PUBLIC LIPRARY Graduation project 2021-2022
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و اىل اخواتي العزيزات و اىل زوجي.. و يف مقدمتهم امي و ابي احلبيبان..اىل كل من علمين حرفًا يف حياتي العلمية ..هلم مجيعًا حيب و تقديري. .و رفيق روحي To everyone who taught me a letter in my scientific life.. at the forefront of them are my beloved mother and father.. and to my dear sisters, my husband and my Soulmate .. they all have my love and appreciation..
أمي الغالية.. إىل من قدَّمت سعادتي وراحيت على سعادتها أبي احلبيب.. إىل مثال التفاني واإلخالص زوجي املخلص.. إىل من علَّمين كيف أقف بكل ثبات فوق األرض ومن شاركين السرَّاء والضراء طفلي احلبيب.. إىل روحي وقُرَّة عيين ونبض فؤادي لكم مين مجيعاً احلب والتقدير،إىل مجوع األقارب واألصدقاء و من تلقَّيتُ منهم النصح والدعم To the one who gave me my happiness and comfort before the comfort of herself.. my dear mother.. To the man of dedication and sincerity.. my beloved father.. To the one who taught me how to stand firmly above the ground, and who shared me weal and woe, my faithful husband.. To my soul, the apple of my eyes, and the pulse of my heart... my beloved child To all my relatives and friends who gave me the advice and support, You all have my love and appreciation.
وأيضًا أشكر الدكتورة حوراء جعفر على وقتها و دعمها املستمر خالل فصل مشروع، أود أن أقول احلمدهلل ألننا متكنا من إمتام مشروع خترجنا، ًأوال .19- التخرج الذي مت عن بعد بسبب جائحة كوفيد. شكر خاص لعائالتنا على دعمهم، أود أن أشكر كل من دعمنا خالل أيضًا، أخريًا وليس آخرًا وأولئك الذين أهلمونا ألن هذا الكتاب لن، وزمالئنا الذين رافقونا طوال الرحلة، أولئك الذين مألوا االستبيان وساهموا بقليل من وقتهم، املشروع .يكتمل لوالهم First I would like to say alhamdulliah for us being able to complete our graduation project and also thank Dr. Hawraa Jaffar for her support and time during the online graduation project course due to the covid-19 pandemic. Also, special gratitude to our families for their support. Last but not least, I want to thank everyone that supported us during the project, those who filled out the survey and gave us their time, our colleagues who accompanied us throughout the journey, and those who inspire us because this book wouldn't be completed without them.
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Project Background 1.3 Project Aim 1.4 Methodology 1.5 Project Components 1.6 Conclusion
2.1 Literature Review 2.2 Technical Specification 2.3 Survey Questionnaire: Data and Analysis 2.4 Interviews: Data and Analysis 2.5 Observation: Data and Analysis 2.6 Conclusion
3.1 Case Study I 3.2 Case Study II 3.3 Case Study III 3.4 Case Study V 3.5 Comparative Analysis of Case Studies
4.1 Project components Study 4.2 User Study 4.3 Functional relationship Study 4.4 Area Calculation Study 4.5 Design guidelines
5.1 Site analysis 5.2 Building analysis 5.3 Interior space analysis 5.4 Program Analysis (Zoning) 5.5 Conclusion
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction God Almighty said in His Glorious Book: ﴾In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful ﴿ ﴾ َ﴿ ْاق َرأْ بِاس ِْم َربِِّكَ الَّذِي َخلَق ﴾Recite in the name of your Lord who created ﴿Great truth of God. Read is the first word that came from God, and if this indicates something, it indicates the significant value of reading. Books are like a deep-sea, in which readers dive into the depths in search of treasures, to come out burdened with the benefits of intellectual and cognitive thinking that raise their status. There is no doubt that reading is one of the most contributes to building civilizations and building many constructive ideas in society. and a beautiful hobby that enriches its owner with scientific positives that it enriches one’s personality, wellbeing as well as intellectual skills. No one can ignore the importance of reading, no one can argue about its necessity, and no sane person will deny its virtue. The notions of reading today are fading away little by little, and minds have begun to decay with their ideas and their lust er is extinguished; Technological development has become one of the main reasons that kept the general segments of society, old an d young, away from reading , even that in the Human Development Report 2003 issued by UNESCO organizations , it was mentioned that the Arab citizen reads much less than one book, for every 80 people read one book per year, in contrast. A European citizen reads about 35 books a year. Also, in 2006, the book publishing rate in the Arab world did not exceed 8%. Because the importance of reading cannot be denied, a solution must be found, and silence in the face of the fading of reading is a huge mistake made b y all age groups today. In our country, where people are not attracted to the local conventional libraries, the intention is to design an innovative public library. It is hoped that such an approach will propose a totally new reading environments that will attract people’s attentions and will motivate them to read with joy. This is to promote the fourth objective of the Ministry of Education’s vision for sustainable development, which is to seek to develop a qualitative education system to reach a high degree of excellence and creativity. This vision emanates from the Islamic Rel igion lofty principles and values and the Kingdom of Bahrain's interaction with the human civilization and its Arab belonging to satisfy the requirements of sustainable development that conforms with the international standards, as stated in the Kingdom's constitution.
1.2 Project Background ““خير رفيق في الزمان كتاب أبو الطيب المتنبي The best companion in time is the book “A part of a poem by one of the greatest Arab poets, Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi. Books are considered an important treasure that enriches young people with knowledge of all kinds. However, Bahrain society today has become reluctant to read books. As the director of the Isa Town Library, Hassan Muhammad, said in one of his interviews, "The presence of readers in public libraries is almost nonexistent, as the percentage of those who come to the Isa Town Public Library per day is only 5-6 people, and most of them are retired elderly," explaining this by saying, "To the old generation paper still outperforms electronic devices, unlike the new generation, which can access most books electronically. and it doesn’t matter if the book is paper one or electronic, what matters is the reading process itself, we lack spaces that encourage people to read, motivate them to immerse in a book, evoke them to socialize in order to discuss or share their findings when the read, Reading is part of learning and learning is a social activity that can’t happen in isolations. Let's help people come together, in an environment that will offer the ultimate ambiance for reading and socializing.
1.2 Project Background This is a problem that must be solved, and one of the main reasons for this reluctance is Bahrain's lack of modern and advanced libraries that are in line with modern technology, and entertainment. So, there are some small developments that prove that there are people who want to have this interactive space, however, we need a place on the local level, bigger and more comprehensive, multiple facilities, and more opportunities. And this is the responsibility of public libraries These matters need today to create an appropriate environment suitable for this generation, through the development of public libraries, the conduct of literary activities and events, and the encouragement of everyone to enrich culture through the inauguration of books and brochures. And to solve the problem of reluctance to read in Bahrain, we will design a modern library that includes development and entertainment at the same time, and it will be for three categories of society.
1.2 Project Background The first category: Children
Designing a special library for children, attracting children's attention in terms of designing the appropriate place for them and developing modern activities and books. Children are the harvest of the future and the promising generation that builds the state on its shoulders. The more you build the child’s personality, the stronger your strength in the homeland, and the quality of the thought that you instill in the child’s mind, he or she grows and interacts according to his belief in the idea on which he or she was raised. Children are the change in society. By instilling the important value of the book in the hearts of children, you can change the culture and approach of the entire society.
The second category: Youths
Youths is the reluctance of young people to local public libraries is showing that there is a problem. And as you see there is a huge amount of youth flock to cafes to read and study, so there is a desire among Bahraini youth to read and learn, but they need to have a suitable place designed for them to bring out their energies and creativity. it is our responsibility to solve this problem by designing a library dedicated to youth and to their needs to ensure the formation of a brilliant, advanced, and educated generation.
1.2 Project Background
The third category: Women
Designing a library for women. Women are very important, as they are half of society, and her role reach and exceed the half. If she is half of society, she raises the other half., but women are exposed to a lot of life pressures, and figures from the Ministry of Health in Bahrain revealed that depression affects 20% of women in Bahrain, so what is the solution? “Bibliotherapy” means treatment that takes place in the library and not in the hospital or clinic. As the Italian psychological researcher, Ferdinando Pellegrini says, the carefully selected book leads to a state of tranquility, so I will designing a suitable place for women, focused on spread culture and awareness and at the same time to improve the psychological state.
1.2 Project Background
1.3 Project Aim Attract people’s attentions back to reading through proposing an interior atmosphere that host interactive activities and innovation approaches to learning by approach proposes designing a public library that attracts the community through innovation and advanced education attitudes that combines recreational learning through reading.
1.4 Methodology
In order to gain a proper understanding of the project, an intensive investigation will be carried on through the literature and the primary resources. The investigation will take mixed approach that will cover the qualitative methods like questionaries from one hand, and the qualitative methods like the observations and interviews from the other.
1.5 Project Components Major
* Reception/lobby
* Cafe * Multipurpose room * Audio visual
* Library: book zone reading zone research zone borrow book zone
* Meeting room
* Storage
* Computer station
* Restrooms
* Sitting: Study area Casual sitting Individual sitting
* Prayer room
*Hologram area *Bookshop/stationary *Indoor courtyard
* Maintenance room * Electric room * First aid *Security room
Conclusion of chapter 1
Reading is the key to science and knowledge, and through reading, a person services himself, his soul, and develop his/herself a soul spiritually and mentally, and therefore can act as a contributor to the society and the development of the country, and benefit others with his knowledge. By designing a public library that attracts all segments of society, the goal to be achieve will be achieved, the society will be armed with reading, and people will realize its importance, and elevate society with thought and deep useful knowledge.
2.1 Literature reviews Introduction
This summery depends on multisource. In First, a brief of history ancient libraries summarized from (Libraries in the Ancient World review) that written by Du Toit, and the picture will complete by video from Ted Talks (What really happened to the Library of Alexandria?) and ( A Brief History of Libraries ) form website Encyclopedia Britannica referring to give a focused and extensive information of public library. Second, definition and the purposes of public libraries according to (IFLA public library service guideline book ) by Koontz and Gubbin. Third, background of reading, the needed information was found in Harrison book that that focusing on Understanding reading development, and importance of reading information extract from two Ted Talks videos by Bakic and carter. Finally, reading therapy information, completed from Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th ed by Combs ,and Forrest article preview of the literature about recent development theory of public library.
2.1.1 Understanding Project’s Special Needs (By Zainab A.Jalil) Topics of understanding project’s needs:
The dissemination and transmission of culture is one of the most important concerns of countries that wish to advance in our time and since time immemorial. Public libraries have existed since ancient times, The library concept dates back millennia. The first systematically organized library in the ancient Middle East was established in the 7th century BCE by Assyrian ruler Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, in contemporary Iraq. Brief of public libraries history:
The dissemination and transmission of culture is one of the most important concerns of countries that wish to advance in our time and since time immemorial. Public libraries have existed since ancient times, The library concept dates back millennia. The first systematically organized library in the ancient Middle East was established in the 7th century BCE by Assyrian ruler Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, in contemporary Iraq. Library of Alexandria was one of the oldest and most comprehensive and important libraries in the world, containing books of all kinds from everywhere, and was public and open to all . Alexandria library also set out to fulfill one of the humanity most audacious goals: to collect all the knowledge in the world under one roof ( Toit, 2002). Is believed to have held perhaps as many as 700,000 documents from Greece, Persia, Egypt, India, and other regions, and It was so large that it had a branch facility at the nearby temple of Serapis.
2.1.1 Understanding Project’s Special Needs (By Zainab A.Jalil) Public library definition and the purposes of the public library:
(Koontz 2010:1,2,3) It is an educational, cultural, and intellectual institution supported by funding from the local community, the government, or any form of community organization. It open for free to all groups of beneficiaries, and it’s the main gateway to knowledge because it contains all kinds of books and scientific, cultural, social, Islamic, and historical sources. The typical public libraries are libraries built on a quiet environment with bookshelves, chairs, and tables used for reading and studying only, in which gathering and exchanging conversations and even drinking and eating are prohibited. The main purpose of the public library is to support education that helps in developing the personality of individuals and to help form and support the cultural identity of the community. By giving individuals opportunities to access a wide variety of knowledge, ideas and opinions through various books that provide humans with all past and present knowledge and information.
