere online resource for parents seeking to provide their college bound sons and daughters with all the comforts of home at a fraction of the cost. ■ Shop for multi-functional items. While college kids might not know what a compact disc is, that doesn’t mean they don’t need a

While dorm rooms might not provide the most square footage, the ceiling heights are often average size. That makes dorm rooms ideal for going vertical. Consider bookcases and dressers that stretch vertically instead of horizontally, enabling students to save space and money. place to store all those DVDs and video games. When shopping for storage items, consider multi-functional items that serve more than one purpose. For instance, features more than 1,900 TV stands, many of which boast ample storage space ideal for college kids living in a crowded dorm room. But multi-functional items don’t stop at storage. For those college kids lucky enough to have room for a couch, futons make the ideal addition to any dorm room, acting as a couch during the day time and doubling up as a fold-out bed for those weekend visits from friends back home. ■ Go vertical. While dorm rooms might not provide the most square footage, the ceiling heights are often average size. That makes dorm rooms ideal for going vertical. Based on consumer demand, offers a wide

array of items allowing students and parents to do just that, including hundreds of bookcases in varying styles, and name brand dressers that stretch vertically instead of horizontally, enabling students to save space and money. ■ Hook it up. Hooks are another good friend of those who call dorms home. Instead of using up valuable dresser and closet space to hang coats, hangers and even bath towels, hooks hung up on the back of the dorm room door or inside the closet door make use of existing space many college kids don’t routinely use. ■ Think small. Furnishing a dorm room is not the same as furnishing a first apartment. When shopping for dorm rooms, think small. boasts hundreds of nightstands and innovative furniture products ideal for making over the cramped style of the average dorm room.

Submitted photos helps college bound kids furnish their dorm rooms without breaking the bank.

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The Daily Nonpareil

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Educational choices for women Opportunity knocks: Careers abound for women in science and technology which according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics is “among the highest of all college graduates.” 6. Travel opportunities abound: A truly global career path, engineering jobs exist all over the world. Atov said, “Engineering offers international portability – enabling you to work in different countries.” Domestic companies may place employees to work in foreign subsidiaries, or global companies may be looking for a larger pool of applicants. “Especially in the field of academia, engineers don’t just pursue careers in their home state, or even country. University jobs are now advertised worldwide and it is quite the norm, to have applicants from every continent – thus ensuring that the best candidates in the world are chosen,” she said. “Women should know, now more than ever, that engineering is a career that brings together passion, creativity and intelligence to a job where you can help people,” said Atov. Engineering careers generally require a four-year degree from an accredited university. Internships can help individuals further clarify the intricacies of a career in engineering, especially one in a certain specialization. Regardless of age or level of education, if your dream is to join the ranks of other successful women engineers – such as Dr. Radia Perlman, known as the Mother of the Internet, and Nancy J. Currie, a NASA astronaut, engineer and officer in the U.S. Armed Forces – visit or to learn more.


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When deciding whether or not to pursue an advanced degree, women should consider the impact such a pursuit might have on their present employment.

Deciding if graduate school is right for you METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

The year 2010 saw women surpass men in advanced degrees for the first time ever. So says the United States Census Bureau, which found that among adults 25 and older who earned a master’s degree, 10.6 million were women and 10.5 million were men. Such statistics illustrate how women are increasingly positioning themselves for career advancement. Though there’s no guarantee that an advanced degree will advance a career, the appeal of an advanced degree and its potential impact on career aspirations is something many women are finding too difficult to resist. But there are a few things women should consider before they begin their pursuit of graduate degrees. ■ Immediate career implications: It’s common to think of the future when weighing the pros and cons of graduate school, but women currently working in their fields should consider the immediate implications of pursuing an advanced degree. Graduate studies require a much bigger commitment than undergraduate studies, and that commitment could negatively impact your current employment. Though it’s possible to attend graduate school part-time, some programs insist students attend full-time, which might make it impossible to maintain your current employment and attend graduate school at the same time. Consider the immediate ramifications of attending graduate school, and decide if those consequences are worth the effort. ■ Finances: Pursuing an advanced degree is considerably more expensive than pursuing a bachelor’s degree. Women should examine their finances and decide if they are willing to take on student loans or pay for graduate school from their own savings. If you decide that taking out loans is worth it, it helps to know that many programs only offer financial aid to fulltime students. If you don’t plan to attend graduate school full-time, you might need to find other ways to finance your education. In addition to the cost of attending graduate school, also consider the impact such a decision will have on your earning potential, especially if you will be paying out-ofpocket. Established professionals already earning good salaries might find the cost of an advanced degree and its possible effect on future earn-

