Yakuplu Merkez Mah. Osmanl› Cad. Güney Konaklar› A-Blok No: 1 Kat 3 Daire 6 - 34524 Beylikdüzü - ‹STANBUL - TURK‹YE Tel.: +90 212 876 75 06 Fax: +90 212 876 06 81 www.teknikfuarcilik.com - www.hightex2012.com Hightex IIII. ‹stanbul Teknik Tekstiller & Nonwoven Fuarlar› 2012 y›l›nda planlanmaktad›r.
6 2010’nun Kazanan ve Kaybedenleri
‹mtiyaz Sahibi ve Genel Yay›n Müdürü / President Publisher Necip GÜNEY Sorumlu Yaz› ‹flleri Müdürü / Editorial Director Ümit VURAL Yay›n Müflaviri / Corporate Editor Doç. Dr. Hale Canbaz KARAKAfi
Winners and Losers of 2010
Yay›n Kurulu / Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Kerim DURAN Prof. Dr. Erdem KOÇ Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKALIN Prof. Dr. Peter HARDT Prof. Dr. Özcan ÖZDEM‹R
Doç. Dr. Recep YILMAZ Prof. Dr. Merih SARIIfiIK Doç. Dr. Ömer Berk BERKALP Yrd. Doç. Dr. Dilek TOPRAKKAYA KUT
Invista, Lycra® Sport Kumafl›n Avrupa Lansman›n› ISPO 2011’de Yapacak!
Uluslararas› ‹liflkiler / International Relations Murat ÇAVDAR Reklam Müdürü / Advertising Manager Nihat DURMUfi Matbaa Sorumlusu / Printing Responsible fienol YALIN
Invista Will Lauch Lycra® Sport Fabric in Europe at ISPO 2011
Mali ‹fller Müdürü / Financial Manager fienol YALIN Grafik Tasar›m / Design and Art Direction Temel EMECAN Abone ve Da¤›t›m / Subscription and Distrubition Furkan GÜNEY
Kevlar ve Aramid Lifleri, Özellikleri ve Uygulamalar›
Bask› Cilt / Publishing House Euromat Entegre Matbaac›l›k
Kevlar and Aramid Fibers, Properties and Applicationsa
Yap›m - Yönetim / Head Office Teknik Fuarc›l›k ve Yay›nc›l›k Reklamc›l›k Dan›flmanl›k Tic. Ltd. fiti. Yakuplu Merkez Mah. Osmanl› Cad. Güney Konaklar› A-Blok No: 1 Kat 3 D.6 - 34295 Beylikdüzü - ‹STANBUL Tel
: +90 (212) 876 75 06
: +90 (212) 876 06 81
: http://www.nonwoventechnology.com
: info@nonwoventechnology.com
: 15 TL
Üç ayda bir yay›mlan›r. Published once in three months. Bu dergide yay›mlanan haber ve foto¤raflar, kaynak gösterilmeden kullan›lamaz.
All rights reserved. All photos and news is this publication can not be used without indicating the source
REKLAM ‹NDEKS‹ / ADVERTISERS INDEX DILO...........................................13
MESSE FRANKFURT ...................1-5
HIGHTEX 2012 ...................... Ö.K.‹
TELASIS ...................................A.K.
ITMA TUR...................................11
TEKNIK AJANS............................17
ITM 2012.............................A.K.IÇI
TEKST‹L TEKNOLOJ‹....................19
KISBU .......................................Ö.K
TEKNIK FUARC›L›K......................21
Fuarlar Yo¤unluk Kazand›...
Exhibitions are Increasing... NEC‹P GÜNEY
Ö n ü m ü z d e k i aylarda teknik tekstilcileri yo¤un bir fuar
A very intense exhibition program is waiting for those in the
bekliyor. Dünya fuar sektörünün lider
technical textile sector. Messe Franfurt, which is among the
kurulufllar›ndan Messe Frankfurt, 2 fuar› ayn› anda düzenliyor.
leading companies of world exhibition sector, organizes 2
24-26 May›s tarihlerinde yer alacak olan Techtextil ve 24-
exhibitions at the same time. Techtextil between 24-26 May
27 May›s tarihleri aras›ndaki Texprocess. Messe, fuarc›l›k
and Texprocess between 24-27 May.
alan›nda bu flekilde bir ilke imza at›yor. Türkiye de Techtextil
Messe is signing a “first” event in exhibitions in this way.
Fuar›’nda yer alacak. fiu ana kadar kat›l›m› kesinleflen 19 Türk
Turkey will also be present at Techtextil. 19 Turkish companies
firma bulunuyor. Bir di¤er fuar haberi de geçti¤imiz ay yer
have approved their attendance. Another exhibition is ISPO
alan ve 6-9 fiubat 2011 tarihleri aras›nda Almanya’n›n Münih
2011, which took place in 6-9 February 2011 in Munich,
kentinde düzenlenen ISPO 2011. INVISTA burada LYCRA ®
Germany. Invista exhibited its LYCRA
SPORT fabric and
SPORT kumafl›n› ve LYCRA T400 lifini sergiledi.
LYCRA T400 fiber here.
Bildi¤iniz gibi 2010 y›l›nda Türkiye haz›r giyim ihracat› % 13
As you well know, Turkish clothing export had an increase of
art›fl gösterdi, genel tekstilde ihracat›nda ise % 19 art›fl
13% and the general textile export witnessed an increase of
kaydedildi. 2010 ihracat de¤erleri memnuniyet verirken, bir
19%. While 2010 export values made us happy, another good
di¤er sevindirici haber TGSD’den geldi. TGSD Baflkan› Cem
news came from TGSD. TGSD Chairman Cem Negrin stated
Negrin 2011’de ihracatta % 10 art›fl beklendi¤ini söyledi. Bu
that an increase of 10% was expected in export. This gives us
da tekstilin yine ihracatta ülkemizin en önemli sektörü
good news that textile will be the most important sector of our
olaca¤›n›n habercisi. Avrupal› tekstil al›c›lar› da son
country once again. European textile buyers are more oriented
zamanlarda Türkiye’ye daha fazla yönlenmeye bafllad›. Ancak
towards Turkey. However, within this positive view, we have to
tüm bu olumlu tablo içerisinde dünyada pamuk üretiminin
be careful with the decrease in cotton cultivation, increase in
azalmas›na, pamuk fiyatlar›n›n art›fl›na, kura ba¤l› olarak
cotton prices, more and more decreasing profitability ratios,
gittikçe azalan karl›kl›k oranlar›na, artan ithalat de¤erlerine ve
increasing import values and possible risks due to stagnancy in
Avrupa’da yaflanan durgunlu¤a ba¤l› olarak olabilecek risklere
de dikkat etmek gerekiyor.
Best Regards,
DOÇ. DR. HALE CANBAZ KARAKAfi Nonwoven Technology Technical Textiles Yay›n Müflaviri / Corporate Editor
Sevgili Okurlar,
Dear Readers,
Son günlerde ülkemizde lif alan›nda önemli geliflmeler yaflan›yor.
Important developments take place in our country in fibers in the
Bunlardan ilki 2006 y›l›nda pilot üretimine bafllanan Aksaca.
last days. The first one is Aksaca, the carbon fiber of which
Türkiye art›k karbon lifi üreten ülkelerin aras›nda yerini ald›.
production has begun in pilot scale in 2006. Turkey has taken its
AKSA’n›n Yalova tesislerinde Aksaca markas› ile dünya
place in carbon producing countries. Carbon fiber is produced fort
pazarlar›na karbon lifi üretiliyor. % 100 Türk mühendislerinin
he world markets under the brand name Aksaca in Yalova plants
ürünü olan Aksaca ile AKSA; dünyan›n say›l› karbon üreticileri
of Turkey. Aksaca, which is a 100% product of Turkish engineers,
aras›nda yerini alm›fl durumda. 21. Yüzy›l›n en stratejik
has brought AKSA to its position among carbon fiber producers in
hammaddelerinden biri olan karbon, katma de¤eri de son
the world. Carbon, which is one of the most strategic raw materials
derece yüksek bir ürün ve ülkemiz için ileri teknoloji malzeme
of 21st century, is a product with very high added value and it is
üretiminde söz sahibi olmas› aç›s›ndan da son derece önemli. Bir di¤er olumlu geliflme ise Bafra Ovas›’nda ›s›rgan otu
extremely important for our country to have word in high technology
yetifltirilecek olmas›. Ondokuz May›s Üniversitesi Bafra Meslek
material production.
Yüksek Okulu Organik Tar›m Bölümü lif kalitesi yüksek ›s›rgan
Another positive development is that nettle fiber will be produced
türlerinin tespiti için çal›flmalara bafllad›. Dergimizde bu konuyla
in Bafra Champaign. Organic Agriculture Department of Bafra
ilgili haberlere yer verdik. Is›rgan otu lifi özellikle 1. Dünya
Vocational High School in Ondokuz May›s University has begun
Savafl›’nda asker üniformalar›nda pamu¤un yerine kullan›lm›flt›r.
activities and studies to identify nettle varieties with high fiber
Bu lifin de çok büyük miktarlarda üretilmese de do¤al lifler
quality. We think that this fiber will take its place among natural
aras›nda yerini alaca¤›n› düflünüyoruz.
fibers though it will not be produced in great volumes.
Best Regards…. Sayg›lar›m›zla…
Haber / News
2010’nun Kazanan ve Kaybedenleri Winners and Losers of 2010 Tekstil sektörünün lider ülkeleri geçen y›l inifl ç›k›fllar yaflad›. Türkiye 2010 y›l›nda tekstil sektörünün kazanan ülkeleri aras›nda baflta yer ald›. Leading countries of the textile sector experienced ups and downs last year. Turkey was among the winners of the textile sector in 2010.
sektöründe kazananlar› ve kaybedenleri:
The year of 2010 has created a list of winners and losers as countries in terms of various sectors. Textile sector was one of them. Ready-made garment manufacturing countries had to cope with many challenges such as increasing expenses of labour, raw material and transportation due to natural disasters in 2010. While some came out of crisis stronger, supplying capacity of some others weakened. Turkey has started to develop rapidly in textile sector in the list of winning countries. Here are the winners and losers of 2010 in textile sector:
Türkiye: 2010 y›l› Türkiye’nin yeniden güç kazand›¤› bir y›l oldu. Ge-
Turkey: 2010 has become a stronger year for Turkey. Turkey having a developed and dynamic textile and ready-made garment sector and exportinf to Europe, Russia and Middle East countries is getting closer to its purpose of being the centre of fashion. Istanbul Fashion Week organized in august has drawn attention globally and help Turkish brands to be known in an international platform. The sector aims to raise the export in the mid-term up to 20 billion US Dollars and 60 billion US Dollars by 2023. Indonesia: Indonesia progressing on the purpose of being a costeffective production centre is encouraging investment from the other countries and Chine in this respect. Consideration of Indonesia as a reasonable production centre is not due to the low labour costs but also strong infrastructure and ready made garment industry in the country. Energy prices also support the chance of cost effective production in the country. India: Indian textile manufacturers complained about high cotton prices in 2010, there was applied export restrictions, however ready-made garment sector of the country utilized the year of
2010 y›l› çeflitli sektörler aç›s›ndan ülkeler baz›nda kazananlar ve kaybedenler listesi oluflturdu. Tekstil sektörü de bunlardan biriydi. Haz›r giyim üretici ülkeler, 2010 y›l›nda do¤al felaketlerden iflgücü, hammadde ve nakliye giderlerinin yükselmesi gibi birçok sorunla yüzleflmek zorunda kald›. Baz›lar› bu süreçten güçlü ç›karken, tedarik gücü zay›flayanlar da oldu. Türkiye kazanan ülkeler listesinde tekstil sektöründe h›zla yükselmeye bafllad›. ‹flte 2010 y›l›n›n tekstil
liflmifl ve dinamik bir tekstil ve haz›r giyim sektörüne sahip olan ve Avrupa, Rusya ve Orta Do¤u ülkelerine ihracat yapan Türkiye, moda merkezi olma hedefine ad›m ad›m yaklafl›yor. A¤ustos ay›nda düzenlenen ‹stanbul Moda Haftas›, küresel anlamda dikkat çekti ve Türk markalar›n›n uluslararas› anlamda tan›nmas›na yard›mc› oldu. Sektör, orta vadede ihracat›n› 20 milyar ABD Dolar›na ve 2023 y›l› itibariyle de 60 milyar ABD Dolar›na ç›karmay› hedefliyor. Endonezya: Güvenilir bir düflük maliyetli üretim merkezi olma yolunda ilerleyen Endonezya, bu özelli¤i nedeniyle di¤er ülkelerden ve Çin’den yat›r›m çekiyor. Endonezya’n›n iyi bir üretim merkezi olarak kabul görülmesi, sadece iflgücü maliyetlerinin düflük olmas›ndan de¤il, ülkedeki haz›r giyim sanayisinin ve altyap›n›n sa¤lam olmas›ndan kaynaklan›yor. Ayr›ca enerji fiyatlar› da ülkede düflük maliyetli üretim imkan›n› destekliyor. Hindistan: Hindistan tekstil üreticileri 2010 y›l›nda yüksek pamuk fiyatlar›ndan flikayet ettiler, ihracat k›s›tlamalar› getirildi, ancak ülkenin
Haber / News
haz›r giyim sektörü 2010 y›l›n› verimli geçirdi. Çin ve Bangladefl gi-
önemli bir gerileme kaydedece¤ini öngörüyor.
2010. Indian ready-made garment sector growing faster as compared to its competitives such as China and Banladesh has received the support of the government in order to increase designing capacity this year. Also, global retailers has started to open stores in the country and they chose to sell the products manufactured in India again rather than the other countries. Pakistan: Despite the energy problem, distress of terror and flood disaster experienced, Pakistan textile and ready made garment industry continue to supply high quality garment and fabrics to the western markets. However, exports are estimated to regress by 7% by the end of the year. Pakistan Ready-Made Garment Manufacturers and Exporters' Association (PRGMEA) anticipated that exports are likely to decrease at a considerable rate like 30% in the short-run due to the problems experienced.
bi rakiplerine göre daha h›zl› büyüyen Hindistan haz›r giyim sektörü, bu y›l, tasar›m kapasitesini artt›rmak amac›yla hükümetin deste¤ini ald›. Ayr›ca ülkeye küresel perakendeciler ma¤aza açmaya bafllad› ve ma¤azalar›nda di¤er ülkeler yerine yine Hindistan’da üretilmifl ürünleri satmaya yöneldiler. Pakistan: Yaflanan enerji s›k›nt›s›, terörizm tehlikesi ve sel felaketine ra¤men Pakistan tekstil ve haz›r giyim sanayisi, bat› pazarlar›na yüksek kalitede giysi ve kumafl tedarik etmeye devam etti. Yine de ihracatlar›n y›l sonu itibariyle %-7 gerileyece¤i tahmin ediliyor. Pakistan Haz›r Giyim Üreticileri ve ‹hracatç›lar› Birli¤i (PRGMEA) ise yaflanan sorunlar nedeniyle k›sa dönemde ihracatlar›n %-30 gibi
Bangladefl: Tekstil ve haz›r giyim ihracatlar› 2010 y›l›nda güçlü seyretse de, ülkenin çevre sorunlar› ve üretimin çevreye maliyeti çok uluslu al›c›lar›n dikkatinden kaçm›yor. Ayr›ca ülkedeki olumsuz çal›flma koflullar› bu y›l da elefltirilmeye devam edildi. Büyük marka sahipleri ve sat›n almac›lar, Bangladefl yerine daha sürdürülebilir bir sanayiden ürün tedarik etmeyi tercih etmeye bafllad›lar. Haiti: Tarihinin en y›k›c› depremini yaflayan Haiti, zaman içinde özellikle Amerika pazar›nda güvenilir bir tedarikçi olarak kazand›¤› konumunu kaybetmeye bafllad›. Amerikan Haz›r Giyim & Ayakkab› Birli¤i (AAFA), bu ülkeden yap›lan tedari¤in 2010 y›l›nda yar› yar›ya geriledi¤ini belirtiyor. Kamboçya: ‹flgücü sorunlar›yla gündeme gelen bir tedarikçi olan Kamboçya, 2010 y›l›nda da asgari ücretlerin yaflam standartlar›n›n çok alt›nda olmas› nedeniyle elefltirildi. Kamboçya Haz›r Giyim ‹flçileri Demokratik Sendika Koalisyonu, Ekim ay›nda tüm ülke çap›nda genifl protesto eylemleri düzenledi. Bu eylemlerin haz›r giyim ma¤azalar›n›n önlerinde ve flehir merkezlerinde yap›lmas›, ülkedeki asgari ücret sorununa daha çok dikkat çekilmesine yol açt›. Sri Lanka: 26 y›l süren iç savafltan sonra bu y›l bar›fl›n hakim oldu¤u ülkede, hükümetin Avrupa Birli¤i ve ABD taraf›ndan Genellefltirilmifl Tercihler Sistemi çerçevesinde konulan insan haklar› koflullar›n› kabul etmemesi, tekstil ve haz›r giyim sanayisinin ihracatlar›n› olumsuz etkiledi. Vietnam: Üretim merkezi olma yolundaki baflar›s› ile dikkat çeken ve bu y›l›n ilk dokuz ay›nda %19,7 oran›nda artan tekstil ve haz›r giyim ihracat›na ra¤men, Vietnam, sürdürülebilir bir altyap›ya sahip olmamas›yla gündeme geliyor. Sanayinin altyap›, nitelikli iflgücü, yat›r›m gibi konulardaki ihtiyaçlar›, onu di¤er yükselen rakipleri karfl›s›nda geri plana itiyor.
Banladesh: Although textile and ready-made garment exports progress well in 2010, the environmental problems of country and the cost of the production in terms of environment call multinational buyer's attention. Negative working conditions in the country are still being criticized as well. Owners of known brands and purchasing agents have started to prefer supplying from a more sustainable industry instead of Bangladesh. Haiti: Haiti experiencing the most destructive earhquake of the history has started to lose the position it obrained as a trustable supplier especially in American market. American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) indicates that the supply from this country has decreased in half in 2010. Cambodia: Cambodia, a supplier becoming current issue with its labour issues was criticized since minimum wages were much below the life standards. Cambodia Ready Made Garment Workers Democratic Union Coalition organized countrywide protesting activities in October. The issue of minimum wage has drawn much more attention as a result of such activities carried out in city centers and in front of the ready made garment stores. Sri Lanka: In the country in peace this year following 26-year civil war, the government's not accepting the conditions concerning the human rights within the frame of Preferences System generalized by European Union and USA affect the exports concerning the textile and ready made garment industry. Vietnam: Vietnam becomes a current issue with its being out of a sustainable infrastructure despite the textile and ready-made garment export increased by 19,7% within the first nine months of this year and its popularity of success in being a production center. The requirements of the industry such as infrastructure, qualified labour force, investment push it into the background against the competitors.
Haber / News
Andritz Kusters ve Andritz Perfojet Nonwoven Yetkinlik Merkezi Kuruyor Andritz Kusters and Andritz Perfojet will Establish Nonwoven Competence Center ANDRITZ Küsters ve ANDRITZ Perfojet flimdi www.andritz.com/nonwoven adresinde ANDRITZ Küsters and ANDRITZ Perfojet now at www.andritz.com/nonwoven Krefeld/Montbonnot, 14 fiubat , 2011. ANDRITZ, nonwoven
Krefeld/Montbonnot, February 14th, 2011. ANDRITZ is one of
endüstrisi teknolojilerinin ve tekstil endüstrisi için kaland›r›n
the world’s leading suppliers of technologies for the nonwovens in-
dünyadaki öncü tedarikçilerinden birisidir. ANDRITZ Küster ve
dustry and of calenders for the textile industry. ANDRITZ Küsters
ANDRITZ Perfojet uzun ve baflar›l› bir gelene¤e dayan›rlar ve
and ANDRITZ Perfojet both look back on a long and successful
flimdi ANDRITZ Grubu bünyesinde nonwoven yetkinlik mer-
tradition and have now united to form the nonwovens competen-
kezini yaratmak için bir araya geliyorlar. Sistemle ilgili çözümle-
ce center within the ANDRITZ Group. The complete product port-
ri oluflturan tüm ürün portföyü flu s›ralar ANDRITZ web site-
folio that comprises system solutions from forming to finishing has
sinde sunulmaktad›r. Burada anahtar beceriler wetlaid, spunla-
recently been launched on the ANDRITZ web site. The key com-
ce, spunbond, ve spunjet teknolojilerinde yatmaktad›r. AN-
petences lie in wetlaid, spunlace, spunbond, and spunjet. Detailed
DRITZ Nonwoven taraf›ndan sunulan teknoloji ve hizmetler
information on technologies and services offered by ANDRITZ
hakk›nda detayl› bilgi için www.andritz.com/nonwoven adresini
Nonwoven can be found at www.andritz.com/nonwoven.
ziyaret ediniz.
Haber / News
Bebekler de Sigara ‹çer When Baby Smokes Too
Hohenstein Enstitüsü’nün yapt›¤› bir araflt›rma k›yafetlere sinen nikotinin sa¤l›k üzerindeki risklerini ortaya ç›kard›. A study by the Hohenstein Institute highlights the risks of nicotine transfer from clothing “Üçüncül sigara duman›” terimi sigara içenlerin ya da pasif içici-
The term "third-hand smoke" refers to that part of cigarette smo-
lerin içine çekti¤i duman de¤il. Bu tabir yüzeyler, hal›lar, yast›k-
ke which is not inhaled by either the smokers themselves or by
lar, perdeler ve giyim üzerine sinen sigara duman› için kullan›l›-
passive smokers, but is deposited on surfaces, cushions, carpets,
yor. Sigaran›n zehirli içeri¤i en çok dumanda de¤il bu sinen yer-
curtains or clothing. There, the concentrations of toxic substances
lerde bulunuyor. Bu üçüncül etki cilt ile temas etti¤inde yeni-
from cigarettes are far higher than in smoky air, and they can be
den ve tekrar tekrar etki kazanabiliyor. Asl›nda sigara duman›-
released again, for example by contact with the skin. In fact, only
Üçüncül dumana dikkat! - Beware of "third-hand smoke"!
Haber / News
n›n yaln›zca %30’u içe çekilebiliyor. Geriye kalan %70 ise at-
about 30% of the smoke is inhaled. The remaining 70% go out
mosfere kar›flarak asl›nda “üçüncül duman” için bir kaynak
into the atmosphere and form a reservoir of "third-hand smoke".
oluflturuyor. Bu nedenle Hohenstein Enstitüsü’ne ba¤l› Hijyen
This is why scientists at the Institute for Hygiene and Biotechno-
ve Biyoteknoloji (IHB) Enstitüsü bilim adamlar› k›yafetler üze-
logy (IHB) at the Hohenstein Institute studied the question of
rine sinerek zehirli madde oluflturan “üçüncül duman” etkisi-
whether and to what extent "third-hand smoke", in the form of
nin bebeklerin sa¤l›¤›n› ne ölçüde etkiledi¤i sorusunu araflt›r-
the toxic substances on clothing, could damage the health of in-
maya bafllad›.
‹çe çekilen nikotininin pasif içicilerin sinir sistemine yapt›¤› ze-
Unlike with passive smoking, where the risks of inhaled nicotine,
hir etkisi yayg›n olarak biliniyor. “Üçüncül duman” ile iliflkili
which is toxic to the nervous system, are well-known, the first
as›l soru, zehirli
question in connection
madde cilde te-
with "third-hand smoke"
mas etti¤inde si-
was to examine whether
nir sistemi d›fl›n-
there are other health
da baflka ne gibi
risks if the transmission
zararlar› oldu¤uy-
channel is the skin.
du. Hohenstein
So researchers at the Ho-
Enstitüsü araflt›r-
henstein Institute wanted
mac›lar› öncelikle
to find out exactly what
ebeveynler bal-
happens when parents
konda sigara iç-
have a smoke outside on
tikten sonra be-
the balcony and then, af-
be¤i kucaklar›na
ter their break, take their
ald›klar›nda nas›l
baby in their arms again.
bir etki oldu¤unu
To find the answer, the
araflt›rd›lar. Bu
scientists at the IHB used
araflt›rmay› hayata geçirmek için IHB’deki bilim
- = Üçüncül duman yok, + = Üçüncül dumana maruz kalm›fl.
- – = without, + = with exposure to third-hand smoke
Sa¤l›kl› deri hücresi (soldaki)
Healthy skin cell (left)
“Üçüncül dumandan” etkilenmifl deri hücresi (sa¤daki).
Skin cell affected by "third-hand smoke" (right).
Cilde zararlar› (koful oluflumu) aç›kça görülüyor.
The damage (vacuole formation) is clearly visibl
adamlar› bebek
a specially developed cell culture model of baby skin - a 3D skin model, the cell composition,
cildinin birebir kopyas› olan özel bir hücre kültürü modeli ta-
structure and properties of which imitate the skin of babies and
sarlad›lar. Bu üç boyutlu cilt modeli, bebeklerin hücre dizilimi,
toddlers. To simulate the effects of third- hand smoke, a T-shirt
yap›s› ve özellikleri göze al›narak üretildi. Üçüncül duman etki-
was deliberately impregnated with nicotine, the main toxic in-
sini gözlemlemek amac›yla, sigaran›n temel zehir kayna¤› olan
gredient of cigarettes, just like during a smoker's break on the
nikotinle emprenye edilmifl bir tiflört tasarland›. Radyoaktif
balcony. So that the quantity of the toxin could be verified after-
olarak iflaretlenmifl nikotin kullan›ld›¤›ndan zehrin miktar› daha
wards, radioactively marked nicotine was used. Then the smoke-
sonra ölçülebilecekti. Nikotinli tiflört bebek cildiyle temas et-
impregnated textiles were placed on the baby skin and the pe-
tirildi ve sonras›nda bebe¤in cildinden ne kadar nikotin geçti¤i
netration of the nicotine into the skin was tracked in tracer stu-
tespit edildi. Hohenstein bilim adamlar›n›n elde etti¤i sonuç-
dies. The results produced by the Hohenstein scientists showed
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zensiz hale geldi. Hohenstein Enstitüsü bilim adamlar›, flimdi araflt›rmalar›n›n bu önemli sonuçlar›n› bilimsel bir dergide yay›nlamaya haz›rlan›yor. Hohenstein Enstitüsü, Hijyen ve Biyoteknoloji Enstitüsü Baflkan› Dirk Höfer; “ebeveynler sigara duman›ndan a盤a ç›kan zehirli maddelerin k›yafetlerle iletilebilece¤ini bilmeli ve önlem almal›d›r,” dedi. Hohenstein araflt›rmac›lar› art›k bu sorunu çözmek için çal›flmaya bafllad›lar. Prof. Höfer; “flu anda sigara duman›ndan gelen zehirli at›klar› nötrleyebilecek tekstil kaplamalar› üzerinde çal›fl›yoruz. Bu sayede üçüncül duman›n tehlikesini azaltmay› hedefliyoruz. Ancak yine de araflt›rma yapmak için zamana ihtiyac›m›z var,” diye konufltu. Endüstrinin yetenekli oyuncular›yla birlikte çal›flarak bu amaca en k›sa zamanda ulaflacaklar› düflünülüyor. Hohenstein Enstitüsü taraf›ndan kullan›lan ve bebek-dostu k›yafetler gelifltirmeye yard›mc› olacak “bebek cildi modeli” daha flimdiden üreticilere araflt›rmalar›nda baz alacaklar› önemli bir ölçüm sistemi sunuyor. wed clear changes and were no longer able to connect properly with one another.