2.1.1 Understanding Project’s Special Needs (By Zainab A.Jalil) Reading background and importance of reading:
(Harrison 2003:3) Reading is a process consists of two essential components, decoding to reach for meanings of linguistic comprehension. The two components decoding, and linguistic comprehension are both essential to reading skills. For a person to be creative with his thoughts and life, and to develop and elevate his stature, he needs a mind that thinks in a creative way, and the mind needs exercises that work to strengthen it and maintain its health. That reading not only increases our life skills and expands our knowledge, its much deeper than this for example, it determines the way we think, and has a fundamental impact on the development of imagination, and therefore has a strong impact on the development of emotional and verbal intelligence and thus on the type of person we can we become.
But why reading is so important? (Bakic 2021) to be away from reading has serious problems, including reducing the activity and reactivity of the mind. (Carter 2021), without reading a person is bound by a very limited imagination, because reading opens us to whole worlds because it allows us to imagine what it would be like in another place or see it in a different way, and thus without this ability to get out of yourself from It's really hard to imagine anything!
2.1.1 Understanding Project’s Special Needs (By Zainab A.Jalil) Reading therapy: (Forrest 1998:157,159,160)
(Combs 1995), reading therapy or bibliography is defined as 'the reading of books for treatment of mental disorders or for mental health’. (Forrest 1998), reading therapy with children and teenagers helps in the growth and mental development. Family disintegration, separation, divorce, adoption, and foster care are all potential problem areas, which are the focus of Reading Therapy's work with children and teenagers. Reading therapy has been shown to help gifted children develop socially and emotionally. Books have also been used to help children deal with physical problems, ADHD, and disability. Also, she indicated on Reading therapy for adults and the elderly, usually concerned with problem solving. For example, mental health problems, depression is the most common condition. Other mental health problems that have shown some improvement with treatment for panic reading and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Also, in the impulse control area, reading therapy has been used to help with eating disorders, and alcohol abuse, all these problems has shown improvement with reading therapy.
2.1.1 Understanding Project’s Special Needs (By Zainab A.Jalil) Conclusion
In conclusion, public libraries have been of great importance since long time ago and still are, as they contain a huge variety of books that contain comprehensive information that is capable of developing people mentally, spiritually, and culturally and healthily. But now, the design of the typical public libraries which was only for reading and studying, must be changed in design to a library that attracts people to gain knowledge and at the same time is an entertaining and stimulating place for reading.
2.1.1 Understanding Project’s Special Needs (By Zainab A.Jalil)
2.1.2.Understanding Users (By Fedaa Ali ) In order to design a library for youth, women, and children , I read and analyzed several articles and books. As a designer, I must understand how each user behaves, how they express their feelings, and what their needs in life are, and take these factors into account in our design. Children : (2021 ,)الميلجيA child is born with a very high readiness for innovation and creativity. The living environment of the child directly affects the development of his talents and self-discovery. Therefore, the family is the first building block in raising children in a sound manner, and then comes the role of school an d education, which also play an important role in the development of children. The child needs constant encouragement and care, encouraging children can be done by creating a suitable atmosphere for them. The children need the same needs we need as grownups [ (Michelle Gambs,2019 ); belonging, need to be loved, need to have power, to feel that they value, that they are special and important, and the need for experimentation and exploration . (2021 ,)احمدVariation in children's personalities according to their age, mental, physical, psychological, social, and linguistic development. Each stage has its own characteristics and needs. Stage 1 : (3-5)” the stage of realism and limited imagination” : The child at this stage is characterized by a wild imagination trying to discover the secrets of his own world. At this stage, the child asks many questions out of exploration and reconnaissance, which play an important role in the child's personality and development in terms of mental, social, and emotional aspects. the absorption and concentration ability of the child at this age is limited and they quickly become bored, they always need excitement, suspense, fun, and entertainment.
2.1.2.Understanding Users (By Fedaa Ali ) Stage 2: Imagination stage (6-8) : Also known as free imagination, at this stage, the child has a lot of knowledge and experience related to its limited environment, has become more confident in itself, and has a sense of personal independence. Now he has a passion for discovering a world other than his own. Stage 3: Tournament stage (8-12) A stage that is closer to reality and the truth. At this stage, the child is at the best age to acquire knowledge and morals. The absorptive capacity increases, his perceptions grow, and he is able to memorize, summarize and remember information, so he became ready to prove himself. Youth : (Understanding Youth, 2021)The definition of [Youth] in western societies usually refer to the life stage between childhood and adulthood, the transition period from being dependent and becoming independent. (2021 , ;)أبو راسthe youth are the engine of progress and development, and they are half of the present and all of the future. Arab society has the largest youth compared to other societies, but what we see in many Arab countries is clear neglect of this segment, and this matter led to having negative repercussions on the development process. Therefore, it is necessary to know their psychological and social reality, because they are the driving force for all the institutions of society. What are youth needs? (2021) there are 4 needs , 1st they need to feel that they belong, they need to know the others care about them and feel a sense of connection to others, they need to feel free to participate in a group if it was physically or emotionally. 2nd the need to master, that’s mean to feel and believe that they are capable to do anything and experience success at solving problems and meeting challenges to develop their self-confidence. 3rd is to be independent; they need to know that they can influence people through decision making and action, which helps them to understand themselves. 4th and the last need are to be generous; they need to feel their lives meaning and purpose. The environment for the youth creating a positive environment by focusing on the strengths of youth and providing positive ways for youth to meet their four needs. 1st is caring relationships [belonging], all youth need a caring and supportive relationship in their lives, listing and supporting them. 2nd is a constructive learning experience; youth need the opportunities to take on new challenges and learn new skills. 3rd leadership opportunities; they need this to develop their skills and self-confidence., that’s will achieve their needs to be independent.4th is service to communities and others, doing something valued raises the feeling of self-worth and competence, that’s will achieve the needs [ generosity ].
2.1.2.Understanding Users (By Fedaa Ali ) Women : According to (William Drake,2021):
Despite the advancement of women in all areas, some still describe women as weak, domestic. Women should be recognized as individuals with unique qualities, skills, ideas, and motivations. (2021 , )اإللكترونيةwomen played a pivotal role in the renaissance of societies, as women are an essential element in the development of society. Women have been able to play their roles in society, as they occupy a key role as a mother in building their family and taking care of them, and with the progress of societies, we find that women have played a great social role in various fields, so we should strengthen their role as they are half of society and support them continuously and work to reduce difficulties that hinder their path to self-realization and success in their social and familial role. (FOR EVERY WOMEN-- I NEED YOU-- ME TIME, 2021):Women face some difficulties, including balancing work, family, and responsibilities towards society. They run throughout the day trying to complete multiple tasks, and this may cause them depression and tension. IN these cases, some women feel afraid of failure, and it may be caused by a lack of self-confidence and constant stress Understanding female psychology is an important way for women to understand themselves and each other. (2021 ,)الوطن: Women's feelings are considered one of the most important things in their lives, as they control their behavior, thoughts, happiness, sadness, and success. As a quote from dr.Abeer Ahmed Nassif says: Psychologists have found that the heart system controls the behavior and feelings of women, and also explains that women can use their mind system to think about several things at the same time. A woman's psyche is volatile, it may rise to the top and may fall to the bottom as a result of the accumulation of pent-up negative feelings, Women need someone to listen to their problems and take care of them. The woman derives strength and motivation from the feeling that she is getting love, attention, and if she does not receive attention and love, she will feel that she is forced to fulfill her responsibilities, which displaces her desire to continue giving. Women want to feel connected. A woman is a gentle creature who cares about the smallest details and takes into account the feelings of others proper Harvard referencing is needed.
2.1.2.Understanding Users (By Fedaa Ali ) In conclusion, we now understand the needs, feelings, and requirements of each user. For the youth, designing a positive and dynamic space that will encourage their creativity and energy is what they need, this will give them an impetus that will bring out their energy and enthusiasm. Creating a place that feels like home, place will give them the feeling of being safe and belonging, which will make them more comfortable and confidence. Create a challenging zone that will offer them the opportunities to challenge themselves and learn various skills and that will improve their self-confidence. According to the literature that shows the women needs, shows that designing for women is a bit different, they need comfortable calm and peaceful place that give them the opportunities to relax and clear their mind from their life responsibilities. In the other hand the women could use a bit of joy, entertainment zones that give them the energy and the enthusiasm that will meet the need of any human which having fun.
Designing for children is about thinking as a child and thinking outside of the box , and according to the literature each age group think and act differently, but in general the child like to discover , to learn new things , touch , smell , taste , use their senses to understand everything clearly , and now a days there is a lots of new designs spaces for children to learn in advanced ways ,like having playground to build they thoughts , storytelling , acting , watching instead of just listening , involving the child in every part of their learning journey gives them enthusiasm to learn more . designing a place for children means to catch his/her a tension to the place , vibrant place , colorful , joyful , and comprehensive place , not just a library. There is some similarities in their needs as they all are humans , so they all need these needs to successes and to feel that the belong , loved , cared , also the all need the opportunities to show what they have and what the can achieve , they all need to encourage and motivation so they can successes . Introduction
A functional library cannot be designed by planning how the building will appear from the outside until the necessary relationships, proportional volumes, and shapes of the areas inside have been studied. And this summary from Interior design for libraries b ook by (CAROL R. BROWN 2002) and lighting for libraries article written by (David Malman, 2005) Architectural Lighting Design. Library Shape
Library architects and consultants agree that Square is the most functional person in a library. The shapes and long, narrow, and rounded spaces do not allow for a good layout of the shelving ranges and the visual control of the staff. Aaron and Elaine say about the approval of the square in library buildings “with a square, there is more floor area in relation to the confining envelope than other easy-to-build configurations. A square is also simple to divide and rearrange. Cut in two and the result is two small rectangles. Cut in four and the result is four sm all squares. No matter if the library is large or small, to be built from the ground up or simply rearranged, the square always works.” Movement of people
When designing an aesthetic space, the importance of how people and materials move in the library cannot be forgotten. In library language , the function of movement refers to the movement of people and materials from one place to another. When planning movement, it is necessary to consider the ease of moving users from the entrance to the library to other areas, such as the book area, the children's area, or from the entrance to the meeting room! Also, in large libraries, the vertical movement of people and materials must be considered. and the horizontal movement on one floor. Users should not have problems using the stairs or the elevator to get to the other side of the same floor. A direct visual path should be set for users to reach any function they want on the same floor. Library staff moves books and other materials around the building daily; The design of the library should facilitate this movement by providing doors, corridors, and elevators of appropriate sizes. By providing direct routes from one place to another
2.1.3 Design Guidelines (By Noof S. Hussain) Library Furnishings
The choice of furniture is one of the most important aspects of the interior design of the library. The furnishings selected for the library should reflect the general interior design concept of the building, while meeting the functional needs of the staff and users. Service Desks: All types of libraries have service offices. In public libraries there are several offices
for different functions. The user receives the service from the loan and return office and another office for reference and information functions. In multi-floors libraries, each office is placed in the same relative location on each floor. Users can identify service points more easily if all offices are designed with the same materials, finishes and colors. Shelving: In many libraries, the height of the shelves can be determined by the need for visual control
from the service desk to the other side of the reading room. Most public libraries prefer to provide shelves for adults that are 78 inches or 84 inches high. Depth of shelves, the depth of the shelf required depends on the type of material being placed on the shelf. The depth of specialized shelves for audio and video materials is usually 6 or 8 inches. Books for school-aged children and adult stories can be placed on a 10-inch shelf. Most picture books, adult literature, and reference bookshelves should be 12 inches deep. Law books may require 14 or 16 inches.