What to consider ■ Immediate career implications: Though it’s possible to attend graduate school part-time, some programs insist students attend full-time, which might make it impossible to maintain your current employment and attend graduate school at the same time. ■ Finances: Women should examine their finances and decide if they are willing to take on student loans or pay for graduate school from their own savings. ■ Need: Before going forward with your pursuit of a graduate degree, research your field to see if such a degree is truly necessary. ■ Time: If you have children and need your current salary to support your family, then you might find you don’t have the time to pursue an advanced degree.

ings doesn’t add up. However, younger college grads whose careers haven’t taken off or even begun might earn considerably more money if they earn advanced degrees. ■ Need: Some people pursue a graduate degree because it’s necessary in order for them to advance their careers. Others do so because of external factors, such as a poor economy, that are making it difficult for them to gain entry into their desired fields. Before going forward with your pursuit of a graduate degree, research your field to see if such a degree is truly necessary. An advanced degree is desirable in many fields but not necessarily all of them. If your career has been steadily advancing without the help of a graduate degree, then you might not need one after all. ■ Time: Working mothers are typically busy enough without the added burden of attending graduate school. If you have children and need your current salary to support your family, then you might find you don’t have the time to pursue an advanced degree. If you can afford to quit your job, however, graduate school might work, though it will likely require sacrifice on the part of both you and your family.

“Real women study science.” “Engineering is exciting.” While one may not see these mottos plastered on billboards across the country or popping up on prime time television just yet, successful female engineers and organizations such as the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation and the IEEE want individuals choosing a course of study and potential career path to consider scientific fields – like engineering. There’s more to this line of work than meets the eye. Here are some of the many reasons female students should think about pursuing a career in engineering. 1. Design and innovate: According to Dr. Irena Atov, chair of IEEE Women in Engineering and technical manager at Telstra, a network architecture reliability group, “Engineering jobs are involved with the invention, design and manufacture of products and systems.” Essentially, engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems. “Everything you use, everywhere you go in the man-made environment has its basis in engineering,” offered Atov. 2. Play with technology: Technology isn’t just for catching up on social networking or trading e-mails. At the crux of engineering are technologies used to design, produce, test, and simulate how a machine, structure, or system operates. You can actually “play” with the concepts that you are developing before they are put to market.

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Essentially, engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems. The talent pool provided by female engineers is growing, and women can bring a new perspective to the field and its social force. 3. Science can liberate: There’s something empowering about a career in a field that has such widespread touch, impact and relatability. According to Atov, “Engineering is such an interesting field in that every day when you go to work you can create things you never thought possible – a true way to follow your dreams.” Additionally, the talent pool provided by female engineers is growing and women can bring a new perspective to the field and its social force. 4. Hands-on work in different specialties: For those who love to get inside a problem and work toward a solution, engineering has multiple fields of interest to pursue. Engineering pervades so many subsets that there are dozens of specialized concentrations within this field of study. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 17 engineering spe-

cialties recognized by the Federal Government’s Standard Occupational Classification system. These include: Agricultural engineers, biomedical engineers, civil engineers, computer engineers, environmental engineers, and nuclear engineers, among others. Individuals interested in a specific area of study can likely find an engineering specialty that works in conjunction with that field. 5. Engineering can be lucrative: Thanks to the widespread demand for engineers in all facets of the economy, engineering can be a stable and intellectually stimulating career. In a time of economic uncertainty, it can be a smart move to choose a career path that ensures long-term employment, like engineering. Although salaries vary according to country and area of specialty, it’s not uncommon to earn a starting salary of $80,000 and upward per year,