The Hohenstein scientists are now publishing the results of their work in a scientific journal. "Parents should be aware", says Prof. Dirk Ho?fer, Director of the Institute for Hygiene and Biotechnology at the Hohenstein Institute, "that their own clothing can transmit toxins from cigarette smoke.” The Hohenstein scientists are now working hard to find a solution for this problem. Prof. Ho?fer says: "We are currently looking at textile coatings which could neutralise the toxins from the cigarette smoke and so reduce the danger of ‘third-hand smoke’. But we still need to do more research." However, by working with skilled partners in industry, it is possible that they may achieve this goal quite soon. Especially for developing baby-friendly clothing to be worn next to the skin, the "baby skin model" used by the Hohenstein scientists now offers a versatile measuring system.
DiloGroup P. O. Box 1551 · 69405 Eberbach / Germany Phone +49 6271 940-0 · Fax +49 6271 711 42 www.dilo.de · info@dilo.de
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Dünyan›n ordusunu bir Türk giydiriyor World's Army Dressed by a Turk Türk Silahl› Kuvvetleri’nin (TSK) yan› s›ra fiili’den Kazakistan’a, ‹ngiltere’den ‹srail’e kadar 24 ülkenin ordusu Ankaral› Yakupo¤lu Tekstil’in ürünleri ile donan›yor. Armies of 24 countries from England to Isral in addition to Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) are dressed by the products of Ankaral› Yakupo¤lu Tekstil. YDS, which is the "only Turkish Company" having a laboratory accredited under Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) and exporting under the label of conformity to the CE requirements in its own industry is one of the world's limited numbers of manufacturers with 2 factory one of which is on textile products and the other operate relating boat manufacturing in Çubuk, Ankara. YDS carrying out special productions for policemen, firefighters and industrial organizations in addition to the field of military products exports about 35% of its annual production. Vedat Yakupo¤lu, Chairman of Executive Board of YDS stated that they have 2 factories carrying out production in 65 thousand square meter closed area and serve through 400 staff, including 27 engineers Yakupo¤lu expressing that the technology of the company has been generated by himself stated that they have sold this new technology to local companies in the country and foreign companies abroad. Yakupoglu saying that they compete with China and India in "cheap" products and European companies in "high-tech" products, recorded:
Kendi sektöründe CE standartlar›na uygunluk etiketiyle ihracat yapan ve Türk Standardlar› Enstitüsü’nde (TSE) akredite bir laboratuvara sahip "tek Türk flirketi" olan YDS, Ankara’n›n Çubuk ilçesinde biri tekstil ürünleri biri bot üretimi üzerine 2 tesisiyle alan›nda "dünyan›n say›l› üreticileri" aras›nda yer al›yor. Askeri alan›n haricinde polisler, itfaiyeciler ve sanayi kurulufllar› için de özel üretimler yapan YDS, y›ll›k üretiminin yaklafl›k yüzde 35’ini ihraç ediyor. YDS Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Vedat Yakupo¤lu, 65 bin metrekare kapal› alanda üretim yapan 2 tesise sahip olduklar›n› ve 27’si mühendis olmak üzere bin 400 personelle hizmet verdiklerini bildirdi. Firman›n, teknolojisini de kendisinin üretti¤ini anlatan Yakupo¤lu, ortaya ç›kard›klar› yeni teknolojiyi yurt içinde ve yurt d›fl›ndaki firmalara da satt›klar›n› ifade etti. "Ucuz" ürünlerde Çin ve Hindistan ile, "teknolojisi yüksek" ürünlerde ise Avrupal› flirketlerle rekabet ettiklerini aktaran Yakupo¤lu, flunlar› kaydetti: Rekabet gücümüz çok yüksek "Her iki alanda da rekabet edecek gücümüz çok yüksek. Avrupa’da Yunanistan hariç baflta ‹ngiliz ordusu olmak üzere neredeyse tüm Avrupa ülkelerine ihracat›m›z var. Almanya’ya çok s›n›rl› bir ihracat yap›yoruz. Çünkü onlar biraz daha milliyetçi yaklafl›yorlar duruma. Yine ayn› flekilde ABD ordusuna mal vermek neredeyse imkans›z. ABD ordusu, ’Made in USA olmayan hiçbir ürünü kullanm›yor. Ortado¤u’da çok etkiniz. ‹srail ordusunu neredeyse tepeden t›rna¤a biz giydiriyoruz. Suudi Arabistan’›n özel kuvvetleri bizim ürünlerimizi kullan›yor.
Our competitiveness is really high. "In both field have we very high competitiveness. We export to all European countries especially the British Army in the first place, but Greece in Europe. We export to Germany but it is very limited. They approach this situation in a little bit nationalist way. In the same way, exporting goods to USA army is almost impossible. USA army does not use any products not "Made in USA". We are effective in Middle East. Israel army is almost dressed up by us from top to toe. Saudi Arabia Special Forces are using our products. We are effective in Asia and African countries having high income level are among our important markets. Apart from this, we supply the boats of Italian gendarmerie and fire brigade and this means a great authority in terms of shoe-making in
Asya’da çok etkiniz ve gelir düzeyi yüksek olan Afrika ülkeleri de yine önemli pazarlar›m›zdan. Bunun d›fl›nda, ‹talyan jandarma ve itfaiye teflkilat›n›n botlar›n› da yine biz veriyoruz ki ‹talya, dünyada ayakkab›c›l›kta önemli bir
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otoritedir. Fermuar›, hatta ba¤c›klar› bile yanmayan bot ürettik. ‹talyan itfaiye teflkilat›na bu botlar›m›zdan gönderiyoruz. Yine hem Türkiye’de hem dünyan›n bir çok yerinde polis teflkilatlar›n›n da k›yafetlerini biz tedarik ediyoruz. Rusya’da ifl yapam›yoruz. Rusya, ço¤unlukla düflük kaliteli ürünler kullan›yor. Zaten orada ifl yapmak ülkenin kendi flartlar›n› göz önüne al›nca gerçekten çok zor. Biz de flu an o piyasaya girmeyi çok istemiyoruz. K›saca söylemek gerekirse ABD, Yunanistan ve Rusya d›fl›nda neredeyse dünyan›n tüm ülkelerine ihracat yap›yoruz. Ürünlerimiz, bu ülkelerin askeri, polisi, itfaiyesi ve sanayi flirketlerince kullan›l›yor."
the world. We have produced boats with fireproofing zipper and shoelaces. We deliver to Italian fire brigade from these boats. We supply the clothes of police departments around the many corners of the world as well as Turkey. We cannot do business in Russia. Russia generally uses products with low quality. Trading there is really hard considering the country's own conditions. We are not interested in that market so much now. To sum up, we export to almost all countries of the world apart from USA, Greece and Russia. Our products are used by the military, police, firefighting department and industrial companies of these countries.
Art›k iç piyasada da var›z Bir çok ülkede düzenlenen fuarlara kat›ld›klar›n› ve YDS’nin yurt d›fl›nda bilinirli¤inin daha yüksek oldu¤unu dile getiren Yakupo¤lu, Türkiye’de tüketicilerin yeterli bilince daha yeni yeni sahip olmaya bafllad›¤›n› söyledi. Türkiye’de nihai tüketicinin ço¤unlukla "ucuz" ürünlere yöneldi¤ini öne süren Yakupo¤lu, büyük sanayi kurulufllar›n›n, TSK’n›n ve Emniyet Teflkilat›n›n ise YDS’nin ürünlerinden vazgeçmedi¤ini kaydetti. Kendi alanlar›nda Türkiye’de önemli bir aç›k oldu¤unu belirten Yakupo¤lu, "Dünyada tüm fuarlara kat›lmam›za, herkesçe bilinmemize ra¤men bu güne kadar Türkiye piyasas›nda yoktuk, ancak art›k kendi ülkemizde de perakende ma¤azalar›m›zla hizmet verece¤iz. Türkiye’de teknik bot ve ayakkab›da bugüne kadar ‹talyan firmalar› hakimdi ama iç piyasada art›k biz de olaca¤›z. Ankara’da flu an Kentpark ve Acity Al›flverifl Merkezlerinde birer ma¤aza açt›k. Yine tesislerimizin yan›nda bir fabrika sat›fl ma¤azam›z var. Y›ll›k ciromuz flu an 100 milyon dolar civar›nda. 5 y›l içinde yapaca¤›m›z yat›r›mlarla 20 perakende ma¤azas› açmay› ve ciromuzu 200 milyon dolara ç›karmay› hedefliyoruz. Ma¤azalar, a¤›rl›kl› Ankara ve ‹stanbul’da olacak" diye konufltu.
We are also in local market now. Yakupo¤lu stating that they have attended the exhibitions arranged in many countries and YDS has a greater popularity abroad said that the consumers in Turkey has just begun to obtain enough awareness in this respect. Yakupo¤lu, saying that final consumers in Turkey generally prefer "cheap" products recorded that YDS products are always preferred by big industrial institutions, TSK and Law Enforcement Agency. Yakupo¤lu stating that there is an important gap concerning their field in Turkey said, " Despite of our attendance to all exhibitions in the world and our popularity, we are not in Turkish market till today, however we are going to serve in our own country through our retail stores now. Italian companies dominated the local market in technical boats and shoes in Turkey until now, but we are also going to serve to Turkish market from now on. We have opened two markets one of which is in Kentpark, the other in Acity Shopping Centre in Ankara. We also have an outlet store near our factories. Our annual turnover is around 100 million dollar. We aim to open 20 retail stores through our investments that we are planning to have within 5 years and reach up to 200 million dollar turnover. Stores will be generally in Ankara and Istanbul".
Askerlerimiz hiç üflümeyecek Vedat Yakupo¤lu, tekstil ürünleri ve botlarda özel bir doku kulland›klar›n› belirterek, bu teknolojinin, ürünün su geçirmemesini ve ›s› kayb›n›n olmamas›n› sa¤lad›¤›n› bildirdi. Özellikle asker ve polis için üretilen ürünlerde bu teknolojiyi kulland›klar›n› aktaran Yakupo¤lu, sözlerini flöyle tamamlad›: "K›yafetlerle ilgili her fley kumaflla bafll›yor. Kumafllar›n nefes alabilir olmas› ve dikifl yerleri çok önemli. Keza ayakkab› ve botlarda da yine ayn› flekilde derisi, taban› ve kumafl›n›n kalitesi çok önemli. Kulland›¤›m›z özel teknoloji sayesinde ürünlerimiz -40 dereceye kadar üflütmeme, su geçirmeme ve terletmeme özelli¤ine sahip. Askerlerimiz çok so¤uk havalarda da operasyonlar düzenliyor. Ürünlerimiz sayesinde askerlerimiz -40 dereceye kadar üflümeyecek. Erzurum’da gerçeklefltirilen 25. Dünya Üniversiteler K›fl Oyunlar›’nda görevli yaklafl›k 6 bin 500 kiflinin botlar›n› da biz verdik. Eminim çok rahat etmifllerdir ve ayaklar› hiç üflümüyordur. Bu günlere geldi¤imizi gördükçe üzüldü¤üm tek bir fley var. “Keflke Sar›kam›fl’ta 90 bin flehit verirken de biz olsayd›k” diyorum. O zaman da bu ürünler olsayd› de¤il 90 bin, 1 kifli bile donarak flehit olmazd›."
Our soldiers will never feel cold Vedat Yakupo¤lu by expressing that they have used a special tissue in textile products and boats stated that this technology ensures impermeability and heat protection. Yakupo¤lu saying that this technology is used especially in the products manufactured for soldiers and policemen completed his utterances this way: "Everything relating clothes begins with fabric. Air permeability of the fabrics and seams are very important. The quality of leather, foot bed and fabric is also very important in boat and shoe making in the same way. Thanks to the special technology we use, our products have nonchilling characteristic till -40 degree as well as the feature of impermeability and being antiperspirant. Our soldiers have to endure really cold weathers. They never feel cold till -40C degree thanks to our products. We have also supplied the boats of around 6.500 people attending 25th World University Winter Games organized in Erzurum. I'm sure that they feel comfortable and no cold. There is one thing I consider as a pity today. "I wish we would be here when our 90 thousand soldiers martyrized in Sar›kam›fl. Then if we had had these products, let 90 thousand alone, even one soldier would not have martyrized"
China becomes as expensive labor and raw material. Western countries have directed to Turkey as a closer market instead of China market. China's distance to the West is also a drawback. Such preference has hit the top recently and Western countries have already known about the market of Turkey since before now, but this becomes a chance for them to discover more. They are coming to Turkey a long-term not only discovering the market. Let me point out one more thing; show windows in European countries has begun to change every fortnight now. What does it mean? Cheapness and innovation mean being fast and lack of time lat alone the other points. China is not enough to handle a show window changing every fortnight. The order given to there may provide it on the third of fourth fortnight changing. However, Turkey is under the nose of Europe. Europe is avare of this. It supplying the products whose delivery from China would normally take 1 month from Turkey in three days. Europe has shown that it is going to maintain the policy of changing show window every fortnight. As long as this keeps going, China is confined to be defeated by Turkey. If the energy becomes cheaper EMEK: We can clearly say this. The world is leaving China. Especially the European countries. There is no other choice; labor is expensive in China now. Distance is too much. Orders cannot be delivered in time. You cannot renew a show window to be changed every fortnight with the orders coming from China in a month. Turkey has left 2010 successfully in terms of textile. 2011 is going to be better. Even preserving the textile sector by the government will be enough for Turkish textile sector not to slow down during 4-5 years in the future. KARABULUT: I need to point out something as a footnote; energy costs.
Energy input costs are one of the most challenging problems in fron of Turkish textile sector. Despite of investments in the energy sector, privatizations and purchases, we cannot understand the reason why energy is still expensive. Especially in terms of textile industry. The government is to add energy input costs to incentives, too. If energy costs are cheapen in terms of textile industry, everything will be different. EMEK: The textile sector ensuring that much employment is to be supported in terms of cheap energy as well. We believe that the government should have determine some items as a condition as carrying out energy privatizations. For example? you are going to provide cheap power for such-andsuch sectors. Nobody is asking for something free of cost.The important point for Turkey is to consider the ways in order to support textile sector by cheap energy. QUESTION: Are the developments in Egypt likely to affect us? KARABULUT: Of course, it will affect, otherwise is not possible. There are important Turkish investments inluding textile sector in Egypt. Their escaping from the country is a truth and what is expected as well. Investment is unreasonable in a country without stability and security. This is not only for Egypt. It is a valid for the other middle east countries. Developments in Egypt has shown that not only daily evaluations but also strategies heading for the future are to be developed while investing abroad. It is required to think about current and probable future conditions of scuh countries. Our businessmen have to think over in the subject of not investing abroad. The environment becomes an important factor. QUESTION: Turkey has environmental legislations developing
tekstil teknoloji 16
constantly and accepted during EU negotiations. In what way these conditions affect your sector? KARABULUT: Especially the machinery sector has been affected by such environmental issues. Because, the environment is one of the indispensable conditions for Europeans... This is valid not only for textile sector but all sectors. The first condition is not to harm the environment and to minimize the probable damage. Machines saving water, dye and working with zero error are the factors for preference in the first place. Especially this is laid down as a condition. EMEK: I can give an example to you: A new investment is not allowed in Çerkezköy Industrial Area, or hardly allowed after fabulously challenging inspections. The reason for this is the factor of environment. The existing plants are expected to renew their equipment pools and adapt them to the legislation of environment. What are they? Use of machines saving water and creating less waste is being laid down as a condition. Lates technology products of our companies that we represent are manufactured in accordance with the environmental legislations. In other word, it is going to be both the most productive machine and the most environmentally-friendly. Turkey is now progressing to that point. Textile companies paying attention to water saving will make more money. QUESTION: It was a pleasant conversation in terms of seeing an overall picture of the sector and knowing about the expectation of 2011. Thanks... KARABULUT-EMEK: Thank you too as Erler Makine. As long as the incentive policies of the government continue, and new policies such as cheap energy to this, we want to emphasize that better days are waiting for Turkey in the future.
Haber / News
Coats da Nansulate’yi Seçti Coats has Chosen Nansulate Endüstriyel iplik devi Coats, art›k bütün fabrikalar›nda enerji tasarruflu boya Nansulate’yi kullanmaya bafllad› Coats, industrial yarn giant, began to use energy-saving Nansulate coatings in all its factories. Naples, Fla.,Oct.19, 2010 -- Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (Pink She-
Industrial Nanotech’ten yap›lan aç›klamada, Inc., Coats'un Sür®
dürülebilirlik çabalar› kapsam›nda, Patentli Nansulate Enerji Ta-
ets:INTK), an emerging global leader in nanotechnology based
sarruflu Is› Yal›t›m Boyalar›n›n tüm Coats fabrikalar›nda uygulan-
energy saving solutions, today announced that Coats plc, the world
mas› nedeniyle, Coatss PLC flirketine teflekkür etti¤i bildirildi.
market leader in industrial yarns and threads and consumer crafts,
NAPLES, Fla, Oct.19, 2010 – Nanoteknoloji bazl› enerji tasarru-
has invested in Industrial Nanotech’s patented Nansulate® thermal
fu çözümleri konusunda yükselen bir dünya lideri konumundaki
Industrial Nanotech, Inc. (Pink Sheets: INTK), yapt›¤› aç›klamada,
Michael Schofer, Coats Chief Supply Chain Officer, said: "As a busi-
endüstriyel iplik ve iplerde dünya pazar lideri olan Coats
ness we have an ongoing commitment to reducing our impact on
PLC'nin, Industrial Nanotech'in patentli Nansulate ›s› yal›t›m
the environment and continuously improving the working conditions
boyalar›na yat›r›m yapt›¤›n› aç›klad›.
in our facilities worldwide. Having comprehensively tested Nansula-
Coats'un Tedarik Zinciri Baflyöneticisi, Michael Schofer, "Bir ifl-
te coatings we found they significantly reduced process energy
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letme olarak biz, dünya genelinde, tesislerimizde sürekli olarak
whilst standing up to the harsh environment of an industrial dye
çal›flma koflullar›n›n iyilefltirilmesi ve çevre üzerindeki etkilerimi-
house. We anticipate the change will have a dual effect: reducing
zi azaltmak için devaml› çaba gösteriyoruz. Nansulate ürünlerini
our process steam consumption by over ten percent - and therefo-
detayl› olarak denedikten sonra, endüstriyel boyahanelerin zor
re our carbon footprint by around two percent - and significantly
flartlar›na dayan›kl› olan ürünlerin, önemli ölçüde enerji tasarru-
improving the working conditions in our dye houses, which is great
fu sa¤lad›¤›n› gördük. Bu de¤iflimin bize iki yönlü katk›s› olacak-
news for both our business and the environment."
t›r; boyahanelerde buhar tüketimimiz yüzde 10'dan daha fazla
Coats first began reviewing Industrial Nanotech, Inc’s patented
bir oranda azalacak, ve böylece karbon ayak izimiz yüzde 2
nanotechnology-based insulation coatings with an application do-
azalm›fl olacakt›r, ayr›ca boyahane çal›flma flartlar›m›zda iyileflme
ne at their Bursa, Turkey factory. After a thorough review by their
sa¤lanacakt›r ki bu da gerek iflimiz gerekse çevre için çok iyi bir
engineers of energy consumption data and energy saving perfor-
haberdir” dedi.
mance, Coats contacted Industrial Nanotech, Inc. to move forward
Coats, Industrial Nanotech, Inc patentli nanoteknoloji bazl› ›s›
with the sustainability project to reduce energy consumption and
yal›t›m boyalar›n›n uygulanmas›na ve araflt›r›lmas›na ilk olarak
increase their sustainability.
Bursa’daki fabrikas›nda bafllad›. Burada yap›lan uygulamalar son-
"We are honored to participate in Coats’ global energy saving ini-
ras› ortaya ç›kan enerji tüketim verileri ve enerji tasarrufu per-
tiative,” stated Francesca Crolley, VP of Business Development for
formans›, Coats'un kendi mühendisleri taraf›ndan ayr›nt›l› bir
Industrial Nanotech, Inc. “Their company heritage spans three
gözden geçirildikten sonra, Coats PLC, enerji tüketimini azalt-
centuries, during which they have consistently continued to be an
mak ve flirketin sürdürülebilirli¤ini art›rmak için Industrial Nano-
innovator in their field. They are one of the first to rollout Industri-
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tech, Inc ile temasa geçti. Industrial Nanotech ‹fl Gelifltirme Baflkan Yard›mc›s›, Francesca Crolley, "Biz, Coats'un küresel olarak enerji tasarrufu giriflimine kat›lmaktan onur duyuyoruz. Onlar 3 as›rl›k flirket ve bu süre boyunca da sürekli olarak kendi alan›nda yenilikçi olmaya devam eden bir flirkettir. Onlar, Coats olarak, üreticilerin basit bir flekilde, enerji maliyetlerini azaltmak ve daha düflük karbon emisyonu için, Industrial Nanotech'in yeni 'Sustainability Simplified-Basitlefltirilmifl Sürdürülebilirlik ™' platformu kapsam›nda, ilk uygulay›c›lardan biri oldular. Bizim sektörünün önde gelen ›s› yal›t›m boya teknolojisi, boyama makineleri, kazanlar ve buhar borular› gibi birçok alanda kolayl›kla uygulanmaktad›r. Ayr›ca Nansulate binalarda da kullan›labilmektedir. Nansulate ›s› yal›t›m› yan›s›ra, uyguland›¤› yüzeylerde korozyon engelleme özelli¤i ile birlikte, küf, kimyasal ve alev direnci de sa¤lamaktad›r. Biz Coats'un çevresel ayakizini azaltmak ve dünya çap›nda enerji tasarrufu sa¤lamak için, Coats ile birlikte çal›flmaktan memnuniyet duyuyoruz" dedi. Crolley, flöyle devam etti: “Coats ürünleri, konfeksiyon ve ayakkab› sektörü için örgü ve dikifl ipliklerinden fermuarlara, NASA'n›n paraflüt ve havayast›klar› için özel tasarlanm›fl ipliklerine, beyzbol topu ipliklerine kadar genifl bir alanda kullan›lmaktad›r. Biz, onlar›n bu prestijli flirketine daha fazla yenilik sa¤lamak ve onlar›n fabrikalar›n›n tüm dünya çap›nda enerji maliyetlerini
al Nanotech’s new ‘Sustainability Simplified™’ platform, which
azaltmalar›na katk›da bulunmaktan gurur duyuyoruz."
provides manufacturers a simple way to reduce energy costs, lo-
Sürdürülebilir üretim ve Nansulate için daha fazla bilginin vi-
wer carbon emissions, and become more sustainable. Our industry
sit.www.nansulateindustrial.com sitesinden edinilebile-ce¤i
leading coating technology is easily applied to many types of equ-
ipment, such as dyeing machines, boilers, and steam pipes, as well as the building envelope, and in addition to providing thermal in-
Coats plc hakk›nda
sulation, Nansulate provides corrosion prevention, mold resistance,
1755 y›l›nda kurulan Coats, endüstriyel iplik ve ipler alan›nda
chemical and flame resistance.
dünya lideri. fiirket, 70 ülkede 73 fabrikas›, ve 20.000 uzman ça-
We look forward to working with Coats to continue to reduce the-
l›flan› ile alt› k›tada milyarlarca tüketiciye ürünler sunuyor. 2009
ir environmental footprint and save money on their energy costs
y›l› sat›fllar› 1.4 milyar dolar...
worldwide.“ Crolley continues, “Coats’ products are in everything from knitting
Nansulate hakk›nda
yarns, to threads and zips for apparel and footwear; specialist
Nansulate , nanoteknoloji tabanl› bir malzeme içeren ve çevre-
thread for Major League baseballs to specially engineered threads
ye zarar› olmayan, su bazl›, ›s› yal›t›m› yan›s›ra korozyon engelle-
used by NASA for parachutes and airbags. We are proud to work
yici, yang›n dayan›m›, kimyasal ve küf direnci sa¤layan, özellikle-
with them to bring further innovation to their prestigious company
ri belgelendirilmifl, ödüllü ve patentli bir ürün dizisidir.
and assist their factories worldwide in reducing energy costs.” Furt-
Nansulate Ürün Hatt›, sanayi, konut, tar›m ve günefl enerji sis-
her information on Nansulate® coatings for sustainable manufac-
temlerinde kullan›lmaktad›r.
turing visit.www.nansulateindustrial.com.
Haber / News
Pamuk Ekilmeden Sat›ld› Cotton Sold Before Cultivation Pamukta en büyük ihracatç› ülke konumundaki ABD'nin 2012'de beklenen pamuk hasad›n›n yüzde 20'si daha ekimi yap›lmadan sat›lm›fl. 20% of cotton yield for USA which is at the position of the biggest exporter country of cotton was sold even before cultivation. Pamuk fiyatlar›n›n azalan stoklar ve üretim a盤› nedeniyle
Uncontrolled increase of cotton prices due to decreasing in-
kontrolsüz art›fl› tekstil sektöründe tedirginlik yaratmay›
ventories and output gap keeps causing restlessness in
sürdürüyor. Cotton USA’in yapt›¤› araflt›rmaya göre sektör
textile sector. According to the research by Cotton USA,
flimdiden 2012 için siparifllerini vermeye bafllad›.
the sector has began to place orders already now for
Sektör temsilcileri ve bas›n mensuplar› ile ‹stanbul’da bira-
raya gelen Uluslararas› Pamuk Konseyi’nden Dan›flman ve
Marsha Powell, Turkey Program Director of Cotton Coun-
Cotton Council International Türkiye Program Direktörü
cil International and consultant from International Cotton
Marsha Powell, ABD’nin ihraç edece¤i pamu¤un 2012 ha-
Council coming together with the representatives of the
sad› henüz ekilmemiflken bile yüzde 20’sinin flimdiden sat›l-
sector and press members stated that 20 percent of cot-
d›¤›n› belirtti.
ton to be exported by USA was sold before the yield of
2011 y›l› boyunca yine bu ülkeden yap›lacak ihracat›n yüz-
2012 is cultivated.
Haber / News
de 93’ünün ocak ay›nda bitirildi¤ine dikkat çeken Marsha
Marsha Powell pointing out that 93% of the export to be
Powell bu durumun fiyatlar› pozitif bask›layaca¤›n›n alt›n›
carried out from this country again during the year of
2011 has been finished in January underlined that this si-
6 ayda bir y›ll›k ithalat
tuation would repress the prices positively.
Türkiye’nin ithal etti¤i pamu¤un yüzde 55’ini ABD’den ald›¤›n› söyleyen Powell son y›l ithalat› ile ilgili de çarp›c› ve-
Annual import in 6 months
rilen sundu. Powell, “2009-2010 sezonun tümünde
Powell stating that Turkey supplies 55% of the cotton
ABD’den 467 milyon tonluk al›m yapan Türkiye, 2010-
from USA by importing has presented striking data with
2011 sezonunun 27 Ocak’ta biten haftaya kadarki ilk alt›
the last year import. Powel said, "Turkey made purchase
ay›nda 464 milyon tonluk al›m yapt›” dedi. Powell bilgi
of 457 million tons from USA during 2009-2010 season,
olarak, güney yar›mküredeki pamuk sezonunun temmuz-
this purchase is 464 million tons within the first six month
until the last week on
bafllad›¤›n› da sözleri-
ne ekledi.
2010-2011 season".