2.1.3 Design Guidelines (By Noof S. Hussain) Signs and Wayfinding: The successful interior design of the library is in which the design elements work together to provide a functional, comfortable, and attractive building. And one of these elements is the signaling system. And when planning the sign system, the following functional types of signs must be considered: Orientation signs: Orientation signs allow users to orient themselves within the library and determine how to access different areas within the building. Directional signs: that indicate a specific location, are directional signals and guide users to specific locations or services within the building. Identification signs: Identification signs or named specific destinations or features. They include, for example, signage on the end panels of bookstacks; Tags identifying specific rooms or service areas. Instruction signs: Instruction signs provide instructions; For example, how to operate a piece of equipment, such as a camera. Regulatory signs: provide library users with information about required regulations and procedures and warn users of emergency measures such as no smoking, no eating and drinking. Informational signs: provide information needed by library users, such as working hours, advertisements for special programs.
2.1.3 Design Guidelines (By Noof S. Hussain) Materials and Finishes:
John Pile explains that the primary functional criterion to consider when selecting materials for a building is their suitability for the primary utilitarian purpose. Secondary considerations include durability, ease of maintenance, resistance to damage and vandalism, safety characteristics, and acoustic performance. The selection of materials also includes consideration of aesthetic criteria, such as color, textures, patterns, and visual suitability. The selected finishing materials must be serviceable without outsourcing and can be maintained by local staff. And it should be easy to repeat in the future. Floor Covering: Carpet: Because to its appearance and acoustic properties that act as sound insulation, carpets are used throughout public spaces and in some staff areas in all types of libraries. Several different types of carpets can be used in the same library, for example, one carpet can be used as a "field" carpet to cover most floors in the library, while another can be used to make decorative elements such as "paths" or borders. Hard surface flooring materials While large areas of libraries are often carpeted, small spaces, such as an entrance foyer are usually covered with some type of hard surface flooring material, for example, stone, terrazzo, or tiles can be used in a library entrance due to their durability and ease of use. protection and aesthetic properties.
2.1.3 Design Guidelines (By Noof S. Hussain) Wall covering
Most libraries use paint for walls due to its ease of application and the multiplicity of its colors and textures. And it can be renewed easily and quickly. Vinyl or fabric wall coverings are also used in libraries, as they are durable, easy to clean, an d available in a variety of colors and patterns. Lighting: Daylighting: Effective use of daylight can reduce energy consumption, and make the library feel warm and comfortable when reading. However, uncontrolled daylight can be a source of glare and can damage sensitive materials. North facing windows or terraces allow in daylight while excluding direct sunlight. Indirect Lighting: uses fluorescent or metal halide lamps to up light a light color ceiling; the resulting reflected light is inherently very soft, shadow-free, and low-glare. Indirect lighting works well for both paper-based and computer tasks in rooms where the ceiling height is at least 9'-6" and preferably more than 10'-0". Conclusion
In conclusion, when all these important elements are taken into the design of the library, such as using the north side of the sun to obtain comfortable lighting for reading, using carpets to obtain a soundproof area, and placing service offices in the same direction on the multiple floors, it will become A functional, convenient and attractive library that meets the needs o f users and employees.
2.1.3 Design Guidelines (By Noof S. Hussain)
2.2Technical Specification
2.2.1 Provide Quite Area The level of quiet chosen depends upon the users and their needs. Students studying may need either a very quiet space or a space with background noise. “Don’t take the HVAC system’s background noise lightly, It can cover other sounds.” Sometimes users want to be alone together. Think of a student finding a quiet space in a room with other students, such as a library’s reading room. “In the library world, we hear the idea of being alone together a lot. Materials:
Walls: Choose fabric-wrapped acoustic panels, which come in a variety of sizes and absorb sound and reverberation, for improved speech intelligibility and less ambient noise. Ceilings: acoustic ceiling tiles Look at high Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC), which are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and can be designed to add to a space’s ambiance. NRC, which ranges from 0 to 1, is an average rating of how much sound an acoustic product can absorb. The higher the rating, the more sound is absorbed.
Floors: The most commonly chosen product for enhancing quiet is carpet. The thicker the pile, the greater the sound absorption. For even more help from the floor, add an underlayment, such as rubber, which reduces the passage of impact transmission noise. Know, too, that there are plenty of underlayment options if wood, laminate, or tile flooring is chosen, such as cork, vinyl, rubber, and foam. Furniture: is an important consideration in designing quiet spaces. He notes, too, the importance of books in quiet spaces: “They’re free sound absorption that says you’re in a place of study.” (2021)
Books are reminders of the importance of knowledge, are appropriate elements in quiet spaces, and work to break down a room’s scale.
Installation Method for the carpet: Peel and Stick
Installation Method for the triangle acoustic panel Carpet with underlayment
2.2.1 Provide Quite Area
Installation Method for the acoustic ceiling tiles
2.2.2 Barcode Technology
WHAT IS BARCODE? A bar code is a piece of Automatic Identification Technology (Auto-ID) that stores real-time data. The circulation work in an automated library involves keying in a large amount of data. Sometimes, the library staff at the counter must retype the same information due to an error in data entry. Nowadays bar codes are cheap to print, and the reading technologies are varied and reliable. it is necessary to study the difficulties experienced in the manual system so that the usefulness of barcode technology can be appreciated: Some of the difficulties in the manual system area: 1. It is difficult to know the status of a particular book. 2. Providing reservation for books is a tedious job. 3. It is cumbersome to ascertain that to whom a particular book has been issued. Used: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Used to take the attendance of the users. minimize the time taken at the circulation center. Barcode usage increases accuracy in the data collection saves time for the users and the staff. improves efficiency in various library operations. It also minimizes errors and increases the efficiency at the circulation desk. barcoding is much faster and more accurate than keyboard data entry.
Every library needs the application of new technology to develop its existing methods. This time thus saved can be utilized for developing advance and additional techniques in the library. As designers this technology will help us in term of designing and distribute the zones and that because using barcode will help us as designers to deal with a lot of facilities that may be exchange with some screens that will scan the code, so it will decrease the unwanted and useless facilities and that will give us the designer the opportunity to think of using the space with the useful zones.
2.2.2 Barcode Technology
2.2.3 Interactive Smart Boards
The Definition of Interactive Smart Boards: An interactive smart board, also known as an electronic whiteboard, is a classroom tool that allows images from a computer screen to be displayed onto a classroom board using a digital projector. The teacher or a student can “interact” with the images directly on the screen using a tool or even a finger. With the computer connected to the internet or a local network, teachers can access information around the world. They can do a quick search and find a lesson they used previously. Suddenly, a wealth of resources is at the teacher’s fingertips.
For teachers and students, the interactive white board is a powerful benefit to the classroom. It opens the students to collaboration and closer interaction to the lessons. Multimedia content can be shared and used in lectures, keeping students engaged. •Install the interactive whiteboard on a flat, plumb wall. •If you’re installing the interactive whiteboard on drywall, use all the toggle bolts supplied. Because one of the mounting bracket holes aligns with a wall stud, use appropriate hardware in that hole instead of a toggle bolt. •Ensure that the power supply cable is connected to the correct receptacle in the pen tray, as shown below.
2.2.4 Smart tables What are they? Smart tables are a new digital tool to help you make better use of your library by providing instant access to library information and resources.
What do they do? Smart tables let you: •
• •
• • • •
Explore the catalogue to find books, resources, reading lists and archives materials. Find a PC to use in the Library, George Moore, Hamish Wood or Charles Oakley buildings. Use the library floorplans to find out what’s on each level of the library. Request an appointment with your Academic Librarian and get help and support in your subject area. Quickly and easily reset your password. Access the full library website and quickly navigate to the information you need. Give us your feedback, fill out the form and tell us your queries, comments, suggestions, complaints, or anything else you want to tell us about your Library
2.2.5 Smart glass technologies Smart glass, or switchable glass, is glass that uses advanced technologies to block light and insulate. The glass’s light transmission properties can be affected by light, heat, or electricity. Mostly, this means the glass changes from translucent to transparent, blocking some, all, or certain wavelengths of light. Why is it important? ● Create 100% privacy on demand ● Control the sunlight and solar heat that enters the building and reduce the uncomfortable dazzling glare ● Prevent up to 99% of damaging UV rays to effectively reduce fading of your furnishings while maintaining well visibility to outside ● Decrease the cost of lighting, heating, and cooling inside the buildings ● Strengthen your window without any compromising your view, be fire-resistant & shatter-proof, especially in the regions that happen hurricanes. It also can decrease the chances of intruder break in. ● Optimize the working/meeting spaces and create dynamic environments that are functional and productive ●Give stylish, luxury and aesthetically pleasing interior ● Increase the performance of acoustics of interior and enjoy your quiet space ● Build your personal home cinema with custom sized displays ● Transform into a writable surface that facilitates planning, brainstorming, and learning, which can be wiped away easily with alcohol ● The maintenance is simple and easy, unlike the draperies, blinds, and curtains, just collects a small fraction of dust accordingly the maintenance work is kept to a minimum level.
2.2.5 Smart glass technologies The use in the library : The smart glass could use in any area in the public library because not only for the privacy its also use to control the amount of light and heat in the place .
For the privacy it could use in meetings room or study room and any area that need some privacy in from time to time.
2.2.6 display screen display screen make it simple to promote programs and share important information for the library users.
2.2.7 Wi-Fi The growing use of tablets, laptops, devices for ebook reading, smartphones and computers makes it necessary to provide internet access also through Wi-Fi.
2.2.8 Pull-down screens Pull-down screens (also known as manual wall screens) its important for public libraries are often used in spaces where a permanently installed screen would require, such as meeting room for present the work and to discuss it.
Durable PVC Screen Winkle-free PVC matte material provides smooth and non yellowing surface
Ceiling/Wall Mounting Flexible installation, perfect for home and business usage
160 Degree Viewing Angle1.1 gain and uniform light reflection bringsyou wide vision experience
2.2.9 Printing, copying, and scanning Wireless printers, also known as Wi-Fi printers, can connect to a network without needing to be hardwired/cabled into that network. Once a wireless printer is connected to a Wi-Fi network, the computers, smartphones, and tablets also connected to that network can print to the Wi-Fi printer.
2.2.10 Table with electrical outlet With the proliferation and popularity of mobile devices, it’s important to offer your patrons and students places to plug in and power up.
2.2.11 Computers Computers have become important in library because they provide access to such a huge variety of information and people have replaced getting information from books to computers. Best computer in library is Dell OptiPlex 7470 AIO Intel Core i5 Processor 8GB Memory Integrated Speakers, Microphone and Webcam Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
2.2.12 Hologram The VX1 is a versatile commercial solution which presents 3D images within a 18cm x 18cm x 8cm volume. It is important for modern public libraries in order to attract readers and visitors and add a kind of fun and renewal to the place.
2.3 Survey Questionnaire
-We noticed that 81.8% of them like to read. But they like reading in their houses, and they don’t know about the public libraries that in Bahrain, and people who know about them they never visit! -And it became clear that what is lacking in public libraries in Bahrain, according to the survey, is the nature element first and the diversity of facilities secondly.
- for women 60.5% of them need a women's library, and they cited some of the reasons, is to have privacy and relaxation
- for youths, their needs in the library were to add modern technology in libraries, private places for more comfort, and attractive distinctive design. - And children, their parents answered 74.7 %, they read stories to them, and they have a small library at home. But they had never visited public libraries before.
Conclusion In the end . after doing this survey, we concluded that there is a large group that loves to read, but they need a well developed and well-prepared place where they can sit without getting bored.