New nursing campus helps woman pursue her postponed dream LESLIE REED WORLD-HERALD NEWS SERVICE

NORFOLK, Neb. – A new bachelor’s degree nursing program offered here has given Kari Uhlir a new chance to pursue a postponed dream. After she graduated from Battle Creek High in 1992, Uhlir – then Kari Schmode – headed off to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to pursue a health care career. She declared a pre-med major and worked part time as a certified nurse’s aide at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital. But life took her on a different path – one that led to a move back home to northeast Nebraska and to marriage and motherhood. Uhlir is now pursuing a nursing degree from the Northern Division of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing. On May 3, the first class of 26 students will graduate from the Norfolk program, helping to address a looming shortage of nurses in Nebraska. After their first child was born, Uhlir and her husband, Todd, moved to Norfolk. He took over as manager of a family-owned Burger King restaurant in town. Uhlir enrolled at a nursing college in Sioux City, Iowa, about 75 miles away. She withdrew before starting classes because the drive would take too much time away from her infant daughter. Three more children came along as the years passed. Always, the thought hovered about nursing school. Always, the dream seemed just beyond her reach. Uhlir, now 38, said she could hardly believe it when community leaders started talking several years ago about raising funds to enable UNMC to establish a College of Nursing campus in Norfolk. It wasn’t that she doubted her community could make it happen – she’s seen how people in the counties surrounding Norfolk can pull together.

“It was just the thought ‘Can I actually do what I want to do?’” she said. “Something clicked inside me.” Eventually more than 350 private donors contributed nearly $12 million – the full cost of the new building, which is on the Northeast Community College campus and is shared by the community college’s associate degree nursing program. The building is named in honor of J. Paul and Eleanor McIntosh, who donated an undisclosed amount in excess of $1 million toward its cost. Guests to be invited to the May graduation ceremony will include the hundreds of people who contributed to the cause, said Liane Connelly, assistant dean in charge of the program. The med center spends less than $1 million a year on salaries for 13 faculty and five staff and for shared maintenance costs. The Norfolk-based school is part of the med center’s strategy to address a looming shortage of nurses in Nebraska. Even though the number of nurses graduating from 16 nursing education programs in the state of Nebraska increased significantly in the past decade, health care experts say the increase is not enough to keep up with future demands. Rural areas already face nursing shortages. The Center for Nursing reports that as of 2008, 28 low-population counties had fewer than half the nurses they needed. When it opened in 2010, the Northern Division became the med center’s fifth nursing campus. Others are in Scottsbluff, Kearney, Lincoln and Omaha. By locating nurse education programs across the state, the medical center hopes to encourage new nurses to live and work in their home communities. (University of Nebraska officials earlier this year asked

the Legislature to approve funds to build new nurse education facilities in Lincoln and Kearney. The Legislature approved spending $15 million to expand the Kearney campus but did not allocate money toward the Lincoln expansion.) The nursing campus strategy is working, according to several students interviewed at the Norfolk site. Ashley Pokorny of Howells, Neb., who became interested in nursing after her father lost his hand in a farm accident when she was 4 years old, said she hopes to get a job at a clinic in the area. She lived in Lincoln while completing her general education requirements at Southeast Community College. “City life is nice, but I like Howells,” said Pokorny, who will graduate in May. “I don’t like stoplights.” Amanda Peterson graduated from high school in Omaha and became a hospital corpsman in the U.S. Navy. After she finished active duty she went to work at the Nebraska Medical Center as a certified nurse assistant. A

friend introduced her to Miles Peterson, an electrician from Neligh, Neb. She agreed to marry him and move to Neligh after she learned that the medical center was starting a bachelor’s degree in nursing program in Norfolk. The two have been married less than a year. Without the nursing college they probably would still be in a long-distance relationship, Peterson said. Uhlir, the mother of four, and Peterson are among the 48 students in the Norfolk program’s second class, which will graduate in May 2013. Uhlir said her goal now is to become a nurse practitioner so she can be in charge of her own practice, diagnose patients and teach new students. Daughter Taylor is now 16, daughter Camryn is 11, son Trenton is almost 7 and daughter Carrington is 5. “I love being a mom,” Uhlir said. “But I always wondered (about nursing). I’ve had odds and ends of jobs, but I never thought I was doing what I was meant to do.”