Pamuk fiyatlar›n›n
Powel adde as infor-
artmas›nda Türkiye
mation to his words
gibi Hindistan ve
that the cotton sea-
Çin’in de etkisinin
son of the south he-
bulundu¤unu söyle-
misphere has begun
yen Powell, “‹ç talep-
in the months of july-
ler artt›kça fiyatlar›n
düflmesini beklemek
Powel stating the im-
hayal olur. Burada et-
pact of India and Chi-
kili olan Amerika’n›n
na as well as Turkey
üretiminin sa¤l›kl› fle-
in the increase of cot-
kilde takvimine ba¤l›
ton prices said," Ex-
olarak yürümesidir.
pecting low prices
Yani pamukta her fley flu anda Amerika’n›n elinde bulunu-
with increasing domestic demands becomes an imagina-
yor” dedi.
tion. The important point in here is that the production of America is going well depending on schedule. In other
Felaketler rol oynad›
word, everything is kept by America now".
Sunumunda 2010 y›l›n›n pamuk piyasas› için çarp›c› geliflmelerine de dikkat çeken Powell, Hindistan’daki ihracat
Disasters become effective
yasaklar›, Pakistan’daki sel felaketi ve Çin’in beklenenin al-
Powell drawing attention to the stunning developments
t›nda üretim aç›klay›p daha fazla ithalat sinyalleri vermesi-
for the cotton prices of 2010 in his presentation said that
nin fiyatlara bo¤a etkisi yaratt›¤›n› söyledi.
export prohibition in India, flood disaster in Pakistan and
Powell gelecek y›l da Çin’deki tüketim al›flkanl›klar›n›n de-
China's explaining its production under expectations and
¤iflmesinin talebi artt›rmas›n› beklediklerini kaydetti. Po-
giving signals of iport has created bullish effect in prices.
well, “Ülkede özellikle orta s›n›f›n geliflmesi ile merkez
Powell recorded that they expect the changing of the
eyaletlerde haz›rgiyim talebinin yükseldi¤i görülüyor. Bu
consuming habits in China in the coming year will increa-
durum da küresel fiyatlar› yukar› yönlü bask›l›yor. Çin
se the demand. Powell, said "It is seen that demand for
ekonomisinde görülecek bir duraklama, gerileme veya ya-
ready-made garment has increased in central cities espe-
vafllama pamuk fiyatlar›n› da dizginleyecektir.
cially through the development of middle class in the co-
Haber / News
Ayn› flekilde Hindistan ve Pakistan’›n pamuk üretimini
untry. This cause global prices to up A stagnation, relapse
sa¤l›kl› yola sokmas› da pamuk fiyatlar›n› dizginleyebilir”
or deceleration to be seen in Chinese economy will restra-
in the cotton prices. In the same way, recovery in cotton production of India
Stoklar belirleyici oldu
and Pakistan can also restrain the cotton prices".
Küresel olarak dünya çap›nda 5.7 milyon tonluk aç›k olaca¤›na dikkat çeken Powell, “Ancak yüksek fiyatlar nede-
Inventories become determinant
niyle üreticiler pamuk ekimine yeniden yönlenebilirler, bu
Powell pointing out that there will be a 5.7 million ton
durum da fiyatlara k›smen afla¤› yönlü bask› yapabilir. Ge-
gap globally said, " however high prices may lead manu-
lecek için durumu stoklar belirleyecek” diye konufltu. Po-
facturers to cotton cultivation again, this situation may
well stoklar›n son 15 y›l›n en düflü¤ünde oldu¤unun da al-
partially push the prices down.
t›n› çizdi.
Inventories will be determinant for the future". Powell has
Do¤a felaketlerinin daha az yaflanmas› halinde stoklar›n
underlined that inventories are at the lowest level of the
artaca¤›n› belirten Powell, “Aksi halde pamukta bugün-
last 15 years.
künden çok daha olumsuz görüntüler ile karfl› karfl›ya ka-
Powell specifying that inventories will increase in case of
labiliriz” aç›klamas›nda bulundu.
less natural disasters explained, "Otherwise, we can face
1970’li y›llar›n bafl›nda da bugünküne benzer bir pamuk
more negative pictures of cotton production than today.
Haber / News
s›k›nt›s›n›n yafland›¤›n› kaydeden Powell, ancak daha sonra
Powell recording that a shortage of cotton has been ex-
önemli oranda art›fl›n gerçekleflti¤ini sözlerine ekledi.
perienced at the beginning of 1970s the same as today, added that "but then there has been a considerable in-
Erken davranan kazand›
Pamuk fiyatlar›nda yak›n gelecekte düflüfl beklenmedi¤ini aktaran Powell, “fiu anda dünyada çok fazla pamuk tüke-
Early birds got the worm
timi var. Buna paralel olarak üretim artm›yor. Hatta üre-
Powell indicating that no decrease concerning cotton pri-
tim azal›yor. Bu yüzden de rekor seviyede fiyat art›fl› yafla-
ces is expected in the near future. Production is not in-
n›yor. Bunlar›n d›fl›nda finans spekülatörleri pamu¤a yat›-
creasing in the same way. It even decreases. Thus, a sco-
r›m yap›yor. Bu da, do¤al olarak fiyatlar› etkiliyor” dedi.
re increase is being experienced in price. Financing spe-
2011-2012 aras›nda pamukta yüzde 12-15 aras›nda bir
culators are investing in cotton rather than those. This af-
üretim art›fl› beklediklerini bunun gerçekleflmesi halinde
fect the prices accordingly as well".
fiyatlar›n afla¤›ya çekilebilece¤ini ifade eden Powell, “Ürün
Powell indicating that 12-15% increase is expected in
cotton production between the years 2011-2012 and
Powell, Türkiye'deki iplikçilerin erken davranarak hasat
prices are likely to be lowered in order to perform this, sa-
mevsiminin ilk aylar›nda ihtiyac›n›n yar›s›n› tedarik etti¤ini
id " Yarn manufacturers in Turkey has acted immediately
dile getirdi: “Türkiye'deki iplikçiler gerçekten çok iyi ve
and supplied half of their need in the first months of the
ak›ll› al›c›lar. Türkiye normal pamuk kullan›m›n›n yüzde
yield season."
60'›n› ithale diyor. Türk tekstil üreticileri, bu y›l hasat
"Yarn choosers in Turkey are really intelligent and good
mevsiminin ilk iki ay›nda ihtiyac›n›n neredeyse yüzde
buyers. Turkey import 60% of the normal cotton con-
50'sini ald›. Fiyat yüksek olmas›na ra¤men erken davrand›-
Turkish textile manufacturers has bought 50% percent of their need in the first two months of the yield season this
Türkiye çok iyi seviyede
year. They acted early despite the high prices."
Amerika’daki ekonomik toparlanman›n dünya ekonomisi önemli oldu¤una dikkat çeken Marsha Powell, bu topar-
Turkey is at the best level
lanman›n pamuk fiyatlar›n› da olumlu etkileyebilece¤ini
Marsha Powell pointing out that the economic recovery in
kaydetti. K›sa vadede pamuk fiyatlar›nda düflüfl bekleme-
America affect the world considerably, has recorded that
diklerini bir kez daha belirten Powell, finans spekülatörle-
such recovery may contribute to cotton prices as well. Po-
rinin elini bu sektörden çekmeleri halinde fiyatlarda geri-
well stating that they don't expect a decrease in cotton
lemenin mümkün olabilece¤ine dikkat çekti.
prices in the short-run emphasized that finance specula-
Türkiye'nin iplik ve kumafl üretiminde çok iyi bir seviyede
tors' giving up the sector may cause the prices to regress.
oldu¤una iflaret eden Marsha Powell, ileriki y›llarda bu gü-
Marsha Powel indicating that Turkey is in a very good po-
cünü devam ettirece¤ini söyledi. Markalar›n al›mlar›n› ge-
sition in yarn and fabric propduction said that they keep
nellikle son dakika kararlar›yla yapt›¤› bilgisini veren Po-
this power going on during the oncoming years.
well, flöyle devam etti: “Avrupal› markalar moda fleklinde
Powell saying that he has carried out the purchase of the
çal›flt›klar› için Uzakdo¤u yerine, co¤rafi aç›dan daha yak›n
brands through the last minute decisions continued: " Eu-
olan Türkiye'den tedarik ediyor.”
ropean brands are supplying from Turkey instead of Far
Türkiye’nin hem tekstil hem de di¤er sektörler aç›s›ndan
East since they are working based on trend."
de¤erini hiçbir zaman yitirmeyece¤ini, aksine her geçen
Powell expressing that Turkey will never lose its value in
gün daha da artaca¤›n› ifade eden Powell, kurulufl olarak
terms of textile and other industries, on the very contrary
kendilerinin de bu pazar› terketmeyeceklerini ve yat›r›m-
it will increase it values said that they won't give up this
lar›n› artt›racaklar›n› söyledi.
market and increse their investments.
Haber / News
Tarakda hem Tülbent Kalitesinin ve Hem de Üretimin Artmas›na Olanak Sa¤layan Eflsiz bir ad›m: “SIROLOCK” A Unique Step Designed for Doffer and Increasing the Quality and Production of Cheesecloth: "SIROLOCK" Ad›mlar›m›z› takip edin – Bekaert SiroLock’ u üretti: Üstün elyaf kontrolu için yeni bir penyör(doffer) ve çal›flan (worker) silindir teli Mind our step - Bekaert introduces SiroLock®: A new worker and doffer wire for an improved fiber control Zwevegem, Belgium - Bekaert is continuously investing in new technologies that advance our customers’ competitive edge. One of our latest accomplishments that benefits the textile industry is the production of the SiroLock® doffer and worker wire for non-woven and long staple roller cards. This highly efficient card wire is provided with a unique step (figure 1) which brings fiber control to a whole new level, improving both web quality and the productivity of the cards.
Zwevegem, Belçika - Bekaert , müflterilerinin rekabet s›n›rlar›n› gelifltirecek yeni teknolojilere sürekli yat›r›m yap›yor. Tekstil sektörünün kazan›m› en son yeniliklerimizden biri uzun elyaf ve nonwoven taraklar›n›n penyör(doffer) ve çal›flan(worker) teli olarak sunulan SiroLock’ tur. Bu yüksek verimlilik sunan tarak teli yüzey profilinde, elyaf kontrolunu tamamen yeni bir seviyeye ç›karan , tarakda hem tülbent kalitesini ve hem de üretimin artmas›na olanak sa¤layan eflsiz bir ad›ma sahiptir. (Resim-1-)
Elyaf kontrolunda yüksek seviye
A step up in fiber control SiroLock ‘un fikir babas› The Commonwealth The concept of the SiroLock® wire was developed Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation by Ken Atkinson of The Commonwealth Scientific of Australia (CSIRO) ‘n›n direktörü Ken Atkinand Industrial Research Organisation of Australia son olup projenin teknik olarak gelifltirilip kulla(CSIRO) and executed by the technical team of n›ma haz›r hale getirilmesi Bekaert teknik ekibi taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirilmifltir. SiroLock® en iyi Bekaert . SiroLock® performs best on workers and performans› avantren ve ana tambur ile çal›flan doffers of the breast section and of the main penyör(doffer) ve çal›flan (worker) silindirde cylinder. (As an example see roller 7, 5, 11, 13 göstermektedir. (Örnek olarak resim-2 deki taand 15 of the card lay-out shown in figure 2). The rak teknik çiziminde gösterilen 7, 5, 11, 13 ve 15 wire takes up to 50% more fibers compared to nolu silindirlere bak›n›z). SiroLock di¤er tüm any conventional card wire (figure 3). As a results konvansiyonel tarak telleri ile karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda there is less recycling of fibers on the cylinder, 50% ‘ye varan oranlarda daha fazla elyaf al›r (rewhich leads to higher card productivity. Less recysim 3). Sonuç olarak SiroLock ile sa¤lanan bu cling causes less loading of the cylinder wire, yüksek elyaf aktar›m oran› sayesinde silindire gemeaning less cleaning time required of the cylinri dönen elyaf miktar› daha azd›r –ki bu daha der roller. In addition the improved fiber control yüksek üretimle sonuçlan›r. Resim 1: SiroLock tel yüzeyinin ön taraf›ndaki ad›mda –ki Daha az elyaf geri dönüflü silindirin daha az dol- konvansiyonel tellerden daha fazla miktarda elyaf› almay› leads to the reduction of fly, which reduces the mas› ve sarmas›na neden olur –ki bu da silindi- sa¤lar- elyaf› control alt›na al›r. cost of the raw materials and leads to a more rerin temizlenmesi için daha az zaman kayb› de- Figure 1: SiroLock controls the fibers at the step at the front gular web. As SiroLock® wire also creates higher mektir. Bunlara ek olarak, gelifltirilmifl üstün el- of the wire which enables it to take more fibers than carding spaces, it allows for wider settings and conventional wires. yaf kontrolu uçuntunun azalmas›na neden olur better blending which also contributes to a higher –ki bu telef oran›n›n azalmas› nedeniyle hamweb quality. madde maliyetinde azalmaya ve daha düzgün tülbent oluflumunu sa¤lar. Ayr›ca, SiroLock daha genifl bir tarama alan› oluflturdu¤unFlexible processing of various fibers and blends dan daha genifl ayarlara ve kar›fl›m›n daha iyi olmas›na ve bunun soThe first industrial results with SiroLock® in the non-woven industry nucu olarak daha yüksek kalitede tülbent oluflumuna olanak sa¤lar. have already shown very positive improvements in both quality and productivity. This has also to do with the versatility of the product: Çok çeflitli elyaf ve kar›fl›mlar›n ifllenmesinde yüksek esneklik SiroLock® can be used to process a wide range of fibers and even SiroLock ile nonwoven sektöründeki ilk endüstriyel sonuçlar hem special fibers and blends like hollow fibers, siliconized fibers, aramid kalite hem de üretim art›fl› konusunda çok pozitif iyileflmeler gös®
Haber / News
termifltir. Bu , ayn› zamanda, ürünün esnek kullan›m yetene¤i ile ilgili: SiroLock® çok genifl yelpazede elyaf›n ve hatta boru (hollow) elyaf, silikonize elyaf, , aramid elyaf (para veya meta-aramid), yüksek oranl› eriyik elyaf gibi özel elyaf ve kar›fl›mlar› ve çok genifl aral›kda lif inceli¤ini (dtex) rahatl›kla iflleyebilmektedir. Hatta, bir müflterimiz, SiroLock ‘ u 150dtex k›vr›m› aç›lmam›fl polipropilen ile kar›flt›rarak keçi k›l› taramakta kullanmaktad›r. Baflka hiçbir tarak teli kal›n ve k›vr›m› aç›lmam›fl elyaf› taramada baflar›l› olamam›flt›. Ancak SiroLock bu görevi mükemmelen baflarm›flt›r. SiroLock® kullan›mda – çapraz serme ve düz serme uygulamalar› • Çapraz serme uygulamalar›nda SiroLock ‘ un sundu¤u avantajlar-bir kaç örnek : Sioen-Nordifa Belçika Uygulama: Filtre kumafllar› da kapsayan teknik i¤neleme keçeler Sioen-Nordifa genifl çeflitlilikde tip(polyester, viscose, acrylics, low melt fibers…) ve incelikde (4 – 15 dtex) elyaf ifllemektedir. SioenNordifa SiroLock® u Thibeau Excelle tarak üzerinde penyör(doffer) ve çal›flanlarda(worker) kullanmaktad›r.
fibers (para- or meta-aramid), high percentage of melt fibers and a broad range of fiber densities (dtex). One customer even uses SiroLock® to card goat hairs in combination with 150 dtex uncrimped polypropylene. No other wire was capable of handling coarse and uncrimped fibers, but SiroLock® managed the job perfectly. SiroLock® in practice – crosslapping and direct way applications • The benefits of SiroLock® in crosslapping applications - a few examples: Sioen-Nordifa Belgium Application: technical needle felts, including filtration fabrics Sioen-Nordifa is processing a wide range of fibers (polyester, viscose, acrylics, low melt fibers…) and fiber densities (4 – 15 dtex).
Resim 2: Modern nonwoven tarak flemas› (elyaf soldan sa¤a do¤ru hareket eder ; 1: besleme silindiri, 2: brizör, 3: avantren, 4 & 10: silici(stripper), 5: avantren çal›fl›c›lar(workers), 6: avantren siliciler(strippers), 7: orta penyör(doffer), 8: transfer silindiri, 9: ana tambur, 11: ana çal›fl›c›lar( workers), 12: ana siliciler(strippers), 13 & 15: random silindileri, 14 & 16: ana penyör(doffer), 17 & 18: kondensör, 19: al›c› silindir Figure 2: Example of a modern nonwoven card (Fiber flow from left to right hand side; 1: feed roller, 2: lickerin, 3: breast roller, 4 & 10: fly stripper, 5: breast workers, 6: breast strippers, 7: breast or intermediate doffer, 8: transfer roller, 9: main cylinder, 11: main workers, 12: main strippers, 13 & 15: random rollers, 14 & 16: main doffers, 17 & 18: condenser rollers, 19: take-off roller)
Sonuç: • ‹yilefltirilmifl tülbent düzgünlü¤ü ve görünüflü • Eflit renkler • ‹yilefltirilmifl tülbent mukavemeti • 20-40% aras› üretim art›fl› (elyaf tipi ve son ürüne ba¤l› olarak) • ‹yilefltirilmifl elyaf kontrolu ve tambura elyaf geri dönüflünün azalt›lmas› sayesinde tarak da toz oluflumunun önlenmesi Domo Belçika
Uygulama: i¤neleme hal› Domo 3.3 – 15 dtex elyaf ifller ve Thibeau ve Spinnbau taraklara sahiptir. SiroLock® tara¤›n girifl ve ç›k›fl bölümlerinde penyör(doffer) ve çal›flan(worker) silindirlerde kullan›lmaktad›r.
Sonuç: • 20% üretim h›z art›fl›
Sioen-Nordifa uses SiroLock® on workers and doffers on a Thibeau Excelle card Result: • Improved web regularity and web appearance
• Even colors • Improved web tensile strength • Increased production of 20 to 40% (depending on fiber blends and final product) • Elimination of dust formation in the card thanks to the improved fiber control and reduced fiber recycling on the cylinder. Domo - Belgium Application: needled carpets Domo uses Thibeau and Spinnbau cards to process 3.3 – 15 dtex fibers. SiroLock ® is mounted on the workers and doffers of the breaker and the finisher cards.
Haber / News
• Tarakda daha az elyaf toplama-sarma? Daha az temizlik ihtiyac› • Daha az temizlik duruflu Elco Solutions Pty Ltd Avustralya
Uygulama: ‹¤neleme
Result: • Increased production speeds of 20% • Less fibers load on the card ? Less card cleaning? Reduced downtime Elco Solutions Pty Ltd - Australia
Elco Solutions otobanlar, ray hatlar›, liman güvenlik duvarlar›, telef Application: Needle punching toplama, madencilik ve spor sektörü gibi çok genifl alanda kullan›Elco Solutions is a producer of geotextiles and geosynthetic prom› bulunan teknik-tekstil ve teknik- sentetik üreticisidir. Elco Soluducts for a wide range of applications like highways, railroads, cotions hem üretim miktar›n› hem de ürün kalitesini art›rma yönün® astal protection, waste containment, mining and sports field appde yol ararken V20 SiroLock ‘ u penyörlerinde kullanma karar› lications. While looking for a way to upgrade both productivity and ald›lar. Afla¤›daki aç›klama firman›n bu çal›flma sonras› bulgu ve yothe quality of their products, Elco Solutions decided to mount V20 rumlar›d›r: SiroLock® wire on their doffers. These were their findings: “ SiroLock®‘ u sard›kdan k›sa bir süre sonra üretimimizin dramatik bir flekilde artt›¤›n› göz“Soon after installing Sirolemledik. Daha da ötesi Lock ® we noticed that our ,ürün kalitemiz tüm productivity rates went up beklentileri aflt›. Hesapdramati¬cally. Furthermore lamalar, bu üretim mikthe quality of our products tarlar›nda bu yat›r›m›n exceeded all expectations. geri ödeme süresinin Calculations showed that at yanl›zca üç ay oldu¤unu this rate of production the ingösterdi. vestment pay back was just SiroLock ® ‘un perforthree months. The performans› çok etkileyici ve mance of SiroLock® is excepbizler bu teknolojiyi tional and we will continue kullanmaya devam to use this technology.” edece¤iz.” Mr. Brendan Swifte, Elco Solutions Pty Ltd ‘ Mr. Brendan Swifte, Chairnin Baflkan› man of Elco Solutions Pty Ltd • Direkt uygulamalarda • The benefits of SiroLock ® SiroLock® un sundu¤u in direct way applications - a avantajlar – deneme Resim 3: SiroLock tarak teli (soldaki resim) ve konvansiyonel tarak teli (sa¤daki resim) testimonial: sonuçlar›: - Textor Tex- Figure 3: Sirolock card wire (figure at the left) and conventional wire (figure at the right) Textor Textile Technologies tile Technologies Australia Avustralya ®
Uygulama: Spunlace , ›slak mendil üretimi ®
“Bafllang›çta SiroLock telini çal›flan(worker) silindirlerde kulland›k ve bu zaman içinde bize daha düzgün bir tülbent görüntüsünün yan›nda 30% luk kapasite art›fl›na izin verdi. Sirolock ‘ un daha ince/s›k versiyonunu yeni tara¤›m›za sard›k ve elyaf al›m› o kadar iyiydi ki silici(stripper) silindirleri de ayn› yönde gelifltirmek zorunda kald›k. Bizim fabrikam›zda, inan›yoruz ki, önümüzdeki y›llarda, SiroLock tülbent kalitemizi ve üretimimizi art›rmak yönünde çok iyi bir araç olacak. Bu sadece basit bir çözüm/ürün de¤il gelifltirilmesi ve uygulanmas›nda derin bir tarak bilgisi gerekmektedir. Sizi tarama bilimini anlamaya zorluyor. Dünya klas›nda ve her geçen y›l artan kalite ve üretim oranlar›nda nonwoven üretmekteyiz. SiroLock olmaks›z›n biz bu seviyeye yükselemezdik.” Mr. Phillip Butler Textor Textile Technologies , Direktör
Application: Spunlace production for wet wipes “Initially we used the SiroLock® wire on the workers and over time this permitted a 30% increase in capacity as well as an improvement in web picture. We have just installed a finer version of the SiroLock® wire on a new card and the fiber pick up was so great that the stripper wires now have to be upgraded. In our mill, we believe that SiroLock® will be a valuable tool to increase productivity and web quality over the coming years. It is not a simple solution as there is considerable card tuning necessary. It forces you to understand the science of carding. We are producing web weights and qualities that are world class and at rates which increase each year. Without SiroLock® we would not be in this position”. Mr. Phillip Butler Director of Textor Textile Technologies
Haber / News
Karbon Elyafla Ça¤ Atlayaca¤›z We Will Step Into a New age With Carbon Fiber Gözünü karbon elyaf üretiminde daha yukar› hedeflere diken Türkiye, bu alanda, 2020 y›l›nda 150 bin ton üretim 5 milyar dolar da gelir elde etmek istiyor.
Turkey, aspiring for high targets in carbon fiber production wants to generate 5 billion dollars income and 150 thousand roll production in 2020.
NASA'n›n, Boeing, Airbus gibi havac›l›k firmalar›n›n ileri teknolo-
Carbon fiber used by aviation companies such as NASA, Boe-
ji malzemesi olarak kulland›¤› karbon elyaf; dünya pazarlar›nda
ing, and Airbus as high-tech material has turned into a mate-
de¤eri her geçen gün artan bir maddeye dönüfltü.
rial with an increasing value every passing day in the global
Global pazarda sadece Türkiye, Japonya, ABD, Almanya, Fransa,
‹ngiltere, Çin ve Tayvan taraf›ndan üretilen, stratejik öneme sa-
Carbon fiber known as a product which has a strategically im-
hip bir ürün olarak kabul edilen karbon elyaf pek çok alanda mu-
portance and produced only by Turkey, Japan, USA, German,
kavemeti güçlü metallerin yerini almaya bafllad›. Sektör temsilci-
France, England, China and Taiwan has began to replace with
leri rüzgar türbin kanatlar›, bilgisayar gövdeleri, cep telefonu ka-
resisting metals in many field. The representatives of the sec-
Haber / News
salar› ve bin bar›n üzerinde dayan›ma sahip bas›nçl› kaplar›n
tor stated that carbon fiber technology becoming prominent
üretiminde öne ç›kan karbon elyaf teknolojisinin havac›l›k sek-
in the production of wind turbines, computer bodies; mobile
töründe, denizcilikte, yap› güçlendirmede, enerji nakil kablolar›
phone cases and pressured boxes resistant to over a thou-
üretiminde Türkiye'nin önünde önemli bir f›rsat kap›s› olarak
sand bars in livestock industry, maritime, structure reinforce-
durdu¤unu belirtti.
ment, energy transferring cables production create a great
2010 y›l›nda 43 bin ton olan dünyadaki karbon elyaf tüketimi-
opportunity for Turkey.
nin 2020 y›l›nda 150 bin tona ç›kmas› öngörülürken, parasal de-
Carbon fiber consumption which is 43 thousand tons in 2010
¤erinin de 1.5 milyar dolardan 5 milyar dolara ç›kmas› bekleni-
is estimated to reach up to 150 thousand tons in 2020, and
yor. Tüketimin Türkiye'de 10 y›l içinde 1500 ton/y›l olaca¤› tah-
its monetary value will rise up to 5 billion dollar from 1, 5 bil-
min edilirken, karbon elyaf kullan›m›n›n yan› s›ra bu alan›n gelifl-
lion. While consumption is estimated to be 1500 tons/year
mesi için bir ülke stratejisinin belirlenmesi gereklili¤i vurgulan›-
within 10 years, a country strategy is to determine in order to
enhance the development of this field and the use of carbon fiber.
Yalova’da üretiliyor Sanayinin bugüne kadar kulland›¤›
Produced in Yalova
hammaddeleri ikame edecek stratejik
Carbon fiber featured as a strategical
bir ürün özelli¤inde olan karbon elyaf
product to substitute the raw materials
Türkiye'de Akkök fiirketler Grubu'na
of the industry until now is being produ-
ba¤l› Aksa taraf›ndan Yalova'daki tesis-
ced in the factories in Yalova by Aksa
lerinde üretiliyor. Kendi teknolojisini
affiliated with Akkok Sirketler Grubu in
oluflturan Aksa'n›n 2006 y›l›nda pilot
Turkey. Carbon fiber, pilot production of
üretimine bafllad›¤› karbon elyaf yüzde
which has been started by Aksa through
100 Türk mühendislerinin ürünü. Ak-
its own technology in 2006 completely
sa, bin 500 ton/y›l üretim kapasiteli
represents a hundred percent Turkish
hatt›nda Aksaca markas› ile dünya pa-
engineers. Aksa is producing carbon fi-
zar› için karbon elyaf üretimi yap›yor.
ber for the global market under the
Karbon elyaf alan›nda yat›r›m yapan
brand of Aksaca in production line with
Aksa, bu üretimiyle Türkiye'de tek ol-
500 tons/year capacity. Aksa investing
mas›n›n yan› s›ra dünyan›n say›l› kar-
in carbon fiber is unique with this pro-
bon elyaf› üreticileri aras›nda bulunu-
duction in Turkey and among the limited
numbers of carbon fiber producers in the world as well. Aksa
Aksa, var olan 1.500 tonluk hatt›na ikinci bir hat daha ekliyor.
is adding a second production line to its former one with
‹kinci hatt›n kapasitesi ise 1.700 ton/y›l olacak. Bu arada, Aksa
1500 tons capacity. The second line has 1700 tons/year ca-
birinci hatt›n›n kapasitesini de 300 ton daha art›rarak toplam 2
pacity. In the mean time, Aksa is going to increase capacity
bin ton/y›l kapasite artt›r›m› yapm›fl olacak.
its first line 300 tons more and obtain 2 thousand tons/year
Aksa ve DÜNYA Gazetesi iflbirli¤i, Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi
capacity increase in total. In the meeting organized by Aksa
Odas› (BTSO) katk›lar›yla düzenlenen 'S›radaki Endüstri Devri-
and DUNYA Gazetesi cooperation, Bursa Chamber of Com-
mi ve Türkiye'nin F›rsatlar›: Kompozit & Karbon Elyaf' bafll›kl›
merce and Industry (BTSO) with the topic of "Next Industrial
toplant›da "gelece¤in materyali olarak nitelenen karbon elyaf›n
Revolution and the advantages of Turkey: Composite & Car-
Türk sanayii için bar›nd›rd›¤› f›rsatlar tart›fl›ld›. DÜNYA Gazete-
bon Fiber", the advantages of carbon fiber defined as the ma-
Haber / News
si Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni Hakan Gülda¤'›n moderatörlü¤ünde
terial of the future in Turkish industry have been discussed.
düzenlenen panele Aksa Genel Müdürü Mustafa Y›lmaz, DÜN-
Mustafa Y›lmaz, General Manager of Aksa; Dr. Rustu Boz-
YA Gazetesi Yazar› Dr. Rüfltü Bozkurt ve Kocaeli Üniversitesi
kurt, newspaperman of DUNYA Gazetesi and Doc. Dr. Sev-
‹nflaat Fakültesi Ö¤retim Üyesi Doç. Dr. fievket Özden kat›ld›.
ket Ozden, Academic Member of Kocaeli University Faculty
Toplant›da, Türkiye'de ileri teknolojinin yolunun karbon elyaf
of Civil Engineering were attended the meeting organized un-
ile aç›laca¤› ifade edildi.
der the presidency of Hakan Guldag, Executive Editor of DUNYA Gazetesi. In the meeting, it is defined that high technology in Turkey is going to be commenced through car-
Pazar pay›m›z art›yor
bon fiber.