2.4 Interview
We interviewed a person who interested with reading, and we ask her some important questions. *Introduce yourself Fatima is a graduate of a BA in Arabic (single) from the University of Bahrain (2017) Arabic Teacher (October 2019) An amateur for reading and writing, joined to the Bahraini Readers Initiative. *From your reading experience, what is the right place for you to read? There is no specific place, but there must be a suitable environment for reading, such as calm and avoidance of noise or disturbance and physical conditions (such as the design and lighting of the place), there is no doubt that one of the best pl aces is what has been prepared for the very purpose of reading, I mean (libraries), It serves as the reading helper factor and main encouragement for its owners. * Have you visited a library before? Yes, of course, the University of Bahrain library has played a major role in my endeavors to specialize in the Arabic languag e. I have visited many other libraries, including, but not limited to: (Kashkol Al-Ayyam Library / Learning Resources Library in Busaiteen District), and I had the honor of visiting many libraries in Najaf and Baghdad in the State of Iraq. * If you visit, what sections do you prefer to be in public libraries? When we talk about sections in public libraries, the first thing that comes to mind is those shelves that are full of books o f all kinds, those tables and chairs prepared to receive the group of readers, and some other facilities that must be present, such as toilet facilities. I prefer if there were sections dedicated to children, to improve and develop this skill, either by holding appropriate events or puppet theater and others. It is also good to see a section devoted to promoting readers, such as having an initiative to reach a certain number of readings and dedicating a section that serves as a club in which discussions about a particular book are held and opinions are exchanged.
* What distinguishes public libraries in your opinion? The most important thing that distinguishes public libraries is the state of organization that we see among the accumulated and multiple bookshelves, in addition to the calm environment that imposes its dominance over the library, in which tables and chairs are majestically crowded.
* What is your opinion in general about public libraries, and what are their needs and shortcomings? What makes public libraries distinct and has a special passion until today are those features that formed it as a public library prepared for one purpose, which is reading, there is no doubt that it is stable thanks to what was characterized by its preparation of the appropriate conditions for the reader. But today, and in view of the situation we have reached, we must consider what this generation desires, so as not to detract from this solid goal. Thus, increasing the library sections as sections containing a variety of technology activities, special sections for individual study, sections for audio reading. There is nothing wrong with preparing a corner containing a small café, with a condition of calm and observance of the desired goal. It is also okay to allocate a corner that is concerned with developing the child’s reading aspect, so that the walls of this corner are suitable for this category, and it is also possible to host some characters that attract these children or be reinforced by puppet theater or the use of storytellers, and the preparation of certain events. *What are the things that caught your attention in public libraries in Bahrain? Most of Bahrain’s libraries follow one style based on reading only. There are no challenges or arguments and discussions, and perhaps the reason behind this is the lack or even scarcity of people who come to read in these libraries and the abstinence of paper publications reading. However, in this period we are witnessing some beautiful appearances, including Host some characters and use them to read a book or short story for children. As a reader, I hope to see the dawning of a new dawn and a great awakening towards this great treasure, and its development in proportion to this desired goal.
The benefits We benefited from our interview with her, that the library’s visitors and readers pay attention not only to the details of the library, but also to its activities, as she indicated the lack of modern technologies and developments in Bahrain’s libraries. And that the most important elements of the library’s design is calm, as it has been referred to more than once to enhance its strength and importance, and having a cafe and addition of entertainment facilities, it must be taken into consideration to maintain calm, and this is by materials dedicated to sound insulation. She mentioned that nowadays there are limited number of readers of printed papers at the present time, which increases the importance of adding an audio-visual area to increase the number of library visitors and to follow up on the continuous development.
2.5 Observation: Data and Analysis
Observation (Alkhalifia library) It is a small public library located in the middle of Muharraq city. It consists of three floors and includes a reading room, research center, computer lab, and several desks. Observation of user behavior: 1- users have difficulty finding books because the bookshelves are not divided into categories, so finding books becomes a challenge. 2- the amount of sunlight and artificial lighting make the library appear calm to the users. 3-the user who wants to set individually is struggling, moving around to see that there are not enough chairs to sit alone and enjoy reading 4- Some users complain about the variety of book types, and most of the books in the library are old Arabic books. 5- One of the users said that the design and seating of this library make him feel that he is at home and that shows that the library has a comfortable impression. 6 People come to work and study at the library, as there are desks for both. Surround environment observation : 1-The library is located in the middle of Souq AlMuharraq, which makes it easy to reach those living and working around it, but difficult for most of the population because it is far and in a crowded area. 2-There is not enough parking around the library most of the parking is used by the people who are shopping beside the library. 3-The noise of the outside shops and traffic could be heard inside the library which is a bad point.
2.5 Observation
And through our visit to the place and our observation, we concluded these positive points: • The design of the place combines modernity and tradition. • Warm and comfortable place. • Adequate lighting (sunlight during the day and artificial lighting at night). • The colors are warm and neutral. • Variety of seating and comfortable furniture. • Distinctive design shelves. But there are also some negative points such as: • Not dividing the bookshelves. • There are some books at the top of the shelf that a person cannot reach. • Not enough tables and chairs. • Not enough seatings. • External disturbance can be heard • No enough parking • The location is not perfect for the public library, not that easy to reach
2.6 Conclusion
In conclusion, we got to understand the users, their needs, and the design guidelines that will direct us to design the library. Also, we learned what are the special needs to put into consideration when designing the library. And after we collected all this information in the survey, we conclude that there is a large group that loves to read, but there is a lack of the right environment that is suitable and well prepared for these people, also we conclude that each category has its different thoughts about public libraries and how it might be designed for them, as women need more privacy, calm and relaxing as a theme of the women library, on another hand, youth thoughts are about having a vibrant library, joy able, that include a variety of facilities to keep up with their mood changing. And the children need a very unique design that would lead them to love learning and reading. And in turn, strive to achieve and design the appropriate environment for each category and reach appropriate solutions to the problems we found out about it from the survey.
3.1 Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library / Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects (Case Study I)
3.1 (Case Study I)
Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library / Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects General Information: Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library It is a children’s public library and learning center. Before the architects began their design for this library, they organized a charrette for the neighborhood’s children to express their thoughts and needs. That discussion revealed that the children wanted a place that was inspirational, was full of natural light, and felt safe and sheltered, and it became clear that food security was a significant daily concern. These needs and wishes guided the design. Location: Little Rock, United States. Architects: Polk Stanley Wilcox Architects Area: 38500 ft² Year: 2013 MEP Engineers: TME Inc. General Contractor: East Harding Construction Structural Engineers: Engineering Consultants Inc. Interior Design: Julie Grisham Interiors Landscape Architects: Landscape Architecture Inc., Ecological Design Group Civil Engineers: McClelland Engineers
Site Plan
Upper Floor Plan, Circulation and Zoning
Staff circulation
Fire exits
User circulation Staff circulation
3.1 (Case Study I)
User circulation
Lower Floor Plan, Circulation and Zoning
3.1 (Case Study I)
Design Philosophy List of components -Reading steps / auditorium-Community -Computer lab meeting -Tree house -Multipurpose -Computer/ reference room -Teaching kitchen -shop -Learning labs -Small children -Meeting room area -Cyber café -Dressing rooms -Vegetable garden -An arboretum
List of Activities -Bookshelves (Children choose books from them and sit in the seats near them to browse and read these books) -Computer labs (Watching educational videos, listening to a story, or do some electronic activities) -Learning labs (For group learning and group educational activities)
-Community meeting (Story telling or any group works) -Teaching kitchen (To teach children how to make food themselves, and this was their desire to learn this activity) -Shop (To buy some books or stationery)
The design of the Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library and Learning Center is based on experiential learning, where children are educated through hands on activities that teach life skills needed to become responsible adults. The architecture’s inspiration is based on the childhood memories of many Arkansans, growing up in rural areas where playgrounds were really fields, creeks, utilitarian structures such as barns, sheds, and the constructed forts built by their own hands – something inner-city kids rarely experience; children created their own adventures.
Furnitures -Bookshelves -chairs -Tables -Reception table -computers -Seating's
Color Scheme -Natural Colors -Primary Colors
Materials -Wood -Stone -Glass -Metal And they used these colors and -Carpet materials in the library to make it -Tiles from nature and give the children a sense of life in it.
Multip urpos e room
Comp uter lab
Readi ng steps
Rece ption
Meeti ng room
Entry Learn ing labs
Stack s
Com munit y meeti ng
Comp uter\r efere nce
Cyber café
Teach ing kitche n
Small childr en
Tree house
3.1 (Case Study I)
Mech anical
Dress ing room s
3.1 (Case Study I)
-The library is designed for children to teach them the life skills needed to become responsible adults. -the parents who came with children -the staff
Users Behavior
Socializing with parents added sense of joy to the experience
3.1 (Case Study I)
Watch and listen to videos to gain and learn new habits and activities
Children are sitting casually to read , so focused. And environment is very friendly.
3.1 (Case Study I) Users Behavior
Gathering to listen to the story imply a bit interactive/noisy atmospheres that’s why it is in an enclosed space to. maintain control
-Communicate between staff and children directly to make children feel comfortable and safe -Colors and games on the floor to make the place lively and more interactive to feel joy and happiness
-Sit comfortably and watch the children to feel comfortable and reassured -Participation in group play and coloring to acquire social skills and encouragement
Users Behavior
Individual reading in front of the window for comfortable reading and higher concentration
3.1 (Case Study I)
Communicating with nature by planting plants and picking fruits to increase children's confidence and happiness
Teaching children's interactive activities for more interactive and fun learning
3.1 (Case Study I)
Users Reviews
According to these reviews, kids love interactive activities, nature and trying things on their own. It is a perfect place to learn and have fun.
3.1 (Case Study I)
[ Figure 22 computer lab] Carpet floor , wood panels celling to reduce the noise . Plastic light chairs with wheels for easy movements for children
[ Figure 20 reading area front the windows ]
Fabric small chairs with table front of windows to enjoy the nature while reading
[ Figure 19 Steps reading]
Steps for reading and rest with carpet floor to reduce the inconvenience
[ Figure 18 reading area]
great reading room, the roof lifts to the north in response to the idea of “lifting expectations”, creating one large loft-like space in the trees: A shed in the woods.
[ Figure 23glass windows] Fritted glazing blocks 40% of heat and light while offering unobstructed views. And allowing kids to watch the traffic zoom through the trees. Just as importantly, the traffic can see the entire floor of the library, opening to the north.
[ Figure 24 Community meeting] With red plastic light chairs with wheels to easy movement for children , tiles floor for easy chairs movements and big window to allow nature light.
[ Figure 17 library entrance] The library’s entrance is compressed below barn-like wood slats and serves as a queuing area for large groups. Hands-on displays are planned to attract children’s interest in this area, from building operation and weather monitors to physical science exhibits.
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
[ Figure 21 meeting room] Wooden chairs and table for four children to sit together to read or do some homework
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
[ Figure 28kitchen corridor] Tiles flooring with colorful squares to play on it , yellow and green wall paint to attract children.
[ Figure 27 study rooms] Two rooms hanging to have a tree house feel. To have sense that the children in the middle of nature above the tree.
[ Figure 26 ground landscape ] At ground level the movement of rustling water supersedes the interstate noise, and kids feel like they are in the middle of the woods, exploring creeks, paths, and allowing their imaginations to create grand adventures. The building’s base reaches out and touches the water with reading steps, stating it is okay to get your toes wet, play on the grounds, and be a kid.
[ Figure 25 Staircase] Metal stair with glass railing .Both open stairs physically extend outside the building envelope proper, giving patrons the feeling of being out in the site.
[ Figure 29 Teaching kitchen] Metal kitchen table , green and orange kitchen cabinets with fridge to all food prepare things
[ Figure 30 Reading steps ] Carpet floor , big steps to sit on it , colorful curtains to reduce sun light and decoration wall stone for a rustic feel.