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6F Sunday, April 8, 2012

Why many are opting to study in healthcare fields Statistics show 3.2M jobs will be created by 2018 in the healthcare industry METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

Unemployment rates may still be high and the opportunities out there in specific careers might be waning, but there is one job sector that may be promising – healthcare. Statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor indicate that 3.2 million jobs will be created by 2018 in the healthcare industry. Other forecasters say that with an aging population who will provide the demand for healthcare workers, jobs in the health sector make sense as a stable career option. Plus there are more opportunities for hire. But what healthcare jobs are out there for those who don’t currently have a medical degree nor the time to devote to a long education or much additional schooling? As it turns out, plenty. ■Dental assistant: This career is one of the fastest-growing careers in healthcare, according to industry experts. While formal schooling may not be needed and some dentists train on-site, there’s better opportunity for those who have completed a training program. Some dental assistant diploma or certificate programs can be completed in as little as a year. The median expected salary for a typical dental assistant in the United States is $32,969. ■Registered nurse: Nurses are often the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry. Though doctors may get all the glory, it’s often

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Some predict that with an aging population who will provide the demand for healthcare workers, jobs in the health sector make sense as a stable career option. nurses who provide the muchneeded, behind-the-scenes care that complements a doctor’s expertise. Applicants can consider earning a two-year associates degree in nursing to get started in the field and then continue their education and certification as they advance. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a registered nurse in the United States is $67,720. ■Pharmacy technician: The world of pharmaceuticals continues to grow. A 2009 story in Forbes magazine indicated that 11.6 prescriptions are issued per person in the U.S. each year. West Virgina is the state with the highest number of scripts per capita. With so many prescriptions issued each year, the demand for pharmacy employees is increas-

The Daily Nonpareil

Agricultural career opportunities abound METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION

A career in agriculture can prove richly rewarding. While it’s common to envision overalls and tractors when imagining careers in agriculture, the opportunities to work in the agriculture industry stretch beyond the farm and into the corporate world. The following are a few of the paths men and women with a passion for agriculture can pursue. ■Business: Agriculture is big business, and the industry has many opportunities for those who want to pursue a career in business. Farmers and producers of agricultural products need someone to draft contracts for their agreements with the large corporations who distribute those products. In addition, purchasing agents and agricultural financiers are just two of the many career opportunities that enable men and women to work on the business side of agriculture. ■Social service: The agricultural industry also has positions of social service. In addition to food inspector, who ensures agricultural products are safe for human con-

ing. Assistants can generally complete a certificate program, which may be as short as six months. Pharmacy techs earn an average salary of $32,600, according to ■Hospice care worker: Whether providing home hospice care or working in a facility, these workers provide support and assistance to the elderly or individuals with illnesses that restrict their ability to care for themselves. Hospice care is often end-of-life care and requires a special level of devotion from workers. Depending on the program, a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a state certification may be all that’s necessary to become a hospice technician. Salaries can range from $35,000 to $60,000.

sumption, social service positions within the agricultural industry include environmental consultant and conservation officer. Men and women can also work to develop programs that encourage youngsters to pursue careers in the agricultural industry. ■Production: Of course, the agricultural industry has a host of careers for those who want to get their hands dirty. Farms need to be plowed, seeds must be planted and fertilized and farms need to be wellmaintained to continue operating efficiently and effectively. Though technology has taken the place of many agricultural production positions, there are still many opportunities out there for those who want to work under the sun. ■Education: Those who want to share their love of agriculture with others can put their skills to work in the classroom. Agricultural instructors can train the next generation of agriculture professionals at the university or high school level, ensuring today’s farms are left in good hands tomorrow.

The opportunities to work in the agriculture industry stretch beyond the farm and into the corporate world. Submitted photo

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