Aksa Genel Müdürü Mustafa Y›lmaz: 1995 y›l›nda Gümrük Birli¤i an-
Our marketshare in-
laflmas› imzaland›¤›nda
biz bu anlaflmadan nas›l
Mustafa Y›lmaz, Ge-
etkilenece¤imizle ilgili
neral Manager of Ak-
çal›fltaylara bafllad›k. O
sa: When Customs
dönemde öncelikli ola-
Union agreement was
rak d›fl mekan uygula-
signed in 1995; we
malar›na a¤›rl›k verdik.
started workshops
Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe
concerning the pro-
veya Befliktafl stadyum-
bable changes in our
lar›ndaki üstü kapatan
condition as a result
çad›rlar, üstü aç›lan oto-
of this agreement. Du-
mobillerdeki kumafllar
ring that term, we fo-
ya da bizde çok kullan›lmasa da yurtd›fl›nda görebildi¤imiz hiç
cused especially on outdoor applications. We decided to pro-
çukur yapmayan, üzerinde sular›n birikmedi¤i tenteler, tekne
duce tents covering the tap of stadiums of Galatasaray, Fe-
döflemelerinde kullan›lan elyaflar› o dönemde yapmaya karar
nerbahçe or Besiktas, fabrics used in sunroofs of automobiles
and carbon fibers used in hull's covering and tents not crea-
fiu anda dünyada bu alandaki pazar pay›m›z yüzde 50'nin üze-
ting hollow shape and prevent water accumulation then. Our
rinde. Bunlar› da Türkiye'de satam›yoruz. Önce kendi alan›m›z-
market share is over 50 percent in this field now. We don't
da organik büyümeyi öngördük. 2006 senesinde di¤er alanlara
sell them in Turkey. We intended to grow firstly in our own fi-
da yöneldik. Aksa uçak endüstrisine üretim yapabilecek kapasi-
eld. We headed for the other fields in 2006. Aksa has such a
tede. Sa¤l›k ve geri dönüflüm konular›nda da ciddi çal›flmalar ya-
production capacity enough to supply for aircraft industry.
p›ld› ancak henüz bunlarla ilgili dönüflümler al›nmaya bafllanma-
There has been carried out great works in the fields of health
d›. Sadece Suudi Arabistan y›lda 800 ton karbon elyaf tüketiyor.
and recycling, however we have not started to get feedbacks
Karbon elyaf 3 bin 500 megapascal çekme mukavemetli karbon
in this respect yet. Only Saudi Arabia is consuming 800 tons
elyaf›n fiyat› 20 ile 30 dolar aras›ndad›r.
carbon fiber in a year. The price of carbon fiber with 3500
3 binlik ald›n›z ve 4 bin 800 megapaskal’l›k bir çekme kuvveti is-
megapascal tensile strength is between 20 to 30 dollars.
tiyorsunuz. Bunun da fiyat› 45 ile 60 dolar aras›ndad›r. Örne¤in
You have bought 3000, and want a 4800 megapascal tensi-
uçak burnunda kullan›lacak bir malzemenin fiyat› 80 ile 180 do-
le strenght. It is between 45 and 60 dollars. For example; the
lar aras›nda de¤ifliyor. Aksa olarak ürün ve teknolojide kaliteyle
price of material to be used on the nose of aircraft changes
Haber / News
akla ilk gelen, güvenilir tedarikçi olan, kendi teknolojisiyle yeni
between 80 and 180 dollars. We aim to be a company to be
ürün gelifltiren, ürün yelpazesiyle etkin oldu¤u sektör say›s›n› ar-
able to obtain the same market share that we achieved in
t›rabilen, akrilik elyafta ulaflt›¤› pazar seviyesini karbon elyafta da
acrylic fiber in carbon fiber as well, increase the number of
yakalayabilen bir flirket olmak istiyoruz.
sectors covered with its product range, improving new products through its own technology, a trustable supplier and the first coming to mind as Aksa with its product and technology.
En stratejik hammaddelerden Aksa Karbon Elyaf Pazarlama ve Sat›fl Direktörü Mithat Okay, dünyada pek çok alanda kullan›lmaya bafllanan karbon elyaf›n
Mithat Okay, Aksa Carbon Fiber Marketing and Sale Mana-
Türkiye için önemli f›rsatlar içerdi¤ini söyledi. Okay, Yalova'da
ger said that Carbon Fiber, started to be used globally in
üretimlerini sürdüren Aksa'n›n tek çat› alt›nda dünyan›n en bü-
many field has great opportunities for Turkey. Okay stated
yük akrilik elyaf üretim tesisi olma özelli¤ine de sahip oldu¤unu
that about 13% of the total acrylic fiber has been produced
vurgulayarak, akrilik elyaf›n dünyadaki toplam üretim kapasitesi-
in their integrated plants, by emphasizing that Aksa continu-
nin yaklafl›k yüzde 13'ünü entegre tesislerinde yapt›klar›n› aktar-
ing their production in Yalova is featured as the biggest acr-
ylic production plant of the world. Okay recording that Aksa is
Aksa'n›n 308 bin ton/y›l akrilik elyaf üretim kapasitesiyle çal›flt›-
working with 308 thousand tons/year acrylic fiber production
¤›n› kaydeden Okay, Akkök fiirketler Grubu bünyesinde 1972
capacity said that Aksa, starting production in 1972 under
y›l›nda üretime bafllayan Aksa'n›n, 5 k›tada 50'den fazla ülkeye
the body of Akkok Sirketler Grubu exported to more than 50
ihracat yapt›¤›na de¤indi. Okay; "Yüzde 42'si halka aç›k olan Ak-
countries over 5 continents. Okay said; " Aksa, 42% of which
sa, 10 binden fazla ürün çeflidine sahip. 800 kiflinin istihdam
is public has a large product range. 84 people is working on
edildi¤i Aksa'n›n Ar-Ge biriminde 84 kifli çal›fl›yor. Bu özellikler
R & D department of Aksa where 800 people are employed
bizi dünyan›n tek çat› alt›nda üretim yapan en büyük entegre
in total. These features make us world's greatest integrated
tesisi yap›yor" dedi. Okay ayr›ca Aksa'n›n ba¤l› oldu¤u Akkök
plant manufacturing under a single roof". Okay also said that
fiirketler Grubu'nun 2009 y›l› ihracat›n›n 330 milyon dolar, net
export value of 2009 belonging to Akkok Sirketler Grubu was
sat›fl›n›n ise 2.2 milyar dolar› buldu¤unu aktard›.
330 million dollar and net increase reached up to 2.2 billion
Karbon elyaf› ve kompozitin 21. yüzy›l›n en stratejik hammad-
dollars. Okay, emphasizing that carbon fiber and composite
delerinden biri oldu¤una vurgu yapan Okay, "Yüzde 95 oran›n-
are among the most strategically raw materials of 21st cen-
da karbon atomundan oluflan karbon elyaf insan saç›ndan 10
tury said, " Carbon fiber formed from 95% carbon atom is 10
kat daha ince, molekül yap›s› özelli¤iyle de çelikten 4 kat daha
times thinner than human hair, and 4 times stronger and
mukavemetli ve hafiftir. Yüksek çekme mukavemeti, yüksek
lighter than steel due to its characteristic of molecular struc-
darbe dayan›m›, düflük yo¤unluk, hafiflik ve düflük korozyon
ture. It has an attracting property among high technology
özellikleriyle ileri malzemeler teknolojisinde cezbedici bir özel-
materials with its high tensile resistance, high impact with-
li¤e sahip.
stand, low density, lightness and low corrosion. It is produced
Dünyada sadece Türkiye, Japonya, ABD, Almanya, Fransa, ‹ngil-
only in Turkey, Japan, USA, German, France, England, China
tere, Çin ve Tayvan'da üretilmektedir. Bafll›ca kullan›m alanlar›
and Taiwan. Its fundamental fields of use are manufacture
ise rüzgar enerjisi kanatlar›n›n yap›m›, yap› güçlendirme, bas›nç-
of wind energy flap, structure reinforcement, pressured con-
l› kap yap›m›, yar›fl arabal› gövdesi yap›m›, spor malzemeleri ya-
tainer production, racing car carcass manufacturing, sports
p›m›, denizcilikte yelken direkleri imalat› ve havac›l›k sektörü
equipment production, maritime pole manufacturing and ae-
olarak s›ralanabilir" aç›klamas›n› yapt›. Özellikle yeni nesil uçak-
rospace industry". Okay, indicating that especially new gene-
lar›n daha fazla kompozit kullanmaya bafllad›¤›n› kaydeden
ration aircrafts have started to use composite more said;"
Okay, "Bir uça¤›n içinde art›k 40 ile 50 ton aras›nda karbon el-
there is about 40 to 50 tons carbon fiber in an aircraft. This
Haber / News
yaf var. Bu da karbon elyaf›n ileri teknoloji malzemesi olarak ka-
shows that carbon fiber has been adopted as high-tech ma-
bul gördü¤ünü gösterir.
terial. We intended to serve to industrial applications as Ak-
Aksa olarak endüstriyel uygulamalara hizmet vermeyi hedefle-
sa. There have been started applications in some fields such
dik. Rüzgar türbin kanatlar›, bilgisayar gövdeleri, bin bar›n üzeri-
as wind turbine flaps, computer case, and pressured contai-
ne dayan›ml› bas›nçl› kaplar ve otomotiv, denizcilik, yap› güçlen-
ners resistant to over a thousand bars and automotive, mari-
dirme ve enerji nakil kablolar› gibi alanlarda uygulamalar baflla-
time, structure reinforcement and energy transferring.
d›" fleklinde konufltu. Minimizing quake damage Deprem hasar›n› azalt›yor
Doc. Dr. Sevket Ozden, Academic Member of Kocaeli Univer-
Karbon elyaf kullan›m›n›n inflaat sektöründe önemli bir kullan›m
sity Faculty of Civil Engineering expressing that the use of
alan›na sahip oldu¤unu anlatan Kocaeli Üniversitesi ‹nflaat Fa-
carbon fiber has a significant field of use in construction in-
kültesi Ö¤retim Üyesi Doç. Dr. fievket Özden de, karbon elya-
dustry underlined that carbon fiber has the same elasticity
f›n demirle ayn› elastikli¤e, ancak çok daha yüksek dayan›ma sa-
with iron but much more resistance than it. Ozden stating
hip oldu¤unu vurgulad›. Karbon elyaf›n yüksek dayan›m›ndan
that carbon fiber is preferred because of its high resistance
dolay› tercih edildi¤ini kaydeden Özden, "Çeli¤in 6'da 1'i kadar
said that “It is one of six lighter than steel, it is easy to pro-
hafif, ifllenebilirli¤i ve uygulanabilirli¤i kolay olan karbon elyaf,
cess and easy to apply, it has a high resistance to wearing
korozyona ve çevresel etkilere dayan›kl›.
and environmental effects. It is easily used especially in buil-
Özellikle binalar›n, viyadük ayaklar›n›n, sistem yap›lar›n›n, kirifl
dings, viaducts, system structure, in reinforcing beams and co-
ve kolonlar›n›n güçlendirilmesinde, tarihi yap›lar›n onar›m›nda,
lons, in restoration of historical buildings, in reinforcing brick
tu¤la duvarlar›n, yol, köprülerin güçlendirilmelerinde rahatl›kla
walls, infrastructure, bridges and increases endurance of the
ve kolayl›kla kullan›larak binalar›n mukavemetini art›r›r. Karbon
buildings. Carbon fiber has been used in the buildings that
elyaf yak›n zamana kadar devletin finanse etti¤i yap›larda kulla-
are financed by the government till today. It is an expensive
material; that is the reason. After the 1999 Earthquake, re-
Çünkü pahal› bir maddeydi. 1999 depreminden sonra bir bina-
inforcing a building with carbon fiber equals to rebuilding the
da karbon elyafl› güçlendirme yap›lmas› konusu binay› yeniden
structure in cost. In addition to this you couldn’t find carbon
yapmakla eflit de¤erdeydi. Üstelik karbon elyaf› istedi¤inizde de
fiber whenever you want.
bulam›yordunuz. Ama flimdi sektör bu sorunu aflm›fl durumda.
problem. Moreover, after Aksa joined the system, the senten-
Üstelik Aksa'n›n sistem içine girmesiyle fiyatlar da paraflütsüz
ce "Prices fell down without a parachute" was used. Ozden
flekilde düfltü" ifadesini kulland›. ‹nflaat sektöründe en çok daya-
states that, in construction sector, the most endurance is nee-
n›ma ihtiyaç duyulan yerlerin kolonlar oldu¤una dikkat çeken
ded on colons, and also told us that carbon fiber is a better
Özden, karbon elyaf›n donat› çeli¤inden daha iyi bir sarg›lama
swathing material than reinforcement steel, also it is a pre-
malzemesi oldu¤unu, karbon elyaf›n kolon fliflmelerinde önleyi-
ventive material for colon-swells.
But today sector overcame this
ci etkin bir madde oldu¤unu anlatt›. It can be used everywhere Her yerde kullan›labilir
Ozden stating that wearing and environmental effects increa-
Korozyon ve çevresel etkilerin de karbon elyaf ihtiyac›n› art›rd›-
ses the carbon fiber need said that “Weight is another impor-
¤›n› kaydeden Özden, "Öte yandan a¤›rl›k da önemli bir faktör.
tant factor. Carbon fiber can be used in reinforcing masonry
Karbon elyaf› y›¤ma yap›larda duvar güçlendirilmesinde, kolon
construction, colon endurance, in reinforcing concrete wall if a
dayan›m›nda, betonarme perdede kap› aç›yorsan›z güçlendir-
door opened on it, in reinforcing beams, for tears on slabs.
mede, kirifllerde zafiyet gidermede, döflemede y›rt›klarda kulla-
If you have a working factory and if you need reinforcement
Haber / News
n›labilir. Çal›flan ve üreten bir fabrikan›z varsa ve güçlendirmeye
for your factory, you can do maintenance and reinforcing wit-
ihtiyac›n›z varsa üretimi durdurmadan, onar›m güçlendirme ya-
hout halting the production. In Turkish building sector, 30.000
square meters carbon fiber designed in the last one year.
Türkiye'de inflaat sektöründe son 1 y›lda 30 bin metrekareye
And this means 7-8 tons of carbon fiber. But the expected
yak›n karbon elyafl› tasar›m yap›ld›.
carbon fiber consumption is about 500 tones.
Bunun karfl›l›¤› da 7-8 ton. Beklenilen tüketim ise bin 500 ton
is a good alternative for every field. Ozden stating that Car-
civar›nda. Her noktada karbon elyaf iyi bir alternatif olarak
bon fiber helps people leave buildings that suffered damage
gözüküyor" diye konufltu. Karbon elyaf›n özellikle depremlerde
because of an earthquake without any harm continued: "If
hasar gören binalardan insanlar›n zarar görmeden ç›kmas›n›
you compare carbon fiber with other reinforcing methods on
sa¤layacak önemli detaylardan oldu¤unu dile getiren Özden
unit cost, it may be expensive but it has much more advanta-
flöyle devam etti:
ges about earthquake risk in the long term. It can be appli-
"Di¤er güçlendirme yöntemlerine göre birim maliyeti olarak da-
ed on laminated plaques and concrete structures by sticking
ha yüksek görünebilir ama uzun vadede, deprem riski alt›nda
on. On the places that exposed to metal fatigue and concre-
çok daha avantajl›. Lamine plakalar ve örülmüfl halde betonar-
te downfall, carbon fiber has high weight periods. Because of
me yap›lara yap›flt›r›larak uygulan›yor. Metal yorulmas›na maruz
this, it is an important material that can be used in highway
kalan ve göçen malzemeler yerine karbon elyafta yüksek yük
Carbon fiber
çevrimleri var. O nedenle karayolu yap›m›nda da kullan›lacak önemli bir materyal."
We need to back up production Dunya Gazetesi newspaperman Rustu Bozkurt states that
Üretimin arkas›nda durulmal›
“This is an important opportunity for Turkey and Turkey sho-
Dünya Gazetesi yazar› Rüfltü Bozkurt da, karbon elyaf teknolo-
uld use this opportunity good. We need to disprove the
jisinin 'Türkiye'nin önünde bulunan önemli bir f›rsat' olarak iyi
"Turks never miss the opportunity to miss opportunities" sen-
de¤erlendirilmesi gerekti¤ini belirterek, "Türkler f›rsat kaç›rma
tence by doing this."
f›rsat›n› asla kaç›rmazlar sözünü yan›ltmak zorunday›z. Türkiye
Turkey never had a chance like this before. Turkey has great
hiçbir dönemde bugün yakalad›¤› f›rsatlar› yakalayamad›. Önü-
advantage both on conventional production fields and on
müzdeki günlerde hem klasik üretim alanlar›nda hem de orta
transition to advanced technologies from intermediate tech-
teknolojiden ileri teknolojilere geçiflte Türkiye inan›lmaz avan-
nologies. Turkey has advantages on finding new competitive
tajlara sahip. Yeni rekabet edilebilir alanlar keflfetme konusunda
Turkey is close both to east and west culture. We can get
Türkiye hem bat› hem de do¤u kültürüne yak›n. Yeni geliflen
advantages from the recent developments in eastern cultu-
do¤u kültüründen ciddi avantaj sa¤layabiliriz. Karbon elyaf da
res. Carbon fiber is an important factor to be a competitive
rekabet edilebilir olmakta önemli etken. Türkiye karbon elyaf
üretiminin arkas›nda ciddi olarak durursa ben orta vadede 15
If Turkey stands behind the carbon fibre production, this may
milyar dolardan fazla bir potansiyele sahip olaca¤›n› düflünüyo-
have more than 15 billion dollars potential in the medium
rum. Sadece karbon elyaf ürünü bu de¤erdeyse ve bunun gibi
term. If the carbon fibre only has a potential of 15 billion dol-
katma de¤erli ürünler art›r›l›rsa 500 milyar dolarl›k ihracat he-
lars, by increasing production of value-added taxed products,
defimizin gerçekleflmesi çok da uzak de¤il. Türkiye büyük f›rsat-
it is not really a dream for us to have 500 billion dollars of
lar›n oldu¤u bir ülke. Kar marjlar›n›n yüksek oldu¤u dönemler-
exportation target. Turkey is a country that has great oppor-
den kalan al›flkanl›klarla ifllere sab›r ve zaman ay›rma konusunda
zaaf›m›z var" diye konufltu.
spend time on the works.”
We do have a weakness for being patient and
Haber / News
TANATEX Chemicals, Actipro™ Probiyotik Apre’yi Sunar. TANATEX Chemicals Announces Release of Actipro™ Probiotic Finish. Bu yeni apre ürünü ile TANATEX, kumafllarda üreyen patojen bakteriler ve allerjenler ile savaflmak için do¤al bir çözüm getiriyor. New product offers a natural solution for combating pathogen bacteria and allergens in textiles. EDE, Netherlands (January 18th 2011) – TANATEX Chemicals, one of the world’s leading producers of textile processing solutions, announces the release of the unique Actipro™ Probiotic Finish. Actipro™ Probiotic Finish is a natural solution for combating pathogen bacteria and allergens in textiles, without being destructive for the positive micro-organisms and necessary skin flora. Actipro™ is something new, safe and effective against undesired growth and reproduction of allergens. According to Dick van der Schans, Marketing Manager of Vendor Washroom Hygiene, based in Tilburg, Netherlands: “The use of Actipro™ for our scrim reinforced paper towel will further distinguish our unique continuous hand drying system from the competition. It will revolutionise the washroom hygiene market”. A lot of textiles (e.g. matrasses, carpets, filters etc.) trap dust and debris during their use, creating an ideal growing place for unwanted pathogen bacteria and allergens. Anti-bacterial products kill the bacteria, but the resistance to those mechanisms is growing and strengthening them even more. There is a need for a positive approach. Actipro™ is a probiotic concept and means ‘for life’, not against it and is not harmful to humans, flora and fauna. On Actipro™ treated textiles bad bacteria and fungi get no chance to grow or reproduce. It reduces bad smells and allergic effects of house dust mite allergens. Johan Cleyman, Global Project Manager at TANATEX Chemicals states: “Anti-bacterial products are not the solution to the problem, they are more often reported to create super germs or anti-biotic resistance. The possibilities for using Actipro™ are endless and beyond all our scientific imagination”.
EDE, Hollanda (18 Ocak 2011) – Dünyan›n önde gelen tekstil yard›mc› kimyasal üreticilerinden TANATEX Chemicals, benzersiz apre ürününü piyasaya sunar; Actipro™ Probiyotik Apre. Actipro™ Probiyotik Apre, yararl› mikro-organizmalara ve cilt floras›na zarar vermeden, kumafllarda ço¤alan patojen bakteriler ve allerjenler ile savafla do¤al bir çözüm getiriyor. Actipro™, allerjenlere karfl› yeni, güvenli ve etkili bir yöntem olarak karfl›m›za ç›k›yor. Merkezi Tilburg-Hollanda’da bulunan Verdor Tuvalet Hijyen Pazarlama Müdürü Dick van der Schans’a göre ‘Güçlendirilmifl ka¤›t havlu ürünlerimizde ‘Actipro™ kullan›m› ile, benzersiz olan kontinü el kurutma sistemimizi rakiplerimizden daha da ileri bir noktaya tafl›d›k. Bu ürün hijyen pazar›n› tamamen de¤ifltirecek, devrim niteli¤inde bir bulufl.’ Bir çok tekstil ürünü (yatak kumafllar›, hal›lar, filitreler vb.) kullan›m s›ras›nda toz ve kiri içinde hapsederek, istenmeyen patojen bakteriler için ideal bir ço¤alma ortam› yarat›r. Antibakteriyel ürünler temel olarak bakterileri öldürme prensibi ile çal›fl›r. Bilindi¤i gibi bu yaklafl›m bakterilerin dirençlerini her geçen gün daha da artt›rmaktad›r. Bu nedenle, patojen ve allerjenler ile ilgili problemleri çözmek için çok daha pozitif bir yaklafl›ma ihtiyaç vard›r. Actipro™ ‘canl›lar için’ anlam›na gelen (anti-bakteriyel’in sözlük anlam› gibi canl›lara karfl› de¤il), insanlara, floraya ve faunaya zarar vermeyen, probiyotik esasl› bir konsepttir. Actipro™ ile ifllem gören kumafllarda kötü bakteriler ve mantarlar›n ço¤alma ve geliflme flans› yoktur. Bu ürün hem kötü kokular›, hem de ev tozu akarlar›ndan kaynaklanan allerjenlerin neden oldu¤u allerjik etkiyi azalt›r. TANATEX Chemicals Global Ürün Müdürü, Johan Cleyman’a göre ‘Anti-bakteriyel ürünler do¤ru bir yaklafl›m de¤il, çünkü kullan›mlar› sonucu süper-mikrop olarak adland›r›lan veya anti-biyotik direnci olan daha güçlü ve dayan›kl› bakterilerin ortaya ç›kmas›na neden oluyorlar. Actipro™’nun kullan›m alan› sonsuz, bizim bilimsel hayal gücümüzün de ötesinde.’
Haber / News
Tekstilde ‘Is›rgan’ Heyecan› "Nettle" Excitement in Textile Tekstil sektörünün hammadde sorunu Türkiye’nin de¤il dünyan›n da sorunu... E¤er araflt›rmalar olumlu sonuçlan›rsa tekstilin hammadesi ‘›s›rgan’ olabilir. The raw material problem of the textile industry is not only the problem of Turkey but also the entire world... If the researches are resulted well, the raw material for textile may be "nettle". Pamuk üretiminde artan maliyet, tekstil sektörünü yeni aray›flla-
Increasing cost of cotton production causes textile sector to search
ra sevk etti. Özellikle dev pamuk üreticileri Hindistan, Çin, Pa-
new ways. Especially when giant cotton producers such as India,
kistan gibi ülkeler pamuk ihracat›nda zaman zaman k›s›tlamalar
China and Pakistan have sometimes applied restrictions in cotton
gerçeklefltirince hem Türkiye hem de dünya tekstil sektöründe
exporting, it becomes indispensable to face some serious
zaman zaman ciddi s›k›nt›lar yaflanm›yor de¤il..
challenges in world's textile industry and Turkey.
‹flte bilimadamlar› bu tür s›k›nt›lar› sona erdirmek ve tekstil sek-
Scientists have headed for new interesting ways in order to
törünün hammadde sorununu halledebilmek amac›yla ilginç ara-
overcome such raw material problem of the textile sector and
y›fllara yöneldi. Bunlardan biri de ›s›rgan otu.
conclude all these challenges. One of these ways is nettle.
Türkiye flartlar›nda henüz yabani bitki özelli¤i tafl›yan ancak sa¤-
Nettle which is still featured as wild plant for Turkey but helpful for
l›k için say›s›z faydalar› bulunan ›s›rgan otu, tekstil sektörünün
numerous health problems, will cure the wounds of the textile
yaras›na da ilaç olacak. Araflt›rmalar olumlu sonuçlan›rsa, yabani
sector. If researches come out well, nettle featured as a wild plant
bitki niteli¤inde olan ›s›rgan, Bafra ovas›nda tekstil sektörünün
will take its place in production as raw material of textile sector in
hammaddesi olarak üretimdeki yerini alacak.
Bafra plain.