Building Services
Chandler Daylight
A design that provides more opportunities for exposure to natural light will help reset their circadian rhythms and improve wellbeing and performance. And it’s a comfortable light for reading
Strip light [ Figure 31 section 1 ]
ventilation Spotlights
[ Figure 32 section 2 ]
Track light
Wall strip light
3.1 (Case Study I) Conclusion Children love nature and sunlight, not modern devices and technology, and they love to try things with their hands instead of just listening or looking, and all of this leads me to designing a children's library with right direction sunlight and a lot of group experiential activities that enable them to learn things. Also, they prefer group activities that enable them to make new friends rather than individual ones.
3.2 Deichman Library (Case Study II)
3.2 (Case Study II)
Introduction The concept is to create library like a house that would inspire visitors to explore all the new facilities and activities the modern library can offer. This motivated the architects and the interior designer to create an open and intriguing building in which you are constantly invited around the next corner, to discover new places. Project name: Deichman Library Area: 19600 m² Year: 2020 Architects : 1. Atelier Oslo 2.Lund Hagem Interior Architects: Scenario
Design philosophy create an open and intriguing building that invited people constantly around the next corner, to discover new places.
Project study
3.2 (Case Study II)
Stie Road
Sea view
City: Sentrum Sentrum is in south side of Norway Climate : Cold winters and warm summers describe the climate of the South Coast of Norway. High temperatures in the winter average in the upper 20s to low 30s. Low wintertime temperatures average in the low to mid 20s. During the summertime, temperatures can reach the 80s, though daily highs average in the upper 60s to low 70s.
Ground floor plan
3.2 (Case Study II)
1st floor plan
2nd floor plan
3.2 (Case Study II) Ground floor zoning
Open library spaces
Reception Restaurant and café
Computer to search for books availability
Area for returning books
3.2 (Case Study II) 1st floor
Kids section
3rd floor
2nd floor Open library space
Open reading area Offices
Clothes design area
Open library space Recording room
Reading area beside the windows
3d printing
laboratory 2nd floor is all about the youth and their needs , having creative zones like clothe design ,3d printing , recording , to meet all their requirement and entertainment need. In this floor they will have the opportunities to practice their hobbies and experience new things.
Study rooms
Analyze the ceiling design
Ground floor ceiling Create very attractive lighting system ❖ Geometric pattern in the ceiling ❖ Very unique types of lighting – organic lines ❖ Lighting colors is yellow and white .
1st floor ceiling ❖ Same pattern {geometric shapes } ❖ Spotlight
In different sides of building
To provide more natural light to the space ❖ Sky light ❖ Tringle shape on the glass
3.2 (Case Study II)
Geometric shapes design with holes , to deal with the acoustic issue , and control the sound also it give the place very beautiful design ❖ Unique design in ceiling on one part of 1st floor { hanging books }
❖ Other shape in ceiling design like jelly fish and other fishes in the bac
Analyze kids' area
3.2 (Case Study II) 1
Variety of seating , regular sofa that parents could use , house shape seating great design to the kid's zone
Low heigh bookshelves which the colors and shapes and the design is mostly in the furniture , the walls all glazed to provide the natural light .
Trolly book storage that is perfect to kids' zone so kids can reach to the books easily.
Floor Induvial area seating in house shape with leather material inside that is make it comfortable , very unique design that make the place more joyful.
Wood tables - Natural materials
Carpet flooring , safer to the kids , cozier and more comfortable
Colorful arrange of books
smart table that is useful to learn the kid in advanced way .
Having adjustable chair to suite all the kid's height , can change easily.
Analyze kids' area
3.2 (Case Study II) 3 1
Area where kids can enjoy sitting and also space were can the parents read with their kids
Unique design to the kid's area, using vibrant color ( pop color ) to catch their attention to this zone . emphasis
Special zone
Spotlight to clear the vision to the kids and their parents in reading.
3.2 (Case Study II)
Library open space
1 Glazed wall to provide the natural light
Lounge area , where group of people can have meeting or chatting
Variety of seating provided to the users , sofa , stool , armchair
Very nice design , hanging books in the ceiling that give the place more uniqueness.
Having artificial lighting for the night and day use , to give more clear vision to the book's names and sections.
The triangle shape in the ceiling with the difference Hight ( up and down ) to control the sound , noise , and to give a very nice design to the ceiling .
Library open space
3.2 (Case Study II) 1
Having geometric ceiling design that is in different height to control the sound in the area because it’s a crowd area. The natural light give the place a glow and energy
Greenery wall , that give the user feeling to be close to nature and to be calmed . Having a wooden chair in organic shape makes the place looks more like indoor garden.
Different types of seating Tables and chairs Bench Individual In group
There is a number of standing light in each step
Steps design area that provide a variety of seating to users and it has a very huge amount of light provided into the place from the glazed wall , to have perfect lighting in the day.
Library open space
Tinted glass that provide the suitable amount of sunlight that the users need without bringing undesirable amount of sunlight.
Using a natural material like wood for the furniture as its sustainable and comfortable.
3.2 (Case Study II)
Study and read table with separation in between to give privacy to each person
Using carpet as acoustic elements in this zone and its more comfortable to the feet and makes the place cozier.
3.2 (Case Study II)
Library open space (Furniture)
Closed Egg Pod Basket
Standing steel light
Tinted glass Cozy piece of furniture that the user could have a quiet moments to relax and read in peace. it Give sense of privacy
It has holes that give the light access to the basket
- Classic to contemporary - Marked by its statement side panels, which extend from the (often tall) chair back. - Durable chair [is designed to swivel and features a butterfly ] - Adjustable height
3.2 (Case Study II) ❖ LINE : Geometric ❖ Light : natural lighting from glass walls and sky lighting
The roof has a characteristic folded geometry that provides structural strength.
❖ Colors scheme : white – black – natural colors – primary colors
create an enhanced feeling of openness and connection with the city.
Deichman Bjørvika is an environmentally friendly building with innovative solutions for facade, ventilation, and use of materials.
The open areas have more permanent surfaces in neutral colours and robust materials.
Rich variety of colors ,and atmospheres.
Building services
3.2 (Case Study II) Lighting ❖ An open public space dominates the interior, with a variety of furniture and activities. and the facades allowing daylight to flow in from all directions.
Air condition & ventilation
❖ Natural light from the ceiling [ sky light ] ❖ Hanging light ❖ Standing light
The ventilation and air condition most of it around the columns in the floors .
3.2 (Case Study II)
Smart table
Return books machine , take books and send them back to their section .
Computer to search about books
Inside image
3.2 (Case Study II)
people can be creative by designing a 3d model and printing it
People hanging out and having chat and practicing their hobbies like music , drawing .,…
User Behavior
Studying and reading and enjoying with a cup of coffee
User Behavior
People study, work and read either in induvial or in groups
The Parents with their children reading and having fun
3.2 (Case Study II) Being creative by designing their own clothes
Parents play with their children and teach them in same space with using different objects.
This case study will be benefit my design , by learning what types of lighting should be used, how to distribute the functions, creating an open space that reflects user's feelings and making the library more fun and active for all ages , Also, by looking at what technology will be beneficial in the library.
3.3 Seattle Central Library (Case Study III)
Introduction: Seattle Central Library is a vital library redefines the library as an institution no longer devoted to the book, but rather as a store of information delivered through equally ancient and modern media forms.
Name of the project Seattle Central Library
Building year 2004
Architects LMN , OMA
Area 38 300m²
4 600m²
location Seattle - WA USA
Library 33 700m²
Climate The climate of Seattle is It has cool, wet winters and mild, relatively dry summers.
3.3 (Case Study III)
Basic information
Design Philosophy:
The library depends on the development of traditional thought, which is the design of a place that contains books only, but rather it is a source of information in all forms of new and old media, an innovative design characterized by flexibility and the creation of multiple activities. The idea and the philosophy is the library's related with nature, the city is in a very beautiful place, where nature is so powerful and so present it is on a kind of fjord, its own waters, the sea. In itself, so hilly, the library is set on a slope. Thus, the library is made up of these boxes, and therefore, each of the boxes is designed overlooking a landscape, for example the offices face the mountains. Each of the boxes is directed to other features, or elements of the natural context.
3.3 (Case Study III)
Public library users are all kind of people such as kids – families – teens - Elderly - people with special needs - Literacy
Activities: The Seattle Library provides educational activities and reading programs for children, teens, and their families during the summer.
Programs for Kids & Families & teens they provide free programs, events and services for kids and families. Kids can get help with their homework or take part in summer learning programs.
Digital media learning programs by fun way for the community to learn how to use digital media to succeed at work, school, and life in general.
BB8 Games Design and play games with BB8 robots. By work with a team to come up with a simple, competitive game to play with the robots by controlling them with iPads.
Cubelets Learn the basics of robotics with cubes that snap together and act as input, output or power supply.
Paper Circuits Build and program own robot using electronics and craft supplies. they learn you the basics of robotics and write a program to control your robot with Birdbox.
3.3 (Case Study III) This makes children more interactive and keep pace with development
Project study
Early learning: Nurture childhood
development through early learning programs. Whether child is a baby, toddler or preschooler, Story Time and Begin With Books programs help kids develop reading and language skills. Events blend reading, singing, talking, playing and writing to reveal the magic of books and stories.
Inclusion Festival
Story Time: story times are
interactive learning opportunities where kids of all ages enjoy stories, rhymes, songs and fun with children's librarian and community storytellers.
The goal is to teach children from the beginning of their lives to consolidate culture and knowledge and encourage them to love learning
Project study
These Virtual Inclusion Events are hosted in partnership with The Arc of King County and Northwest Center. the goal is to provide a virtual program that is inclusive of children and families of all abilities.
Programas en español para niños y familias
teaching Spanish for children and families
3.3 (Case Study III)
3.3 (Case Study III) • Zoning
Reading room
Book stacks
Information counters Computer station
Meeting rooms
Teen area
Computer laps + meeting room
Living room
Fiction collection
Staff level Parking entrance Kids area
Staff area ESL area Study room
Auditorium Garage
Koolhaas loves bright colors. The stairs and entrances to public meeting areas are painted in red and lime yellow. Inside the metal structure is painted baby blue.
Color scheme
Practicing the hobby of playing music gives a sense of comfort to the player and the listener.
Sitting in an open area equipped with computers to encourage the completion of their work, by encouraging each other to finish their work, by seeing people focused on their work.
Children sit comfortably in casual chairs to stimulate reading and older.
User Behavior
The place is equipped with comfortable and soundabsorbing carpets, to encourage children to move comfortably to read books, stories and reading
Experiences with parents and their children to strengthen the relationship between children and parents and at the same time for fun and learning
Buying stories to bring happiness and fun to the hearts of children
Participate in activities that enhance trust and cooperation among visitors
3.3 (Case Study III)
List of most important components
1st floor ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
Bubble diagram
List of most important components
3rd floor ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
3.3 (Case Study III)
List of most important components
Bubble diagram
vertical Horizontal
3.3 (Case Study III)
Circulation Accessibilities
Circulation + Accessibilities
3.3 (Case Study III)
Glass and steel structure to give a good day lighting, artificial lighting floor lamp to focus on the chair that under it
Rubber flooring to protect children, large area for play with fabric chairs to give comfort for children with suitable size for them, plastic light weight chair to ease of movement.
Wooden ceiling to absorb the sounds with hanging lights to give aesthetic for area, wooden reception table with large name of the area to attract visitors and to define them with the place , cute hanging statues to give sense of joy and to give atheists for the place
Plastic green chair, the green color gives the place an atmosphere of stillness and tranquility and reflects to the soul a suggestion of the natural atmosphere. Wooden ceiling with spotlight, Light in the steps to give atheists also to shine during the darkness at the time of the lecture. Red curtain to absorb sound and to elegance and to give privacy before the lectures or events. Large window to give spacious for place and to allow to enter daylight .