Hitler ›s›rgan› kullanm›fl
Hitler had used the nettle
Ondokuz May›s Üniversitesi (OMÜ) Bafra Meslek Yüksek Oku-
Doc. Dr. Ali Kemal Ayan, Head of Ondokuz May›z University
Haber / News
lu Organik Tar›m Bölüm Baflkan› Doç. Dr. Ali Kemal Ayan, Ka-
(OMU) Bafra Vocational School of Higher Education, the
radeniz bölgesinde lif kalitesi yüksek ›s›rgan türlerinin tespiti
Department of Organic Agriculture stated that they have started
için çal›flma bafllatt›klar›n› söyledi.
a study in order to determine the species of nettle with high fiber
Almanlar›n tüm ülkeyi taray›p, lif kalitesi yüksek ›s›rgan›n yetifl-
tirilmesini teflvik etti¤ini belirten Ayan, "Biz de en verimli ›s›rga-
Ayan indicating that Germans have searched the entire country
n›n yetiflti¤i bölgeleri üretici ve yat›r›mc›n›n dikkatine sunaca-
and encourage the growing of nettle with high fiber quality said
¤›z" dedi.
“We will present the areas where the most efficient nettle grows
Is›rgan›n do¤al liflerin kopmaya karfl› dayan›kl› ve yumuflak ol-
for the attention of the manufacturers and investors."
mas› sebebiyle, yüksek de¤erde uzun ömürlü ve kullan›fll› ku-
Natural fiber of nettle is resistant to breaking and soft, which
mafllar üretilebiliyor. ‹kinci Dünya Savafl›'nda pamuk üretimin-
ensures the production of long-life and useful fabrics with high
de ortaya ç›kan darbo¤az sebebiyle Hitler liderli¤indeki Alman-
value. Due to financial bottleneck appeared in cotton production
ya, asker üniformas› üretiminde ›s›rgan otu kulland›. Geliflen
during the World War II, Germans under the leadership of Hitler
teknoloji ile kimyasal liflerin cazibesi ile ›s›rgan otundan vazge-
has used stinging nettle in manufacturing soldiers' uniforms. The
çildi. Almanlar son dönemde bütün ülkede lif kalitesi yüksek
developing technology and the appeal of the chemical fibers
›s›rgan otu taramas› yapt›. Almanlar›n ›s›rgan lifinden ciddi ve-
cause to give up nettle. Recently, Germans have searched the
rim almas› sonucunda ›s›rgan otu Türk tekstil firmalar›n›n da
entire country and encourage the growing of nettle with high fiber
gündemine girdi.
quality. As Germans got considerable results from nettle fiber, it becomes as subject at the agenda of Turkish textile companies.
Lif kalitesi oldukça yüksek Ondokuz May›s Üniversitesi (OMÜ) Bafra Meslek Yüksek
Fiber quality is quite high
Okulu Organik Tar›m Bölüm Baflkan› Doç. Dr. Ali Kemal Ayan,
Doc. Dr. Ali Kemal Ayan, Head of Ondokuz May›z University
Karadeniz bölgesinde lif kalitesi yüksek ›s›rgan türlerinin tespiti
(OMU) Bafra Vocational School of Higher Education, the
için çal›flma bafllatt›klar›n› söyledi.
Department of Organic Agriculture stated that they have started
Pamukta yaflanan hammadde s›k›nt›s›n›n organik ürünlerle afl›-
a study in order to determine the species of nettle with high fiber
laca¤›n› ve bunlar›n bafl›nda da üretim maliyeti yok denecek
kadar düflük olan ›s›rgan otunun geldi¤ini belirten Ayan, flunlar›
Ayan indicating that the shortage of raw material experienced
söyledi: “Samsun’da deneme amaçl› ekimler yap›p, çok verimli
concerning cotton will be overcome through organic products and
ürün al›k. Karadeniz baflta olmak üzere Türkiye'nin ço¤u böl-
stinging nettle is the main organic product with almost non
gesinde ›s›rgan otu zahmetsizce yetifliyor. Biz verimli ›s›rgan ot-
existing production cost in this respect said: “We carried out some
lar›n›n yetiflti¤i bölgeleri tespit edip, yat›r›mc›n›n önüne sunaca-
cultivations for trial purposes in Samsun, and harvested very
¤›z. Gerisi onlar›n tercihine kalm›fl."
efficient product. Stinging nettle can easily grow in many regions of Turkey especially in the Black Sea Region. We will present the
Hemen her yerde bulabilirsiniz
areas by determining where the most efficient nettle grows to
‹lkbahar mevsiminde tarla kenarlar›nda, duvar diplerinde, vira-
investors. The rest is up to them."
neliklerde yetiflen ›s›rgan otu; tohumu ilaç, yapra¤› yemek, lifi tekstil, sap› yakacak, kökü boya maddesi olarak ifllem görüyor.
You can find almost everywhere
Is›rgan lifi, do¤al anti bakteriyel özelli¤i, serinlik hissi, ipeksi yü-
Stinging nettle is growing around fields, at the back beyond of
zeye sahip olmas›, vücutta oluflan teri an›nda emmesi, temiz
walls, near ruined buildings in spring season. Its seed is featured
havayla temas halinde olmas›, ultraviyole ›fl›nlar› k›rmas›, çabuk
as medicine, leaf as meal, fiber as textile, stalk as firewood, and
ütü tutmas›, do¤al antibakteriyel özelli¤i ile deride alerjik olu-
stem as dyestuff.
flumlara yol açmamas›, üretim s›ras›nda kimyevi madde kullan›l-
Stinging nettle fiber draws attention with its natural anti-bacterial
mamas› ile dikkat çekiyor.
feature, cooling effect, silky surface, perspiration absorbing
Bilimadamlar›n›n gayreti e¤er olumlu sonuçlan›rsa, Türkiye da-
feature, air permeability, preventing uv lights, being easily ironed.
hil dünya tekstil sektörü de büyük bir nefes alm›fl olacak ve
If the efforts of the scientists come out well, the problem of raw
hammadde derdinden kurtulmay› baflaracak.
material will be over for the entire textile sector including Turkey.
Haber / News
Invista, Lycra® Sport Kumafl›n Avrupa Lansman›n› ISPO 2011’de Yapacak! Invista Will Lauch Lycra® Sport Fabric in Europe at ISPO 2011 Dünyan›n en büyük entegre elyaf ve polimer üreticilerinden INVISTA, 6 - 9 fiubat 2011 tarihleri aras›nda Almanya’n›n Münih Kenti’nde gerçeklefltirilecek olan ISPO Ticaret Fuar›’nda, inovatif kumafl markas› LYCRA® SPORT kumafl›n› ve eflsiz LYCRA® T400® elyaf›n› sergiledi. One of the leading integrated fiber and polymer manufacturers of the world, INVISTA exhibited innovative LYCRA® SPORT fabric and unique LYCRA® T400® fiber at ISPO Trade Fair, on 6 -9 February 2011, in Munich, Germany. With high performance technologies, INVISTA will meet with its
INVISTA, üstün performans özellikli teknolojileriyle, Salon C2, Stand No. 310’da fuar ziyaretçileriyle bulufltu. INVISTA, LYCRA ® SPORT kumafl›n›n performans özelliklerini tüm dünyada tan›tmaya devam ediyor. Amerika Birleflik Devletleri, Latin Amerika ve Asya’da gerçeklefltirilen baflar›l› lansmanlar›n ard›ndan INVISTA, LYCRA ® SPORT kumafl›n›n faydalar›n›, inovatif teknolojiler sunma sözünü tutarak Avrupa’da 2011 y›l›n›n ilk Avrupa Spor Ticaret Fuar› olan ISPO’da markalara, perakendecilere ve müflterilere aktard›. INVISTA Aktif ve Outdoor Giyim Pazarlama Direktörü Simon Whitmarsh-Knight, “LYCRA® SPORT kumafl›n›n tan›t›m yolculu¤una devam etmek bizi heyecanland›r›yor. Bu sene ISPO’da, INVISTA’n›n en yeni teknolojilerini sergilerken, ayn› zamanda Canterbury of New Zealand gibi en iyi marka iflbirliklerimizi de kutlad›k. Ziyaretçiler, en son teknolojiyle üretilen, dünyan›n dört bir yan›nda oyuncular taraf›ndan giyilmekte olan ve LYCRA ® SPORT kumafl›m›z› içeren etkileyici Mercury Compression giysilerini görme flans› elde ettiler” diye konufltu. Whitmarsh-Knight sözlerini flöyle sürdürdü: “2009’un ikinci yar›s›nda piyasaya sürülen LYCRA® SPORT kumafl›na olan ilgi devam ediyor ve bizler, bu inovasyonu Avrupa pazarlar›na sunmaktan büyük mutluluk duyuyoruz. Önde gelen üreticilerin LYCRA® SPORT kumafl› kullanmas›, bu kumaflla üretilen giysilerin ma¤azalarda bulunmas› ile biz, perakendecilere, markalara ve en sonunda tüketicilerimize ulaflabiliyoruz…” Canterbury Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Chris Stephenson ise, Canterbury’nin teknik ürünlerinin yüksek kalitesini ve sa¤laml›¤›n› sergileyen son teknoloji Mercury Compression giysilerini tan›t-
customers in Hall C2, Booth no. 310. INVISTA continues to introduce high performance features of LYCRA® SPORT fabric around the world. After the successful launching in USA, Latin America and Asia, INVISTA will introduce the advantages of LYCRA® SPORT fabric to brands, retailers and customers in Europe at the first European Sports Trade Fair of the year. INVISTA Active and Outdoor Garment Marketing Director Simon Whitmarsh-Knight; “It excites us to continue our journey of introducing LYCRA® SPORT fabric to the world. We were able to exhibit latest technologies of INVISTA and celebrate our collaboration with Canterbury of New Zealand at this year’s ISPO. Visitors found the opportunity to see Mercury Compression garments that contain LYCRA ® SPORT fabric and manufactured with the latest technology and worn by sports players all around the world.” Whitmarsh-Knight; “the high interest in LYCRA® SPORTS fabric, launched in the second half of 2009, still lingers and we are glad to offer this innovation to European markets. Leading manufacturers of the world use LYCRA ® SPORT fabric and the garments manufactured with this fabric are sold in the stores. Thanks to this, we can reach out to retailers, brands and finally, to our consumers.” Chairman of directors’ board of Canterbury said that they were glad to introduce the latest Mercury Compression garments which represents high quality and durability of Canterbury’s technical gar-
Haber / News
maktan memnuniyet duyduklar›n› belirterek, “Önümüzdeki yaz 2011 Rugby Dünya Kupas›’nda mücadele edecek olan ve sponsorlu¤unu Canterbury’nin yapm›fl oldu¤u tak›mlar›n oyuncular› taraf›ndan kullan›lacak olan koleksiyon, antrenman ve maçlara yönelik olarak tasarlan›rken, LYCRA ® SPORT kumafl performans› özelliklerini de tam olarak tafl›yor. Geçti¤imiz y›l INVISTA ile birlikte çal›flarak, k›yafetlerimizin sporcular›n rugby sahas›nda karfl›laflt›klar› zor koflullara dayanmas›n› sa¤lad›k ve hedefledi¤imiz rakipleri zorlayacak seviyede mücadele edebilecek bir Compression serisi gelifltirdik. ISPO’da INVISTA stand›n› ziyaret ederek bu yeni koleksiyonu görmenizi öneririz” dedi. LYCRA ® SPORT kumafl›, bugüne kadar dünyan›n birçok yerine ulaflt›r›lan milyonlarca LYCRA ® SPORT kumafl› etiketleriyle, hem aktif, hem de outdoor giyimde uygulanabilmektedir. Bu kumafl, INVISTA’n›n uzun y›llara dayanan AR-GE deneyiminin bir sonucu olarak oluflturulan performans ve teknoloji standartlar›n› karfl›lamak üzere özel olarak tasarlanm›flt›r. LYCRA® SPORT kumafl›, k›yafetlere üstün kalite ve performans özellikleri sa¤layabilmek amac›yla afla¤›daki minimum standartlar› karfl›lamal›d›r: • LYCRA ® elyaf içeri¤i – en yüksek elyaf kalitesini sa¤lar. • Kumafl gramaj› – kumafl de¤erini garantiler. • Geri toplama özelli¤i – k›yafeti giyen kifliye daha fazla destek sa¤lar. • Çift yönlü uzama – k›yafeti giyen kiflinin sporda baflar›l› olmas›n› sa¤lar. • Kumafl›n çekme oran› – k›yafetin daha uzun ömürlü olmas›n› sa¤lar. INVISTA taraf›ndan tasarlanan, ISPO 2011’de sergilenecek bir di¤er ürün olan LYCRA® T400® elyaf› ise, polyester kumafllardan üretilen aktif ve outdoor k›yafetlere performans, stil ve vücuda uzun süreli uyum özellikleri sunmaktad›r. LYCRA® T400® elyaf› ile üretilen spor k›yafetler, kumafl›n kolay esneme ve nem yönetimi özelliklerini artt›rabilmektedir. LYCRA® T400® elyaf› ayr›ca, core-spun ipli¤in sa¤lad›¤› do¤all›k hissi ve do¤al görünüm özelliklerine sahiptir. Ürünün kullan›m›, spor k›yafetlerin k›r›flmas›n› da önlemektedir.
ment and added; “The next summer, our collection will be used by the teams of 2011 Rugby World Cup, which is supported by Canterbury. Thus, the collection is designed for training and matches. The performance of LYCRA® SPORT fabric is completely suitable for this purpose. Last year we worked with INVISTA and made garments durable against all hard conditions of rugby field and developed a Compression series that can meet our targets. We advise you to visit INVISTA booth at ISPO and see this new collection.” LYCRA ® SPORT fabric can be applied to both active and outdoor garments with LYCRA ® SPORT fabric label which has been delivered to many countries in the world. This fabric was designed with long years of R&D experience of INVISTA to meet special performance and technology standards. LYCRA ® SPORT fabric should meet minimum standards defined below in order to meet high quality and performance requirements: • LYCRA ® fiber content – highest fiber quality • Fabric weight – guaranteed fabric values • Stretching feature – offers support to the wearer • Double way elongation – brings success to sports players • Shrinkage rate of the fabric – provides durability to the garment Designed by INVISTA, LYCRA® T400® fiber will be exhibited at ISPO 2011 and this fiber offers active and outdoor garments made of polyester fabrics performance, style and adaptation to the body. Sports garments manufactured with LYCRA® T400® fiber increases flexibility and moisture management features. LYCRA ® T400 ® fiber has a natural touch and look thanks to core-spun yarns. The use of this fiber prevents sports garments from creasing.
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Tekstil ‹çin Art›k Kriz Bitti Crisis is Over for Textile Now TGSD Baflkan› Cem Negrin, Türkiye'de haz›r giyimde kötü günlerin yavafl yavafl geride kald›¤›n›, kapanan iflyerlerinin aç›lmaya bafllad›¤›n› söyledi. Cem Negrin, the Chairman of Turkish Clothing Manufacturers Association (TGSD) said that Turkey has left those days behind gradually and companies closed under the crisis conditions has begun to open back now. Cem Negrin, Chairman of Executive Board of Turkish Clothing Manufacturers Association (TGSD) by expressing that evil days remained kan› Cem Negrin, Türkiye'de haz›r giyimde kötü günlerin yavafl behind gradually for ready-made garment in Turkey, said "About 8700 yavafl geride kald›¤›n› belirterek, "Krizde yaklafl›k 8 bin 700 firma companies were closed down during the crisis, 2 thousand of which kapanm›flt›, 2 bini aç›ld›. Haz›r giyim ihracat›nda 2007-2008'deki has been opened again. I think that we will achieve the turnover of cirolar› bu sene yakalayaca¤›m›z› düflünüyorum" dedi. 2007-2008 in ready-made garment export this year". Negrin, haz›r giyim harcamalar›n›n geçen y›l›n kas›m ay›nda 2010 Negrin stated that expenses of readymade garment has reached up y›l›n›n en yüksek seviyesine ulaflt›¤›n›, aral›k ay›n›n da iyi ç›kaca¤›to the top level of n› söyledi. 2010 last year in Haz›r giyimde yavafl November, it's going yavafl kötü günlerin to be higher in Degeride kald›¤›n› ifacember. de eden Negrin, Negrin indicating "Kriz 3 senemizi yethat the challenging di. Krizde afla¤› yudays is gradually bekar› 8 bin 700 firma coming a thing of kapanm›flt›, iki ay past, said "Crisis has önceki rakamlarla 2 stole our three yebini aç›ld›. Belki ars. About 8700 flimdi aç›lan say›s› 2 companies were clobin 500 olmufltur. sed down during the Bu sene ihracatta crisis, 2 thousand of yüzde 10 art›fl sa¤which has been larsak, ihracatta en opened again. It might be 2.500 yüksek yapt›¤›m›z now. In case of 10% 16 milyar dolar raincrease in export kam›n› yakalar›z. this year, we achieve 2011'de sektör ihthe figure of 16 milracat›nda yüzde 10 lion dollar which is art›fl bekleniyor. the top point in exHaz›r giyim ihracaport till now. 10% t›nda 2007-2008 ciincrease is expecrolar›n› bu sene yaTürkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Derne¤i (TGSD) Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Cem Negrin ted concerning seckalayaca¤›m›z› dütoral export in flünüyorum" dedi. 2011. I think that we will achieve the turnover of 2007-2008 in readyÇal›flan say›s›n›n da 660 binlerden 720 binlere geldi¤ini, y›ll›k ihmade garment export this year". racattaki art›flla çal›flan say›s›ndaki art›fl›n yüzde 10 ile paralel gitNegrin indicating that the number of employees has reach to about ti¤ini belirten Negrin, yüzde 30'lar› bulan iç piyasadaki art›fl›n be720 thousand from 660 thousand, the increase in here is in parallel lirli bir bölümünün ise ithalattan kaynakland›¤›n› vurgulad›.
Türkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Derne¤i (TGSD) Yönetim Kurulu Bafl-
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‹thal ürünler çok ucuz Cem Negrin, "Türkiye'de belki yüzde 50-55 mal yap›l›yor, geri kalan yüzde 45 de ithalattan geliyor. Dolay›s›yla iç piyasa çok fazla istihdama etki etmiyor" diye konufltu. ‹thalatlarda yüzde 40'a varan ek vergi öngören tekstil ve haz›r giyim tebli¤ine iliflkin olarak da Negrin, flunlar› kaydetti: "Tebli¤ Bakanlar Kurulu'na sunulacak ve karar verilecek ama inflallah yüzde 40 olmaz. Genel olarak böyle korumac› ifllerinde pek taraf olmam. Kap›lar› kapat›p, içerde kendimize mal yap›p, büyümenin do¤ru oldu¤unu düflünmüyorum. Ama flu anda çok fazla ithalat var. ‹thal ürünler çok ucuz. Yabanc› markalar ma¤azalar›yla Türkiye'ye sald›r›yorlar. Türkiye büyük markalar için de çok büyük yat›r›m yeri oldu. Belki bir yüzde 5-10 gibi ufak rakamlarla, uyar› anlam›nda bir fley yap›lmas› do¤ru olabilir. Vergi koyman›n en büyük dezavantaj›, bir flekilde buradaki markalar›n gücünü yiyecek, Türk markalar›n›n büyümesini engelleyecek. Çin'den, Hindistan'dan, Bangladefl'ten gelen mallara vergi koymay› düflünüyorlar ama buradaki markalar da Türkiye'den Avrupa'daki ma¤azalar›na mal› da¤›tt›klar› için orada sorun var, yurt d›fl›ndaki ma¤azalar›na her zamanki güçleriyle mal yollayamayacaklar. H&M'ler, Zara'lar hiç vergi ödemeden mallar› al›p bütün Avrupa'da satacaklar, bizim yerli markalar›m›z vergi ödeyip, konulan vergi oran›nda o kadar pahal› duruma düflecek ve o markalar›n yan›nda hiç flanslar› olmayacak." ABD pazar›n› kaç›rd›k Bu y›l sektörün ihracat›nda yüzde 10 art›fl bekledi¤ini, bunun yüzde 11-12'leri de bulabilece¤ini, istihdamda da resmi olarak 80-90 bin art›fl bekledi¤ini belirten Negrin, Türkiye'nin TL'nin afl›r› de¤erli olmas›ndan dolay› son 5 senedir pahal› bir memleket oldu¤unu, aksi durumda haz›r giyim sektörünün yüzde 10 yerine yüzde 15-20 büyüyebilece¤ine iflaret etti. Cem Negrin, "Kapasiteler flu anda dolu, yeni atölyeler aç›lmaya bafllad›, atölyeler büyümeye çal›fl›yor. fiu anda kapasite yetiflmiyor. Herkes eski elemanlar›n› geri ça¤›r›yor" dedi. ‹stihdam pay›m›z art›yor Türkiye'nin her konuda iyi olmas› gerekti¤ini, haz›r giyimin de bunlardan birisi oldu¤unu söyleyen Negrin, "Türkiye'de 10 milyon sigortal› çal›flan var ve bunlar›n 700 bini haz›r giyim ve tekstil iflinde. Demek ki istihdamda yüzde 7 pay›m›z var. Bu pay›n her zaman kalmas› belki yüzde 10'a ç›kmas› laz›m. Bilinmesi laz›m ki inanlar›n yüzde 10'u bu iflle u¤rafl›yor, geri kalan yüzde 10 da arabayla u¤raflabiliyorsa u¤rafls›n. Zaten Rusya da araba yapmaya bafllad›, bizimkilerle ayn› markalar... Önce iç piyasada satacaklar, ondan sonra da bafllayacaklar Avrupa'ya ihracat için u¤raflmaya. Pantolon yapmak kolay ama art›k araba yapmak da kolay" dedi.
with the increase in annual export by 10 % noted that some part of the increase reaching up to 30% in local market is resulted out of import. Imported products are very cheap "There may be 50-55% goods manufactured in Turkey, the rest 45% is supplied by importing. Accordingly, local market does not affect employment so much " Cem Negrin said. Negrin recorded concerning the textile and readymade garment notice proposing additional taxation reaching up to 40% in imports that Notice is going to be submitted to the Council of Ministers and resolved, but I hope it not to be 40%. Generally, I do not become a party in such protective issues. I don't consider the growing by manufacturing inside and closing the doors as correct. However, now there is a great import. Imported products are very cheap. Foreign brands are attacking Turkey through their stores. Turkey has become a considerably big investment place among the known brands. It may be reasonable to take an initial action by 5-10%. This is not a big percentage. The biggest drawback of imposing tax is to suck up the power of the brands here in a way and prevent the Turkish brands from growing. They are planning to apply tax to the goods coming from China, India and Bangladesh, but there is a problem, since the brands here distribute the goods from Turkey to the stores in Europe; they wouldn't be able to deliver goods to the stores abroad as usual. Brands such as H&M, Zara would sell the goods without paying tax, our local brands would have to pay tax and sell more expensive in this case and there would be no chance for them to compete with those brands." We opened USA market Negrin expressing that the sector is expecting 10% increase this year, this may reach to 11-12%, and 80-90 thousand increase in employment is expected officially indicated that Turkey is an expensive country for the last 5 years since TL is extremely valuable, otherwise the readymade sector would be able to grow by 15-20% instead of 10%. “Capacities are full now, new workshops have begun to open. Current situation of the sector is trying to grow now. At present capacities are not enough. Everybody is calling back their employees" Cem Negrin said. Our market share is growing Negrin stating that Turkey is to be good in every subject, readymade garment is one of them said, "There are 10 million insured employees in Turkey and 700 thousand of them are in readymade garment sector. This means that we account for 7% of the employment. This percentage should remain unchanged or reach up to 10%. It should be known that 10% of people are engaged in this sector, the rest 10% can engage in automotive sector if they can. Russia begins to manufacture automobiles as well, same as our brands... They will sell in local market at the beginning, and then try to Europe. Producing trousers is easy but now automobile too."
Haber / News
Messe Frankfurt’dan ‹ki Fuar Birarada Two Concurrent Exhibitions by Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt bu y›l bir ilki baflarmaya çal›fl›yor. Ayn› tarihler içinde hem Techtextil hem de Texprocess’› yapmay› hedefliyor Messe Frankfurt will break new ground this year. Messe is planning to organize both Techtextil and Texprocess between the same dates. Messe Frankfurt, one of the worlds’ leading exhibition foun-
Dünya fuar sektörünün lider kurulufllar›ndan Messe Frankfurt, bu y›l bir ilke imza atmaya haz›rlan›yor. Messe Frankfurt, bu y›l 2426 May›s tarihleri aras›nda Techtextil, 24-27 May›s tarihleri aras›nda da Texprocess’› yapmay› hedefliyor. Fuarlar›n haz›rl›k aflamas›n›n son h›zla devam etti¤ini belirten Messe Frankfurt yetkilileri, böylece fuarc›l›k alan›nda bir ilke imza atman›n heyecan›n› da yaflad›klar›n› söylüyor. Messe Frankfurt Fuar Direktörü Michael Janecke ve Messe Frankfurt Pazarlama Müdürü Andrea Kretzschmann, dergimizi ziyaret ederek sözkonusu fuarlarla ilgili aç›klamalarda bulundular ve sektöre yönelik sorularam›z› yan›tlad›lar. Messe Frankfurt’un Techtextil’i ilk olarak 1996 y›l›nda gerçeklefltirdi¤ini belirten Michael Janecke, bunu önceleri her y›l yapmay› planlad›klar›n› ancak kat›l›mc›lar ve sektörden gelen talepler do¤-
dations is planning to break new ground this year. Messe Frankfurt is planning to organize Techtextil between 24th and 26th May and organize Texprocess between 24th and 27th May. Messe Frankfurt officials indicate that the preparations of the exhibition are going on quickly and they say that they are also excited because they will break new ground on this organization. Messe Frankfurt Exhibitions Organizer Michael Janecke and Messe Frankfurt Marketing Manager Andrea Kretzschmann visited our magazine, made explanations about the exhibition and answered our questions directing to the sector. Michael Janecke, indicating that Techtextil by Messe Frankfurt was held for the first time in 1996 said that they planned to organize it every year in the past but according to the sectoral
Messe Frankfurt Fuar Direktörü Michael Janecke ve Messe Frankfurt Pazarlama Müdürü Andrea Kretzschmann, dergimizi ziyaret ederek sözkonusu fuarlarla ilgili aç›klamalarda bulundular ve sektöre yönelik sorular›m›z› yan›tlad›lar. - Messe Frankfurt Exhibitions Organizer Michael Janecke and Messe Frankfurt Marketing Manager Andrea Kretzschmann visited our magazine, made explanations about the exhibition and answered our questions directing to the sector.
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rultusunda iki y›lda bir yapmaya bafllad›klar›n› söyledi. Bu y›l 24-26 May›s tarihleri aras›nda gerçeklefltirecekleri Techtextil’de (Uluslararas› Teknik Tekstil ve Nonwoven Ürünler Fuar›) yine sektörün öncü firmalar›n› bir araya getireceklerini belirten Michael Janecke, “Her geçen gün yeni ürünlerin üretildi¤i teknik tekstiller ve nonwoven ürünler sektörü son derece dinamik ve ürünlerin kullan›m alanlar› itibariyle çok genifl olan bir sektördür. Kimyasallara, hava flartlar›na ve mikro organizmalara dayan›ml›, yüksek mukavemet, yanmazl›k ve yüksek afl›nma dayan›m› sektör ürünlerinin bafll›ca özellikleridir. Teknik tekstiller alan›nda yeni ürünlerin keflfi ve yeni ihtiyaçlar› karfl›lamas› aç›s›ndan büyük potansiyele sahiptir” dedi.
demands they began to organize it every two year. Michael
Son teknolojiler sergilenecek Techtexil’in hedeflerine ulafl›p ulaflamad›¤› yönündeki bir sorumuzu ise Michael Janecke flöyle cevapland›rd›: “Son y›llarda kaydetti¤i büyüme oran›yla, tekstil ve konfeksiyon sanayiinin önemli bir bölümünü oluflturmaya bafllayan teknik tekstiller sektörünün en önemli fuarlar›ndan Techtextil 2011 fuar›, alan›ndaki yeni geliflmelere ve en son teknoloji üretimi ürünlere ev sahipli¤i yapacak. Her iki y›lda bir gerçeklefltirilen Techtextil Frankfurt Fuar›n›n en önemli ürünü olan teknik tekstiller, estetik veya dekoratif özelliklerinden ziyade, esasen sahip olduklar› teknik ve performans özellikleri için imal edilen tekstil malzemeleri ve ürünleri olarak tan›mlanmaktad›r.”
Latest technologies will be exhibited
Janecke stating that they are going to gather the leading companies of the sector in Techtextil ( International Technical Textile and Nonwoven Products Exhibition) to be held between 24th and 26th May, said that "Technical textiles and nonwoven products sector in which new products has been covered every passing day is extremely dynamic and extensive in terms of the products’ fields of use. Durability to chemicals, weather conditions and microorganisms are the top characteristics of these products. Technical textiles have a great potential on satisfying new requirements of the sector and the discovery of new goods.”
Our question about whether Techtexil achieved its objective or not, was answered by Michael Janecke: “ Techtextil Expo 2011,one of the most important exhibitions of the technical textiles sector which is essential part of textile and garment industry, will host the latest developments and cutting edge technology products. The technical textiles which are the most important products of the Techtextil Frankfurt Expo, are defined as they are produced because of their technical and performance characteristics rather than their aesthetic and decorative characteristics.”
The exhibition of records during the economical crisis Michael Janecke stating that their most successful Techtextil
Krizin ortas›nda rekorlar fuar› Techtextil olarak en baflar›l› fuarlar›n› 2009 y›l›nda yapt›klar›n› belirten Michael Janecke, “Evet gerçekten de çok ilginç bir sonuç oldu. Hem kat›l›mc› firma hem de ziyaretçi aç›s›ndan rekorlar›n k›r›ld›¤› bir fuard› 200 y›l›nda yapt›¤›m›z. Çünkü bütün dünya krizin tam ortas›ndayd› ama fuar›m›z inan›lmaz bir kat›l›mc› ve ziyaretçi say›s›na ulaflm›flt›” dedi. Michael Janecke’nin verdi¤i bilgiye göre, 2009 y›l›nda yap›lan fuar, 43 ülkeden toplam 1.201 kat›l›mc› firma ve 85 ülkeden 23.300 ziyaretçi ile rekor kat›l›ma imza att›. Türkiye’den fuar› ziyaret edenlerin say›s› 500’ün üzerinde oldu¤u bildirildi.
was the one in 2009, said that “It was really an interesting result. 2009 Exhibition was a record breaker on visitor number and participating companies’ number. Because the whole word was in a crisis but our exhibition reached an unbelievable number of visitors and participants.” According to the information given by Machael Janecke, 1201 participants from 43 countries and 23.300 visitors from 85 countries visited the exhibition organized in 2009 and it was a record. It was also stated that visitors from Turkey were more than 500.
Which product groups will get a booth? Hangi ürün gruplar› yer alacak Michael Janecke’nin Techtextil fuar› hakk›nda verdi¤i bilgilere göre, teknik tekstil ürünleri üretim süreci içinde üretim yapan bütün firmalar yer al›yor ve ürünlerini farkl› ana ürün gruplar›nda sergiliyor. Bu bafll›klar ise flunlardan olufluyor: Araflt›rma & gelifltirme & planlama & dan›flma; teknoloji, makina ve aksesuarlar; elyaf ve iplikler; dokuma kumafllar, a¤lar, örgü kumafllar; nonwoven ürünler; kaplama tekstiller; kar›fl›mlar; yap›flt›rma tekstiller ve Avantex (Uluslararas› Yarat›c› Tekstil Ürünleri).
According to information given by Machael Janecke about Techtextil, every company in a production process on technical textiles will be there and they will exhibit their products in different product groups. These product groups are: Research and development, planning, counseling; technologies, machines and accessories; fiber and threads; textile fabrics, nets, knitted fabrics, nonwoven products, coating textile, adhered textiles and Avantex (International Creative Textile Products).
Haber / News
Türkiye de Techtextil fuar›nda Edinilen bilgiye göre, fuara kat›l›m› flu ana kadar kesinleflen 19 Türk firma bulunuyor.
Turkey in Techtextil Exhibition According to the latest information the number of Turkish companies applied to the exhibition is 19. Registrations will be available till March. The Turkish companies will be in
Kay›tlar mart ay›na kadar devam edecek. Techtextil Frankfurt 2011’deki Türk Kat›l›mc›lar flu firmalardan olufluyor: Agteks Örme ve Tekstil Endüstrileri; Ak›n Tekstil; Ak›nal Sentetik Tekstil; Balkan Tekstil Makinalar›; Cavit Çiçek Tekstil; Fiberflon; General Tekstil; Gentu¤ Tekstil Ürünleri; Karsu Tekstil; Kordsa Global Endüstriyel ‹plik ve Kordbezi; Öz-Ar› Endüstriyel Tekstil; Öztek Tekstil Terbiye Tesisleri; Salteks Tekstil; Sunjüt; Teksis Tekstil Ürünleri; Tepar Tekstil; Texpin Makine; Vateks Tekstil; Yalteks Yal›t›m.
Techtextil Frankfurt 2011 are: Agteks Knitting and Textile Industries, Akin Textile, Akinal Synthetic Textile, Balkan Textile Machines, Cavit Cicek Textile, Fiberlon, General Textile, Gentug Textile Products, Karsu Textile, Kordsa Global Industrial Thread and Cord Fabrics, Oz-Ari Industrial Textile, Oztek Textile Finishing Facilities, Salteks Textile, Sunjut, Teksis Textile Products, Tepar Textile, Texpine Machinery, Vateks Textile, Yalteks Insulation.
Our exhibitions achieving the target Eflzamanl› fuar Texprocess Techtextil ile birlikte düzenlenecek ikinci fuar›n ad› ise Texprocess (Uluslararas› Tekstil ve Esnek Malzeme Ürünleri ‹flleme Fuar›)... Techtextil 24-26 May›s tarihleri aras›nda Frankfurt’ta gerçeklefltirilecek. Texprocess ise yine ayn› tarihler aras›nda ancak sonu 27 May›s’ta bitmek üzere ayn› fuar alan›nda gerçeklefltirilecek. Bu da Messe Frankfurt tarihi aç›s›ndan bir ilk olarak. Böylece kat›l›mc›lar ayn› anda iki farkl› fuarda kendilerini sergileme imkan›na kavuflurken, davetliler de bir bilet ile iki fuar alan›n› birlikte ziyaret edebilecek. “Bu durum Messe Frankfurt aç›s›ndan bir olumsuz do¤urabilir mi?” sorusuna Michael Janecke “Hay›r” cevab›n› veriyor. Janecke, “Aksine tekstilin farkl› konseptlerini ayn› tarihler aras›nda birarada sergileyerek ziyaretçilere bir flölen sunuyoruz. fiu ana kadar bize bu konuda gelen geri dönüfller hep olumlu oldu. Bu olumlu cevaplar sayesinde böyle bir ad›m› atmay› kararlaflt›rd›k” diyor.
Our question about the ideas of the people of their exhibitions was answered by Michael Janeke: “According to the responses of the people visited our exhibitions, they were really satisfied. Nearly half of the participants state that they received great orders. And this means that our exhibitions achieve their goals. For example, this morning we had a conversation with a Canadian company. They are one of the companies participated in one of our exhibitions. They claimed that they received an order valued about 1-2 million dollars and they were thankful to us. Yes, maybe this amount is not that much for Turkey or another textile country but for a Canadian textile company 1-2 million dollars is a serious amount. Such feedback absolutely makes us feel satisfied.” 50.000 visitors from 120 countries Michael Janecke stating that they are planning to have 50.000 visitors from 120 countries by organizing two diffe-
120 ülkeden 50 bin ziyaretçi ‹ki fuar› bir arada yaparak 120 ülkeden toplam 50 bin ziyaretçi-
rent exhibitions at the same time says that they will also have 1700 participant companies in their exhibitions. Janecke
Haber / News
yi buluflturmaay› hedeflediklerini kaydeden Michael Janecke, 1700 kat›l›mc› firmaya ulaflacaklar›n› da söylüyor. Janecke, “Texprocess fuar›, uluslararas› stratejimizde bizi bir ad›m daha ilere götürerek tekstil dünyas›ndaki Pazar liderli¤imizi pekifltirecek. Dünya genelinde gerçeklefltirdi¤imiz 30’dan fazla fuarla, art›k matelyallerden kumafllara, modadan giysilere, ifllemeden bak›ma, bütün üretim sürecini kapsar hale geldik” aç›klamas›n› yap›yor. Janecke’nin verdi¤i bilgiye göe, Texprocess, 80 bin metrekare fuar alan›nda, tekstil ve di¤er esnek materyallerin üretiminde kullan›lan en yeni makine, teçhizat, iflleme ve hizmetleri sergileyecek. Sergilenecek ürünler, tasar›mdan biçkiye, CAD/CAM ifllem ve haz›rl›klar›ndan finisaja, at›klar›n yok edilmesi ve geri dönüflümden çevrenin korunmas›na kadar bütün iflleme etaplar›n› kaps›yor.
adds: "Texprocess Exhibition 2011 will bring us one move ahead of the others in our international strategy and it will strengthen our market leadership in textile market. By more than 30 exhibitions around the world, we became capable of producing in whole production from waste material to fabric, from fashion to garments, from process to maintenance. “ According to information given by Michael Janecke, Texprocess will present latest machines, equipments, services for producing textile and other flexible materials in 80.000 square meters exhibition area. The products to be exhibited include variations from design to cut, from CAD/CAM process and preparations to finishing, from waste cleaning and recycling to protection of environment.
About Texprocess Exhibition Texprocess fuar› hakk›nda Konfeksiyon, tekstil iflleme, teknik tekstiller, ticaret, hizmetler, araflt›rma ve e¤itim alanlar›ndan yaklafl›k 25 bin profesyonelin ziyaret etmesi beklenen Texprocess fuar›nda ziyaretçilerin yüzde 50’sinin Almanya d›fl›ndan gelmesi bekleniyor. Texprocess’in dünyadoa tekstil konusundaki öncü fuar Techtextil ile paralel olarak gerçeklefltirilmesi yeni bir fuardan çok daha fazlas› anlam›na geliyor. Bu sinerjinin sonucunda Frankfurt’ta bir tekstil güç birli¤i yarat›lm›fl olacak ve ayn› tarihlerde, ayn› yerde iki öncü uluslararas› fuar, üreticilerin iki kat daha fazla potansiyel müflteri ile tan›flabilmesine imkan sa¤layacak. Ayn› zamanda ziyaretçilerin çok daha genifl ve optimize bir ürün ve hizmet yelpazesini bulabilme f›rsat›n› sa¤layacak. ‹ki fuar›n sinerjisi Frankfurt Fuar ve Sergi Alan›, yeni Texprocess markas› ve Messe Frankfurt’un tüm tekstil ve teknoloji bölümü için yepyeni uluslararas› bir perspektif yaratacak.
In Texprocess, expected to be visited by 25000 professionals from ready-to-wear, textile process, technical textiles, trade, services, research and education field, more than %50 of visitors will be expected from outside of Germany. The organization of Texprocess which is parallel with Techtextil means more than a new exhibition. With this synergy, there will be a union of textile forces in Frankfurt and producers will have the opportunity to get more potential customers by organizing two different leading international exhibitions in the same place, at the same time. Moreover, visitors will have the chance to get optimized product and service. The synergy of these two exhibitions will create a new international perspective for Frankfurt Exhibitions and Fair Space, the brand Texprocess and textile technology section of Messe Frankfurt.
Teknoloji / Technology
Probiyotik Apre Tekstil Ürünleri ‹çin Hijyende Devrim Probiotic Finish Hygiene Revolution for Textiles Ing. Johan Cleyman (Fonksiyonel Apre Global Proje Müdürü) ve Ing. Cris Schuurman (Tekstil Ar-Ge Müdürü), TANATEX Chemicals. By Ing. Johan Cleyman (Global Project Manager Functional Finishing) and Ing. Cris Schuurman (Manager R&D Textiles) of TANATEX Chemicals. Girifl
Tekstil materyalleri kullan›mlar› s›ras›nda toz ve kiri içlerine hap-
A lot of textile materials are trapping dust and debris during their
setmeye meyillidir. Tekstil ürünlerinde bulunan bu toz ve kirler
use. The contaminated textiles are an ideal growing place for un-
Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Coli1 gibi istenmeyen
wanted bacteria, such as Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia
bakteriler için ideal bir ço¤alma ortam› sa¤lar. Yatak kumafllar›,
Coli1. Well known examples of textiles which are prone to bacteri-
hal›lar ve filitreler bakterilerin ço¤almas›na ortam haz›rlayan
al growth are mattresses, carpets and filters [2,3]. For a long time
tekstil ürünlerinin bafl›nda gelir. [2,3]. Sert zeminin mi, yumuflak
now, the discussion continues whether a hard floor is healthier for
zemin mi yaflam alanlar›m›z için daha sa¤l›kl› oldu¤u konusu uzun
inhabitants or a soft floor. Asthma funds support the fact that car-
zamand›r tart›flma konusudur. Ast›m dernekleri hal› kapl› olan
peted rooms help Asthma patients to breathe easier as the pollen
odalar›n, polen ve tozlar› hapsetti¤i ve tekrar havaya kar›fl›p
and dust are captured by the carpet yarns, preventing them to get
uçuflmalar›n› engelledi¤i için, ast›m hastalar›n›n daha rahat nefes
airborne again after movement in a room [4.] Unfortunately this
Teknoloji / Technology
almalar›n› sa¤lad›¤› bilgisini veriyorlar.
trapping of dust and debris, creates an ideal food source for germs
Ancak kirlerin bu flekilde hapsediliyor olmas› ne yazik mikroplar
and bacteria, including the MRSA bacteria and also House Dust Mi-
ve bakteriler için (MRSA ve Ev Tozu Akarlar› gibi) ideal bir bes-
te (HDM) [3,4,5.] With the new probiotic approach, prevention of
lenme ortam› do¤urmaktad›r [3,4,5.] Tanatex’in sundu¤u yeni
dynamic bacteria growth is created by competitive exclusion. The
probiyotik yaklafl›mda bakterilerin ço¤almas› besin rekabeti ile
probiotics are interfering with the available food source on the tex-
saf d›fl› b›rakma yolu ile engellenir. Probiyotikler, kötü bakteriler
tile and are not interacting directly with the bad bacteria. This is
ile direkt olarak de¤il, tekstilin yüzeyinde bulunabilecek besin
the base of the reason why this approach is biological and not bioci-
kaynaklar› ile etkileflim halindedir. Biyosid Ürün Yönetmeli¤i
dal, under the definition of the Biocidal Product Directive (BPD) [6.]
(BPD) ’ndeki tan›ma dayanarak yukar›da özetlenen çal›flma mekanizmas›ndan dolay›, bu yaklafl›m biyosid olarak de¤il, biyolojik
Close-up of bacteria
olarak tan›mlan›r [6.]
Abstract In this study the effect of the probiotic system using TANA®Biotic
Close-up of bacteria
DC on polyamide carpets and mattress ticking of polyester cotton
and viscose cotton blends is examined. Specifically the growth re-
Bu çal›flmada TANA®Biotic DC probiyotik sisteminin polyamid
duction of house dust mite and Staphylococcus Aureus is researc-
hal› kumafl› ve polyester/pamuk, viskon/pamuk yatak kumafllar›
üzerindeki etkinli¤i incelenmifltir. Özellikle ev tozu akar› ve Staphylococcus Aureus mikrobunun ço¤almalar›na olan etkisi
What are probiotics?
Probiotics have already been explored and used from the early 1900’s. The pioneer Metchnikoff demonstrated the positive role
Probiyotik ürünler nedir?
played by certain probiotics suggesting that it would be possible to
Probiyotikler 1900’lü y›llar›n bafllar›nda keflfedilen yararl› özellik-
modify the gut flora and to replace harmful microbes and patho-
leri olan mikroorganizmalard›r ve o zamandan beri yayg›n olarak
gens by useful and harmless probiotics [7.]
kullan›lmaktad›rlar. Metchnikoff isimli öncü araflt›rmac›, sindirim floras›n› modifiye ederek zararl› mikroplar› ve patojenleri (hasta-
Anti-bacterial products are not the future
l›k yaratma riski olan mikroplar›), yararl› ve zarars›z probiyotikler
Pathogenic bacteria are present on a lot of textiles and when suffi-
ile de¤ifltirme yolu ile baz› probiyotiklerin pozitif etkilerinin oldu-
cient food and moist are available, multiply in a logarithmical way8.
¤unu göstermifltir [7.]
The use of anti-bacterial products is increasing drastically on textiAnti-bakteriyel ürünler gelece¤imiz de¤il
les to prevent bacterial growth. The anti-bacterial way is however a
Kumafllar›n üzerinde yeterli kadar besin ve nem bulundu¤u za-
destructive method for pathogens but also for the positive micro-or-
man patojen bakteriler oluflur ve logaritmik olarak ço¤al›r [8.]
ganisms and necessary skin flora of humans [8.] Therefore this ap-
Bakterilerin ço¤almas›n› engellemek için anti-bakteriyel ürünlerin
proach is not recommendable. Anti-bacterial products like Triclosan
kullan›m› gün geçtikçe yayg›nlaflmaktad›r.
and nano silver are more often reported to create super germs or
Piyasada bulunan anti-bakteriyel ürunler patojenler için yok edi-
antibiotic resistance [9,10.]
ci bir yöntem olmakla beraber, insanlardaki pozitif mikro-organizmalar ve gerekli cilt floras› için de ayn› etkiyi göstermektedir8.
Actipro™ is a natural product
Bu olumsuz etkileri yüzünden zararl› bakterilere karfl› anti-bakte-
Actipro™ probiotics substances are composed of natural ingredi-
riyel yaklafl›m› önerilmemektedir. Triclosan ve nano silver tarz›
ents. The probiotic components are present on the Qualified Presu-
anti-bakteriyel ürünlerin genellikle süper-mikrop yaratt›klar› ve
med Safe (QPS) list of the European Food and Safety Association
bakterilerin antibiyotiklere karfl› olan dirençlerini artt›rd›klar› ra-
porlanm›flt›r [9,10.]
The microorganisms in Actipro™ are attached to the fabric using
Teknoloji / Technology
Actipro™ do¤al bir üründür
natural clay technology. The Actipro™ compound product is com-
Actipro™ probiyotik apre do¤al içeriklerden oluflmaktad›r.
mercially available under the name TANA®Biotic DC.
Üründe bulunan probiyotik içerik Avrupa G›da ve Güvenlik Derne¤i (EFSA)’nin Kalifiye Güvenli Kabul Edilen (QPS – Qualified
Domination Effect, competitive exclusion
Presumed Safe) listesine kay›tl›d›r [11.] Actipro™’da bulunan
The mechanism of Actipro™ is based on the domination effect. The
mikro-organizmalar do¤al kil arac›l›¤› ile kumafla tutunurlar. Ac-
probiotic finish covers the complete textile surface. The Actipro™
tipro™ bilefli¤i TANA Biotic DC ticari ismi ile piyasaya sunul-
microflora are active organisms that thrive under the same conditi-
ons as unwanted bacteria. When a food source is delivered to the textile, the harmless probiotics will eliminate this food source in a
Dominasyon Efekti, rekabetçil yoksun etme yöntemi
very rapid way as because of their high availability on the surface.
Actipro™ ürününün mekanizmas› dominasyon efektine dayan-
This rapid action gives other bacteria less to no chance of consu-
maktad›r. Actipro™ mikrofloralar› istenmeyen bakteriler ile ayn›
ming the provided food and therefore prevents flourishing of the
koflullar alt›nda ço¤al›rlar. Probiyotik apre tekstilin tüm yüzeyini
kaplar. Ortama bir besin kayna¤› geldi¤i zaman, zarars›z probiyotikler tüm yüzeyde bulunduklar› için bu besin kayna¤›n› çok h›zl›
Actipro™ reduces bad smells
bir flekilde yok ederler. Bu h›zl› tepki
Furthermore, Actipro™ also conta-
di¤er bakterilerin bu besini tüketme-
ins a urease function, which trans-
lerine çok az hatta hiç flans tan›maz-
forms the odour causing substances
lar ve bu flekilde ço¤almalar›n› önler-
of urine in odourless components.
This can be tested by using Christansen’s Urea Agar. This specific
Actipro™ kötü kokular› azaltmaya
agar is a standard medium used for
yard›mc› olur Yukar›da bahsi geçen mekanizman›n
Yak›n çekim Ev Tozu Akar› (HDM – House Dust Mite) - Close-up House Dust Mite (HDM)
the detection of urease activity by microorganisms. Essentially, this
yan› s›ra, Actipro™ idrar›n kokmas›-
agar contains urea (as the major component) and a pH indicator
na neden olan maddeyi kokusuz hale çeviren bir üreaz fonksiyo-
which turns the colour of the agar magenta when the degradation
nu içermektedir. Üreaz etkisi Christansen’in Üre Agar’›n› kulla-
of urea has occurred. Inoculated agar, in which the colour remains
narak test edilebilir. Bu özel agar mikroorganizmalar›n üreaz ak-
unchanged, indicates that the particular strain is negative for urea-
tivitesini bulmak için kullan›lan standart bir ortamd›r. Temel ola-
rak, bu agar üre ve ürenin parçaland›¤› zaman ortam›n rengini magenta/fuflyaya çeviren bir pH indikatörü içerir. Agar›n rengi de¤iflmaz ise test edilen maddenin üreaz aktivitesinin olmad›¤›n›
Method of application
There are different ways of applying the probiotics on textiles. On carpet preferably the foaming method or foulard method is used.
Uygulama yöntemi Probiyotikler tekstil ürünlerine birçok yöntem ile uygulanabilir.
Foam application
Hal›larda tercihen köpük veya fular yöntemi kullan›l›r.
10 g/l BAYGARD® FOAMER 25 g/l TANA®Biotic DC Drying 100°C for 3 minutes.
Köpük uygulamas› ®
10 g/l Baygard FOAMER - 25 g/l Tana Biotic DC 100°C’de 3 dakika kurutma.
On standard textiles the application by foulard is most common.
Standart kumafllarda genellikle fular yöntemi ile uygulama yap›l›r.
5-25 g/l TANA®Biotic DC
Teknoloji / Technology
5-25 g/l Tana®Biotic DC
Pick up 100% and drying 3 minutes at 100°C.
100% pik-up, 100°C’de 3 dakika kurutma.> Actipro™ function on HDM Actipro™’nun Ev Tozu Akarlar› üzerindeki etkisi
HDM are responsible for the nuisances of excreting allergens. The
Ev Tozu Akarlar›, insanlar için rahats›zl›k yaratan allerjenleri orta-
most known allergen shed by HDM is the allergen Der p 1, which is
ma salg›larlar. Ev Tozu Akarlar› taraf›ndan en çok salg›land›¤› bili-
protein based [12.] Actipro™ probiotics have the interest to hand-
nen allerjen, protein bazl› Der p 1’dir [12.] Actipro™ probiyo-
le proteins.
tiklerinin proteinlere karfl› ilgileri vard›r. Results of the HDM test Ev Tozu Akar› (HDM) testinin sonuçlar›
Graph 1 demonstrates the house
1 nolu grafikte apre uygulanmam›fl
dust mite growth on untreated
ve apre uygulanm›fl %100 PES ve
mattress ticking, on a 100% Pol-
PES/Pamuk yatak kumafllar›ndaki ev
yester and on a PES/Co mattress
tozu akarlar›n›n üreme yüzdesinin
ticking. The test result shows signifi-
karfl›laflt›rmas›n› görülmektedir. Test
cantly less growth of HDM on trea-
sonuçlar›na göre ifllem gören kumafl-
ted fabric than on untreated fabric.
ta, ifllem görmeyen kumafla k›yasla belirgin bir flekilde daha az miktarda
Method for testing products aga-
Ev Tozu Akar› üremifltir.
inst house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
The textile sample is cut to a size
ev tozu akarlar› test yöntemi
of 8?8 cm and placed on a metal
Kumafl örnekleri 8?8 cm boyutunda kesilir ve 9 x 12 cm büyüklü¤ünde
plate, size 9 x 12 cm. About 50 Grafik 1: Ev Tozu Akar› de¤erlendirme testi - Graph 1: HDM evaluation test
bir metal levhan›n üzerine konur. 50
house dust mites in the adult sta-
ge, which were counted under the microscope, were placed in the
adet yetiflkin ev tozu akar›, mikroskop alt›nda say›ld›ktan sonra,
centre of the sample.
numune kumafllar›n tam ortas›na yerlefltirilir. Besin maddesi ek-
Some food (grounded Tetramin, Fa. Tetra-Werke) is added. A 5
lenir (grounded Tetramin, Fa. Tetra-Werke). Numunenin üzeri-
mm thick rubber plate with a 50 mm diameter hole in the middle
ne 5 mm kal›nl›¤›nda, üzerinde 50 mm çap›nda bir delik olan kauçuk bir levha yerlefltirilir. Delik filikte ka¤›d› ile üst taraftan ka-
is placed on the sample. The hole is covered on the top with a filter
pat›l›r. Filitre ka¤›d›n›n üzerine, ortas›nda 50 mm çap›nda bir de-
paper. A metal plate with a hole in the middle (50 mm diameter)
lik olan metal bir plaka , deli¤i kauçuk delik ile tamamen ayn› hi-
is placed on the filter paper as such that the hole is exactly positio-
zaya gelecek flekilde yerlefltirilir. Bu flekilde numune plakalar› ha-
ned above the hole in the rubber plate. The sample plates thus pre-
z›rlan›r ve sabitlenir. Daha sonra 6 hafta boyunca 25°C (+/-
pared are fixed and are then incubated for six weeks in an incuba-
1°C) s›cakl›kta ve 70% (+/- 10%) ba¤›l nem olacak flekilde kuluç-
tor at a temperature of 25°C (+/- 1°C) and a relative humidity of
ka makinas›nda bekletilir. 6 hafta sonra, yaflayan akarlar (henüz
70% (+/- 10%). After a period of six weeks, the living mites
geliflmemifl olanlar ve eriflkinler) mikroskop alt›nda say›l›r.
(nymphs and adults) were counted under the microscope.
AATCC Test Yöntemi 100-2004’e göre probiyotikler ile ifl-
Method for testing of the effectiveness of probiotics treated textiles
lem görmüfl tekstillerin etkinli¤inin ölçümü
according to AATCC Test Method 100-2004
S. Aureus mikrop çözeltisinin AATCC 6538’e göre haz›rlanmas›
Preparation of the germ solution of S. Aureus AATCC 6538
Cyro-stok kültürüne göre, test edilecek mikro-organizmalar iki
Based on the Cryo-stock culture the test microorganism was cultiva-
Teknoloji / Technology
pasaj halinde, 18-22 saat boyunca 35-37°C’de TSA’da yetifltirilir.
ted in two passages for 18-22h at 35-37°C on TSA. On inoculating
‹kinci pasajda afl›lanan mikro-organizmalar, TSB’de 20 x seyreltil-
loop micro-organisms of the second passage were given in TSB 20
mifl NaCl ve cam boncuklarla beraber verilmifltir. Bu kar›fl›m iyi-
x diluted in NaCl together with glass-beads. This mixture was ho-
ce kar›flt›r›larak homojen hale getirilmifltir. Ard›ndan 550 nm fo-
mogenised by vortexing. Subsequently the number of germs was de-
tometere kullan›larak mikrop miktar› ölçülmüfltür.
tected at 550 nm using a photometer.