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
carpet with grass design to support biophilic to give sense of nature and to absorb the sounds and it made with metal wires directly to clean them with water. Plants in the middle to give vitality to the area . Casual seating to feel that they are in a place they are familiar with bookshelves with small height serve as table also to help people to take a brief of book before choose it.
reception table with large name of the area to attract visitors and to define them with the place
• café
• book spiral
Plastic flexible chairs and tables to easy movement , rubber flooring to give comfort, and small wooden counter with large name to attract visitors and define the name of area.
• Meeting
4 levels connected by a sopping spiral walkway to give you the access to all the books Glass to allow vision, strong aluminum shelves to withstand factors of different heights, floor mats throughout the Books Spiral are labeled with Dewey Decimal System numbers to help people find the items on each floor.
3.3 (Case Study III)
meeting Room is a large multi-purpose space Plastic flexible chairs and tables to easy movement, to set up in many different configurations to meeting needs large windows to give a good day lighting, and the natural light can help to focus and attention, Acoustic ceiling to treat room acoustics and to look attractive.
Glass and steel structure to give a good day lighting, carpet to absorb the sounds and it made with metal wires directly to clean them with water. Also, pillow ceiling to absorb the sounds, tables with reading light to help to read clearly, steel railing to for passers-by to help prevent readers from being distracted.
M2 landscape chair to serve four readers , with colorful colors to give atheists to area and its fabric chair to give more comfortable, Air conditioning in the floor to take heat and humidity out.
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
Quit area with glass and steel structure to give a good day lighting, and the natural light can help to focus and attention, big table with partition to give privacy with light to study with clear atmosphere
Flexible wooden shelves that can move and closed and open at the right time, its to present books and other things with dim light to clarify what's inside and it’s comfortable to the eyes, shop name written with bright color to attract the visitors.
In the middle there is long tables with partition for privacy, computers for personal use so they can use them to do their projects, homework’s, ground seating as a casual seating to give more comfort.
3.3 (Case Study III)
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
* Outed from the ordinary and the prevailing design is what attracts people in Seattle Central Library, for example, the outer structure of the Seattle library was designed using a steel grille, unlike the prevailing design in modern buildings that use only glass. * Ease of movement and circulation despite the enormity of the place. * Consistency and proportion of colors in the library. * Multiple attractive events and activities that develop the people, for example, artistic and educational by experts and many events, and this is a reason that attracts people to the library. This leads me to design a library that is distinctive in its exterior and interior design and contains many attractive activities and programs instead of being a library that contains books only.
3.4 THE WING Co-working women space (Case Study V)
Founded: October 2016 Founders: Audrey Gelman & Louren Kassan Headquarters: New York, U.S
The Wing [Work connect thrive]
"The Wing is a growing community of women across the country and globe, gathering together to work, connect, and thrive.“ User Range: Professional Women in their 20 to 50's <Average Age: 34> With locations across the globe. The Wing is a home away from home a multi-purpose co-working and community space t is o one stop shop for the performance of contemporary mainstream feminism Recent Situation: While The Wing grew its community of female-identifying, non- binary and gender nonconforming members to more than 6,000, debates surrounding its anti-male doctrine sprang up on and off the
internet. In 2019, the Wing has amended its membership policy to be inclusive of the gender nonconforming and trans communities.
3.4 (Case Study V)
The Wing is a women-focused, co-working space collective and club with offices , and it has many branches in New York City, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Boston The main objective of the design is to gather women in their own work or study areas for privacy and comfort, and a special place is also provided for children so that women can have complete comfort.
color scheme
Design Philosophy:
Wing is community space considered as home away from home, and the goal of this design is that women be able to balance users' life and work. Inspired by: The tradition of Savannah. The client's historical woman club movement. Natural color scheme The natural colors bring comfort and liveliness to the place.
BALANCE, It shows that even though two separate parts are from two different direction, they will end up. meet together and create a balance circulation.
CONNECTION This pattern could be continuous and endless. Each part towards differently. It is like the relationship between children and parents. Every family is different, but the connection between them will never change.
SITE ANALYSIS Major Traffic Transportation Path Restaurant
The city of Savannah receives many tourists and local visitors daily in the city center, especially from Friday to Sunday, when it is crowded with visitors, and their number increases in the spring and autumn of each year and winter is short in the savanna city.
Bubbles diagram Rest room
Multipurpos e room
Play area
Co working area
Study room
First floor
Rest room
Co working area
Daily office
Private office
Office Suite s
Virtua l room
Second floor
3.4 (Case Study V)
Nursi ng room
The concept of equilibrium is clearly shown in the diagrams, the other two diagrams show the connection, for the first the general area is located in the center. The space for women and children is divided on the first floor. As for the second plan, the circulation will be more rapid and fluent, which may lead to walking in the space and interacting with it.
Brianna Wesley (29 years old) a single mother her daughter Valerie is an energetic 4-year-old - likes to travel & decides to stay in Savonnah far few months -a freelance graphic designer - prefers to work near her daughter - desires a safe and playful environment for Valerie - her job requires meetings with the firms to discuss about her design process.
Daniel Thompson (31 years old) on 1OS Engineer an independent worker but gets hired by tech firms -prefers working near with Alona - sometimes require meeling possionate about being o Father - willing to be educoted obout infanticulture
Alana Thompson (26 years old) new mother who needs to care after her newborn daughter o style blogger needs to work on a computer but requires a minimal amount of workspace love to be in a community still in breast feeding stage
Working Multifunctional room Coffee shop Restroom Area
Child Care room
Play area Study Room
User Persona
3.4 (Case Study V)
User Behavior
Children area
Lounge area
Children sit comfortably, playing with joy, parents work comfortably and monitor their children with a sense of safe, children sleep comfortably in the comfortable bed
Prepare some drinks, heat up some food, sit relaxed and comfortably to eat it, or take a break from work.
3.4 (Case Study V)
Order the favorite meal from helpful, kindness staff . Monitor the children playing with fun and happiness with peace of mind while drinking coffee with good mood or work with peace of mind.
Sit in comfort chairs and discuss about the work with focus and attention and present the work from the screen .
Small meeting area
Café & play area
Read some books and focus or work with attention in comforting quiet place.
Multipurpose Nursing room room
Study room
office suites
Play area
Private office
Virtual room
Exit Virtual room Storage
rest room
3.4 (Case Study V)
Daily offices office suites Co working area
Private office
Co working area
Long corridors Long corridors
Loose floor plans & light maps
Missing The Exit
3.4 (Case Study V)
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
Different type of fabric comfortable seating with long wood bed to serve more than baby, carpet for absorb the sound and its safe for children ،glass wall serve as a partition at the same time mothers can monitor the children, ceiling with wood and wood circles colored panels to attract the children, wood ceiling and panel ceiling both works to absorb the sounds and to give aesthetic ، chandelier to shine the area and to give more aesthetic .
Wooden reception table engraved with the logo of the place, a large sign design to give aesthetics and to attract people, and also to determine the reception place, double height to give the place a sense of spaciousness, a large chandelier in the middle for atheists , a plant to support Biophilic and give vitality to a place, nice natural colors to provide comfort and relaxation.
Baffle wood ceiling to absorb the sound, plastic light weight chair with fabric pillow to give comfort and essay movement, circle wood table to serve the visitors, wood stair good for sustainability because its not harm the environment also the stair show the idea of balance and connection of concept, natural color scheme to give vitality, happiness, and relax, wallpaper, terrazzo in floor to give atheists to the area.
Playground flooring material steps for safe children, wood and plastic games to safer and more joy and happiness
Wood colorful panel serve as partition for privacy, fabric sofa for comfortable and wood table they can put their tools and work over it, screen to present their work and discuss the work .
Panel wood ceiling to absorb the sounds and to give more atheists, wood floor for sustainability because wood doesn't harm the environment and to bring natura elements inside the place, terrazzo to separate the place, acid cloudy glass to give more privacy, small wood tables to serve visitors, wood panel partitions for the privacy.
Interior Finishes and Furniture Analysis
Wood floor materials with wood panel ceiling, office leather chair for more comfortable seating when they working, wood office table with storage cabinets to protect visitor's tools, chandelier light to give more atheists.
Different type of chandelier
Conference room
Virtual room
3.4 (Case Study V)
Artificial light day light from window
Children area
There s only one chance to make a first impress. On when the users enter the office for the first time. I'm this ore, the reception desk ploys on important role to deliver the message that tie in with the brand nod the other characteristics nod values that associate with the compony. So, the form of the base of the customized desk is token form the logo of The Wing In is a continuous pace which plows the concept of connection.
This project is to emphasize the connection between the mothers and the children.
3.4 (Case Study V) Conclusion
The woman needs a quiet and tidy place with attractive and calm colors, a nurse’s room to take care of infants, a special area for childcare, and areas for playing, studying and working to meet all the needs of women in one place without facing problems in the performance of work and development. This leads me to design a library that includes the basic requirements of women, a quiet and well-prepared place that meets women needs.
Elements in interior
Case study 1 [ Deichman Library ]
Case study 2 [Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library ]
Case study 3 [Seattle Central Library ]
19600 m²
38500 ft²
38300 m²
-Tiles -Carpet
Aluminum Carpets wood
All glass : to provide natural light
Glass + painting
Major components
Minor components
Geometric shapes + geometric folding design
Modern furniture , using different types and sizes .
Wood Panels
Children furniture size (tables and chairs )
striking glass to get more natural lights + Wall painting Wood + Skirting glass Modern comfortable furniture , with suitable sizes
- Library open spaces - Studying rooms - Kids section
-reading steps -bookshelves -computer lab -teaching kitchen
Spiral book area Reading room Studying room Staff area Children room Teen room Living room
-meeting room -tree house -shop
Meeting room Giftshop Café Eating area
Fashion design area 3d printing area Cinema Theater Restaurant Café
Comparative Analysis of Case Studies
In this chapter, we will discuss our facilities in the public library, which are divided into three sections, Major, Miner and Service, and we will present them in detail in the next pages.
4.1.1 Major components: 1. Library: 1.1 book zone 1.2 reading zone 1.3 research zone 1.4 borrow book zone 2. Cafe 3. Multipurpose room 4. Audio visual
4.1.2 Minor Components: 1. Reception/lobby 2. Meeting room 3. Computer station 4. Sitting: 4.1 Study area 4.2 Casual sitting 4.3 Individual sitting 5. Cinema 6. Hologram area 7. Bookshop/stationary 8. Indoor courtyard
4.1.3 Services components: 1. Storage 2. Restrooms 3. Prayer room 4. Maintenance room 5. Electric room 6. First aid 7. Security room Case I (children library) 1. puppet theatre 2. Coloring area 3. play area Case II (women’s library) 1. Spa 2. therapy rooms 3. Sewing and crochet area 4. kids’ room Case III (Youth library) 1. Creativity zone -Lounge -Theater -Gaming room -3d printing
CHAPTER 4 Case I (children library) 1. puppet theatre 2. Coloring area 3. play area Case II (women’s library) 1. Spa 2. therapy rooms 3. Sewing and crochet area 4. kids’ room Case III (Youth library) 1. Creativity zone -Lounge -Theater -Gaming room -3d printing
book zone منطقة تحتوي على رفوف ذات تصميم حديث لحمل الكتب و المجالت مع وجود شاشة الكترونية للبحث عن كتاب معين او . قصة معينة An area that contains shelves with a modern design to hold books and magazines, with an electronic screen to search for a specific book or story.
reading zone منطقة القراءة هي منطقة فسيحة وهادئة مخصصة للقراءة بوجود اشعة الشمس المناسبة للقراءة المريحة مع وجود المواد العازلة للصوت .لهدوء اكثر و تركيز اعلى The reading area is a spacious and quiet area dedicated to reading in the presence of sunlight suitable for comfortable reading with the presence of acoustics insulating materials for more calm and higher concentration.
research zone منطقة مخصصة فقط للباحثين الذين حيث المنطقة هادئة،يزورون المكتبة .ومخصصة للبحث والتركيز An area designated only for researchers who visit the library, where the area is quiet and dedicated to research and focus.