Mikrop miktar›, tekstil numunesinin üzerindeki son konsantras-
The number of germs was regulated in the way that it resulted in a
yonu 103 CFU/cm2 olacak flekilde ayarlanm›flt›r.
final concentration of 103 CFU/cm2 sample for the textile sample.
Numunelerin kontaminasyonu ve 0h-de¤erlerinin kullan›m›
Contamination of samples and handling of 0h-values
Mikrop çözeltisi Petri kab›n›n dibine pipet yard›m› ile, inkubas-
The germ dilution was pipetted on the bottom of a Petri dish in a
yon koflullar› 0 zaman›nda 35-37°C olacak flekilde, yani mikrop
humid chamber at incubation conditions of 35-37°C at point of ti-
çözeltisi ile kontaminasyon
me 0, that means directly af-
meydana ç›kt›ktan hemen
ter contamination with the
sonra nemli bir hazneye akta-
germ dilution was detected.
For this purpose the samples
Bu amaç için numunelere 2
were stomacherd for 2 cycles
kere NPP ile ekstraksiyon tor-
with NPP in stomacher bags
balar›nda olmak üzere, top-
so that the total volume
lam hacim 25 ml olacak flekil-
(germ dilution + NPP) was
de mikrobiyal ekstraksiyon ya-
25 ml. 100 Ìl of those cultu-
res were spread on TSA and
Bu kültürlerin 100 Ìl kadar›
cultivated at 35-37°C. 100 Ìl
TSA’ya yay›lm›flt›r ve 35-
of the germ dilution were
37°C’de bekletilmifltir.
equally spread in an adequa-
Mikrop çözeltisinin 100 Ìl’si
te dilution.
uygun bir flekilde seyreltilerek, eflit bir flekilde ayr›lm›flt›r.
Handling of the remaining Grafik 2: S. Aureus’un ço¤almas›ndaki azalma yüzdesi >99% - Graph 2: Growth reduction of >99% of S. Aureus
Kalan de¤erlerin idaresi
Gerçek hayat› simüle etmek için, hal›lara dökülen ve kuruyan s›v›
To simulate a real life situation where for example liquid food spills
besinler gibi, ayn› flekilde s›v› maddeler dökülüp hal› numuneleri
are deposited on a carpet and then left to dry in, we tested after
kurumaya b›rak›lm›fl, bekletildikten 2 ve 5 gün sonra numuneler
two and five days of cultivation of the samples and had this dried
test edilmifl, ve stomacher sistemine efl bir yöntem ile ifllem gör-
in for another 7 days before the samples were treated analogue to
meden önce 7 gün daha kurumalar› beklenmifltir.
the method described before using a stomacher. The different volu-
De¤iflik hacimlerde, çeflitli seyreltmeler yap›lm›flt›r. Farkl› hacim-
mes of various dilutions on Mannite-NaCl are cultivated for 5 days
lerde ve Mannite-NaCl’de farkl› deriflimlerde bulunan numune-
at 35-37°C. Subsequently the total viable count of S. Aureus and
ler 5 gün boyunca 35-37°C’de bekletilmifltir.
other microorganisms are counted based on CFU/cm2 sample.
Ard›ndan S.Aureus ve di¤er mikroorganizmalar›n toplam geçerli Sample Size: 25cm2 / Contamination 7.5 ml
say›s› CFU/cm2 numune esas al›narak say›lm›flt›r.
S. Aureus applied on the textiles: 1.51 x 103 CFU/cm2 Numune boyutu: 25 cm2
Detection of micro organism’s at time 0
Kontaminasyon 7.5 ml
Untreated textile: 1.48 x 103 CFU/cm2
Teknoloji / Technology
Kumafl›n üzerine yerlefltirilen S. Aureus: 1.51 x 103 CFU/cm2
Zaman 0’da bulunan mikroorganizmalar
With the probiotic system of TANA®Biotic DC, a strong reduction of
‹fllem görmemifl kumafl: 1.48 x 103 CFU/cm2
house dust mites and Staphilococcus Aureus can be achieved on textiles via a biological way.
Sonuç Biyolojik bir yaklafl›m olan TANA®Biotic DC probiyotik sistemi
ile, ev tozu akarlar› ve Staphilococcus Aureus popülasyonunda
1. Wiksell J.C., Pickett M.S. Hartman P.A. Survival of Microorga-
belirgin bir düflüfl elde edilebilir.
nisms in Laundered Polyester-Cotton sheeting. Applied Microbiology, Mar. 1973, p 431-435
2. Garrod, L.P. 1944. Some observations on hospital dust. Brit. Med.
1. Wiksell J.C., Pickett M.S. Hartman P.A. Survival of Microorga-
J. 1:245-247
nisms in Laundered Polyester-Cotton sheeting. Applied Micro-
3. Anderson R.L. Aug 1969, Biological evaluation of carpeting, App-
biology, Mar. 1973, p 431-435
lied Microbiology , p 180-187
2. Garrod, L.P. 1944. Some observations on hospital dust. Brit.
4. Mitchell W. Sauerhoff, Carpet, Asthma and Allergies – Myth or
Med. J. 1:245-247 3. Anderson R.L. Aug 1969, Biological evaluation of carpeting,
Reality, Prepared for Submission to the International E-Journal of
Applied Microbiology , p 180-187
Flooring Sciences
4. Mitchell W. Sauerhoff, Carpet, Asthma and Allergies – Myth
5. Abott j., 1981, Clinical Allergy, Volume 11, pg 589-595 House
or Reality, Prepared for Submission to the International E-Jour-
dust mite counts in different types of mattresses, sheepskins and
nal of Flooring Sciences
carpets, and a comparison of brushing and vacuuming collection
5. Abott j., 1981, Clinical Allergy, Volume 11, pg 589-595 Hou-
se dust mite counts in different types of mattresses, sheepskins
6. Article 2(1)(d) of the Directive 98/8/EC CONCERNING THE
and carpets, and a comparison of brushing and vacuuming col-
lection methods
7. Metchnikoff, E. 1907. Essais optimistes. Paris. The prolongation
6. Article 2(1)(d) of the Directive 98/8/EC CONCERNING
of life. Optimistic studies.
Translated and edited by P. Chalmers Mitchell. London: Heine-
7. Metchnikoff, E. 1907. Essais optimistes. Paris. The prolongation of life. Optimistic studies. Translated and edited by P. Chal-
mann, 1907
mers Mitchell. London: Heinemann, 1907
8. Gupta D., Bhaumik S. Antimicrobial treatments of textiles, Indian
8. Gupta D., Bhaumik S. Antimicrobial treatments of textiles, In-
Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, Vol 32, June 2007, pp 254-263
dian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, Vol 32, June 2007, pp
9. Triclosan and antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, Sul-
ler MT, Russell AD, J Antimicrob Chemother. 2000 Jul;46(1):11-8.
9. Triclosan and antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus,
10. Percival S.L., Bowler P.G., Russel D. Bacterial resistance to silver
Suller MT, Russell AD, J Antimicrob Chemother. 2000
in wound care, Journal of hospital infection (2005) 60, 1-7
11. EFSA Journal 2009; 7(12):1431
10. Percival S.L., Bowler P.G., Russel D. Bacterial resistance to
12. Furmonaviciene, R., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Boyd, S. E., Jones,
silver in wound care, Journal of hospital infection (2005) 60, 1-7
N. S., Bailey, K., Willis, A. C., Sewell, H. F., Mitchell, D. A. and Shakib,
11. EFSA Journal 2009; 7(12):1431
F. (2007),
12. Furmonaviciene, R., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Boyd, S. E., Jo-
The protease allergen Der p 1 cleaves cell surface DC-SIGN and
nes, N. S., Bailey, K., Willis, A. C., Sewell, H. F., Mitchell, D. A. and Shakib, F. (2007), The protease allergen Der p 1 cleaves cell
surface DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR: experimental analysis of in
experimental analysis of in silico substrate identification and impli-
silico substrate identification and implications in allergic respon-
cations in allergic responses. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 37:
ses. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 37: 231–242.
Makale / Article
Kevlar ve Aramid Lifleri, Özellikleri ve Uygulamalar› Kevlar and Aramid Fibers, Properties and Applications Meltem YANILMAZ ‹stanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Tekstil Mühendisli¤i Bölümü - ‹stanbul Technical University, Textile Engineering Department Kevlar hafif, güçlü para-aramid sentetik liflerin ticari ismidir. Du-
Kevlar is the registered trademark for a light, strong para-aramid
Pont taraf›ndan 1965’ te gelifltirilen lif, ilk olarak 1970’lerde tica-
synthetic fiber. Developed at DuPont in 1965, it was first commer-
ri olarak kullan›lm›flt›r. Halat ya da kumafl formunda da kullan›la-
cially used in 1970’s. It is spun into ropes or fabric sheets that can
bilen lif kompozit malzemelerin bilefleni olarak kullan›labilir [1].
be used as such or as an ingredient in composite material components [1].
1. Aramid Aramid(aromatik poliamid) lifleri ›s›l dayan›m› olan ve mukave-
1. Aramid
metli sentetik liflerdir. Federal Ticaret Komisyonu aramid liflerini
Aramid (aromatic polyamide) fibers are heat-resistant and strong
flöyle tan›mlar: en az %85’ i iki aromatik halkaya ba¤l› amid ba¤-
synthetic fibers. The Federal Trade Commission definition for ara-
lar›ndan (-CO-NH-) oluflan uzun zincirli poliamid malzemesin-
mid fiber is:A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming subs-
den üretilmifl lif. Bu lifler uzay uygulamalar›nda ve askeri uygu-
tance is a long-chain synthetic polyamide in which at least 85% of
lamalarda, z›rh kumafllar›nda ve asbest yerine kullan›l›r. Molekül
the amide linkages, (-CO-NH-) are attached directly to two aroma-
zincirleri lif ekseni boyunca yüksek oranda oryante oldu¤undan,
tic rings. They are used in aerospace and military applications, for
kimyasal ba¤lar›n kuvvetinden yararlan›l›r. Aromatik poliamidler,
ballistic rated body armor fabric, and as an asbestos substitute.
DuPont taraf›ndan üretilen meta-aramid lifleri, Nomex ticari is-
Their chain molecules are highly oriented along the fiber axis, so
miyle ilk olarak 1960’larda ticari uygulamalarda kullan›lm›flt›r. Bu
the strength of the chemical bond can be exploited. Aromatic pol-
lif koruyucu giysiler, hava filtrasyonu, ›s›l ve elektriksel yal›t›m
yamides were first introduced in commercial applications in 1960s,
amaçl› kullan›lmas›n›n yan›s›ra asbestin yerine kullan›l›r. Para ara-
with a meta-aramid fiber produced by DuPont under the tradena-
midler uzay ve askeri uygulamalar, kurflun geçirmez z›rh kumafl-
me Nomex. It is used extensively in the production of protective
lar› gibi birçok yüksek teknoloji uygulamalar›nda kullan›l›r [2,3].
apparel, air filtration, thermal and electrical insulation as well as a substitute for asbestos. Para-aramids are used in many high-tech
1.2. Üretimi
applications, such as aerospace and military applications, for "bul-
Aramidler genellikle amin gruplar›yla karboksilik asit gruplar›n›n
let-proof" body armor fabric[2,3].
reaksiyonu ile haz›rlan›r. Basit AB homopolimerleri bu flekilde görünür: nNH2-Ar-COCl —> -(NH-Ar-CO)n- + nHCl
1.2 Production
En bilinen aramidler (Nomex, Kevlar and Twaron) AABB poli-
Aramids are generally prepared by the reaction between an amine
merleridir. Kevlar p-fenil tereftalamit(PPTA) AABB parapoliara-
group and a carboxylic acid halide group. Simple AB homopolymers
midin en basit formudur. PPTA p-fenilen diaaminle (PPD) teraf-
may look like: nNH2-Ar-COCl —> -(NH-Ar-CO)n- + nHCl
talol dikloridin (TDC yada TCl) reaksiyonu sonucu oluflur. PPTA
The most well-known aramids (Nomex, Kevlar and Twaron) are
n›n üretimi amid gruplar› aras›nda hidrojen ba¤lar›n› oluflturmak
AABB polymers.
için iyonik bileflenli (kalsiyum klorid(CaCI2)) ikili çözücü sistemi-
Kevlar is p-phenylene terephtalamide (PPTA), the simplest form of
ne ve aromatik polimeri çözmesi için organik bileflene (N-metil
the AABB para-polyaramide. PPTA is a product of p-phenylene di-
pirolidon(NMP)) dayan›r [2,3].
amine (PPD) and terephtaloyl dichloride (TDC or TCl). Production of PPTA relies on a co-solvent with an ionic component (calcium
1.3.Aramid fiber characteristics
chloride (CaCl2)) to occupy the hydrogen bonds of the amide gro-
Aramid liflerin özellikleri: iyi afl›nma dayan›m›, mükemmel dön-
ups, and an organic component (N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP)) to
gülü gerilme performans›, organik çözücülere karfl› iyi dayan›m,
dissolve the aromatic polymer[2,3].
Makale / Article
yal›tkanl›k, iyi ›s›l dayan›m, 500°C den bafllayan bozunma s›cakl›-
1.3 Aramid fiber characteristics
¤›, düflük alev alma, yüksek s›cakl›klarda iyi kumafl bütünlü¤ü, asit
Characteristics of aramid fibers are: good resistance to abrasion ,
ve tuzlara karfl› karfl› hassas, morötesi radyasyona karfl› hassas, iyi
excellent cyclic stress performance , good resistance to organic sol-
tokluk, %2 lik su emilimi ve kesim zorlu¤u.
vents , nonconductive , good thermal stability, no melting point,
Para-aramidlerin özellikleri:üstün mukavemet özellikleri, yüksek
degradation starts from 500°C , low flammability, can meet air-
Young modülü, düflük sürünme, düflük kopma uzamas›(~3.5%)
craft interior flammability standards, good fabric integrity at eleva-
ve boyanma zorlu¤u.
ted temperatures , sensitive to acids and salts , sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, good toughness, absorb 2% water , difficult to cut. Pa-
1.4. Endüstriyel kullan›mlar›
ra-aramids characteristics are: provide outstanding strength-to-we-
Aramidlerin endüstriyel kullan›mlar›: alev almaz kumafl, ›s›l koru-
ight properties, high Young's modulus, high tenacity, low creep, low
numlu kumafl ve kask, z›rh, s›cak hava filtreleri, tekerlekler, kau-
elongation at break (~3.5%) and difficult to dye - usually solution
çuk ürün kuvvetlendiricileri, kablolar, halatlar, yang›n hortumlar›,
optik fiber kablo sistemleri, yelken bezi, spor ürünleri, lif takviyeli kompozitler, termoplastik borular [2,3,4].
1.4. Industrial uses Industrial uses of aramids are: flame-resistant clothing, heat protective clothing and helmets, body armor, asbestos replacement (e.g.
2. Kevlar Aramid halkalar Kevlara ›s›l
braking pads) , hot air filtration fab-
dayan›m, para yap›s› ise yük-
rics, tires, mechanical rubber goods
sek mukavemet ve modül ka-
reinforcement, ropes and cables,
zand›r›r. Para aramid molekül-
wicks for fire dancing, optical fiber
lerinin halat formu ve ekstrüz-
cable systems, sail cloth, sporting go-
yon ifllemi Kevlar› anizotropik
ods, fiber reinforced concrete, reinfor-
k›lar. Eksen yönünde enine ek-
ced thermoplastic pipes [2,3,4].
sene göre daha mukavim ve serttir [4]. Kevlar bisiklet te-
2. Kevlar
kerleklerinden yelkenlilere ve
The aramid ring gives Kevlar thermal
vücut z›rhlar›na kadar birçok uygulama alan›na sahiptir. (fie-
stability, the para structure gives it fiekil 1 Kevlar uygulamalar› [9] - Figure 1 Some applications of Kevlar[9]
kil 1)[6].
high strength and modulus. The rod
form of the para-aramid molecules and the extrusion process make Kevlar fibers anisotropic. They are stronger and stiffer in the axi-
2.1. Kevlar lifinin özellikleri
al direction than in the transverse direction [4]. Kevlar has many
Düflük a¤›rl›klarda yüksek mukavemet, alev dayan›m›, kendinden
applications, ranging from bicycle tires and racing sails to body ar-
sönme, düflük elektrik iletkenli¤i, yüksek kimyasal direnç, üstün
mor (Figure 1)[6].
boyutsal dayan›m, düflük ›s›l çekme, düflük kopma uzamas›, yüksek tokluk, yüksek kesme direnci ve yüksek modül kevlar›n özel-
2.1. Properties of Kevlar
liklerindendir [7,8]. Ultraviole ›fl›k Kevlar› indirger ve bozar. UV
High tensile strength at low weight, flame resistant, self-extinguis-
bozunma probleminden dolay› aç›k hava uygulamalar›nda günefl
hing, low electrical conductivity, high chemical resistance, excellent
›fl›¤›na karfl› korumas›z kullan›lmaz. Kevlar›n üç çeflidi vard›r: Kev-
dimensional stability, low thermal shrinkage, low elongation to bre-
lar, Kevlar 29, ve Kevlar 49 . Kevlar tekerlek ve kauçuk ürünler-
ak, high toughness, high cut resistance and high modulus are cha-
de kuvvetlendirici olarak kullan›l›r. Kevlar 29 un endüstriyel uy-
racteristics of Kevlar[7,8].
gulamalar› kablolar, asbestos uygulamalar›, frenler ve z›rhlar. Kev-
The ultraviolet light component of sunlight degrades and decompo-
lar 49 en yüksek mukavemete sahip aramiddir ve bot, uçak ve
ses Kevlar, a problem known as UV degradation, and so it is rarely
bisikletlerde plastik kuvvetlendiricisi olarak kullan›l›r. Kevlar su al-
used outdoors without protection against sunlight. There are three
t›nda çelikten 20 kat güçlüdür. Kurflun geçirmez yelekler Kevlar-
grades of Kevlar: Kevlar, Kevlar 29, and Kevlar 49. Kevlar is used
dan yap›l›r [6,9].
as reinforcement in tires and rubber mechanical goods. Kevlar 29's
Makale / Article
Kevlar lifleri bir dizi birbirine paralel olarak oryante olmufl lifler-
industrial applications are as cables, in asbestos replacement, bra-
den oluflur.Bu düzgün yap› kristal yap›y› ifade eder. Kristalinite
ke linings, and body armor. Kevlar 49 has the greatest tensile
e¤irme prosesiyle, eriyik halindeki polimerin küçük deliklerden
strength of all the aramids, and is used in plastic reinforcement for
geçirilmesi, elde edilir. Kevlar polimerinin kristalli¤i onun üstün
boat hulls, airplanes, and bicycles. Under water, Kevlar is 20 times
mukavemet ve rijitli¤ine katk› sa¤lar. Kevlar›n en etkileyici özelli¤i
stronger than steel. Police wear bulletproof vests made of Kevlar
gerilme mukavemeti(3.6-4.1 GPa) ile birlikte düflük a¤›rl›¤›d›r.
Bunun yan›nda bu malzeme yüksek yap›sal rijitli¤e, kopma nokta-
A Kevlar fiber is an array of molecules oriented parallel to each ot-
s›na kadar çok fazla uzamaz, düflük elektriksel iletkenli¤e, yüksek
her like a package of uncooked spaghetti. This orderly, untangled
kimyasal dirence, yüksek kesme direncine ve alev alma direncine
arrangement of molecules is described as a crystalline structure.
sahiptir [9,10]. Kevlar nem absorbe edebilir bu özelli¤i ile cam ve
Crystallinity is obtained by a manufacturing process known as spin-
grafite göre çevresel flartlardan daha çok etkilenir[5]. Kevlar mu-
ning, which involves extruding the molten polymer solution through
kavemeti ve a¤›rl›¤› yan›nda grafit gibi negatif ›s›l genleflme katsa-
small holes. The crystallinity of the Kevlar polymer strands contribu-
y›s›na sahiptir. Yani Kevlar laminasyonlar› ›s›l kararl› olarak üreti-
tes significantly to its unique strength and rigidity. The most impres-
lebilir. Kevlar grafitin sahip olmad›¤› darbe ve afl›nma dayan›m›na
sive property of Kevlar is its tensile strength (3.6-4.1 GPa), combi-
sahiptir. Kevlar grafitle kar›flt›r›larak hibrit kumafllar›n darbe daya-
ned with a low weight. But there are other important features: the
n›m› ve uzamas› artt›r›labilir. Bu özellikleri sebebiyle kurflun geçir-
material has a high structural rigidity, it does not elongate much by
mez yelek yap›m›nda tercih edilir[11].
stretching the fiber up to its breaking point. Kevlar has a low electrical conductivity, high chemical resistance. high cut resistance, and
2.2. Üretim
it is flame resistant[9,10]. Kevlar absorb moisture, so Kevlar com-
Kevlar 1,4 fenil-diamin(para-phenylenediamine) ve tereftalol klo-
posites are more sensitive to the environment than glass or graphi-
ridin kondenzasyon reaksiyonu ile sentezlenir (fiekil 2), hidroklo-
te composites.[5] Kevlar has other advantages besides weight and
rik asit yan ürün olarak ç›kar. Ürün likit kristal davran›fla sahiptir
strength: like graphite, it has a slightly negative axial coefficient of
ve mekanik çekimle lif ekseni boyunca oryante olabilir.‹lk olarak
thermal expansion, which means Kevlar laminates can be made
hekzametilfosforamid (HMPA) çözücüsü kullan›lm›flt›r.Ancak
thermally stable. Unlike graphite, Kevlar is very resistant to impact
toksizite testi farelerde tümör oluflumunu tetikledi¤i sonucunu
and abrasion damage. It can be used as a protective layer on grap-
verince DuPont N-metil-pirolidon ve kalsiyum kloridi çözücü
hite laminates. Kevlar can also be mixed with graphite in hybrid
olarak kullanm›flt›r. Kevlar›n(poliparafenilen tereftalamid) üretimi
fabrics to provide damage resistance, increased ultimate strains,
korozif sülsirik asidin kullan›m› ve susuz ortam kullan›m›n›n ge-
and to prevent catastrophic failure modes. Because of these pro-
reklili¤i sebebiyle pahal›d›r [6]. Yüksek performansl› liflerin üreti-
perties, Kevlar® quickly became the technology of choice for bullet-
minde likid kristal e¤irme metodu kullan›l›r. Bu metod Kevlar›n
resistant vests[11].
fiekil 2. Kevlar›n kimyasal yap›s›[13] - Figure 2. Chemical structure of Kevlar[13]
Makale / Article
e¤irilmesi için DuPont taraf›ndan gelifltirilmifltir. Bu yöntemde ri-
2.2. Production
jit polimerin yar› kuru yar››slak durumdaki likit kristal çözeltisi
Kevlar is synthesised from the monomers 1,4-phenylene-diamine
ekstrüderden düselere do¤ru geçirilir.
(para-phenylenediamine) and terephthaloyl chloride in condensati-
Düseler koagüle banyosundan hava tabakas› ile atr›lm›flt›r ve bu
on reaction (Figure 2) yielding hydrochloric acid as a byproduct. The
bofllukta polimer zincirleri lif boyu yönünde oryante olur ve yük-
result is a liquid-crystalline behaviour and mechanical drawing ori-
sek oranda oryante olmufl kristalin rijit polimerler elde edilir. Son
enting the polymer chains in the fiber's direction. Hexamethy-
olarak lif formu koagülasyon banyosunda oluflur ve konvansiyo-
lphosphoramide (HMPA) was the polymerization solvent first used,
nel liflerden farkl› olarak bu liflerin
but toxicology tests demonstrated it provoked
üretiminde son çekim gerekli de¤ildir
tumors in the noses of rats, so DuPont repla-
ced it by a N-methyl-pyrrolidone and calcium
Hava boflluklu e¤irme sistemi çözel-
chloride as the solvent. Kevlar (poly parap-
tiyi yüksek oranda düzenli ve Kristal
henylene terephthalamide) production is ex-
liflere dönüfltürür. Yüksek rijitlik iyi
pensive because of the difficulties arising from
›s›l özellikler sa¤lar. Polimer zincirle-
using corrosive concentrated sulfuric acid, nee-
rinin yerleflimi malzemenin özellikle-
ded to keep the water-insoluble polymer in
rini iyilefltirdi¤inden önemlidir. Kevlar
solution during its synthesis and spinning[6]. A
lifinin esnekli¤i, mukavemeti ve sert-
development for the spinning of high perfor-
li¤i polimer zincirlerinin oryantasyo-
mance fibers is liquid crystal spinning method.
nuna ba¤l›d›r. Kevlar liflerinde mole-
This method was first developed to spin para-
küller parallel olarak oryante olmufl-
aramid fiber named “Kevlar” at DuPont in
tur. Bu birbirine kar›flmam›fl düzenli
USA. This process is also called dry-jet wet
yap› Kristal yap› olarak ifade edilir.
spinning. In this spinning method a liquid
E¤irme ifllemi bu Kristal yap›y› olufl-
crystal solution of rigid polymers in a semi-dry
turabilmelidir. Kevlar polimerinde
and semi-wet state extruded through nozzles
polimer zincirleri uzun veba¤l› gibi
(spinneret). The spinneret is separated from
davransalarda birbirlerinden ba¤›m-
the coagulation bath by an air gap. In this air
gap polymer chains orient in the direction of
Zincirler birbirlerine moleküllerin-
fiber axis and then produce highly oriented
den elektrostatik kuvvetlerle ba¤lanarak hidrojen ba¤› olufltururlar(fiekil 4). Bu özellik moleküllerin malze-
crystallisation of rigid polymers. Finally fibers fiekil 3. Kevlar›n yap›s›ndaki hidrojen ba¤lar›[15] Figure 3. Hydrogen bondings[15]
form in the coagulation bath. Unlike conventional synthetic fibers, these fibers require no
me içerisinde düzenli da¤›l›m›n› sa¤-
final drawing processes[12]. The air-gap spin-
ning process converts the solution into a highly ordered, highly
Kristal yap›s› Kevlara mukavemetini kazand›ran en önemli özellik-
crystalline fiber. This higher rigidity translates into better thermal
tir [7]. Tuzlar›n ve di¤er safs›zl›klar›n varl›¤›, kalsiyum gibi, zincir-
properties . A group of polymer chains can be organised together in
lerin etkileflimini olumsuz etkiler ve üretim esnas›nda safs›zl›klar-
a fiber. How the polymer chains are put together is important, as it
dan kaç›n›lmal›d›r. Kevlar yap›s› düzlemsel yap› oluflturma e¤ili-
improves the properties of the material. The flexibility, strength and
minde rijit moleküllerden oluflur (fiekil 3)[6].
stiffness of Kevlar fiber, is dependent on the orientation of the poly-
Aramidler Nomex ve Kevlar › da içeren naylonlar›n bir s›n›f›d›r.
mer chains. Kevlar fiber is an arrangement of molecules, orientated
Kevlar kurflun geçirmez yelek ve patlamaya dayan›kl› lastik yap›-
parallel to each other. This orderly, untangled arrangement of mo-
m›nda kullan›l›r.
lecules is described as a “Crystalline Structure”. A manufacturing
Nomex ve Kevlar ›n kar›fl›m› itfaiyeci k›yafetlerinde kullan›l›r.
process known as ‘Spinning’ is needed to achieve this Crystallinity
Kevlar amid gruplar›n›n para fenilen gruplar›yla ayr›ld›¤› ve am-
structure. Spinning is a process that involves forcing the liquefied
mid gruplar›n›n fenil halkalar›na karfl›t yönlü ba¤land›¤› poliamid-
polymer solution through a ‘die’ (small holes). The Crystallinity of
Kevlar Polymer strands, contributes to the unique strength and stiff-
Makale / Article
ness of the material. Poly2.3.Is›l ve di¤er özellik-
mer chains are long, indivi-
dual chains, although they
Kevlar yüksek s›cakl›klara
behave as if they are at-
karfl› dayan›kl›d›r ve mu-
tached to each other. The
kavemetini, rezilyans›n›
individual chains are actu-
kriyojenik s›cakl›klara ka-
fiekil 5. Aromatik gruplar›n zincire 1,4 pozisyonundan ba¤land›¤›,para, Kevlar yap›s›[16].
ally held together by ‘Elec-
dar korur (-196°C).