4.1.1 Major components
borrow book zone منطقة استعارة الكتب هي منطقة صغيرة تتواجد في منطقة القراءة تتيح للزوار .استعارة الكتب واسترجاعهم في وقت محدد The book borrowing area is a small area located in the reading area that allows visitors to borrow books and retrieve
Cafe المقهى جزء من المكتبة حيث يجلس زوار المكتبة لشرب القهوة أو الشاي وتناول الوجبات الخفيفة وشرب العصائر والمشروبات الغازية أو يعتبر مكانًا لالسترخاء والراحة.تناول الحلوى .وتبادل االحاديث The café, part of the library where library visitors sit to drink coffee or tea, eat snacks, drink juices and soft drinks, or eat sweets. It is considered a place for relaxation, rest, and exchange of conversation.
Multipurpose room مكان يتم فيه تنفيذ جميع األنشطة والفعاليات حيث تدعو المكتبة.الثقافية والتعليمية المتخصصين والخبراء لتقديم الندوات والمحاضرات و هو مكان مرن يتم تغيير اثاثه حسب نوع النشاط الموجود او الفعالية الموجودة به A place where all cultural activities, and educational events are implemented. Where’s the library invites specialists and experts to present seminars and lectures, and It is a flexible place whose furniture is changed according to the type of activity or event in it.
4.1.1 Major components
Audio visual الغرفة السمعية والبصرية هي المكان الذي يسمح حيث، بالتعلم واكتساب الثقافة بطريقة فعالة تستقطب الطريقة السمعية والبصرية الحواس فهي تسهل، وتترك تأثيرا ً أقوى وأكثر من غيرها احتياجات المستخدم وتجذب الناس لحضور المؤتمرات واالجتماعات االفتراضية وتعمل كأفضل مساحة للتواصل مع األشخاص في الخارج The audio-visual room is the place that allows learning and gaining culture in an effective way, where the audio-visual method appeals to the senses and leaves a stronger and more impact than others, be facilitating the user’s needs, attracting people to attend conferences and virtual meetings and acts as the best space to communicate with people abroad
Puppet theatre
Coloring area
Play area
هي منطقة مخصصة بالعروض المسرحية باستخدام الدمى على شكل انسان او . ويتم فيها سرد حكاية ما،حيوانات It is an area designated for theatrical performances using puppets in the form of humans or animals, in which a story is told.
هي منطقة جدرانها تحتوي على قصص .يمكن لألطفال تلوينها It is an area with walls containing stories that children can color.
هي منطقة مخصصة لأللعاب التعليمية والعاب الذكاء يستخدم فيها الطفل في حلها .واللعب فيها It is an area dedicated to educational and intelligence games in which the child is used to solve and play in it
4.1.1 Case I (children library) 1. puppet theatre 2. Coloring area 3. play area
4.1.1 Major components
Meeting room
االستقبال المنطقة التي يتم فيها الترحيب بالزوار وحيث يمكنهم الحصول على المزيد من ، وفيها منطقة انتظار,المعلومات حول المكتبة حيث يمكن للزوار الجلوس أثناء انتظارهم حتى .يبدأ الحدث الذي ينتظرونه The area where visitors are welcomed and where they can obtain more information about the library, It has also a waiting area, where visitors can sit down while they wait until the event for which they are waiting for begins.
غرفة االجتماعات هي مساحة مخصصة للزوار . والمناقشة والعمل،لاللتقاء A meeting room is a space set aside for visitors to get together, to discuss and work.
Computer station صا للتطبيقات التقنية ً غرفة مصممة خصي ومتاحة،والعلمية للعمل على أجهزة الحاسوب لالستخدام من قبل جميع األشخاص القادمين إلى .المكتبة دون استثناء A room that designed especially for technical and scientific applications to work on computers and is available to be used by all persons coming to the library without exception.
4.1.2 Minor components
Study area منطقة الدراسة هي منطقة داخل المكتبة .هادئة ومخصصة فقط للدراسة والتركيز The study area is an area inside the library that is quiet and dedicated only to study and focus.
Casual sitting
Individual sitting
Hologram area
نها منطقة قراءة غير رسمية حيث يستريح زوار المكتبة في منطقة جلوس مريحة .ويستمتعون بالقراءة في وضع يناسبهم It is an informal reading area where library visitors rest in a comfortable seating area and enjoy reading in a position that suits them
هي منطقة مخصصة لشخص واحد إما للدراسة أو القراءة بهدوء بعيدًا عن الناس .واالزعاج An area designated for one person either to study or read quietly away from people and disturbances.
، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم بيت الصور،السينما هي منطقة تحتوي على شاشة لعرض األفالم .للترفيه والتثقيف في نفس الوقت Cinema, also known as a picture house, it’s an area that contains screen for viewing films for entertainment and educational at the same time.
عبارة عن غرفة كبيرة مصنوعة من إطار معدني ونسيج لعرض الصور المجسمة وهي صور افتراضية ثالثية األبعاد تحتفظ بالعمق .والمنظر والخصائص األخرى للكائن األصلي Hologram Room is a large room made of a metal frame and fabric to show holograms and it’s are virtual 3D images retain the depth, parallax, and other properties of the original object.
4.1.2 Minor components
Bookshop/stationary المنطقة التي ت ُباع فيها الكتب ومستلزمات .القرطاسية The area where books and stationery are sold.
Indoor courtyard فناء داخلي للزوار حيث يمكنهم االستمتاع .بالقراءة واحساسهم بوجود الطبيعة to have a space that they can enjoy read and feel that they are beside nature.
4.1.2 Minor components
4.1.2 Case II (women’s library) 1. Spa 2. therapy rooms 3. Sewing and crochet area 4. kids’ room
Spa منطقة مخصصة لمنطقة المنتجع الصحي للسيدات للترفيه النفسي وفي نفس الوقت للتعليم .من خالل القراءة الصوتية والمرئية Spa: An area dedicated to the spa area for women for psychological entertainment and at the same time for education through audio and visual reading.
therapy rooms غرف مصممة بطريقة غير:غرف العالج بالقراءة رسمية للعالج بالقراءة من قبل المتخصصين في هذا المجال لمساعدة النساء على التعامل مع .المشاكل والضغوط اليومية Therapy Rooms: Rooms that designed informally for reading therapy by professionals in the field to help women deal with everyday problems and stresses.
Practicing hobbies and learning area منطقة مقسمة،منطقة لممارسة الهوايات والتعلم ،ألقسام عدة وتشتمل على منطقة للخياطة والكروشيه وصناعة السالل والطبخ وما الى،وكذلك منطقة للرسم جميعها مزودة بكتب تعليمية مخصصة لكل مجال، ذلك . على حده An area for practicing hobbies and learning, an area divided into several sections and includes an area for sewing and crochet, as well as an area for drawing, making baskets, cooking, etc., all of which are provided with educational books dedicated to each separately section.
4.1.2 Minor components
children's area منطقة مخصصة لألطفال مهيئة بشكل كامل ومنطقة،بألعاب تعليمية وكتب وقصص خاصه وذلك لتشجيع،مخصصة لألطفال الرضع االمهات على الحضور والتزود بالثقافة .والمعرفة A children's area fully equipped with educational games and special books and stories, and an area designated for infants, in order to encourage mothers to attend and provide them with culture and knowledge.
Creativity zone Case III (Youth library)
1. Creativity zone -Lounge -Theater -Gaming room -3d printing
منطقة ابداعية خاصة للشباب للممارسة هواياتهم وللتفكير االبداعي في التصميم والتمثيل وكل ما هناك مسرح للتمثيل.. يمكن ان يرغبون فيه منطقة االلعاب.واعطاء الشباب فرصه للمشاركة وهناك منطقة.للتسلية وقضاء مرح مع اصدقائهم جلوس غير رسمية لتجمع الشباب وعرض منطقة للتفكير.مواهبهم بطريقه غير رسمية االبداعي في التصميم ثالثي االبعاد والرسم . والمجاالت االبداعية االخرى A special creative area for young people to practice their hobbies and to think creatively in designing, acting, music, and others.-There is a theater for acting and giving youth a chance to participate.-The gaming room for entertainment and spending more fun time with their friends and to change the mood. -unformal seating area for the gathering of youth and displaying their talents.-An area for creative thinking in 3D design, drawing, and other creative fields.
4.1.2 Minor components
Storage غرفة يتم فيها االحتفاظ بالمعدات والكتب ليتم حفظها لالستخدام،عند عدم استخدامها .في وقت آخر A room where books and equipment kept when they are not being used, to be preserved for use at another time.
Restrooms مساحة من الغرف توفر دورات المياه .والمراحيض A space of rooms that providing toilets and lavatories.
Prayer room
Maintenance room
.مكان هادئ مخصص للصالة والعبادة A quiet space that is for prayer and worship
غرفة الصيانة تعني غرفة لتخزين معدات وهي مخصصة لصيانة األنظمة،الصيانة . والبناء، والتدفئة، والكهربائية،الميكانيكية A room to store maintenance equipment, also is intended for the maintenance of mechanical, electrical, heating and building systems.
4.1.3 Services components
Electric room غرفة مخصصة لحفظ جميع المعدات .الكهربائية والميكانيكية المرتبطة بالمكتبة A special room to keep all electrical and mechanical equipment associated with the library.
First aid
Security room
غرفة لتقديم المساعدة األولية والفورية ألي شخص يعاني من إصابة طفيفة أو إجهاد خفيف للحصول على الراحة والرعاية .الالزمة Room for first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor injury, or light fatigue to obtain the necessary comfort and care.
غرفة األمن هي غرفة فيها لقطات من الكاميرات ليتمكنوا طاقم االمن من رؤية ما .يدور في المكتبة ورؤية ما يدور حولها The security room is a room with footage from the cameras so that the security staffs can see what is going on in the library and see what is going on around it.
4.1.3 Services components
Case I (Children’s library)
4.2.1 User I: Children’s These users often accommodate the most components in library such as: reading area, book zone, play area, etc...) USER 1: Children’s GENDER: Male/Female AGE: 4 To 10 Years Old
4.2 Users
Case II (women’s library)
4.2.2 User I: Bahraini women’s These users often accommodate the most components in library such as: reading area, book zone, spa, fashion camper etc...) USER 1: Bahraini women’s GENDER: Female AGE: 21 To 40 Years Old, as this category is 21 to 40 Referring to Article 13 in Bahrain, the age of majority is twentyone full Gregorian years until the age of 40, which is the stage of youth before adolescence.
Case III (Youth’s library) 4.2.3 User I: Youth USER 1: youth The youth is the major user for this public library, they accommodate most of the facilities except some area like staff offices, etc.. GENDER: Male/Female AGE: 18-30
4.2 Users
4.2. User II: Staff
These users often accommodate all components in library USER 2: Staff GENDER: Female / Male AGE: 21 To 40 Years Old
4.3 User III: Workshop presenter
USER 3 : workshops presenters These users accommodate to most of the facilities and work on the workshops. GENDER: Female / Male AGE : 27 – 40 years old
4.4 User IV: Library Gusts
USER 4: parents , children, families and friends These users often accommodate reading area, book zone , and cafe Gender: Male/Female AGE: 4 To 40 years old
Sara Malek
Interest with Education Technology Entertainment
8 years old
Student in primary school
BIO: Sara is a second -grade student, she is a curious and smart girl, she loves reading stories and playing with puzzles games.
NEEDS: • Space for her that she can read a lot of stories • Space that she learns and experiment new things • Some of activities that she can go with her friends to have a fun in it
GOALS: • Read stories as much as she can • Learn a new experiment every year • Make a new friend
4.2 User
Fatima Kareem Age:
33 years old
Location: Bahrain State:
Married- Mother - reader
BIO: Married, mother of two children, socialite, and reader, she loves to spend her time learning new information, reading new books, and educating her children.