Figure 5. In Kevlar the aromatic groups are linked into the backbone chain through the 1 and 4 positi-
trostatic Forces’ between
Gerçekte düflük s›cakl›k-
ons. This is called para linkage[16].
molecules, also known as
larda bir miktar daha mukavimdir. Yüksek s›cakl›klarda mukave-
‘Hydrogen Bonds’(Figure 3). This was able to reveal the orientation
meti %10-20 civar›nda düfler ve saatler içerisinde düflmeye de-
of molecules in materials. It has also been discovered that the com-
vam eder. Örne¤in 500 saat sonunda 160°C de %10 düflüfl gö-
ponents of Kevlar fiber, have a radial orientation that is in a crystal.
rülür. 260°C de 70 saat sonunda %50 düflüfl gözlenir. 450°C de
The crystal-like regularity is the largest contributing factor in the
Kevlar süblime olur. Bu malzemenin kendinden sönme özelli¤i
strength of Kevlar fiber[7]. The presence of salts and certain other
vard›r ve erime noktas› yoktur, güçlü fiziksel floklara dayanabilir.
impurities, especially calcium, could interfere with the strand inte-
Kevlar birçok liften güvenli olmas›na ra¤men, lazerle kesildi¤inde,
ractions and caution is used to avoid inclusion in its production.
az miktarlarda toksik gaz a盤a ç›kar.
Kevlar's structure consists of relatively rigid molecules which tend to
Kevlar toz yada di¤er formlarda patlama riski tafl›maz. Kevlar lif-
form mostly planar sheet-like structures rather like silk protein(Figu-
leri güvenlidir.Afl›nma dayan›m› kötü olmas›na ra¤men bitim ya¤-
re 3)[6]. Aramids are a family of nylons, including Nomex ® and
lar› ile malzeme korunabilir. Bu sebeple birçok Kevlar ürünü afl›n-
Kevlar®. Kevlar® is used to make things like bullet proof vests and
madan korunma için ya¤ ile kaplan›r. Birçok organik çözücü(ya¤)
puncture resistant bicycle tires. Blends of Nomex® and Kevlar® are
malzeme üzerinde çok az etkisi vard›r ve birçok tuz çözeltisinin
used to make fireproof clothing. Nomex®-Kevlar® blends also pro-
(sodyum klorid) malzeme üzerinde etkisi yoktur. Yüksek s›cakl›k-
tect fire fighters. Kevlar® is a polyamide, in which all the amide gro-
larda ve konsantrasyonlarda güçl¤ asit ve bazlar Kevlar lifine za-
ups are separated by para-phenylene groups, that is, the amide
rar verebilir [6,7].
groups attach to the phenyl rings opposite to each other, at carbons 1 and 4[16].
2.4. Uygulamalar› Kevlar›n fiziksel özellikleri bu malzemeyi birçok uygulama için uy-
2.3. Thermal and other properties
gun hale getirir(fiekil 6). p-aramidler, Kevlar gibi, ›s›l dirençli ku-
Kevlar has very good resistance to high temperatures, and mainta-
mafllarda, koruyucu yelek ve kasklarda, kurflun geçirmez yelek ve
ins its strength and resilience down to cryogenic temperatures (-
kasklarda, uçak yap›m› için kompozitlerde, botlarda, tekerlek ve
196°C); indeed, it is slightly stronger at low temperatures.At higher
kauçuk malzemelerinde kuvvetlendirici olarak, halat ve iletiflim
temperatures the tensile strength is immediately reduced by about
için optic lif kablo sistemlerinde, data transferinde, spor ürünler-
10-20%, and after some hours the strength progressively reduces
de, sürtünme ürünlerinde, fren sistemlerinde, farlarda, asbestos
further. For example at 160°C about 10% reduction in strength oc-
yerine, contalarda yap›flt›r›c›larda ve s›zd›rmazl›k uygulamalar›nda
curs after 500 hours. At 260°C 50% reduction occurs after 70 ho-
kullan›l›r [7,10].
urs.At 450°C Kevlar sublimates.
Kevlar kurflun geçirmez yelek ve yüz maskelerinde çok bilinen bir
This material also has the ability to self-extinguish, has no melting
bileflendir. Askeri uygulamalar›n›n yan›nda sivil uygulamalardada
point and can resist powerful physical shocks. Although Kevlar fiber
kullan›l›r. Kevlar tenis, masa tenisi, badminton raketlerinde , bisik-
is significantly safer than most fibers, when a Kevlar fabric is laser
let lastiklerinde iç astarda patlamay› önleme amac›yla kullan›l›r.
cut, a small amount of toxic gases may be generated, yet has been
Motorsikletler için güvenlik giysilerinde, lif optic kablolar›n d›fl yü-
proven to give off the lowest total amount of toxic gases. The pulp
zeylerinde mukavemetinden dolay› , kesikli lifleri ise frenlerde as-
or dust of Kevlar fiber doesn’t present any explosion hazard, and in
bestosun yerine kullan›l›r. Kevlar ayn› zamanda koruyucu ayakka-
any form, Kevlar fiber is reasonably safe. Although Kevlar has poor
b›larda yüksek mukavemeti ve ›s›l direnci sebebiyle kullan›l›r.
abrasion (scratch) resistance, scientists have found that finish oil
Aramid lifleri karbon ve cam lifleriyle birlikte kompozitlerde kuv-
will protect the material. This is why most Kevlar products are cove-
Makale / Article
vetlendirici olarak kullan›l›r. Bu kompozitlerin matrisleri genellikle
red with a small amount of oil to protect them from abrasion. Most
epoksi reçinedir [6,17].
organic solvents (oil) have little effect on the material, and most
Z›rh gelifltirme araflt›rmalar›n›n ana amac› ucuz maliyetli, hafif, gi-
salt solutions (sodium chloride) have no effect on Kevlar fiber.Ho-
yilebilen darbe dayan›m› olan k›yafet sistemleri gelifltirmektir.
wever, strong acids and bases (hydrochloric acid and sodium hydro-
Aramid ve ultra high molekül a¤›rl›kl› polietilen balistik korumada
xide) at high concentrations or elevated temperatures are able to
kullan›l›r. Ancak tipik balistik tehditlerden korunma için 20-50 kat
attack Kevlar fiber. Kevlar fiber has a highly ordered crystalline
kumafl ggereklidir. Bu hacim ve sertlik z›rhlar›n konforunu düflü-
structure and this contributes to its unique features, compared to
rür [18]. Soczka modifiye aramid lifleriyle kuvvetlendirilmifl akrilik
other conventional fibers. [6,7].
reçinelerin mekanik özellliklerini ve mikro yap›lar›n› incelemifltir. Modifiye aramid lifleri e¤ilme mukavemetini artt›rm›flt›r. Kevlar›n
2.4. Applications
hidrofobik karakterinden dolay› akril reçinelerle temas› zor-
The physical properties of Kevlar make it a suitable material for
dur.Bu sebeple Kevlar içeren akril reçinelerin e¤ilme mukaveme-
many applications(Figure 7) . p-Aramids, such as Kevlar fibers, are
ti daha düflüktür [19].
used in thermal-resistant clothing, protective vests and helmets,
Kumafllar›n birçok özelli¤i balistik direnci etkiler, lif özellikleri, ip-
bullet-proof vests and helmets , composites for aircraft body parts,
lik özellikleri, dokuma kumafl yap›s›, kumafl gramaj› ve kumafl kat
boats, reinforcement for tire and mechanical rubber goods, ropes
say›s›. Ayn› zamanda kurflun h›z› ve geometrisi, aç›s› ve s›n›r ko-
and fiber-optic cables for communication, data transmission and ig-
flullar› balistik performans› etkiler. En önemli tasar›m parametre-
nition, and sporting goods, friction products such as brake pads,
si ise malzemenin balistik performans›d›r. Yüksek performansl›
clutch linings, gaskets, replacement for the carcinogenic asbestos ,
liflerle haz›rlanm›fl balistik yap›lar›n yüksek enerji absorplama ka-
sailing/motorcycle outerwear ,adhesives and sealants [7,10]. Kevlar
pasiteleri vard›r. Enerji depolama ipliklerde deformasyona yol
is well-known as a component of some bulletproof vests and bullet-
açar. Balistik koruma amaçl› kullan›lan tekstil yap›lar›; dokuma ku-
proof facemasks. Other military uses include bulletproof facemasks
mafllar, dokusuz yüzeyler ve lif takviyeli kompozitlerdir. Roylance
used by sentries. Civilian applications include Kevlar reinforced clot-
ve ark.[6] malzeme özelliklerinin ve kumafl geometrisinin balistik
hing for motorcycle riders to protect against abrasion injuries and
özelliklere etkisini incelemifltir. Sonuç olarak lif özelliklerinin ya-
also Emergency Service's protection gear if it involves high heat
n›nda kumafl geometrisinin de balistik korumada önemli etkye
and Kevlar body armor such as vests for Police officers, security,
sahip oldu¤unu belirtmifllerdir. Balistik uygulamalarda genellikle
and S.W.A.T. Kevlar is used in the production of some tennis, table
bezaya¤› ve 2/2 dimi yap›llar› kullan›l›r. Atk› ve çözgü s›kl›klar› da
tennis, badminton and squash rackets, kayaks, some cricket bats
balistik dirençte önemlidir. Düflük s›kl›klardaki dokuma kumaflla-
and some field hockey and lacrosse sticks. It is used as an inner li-
r›n balistik direncide düflüktür. Bu durumda kurflun kolayl›kla ku-
ning for some bicycle tires to prevent punctures, and due to its ex-
mafl katlar› aras›ndan geçer, iplikleri koparmak için enerji harca-
cellent heat resistance, is used for fire poi wicks. It is used for Mo-
maz. Kurflun h›zl› ve boyutlar› küçük oldu¤unda etkisi artar. Balis-
torcycle safety clothing, especially in the areas featuring padding
tik performans› etkileyen di¤er bir parametre ipliklerin sürtün-
such as shoulders and elbows. It was also used as speed control
mesidir. Sürtünmenin art›fl› ipliklerin birbiri üzerinden kaymas›na
patches for certain soap shoes models. Kevlar is also used as a pro-
engel olur [20].
tective outer sheath for fiber optic cable, as its strength protects
Aramid lifleri uygulamalarda yüksek s›cakl›k ve alev dayan›m›
the cable from damage and kinking. The chopped fiber has been
özellikleri sebebiyle kullan›l›r.
used as a replacement for asbestos in brake pads. Dust produced from asbestos brakes is toxic, while aramids are a benign substitute. Kevlar is also used in protective footwears due to very high tenacity, thread with excellent and heat resistance.Aramid fibers are widely used for reinforcing composite materials, often in combination with carbon fiber and glass fiber. The matrix for high performance composites is usually epoxy resin. Typical applications include monocoque bodies for F1 racing cars, and helicopter rotor blades.
fiekil 7. Kevlar uygulamalar› [21] - Figure 7. Bullet proof vest, fire blanket, space ex-
[6,17]. The main objective of body armor research is to develop a
terior covers for boosters [21]
low cost, light weight, wearable garment system with ballistic im-
Makale / Article
pact resistance. Aramid and ultra high molecular weight polyethylene have been introduced as base materials for ballistic protection. However, to meet the protection equirements for typical ballistic threats, approximately 20–50 layers of fabric are required. The resulting bulk and stiffness of the armor limits its comfort, and has restricted its application primarily to torso protection[18]. Soczka evaluate the mechanical properties and microstructure of acrylic resin reinforced with modified aramidfibres as fillers or as fibres treated with epoxy resin. The modified aramid fibres applied as fillers have increased the bending strength of the acryl resin models in the degree proportional to the amount of the fibres introduced.Because of the hydrophobic character of the aramid Kevlar fibres, it is diffcult to obtain good contact at the acryl resin Kevlar fibre interface.The introduction of Kevlar fabric into the sample studied decreases the bending strength of plates made of acryl resin with this addition[19]. A wide variety of parameters affect fabric ballistic resistance, such as fiber properties, yarn properties, woven fabric construction, fabric unit area weight and fabric ply number used in the ballistic structure. Also, bullet velocity, bullet geometry, impact angle and boundary conditions affect ballistic resistance of fabrics.The most important design parameter in ballistic protective panels is the ballistic resistance of the ballistic material. Ballistic structures formed with high performance fibers have also higher energy absorption capacity. Absorption of the energy results in deformation of yarns in ballistic structures. Fiber properties and also fabric structure are also important parameters in determining ballistic performance. Textile structures used in ballistic protection are woven fabrics, unidirectional fabric structures, nonwoven fabrics and fiber-reinforced composite plates. Roylance et al. [6] investigated the effect of material properties and fabric geometry on ballistic properties. They concluded that not only fiber properties, but also fabric geometry had a significant effect on ballistic properties. Fabric structures of plain and twill 2/2 weaves (2 ups and 2 downs) are generally used in ballistic applications. Warp and weft densities are important in ballistic strength. Fabrics woven with lower densities have a lower ballistic resistance and in this case, the bullet passes more easily through more fabric layer as the bullet does not spend its energy breaking the yarns. When the bullet speed is high and the bullet dimensions are low, this effect is more pronounced.Another parameter which affects ballistic properties is the friction between the yarns in fabrics. An increase in friction makes it more difficult for the yarns to slip over each other[20]. The aramid fibre applications exploit the high temperature and flame-resistant properties . The protective character of aramid-containing fabrics is not only not to decompose at high temperatures but also to provide
Makale / Article
Aramid içeren koruyucu kumafllar yüksek s›cakl›klarda bozunur.
high levels of thermal insulation, which may be improved by increa-
Ayn› zamanda yüksek seviyelerde ›s›l yal›t›m sa¤lar. Bu lifler yük-
sing fibre crimp levels.These fibres are good candidates for high-
sek s›cakl›kta paketleme uygulamalar› için iyi adayd›r. Ya¤lay›c› ve
temperature seals and packing, which may be impregnated with
PTFE dispersiyonlar› ile muamele edilirlerse kimyasal dirençleri-
lubricants and PTFE dispersions when requiring higher levels of che-
de artar. S›cak gaz filtrelerinde kullan›labilir [21].
mical resistance. Hot gas filter bags may be used up to 260 oC for prolonged periods; experience has shown that continuous use for
periods of years is possible at temperatures as high as 160 oC with
[1] Goran Demboski et al. Textile structures for technical Texti-
peaks up to 180 oC being permissible[21].
les, Bulletin of chemists, 24,1, 67-75,2005 [2] http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=73569
[3] http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Aramid
[1] Goran Demboski et al. Textile structures for technical Textiles, ®
[4] A. Brent Strong, polymeric reinforcing fibers — kevlar ,
Bulletin of chemists, 24,1, 67-75,2005
spectra®, and others, Brigham Young University
[2] http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=73569
[3] http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Aramid
[4] A. Brent Strong, polymeric reinforcing fibers — kevlar®, spec-
[6] http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Kevlar
tra®, and others, Brigham Young University
[7] http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=73569
[8] http://amptiac.alionscience.com/quarterly
[9] http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/Kevlar/KevlarPutting.html
[6] http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Kevlar
[10] http://everything2.com/title/Kevlar
[7] http://www.123HelpMe.com/view.asp?id=73569
[11] www.giannelli.com/img_pdf/history_kevlar_eng.pdf
[8] http://amptiac.alionscience.com/quarterly
[12] Nilüfer Erdem and Ümit Halis Erdogan, recent advances in
[9] http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/Kevlar/KevlarPutting.html
the spinning processes used for high performance fibers,
[10] http://everything2.com/title/Kevlar
[11] www.giannelli.com/img_pdf/history_kevlar_eng.pdf
[12] Nilüfer Erdem and Ümit Halis Erdogan, recent advances in
[13] http://www.chemguide.co.uk/organicprops/amides/polya-
the spinning processes used for high performance fibers,
[14] http://www.indiantextilejournal.com/articles/Includes/IncI-
[13] http://www.chemguide.co.uk/organicprops/amides/polyami-
[15] http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevlar
[16] http://pslc.ws/macrog/aramid.htm
[14] http://www.indiantextilejournal.com/articles/Includes/IncIma-
[17] http://www.amefird.com/
ges/792_4.jpg [15] http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevlar [16] http://pslc.ws/macrog/aramid.htm [17] http://www.amefird.com/ [18] Young S. Lee et al, The ballistic impact characteristics of Kevlar woven fabrics impregnated with a colloidal shear thickening fluid, Journal of materials science 38 (2003) 2825 – 2833 [19] A. Malicka-Soczka, L. Domkaa, P. Gajdus and W. He»dzelek, Mechanical Characterisation of Modified Aramid Fibres Used in Dentistry, Acta physica polonica,115,2,2009 [20] Mehmet Karahan, Comparison of Ballistic Performance and Energy Absorption Capabilities of Woven and Unidirectional Aramid Fabrics, Textile Research Journal Vol 78(8): 718–730,2008 [21] http://www.fibre2fashion.com/industry-article/textile-industryarticles/high-performance-textiles/high-performance-textiles4.asp
[18] Young S. Lee et al, The ballistic impact characteristics of Kevlar woven fabrics impregnated with a colloidal shear thickening fluid, Journal of materials science 38 (2003) 2825 – 2833 [19] A. Malicka-Soczka, L. Domkaa, P. Gajdus and W. He»dzelek, Mechanical Characterisation of Modified Aramid Fibres Used in Dentistry, Acta physica polonica,115,2,2009 [20] Mehmet Karahan, Comparison of Ballistic Performance and Energy Absorption Capabilities of Woven and Unidirectional Aramid Fabrics, Textile Research Journal Vol 78(8): 718–730,2008 [21] http://www.fibre2fashion.com/industry-article/textile-industry-articles/high-performance-textiles/high-performance-textiles4.asp
Organizasyon / Organization
50. Dornbirn ‹nsan Yap›m› Elyaf Kongresi (DORNBIRN-MFC) 50th Dornbirn Man-Made Fibers Congress (DORNBIRN-MFC) 14-16 Eylül 2011 50. Y›ldönümü 14 -16 September 2011 50th Anniversary
Gelece¤in ‹nsan Yap›m› Lifleri
Communicating the Future of Man-made Fibers
- DORNBIRN-MFC 50. y›l› kutlama broflürü
- Brochure celebrating 50 years DORNBIRN-MFC
- Ana konu 2011: "Gelecek 50 y›l" gelece¤e bir bak›fl
- Main theme 2011:”The next 50 years” an attempt of a glimpse
- Yeni bafll›k "Vizyonerler"
into the future
- Baflar›l› forum oturumu devam edecek
- New topic “Visionaries”
- Avusturya Tekstil, Moda, Ayakkab› ve Deri Ortakl›klar› ile ‹flbir-
- Successful forum discussion will be continued
- Cooperation with Austrian Textile, Fashion, Shoe and Leather As-
- ITMA/Barcelona ile çak›flm›yor
- 31 May›s 2011 tarihine kadar erken kay›t avantaj›
- No overlapping with ITMA/Barcelona - Early bird bonus until 31st of May 2011
Brochure celebrating 50 years DORNBIRN-MFC
(DORNBIRN-MFC), bugün ve yar›n "‹nsan-yap›m› Lifler" anamo-
tifi kapsam›nda 16 - 19 Temmuz,1962 tarihleri aras›nda gerçek-
BIRN-MFC) was held from the 16th to the 19th of July 1962 under
lefltirildi. 5. y›ldönümü dolay›s›yla, kongre, kurucular, uzun-dö-
the leitmotiv “Man-made Fibers today and tomorrow. In view of the
Organizasyon / Organization
nem destekçiler ve sponsorlar ve bu yolda bize efllik eden in-
5th anniversary a brochure will be published, providing an overvi-
sanlar ile ilgili tarihsel bir genel bak›fl sunacak bir broflür bas›la-
ew of the history of the congress, its founders, long-term suppor-
ters and sponsors and people who have accompanied our way. It
Ayr›ca, evrimsel de¤iflimi, insan-yap›m› elyaf alan›nda yenilikler
will also illustrate the evolutionary change, the idea and mission of
için bir iletiflim platformu fikri ve misyonunu ve tüm iflleme zin-
a communication platform for innovations in the field of man-ma-
ciri, makine ve yedek parça üreticileri ile akademik araflt›rma
de fibers and process technology, between fiber industry, the who-
aras›nda geçen süreç teknolojisini konu alacakt›r.
le processing chain, machine and auxiliaries’ manufacturers and academic research.
Ana konu 2011: "Gelecek 50 y›l" gelece¤e bir bak›fl 50. DORNBIRN-MFC 14-16 Eylül, 2011 tarihleri aras›nda "Ge-
Main theme 2011: “The next 50 years”, an attempt of a glimpse
lecek 50 y›l" ana temas›yla gerçeklefltirilecek. Bu iddial› prog-
into the future
ram, gelecek geliflmelere adanacakt›r.
The 50th DORNBIRN-MFC will take place from 14 – 16 Septem-
Toplam konferans say›s›, herbiri 45 dakika sürecek, belirli bir
ber 2011 with the main theme ”The next 50 years”. The ambitio-
etkiye sahip iki özel oturumla birlikte yüz civar›nda olacakt›r.
us programme structure will be dedicated to future developments.
Önümüzdeki birkaç on y›lda toplumumuzu flekillendirecek ve
The total number of lectures will be around 100, of which 2 ple-
araflt›rma konular›n› ile insan yap›m› elyaf›n özelliklerini büyük
nary lectures (45 minutes each) with determining influence. We
ölçüde etkileyecek gelece¤in önemli geliflmelerine daha fazla
want to dedicate more time to important future developments
zaman ay›rmak istiyoruz.
that will shape our society in the following decades and that will noticeably influence research topics and desired properties of man-made fibers.
Yeni bafll›k "Vizyonerler" Konferans bafll›klar›: Elyafta Yeni Geliflmeler, Fonksiyonel Tekstiller, Sürdürülebilirlik, Teknik Tekstil Elyaflar›, Sürdürülebilirlik,
New topic “Visionaries”
Finishing ve AB Araflt›rma Projeleri "Vizyonerler" olarak adlan-
The individual lectures on the topics: New Developments in Fibers,
d›r›lan yaklafl›k 15 konferans› içerecektir.
Functional Textiles, Sustainability, Fibers for Technical Textiles,
Organizasyon / Organization
Ünlü konuflmac›lar, sektörden ve akademik araflt›rmalardan ta-
Sustainability, Finishing and EU Research Projects will include so-
n›nan üst düzey temsilciler/ Karar Al›c›lar/ Fikir Liderleridir ve
me 15 lectures of so called “Visionaries”. These reknown lecturers
gelecek 10-15 y›la ait yüksek teknolojide strateji projelerini su-
are Top Representatives/Decision Takers/Opinion Leaders from
(fiber) industry and academic research who are going to present
Global zorluklar sa¤l›k, mobilite, güvenlik, iletiflim, duygu gibi
within their high-tech strategy future projects for the coming 10 to
gereksinimler olarak de¤ifltirilecektir ve yeni ürünlerin, süreçle-
15 years.
rin ve servislerin geliflmesi için anahtar teknolojiler belirlene-
The global challenges will be transformed in fields of requirements
cektir. ‹nsan yap›m› elyaflarla ilgili gelecekte beklenen profiller
(e.g. health, mobility, safety, communication, emotion etc) and the
ev tekstili, giyim ve spor giyim gibi tekstil iflleme zincirinde faali-
driving key technologies for the development of new products, pro-
yet gösteren lider flirketler taraf›ndan gerçeklefltirilecek olan
cesses and services will be defined. The required future profiles of
konferanslarda tan›mlanacakt›r. Elyaf-yap›m endüstrisi uluslara-
man-made fibers will be defined in lectures by leading companies
ras› çat› organizasyonlar›ndan üst düzey temsilciler dünya ça-
working in the textile processing chain like home textiles, gar-
p›nda ve bölgesel insan yap›m› elyaf üretiminin geliflmesinde
ments and sports/leisurewear. High ranking representatives from
kendi ana faaliyetlerini aç›klayacaklar.
international roof organisations of the fiber-making industry will explain their key activities in the development of world-wide and
Baflar›l› forum oturumu devam edecek
regional man-made fiber production.
Ziyaretçilerimizin etkin kat›l›m› ve olumlu tepkileri sebebiyle, 15 Eylül 2011 tarihinde, saat 17.35'ten itiba-
Successful forum discussion will be continu-
ren bir forum oturumu daha gerçeklefltire-
ce¤iz. Bu defa, mevcut potansiyelimizi daha
In view of the positive reaction and vivid par-
iyi kullanmak için paralel konferanslar yap›l-
ticipation of our visitors we are going to repe-
at a forum discussion on Thursday 15th September 2011, starting at 17.35. This time
ITMA/Barcelona'dan farkl›
there will not be any lectures in parallel in or-
50. DORNBIRN-MFC 14-16 Eylül, 2011
der to better exploit the existing potential.
tarihleri aras›nda gerçeklefltirilecek ve ITMA/Barcelona ziyaretçilerine insan yap›m›
No overlapping with ITMA/Barcelona
elyaflar konusundaki yenilikler ve gelecek
The 50th DORNBIRN-MFC will be held from
geliflmeler hakk›nda daha önceden haber-
14th to 16th September 2011 and will enable
dar olabilme imkan› sunacak.
visitors of ITMA/Barcelona to inform themselves in advance about the innovations and future developments
DORNBIRN-MFC aç›l›fl›ndan bir gün önce
in the field of man-made fibers. General assembly of Association
Avusturya Tekstil, Moda, Ayakkab› ve Deri Ortakl›¤› (TBSL)
of Textile, Fashion, Shoe and Leather Industry (TBSL) at Dornbirn
genel kongresi
one day before opening on 50th DORNBIRN-MFC. For the first ti-
TBSL genel kongresi, ilk defa Dornbirn Kulturhaus'da 50.
me the general assembly of the TBSL will be held at the Dornbirn
DORNBIRN-MFC aç›l›fl›ndan bir gün önce gerçeklefltirilecektir.
Kulturhaus one day before the opening of the 50th DORNBIRN-
Amaç siherjileri kullanmak ve her iki organizasyonun kat›l›mc›la-
MFC. The objective is to make use synergies and to facilitate the
r› aras›nda teknik bilgi al›flveriflini sa¤lamakt›r.
exchange of know-how among participants of both events.
Erken kay›t avantaj›ndan yararlan›n!
Make use of the early bird bonus!
31 May›s 2011 tarihine kadar yap›lan kay›tlarda erken kay›t
For registrations until 31st of May 2011 an early bird bonus will be
avantaj› vard›r. Bu f›rsat› kaç›rmay›n ve www.dornbirn-mfc.com
awarded. Make use of this opportunity and register online at
adresinden 50. y›ldönümü için online kay›t yapt›r›n.
www.dornbirn-mfc.com for the 50th anniversary.
Dornbirn, 50.