NEEDS: • A dedicated and quiet place to spend time reading and learning • A place for her children where they are cared for and playing with them in the best way • A special spa that supports reading to learn, enjoy and relax at the same time
• not to be separated from her children and to spend a comfortable time next to them • to develop herself and the mind
Maria Ahmed Age:
20 years old
Student in law Collage
Maria said : “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Frederick Douglass
Interest with • • • • • •
Reading Writing Music sport Watch movies Learning languages
The reading develop my ability to understand life and give me the passion to expansion my knowledge ,beside that reading helps me a lot to become a better writer.
NEEDS: To have a place that are suitable to our generation having different types of facilities to suite with all the youth moods
GOALS: • • • • • • • •
Reading Meet new people Drink a nice coffee To improve reading skills and writing To gain more information To relax To encourage to read more To have a nice day doing my favorite things
4.2 User
Asmaa Mohamed
“The person cannot develop in ease and calm, but by going through painful experiences, where the soul can reach inspiration, ambition and success." Steve Guttery
38 years old
Married and mother
Staff in library
BIO: Asmaa is a mother for two, son 17 years old, and daughter 6 years old. You love to work hard and serve people; she has a lot of skills such as perfect communication skills.
NEEDS: She needs a suitable, private, and comfortable place for her, and she needs an area that occupies her child to play and learn, as well as a place designated for the boy to develop his awareness.
GOALS: • She strives in her work to reach higher ranks • organizing her time between her work and her children’s • developing herself
Youth library Theater
Children library
3d printing area
Painting and drawing area
First aid
Colorin g area
Play area
Electric room Prayer room
Multipurp ose room
therapy rooms
Study area
book zone
Bookshop / stationary
Research er’s zone
meeting room
computer station
Borrow book zone
reading zone
Practicing hobbies and learning area
children's area
individual sitting
Casual sitting
Women's library
mainten ance room
Indoor courtyard
Puppet theatre
Strong Mid Weak
Gaming area
Audiovisual area
Cinem a
Hologram area
Securit y room
4.3 Functional relationship Study
4. Furnishings
4.5.1 Design Guidelines
(Case I children library) 1- Facilities that children’s need for learning and have a fun : • • • • •
Reading area Play area Café Puppet theater Studying area
2. Themes For children’s libraries, design can be “almost like you’re entering a place that has a story to tell,” Skolnick explains. 3. Color palettes Lighter colors, including light-colored woods, give libraries a warmer look. Spaces for children can use a brighter palette.
begins at an early age. Create a magical world of discovery by capturing their imagination with vivid colors, graphics, and custom-sized furniture. Children’s Seating Children’s seating should be appropriately sized, comfortable, and sturdy. Tables and chairs should be strong enough to withstand wear and tear, but light enough so that children can move them around. Children’s seating comes in soft and hard varieties, and in colors that attract and delight. Children’s Bookshelves Children’s bookshelves come in several different heights to give young readers access to books, magazines, and other media, and often have deeper shelves for picture books and toys. For the youngest readers, picture book browsers are often a good choice. These browsers enable books to be displayed forward facing, making it easier for the younger set to pick what appeals to them. Picture Book Box The Picture Book Box has four square compartments for storing and displaying books. Utilize varying heights and casters along with display pieces and soft seating to create mobile dynamic spaces. Round Table // for reading or working Fits 4-6 children. Table top from laminate or veneer. Frame from powder-coated enamel. Square legs provided. Available with square or round legs. Square Table // for all tasks, big or small Use individually or in combination with other tables. Table top from laminate or veneer. Powder-coated steel frame. Square legs provided Cushion + Cushion Trolley For children’s story time, Cushions are comfortable for floor or bench seating. Organize and transport 8-20 cushions with the easy access, mobile Cushion Trolley. CUSHION FEATURES // Removable / washable cover from cotton blend in a variety of colors. Solid bonded foam inner.
2-technology Having different types of technology to keeping up with demands of this generation
4.5.2 Design Guidelines
(Case II Youth Library)
1-Facilities Facilities that meet youth needs of fun in library •
having café is most requested area
gaming area
casual setting area
creativity area
Facilities that meet the needs of youth for studying • Stationary • Printing area • Studying rooms • Small meeting rooms • Computer stations
Using computers or screens for searching about certain book Using advanced methods like the barcode that give you information about the book Having audio visual rooms to change up the mood from the regular reading the can watch and hear the book subject or story Having Screens showing availability of study areas or reading areas Using smart white board in study area or small meetings rooms to help them with studying or working in advanced methods. Having a printer is very important to youth works and study Smart table that has screens to search about the library facilities
3-Natural elements According to the survey and questioners, that having natural elements is very important part of designing a library for youth -
Natural lighting Indoor planting Water feature Its creating a very beautiful view to the reader and creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere and that what reader most needs.
-needs variety of seating types and colors -comfortable furniture 5-Colors
Using natural colors in most area of the library with touch of bright color to suite the youth moods and requirements. – natural elements.
4.5.3 Design Guidelines (Case III Women Library) 1- Facilities: Regarding to survey the woman needs all the following facilities will apply in women library. •reading area support the technology •quiet reading place •place for breastfeeding •workshop area •reading area with natural element •café •private outdoor place •informal reading area •kids’ area •Spa
2-Colors : In the women’s library the color scheme will be the soft colors regarding to Eysenck (1941), in the experiment, both men and women had the same general preference when it came to light and dark colors. However, the experiment showed that women gravitate toward soft colors, while men like bright ones. 3-Library Shape : regarding to literature review Depending on Library architects and consultants they agree that Square is the most functional person in a library.
Regarding the survey and questioners, bring the elements of nature is important for library. -light from daylight Heath (2021), nature can renew our mental capacity and attention this means that nature can revitalize tired parts. Staff (2021), the natural light of 4,900 to 6,500 K is the best solution for eyes that allows comfortable work. -Artificial light for bookshelves. -Artificial light for reading area such as track light and spotlight with warm light of 2,500 to 3,000 K help to relax while reading and rest better after that. -Skylight. -plants element. 5-Materials -Carpets that made with metal wires directly to clean them with water as Seattle public library use. -Wood to bring natural element inside the place. - Regarding to literature review small spaces, such as an entrance foyer are usually covered with some type of hard surface flooring material, for example, stone, terrazzo, or tiles can be used in a library entrance due to their durability and ease of use. protection and aesthetic properties. In women’s library terrazzo will use in small spaces. - Switchable privacy glass will used to give more privacy for women. 6- Furnishings -Shelves: Steel shelves do not deteriorate over time like wooden ones. -regarding survey and wings coworking case study women need comfortable chairs with fabric + diversity of seats and tables so that women do not get bored. 7-Ease of use the library According to literature reviews •The design of the library should facilities this movements by providing doors, corridors, and elevators of appropriate sizes. By providing direct routes from one place to another in order to make it easier for library staff to move bks and other materials around the building. •-Signals and Directions: A successful library interior design is where design elements work together to provide a functional, comfortable, and attractive building.
Total No. of users
No of spaces required
Area per person m2
Single area required m2
Total area
Book zone
Reading area
Multipurpose room
Audio visual area
160 TOTAL: 1310
Total No. of users
No of spaces required
Area per person m2
Single area required m2
Total area
Waiting area | lobby
Meeting room
Computer station
Study area
Casual sitting
Individual sitting
Bookshop| stationary
borrow book area
Hologram area
80 TOTAL: 1024
4.4 Area calculation
Total No. of users
No of spaces required
Area per person m2
Single area required m2
Total area
Prayer room
Electrical room
First aid
Maintenance room
4 -
5 TOTAL: 215
Total Area Of Project Components
Area required m ²
Major components
Minor components
15.1 %
Good design is about choosing the right site, in order to increase the effectiveness of the place and attract visitors to it, also in this chapter we will talk about the site of our project, the plan and analyze it.
The building Main Roads leads to the site. Roads surround the site . AL Nakheel center -Commercial zone. [ St Christophers primary school ]
Residential area ATM Sport Academy The direction to the mall Beauty saloon Stable horses
5.1.1 Graphical site analysis:
There is a residential area adjacent to our site, also a commercial area that includes restaurants, cafes, supermarket, and many other facilities available that give opportunities to everyone who visits the library, to take advanced of these facilities, as well as everyone who visits this area and facilities can visit the library, while its location makes it easy to everyone to visit.
Location: Maqabah, Bahrain Landmarks: • Nakheel center • café 61 • St Christopher’s School
site characters: • The place is located near a primary school and a kindergarten, which helps parents to take their children and go with them to the public library. • It is also located near a residential area, which makes it easier for people to go to the library instead of traveling long distances. • Close to shopping centers and restaurants, which encourages people to visit the library.
5.1.2 Location Analysis
Average temperature by month
Sun bath Wind
Sound and nose Traffic smell Restaurant
5.1.3 Orientation and Climate
Princess Al Jawhara Medical Center We chose it for several reasons that helped us in designing the library: • •
• •
Due to its shape, we can easily divide the building into a quiet, study area and a noisy, play area. An indoor garden that enhances reading and inspiration is very important in reading since nature plays a significant role in the experience. Lots of windows provide a huge amount of natural light into the library. Building straight lines suitable for library design.
Total area : 8,036.91 m2
5.2.1 Shape and Size
Structural Analysis: Electrical Analysis: Design a strong heat, water, and humidity-resistant structure, inclusive electrical room. with fewer. Architectural Analysis: The property has a large outdoor area ideal for many outdoor activities. In addition to the fact that the columns in the building are few (Freedom Guide), natural lighting can be spread smoothly inside the building from several entrances. Building Codes and Regulations:
Mechanical Analysis: control room for the ceiling system (HVAC). Fire Safety: There are different exits in the building and the building must smoke detectors with tracking guides.
Building and Finishing Materials for Interior The building was designed according to the basic building rules Design: suitable for patients. Use the materials precisely so that they are surveillance cameras are located throughout the building. suitable for users in the center patients. Acoustical Analysis: Due to the fact that the center is for treatment, and the users the floors materials will be used to prevent slip and keep away from toxic chemicals. are patients who need care, sound insulation must be applied in the center to reduce the The building used the least hazardous glass for the level of disturbance. center that is resistant to sunlight.
Existing Interior
Public library Interior’s
Modern style and biophilic design
Existing exterior Normal façade using geometrical shapes
Public library exterior Inspired by the book and its pages.
Orienting the building towards the north, then the glazed facade will be useful in our project, as it will allow sunlight to bright in the building which is conducive to reading, and which may attract the attention of passers-by around the library.
Main entrance
Student entrance Clinic entrance
Staff entrance Exit
Electric room
Tech room
LV room
5.3.2 Circulation path
5.3.3 Accessibility
In the entrances and exits there is a slopes that help the special need people to enter and exit easily, with elevators inside that help them to move easily within the place .
Windows Open to the sky
5.3.5 Lighting
LED ceiling lights
Huge amount of glass in the entrance area
Wall light in the staircase
Square spotlight
Elevator that help to move easily between the floors, and important for special needs people
Plants to give vitality and comfort in place .
Double height helps visual connections between the floors and gives a unique design.
Glass partition for more privacy
carpet to absorb the sounds and it make the area cozy.
Glazed wall that provide the sunlight
Gypsum ceiling, It gives an aesthetic impression to the place
5.5.1 Positive Critics -Glazed facade that will give the place an aesthetic impression
5.5.2 Negative Critics -The traffic and noise in the weekend
-The building's shape allows us to easily divide it into a quiet, study area and a noisy, play area. -Since reading is more enjoyable besides nature, having a garden that inspires and enhances reading is of particular importance. -Several windows allow a great deal of natural light into the library. Building straight lines suitable for library design.
-Nearby there are several elementary schools and kindergartens, making it convenient for parents to take their children to the public library. -The library is also close to a residential area, which makes it easier for people to get to it without having to travel far.
-Close to shopping centers and restaurants, which encourages people to visit the library.
5.5 Conclusion
• • • • • • •
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